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04/19/12(Thu)20:23 No.4049756 File: 1334881380.jpg-(37 KB, 340x300, 1111.jpg)
 Dear Skullgirlsfags and particularly Parasoulfags,
Imma be making video guides for this game too, of course, and need halp with the text annotations before I start recording crap. Particularly combos and resets, I need more of those.
Here's the sexy raw text version: http://pastebin.com/qWWuszDx
If there's anything you feel needs to be added, taken out, if you have more tech, suggestions on what the video should be like, etc, lay it on me.
And if any FGGfags remember waaay back when I did the Lili guide, there was a guy that wanted to do voiceovers for my guides, I'm probably gonna email him and bug him to see if he's interested and I have no goddamn idea how that's going to work out and how to transfer files and actually implement that in the video but ehhh we'll see. I have another friend with an actual legit HD capture card who said he'd help so this is probably going to wind up being a huge awesome clusterfuck collaboration. |