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File 128794718782.jpg - (130.46KB , 300x300 , fimgiftsetmib.jpg )
98088 No. 98088
So for those not in the know, the new MLP show is really good. Regular /co/ has had massive 300+ threads discussing it for the last three weeks, sometime having as many as 4 300+ threads a day. We've even had some staff come and talk. I dont have links on me, but I'm hoping someone drops by who does.
Anyway, it might just be today, but regular /co/ has begun spamming MLP threads with live action gay pics, penis pics, Twilight vampire comics, and guro, so I'm afraid that we have to move to +/co/. So can this be the new MLP General thread?
Expand all images
>> No. 98089
Episode 1:

Episode 2:
>> No. 98091
File 12879474054.jpg - (113.76KB , 1000x797 , 1287909781134.jpg )
Who else is really hoping Luna is just laying low while she plots to regain her power and take revenge?
>> No. 98100
So... Is OP's toy set on sale yet? I haven't really been keeping up with the toyline since they switched from regular ponies to the supa supa kawaii baby bratz ponies.
>> No. 98101
Ive been told its a target exclusive, havent seen it anywhere else. Havent been to a Target recently, so dunno
>> No. 98106
Sweet, mods = gods. Ok, so staff guy said the male character was gonna be in the enxt episode, right? I wonder if he'll be one of Applejacks cousins?
>> No. 98107
So now that this thread is safe... I want to know, how many of you liked MLP back in the 80s-90s? Is this show just a new recent obsession for everyone or are there some fellow long-time fans out there?
>> No. 98108
wasn't really into it until recently
>> No. 98109
There's definitely been some lifers in the previous threads.
Though I can't personally claim to be one of them.
>> No. 98110
None of the Target's I've been at even HAVE a Pony section. Seems more like a TRU thing. Sadly I have yet to locate the sculpted hair ponies.
>> No. 98111
File 128794898660.jpg - (119.69KB , 374x470 , 1287704751654.jpg )
I only became interested because of this image.
>> No. 98112
I made that image. You're welcome.

Found the Pony set:

>> No. 98113
Ah, blessed non-spammy peace.
>> No. 98114
recent obcession. I cant stop thinking about and have stayed up til like 5 o clock in MLP threads for the past few nights. O God whats is happening to me?!
>> No. 98115
File 128794919835.jpg - (25.26KB , 269x269 , 1287658668043.jpg )
It's the magic of friendship, bro. Just go with it.
>> No. 98117
I am not used to threads being so slow. But it is peaceful
>> No. 98118
Yeah we'll just wait it out here for a while. Wait until it's past the trolls' bedtime and go back to /co/ with more Ponylove.

Seriously, if we wait until late nite /co/ it should be quieter.
>> No. 98119
File 128794971357.jpg - (55.28KB , 320x240 , WIN.jpg )
>> No. 98120
File 128794997051.png - (68.34KB , 253x258 , 1287754499310.png )
Glad you're on board.

Where abouts are you located BGRT?
>> No. 98121
Fresno, California. Why?
>> No. 98122
Aight. Here from /co/. I must admit, the penis puns were probably the best section of that dreg of a thread.

Regardless, I'm still pondering what kind of premise Applejack's episode will have. Hopefully episode three will be good too. Though I can't help but have my hopes somewhat low after the removal of the psuedo-main story. Nothing too serious, pretty sure the characters will be amazing and the show maintain its quirkiness and humour. Just gonna miss that potency for a great story.
>> No. 98123
File 128795027980.jpg - (107.93KB , 528x462 , 1287666660034.jpg )
Just wondering what timezone you were in. We tend to post at the same time and for some reason I thought you might be in the same timezone as me.

I was wrong.
>> No. 98124
man it's so awkward posting here, I'm used to all the extra tools I have that only work on 4chan (seeing a quoted post by just hovering over it, replies auto-loading so I don't have to refresh).

still, I guess it's a safe haven where mods do their jobs.
>> No. 98125
File 128795042280.jpg - (17.65KB , 318x226 , 1287666581401.jpg )
God yes. I should try and get aeosynth to make 4chanX compat with plus4chan, really.
>> No. 98126
File 128795045636.jpg - (0.99MB , 798x2183 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98127
I'm still finding it awkward not having to put in a Captcha.
>> No. 98128
unfortunate we can't add anything to that trophycase in good health today, all things considered.
>> No. 98129
File 128795067599.png - (56.33KB , 231x224 , 1287774064667.png )
I completely forgot about captchas...
>> No. 98130
>seeing a quoted post by just hovering over it, replies auto-loading so I don't have to refresh
Sauce? I have the 4chan addon for Firefox, and it doesn't do that.
>> No. 98131
File 128795072311.png - (49.90KB , 149x159 , 127534232190934.png )
For shame.
>> No. 98132
No one added the Pony staff member Q&A, though. We're falling behind on the archiving anyway.
>> No. 98133
Can't help but feel that doc melonhead and that guan..something really raised the bar in the altercation here.

I still cringe when I see the threads they recently made on /co/.
>> No. 98134
mine wasnt in there, but it should be!
>> No. 98136
It's right near the top, complete with the archive's address
>> No. 98137
it's 4chan 4chrome, so it only works with... yeah.

that's the thing I like most about it, I don't like having to always jump to another reply. on the down side there's no way to hide posts with it, as far as I know.

or, you can, but only ones by certain trips, so anonymous posters are kind of annoying, but I can deal with seeing a thread and just glancing over it.
>> No. 98139
File 128795097232.jpg - (117.50KB , 1354x630 , thread7.jpg )
capped it
>> No. 98140
I disagree in adding that to the main picture. Like adding pyrite to a gold casket.
>> No. 98141
File 128795106192.gif - (345.60KB , 215x240 , 1287850881303.gif )
Get greasemonkey addon for firefox. Then go to userscripts.org and search for:

4chan filter
4chan x Updater

And optionally:
4chan sauce
4chan show post in title

Install all or some of them and have yourself a merry good time.
>> No. 98142
it's a temporary thing. by tomorrow the spammerfags will have either got bored or banned.

we've been able to peacefully /co/-exist for weeks, no reason there should be an issue now.
>> No. 98144

It's called the Wall of Friendship, not the Wall of Spam.

I salvaged the CS Lewis quote. I really don't think we need to include the rest of this debacle.
>> No. 98145
I wholly understand that. I've been participating in most of the threads pictured above. I feel that this little incident could've been dealt with a little better though.
>> No. 98146
>> No. 98147
File 128795116114.jpg - (777.35KB , 2000x2122 , mylittle4chanfinished.jpg )
Welp, I have been browsing plus4chan every now and then but never posted. Judging by how this thread's first steps went, plus4chan actually has mods that react to things and stop the kind of crap that happened on /co/. So, I guess it's time to make my first post here.
Also, dumping some stuff I drew. I didn't feel like posting it in a thread filled with gay porn and other shit.

And it _is_ really weird, not to have to type in captcha.
>> No. 98148
I coulda swore Ive seen Sheboodles inside MLP threads before and Mr. Hate. I was not expecting them to start spamming things at all.
>> No. 98149
File 128795126696.jpg - (41.91KB , 801x448 , 1287639085494.jpg )
>> No. 98150
File 128795126983.jpg - (142.97KB , 1000x620 , 1287668693231.jpg )
Did anyone ever make more pictures for My Little Cromartie?
>> No. 98151
i fully understand, i just wanted to know how many posts, thats all
>> No. 98152
I'm not entirely convinced all of the new threads were made by us ponyfags though. The one instigating the spammers like "come at me with your gore" didn't sound like something one of us would make. We're a peaceful bunch. I think at least some of them were made by a gorespammer trying to instigate more hatred for us MLP fags by making the board think we're taking over, when really we keep our shit more tidy than just about any other cartoon.
>> No. 98153
Bravo. Always good to see more talented artists in small communities. Going to do some of the smallers boards too? /adv/, /trv/, /new/...
>> No. 98154
File 128795138546.png - (75.30KB , 263x266 , 1287754036367.png )
Yes. But I foolishly didn't save it.
>> No. 98155
I honestly wouldn't be surprised. Some anons did suggest that. I'm not sure whether this is one spammer or several. Did another board like /b/ catch attention or is it within /co/ itself? Whatever the case, it should solve itself later tonight and if not we still have here to mellow out.
>> No. 98156
pony /d/ is my new pony waifu

also, I like /v/'s alternate form with Spyro.
>> No. 98157
it's glorious
>> No. 98158
I wouldn't be surprised if it were /b/, they seem most likely to have folders full of gay porn and gore at the ready to dump. Well, not counting /d/, but /d/ is cool overall.
>> No. 98159
I finished drawing it just a couple of hours ago. I was meaning to post it on /co/ today, but... yeah. I just closed all my /co/ tabs and will just wait for the shitstorm to be over.

Most of the ponies were based on board-tans that had something caricaturish and fun going on with them. The later ponies that I added into the pic were made after people's suggestions. I don't remember if I ever got any suggestions on what /adv/, /new/ etc will look like.
I will draw more ponies though :) Probably not board-tan ponies, but MLP style ponies anyways.
>> No. 98160
File 128795164537.jpg - (49.83KB , 692x639 , he still posts memes.jpg )
you have got to be fucking kidding me
>> No. 98161

Shouldn't /co/ be reading "Watchponies"?
>> No. 98162
File 128795172441.png - (107.40KB , 411x339 , 1287609793018.png )
You should make one of /toy/. Basically a pony playing with smaller pony toys.
>> No. 98164
>> No. 98165
Can't be /d/. They don't do gore or regular gay porn.
>> No. 98166
File 128795199391.jpg - (210.60KB , 1419x1036 , Cromartieponies2.jpg )
>> No. 98167
any good gif's? i could really use some
>> No. 98168
well then it's most likely /b/ then. Like I said I don't think many /co/mrades have a gore folder so dense ready to dump at a moment's notice.
>> No. 98169
File 128795205853.gif - (1.43MB , 300x171 , deargod.gif )
>> No. 98170
File 12879520725.gif - (182.42KB , 353x233 , 1287857228720.gif )
I got a few.
>> No. 98172
already have it
>> No. 98173
File 128795211359.gif - (1.66MB , 320x240 , getout.gif )
and also
>> No. 98174
File 128795213782.gif - (1.17MB , 325x188 , 1287848669734.gif )
>> No. 98175
Pony-Freddy is now my favorite pony.
>> No. 98176
File 128795220441.gif - (2.56MB , 325x185 , 1287870671211.gif )
Only one I saved.
>> No. 98177
File 128795222492.gif - (931.40KB , 325x188 , 1287850742904.gif )
>> No. 98178
File 128795227882.gif - (1.00MB , 576x432 , 1287774946447.gif )
>> No. 98179
File 128795232528.gif - (1.48MB , 260x195 , 1287851118198.gif )
>> No. 98180
File 12879523983.gif - (2.75MB , 196x147 , 1287852080564.gif )
And that's it for me.
>> No. 98181
Any theories on the ages of the ponies? Also, quick question. What is the height of an average pony?
>> No. 98182
I'd assume they're mostly in their late teens/early twenties honestly. They're old enough to live on their own, but Twilight Sparkle still goes to school, so it's probably some pony college equivalent.

As for height, for some reason I see them as being smaller than your average pony, probably only 2 or 3 feet tall.
>> No. 98183
The average lifespan would be from 30-40 years old, so they're probably in the range of 5-10 years old.
>> No. 98184
What is the name of that location Celestria is? Rather, the beginning of the show. I'm pretty sure it had a name.
>> No. 98185
thank you
>> No. 98186
Canterlot was the name of the capital, if that's what you meant
>> No. 98188
File 128795301828.jpg - (83.74KB , 472x270 , 1287848742907.jpg )
So that's about 10-20 human years old.
>> No. 98189
>What is the height of an average pony?

Around a meter (3.28 ft), but that's just a guess.

As for the age, probably late teens/early adulthood. It doesn't seem to be implied anywhere that they are children, other than from Celestia regarding Twilight Sparkle, but only because of her patronizing attitude.
>> No. 98190
Can anyone repost that list of people working on this show and the cartoons they had previously worked on, please?
>> No. 98191
Well Pinkie Pie begins her song with "When I was a little filly", which suggests they're grown up now.
>> No. 98192
File 128795338472.png - (153.59KB , 526x305 , 1287953379706.png )
That song was cutest thing I'd ever seen. I couldn't stop giggling all the way through it.
>> No. 98193
Lauren Faust (PPG, Foster's) and Rob Renzetti (Dexter's Lab, MLaaTR) are the only ones I recall.
>> No. 98194
Not only was it a delicious trope-subversion when the other ponies were confused, but the song itself was actually rather catchy and fun.

Almost like... SHOO BE DOO
>> No. 98195
File 128795360436.jpg - (37.07KB , 348x351 , 1287631123770.jpg )

Damn you...
>> No. 98196
*GASP* the guro-spammed threads on /co/ have suddenly 404d!
>> No. 98197
oh god noooooo! not that song! whatever happens, don't be a n00b and post the SMOOOZE!
>> No. 98198
File 128795379140.jpg - (230.44KB , 800x800 , 1287909184965.jpg )
Well, fillies and colts, I'm going to go to bed, masturbate and return here shortly afterwards.

You stay classy, Equestria.
>> No. 98199
>> No. 98200
>> No. 98201
People always forget about /toy/ don't they?
>> No. 98202
well a lot of the guro threads have died off, I'm wondering if it's safe to go back.

are they banned?

or maybe they're just deleting all pony threads thinking they just cause problems.
>> No. 98203
Several boards seem to get forgotten in a lot of fanwork. Particularly /an/.
>> No. 98204
Guro is drifting into non-pony threads, albeit at a significantly slower pace.

Though the slower pace may simply be due to the lack of pony threads.
>> No. 98205
give it some time to cool down
>> No. 98206
/an/ pony should just be a normal human
>> No. 98207
yeah, I don't think it'll be truly safe to go back until nighttime comes around.

night /co/ seems to be pretty okay with MLP and we don't get that many trolls at that time.

I wonder of Sheboodles got banned.
>> No. 98208
Wearing a pony outfit.
>> No. 98210
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I fear people who came in late might've thought "man, this MLP thing is getting spammed everywhere and it's really out of control", rather than "what's with the gurotroll wrecking /co/-related threads and causing people create new ones". So far non-fans have been able to simply say they didn't like MLP and that's easy enough to deal with. People who tell us we're fags? Again, no biggie. But if this shit is gonna make people think MLP=spam and should be reported at all cases (or trolled with random spam)... I'd really hate it to happen.

I'm also wondering how cute little ponies can be so incredibly offensive to some folks.
>> No. 98211
no, they'd be a pony wearing a human outfit.
>> No. 98212

Shouldn't that be /cgl/?

Repost. Wrong Tripcode. Dammit.
>> No. 98213
/an/ should be a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a mlpony whose cutie mark is a (etc.)
>> No. 98214
I really hope not, we've had peace for two weeks now and it'd suck if they let one bad day that was the result of some spammerfags influence anything.
>> No. 98215
/an/ should be a realistic pony. Pretty obvious, if you ask me.
>> No. 98217
Have you guys seen that old pony episode with the evil plants the faked being nice and the gruppy, I think they were crabs, that keep the plant in a casle and the pony saved them, then they turnd heel and tried to grow roots everywere, so the ponys had to free the crabs that you captured so they could cut down the plants and but them back in jail. And thats how the pony learnd not that all is that it seems. Good ep watch it!
>> No. 98218
>Of all the things /co/ can latch on and make 300+ post threads about, you guys pick My Little Pony. Threads about good shows and comics die, but My Little Pony get 300+ post threads .

>"Well hey Sheboodles, you fuckin gay ass spammer faggot? Why don't YOU make threads about things you actually like? Why do you have a to be a faggot and spam?"

>Because If I do make those thread, the only replies I would get would be from myself and maybe one other guy. Yesterday there was a non superhero comic thread and it was almost turned into a Batman thread. The only reason it reached 100+ posts was because I was storytiming shit, if not it would have sunk to page 15 before you could say Shoo-bee-doo.

>But you know what threads don't need storytiming spam to stay alive and get 300 posts? My little fucking Pony, Of all the things you decide to Champion, it's My Little Fucking Pony. REALLY?

>Yeah I'm Massively Butthurt and mad, I'm a whiner, a hypocrite, cancer. I don't give a shit. Fuck you, Fuck Hasbro, Fuck the Hub, and Fuck the Ponies you rode in on.

tl;dr he's mad that MLP is more popular than the stuff he wants to talk about.
>> No. 98220
To his credit, I only remember him spamming the Twilight comic and bad fanfic.
At least he kept it /co/-related.
>> No. 98221
File 128795575228.jpg - (275.96KB , 935x697 , 1287951769685.jpg )
I like the idea of this.

Oh yeah, I'm back, bizsnatches.
>> No. 98222
Oh, were you the one that drew that?
>> No. 98223
>> No. 98224
File 128795600966.jpg - (194.08KB , 800x648 , 1287908691989.jpg )
I wish. I liked the picture and thought I'd post it here.

But on the subject of dealing with trolls/haters I think it should be general pony policy to just completely ignore it. the best course of action with trolls is inaction. If they see their posts aren't getting replies or reactions they'll get bored a lot quicker.

Just my 2 cents.
>> No. 98225
That post is at the same time hilarious, sad and informative.

I know what he's talking about; I've created every now and then threads about obscure movies that I find really cool, and it's disappointing when nobody knows them or when their only comment is some one-liner that has barely anything to do with the topic. And in comicbook communities in general, it's a kinda sad how everyone wants to talk about the big superhero names, while all the cool independent comics or European stuff are left in the shadow. So I can understand this guy's motivations and I can sympathize, in a way.

But yeah, shit like that happens. Some people like something you don't like, while not as many people like something that you enjoy. When it happens, I just deal with it.
>> No. 98226
Yeah, that really does sound the most logical. I'm not sure how many of the True Pony Fans are here though, to agree with us. Still, it's better than antagonizing them. Though I am tempted to adopt the name "ponyfucker" ironically.
>> No. 98227
Hows the situation on /co/ right now? Still full of discord?
>> No. 98228
Yes, but it's mostly confined to one thread at the moment.
>> No. 98229
Pony haters trying to support Sheboodles.

Oh god, no captcha, it's changing my life.
>> No. 98230
File 128795639660.jpg - (77.92KB , 500x500 , 1287900399784.jpg )
saved this from the thread on of the staff members posted in. I must say that i love this picture
>> No. 98231
thing is, if everyone got pissed because their threads don't get super popular, I mean...

Hell, I don't think I've ever made a thread that's gotten 100+ posts except for reaction image ones, and even then only two. I don't go and spam/troll homestuck threads, or Adventure Time threads, or shit like that. If this guy honestly gets so mad because people don't pay enough attention to HIM and HIS posts, he's got some actual problems.

I mean, he uses a trip, gets mad at MLP threads being more popular than his own, and then to retaliate he spams them, because we all know negative attention is better than no attention.

He wants us to notice him, so I agree with >>98224 and his plan to just ignore all troll posts.

Don't quote them, don't acknowledge them, don't even pretend like "gee I'm sure glad this thread is guro free!" Just literally act as though they don't exist. Eventually, we'll just move to another thread anyway.

Feel free to report the fags to high hell, though.
>> No. 98232
File 128795644125.jpg - (89.97KB , 649x525 , 1287883181271.jpg )
Well I think most of the other ponies are yet to come online. Hopefully someone will direct them here when they get to 4chan and they'll get to see.

We just need to decide as a group on how to deal with trolls. That way it'll be a strong and cohesive defense against all the hate we seem to be getting for no good reason.

Also, go with ponyfucker, sounds cool. I'm considering keeping Sparkle Fizzlelove when we get back to 4chan.
>> No. 98233
Was the thread from last night that was archived the only one we had so far that wasn't gore-spammed?
>> No. 98234
File 128795657292.jpg - (300.25KB , 784x700 , flutter.jpg )
>> No. 98235
The only ones that HAVE been gore-spammed were the ones that came after it.
We went two whole weeks without it.
>> No. 98236
File 128795661822.png - (175.37KB , 700x900 , 1287423071416.png )
Well. Whatever works.
>> No. 98237
File 128795664426.jpg - (140.92KB , 500x500 , 1287913696668.jpg )
Yep, report away. Just don't go over the top otherwise the mod will be pissed when he logs in to find thousands of reports waiting for him.

I'm not planning on going back to 4chan till tomorrow the shit is still hitting the fan and the less of a presence we make over there, the better.
>> No. 98238
So you know how I've been enjoying hanging out with you guys, but haven't watched your show yet? That changes tonight. Solidarity and such you know? Fags like Sheboodles get so uppity about it, that just has the opposite effect on me. So yeah, I'll check out both episodes in a few hours, after I'm done with other things.

I also have some rum. Can you guys recommend an MLP drinking game?
>> No. 98239
Depends on how hammered you want to get.

Lightweight: Every time someone uses a horse-related word in place of a regular word ("everypony", "foals" instead of "fools", etc)

Hangover: Every time Pinkie Pie.. is Pinkie Pie

Dead from alcohol poisoning: Anything that could be used as a reaction face
>> No. 98240
take a drink every time a male pony doesn't have a line of dialog.
>> No. 98241
I don't want to throw up, but my tolerance is pretty damn high. Mexican, good genetics.
>> No. 98242
File 128795690136.jpg - (351.45KB , 1164x1308 , 1287600546030.jpg )
Every time you d'aaaw you take a shot.
>> No. 98243
Every time you think something is adorable, you drink.
>> No. 98244
Horse puns.
Male characters appear but don't speak.
I d'awww.

That sounds pretty good. Potential, drunken fun-times, nothing dangerous.
>> No. 98245
thats a good one, he wont even get buzzed with that one though.
>> No. 98246
I bet you'll be drunk in less than ten minutes into the show.
>> No. 98247
File 128795707525.jpg - (137.88KB , 838x530 , 1287671622513.jpg )
Wish I was there with you. This pony could do with getting nice and drunken.

Oh yeah, Blackarachnia, did you ever decide on a name for that art idea you were contemplating last night?
>> No. 98248
I remember your name from threads, but don't remember you mentioning that you haven't actually watched the show. Just curious, how did that happen? I mean, I've never seen/read Adventure Time or Homestuck and I'm unable to follow discussions about them because I'm not familiar with them, and so I never read threads about them. Can a non-MLP fan get something out of the threads and discussions we've had? Or are you G1 folks who knows general things about the franchise?
Sorry if I sound confrontational, I don't intend to; just genuinely curious because it seems a bit weird to read threads of a franchise one doesn't follow.

Also, I'm unimaginative and can't come up with any drinking game ideas on the spot, sorry
>> No. 98249
This thread will still be here, yeah? I'll probably post whilst I'm watching it.
>> No. 98250
I should fix up a trip. Been in enough threads. But I'm seriously lazy, plus I'm just used to being in anonymous status.
>> No. 98251
oh yeah, this thread aint dying! itl go on forever, like the smooze!
>> No. 98252
File 128795730971.jpg - (917.99KB , 800x2300 , 1287716428381.jpg )
Sure will broseph.

I just put http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWqJTKdznaM on repeat while I post here. Perfect and appropriate song is perfect and appropriate.

I suggest all you other ponies do the same.
>> No. 98253
Everything's so lavender around here. Ugh.
>> No. 98254
this place feels so strange to me, but hey...


It's friendly to see someone saved one of the gifs i made!
>> No. 98255
Nah, don't apologize.

I've actually been pretty darn able to follow along. After all, at first it was only one episode, and when there were lots of threads about that one episode I've gathered most everything I think. I'm also the type that doesn't really care about spoilers; knowing what happens ahead of time doesn't make things any less interesting to me.

Mostly it was this sequence:

"Huh? My Little Pony has a new show?"
"Wow, /co/ loves it."
"Oh gosh, /co/ is going insane. I'm not going to troll or anything, but damn watching everyone freak out about a girl's show is funny."
"Actually, however funny it is seeing people troll in vain, the pony fans are pretty chill. I'm just going to hang out with them."
>> No. 98256

>The only ones that HAVE been gore-spammed were the ones that came after it.

Oh ok, yeah that's what I meant, I just worded it wrong. That's good, it means I didn't miss much. I guess we'll all be refugees here for a bit until later in the night eh?
>> No. 98257
>This video contains content from EMI. It is not available in your country.

:[ I hate this error message.
>> No. 98258
get used to it, itll spark soon enough
>> No. 98260
File 128795754464.jpg - (23.37KB , 630x336 , 1287614094431.jpg )
Just search for Erasure Always and you should be able to get a vid which hasn't been blocked yet.
>> No. 98261
when you're watching a MLP cartoon, it's kind of hard to be confrontational or be assholes. I mean, no one would take you seriously.

Plus, you can't be mad around ponies. you just can't.
>> No. 98262
Seriously guys? I just watched the first episode and I'll admit it's better than I'd expect from a My Little Pony cartoon but it was still sickeningly predictable. Some of the design is pretty horrid too.
>> No. 98263
I love the designs, they're adorable.

It's kind of predictable, but it's still charming and amusing and fun, I think.
>> No. 98264

People like cute things some times, is it that hard to understand?
>> No. 98265
Meh. Tried to get an indirect answer from the guy who works on the show about the relationship between Luna and Celestia, but I think he didn't quite get it...

P.S.:Oh wow. Hardly any dubs game 'cause it's pretty predictable here, not so crowded...
>> No. 98266
Ah, okays. Good to have you hanging around, and nice to hear that not all non-ponyfags think of us as annoying faggots. I mean, random people hating on us doesn't stop us from liking MLP, but it's still really nice to hear that not everyone wants us gone from /co/.
>> No. 98267
I like the stylization of the designs, especially when you see how versatile they can be with them for all the reaction faces in the show.

As far as predictability goes? There's nothing wrong with visiting the same old tropes, especially ones that WORK as long as you handle them well. It's a kids show. It's aimed at children that haven't seen the same old stories most folks posting here as, and that's fine.

The point is it's still enjoyable.
>> No. 98268
May I have a link to the archived thread from yesterday please? Thanks!
>> No. 98269
File 128795789531.jpg - (387.18KB , 1024x1024 , 1287958003146.jpg )
I watch it for the cute ponies and the valuable life lessons.

Trying trips.
>> No. 98270
>> No. 98271
I really don't get how anyone could have such a strong negative opinion not of the show, but of people discussing the show on /co/.

I mean, I'm fine if you don't like the show, it's expected. Hell, you can even hate the show and think it's a pile of shit, whatever. But hating its very existence on /co/ just astounds me, especially since we're pretty easy to ignore given we only have one thread at a time.

I can understand when people hated Homestuck, Scott Pilgrim, Avatar, etc. (kinda), because there would be multiple threads going on at a time, and it got annoying because it clogged up page 0

But a bunch of guys keeping to themselves in their own thread? Come on, man.
>> No. 98272
as much as I loathe breaking this phrase out.

Haters gonna hate.
>> No. 98273
File 128795829516.jpg - (52.91KB , 450x439 , 1287628783848.jpg )
>> No. 98274
File 128795833339.png - (253.61KB , 768x768 , 1287906162193.png )
Most of it is just people hating on something they don't understand us liking. Probably a lot of it is homophobia too...
>> No. 98275
File 128795833861.jpg - (52.90KB , 450x439 , haters gunna hate.jpg )
>> No. 98276

That's the internet for you.
>> No. 98277
Did Rainbow Dash just drink a duck?
>> No. 98278
>But a bunch of guys keeping to themselves in their own thread? Come on, man.
And that's why I took care of the guro so quickly.
>> No. 98279
Exactly. I wonder if it's because the show is meant for girls and this invokes some kind of hidden /r9k/-spirit in /co/mrades? Transformers seem to have a much more positive reaction even though they are nostalgic toylines/cartoons intended for children just as much as MLP are. People keep calling MLP fans as gays and faggots, implying that people feel the series is effeminate and that there is something bad about that.
Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing it.
>> No. 98280

Duck juice!
>> No. 98281
no way! a actual mod who did something!!! we will praise you!
>> No. 98282
File 128795871185.jpg - (12.29KB , 468x265 , veryverysad.jpg )
and your fine work is appreciated.

if only 4chan had such diligent mods.
>> No. 98283
File 128795873582.png - (155.03KB , 900x639 , 1287634574261.png )
You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.
>> No. 98284
Thanks! I wish regular /co/ mods were as nice and efficient as you.
>> No. 98285
"while most reasonable people see women and men as equals, few (if any) dare to claim that femininity is masculinity's equal."
>> No. 98286
By the way, exactly how does one become a mod on 4chan?
>> No. 98288

I love you already.
>> No. 98289

It is nice to know that we can have peaceful pony threads here on plus4chan due to your efforts.
>> No. 98290
Thank you, mod person whom I've never known before but whom I already appreciate immensely! It's good to have a mod that actually does something and even interacts with other posters.
>> No. 98291
having a pulse is apparently the only requirement, and even that I'm not sure about.
>> No. 98292
File 128795900059.jpg - (135.42KB , 549x504 , 1287773882936.jpg )
Now that I think about it might just be some kind of way that they can feel better about themselves. You know a kind of "Well, I may be pathetic, but at least I'm not as pathetic as THEM!".

If that makes sense.
>> No. 98293
I think that's a picture of a glass with a straw in it.

Oh my god it IS weird not typing a captcha. 4chan has broken me ;_;
>> No. 98294
it kind of makes sense, I guess. I mean, we've established it's kind of silly to say "MLP is for little kids!" given the medium we're discussing, so maybe they just want to think their kid cartoons are better than ours.
>> No. 98295

Oh man, I know! It's so alien in here!
>> No. 98296
That sounds possible. I used to do that with /a/ for a while.
>> No. 98297
File 128795931725.png - (60.67KB , 220x192 , 1287777496586.png )
It's probably a combination of everything we've said here. From what I've seen in life, nothing is directly attributable to one specific thing.
>> No. 98298
>175 posts in 5 hours

Oh my.
>> No. 98299
I miss not having to type in "noko" every time I reply.

then again this board moves slow enough that this thread is always on top.
>> No. 98300
I hate it because it falls foul of the idea that there aren't any girls on 4chan, even though most people know /co/ has a decent proportion. I had a bunch of MLPs I loved as a little girl, and having a good show now makes me plenty nostalgic, and I think that would seem reasonable to most guys. Instead of pretending that MLP threads are full of nostalgic women, though, they maintain the opinion that it's full of faggots. While I know that there are many guys that post in our threads, I think people wouldn't be as antagonistic if they realised there were plenty of chicks adoring the cute as well. Some of them do, but it feels like the harshest haters tend to believe it's just men doing something they believe is wrong for men to do.
>> No. 98301
File 128795934882.jpg - (42.38KB , 570x518 , heyladywannaLL.jpg )
I've thought of something!

If you replace all references to "Friendship" in the second episode with "Harmony", things becomes less cheesy but still make sense - friendship is just a subset of Harmony, between people. In fact it makes more sense, since they're actually called "the Elements of Harmony". And while magic based off "friendship" is groan-inducing, magic based off "harmony" is more believably mystical.

The Elements themselves - Honesty, Loyalty, etc - do make sense as divided "elements" of social harmony (friendship), but I wonder if they're going to be associated with physical elements as well. Maybe Applejack will get earthbending powers. That would be sort of cool. Rarity's might be water. Can't think what the others would be, though, so I guess it's unlikely.
>> No. 98302
That picture makes me laugh every time its posted.
>> No. 98303
Yeah, I suppose part of it is that. People always try to establish pecking orders, like how /a/ and /co/ have to keep arguing which one is superior. They could just accept that they both share the love of sequential art and they should be bros. But no, they keep arguing which one sucks and which one rules.

Then there's /co/ bickering with itself about how cartoons suck and should be separated on a different board than comics.
Or people arguing about Star Wars vs Star Gate, or about which webcomic sucks more than the other, and so on.

People just love to complain about how someone else's interests/hobbies suck while your own ones are so much cooler.
It would be sweet if nerds of all fandoms could somehow realize they're all nerds and they should unite, rather than argue about who's the most nerdy/gay/immature. But I guess it's human nature to complain about other people.
>> No. 98304
Aren't you guys overreacting about people complaining? Didn't look like there was a lot of hate on the 4chan threads. I mean, there's the cancer guy that showed up in every thread, besides, what, three losers at most on every thread? Today was probably a raid from /b/ faggots, for some reason they seem to think that's fun.

Most folks just check the threads out of curiosity and end up jumping on boat anyway.
>> No. 98305

By they way, has there been any actual census about the gender ratio of MLP fans?
>> No. 98306
File 128795957726.jpg - (614.56KB , 1600x1500 , 1287906139856.jpg )

Hold oooooooon, to the niiiiiiiiiiiight! There will beeeee noooo shaaame!
>> No. 98307
First time is always going to have first response. I suppose a lot of us weren't expecting the amount of spam attack that was received, seeing as it was pretty lax for a weeks straight.
>> No. 98309
"Twilight Sparkle, you need to make some harmony"

I get what you're saying, but was friendship really used a lot in the second episode? I don't remember feeling bogged down by its usage, but I may just have grown numb to the word after the yugioh dub.
>> No. 98310
If you just call friendship 'social harmony' everything begins to sound less cheesy already, if a bit pretentious. It sounds like something they'd discuss in anthropology classes.

And I think it would be cool if the ponies retained some power of the elements and became something like celebrities in Equestria after defeating Nightmare Moon.
>> No. 98311
This is nothing. Last night/this morning on regular /co/ I think we had 2 threads hit autosage (300+ posts) in the same amount of time.
>> No. 98312

I confirm this.
>> No. 98313
The closest was I think the gender/favourite pony poll taken a little while ago. I think I saw slightly more guys, but the ratio was about what I assume is the average ratio of the whole board, so lots of girls too.
>> No. 98314
People just got really annoyed that it got to the point where we can't talk about it on 4chan, and all the threads made most likely by the spammer, make the rest of us look bad. It kinda sucks when the rest of the board is going to think that we're some rabid assholes who want to take over the board, when nothing could be further from the truth.
>> No. 98315

We had a couple of cancer guys, what with officer lavender and mr. hate, we could handle them, they were easy to, but the gore spammer is a bit more hard to handle.
>> No. 98316
we can start one now.

>> No. 98317
let's not forget "anyone who doesn't sage/report this furry faggotry is the cancer that is killing /co/"
>> No. 98318
male, 17, proud of it!
>> No. 98319

I thought that poll was some sort of hasbro demographic test, not an actual /co/ census. I admit i might be wrong about that assumption.
>> No. 98320
and when the second episode finally came out, didn't we have like 3 or 4 threads autosage in the course of the day?
>> No. 98321
Nah, by "cancer guy" I meant that one "Anyone who doesn't report is the cancer killing /co/" or something copypasta guy. He was getting entertaining.
>> No. 98322
Male here.
Mid 20's.
No shame whatsoever.
>> No. 98323
File 128796008724.jpg - (22.49KB , 640x480 , 1287855460626.jpg )
Male, 21
>> No. 98324
I think it was more than that. The total for the entire weekend was something like 16 or 17 autosaging threads.
>> No. 98325
File 128796009458.png - (99.23KB , 498x700 , Fluttershyhuman.png )


Pic related for reference and self whoring.
>> No. 98326
so far 100% male
>> No. 98327
Male, 21.
>> No. 98329
99%, I already mentioned I was female
>> No. 98332
We don't even produce that much porn! In comparison to lots of cartoons /co/ likes, we're positively tame.
>> No. 98333
File 12879602675.png - (149.58KB , 481x203 , 1287805062046.png )
Female, but of the Rainbow Dash variety. 27.

Never liked MLP as a kid. I was all about the ninja turtles.
>> No. 98335
Female here. Used to watch G1 cartoons every now and then, had a couple of toy ponies as a kid; watching G4 totally unashamedly due to nostalgia and adorable little ponies.
>> No. 98338
Male, near 30, thankfully Anonymous.

Nice pics, thanks.
>> No. 98339
Male. Nineteen.

Anyway, since I'm in a notional mood. Do you guys think these episodes will always end with a moral consensus or do you sometimes think that a moral will be looked over at different angles? Giving an example, theft. Usually this offence is created with a another characer - not the main characters who holds a greedy attitude, a sociopath without much empathy and simply steals for his own gratitude. Seeing as this is a children's show, this will probably be the case, but what if its one of the main characters who performs the crime? That'd probably lead to the same outcome, but definitely be much more interesting. Another level from that would be either main or scapegoat performing the task, but with a conscientious reason other than ego. Like being too poor, or for a friend.

Ach the possibilities.
>> No. 98340
Male, 27.

Hell I'm doing fanart of Fluttershy right now.
>> No. 98342
I think there have been only six instances of Rule 34 regarding the (new) MLP cartoon.
>> No. 98347

>Never liked MLP as a kid. I was all about the ninja turtles.

This, adding Disney Afternoon and Warner Bros cartoons.
>> No. 98349
so far I count nine males and three females
>> No. 98352
Male, 29
>> No. 98353
File 128796056962.jpg - (58.67KB , 427x331 , 1287834651606.jpg )
Our gracious mod will deal with him in short order. Just stick to the plan regarding trolls and haters.
>> No. 98354
If it was a main doing something immoral I think it could come off more heavy-handed. Like if Dash stole something for whatever reason then everyone would gang up on her all 'you need to realise what you did was wrong' and at the end she would be all apologetic and say something about I'll never do anything like that again and nobody ever should.' Not that it couldn't be interesting, but I still worry they'd just use it too strongly to drive home the moral point.
>> No. 98359
Oh yeah, ignore. I forgot the plan already. Ah well, I'm not ONE OF YOU quite yet I guess.

Male, 24.
>> No. 98362
if they do a theft episode I hope they handle it kind of like how they did in the game, when Rarity left the candy store and forgot to pay for some of the candy she ate while shopping.

the kind of thing where it's hard to really come up with a "right" answer.
>> No. 98363
Nah; even if you haven't seen the episodes yet, you have the heart of a ponyfag and you are ONE OF US
>> No. 98365
He just wants revenge for something he thinks is undeserving distracting from something he thinks should be well-loved. He's gone beyond trying to convince us we should watch or whatever, I think now he's just after vengeance, which is a powerful motive. I understand, but don't much care. There's not much we can do.
>> No. 98366
Oh, and bisexual, since that my matter to said poll. Nine straight guys, two straight girls, a lesbian, and a bisexual man so far, yes?
>> No. 98367
they need a episode like that, it would be kinda nice
>> No. 98368
Looks like the moderators took care of it. Cheers guys.
>> No. 98369
>>98221 Oh yeah, I'm back, bizsnatches.

While I love the art, Dash looks too young there to me. I'm pretty sure they're all adults. Maybe young enough to still hit the clubs regularly, but they've all got jobs and mortgages to pay.
>> No. 98370
that was pretty fast
>> No. 98371
>the heart of a ponyfag

Haha, how true. Bro-hoof.
>> No. 98372
File 128796083913.png - (64.24KB , 311x263 , 1287866538741.png )
You're a pony to me.

Welcome to the herd.
>> No. 98373

And i hope they quote the game word for word.
>> No. 98374

I don't think the girl who described herself as rainbow dash meant lesbian or just tomboyish. I assumed tomboyish but maybe that's just me being silly.
>> No. 98375
Male, but transgender. 26
>> No. 98376
>Welcome to the herd.

LOL I love you guys.
>> No. 98377
File 128796090861.jpg - (19.62KB , 191x234 , ohjoy.jpg )
>mfw mod

>> No. 98378
>>98366 there r no gays in here
>>98359 you are oifficaly one of us now, welcome
>> No. 98379
I still have trouble believing it; mods who actually react to offenses and so quickly? Whoah
>> No. 98380
Accidental theft is a bit different, since motive is required to actually do something immoral. Might make a cute episode though.
>> No. 98381
File 128796093492.png - (108.17KB , 295x368 , 1287849570221.png )
Three neighs for the mod.

>> No. 98382
And now I find myself wanting to see the girls stressing out over paying bills and filling out tax returns.

You just KNOW any IRS that Celestia set up has to be REALLY shitty.
>> No. 98383

It's hard to say, we have build up this exaggerated RD lesbian representation of the character, it's hard to assume she didn't mean that.
>> No. 98384
Even if just for the "in my hooves, etc" line, I'd be... interested.
>> No. 98385
Dammit, guys. I'm really starting to want those toys, but I feel like that's going too far even for me. ;_;
>> No. 98386
Though I would be undoubtedly very amused by cute ponies discussing moral philosophy.
>> No. 98387
Good lord that'd be hilarious.
>> No. 98388
actual mod work, i thought it was something of myths and legends!
>> No. 98389
I just want an Applejack. So I can cuddle her at night and brush her hair.

You know, ironically. To troll the /co/ haters. Not because I like doing it or anything.
>> No. 98390
I'd be lying if I said I didn't find some guys attractive, but I'd also be lying if I said I could see myself in a long-term relationship with one.

"Pansexual with a girl fetish" is the most fitting description I've seen anyone use.
>> No. 98391
"in my hooves, in my saddlebags, in my mouth, on my face...in my HAYUR!"
>> No. 98392
LMFAO! still, i love the mods here! they actually do stuff! X-)
>> No. 98393
They don't look as fun as the old toys. I hate to be that person, but though I love the show, no new toys will ever be my G1 Masquerade. Though it was one of my favourite toys, so I'm biased.
>> No. 98394
File 128796127921.png - (359.60KB , 959x680 , 1287635333361.png )
>Not because I like doing it or anything.

That's the official story anyway.
>> No. 98396
File 128796131541.jpg - (68.27KB , 1014x694 , TSs taxes.jpg )
>> No. 98397
File 128796132941.jpg - (4.71KB , 210x202 , 1265934282382353.jpg )
That picture never ceases to scare me.
>> No. 98398
Female, 16.
>> No. 98400
>> No. 98401
This gif.
This fucking gif always makes me :3

This is my first time posting. Glad I am not alone in likeing MLP.
>> No. 98402

For real? that's pretty tame as far as the fetish (or the artist for that matter) goes.
>> No. 98403
And whisper words in chinese to her while she sleeps?
>> No. 98404
File 128796146213.png - (129.66KB , 480x360 , pinkiemanticore.png )
Male 21. Also, 1000 years in Photoshop
>> No. 98405
quick, someondo the math, what is the census percentage of m-f
>> No. 98406
naah, why not? I mean, 4chan has a section called /toy/ with grown-up people collecting children's toys, and then there's those folks who customize ponies. Nothing weird about that, and it's even kinda cool.
I'm not a toy collector myself, but I purchase some toys every now and then when I see something that's too awesome (usually dinosaur figurines; my last purchase was some cute animal plushies).

If it feels too embarrassing, you could go find it in a store you never visit so nobody can recognise you. Or you could bring some younger relative with you into some store to send the signal "I'm totally buying it for my niece". Or get it online so that there are no witnesses ;)
>> No. 98407

also file name fail derp
>> No. 98408
You just know Twilight would be the one to be so precise and annoy everyone. "Dash, you're filling out the T-3806 all WRONG! Flying practice isn't tax-deductable. If you don't do it right, it will be like lying to Princess Celestia! You don't want to LIE to her with your tax forms, do you?"
>> No. 98409
OMG you just saved my ass! noy to only find a way to hide it from my family till i move out......
>> No. 98410
File 12879616883.gif - (1.81MB , 200x132 , WORKDAMMITWORK.gif )
I think this is the only gif missing for this thread.
>> No. 98411
"You remember what she did to Luna last time..."
>> No. 98412
File 128796181855.gif - (29.97KB , 700x488 , audited.gif )
I want to see something like this happen
>> No. 98413
there r a couple more im gunna post
>> No. 98414
Believe me, I have plenty of toys, models and figures to begin with. Normally I'm not embarrassed by this fact at all, and I have lovely glass display cases to show them off. But...yeah.
>> No. 98415
So last night there was someone on /co/ claiming to be an actual storyboardist for this show. He/she/it answered questions and filled doodle requests for most of a thread. In case you missed it, here are some archive links:

http://arch.413chan.net/co20735619.html The first thread - mystery staffer showed up at the tail end of it and made two or three posts
http://arch.413chan.net/co20744413.html The second thread - a pretty meaty interview with some more sketch requests filled
>> No. 98416
Uh... how does it work around here? 'Cause we'd be nearing autosage...
>> No. 98417

I hate to sound like a know-it-all, but he/she claimed to be a layout artist, if I remember correctly.
>> No. 98418
I think we autosaged already, but the board is slow enough we're stuck on the front page.
>> No. 98419
true, but keep in mind things move much slower here.

in fact, on page four there's a thread that hasn't been posted in since monday.

even if we autosage, we're not gonna 404 for a long time.
>> No. 98420
300 posts is the Bump limit right now.
However seeing as your thread is a the top even if auto sage kicks in it'll still be on page 0 till 8, or so, other threads get bumped.
>> No. 98421
Oh, cool. Thanks.
>> No. 98422
She'd probably end up doing everyone's tax returns out of pure annoyance that they're all Doing It Wrong.
>> No. 98423
>> No. 98424
you know, I actually kinda like it here. mods that are efficient, no captchas, no haters, just ponyfags enjoying themselves.

if this site had all of the extensions that 4chan has available, I wouldn't be opposed to moving the MLP base of operations here, but a guy's gotta have his auto-noko.
>> No. 98426
this is never gunna 404
>> No. 98427
So, 13 males, 4 females, 1 male transgender so far?
>> No. 98428
So I decided to finally try out some of these extensions.

>nearly all of /co/ is hidden threads now.
>> No. 98429
Dammit The Hub, when are you going to get register/login working so I can play Ponyville for real?
>> No. 98430
>recent obcession. I cant stop thinking about and have stayed up til like 5 o clock in MLP threads for the past few nights. O God whats is happening to me?!

I've had the same thing happen to me. I don't know why it is but somehow these threads are really freaking addictive to me and I find it difficult to go to sleep when there's a thread going on late at night; I'd hate to miss anything, and I fear thread might 404 while I'm asleep. I don't understand it, no other cartoon or comic has had this effect on me before. It's maybe even more these discussions than the actual cartoon that is so addictive.

If we can make this thread our little safe haven, that'd be kinda awesome. It would be sad if we had to go through a pony exodus from /co/ because of one gurospammer, but if this means we're gonna have a home thread that will not 404 during the night... I'm okay with that. Having actual mods around and no captcha are a really nice plus too.
>> No. 98431
I'd wait for the additional games. Until Fluttershy gets hers, gaining kindness will be rather tedious.
>> No. 98432
I think it's because the MLP threads are one of the last places on /co/ where /co/ truly is love. Yeah we get some haters every once in a while, but we're pretty laid back and don't see a need to be at each others' throats.

As for 404, 4chan 4chrome (only on Chrome) is great for that. I'll just leave a tab open overnight, and it auto-loads all new replies that happen. That way I can still see the thread in its entirety even if it's 404'd.
>> No. 98433
File 128796330022.jpg - (57.28KB , 600x393 , 1287771936476.jpg )
I just wish my extensions work here...
>> No. 98434
yeah, that's like the only thing I really miss. really, /co/ has been so /v/-like lately I wouldn't mind just staying here for a while.

but at the same time, I'd feel like a chump for just running here instead of just dealing with people I don't like. We can consider this our home-away-from home though whenever spammerfags ruin things for us though, can't we?
>> No. 98435
That's true, although it didn't stop me grinding kindness sparkles once just to see what happens when you get your cutie mark.
>> No. 98436
File 128796345894.gif - (761.39KB , 468x220 , Vanguard_Ponies.gif )
>> No. 98437

4chan X updater does the same thing.
This way you can read and eventually save the text content of threads the morning after.

4chan x updater works here if you add http://plus4chan.org/*/res/* to the list of included pages for the script under scripts management in greasemonkey. I'm using it right now and it works great.
>> No. 98438
so there was just a panty&stocking/MLP hybrid post that 404'd way earlier than it should have.

wondering if it's ponythreads being deleted or P&S for not being /co/-related.
>> No. 98439
File 128796366510.jpg - (195.79KB , 738x500 , mpao.jpg )
I just do Applejack's Orchard all the time anyways. Easy infinite points once you get your rhythm down.

Although I generally take a break every 300 points or so, since that's when new item unlocks are.

Was already more than halfway to max Kindness when Firefox decided to update itself without warning me.
>> No. 98440
File 128796367656.jpg - (26.53KB , 576x432 , 1287775005064.jpg )
Yeah we need to go back into our of routine and if it doesn't improve our ever gets shitty again then we can always come back here.
>> No. 98441
yeah I checked out the extensions earlier, and luckily enough they work on chrome too.

now I have a way to hide threads, finally (I only installed 4chan x). Though it makes the board look a bit off. I'd prefer if it could make it so you could hide threads with the same icon thing this site uses.
>> No. 98442
Who drew this, and why has noone chained them to a tablet and forced them to constantly draw MLP fanart?

If the artist is here, may I please have a Twilight Sparkle? She always gets overshadowed by Rainbow, Flutter, and Pinkie =(
>> No. 98443
Meh. Why deal with people you don't like?

Pity I couldn't just save the whole game from the internet cache. That's the biggest reason I'm not even trying to play it anymore.
>> No. 98444
What is it about main characters that makes people just want to ignore them, anyways?

I'm guilty of that, myself.
>> No. 98445
File 128796387338.jpg - (68.61KB , 1049x444 , PARTYPARTYPARTYPARTY.jpg )
a showdown of epic proportions
>> No. 98446
>Why deal with people you don't like?
Because it's part of life. I'd prefer to just deal with people I don't like than run away from them.
>> No. 98447
File 128796398778.jpg - (52.94KB , 798x449 , 1287861302584.jpg )
Shame the other aeosynth extensions don't work so well here.
>> No. 98448
aw man it looks like that extension makes it so if I click the numbers of a post it brings up some pop-up box reply form.

I don't like that very much. Is there any way to turn that off, or any extension that JUST adds a hide thread feature?
>> No. 98449
Did that thread get spammed with guro or other crap? I blocked thumbs.4chan.org temporarily at some point and don't know what was being posted in that thread. Anyways, a lot of MLP threads got deleted, and I'm assuming this was because people reported them for the guro pics. A couple of threads didn't have porn etc, and those ones are still not deleted.

So, I'm hoping the mods targetted the trolling/spamming rather than MLP content (even though the end result was same; poof, MLP threads gone).
>> No. 98450
File 128796421458.jpg - (287.53KB , 1414x805 , wetponies.jpg )
>> No. 98451
Is /co/ still in a state of frenzy?
>> No. 98453
By the way, the spamming is continuing on /co/, and it hit a thread about "your first anthro waifu".
The only difference?

Storm Troopers.

Storm Troopers everywhere.

>> No. 98454
File 12879643428.jpg - (15.89KB , 318x314 , OHSHITAPPLES.jpg )
ack, low quality. oh well, i put a tex on a imaeg
>> No. 98455
if this 404's im making another thread where this leaves off
>> No. 98456
Wait, this tread appeared out of nowhere.
And suddenly it has 300 replies?
Holy shit! I'm impressed.
>> No. 98457
File 128796442245.jpg - (75.41KB , 425x425 , sos.jpg )
>> No. 98458
File 128796444178.jpg - (1.02MB , 798x2200 , Madness.jpg )
Pardon the creative editing of the OP, but I didn't want to give any future trolls any bright ideas.
>> No. 98459
nope. no spam or nothing.

I think it's safe to go back now, but I don't really want to right now.

Maybe tomorrow.
>> No. 98460
File 128796447669.jpg - (694.54KB , 798x1604 , ____epic!.jpg )
this goes on the wall of fame
>> No. 98461
Yeeeah, this place is so cozy.
>> No. 98462
Threads here don't 404 fast like in 4chan.
Generally they last long enough in the frontpage to make a new one when it sinks right to the next page.
Also, see /mspa/
>> No. 98463
Nope; most MLP threads are gone from what I see (I had bookmarked many of them and a bunch of them got 404'd a while back). There are at least these two still active:


The first one is older, slipped under the radar of the gurofag, and I think it's best to let it die.
The latter one was posted a fairly short time ago. No guro, and I guess the troll is gone. Still, looks like many of us moved out to wait for the spamwave to pass, and thus didn't see that thread.
>> No. 98464
That pic of Pinkie Pie is my favourite thing about the employee showing up.
>> No. 98465
File 128796494373.jpg - (43.90KB , 353x606 , 1267508477286.jpg )
Male, 19

Slowpoke, I know, just now bothered to read all the thread after being redirected here from a gorespammed thread earlier today.

Nice to see +4chan actually has mods.

And no captcha.
>> No. 98466
Hi there! Sorry we bumped in here like that; we had been having a bunch of threads on 4chan for a couple of weeks, but there was a big shitstorm some hours ago, so we escaped here. The fact that we like MLP apparently pissed off somebody so much that they decided to spam gay porn in our thread. And then things got worse.

I've read on this site some complaint thread where plus4channers felt that /co/mrades who enjoy MLP are kinda silly, so I hope we're not intruding too much.
>> No. 98467
it's a long story. things got kind of shitted up on /co/ about MLP, so we decided to crash here for a bit.

we have a track record of posts getting 300+ replies in a matter of hours, we've been at it for weeks. Hope you don't mind our temporary stay, we'll probably be out of your hair by tomorrow, depending on how things are on /co/
>> No. 98468
im checking to see if /co/ is safe now
>> No. 98469
Personally, I wouldn't mind if we made our stay here permanent. I like it much better here than at regular /co/.
But if we're annoying people then I'm willing to leave.
>> No. 98470
yeah.....there still pissed at us
>> No. 98471
File 128796568335.png - (192.78KB , 1366x768 , rarara.png )
I'll just leave this here...
>> No. 98472
File 12879657373.png - (43.85KB , 435x377 , applejacknotamused.png )
As much as I like it here, I do not support a permanent move regardless of spammers or hatin haters. That would be the death of these threads as we know them. We'll never get the message across to ALL the pony fans, so some will be left by the wayside, and that's not fair to them. And not all of them will make the move; I expect we'd lose at least a third of our posters/lurkers, and I don't want that. Plus, this site is not nearly as prolific as 4chan, which would result in far fewer potential new fans being exposed to our magical friendship.

Plus, fuck that guy. I'm not going to let one spammer and a few haters run us off of ANY board. He doesn't deserve the satisfaction, and I refuse to give it to him. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

I'm going back to /co/ tonight. We will win through! With the magic of friendship!
>> No. 98473
I like it more but I also like my extensions i have for 4chan.org

And I can see how we'd annoy people, I mean here we come out of nowhere and just rack of 300 replies in a few hours, and bring along some trolls to fag things up too.
>> No. 98474
File 128796578221.png - (146.98KB , 384x321 , 1287848824504.png )
Me rikey.
>> No. 98475
It would've been better to bump an existing thread than to make that new one. There were still at least two active threads. They're gonna get just more pissed off when there's more threads, and I'd really want us to do our best to stay in a single thread.
>> No. 98476
I'm guessing daytime /co/ might be the issue. I'm usually on /co/ late at night, only reason I'm here right now is I have a rare Sunday off with little to do.
>> No. 98477
File 128796596972.png - (148.62KB , 1199x457 , thatsballs.png )
what the hell is this?

a perfectly legitimate pony thread with no spam or anything of the sort deleted? it didn't just autobump off, it's too soon for that.

I think the mods are waging jihad against us.
>> No. 98478
Loved that speech, and fully agreed. Leaving the boards because of one or two spammers feels too much like giving up and letting assholes win. We have as much of a right to exist on /co/ as anyone.

You may be right; the threads do seem to be much more negative in daytime.
>> No. 98479
I'm thinking it's just weekend /co/, we haven't had any issue with the threads in the daytime all week.
>> No. 98480
File 128796609743.png - (75.41KB , 278x265 , 1287866422735.png )
Well, I suppose they are rightfully sick to death of people keep making new threads.

Just fucking leave 4chan alone for a few hours.
>> No. 98481
You're not heartsanon, are you? Cause if you are, I don't think you never posted any art in that thread the other night and I've been curious about your style.
>> No. 98482
That faggot shows up occasionally. Though we've been having that kind of threads over the last few weeks without incidents... I guess weekends are something like a short summer /co/.
>> No. 98483

Nope, I'm not. Sorry.
>> No. 98484
File 128796655841.png - (89.64KB , 467x332 , ponycards01.png )
So, I got sucked into the phenom of sketch cards a few months back. Sold a few of them at local artist events too. I had started off with just grayscale ones as I had bought some gray markers for a comic I was doing at the time, but decided to branch out into color. I picked up some relatively inexpensive Pentel markers the other day and decided to break em in...

Please excuse the slightly off colors, I lack a light pink.
>> No. 98485
uh-oh. guadags made a thread on /co/ and that tripfag who complained non stop about us not liking what he likes has hijacked it into a storytime of what he likes. also, the haters are getting to guadags. easy now, killer.
>> No. 98486
guadags, is that you making those insults and threats on 4chan, or is it someone using your name? Because if it is you, please stop. It's not productive or smart, and it'll make the rest of us ponyfags look bad by proxy, too.
>> No. 98487
being russin has its perks........anyway....im done with those fags on /co/
>> No. 98488
I wouldn't be surprised. He attempted this earlier, along with another named anon.
>> No. 98489
haven been there all night, so it couldent be me......oh no......... pleas tell me my friend didnt.......
>> No. 98490
I think we're done with you, too.
>> No. 98491
shit..........guadags is mad at me....so i respectifully apolige for mabey using your name in 4chan and posting "threats"
>> No. 98492
File 12879669253.jpg - (106.11KB , 402x257 , unicorn-profile.jpg )
I went back to /co/ to see if there was a safer pony thread up... only to find one endlessly spammed by Sheboodles' butthurt little self.

That's it, I'll stay here until tomorrow.
>> No. 98493
i've got a ton of threads hidden on /co/ right now. What's going on?
>> No. 98494
There is a reason why I only use names in certain threads, and never use the same name for more than a few weeks.
>> No. 98495
>> No. 98496
is /co/ safe?
>> No. 98497

I was watching that thread. It wasn't a mod that deleted it, it just didn't get any attention and fell off the board. If anything the mods are actually in full swing at the moment. I haven't seen any new guro spam at all. Also, this thread earlier:


It was under attack from somebody posting Stormtroopers. However, you'll notice all of it is completely gone, but it still retains suggestive antho art. I think the mods that have their heads on straight have either came back from work, or woke up.
>> No. 98498
>> No. 98499
well all this MLP these last few days has, i think, finally done it. i'm going to get back into drawing. only this time i have the money for a decent tablet. time to start from square one again!
>> No. 98500
File 128796719235.jpg - (162.16KB , 800x401 , 1287851554923.jpg )
Fuck this noise. I'm out. Hopefully the amount of dumbassery on both sides will have died down by tomorrow morning.

Sleep well, ponies.
>> No. 98501
File 128796720892.png - (164.37KB , 315x480 , 1231597889604332356571.png )
guadags 10/24/10(Sun)20:24 No.20759702

if i delete this and we stick with one thread, will you let us live in peace, or will i have to hunt you all down and kill you?

For fucks sake man.
>> No. 98502
File 128796723112.jpg - (187.59KB , 556x758 , hatersgonnahatecorto.jpg )
Every time someone mention ponies, sheboodles and his legion of angry neckbeards start spamming shit, gay sex and guro. Better stay in here.
>> No. 98503
Night dude. Maybe tomorrow eh? Hope to catch a discussion with you again.
>> No. 98504
but there are other threads on page 15 much older than that one was that didn't fall off.

does not compute, man.
>> No. 98505
File 128796735953.jpg - (30.30KB , 330x378 , twilightdeathglare.jpg )
>> No. 98506
That's not all.

guadags 10/24/10(Sun)20:31 No.20759905

you can all burn in hell.....IDC.......i now have your i.p's and in about 5 min's, will know where you live, so if u wanna live, id sudgest moving to a new house..........like NOW

Good lord. This is just embarrassing.
>> No. 98507
man sheboodles is such a whiny bitch.

I wonder if he's some 16 year old with asperger's or something, christ.
>> No. 98508
there's never been anyone like this in the MLP threads before.

a mole, perhaps?
>> No. 98509
>> No. 98510
File 128796755125.jpg - (20.70KB , 393x360 , 1271883811332.jpg )
Either Guadag is a reverse troll attempting to ruin our reputation, like all those reverse One Piece trolls on /a/, or he's the single most underage newfag I've ever seen on /co/.
>> No. 98511
Most likely.
>> No. 98512
>> No. 98513
Nobody seriously tries that anymore, right? The "I left my computer open and my brother/friend/etc decided to have fun and made stupid messages using my name" explanation?

>> No. 98514
honestly, not an image exists for how hard I am facepalming right now.
>> No. 98515
File 128796779296.jpg - (269.47KB , 450x600 , 1286822428346.jpg )
Maybe it's the fact that you do not use a trip?

You do know that anyone typing "guadag" in their name field could pass for you, right?
>> No. 98516
I used it when I was 12.

no one bought it then, no one's gonna buy it now.
>> No. 98517
no.... he hates me cause i told him i like mlp, so hes been trying to get back at me for dragging him into shit and being as point whore on bc2 and making him look like a dick
>> No. 98518
File 128796795490.jpg - (35.34KB , 228x187 , 5768753454.jpg )
>> No. 98519
don't bother, he's using the "MY FRIEND DID IT" defense.

betting he's someone just trying to make all of us look bad. I mean, who types like that even? I've never seen any typing habits like that in ANY of our MLP threads.
>> No. 98520


>>guadags makes death threats and gets called out on it
>>claims he/she is innocent and a friend made those threats
>>guadags makes death threats towards said friend

Nice. And seriously, are you a troll, or someone who's way too young to be browsing 4chan?
>> No. 98521
IM NOT JOKING! he KNOWS i use guadags for ALL my accounts, my fb link is fab\cebook/guadags, my psn is guadags, my flickr is guadags, my myspace is guadags, my 3 emails are guadags, EVERY-FUCKING-SITE I HAVE A ACCOUNT ON IS GUADAGS, SO HE USED THAT TO HIS ADVANTAGE!
>> No. 98522
File 128796812397.jpg - (44.67KB , 433x303 , mpra.jpg )
>> No. 98524
Let's just leave it be. No point questioning the obvious.
>> No. 98525
This is sad. Please stop.
>> No. 98526
i hate being blamed for shit i didn't do!
>> No. 98527
File 128796836673.jpg - (99.18KB , 950x790 , celestia.jpg )
So anyways, how about some ponies
>> No. 98528
File 128796840682.jpg - (49.03KB , 154x215 , 1278954009851.jpg )
Can't say no to such a nice ass. I'm chill.
>> No. 98529
>> No. 98530
File 128796862853.jpg - (92.89KB , 407x405 , never will happen.jpg )
You know what, FUCK IT! i am going be the bigger man (although it may be to late) and all i am going say is "Im sorry my friend hates me for liking my little pony" now, can you all stop blaming me please?
>> No. 98531
I'm gonna leave for the night guys. I might come back to /co/ later. 'Til then fellas, happy chatting.
>> No. 98532
i am not good at drawing, can anyone help me become better?
>> No. 98533
File 128796898412.jpg - (27.33KB , 720x480 , 1268448097514.jpg )
I'm guessing way too young to be browsing 4chan. A troll could easily used a tripcode, or even simply went anon (anonymous reverse troll would probably have been more effective.)

You want my suggestion, kid? Drop it. It's over. The more you flip out, the worse you look. I say lose the nick, and just stop posting for a while. Like at least a week, or better 2-3. Come back as regular ol' anon, and learn from this experience. Immature threats and other trolling bullshit doesn't impress anybody, doesn't make you look cool, and doesn't make you A MATURE POSTER MAKING MATURE POSTS FOR MATURE PEOPLE SUCH AS MYSELF. On 4chan as in real life, such things just make you look and sound like a dumbass douchebag.

Learn from your pony friends! Being nice solves most problems! FRIENDSHIP IS MAAAAAAAGIC!
>> No. 98534
Start drawing and never stop. The feeling that you suck will never go away. But over time those around you will think you can draw.

This is all you need to know.

Well, also, take a shit ton of figure drawing classes, training your eyes to recognize what you see in such a fashion so that you can recreate it on paper helps a ton.
>> No. 98536
a. Im 17, and b. Im willing to let this go, its you guys who are the children, and now I want that to be water under the bridge, so i accepted his apology and let it go
>> No. 98537
>a. Im 17

You don't act it.

>b. Im willing to let this go, its you guys who are the children

Instantly proving the above point. No one cares about what your "friend" did anymore; it's your immature reactions since then that are making people facepalm.
>> No. 98538
I say this in the interest of helping. I swear.

Stop making replies like this. "you are the children" shows that, no, you're not willing to let this go. If you just move on to the next topic (please note I was trying to do that by giving you a serious answer to your question about art) stop bringing up the old topic.

Here is your homework assignment: Don't respond to this post, move on.
>> No. 98539
can we just let this go, please?
>> No. 98541

someone made a thread on /co/, and i think it is now safe
>> No. 98544
File 128797014095.jpg - (64.75KB , 516x391 , 3.jpg )
>Promising pony thread as par the usual
>Suddenly gurospam
>Refugees evacuate to greener pony pastures
>Underageb& tries his hand at internet tough guy routine, then backpedals
>The herd gets pissed from bullshit overload
>Everybody goes to bed early

God damn it!
>> No. 98545
Sheboodles Le Pretentious Hipster is such a retard.
>> No. 98546
he's an attention-seeking whore.

the signs are everywhere, if you react to him, he wins.
>> No. 98548
Is there more fanart of the dykey one? She looks cool.
>> No. 98549
just ignore him, it worked everytime
>> No. 98550
File 128797102498.png - (129.03KB , 953x456 , plus4chanthread.png )
well that's new
>> No. 98552
Looks like normal /co/ came in to discuss without fear of scorn.
>> No. 98553
OP here, while I am pleased with the fact that our new home is a clean and productive one, and that we have reached a new glory of 400 posts, I am disappointed that our pony thread is now pretty much "what is /co/ doing" (even though I like gossip too). I thank the mod for destroying the guro plague and I hope we can form an alliance and friendship with the citizens of +/co/. Also we need to make sure we get HeartsAnon, No Ink, StarsAnon, and if we can, the staffer guy here before guro scares him away from our /co/ threads forever. Now let us return to our MLP general ways.

>> No. 98554
it seems to be safe on /co/ though.

I'm fine with keeping this thread bookmarked, it's not going anywhere soon.

Anyway, sincere thanks to the denizens of +/co/ for allowing us to chill here.
>> No. 98555
For the supposed poll being conducted.
Male, 25, unemployed due to lack of experience despite college education, and Twilight Sparkle
>> No. 98556
StarAnon here. I know this thread isn't really active anymore, but I just wanted to point out that I'm a regular in many of the pony threads, including this one and the current /co/ one. I posted >>98533 in this thread and the "open letter to /co/" in the current thread, among other things.

I'm around if you need me.
>> No. 98557
Alright then, let it be know now and forever as long as the good people of +/co/ allow it, that this thread is /co/'s back up MLP haven and a place of open MLP discussion for those who do not wish to visit regular /co/.
>> No. 98558
I know EXACTLY what you mean, only I'm scraping for an internship.
>> No. 98559
Yea, I couldnt deal with an internship while I was in school and now I dont live anywhere near a city thats doing internships for recent graduates. I've gone 5 months unemployed now. I hate freekin catch 22's, whats the point of an education anymore. But this isnt pony related, I apologize.
>> No. 98561
dont...just dont
>> No. 98562
I have no problem with cute stuff, I just don't see what appeal this show can have to anyone with some life experience. I know most kids cartoons use pretty predictable stories but it's only the ones with good comedy or interesting ideas that tend to hook older viewers. I can't see what there is in this beside the predictable stories.

Don't let me tell put you off or anything, I just wanted to make my opinion known. These fan-only threads are kind of frustrating.
>> No. 98565
The two posts you replied to gave fine answers. It seems you're just unable to see eye-to-eye with them.
>> No. 98566
If any drawfags hang around here, I'd totally love to see a picture of Applejack with John Marston.

Also, female & 19.
>> No. 98567
no worries, we're all right with differing opinions if they're presented in a civilized manner.

that being said, I think most of us agree the show does have good comedy. Obviously not all comedy is going to appeal to everyone, so if it doesn't click for you, then there's not much that can be said to sway your judgment.

we also all tend to really like the characters. they're pretty fleshed out and believable and aren't just copy-and-pasted archetypes. For example, Twilight is the shut-in nerd, but she's not really bad with social interactions or show any real nerdy cliches outside of being more interested in books than her friends. Then you have Rarity who, despite being the glamor queen, isn't some uppity stuck-up bitch.

Not trying to spoon-feed the show to you, but the characters are just very well-written and fun to watch. That's what it really boils down to I guess: fun. It's just fun to watch. Might not be your idea of fun, but try convincing someone who loves sports that watching any cartoon is more entertaining than watching a game.
>> No. 98568
Oh God! Please dont go anywhere near Tanners Reach with Applejack!
>> No. 98569
All of this hate reminds me when I tired to show the Moomin anime off to my friends.
>> No. 98570
File 128797785680.jpg - (66.50KB , 500x500 , twilight.jpg )
Hey /co/ folks, if you're bored, scope out my stream. Let me know if it sucks, is alright, etc. First time trying this out, Doing some storyboard thumbnails for MLP as part of a work test. Also playing Steamboy in a couple minutes. Sorry, won't be responding much to questions, have to focus on work.

>> No. 98571
File 128797788223.jpg - (1.04MB , 798x2278 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98572
this Die Hard in a Pony, the Pony Staffer? Steamboy's pretty good.
>> No. 98574
So did Fast Forward die from drinking d'awwing yet?
>> No. 98575

No, he's still posting, but he might be really drunk.
>> No. 98576
i think he passed out
>> No. 98578
Aaaaaaand Sheboodles and his crownies are back on /co/. So much for it being over.
>> No. 98579
itl never be over, id be suprised if i got on in 16h and theres a 7th 300+ thred
>> No. 98580
wait...what...i wasnt paying attention
>> No. 98581
Anyone know a firefox extension that I can use to hide certain trifags?
>> No. 98582
Greasemonkey + 4chan filter
>> No. 98583
Pretty sure I tried that before, but couldn't ever get the huge-ass filter box to minimize or anything.
>> No. 98584
I just set it to auto-hide.
>> No. 98585
>sheboodles tries to derail thread
>people filter his trip
>uses a new trip
>people filter again
>posts anonymously
>i lol and lol

this guy needs to get over himself, for real.
>> No. 98587

I've blocked him even after that.
>> No. 98588
File 128798221333.jpg - (5.84KB , 141x95 , Image9.jpg )
>> No. 98589
Well, looks like Sheboodles decided to go anon, so much for blocking his name
>> No. 98590
Block something else. That's what I did. Don't tell him what, though, or he'll be butthurt enough to get around it.
>> No. 98591
File 128798232280.jpg - (14.13KB , 165x133 , Image10.jpg )
per request
>> No. 98592
>> No. 98593
Ok guys, funny poll: Who do you think from the main 7 (including Spike) would be best on the Guardians of the Galaxy and how it would go?
>> No. 98594
File 128798389891.jpg - (17.84KB , 147x222 , 1271886805569.jpg )
>> No. 98595
Which episode?
>> No. 98596
File 128798466034.jpg - (89.33KB , 320x244 , 1274888378773.jpg )
First one

Also my face at this thread.
>> No. 98597
File 128798625859.png - (93.32KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-06h46m05s151.png )
Rainbow is satisfied with the quality
>> No. 98598
File 128798631473.png - (283.42KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-06h50m50s175.png )
>> No. 98599
File 128798638366.png - (236.97KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h00m48s200.png )
>> No. 98600
File 128798646058.png - (214.60KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h01m34s219.png )
>> No. 98601
File 128798652961.png - (246.00KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h06m55s109.png )
>> No. 98602
File 128798656386.png - (250.33KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h07m00s162.png )
>> No. 98603
File 128798674735.png - (331.09KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h10m30s185.png )
Confound these ponies
>> No. 98604
>> No. 98605
File 128798709142.png - (269.95KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h16m25s176.png )
>> No. 98606
File 128798716736.png - (141.51KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h17m12s138.png )
>> No. 98607
File 128798720093.png - (190.75KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-25-07h17m33s78.png )
>> No. 98608
... I had bad thoughts about that pic.
>> No. 98609
DAMN YOU I lol'd
>> No. 98610
File 128798754856.png - (200.27KB , 640x360 , pinkiecawk.png )
a million hours in paint
>> No. 98611
File 128798782821.jpg - (131.63KB , 813x436 , yotsuba-dreamcometrue.jpg )

>> No. 98612
as soon as I saw this post I squealed in joy
I have achieved my deepest desire; I have become the little girl.
>> No. 98613
Images... so... sharp...
>> No. 98614
File 12879898529.jpg - (25.73KB , 210x209 , ch.jpg )
>> No. 98618
File 128800152824.jpg - (15.84KB , 158x140 , 1275736711412.jpg )
I want you all to know that I'm not mad or disappointed.

Because I'm in such a state of shock that i am unable to feel emotions.
>> No. 98620
File 128800298081.jpg - (56.92KB , 500x455 , sephiroth.jpg )
You're among the plus4chan regulars who are now like "SUDDENLY PONIES EVERYWHERE WTF HAPPENED", right? If so, I hope that us crashing here out of the blue isn't too disrupting or annoying. Plus4chan seems like a really cool place so far and I'd love it if it's okay for us to use this place as a back-up site.

Also, a suggestion that I want to throw in the air for the other ponyfags. Maybe we should lay off of daytime /co/, at least for a while; seems like daytime /co/ is kinda cranky and threads in nighttime /co/ are much more successful. I know it might feel like "letting the terrorists win", but if daytime /co/ turns the threads into a completely unenjoyable experience for both ponyfags and non-fans alike, nobody really wins.
>> No. 98622
For the record, gurospammer showed up again at about 4 AM Pacific/7 AM Eastern. Looks like we can pull off a night thread or two, but whoever this shitmonkey is seems to be pretty persistent otherwise.
>> No. 98623
There has to be something wrong with someone like that. I mean, they're slowly, manually posting pictures that no one on 4chan is even going to be bothered by. What's the point? It's just sad.
>> No. 98624
Yeah, I noticed.
I'm surprised at how bitter and spiteful some people can be. I'm starting to feel just sadness and pity for them.
>> No. 98626
I feel bad I was like "ask a drunk ponyfag anything" and then passed out.
>> No. 98628
Nah, it's okay, it happens when you drink and all.

Posting the current MLP threads so that people who read this thread won't go making new ones under the assumption there are no active threads.
http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20767965 - autosaging and will 404 in a matter of time
http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20770410 - the replacement for 404'ing one. Gurotroll posted some pics but soon disappeared. Did they get bored or did reporting their posts actually manage to get them banned? I'm not sure which happened.
http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20771339 - troll thread and the most recent one; I'd advise ignoring the thread.
>> No. 98631
im back!
>> No. 98634
what the hel happend, did everyone go to bed, or work?
>> No. 98635
when we get to 1k+ postes, we NEED to start a new thread! if we dont, it will be a desgrace, and does anyone rember the rules to the drinking game? im thinking of getting 3 bottled of vodka and am prolly gunna do it with my family to see how drunk we get.
>> No. 98641
File 128802454349.jpg - (1.41MB , 2512x2228 , taste_the_rainbow_by_thegoodtripfag-d31h1g2.jpg )
>> No. 98642
Looks like the mods finally took a hatchet to the gorespammer. Good times.
>> No. 98645
File 128802555455.jpg - (28.33KB , 634x361 , Spike_happy.jpg )
>> No. 98646
This needs:


underneath it.
>> No. 98649
File 128802708521.jpg - (75.50KB , 626x356 , I_Run_This_Shit.jpg )

It covered up Spike too much along the bottom, sorry.
>> No. 98650
File 128802723436.png - (207.35KB , 640x360 , 1287996027486.png )
It's perfect. Thanks a lot ponybro.
>> No. 98654
Dude, were still on the first page, just go with the flow and if we start slipping a few pages THEN you can think about it. Theres no war on +/co/
>> No. 98658
Ponybro more like BRONY amirite
>> No. 98659
File 128803167592.jpg - (1.07MB , 798x2278 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98660
File 12880317624.png - (146.06KB , 640x360 , 1287995593304.png )
Mind = Blown.
>> No. 98663
so is there a thread on /co/ yet? or do we need to make one later tonight to avoid the gore spammers?
>> No. 98664
File 128803544457.jpg - (124.79KB , 553x761 , 1287904367908.jpg )

There. It's slow at the moment though.
>> No. 98665
verrry slow
>> No. 98666
I think I've been waiting my whole life for this thread. <3
>> No. 98671
File 128804021046.gif - (2.43MB , 468x265 , FadeToBlack.gif )
>> No. 98677
lets see if we can hit 1000 posts! how bout it?
>> No. 98688
File 128804940752.jpg - (0.98MB , 798x2197 , Madness.jpg )
After some discussion over at the 4chan thread, we've opted to drop the CS Lewis quote from the Wall of Friendship.

It served its purpose well when it was first posted in the spam threads, but, leaving it in now seems a tad defensive.
>> No. 98698
oh jesus, i don't want to start using this term, but it's so tempting...
>> No. 98705
seems only fair
>> No. 98709
Alright, my fellow ponies, for those who were curious about the set in the OP, I can confirm they are at Target. I did not buy it due to the shame I'd have to endure walking out of the store, but I think I will next time under the guise of X-mas presents.
But anyhoo, the only ones I wasnt are Twilight and spike. If I bought it, would any comrades like a Pinky, Applejack, Celestia, Storybook, or box?
>> No. 98711

>I did not buy it due to the shame I'd have to endure walking out of the store

This is why you can't have nice things. Shame buying toys in a toy store? Come on man, you know you want those ponies! Just ante up and make your purchase.
>> No. 98712
File 128806167974.png - (98.46KB , 500x500 , salimaaan.png )
Heads up ponyfolk. Continuing the storyboard stream from last night in about 20 minutes. It'll be playing some Daft Punk until I'm ready, then if people want a switch, it'll go to Mononoke with storyboard sketches and hopefully into doing finalized boards before the end.

>> No. 98713

Hasbrotoyshop.com is currently running a 'free shipping in the US' promotion, I believe, and there are always various coupons floating around for 10% off, I believe the current one is MLP2010? Just putting another option out there.
>> No. 98714
just swallow your shame and buy it!
>> No. 98716
To be fair, Target isnt an exclusive toy store. And yes, I should have had the balls to buy me some ponies. Perhaps next time.
>> No. 98718
fuck! im gunna go out and not give a shit, im buying some for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
>> No. 98720
File 128806689424.jpg - (85.53KB , 788x644 , ponies1.jpg )
My first time drawan ponies. I forgot how much of a bitch it was drawing with a tablet
>> No. 98723

This is pretty good stuff, but I'm sad to say I have no idea who that on the left is.
>> No. 98724
It's Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy
>> No. 98726
File 128806919334.jpg - (56.19KB , 800x624 , ponies2.jpg )
More practacan ponies. And Drax
>> No. 98727
gnight all
>> No. 98729
File 128807122335.jpg - (98.80KB , 800x800 , pony3.jpg )
Twilight Sparkle is PISSED
>> No. 98731
File 128807256792.jpg - (83.60KB , 800x800 , ponies4.jpg )
Continuing the GotG Pony series.
>> No. 98733

I'd love to see a TF2 hat variant of this picture, with the Heavy Weapons Guy.
>> No. 98735
File 128807441823.jpg - (46.98KB , 483x198 , Image18.jpg )
From tonight's (last night's?) stream:
>> No. 98736
File 128807444496.jpg - (33.19KB , 496x181 , Image20.jpg )
From tonight's (last night's?) stream:
>> No. 98737
File 128807446830.jpg - (35.01KB , 342x241 , Image26.jpg )
From tonight's (last night's?) stream:
>> No. 98738

This is what happens when you hit Back instead of just using noko
>> No. 98740
File 128807493664.jpg - (38.74KB , 369x239 , Image27.jpg )
And a last minute touch-up
>> No. 98745
These livestreams have been great.
>> No. 98758
на мудака, которые не могут показаться, чтобы выяснить, что воспитание дерьмо из прошлого, что все мы получили ПРОШЛОЕ, заставляет вас выглядеть хуже ап человека, который сказал это! Я имею в виду, для ебут пользы, крайней мере, вы можете сделать, это позволить этому идти, как кто-то в реальном мире будет делать, но нет .... вы должны иметь чертовски довести его обратно! ОК, congragulations, вы только что доказали, вы идиот! Теперь у вас все силы в мире, что вы собираетесь делать .... конца голода в мире ...... распространения глобального мира? Нет, ваш Гунна быть мудак! правдиво, я надеюсь, что вы умрете, вы чертовски педик!
>> No. 98761
would you like the translation?
>> No. 98762
File 128810801139.jpg - (0.98MB , 798x2197 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98764
It's the one I just added. I had to crop it to get it to fit.
>> No. 98765

Yeah I just noticed so I deleted my post. Our pony threads are quite impressive.
>> No. 98769
>> No. 98770
not thread related, but it is just me trying to explane to you guys that im not a bad guy, i can just be a idiot at times....ish
>> No. 98773
livestream done....if you dont care...i dont care
>> No. 98774
File 128811858263.png - (123.02KB , 480x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-26-19h48m08s75.png )
Hub ad with like 5 seconds of new pony goodness

>> No. 98776
File 128811947861.jpg - (26.60KB , 480x360 , YouTube - The Hub Commercial - Friends_mp4_.jpg )
>> No. 98777
File 128811983022.jpg - (25.06KB , 480x360 , YouTube - The Hub Commercial - Friends_mp4_.jpg )
Oh dear
>> No. 98778
links? threrads? anything?
>> No. 98779
File 128812104429.gif - (1.63MB , 468x266 , Animation1.gif )
>> No. 98780
so Tuesdays are quiet, eh?
>> No. 98781
File 128812185042.gif - (196.33KB , 254x187 , Animation3.gif )
>> No. 98783
File 128812200277.png - (141.96KB , 480x360 , vlcsnap-2010-10-26-20h44m54s73.png )
>> No. 98785
File 128812239960.gif - (860.56KB , 468x266 , Animation4.gif )
>> No. 98787
File 128812309246.gif - (1.46MB , 468x266 , Animation5.gif )
Sure is Pinkie Pie in here
>> No. 98792
gotg drawfag here: You'll have to explain the TF2 hat joke thing. I know who Heavy weapons guy is, but he doesnt wear a aht, does he?
>> No. 98793
Hat Fortress 2 is all about collecting and crafting new hats now. /v/ could explain better.
>> No. 98794
this has to stop.....
>> No. 98795
Ungh, day 3 and the guro spamming still hasnt stopped? Are the mods dead or what? I havent been de-sensitized to that level and dont plan on it. This sucks cus now I cant stomach going to /co/ anymore, and I used to love the place, I get all my comic news, downloads, and talkbacks there.
>> No. 98796
Then stay here, brony.
>> No. 98797
Wow, its no longer about shooting each other up? Do I... Do I draw Heavy with like a top hat or something?

I love +/co/, but its soooo slow.
>> No. 98798
Only because no-ones posting at the moment. I have both threads open and if there's ever anything worth replying to here, I do.
>> No. 98799
Tip: Whatever happened over on 4/co/ to make you unliked, I guarantee it was less important than the fact that you kept harping over how much of a pariah you apparently are. Which means the best thing you can do for yourself right now is delete the word "guadags" in your name and go anon, and just don't mention yourself or whatever the drama happens to be. Namecigging is fine sometimes, but in your case it just makes it look like you can't move on.
>> No. 98800
im not harpering over it, i tried to ignore the fact it ever happened, but 1 douche keeps bringing it up, every time i try to continue with the tread talk
>> No. 98801
Dude, just go anon. It'll save you a lot of hassle.

Anyhoo: That Pinkie song seems a lot shorter when your listening to the mp3
>> No. 98802
>>98801 cause it prolly is
>> No. 98804
File 128813016148.jpg - (56.63KB , 496x159 , Image3.jpg )
>> No. 98805
whar be the chorus?
>> No. 98806

song fag here, can't think of anything decent for the chorus. So anyone who wants to make it feel free :3
>> No. 98807
unofficially....there is none....yet
>> No. 98808
Anyone have the orginal lyrics?
>> No. 98811
File 128813109687.jpg - (192.31KB , 900x1238 , 1287928672209.jpg )
>> No. 98812
>> No. 98813
>> No. 98815
File 128813189497.jpg - (13.48KB , 338x358 , 555.jpg )

Yeah! Draw the Heavy wearing the Tough Guy's Toque with Pinkie telling him he's got a nice hat.


Make him smiling too, like in this picture.
>> No. 98816
File 128813205560.gif - (3.40MB , 640x360 , mlpraritytwispark.gif )
song fag here again, also unregistered GIF fag
>> No. 98817
Rarity confirmed for sadist.
>> No. 98818
File 128813225457.gif - (2.77MB , 320x240 , 1286046407615.gif )

My favorite scene!
>> No. 98819
She'll do anything for FABULOSITY!
>> No. 98820

songfag here, if you're #20801727 from the 4chan /co/ thread then its creation was inspired by you, brony :3

>> No. 98821
Cool, it's a perfect loop
>> No. 98822
File 128813251060.png - (35.47KB , 735x836 , twilight.png )
>> No. 98823
>> No. 98824

Twilight looks pretty sexy standing bipedal like that. I wonder if the ponies could walk around like that all day if they wanted to?
>> No. 98825
File 128813269221.jpg - (12.72KB , 378x301 , 12654324213421.jpg )
>> No. 98826

So moe. :3
>> No. 98827
File 128813281177.png - (14.18KB , 474x350 , morriganwant.png )

Yeah that was me, haha! Thanks a ton, this is now my most precious pony gif!
>> No. 98830
an 1k, this is going on the wall of friendship
>> No. 98831

>> No. 98835
File 128813472350.png - (25.70KB , 645x802 , fluttershy.png )
>> No. 98836
i love this!!!!! :D
>> No. 98837
File 128813501174.jpg - (41.39KB , 600x450 , icame.jpg )

>Delicious bipedal ponies
>> No. 98839
That Spike is adorable.
>> No. 98840
File 128813725092.jpg - (1.00MB , 798x2250 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98843
Alright, working on it now. Sorry for the delay, went out to dinner
>> No. 98846
Whats the current /co/ thread right now? If there is one.
>> No. 98847
>> No. 98848
File 128814273722.jpg - (119.68KB , 800x800 , ponies5.jpg )
>> No. 98849
holy fuck! thats awesome!
>> No. 98850
File 128814360257.gif - (1.39MB , 240x252 , 1287011745861.gif )

Sweet Lord that is awesome, I can't believe it! Heavy looks fantastic, and Pinkie is ultra cute as par the usual! The text you added in is really funny too, haha! I think I'll use this as my new TF2 spray in-game. Thanks a ton, I really appreciate it! Going out of your way to craft my request means a whole lot to me. How long did it take you to put this art together?
>> No. 98851
Thanks! Taking requests shortly cus I'm bored
>> No. 98852
Bout 45 minutes, I'm still getting used to my tablet. Thanks for the compliments
>> No. 98853
File 128814399821.jpg - (82.77KB , 400x600 , 4_-Larfleeze.jpg )
>>98851 Taking requests
This, but with Pinkie Pie in the place of the lantern.

Preferably grinning like a loon and shouting "WHEEEE!"
>> No. 98855
Alright, when Phyla i done Larfleeze steps in. Either way, COSMIC PONIES!
>> No. 98858
File 128814636555.jpg - (90.20KB , 539x359 , couchponies.jpg )
>> No. 98861
File 128814674166.jpg - (97.85KB , 800x800 , ponies6.jpg )
This makes me wonder if the Dragon in the Moon and the Mare in the Moon would make for fun times.

Starting your request
>> No. 98862
OH MY GOD I think I'm in love ;_;

Where is her nose
>> No. 98863
lost in translation :V
>> No. 98864
File 128814776149.png - (74.81KB , 222x313 , Spike.png )
I would like to see a pic of Spike with a famous dragon. But the only dragons I can think are Smaug, Deathwing and Fin Fang Foom and they're all evil. Are there any good dragons I haven't heard of that Spike would hero worship?
>> No. 98865
Vermatrix Goldenhide?

Yeah, I'm not even going to pretend I expect anyone to know her.
>> No. 98866
Good dragons? thres Sean Connery in Dragon heart. I'll jump on yours when I'm done with Larfleeze
>> No. 98867
There's also Bahamut but, he's more of a neutral type.
>> No. 98872
File 128814949123.jpg - (75.38KB , 640x809 , larfleezeponies.jpg )
This... came out creepier than it should have
>> No. 98873
File 128814978722.jpg - (139.42KB , 792x726 , rr.jpg )
>> No. 98874
Should have said this earlier, but d'awwww overdrive
>> No. 98877
>> No. 98878
Huh. The regular /co/ thread just 404ed abruptly.
>> No. 98879
File 12881503821.jpg - (218.65KB , 640x809 , 1288150023183_.jpg )

Something like this.
>> No. 98880
Thread 404'd. Had filters on, did some spammer cause it to die or was the mod being a jerk?
>> No. 98881
What about Toothless from "How to Train Your Dragon"?
>> No. 98882
Obtuse janitor I'd wager
>> No. 98883
Mod jerk I think. There was no spam in it and it wasn't up to 300 posts yet. Also, looks like a separate ponyville thread just died--that one couldn't have fallen off the board by itself, but it's coincidental timing.
>> No. 98884
I'd have added a black background or something. But looks infinetely better than the one I put up. Oh well, I'm a lazy typographer today
>> No. 98885
File 128815081695.jpg - (16.77KB , 140x140 , sad.jpg )

>Not yours
>No touchie
>Cannot have
>Doesn't love you
>Never will

>> No. 98886
http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20808793 New thread. WILL IT LAST?
>> No. 98887
File 12881520106.jpg - (33.87KB , 600x400 , spike01.jpg )
Toothless? Toothless! Get the joke?
>> No. 98890
Someone should Tweet this @GeoffJohns0 and post the results.

I'd do it myself, but I have no idea how Twitter works and the sign-up page isn't working for me at the moment.

http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/2934/1288150023183.jpg <- there's a non-chan link if anyone decides to go for it.
>> No. 98891
File 128815416650.jpg - (63.28KB , 800x800 , spikersgonnaspike.jpg )
Postan Pony requests here as back up.
>> No. 98893
Wow, 600 posts. Good job, everypony.
>> No. 98895
I think StarAnon's got this one. Now to wait and see what happens.
>> No. 98897
File 128815672357.jpg - (87.28KB , 800x800 , cosmicponies.jpg )
>> No. 98907
File 128815919677.jpg - (85.57KB , 818x736 , dressanponies.jpg )
>> No. 98914
File 128816169683.jpg - (85.27KB , 800x800 , captainequastria.jpg )
>> No. 98916
File 128816400749.jpg - (87.00KB , 994x537 , poniesatthebar.jpg )
Last one for tonight
>> No. 98918
Awesome. But
I'm really sorry, but... fuck you guys for not thinking of Falcor.
>> No. 98919
As hot shit as Falcor is, as dragons go he's not very.....dragony.
>> No. 98920
Gotta hand it to you on that.
>> No. 98922

>> No. 98940
611 posts, 389 more to go! yay!!!!
>> No. 98941
611 posts, 389 more to go! yay!!!!
>> No. 98942
File 128819289845.jpg - (121.90KB , 604x453 , I WIN.jpg )
sup all?
>> No. 98943
File 128819342521.png - (260.66KB , 442x322 , 1276236262323680.png )
>> No. 98944
File 128819358244.jpg - (156.72KB , 604x453 , its ok we cool no worries.jpg )
we cool?
>> No. 98948
File 128819613077.jpg - (1.03MB , 798x2322 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 98952
i want to make a amv, but am not shure what song i should do it on, any sugestions?
>> No. 98953
nor do i know what program to use
>> No. 98963
Even if you hate /a/, go to amv.org and check out the forums. They have tips from some real classy people - people who could easily be doing professional video editing. Check out a few, get some ideas, and be sure to ask around on how to do it. Theres some tutorials and FAQs too.

Is there aa current pony thread?
>> No. 98965
None that are active at all...
>> No. 98966

Not facing a lot of activity right now. But there's been a slow stream of posts. I'm sure it's autosaging though.

By the way, late compliment but you have some amazing art. Thanks for drawing some requests earlier.
>> No. 98967
>>98966 I'm sure it's autosaging though.

Shouldn't be. Not for another 20 posts or so.
>> No. 98968
Thanks for the compliment brony. Thinking about starting another short round of drawfaggotry while I'm killing time.
>> No. 98969
Any chance of some pony-tans?
>> No. 98971
Like human versions of the ponies?
>> No. 98973
File 128820866223.jpg - (12.09KB , 461x378 , 5454.jpg )

>a amv

Oh Lord, it begins. Use one of these:

Crazy Bus
In The End
You're The Best
>> No. 98974
Yes, please. But not children like we've had done before, I'm thinking.
>> No. 98975
voluptious, curvy, full bodied mature womens?
>> No. 98976
File 128820897854.jpg - (18.90KB , 492x392 , 1287895083845.jpg )
Muy bien.

Pic related.
>> No. 98977
>drawan Pony-tan
>Deliver Us from the Prince of Egypt comes on playlist
>Oh God. biblical Ponies

>> No. 98978

i uploaded more pics, some mlp related, some just random stuff
>> No. 98979
>Cleopatra ponies

You know how to make my heart sing...
>> No. 98980
File 128820993981.jpg - (765.03KB , 752x752 , Black Lady - Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.jpg )

I'm very fond of the pony-tan ideas and I too would like more drawn in the future. I'd love to see them having adult incarnations, endowed with really supple and sexy proportions. I can't not help but think of the Sailor Soldiers when I imagine our favorite ponies as humans, due to the nature of the show.

A human Pinkie Pie picture with a lithe, curvy body and luxuriously beautiful pink hair would get my blood pumping.
>> No. 98982
i mean for mlp! i need ideas, like what song, should it flash, which episode should i do it to, and what program do i use to make it
>> No. 98983
File 12882119976.jpg - (100.43KB , 781x1410 , sailorsparkle.jpg )
Sorry its not Pinkie, didnt notice the pic related until it was too late
>> No. 98984
File 128821209791.jpg - (79.50KB , 781x1410 , nudiesparklecen.jpg )
Dont see any spoiler options
>> No. 98985
i like...i like
>> No. 98986
For programs and editing stuff, like I said, try amv.org for tutorials and advice. They'd know a lot more about ediitng than a random group of anons. As for music, try The power of Love from sailor Moon R
>> No. 98987
already went to it twice, and its not in english
>> No. 98988
Well would you look at that. They changed addresses since I was there last. here ya go http://www.animemusicvideos.org/home/home.php
>> No. 98989
thanks, i really didn't want to have to trust youtube for this
>> No. 98990
File 128821469110.jpg - (1.05MB , 798x2322 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99007
File 128823243773.jpg - (619.94KB , 834x2274 , cap.jpg )
>> No. 99008
happy hump-day?
>> No. 99009
how soon till the next episode?
>> No. 99010

>> No. 99011
its Wednesday , a.k.a the middle of the week, a.k.a hump day
>> No. 99012
i meant of the dbz/mlp comic, its really good
>> No. 99014
gnight, keep posting the new thread links when there is one made
>> No. 99016
Anyone got a link for the current or new pony thread?
>> No. 99018
There's this one. I think it's autosaging.
>> No. 99019
It is
>> No. 99020
Yeah, but it'll still be around for a while yet.
>> No. 99021
File 128824007466.jpg - (17.66KB , 496x276 , Master_Spike.jpg )
>> No. 99022
File 12882404238.jpg - (1.11MB , 1000x1992 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99023
File 128824238426.png - (106.79KB , 1263x683 , cgbadkarma - live streaming video powered by Lives.png )
Uh, did something happen to our livestream friend?
>> No. 99025
The Dragonball Z/MLP thread is still going.
>> No. 99027
File 128824295857.jpg - (40.89KB , 355x717 , gotgpinkie.jpg )
More Original Content and requests coming your way.
>> No. 99028
Maybe the reason is Die Hard in a Pony isnt there? I dunno
>> No. 99031
Ahh, seems livestream didn't like that I had movies going. I haven't been around cause I'm busy, will resume over the weekend if I'm able to make another account, I'll be drawing more except without movies.
>> No. 99033
You posting content here or in a seperate 4chan thread. I got ideas but I'm not sure where to post them.
>> No. 99034
Huh, dont know nothing about Livestream. I wonder how they knoew you had movies going on? Hope you keep at it, your storyboards are awesome.

http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20822125#20833484 its in autosage so who knows how long before it 404's and we all jump ship.
>> No. 99035
It is pretty weird that livestream took notice. I used to stream stuff all the time and no one ever paid attention. I still see people stream movies and TV shows a lot.
>> No. 99037
Probably got reported by some troll
>> No. 99038
File 128824492635.jpg - (47.65KB , 800x683 , nuzzlinponies.jpg )
>> No. 99039
>> No. 99040
>> No. 99041
Drawfriend drew my request! So cash!
>> No. 99042
Dropkick here. I'm totally on board for that livestream if you wanna.
>> No. 99043
How about Rarity as a TF2 spy while saying "Gentleponies" with a cig.
>> No. 99044
A livestream is always approved by me.
>> No. 99045
File 128824795036.jpg - (77.20KB , 800x1200 , lunanotapony.jpg )
thread 404'd before I could get it up, so to whatver Anon requested human Luna, here ya go
>> No. 99046
This can be done
>> No. 99047

Thank you very much.
>> No. 99048
>> No. 99049
TF2: Team Pony
Engineer:Twighlight Sparkle
Scout: Rainbow Dash
Sniper: Unknown/ Possibly Rarity, still not sure.
Soldier: Applejack
Heavy:Pinkie Pie
Spy: Rarity/or Luna
Pyro: Spike
Medic: Fluttershy
Announcer: Celestia
Any objections?
>> No. 99050
Forgot to add demo, not sure who would that be though....
>> No. 99051
>> No. 99052
New thread.

>> No. 99053

Forgot to mention that I'm the anon that made the request.
>> No. 99054
File 128824911032.jpg - (65.95KB , 781x733 , gentleponies.jpg )
Sorry, couldnt resist lol
>> No. 99055
I gathered that. It's cool, brony
>> No. 99058
It's cool, much more funnier than what I was going for!
>> No. 99061
Videopad video editor is an awesome, light program. As for music... dunno, ho' 'bout "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"?
>> No. 99066

Yui: Pinkie Pie
Mio: Fluttershy
Ritsu: Rainbow Dash
Mugi: Rarity
Azusa: Twilight Sparkle
>> No. 99076
thats 1 cig? more like 30! which makes it that much funnier
>> No. 99078

Episode 2 is up on the Hub's website if anyone wants to take a crack at ripping it
>> No. 99084
and for the pics with the bold captions like the "fail" pics, what program would u reccomend for making those?
>> No. 99087

basicly, some macros ive been working on
>> No. 99090
InDesign is best for an and all type related things. If you dont have that, try Illustrator, which is moderately good at type. If you lack that still, Photoshop or MS Paint. Both are terrible for type though. Also use IMPACT full caps for macros like Fail
>> No. 99091
Is there a current pony thread?
>> No. 99093
Not at the moment.
>> No. 99094
No pony thread? Feels like the first time in weeks. Are thursdays just dead or what?
>> No. 99095
>> No. 99098
There is one, but it only has like 10 posts left before it hits autosage.
>> No. 99099
scrach that, 3
>> No. 99100
Two posts till autosage, and probably at least two hours after that before it 404s.
>> No. 99103
So I'm trying to rip the second episode off of Hub, but my downloader insists on getting the ad before the video instead of the actual video. Someone else will probably get it first, but I'll upload it if I can.
>> No. 99104
yay! thank you!
>> No. 99106
Yeah, sorry, not working.

I'll try again later. Things to do today.
>> No. 99108
File 12882990074.jpg - (48.53KB , 603x722 , glponies.jpg )
>> No. 99109
The MLP amv I'd watch would have to be with this song and nothing else.

>> No. 99111
So guys, I'm thinking about doing a blog post about the new MLP cartoon and the reactions it's caused. Is it okay if I use the macros, screencaps, and/or drawfaggotry you've done as examples? I won't mention 4chan by name, obviously. But if you want credit for art you've done, we can work it out.
>> No. 99112
*updating link copypasta*

Episode 1:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8

Episode 2:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
>> No. 99113
High Quality Episode 2 courtesty of Anonymous from 4chan thread


>> No. 99114
I don't see why we're still using the YouTube links, actually. They're lower quality and split in half.
>> No. 99115
Oh wait, herp. Hub's website probably has issues with non-American /co/mrades I bet.
>> No. 99116
I don't see why not. None of us are using any of them for profit other than just mere amusement. Go for it!
>> No. 99117
not everyone wants to download it, and there's no issue with providing youtube links, especially since they come out a lot sooner than the downloads.
>> No. 99118
File 128830413143.jpg - (68.85KB , 800x800 , nokponies.jpg )
If your out there Anon, here you go
>> No. 99119
Go ahead bro. More ponies for everypony, etc.
>> No. 99120
Oh right, there's a thread here.

Just remuxed the FLV into MKV. (Yes, I keep ripping these, no I'm not tripcoding yet.)

EP2 MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC

I honestly wonder why Hub changed their encoder settings so as to make a 300 MB file for this episode.
>> No. 99124
Thank you kind sir. Praise for you!
>> No. 99125
Same guy again, still taking requests to challenge your skill, brave warrior?
>> No. 99127
Yea, for a bit anyway.
>> No. 99128
File 12883110112.jpg - (42.51KB , 598x583 , ponies_i.jpg )
Ponies, I...
>> No. 99132
File 128831414863.jpg - (14.05KB , 369x305 , 1281282733330.jpg )
>> No. 99136
File 12883155834.jpg - (71.45KB , 379x270 , WHAT THE FUCK.jpg )
>> No. 99137
Did another thread just 404 before its time?
>> No. 99138
Looks like.
>> No. 99139
File 128831724978.jpg - (96.65KB , 1600x800 , canaryponies.jpg )
I think so. Noticed someone tried to hijack it late in the stage too
>> No. 99140
File 128831729971.jpg - (42.92KB , 845x584 , powerjack.jpg )
Though it was rather free of trolling. Might be the same power tripping mod from earlier
>> No. 99141
Well, there's this other thread that we left alone. Someone just posted in it.

>> No. 99144
/co/ has so much division in the herd right now.
>> No. 99145
I'm starting to think one of the competing threads was started by a troll to kick up spammers. Notice the influx of sages and and such within the last ten minutes?
>> No. 99146
And most of them are from fellow ponyfags...
>> No. 99147
Now there are two competing pony threads. Prepare for more spam.
>> No. 99149
We deserve it now. Unless the other thread is being bumped by trolls; then we're the victims.
>> No. 99155
The other thread is being bumped by guadags
>> No. 99157
And suddenly everything makes sense.
>> No. 99158
We deserve it as much as batman threads do.
>> No. 99160
File 128832058412.jpg - (221.80KB , 1600x1600 , thanosponies.jpg )
posting for Thanos Anon, since our original thread kicked the bucket.
>> No. 99163
File 128832142752.gif - (2.72MB , 640x360 , Derpinkie.gif )
>> No. 99164
File 128832148891.gif - (541.32KB , 640x360 , Such_Lovely_Luminescent_Scales.gif )
>> No. 99165
File 128832158778.gif - (1.15MB , 640x360 , Vanguard_Ponies_Deluxe.gif )
>> No. 99167
File 128832173792.jpg - (5.69KB , 214x218 , 125932657.jpg )
Jeez, even the dragon is doing a "dat ass" face, just need the shades.
>> No. 99173
Third thread and most likely a troll from the bumps its getting. I'm seeing Sunday happening all over again rather shortly
>> No. 99174

can you link us the one without big black blocks?
>> No. 99176
Perhaps in a /pco/ pony thread... if there is one... dont know how /pco/ rules work.
>> No. 99177
No its not....i know for a fact cause im guadags
>> No. 99178
File 128832388288.jpg - (27.75KB , 278x400 , 702spartacus.jpg )
No I am guadags!
>> No. 99179
File 128832399130.jpg - (150.79KB , 604x453 , yourllythink.jpg )
lol.....but still.....FAIL!!!!!
>> No. 99181
File 128832408250.jpg - (23.90KB , 396x304 , angry stare.jpg )
>that sentence
>that picture
>that everything
>> No. 99188
File 12883257717.jpg - (68.16KB , 800x800 , hulkfunny.jpg )
More pics from one of tonights threads
>> No. 99189
File 128832579463.jpg - (67.65KB , 800x800 , hulkhappy.jpg )
>> No. 99190
File 128832583135.jpg - (91.43KB , 800x800 , biggayserpent.jpg )
This one was hilarious to draw. We should have more Big gay Serpent content
>> No. 99192
So, hey, let's talk about tomorrow's new episode.

In the sense of, we really need to get our shit together this time and get a livestream going.
>> No. 99193
Agreed. Nothaving Hub sucks.
>> No. 99201

This is one of my favorites. Even with all the endless, unbridled rage of the Hulk, he can't bring himself to harm little Fluttershy.
>> No. 99202
>>99201 endless, unbridled rage

Requesting Fluttershy playing with Dex-Starr
>> No. 99203
Hahahahaha, awesome.
I just found out I have Hub.

DVR's all set to record. :3
>> No. 99204
File 128832917798.jpg - (41.51KB , 640x360 , 22].jpg )
But can you stream it!?
>> No. 99205
File 128832930552.jpg - (1.15MB , 1000x2123 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99207
File 128832953783.jpg - (63.38KB , 800x800 , dextarpony.jpg )
Here ya go
>> No. 99209
The question on everypony's tongue
>> No. 99210
>> No. 99211
File 128833023075.jpg - (102.23KB , 707x363 , 1287602203161.jpg )

Requesting an updated picture of this, but with candy canes instead of cigs. We all know that when it comes to sweets and Rarity, it always goes in her hooves, on her head, in her saddlebags, and most importantly, in her mouth.
>> No. 99212
File 128833116190.jpg - (89.20KB , 800x800 , yall01.jpg )
>> No. 99213
File 128833117735.jpg - (89.48KB , 800x800 , yall02.jpg )
>> No. 99214
File 128833119497.jpg - (88.53KB , 800x800 , yall03.jpg )
>> No. 99215
File 128833121375.jpg - (68.16KB , 800x800 , yall04.jpg )
>> No. 99216
I can't decide whether to request Pinkie Pie as Starfire or Harley Quine. Help me out anons!
>> No. 99217
I got one! Gay sea serpent hitting on Mushu from Mulan!
>> No. 99218
File 128833184775.jpg - (64.38KB , 781x733 , rarityinmymouth.jpg )
There ya go
>> No. 99219
>Harle Quine
>Harl E. Quine
>A Horse
>> No. 99220
Put the macro on there and wer're golden, baby!
>> No. 99221
Gentleponies or her big long candy speil?
>> No. 99222
Surprise me!
>> No. 99224
File 128833270384.jpg - (93.45KB , 781x733 , inmymouth.jpg )
There ya go
>> No. 99225
LOL, saved for future use.
Better have the other ready for others to avoid disappointment no?
>> No. 99230
File 12883363902.jpg - (63.72KB , 575x563 , GENTLECOLTS.jpg )
>> No. 99231
File 128833657973.png - (393.38KB , 959x1311 , those fuckers our apples.png )
For those who missed it.
>> No. 99233
Did we ever tell you how awesome you are?
>> No. 99234
Why no. Feel free.
>> No. 99236
Just reread the whole thread again, because I could. Man, a whole week already?

And I noticed that someone actually got their second cutie mark on the flash game. The only one so far, I believe? Congratulations are probably in order.
>> No. 99273
links people, links
>> No. 99274
We're now on page 3, gentleponies. Awww yea tiny ti-err, ponies!
>> No. 99275
Once episode 3 gets on the tubes, anyone want to link it?
>> No. 99276
Episode 3 part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfNH4XTKM2I&fmt=35
>> No. 99278
Episode 3 part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmOt15wxv84&fmt=34
>> No. 99281
File 128838395114.jpg - (1.18MB , 1000x2123 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99284
*updating link copypasta*

Episode 1:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8

Episode 2:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC

Episode 3:
>> No. 99294
File 128839346975.jpg - (1.21MB , 1000x2123 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99309
File 128839894968.jpg - (52.86KB , 637x471 , 1287574548386.jpg )
Oh shit the new episode is up! I can't wait to watc-

>YouTube refuses to load for me and me alone

Is their any chance a kind pony wouldn't mind uploading the new episode for the YouTube impaired please? I'd be very thankful!
>> No. 99313
Odd. Try Youtube Repeater.

>> No. 99314
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QKAYKMEA And just in case that doesn't work, here's the first half
>> No. 99315
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Y6ZL9SGZ and second half
>> No. 99321
Hilarious, as expected. ITs a shame I missed out on the talk back thread though.
>> No. 99322
There's still a good bit of discussion going on over here, if you missed it: http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20868450

We're welll past autosage, but we're still only on page 8
>> No. 99323
Awesome, thanks brony
>> No. 99324
File 128840389057.jpg - (1.24MB , 1000x2222 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99328
can we replace the "previously on My Little Pony" thing with the high quality version from the .flv?
>> No. 99329
File 128840511585.png - (100.17KB , 640x360 , 1288305019102.png )
Have at it.
>> No. 99330
Huh. Could'a swore I already did.
>> No. 99336
File 128840978714.jpg - (1.27MB , 1000x2222 , Madness.jpg )
There we go
>> No. 99337
File 12884100442.jpg - (127.68KB , 1600x800 , kreeponiespeacetreaty.jpg )
Yo Kree Writefag, if your here, this is for you!
>> No. 99347
File 128841323383.jpg - (165.84KB , 800x1600 , cancerthatiskillingtheponyverse.jpg )
Cancerverse comes to Equestria and its apparently baby Lickety Splits FAULT. Requester, if your out there, here it is.
>> No. 99350
File 128841366179.jpg - (115.16KB , 863x733 , 1288413800003.jpg )
I call dibs on this fapfiction. No one else do it.
>> No. 99351
Was this from the night where we were all trying to figure out how pony stilletoes works? Awesome, glad to see more fan art!
>> No. 99353
Yeah, it just got posted in the current (now auto-saging) /co/ thread.
>> No. 99355
File 12884145075.jpg - (1.30MB , 1000x2222 , Madness.jpg )
Speaking of said thread, I need a break, so updating early
>> No. 99357
Think the new one is auto saging too!
>> No. 99360
File 128841534555.jpg - (64.29KB , 800x800 , flashponies.jpg )
Rainbow Flash, for the guy who requested it like 2 days ago
>> No. 99361
File 128841549717.png - (103.17KB , 936x936 , 1288415562999.png )
>> No. 99362
File 128841589954.jpg - (113.97KB , 880x618 , homoponies.jpg )
more gay ponies!!
>> No. 99363
Awesome, though you might need to spoiler it for blue board or something. I dunno. Keep up the series though!
>> No. 99364
File 128841649239.jpg - (41.66KB , 994x351 , flashdash.jpg )
>She could literally eat the candy vag of every pony in Equestria in less than one mirco second.
>> No. 99365
This is the single greatest image we have collectively produced.
>> No. 99371
File 12884183315.png - (103.28KB , 936x936 , 1288417991255.png )
>> No. 99387
For a second there I was thinking that I accidentally invented an MLP shipping fandom, but thank you to Forward 2.0 for talking sense into me. I feel kind of foolish now.
>> No. 99388
File 12884275703.jpg - (61.99KB , 827x197 , wall.jpg )
Someone less lazy can add this to the wall
>> No. 99400
From now on MLP threads can be automatically added to arch.413chan.net by feeding them to Pinkie Pie.
Just go to http://arch.413chan.net/o.html and type the thread number (it assumes a thread on 4chan /co/), and click Request.

It'll then be added to the download rotation and should appear on the main index with the tag "ponies" within 5 minutes or so.

I trust you guys to use this responsibly - if I see a bunch of threads being spam-added to the list I'll close it down until there's a better way to make sure the submitted threads are legit. But until then, go for it :)
>> No. 99405
where can I find these fapfics people keep referring to?
>> No. 99410
File 128844937495.jpg - (1.32MB , 1000x2222 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99426
does anyone remember the 5 steps?
>> No. 99428

Me and another anon wrote two fapfics, although they got considerably wordy and EPIC in the end. Archived here: http://arch.413chan.net/co20879033.html
>> No. 99429
i just read it.............and i want more! that was the most epic thing Ive ever read! I LOVED it! u should get into writing!
>> No. 99430

Excellent, thank you very much!
>> No. 99431
So, do we post fanfics over there?
>> No. 99432

>You watchin' yer goat Anime again?

Personally, I think it would sound better if Dad mistook the ponies for horses. Most people without being visually challenged can tell a goat from a pony, but a surprising amount are not familiar with the difference between a pony and a horse.
>> No. 99434
no, its a archive, its un-editable, there is an EPIC fanfic in it though, kinda near the end, you need to go up a bit , but because of its epicness, you wont be dissapointed
>> No. 99437
Oh, alright. Sweet
>> No. 99440
"Goat" is funnier though.
>> No. 99441
Guadags, I have to wonder: why do you constantly ask for copypasta to be reposted? "Anyone have the 5 steps," "anyone have the reason we like the show," "anyone have the candy vag picture"?
>> No. 99442
Because im to lazy to try to find the archive that they are in.
>> No. 99443
File 128847652839.jpg - (41.65KB , 640x480 , 1288389926788.jpg )
Actually I disagree. It goes along better with the original pedantic animé nerd character.

It would be the kind of thing that he would choose to pick up on although it is a common mistake. Just as how he corrected the dad for calling the show an animé.

It makes for a more subtle kind of humor, but I like it.
>> No. 99444
Ok, so current pony thread is a mess of trolls. I'm thinking we should jsut repost anything of value from it. Anyway, I liek this train of thought, please contribute any wild fan theories to it.

So guys, about those ponies. Lets connect all the ideas for fun and its probably a better topic than discussing trolls.
1) Equetria is a planet in the Kree Territories
2) Celestia is evil (or at least a troll)
3) DocMelonhead's Pony God exists or existed at one time, (as posted in the Celestia plots against the universe fic)
4) the guards have gay slave sex (as posted in last nights fapfics)
5) Pinkie's parents are dead; she is the night
6) The Kree have enlisted Pony help in fighting Blastaar (in Rillis' fanfic)
7) The Dragons make for War and have traded offspring with the pony people in a bid for peace (in Mane's fanfic)
8) Dash is a super omega-level lesbian
9) Twilight is the second coming (aka Twilight Sparklechrist)
10) Apparently humans created the pony races through genetic expiraments?
>> No. 99445
someone posted this to add to the list
>oh and Angel the bunny is manifestation of everything Fluttershy is not.
Possibly a literal representation coming directly from her. She is basically pure kindness incarnete. but why? In order for her to have the power of her sparkle stone-thing. The negative emotions and tendencys were ripped from her. Angel internalizing them (Like Cloud did for Zack in FF7) and representing them. Like for instance disgust with oneself (Ep3 when she almost lied) Assertiveness (He made her say she wanted a ticket.) yada yada. However still being a part of her Angel has bits and pieces of her other emotions but mostly plays them up.
Makes sense to em I guess
>> No. 99446
I like "goat" because it's not so much "common mistake" as "dad isn't paying attention and makes assumptions." Which isn't really dysfunctional, but pretty typical. It's like if a kid was a Spider-man fan and the dad at work said "Yeah, my boy can't get enough o' that Adam West stuff, drives me crazy man."
>> No. 99447
Sparkle Fizzlord posted to the list
>Luna is the rightful ruler of Equestria.

>Nephew prince is a figment of Rarity's sex starved imagination.
>> No. 99450
Don't go to the thread on /co/, its basically an argument between a troll and an Anonymous MLP fan.
>> No. 99451
I'm done with weekend /co/ as far as Pony threads go. Weeknight /co/ is the only /co/, really.
>> No. 99452
Yea, suspecting weekends are going to be like that.
>> No. 99453
File 128847751262.png - (240.55KB , 600x450 , 1287665191629.png )
Hmm, yes I see your point.

But the important thing to realize though is that the subject of the comic isn't a stereotypical father but rather a stereotypical fanatic rabidly defending his cartoon of choice to such a degree that it makes it worse.

Add to the fact that cartoon IS just as girly and ridiculous as the father thought it was and it makes the final panel hilarious.

Having the father call the ponies goats instead takes away part of this humor in that the issue the boy chooses to pick his father upon is a much bigger issue than if the father had simply called the ponies horses.

It's a more justifiable quibble and the audience will thus feel more drawn to the boy's point of view rather than father's.

The audience has to connect with the father rather than the boy otherwise the comic just isn't as funny as it could have been.
>> No. 99454
At least they aren't spamming gore.
>> No. 99456
File 128847770586.jpg - (50.26KB , 702x671 , Mane.jpg )
As requested, I'm posting Mane's story-tentative titles "Envoy Exchange" and "The Tail of Mane," because you always need that particular breed of horrible pun.
Years before the events of MLP2010 (but not many) Equestria and Draconum were poised for war, after several rather unpleasant accidents. Princess Celestia, wishing to avoid the fallout (both magical and emotional) from such an occurrence, met with Jarl Rockscale, and with his agreement, ruled that two families of moderate importance would trade their children and raise them amongst each other. From the Hill Spine Clan came young Spike, and from the Flowerbright family, sweet Mane. With the blessing of Princess Celestia and Jarl Rockscale, Flowerbright Mane left with the Dragons, and Hill Spine Spike stayed in Canterlot, eventually growing fond of Celestia's student-at-the-time and, at the end of her training, departing with her.
This is not his story.
>> No. 99457
The wind was immensely cold against Mane's bright pelt as Hill Spine Raile took to the sky, leaving behind Ponyville and everything she'd ever known. Raile's great red wings beat an uneven gait compared to the smooth flights of the pegasi she'd known, and after a moment, Mane closed her eyes, folding her forehooves over her head, shivering.
In moments, the sounds of other wingbeats joined Raile's, and Mane peeked from behind shivering hooves to notice five, six...an entire sky's worth of dragons flying before, behind, and beside her...what WAS Raile, to her?
Rising to her hooves, Mane shakily made her way up the great saddle-what had Jarl Rockscale called it, a howdah?-toward Raile's head, balancing her best and fervently thanking providence for her time spent balancing with friends.
"M-miss Raile?"
The great red dragon's head did not turn, but a warm voice answered. "Hush, little one. I must focus on flying for now. We will find a good cliff to bed down on in a few hours-I'll talk to you then. Go back to the howdah and have an apple. The Treesweet clan gave us several bushels as a gesture of goodwill-and the last thing you want to do is fall off." Her great, horned head nodded to the left slightly.
With a gulp, Mane agreed.
For the next few hours, Mane watched the clouds go by and admired the play of sun on scale, shivering warmly when the clouds passed. Taking advantage of the moment to sun herself, Mane closed her eyes-and within minutes, lulled by Raile's wingbeats, fell into a nap.
>> No. 99458
Mane awoke with a start at the lack of wingbeats.
Rising to her hooves, the filly stared at the dark stone of the large clifftop, the blazing fire, and the eight or so dragons sitting nearby. Raile had divested herself of the howdah, and was engaged in animated discussion about...something.
Mane squeaked in surprised as a little brown dragonet popped up from beside the howdah, carrying a large sheaf of fresh mountain grass. With a grunt, he set it down, saluting.
"Rations for you, Ma'am! On the order of Jarl Rockscale-says you can't eat all the apples, after all."
Mane smiled weakly, and took a bite of the grass-and twisted her head in surprise at the tough texture. With a frown, she bit down harder, and was rewarded by sweet juice and a clean snap. Chewing grimly, she finished off the first mouthful, and turned to the brown dragonet, who seemed disappointed at her reaction.
"I had a feeling it'd be too tough-but it was the only grass that was close." His original eager smile turned down slightly. "It might be better dried, but, well..." He shrugged, grinning sheepishly.
"No, no! It's fine, just a little tougher than I'm used to, really." Mane smiled back ingratiatingly, taking another bite. It wasn't half bad, she mused, even if it WAS tough-juicy, and with a certain rainy indistinctity that the Ponyville grass lacked. The size of the sheaf was easily enough to hold her for several days, however.
She swallowed.
>> No. 99459
yeah, but its now a full on argument, and everyone is getting sucked into it! what ever happened to, "just ignore the trolls, they'll leave faster if you do"?
>> No. 99460
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>Stay tuned for next week's episode, "Envoy Exchange" or "The Tail of Mane,"
>> No. 99461
"What's your name?"
The dragonet, who had been lying against the sheaf of mountaingrass with his arms folded behind his head, started slightly. "Oh? Uh. It's Geode. My parents think I have potential, y'see, even though I'm so unremarkable. Like a geode-it just looks like a regular old rock, and then you crack it open, and it's amazing inside. Jarl Rockscale must agree; he took me on as his retainer." The dragonet rolled his eyes slightly, before pulling a stalk tufted with a young seed cluster from the sheaf of mountaingrass, chewing on the end and eying Mane.
"So, uh...what's it like down on the Plains?"
Mane was temporarily struck speechless. She'd never lived anywhere else, after all; how was she to compare?
"Well, uh...the days are usually sunny, except in fall and spring when it rains, and in winter, when it snows." Frantically, she searched for something more descriptive. "Lots of trees, uh, and it's really flat, so we build houses and stables instead of living in caves-you live in caves, right?"
Geode considered for a moment. "Sounds weird...and yeah, we started out in caves, but we've gone a bit farther than that now. I won't ruin the surprise, but let me just tell you-it's awesome."
Despite Mane's questioning, Geode refused to give up any more-but collected a double handful of pebbles and taught her mancala, which they played until both pairs of eyelids drooped. Mane curled slightly and rested her head on the sheaf, and Geode patted her on the head and wandered off.
Some time later, Mane half-awoke as a weight settled against her flank, before returning to sleep.
>> No. 99462
Thanks Mane. It should be safe and easy to read here for another week. I should tell Ridell to move over here too
>> No. 99463
Mane was wakened by sunrise.
This high in the mountains, she could see for a great while as the sun rose from a cleft in the mountains far to the north, pink and yellow and red and orange painting the sky as it rose. Indistinct blurs became plains, mesas, forest, the great valley before her painted into life by the rising sun.
"It's beautiful."
Geode, who'd fallen asleep on her flank, cracked open an eye, before stretching slightly and turning to look. "Oh? Oh. Yeah, you've never left the Plains, have you? There's an entire sect up here who watch and paint the sunrises. I always liked the Mechanics-oop!" The dragonet winked slyly. "Never mind me. Didn't say anything. Just wait until we get to the mountains."

With that, Geode made his way off into the various hills that were slumbering dragons. The great gray bulk of Jarl Rockscale rose first, nodding to something Mane couldn't see-probably Geode-and roaring. Bit by bit, the other dragons rose and stretched, preparing for the day. Mane hopped down from the howdah and sought out Raile, who was chewing idly on something, and swallowed as she heard Mane's cantering footsteps.
"Good morning, little one. "
Mane sat and craned her neck up at the red dragoness, who in turn gazed down at her charge. "Miss Raile? What do I call you? I mean, I can't just call you Miss Raile, but I'm not your foal-Spike is. It's just a little...hard."
Raile turned slightly to face her. "Dragons ARE hard, Mane. It's our nature-we are creature of the high mountains and hot deserts, the deep caves and the distant sky. But if it makes you feel better, you can call me Mom." Raile half-bent and licked Mane's forelock, rubbing her forehead with her lower jaw. "Now, head on back to the howdah. We're about to head out. Tonight should see us back at the Crags."
>> No. 99464
Regretfully, Mane returned to the howdah, waiting as the remaining dragons shouldered great saddlebags and stretched, preparing for the long flight. When Raile returned, she drew the howdah's curtains.
"I'm sorry, hatchling, but the location of the Great Crag is a truly important secret. I have to keep you in here, until we reach the final approach."
"...Can you at least have Geode keep me company?"
Raile raised a paw and sat back in surprise. "You've met Geode already? Jarl Rockscale must think highly of you...or Geode does. I'll go and ask."
The curtain slid forward, turning the howdah's interior to shade and half-light, but when Geode joined her minutes later, Mane couldn't have cared less.

The flight was uneventful. Between games of mancala, chess, and riddles, time flew, and before Mane knew it Raile was calling-"Geode! Pull back the curtains! I want Mane to see this."

The curtains fell back, and Mane gasped.
>> No. 99465
Raile's wings fixed in a glide as they flew through a narrow canyon, edged here and there with tenacious trees and hanging moss. As they approached a great mountain of gray stone, topped with a great, rocky dragon's head, Geode smiled.
"Welcome to the Great Crag. That-" Geode pointed to the dragon's head. "-is Dragon Rock, and hold on tight, this is gonna be exciting."
Raile suddenly pulled up into a spiral, the air around them unexpectedly warmer. Carefully, Mane looked over the edge, gulping at the height-and at the roiling river of lava beneath them. Before them, Jarl Rockscale and two other dragons had already landed, and Raile leveled out into a glide before backwinging to a stop in the very mouth of Dragon Rock.

Mane took the opportunity to scramble out of the howdah and clutch at the stone floor of Dragon Rock, panting and letting her heartrate slow.
"Land. Ground. Sweet, wonderful, solid earth. If I'd been meant to fly, I would've been born a Pegasus."

Unsurprisingly, she was beset with laughter from all sides. Even Geode stifled a snigger. At Mane's disappointed expression, however, Raile frowned at the various dragons still snickering. "Be gentle, everyone. She's an Earth Pony; they're not accustomed to flight. Besides, she's got a long day ahead. She's got a lot to see." That said, she nudged Mane up, smiling. "Wait here while I take this cumbersome thing off."
>> No. 99466
The quiet murmur of falling water pricked Mane's ears as she trotted quickly to keep up with Raile's long-striding, sedate pace. Beside them, pillars rose and became arches, statues of majestic dragons and mysterious draconic figures posed; mid-flame, smithing metal, blowing glass, mining. The murmur rose to a mutter, and then to a roar as Raile and Mane stepped out onto a balcony.
Water and lava alike fell in cascades, turning wheels and flowing into forges. Bridges and ziplines crossed here and there, and on cliffs and ledges across the great hollow, dragons and those same strange creatures worked in time, creating a thousand tools, goods, and artworks, all lit by the bright sun falling from the mountain's open top. In shock, Mane padded up to the rail and gazed down-falling water, roaring lava, and the clangor of metalwork forming into a discordant but not entirely unlikeable symphony.
"Welcome, Mane, to Draconum, the finest craftscity in all the world."

Mane was still taking in the sight when the heavy steps of another dragon approached, and she only pulled back when the affable voice greeted Raile.
Turning, Mane saw Raile and another, blue dragon, rubbing necks. The blue was the first to stop, turning to look at the little pony.
"Well, who are you, little one?"
Mane took a deep breath.
"I'm Mane, of Equestria, deputized by Princess Celestia to represent Ponydom."
The words, memorized carefully over the week before her departure, came out of her in a half-rush, nervousness compounded several times over-and with that, and the surprises of the past day, the little filly fainted.
>> No. 99467
Mane awoke, slowly, in a quiet, dim room. The stone around her was a warm, welcoming brown, and straw rustled underhoof. Little hollows lined the walls, some with candles, some without. Rubbing her eyes, she stood, and made her way to the door.

The room below was scaled for several dragons of Raile and Gyre's size, but still felt cozy. A great lantern carved of the same stone as the room dipped from the ceiling, and a mixture of small baskets and nets hung here and there. Alcoves and shelves held statues, candles, and baubles, and two large chairs sat to the sides of the center of the room-Raile in one, and Gyre in the other. Unlike the other two rooms, someone had taken the time to put a pony-style staircase in for Mane's, and she took it gratefully.
Upon reaching the floor, Mane sat quietly and listened to the tail-end of the discussion going on above her.
"...yes, I know we had no choice but to leave Spike with them. We volunteered for diplomatic duty, don't you recall? Since neither of us could exactly grow up again, he was the only possible choice."
"There is that, but..." Gyre paused. "...they don't know any of the traditions. They won't know what it means for him to Choose; he won't learn any of the crafts, won't watch the sunsets from the highest peak..."
"But that's why he went, and Mane came back with us. So we can get to know them, and they can get to know us. He'll learn traditions, just not ours-as Mane will." Raile sighed. "Imagine how she feels, so far from home-Spike'll just be bored; she must have been scared out of her wits. First she gets used to flying, and then I start pulling stunts. She barely gets her hooves back under her before I show her Draconum-which must have been quite a shock-and then you show up, and she remembers, all at once, that not only is she days from home, she's also supposed to be representing her race! At her age, you'd have fainted too!"
Mane sneezed.
>> No. 99468
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That's it, for now. I have more ideas, but haven't fleshed them out yet.

>mfw I read it in his voice
>> No. 99469
Thanks mane, you got some good stuff, I cant wait for the rest of it.
>> No. 99470
it should be safe to go over to /co/ now, the war is finally over, or it just stopped for a bit. One of the two.
>> No. 99472
Yep, there should be a new thread soon though.
>> No. 99473
You guys know that starting a new thread already -when it hasnt even been 10 minutes since the last one went autosage, is just inviting disaster, right? Your giving them a reason to spam us. Also a suppsoed gore spammer showed up. So no, now is not a good time.
>> No. 99474
So as suspected, guadags is an undercover troll. In other news, water is wet
>> No. 99475
Im not saying there WILL be one, Im saying there might be one, meaning it might happen, and it might not happen.
>> No. 99476
no, i was just checking to see if the fighting stopped, and it looked like it did.
>> No. 99477
I used to care more before the trolls started bumping multiple pony threads just to be annoying.
>> No. 99478
unless you want me to go deep cover and figure out there weak spots to use it to our advantages.
>> No. 99479
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>> No. 99480
The upside is that gore is banned outside /b/, so whosoever posts gore, goes away.
>> No. 99481
hey...its a joke! have a sense of humor!
>> No. 99482
It's been said before, but if you use firefox you can always just install Greasemonkey and get some of the 4chan scripts. 4chan Filter lets you hide posts, and in some cases you can auto-hide the spam. It's helpful when the spam is also sageing, because then you can just hide sage posts.
>> No. 99483
too bad the mods come around like once ever 4 hours. I cant stand gore, so those are 4 hours I'm out of the pony loop, and with how strangely I've been obcessing over pony discussion lately, thats a bad thing
>> No. 99484
Now -you- sound like a brony who needs 4chan Filter.
>> No. 99485
I didn't suggest a new thread, I just commented on how I didn't see one on th front page since I woke up. I like it better here.

Don't know if you noticed, but 4chan mods don't do much of a decent job.
>> No. 99486
Indeed, I had acquired it a few days ago and it does wonders against the likes of Sheboodles, however you stay have to manually hide stuff like the guro. And that requires seeing the image. Of which I am still sensitive to and dont wish to become unsensitized too. I'm a guy who gets made at Geoff Johns because he often writes horrible crimes like skinning people alive in his comics.
>> No. 99488
Thats gonna be a lot of threads to delete! But yea, in Brightest Day, the dog tells J'onn they were alive. Also happened in JSA: Classified and some other places. I seem to get in the heads of victims and the thought of such torture if it were happening to me or someone I loved just gives me really bad feelings. Guro is much more direct, who are these people, oh god what happened, what if that happened to em or someone i knew. Its not something I really can control
>> No. 99489
oh, you mean its torture like in the HOSTEL movies?
>> No. 99490
Pretty much. Oh and I left my namefag on. I try to turn it off for things not related to ponies
>> No. 99491
And as expected, new thread is just trolls trollan
>> No. 99493
Posts! Posts is what I meant to say. You're right. Perhaps soon I'll go back and delete all my meta ones
>> No. 99494
And by the way, it's weird. People keep saying Johns is all into Silver Age stuff, but then he comes up with grimdark stuff and retcons. It's a pity.
>> No. 99495
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Well, here's last night/this morning's thread, which I capped and then completely forgot about for, what, nine hours?

I think I'll pass on adding the most recent thread, though.
>> No. 99496
Havent read Flash, but I heard he killed his Mom there to make it all grimdark. Which Barry always seemed sunny to me.
>> No. 99497
What counts as a meta post?
>> No. 99498
Agreed. The weekend business is really starting to pull my pony!
>> No. 99499
Most stuff about what's the trolling in 4chan, other posters, etc, I guess. We don't really need that.

Anyway, what was supposed to be going on in the threads there now? (I mean, aside from the trolling) Let's bring it here. Anyone new converts today?
>> No. 99500
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Well, someone posted this. Still a work in progress.
>> No. 99501
Well, today Mane and Redill updated their fics, Mane uploaded his here, as you can see if you scroll up. I tried my hand at writefaggotry, I'll upload it in a bit
>> No. 99503
>Celestia is evil (or at least a troll)
How so? I'm sure there's a rational explanation for all her "trolling."
>> No. 99504
Wild fan theory, but her imprisoning her own baby sister on the moon for a thousand year for a small offense was seen as harsh by some fans. They came up with the:

"Hey Luna? You want the moon to hang out a little later than normnal tonight?"
*teleported to the moon*

The troll thing comes from the latest episode where she knows TW has 5 friends but only gives her one extra ticket
>> No. 99505
She also trolled Spike at the end for good measure.
>> No. 99506
We need a growing copypasta for this, actually.
>> No. 99507

One could say the rational reason would be that she wants Twilight Sparkle to live a richer and happier life by opening herself to the joys of friendship, and Celestia does so by putting her trough trials to make her understand this.

Celestia wants Twilight Sparkle to grow to live up to the great potential she sees in her.

MLP:FiM isn't just about friendship, it's about becoming an adult.


There might be a more complex or sinister explanation, but seen the nature of the show until now, this seems to me like the most probable.
>> No. 99508
>> No. 99509
>imprisoning her own baby sister on the moon for a thousand year
She imprisoned her sister "forever" rather than kill her. She was probably overjoyed when she found out about the escape clause.
>for a small offense
Eternal night is no laughing matter. Without sun, the entire ecosystem would be completely fucked in short order.

>she knows TW has 5 friends but only gives her one extra ticket
She put Twilight on the guest list, and her secretary sent the same "[INSERT_NAME_HERE] plus one" invitation that everypony on the list got. Note how it doesn't include the words "faithful student" anywhere.
>> No. 99510
Sounds like wild fan theories, all right. Its still fun to think about, even if you're right (which you are)
>> No. 99513
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So guys, about those ponies. Lets connect all the ideas for fun and its probably a better topic than discussing trolls.
1) Equetria is a planet in the Kree Territories
2) Celestia is evil (or at least a troll)
3) DocMelonhead's Pony God exists or existed at one time, as stated in the fan fic posted in here
4) the guards have gay slave sex (as posted in last nights fapfics)
5) Pinkie's parents are dead; she is the night
6) The Kree have enlisted Pony help in fighting Blastaar (in Rillis' fanfic)
7) The Dragons make for War and have traded offspring with the pony people in a bid for peace (in Mane's fanfic)
8) Dash is a super omega-level lesbian

Anything else we can connect?
>> No. 99514
Twilight Sparklechrist, Prince and Angel are figments of pony imaginations. I should probably post the fic that these posts are referring to
>> No. 99515
Twilight was alone with Princess Celestia inside Celestia's throne room. The shadows cast from the torches didn't dare budge. The tension was thick. Twilight Sparkle once again repeated her question, anger and confusion mixing in her words "Why?! Why would you do that to Luna?! I know what you did!"
Celestia smirked and replied nonchalantly. "Do you really know? A few months with your new friends and a few books suddenly makes you smart enough to be privy to the inner workings of a demiurge? Don't be naive, Twilight. You can never realize the gravity of the situation. Now run along to Ponyville and continue your lessons."
"No!" Twilight shouted, angered by her princess' apathy. "No, I understand all right. Luna told me all about it! She told me that I'm the chosen one, the successor to both your thrones, and that I need to beat you!"
>> No. 99516
I say this.
>> No. 99517
This caught Celestia's attention. Her eyes narrowed and her attitude of apathy quickly morphed into one of intense anger. "Really now?! Luna told you all this!? She couldn't, she was under a spell!"
Twilight took her turn to smirk. "She didn't outright say it, but she put together enough clues for me to figure it out. I am your best student, after all." Twilights smirk disappeared. "Now why? Why would you do that to your own sister? Why would you hide my destiny from me! I dont even want it!"
>> No. 99518
Celestia stepped off her golden throne and started to pace. Her intensity relaxed and her sinister smile returned. "Alright, Twilight. I'll explain it all to you. But know there's nothing you can do about it. I've known all this time what you were, I've known far beyond you were conceived. Luna and I are demiurges, but once we were a true god, one that rivaled the very stars. But we were split asunder by cosmic events so great they are far beyond your comprehension. I inherited the day whilst Luna inherited the night. This you know. We were also given the knowledge that one day, a remnant of our godhood would be born and that we would reunite."
>> No. 99519
Twilight's eyes followed Celestia as she strolled the throne room, "But if thats true, then why would you lock her up? It sounds like you dont want to reunite..."
"Oh, I do. However it is Luna who fails to understand this. She was perfectly happy with co-governing this pebble you call Equestria. She wasn't going to remove her powers willingly and I was unable to remove them from her due to my kinship. So I undertook a grand plan. I locked her away on the moon for a millennia, enough time for her to desire revenge and allow it to consume her. I also fabricated the legend of Night Mare Moon."
>> No. 99520
"Who was there to question you about it?" Twilight commented. "You are a pony goddess."
"Indeed." Celestia chuckled. "I can say whatever I please and you insects eat it up."
"So teaching me the power of friendship..." Twilight's eyes darted back and forth in thought.
"Was the only way of unlocking your inner magicks and moving Luna's godhood from." Celestia answered. She stopped her pacing and stepped up to Twilight.
"Where-Where did it move to?!" Twilight hopped up, already knowing the answer.
"Into you!" Celestia moved her face right in front of Twilights. "In.To.You. Your are now two thirds of the celestial equine god. You just need me and soon you- we - will become something far greater than mere demiurges. A power to shake the heavens."
"But what becomes of me?! Of you!?" This was all over Twilights head. Luna had warned her of Celestia plotting some kind of scheme endangering all of Equestria, but Twilight never suspected something like this.
"Oh you and Luna and I will merge into one new being, the true Equine god. Twilight, Celestia, Luna, they won't exist anymore." Celestia replied matter of factly.
>> No. 99521
"So you just want to resign, end your eternal life then?!" Twilight never guessed this was all an elaborate plot for a deity's suicide.
"Oh, on the contrary." Celestia returned back to her throne. "My ambitions have never been greater. with this new godhood, we will return equine-kind from the evolutionary dead end they are now into an empire of culture and physical prowess beyond the manticores, serpents, and even the dragons. Our empire will move beyond this cosmic shard of sand and across the galaxy. We will become a power that dwarfs the Badoon, the Kree, and even the Shi'ar. We will become as an abstract, and our empire all of realities, neigh, all the realities!"
"You're insane!" Twilight gasped. "I haven't even heard of all these things! I didn't even know there were people beyond the stars! And you wasn't to conquer them as well as everyone on Equestria!"
"Conquer?" Celestia smiled. "Such a harsh word. Unite under a loving and all powerful abstract law of the universe."
>> No. 99522
"If we all merge, then there would be no way you could dictate your will over us! Luna and I would stop you, even if we had the same body!" Twilight practically roared. "Luna and I wouldn't merge anyhow, we want no part in this god craziness you're talking about! My friends and I will stop you! equestria doesn't deserve a monarch like you!"
"Oh your friends can't help you now!" Celestia laughed. "My guards have seen to that!"
"No!" Twilight shouted.
"Oh yes, can't you see that you have no say in this." Celestia cackled. "Now you will either join with me willingly, or I will defeat you and do it myself!"
>> No. 99523
Celestia's horn flashed into a blinding white, momentarily knocking Twilight off her guard. Before she could teleport away, she felt a heavy blow from some piece of furniture being telekinetically thrown onto her. But just as it begun, it ceased, saving Twilight her last breath.
"don't worry Twilight! We got this!" A familiar voice stated confidently. Twilights eyes began to focus as she saw her five friends at her side.
"B-but how?" Twilight uttered weakly.
"Don't worry about that hun, you let us fight this one for you!" Applejack replied.
"We heard everything Celestia!" Rarity spoke up.
"If you think the dragons will let this happen, you're crazier than we thought!" Spike growled.
"And I'm sure the other animals wont like it one bit either!" Fluttershy scowled.
Pinky stepped in front of the others, her face dead serious. "Guardians of the Galaxy, agent Pinky Pie. you're under arrest for conspiring a plot to endanger the galaxy. Want me to read you your rights?" Pinky smirked.
Equestria laughed so hard she could feel her sides aching. "You-you think you can win this? You're serious?"
(thats all I got now, didnt know if it was worth continuing)
>> No. 99524
Outline of Pony Legends
Prologue: The creation of Equestria
Chapter 1: Goddesses of Night and Day
Chapter 2: Rise of Pony
Chapter 3: Twilight Wars
Chapter 4: Cavalry of the Round Table
Chapter 5: Pity and Punishment
Epilogue: The Millennial Prophecy
>> No. 99526
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>> No. 99527
keep going, that was great, i want more, MORE!
>> No. 99528
Oh boy, more fanfic! Looking great so far, I'm liking all the new theories about why Luna was imprisoned. I KNEW there was something fishy about Celestia! Eternal love and friendship my ass.

I like to writefag on /co/ sometimes, but does anyone here have any requests?
>> No. 99529
Pinkie in I AM THE NIGHT: a fan fiction
>> No. 99530
Also the Rillis writer is posting his stuff later
>> No. 99534

You got it, brony. Keep an eye out for it later tonight.


Win! I've been trying to read along, but I can't be on /co/ as often as I'd like.
>> No. 99537
Personally all this "Bitch Celestia" stuff is tiring me out. Writefags: anyone interested in fielding some good, simple fluff?
>> No. 99541

What characters? The original series is basically fluff, heh.
>> No. 99544
Well, true. But we only get 30 minutes a week. :(
As for characters... how about Pinkie Pie and Applejack in the kitchen?
>> No. 99545

Too true! But I am glad to help out my fellow pony fans as we collectively jones for the next episode. I will be double-writing Bat-Pie at the same time, so we'll see how that works out, ha!
>> No. 99558
Batpink, as requested! I've been posting it in smaller sections over on /co/, so those are what those little dashes signify. Have fun!

"Wow, Rainbow Dash, I think that was the highest you've ever flown!" Applejack cried, trotting over to her blue friend as she landed lightly on the ground, tossing her rainbow-colored mane over her shoulder.

"Yeah, probably." Rainbow Dash grinned cockily, surveying her beaming circle of friends. "But didja see how fast I went? I mean -"

"Yeah! You were like, WHOOOOSH! And we were like EEEEEK IS SHE GONNA CRASH? but you were like NO DUDE, I'M JUST PLAYIN, and we were like YAYYYYYY and you were like ZOOOOM! WHOOSH! FWOOOOSH!" Pinkie Pie exploded in glee, bouncing from hoof to hoof in an agitated dance of raw excitement, describing Rainbow Dash's flight of fancy with a myriad of sweeping hoof-motions, alternating her imitations of Rainbow Dash with her friends. "ZOOM KAPOW WHOOSH! And we were all WOOOOOOOOOAH and you were like YEAHHH I'M THE BEST FLIER and we were like YAAAAAY RAINBOW DASH! And then you landed and were like YEAH DID YOU SEE HOW HIGH I FLEW and we were like YEAH THAT WAS THE BEST THING EVER! And then I was like YEAH YOU FLEW SO HIGH, IT WAS LIKE THIS: WHOOOOSH-"

"Oh, gee, look at the sunset!" Twilight Sparkle interjected sharply, noting the way Fluttershy's eyes were beginning to glaze over. "Looks like it's time for us to head home!"


"I got a great idea, why don't y'all come on over to the barn tonight? We could have a sleepover!" Applejack whinnied, pigtails bouncing as she looked from friend to friend. "We just hauled out this year's crop to the storage shed, there'll be plenty of room before we harvest the next orchard!"

"Oh, a sleepover sounds ever so much fun!" Fluttershy beamed, glancing over to Rainbow Dash and their other friends. "You're coming too, right?"

"Oh YEAH I am! I wouldn't miss a sleepover for the world!" Rainbow Dash grinned, launching herself into the air, performing a sudden somersault in her excitement. "This'll be the BEST! SLEEPOVER! EVER!!"

"We can have baked apples, and popped apple-fluff, and sugared apple slices, and-"

"That sounds ... pretty nice, actually." Twilight Sparkle interjected, a small smile curving her oft-stoic mouth. "Should I bring anything? Applejack's got the snacks, who's going to -"

"I'll provide the latest, most beautiful, most magNIFICENT pajamas, darlings!" Rarity interrupted, struggling not to mimic Pinkie Pie's happy dance from earlier. Her eyes widened and shone with joy, almost seeming to glow in her fevered imaginings. "They will be the most incredible - most fashionable - oh, I must run home right now and get to work! I can hardly wait!"

"Okay, so Rarity's got the pajamas, Applejack has food covered, and I -"

"I'll get the sleeping bags!" Rainbow Dash whinnied, pausing briefly from where she was currently cartwheeling over their heads. "I'll be there and back at Applejack's pad in ten - no, five! - seconds flat! Someone time me!" She laughed, and took off like a shot, disappearing from sight.


"Okaaay, we have food, bedding, and apparel covered, what else is there?" Twilight Sparkle frowned, then glanced back to their last friend, the only one not currently absorbed in the planning. "What do you wanna bring, Pinkie Pie? Some hot sauce? A silly song about sleepovers, perhaps?" Twilight Sparkle teased her gently, knowing that nothing short of a freight train could put a damper on the pink pony's mood.

"Oh, I can't come to the sleepover."

"CAN'T COME TO THE SLEEPOVER?!" All of the ponies gaped as one, eyes widening to saucer-like levels of shock.

"Who can't come?" Rainbow Dash asked as she zipped back into view, all four legs burdened with sleeping bags in various rainbows of color.

"But Pinkie, you /have/ to come, we're going to have so much fun!" Fluttershy protested in her soft, shy way, her eyelids lowering sadly.

"Well, tonight's the first night of the korblunk meteor shower, you know." Pinkie Pie beamed to her surrounding friends, thoroughly un-distressed by being forced to miss the sleepover. "And korblunk meteor showers are the besbestBEST time to eat hot sauce-covered cupcakes! I've been planning for weeks, I can't possibly miss this opportunity! But I hope you guys have lots of fun with your sleepover, too."

"Well, I guess if your mind's made up..." Twilight Sparkle murmured a little sadly, surprised to realize that she would be missing the spastic pink pony from their sextet. Now they would only be a quintet! "I hope you have fun."

"Yes, Pinkie, have a good time." Fluttershy added softly, trying to mask the gentle disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, with your gro- delicious cupcakes and all." Rainbow Dash substituted quickly as she caught a heated glance from Rarity.


"Thanks girls! I'll seeya tomorrow!" Pinkie Pie chirped, bouncing once in place before taking off down the opposite side of the street, bouncing merrily out of sight.

"I hope she won't be lonely." Fluttershy murmured softly, watching the brightly-bouncing pony until she disappeared from sight.

"Nah, she'll be fine. She'll probably show up tonight and have no clue she was even invited." Twilight Sparkle mumbled, rolling her eyes as she followed the others down the path to Applejack's homestead, their laughter fading into the night.

Pinkie Pie bounced her way down several streets, passing by all of her daytime hangouts - the candy shop, the soda fountain, the saddle-smith - until she had left the boundaries of Ponyville entirely, her bouncing becoming far more subdued as she drifted into the shadows. No, she couldn't enjoy the company of her friends tonight; she had a mission to complete.

Her hooves had become silent as they carried her from shadow to shadow, her usual bouncing abandoned for her nighttime stalk, as silent and deadly as any manticore's. It was only a matter of moments before she found herself before the Evergreen Forest - or, as she knew it more fondly, home.


Pinkie Pie's parents hadn't intended to abandon her, not really. If they had the choice, they'd still be around, she just knew it. And she had her Granny Pie, so it wasn't like she was all alone, right?

The forest had once been the place she'd been most afraid of in the world. After what she'd witnessed there -

Nope, not thinking about that. She busied her mind with the mundane efforts of her costume, buckling all of the clasps tightly, making certain she didn't put the mask on backwards (again). Trying not to trip over the cape, she stepped towards the shaded pool of water, examining her appearance, checking to make certain that any of her bouncy pink hair didn't peek out from under her dark-colored disguise.

Granny Pie hadn't asked too many questions, after she'd seen the bloody scene left behind in the Evergreen forest. She'd thought all of her daughter's family was destroyed, eaten up in one mighty gulp by the manticores that were said to live in the shadowed boughs. What else could have happened? There were no bodies, just the bloody smear and the unmistakable pawprints of the mighty lion-like creatures. But then she'd seen the little flash of pink, quivering in terror in the underbrush. After that nightmare, how could she ask the little filly to relive that night?

She had hoped the little filly was too small to remember what had happened that night, and when Pinkie had grown into a thriving, exuberant young filly, she'd been inwardly relieved. Surely, she must have no memory of that night, if she was such a giggly filly.

But Pinkie Pie did remember.

Sure, what she remembered was spotty, and inconclusive, but she knew one thing for sure: there was someone out there to punish, and as long as they lived, she would not rest until that monster had been brought to justice.


"Miss Pie, your grandmother would not like you running around at night like this, you know."

"I know, Francois." Pinkie Pie sighed, her cape fluttering behind her as she stepped into the low, heavily-shaded clearing. It hadn't been easy, finding the hidden cavern and then clearing it out. And it had been even more difficult to weave the brambles and stinging nettles around the wooden frame, forming a sort of living door to cover the wide opening. Unless you knew where to find the small tunnel to crawl through, you'd simply think it was an unremarkable flourish of greenery on the side of a mountain. It seemed impossible to do, looking back on it, but she'd gotten it done.

But the hardest step, without question, had been going back into the forest. She had been so afraid of the forest for so many of her fillyhood years, she wouldn't even go to the shops closest to the edge of town, for fear of catching sight of it. But in her own, soothing way, her Granny Pie had encouraged her.

"If you see anything scary, dear girl," she had beamed, her hooves dusty with flour as she kneaded the dough for her next pie, "just laugh at it! Then it loses all its power over you, y'see? Now pass me that jalapeno, I need a garnish."

Pinkie Pie came back to herself, realizing that Francois had been standing in silence for several moments, waiting for her to speak. Her eyes landed on the cream-colored stallion with a new, fervent energy, ignoring the way his mustache twitched gently when she awoke from her reverie.

"What's the news in the forest, Francois?"


"It would appear that the latest signs of the manticore have ... vanished."

Pinkie Pie looked up sharply from where she'd been working on her toolbelt, attempting to add on a Tabasco-sauce bottle holder. "Pardon?"

"That is precisely it." The stallion repeated, stepping a little closer to the filly, holding out the bit of leather that she was searching for. "The tracks that you had been following? They were not there when I arrived this morning. I had gone to make the plaster imprint, and they had been scraped away."

"The rain, perhaps." Pinkie Pie said simply, her eyes locked on her toolbelt, her frown increasing as she screwed the new holder into place. "Or another animal."

"No, Miss Pie. This kind of degradation would not have happened overnight." Francois said simply, letting the words hang in the air, heavy and deadly cold, like some kind of malignant disease.

Pinkie Pie sat quietly for a moment, her screwdriver held tightly between her teeth before she slowly set it aside. "So it would seem that these forests are no longer as inhospitable to ponykind as we thought."
>> No. 99559
night all, im dying over here, and am prolly gunna pass out if i dont go to sleep now(its happened b4) so hope you all have pony dreams when you DO descide to go to sleep(incluging myself). peace.

btw; >>99558
goddammit, thank you man! you just saved my ass! i fuckin love you for this! you should get into writing, your really, really good. (omg! i just typed really with 3 l's! shows you how fucked my typing is when im tired!)
>> No. 99560
File 128850816783.png - (406.15KB , 634x357 , nightmaremoon.png )
>> No. 99562
>> No. 99563

All right, got the first two 'chapters,' I'll write more when I can, probably not more than a couple of days. Hope you enjoy, anon!


"Look, puddin', there's no way I'm teaching you to cook. No way, no how."

"C'moooooooon, Applejack, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- GASP eeeeeeeeeeeease!" Pinkie Pie begged, rolling onto her knees as Applejack began to walk away, grabbing a hold of her tail to plead more efficiently.

"You be best lettin' go of my tail, or else I'll hafta get Big McIntosh in here to step on you." Applejack grumbled, attempting to leave the kitchen, to no avail.

"B-But, but Applejack, I don't know how to make ANY of the delicious apple-things your family is named after!" Pinkie whimpered, her eyes widening to glassy, tearful circles, the promise of tears glistening wetly. "I don't know how to make any apple strudels, or apple fritters, or apple pies, or apple - roast, or apple soup, or -"

"Ain't no such thing as apple soup!" Applejack said stoutly, turning back to frown at Pinkie Pie, although there was no real heat in her words. "Apple stock, maybe, but y'can't just boil an apple and drink it!"

"But see, that's why I need you to SHOW me!" Pinkie Pie cheered up immediately, her teary eyes widening in ecstasy. "You and me, we can cook together, it'll be so funfunfun! We can pretend we have a cooking show, like the ones they have during the baking festival!"

"Now, wait a golden-delicious minute--"


"Oh dear."


Applejack looked Pinkie Pie over more than a little dubiously, tying on her own apron before attempting to tie one onto the bouncy pink pony before her. "Hold still, Pinkie, we gotta get you suited up before we start."


"Knock it off, Pink!" Applejack whinnied, giving her tail a little tug before she trotted over to the Apple Family pantry. A massive thing, as it had to feed not only herself, but Granny Smith, the Delicious brothers, and Big McIntosh and Apple Bloom, among others. She trotted into the expansive room, eyeing the shelves of food before selecting a few choice ingredients and returning to where Pinkie bounced in the center of the kitchen.

"What first, what first?" She danced from hoof to hoof, eyes wide with excitement.

"Okay. We're gonna make an apple pie, from Granny Smith's recipe, which means it's from scr-- why are you giggling?" Applejack asked abruptly, turning back from where she'd been unloading pots and pans from their cupboards, watching as Pinkie Pie tried to contain her giggles.

"Hee hee!! Well, don't you SEEEEEE?" She grinned, tail bobbing as she bounced her way over to her friend's side. "Apple! Pie! You know, like Applejack and Pinkie Pie! It's us!"

Applejack glanced down at the ingredients, then gave a small shrug, a small chuckle escaping her as she set the bowls into place. "Well, you got that right, sugar. Now, first thing we're gonna need is two cups'a flour; pass me that measuring cup!"
>> No. 99579
any threads up at the moment? and also good morning all
>> No. 99581
someone needs to add this to the wall of friendship b4 it 404's, and i think its on page 8, or 9, i dunno

>> No. 99585
File 128854733241.jpg - (57.15KB , 1013x294 , tba to the wall of friendship.jpg )
heres the cap, it was on page 7, my bad
>> No. 99587
File 128854808965.jpg - (57.20KB , 1013x294 , tba to the wall of friendship.jpg )
pic edit
>> No. 99590
File 128855029964.jpg - (1.38MB , 1000x2320 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99591
File 128855064947.jpg - (189.34KB , 831x471 , 300post.jpg )
All them 300s...
>> No. 99592
oh yeah, but this thread alone is about 914? 915? i dunno, ill check it out later, but when this reaches 1000+ were replacing the 364 cap with the 1000+ cap
>> No. 99599
I love this.
>> No. 99603
File 128855954492.png - (69.00KB , 965x279 , Mareschach's journal.png )
Don't know if this was made affectionately or out of spite but it's still funny.
>> No. 99606
Request for all drawfags. Mind drawing John Marston from Red Dead Redemption tipping his hat to Applejack, while her either doing the same or just blushing a little? Thanks in advance should I be offline whether the request is done or not.
>> No. 99607
Thread just went and 404's on us gentlemen
>> No. 99608
WTF!? the other thread just 404'd before its time!
>> No. 99609
File 128856348884.jpg - (62.04KB , 640x480 , Photo_00623.jpg )
>> No. 99610
...Sorry. It was getting kinda /b/ there, I might've had to do with it.
>> No. 99611
no it wasn't
>> No. 99612
Huh, thought it was kinda tame compared to how other *coughgurospammercough* trolls roll. Though I was in a Phineas and Ferb thread for the last ten minutes so maybe it went to hell then. Little warning next time, brony?
>> No. 99613
Nah, I just started arguing with that "mr hate" character who got there trolling. Though to be fair, I was pulling more punches than he was.
>> No. 99614
Well, there's already this thread.


I guess we can relocate there.
>> No. 99615
Oh, the spanish stuff, didnt think anyone noticed it. Mr. Hates in every thread and always trolls, but usually he's pretty easily ignored. He only starts to get irritating if theres a dozen other trolls in the thread.
>> No. 99616
File 128856409761.jpg - (43.70KB , 560x321 , john-marston1.jpg )
I second this.
>> No. 99617
There's also this thread.


Stupid /co/ mods delete the main one for no reason and leave all these? Useless.
>> No. 99618

It still doesn't seems like a good reason to delete a thread.
>> No. 99619
Might be jackass janitor at it again, who knows.
>> No. 99620
Well the thread owner stated here >>99613 that he deleted himself, supposedly. But the janiters do have a habit of doing that
>> No. 99621
Where's everyone getting that? I thought he just said his arguing might have had something to do with it getting deleted.
>> No. 99622
Precisely, that was me. Don't know what happened for sure.
>> No. 99623
Before the last thread got deleted there was a discussion about what happened to Dash since she obviously never got accepted into the Wonderbolts, someone had said that she probably fucked up infront the audience and the Wonderbolts and someone had said then she became a supervillian so.... Birth of a super villain?
Bat Pink: So it was you who was sabotaging the Wonderbolts!
Dash: Of course I have! After all those years of training I should have been accepted! But no, even after I pulled the Mach Trot and all the other tricks that I dazzled the audience and surpassed the Wonderbolts. But they still wouldn't accept me. Forcing me to perform my signature move! But then that dastardly airheaded pink filly distracted me by attempting to fly at we with cardboard wings strapped to her fore legs, causing me to crash in the Gala's main honey bran frosted cake. Not only was I kicked out of the Gala, but as a laughing stock of Canterlot as well.
Bat Pink: *heehee* That was pretty funny.
Dash: SHUT UP! IT TOOK ME WEEKS TO GET THAT STUFF OUT OF MY MANE! Anyways, if the Wonderbolts would not accept me and live in fame then-
Bat Pink: Yeah yeah neither would they blah blah blah just get to the part of announcing your super villain name.
Bat Pink: ..... That's it?
Red Baroness: What? Something wrong with it, BAT PINK.
>> No. 99624
Before the last thread got deleted there was a discussion about what happened to Dash since she obviously never got accepted into the Wonderbolts, someone had said that she probably fucked up infront the audience and the Wonderbolts and someone had said then she became a supervillian so.... Birth of a super villain?
Bat Pink: So it was you who was sabotaging the Wonderbolts!
Dash: Of course I have! After all those years of training I should have been accepted! But no, even after I pulled the Mach Trot and all the other tricks that I dazzled the audience and surpassed the Wonderbolts. But they still wouldn't accept me. Forcing me to perform my signature move! But then that dastardly airheaded pink filly distracted me by attempting to fly at we with cardboard wings strapped to her fore legs, causing me to crash in the Gala's main honey bran frosted cake. Not only was I kicked out of the Gala, but as a laughing stock of Canterlot as well.
Bat Pink: *heehee* That was pretty funny.
Dash: SHUT UP! IT TOOK ME WEEKS TO GET THAT STUFF OUT OF MY MANE! Anyways, if the Wonderbolts would not accept me and live in fame then-
Bat Pink: Yeah yeah neither would they blah blah blah just get to the part of announcing your super villain name.
Bat Pink: ..... That's it?
Red Baroness: What? Something wrong with it, BAT PINK.
>> No. 99628
You can always delete that post.
>> No. 99630
New pony thread is a mix of /tg/ and /toy/. If your getting into toys, try these posted links http://www.mlptp.net/tutorials/

>> No. 99633
Well, the current thread was going well, a fine mix of /co/, /tg/, and /toy/ but now its being gurospammed
>> No. 99634
1. Install 4chan Filter.
2. Auto-hide gorespam.
3. ??????
4. Profit!
>> No. 99636
*>mfw we outclassed /a/,/v/,/tg/,/co/ and /toy/ in one thread.

>Then a retard comes along with the worst of /b/.

>no face necessary to show
>> No. 99637
sad thing is, its not anime gore, its REAL PEOPLE!
>> No. 99638
It was a sweet as hell thread. Apparently the mods havent bothered to ban him or he's just proxying
>> No. 99641
>> No. 99642
File 128857186894.jpg - (361.42KB , 932x718 , yum.jpg )
>> No. 99643
>> No. 99644
Hey that's new! Cool!
>> No. 99645
>> No. 99647
File 128857267729.png - (1.36KB , 200x200 , shutupguadags.png )
>> No. 99648
yay! more macros for me!
>> No. 99649
you also just made my day!
>> No. 99651
guess what....i just won!
>> No. 99653
Anyway, apparently NMM is pretty popular around the net. Maybe she'll get another shot, seeing how Lauren is monitoring a bunch of MLP sites
>> No. 99654
>> No. 99655
Nightmare Moon
>> No. 99658
Getting "couldnt cnnect to recaptcha", is 4chan broken again?
>> No. 99659
File 128857597076.jpg - (1.39MB , 1000x2320 , Madness.jpg )
Night Mare Moon
>> No. 99660
File 12885760381.jpg - (103.17KB , 1024x1280 , 1288576190311.jpg )
Here you go pony friends. Something to play around with a bit.
>> No. 99662
Someoen care to explain what are these? I know its DnD alignments, but I could never remember the differences between them
>> No. 99663
>> No. 99664
So far, who could ever be CE? Either Celestia or some villain from G1.
>> No. 99665
I'm guessing Tirec? But I havent watched G1 so I dont really know
>> No. 99666
The funny thing about G1 is...it's hard to peg anyone down. Tirec sure is evil alright, but...is he chaotic? His whole plot was, "I need ponies to turn into dragons to pull my chariot! For some reason! Mwahahaha!"

...I guess that's more chaotic than it is lawful or neutral.
>> No. 99667
Celestia, no doubt about it
>> No. 99668
File 128857641851.jpg - (262.26KB , 794x711 , Robot_Unicorn_Attack_by_Papaleo.jpg )
Tyrac is Chaotic evil. Celestia is Lawful Evil. NNM is possibly neutral evil maybe?
Also, RU is in the HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE alignment
>> No. 99669
File 128857696439.png - (471.70KB , 1027x973 , 1287650449450.png )
He also wanted the world to be covered in darkness and needed ponies to be changed into demonic dragons to pull his chariot to see his work not giving a damn of the consequences on the environment and the inhabitants of the world. seems pretty damn evil to me
>> No. 99670
File 12885783587.jpg - (40.75KB , 691x627 , wonyrarity.jpg )
More stuff from last night. Did anyone go to last nights livestream with Die Hard? I wasnt there to see what happened
>> No. 99671
File 128857838364.jpg - (49.54KB , 800x800 , stilletoes.jpg )
>> No. 99672
File 128857842137.png - (372.95KB , 800x800 , aiyiyiyiyiyi.png )
>> No. 99673
File 128857850079.jpg - (15.47KB , 350x263 , handsomepony.jpg )
>> No. 99675
Wise Pez here, there was?! Oh shit I can't believe I missed that, fuck my job.
>> No. 99676
File 128857858845.jpg - (124.49KB , 1600x800 , lineaet.jpg )
A scene from FFX, for those who get it
>> No. 99679
File 128857876762.jpg - (17.44KB , 317x238 , NMrepulsa.jpg )
>> No. 99680
File 128857878998.jpg - (68.33KB , 850x777 , poormcintosh.jpg )
>> No. 99681
Thats what I heard. Maybe he'll be back tonight? Though things look kinda hostile on /co/ now. Someones trying to bait /new/ into a MLP war
>> No. 99682
I looked at /new/ for the first time ever because of those posts, just to see if "our shit" really was finding its way over there. The place already looks like /b/ jr.--they don't need us to make it worse.
>> No. 99684
We want you to continue it, 4chan demands it!!
>> No. 99685
It sort of is, with the benefit of being somewhat related to a topic (the news, though not jewish left wing nazi propaganda media hypocrasy "you" call the news bullshit)
>> No. 99687
Seriously? He's stooped so low as to do that?
>> No. 99688
Theres a thread on /new/ right now if you want to take a look. Thats why were being wikibombed with news articles for the last few threads
>> No. 99689
Alright, I'll postulate plot points these very eve
>> No. 99690
Well, as retarded as that is, at least it's not /b/ shit.

Better yet, +4chan demands!
>> No. 99692
Wow, apparently Equestria siphons magic out of young pegacorns, tortures them, and either eats them or makes them into derp ponies. Granny Apple was one such victim, and Celestia stole her hips
>> No. 99693
no, just Princess Celestia
>> No. 99694
Well I just went to see /new/ on how much damage the troll was causing. Turns out, it was really insignificant since it was only one thread, i think, even brave /co/mmrad even put up an apologetic post. Seems to have work or maybe /new/ just got tired of trying spam us rather quickly. Either way, the troll failed, lets hope it stays that way so it doesn't happen to any other boards.
>> No. 99695
Just keep ignoring/blocking the trolls. They get bored.

I set my filter to block posts that have the news site he was spamming from anywhere in the message.
>> No. 99696
Nope just black hearted Clelestia, in her quest for godhood and dominance.
>> No. 99697
File 128858565931.png - (559.70KB , 1200x800 , DELIVER_US.png )
Speaking of
>> No. 99698
if i sleep tonight, it will be because of that pic! thank you
>> No. 99699
Finally admitting it now aren't you?
>> No. 99700
File 128858740728.png - (317.37KB , 798x774 , THE_PLAGUES.png )
And to accompany it
>> No. 99701
so I hear we're at 1000 now?
>> No. 99702
File 128858760211.png - (3.37KB , 257x244 , plusthreadwins.png )
>> No. 99703
>> No. 99704
Need some kind of commemorative 1000 pony post picture.
>> No. 99705
and we're only on page 2. We have at least another week before having to reupload all this stuff
>> No. 99706
File 12885879833.jpg - (1.48MB , 1000x2500 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99708
File 128858891244.png - (172.89KB , 800x800 , 1000posts.png )
>> No. 99711
File 128859076639.gif - (208.42KB , 403x296 , 1288566247766.gif )
>> No. 99739
>> No. 99740
dont bother telling me to "shut up", Im a rebel! it will not work! as for calling me a tough guy, i consider that a complement as i have been suspended about 13 times in a span of about 1 year, 10 for fighting, 1 for threating the principal,1 for throwing a kid down a flight of stairs, and one for breaking a Plexiglas window with a apple. so, that being said, don't bother fucking with me, just live with me, and you'll learn, you will have NO problems.
>> No. 99742
shut up guadags
>> No. 99743
finally admiting what?
>> No. 99744
>> No. 99763
No dice?
>> No. 99765
so no 4chan thread?
>> No. 99769
This post isn't about ponys at all!

Get this silly 12 year old off the board, adults are talking about important things!

...I don't even know who I'm making fun of here.
>> No. 99771
File 128864075254.jpg - (55.93KB , 462x263 , smack a bitch.jpg )
>...I don't even know who I'm making fun of here.
good, so don't make fun of me, also, i was gunna post a pony related pic, but couldn't cause apparently, it was a double post
>> No. 99779
Huh? Oh, no, I'm defiantly mocking you. I just don't know if I can bring my self to make fun of anyone for enjoying MLP. I think it's cute too.
>> No. 99781
what the.....?
>> No. 99784
[spoiler] test
>> No. 99786
Need one of those limes pictures with Celestia exclaiming "Why can't I hold all my evil"
>> No. 99788
File 128864550383.jpg - (29.58KB , 300x225 , wemustkillpiggy.jpg )
>> No. 99789
File 128864555941.png - (65.02KB , 208x210 , 12597943302233528041.png )
Go away, dude.
>> No. 99790
KotH is a crap show! MLP can and will kick its ass!
>> No. 99791
sorry, cant delete it, Id love to, I really would, but I cant.
>> No. 99792
I demand a Hank Hill pony!
Make it so!
>> No. 99794
In case anyone missed the memo, we're ignoring guadags now. Talking to him only makes him lamer. Still can't tell if he's a troll of serious.
>> No. 99796

>I just don't know if I can bring my self to make fun of anyone for enjoying MLP. I think it's cute too.

The reasoning for mocking him isn't because he likes MLP, it's because he is so hilariously underage. His >>99740 post sounds like he is at the most, ten years old.

The adolescent way he presents himself and his horrible grammar makes it very simple to single out every post he makes, even when he isn't using a name. Thanks to that, I can filter all of his names, and ignore the posts he makes that the filter doesn't catch without any problems.

In all honesty, I think Mr Hate and a few other name-using trolls contribute more positively to the MLP community, which is sad. At least we can mutually dislike them as trolls (and use our fun response images), not someone who makes us all look bad as a whole due to his juvenile behavior.
>> No. 99797
What happens when my posts are useful?
>> No. 99801
Considering the intelligence you've displayed until now, I'd say that possibility is unlikely enough to safely ignore..
>> No. 99808
im scared! someone on the current thread knows my twitter account!
>> No. 99810
Is there a current Pony thread?
>> No. 99811
>> No. 99829

Oh yes! Let's just give him more attention so he continues, that's a fantastic idea.
>> No. 99833
Is it just me, or is plus $chan not letting people refer to previous posts? Not getting any post numbers up in my text field at all
>> No. 99836
>> No. 99837
Dont know what NoScript is, but yea, clicking a posts number just brings it up in the browsers address bar, but not in the text field, such as http://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/98088.html#i99836
>> No. 99839
works 4 me
>> No. 99840
...did the thread die? what happened? Not even a 404 page anymore
>> No. 99841
>> No. 99843
File 12886620052.png - (31.44KB , 598x99 , Capture.png )
Its still there, pretty much over though.

also captured for the Wall
>> No. 99844
So the thread pretty much just devolved into trolls trolling trolls? And why are we giving the gorespammer so much attention now? Isnt that a bad idea?
>> No. 99845
File 128866249158.jpg - (1.48MB , 1000x2500 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 99848
Just daytime thread syndrome, slow and lacking the more quality Bronies who emerge for evening threads.
>> No. 99849
>> No. 99850
...but it's 10 PM EST.
>> No. 99853
Maybe. Oh, its working now. How strange, but now I cant delete earlier posts. Oh well. How bout them ponies?
>> No. 99855
Everyone knows PST is master race
>> No. 99857
you wanna fucking go?
EST 4 Lyfe
>> No. 99859
don't fight, there both ok, but PST is still a little better, cause you guys have L.A!
>> No. 99861
Deal With It
>> No. 99862
Its saying my password is wrong. I've been deleting my cashe so that might be the source of my woes.
>> No. 99863
L.A has the X-GAMES! thats why i voted 4 PST
>> No. 99864
>mfw it's OO:19 here and 19:13 on plus4chan
>I have idea what's supposed to be my face
>> No. 99865
Gentlemen, what does this have to do with ponies? I get the feeling at least one of you is guadags
>> No. 99866
no, the X-GAMES one was me, the other one was someone else
>> No. 99867
Oh, ok.
>> No. 99868
those were mine, guadags, the rest was the guy in L.A and some guy in NYC(both of which i plan to live in for a year in my life)
>> No. 99869
File 128866465466.jpg - (64.25KB , 1134x800 , Batpink.jpg )
Hey bronies, I'm thinking about trying to continue some more Batpink tonight, but I'm very sure I don't want to do it in the gore-filled thread. Methinks I'll write some and wait for it to 404 and find the next inevitable one.
>> No. 99871
gore filled thread? whats the link to the latest thread(the current one)
>> No. 99872
Do it here and transfer it to a new thread when it inevitably happens
>> No. 99874
whoa whoa whoa, I was just having some innocent, silly fun.

no need to throw around that kind of language.
>> No. 99875
>guadags being used as an insult.
>actually has a valid point.
I'll have to remember this. He's so guadags
>> No. 99876
>> No. 99878
Sup fellers. Seems /co/'s thread is dead. Gonna drawfag for a while. Anyone got any interesting requests?

This. Dont let trolls kill Bat Pink!
>> No. 99879
>> No. 99880
Naw, its still there. It hasnt moved since that Tim bit
>> No. 99881
File 128866579095.png - (646.25KB , 631x710 , 1287972820309.png )
I've been waiting to request a redraw of this, but with Celestia and Luna in the appropriate roles.

...I don't need to explain what the appropriate roles are, do I?
>> No. 99882

I'm backing this one


Here's a pic of Marston >>99616
>> No. 99885
Has there been anymore Mane writefaggotry?

Love that.
>> No. 99886
Not yet, last night Manefag plotted out points he was thinking about expanding on.
>> No. 99887
Alright, starting this one
>> No. 99889
other thread just 404'd
>> No. 99890
Ok, looks like the last thread 404'd (may it not rest in peace), so I thought I'd take a risk and start a new one. So, feel free to join me for more Batpink adventures, which I will also post here in bigger chunks: http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20941294
>> No. 99891
I request Bad Horse of "Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long blog" Posing as Princess Celestria.
>> No. 99892
File 12886683781.png - (139.01KB , 277x363 , bad-horse.png )
Here's a picture of him for reference
>> No. 99893
File 128866853436.jpg - (28.58KB , 275x280 , Bad_Horse.jpg )
and another one
>> No. 99897
File 128866920886.png - (159.13KB , 800x600 , shyadvertisement.png )

Was going to continue the storyboards but figured I'd rather just draw for tonight. So doing some requests until I pass out. Been a busy weekend.
>> No. 99899
File 128866968920.png - (538.98KB , 1200x1200 , marstonponies.png )
Mighty Fine Pony you got there, Mr. Marston, I'd be a shame if something were to happen to it </cougar>

Welcome back!
>> No. 99901
You're getting fast!
>> No. 99904
Thanks. Practice practice practice!

Dont worry, Doc. It'll happen!
>> No. 99911
I watched 20 seconds of it and that picture looks badass as hell
Really wish I could watch more.
Curse my 10gb download limit!
also the music was cool
>> No. 99914
File 128867164356.jpg - (146.11KB , 1108x720 , adventponies.jpg )
Advent Ponies.
>> No. 99916
>> No. 99917
>> No. 99920
File 128867258678.png - (720.06KB , 612x1766 , RaritiesVices.png )
Of all the times. Fixed
>> No. 99922
File 128867294634.png - (212.74KB , 800x800 , badhorseascelestiamugshot.png )
Though its kindahard to tell its bad horse cus he looks like a regular horse...
>> No. 99934
File 12886752034.png - (118.47KB , 800x600 , flutterzoom.png )
>> No. 99935
File 128867524997.png - (155.88KB , 800x600 , cheearrge.png )
>> No. 99936
File 128867530577.png - (155.89KB , 800x600 , charginmahbatarang.png )
>> No. 99937
File 128867534510.png - (96.03KB , 800x600 , shockedpinkie.png )
>> No. 99938
File 128867537926.png - (74.06KB , 600x400 , wutusay.png )
>> No. 99940
File 128867543572.png - (102.95KB , 800x600 , appleploo.png )
Thanks, was fun.
>> No. 99942
Diehard, you're the best! Thanks for sharing!
>> No. 99944
That is most epic.
>> No. 99948
http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/20941303 current pony thread
>> No. 99949
Nice work!
...Kingdom Hearts next?

...Anyway, writefag attempt. Multi-parter. (Not simple, so sorry >>99537)


She almost didn't see it: a blast of searing, purple flame, coming from behind. She twisted to the left, and her nose was filled with the smell of brimstone and singed fur as it flew past her face. Turning her head to look back, she saw its owner: a black-scaled dragon with a large, round body, giant wings and a long neck, staring at her with bileish, yellow eyes.

As it reared its head back to attack again, she swerved in the air, changing direction so that she was flying right at it. Just before the dragon could shoot again, her horn glowed a brilliant light, causing the creature to cover itself, shrieking. As she hovered in front of the dragon, she saw a black miasma begin to seep out from underneath its scales, and out its mouth. Soon the dragons scales had changed, from pitch black to a warm orange.

She withdrew her light from the dragon. It looked at her through foggy, blue eyes, before slowly falling towards the forest below, giant wings slowing its descent. She resisted a strong urge to tend to the creature, and instead turned herself around, making towards her (their) castle.

Similar battles were happening in the distance, with pegasi distracting the turned dragons as the unicorns used their magic to battle with the now-terrifying creatures, lashing at them with lightning and ice. The wounded were tended to by the land ponies, who were also setting up shelters to provide cover for the dragon fire.

However, few on her side were willing to land lethal blows against the dragons. The dragons, their nature twisted, had no such reservations. When she saw three pegasi plummet from the sky in flames, she only flapped her wings harder.

Finally, she reached the castle: the once proud and elegant building was now in ruins, its walls blackened and battered. Littering the ground outside were slain creatures from both sides, all laying just outside a circular area in front of the castle. Within it were her most valiant soldiers, guards and wizards, wearing armors and robes stained dark red.

She came in slowly, gently touching down on the ground. Immediately, the assembled ponies trotted up to her, almost frantically.

“Your Highness!” A pegasus came up to her, looking at her from under a dented helmet. “You're injured! Are you alright?”

“Injured?” It took her a moment, but she suddenly felt a burning pain from where the flame had missed her before. It must've come much closer than she thought. “I'm alright, we have more important things to attend to. Where's Albert?”

“Right here!” An older unicorn (compared to other unicorns, that was) came up to her, his face looking even more aged than usual. He wore only simple clothes, the colors indicating his seniority within her other wizards.

“How are the preparations?” she asked.

“Almost complete. We were ambushed by dragons, and...” He paused, and looked ashamedly at the ground. “I'm sorry, if we hadn't given our all, we wouldn't have held this place, and-”

“It's okay, Albert,” she said, comfortingly. “I understand. If this failed, only more would die.”

“She's coming!”

She snapped her head around towards the woods, seeing a land pony, dressed in armor, dash out of the brush and across the tightrope bridge. “Night Mare Moon's coming! She'll be here any minute!”

“Is there anyone else with her?” Celestia asked as the pony slid to a stop in front of her. “Are there other dragons?”

“No,” the pony panted, collapsing on the ground, his heavy armor clanking, “she's alone. She's...she's just tearing apart anything in her way.”

As if to prove it, an incredible crash was heard from the woods. Looking towards it, Celestia watched as tree tops shook fiercely before disappearing into the forest, one after another. As it got closer, she could see dark, star-spangled appendages through the branches, wrapping around the base of trees and uprooting them from the ground, just to toss them aside.

One, final tree was torn from the ground, and unlike the others, it was thrown towards them. Celestia stood her ground as the tree easily crossed the gorge, before landing branches-first right in front of her, a few leaves brushing her face. It stood with its roots in the air before finally falling over on its side.

Standing across the gorge, where the tree used to be, was (not) Luna. The most obvious change was her size, as she was easily two, maybe three times larger then everyone else, Celestia included. Her once dark fur and feathers were now blacker than the night she represented, and was adorned with a violet armor that covered her hoofs and body. Cold, blue eyes peered out from underneath her helmet, eyes that seemed to lock with Celestia's own.

Suppressing a shiver in her body, Celestia called, “Luna! Please, stop this!”

Her sister smirked cruelly. “'Luna?'” she said, mockingly. “Didn't you get my memo, Celestia? My name is Night Mare Moon now. Strangely, I feel as if that's always been my name.”

“No it's not!” Celestia stamped her hoof, startling those around her. “You're name is Luna! And you're my sister! We're supposed to rule this land side-by-side in peace, not...not turn it into some kind of war!” She took a step forward, motioning towards the fallen bodies with her hoof. “Look! Ponies, dragons, and many more are all dying right now, because of this! You have to stop! Please!”

Her sister stared at her, unblinking, as if she was trying to look deep inside her. Then a deep, unnatural sound came crawling out of her mouth, and Celestia realized that Luna (no, Night Mare Moon) was laughing.

“Stop? Now? When I'm at the brink of victory?” She ran towards the bridge, and instead of moving across it, she leapt into the air, easily flying over it before landing on the other side, not far from them. “Your forces are weak and scattered, and the dragons I created so long ago have finally rediscovered their true purpose! Why in the world would I stop now?”

The dagger she felt in her heart was suddenly dulled. Something in her words had been incredibly off. “Dragons /you/ created? What do you-.”

“Enough!” Celestia had to jump back to avoid being stomped to death. Night Mare Moon glowered at her, a sneer crossing her face. “Celestia, I challenge you for the right to succeed you as sole ruler of Equestria! Should you perish, I will make the night never ending, for all time!”

Celestia backed away, sneaking a quick look behind her, seeing Albert and the other unicorns get into position around the circular area. “And if I win...?”

Night Mare Moon grunted. “Well, then I guess you could have the Sun and Moon back. Not that you'll actually win, of course.”

“We'll see about that,” she said, stopping dead in the center. She nodded at her guards and soldiers, and after some reluctant looks, they backed out of the circle, forming a close-knit perimeter around it. The pegasi took to the air, in a similar formation.

If all went well, even if Night Mare Moon caught on to what was going to happen, she wouldn't be able to escape. Hopefully.

“I'll go first,” the dark equine said, and she charged at the smaller princess, beginning the battle.
>> No. 99950
I've only written a touch more, but here it is.

Both Gyre and Raile turned to look at her, and Mane took a step back, smiling sheepishly. "Uh...hi. I, uh, just woke up, and couldn't help but hear you talking..."

(This part, I haven't fleshed out yet. Raile comforts Mane, makes her a cup of tea with her own flame, and sends her back to bed. Help would be appreciated.)

Morning came, insofar as a slight hint of light and Geode suddenly popping open her door meant "morning." Still, given all her time sleeping, the little filly was quite ready to begin exploring Draconum. After a quick breakfast of flatbread with tea, Geode lead her outside, and Mane found herself awestruck at another of Draconum's marvels-a great glass globe, full of fish, floating on a fount of water in the center of the great, egg-shaped room just outside Raile and Gyre's home. Bridges of rock and metal arched their way toward it, and a second egg formed entirely of platforms lay around it
After a moment's fumbling, Mane found her voice.
"Is everything in Draconum like this?"
Geode turned, tilting his head. "Huh? Well...kinda. Y'see, this is our home city, so everything here has been worked on by generations of dragons. Each wants to leave his mark, or her mark, so they all strive. This room's called the Egg Ayrie. The tenth Jarl before Rockscale commissioned it, and the finest glassblowers, metalsmiths, masons, and planners made it so, over the course of ten years. It's a point of pride for every dragon and kobold in Draconum, especially due to its size-in a pinch, everyone in this city can live here-but most of the crafters have their own apartments in the Belly. Less to travel."
Mane lifted a hoof to shade her eyes, trying to get a good idea of the scale of the Ayrie. "I'll say. How are we going to get across the room?"
Geode smirked.

(If anyone's sufficiently mathy to calculate the size of the Egg Ayrie, please tell me. I can offer what facts I know about Draconum, insofar as they're pulled entirely out of my ass.)

Mane was torn. On one hand, if she closed her eyes, she wouldn't have to watch the Ayrie going past at Entirely Too Fast. On the other, if she kept them open, she'd know if she fell.
She compromised, and squinted, eyes watering. The Zipline moved entirely too fast for her tastes, even on one of the "comparatively slower" cargo trolleys. Geode had grabbed the first handle that came along and flew off at frankly ludicrous speed-and the harnesses that some adult dragons wore instead of flying were entirely too large for her.
So she compromised.
A full minute of desperately wishing for something to cling to later, Mane stumbled off the Zip Trolley and crumpled nervelessly to the ground, waiting for her heart to slow. As she struggled to her feet, she saw Geode striding nonchalantly down from the next level up, grinning impishly.
Once she felt sufficiently stable, Mane stalked over to the dragonet, frowning.
"One of these days, I am going to get you for that, Geode."
Geode's grin just widened. "Aw, c'mon. You'd have had to use the Ziplines sooner or later, better that we just got it over with. It's not that far to the Belly; as a matter of fact, we can walk."
I still need to decide on a design for the Belly, Draconum's crafting district. Right now I'm going for a multilevel "canyon" with lava at the bottom, but if anyone has anything to offer, I'd appreciate the help.

There's some miscellaneous information about Mane's future friends and foes, but I'm torn between asking for help and wanting to introduce you to them personally.
>> No. 99951
Well, for those tired of Celestia being evil, this is the fic for you. Wonder why Albert doesnt have a two parter name like most ponies? Good stuff bro
>> No. 99952
ask for help personally?
>> No. 99956
Like what kind of help are you talking. I think its doing fien, just needs a few tweaks
>> No. 99957
Here's tonight's dose of Batpink, ended up running out of time/energy, but I thought this would be a good cliffhanger to end on for now. Enjoy! And to all the other writefags, keep it up! I love reading all of it. :)


Not even Francois' concerned calls could keep Pinkie Pie in her cave, not when there was some - some /pony/ out there, trying to help a monster escape justice. What kind of pony would do such a thing? Manticores were vengeful and cruel, with no regards except for others of their kind, and even then they'd been known to be cannibalistic. Who would put their neck on the line for something that so clearly cared about nothing but itself?

All four hooves pounded the earth as she galloped through the forest, head down and cape fluttering behind her. Perhaps if she ran fast enough, she could catch this intruder, drive them from her forest. Who else had a right to it, but her? It only seemed fair, after losing so much, that she should be allowed some measure of ownership.

She came to a slow, thoroughly unbouncy stop as she approached the cobbled-stone floors of the Castle of the Two Sisters. She had often come here, when she was feeling particularly upset; it was like an oasis in the center of the inhospitable forest, and it had been the first place she cleared out. Had she not found her bat-filled cave, she would have likely set up her command center here.

"Miss Pie."

Pinkie straightened sharply, unaware until that very moment that she had even lowered her head at all. "Did you run here, Francois?"

Francois did his best to look staunchly annoyed as he tilted his nose upward, his mustache making him look all the more snooty, although the panting ruined the image. "Hardly. But I could not just let you run off into the forest willy-nilly like some kind of - empty-headed filly." He sniffed, earning a small chuckle from the pink pony before him.

"How can I fight this, Francois? It's one thing to try and hunt down a manticore, but - someone came into my forest to help a /monster./ What am I supposed to do about that?" She asked, a hint of her usual high-pitched voice sliding in as she pounded one hoof angrily against the stone floor. "Dammit, Francois! Someone is helping the monster that might have killed my parents!"

"Well, Miss Pie, I have never known you to be someone who gave up easily." Francois said simply, his mustache twitching once before he held still, watching the younger pink pony stand silently, mulling over his words.

"You're right, Francois." She murmured, turning her head to face him, her eyes unreadable behind the mask that hid all but her pink muzzle. "It looks like I'll have to return to Ponyville."


"I am the terror, I am the night/
Gonna find you and fight fight fight!/
Look out bad guys, avoid my sight:/
Here comes Batpink, Green Lantern's Light!"

Pinkie Pie chirped out the energetic, whispered song to herself as she bounced from building to building, her hooves near-silent on the beams and shingles as they disappeared under her hooves. She wasn't sure what a 'green lantern light' was, but she'd heard someone mention it once, and she thought it was pretty catchy. She could try and fix her song before she came upon any REAL baddies, anyway; she needed to just find something else that rhymed with 'night.'

"Bite? Fright? Might? 'Here comes Batpink, fear her might!'" She whispered to herself, feeling the words roll over her tongue, debating their merit. "Not too shabby, Batpi- what ho!" She whispered, flattening herself to the top of one building as she heard something rustle beneath her, on the street below. The manticore! Or perhaps his wicked Ponyville helper, the Mani-Helper! Slowly, she crept up to the edge of the building, the pointed ears of her mask twitching forwards in time with her own ears, straining to make out what was being said.


"... have to order more rainbowberries, they're going out of season soon and all the ponies are buying them up like mad."

"Really? Well, what about cutting the rainbowberries with apples? You could call them 'rainbowberry-apple-surprises', you know how they all love surprises..."

Batpink sighed softly, inching away from the edge of the rooftop before taking off with another bouncing leap. No information to be had there, unless she was looking to discover some kind of rainbowberry trafficking ring. Which didn't exist, of course. Ponyville was basically without crime, except for crimes against friendship, which she didn't even have to don her costume to solve. Usually a song or two took care of the trouble, or maybe a cupcake with a sweet message inscribed upon it with frosting.

Yes, it would seem that the only misfortune that fell upon Ponyville was that of her parents' gory murder at the hand of a wandering beast, and in that moment, Pinkie Pie felt far too heavy to bounce across rooftops. For a moment, she settled down, letting her cape flutter to a halt behind her, gathering her hooves close. For a moment, it seemed that, perhaps if she became small enough, her problems would not seem so large. It was not as if she spent every waking moment missing her parents; when she had others around her, to distract and make her giggle, she hardly thought of them at all. It was only when night fell, and she had only the sound of her hoofsteps on the rooftops for company, that she felt the loneliness overtake her.

Perhaps she should visit her friends, just to make sure they were safe. No harm in sneaking up on the Apple family homestead, right? She'd just pop in, make sure they were okay, and head right back out. Completely harmless, more for their sake than hers, she tried to convince herself as she took off bouncing once again.


Before very long, Batpink had bounced her way over to the Apple family farm, darting between the shadows of the orchard, approaching from the far side so as not to be detected. Most of the Apple family should be asleep, but she wasn't about to go underestimating Granny Smith and get hit with a walker for her troubles.

Struggling not to give her stealthy, slow steps the dramatic sound effects they deserved, she padded over to one of the windows on the far side of the barn, peeking in as quickly as she could before disappearing from sight once more. Dimly, she could hear them giggling over something Rainbow Dash had said, something she couldn't quite make out. This was no good! She'd have to get up to the top of the barn, so that she could try and listen in between the old shingles. Applejack had been meaning to replace them for ages, but now her loss was Batpink's gain!

With a swift flash of pink hoof, Batpink retrieved her Pinkarang from its hook on her utility belt, throwing it into the darkness above her head. It disappeared for awhile, then hit the shingled barn roof with a dull, rusty-sounding clang. Batpink froze in place, waiting for a surprised reaction that never came, then began to climb.

She'd only gotten about halfway up before a flash of movement attracted her gaze, and she flattened herself against the wall of the barn instinctively. She had to avoid detection! Moving only her eyes, she scanned the barnyard below, her brows knitting in confusion when she recognized the bouncing movements below her.

What was Angel doing out at this hour?
>> No. 99961
Do go on. What kind of tweaks?

And the help I need is, again, the size of Draconum so I can describe it properly, and second, general constructive criticism. I haven't fleshed out some parts because I don't know what to do with them-f'r example, what does Raile say back to Mane before returning her to bed?
>> No. 99962
File 128868094226.jpg - (178.80KB , 563x1688 , ponycomic.jpg )
I'm detecting far too much happiness in this thread. Time to fix that.
>> No. 99964
>> No. 99966
File 128868527887.jpg - (322.53KB , 1800x1800 , 1288600132888.jpg )
The Adeptus Ponicus is here to serve
>> No. 99969
Hello, everyone. So this is where we're hanging out...

Say, there was a BatPink thread a little while ago, but it 404'd before I could nab the images. Do any of you have the pic of BatPink on the gargoyle with the "I am the night" caption?
>> No. 99971
So it looks like co/20770410 404'd without getting archived - probably because whoever entered its number did so with the #postid left in :(
I've modified the script so that it won't get confused by that stuff but thought you should know why we don't have the thread.
>> No. 99973
File 128869091970.png - (180.96KB , 1347x927 , MLP_Velocipony.png )
>> No. 99974
File 128869108088.jpg - (35.88KB , 800x424 , clevergirl_mlp.jpg )
That was a good thread. :)
>> No. 99975
File 12886911994.png - (66.02KB , 242x261 , 1288404381880.png )
I was the one who asked about their bones. Good times.
>> No. 99977
Obviously, his name is Al Bert
>> No. 99992
File 128871535793.jpg - (17.74KB , 620x478 , 1277920353042.jpg )
Thank you. So much.
>> No. 99997
Well I just meant in removing the meta stuff. But if your getting the writers block, hmmm, Well, if I recall my travel channel, theres a zip line in Utah thats like the worlds largest and goes like two or three miles and takes like 5 minutes to complete (goes down the side of a mountain). It also depends on the sizes of the main dragon commuters. Has there been an established max dragon size there?
>> No. 99998
Is his brother Col Bert?
>> No. 100005
Hmm, I now feel like we need a Stephen Colbert Pony.
>> No. 100008
>> No. 100013
I'm thinking they top out at D&D 3.5's Huge size category-unfortunately, I can't find a pic for it, but the table claims it tops out at fifteen feet tall/long. Raile and Gyre are Large-ten feet-and only Jarl Rockscale and a few of his retinue would be Huge. Both Mane and Geode are currently Small-four feet or under-and for reference, Applebloom is Tiny.

I'm beginning to have doubts about how large I made Draconum. On one hand, yes, it IS the draconic capital city, but it's about an order of magnitude bigger than the entirety of what we've seen of Equestria.

Also, it amuses me that the thread number is the same as an early Intel chipset.
>> No. 100016
In short: You were mistaken. Ancient dragons (older than 800 years) are usually gargantuan (32 ft - 64 ft), some can even grow to colossal size (>64 ft).
>> No. 100018
Yes, but these are MLP dragons, not D&D dragons.

As such, I have no idea what age they get up to. About all of the draconic culture I've figured out is that their god, the Eternal Flame, is asleep, unlike Princess Celestia, and is responsible for the Earth's Blood (magma) as Celestia was the day and Luna the night. The Eternal Flame dwells in the Heart of Draconum, which is something of a Holy of Holies.
>> No. 100020
File 128873396833.png - (110.32KB , 519x207 , Capture.png )
Still going, but I have to go, so grabbed the shot for the wall
>> No. 100024
I'm sorry, you've started mentioning D&D rules, and I misunderstood the context.

You said the biggest was 15 feet, which would be Large, not Huge.
D&D Dragons are that size when they reach maturity at 100 years.
In a city scaled (no pun intended) for D&D dragons, MLP dragons couldn't even reach the doorknobs without flying.

I haven't read all of your story yet, but maybe you can bullshit something up like "that's actually the size of their entire empire from farthest island colony to farthest island colony"
>> No. 100030
Yeah, and the other problem is that I want to sell this, eventually, to Hasbro-so I don't want to mutilate canon too brutally.

I'm kinda considering sending what I have of it to Lauren Faust and seeing if she approves.
>> No. 100031
other thread just 404'd :(
>> No. 100032
Requesting a drawing of Appledash, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's magical future daughter.
>> No. 100048
Did it 404 before its time?
>> No. 100049
File 128875292858.jpg - (81.38KB , 896x312 , ponythread.jpg )
Got this one
>> No. 100050
no...it 404'd naturally, but there was no cap of the 300+ posts in it
>> No. 100056
File 128875438323.jpg - (10.59KB , 379x201 , 1288745749000.jpg )
Some of the fruit of the last thread we just had

Sweet pony molestations
>> No. 100057
>> No. 100061
And ponyboobs.jpg
>> No. 100072
Wow, its been like almost 2 weeks and the gorefag is still at it
>> No. 100075
The only thing that's impressive about that is the fact that most people pay him no attention. I'm sure he's convinced himself that he's having fun sticking it to us or something, but deep down even he probably realizes how ineffective he's being.
>> No. 100076
I'm surprised that he's gone 2 weeks without being banned. Though /co/ mods, what are you gonna do
>> No. 100077
You think if I go directly to Moot, he'll do anything?
>> No. 100078
Guro is against the rules, but isnt Moot kinda unapproachable? Like he gets a million emails every day? If it was CP, maybe. How on level with CP is Guro?
>> No. 100079
People cannot seem to fathom what ignoring the troll means. He might be civil or whatever, but guro, especially real guro, is quite despicable and against the rules. We shouldnt be encouraging him
>> No. 100080
>civil or whatever
Didn't follow the conversation, but I'm gonna suppose folks were just having a laugh at its expense, not really taking it for "civil".
>> No. 100081
File 128876529322.jpg - (401.29KB , 642x1083 , 1288149461418.jpg )
Summary of how MLP threads go.
>> No. 100082
That's how regular threads go, yes. If I recall the earlier one was just like that.
>> No. 100084
File 128876628016.png - (60.63KB , 627x106 , Capture.png )
Tonight's spoils of friendship
>> No. 100085
I just caught the most recent pony thread. It's nice to see all the gore has vanished before I even got there, but it's unsettling to see how many people responded to the spammer. Not acknowledging him is the best C.O.A until he gets bored and leaves, or gets banned. Talking with him just encourages him to come back, read what was said, and post more.

On the bright side, we had a lot of very nice pony threads that weren't spoiled.
>> No. 100090
File 128876717018.png - (379.77KB , 792x936 , 1288767368758.png )
>> No. 100092
Wow, that's kinky and adorable.

>> No. 100093
Sup, bronies.

Is there an active thread at the moment?
>> No. 100094

it's been in autosage for a while (over 400 replies) but it's still kickin.
>> No. 100095
>> No. 100096
File 128877446097.png - (250.55KB , 981x1158 , bigbigmacintosh.png )
The way I see it, Rarity is one of those wannabe princess type girls, who think their one true love is going to be a handsome prince, with tons of cash.

But she'll learn in the end, that the one she really loves, is the down-to-earth guy, who has nothing more to offer her than his love, and apple cupcakes.

Enter: Big Macintosh.
>> No. 100098
Hey guada. That was me. I wanted to scare you a tiny bit so you'd stop being annoying, but I may have gone too far. Yeah, I found your twitter. But I'm not going to do anything with it, don't worry too much. I was really only trying to figure out what your aim in the pony-threads was. Just... you know... work on being less obnoxious.

I am sorry, for what it's worth.
>> No. 100100
Y'know, I've gotta' tell you guys, it's a very odd, warm feeling when I see macros that I made or seeing references to my stuff made by the rest of you. Feels good. :3
>> No. 100101
>see eyes
>think Ranma 1/2
>> No. 100109
File 128879478193.jpg - (209.01KB , 792x936 , 1288768691634.jpg )
>> No. 100110
File 128879484332.jpg - (241.10KB , 792x936 , 1288773541428.jpg )
And on that day Mac learned many things he hoped he never would.
>> No. 100113

lol and saved
>> No. 100117
File 12888032509.jpg - (1.57MB , 1000x2683 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100128
File 128881536435.png - (142.86KB , 455x265 , 1287713679245.png )
Final panel needs to be more...sinister. Lookin' a little goofy right now, Applejack.
>> No. 100135
It's Big McIntosh, isn't it?
>> No. 100149
In recognition of the US election yesterday (as of this post) I'd like to request a drawing of a male Earth Pony breaking Celestia's law by voting in a local election.
>> No. 100153
File 128882349616.png - (104.97KB , 1010x220 , _tmp_mlpamillion.png )
>> No. 100154
File 128882381861.png - (116.92KB , 760x246 , 12454688763.png )
Another brick for the greatest of walls
>> No. 100157
File 128882499264.jpg - (1.59MB , 1000x2683 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100160
File 128882656968.png - (17.27KB , 937x604 , Elements of Discord.png )
Reposting this from 4chan /co/ because when I did it there it was right in the middle of a writefap copy pasta. The initial thread was about Evil elements of the MLP universe.
so it goes here now

I actually thought about this today before seeing this thread.
In my head they were the Elements of Discord and there were only six to start out.
Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Envy.
These six were like the elements of harmony and could be picked up by themselves, but the 7th gem of Discord (like Friendship) could only come into being when the others werre gathered. And as you can guess, the 7th one was none other than:
Hate. (or Wrath if you prefer)
Mainly because the other six all stem from Hate in one way or another (same with the Harmony ones all being offshoots of friendship)

And they all fit into a nifty amulet I thought up (But it is probably not Original at all)
>> No. 100161
File 128882710392.jpg - (61.90KB , 500x320 , Phoenix-Wright[1].jpg )
It's 7:53 AM. Why am I awake? My alarm doesn't go off for another seven minutes.

Oh, of course, it's my cell phone. I answer it to an excited, familiar voice:

"Nick! You need to be at the office RIGHT NOW! It's really important!"

The call is disconnected before I can protest. The office doesn't open until nine o'clock, what could possibly be this important?

My name is Phoenix Wright, and I'm a defense attorney.

There's no sense in trying to get back to sleep, I'll only have to get back up in seven... six minutes now. I might as well see what Maya's up in arms about, though it doesn't usually take much. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I'm out the door and on my way to the Wright and Co. Law Offices. It's forty minutes earlier than I'm normally headed there, but I skipped breakfast and rushed with the rest of my routine, since she claimed it was so important.

It's weird being out this early, the sun's not even out yet. I guess it's at these hours you can really see the-

Wait, what? Why is the sun not out? It's not just still rising... it's completely not in the sky at all. It's 8:20 AM, and yet it looks like it's midnight. What the hell is going on? Is this what Maya was talking about? Something's wrong with the sky? But how would me being at the office make any difference?

I continue to ponder the situation the entire way there, checking every clock I can find. The car, my watch, my cell phone, they all prove I'm not crazy. It's supposed to be morning right now. The streets are the darkest I've ever seen them, the street lights are all off because they're time-operated, so the only thing illuminating the road are my own headlights. I pull into my parking space and as I step out of the car, I take one last good look at the sky. I convince myself I must be dreaming, but I know I'm not.

Making my way up the stairs to my office, I still check every clock. The building is completely empty, people don't usually start showing up for another twenty minutes. My office door is part-way opened, I know Maya's inside.

"Nick!" she shouts as soon as I begin to let myself in, "I have fantastic news! We have a new client!"

A new... did she just say a new client? "Are you crazy!?" I have a hard time expressing my disbelief at her. "It's morning and there's still a full moon and stars outside, and you're talking about a CLIENT?"

"Oh, yeah, well, you see," she begins in a paculiarly calm manner. "That's what our client needs us for, actually."

"You lost me."

"It's so cool, Nick! She says she's a GODDESS."

She's not usually the type to describe clients with such terms of affection.

"And not just a goddess, either, a PRINCESS. She was arrested only a little while ago, 5:46 AM the record says, and she knew to call us right away!"

I'm having a hard time keeping up, but I don't think she can tell, she just keeps babbling on but nothing she says makes any sense to me.

"Listen," I cut her off mid-sentence, "let's just go to where she's being held, and I'll have her tell the story," and maybe explain what the hell any of this has to do with this weird night phenomenon? I'm going to have to hear it from her again, anyway, so no use hearing Maya's version that I can barely even understand.

"No problem, Nick! Let's head on down to the detention center, and you can get the full story straight from the horse's mouth!"

We make our way back down the stairs and into the car. "By the way, Maya, what's our client's name anyway?"

"Luna," she replies, "Princess Luna".
>> No. 100162
why do I always post right before lengthy copypastas get thrown down? It's like the internet doesn't want people to see my posts.

>> No. 100167
go on.....
>> No. 100168
i say bad timing
>> No. 100169
chapter two tomorrow brony. one chapter each night, up to five so far.
>> No. 100170
File 128883458147.jpg - (4.65KB , 149x152 , sad frog.jpg )
awwwwww! :(
>> No. 100173
So the elements are Kindness, Loyalty, Joy, Generosity, Honesty, and Friendship/Magic. Just reminding myself
>> No. 100175
no, magic and friendship are supposed to be 2 separate things, but one cannot exist with out the other (so the princess states) when realistically, friendship is the key to the magic, and only if you are friends with the other 5 elements, can the circle be FULLY complete, and can the elements be used to there FULL potential.
>> No. 100176
File 128883658479.png - (74.90KB , 681x209 , 12342323236887.png )
Get some mortar in here...
>> No. 100178
New drinking game rules! For safety and survival, it is recommended to play socially, and each person picks no more than 3 situations from the following list:

-Applejack says "apple"
-Pinkie talks too fast
-A Pinkie song
-Applejack grabs Dash's tail
-horse puns
-male pony doesn't speak
-Big Mac speaks (5 shots)
-something makes you d'awwww (2 shots if Fluttershy)
-Rarity orgasms over fashion
-Angel corrects Fluttershy
-Dash knocks over another pony
-Twilight teleports
-10 shots if you skip the opening theme
>> No. 100179
Wouldnt ten shots do you in right then?
>> No. 100188
Depends on individual tolerance I guess. I was copy-pasting mostly, though I did a few slight changes.

But yes, it probably should only be 1 or 2, mayyyyybe 3 shots for skipping the theme. The idea is to highly stack it, after all, since almost everyone skips it I think. Make it a bigger decision, you know?
>> No. 100189
I guess it also depends on the drink. 10 shots though seems like an auto lose though. You wont make it past half the first episode with a start like that
>> No. 100191
not everyone, i go on autopilot for it
>> No. 100192
fillers and foals, we are on page 3
>> No. 100197
I dont know if we should start screaming or celebrating
>> No. 100205
File 128885696520.png - (158.05KB , 594x619 , Appledash rough.png )
We had an anon requesting a picture of AppleDash (the offspring of Applejack and Rainbowdash), and since no one filled it yet, I thought I'd apply my extremely lacking artistic skills to it. The symbol is supposed to be a rainbow apple, not a pumpkin. (Although I guess we could always call her PumpkinDash!)
>> No. 100206
File 128885699845.png - (106.72KB , 787x386 , Appledash sulky.png )
And my last pic of Baby Appledash, a little younger, sulky after her first flying lesson.
>> No. 100207
I think it definitely shows your Pony-experience. Lots of influence from the older designs (I can't really tell the generations apart yet).
>> No. 100211
File 128886440779.png - (60.80KB , 400x400 , donotwant.png )
Just made this. Enjoy!
>> No. 100212
File 128886471215.png - (129.61KB , 681x245 , 134232332541678.png )
Wasnt the best of the threads, but it still belongs up there

I feel that the MLP threads are starting to wind down... luckily we'll be rejuvenated in two days time when episode 4 comes along with NEW MATERIAL
>> No. 100213
File 128886498898.jpg - (37.31KB , 600x338 , mustnotfeeltroll.jpg )
And the high-quality ep uploads are great for more macros.
>> No. 100223
scrach that, were back to the bottom of page 2
>> No. 100225
File 128888646714.jpg - (1.65MB , 1000x2683 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100230
Yay! Thanks good gentleman sir.
>> No. 100231
Episode 1:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8

Episode 2:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC

Episode 3:
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
>> No. 100232
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
>> No. 100238
It's Powerpuff girls science babies all over again!
>> No. 100239
File 128890148579.jpg - (84.95KB , 640x360 , 1288897979619.jpg )
Thread full of the new HD reaction images

>> No. 100240
"why am i dying to live, if im living to die?"

OH! WE NEED A Tupac pony, & a biggie smalls pony!
>> No. 100242
Thread 404'd, not sure if anyone grabbed the thread for Wall of Friendship,

there is still the archive of it

http://arch.413chan.net/co20988970.html#20994520, but that does not show post count :/
>> No. 100244
File 128890534165.jpg - (1.73MB , 1308x2692 , Madness.jpg )
4chan Filter post count will have to suffice.

Also, fourth column! Fuck keeping them even, too much work.
>> No. 100245

I'm still not 100% sure how this archive page works. I know 20988970 was saved, but I don't see it on the menu at all here:


Do they appear later, or what?
>> No. 100249
We had to sit in the waiting area a few hours to speak with Princess Luna. Visiting hours don't start until noon and it was only 9:30 when we got there. I made regular trips outside, to see if the sun had decided to come up yet. No such luck, though I'm not surprised, which is ironic given the entirely surprising nature of a day with no sun.

Maya's been uncharacteristically quiet, however. I think it's the excitement of meeting a real princess. What is she the princess of, anyway? I've never heard of her before. What an odd name, Luna.

A voice calls to us.

"Mr. Wright, Ms. Fey, you may see your client now."

Finally, I can hear what exactly this princess is being accused of, and what on Earth this has to do with this new endless night fiasco. The guard hands me a copy of the arrest record, and walks us through to the visiting area. As I walk in, I hear a voice, and everything goes black.

Pure black, just like the night outside.

"Phoenix.." someone calls.


I wake up... again? Was the entire day a dream so far? Oh God, I hope so.

Maya's hovering over me, "Nick, you passed out, are you all right?"

"I... I guess so... what happened?"

"Erm... Nick, this is our new client, Princess Luna"

I stand and gather myself, and take a look through the window. Suddenly I remember why I fainted.

Princess Luna... she's a horse? No, that's not right, she's too small to be a horse, she's more like a pony... wait, why the hell do I even care what kind of equine she is? She's a damn animal! Is this some kind of twisted joke?

"I'm so glad to see you, Mr. Wright," the horse speaks.

The horse. Speaks. I think that's what knocked me out the first time. I'm finding it harder and harder to keep a grip on sanity.

I sit down in front of the window, not even trying to make an effort to hide my incredulousness.

"A-Are you... are you-?"

"Princess Luna, yes" she speaks again, with a young voice. Getting a better look, I can't believe it but it's weirder than just a talking horse that needs a defense attorney. She also has a horn, like a unicorn, and a pair of feathery wings, folded at her sides. As if it wasn't enough to have me represent a damn horse, it's some weird pegasus... unicorn... thing. I think there's a word for it, but it escapes me at the moment. A lot of things do, honestly.

"Uh, right, well..."

"Mr. Wright, I can tell you're distressed..."

Normally I'd question "is it that obvious?" at this point, but right now I know it is, and I really don't care. I'm talking to a horse, I'm allowed to be distressed.

"...so would it be okay if I just began to tell you what happened, and why I'm here?"

Well, that is what I came here to do, I guess. I nod my head, and notice Maya in the corner, completely speechless. I guess I'm maintaining slightly more compsure than she is.

"You see, I'm the unicorn that is responsible for raising the moon each night, and then lowering it to make way for the day. My elder sister, Princess Celestia, is responsible for the sun, and is my superior."

I'm having a hard time believing this, but given the situation outside, I'm not in a position to doubt what she's saying.

"We've worked together for centuries and have maintained this balance. Though, sometimes, I get jealous of my sister... everyone plays and laughs and enjoys the sun that she brings every day, but by nightfall, the Earth falls silent, and no one can appreciate the gift I work so hard to bring to them."

Why do I suddenly feel bad for sleeping at night? Why am I sympathizing with a horse? And why do I take no issue with any of this story she's feeding me?

"Well, late last night, my sister made me a generous offer. She told me she would let me extend the night for one whole day, and then everyone could play and have fun in it, even after they had already gotten their sleep! I was so excited, so I put into motion the magic to extend the night for one whole day."

That explains a lot... I guess. Makes as much sense as anything else that's been going on so far. God, what a weird day.

"But a few hours later, after the dawn would normally be starting, a bunch of police helicoptors surrounded me on top of my Mountain Palace. They told me I was under arrest for abusing my powers of the night."

"Wait... but if you really have some.. magical powers... couldn't you have just made the helicoptors disappear?"

"Yes, I could have, but I didn't think it was necessary. I didn't want to cause a confrontation, especially since I know I'm innocent. Fighting would just make things more difficult for everyone there."

She sounds reasonable enough, and definitely sounds sincere about her innocence. Still, I need more information if I'm going to prove that in court. Listen to me, I'm concerned with how I'm going to prove a horse's innocence.

"So, about your sister," I begin, "she should be able to clear this whole mess up, then? She's the one who can attest to the fact that you didn't intentionally abuse your reign over the night?"

"Oh yes, definitely!" She sounds very enthusiastic. "My sister would do anything for me."

"Where can I find her?"

"She should definitely be in the Mountain Palace in Canterlot, which is in Equestria."

Great, more gibberish I don't understand. Where the hell is Equestria? Does it even exist? I can't believe there's a shred of doubt left in my mind at this point; some place I've never heard of would be the least unusual thing to happen all day so far.

"Uhh... how do we get to this Equestria place, exactly?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll just ask the guard for a quick phone call and I'll have a chariot outside waiting to take you there in no time at all."

Did she just say a chariot?
>> No. 100250
I don't know anything about the menu, I just type the thread number into the URL
>> No. 100251

Threads always wind down as it gets closer to Friday, then immediately rocket up again when we have new things to talk/speculate about.
>> No. 100255
>> No. 100258
If anyone is taking requests in drawfagging, we just came up with a few interesting ideas from the Rocky Horror Picture show from our last thread.

-Big Gay Serpent as the Criminologist
-Pinkie Pie as Columbia
-Rarity as Magenta
-Big Mac as Dr. Franken Furter singing Sweet Transvestite(transpony)
-Rainbow Dash or Spike as Riff-Raff
-Twilight as Brad
-Fluttershy as Janet
You can have them together or separate it don't matter.
more to come, they can be together
>> No. 100263
File 12889181698.png - (226.59KB , 1000x883 , bigmcinpinkie.png )
See, Big McIntosh usually doesn't have to work hard at all during sex.

However, Pinkie Pie is so easily distracted that she probably starts using a GameBoy halfway through sex.

That's why she's the only one who forces Big McIntosh to work really hard in bed.
>> No. 100264
File 128891840427.png - (42.74KB , 408x152 , Capture.png )
>> No. 100269
Hilarious and also queerly interesting. Keep it up.
>> No. 100270
File 128892088824.jpg - (11.89KB , 240x230 , 1275507946302589676.jpg )
Awww yeah.
>> No. 100281
any link to the current pony thread? I know there's the "dat fluttershy" one that's been in auto-sage for a while but has there been any new one since?
>> No. 100282
>> No. 100283
thanks, cheers
>> No. 100286
Somebody came up with lyrics to a new song for Pinkie Pie, to be sung while banging Fluttershy. It is...interesting, to say the least.

Pinkies Strapon Song

Some ponies like apples
some like tasty hay
some ponies like pussy
cause they're raging gay

Some ponies like carrots
some like sugar cubes
some ponies like dildos
with plenty of lube

But me I like friends
and I like to have fun
and I like to take somebody home
when we're done

Whatever gets them off
I'll gladly provide
though I don't have a dick
for those who like something inside...




pink strapon
a hot pink strapon

It never disappoints

I've got a hot pink strapon
a hot pink strapon

So loosen up your joints!

I've got so many friends
who all like to be pleased
and my pretty pink pal
leaves them weak in the knees

So I show them my friendship
and show them my love

With a giggle a laugh
and a mighty big shove!

Thanks to my

Pink strapon
my hot pink strapon

My favorite party trick

My pink strapon
my hot pink strapon

My plastic pony dick!

So Dash to my place and don't be Fluttershy
it's a true Rarity and that isn't a lie

From dawn until Twilight
fun's one thing we won't lack

If you think that you're ready
you don't know (apple) Jack!

My pink strapon

my hot pink strapon

A pony girl's best friend

With my pink strapon

my hot pink strapon

The party!



>> No. 100287

Stop samefagging your shitty song

It sounds like crap, learn2beat
>> No. 100288
File 128892969592.jpg - (1.80MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100289
thanks, but I have the feeling you're the only one reading it. Still, I'm having way too much fun with it to stop. I'm at eight chapters and I think I still have at least another three to go before I finish.
>> No. 100290

Hey, I'm reading it, brony! (You think you've got a small audience, try writing gay pony porn of the non-lesbian type, heh.)

I'm just waiting for the inevitable betrayal of Celestia. "Agreement? What agreement? She's gone mad with power, mad I say!" At least Phoenix will be able to help Luna this time!
>> No. 100291
Thanks! Hopefully Phoenix can help her, but he's going to need some help from a... special friend.

Anything you have to suggest? This is my first time actually attempting to write a story so it's probably rusty, and any advice would be severely appreciated.
>> No. 100292
File 128893334221.jpg - (177.12KB , 1578x1388 , bigmac_shadowbolt.jpg )
Big McIntosh shows a Shadowbolt who the man is.
>> No. 100294
you are now realizing that he is actually banging 1/3 of Night Mare Moon
>> No. 100295
The page is worn, badly burnt, and obviously extremely old, but I have inserted it here as it is one of the only eyewitness accounts I could find, the entire war scry-locked by Celestia shortly after her victory. The author is unknown.

……but managed, the rank and file were lacking any magical protection, it was a route.

I have served in the Unicorn Artillery Corps for seventeen years. But I have never seen the likes of today. I knew, I knew the Hoofenhaven valley’s strategic importance, but had convinced myself Celestia would not take the field herself. Or at least, not while we were without the protection of the Princess, but Princess Luna is still in the east. The traitor monarch marched at the head of her column, far too soldiers to assault our fixed positions in any other circumstance. We ambushed them from the cliffs, I saw ponies go down, but Celestia herself, she shrugged off all we had like we were gadflies, and we had to pull back. The bulk of our forces engaged them on the old Twinkle Love fields; we hoped to use our numbers to surround them. But when Celestia entered the fray…..I can hardly describe it, it was hell on Equestria. She shone like the sun; ponies started burning all around her, even her own troops. We were lobbing spells of our own but again, we may have not been there at all for all the good it did.
>> No. 100296

She was almost beautiful, in a morbid way like the battlefield was her true home, moving with beyond pony speed, her horn was like a shooting star, it went through our people like the dragon scale armor they wore was silk. The front line was crumbling, we tried to support them but I have never seen sorcery like she wields. There were always rumors, rumors that she and the queen argued about what kind of books she was always reading, ancient and dark spells, but I suppose that argument is over now, with the queen dead by her own daughters horn. Eventually she grew board of goring the infantry, she did…something…I don’t know what, and balls of fire began to fall from the sky, bigger than some of the houses, our temporary HQ was incinerated, thousands died. Of the original six thousand of us, not three hundred remain. My own squadron was killed to a pony, it was just a cruel twist of luck that I am not among the ashes that were once my sisters in arms, as I was running the order to retreat when the fireball hit, ponies I had known, served with for years, vanished forever, it does not feel real to me.
>> No. 100297
We ran all day; there is no rest in the day, when the symbol of Celestia’s might burns in the sky, revealing all to her. Princess Luna’s blessed night shelters us now from her traitorous sister. I need to sleep; maybe I will awake to find it has all been a dream? That the death toll, the scorched earth, and the wasteland that was once Equestria are just an unpleasant nightmare.
The retreat march…..

The page ends there. I have tried so hard to locate anything else I can find about the war, but Celestia is meticulous. I’ve not yet thought of how to protect my own research, I suspect the only reason I have not been found is Celestia has not yet had a reason to look for me, I pray to the true Princess Luna it remains that way. – Amber Heartpoem
>> No. 100299
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>> No. 100300
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>> No. 100301
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>> No. 100302
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for the wall, should it be added.
>> No. 100303

I believe the wall needs an additional section

A new 'corner of shame' for the less harmonious bricks

Because seriously that thread was horrible
>> No. 100306
I don't think it should be added to anywhere. If I had my druthers it would be lost and forgotten, and the bricks that were bumped largely with gurospam and other trolls would be ejected from the wall. It is, in it's current state, dishonest and not at all a representation of our true accomplishments.
>> No. 100310
Jimbo, I think you're awesome, but is there any way you can rework that story to exclude the gay bit? Because, when it turned into the origin story, it was pretty damn awesome, but the gay stuff kinda sullied it, at least in the context of where NMM came from.

Perhaps if you swapped the gay sex for something like Nimble and Velvet overstepping their bounds as second-class citizens in Pony society, like trying to vote, or planning to start a business.
>> No. 100311
I didn't see reason for a lot of complaint until the regular underage /b/ loser showed up to troll.

...How did we come back? If thought we couldn't get bumped anymore.
>> No. 100313
Another thread probably got deleted.
>> No. 100317
yep, but now were back on page 3
>> No. 100319
no...no, GOD NO! dont do it jimbo, for you will be ruing the story!
>> No. 100320
>> No. 100321
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Screencap of last nights pony thread. This one went quite well
>> No. 100322
archive please
>> No. 100327
Wow, apparently Thursday night is where the pony party is at!
>> No. 100331
File 128897777039.jpg - (1.81MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
Funny story: I've deliberately kept the threads that were actually bad off of the wall.

However, the wall also contains numerous examples of threads where we were trolled, but unsuccessfully.

Aside from the spamfest that caused the creation of this thread in the first place, the trolls and spammers have a remarkably poor track record when it comes to derailing pony threads.

Every single brick in this wall had over 300 posts without the help or hindrance of spammers.
Or at least all the ones that were personally capped and added by me.
>> No. 100333
So the new episode is fun. Lots of fun.
>> No. 100334

Has it aired already? Guess that's my cue to leave all pony threads until it gets Youtube'D. Don't want the awesome magic to be spoiled :(

Also, surprised that a thread I started by accident made the wall of friendship
>> No. 100337
but we need something to talk about before it hits youtube
>> No. 100338
File 128898606846.png - (164.58KB , 1516x415 , mlpthread115.png )
for the wall

also, part one is up on the tube

>> No. 100339
File 128898881237.png - (153.75KB , 1577x417 , mlpthread115.png )
updated to show off more replies.
>> No. 100340
Episode 1:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8

Episode 2:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC

Episode 3:
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC

Episode 4:
>> No. 100343
File 128899622647.jpg - (1.86MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100346
Here I am, in a chariot. Being pulled by two pegasuses... or is it pegasii? Two winged horses. Ponies. They're definitely ponies. Maya decided to stay home, can't say I blame her. The whole thing is a lot to take in, I'm surprised I'm here myself. The only thing I can think of that puts me even slightly at ease is the idea that this case will be a quick and easy one. Just get Luna's sister to say that she allowed her sister to keep the moon up for the day, and everyone goes home happy.

And I can forget this ever happened.

I see Equestria far below. Luna told me it's a rather large, but unmapped island about two hours east of Japan... at least by pegasus-drawn chariot; They're extremely fast. It operates with its own government, but is still legally a territory of Japan, hence why she was taken into custody by the Japanese police. Very few people know of its existence, and I'm not sure if I should feel priviledged.

The winged ponies begin to land just outside the Mountain Palace. It's huge, and very colorful. It kind of reminds me of the kind of castle you'd imagine a Disney princess would live in. Or a pony princess, I guess. As I step out of the chariot I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tip these guys or not. They haven't said a word, so I guess they're not sentient ponies like Luna. I nod and smile as I walk past them, and they don't look very happy.

Maybe I should have tipped them?

I make my way into the palace, and it's even bigger on the inside. There are two sections of the palace: one decorated in the image of the moon, and one in the image of the sun. I imagine the latter is where I'll find Celestia, the magical pony princess responsible for raising the sun every day. I can't believe I just said that to myself and was completely serious about it.

As I enter the throne room, there's a long, red carpet leading into a large room. Atop a small set of stairs I can see an elegant golden chair, and sitting in it is another winged unicorn pony thing.

"State your business here," demands the princess. She looks a lot different from Luna. She's larger, for one, and while Luna is a dark purple with a blue mane, this one is pure white with a mane that looks like a rainbow. She still has the unicorn horn and wings, though.

"Uhh... yes, Your... Highness?" I fumble with my words. She doesn't seem to mind. "My name is Phoenix Wright, and I'm your sister's lawyer."

"Hah, good luck," she says with an air of disgust, "she ought to be punished for what she did."

"E-excuse me?" Are we talking about the same thing here?

"She's always been jealous of me and my sun, but even I never suspected she'd go so far as to try and extend the night into my day!"

Great, so someone is lying here. So much for this being an easy case.

"Princess Luna told me that you had given her permission to extend the night for a full day?"

"Absolutely not! There's a delicate order to this sort of thing, and I'd never even humor the thought of extending either the day OR night. I thought Luna had the same sense, but obviously I was mistaken."

Was Luna lying to me? She sounded so sincere at the detention center... was it all an act?

"If it'd be okay, Your Highness, could you give me a walkthrough of what happened last night that led to this... night?"

"There's not much to tell, really. I was sitting here in my throne, and the dawn was set to begin soon, and Luna was outside, admiring her night. She's usually the only one that does."

Yeah, she made that clear in the detention center...

"But then I heard her begin to cast a spell, and I immediately knew it was to extend the night. I tried to get her to take it back, but once the spell is in motion, it can't be undone."

"And about what time was all this taking place?"

"I heard her first cast the spell at around 4:00 AM."

"You're positive?"

"Absolutely, that's when I normally begin to prepare to raise the sun, so when I heard her start the spell, the time stuck with me."

I've gotten all the information I can get right now, I'll have to return to Japan and see Luna in the detention center. I came here to get one answer, but just wound up with more questions than ever.

Was Luna lying to me? Did she really act independantly of her sister to make a full day of night? Even if she is telling the truth, and it's Celestia that's lying, is there any way I can prove that? The palace was mostly empty, I doubt anyone else was there to confirm it.

Just once I wish things really were as easy as they seem.
>> No. 100347
It's morning again.

After the trip to and from Equestria, visiting hours were long over at the detention center, so I couldn't talk to Luna. Luckily, her spell only lasted for one day, so her sister Celestia was able to raise the sun again at last. I'm just glad the days are back in order... for now anyway.

Despite it being night time for a full day yesterday, I barely got any sleep. I can't make heads or tails of this situation. Luna says that her sister gave her permission to leave the night up for a day, and even sent me to her. But Celestia, her sister, says she acted on her own. But why would Luna tell me to talk to her sister if she was lying? And why the hell have I gotten so used to the idea of talking, magical pony pegasus unicorn things already?

At the crack of noon I'm back at the detention center. Luna is already sitting there waiting for me. She seems calm. Does she really expect her sister to have vouched for her?

"Mr. Wright! I'm so glad to see you. I trust you found my sister, Celestia?"

"Uh... yeah, well.. yes I did."

"Excellent, so she's going to straighten this whole thing out, then? Let everyone know I'm innocent and this is all just a big misunderstanding?"

What do I tell her? That her sister betrayed her? Is she even betraying her? What if Celestia is telling the truth, but maybe something happened and... Luna just imagined the entire scenario?

No, that doesn't make any sesne. No one could imagine an entire exchange and mistake it for reality... could they?

Regardless, I'd better give it to her straight.

"Uh, Your Highness..."

"You can just call me Luna, I am your client after all."

"Yeah, well, Luna, the thing is... your sister told a slightly different story than you told me."

She looks confused, but I think she can tell from my tone that it's not different in a good way.

"Your sister said that you acted on your own when you cast the world into night for a day, and she didn't have anything to do with it."

"She... she said that? But... but why would she do that? Why would she lie when it's just going to get me in trouble?"

Her voice starts to crack, the betrayal of her sister has hit her hard.

"I don't know why she would, but Luna, I need you to listen to me: you're definitely telling the truth? You're absolutely positive Celestia gave you specific permission to leave the night up?"

"Yes! I'm not lying! Why... why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?!" She starts to breathe heavily, I can tell what's coming.

"Luna, if you're telling the truth, you have nothing to worry about, I'll get you out of this."

"Do you promise?" she asks me, tears now fully streaming down her face. I didn't know horses could cry.

"I promise, it's my job."

She's calming down now. She trusts me, and believe it or not, I trust her. I don't think she would purposely go against her sister's wishes. She loves her too much.

"Luna, do you have any way of proving that Celestia told you that it was okay to leave the night up? Anyone who might have been there? To hear the exchange and support your claim?"

Her eyes wander around the room, she seems hesitant.

"N-no... no one was there to hear us. The palace was empty, and no one would have been able to listen in. Not a person, I'm sorry."

Great, that's just great. So here I am with someone who's definitely innocent... I think... and with no way to prove it. Well, there's definitely some proof... somewhere. I just have to look for it. Fit the pieces together. Take everything I know and find the one key piece of information to save Luna.

The trial begins tomorrow.

My old friend Miles Edgeworth is prosecuting.

And Celestia is going to testify against her sister.
>> No. 100358
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Well, I haven't drawn for years, but I just got a tablet and FiM inspired me to try doodling a pony, so here's Firefly in the FiM style. It's a bit rough around the edges, and I was too lazy to fix bits of it, but...it's a start!
>> No. 100360
im starting to write. nothing mlp yet, but i do got a good Christmas horror-massacre type thing going on.
>> No. 100364
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>> No. 100369
i also just got my scanner to work..looks like im also gunna start drawing again
>> No. 100370
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>> No. 100378
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my first hand drawn pony. not the best, but still...
>> No. 100389
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didn't feel like sifting through pages looking for it.
>> No. 100390
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>> No. 100393
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>> No. 100398
C'mon, now you're just picking on him.
>> No. 100409
thats low dude
>> No. 100412
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>> No. 100418
So, how'd we like the new episode? Wasnt here for Fridays threads, but I liked it a lot. Big Mac's voice was deeper than I thought it would be. Very folksy episode, as a fan of Westerns, I approve. Winona was cute, but Rarity seemed to be lacking this time.
>> No. 100419
does anyone else not believe /x/ and there doomsday theory?
>> No. 100420
i loved it, and now we know for a fact pinkie is on some sort of drug. my guess...either crystal meth, or acid
>> No. 100425
The first time I heard Applejack say Winona was "Granola" which made me giggle like a mad man. God I needed sleep that night
>> No. 100426
She snorts sugar.
>> No. 100443
It's been my least favorite so far, personally, but it was okay. It had some great moments. Big Mac finally spoke, and we see that Twilight can indeed "Wink" at will.

Some things struck me as odd, though. The whole episode makes a big deal out of how Applejack finds it hard to accept help, but didn't she get Twilight to help her harvest apples to win a bet in the previous episode? She even got on Rainbow Dash's case for /not/ helping. I guess this might be a different case, but...I dunno.
>> No. 100444
I enjoyed it a lot but then again, I really like Applejack.

It's beacuse this time she said she could do it alone. It was a matter of honor, and she seems to be pretty headstrong.
>> No. 100446
Next part


Celestia knew she was at an immediate disadvantage: whatever had come over her sister had made her larger, stronger and more in-tune with her magical abilities.

When Night Mare Moon charged at her, she summoned up all the strength she had, wrapping herself in a white, translucent bubble. The black mare didn't even slow as she rammed straight into it, causing a squall of magical energy to lash out from the impact. Celestia concentrated, trying to keep the barrier up, but the dark energy that Night Mare Moon emitted was too strong for her, and she cried out as her barrier shattered, flinging her back.

She recovered just in time to avoid having her face stomped in, but couldn't avoid the kick from Night Mare Moon's back legs, sending her flying once again. Pain exploded all around her when she hit the ground, and she could've sworn she heard something crack when Night Mare Moon kicked her.

As she struggled to get to her hooves, feeling a stabbing pain with every breath, the other mare laughed haughtily. “Is this all you have dear, dear sister? You haven't even laid a hoof on me!”

Celestia coughed, hacking up something warm and wet. She blinked tears out of her eyes to see a splotch of blood on the ground. “I'm not going to hurt you, Luna.”

“When will you get it through your thick skull?!” The dark, star-speckled mass that flowed around Night Mare Moon morphed its shape, transforming into what looked like blades attached to black ropes. “My name is Night Mare Moon!”

“No it's not!” Celestia gasped as the black blades came after her, and barely leapt away before they tore into the ground, carving out a hole. “I know you were upset about the other ponies always sleeping through your nights! I know you were lonely! But I refuse to believe my sister would ever go this far! Not unless someone, or rather something, was involved!” She barely dodged another strike, feeling the dark blades graze her wings and legs. “That's why I waited for you here!”

“What?” Night Mare Moon withdrew the blades, and with the two of them now still, they could finally hear the low chanting that was coming from the other unicorns. Soon the chanting became louder and louder, and a green light was beginning to rise from the circle they were in, showing lines that intersected and formed a hexagram, filled with symbols and writings. “What is this?!”

“A summoning ritual, to cleanse you of whatever's holding you, Luna.” Celestia leapt from away from the circle, and the light begun to get brighter, casting it's glow across the clearing.

“Stop this! Stop this right now!” Night Mare Moon swung the dark blades towards those surrounding her, but as they reached the edge of the hexagram, they hit invisible walls, dissipating more and more with each strike. “No, no!”

“Hang in there, Luna,” Celestia whispered, watching everything unfold intently.

Finally, within the circle, a form begun to take shape opposite of Night Mare Moon. As if surfacing from a pool of water, a humanoid creature begun to emerge from the hexagram, long hair flowing down it's head and nearly reaching its feet. As it stood to its full height, revealing a feminine body, two butterfly wings sprouted from its back, flapping slowly as sparkles fell from the wings.

Night Mare Moon tried to back away, but when she tried, green chains suddenly shot up from the ground, shackling to her legs and wings. “No, stop this! Stop!”

The fairy looked at her with a peaceful smile, and fluttered towards her slowly. As the fairy came closer, dark smoke begun to seemingly leak from Night Mare Moon, and the equine begun to thrash in pain, whining and whimpering.

“It's almost over, Luna!” Celestia shouted tearfully. “You'll be better soon!”

“No, no...!” The fairy came to a stop, directly in front of Night Mare Moon. It stuck its arms out, and begun to wrap them around her neck, as if it was trying to hug her.

Night Mare Moon screamed, louder and louder, and suddenly it begun to change, from high and feminine to something more akin to a monstrous roar. The chains that bound her suddenly shattered, and she knocked the fairy away. From Night Mare Moon's mouth, something black and oil-like shot out and cracked down like a whip, striking the fairy. The apparition let out a silent scream as her body was split in two, and dissipated like sand in the wind.

“No!” Celestia gasped as a powerful gust of wind suddenly erupted from where Night Mare Moon stood, forcing her back. The green barrier that had surrounded the circle suddenly turned dark red before shattering, the force throwing back everyone nearby.

Celestia laboriously got back on her hooves, and watched as more and more of the black substance begun to erupt from Night Mare Moon's mouth, spilling over her head like some sort of cocoon.

Celestia made her way to Albert, helping him back up. “Albert, what's happening?!”

Albert didn't say anything at first, his eyes glued to what was happening in the circle. “Oh no,” he whispered.

“What? What is it?!”

“I-I was wrong!” he shouted, fearfully. “The princess wasn't inhabited by a lesser daemon like I thought! This is far worse!”

Celestia looked back at her sister, finding her head had completely vanished within the black substance, watching it grow until it was at least twice as large as her head. The black mass wriggled, its form suddenly taking on a shape that seemed vaguely humanoid. Appendages begun to sprout from its sides, and and she soon realized they were meant to be arms.

When the process was done, what was left in the place of Night Mare Moon's head was the upper body of a humanoid creature, a shaggy, grey beard hanging from a chiseled, red face, adorned with large horns that sprouted from its head.

He glared at Celestia, his red eyes forming into slits. “You will pay for your insolence, witch!”

Celestia backed away from him, fear gripping her heart from nowhere. “W-Who are you?”

“Who am I? You mean *what* am I!” He raised a gnarled, clawed hand into the air, shadows seemingly leaping from all around into his palm. “I am that which drives nations to war against one another! I am that which tears asunder kingdoms, families and lovers! I am that which swallows all and leaves nothing but ruin!” The shadows in his palm took shape, and extended into a polearm with a wicked blade, one that he slammed on the ground. “I am the prince of hate! The prince of misery! Of greed! Of deceit! Of betrayal! I am *discord incarnate!* I! AM! TIRAC!”
>> No. 100447
I've been watching this show ever since the first /co/ threads, I've been following the discussions obsessively, I've drawn some of the fan art posted in this thread, and MLP was part of my childhood, too. But the last episode gave me this enlightenment/realisation: I really, really like this show and enjoy what it's doing with the franchise.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the previous episodes as well. But until seeing the latest episode today, I had stayed wary and sceptical like "maybe the show will get boring as we get to see more episodes, and maybe I'll just move on soon". But with this last episode I realised: "damn I love this incarnation of MLP, and I want to keep watching this show until the very last episode".
>> No. 100460
I'm in the court lobby. Today's the day. The first day of Princess Luna's trial. She was arrested for leaving the night up for an entire day, against her sister's wishes. I don't have anything to prove otherwise, but I know that's not the entire story. Someone's lying, and I'm sure it's not Luna. At least, I think I'm sure.

"Mr. Wright!" someone calls out. I look over and see Luna, rushing towards me.

"Mr. Wright, am I... is there a chance I might go to jail? How do you think it's going to go?"

I'm honestly not sure how it's going to go. I don't have much to work with... but I've got to keep Luna out of jail.

"It's going to go just fine, Luna," I lie. "Trust me, you're not going to go to jail. Your freedom is my top priority."

She falls silent.

"Thank you, Mr. Wright," she starts. "No one's ever tried to help me as much as you are now. I can't thank you enough, really."

Great, I've given her all this faith in me when i don't even have that much faith in myself. Nice job, Phoenix. You better keep this poor horse... pony... out of jail.

She walks through into the courtroom, the proceedings are about to begin. I follow her, but I'm interrupted.


It's Maya, one of the few people that call me that. I haven't seen her in a while, I think the idea of defending a magical pony was too much for her. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't too much for me, too, though I've gotten used to it.

"Nick, I just wanted to say good luck today. I know I haven't been with you these past couple of days, and I'm sorry. But I'm going to make up for it! I'll be right there with you the entire time! Let's show them what we're made of!"

And now I have two people relying on me to win this tenuous case. Maybe I should just pack my bags and move. Take up a new identity. Maybe later; Right now the trial is about to start.


"This court is now in session for the trial of Princess Luna" boasts the judge, a large, powerful-looking man with a long beard.

To my side, Maya stands tense, and silent. Across from me stands Miles Edgeworth, an old friend who I frequently see as a rival in the courtroom, what with him being a prosecutor. He seems relaxed, he probably knows I don't have a case.

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor."

"The defense is ready, Your Honor."

The judge gives Edgeworth the go ahead to begin his opening statement.

"Thank you, Your Honor. The defendant, Princess Luna of Equestria, maintains power over the night, and is responsible for beginning and ending the night each day. On the morning of October 17th, she was arrested for refusing to lower the night to make way for the day her older sister, Princess Celestia, brings. Based on the fact that no one besides Princesses Luna and Celestia has the ability to control the night and day, the prosecution asserts that Princess Luna is, in fact, guilty."

Edgeworth isn't pulling any punches today, he's already called Luna out on being guilty. Still, I need to stay calm. Remember, Phoenix, Luna is definitely not guilty, you just have to prove that... somehow.

"The prosecution would like to call the defendant to the stand, please."

This is it, this is when it all begins... Luna takes the stand.

"Please state your name for the court," Edgeworth requests Luna.

"I-I'm Princess Luna, of Equestria." She doesn't sound confident.

"Princess Luna, please tell the court in your own words what happened on the morning of October 17th, that led to the thirty-six hours of night that was experienced."

Luna looks at me nervously. I nod my head, letting her know to tell the court exactly what she told me.

"I was outside the palace, looking into the night, as I often do. At around 4:00 AM, when we begin to prepare for the night to wane and the morning to start, my elder sister, Princess Celestia, came and offered to let me have a full day of night, just this once. She knows how much it means to me, and so I was really excited. I immediately accepted and used my magic to extend the night. A little while later, police helicoptors were surrounding me, and told me I was under arrest for misusing my powers. I was sure there was some misunderstanding, after all my sister is the one who is in charge of overseeing the entire day and night cycle, so I went with them quietly."

Edgeworth smirks to himself, as though he can't believe how easy this case is going to be.

"So... you admit that you deliberately extended the night?"

"Well... y-yes, I did. But I wasn't doing anything I wasn't allowed to, my sister gave me permission to do it!"

"Do you have any proof of this?"

Dammit, always with the proof... he knows without it, we have nothing to ride on.

Luna sighs hopelessly. "No... no I don't have any sort of proof."

"The prosecution rests, Your Honor"

The judge looks at me. "Mr. Wright?"

I slump, what can I do? "The defense... has nothing to add, Your Honor."

"Are you quite sure, Mr. Wright?"

"Yes, Your Honor, I'm sure."

Luna is allowed to step down from the stand. She knows she's in a tough spot. I am too.

"The prosecution would like to call its first witness, Your Honor, Princess Celestia of Equestria."

Oh no. I was hoping he wouldn't call her up, but who am I kidding? She has information, and she was right there. She's the perfect witness for Edgeworth to use. Poor Luna, having her own sister testify against her. No, she's not testifying, she's outright lying. And I know that. And I'm going to prove it. Somehow.

Celestia takes the stand. She looks like her sister, but at the same time vastly different. Luna seems humble, gentle... lonely. But Celestia, she carries herself with an air of dignity, pride. She seems to constantly be talking down to you.

"Please state your name for the court," Edgeworth starts.

"I am Princess Celestia of Equestria," she says, nose almost completely in the air.

"And you witnessed the events in question as they took place? Correct?"

"That is correct, yes."

"Please tell us what truly happened that night."

This is it, Wright, pay attention. You need to find something here to run with.

If you don't... if you can't find something... anything to call her out on... Luna is a gonner.
>> No. 100468
Drinking Game Rules: Revised as of episode 4
For safety and survival, it is recommended to play socially, and each person picks no more than 3 situations from the following list:

-Pinkie Pie talks too fast or starts singing
-Pinkie Pie's insanity is lampshaded by the other ponies (2 shots if Twilight)
-A pony bites another pony's tail (2 shots if Applejack and Rainbow Dash)
-Horse-related puns
-A male pony appears but doesn't speak
-Big McIntosh speaks (2 shots)
-Something makes you d'awwww (2 shots if Fluttershy)
-Rarity orgasms over fashion
-Angel corrects Fluttershy
-Rainbow Dash knocks over another pony
-Anyone amusingly adopts or abuses the art of alliteration
-5 shots if you skip the opening theme

Former rules that now qualify as health hazards:

-Applejack says "apple"
-Twilight Sparkle teleports
>> No. 100476
Yet she's willing to get help to cheat on a bet. Funny code of honor she has there.
>> No. 100486
It's not cheating if the rules don't explicitly forbid it.
>> No. 100498
It's wasn't really a bet... Big Mac never said "you're on" or otherwise accepted it as such.
>> No. 100501
File 128910922922.png - (110.33KB , 787x237 , 1122578934365.png )
Close to 404'ing
>> No. 100502
I guess she had pretty much given up. I'd be just as desperate.
>> No. 100509
We're talking about the bet from episode 3. We don't see the bet made, but it certainly sounded like Big Mac accepted the terms.
>> No. 100513

Thanks for the crit -- as much as I love the gaysex, it does seem that there's neither enough gaysex nor enough Celestia badness in it to quantify it as either a gaysex or Celestia-evil fic, unfortunately. I'm thinking I'll do another 'first chapter', which will be strictly G-PG rated, and then save Nimble and Velvet's bit for the following chapters. So yet more alternate chapters and endings, haha.


Honestly, I'm loving everything you're doing. I like how you give some description of the Wright characters, since there's probably a few of us bronies who don't know who they are. I can't think of anything to fix, to be honest, it's really good! (One very minor tweak: I think it's spelled "goner," but that's just how I've seen it. Since the chapter ends on that word, it stuck in my mind pretty well. Spellcheck is my best friend, and even then I miss stuff.)
>> No. 100515
File 128912329278.png - (97.78KB , 1228x697 , gutsshitdrawing2.png )
here is this drawing i made in flash with my mouse, i hope somebody likes it
>> No. 100517

It's good, but it wont be complete without a sequel...

Or... if you're up to it bro, do a short comic of Berserker Guts raging hard only to meet his match in loli pony, who calms his senses and warms his heart so much that the beast relinquishes its hold
>> No. 100519
File 128912857229.png - (139.84KB , 610x245 , 1243546876546.png )
More and more bricks keep tumbling in

Their numbers will brighten the sky
>> No. 100520
Not that guy, but I thought we were talking about the one on episode 4.

Missed this one. I hope I didn't miss anything too awesome.
>> No. 100523
File 128913786675.jpg - (78.28KB , 641x868 , Ken.jpg )
Requesting a drawfriend to illustrate Kenshiro and Guts both holding a pony. Kenshiro with Rainbow Dash (she's the closest pony to his personality), and Pinkie Pie with Guts (Pinkie isn't afraid of scary things).
>> No. 100536
File 128914536162.png - (143.81KB , 838x335 , _tmp_mlp48886.png )
there was some stuff towards the end
it's archived though so you can still see what went down
>> No. 100540
Open this image, and this link at the same time:

>> No. 100541
File 128914768719.jpg - (1.97MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100542
Thanks, I appreciate it. And yeah, I keep meaning to skim through the chapters as I paste them into the reply form, since I type them up in notepad first and that doesn't have spell check, but I keep forgetting.

Anyway, I really like how tonight's chapter plays out. It starts getting really ridiculous but I think it plays out well.
>> No. 100552
>> No. 100556
>> No. 100563
Writefags, I need your help. I wrote a story on Christmas, its gory, but I dont know if it's good, or if it could use more, please help me. story in next post
>> No. 100565

“Well, what are we supposed to do!? We can’t just stay here!”

Its shadow crossed the frosted window. “You think it knows where we are?” Someone asked quietly. Everyone exchanged glances at each other briefly. “Let’s hope not.” It was cold in the storage shed, and everyone had only their thin jackets to try and keep them warm. “Well, if you ask me, I think we need to try and kill it as soon as possible, before it learns the code.” Another said. “With what!? The armory is on the other side of the village, and that…..THING, could be anywhere! For all we know, it could be listing to us and waiting for one of us to leave!” All went quiet. The sound of the wind sent a cold shiver down my spine. No one spoke. We were all either scared out of our minds, or still in shock from how it happened so fast. I decided to speak up. “Look, we don’t know how long it lasts, but we do know that it increased his I.Q dramatically, and considering the fact that he had, and probably still has magical powers, I’m surprised that it hasn’t already killed us.” I blacked out. When I come to from my blackout, IT is holding my friend in the air. “No! Please don’t! NOOOO-” Warm blood spurted on my face as my best friend was snapped in half in front of my eyes. I just stood there, staring at the monster that WE had created. It looked at me. Its blood red eyes stared at me. It recognized me. “Stefan!” My mind went blank “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” “STEFAN!!” “Not this way…not this way…” I played back how this all happened in the back of my head.

“I DON’T CARE WHAT THE SIDE-EFFECTS ARE, GIVE ME THE DAM SHOT!” ST. Nick angrily shouted at us. “But sir, for all we know, it could KILL you.” “DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE!? I JUST WANNA GET THIS DONE FAST SO I CAN DELIVER THE PRESENTS AND GET BACK FAST!” “But sir-” “NO BUTS!” “Fine, Stefan, the shot please.”

“STEFAN!!!” A gasp had taken me back. “STEFAN! WE NEED TO KEEP MOVING!” I started running, but my mind was still back there, replaying my friend dying, replaying what happened in the lab.

St. Nick shrunk himself, screaming in pain. “Oh God. What have we done? WHAT HAVE WE DONE!?” As my assistant asked himself that, I rushed to get my friend and get out of there. As I ran, I heard a scream, and then the sounds of bones snapping. I just kept walking, not bothering to look back at the monster we had made. A small voice in the back of my head was telling me to not do it, to quit now while I had the chance, but I WANTED it to happen. I needed to end it, to end Christmas!

My heart is racing, I’m running, and now I can’t help but realize what a mistake it had been to tamper with the shot, to turn him into….THAT. “Is it behind us!?” someone asked me. “I don’t know, I don’t want to know, I just want to kill it!” My mind was telling me to tell them, but my mouth didn’t want to. I ran around a corner and instantly pressed up against the wall. Heavily breathing, I peeked around the corner, and immediately turned my head back. The others looked up to me, looked to me for the answer. “So, i…..is it there?” I shook my head. “Tha….that’s good, right? That means he gave up….right?” No one spoke.
>> No. 100566
File 128917264839.jpg - (1.99MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100571
File 128917418621.png - (132.71KB , 370x376 , PonyMoonPowersActivate2.png )
Dubbed version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVDOUdix-50
Musical Version: http://tubedubber.com/#BVDOUdix-50:2JjyJ7HP8MA:0:100:0:57:true
>> No. 100572
File 128917445230.jpg - (39.26KB , 600x450 , franken-ponys.jpg )
well one anon toldme tu put this here
and here you have it
>> No. 100573
the mad scientist Twilight Sparkenstain his dragon minion Spikegor and his creation Big Mcenstain
when i finishi it i will uploade again here and in my fa and da acounts
>> No. 100574
Celestia is about to begin her testimony. She's the only person...umm... pony, who was at the scene when Luna cast the spell to extend the night.

I feel faint. We definitely know Luna cast the spell, she even admits to it, and if Celestia convinces them that she acted of her own accord, I'll be wishing Luna good luck in prison.

"It all began at around 4:00 AM..." Celestia begins her testimony. Focus, Wright. Focus.

"I was in my throne room, preparing to begin raising the sun, as I always do. However, during my preparations, I heard my younger sister, Luna, begin to cast the spell that would make me unable to raise the sun that day. I tried to stop her, but it was too late; Once the spell was in motion, there was nothing I could do. I realized Luna was going mad, and wanted to take power over the entire day, to make nighttime eternal, so I did the only responsible thing I could: I called the police and ordered for Luna's arrest."

Oh no... but then-

"You called them?!" I hear Luna cry from her seat, crying more than I've ever seen anyone cry before. I can't say I blame her, the one person she's trusted for her entire life has just admitted to completely betraying her.

"How could you, Celestia!?" she shrieks. The gavel slams.

"Order! I will have order in my courtroom," the judge commands. I can tell he feels the tension in the room, but he can't let people shout during proceedings.

"The defense may begin its cross-examination now."

Cross-examination? Cross-examine what? I have nothing! No evidence, no leads, no witnesses on my side, even! This is awful. I have nothing to fight with.

I'm sorry, Luna. I know you're innocent, but-


That voice... it's... oh thank god! Finally someone who can help!

To my right, where Maya Fey once stood, now stands Mia Fey, her deceased older sister. Mia was my superior for a while before she was murdered. Luckily, Maya is a spirit medium, and Mia can communicate with me through her body. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but... well, I don't think it's wise to say that phrase anymore.

"Phoenix, I know you're not giving up this easily?"

"This easily?" I can't believe she would say that, "what am I supposed to do!? Make something up? Her story is bullet-proof!"

"Is Luna innocent?"

"Well... yeah, but-"

"Then her story's not bullet-proof. She's lying, Phoenix, so there's something for you to... to..."

"Mia? Mia what's wrong?" She seems exhausted, but she's just been standing here this whole time.

"I'm sorry, it's Maya... her powers are fading, I can't stay here any longer..."

"But what am I supposed to say!?"

It's too late. Mia is gone, and Maya is back in her place.

She's right though... Celestia is lying... but is there anything she says that can help me prove that?

"Mr. Wright," the judge is getting impatient.

What did she say? It was 4:00 AM... yeah...

"Mr. Wright."

She was in her throne room, which I saw, that checks out...

"Mr. Wright!"

And then she heard Luna casting the... spell... but...

"Mr. Wright, have you nothing to add!?"

That's it.

"I do, Your Honor!"

"Then, please, get on with it." I can't blame him for being hasty. I feel my heart racing. I've found it.

"Princess Celstia, when I interviewed you the other day, you told me Princess Luna was outside, admiring her night, when she suddenly cast the spell that would make you unable to raise the sun, is that correct?"

"Yes, our magic doesn't work unless we have a clear view of the sky."

"So in order for her to cast this spell, she had to be outside the palace, is that right?"

"That's right, yes."

"Then, Princess Celestia, how could you have heard her casting the spell if she was outside the palace, but you were in your throne room?"

Celestia's eyes widen, and she momentarily loses her composure. Soon enough, she's back. Damn, I thought I had her, but I guess she has another lie ready.

"Well, Mr. Wright... I mean, I was in my throne room, of course. However, I decided to go out to the balcony to get some fresh air. Out on the balcony, I have a clear view of where Luna spends most of her time, and that's where I heard her."

"You're lying!"


Dammit! I forgot about Edgeworth. I've heard him shout that word so many times it practically haunts my dreams. The same infliction, the same volume, even the same movements, every time.

"Your Honor, not only is Mr. Wright attacking my witness, he has no proof that she is lying."

"I have to agree, Mr. Wright. The defnese will refrain from making baseless accusations, and the witness will make note to not leave anything out of her testimonies from here on out."

Is that it? The only hole I could find... gone? Just like that? My one chance to help Luna, to make sure she is found innocent, shot down right in front of me. And she saw it too. After all she's been through... after all I've been through, this is how it ends. She's been betrayed, lied to, demonized, and I've been sucked into some divine sibling rivalry, dragged to some magic land I've never even heard of, and... wait.

I think I've got something. No, I know I do! It might not be enough to win the case, but it will at least be able to buy me more time and have the trial extended a day, which I can use to figure out how I'm going to play this.

"Princess Celestia, you claimed that Princess Luna cast the spell at 4:00 AM, and you're sure of that?"

"Yes, around that time, maybe five minutes off, at most."

"It's interesting you say that, because I have a copy of Luna's arrest record right here, and it says she was arrested at 5:46 AM."

"That sounds right, yes."

"Tell me, Princess Celestia... how fast are pegasus ponies?"

Edgeworth shouts again, "Objection! Your Honor, but what relevance does this have to the case at hand?"

"I'm getting to that, Your Honor, please."

The judge allows me to continue, "Objection overruled." Take that, Edgeworth.

"So, how fast are pegasus ponies?"

Celestia takes a short time to ponder, trying to figure out where I'm going with this so she can come up with a successful lie. Fortunately, she can't figure me out.

"They're quite fast, actually. I believe they can reach about the same speed as a jet airplane."

"I thought so. Princess Celestia, do you remember when I visited you at your palace in Canterlot?"

"Of course I do."

"I was brought there via chariot drawn by two pegasus ponies. But you know, it took more than two hours before I arrived there."

"Well, Equestria is pretty far away from Japan."

"Exactly. But if the defendant cast the spell at 4:00 AM, how could the police helicoptors have arrived to arrest her at 5:46 AM, less than two hours after the incident? This isn't even keeping in mind the time it would have taken you to argue with Luna and then phone the police, and for them to prepare to leave."

"That is rather peculiar," the judge agrees with me.

"It is, and there's only one way the police could have arrived at the time they did if the incident really did happen at 4:00 AM: They were called before Luna cast her spell!"

The courtroom becomes chattery, the judge slams his gavel and demands order once more. Time to drive this home.

"Princess Celestia, the only way the police would have been able to arrive when they did is if they were called before the defendant cast her spell. But how could that possibly happen?"

She's losing it even more than before, and starts to stutter.

"I... well I'm... I'm not quite sure... how they would have, I mean."

"I am, it's because you called them before Luna cast the spell, because you knew she was going to! And the only way you would know that in advance is if you did, in fact, tell Luna to leave the night up all day, just like she told us you did!"

"She's lying!"

Another wave of murmurs falls over the courtroom. Edgeworth begins to look unnerved; He knows Luna was telling the truth, now. The judge demands order one more time, then leans forward and thinks for a moment.

"Well," he starts, "it would definitely seem as though this trial isn't as simple as it initially seemed, and I must congratulate Mr. Wright for doing so much with so little."

Jeez, didn't anyone think I could make something out of this? Well, I guess I didn't think I could, either.

"However, we appear to be running out of time, and so I'm moving for the trial to be put on hold. Tomorrow is sunday, however, so proceedings will continue on Monday. This court is adjourned."

One last gavel slam, and it's over.


I did it.

At least, for today. I still have to prove without a doubt that Celestia is the one behind this, and I'm now positive Princess Luna is telling the truth. But if I just had some hard evidence... some absolute proof to link Celestia into the whole thing.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wright?"

It's Luna, she still seems so tense. I thought she'd feel better after all this. Then again, how much better can you feel about getting closer to your own innocence, when it just means your older sister set you up?

"What is it, Luna? Is something the matter?"

"I... I'm sorry but, I haven't been completely honest with you all this time."

...No. No no no no NO! I've finally convinced myself that she's been completely honest with me from the beginning, and now she's telling me she was lying!? Somebody, please, please shoot me.

"I didn't tell you about this because... well, it's not something I'm supposed to be doing, but if it will help the case, I think you ought to know."

Do I even want to know? Do I? I'm not sure. Regardless, she's about to tell me.

"The fact of the matter is... I do have someone who can prove my sister gave me permission to leave the night up."

"Yo-you do? Why didn't you tell me?" I don't know if I should be angry or relieved. "So someone else was there after all?"

I can tell she feels guilty about her lie, "Well, he wasn't exactly there, per se... but he would have heard everything. See, he works in the nighttime a lot, in fact he loves it more than he loves the day, so when he asked me to help him... I found it hard to say 'no'..."

"Help him? Help him how?"

"All he asks of me is that I make sure the night is darkest where he lives. It doesn't take much work, and no one ever notices, but I'm still not supposed to do it. He keeps in touch with me with a small radio I keep in my mane. We were talking when my sister told me I could leave the night up, so he would have heard her give me permission. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but if it'll do any good..."

I can't believe it! Finally, something I can work with! Someone who would can prove Luna's innocence!

"Luna, please, where is he? What's his name?"

She looks at the floor for a moment, hesitant. Finally, she answers.

"He's in the United States, a place called Gotham City. He goes by the name Batman."
>> No. 100579
File 128917966185.jpg - (2.54KB , 107x126 , 1285218199393s.jpg )
But in a good way!
>> No. 100583
File 128918380813.png - (275.20KB , 1360x1280 , RD and TS builds.png )
Was asked to post these here.

Alright bronies, here's 2 character builds for Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. I made Twilight first and after some good responses, I made Dash. So here they are.


I tried to make them as faithful to the show as possible from screencaps, and they are all fully built with pivot points. There are a few mouths and blinks, as well as left and right views.

You will need Flash CS3 or CS4 to play with them.
Even if you don't want to animate, they are great for recolouring and making your own poney.

Or just look up some character animation tutorials and have fun! Or... find some fucked up music and tween them across the screen, I dunno. Save and repost for any ponyfags who appreciate it, that mediafire won't last forever. ENJOY!

>> No. 100599
File 128919187088.jpg - (2.01MB , 1308x2742 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100603
Poll thread 404's. Eager Beaver Mod or the OP? What mystic force was at work?
I rather enjoyed the Jurassic Park dialogue
>> No. 100607
File 128919769064.png - (124.58KB , 655x285 , 12135655643678.png )
The power of the sun was held by Celestia. The power of the moon was held by Luna. Princess Celestia now posseses them both, and therefore becomes God. Now the source of all harmony - The wall of friendship -takes form. Will it be an Ark to save /co/ from the vacuum of hatred and bitterness? Or is it a demon that will spam us all? The fate of Ponykind now lies in Twilight Sparkle's hands.
>> No. 100608
maybe later, not in the week
>> No. 100616
Well it took me a damn while but I finally started my own fic. To explain the scope of the story, the return of Luna, an old and dangerous past returns to haunt all of Equestria setting in motion a dark and terrible plan in motion created a thousand years ago. Forcing Luna and her newly found pony and non-pony friends on a journey to restore Luna's power to restore balance to all of the world or plunge it into eternal chaos and suffering. Here's the prologue of the story. Hope you like it. And please don't hesitate to criticize me. This is possibly my first time doing this.

“I can’t wait for till Gala opens in the next four weeks! It’s going to be super duper fun! Can you? I can’t, there’s going to be games, sweets and dancing everywhere! Were going to have so much fun and make lots of friends, not like I don’t already have the best of best friends already right Twilight?” Pinkie Pie says in a very hyper manner of happiness only to be interrupted by Pinkie’s sudden gasp for air to continue here near crazy dialogue. “Did I mention that we will have lots of fun?”
“Yes, Pinkie Pie, I heard you for the twentieth time” Twilight Sparkles as she chuckled a bit.
“Oh of course you did after all you’re my BEST FRIEND! Which games are you going to play first I wanna play the-?
Spike groaned knowing that that there was no way to stop her when she’s this excited and lay back on Twilights back still hearing Pinki Pie going on?
“Remind me again we have Pinkie Pie helping us delivering the textiles and jewels to Rarities place and not any other pony?” The little dragon asked as the pink pony continued on.
Twilight sighed,“You already know this as well I do, Spike. Applejack is busy with Big Mcintosh in setting up her food sale in Canterlot to help fund for the improvement of her home. Fluttershy is still tending her animal friends so she can go there without having to worry about them before she gets back. Rainbow is still practicing her manuevers to impress the Wonderbolts; even though I told her that crashing events are never a good idea, and mostly napping. And since Pinky Pie and I have really nothing to do for the next few days, Rarity asked both of us to help her getting her materials to her store so she can make her ensembles for the Gala.”
Spike rolled his eyes.
“Unless you want to want to carry this baskets yourself of course by all means.” Twilight said slyly as she shook him showing him the large baskets containing the materials Rarity ordered and making Spike almost losing his balance.
Twilight and Spike both checked on Pinkie Pie, still rambling on about oatmeal’s or something while defying gravity by still hopping around them like she wasn’t carrying anything. Its almost like she witlessly bends reality to her whim still chatting away like that.
Oh! We’re here~! Pinkie Pie said ecstatically while stopping. “Wow we’re fast aren’t we, Twilight?”
“Yes, very fast.” Twilight emptily agreed knowing the occupation talking to her pink friend was what made time go faster. “ Lets get this stuff inside. My back is starting to get sore after carrying all this stuff AND the extra weight here.”
“Hey!” Spike objected angrily.
>> No. 100617
Both of the ponies giggled and made their way to Rarity’s beautifully decorated house.
“Rarity? We got the materials you wanted.” Twilight called.
A distant reply was heard farther back in the room.
“Oh absolutely wonderful!” replied. She came rushing back to them excitedly. Even when under the large pressure of hundred of orders she was still as dazzling as ever. “I knew I could count on you two to help me out with my work. Now lets take off those dreadful baskets on your backs, I have much to tell you tell you about today.” Rarity then lowered her head, pointing her horn both at the ponies. Her snowy white horn emitted a soft white glow, which quickly enveloped both the baskets, lifting them off and slowly setting them on the side of the room. “And it is much bigger than just the Grand Galloping Gala too.”
Bigger than the Grand Galloping Gala? Twilight thought. What could possibly be bigger than that?
“Yeah, what could be bigger than that?” Pinkie Pie said.
Twilight looked at Pinkie surprised yet confused look.
“Er, I mean, what news?” Pinkie recovered with a sheepish grin.
Rarity composed herself to contain her excitement and began, “Well, I was down in town, buying some bodacious threads and gems for my first class ensembles when I heard from one of the store clerks was more perky than usual conversing with one of the other customers, and, being the ever so curious me I just had to know.”
Probably some crazy rumor she heard again thought Twilight.
“When I asked her as to what was the commotion, she told something that I think may have changed my life!” The white pony said barely holding her excitement now.
Both Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie moved their heads in closer to her a bit.
“We will be having plays in the Gala now!” She bursts out giggling.
“That’s it?” Twilight asked? “We already have a play in the Gala, Rarity. Don’t you know that?”
“Well I know that we will be having a play in the daytime.” She said coyly turning her head slightly with a smug smile. “But it wont be as big as the one in the night.”
“In the night?” Twilight and Pinkie Pie asked.
“Well what’s so special about that?” Spike asked with a mouth full of cookies he snuck with out of Rarities kitchen.
“Yes, something about heightening the senses and all that, but the special part is that it wont be acted out by just ponies either.” Rarity said as she turned her head to the left and aimed her horn again at a jeweled box that was roughly a foot long. With Rarities magic, she levitated the box and brought it in front of her and opened it. Inside was a rolled up, lightly golden paper. Rarity set down the box and unrolled the paper to what revealed to be a poster, which was written down, in large, fancy writing which said.
Below the ad was a delicately painted picture of what appeared to be a set of different settings. One is a two-legged creature kneeling down and facing the moon as if he was attempting tto woo it into his arms. Another was the same creature playing with a strange three-six stringed instrument to another of the same creature but with longer hair filled with stars and flowers more beautifully dressed as if you were looking into the night dancing to the music in a field of wheat and wild flowers in the night. A kobold, a dwarf, a hobbit and a goblin stand ready to do battle against a band of orcs, all of them completely shirtless, grinning menacingly at them armed with only their fists at the ready. And finally two legged creature sword fighting a strange, horned, black and red centaur on a cliff-end with fire raging behind them. It was something that Twilight has never seen in her life. But what caught there interest more was these strange, nearly hairless bipedal creatures.
“Wow, Rarity this is incredible” Twilight said with a small gasp.
“I like them all!” squealed Pinkie Pie and hopping frantically, “I want to be friends with them!”
“ I know! To see such a culture, sophistication and intelligence from afar is just what I need too see in the Gala. Well, second since, Him! She crooned.
“Of course, Rarity, but Rarity, these beings in the picture.” Twilight pointed at the one playing the instrument with her hoof. “Are they-?
“Yes!” interrupted Rarity shifting her head to expose herself on the right side of the paper. “They are who you think they are.”
“What are who?” Pinkie Pie asked Twilight as she turned her head to her.
“You mean you don’t know?” Rarity asked with a shocked look on her face.
“No, should I? Asked Pinkie turned her head again to Rarity with a confused look on her face.
“Pinkie.” Twilight said calmly but with a hint of concern in her voice. “These are humans. And they haven’t been seen for over a thousand years.
“Really?!” cried Pinkie with a surprised look. “Guess that means we better throw them a really, really big party then, huh?.
“I think I would be more worried about someone else than just the humans Pinkie.” cautioned Twilight.
“Like who?” asked Rarity.
“Luna” Twilight said with great concern and worry showing on her face. “She’s been imprisoned on that moon for over a thousand years. A lot has changed over these years. I just worry how she will react to this when she sees them. And why are they returning now?”
>> No. 100618
Aaaand that's the prologue. Ch1 will be posted on either this monday night or on tuesday night. Feel free to throw in your thoughts and ideas. I would love to hear about them. Oh, and criticize me, good writers are not made without its critics!
>> No. 100620

Haven't had a lot of time for finishing fics lately, but here's the rest of the cooking-fluff fic!


"Flour flour flouuuuurrrrr, pouring out the floouuuuuuuuurrrrrr~" Pinkie half-sang, bouncing from hoof to hoof as she watched Applejack carefully pour the flour into the cup.

"It's really not as excitin' as you're makin' it out to be." Applejack mumbled, glancing over to the pink pony as she hummed happily to herself.

"Sure it is! What do I do, what do I do?" She asked, for possibly the zillionth time, as she watched Applejack measure.

"Well, I gotta measure out another cup, so howabout you pour this flour into the bowl, and -"

"Pouring out the flouuuuuuuuur, so we can devoouuuuuuuuur - some pie!" Pinkie Pie sang, dramatically holding the measuring cup above her head before dipping it on the final word, dumping the cup of flour into the bowl in one sudden SCHOOMP.

"Wow, Applejack, you look like a SNOWPONY!" She chirped, happily bouncing up and down as she watched Applejack slowly come into sight through the cloud of white that now filled the kitchen. "What's next?"

"More flour." Applejack sighed, as if she were signing her own death warrant.

"Oh boy! What else rhymes with flour? Oh! I know! 'Gonna mix the flour, uh! It has got the power, yeah! To make tasty pie OH YEAH!'"


"And now we mix it. SLOWLY." Applejack mumbled, the entirety of her coat now splattered with various ingredients. Flour in her mane, gritty sugar grinding under her hooves with every step, and the distinct smell of cinnamon and vanilla coming from her left hind leg. The kitchen would need a lot of help after this; lucky for her, tonight was Big Mac's night to clean, heh.

"Sloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwlyyyyyyyyy we miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaapple piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie ... miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix." Pinkie Pie intoned in a low, slow voice, her hooves moving the spoon in slow-motion around the bowl.

"Not that slowly!" Applejack protested with a small frown, rolling her eyes as Pinkie Pie happily returned to her enthusiastic stirring, small splatters of the mix landing on the counter wetly. Well, at least it wasn't as much mix as she'd spilled before. "Okay. Now we put in the apple slices, and pour it into the shell."

"Oh boy!" Pinkie beamed, abandoning the stirring to trot over to the bowl of sliced apples. She picked it up happily, and was about to dump it into the rest of the mix before she paused, glancing back to Applejack. "Do you wanna do this part?"

"Do -- what part?"

"The pouring part." Pinkie Pie said simply, blinking up at Applejack, the bowl of apple slices still suspended over the counter in Pinkie's hooves. "You've been letting me do all the mixing and pouring, which means it must be the most fun part of baking. And I don't wanna hog all the fun parts."

Applejack blinked at Pinkie Pie, a little lost for words, before she shook her head gently. "N-Nah, you go ahead, Pinkie. I'm having fun just watching."

And surprisingly enough, she was.


"Is it done yet?" Pinkie Pie asked, staring into the oven intently, as if willing it to cook faster would make it so.

"Nah, not yet." Applejack murmured in reply, staring into the oven for a moment before she returned to her cleaning. She'd finally felt a twinge of guilt over leaving the whole mess for McIntosh, so she swept up the worst of it. Considering how, er, 'enthusiastic' Pinkie could be, it could have been a lot worse.

"How about now?"

"Not yet." Applejack repeated mildly, scrubbing at a bit of solidified sugar on the floor. Ugh, but that stuff got everywhere.



"What if I asked you, theoretically - would it be done now?"

"Pinkie, I swear, you are jumpier than a long-tailed dragon in a room of rocking-chairs."

"A long-tailed who in a room of what?"

"Oh look, it's done!" Applejack distracted her, peering into the oven before pulling it open a crack, peering inside as a wave of cinnamon-tinged, apple-licious delight rolled out of it. It smelled so good, Pinkie could hardly stand it!

"REALLY?!" Pinkie Pie squealed, bouncing as Applejack nabbed the thick oven mitt, clamping it between her teeth to pull the pan out of the oven.

"Yep. Gotta let it cool before we eat it, though." Applejack warned her, setting it on the counter to cool.

"How long do we have to wait?" Pinkie Pie asked, wide eyes already locked hungrily on the pie.

"Oh, ten minutes or so, just until it won't burn our mouths." Applejack murmured patiently, rummaging in the cool closet for some ice cream.


"Yes, Pinkie?" Applejack asked, peering back out at her friend.

"I had a lot of fun today." She beamed, positively glowing with happiness. "Thanks for teaching me how to make your special apple pie."

Applejack smiled back at her, setting the carton of ice cream on the counter. "No problem, Pinkie. Thanks for helping me make it. I had a whole heap-load of fun, too."

Pinkie Pie giggled back at Applejack, then rested her cheek on one hoof, watching as Applejack started to fiddle with the ice cream carton. "Hey Applejack?"

"Yeah, Pinkie?"

"Has it been ten minutes yet?"

The End!
>> No. 100621
Flashes from the Hub site game. No, they don't work properly.

Also careful, heard mediafire's been crammed with virus.
>> No. 100633
File 128922149081.png - (205.93KB , 1359x498 , ponycap.png )
Here's another for the Wall of Friendship!
>> No. 100645
post 1300 everypony! YAY!
>> No. 100646
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page 12
>> No. 100703
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>> No. 100704
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>> No. 100717
God, I'm so tired. Stupid jet lag... pegasus lag.

Yesterday, after the trial, Luna told me that there was someone listening in on the conversation with Celestia that night: vigilante in a major city in America who uses the name Batman. I didn't know much about him before the flight over, thoughtfully arranged by Luna, but Maya insisted on coming with me to meet this guy, and practically gave me a full history lesson on him.

"I can't believe you've never heard of him, Nick!" she shouted, stunned at my ignorance.

"I guess I just don't pay as much attention to these things as you do. What's so special about him?"

"He's only the coolest thing ever! He's a half-man, half-bat monster that lives in Gotham City and only comes out at night, and he fights bad guys!"

I guess I'm expected to believe in monsters too, now.

"He flies around and has super strength, and can even disappear into thin air!"

It was like this for hours before she eventually decided to take a nap in the chariot. Can't blame her, it was a long flight. By the time we got to Gotham, with the time difference and everything, it was already after midnight, and we only had so much time to find this Batman and get him on our side.

"This is important, Maya. Batman is the only one who has a prayer of keeping Luna out of prison, so we need to get to him fast."

"But that's impossible! No one 'finds' Batman, he finds you! He can turn invisible if he doesn't want to be seen!"

If she thinks it's impossible, why did she insist on coming? Besides, even if that's true, I can't stop now. We're so close, we just need to find a way to lure him out.

Suddenly, we hear gunshots in the distance. Maya starts running, but not in the direction I'd think she would.

"Nick, come on! Those shtos came from this way! Hurry!"

"Uhh, Maya? Don't people normally run away from gunfire!?"

"Duh! Gun shots means crime, and crime means Batman! If we're going to look for him, this is going to be our best bet!"

I hate to admit it, but she has a point. Reluctantly, I follow her towards where the shots were fired from. Down an alley, we take cover behind an old dumpster. Across the street, in another alley, we see some guys in masks loading a truck with crates.

Maya whispers to me, "these must be the guys that fired those shots, Nick."

That may be so, but I still don't see this Batman character anywhere. Part of me feels like I'm on a wild goose chase, and Batman is only an urban legend or something. But then again, Luna did confirm his existence to me, would she lie twice?

I hear a scream, a terrified scream. I try to get a better look at the next alley, but it's really dark out. It looks like those thugs are distracted, panicked. Something's rattled their cage.

A shapeless shadow zips by.

"Nick! Nick did you see that?" I didn't think I did, honestly. It was so fast I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Suddenly, a large figure drops from the sky and onto one of the thugs. There's a struggle, and shots are fired. Lots of shouting. And almost as quickly as it began, everyone's floored.

Finally, a tall, monstrous figure with long, pointed horns rises from the slaughter. What the hell is wrong with this City? I've been here less than an hour and already I've heard gunshots and have seen some demon kill at least five people... and something tells me it has no qualm killing me next. Relax, Phoenix... if you can just stay quiet maybe it won't see you... maybe it'll go away.

"Nick, it's Batman!" Maya screams in excitement. What's wrong with her!? Is she trying to get me killed!? Wait... hold on, I don't think those are supposed to be horns... no, they're ponty ears, like a bat! It is Batman... and I have to talk to this... thing... and convince it to help us.

He hears Maya shout and looks over to see us watching, I can't let him get away. I make a run for him, leaving Maya behind. Dear god I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to attack him, I'm too young to die.

I hear what sounds like another gunshot, and he flies into the air. Gone.

"No! I need your help!" I don't know who I'm shouting to at this point, I know he's probably on the other side of the city by now he moves so fast. "It's about Princess Luna! She needs you!" Another feeble cry swallowed by the night. Maya finally manages to make her way over, and she knows as well as I do that I've screwed up royally. I've also screwed over royalty.

I probably shouldn't be making such stupid jokes right now.

I slam by back against the brick building beside me and drop. I don't even care if my suit gets dirty. I look at the battered bodies of those crooks scattered on the floor, I guess I should be glad I'm not them.


"Not now, Maya. Leave me alone, please..."

"Nick, look!"

I follow her pointed finger to the roof of the building across from me, and I see those pointed ears again. He came back.

I clumsily bring myself back to my feet, "Batman? I-I need to talk to you, it's important!"

He drops down from the roof... he's huge, but barely makes a sound as he lands.

"Luna sent you?" His voice is deep, but clean. He's huge, six foot three at least, without the long ears. Getting a better look at him, I can tell he's not really a monster, it's a disguise. He definitely looks like a bat, but he's human. He wears a blue-grey mask that leads into a long cape with a scalloped end, and matching boots, and gloves with three spikes on the forearms. The rest of his attire is a solid grey, with a stylized bat shape emblazened over his chest. I can see why people are so afraid of this guy.

"Nick... I'm scared..." Maya says, with tears practically already streaming down her face out of terror.

"Y-yes... I'm her, uhh... I'm her lawyer, you see... and she was arrested the other day..."

"After the extended night?"

"Umm... yeah, exactly. See her sister says she never gave Luna permission to leave the night up, but if we can, umm... prove she did... do that... then we can keep her out of jail, and Luna told us you could prove her sister did tell her she could... ehh... yeah." I can barely form complete sentences talking to this guy, he looks like he's ready to break my neck at any moment.

"Celestia..." his eyes narrow. His tone changes ever so subtley, but I have a feeling he's not too happy, I doubt he ever is. He pulls a device out of a yellow belt around his waist and presses a few buttons.

"It's true, Celestia most definitely gave Luna permission to leave the night up that day, I was communicating with Luna via a commlink at the time, and I have the entire conversation recorded."

So Luna was telling the truth, and we finally have proof!

"So, will you come back to the trial and help Luna then? You have everything we need to keep her out of jail!"

He shakes his head, and I feel my heart sink. A head shake isn't good, it's not good at all.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, even if I give you the recording, the case is far from solved."

Far from solved? How? We'll have absolute, irrefutable proof Luna is telling the truth, and everything that happened that night went exactly as she said it did from the very beginning!

Before I can open my mouth to ask him, a vicious noise cuts me off. Jeez, that's loud, what the hell is it? Both Maya and I are covering our ears, but Batman doesn't seem phased at all. I think I might go deaf.

Then I see it, a plane. A large...but not too large, black plane is landing in the middle of the street. As Batman makes his way over to it, the cockpit opens.

"Get in!" he shouts over the roar of the jet. I guess this is how we're getting back. Maya's already running into the plane, and I know there's no point fighting it. I'm going to go back to Japan in a black jet piloted by a guy wearing a bat costume.

At first there's only one seat inside, and Batman's sitting in that one. He presses a button on the control panel and behind him everything flips and transforms around to make room for two seats for me and Maya. I've got to admit, as strange as all this is: it's really freaking cool.

We strap ourselves in and the cockpit seals shut. It actually completely cancels out the noise from the jet itself. The plane lifts up into the air, and takes off at what has got to be the speed of sound. The sudden speed makes me feel sick, and Maya doesn't look too good either. I can't see Batman's face, but I assume he has the same expressionless scowl he's had since we met him.

I break the silence. "Umm... Batman, I need to ask you something." I feel a lot more able to speak without being face-to-face, "back there, when you said the case is far from solved, even though we know what happened... what more is left to learn?"

"We'll know everything that happened that night, yes, and Luna will definitely be seen not guilty," he says, keeping his eyes on the... sky. "However, there's still one important piece of information we need, and that's why Celestia set Luna up in the first place."

He's got a point. Luna seemed so sure her sister would do anything for her. And why would Celestia choose now, of all times, to betray her sister? What does she gain from all of this?

"Well... do you have any ideas?"

We're already flying over the ocean.

"I've got a hunch."
>> No. 100765
File 128928175685.jpg - (135.47KB , 640x720 , baby ponies.jpg )
Something that was just figured out in the current thread, that I thought might be worth mentioning.

It seems that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo -- whose names have been in the credits of every episode, but haven't yet had a speaking part -- are baby ponies, and friends of Apple Bloom.
And given that they're listed as "Featured Performers", there's a very good chance of future episodes revolving around baby pony adventures.

And before anyone asks, the cap is from episode 1, during Night Mare Moon's big debut.
>> No. 100768
File 128928228740.png - (209.78KB , 1638x790 , 3PonehAnimationPak.png )
Okay artists and animators and awesome bronies of /co/

Here are the updated Flash CS3 fanbuilds of Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy.



The RD and TS ones have optional eyebrows now so this pack is definitely improved. If you grabbed the first 2 versions, you're well off grabbing this one instead because of the eyebrows.
All body part symbols have alternate views/mouths/parts as frames, there are left and right views of each character. Fluttershy has an optional blush. :3

Please enjoy. and post what you do here or whatever. They might not be professional, but I tried to make them look like the show, so the least you can do is have some fun with them. There should be enough mouths to do some sort of lipsync.

The heads are done so that you can animate their faces independently so it won't screw up if you also want to make their heads move.

>> No. 100779
Love you too, pony-brah.

I've been poking around, but haven't found a good download of Flash CS3 yet... Can anyone help a bro out?
>> No. 100787

Or just try http://www.torrentz.com/ and search
>> No. 100788
Since we're talking about flash, anyone care to test this, maybe save as a swf?
Found a flash-ripping program, but this thing would only play on Adobe Flash 8 apparently.
>> No. 100792
Thank you very much, but I can't do torrents where I am... Any direct links?
>> No. 100793
File 128930259488.jpg - (104.01KB , 1142x359 , hungry.jpg )
Was a good thread
>> No. 100794
Throwing something out there we can identify ourselves by.

Exactly what level of Pony-fan are you?

A. I like the show
B. I've watched the episodes more than once
C. I love the threads
D. The Magic of Friendship is in my heart
E. <Pony name here> is mai waifu
F. I wouldn't mind candy vag
G. I draw and write pony porn.

Any suggestions/changes?
>> No. 100834

All except G. Twilight is mai waifu >_>
>> No. 100838
i just came to a realization! rarity's voice, and actions are based on the capitol people in the book, "the hunter games"
>> No. 100844
File 128934087267.jpg - (62.94KB , 1022x695 , 1285197528687.jpg )
You are the man bra. However, I think something's wrong with mediafire. My AntiVirus went apeshit once I opened the page.
>> No. 100847
i hate to do this but........YESSSSSSS! I FINALLY HAVE SOUND ON MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!! I CANT FUCKING BELIVE IT!!!!!!!
>> No. 100848
Mediafire's been colonized by viruses of late.

Anifag, would you kindly toss everything up on MegaUpload?
>> No. 100849
File 12893424975.png - (149.53KB , 1576x384 , andanother.png )
another brick in the wall.
>> No. 100850
File 128934250049.jpg - (58.14KB , 500x375 , superchink.jpg )

Also, I'm seeing a disturbing lack of MLP threads down at /co/.
>> No. 100851
there's always at least one up at a time. sometimes it's in autosage for a few hours and we keep it around.
>> No. 100852
File 128934396954.png - (180.67KB , 1313x1092 , FluttershyBuild_FINAL.png )
As you wish

All 3 pony builds so far, ready for animation
>> No. 100858
These last few days have been insane, and after this is all over I'm seriously considering seeing a psychologist.

I've seen a night last thirty-six hours, have met two winged unicorn ponies that have magic powers that raise the sun and moon each day, have travelled to an uncharted land via pegasus-drawn chariot, have represented one of those unicorns in court, gone to America to meet a masked vigilante who dresses like a bat, and am now in a jet piloted by said vigilante on my way back to Japan to find out why the unicorn I'm representing was set up.

"So, what's your hunch then, if you don't mind my asking?"

Though I can't see his face, I don't feel I need to. It never changes. Besides, whenever I do look at him I feel uneasy.

"I've known Luna for a long time now, keeping in touch with a radio. She makes sure the night is always blackest over Gotham, just how I like it."

"Yeah, she mentioned that." Batman is one of the few people who can truly appreciate Luna's nights, she'd take no issue in doing him such a small favor.

"In all that time, I've frequently heard her speak with her sister Celestia. I may not know her sister personally like I do Luna, but I know a lot about her."

"Like what?" That she's a lying, backstabbing, schemer who takes no issue in betraying her own family?

"She's a good person."

What!? A good person? I look at Maya, she seems surprised too. And doesn't he mean she's a good unicorn?

"Even Luna, who's known her longer and better than anyone else has never had anything but kind words about her sister. Letting her leave the night up as a gift seemed exactly like something Celestia would do for her sister."

"But Celestia admitted she called the police after Luna cast the spell to leave the night up," Maya chimes in, "tricking her sister and then turning her in doesn't sound like something I'd praise anyone for!"

"That's true, but Celestia's seemed pretty off-center lately."

Off-center? What, is she meditating now?

"I doubt Luna would have noticed, most of it's been too subtle for almost anyone to pick up. But I can hear it when she talks, she's been different for the past few months."

"So... if it's true what you're saying, that Celestia has been different somehow recently, what do you think's going on with her?"

"Have you ever heard of dissociative identity disorder?"

"You mean like... multiple personalities?"

"Exactly, I have some experience with it. If I'm right, then the Celestia that's been here isn't the Celestia that Luna loves so much. Rather, she's an alter ego that has been assuming the role of Celestia when it suits her, such as when she's talking with Luna. But in reality, she's been planning to betray Luna since she took over Celestia."

So Celestia has some alternate personality that has been pretending to be the real Celestia all this time, when in reality she's been plotting against Luna for months?

"But that means that Celestia is good after all? And the real bad guy is this person pretending to be Celestia?" Maya asks.

"Correct. But there's still one thing that doesn't make sense, and that's what caused this second personality to arise. Usually when someone develops a split personality it's because there's some traumatic experience they can't deal with, some overwhelming stress, but as far as I know Celestia hasn't dealt with any recent tragedies, and if it was something from a long time ago we would have heard from it sooner."

"So," I begin, "you have absolutely no idea what could have caused Celestia to suddenly develop some alternate personality that has it out for Luna?"

He exhales heavily. "That's right, and I'm not even positive that's what's going on. Remember, this is all a hunch."

It's quite a big hunch. Celestia's been impersonated and is trying to screw over Luna by making it look like she's abused her powers? I guess it would make sense, but like Batman said, there's no reason she should even have some second personality.

Every time one question is answered, hundreds more take its place. Being a lawyer seems like a really counter-intuitive career right now.

The trial resumes tomorrow. I have solid evidence to proove Celestia set Luna up... but I still need to figure out exactly what made Celestia want to do all of this.
>> No. 100863
why is it so hard for ponyfags to just ignore spammers?

seriously, it's not hard, and I thought we all agreed on that being the course of action.
>> No. 100865
Don't know if ignoring those aspies works enough. Anyway, it's weird, I thought janitors/mods had been working lately. Maybe it's the same who just came back from ban or something.
>> No. 100877
File 128935539386.png - (399.02KB , 533x452 , 12112237676443.png )

Just feed em this
>> No. 100878
File 12893556628.jpg - (16.11KB , 375x375 , 1285183066831.jpg )
You deserve far more attention for your talents.
>> No. 100898
File 128936418296.jpg - (2.31MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 100923
File 128940647760.png - (88.37KB , 1455x323 , yetanother.png )
>> No. 100931
Gentlemen, Behold: http://www.pony.wallpaper-studio.com/Ponyland.html
>> No. 100934
File 12894157516.png - (5.74KB , 237x203 , 1288974673698.png )
>This is a story about a special pony named Lunarstar, born as a winged unicorn, the first of her kind. At a very young age, she lived with her adopted parents in a world where unicorns, pegasus and other magical creatures don’t exists.
>don't exists

Sorry, good art, but I like good writing too.
>> No. 100936
That Alicorn was raised in Tales world, but is actually born in Friends world (MLP Tales don't have that fantasy crap like the others).
>> No. 100939
Uh, what?
>> No. 100945
Read the story, it use both the "My Little Pony Tales" and "My Little Pony and Friends" universes.
>> No. 100960
Day two of the trial is here. This time, I'm ready. Batman gave me the recording of the conversation between Celestia and Luna, confirming Luna was given permission to leave the night up when she did. Batman refused to appear as a witness, but assures me he's keeping a close eye on the proceedings. I don't see him anywhere, though.

Luna is sitting down, she looks nervous. I never got the chance to tell her I managed to get in touch with Batman, so she doesn't know she'll be found not guilty today.

The gavel slams and the judge begins.

"This court is now in session for day two of the trial of Princess Luna."

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor," says Edgeworth.

"The defense is ready, Your Honor."

Once again, the judge allows Edgeworth to begin his opening statement.

"As noted last time, on the date of October 17th, Princess Luna, responsible for raising the night, admits to leaving the night up for far longer than she is allowed to. Her sister, Princess Celestia, bore witness to the act first-hand."

Edgeworth knows Celestia was lying before, when she was called out on calling the police before the spell could have been cast. Normally he'd become cooperative at this point, but he barely has anything to pin on her either. Luckily, I have an ace up my sleeve.

"The prosecution would like to call Princess Celestia back to the stand."

Perfect, this is it.

Edgeworth continues, "Princess Celestia, could you please explain the reason the police arrived so soon after the incident took place?

"Of course I can. See, I had forgotten that I was having a hard time getting to sleep that night, so I decided, since I was already awake, I'd begin my preparations to raise the sun earlier than usual. So even though I thought it was 4:00 AM at first, since that's when I usually begin, it was earlier than that, which would explain why the police arrived when they did."

The judge doesn't look like he buys it either, but it still checks out. Finally, he says those magic words:

"The defense may begin its cross-examination."

Finally, Celestia, or whoever you are, I have you, ready to call you out on your lie.

"Now, Princess Celestia, you assert that you in no way gave the defendant permission to leave the night up when she did?"

"Of course not, I'd never even consider such a thing!"


"That's interesting, because I have with me irrefutable proof that you did. A recording that was taken that night, of you telling Luna she could leave the night up."

She seems shocked, but maintains her facade, "that's impossible, no one was there besides Luna and I."

"That may be true, but the person recording this didn't have to be there at all. See, Princess Luna is allied with an American vigilante known as Batman..."

The crowd begins to chatter, with a gavel slam and a shout of "Order!" from the judge they simmer down.

"Batman keeps in contact with Luna via a small radio transmitter she keeps hidden in her mane. Luckily enough, he was in the middle of talking to Luna when you gave permission to leave the night up."

Celestia looks tense, she knows what's coming.

"I have the recording right here. Please, pay close attention to the voices and what is being said."

I hit play, and the audio begins.

>October 17th, 3:56 AM
>Batman: So you'll be able to keep the night dark in Egypt next week, right?
>Luna: Yes, now where exac-- oh, hold on, my sister's here.
>Celestia: Luna, admiring the night sky again I see.
>Luna: Someone has to.
>Celestia: Luna... what would you say if I offered to let you leave the night up all day today?
>Luna: You... you really mean it!?
>Celestia: Absolutely, but just for one day. You know that the ecosystem relies on the sun for its energy, so it can't be for anything more than a day but...
>Luna: Oh sister! Thank you! Thank you so much!
>Celestia: You're very welcome, Luna.
>Luna: I'm so happy... I'm going to cast the spell to leave the moon up right now!
>End of recording.

The crowd is practically yelling at this point, and no amount of gavel slams can calm them down. Edgeworth doesn't seem too broken up about losing, he's just pleased justice is served.

"Order! Order in this courtroom! Order!"

I look over at Luna, expecting to see a smile, but still nothing... she looks... stunned. What is she looking at?

I follow her eyes, it's Celestia. And now, I'm glued to her too.

Celestia is fuming right now. She's been called out, and now everyone knows her lie. All she can do is wallow in her own... wait...

What's going on? The ground feels like it's.. shaking? Is it an earthquake?! No... Celestia's doing this, somehow. A breeze starts to blow from her body, which turns into a gust. This doesn't look good.

"You... little... INSECTS!" Celestia bellows as the entire court is blown apart from the force emanating from her.

Nope, definitely not good.

Everyone scatters to take cover, they don't know what's going to happen. I don't either.

Celestia rises into the air, "do you have any idea who you're dealing with? I'm Princess Celestia of Equestria! I give you ingrates the sun you need to live each and every day! And you'd protect her over me!?"

Her body becomes illuminated, refracting light like diamond, as six glowing orbs are produced from her body. She sets her sights on Luna, who stands trapped like a deer in headlights.

"If you won't send her away, I'll just have to do it myself."
>> No. 100979

I think I would be a lot more on-board with this work if the main character wasn't a huge self-insert. :/ And so INCREDIBLY UNIQUE!!! AND EVERYONE LOVES HER!!!11
>> No. 100997
is she.....really...the dark lord......Cthulhu?
>> No. 100999
File 128945301028.jpg - (40.40KB , 356x452 , BabyEmberREQ1.jpg )
G4-style Baby Ember, as requested on /co/
>> No. 101000
File 128945304882.jpg - (40.96KB , 356x452 , BabyEmberREQ0.jpg )
Now available with Cutie Mark
>> No. 101001
File 128945311292.jpg - (94.87KB , 486x588 , Minty0.jpg )
And just because, dumping the rest that I've done so far

>> No. 101002
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>> No. 101003
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>> No. 101004
File 128945321456.jpg - (86.17KB , 516x578 , Galaxy0.jpg )
>> No. 101005
File 128945330178.jpg - (94.09KB , 540x624 , MagicStar0.jpg )
Magic Star

Yes, I know Magic Star was an Earth Pony. So were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, prior to G4.
>> No. 101006
File 128945342474.jpg - (37.43KB , 322x358 , BabyLicketySplit0.jpg )
Harbinger of the Apocalypse, also known as Baby Lickety-Split
>> No. 101007
File 128945349452.jpg - (109.95KB , 626x598 , ThistleWhistle0.jpg )
And Thistle Whistle.

Seriously, fuck her Cutie Mark. God damn.
>> No. 101008
File 128945461198.jpg - (2.36MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101011
Someone link me to the current thread?
>> No. 101012
>> No. 101013
At first I thought you were linking >>100960
And I was confused
>> No. 101015
Though /co/ is pretty much /b/ tonight, be warned.
>> No. 101022
File 128947471250.png - (118.67KB , 639x299 , 112136574843457.png )
And another ones bites the ... friendship?

Got wierd at the end when Fluttershy invaded /v/
>> No. 101025
So do we have an MKV for episode 4 yet?
>> No. 101029
Not until the site reuploads a fixed version, the audio is all messed up.

Here's the flv without speaking.
Episode 4, NO DIALOGUE, flv: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
>> No. 101032
File 128949539247.jpg - (2.40MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101037
we have 5 rows now! OMG!
>> No. 101039
I've been looking at ripping the BGM from this, but there's a lot of outside noise that has gotten through, and quite a lot is a similar Applejack-related tune. To make matters worse, it's pretty poor quality as a good chunk of the audio (not just the dialogue) is missing.
I'm going out now, but I'm going to have another look at it later to see if I can get anything from it.
>> No. 101040
File 128950261958.jpg - (31.87KB , 362x335 , BabyCuddles0.jpg )
Baby Cuddles
>> No. 101041
So /co/ is getting spammed with obvious troll pony threads today, which I thought was odd due to it being Thursday and all, but I remembered its a holiday, so it all made sense. I guess my point being is that steps are being taken to damage our rep so we should be careful about it, like avoiding obvious threads that start off with "Which pony would you fuck"
>> No. 101042
This week we had a lot of crap from trolls... wonder if they call each other on /b/ or something.
>> No. 101043
I didn't realize the veteran's day thing until you mentioned it.

Given that we only ever have issues during the weekends and today, I guess it's safe to say the majority of those that have some vendetta against the pony threads are high school kids.
>> No. 101048
File 128950638721.jpg - (135.33KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Luna.jpg )
I'm having a hard time figuring if there are actually a lot of bronies posting there right now...

Anyway, better picture version. Thanks for the brony making the episode avi's.
>> No. 101049
Well there are like 3 or 4 threads up, most of them obvious troll bait, and 1 Anon who is saying that theres an elite ring of trip fags who are secretly trying to make Plus and the one thread at a time rule that only places to talk about ponies by sabotaging and policing the other threads - despite how obviously flame bait they are
>> No. 101053
I take that as an insult!
>> No. 101055
what? It's true. I never said all high school kids were trolls, or even that most high school kids are. but most of the trolls are high school kids.
>> No. 101056
Yeah, I noticed that. Likely someone who wasn't around to know why.

I can see at least some brony was trying to post typical screencaps and someone posted some DA images and some Sea Ponies image, but no real talk going on.

Anyway, what about Diehard? He's been missing for a while. Working?
>> No. 101060
most likely, last stream he said he was working 16 hour days.
>> No. 101078
Oh god, what is she trying to do? What's wrong with her? I thought she could only raise the sun and stuff, but now there's all this!

"Wright, get down!"

Who said that? I look behind me but I can barely make it out with all this destruction around me... wait... that's Batman! I guess he was keeping a close eye on everything!

"Down, now!"

Oh, right, I drop to the floor like the coward, but I don't care. There's an angry magical diety who controls the sun that's pissed at me, this is no time to be a hero. Well, unless you're Batman I guess.

He bolts towards Celestia and reaches into his belt, quickly throwing something at her.

"You little rodent!" she shouts, and with that, both Batman and that thing he threw are frozen completely. "You dare cast your favor upon the night?" Celestia looks at the floating projectile, and it suddenly explodes, its pieces lost in the rubble that surrounds us.

"Would you have me do the same to you?" she says, inching closer to Batman, helplessly frozen stiff by her magic. This is the real face of the Celestia that framed Luna. Her voice is chilling, sadistic... haunting. "It wouldn't take much, just a thought and..."

I hear a pop, and Batman lets out a subdued, agonized grunt. I think she just dislocated his shoulder. She's toying with him... dammit, I wish there was something I could do.

A spark flashes before Celestia, I cover my eyes... but I hear her, she sounds hurt. I look up, and Celestia is down. But how...?


I search around and I see her, her horn glowing with magic. I can't believe she'd attack her own sister! But no, that's not her sister. That's... that's a monster, that's doing this.

"Celestia, I'm sorry... but I can't let you hurt any more people."

Celestia tries to stand up, but Luna actually landed a pretty heavy hit, it seems. Luna charges at her sister, but as she crosses into the rotation of those glowing orbs, I feel another surge of power come from Celestia.

Oh no... is she... she didn't... Luna, no.

As I get my bearings, I scan for Celestia, she's fine. But where's Luna? Is that? It can't be...

She's there, still standing but... is that really Luna!? She looks so... different. She's taller now, about the same size as Celestia, and her blue mane is now a mane that looks like the night sky, stars and all.

Did those orbs do that do her? In that case... they must be the source of her magic!

Luna doesn't take time to adjust to her new form, she has work to do. She charges at Celestia once again, but Celestia creates a barrier. Whatver those orbs are doing, they make Celestia a lot stronger than Luna. Luna's fighting a losing battle... dammit, why can't I help anyone?


Batman? He's still frozen in place, but I guess with Celestia not focusing on him, he can manage to get some words out. I run over to him.

"Batman, what's going on? What happened to Luna? What are those things Celestia is using?"

"Wright, listen to me... those orbs floating around Celestia... they're powerful magical artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony..." he speaks through clenched teeth, "they've got to be what's making Celesita like this... there's six because their collective power is too much for one person to handle... Celestia must have not known that when she gathered them, and their power consumed her..."

"But what can I do? Is there any way to stop her? If the magic is as strong as you say it is..."

"Listen, Wright... if you can get one of the Elements away from Celestia, it should break the grip they have over her... reach into the third pouch on my belt... hurry!"

I do as he says and reach inside, and cut my hand. What is this? It's a large, crescent blade, serrated on one side. This must be what he threw at Celestia the first time.

"Wright, you need to throw the batarang and hit one of the Elements to knock it away from her... but be careful, if she sees you throw it, she'll kill us both..."

Dammit, why did I wish I could help? Now at least three lives are riding on me and this throw...

I see Celestia and Luna fighting a few yards away. I can definitely throw the blade that far but...


One shot, Phoenix. Make it count.


Luna charges at Celestia one last time.

"Do it now!"

I raise my arm back to throw it, but there's another flash of light, Celestia speaks once more.

"If you love your moon so much, sister, then consider this a favor: you'll get to be with it the rest of your life!"

In an instant, Luna disappears.
>> No. 101079
Anyone ripped the music from the broken ep 4 encode yet?
>> No. 101093
File 128953514395.jpg - (75.80KB , 476x572 , Masquerade0.jpg )
>> No. 101097
friendly neighborhood gorespammer is back, I wonder how long before they just permanently ban him.

also I DO mean freidnly NEIGHborhood.
>> No. 101098
People kept advertising the hiding his sages too, so he's no longer even saging. Gotta love /co/ mods
>> No. 101099
there used to be a crazy theory saying gore spammer was sheboodles. I'm starting to think its Mr. Hate. He's present in nearly ALL pony threads for some one who hates ponies.
>> No. 101100
sheboodles makes sense, he's shown that he's whiny enough to change his trip and even filenames to avoid being filtered, and since the gorespammer is not saging to avoid being filtered too...

I dunno though, part of me thinks even sheboodles isn't that much of a fag, but I've been wrong before.

regardless, the thread is doing a pretty decent job of ignoring him.
>> No. 101102
Man, it's been a literal month and this dude is still here. Part of me thinks it HAS to be more than one guy. No one could be THAT dedicated, could they
>> No. 101103
jesus, what the fuck are the requirements to be a mod on /co/?

have a pulse, and you're good?

I'm not even sure you need that much, these guys could very well be corpses sitting in front of a computer. actually corpses would probably to a better job than them.
>> No. 101104
you underestimate how butthurt people can get over people liking what they don't like.

plus, he's posted the same images multiple times, and has pretty much admitted to being one person. and i'm guessing the gaps in between his attacks are the result of his bans, and when they expire after a week or so he comes back and does it all over again.
>> No. 101105
Supposedly they sit in an IRC all day and occasionally check the web. Urgent shit goes to their IRC stream, however one of the trolls has said the mod turns a blind eye so no one really tries
>> No. 101106
File 128954185343.jpg - (78.20KB , 504x578 , KnickKnack0.jpg )
>> No. 101107
I've never actually ever seen him banned though, he just kind of gives up after a while
>> No. 101108
they turn a blind eye to all urgent shit or just to the pony threads?

either way, nice professionalism.
>> No. 101109

You should know better, but yeah, its really tiresome. /co/ mods are just as childish as the spammers are.
>> No. 101110
at least the guys here realize their responsibilities come before their own personal feelings.
>> No. 101111
I said it ebfore and I'll say it again. Hip hip MODS! Hip hip hoorah!
>> No. 101112

Super cute, as always! Who's Knick-Knack? Is that based on the breezie? I have no clue why I'm drawing a blank.
>> No. 101113
Yes, it's based on the Breezie.

Good Unicorns are so hard to find these days.
>> No. 101114

Ahh, there ya go. That's one of the Breezies I'm still looking for, so I'm not very familiar with how she looks. Then again, I don't know that I'm that familiar with any of the Breezies!

Hmm, unicorns... did you see that concept art that was going around of Tic-Tac-Toe as a unicorn? That would be kickass. :] Or maybe Glory/baby Glory?
>> No. 101115
Looks like the little boy fap fiction spam guy is back too. Which makes me think its just a file the guro spammer has. Now he's stating that everyone should move entirely to plus /co/. *sigh*
>> No. 101117
pretty sure it's the same guy.

i wish /co/ had some decent moderators, the board has been deteriorating steadily for a long time now and mods that never do shit just make the problem worse.
>> No. 101118
Its wierd because /tg/'s mod apparently is a dictator with an iron fist. Are there no in between moderate mods?
>> No. 101119
The other day the faggot was complaining about a janitor deleting his image spam. Don't think it was a mod, or probably would have banned him.

I wonder if Moot realized the only reason for the flood of reports was likely this loser.

Also, the other day there was that yiffy spam. Then a tripfag talked to the spammer into going /co/ related... wonder if the tripfag actually was a mod.
>> No. 101120
This was the first time I've seen somewhat famous /co/ drawfags in pony threads (Dr. Dingo). Though I think all the haters and spammers scared her off
>> No. 101121
You're probably more familiar than I am. I don't really know anything about the toys.
At first I was trying to stick with ponies I knew and liked from the cartoons, but eventually I just ended up browsing toy sites and picking anything with a name I liked.
>> No. 101122

Ah! Well, could have fooled me, I figured you were an artistic collector. :] If you need any more names, there's a site that has some ponies listed by name; unfortunately, it's not complete, and it's out of date. http://www.ponytopia.com/g3_info/g3_ultimate_index.htm

You could sign up on Klect.com to look at pictures of G1s, but even their archive isn't complete.
>> No. 101123
File 128954639051.jpg - (13.35KB , 72x71 , knickknack_symbol.jpg )
Thanks. Should come in handy.

Hm. Looks like I need to touch up Knick-Knack's cutie mark, though.
>> No. 101132
Someone needs to post all the "You will never" posts here - but the good, non-graphic ones that are kinda sweet.
>> No. 101145
This one was on the latest thread:

You will NEVER stay up late at one of Pinkie's extravagant Parties, laughing and drinking Sarsparilla together as you attempt to play pin the tail on the pony, until the hour draws late and the festivities die down, only for Pinkie to bowl you over and flirtingly bid you to stay with her tonight. She would lead you to her room, where she'll throw herself on you in a fit of exuberance, kissing you passionately despite the lollipop in her mouth, which ends up passed between you for the rest of the night as the pair of you sporadically make giddy, laughter filled love to each other. In the morning, you'd awaken to the smell of fresh baked goods, as Pinkie has awoken slightly before you did to cook you breakfast before slipping back into bed and drifting off to sleep again in the cradle of your hooves.

and there is a little note with a loveheart attached to the tray, which reads: kiss me while I sleep so you can be with me in my dreams
>> No. 101146
File 128957201112.jpg - (292.31KB , 867x652 , gf5czzf1.jpg )
Wow. Just... wow.
>> No. 101151
File 128957455263.png - (182.67KB , 1134x342 , 1224647694469.png )

Strange thread, we got up to 650 replies and maxed out the images... then suddenly 50 of the posts dissapeared... and then we brought it back up again

Here is pretty much the final version of the thread
>> No. 101154
File 128957841619.jpg - (2.47MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101155
File 128957901019.jpg - (154.65KB , 596x596 , mylittlesoundtrack.jpg )
And here it is! Just under 10 mins of BGM from the dialogueless episode 4 in 12 tracks
(I was trying to upload it to megaupload, but that wasn't working, so here's mediafire)
If you have any problems, or want me to have a look at something, don't hesitate to ask.
As I've mentioned, there's quite a bit of talking. I've gone around it as much as I can, but there's still a couple of instances where it's audible on the tracks. A couple of scenes I've had to cut more from than I wanted, such as the speech scene, and the entire baking scene. The quality isn't the best, but it's passable.
I included the ending theme in that, which in hindsight I probably should have taken from an episode with full audio. The opening theme isn't in it, because it misses most of the vocal parts in this version.
>> No. 101157
File 128958077459.jpg - (77.80KB , 498x596 , KnickKnack1.jpg )
>> No. 101159
see >>101146
just add a caption, and your golden
>> No. 101160
File 128959167425.png - (802.17KB , 904x1044 , SpikeE.png )
>> No. 101162
File 128959367138.jpg - (2.49MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101163
File 128959367513.png - (106.76KB , 966x210 , partythread.png )
a nice juicy thread for the wall.
>> No. 101164
File 128959380220.jpg - (32.37KB , 257x336 , BabyDanceAround0.jpg )
Baby Dance Around
>> No. 101166
goddammit guadags is shitting it up for everyone again.

I'd post facehoof but I don't have it for some reason.
>> No. 101167
i didn't see them, and even i said, it will be the backup for when the recent one in use 404's
>> No. 101168
You will NEVER be a pony living in another farm in ponyville, spending your days gazing over the fence at the beautiful young filly next door, until you finally pluck up the courage to speak with her, and she tells you her name is Applejack, and you spend the next few months growing closer to her as you both take breaks from your respective chores to sit with each other in the rolling hills outside Ponyville, watching the sun set over the horizon as you finally turn to her, embrace her in a kiss, and tell her that you love her, which leaves Apple in stunned silence for a moment until she blushes and returns your kiss as you embrace in a night of tender lovemaking beneath the open stars

then you would marry her, and Bic Mac would be your best man
>> No. 101169
You will NEVER be transferred to Ponyville as an additional aide to Twilight Sparkle, helping her delve into the history of Equestria and study the intricacies of magic and lore. And you will certainly NEVER mutually develop a co-workers crush on each other, growing more and more enthralled with the other until both of your mutual feelings finally surface, resulting in a passionate night of giggling intellectual discussion topped off by tender lovemaking between two, socially awkward ponies, hearing her scream in pleasure as she levitates you both into the night sky and disappearing between the stars

while Dash watches
>> No. 101170
File 128959717245.jpg - (85.83KB , 600x339 , 1289301121396.jpg )
You will never be alone on your bunk at night reading a magazine when Twilight Sparkle stands in your doorway, responding to your bewildered, "Ms. Pony?" with a monotone, "No. I am Wash Bucket. I love you. Wash Bucket has always loved you."
>> No. 101172
Gilda confirmed for Rainbow Dash's ex.

There was discussion on /co/ about exactly how the relationship ended, final verdict was Dash's philandering.

Be a Dyke Pony
Break Griffin Hearts
>> No. 101177
I wish people would stop telling people how they're blocking them... Idiots...
>> No. 101180
I've reuploaded the files separately in a mediafire folder, so you can download them one by one, if you prefer it that way. Tracks are ordered by where they appear in the episode, along with a title that should help you place them.
The rar is still there
>> No. 101181
File 128960229281.png - (104.92KB , 344x456 , 1288691386227.png )
And a 1 min loop of the electronica music that plays when Rainbow Dash takes the podium during the speech section that someone requested (which goes on for 40 seconds longer than it should)
>> No. 101187
part 1 of the new ep
>> No. 101188
File 128960813813.jpg - (2.51MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101189
And part 2!
>> No. 101191
What did she do? Where's Luna? I feel my heart race, my hand holding the throwing blade Batman gave me trembling from the adrenaline. My eyes dart all around, but no sign of her. All of my senses are going insane, taking in every stimuli around me.

My ears twitch as I hear Celestia, laughing the most soul-tearing laugh ever.

"I've done it... I've done it! Finally, the balance and harmony of night and day rests solely in my hooves, now with that worthless sister of mine disposed of... and with the power of the Elements of Harmony coursing through my veins, there's no limit to what I can achieve. I've won! I've won everything!"

Disposed of?

She laughs, standing on her hind legs in celebration.


I let this happen.


I don't even know what I'm doing, but at the same time the response comes naturally. A lunge forward as I launch the scalloped blade at Celestia. I swear I can count every rotation as it travels.

Celestia notices its approach, but it's too late. It's already done its job.

It hits one of the Elements, knocking it away from her. I hear a clang as the glow that surrounds it vanishes, and it's turned to stone, far out of Celestia's grasp.

Celestia's cold eyes are set on me. I'm paralyzed. Not from magic, but from terror. I have the will to move, but my body won't respond. This is it, this is where I die.

The remaining five Elements go chaotic around her, losing their tidy orbits. Celestia looks on with the same dread that consumes me. Beams of light in every color of the rainbow flash all around and the ground trembles again as the Elements are launched away from her, each one turning to stone as it falls.

The last Element to escape Celestia lands just next to me with a loud thud. Seconds later, I hear another, louder thud.

It's Batman. He's fallen, finally released from Celestia's magic. "Are you all right? Let me call an-"

"I'm fine," he growls. As he stands, I see him press against his shoulder and hear another pop and muffled grunt. I guess he really is fine. He makes his way towards a fallen Celestia, I follow.

"Is she...?"

"Passed out, that's all. Losing all of that magical energy so quickly is like going for a ten mile run in the course of five seconds."

"H-how did you know I'd be able to make the shot? I mean I was pretty far away and-"

"Anyone could have. That batarang has a mechanism built into it that homes in on the most powerful source of magic near it. It was almost impossible for you to miss."

And here I thought I was just a good marksman.

So much has happened so quickly, even trying to remember seconds ago is difficult. I can't make heads or tails of anything right now. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind:

"Batman... what exactly are the Elements of Harmony? Are they what made Celestia do... all of this?"

He doesn't make eye contact, he remains fixed on Celestia. "It's like I said, they're powerful magical artifacts that can only be channelled by Celestia and Luna's race. They're not meant to be used all at once, though. I doubt Celestia knew that when she gathered them, and so the magic consumed her mind."

"And Luna...?"

"I don't know what happened to her, only Celestia can answer that. That is, assuming she remembers anything when she wakes up."

I guess we'll be finding out soon, she begins to stir.

"Ungh... wh-where am I? What's going on?" She struggles to even open her eyes.

I open my mouth to speak, but Batman cuts me off:

"Celestia, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Who are you? I don't understand... the last thing I recall was gathering the Elements of Harmony, but after that... everything feels like a long dream..."

Looking at Batman, still, not a single ounce of emotion. I wonder if he really isn't human after all... no one can be this stoic all the time.

"Celestia, you used the Elements of Harmony and did something to Luna, I need you to tell us where she is," I plea.

"Luna? What would I have done with... Luna?"

Her eyes widen and her lip begins to tremble. Whatever she did to Luna... it isn't good.

"It's starting to come back to me... I did terrible things... didn't I? Yes, I can tell by the look in your eyes... I'm having a hard time remembering but Luna... I'm so sorry." She brings herself to her feet... hooves. I can tell she's fighting back tears. "I can't believe I would do such a thing, how could I? What could have possibly came over me? I couldn't have, it's not possible!"

Batman pressures her, "Celestia, what did you do with your sister Luna?"

"I... I didn't do anything! I couldn't have...the moon..."

The... moon? I remember, she mentioned something about the moon right before Luna vanished, but...

"What about the moon? Celestia, what did you do with Luna? What did you do to the moon?

Her tear dams have broken. "I... she's in the moon... I did that... How...?"

In the moon? "What do you mean 'in the moon'? Do you mean she's on the moon or... inside of it?"

"Neither," Batman answers for her. He's obviously more experienced with magic than I am, "she's made Luna one with the moon itself, bonded. As of now, there's no true difference between the moon and Princess Luna."

"What? No! Celestia, you have to undo the spell, you have to bring her back!"

"I... I can't. The spell I used can't be undone, it was an eternal spell..."

Why is it no spell can be cancelled after it's been cast? Luna... oh god, poor Luna.

Celestia turns her back on us before continuing, as if she can't bare to confront anyone face to face about what she's done.

"That's... that's what I did. I don't believe it but... what I've done, everything... can't be forgiven, and should never be..."

I don't know what to say to this. Part of me knows it wasn't her fault, but regardless, Luna's gone. And thanks to that damned spell, she's gone forever... trapped.

She continues, "I- I'm sorry... I don't deserve to live in this world anymore. I can still feel some magic from the Elements of Harmony within me, and with that I'll make sure no one on this planet, no one in this universe, will suffer again by my doing..."

Sh-She's not going to...?

The earth trembles again as she prepares to use the last remaining magic, what is she doing!? I can see her channelling the magic again, this time with an intensity unlike anything I've ever seen, I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Goodbye," she says, "I'm sorry for all I've done."

A boom.

A flash.

By the time my eyes adjust, she's gone, just like Luna. Within seconds I realize the Elements of Harmony are gone too... and the courthouse is rebuilt.

Batman looks as though he actually needed to recover from something that time. "Did she... she didn't seal herself in the sun, did she? Like what she did to Luna?"

He looks me in the eye for the first time since we met. "No, I've seen that flash before. Inter-dimensional travel... she's not even in this Universe anymore. She's banished herself from this reality."

"But the Elements of Harmony... if she took this with her couldn't she-?"

"No, she wouldn't. Remember, Celestia is rational, level-headed... good. She never meant to overwhelm herself with the magic of the Elements. I'm guessing she just took them with her to keep them away from anyone else who would be stupid enough to try and use them by himself."

"And what happens to day and night now? Who controls it?"

"Celestia will control both. Most likely she's sent herself to an empty reality on the other side of this one, like the other side of a coin, but everything meaningful is still on this side."

Luna, and now Celestia... they're both isolated. Alone. Cut off from anyone else, ever. It's my fault.

Or so I thought.
>> No. 101192
It's been three days since Luna and Celestia disappeared.

I tried talking to Maya about it, but she just looks at me like I'm crazy. Before Batman left, he gave me a radio transmitter, like the one he gave to Luna. He told me that it seems in the same moment she left, Celestia erased all memories of the events from everyone's minds. Everyone except me and Batman, that is. I guess she wanted me to live with the memory of how I failed Luna, and her too.

He also told me that on his way back to Gotham, he went to Equestria, only to see it's been completley wiped off the map. Apparently Celestia brought some friends along with her. So much for isolation. Batman assures me that Celestia must have had a good reason for doing so. I have no reason not to trust him.

What's also interesting is he told me he checked the moon for any recent magical activity, and it displays signs of having experienced inter-dimensional travel. It seems as though Celestia took her sister along with her, probably hoping to someday find a way to break her free.

I guess this is where I'm supposed to forget everything that happened. There are no consequences for me to live with... for all anyone knows it never happened. But I still live with it. Every minute detail of those days will remain burned within my mind for the rest of my days. Surprisingly enough, I'm glad.

Now I know to just stick with murder trials. They're much safer.
>> No. 101194
File 128961125474.png - (143.33KB , 523x817 , Batpink---DrForeigner.png )

Two days aog I posted a preview of a picture of Batpink I had to scan.

Well, here it is! I hope you like it.
>> No. 101196
File 128961138591.png - (87.42KB , 839x244 , 12345759678349.png )
Claim this cap in the name of the God Princess
>> No. 101197
File 128961142528.png - (241.99KB , 631x998 , Pony-Anatomy---Dr-Foreigner.png )

"Anatomy of an Equestrian Pony - A study"

Something I made for fun and to better my understanding of animal anatomy (I'm an anatomyfag).

While remaining very graphic style wise, the design of the ponies is surprisingly well constructed and anatomically correct.
>> No. 101199
File 128961168414.png - (299.05KB , 501x1442 , MLPhistory---Dr-Foreigner.png )

What time is it? It's time for...


Did you know MLP was originally created in the 30's and the protagonists were MALE?


And there's more! Actual strong female roles didn't appear until the mid 50's, and we still had to wait for the rebranding in the 80's to become the female centric series we know now.

(The less we talk about "MLP: The twisted tales of Lickety Split" in the 70's the better.)


>> No. 101202
that one's already on the wall.
>> No. 101206
File 12896151462.jpg - (90.58KB , 546x608 , StarCatcher1.jpg )
Star Catcher.
For serious, this time.
>> No. 101211
File 128961654747.jpg - (38.06KB , 285x500 , my pic 33.jpg )
oh, i like this! i like it alot!
>> No. 101214
File 128961802672.jpg - (301.72KB , 1475x401 , Ponies.jpg )
Group Photo
>> No. 101215
Oh lord, we're on page 4

If this keeps up, we might never make it to 2500 posts
>> No. 101217
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>> No. 101225
File 128961939197.png - (88.44KB , 802x271 , 503.png )
updating for 500+ get
>> No. 101228
Added the Opening and Ending (these ripped from the full audio of episode 3)
Gonna have to reupload that rar in the near future, it now has an outdated Ending in it (ripped from inferior-quality episode 4)
>> No. 101230

How did we get 151 image replies?
>> No. 101231
File 128961997988.jpg - (2.53MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold your ponies
>> No. 101235
>> No. 101237
Here >>101187
and here >>101189
>> No. 101247
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What's that? Pony fiction time? Okay! (Posting for archiving)

“Are you sure about this, Rainbow Dash?”

Famous last words to be sure, but this time the pegasus insisted her idea was a good one. Twilight Sparkle was glad that, should things go south, she would be the only one around to deal with the consequences of whatever crazy plan Rainbow was dreaming up.

Ever since the Wonderbolt’s show ended, Rainbow Dash had taken to following her around the gala. Everyone else had their own things to go look at before the dinner: Applejack was still operating her stall outside, Pinky was bothering the cooks in the dining hall, Fluttershy was off in the gardens, and Rarity was trying to catch the attention of one of Celestia’s attendants in the main hall. Twilight had wanted to sneak off to the library, but Rainbow Dash’s insistence on hanging out had put a stop to that plan.

They were headed to the kitchen for some reason. There was already plenty of food inside the castle, but Rainbow Dash had insisted that there was something “totally wicked” down in the kitchen that Twilight just had to see. Knowing Rainbow Dash it was probably something along the lines of an extra-large spider or a great place to take a nap, but Twilight was trying to keep an open mind for her friend’s sake.

Turns out it wasn’t anything Twilight had expected. They actually went a floor below the kitchen and into the cellar before Rainbow loudly announced, “This is it!”

“It” turned out to be a section of the cellar full of old barrels and honeycomb racks with bottles in them. Twilight trotted up to one of the shelves and floated a bottle down to her to try and see what it was. They were all very old with spider webs and a thick layer of dust, but the label was readable. “Equestria Red, Merryweather Vineyard,” Twilight read aloud. The gears in her head were turning and she realized what it was she was looking at.

“Rainbow Dash!” she scolded, “This is the wine cellar!”

The pegasus already had one of the larger bottles down and was doing her best to pry the cork out with her teeth. It finally came loose with a loud “pop” and Rainbow smirked over at her friend. “Bingo! No one is going to be down here for a few hours so I thought we could start the party early. You’re the only one I could get to come with me, though.”

Twilight magic’d the bottle out of her friend’s reach, much to the other pony’s annoyed surprise. “We can’t do this, Rainbow Dash. This is the castle’s private stock for the adults.” She let out an indignant huff when the pegasus zipped into the air to reclaim the bottle.

Rainbow Dash, bottle-in-hoof, took a long drink before Twilight Sparkle could try to get it back. “There,” she said, only coughing a small bit from the burning in her throat, “I’ve already had some. Can’t really stop me now, can ya?”

“You’re being impossible! Fine, see if I care if you get kicked out of the castle.” Twilight spun on her hooves and started for the stairs, but a white leg draped over her neck and held her back. Rainbow Dash was holding the bottle in the crook of her other front leg and dangled it in front of the unicorn’s face, taunting her.

“Don’t ‘cha ever get tired of being such a stick in the mud? Walk on the wild side for once! Isn’t that why the Princess sent you to Ponyville?”

The wild side she says. Twilight Sparkle had always been the perfect student growing up: while other unicorns were cutting classes and flirting with the guards, she had been hard at work. It had eventually paid off when Celestia herself chose Twilight as her apprentice, but there was a cost. Maybe Rainbow Dash was right and the Princess had sent her to Ponyville to live a little? Besides, weren’t young ponies supposed to be stupid once in a while?

Slowly, Twilight Sparkle took the bottle from her friend. The wine had obviously been fermenting for quite some time as the smell was strong. She looked at the grinning face of Rainbow Dash and reared her head back, taking a long drink. It burned horribly and she nearly gagged, but there was something to be said for the harsh taste. “N-Not bad,” she coughed.

Rainbow Dash was already back at the wine rack, picking out her next alcoholic conquest. Twilight just nursed hers for a few minutes until the pegasus had picked out a new bottle and they settled in for a prolonged drinking session. Unlike Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash seemed to be old-hat at drinking and she was halfway through her new bottle by the time Twilight had polished hers off.

“You know, I haven’t done anything this crazy since flight school!” Dash slurred. She was clearly starting to get a bit lightheaded and her eyes had glazed over a bit. She looked over Twilight for an odd moment and then giggled. “It was with my old friend Gilda. She really knew how to party. I wonder if you’re a party kinda pony?”

Twilight Sparkle’s nose twitched as her brow furrowed. “Like, with music and stuff? We could go back up to the ball if that’s what you-”

The pony was stopped mid-sentence as Dash stumbled over to her. The pegasus nuzzled Twilight’s neck and laughed again, though it was lower than her former giggle. For some reason, it made the unicorn shiver.

“Nah, I don’t mean anything like that, Twilight,” Dash rasped in a husky, rough whisper. Her nose was warm against Twilight’s neck and it swished back and forth against the fur there as she nuzzled her friend. “You’re pretty soft, ya know?”

“I-I-I don’t t-think we should be doing this, Dash!” Twilight bolted backwards until she slammed up against the wine rack. She looked around, but the door upstairs was…fuck, it was behind Rainbow Dash! “You’re drunk; you don’t know what you’re doing!”

Dash smirked and crept forward like a cat on the prowl. “Oh, I know what I’m GOING to do. To you. Right now.” Then she sprang.

Twilight was too slow with her dodge. Even though she could teleport, that bottle of wine had addled her brain too much to think about it and she was bowled over by the faster pegasus. She was on her back, looking up at Dash’s triumphant face. With the punk pony’s legs on either side of Twilight, there wasn’t any escape.

The unicorn shuddered when Dash’s warm breath brushed across her nose. “Dash, I-” Her protest was silenced by her friend’s lips. Dash tasted of the wine; tangy and rough. It certainly wasn’t how Twilight had imagined getting her first kiss, but even she had to admit it didn’t feel too bad. When Dash finally pulled back, her teeth slowly pulled on Twilight’s lip and made the pony whimper.

“Damn, I’m gooood.” That one whimper had made Dash’s ego bloat to critical levels if her smirk was any indication. It disappeared when a twinkling light surrounded her head and pulled her back down eye-level with her “victim.”

“I don’t know, I think I’m going to need a larger experimental group of those before I can gauge how good you are,” Twilight rasped before pulling her friend into another kiss. This time Dash tasted faintly of candy. “A big, BIG experiment group. And then control groups, some data sharing between researchers, and then testing and experimentation…”

Dash giggled against Twilight’s lips. “Oh, I’m totally down for some ‘experimentation’, professor. Time for a few hoof-on clinical trials…”

It could be blamed on the wine, Twilight assured herself as they moved into more comfortable positions. Just one crazy night in the cellar of the castle that involved far too much alcohol; one more secret that could be covered with bricks and mortar. Canterlot Castle held hundreds of them after all and Twilight was certain that it had room for just one more…
>> No. 101249
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>> No. 101270
So Pinky got quite a bit of characterization this episode. shes no long just a vapid air head with an urge for song and a sense of fun. She's a goddamn criminal mastermind. Just as planned indeed.

So does this episode mean we need to change all of our shipping charts? Because Pinkie X Dash seems a lot more plausible
>> No. 101275
Some pony who isn't me also ripped a few of Pinky Pies' songs, the Yakety Sax tribute from episode 3, and the opening
>> No. 101307
File 128963381249.jpg - (2.57MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101323
Chapter 1: >>99558
Chapter 2: >>99957

Chapter 3:


Batpink watched as the small white rabbit hopped towards the forest, its path surprisingly determined for such a small creature. Then again, Angel was no ordinary bunny; the little fellow managed to keep a pretty sharp eye out for Fluttershy, should she need his assistance. Which was why it was all the more strange to see him trotting away from his mistress, and into the Evergreen Forest no less. Perhaps he has little bunny-business to attend to? The thought brought a brief smile to Batpink's face, and the tiniest of giggles. Bunny business, with little bunny-briefcases and bunny-billfolds and bunny-three-piece-suits.

The black-clad pony clung to the side of the wall, eyes dark with thought behind her mask, her giggling gradually fading as the small white bunny came to a halt, sniffing at a thistle. All that way for a snack? It didn't seem likely; but then again, what did she know of bunny digestive systems? Perhaps she should leave him to his snack and just go check on her friends, she thought to herself as she resumed pulling herself up to the roof.

But right as Batpink was about to pull herself over the lip of the barn roof, she heard something in the distance, fierce and loud. She had never heard a sound like it before in her life; it was almost like the firecrackers they set off at celebrations, but somehow louder. Although it sounded muffled from the distance, it still seemed loud to her ears, and she pulled herself over the edge hurriedly, heedless of the faint thump she made as she landed on her belly. From up here, she could hear the sound much more clearly.

Her eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight of Applejack's orchard burning before her, a rolling ball of fire spiraling into the sky as another one of the firecracker-explosions assaulted her ears.


From below, Batpink could dimly hear the sound of her friends crying out to one another, but her ears were not focused on them. She couldn't seem to wrench her eyes away from the explosions that continued to bloom over Applejack's orchard, fiery flowers that burst into light from some unseen source overhead.

"My apples!" Came the sharp, panicked cry, and Batpink's eyes were sharply tugged downward, as if pulled from her trance. But it wasn't Batpink's heart that leapt into her throat at the sight of her panicked friends, but Pinkie Pie's, and she watched in tight distress as Applejack fought Rainbow Dash's grip, trying to get to her burning orchard. But what could her friend hope to do against such a massive wall of flame? With each firecracker explosion, a new fire-flower burst into life, screaming to the skies as it fed on her beautiful apple trees. The ponies had never dealt with anything like this, nothing even close to this. Small fires, sure, those were impossible to avoid, and the blacksmiths had worked with fairly sizable fires, but something like this? Never.

Batpink's eyes sadly returned to the burning orchard, the smoky smell beginning to reach her pink nostrils now, and she felt something kindle inside of her. Something - angry. Who could have caused this to happen? Who dared to vandalize her friend's property? A rogue dragon? A fire-imbued manticore? No matter; she would find them, root them out, and bring them to justice!

But ... but how could she get down there to the fire, without scorching herself? There had to be someone down there, starting these fires; firecracker explosions didn't just happen, not without lightning to start them. Somepony was down there - and she was going to find out who it was.


A sharp sound distracted Batpink from the burning, instinctively whirling as she heard the sound of something cutting through the air. A strongly mechanical sound, one that she was not used to hearing in Ponyville, and yet one that was supremely familiar to her. But one that she should not be hearing up here, of all places, in the midst of a forest fire.

"I had a feeling you might be needing this, Miss."

"Francois!" She cried out, and indeed, there he was, pedaling her Bat-copter, looking just as staunchly snooty as ever even as he pedaled with all his might. "Francois, how did you --?"

He brought the flying machine down to rest on the barn roof, the whirling blades coming to a slow halt as he propped it up with one elegant hoof. Once it was steady, he pulled himself off, giving himself one brisk little shake before he trotted over to Batpink's side. "I have never heard such explosions in Ponyville before, Miss Batpink." He said simply, not a hair out of place as he glanced over to the fire that now raged in the orchard. "I knew you would need a little extra help."

She nodded gently, her eyes flicking back to the Bat-copter briefly. A marvel of modern engineering design, if she did say so herself. Sleekly designed and painted a glossy black, powered by pony-strength alone. It had taken her some time to build up the muscle strength to power it, but now it was almost as easy as galloping. The first prototype had been a silly-looking candy-coated thing, just goofy enough that her friends wouldn't give it much thought when they saw her pedaling around on it.



Batpink and Francois turned as one, eyes widening as they looked out into the night sky, only dimly lit by the glow of the orchard as it burned. There had been a sharp cry - but from where?

But then, there - no, there! - something darting through the stars, a dark outline against an even darker sky. The creature flew quickly, almost as quickly as Rainbow Dash, and the thought made Batpink glance down, immediately fearing for her friends' safety. But they were gone now, darting to the far side of the barn, filling buckets at the water pump before dashing out to the orchard. Awfully brave, Batpink mused to herself; but then, she couldn't imagine Applejack sitting around and watching her farm burn to the ground, either.

"Ssssuch foolisssh little creaturesss, running like antssss." Came the hissing growl, and Batpink barely restrained the urge to flinch; the voice was on the roof with them! Batpink whirled where she stood, planting all four hooves on the roof as her cape flared dramatically behind her.

"Show yourself!" She barked, her voice lower than her usual giggle, and far more serious.

"I have not hidden myssself, foolisssh pony; it isss you who do not have eyesss to sssee." The voice chuckled, and moved obligingly forward, coming into Batpink's range of view. It ... well, it looked like a pony, but it was strange. It wore a suit, like hers, dark and glossy in the moon's wan light, but the wings that unfolded from its back were no normal pegasus' wings. Instead of being feathery and soft, they were flat and leathery, with long bones connecting a webbing that brought to mind something sharply familiar. But she'd never seen a pony with bat wings before, and especially not one with fur as black as the night, with a mane and tail to match.

"Who are you!" Batpink barked, holding her position, head lowered, ready for any attack. The dark creature chuckled throatily and took a few steps forward, mouth opening in a wicked smile, revealing elongated canines and sharp, un-ponylike teeth.

"You may call me - Black Sssnootie!"
>> No. 101354
File 128966908050.jpg - (22.28KB , 544x400 , 1289267716324.jpg )
This is pretty fire. Can't wait for the batpink audio book!
>> No. 101358
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>> No. 101366
Wait, so the posts that disappeared were the spam? Is one of the janitors that awesome?
>> No. 101375
File 128968939940.png - (129.61KB , 800x583 , unt.png )
okay postin
>> No. 101376
what site did you make that on?
>> No. 101377
File 128969048989.jpg - (2.62MB , 1650x2694 , Madness.jpg )
>> No. 101378
can't believe we're already so close to another row, goddamn.
>> No. 101379
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ive made 2 in the span of 5 mins, thats how addicting it is
>> No. 101380
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>> No. 101382
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now if only they had wings.....
>> No. 101396
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better pic.,..i hope
>> No. 101399
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>> No. 101425
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>> No. 101426
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An angry Fluttershy

Cutie Mark is absent because it's still "in progress", but I'm done for the day.
>> No. 101429
4 300+ threads in one day.

not bad, especially after the slump we had last week.
>> No. 101431
well, last weeks episode was a buzzkill, so the rest of the week was slow and uselelss, and veterans day kinda added to the dullness
>> No. 101436
What's the correct thread? I remember there being, like, three false starts...
>> No. 101438
is the one with the fewest trolls (for the moment)
>> No. 101439
looks like it's this one
>> No. 101442
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>> No. 101443
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Angel and Fluttershy
>> No. 101445
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>> No. 101446
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This was whipped up as a quick request for an anon on /co/ who wanted Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash fluff. Nothing beyond kissing, so I'd give it a rating of PG/PG13 or so. Enjoy!


"Rainbow! Rainbow Da--aaah!" Pinkie yelped as she attempted to bounce after her friend, toppling into an applecart. It was hard to keep up with Rainbow when she was like this, zipping all over the sky! "Daaaash!"

"Can't talk now Pinkie, I gotta clear the sky!" Rainbow Dash called over her shoulder, zipping up into the heavens for another few moments, disappearing from sight as Pinkie Pie began to dust herself off. By the time Pinkie had slid off of the applecart, Rainbow Dash had returned, her wings beating a little slower as she lowered herself to the ground beside her friend. The sky was clear yet again, thanks to Rainbow Dash - the glorious! "You okay, Pinks?" She chirped, trying to mask her soft panting with concern. She wasn't tired; Dash never got tired! Rainbow Dash was the fastest flier in all of Ponyville! But even the fastest flier found it a little difficult to contend with so many clouds all at once...

"Eeyup." Came a deep, rumbling voice, and both girls turned to blink up at Big Mac, whose cart Pinkie had run into.

"Sorry for running into your cart, Big Mac." Pinkie Pie warbled, hurriedly reaching down to pick up the fallen apples, dropping them back into the cart. "You're okay, right?"

"Eeyup." He repeated, watching the girls with a mellow sort of calm, waiting for them to finish before he trotted off once more.

"Bye bye Big Mac! Sorry about your cart!" Pinkie Pie waved enthusiastically, earning a faint "eeyup" from the pony as he disappeared down the thoroughfare. Once he was out of earshot, Pinkie's attention returned to Rainbow Dash, her usually playful gaze now playfully fierce with intention. "Rainbow Dash, you need to come inside. It's going to -" but right as she was about to say 'rain,' a sudden roar of thunder broke over their heads, making the ponies flinch.

"Dangit, I just cleared those clouds!" Rainbow Dash growled, gathering her legs under her before she suddenly leapt into the air, zooming into the dark clouds above them.

"But Rainbow!" Pinkie Pie called, stomping one small pink hoof with annoyance as Rainbow Dash disappeared into the moisture-heavy clouds. "Get back down here!"

"I'll be right back!" Rainbow yelled, and she was gone, the only sign of her presence a faint rainbow trail, which soon disappeared into shimmering nothingness.

Pinkie Pie loosed a sharp, soft sigh of displeasure, pouting mightily, and turned as the first sprinkles began to fall. If Rainbow Dash wouldn't listen to her, she'd just have to come up with another plan. Luckily, Pinkie Pie was a master planner!


Rainbow Dash fought the rainclouds for what felt like hours. But no matter how skillfully she zoomed from cloud to cloud, no matter how speedily she zipped through them, they always seemed to reappear the instant she turned her back. At first, she'd fought all the harder, using all of her best moves - the Cloudbuster, the Whirling Dervish, even the Tornado!! - but even those seemed to have no effect on the massive cloud bank that seemed to have settled over Ponyville. Even her own cloud-home, when she'd caught sight of it in the distance, had darkened from the moisture hanging in the air.

Finally, her wings limp with exhaustion, Rainbow Dash coasted to earth, soaked to the bone. The rain in Ponyville was never excessively harsh, but right now, Rainbow Dash could have been caught in a hurricane for all she cared. What did it matter if it was a light winter storm or a monsoon? Either way, she'd failed to keep her town safe. It was her job to keep the sky clear, she thought miserably, and she'd failed. Failed like a failing failure, she sniffled to herself, staring down at her reflection in the puddle she now stood in. Faily fail fail, that should be her new name. Failbow Dash. Rainbow Fail. Now look at Ponyville; covered in rainclouds, all of the ponies run inside for cover, and umbrellas springing up everywhere like daisies.

Wait. Umbrellas?

Rainbow Dash lifted her sodden head, blinking curiously through the downpour. Umbrellas didn't just - spring to life like that. And yet there they were, all neatly lined up in a line, like Fluttershy's ducklings. There must be at least twenty of them, winding out of sight onto another street. As she watched, her self-pity temporarily forgotten, another umbrella began to come into sight. But not erupting from the ground; this one came bobbing through the storm, marching along its brethren, slowly making its way over to where Rainbow Dash stood in her pity-puddle. And was it ... singing?

"Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Me and Dash were gonna hang today
But now it's raining so now what are we supposed to do? I mean she went to go bust up the rainclouds so she doesn't have any time to hang out -
So please come back another day~"

"Pinkie?" Rainbow murmured, tilting her head slightly as the pink umbrella finally came within range, revealing the pink pony beneath it.

"Hiya Dash!" Pinkie chirped to her friend, her smile a little less blindingly giddy this time. Perhaps she sensed the dark mood that rolled off of Rainbow Dash in waves, much like the peals of rain that rolled overhead.

"I'm not in the mood to play today." Rainbow Dash said dourly, her head dipping as she looked back down at her puddle, trying to hide her sadness with a grumpy tone. "So you can go home now."

"I'm not gonna leave my best buddy here to get all wet, silly."

Rainbow Dash gave a small 'hmph' of displeasure, and only glanced up when she realized the rain had stopped. There stood Pinkie, holding an umbrella in her teeth, shielding her from the rain.

"Mffrphfrehnnmmm, mnbrrrrbbgg!"

"What?" Rainbow Dash murmured, tilting her head slightly, amused despite herself. "Can't hear you with stuff in your mouth, Pinks."

Pinkie gave a significant head-waggle, clearly indicating the line of umbrellas, and waited for Rainbow Dash to move. Once her friend was under the shaded walkway of her umbrella-trail, Pinkie Pie folded her own up, tucking it into the loop on her saddlebag.

"There we go! I was saying," she chirped brightly, beginning to bounce down the line of umbrellas, weaving in between each stem in turn, "c'mon this way, I have something to show you!"

Rainbow Dash debated inwardly for just a moment, then took off at a trot after Pinkie Pie, her sodden wings folded tightly against her back.

"Pinks, I'm not really in the mood to hang out today. I'm kinda-"

"Oh, nonono, we're not going to hang out!" Pinkie Pie chirped, her voice just as warm and bubbly as ever as she guided Rainbow Dash into her house. The umbrella trail had made its winding way down several streets before ending up at her front door.

"Uh, Pink? This is your house." Rainbow Dash said a little flatly, glancing around the familiar pink decor before bringing a hoof up to wring out her mane.

"Noooooooo," sang her pink friend, spreading her arms wide, "this is the Make Me Better Boutique!"

"Make me - what?" Rainbow Dash frowned, pausing mid-wring. Now that she looked at it, things did look a little ... different. "Pinkie, it's just another party!" She cried, a little surprised to realize that she was disappointed.

"Noooo! Boutiques can have streamers and balloons TOO." Pinkie said firmly, trotting forward to get behind Rainbow Dash, urging her forward. "C'mon, over by the fireplace!"

"Fire ...?" Woah, there it was. She hadn't even noticed that Pinkie Pie's house even had one of those; she never had fires when Dash was around. And when did she get all those pillows? Man, Pinkie was one speedy party-planner. How the heck had she gotten all those pillows and towels and streamers in such a short amount of time?


"So -- what?" Rainbow Dash, half-turning to glance back at her friend, who stared at her with such hope in her eyes it made Dash's insides curl up a little bit, guilty that she'd brushed her off before.

"So ... will you stay? And get dry?" Pinkie Pie asked softly, sliding her saddle off of her back, pushing it aside with her back hoof. "We don't hafta hang out if you don't wanna, we can just sit and watch the fire."

Rainbow Dash looked away guiltily, her damp wings settling against her back uncomfortably. "Sorry I blew you off before, Pinkie." She said bluntly, in her usual Rainbow Dash way. "I was just upset about the clouds. It's like - my /job/, and I couldn't even get rid of one little cloudburst." Her voice got softer and softer as she spoke, her head gradually lowering so that her nose almost touched the ground by the time she finished. "Everyone must think I'm such a big failure."

"That's not true, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie murmured gently, her usually giggly tone lessening for a moment. "We can't have you get rid of /all/ of the storms, right? We have to have some, or the plants wouldn't grow. How would Applejack's orchard get watered without the rain?" She watched her blue friend for a moment before stepping closer, nudging her nose against one damp shoulder. "Don't be sad, Dash. You'll never be a failure to me."

Rainbow Dash glanced back up at her, a little sadly, before she spoke again in a softer voice. "You're not ... mad at me?" She almost whispered it, her insecurities laid bare by the rain.

"'Course not, Rainbow." Pinkie Pie smiled, giving her shoulder one last little nuzzle before she pulled away, throwing a towel over her friend's back as she pushed at her hip, guiding her over to the pillow-pile. "C'mon, let's go get warmed up!"

Within a matter of moments, the pair were wrapped up in towels and blankets, nestled among the mounds of pillows in front of the roaring fire. While Rainbow Dash toasted pink marshmallows, Pinkie Pie aimed a hairdryer at her, running the warm breeze up and down her body in repeating circles, gradually banishing the cold and wet.

"This is a pretty nice Boutique, Pinks." Rainbow Dash murmured, smiling brightly as she pulled back her marshmallow prong, examining them before returning them to the fire.

"You're gonna burn them, Dash!" Pinkie giggled, reaching down to pull one wing out, holding it out straight so she could run the hairdryer under it.

"That's how I -- l-like 'em." Rainbow Dash almost choked on the last word, startled by the sudden blast of warm air. She turned to blink at Pinkie, her eyes a little wide, and Pinkie giggled.

"Sorry. That tickle?" Pinkie Pie beamed up at her, pointing the hairdryer at her again.

"N-Nah, it's ... it's okay." Rainbow Dash muttered, her cheeks flushing as she spread her wings, holding as still as she could while Pinkie Pie worked.



Rainbow Dash nodded faintly, knowing she should probably pay more attention to what her pink friend was saying. But right now, she just - /couldn't./ All of her attentions were focused on the hairdryer as it moved under her wings, stimulating her flight senses even though she wasn't in flight right now. Each delicate pinfeather picked up the hot current, ready to lift into flight, despite the weakness of the updraft. Idly, she tilted her primaries, cutting into the blade of air, enjoying the strength of it as it made her feathers flutter.


Her eyes were mostly closed, focused somewhere just above the crackling fire, dimly aware of the marshmallow-roasting-prong-thing resting idly under her hoof. She just felt so - /warm/, warm all over. Warmer than she'd felt in the rainstorm, warmer than she felt at home in her cloud fortress, warmer than ... ever, maybe. She was failing to think of any time she had been as warm as she was right --


Rainbow Dash flinched sharply at the explosion of sound next to her ear, and her eyes widened to saucers. "What? What!!?"

"The marshmallows!" Pinkie Pie cried out in mild dismay, reaching down to grab the marshmallow-roaster from her. She pulled the iron out of the fire carefully, frowning as she looked down at the blackened marshmallows. Lost in her pleasurable reverie, Rainbow Dash had left them for far too long, leaving them more black than pink.

"Oh." She murmured, her temporary 'high' now forgotten. "Sorry, Pinkie. I guess I got distracted."

Pinkie's eyes rested on the once-pink marshmallows thoughtfully for a moment, then her usual exuberant smile caught hold as she popped one of the blackened squares into her mouth. "Tha's okay!" She chirped thickly, the blackened crust of the marshmallow crunching between words. "Ih's all crunchy on th'ou'side, an' - sugary on th'inside!" She chewed thickly for a moment longer, then swallowed, licking the last bits of sugar off of her lips as she smiled. "You were right, these ARE the best kind of marshmallows!"

When Rainbow Dash didn't immediately reply, Pinkie Pie held up the three-pronged implement to her, bobbing it gently when Dash's eyes didn't shift. "You should have one while they're still hot!" She prompted gently, a little worried that Dash was feeling bad again. She didn't need to feel bad, she hadn't done anything wrong! But then, Pinkie Pie didn't think Dash did anything bad, in general. Dash was just a nice person, and a super-great friend too!

Rainbow Dash held still for a moment, her eyes lost somewhere above Pinkie's eyebrows, before her eyes slowly drifted down to the marshmallow roaster.

"We should eat 'em quick, so we can make -- mmph!"

For in that exact moment, while Pinkie was busy chatting about her next plan, Rainbow Dash had darted forward suddenly, pushing the marshmallows out of the way as she tackled her friend to the pillows, her lips sealed against hers. Her rainbow-colored tail lashed as she held the pose, her heart rising to a fever-pitch in her ears as she pressed her mouth all the more earnestly against Pinkie Pie's. The faint flavor of burnt sugar still lingered there, whispering promises of what lied within, but Rainbow Dash didn't dare venture further.

Silently, her heart pounding so loudly she was certain it would fill the room, Rainbow Dash pulled away, just as suddenly as she had leapt upon her.

"I -- I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice heavy and low.
>> No. 101447
File 128973378328.png - (37.66KB , 176x205 , squish.png )

Pinkie Pie could only blink up at Rainbow Dash for a few moments in confusion, her eyes rather wide.

Guiltily, Rainbow Dash looked away, her hind legs crossing uncomfortably as she sat back in the pillows. "I - sorry, I - I didn't -"

"If you wanted to share a marshmallow, all you had to do was ask."

Rainbow Dash glanced up sharply, her eyes wide in turn. Sharing - marshmallows? Is that what Pinkie Pie thought this was about?! She knew Pinkie was silly, sure, giggly and funny, but -- dense?

Pinkie Pie blinked at Rainbow Dash's wide-eyed gaze for a moment, then giggled, lifting the marshmallow-roaster back up where it had dipped in her grip. Thankfully, it hadn't fallen entirely, so she was able to bring it back up to her mouth. "This time, don't squish my legs, okay? It's a little uncomfy." Pinkie murmured, letting out a little giggle as she slid further back against the pillows, inclining gently as she bit a marshmallow from the roaster. With the crisp marshmallow between her lips, she glanced back at Rainbow Dash, staring for a moment before giving the slightest of head-tilts.

A little unbelieving, Rainbow Dash inched back towards her friend, her face flooding with warmth when Pinkie Pie spread her legs a little wider, making room for Dash to lay flush against her. Struggling against the impulse to run away from something she didn't quite understand yet, Rainbow Dash resumed her position from before, freezing in place before abruptly pressing against her, their bodies and mouths flush in one sudden movement.

Pinkie Pie giggled into the kiss as she was abruptly tackled, her hind legs wiggling playfully as Rainbow Dash pressed sharply against her. Her giggles softened as she let her mouth open a little wider, giving Rainbow Dash room to maneuver her own mouth around the blackened treat. Her eyes fluttered gently shut as she felt Rainbow Dash's lips brush against hers, so warm and soft, the marshmallow sweetening the kiss. But they couldn't hold the marshmallow forever, and so Pinkie Pie angled her teeth as close to halfway as she could - she didn't want to hog the marshmallows! - and bit through it, pushing the other half towards Rainbow Dash's lips before she began to chew her own.

Rainbow Dash accepted the marshmallow a little numbly, chewing it more slowly than Pinkie, her eyes fairly locked on her wingless partner.

"See? It's all burnt-sugary. It's a really nice flavor, I think we could use it at the cake shop, you know?" Pinkie Pie chirped, then blinked up at her friend, settling a little more comfortably onto her back as Rainbow Dash stared down at her silently. Almost ... predatorily. "What?"

"I think it's a really nice flavor." Rainbow Dash said softly, her voice dusky now, her eyes locked onto Pinkie's, unblinking. "I'd like some more." And before Pinkie Pie could offer her the last marshmallow (being the proper hostess, of course!), Rainbow Dash had tackled her anew, pushing her down into the pillows almost roughly as her mouth claimed hers once more.

Her tongue darted between her lips this time, earning a little gasp from the pink pony below her as she explored her. When her tongue moved too roughly against Pinkie's mouth, the earth pony squirmed underneath her, prompting a sharp, sudden gasp from the peg, breaking the kiss. She panted down at Pinkie, breathless, then returned to her mouth, moving more carefully this time. Gradually, Pinkie's tongue rose to meet hers, the marshmallow flavor passed between two sugar-sweet mouths hungrily.

Finally, more than a little regretfully, Rainbow Dash pulled away, her chest heaving gently as she struggled for breath. Below her, Pinkie Pie panted softly as well, although she didn't seem quite so winded by it as Rainbow Dash. Why would that be? Wait, why were her wings out? They were kind of - shading Pinkie, actually, how strange that she hadn't felt them spread.

Pinkie Pie giggled, and arched up, pressing an impetuous little kiss to Rainbow Dash's confused mouth before rolling back, landing on her back with a gentle 'whumph.' "When you get excited, you beat your wings." Pinkie Pie whispered, her eyes alight with pleasure, as if sharing a secret.

Rainbow Dash's face flooded with heat, and she looked away, more embarrassed than she could quite explain. "Yeah, well, I --"

"I think it's cute." Pinkie added in a whisper, reaching up to tug Rainbow Dash down on top of her once more. With a soft sigh of pleasure, she wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow Dash's neck, snuggling her close. "I think YOU'RE cute."

"Well, I - I think you're cute too, Pinks." Rainbow Dash murmured, finally relaxing into her, snuggling her face against her neck comfortably. This was nice; this was just like that warm feeling from the hairdryer, but so much better when it came from Pinkie Pie herself.

Pinkie Pie giggled, the sound familiar to her usual overjoyed squeals, and yet somehow different. "Thanks, Rainbow." She hummed, and gave her a little squeeze, smoothing her hoof over Dash's rainbow mane. "D'you wanna share the last marshmallow?" She whispered, a hint of the old prank-loving Pinkie in her voice once more.

"Of course." Rainbow whispered back to her, and the two dissolved into giggles as they reached for the marshmallow roaster. The rest of the night was spent in giddy enjoyment of one another, sharing sugar-flavored kisses and soft whispers under the protective cover of the rainfall.
>> No. 101452
File 128974526866.png - (119.33KB , 669x255 , Picture 1.png )
Just dumping this here before I forget. Thread is still going so a screen cap later with more replies will probably appear. This one is just in case.
>> No. 101453
File 128974585431.gif - (1.09MB , 480x360 , mlppinkieohgodwhat.gif )
>> No. 101454
Reminder: I am not on 24/7, so it is up to YOU to help me in reporting completed pony threads to be archived on the 413chan mirror.

1) Go to http://arch.413chan.net/o.html - this is the archive back-door link which I will share in this thread and nowhere else.
2) Enter the thread number in the box. For instance, for a url like http://boards.4chan.org/co/res/21205503#21209581, the number you want is 21205503 - the number of the OP.
3) Click "Request".
If all goes well, the thread will be added to the archiver and should appear on http://arch.413chan.net within five minutes. If it doesn't, post here to let me know.

>> No. 101455
File 128975088432.jpg - (2.91MB , 1680x2950 , Madness.jpg )
Aaaaand that's it for the first wall.
Any bigger and it'll exceed 4chan's maximum allowed filesize
>> No. 101456
File 128975125220.jpg - (1.13MB , 1680x2950 , wall1.jpg )
Ran it through a JPEG optimizer (read: open and save in GIMP). It is now 1.2M
>> No. 101462
Fuck, dude, that was a billion times better than mine. I NEED YOUR SECRETS.
>> No. 101467
File 128975737335.png - (149.13KB , 1000x1248 , Vote_Gilda.png )
Here you go, Bronies. Just a little something I made today.

I have an even larger one, too. If anyone wants it, I'll post it.
>> No. 101470
I've noticed a hilarious pattern emerging over the past two days. Whenever its time for a new thread, it seems like two emerge. One becomes a place for all the ponyfags to congregate, and the other devolves into a flamewar that eventually becomes nothing but trolls trolling trolls, devoid of actual bronies.

Its like some weird diversionary tactics has developed all on its own, without conscious thought on the part of the bronies.
>> No. 101471
I know, right?
I have no idea what that's all about, but it certainly makes for quality entertainment.
>> No. 101481

Your horrible trolling in one of the previous threads making a really sad attempt to convince people you worked on the show didn't help either.
>> No. 101484
What? When did this happen?
>> No. 101485
it wasn't me, i use the name above for both sites, and i wouldn't work on the show if my life depended on it, let alone say i did. im trying to get into the video game industry, so if you will, I BID YOU GOOD DAY TROLL
>> No. 101487
new name! YAY!
>> No. 101492
Welp, looks like the site went down.

>Yeah. Cutiepie making fun of Guido, Rainbow Sprees friend. Though Midnight Sparklie and Apple Fritter weren't much help in this and Flappermellow shouldn't have got in the way.

Just wanted to say that this made me laugh out loud.
>> No. 101508
it did? when?
>> No. 101516
File 128978836566.png - (231.54KB , 1120x1805 , VoteLuna.png )
If you'd rather endless night, instead of iron-fisted Gilda rule... Vote Luna!

Hope you like it, guys.
>> No. 101518
File 128978857355.png - (243.74KB , 1000x1076 , gilda is watching pinkie like a hawk.png )
>> No. 101519
File 128978887228.png - (290.39KB , 625x574 , Picture 310.png )
Gilda's Beak appears to be lipstick. perticularly the kind that is only applied on the very center.
>> No. 101522
File 128978946982.png - (224.93KB , 790x800 , Big Mac and Applejack FIX.png )
>> No. 101540
File 128979684674.png - (218.18KB , 625x531 , WoF2.png )
It's so tiny
>> No. 101545
>>101519 So I really like Gilda's design. Or at least her face. Its really hard to get birds (and really any non mammal) to be "cute". I do believe its the "lipstick" effect your talking about, as having a whole beak would give big yellow lips or something unpleasant
>> No. 101546
File 128979807878.png - (243.45KB , 1247x1532 , VoteDash.png )
She'll fix the country in ten... seconds... flat. Vote Rainbow Dash in 2011.

I think that's the last of these I'll make. Hope you like!
>> No. 101560
Dammit, I've been banned for "posting a banned URL." I'll see you-all on Tuesday, then.
>> No. 101561

W-WHAT?! What URL? What the hell, man?
>> No. 101597
File 128981254647.png - (660.80KB , 1996x1508 , Flight School Camp Place.png )
>> No. 101598
...You know, you can still hang around here...

Nice ones

By the way, been meaning to thank you for taking this initiative. You a real brony!
>> No. 101599

That's just awesome. I love the drawfriends around here
>> No. 101611
File 128983155229.png - (61.60KB , 785x264 , 112465674856856.png )
Another bites the.... clouds?
>> No. 101612
Shit, Sorry for prolly not replying last night Jimbo and Manefag, my internet kinda died on me.


Anyway, yeah, I was gonna say something last night but, as i said, internet died.
>> No. 101613
Shit, sucks dude. see you Tuesday then.

>feels bad.jpg
>> No. 101620
Btw, I know this might be off topic, but does anyone have a download link to a pdf of mockingjay? I've read the first 2 books, and NEED to read the last one!
>> No. 101629
About this "banned URL" stuff - I've found out from running my own imageboard that sometimes the things called "banned URLs" are actually "banned words". For instance, one guy got autobanned for using the word "specialist", because the word "cialis" (a popular spammer ware) is in it.

Maybe that's what happened?
>> No. 101630
Probably. I got a Warning on /co/ a few months back for trying to post fluff for a set of stats I'd done for Faffy in 3.5.

I don't even remember what it was I was trying to talk about this time.
>> No. 101645
The one time I got banned, I was trying to post a link to an official Disney site with some Flash games. weird.
>> No. 101649

>Didn't remove name and noticed at last second!
>Too late
>sad frog.jpg
>> No. 101662
Hey folks. So, uh.
Who added this thread to the archive? It doesn't look pony-related and in fact seems to be a P&S thread that devolved into a pedantic "/a/ on /co/" debate
I'm not mad or anything, but I would like to know why you wanted it saved.
>> No. 101668
Current thread feels... I dunno, weird? Even whoever drops by to complain seems to be trying to be kinda civilized... and someone actually called the lesbian shippings "trolling"... wonder if we got new bronies or something?

Someone asked for the archive link on a thread today, maybe even on the current one... wonder if it's someone screwing around.
>> No. 101676
I thought the archive link was supposed to be a plus secret kind of thing. Not something to give out willy nilly.
<conspiracy theory> Could be the haters are trying to group P&S into MLP and then blame the both of them on one group of trolls dedicated to destroying /co/ </conspiracy theory>
>> No. 101686
File 128986923685.png - (299.29KB , 625x750 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 101692
Well, I'll keep an eye out then. Maybe change the submit URL if more odd threads show up.
>> No. 101701


>> No. 101702
File 128987466419.png - (243.54KB , 1136x1512 , VotePinkie.png )
Ridding the world of evil with laughter - Vote Pinkie Pie in 2011.
>> No. 101717
File 128988153697.png - (202.93KB , 1267x737 , bunnywip4.png )
The army of minions is coming along. Slowly.
>> No. 101723
I'm gonna be really bummed if IRC becomes the new locus of pony discussion.
It's just not the same, and not as fun.
>> No. 101725
Yeah. I dislike the idea. Plus you can't access earlier parts of a conversation.
>> No. 101727
File 128989832061.png - (364.15KB , 1000x800 , A Race S.png )
>> No. 101729
Sure. If stuff get really worse, you can change it so only you can archive, I suppose?
>> No. 101732
So, me and some bronies were discussing the origins of the Delicious brothers, when someone suggested that they might not be related at all. This question branched off a whole other discussion of cutie marks - could they be changed? did they change if your interests changed? And so we tossed around this idea of a grimdark origin story for the Delicious brothers, and I finally got around to writing it! Hope you enjoy! (Keep in mind, only the first chapter will be super grimdark, the rest gets better and progressively more fluffy.)

He knew he was in serious trouble the moment the guardmares came to find him on the docks.

Celestia never sent her guardmares out for anything less than ... well, he'd never heard of a time that they had been sent, actually. They were known as her highest-ranking guardians, the highest tier of the entirety of Princess Celestia's defensive force. They were her own personal guards, for the rare times that she had need of them, and they were rumored to never leave Canterlot. Any minor infractions that he had witnessed while onboard the PCS Yellow Flower had been dealt with Her Majesty's pegasus battalion, even the most severe instances of anti-friendship action.

Then again, Golden Honey hadn't just been sneaking himself a few extra tulips from the food stores.

It was the silence that unnerved him the most; the pegasus guys hadn't been too awful. Even though they were all silent, they always seemed to share a sort of camaraderie, even if Golden Honey had only imagined it. They were all servicemen, aiding Princess Celestia in keeping Equestria safe and happy; and they all suffered equally under the laws that denied stallions the right to vote in the town elections, or to hold any significant ranking in the governing body. But the guardmares... he wasn't sure what it was, but they just gave him the heebie-jeebies. Maybe it was just the fact that they were female, he tried to calm himself; and unicorns weren't allowed in the naval ranks, so it wasn't like he was used to seeing those either. Unicorns and pegasi had far too many useful talents to be wasted out on the open sea, his sergeant had brusquely informed him; only earth ponies were considered strong enough to be able to swim to shore if their ship should sink. Or, Golden Honey had thought rebelliously, easily enough replaced if they should die.

He moved as quietly as he could between the two lead guardmares, hoping that they couldn't hear his heart as it pounded in his ears. It was so loud, it wouldn't have mattered even if the guardmares were talking - which they weren't. The most he ever got out of them was a cold, sharp glance, and the faintest hint of condescension that he couldn't quite give words to. But what the hell would he know; he was just a simple sailor. A simple, stupid sailor who had gotten tangled up in something he shouldn't have.

Golden Honey did his best to keep his head up as they entered Princess Celestia's throne room. If he looked guilty, he had no chance; then again, who had any sort of chance in here, especially a no-name stallion from the outskirts of Equestria? Getting into Her Majesty's navy had been a bit of a feat in itself, without any real training or references. He'd proved himself through brute strength alone, and he highly doubted he would be able to use that as a fallback in here. The room was supposed to be broad and airy, welcoming yet majestic, but all Golden could think of was how close the guards stood to him, and how very distant and cold Her Majesty looked up on her throne. She was supposed to be the leader of his people, their guardian and protector, and yet Golden didn't feel particularly protected right now. Then again, he was on the opposite side of that system now, wasn't he?

Once Golden Honey had been walked to the very end of the long room, standing directly below Princess Celestia's throne, she spoke. Her voice rolled like thunder, and despite how gentle she tried to make it, there was still a certain sort of terrible beauty in it that made all of Golden Honey's fur stand on end.

"My child. You have committed a grave crime." She said in that thunder-rolling voice, and Golden Honey was so transfixed by it he almost didn't notice the guardmares pulling away from him. What were they needed for? Princess Celestia could kill him without even breaking a sweat. "You have risked our treaty with the draconic kingdoms to the south."

Her words seemed to tug Golden Honey out of his panicked stupor, and he spoke thickly, as if the words were being pulled out of deep water. "Your Majesty, that was not my intention. I was only doing what I thought was right."

"What you /think/ is right is not my concern. You had your orders. The draconic kingdoms do not meddle in our business, and we do not meddle in theirs. They allow us to use their channels, and in return we-"

"It was still warm!"

There was a sudden, deafening silence as the lowly earth stallion interrupted the princess, and even Celestia seemed to eye him a little more coldly. His heart, which had been pounding so loudly in his ears until now, suddenly seemed to stop, or perhaps drop down into his belly. He wasn't sure which, but it probably explained the panicky wave of sickness that he felt ripple through him.

"It was still warm. The egg." He tried to explain feebly, feeling more coltish than he had even back when he had actually been a colt. He struggled to hold his stance, refusing to deflate or genuflect even as the princess' eyes bored into him. "It wasn't - it wasn't dead, the water hadn't - I couldn't just -"

"Couldn't just obey the law?" Princess Celestia said softly, her voice torn between anger and a vague sort of curiosity. It was difficult to be curious, of course, when you were a pony goddess.

"I couldn't kill it! There was still a baby dragon in there!" Golden Honey insisted, his voice rising a little, some of his naked panic fading.

"What the dragons do with their failed offspring is none of our concern, Golden Honey." Princess Celestia said coldly, sitting back on her throne slightly, her hind legs folded under her.

"It - it wasn't failed, it wasn't even cold!" Golden Honey protested, his tail lashing once.

"There are many different kinds of failure."

Golden Honey couldn't keep his mouth closed, even if he wanted to; it had gotten him into trouble before with the upper ranks before, but he was pretty damn sure it had never gotten him into this much trouble. "Failure? There's nothing wrong with him! He's - he's perfectly healthy!"

"I can see that." Celestia said simply, and turned her long, elegant head ever so slightly to the side, watching as a new guardmare approached the Princess' throne. Golden Honey took a step forward, unable to keep himself in place, and was immediately rebuffed by the armored sides of the guardmares as they herded him back to his spot.

"Don't - don't hurt him." What he had intended to be a sharp, demanding whinny came out instead as a small, frightened warble, his eyes locked on the small dragon now cradled in one of the guardmare's forelegs. He'd grown a lot in the past month, the tiny bumps on his skull slowly grown until they had become the dragonic-looking spikes. But he was still just a baby dragon, more roly-poly and rounded edges than spines and spikes, and his squirming in the mare's grip was easily ignored. Golden hadn't seen him in a few days, being locked up and all, but he looked pretty healthy still, undamaged even by the stony stares of the guardmares.

"What do you think I would do to him, Golden Honey?" Princess Celestia asked, almost sadly, and the different tone in her voice made him turn to look at her again. The voice sounded sad, but her eyes ... it just didn't translate. It was like someone speaking in a foreign language they didn't quite understand. The words made sense, but there was no meaning behind them. "He has not done anything wrong. Your actions are the ones that have put him in harm's way."

Golden Delicious bit his tongue as mightily as he could, struggling not to look back at the little dragon. For so many weeks he'd tried to hide him belowdeck, carried him in the boiler room when the sleeping quarters got too cold, snuck him as many different kinds of food as he could until he found something he didn't spit back at him. He was just - just so /little/. He hadn't expected the egg to hatch; he'd done his best, but he wasn't a dragon, didn't know how to keep an egg properly warmed. He'd figured it would just die anyway, but ... he'd never had anything that little depending on him. The egg in the ocean, bobbing so merrily along, had tugged at him. Tugged him hard enough to send him over the side of the ship to retrieve it, hiding it in his bunk until that little purple guy had come nibbling his way out. Shit, he wasn't made of stone, he couldn't resist those big yellow-green eyes staring up at him, couldn't just dump him overboard when it became clear that there was now a highly illegal dragon onboard. On the Princess' navy ship, no less. It helped that the kid was quiet; dragons were supposed to be chatty, but this one was as mum as a little ... thing that was mum. He was better at thinking up analogies when he wasn't facing a lifetime dungeon sentence.

Princess Celestia let the silence stretch out, watching the little green-spined dragon as it wiggled in the guardmare's grip. She was quiet for what felt like a long time to Golden Honey before she spoke again, facing him calmly. "My child, you have committed a grave crime. But you are still my child, and so we shall find a place for you in this world, as we will the little dragon. Guard Tesla, find the -"

"Wait, you're taking him away?" Golden Honey asked suddenly, his eyes flicking to the little purple-and-green creature, now blinking back at him balefully with those big yellow-green eyes. "Look, I'm - I'm sorry. I'll serve my time, I'll do whatever punishment you have for me, but - but don't take him back there. He - he can stay with me, I'll take care of him."

"You?" Princess Celestia said, an air vague surprise entering her voice, as if she only half-felt the emotion. "You, a lowly earth sailor? A stallion in the navy, to raise such a small, complex creature? I think not. Who knows what damage you have already done to him. Dragons get rid of the younglings whose powers are too weak to serve their race; but we might find a use for him yet."
>> No. 101733

"A use for him? Like you find a use for your children?" Golden Honey snapped suddenly, his ears pinning back in a sudden flush of anger. He was still terrified of being turned into a teacup or something equally horrible, but something in him had ignited when he saw them taking the little dragon away. It was his dragon, dammit, and who knew what they'd do to the little guy. Make him some kind of - maid, or something? "Like you find a use for your stallions? One of the most powerful labor forces in all of Equestria, the strongest guards in all of the kingdoms, and you won't even allow them to vote?"

Princess Celestia's eyes returned to Golden Honey, and for a brief moment, he thought he saw a flash of real emotion there; unfortunately, it was anger. "Stallions have softer minds than mares. It is for your own protection that I do not give your kind too many distractions. If you had the capacity to understand what happened during the Unspeakable War, then you would not question my judgment. I keep my ponies safe and happy."

"Happiness cannot be had when half of your population is kept in servitude! We are not allowed to vote, not allowed to hold high ranks - how are we to live our lives happily if we cannot be equal to our sisters?" Golden Honey insisted, one hoof striking the tiled floor sharply, his anger burning in his gaze as surely as it burned in hers. "How can we be happy knowing we are second-class citizens?"

"You are a foolish stallion. The Unspeakable -"

"Mares fought in the Unspeakable War as well, Your Majesty, or have you forgotten that?" He snapped, and immediately, he knew he had gone too far. The princess' eyes burned into his, and Golden Honey struggled not to flinch as she seared him with her eyes. The Unspeakable War had been so long ago, but there had been rumors - rumors that the two princesses had not always agreed on their actions during that war, and that those disagreements had perhaps even bled into their reigns, causing the banishment of Princess Luna so many centuries ago. There was a reason it was Unspeakable, you massive idiot, Golden Honey thought to himself.

Princess Celestia stared him down until Golden Honey looked away, his ears still flat. "Guard Tesla. Take the foundling to Madame Trifle; she will know what to do with him for now."

Golden Honey could only watch as they carried the little dragon away. He'd never even had a chance to give him a name; he'd figured 'Little Guy' would work until he started talking. Goddess, what a fool he was, thinking he could sneak a baby dragon off of a ship in the royal navy. Thinking he could change the mind of the Princess by yelling at her.

"And as for you, Golden Honey." Princess Celestia said, waiting until the brown pony's head had swiveled back to her before continuing. "You will be remolded into the pony that you should have been taught to be in the first place. You are being given a second chance; you will be very grateful for it, once your mind is in the right place to receive it."

Golden Honey didn't protest, but even if he could, he wasn't sure what he would protest against. Remolded? What the hoof did that mean? Sure, he hadn't had the easiest upbringing, but - but he couldn't go back in time and do it over again, could he?

The Princess must have given some kind of signal; before Golden Honey could really realize it was happening, he was surrounded by three of the guardmares, all staring back at him coldly, their horns a nice sharp reminder to remain still.

"Your new name will be Golden Delicious." The Princess said evenly, and to Golden Honey's shock, she was descending from her throne, moving as light as a shadow.

"Golden - wait, my name - my name is Golden Honey." He stammered, more than a little afraid of the way she was walking towards him. He couldn't quite put a hoof on why, but it filled his heart with dread. But when he tried to back up, his flank contacted cold metal, driving him back into the center of the guardmares.

"Was." Said Celestia, her eyes lingering on him. "You have been selected for a very prestigious mission. You will be renewed in this life, given a second chance to correct the grave mistakes of the first."

"Grave mist-? look, I don't-"

"You will be given as the mate of a mateless pony, as it is decreed in our laws. 'Each pony shall seek its mate by its cutie mark, and in that way, shall know that they are destined to be together and to be fruitful.'"

"Mate - wait, you don't- Get the hell away from me!" His soft, uncertain demands had risen to a sharp, panicked shriek as the princess drew closer to him, power radiating off of her so fiercely it almost hurt.

But the princess would not be denied, and even as Golden Honey bucked against her guards, trying to free himself, she lowered her horn to his flank. A sudden, searing pain rolled through Golden Honey, driving him to his knees. He was not some silly frilly fru fru stallion, more loaded with books than with muscle, but the pain was like nothing he had ever felt before. It was if she was excising the very flesh from him with her horn, then burning whatever was underneath that. He couldn't halt the scream that tore itself from his lips, even when the princess drew back. It still burned, even when she pulled back, and he could feel his consciousness leaving him.

"Prepare the chariot. They ride for Ponyville at first light." He could hear the princess saying, brisk and warm, as if she hadn't just killed him, or whatever was happening now. Goddess, was this how it ended?


"Oh, Golden, my poor little angel."

This wasn't real. That much, at least, he could tell right off. He knew, logically, he wasn't awake, because he could see himself lying in the bed. His point of view seemed to be constantly changing, but wasn't that how all dreams worked?

"Hey mom, I'm okay, really." Came his tiny voice; it took a moment to realize that Golden was a child in this dream. Then again, he was tucked so heavily into that bed, he couldn't see much of himself at all. "I only fell out of the middle of the tree."

"Did Apple Jam put you up to this? Oh, I'm going to have a word with her! Always leading you around, getting you into trouble, why I--"

"Moooommmm." Golden whined, and dream-Golden chuckled, remembering that whine pretty damn well. "Apple Jam didn't make me. I said I'm fine, so you don't hafta worry, okay?"

"But -- but your tooth!" His mother sniffled, brushing some of her blue mane out of her face as she bent over to get a better look at him. Indeed, there on the top row, was a neat gap where a tooth had been.

"It's not so bad, I barely use that tooth anyway." He insisted, trying to puff his chest out, to be brave for his mother. She needed him to be the big strong man, while Daddy was away!

"But Nurse Crosshatch said you might have problems with your memory, sweetie. You can't even remember coming inside, do you?" She murmured tenderly, smoothing a hoof over his rebellious black forelock.

"Yeah, but that was boring stuff. I'm sure I'll remember things perfectly from now on!" He promised, beaming up at his mother, bathed in the glowing warmth of her smile.


Golden Honey woke up with a sharp jolt, something ill-remembered flashing through his mind. But like all dreams, it began to fade as he returned to alertness, leaving only the gentle warmth of his mother's smile in his mind.

No, something was wrong. Well, lots of things were wrong, actually, but trying to make a list of them was difficult. Firstly, he was up in the air, lying on his side in what felt like some kind of chariot. He knew about the chariots that carried unwinged ponies around on official royal duty; he'd just never ridden in one himself, much less while unconscious. A quick glance revealed the two guardmares at the front, glaring back at him when they sensed his eyes on them.

Well, the plower's collar around his neck explained the next wrong thing, why he couldn't move around too much. Probably didn't want him toppling them out of the chariot mid-flight, he thought a little darkly. It would serve them right, though, dragging him around, zapping his - his flank! He twisted his neck sharply, trying to get a look at himself, fully expecting to see some kind of hideous burn, or a deep gash, perhaps even revealing a sickening glimpse of moon-pale bone.

But ... no. Nothing. Or rather, nothing obviously gory, although it still burned faintly. But there, in place of the golden pot of honey that had decorated his hip until very recently, was a golden apple, with a little green leaf on top.

Slowly, Golden Honey - or Golden Delicious, perhaps he should say - looked away from his flank, his eyes drifting to look down at the scenery as it passed below them. This was an area he had never seen; there was so much green, and here and there little homes speckled the landscape. A curling, lazy river wound under them, as if following their path through the air.

It would seem that the princess had been sincere in her desire to give him a 'new life.' His symbol was new, this land was new... but something else, something half-remembered, jangled at him, like the sharp pain of an -

Of an open socket. Where a tooth should be, HAD been, was now a gap, slightly painful and coppery tasting.

A deep shuddering overtook Golden Honey, making his skin twitch and his tail lash. Wrong. It was all wrong. This wasn't his symbol, his land, his mouth.

And his mother's hair was black.
>> No. 101740
File 12899212318.png - (18.98KB , 625x541 , ponyzord.png )
>> No. 101741
Select the lazer, and then select your zord.
>> No. 101742
File 128992207827.jpg - (4.73KB , 200x200 , 1236079339670430643.jpg )
>> No. 101746
someone draw this please

Applejack - Red Ranger- Manticore Zord
Rainbow Dash - Blue Ranger- Griffon Zord
Rarity - Black Ranger- Sea Serpent Zord
Fluttershy - Yellow Ranger - Jackalope Zord
Pinkie Pie - Pink Ranger - Sea Pony Zord
Twilight Sparkle - Green Ranger - Spike Zord

Megazord - Wyverntaur
Head Armor - Applejack
Rainbow Dash - Wings
Pinkie Pie - Body
Fluttershy - Hind Legs
Rarity - Tail

Plus, Aurora Borealis Mane/Tail
>> No. 101750
File 128993165254.png - (185.69KB , 800x792 , bunnywip5.png )
I've said it a few times on normal /co/, but this would go a lot faster if I could actually draw
>> No. 101764
Looks pretty good anyway!

>> No. 101768
File 128994377278.png - (405.55KB , 1378x1826 , VoteCelestia.png )
Another 1000 years! Don't risk it - re-elect Princess Celestia.
>> No. 101772
File 128994631358.jpg - (192.33KB , 443x363 , 1289852877168.jpg )
>> No. 101783
File 128995508113.png - (83.39KB , 492x586 , Puzzlemint0.png )
As a sidebar: I would totally love to have a picture of Professor Layton riding Puzzlemint
>> No. 101786
File 128995630884.png - (380.94KB , 625x908 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 101789
I still say this should have the G3 toys for Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight Twinkle
>> No. 101797
File 128995996915.jpg - (541.75KB , 1600x1326 , pony-chart-2.jpg )
I forgot about Twinkle and wasn't aware of the other two; never bought G3 toys.

I googled up some pics, so here's a fixed version.
>> No. 101799
I am curious as to how they lost the copyright? Was the a schism in Hasbro? Were the sold off? It hasnt been 70 years yet
>> No. 101800
Is there an MLP IRC tonight? The old link isnt working
>> No. 101801
My understanding is that
a) the names were too generic
b) they didn't bring back most of the older ponies in G2

Applejack is the only pony who's been in every generation.
This is probably also why the G3 ponies have such weird-ass names. Easier to maintain trademarks.
>> No. 101803

Trademarks have to be constantly re-paid for. So, if you have TM on a name like Snuzzle, and you are not making a toy named Snuzzle, you have to give the Trademark office money every 6 months or so to keep that TM. It is financially wise to NOT pay for something you are not using, especially if you do not plan to use it. It is not so much that they "lost" the TMs, but that they allowed them to expire. Then, when they went to see if they could re-buy Snuzzle, someone else already bought it for a different toy, so it is no longer available.

Trademark law is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge pain in the ass.
>> No. 101804
I know I already posted this over on regular /co/ but I figured I'd post it here as well:
>> No. 101818
Drawfags! Get to it!

Applejack - Red Ranger- Manticore Zord
Rainbow Dash - Blue Ranger- Griffon Zord
Rarity - Black Ranger- Sea Serpent Zord
Fluttershy - Yellow Ranger - Jackalope Zord
Pinkie Pie - Pink Ranger - Sea Pony Zord
Twilight Sparkle - Green Ranger - Spike Zord

Megazord - Wyverntaur
Head Armor - Applejack
Rainbow Dash - Wings
Pinkie Pie - Body
Fluttershy - Hind Legs
Rarity - Tail

Plus, Aurora Borealis Mane/Tail

Mayor - Zordon
Derpy Pony/Bright Eyes - Alpha 5

Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon - Rita Repulsa
Princess Celestia - Lord Zedd
Gilda - Goldar
Shadowbolts - Putties

Tony Pony - Bar Owner
Snips (Fat one) and Snails (Skinny one) - Bulk and Skull
>> No. 101838
>> No. 101850
File 129001255285.png - (419.90KB , 625x980 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 101864
The last flashback involving his mother and finishing epilogue really stung me, mainly because I was listening to that song above. Just seemed to weave with the words. Amazing story, dude.
>> No. 101898
I vote neigh on this until there is a suitable role for Spike.
>> No. 101928
File 129006166749.jpg - (350.73KB , 1224x936 , Funkyhooves.jpg )
I finished this pimpin' pic. Enjoy.
>> No. 101929
Now listening to, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOJ1Gl8oBxo
derpy's as excited as I am.
>> No. 101930
that... is amazing.
>> No. 101931
File 129006205389.jpg - (350.33KB , 1224x936 , Funkyhooves.jpg )
I notice something that I didn't fix. It's fixed now.
>> No. 101932
File 129006220867.png - (478.53KB , 1250x800 , In Class.png )
>> No. 101934
File 129006236195.png - (399.45KB , 1200x839 , Topony Gun S.png )
>> No. 101935
File 129006247140.jpg - (260.26KB , 1224x936 , Funkyhooves.jpg )
I notice something that I didn't fix. It's fixed now.
>> No. 101936
Ignore this one. Double post.
>> No. 101941
File 129006340050.gif - (294.60KB , 550x400 , spike2.gif )
>> No. 101952
File 129007139369.jpg - (43.41KB , 640x480 , Muley.jpg )
Okay y'all, since /co/ is chock full of crazy theories for FiM, here's mine.

You remember that mule? Many of us wondered how the hell a mule got into Ponyville, especially since it's not like there's some larger colony of mules that happen to live close by, like the herd of cows.

Because of Celestia's information-scrubbers, most ponies don't know that there actually used to be two colonies of equines living side-by-side in Equestria. There were the little ponies, worshipers of Princess Celestia's sun, and the little donkeys, the worshipers of Princess Luna's moon. While ponies were bouncy and energetic, highly social and a bit shallow on the whole, Luna's donkeys were more scholarly and intelligent, devoting their lives to the study of history and the sciences, allowing for many of the inventions that everyday ponies still use. While ponies lived in flimsy huts and houses, easily demolished by the next dragon rampage, donkeys found sturdier pre-existing caves to house themselves in, where the bio-luminescent cave moss kept their homes well-lit. Although the two races only mixed at twilight and sunrise, there was no animosity between the two, and they lived in harmony for thousands of years. In fact, they lived a little TOO harmoniously, for Princess Celestia's liking; interbreeding was sporadic, but a constant line of mules seemed to spring up wherever the two races met. Even though Princess Celestia cursed the mule race to sterility, the donkeys and ponies still intermingled freely. While Princess Celestia demanded a full segregation of the races, Princess Luna tried to maintain her people's rights, arguing that they only used the nighttime for their activities, which Princess Celestia despised.

When Princess Celestia banished Princess Luna to the moon, her chosen people simply seemed to vanish, disappearing from the caves of Equestria they had once occupied. Princess Celestia's underlings raided their caves, clearing them out and taking whatever inventions remained, in the hopes they could appropriate them for the greater glory of Celestia's reign.

Although the little ponies no longer have any awareness of the larger colonies of donkeys that once spread across Equestria, there have been occasional rare sightings of one or two, never for very long in the same place. More often, ponies will find their communities suddenly invaded by a mule baby, born to a pony mother who remains mum about the location of its father. Although Princess Celestia has attempted to gather information about these donkey 'stragglers,' there has been no concrete information as of yet. Hence, Princess Celestia ignores the very few mule babies who appear, as their virulent hideousness only impacts one generation at a time - a very short amount of time to a goddess, after all.
>> No. 101959


I'm guessing Applebuck Season now has sound but am not a US pony. Not sure if anyone is currently ripping either.
>> No. 101961
sweet, applebuck season is finally fixed!
>> No. 101962
Well drat. Hub's serving me crap youtube quality video. I'll try to rip 'em when I'm on a faster network later today.
>> No. 101994
It grows so fast!
>> No. 102000
File 129011298537.jpg - (195.08KB , 708x588 , Applejack BABY.jpg )
I took the Mlp personality quiz, and turns out, Im like applejack
>> No. 102049
FLVs on Mediafire

EP4: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
EP5: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm

Customary MKVs:

EP4: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
EP5: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
>> No. 102091
Youtube Links


Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Download Links

Episode 1:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8

Episode 2:
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC

Episode 3:
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC

Episode 4:
No Dialogue HQ FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ

Episode 5:
LQ FLV: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts

As of episodes 4/5, the quality of the videos on the Hub's website is much lower than before, and subsequently, so are the rips that we use for direct download links.
Still significantly better than youtube quality, though.

(any particular reason why plus4chan won't let me delete my posts?)
>> No. 102098
Ok, I posted this writefaggotry on 4chan last night, and someone requested that I repost it here. This is a work in progress of a script for an Xmas special for MLP:FIM.

Comments are always appreciated.
Dash-ing Through the Snow: A One-Pony-Open Sleigh

Opening Act:

[opening musical riff]
[interior: Ponyville Library]
Spike (humming an Xmas tune, carrying a scroll and a quill): Hmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm hmm… Ok, let's see… Chestnuts? [scene focuses on a fireplace, panning slowly as Spike goes through his checklist] [quill scratching] Roasting… on… open… fire… Check. Stockings? Hung… by… fire… with… care… Jack Frost? [camera pans to a large bay window through which a small, icy-looking imp can be seen waving his hands, frost and icicles springing into being. An unnamed pony wanders past, drawing Jack Frost's attention, and he leaps at her, causing her to shriek and duck out of the way.] Working… on… that… nipping… thing. Check! Hey Twilight!
[Twilight reclines nearby on a comfortable looking pile of pillows with a pile of books and a glass of eggnog. She looks up at Spike.]
Spike: Looks like your Xmas checklist is finally complete! Can we go to the market now?
Twilight: The market? Why would you want to go there? I made sure that all of our Xmas shopping was done well in advance. In fact, I've planned everything meticulously so that we DON'T have to leave the house until the holiday celebrations begin.
Spike: B-but… we're missing everything that's going on out there! The music! The decorations! The smells! The BUSTLE! [Spike leans in excitedly, gripping the side of Twilight's pillow] Don't TELL me you hate BUSTLE!
[Twilight shrinks back and places a hoof over Spike's mouth.]
Twilight: Whoa-ho, there champ. As a matter of fact, I DO. The worst thing about this time of year is the crowds of ponies rushing around, trying to get everything done at the last second. The last thing I want is to go out there into a plethora of perturbed, panicky ponies.
[As Twilight speaks, Spike has pulled away, circled around her, and has begun pulling her up from a seated position, which TS reluctantly leaves.]
Spike: [whining] Come ON! [In front of TS now, beckoning her towards the door] I promise you, everything out there will be completely chill.
Twilight: Spike, that had better not be a joke about snow.
[Spike and Twilight reach the door, and Spike pulls it open.]
[Exterior: Ponyville Library]
[The scene outside is utter chaos. Besides Jack Frost chasing several ponies, a giant mechanical harvesting machine has gone haywire and is leaving a path of destruction in its wake, with Rarity and Applejack not far behind. Pinkie Pie bounces by on a pogo stick carrying a bulging sack, laughing maniacally. A large fireworks rocket zooms by, with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer attached to it by a tether, wearing roller-skates on 3 of his hooves, and a cast on his fourth, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on his tail. In the background, a building with a huge pile of presents on the roof collapses.]
Unnamed Ponies: Eeek!
Jack Frost: Muah hah ha ha!
Rarity: It's headed for the Ponyville Dam!
Applejack: I'll head'er off at the pass!
Pinkie Pie: Hee hee hee! I am the QUEEN of the season!
Rudolph: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Rainbow Dash: Don't worry, I'll catch him and SAVE XMAS!
Fluttershy [pauses and turns around after hearing the building collapse]: *gasp*! The hospital!
[Focus on Twilight and Spike, who are still in the doorway. Their mouths are help open in surprise and dread. Off screen explosions and shattering glass are heard.]
Spike: Is it too late for me to just close the door?
Twilight: Yep.

[Cue Opening Theme]
>> No. 102123
File 12901953289.png - (1.39MB , 720x2226 , Appleplea.png )
Oh, someone else posted this first. If that Anon is still here, could they delete it? This is the updated one, with added freckles.
>> No. 102124
File 129019542975.png - (134.44KB , 972x302 , 21316092.png )
capped this off page 15
expect another one soon - the live discussion thread started at 150 posts
>> No. 102133
>> No. 102137
File 129020314568.png - (130.46KB , 867x295 , onemore.png )
>> No. 102141
Episode 6:
>> No. 102150
File 129021199980.png - (562.75KB , 625x1230 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 102153
>> No. 102186
Our nice brony mentos made AVI versions of the first 4 episodes, about 175 MB in size.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x01 - Friendship is Magic, Part 1 (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x02 - Friendship is Magic, Part 2 (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x03 - The Ticket Master (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x04 - Applebuck Season (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

If there are any issue contact mentos on #mylittlepony on irchighway.net
>> No. 102197
File 129022962223.png - (143.31KB , 656x528 , Derpy Colours.png )
Just thought I'd post the updated colors for Derpy.

People have been miscoloring her based on the purple tinted scene from her first appearance and asking about her cutie mark.
>> No. 102226
Speaking of which, No-Ink confirms he's going to do a 34 of Derpy.
>> No. 102255
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x05 - Griffon the Brush-Off (webrip.resize) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 5 is a resize of the FLV to 640x360 and as such it is a tiny bit fuzzy. it's still plenty watchable. If a higher quality version becomes available, he says he will gladly encode it as well.
>> No. 102294
File 129027821769.png - (249.06KB , 1000x684 , bunnywave2.png )
>> No. 102321
File 129029764538.jpg - (131.23KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Mayor.jpg )
Somepony requested this, so... here it is.

Also, I'm not sure, but it seems Media Player Classic may not be the best program for taking screenshots... does anypony know?
>> No. 102328
File 129030152012.png - (196.64KB , 1200x750 , bgwip.png )
Getting there
>> No. 102329
File 12903018777.png - (517.19KB , 4201x2170 , DerpyBuild_FINAL.png )

Derpy build - flash cs3
>> No. 102352
File 129031369337.png - (658.63KB , 1224x936 , MLpimp.png )
>> No. 102353
File 129031371587.png - (377.92KB , 750x750 , LoveyDovey.png )
>> No. 102365
File 129032568596.jpg - (23.15KB , 600x338 , roflbot.jpg )
600 hours in mspaint later...
>> No. 102372
File 129033634999.png - (104.85KB , 1874x930 , Applemac.png )
>> No. 102373
File 129034276649.png - (203.44KB , 666x888 , Dontfuckwitdawitch.png )
This Thread is so god damn long.
>> No. 102375
You just made it longer.
>> No. 102378
Any thread up on 4chan right now?
>> No. 102379
>> No. 102383
Confound these ponies, they drive me to write.

I haven't ever written a fan fic before, so cut me some slack, and also It's gotten long. It's three parts and a bit of context before going in. It's based on the human versions and not the actual pony forms. Hope it translates well.
"I know what you're up to!"

"You do?"

"I do and let me tell you I'm not going to let you get the best of me, I'm not going back" Gilda said, firmly clasping onto Pinkie's shirt collar. Gilda had earlier pulled Pinkie into the corner to confront her about what Gilda believed to be a trap against her.

"I have been patient and cool about it, but you're on my last nerve. I'm not gonna let you get me mad. I'm not going back to that place ever again!” Gilda said practically snarling the words out with each breath.

"Do what, and back where?! I just wanted to throw you a party hoping to fix your attitude. I thought it'd be nice." Pinkie Pie smiled brightly. To Gilda it appeared either very sincere, or extremely cunning. For some reason she decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Look, just ease off me, ok? You and your annoying party pranks are getting me very mad. I'm not about to risk losing my cool. Don't make me do something I'll regret. Just take your pink self-back to your lame Pony friends and leave me and Dash alone. I'm not going to waste any more time without her." Gilda made to turn away and as she did Pinkie tugged at her aviator jacket sleeve.
>> No. 102384

"Why are you so afraid of losing time with Dash? She's our friend too, why won't you share her?!” With those words Gilda turned back and yelled at her, "Because I spent too many years without her! Do you know how hard it is to be in prison hoping that someday you’d get out, and hope to find the love of your life?" Gilda clasped her hands over her mouth realizing all that she said. She couldn't believe what she had just said, and especially to whom she just told it to.

"Forget I ever said that, just leave me alone!", as she once again tried to turn, this time to run, Pinkie bounced in front of her.

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well if you just wanted time with Dash why didn't you say so? We don't mind sharing. We want you to be happy. Just like us! If you want to spend a day with Dash we'll leave you guys alone." Pinkie smiled brightly at Gilda. Gilda didn't know what to think, she was mad for what she just told her, but confused that Pinkie didn't bother to use this new information against her. Taking a moment to compose herself; she was now more curious to see if maybe Pinkie was pretending to ignore what she said earlier and instead announce it to the town later. Gilda decided it was best to deal with it now, and let Pinkie know what kind of consequences she was looking at if she decided to run off and snitch.

"Look, if you so much as utter a word about what I just said, I will run you down and drop your corpse off the tallest cliff."
Pinkie just stared at her.
>> No. 102385
"I'm warning you!"

Pinkie continued to just stare at her, with the dumb, yet happy and energetic face of hers.

"Why, are you pretending to ignore what I said!? Are you going to run off and tell everyone! Don't you even want to know what I was in for?!"

Gilda was seething, she was sure Pinkie was up to something. "Well, don't you!?"

"Not really. So you went to the slammer, it's no biggie. Jail birds make the best partiers, and besides none of that matters here."

Pinkie bounced up and down with a bit of genuine excitement.

"So are you going to run off and tell everyone about it?" Gilda asked watching Pinkie's bouncing.

"Not unless you want me to, gossip isn't my thing, just parties." she beamed putting a bit more bounce into a rhythm that must be only in Pinkie's head. Gilda was a little intrigued by this; she had never really looked or noticed Pinkie before. To her Pinkie was just another young lame Pony girl, trying to steal her Dash away, but as she looked at Pinkie she couldn’t help but notice how young and attractive she was. She wasn’t anything like the other girls, she must’ve been a few years younger than her and Dash, she looked barely older than Fluttershy, who was a push in age limits by Gilda’s standards. Pony girls were definitely different, but Pinkie was more different than the rest. Griffons rarely got along with the Pony class; it was just basically a social stigma. It had been several thousand years since the warring human species had divided themselves among classes instead of race. The ruling class called themselves the Ponies, and had sub classes among themselves.

They had ruled for so long that they even renamed the land to fit the Pony motif. Females were the dominant sex, and the fashion across the kingdom reflected it well. It worked though, since peace had lasted for so long. Griffons, while not the ruling class, considered themselves better than Ponies. They, unlike other classes did care about race, and were very strict about their lineage and history. Rogue Griffons were often sent off to military school, as punishment and as a way to conform to Griffon society. The plan was to break the rogue Griffon’s spirit so they’d want to come home to the leisure lifestyle and follow proper Griffon etiquette. Though the few rare Griffons did choose to pursue their alternate life styles, even though it meant they’d never be accepted back to their homelands. Even so, rogue Griffons rarely socialized with other classes and those that did carried a certain negative distinction of their own. Such as Griffon women; Griffon women who had female Pony friends were said to make lovers out of them. This assumption probably originated from a long running anecdote about the mythological griffon creature that was said to eat horses. Gilda hated that joke, but she couldn’t help but blush slightly every time she heard it at flight camp, especially in the presence of Dash.
>> No. 102386
Military school took what it could get, and there were no distinctions there. Ponies, Griffons, it was all the same, they just wanted good pilots, and Dash was the best, and Gilda had fallen in love with her because of it. To Gilda, Dash was her world, the only thing that mattered, and this girl had somehow managed to wedge herself into Dash’s world; a world where Gilda wanted to be the only inhabitant.

Still she couldn’t help from keeping her eyes off Pinkie; she was a petite but still well-developed girl. She continued to stare till Pinkie’s question broke her out of the semi-trance state she was in.

“I said, were you really in jail?!”

“What, what’s it to you if I was? What do you care anyway?”

“I was just wondering, were you in there a long time? I bet it’s been a long time since you got any Pony tail. Is that why you want time with Dash?”

Gilda’s face went beet red at the sudden question.

“That is none of your business! Are you making assumptions about me?!” Gilda was shocked more than angry at this, she had gotten used to Pinkie’s unassuming demeanor. It was true though, it had been a while since she had been intimate with any girl, Pony or Griffon. She had only just gotten out, the first thing on her mind was Dash, but it wasn’t for that. After graduation, she had kept getting stationed all over Equestria, so she’d pick up a local girl and have fun while off duty. Whether it was because she felt lonely and was trying to fill that void, or because she was going along with her squadron mates, she didn’t know why she would do it, but she would have her way with those girls, all the while still thinking about Dash. Shortly after her last deployment, she was arrested and sentenced; she had no one then and she served her time alone with no contact but the daily visit from the guard who delivered her meals. She can’t even remember the name of the girl she was with before then.

“Just what exactly makes you assume that about me?” Gilda was a bit self-conscious about her life style but she knew very well she couldn’t hide it.

“Oh! Well, I just hear things about Griffon women who keep Pony girl-friends.” Pinkie had said coyly.

Gilda hadn’t noticed it till now but Pinkie had stopped bouncing and was standing very differently. She had her hand on the table and was kind of arching her back and sticking her hip out slightly. Her chest was pushed out and Gilda could tell she was a bit more developed than she had thought previously. Gilda gulped, she didn’t know what to think. Was Pinkie just tired of bouncing, or was she standing that way for a reason. Gilda decided to shrug it off and decided to again make way for the party hall.
>> No. 102387
“Well, I’m gonna get back to the party. Just. Just try and stay out of my way.” As she said so, Pinkie slowly walked toward her and put her hands on the pleats of her jacket. She stood in such a way that made Gilda blush. She wasn’t sure what to think, say, or even consider was going on.

“You know, I hear those jails can be very, very, lonely. You know, there’s nothing to break lonesomeness than being at a party. I think though, that I threw the wrong kind of party for you.” Pinkie stared up at Gilda as she said this, her eyes wide as marbles. Gilda blushed further; she gulped again and stuttered, “Y-You don’t say? I’m not a big p-party person, what kind of party would you even think I’d like? What kind of lame idea do you have in mind?!”

Pinkie reached up and put her mouth next to Gilda’s ear and softly said. “Meet me at the Library bedroom on the second floor. It’ll be… a private party.” Pinkie softly pushed her self away and slowly strolled out toward the guest hall, turning back and giving a sly grin back to Gilda.

Gilda was dumbfounded, she was in shock. Out in the hall you could hear Pinkie Pie’s regular joyful noises and the sound of the party going on.

It was a few hours later, the party was finally over and Gilda was tiptoeing her way up the spiral stairs of the Library to the second floor. She had seen Twilight lumber off to her bedroom on the opposite side of the building. Gilda knew Twilight was a dweeby book nerd, but she didn’t expect her to be such a book worm that she’d actually live at the library. She was still frustrated over how lame all the girls in that town were, of course they were all Pony class, so what else could she expect. “Still …” she thought, “they are good for some things.” she smiled wryly and blushed a bit at the thought.

She was at the second floor hall and was quietly walking toward the only room that had a door on it; all the other rooms were open and appeared to be reading rooms. As she got to the door, she was reaching out for the knob when she had a sudden thought, “What if she’s there just to pull more crap one me? What if she just wants to humiliate me in front of all her close friends?” Gilda hesitated, but she thought, “There’s no problem, I can just turn it around on her, show how she’s been wanting to trip me up all along. Yeah I’ll just turn the tables on her.” She slowly pushed open the door.
Silence and darkness, the only light was moonlight beaming from the window on the opposite side of the room. She cautiously stepped and whispered a hello. She heard a “shhhh” from the other side of the room where she could make out a dark silhouette lying on the bed.

“Close the door behind you.” came a quiet whisper.

“No, not till you turn on the lights.” Gilda quietly said, she tried to fumble for a light switch but couldn’t find one.”
>> No. 102388
“Awwww are you afraid of the dark?” came a cooed reply. A spark briefly illuminated from the bed and then the faint fire of a match grew into a steady ambient glow coming from a candle. Gilda could now see the source of the silhouette, it was Pinkie Pie, laying on her side holding a candle in one hand and shaking off a match in the other.

“Were you expecting a surprise party, or were you just hoping to see more Pony girls to play with?” Pinkie squeaked in a bit of excitement. Gilda closed the door behind her and stepped further into the room.

“With the way things were going, I couldn’t trust you in the least bit. I also didn’t take you for this kind of girl. I was expecting a begrudging twist. Do you know why I’m here? Are you sure about this? Maybe you don’t know what I think is going on? I can’t really tell with you.” Gilda was standing midway between the door and the bed, she was cautious and didn’t know what to expect but she was ready just in case. Pinkie, who had been underneath the bed sheets, slowly sat up and let the sheets roll off her. This was her reply to Gilda’s interrogation, she was definitely aware of what Gilda had in mind and it was obvious she was ready for it. There she sat, in a pink see through nighty. Barely visible under the dim glow of the candle were Pinkie’s better features. The curvature of her breasts and thighs was better revealed this way. What Gilda considered petite was in fact a bit more rounded and defined; Pinkies rather odd clothing style really hid the shape of her body.
Gilda, for the second time that night was dumbfounded and speechless. She couldn’t help but stare. She could see all of Pinkie’s breasts but her nipples; they were shadowed by the soft light. She started pacing forward toward the bed, fixated on Pinkie’s breasts. It had been a long time, and she hadn’t seen a girl’s body like this in an even longer time. She wanted her; she wanted to do things to her. She sat herself on the bed, not taking her eyes off Pinkie. She slowly put her hand on Pinkie’s shoulder and hesitated a bit.

“Are, are you sure?” Gilda said again.

“Don’t be silly, stop hesitatin’ and let’s get shakin’!” said Pinkie, wrapping her arms around Gilda both of them falling back onto the bed. Gilda was taken aback, she wasn’t expecting Pinkie to jump in on this, and she was thinking she would have to take it slow with her. Gilda began to take her rider gloves off, and unzipped her aviator jacket to remove it. Pinkie had inched closer to Gilda, putting her face into her neck and began to kiss it and slowly go up to her ear where Pinkie began to nibble it with her lips. Gilda was now busy with her own buckle, pulling off what she could, able to get the jacket off, but not her shirt as Pinkie was occupied with Gilda’s ear. She sat up to better work her clothes off, it gave her a split second to pull off her shirt, Pinkie not wasting a moment went back to working on her neck and ear from behind Gilda. Gilda could feel the softness of Pinkie’s breasts against her back. They were so soft, she imagined that her nipples were supple, what you’d expect from a young girl. Gilda was able to finally strip down to her panties, she was about to go for them when Pinkie’s hand shot to Gilda’s crotch. Pinkie was taking all of the initiative in this, Gilda hadn’t had this before. Pinkie, was already massaging Gilda’s crotch, slowly rubbing it up and down. Gilda moaned and laid back. Pinkie looked down on her while she continued.
>> No. 102389
“So, you liking my private party?” Pinkie asked casually. Gilda could only make out a moan of agreement. Gilda her eyes closed had now let herself go, and was accepting this change of protocol. “I’ll let the Pony do all the work”, she thought, “no sense on getting myself tired out before she does.” It felt good; she had gone without this sort of pleasure for so long that it was like she was doing it again for the first time. That sudden thought and feeling made her sit up, pulling her hips away from Pinkie’s hand. She remembered that first time, and the thought of it made her think of Dash again. Gilda was pulled out of her moments of ecstasy by that thought of Dash. She sat there, with a blank look on her face.

Pinkie noticed that look and asked “What’s wrong? Was it not good?” Pinkie asked, sounding slightly hurt, like a child who thinks they’ve done something wrong without realizing it.

Gilda nodded a no. Pinkie stared at her for a moment. Gilda looked up at Pinkie and felt a slight pain. Gilda reached out for her jacket saying quietly “I have to go now, this isn’t right.” Pinkie grabbed at her shoulder. “Please don’t go” she said, “whatever it is I can make it better. I know I can.” Gilda looked back; she could see that Pinkie was hurt. Gilda knew what Pinkie was thinking, that it’s somehow Pinkie’s fault. The truth of the matter was that Gilda felt bad for taking advantage of Pinkie, and she was starting to hate herself for it. Her hand gripped the jacket tightly and she looked at Pinkie.

“Look, it’s not you; I just think that I’m taking advantage of the situation. I don’t hate you or anything, and I’m really sorry about earlier. I guess I deserved all those pranks. Look, I just have to get out, this just can’t end well.” She made to leave and Pinkie pulled on her shoulder again.

“Hey, don’t start something you can’t finish. I thought of you as a meanie pants, but I wanted to give you a chance. I want this, and if you leave, then you’ll just be a great mean girl.” Pinkie had a stern and determined look on her face. This isn’t what Gilda thought she would say.

“Uh, I really don’t know what you want from me. “ Gilda replied, not knowing what else to say.

“I want you, to fuck me!” Pinkie sternly said, as she did so, she pulled on the ribbon strap from the front of her nighty, which loosened it to the point where it came off fully revealing Pinkies breasts and nipples. They were puffy and pink and enticing to Gilda. Gilda was confused, she wanted to leave and she wanted to stay. Staring at Pinkie’s exposed body wasn’t helping. It had been so long, and she had been so alone the whole time. Gilda ran everything through her mind, her feelings, and her needs. She didn’t want to waste any more time. She had said that to Pinkie, and repeated it in her head every waking moment since she had been out. Still, she had needs, and she wanted them fulfilled. Slowly, she took Pinkie’s hand, and kissed her, for the third time they fell to the bed together. She began to fondle Pinkie’s breasts, caressing her nipples with her fingertips. This time she took control, she knew Pinkie wanted it and she was going to give it to her. She began rubbing Pinkie’s crotch. Pinkie moaned through their kissing, she pulled her head to the side, clearly overwhelmed by Gilda’s work on her. This thrilled Gilda and she continued rubbing and massaging her. Pinkie turned back to look at Gilda’s face and was breathing hard and heavy. Gilda couldn’t resist her face so she kissed her once more, breaking away to begin her decent down Pinkie’s neck, then her breasts, followed by her stomach and thighs, eventually reaching the final destination. The same place her hand had been before was now replaced by Gilda’s lips and tongue. Pinkie gyrated her hips with the change, and she began to breathe heavier and often squeaked moans of joy and ecstasy. After a few minutes, they switched, Gilda enjoyed directing Pinkie, telling her what spots were best, and Pinkie complied with each command, like an eager student trying to please her teacher. They continued working on each other for a couple of hours, only ending with Gilda bringing Pinkie to a climax that was punctuated by Pinkie wooing loudly. They laid there for a few minutes, exhausted but fulfilled. Afterward they sat up; neither had said anything to each other for a while. Then afterward Pinkie spoke.
>> No. 102390
“So, are we frieeeends yet?”

Gilda in a tired but friendly reply said, “Yeah, we’re friends. By the way, where’d you learn some of that stuff? I know I showed you somethings but you did some work on me that I’d never had before.”

“Oh!” Pinkie squelched, “Dash taught me!”

Gilda went cold and silent; she froze there not able to breath. She tried to make some words come out but all that she could get were broken noises coming from the bottom of her throat. Just as she was about to say what she thought she wanted to say, the bedroom door swung open with a loud thud and they both turned to the door to see who it was.

It was Twilight standing under the door frame in her night gown; she had a serious look on her face. She stared at them for a moment and then yelled

“Pinkie, not again!”
>> No. 102391
that's it for part one. Sorry it's so long.
>> No. 102393
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Good end.

This will never happen in the show for Gilda seeing as she was antagonised for the pure purpose of the linear story.
>> No. 102394
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Latest poster!
>> No. 102395
that is awesome, i love it.
>> No. 102396
that is awesome, i love it.
>> No. 102397
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My body was not ready for such awesome.
>> No. 102398
Looks great!
>> No. 102410
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>> No. 102416
MPC with screen shots set to save as PNG is probably the best you can get. You sometimes have to resize images to get the perfect aspect ratio when dealing with DVDs, but with downloaded episodes it shouldn't be an issue.
>> No. 102418
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>> No. 102421
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>> No. 102433
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>> No. 102441
I guess mine only saves as jpeg or bitmap, but thanks a lot anyway!
>> No. 102445
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>> No. 102446
So is there a current pony thread going? I can't find any on the boards.
>> No. 102455
>> No. 102458
File 129040615655.jpg - (264.71KB , 700x700 , 1290406021449.jpg )
here is jimbo made by weeapony
>> No. 102471
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>> No. 102490
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For cheddah.
>> No. 102494
I don't know what y'all are smoking, I like King-Cheetah's stuff. Yeah, it looks a bit similar sometimes, but still fun.
>> No. 102500
File 129043004216.jpg - (187.65KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Minty.jpg )
Made this for old-school fans.

Not even bothering with posting on regular /co/ right now, eh Cheddah?

I guess some folks can't really grasp the concep of "cartoony".
>> No. 102518
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Oh no! She's BR!
>> No. 102519
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Now that's not very polite, is it?
>> No. 102545
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>> No. 102559
It's probably out of date. The bmps will come out clearer, but bmps are stupid, so you could convert them to a lossless png from there if you really cared enough.
>> No. 102563
File 129046751270.jpg - (107.27KB , 640x360 , Dont Remind Me.jpg )
i need to post this!
>> No. 102565
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>> No. 102566
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Derpy mailmare build - flash cs3
>> No. 102571
Thanks again!

It's really fitting, today...
>> No. 102600
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my first non copied pony
>> No. 102609
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>> No. 102662
Another writefag here. I recently told the bronies at 4chan that I would be writing up a few Trixie fics and I have finished the first chapter of one of my Trixie fics already. I hope you like it.

It was a chilly and windy evening Ponyville, but then again, this is fall too. All the ponies in the small, quiet town inhabiting all the ponies not bothered by the roar outside of their homes. All snuggled down with their loved ones by the open flame. Drinking hot cocoa and munching on the hot roasted chestnuts. All content, not a care in the world, especially one. Out in the outskirts of Ponyville, where a small, yet cozy cottage with a sign ordained with wooden carved flowers proclaiming the name of the owner “Fluttershy” where a sunshine yellow pegasus with long pink hair watched through the window from the comfort of her home with worry.

“Oh” she said quietly with a worried look on her face. “I hope the rest of the animals are there are doing okay.” The concerned pony said. She felt a small gentile tug on her tail. She turned her head to take noticed of her little white rabbit of a companion who gave her a small nod and a smile to reassure her.

“You’re right, Angel of course they will be fine.” The winged pony said with a soft smile. Fluttershy bended her front legs to curess Angel with her muzzle only to receive a hug from her little friend.

The moment is then interrupted with the slow, rising whistle from a boiling kettle, “Oh good.” She said as she perked up her and ears to the source of the sound. “Angel, could you get the tea ready? I’ll go get the soup out of the fire place.”
The white rabbit nodded and hopped off to the small stove while Fluttershy made her way to the fire place where a black pot hanged over the fire. The pegasus carefully bit the wooden handle and lifted off the bars which secured the pot. The aroma of vegitabel stew filled her nose and nearly overpowered her senses. Carrying it to her table where Angel was waiting for her with the tea ready as well as two bowls and two silver spoons, waiting to be used by them. Fluttershy grinned still with the handle in between her teeth. What a wonderful friend she thought. As Flutter shy placed the pot on the table and proceeded to open the pot. Both Fluttershy and Angel took a long and deep breath. The stew was perfect. Fluttershy took a wooden ladle and took portions of soup from the pot and poured it into both of the bowls. Fluttershy took a look at Angel’s face; he was drooling with anticipation, making her giggle at the sight of it. With both bowls filled now. Fluttershy and her faithful companion moved back to the fireplace where a few pillows were neatly set on the floor. She placed the bowl down first and then laid down too next to Angel ready to chow down on the stew.
“Isn’t this nice?” Fluttershy asked Angel. “All warm and cozy, and nothing to bother us-“

Thump thump! Fluttershy jumped and squeaked in surprise.

“What was that?” Fluttershy whispered.

Thump thump!

Fluttershy quickly turned her head to where the sound came from.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
The door! Fluttershy realized. Someone was at the door! She quickly got and trotted at the door.

“Who could it be out there at this time?” Fluttershy said quietly as well as nervously. She unlocked the upper half of her door and slowly opened it for her to peek through. “Hello? Can I hel-EEP!” Fluttershy loudly shrieked, shocked at the sight that stood at her door she jumped back leaving the half door to be swung open by the wind to reveal the visitor. A bright blue, shivering unicorn stood before her, she looked completely unraveled by the wind and rain. Her mane stood up in many directions, entangled in leaves and dust. Her coat was stained with dust and droplets of water and mud. Yet in spite of it all she stood with her head up high, proudly despite the cold weather that had not spared her at all.

“The great and powerful Trixie” She spoke in a shaky voice. “Would like to stay in your home for the night.” She finished.

Fluttershy, still looking at Trixie in horror at the blue unicorn’s condition, unable to say word.

“If that is alright with you.” Trixie said again only in a more sheepish tone while lowering her head and giving a shy smile.

That's it for the night right now. I will be posting a chapter every night since this is going to be about 6-7 chapters. Please enjoy and give me lots of feedback okay?
>> No. 102664
File 129049787754.png - (57.33KB , 586x540 , 1290494897348.png )
Lauren Faust acknowledges Derpy Hooves
>> No. 102666
You will never find an injured baby bunny in the forest, and rush it to Fluttershy to nurse it back to health. She’ll quietly thank you for helping the bunny, and you’ll return the next day to check on it. Before you leave, she’ll shyly ask you for some help with her other animals. You’ll find yourself returning day after day to check on the bunny, but also to spend more time with her. As the bunny grows stronger, so does the bond between you. At last the day comes when the bunny is fully healed and ready to go back to the forest. You join her as she releases it, and as it runs off she turns her head towards you, kissing you quickly on the cheek. She turns her head away, blushing hard as she squeaks out a mumbled explanation. You kiss her back, assuring her that you share the same feelings as she blushes even harder.

She’ll lead you back to her house, still mumbling and squeaking on the way. You’ll almost say goodbye as she stands at the precipice of her open door before she kisses you on the lips and wraps her hoof around you, brining you inside with her.
>> No. 102673
Here's a bit of backstory for something I'm working on.

"And at the Twilight Hour, when Heaven's Bane is brightest, the
Orbs shall align and the Great Deliverer shall recover that which was
taken. Thus shall come the End of Heaven's Blight, the Dawn of Pony
Morrow's Light."
-- Missing Page from "Predictions and Prophecies" detailing the
"Prophecy of Harmony", and continuing the legend of Nightmare Moon.

The events chronicled in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" are much
more than "slice of life" tales of Ponyville's citizens. There is something
far greater at work, an ancient prophecy fortelling the downfall of
Equestria's greatest, secret foe, the Princess Celestia. This ancient
legend tells of several individuals that will band together in the great
battle, and this journal is an attempt to discern some of their identities.

Twilight Sparkle

The magical studies of the pony known as Twilight Sparkle under the
tutelage of Princess Celestia are far from the innocent passing of
knowledge from one to another. One day, Celestia will have to leave her
throne to another, far younger pony. After all, the Princess is not
immortal... Yet.
In her early studies of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia happened
upon an old passage detailing how one pony, talented in the magical arts,
could inhabit the body of another, leaving their own aged shell behind.
And so, the Princess keeps an ever-watchful eye on her "pupil" from
afar, biding her time until the young pony is ready to recieve her destiny.

But Twilight's tenaciousness in researching the Ancient Prophecies
troubles Celestia. She had never intended for her student to learn of the
Elements of Harmony (The one force that could vanquish her), or the
legend fortelling the return of the second princess, Luna, even if the
story had been altered. Once Celestia recieved Twilight's letter about the
legend of Nightmare Moon, the Princess knew she would have to
distance Twilight from her books as quickly as possible, and so she
ordered the young mare to oversee the celebrations at Ponyville, under
the false pretense of "making friends".
Celestia thought she had been thorough when she destroyed and
rewrote the passages describing the Elements and the Mare in the Moon,
but it appeared that the former Royal Chronicler had been more
crafty before her "conversion" than the Princess had given her credit
for, and must have preserved a select number of the original volumes.
For how else could Twilight have still learned about the Element's
location while in Ponyville?
The Princess was terrified to think that Twilight might have discovered
her changes in the unaltered volume, and harness the Elements to
defeat Celestia herself! Fortunately, her cover had been maintained, and
the small group of ponies instead used the Elements to strip Luna of her
new-found power. In her glee, the Princess "congratulated" her
vessel-in-training on a job well done, saying that the suggestion to make
friends of Ponyville's citizens was intended to lead Twilight to the
Elements in the first place!
Though the Elements are once-again active, Celestia is unconcerned.
None seem to suspect her plans, and her agents are hard at work
seeking the remaining unaltered books. The Princess needs only to
watch and wait as her student prepares herself for her new life.

Snips and Snails

Despite Celestia's efforts to eradicate magical talent in Equestria's male
population through selective breeding (and in some cases, murder),
Snips and Snails are the first male ponies in a near-millenia to possess
the great power usually enjoyed only by the mares of their race.
Seeking to correct this error, Celestia erased their minds, and sent them
to live the rest of their pathetic lives at her secret "convert" camp, known
to most as Ponyville. However, their magic was strong, and protected
their subconcious minds from harm. Though they appear to be naught
but harmless buffoons, one day their minds shall return, and the full
might of their power restored.

More to be added once my research is complete.
- Agent X
>> No. 102705
So, for the fans of the classic series. I've seen a DVD for sale for with those episodes:

"The Ice Cream Wars" (1 episode) - When a feud between two chefs leaves the Sweet Shoppe without ice cream, the Baby Ponies are determined to establish a truce.
"Somnambula" (2 episodes) - An ancient witch lures the ponies into a fantasy world where all their dreams seem to come true. In truth, she is stealing their magic to keep herself young and powerful, and the ponies are withering away.
"The Prince and the Ponies" (1 episode) - The ponies are delighted to be invited to dine with royalty - until they discover they are to be kept as royal pets.

Is it worth it? Anything like Escape From Midnight Castle or the story about the blind ponies?
>> No. 102707
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>> No. 102721
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Just a little ficlett I whipped up. Don't know if I'll post it in /v/ or not.

“Dear god that was a horrible show.”

Trixie, GREAT and POWERFUL though she was, flicked her wizard hat onto a hook in her tiny wagon with a ragged sigh. Her robe was simply discarded on the floor to be picked up later, perhaps after a nice orange juice to cool off with. Using that much magical power in one performance had left her feeling rather drained.

Her method of travel wasn’t very extravagant: just a small repurposed trade wagon that she outfitted and pulled herself as she moved from town-to-town. Still, home was home and Trixie was happy the show was over.

She flopped down on her tiny bed that took up the front of the wagon and let herself unwind. Trixie’s head was still thrumming due to the strain she had put on herself to keep the audience captive, but the modest pile of money she had pulled in at the end had made it all worth it. She would have enough to pick up some supplies, maybe eat a decent meal, and move onto the next town before those ponies from before could ruin her act further. Why they were so dead-set on being buzz kills was beyond Trixie, but she hoped that the next show went better.

Such was the live of a traveling performer. Trixie had plied her trade from one side of Equestria to the other and there were always the neighsayers that ruined the fun for everyone. Usually there weren’t quite so many, but hecklers were to be expected.

“At least some of the ponies enjoyed the show,” Trixie mused, a grateful smile tugging at the edge of her lips. She had seen the wonder and joy in the eyes of some of the non-unicorns at seeing magic close up like that and that made suffering through some bad apples worth it.

Oh, to be on the stage again! The unicorn could almost hear the claps and cheers from the aisles as she performed The Comedy of Eors or Much Ado About Neighing to sold-out crowds. Sadly, moving pictures had become the rage a few years ago and venues had become slim pickings, forcing her and others to journey out into the country where the dramatic arts could still be appreciated.

Why a magician, her friends had asked. As a former headliner in the capital, Trixie had her choice of traveling groups. The problem with the larger troupes had been that they wanted her to do drama and nothing but. She had done drama and tragedy her whole life; surely now, when theater was nearly extinct, it was time to make ponies happy rather than sad? Therefore, she had struck out on her own as the Great and Powerful Trixie, bringing her eccentric mix of slapstick comedy and a magic show to the masses. Shows usually went great with fun had by all, but every so often there were the real lemons.

The last show had been one such lemon.

It had gone well at first: Trixie had started with her usual spiel and set off a few fireworks, much to the crowd’s happiness. They probably didn’t get a chance to see very many fireworks outside of festivals, so it must have been nice. There were even a few early marks for some fun and a hotheaded pegasus had started the heckling early on and let her segway into her ursa major story and typical challenge to the audience.

That was the true crux of Trixie’s show: audience participation. Though most didn’t realize it, they were part of the act. She would challenge the locals to show their stuff and Trixie would show them up in a comical fashion. The first two, an earth pony and a pegasus, had been pretty impressive and so had her foiling of them. Like always they’d get a gift basket when Trixie moved on for being good sports, as would that unicorn that now had an hour-long green mane curse.

No, what really bothered Trixie about the show was that one unicorn that had run off at the end. That had marred an otherwise wonderful show. Some ponies were just shy like that, so Trixie had ended the act early to take some of the pressure off the poor filly. Everyone was laughing and having a good time before that.

Maybe Trixie could find that pony and apologize? Then again, it had been a horribly long day and things like that could be put off until the morning...
>> No. 102733
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I approve of this. Very well written.
>> No. 102743
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>> No. 102744
File 129057271221.png - (21.40KB , 220x225 , general.png )
MLP General "Header Image" - use this one when starting a new thread, so that if there is a current thread you'll be informed by the image conflict.
>> No. 102751
Rarity sadfrog for you. Not by the guy that usually makes sadfrogs, figured I'd give it a shot.

You will NEVER spot a flyer requesting a model for an up-and-coming fashion designer's newest line of male saddles and accessories being posted by said fashion designer, the promise of extra cash and the adorable curl in her mane luring you into the job. And you will CERTAINLY never pose for this pony, this jewel of a filly, slowly getting to know her through the coming days, which roll into weeks not because she has new clothes for you to model in, but because you two simply want to keep your conversations going. She opens up to you about her dreams of someday going to Canterlot, how this small town isn't doing it for her anymore. She needs the sophistication, the style, the dreams that only a big city can provide. Feeling brave, you tell her that without her, this small town would lose its vibrancy and become that which she sees it as. Your words touch her deeply. Over the coming days, she reveals to you, in choked sobs, how she was originally the daughter upper-class lineage in a far-off corner of Equestria. How she was disowned by her family as a filly after a terrible mistake she could never repair; her selfishness caused the death of one of her dearest friends. How she became a fashion designer to get back in touch with her roots as an upper-class unicorn. And how she really wants to go to Canterlot in order to climb her way back up the social ladder as a final act of redemption, which would be capped off by her marriage with Celestia's nephew, all as an attempt to beg for forgiveness from her family. You hold her close, telling her that she doesn't need to redeem herself to anyone and that she can't stay stuck in the past. You will be happy to live with and love her for everything she is in the present; her pride and shame, her strengths and weaknesses alike. She leaps on you to plant a kiss on your lips just as the camera's time-release goes off, capturing the first moments of your relationship in all its glory.

You feel her ribbons snaking their way in between you, tying your hooves together with hers', symbolizing the beautiful bond that would unite you both forever.
>> No. 102773
Do we like this series?
>> No. 102781
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Sorry, been busy
>> No. 102782
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>> No. 102796
Winter Wrap-Up
>> No. 102805
here the mp3 of the song
>> No. 102807
Considering theres more than 1500 posts in this thread alone, I'd wager yes
>> No. 102817
File 129062666246.png - (30.23KB , 259x179 , 1285828394770802.png )
Th' heck is going on in this song? Why is Twilight so emo? Mainly the latter question, I understand the jist of it.
>> No. 102819
Winter Wrap-up:

>"yeeeaa... this shouldnt have been leaked. its causing quite a stir here at the studio. The composer posted it. the rule is were not allowed to show anything or really talk about anything in the episode we want to show or talk about has been aired on tv. a big no no.

>but at least everyone likes it hahah i LOVE it."
>> No. 102820
Oh man, the composer is probably going to get fired now. Too bad, it was a good song.
>> No. 102822
Uh oh.
>> No. 102824
File 129062888460.png - (237.35KB , 1374x1128 , SomebodysInTrouble.png )
princesschichi is one of the animators.
>> No. 102827
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My Little Cloney
>> No. 102829
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I can't get the flv to convert lossless
>> No. 102832
File 129063264644.png - (67.98KB , 858x269 , -co- - Comics & Cartoons_1290633121519.png )
Are we still doing the Wall?
>> No. 102833
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>> No. 102872
Here is something that might be of use to you

>> No. 102878
Cool, one of my implying pony edits is there. Am I famous yet?
>> No. 102890
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Something I've discovered is that in the context of an anonymous imageboard culture, *people* very rarely become famous. What's more likely to become famous is an *idea* - whose fame the father or mother can then enjoy vicariously. This has happened to me too. It's a really weird feeling.
>> No. 102900
Posting an updated version of this. It ties into another story I'm writing, so I hope you like it!


Agent X Field Report 01
Site Three
Fourth Week of Expedition

I arrived without incident at the target location four weeks ago, and
my disguise appears to have been accepted by the local community. As
such, please excuse the moniker above. My chosen cover is a delicate
one, and I must take great pains to preserve it.
In my relatively short time here, I have already learned much.
The seemingly benign appearance of this culture belies its true nature.
There is something far more sinister at work here, and more still of
interest to us: An ancient prophecy fortelling the downfall of
Equestria's greatest, secret foe, the Princess Celestia.

This is but an excerpt of the entire text:
"And at the Twilight Hour, when Heaven's Bane is brightest, the
Orbs shall align and the Great Deliverer shall recover that which was
taken. Thus shall come the End of Heaven's Blight, and Dawn of Pony
Morrow's Light."
-- Missing Page from "Predictions and Prophecies" detailing the
"Prophecy of Harmony", and continuing the legend of Nightmare Moon.
(A full transcription of the text will be sent after I have completely
translated it.)

This ancient legend tells of several individuals that will
band together in the coming battle, and I believe that, after examining a
large part of the manuscript, I have discerned several of their
identities. I will attempt to profile each of them in this report
(and those following).
Also, as so much of my time here is left to considerably more
dangerous activities, I will write these dossiers with what I hope will be an
entertaining narrative.
Twilight Sparkle

The magical studies of the pony known as Twilight Sparkle under the
tutelage of Princess Celestia are far from the innocent passing of
knowledge from one to another. One day, Celestia will have to leave her
throne to another, far younger pony. After all, the Princess is not
immortal... Yet.
In her early studies of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia happened
upon an old passage detailing how one pony, talented in the magical arts,
could inhabit the body of another, leaving their own aged shell behind.
And so, the Princess keeps an ever-watchful eye on her "pupil" from
afar, biding her time until the young pony is ready to recieve her destiny.

But Twilight's tenaciousness in researching the Ancient Prophecies
seems to trouble Celestia. She had never intended for her student to
learn of the Elements of Harmony (The one force that could vanquish
her), or the legend fortelling the return of the second princess, Luna,
even if the story had been altered. Once Celestia recieved Twilight's
letter about the legend of Nightmare Moon, the Princess knew she would
have to distance Twilight from her books as quickly as possible, and so
she ordered the young mare to oversee the celebrations at Ponyville,
under the false pretense of "making friends".
Celestia thought she had been thorough when she destroyed and
rewrote the passages describing the Elements and the Mare in the Moon,
but it appeared that the former Royal Chronicler had been more
crafty before her "conversion" than the Princess had given her credit
for, and must have preserved a select number of the original volumes.
For how else could Twilight have still learned about the Element's
location while in Ponyville?
The Princess was terrified to think that Twilight might have discovered
her changes in the unaltered volume, and harness the Elements to
defeat Celestia herself! Fortunately, her cover had been maintained, and
the small group of ponies instead used the Elements to strip Luna of her
new-found power. In her glee, the Princess "congratulated" her
vessel-in-training on a job well done, saying that the suggestion to make
friends of Ponyville's citizens was intended to lead Twilight to the
Elements in the first place!
Though the Elements are once-again active, Celestia appears
unconcerned. None seem to suspect her plans, and her agents are hard
at work seeking the remaining unaltered books. The Princess needs only
to watch and wait as her student prepares herself for her new life.
Snips and Snails

Despite Celestia's apparent efforts to eradicate magical talent in
Equestria's male population through selective breeding (And, in some
cases, murder), Snips and Snails are the first male ponies in a
near-millenia to possess the great power usually enjoyed only by the
mares of their race.
Seeking to correct this error, Celestia erased their minds, and sent them
to live the rest of their pathetic lives at her secret "convert" camp, known
to most as Ponyville. However, their magic was strong, and protected
their subconcious minds from harm. Though they appear to be naught
but harmless buffoons, one day their minds shall return, and the full
might of their power restored.

More to be added as my research continues.
- Agent X

Agent X Field Report 02
Chrestota 31st, 1001 R.C. (Reign of Celestia)
Site Three (Ponyville)
Sixth Week of Expedition

As you can see, I have deduced the Ponies' manner of marking the
passage of time. I will mark all further entries thusly, and never using our
own system, lest any of my reports be discovered and reveal my
location of origin to the ponies. I fear infiltrating Site Three would not be
so easy a second time...
My studies of the Ponies and their affairs are progressing slower than I
might have hoped. The information contained in these reports was hard-
earned, and I can only pray that my sources have not been discovered
and given untimely ends, merely to satisfy our curiosity.
However, I have learned much since my last entry, and submit it for your
Derpy Hooves

Despite my greatest efforts, this pony defies my analysis. All that I have
been able to gather is that she once held high authority in Celestia's inner
circle (But of what kind, I cannot deduce) before she was violently
stripped of her memories by Celestia, leaving her eyes permanently
transfixed in opposite direction of each other. She now seems to enjoy
a fairly light-hearted existence as Site Three's resident postal carrier, and
is surprisingly adept at her profession, despite her handicap.
I have been unsuccessful in determining why the memory-eradication
spell affected Derpy so much more adversely than Celestia's other
victims, but I am confident that, in time, the answer will reveal itself.
Princesses Luna and Celestia

The story of the two chief monarchs of Equestria is one of greed,
deceit, and the relentless pursuit of power. As I have already mentioned
in my analysis of the one called Twilight Sparkle, most records
concerning the sisters are falsified, twisted versions of actual events,
perpetuated by Princess Celestia and her sinister agents. I shall do my
best to piece together a legible account of what I believe is the true story.
Over a thousand years ago, the two royal sisters Celestia and
Luna were commanded by their dying mother to assume her
responsibilities: Ruling justly and fairly over the ponies of Equestria and,
perhaps more importantly, the raising of the Sun during the day, and the
Moon at night. To Celestia, the eldest, she gave the Sun, beacon of light
and prosperity to all of Equestria and lands beyond. To Luna, she gave
the Moon, and the restful tranquility of night. Being the youngest, Luna
thought herself cheated, doomed to forever stand lonely vigil as all of her
fellow ponies slept. In fact, her mother thought Luna the wisest of the
two sisters, and gave Celestia the Sun only to appease her greed, and to
keep the sisters from quarreling.
And so, for 100 years, the Princesses carried out their solemn duties.
Celestia grew into a stunning reflection of her mother, regal and elegant,
while Luna blossomed into a rare, magnificent mare of dark blue,
befitting the nightly station she held. Though both were beautiful,
Celestia's heart grew dark as her ever-present lust for power nurtured
While Luna wanted only to oversee her subjects with kind and
benevolent eyes, Celestia sought absolute control and dominance in her
rule, studying dark magic in order to bend Equestria's population to her
will. Before long, the two grew suspicious of each other, and Luna made
her own studies of the Ancient magic, becoming adept at
transmogrification and the creation of constructs. Celestia "convinced"
several ponies that Luna grew irritated with her nighttime vigil, and would
soon seek to usurp Celestia from her throne. It was only a matter of
time until the two would face each other in battle.
Every day, Luna saw Celestia's grip on the populace becoming
stronger, and she pored over the old tomes searching for an answer,
until finally, she found it: The Sun itself gave Celestia her power! If Luna
refused to lower the Moon, her sister would no longer be able to
brainwash the ponies of Equestria! But before she could execute her
plan, Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to imprison Luna and her
two most trusted guardians in the moon, leaving Celestia as sole
monarch of Equestria. However, before the incantation was complete,
Luna changed a single part of the spell allowing her return in a thousand
year's time.
And so, Luna became the Mare in the Moon, passing from memory to
legend, from legend to myth. The years drove her mad, twisting her
thoughts from that of using the Moon to stop Celestia to plunging
Equestria into eternal darkness.
Last month, Luna finally returned, but was transformed into a
mere shadow of her former self by the Elements of Harmony,
subservient and loyal to Celestia. If my research of the Prophecy is any
indication, this spell shall eventually be broken, and Luna shall defeat
her sister and finally bring peace to all of Equestria.

That is all I have learned for now. I shall update you on my progress
in two weeks time.
- Agent X
>> No. 102901
File 129068672614.jpg - (278.93KB , 659x675 , 1289936395633.jpg )
For cheddah.
>> No. 102903
File 129069910291.png - (68.58KB , 600x600 , Cheddah_color.png )
Thanks, Sparks!

And by the way, I wanted to tell you all something.
I know that several of you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but on this day we have a tradition of citing something we're thankful for. I wanted to say that I'm thankful for each and every one of you, and for the community we've made together.

And so, Happy Thanksgiving, and have a very good day!
>> No. 102906
I know, it was sort of a joke. But it always makes me smile when some 'shoop, macro or something I made gets re-posted. Fells like I'm doing something right.

And to you too, Cheddah! Been an awesome month so far, hope we'll still have stuff to talk about in the future. And happy holiday to you guys celebrating it!
>> No. 102916
Episode 6
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
>> No. 102917
Download Links

Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk
>> No. 102927
Looks like somepony created a streaming channel. I didn't check it, though.
>> No. 102935
>> No. 102946
Any new threads?
>> No. 102951
File 129075305060.png - (110.61KB , 998x284 , _tmp_mlp21460714.png )
Missed capping a couple due to thanksgiving shenanigans
>> No. 102961
I got asked by our resident wyverns to write a bit of wyvern fic, so here it is!


No pony starts out their life deciding that they're going to be one of the outliers, one of the strange little ponies who wondrous things happen to. No pony wakes up one morning and says, "I want to be abnormal!"

No pony ever makes it a plan to come nose-to-nose with a dragon, either, but that was where Filigree found herself on that fateful autumn day. His breath was too hot, and smelled faintly of cinders, like a fireplace that had just burnt itself out. And, of course, the fact that he could eat her up in one bite didn't escape her notice, either.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

"Hey! Bellows! C'mon, gimme more heat, I can't get this ring soldered if it's cold!"

"Holy cinders, Filly, hold yer hooves, I'm workin' on it!"

Filigree was not born in the middle of a field face-to-face with a dragonic being, in fact, she was born in a perfectly normal household in Ponyville. Filigree's parents hadn't wanted anything out of the normal for their daughter; they'd just wanted her to be happy and healthy. Which, as with almost all ponies, she was. Unfortunately, 'happy and healthy' don't always translate to 'normal,' which Filigree certainly wasn't. She'd seemed perfectly normal as a tiny filly, of course, but although most young ponies outgrew their childhood chubbiness, Filigree simply ... didn't.

Plump ponies weren't particularly abnormal in Equestrian society, and so when it became apparent that their daughter would never be a bounding gazelle-shaped pony, her parents simply bought her the trappings which she would soon come to enjoy - fancy bedding, long overstuffed chaises on which to drape herself, some sparkly things to drape around her neck, and a few feather boas for good measure. But before they could buy the outrageously-tiny dog that would soon become her noisiest fashion accessory, they made a horrifying discovery.

Their daughter liked to play in mud puddles.

"It's not a mud puddle, Mom!" Teenaged Filigree whinnied, stamping one muddy hoof against her mother's once-pristine cherrywood flooring, ignoring her mother's pained wince. "It's a gem excavation site! How am I supposed to harvest the gems for metalworking if I don't go looking for them myself?"

Yes, not only was their daughter a bit of a Clydesdale in a Shetland world, but she loved playing in the mud, too. Or rather, loved finding shiny things in said mud. Although her parents couldn't understand this strange impulse to play with both fire and mud, their daughter finally convinced them that she would only be happy following this path, and so they eventually found a suitable blacksmith to apprentice her to.

Which was how she ended up as a young mare, in the prime of her life, fighting with a dying flame in the center of a steamy, overly-warm room. Although the smithy was still technically in Ponyville, it was on the furthest edge of the town and away from the other houses, both to avoid any mishaps and to be closer to the quarry where they mined most of their materials.

"Have you got that gol-darned ring soldered YET Filly?!" Bellows barked, working his namesake with all of his might. He was a pretty hefty pony, dwarfing even the plump Filigree with his bulk. While the unwise observer might assume he was simply overly fond of apple tarts, the stallion had actually held onto a great deal of his muscle, even when his muzzle began to go grey. Although he hadn't originally wanted to take on Filigree as his apprentice, the young mare's dedication had warmed his gruff old heart - although he would never tell her so.

"Just - one more - there!" Filigree cried, drawing back from the fire, her ring clamped triumphantly in her tongs. After a quick dip in a bucket of water, she retrieved the ring, looking it over intently, her flushed grin slowly dimming. "Schist and granite, this just doesn't look right."

Bellows trotted over, letting the fire burn low as he examined the ring. It was a commission from one of the young mares of the town; soon to be wedded, she wanted to have an appropriate ring that incorporated both her and her mate's colors. "Well, there's the sizing. You've got a big pink stone here, but the blue isn't big enough to compensate. It just looks -"

"Unbalanced." Filigree sighed, wiping her damp brow with the back of one hoof. "I see what you mean. But we're all out of blue stones that would be the right size."

"Well then, looks like someone's got to get a trip down to the quarry planned." Bellows grinned, turning to return to his own work, shaking out his shaggy mane. "I need a couple more green stones, while you're at it - our supply's running a little low, and you know how this time of year makes Rarity crave green."

Filigree chuckled, shaking her head, and turned to pull an empty set of saddlebags over her hips. "Got it. I should be back before dark, but don't wait up for me." She called back to him, tucking a pickaxe into her belt.

"Do I ever?" Bellows rumbled to himself, returning to his duties as Filigree trotted out the front door. For all that he tried not to care, he knew he'd go out looking for her if she didn't show up; that didn't mean he couldn't deny it to himself, though.


Filigree trotted down to the quarry, her bobbed tail swishing behind her. Bellows didn't let her keep it as long as she liked, the old grouch, but she supposed that he had a good reason for it. Still, her luxurious mane and tail had been one of her favorite features; as an insecure young pony, she'd basically hidden behind it, taking delight in it when her body shape didn't quite live up to expectations. In his own way, Bellows had helped her find confidence in her shape - no mere twig of a pony would be able to work at the smithy, after all, with so many heavy things to be carried and held.

Hence, Filigree's steps were light and joyful as she trotted down to the quarry, closer to her doom. The quarry was one of her favorite places in Ponyville, so quiet and beautiful in its own way, barren of any greenery but lush with shining treasures just waiting to be freed.

The young mare set to work, her mane tied back with a woven strap, although a few strands worked themselves free as she labored. Although she'd gained some muscle mass after becoming apprenticed to Bellows, she would never become quite as muscular as him, much to her dismay. Still, she had enough power to be able to swing the pickaxe with suitable strength, freeing a myriad of multicolored gems. Although she only needed the blues and greens, she pocketed the others anyway, not wanting to waste any of her effort. Unlike Bellows, after all, she didn't have the spare muscles to just pop down here whenever she felt like it. Finally, damp with sweat, she turned away from the rock face, her saddlebags heavy with glittering gemstone bounty.

There, right in front of her, was Death. No, not some cloaked pony with a scythe, a walking skeleton beckoning to her, none of those silly fantastical things. This was REAL death, staring her down with razor-sharp fangs and slitted cat-like eyes that seemed to be sizing her up.

This isn't how I wanted to die, Filigree thought helplessly, her heart racing in her ears, her hooves seemingly locked to the dusty ground of the quarry. Here, surrounded by earth on all sides, no other pony would hear her cries for help: then again, it didn't matter much if they heard her or not. They'd never make it in time. She was going to die alone, without anyone to even remember her, except her parents and Bellows. There was so much of life she hadn't experienced, so many things she hadn't yet had a chance to solder.

I'm not going to die just like that, you big scaly monster, she thought to herself, working up her nerve even as the dragon's hot breath rolled over her, reminding her all too sharply of the smithy she would probably never see again. I'm gonna give you a run for your money. One last piece of my mind before you gulp me down!

Unfortunately, no one is quite as nervy as they imagine in their own head, so even as Filigree worked up the nerve to bellow at the dragon, her breath left her, leaving her with only a helpless, panicked squeak. "D-D-Dr-Dragon!"


What. The. Schist. Was the dragon - wyvern ... talking to her? Why wasn't she eaten yet? The dr- wyvern hadn't eaten her yet, hadn't opened his pony-sized mouth to snatch her up for a tasty little snack. He had to be as big as a house, and yet he wasn't eating her? Maybe wyverns liked talking to their food before they ate it? Well, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction!

"You - you might as well eat me now, you - big stupid dragon!" Filigree choked out through her panic, chest rising rapidly as she gasped for breath, every inch of her trembling with terror and rage. "I'll - I'll kick you in the gizzard!"

But the wyvern only tilted his head, eyeing her all the more intently almost as if he were curious - were he not so hungry, Filigree was certain. When he spoke again, he spoke with the same, rumbling voice that seemed to come from somewhere deep within, rolling through her ears like thunder. "I AM NOT GOING TO EAT YOU."

"And another th-- what? Not going to - why?" Filigree frowned up at him, her heart still pounding fit to burst. This was so surreal, she was almost beginning to wonder if she was dying now, and this was the part where she got whisked away to spend the rest of eternity with the goddess in the Elysian Fields.

"I DO NOT EAT OTHER BEINGS SHARING MY SENTIENCE. IT IS A PERSONAL CHOICE." He almost seemed to - shrug? Goddess above, could dragons - wyverns - shrug? "I DID NOT MEAN TO FRIGHTEN YOU."

"Didn't mean to - then what in Equestria were you DOING?!" She whinnied, her voice gaining some strength, although panic still sharpened its edge.


"I -- I don't eat gemstones! These are for my jewelery-making." Filigree protested, glancing back at her saddlebags, thankfully still in place and undamaged. "Dr - Wyverns eat gems?" She asked, a hint of curiosity replacing her panic. He hadn't eaten her yet, maybe he was telling the truth, a little.

"YES. THEY ARE ONE OF OUR PRIMARY SOURCES OF SUSTENANCE." He growled, his voice seeming to roll in his throat, although it didn't sound very angry, to Filigree's ears. "GEMS ARE FILLED WITH NUTRITION. YOU ARE CERTAIN YOU WILL NOT EAT THEM?"

"N-No, ponies can't digest gemstones. I think. I've never really tried."

"A PITY. THEY ARE REALLY QUITE DELICIOUS." He exhaled what she supposed was a sigh, abruptly surrounding her in eddies of his cinder-smelling breath. It could have smelled a lot worse, she reasoned; he kind of smelled like the smithy, actually. Abruptly, she turned her eyes skyward, remembering her errand. The sky was already darkening; if she wasn't back before dark, Bellows would have her head.

"I have to go." She said suddenly, and when she looked back down at the wyvern, he almost looked - disappointed? But that was silly, she chastised herself. You didn't attribute feelings to a manticore, or any other killer monster. Then again, manticores had never been known to talk to their prey, either. This was one tricky wyvern.

"VERY WELL. FAREWELL, LITTLE PONY." The wyvern rumbled, turning his attention towards the seam she had been picking at, bringing one of his winged arms forward to begin clawing at it.


The wyvern turned to face her, almost as surprised as Filigree was. Granite, why had she said that? She swallowed tightly, edging backwards, until the deep, rolling-like-thunder voice answered her.

"M... My name's Filigree." She murmured, uncharacteristically quiet.

"MY NAME IS SAVAGE." He rumbled back to her, his slitted cat's eyes focusing on her for a moment, large and unblinking. "IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU, FILIGREE."

"You ... you too, Savage." Filigree swallowed, and met his glance for only a moment longer before she turned tail, beginning to gallop back up the incline, making her way out of the quarry. Once she was out, she turned back to look down at the wyvern, now busily scraping gemstones out of the rock. She'd almost thought he wouldn't be there, but sure as Celestia, there he was, as real as anything.

She didn't have the time to think about this right now. So she turned tail, taking off at a gallop towards town. She would take more time to think of this, but later, when she was safe in her bed and no monsters could find her.
>> No. 102962

"Filly. Oi. Filly. Filly. FILLY!"

Filigree jumped to attention, her legs banging against the underside of her worktable where she currently sat.

"Goddess, Filly, y'been sittin' there for a full minute now, just starin' at that gem. You pick up a cursed one or sommat?" Bellows chuckled, trotting over to her on his dish-sized hooves, looking at the blue gem resting on the dusty work table. "Yer eyes crossed now? Or maybe your tail curled up and tell off?"

"Have you ever heard of a wyvern?"

"A ... a what now?" Bellows asked, his jocular tone abruptly gone.

"A wyvern. It's like a dragon. They don't have -"

"Forelegs, I know. Don't become a blacksmith without hearin' a bit about the bad times." Bellows said gruffly, turning away from her, back to his fire.

Filigree turned on her bench, staring after his soot-smudged hide. "Bad times?"

"Back when we ponies had to fight the dragons for our mines. They eat gems and metals, y'know." He growled, and Filly was pretty sure it wasn't just because of the heat on his face. "Wasn't a day we didn't go down there that we didn't fear findin' o' there gapin' maws gnawing away at our dig. My da lost a couple friends to dragons. Grandda lost a hind leg, trying to outrun one."

Filigree swallowed tightly, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched her master working on a long piece of metal, sharpening it into a pole arm for Her Majesty's royal fleet of fliers. Bellows made the lightest, strongest spears; everyone knew that. Abruptly, she wondered if pole arms would even be of any use to someone fighting dragons. Savage was huge, it didn't seem like such a small weapon would do much damage to him at all. Abruptly, she realized that she'd gone quiet, so she managed a soft, "I'm sorry."

"Nothin' you didn't expect, goin' into this kinda job. So what're you so curious 'bout wyverns for, anyhow? Readin' one of your fairytale books?" He teased her gently, eyes sparkling when they turned back to look at her over his shoulder, his face lit by the burning metal under his hooves.

"Oh -- yeah. Just, y'know, storybooks and the like, heh heh." She managed a soft chuckle, abruptly pulling away from the bench, slinging her rock-gathering saddlebags around her middle. "None of these stones seem to be working, I'm gonna try to grab a few more."

"Grab a few -- be careful though, it's getting late!" He called, turning in time to catch the sight of her tail disappearing around the door as it closed. "Fillies these days. Back in MY day, you worked with the stones you got." He grumbled to himself good-naturedly, hammering away at his spear all the more fiercely.


Filigree sat there for almost fifteen minutes, her body laid flat on the edge of the quarry, staring down into the large open pit. If she was going to see the wyvern again, she wanted to have a head-up on it, to have the advantage of surprise. Just in case it changed its mind about eating her, or something. And besides, she wanted to know what it did when she wasn't around.

As she approached the thirty minute mark, she finally gave up, settling back onto her knees. She happened to glance sideways as she straightened up, and promptly landed on her side again, a screech dying on her lips.


"What-- you're -- what're you DOING?!" Filigree whinnied, her legs kicking a little as she slid onto her back. The wyvern didn't seem to mind her predicament, and simply arched his neck so that he could meet her gaze squarely, watching her as she flopped.


Filigree glanced down at the quarry, her chest still rising a little quickly for her liking, and finally rolled herself onto her hooves. "I wasn't - nothing. I was just checking to see if you were down there."

The wyvern tilted its head slightly, slitted pupils vanishing behind a transparent third eyelid as it - he - blinked curiously at her. "MYSELF?"

"Yeah! Well. I mean. Wyverns eat ponies." She whickered, a little defensively, as she shook her coat out. "Drat it, now I'm all dusty. What I - yeek!" For at that exact moment, Savage had lifted his head over her, his neck arched, and exhaled a hot, cinder-scented breath over her. The hot deluge cleaned her coat of all of the dust, although it also had the unfortunate effect of tangling her mane and tail.


"Much, thanks." Filigree nodded, beginning to work on her tail, trying to brush it flat again.


Filigree glanced sidelong at Savage, and he must have read her glance fairly well, for he didn't even wait for her to speak again before answering.


"Well, that's nice to hear." Filigree allowed, glancing up at him for a moment before she began trotting down the dirt ramp leading into the dig. "You're a good digger, right?"


"Would y'mind helping me get some gems? I should get home before too long, but I can't show up empty-hooved, either." She asked as politely as she could manage, pulling her pickaxe out with her teeth.

"OF COURSE." And before Filigree could even throw her first blow to the rock face, Savage was working, his mighty wing-claws ripping a handsome-sized pile of gems in the first few strokes. The second and third brought even more - too many for her saddlebags to even carry.

"Stop, stop! That's enough, you can stop now!" Filigree whinnied, staring down at the pile, a little wide-eyed.


"I'm - I'm not eating them, though, just taking them home to use for my smithing." Filigree couldn't keep her eyes away from the pile for very long, managing to tear her eyes away from them long enough to look up at Savage. "Thank you, very much." She murmured, bending to begin scooping the choicest ones into her bags.


"Well, these gems oughta hold me for - why?" Filigree asked abruptly, looking up at him.


"Well, I ... I've never spoken to a wyvern before. It's very pleasant - too." Filigree offered, swallowing a little when the wyvern arched his neck, as if pleased. He kind of looked like a cat, a little, with his slitted eyes half-lidded like that. "I could come by tomorrow if - if you want me to."


"Sure. That'd be ... that'd be fine." Filigree managed a little smile up at him as she straightened up, buckling the now-heavy saddlebags around her hips. "I'll see you then."
>> No. 102965

Indeed, she did see him then. And the next day, and the day after that, as well. In fact, she saw him so often that they became regular quarry buddies, and Bellows found himself hard-pressed to keep her at the smithy for very long every day. At first he'd tried to disallow her from making so many outside trips, but when he saw the quantity and quality of the stones she brought back, he simply let her go. She'd run out of energy eventually, he reasoned; she was a bit of a plump pony.

And so the days passed into weeks, and what had started out suspicious soon became familiar and friendly, with the two sharing more and more of their lives with one another. Savage got to hear about Filigree's fillyhood trials and adventures, while Filly got to hear about the herd of dragons that Savage led. Apparently, his 'herd' (he didn't use the word originally, but herd seemed to make more sense to Filly, so they went with that) was made up of other wyverns who followed Savage around, quite obediently. This made little sense to Filly; what kind of leader would go around conversing with average ponies in a dirt hole all day? Princess Celestia certainly wouldn't. But perhaps wyverns had different kinds of leaders than ponies did. After all, Savage didn't command an entire nation of wyverns, just a few.

At the end of one chilly day, as Filigree trotted back up the dirt ramp, she happened to glance back to wave farewell - and froze.

"What're you doing, Sav?" She called, ears flicking back against her head as she glanced down at the wyvern, now curled in one corner of the quarry, nose to tail. "Are you okay?"


"Settling down - but it's only twilight!" She protested, eyes darkening in concern. "What if someone came here?"


"Your heat?" She asked, and glanced away, back towards her town. She had barely realized it; winter was coming, but with her heavier winter coat coming in, she barely felt anything. But Savage must have been feeling it for some time; he had no coat at all, only his sleek scales. "But - won't you freeze down there? Outside, all night?"


Filigree glanced back from Savage to the town, back and forth, warring with her better self. There was no room. She would be banned - fired - banished from town, if she did this. But she couldn't leave Savage here to freeze, in a pit on the edge of town.

Finally, Filigree made up her mind. "C'mon. Get out of there."


"You said you can make yourself smaller, right? If you can get small enough, you can fit in through the doorway of the smithy. My room's right above the main forge, it's really warm." She said quickly, glancing around as if Bellows might appear out of nowhere to chew her out. "But we have to get there fast. If I'm not back before it's too dark, Bellows'll come looking and we'll all be done for. Can you meet me - at the back of the smithy, twenty minutes after sundown?"

The wyvern stared up at her, as if considering this, and finally nodded, his slitted gaze locked on her. "I UNDERSTAND. I WILL SEE YOU THERE."

"Right. Okay. I'll see you soon." And then she was off, galloping down the dirt path back to town, her heart pounding in her ears. This is a stupid idea, one part of her insisted, a part that sounded suspiciously like her parents. But she soon drowned out the neighsayers in her head with the sound of her hooves pounding against the packed dirt, listening to the song whispering through her bones.


Bellows had been suspicious, but he'd been suspicious for the last couple of weeks, and it had never come to anything. So he'd eventually gone up to bed, flicking the last of the lights out about ten minutes after nightfall. At nineteen minutes after nightfall, Filigree slipped out of bed, listening carefully at Bellows' bedroom door before rushing downstairs, throwing the back door open as silently as she could.

Which was good, because she wasn't sure how she managed to keep herself quiet at the myriad of eyes that blinked back at her. "Th-This is your herd? I thought you meant like - ten other wyverns!"

"USED TO BE TEN. ARE THIRTY STRONG NOW, INCLUDING YOUNGLINGS." He rumbled proudly, nosing some of the smaller dragonets ahead of him, waiting for the last of the smaller wyverns to file in before following them. He had shrunk himself down to their size now, although he was still taller than the tallest pony Filigree knew. But he fit, at least, and the rest of his family seemed to fit too. They fit so well, in fact, that they were curling up around the largest forge, nestling up against its dying heat.

"Is it warm enough?" Filigree murmured, glancing up at Savage. All right; even though there were a whole ton of them, she couldn't deny that it was kind of awesome seeing Bellows' smithy filled up with wyverns.


"Nah, it's okay. I mean - if you don't mind helping with the kindling tomorrow, maybe. It's kind of a hassle to get more, is all."

"YOU HAVE MY WORD." He rumbled as softly as he could, lowering his head to her as she began to work, tossing more logs onto the forge, building up the fire again. "WE OWE YOU A GREAT SERVICE, MISS FILIGREE."

"It's - it's nothing, really." She flushed abruptly, her entire body seeming to flush with warmth. "Just didn't want you guys freezing. But you have to be out of here by morning, okay? Or Bellows'll blow a gasket."

"OF COURSE. SLEEP WELL." He nodded to her with his long, elegant neck, then turned back to his herd, curling himself around the farthest edge of where the wyverns slept, keeping them warm.

"You too, Savage. And, uh, wyverns." She called softly, waiting just a moment until turning, trotting back up to her room and out of sight. Well, that hadn't gone too badly, had it?



"Mrphargle. Five more minutes."

"Filigree, this ain't any kind 'o situation to be sleepin' through. Y'gotta get up."

"Bellows, it's still dark out, c'moooon."

"There's dragons in the smithy."

Filigree, who had been trying to hide her head under her pillow, was yanked to awakeness almost as violently as if she'd been doused in cold water. "What?"

"Dragons, lassie. Didn't think they'd come this far south, after the wars 'n all, but one hears rumors." Bellows whispered to her, and as Filigree's eyes adjusted to the darkness, she took in the three axes he had hooked to his belt, and the daggers on his forelegs. Somehow, it didn't surprise her that he kept this much weaponry in his bedroom. Hell, all of this had probably come from under his pillow alone.

"Bellows, you - you can't - "

"C'mon, lassie, I got ye an axe too. Just gotta swing at the neck, it's not one of their better armored spots. Cleave it off in one powerful swoop, or else they'll latch onto ya, and -"

"You can't kill Savage's herd."

"- they do this head-shaking - What." And now his eyes had landed on hers sharply, zoning in on her as if she were a particularly choice emerald for his sword hilt. "What did you say, Filly? You best be choosing your words wisely, I'm not in the most forgiving of moods right now."

"I - I know them. I know the dragons, okay? They're wyverns. They're not - they don't eat ponies. They're not bad."

"Not ba- lassie, have you been sparkled mad or somethin'? Been lickin' the gem glue? What're you TALKIN' about, they're not bad. If they're not bad, then what ARE they?"

"They're my friends!" She burst out, a little louder than she intended, and dropped her voice back to a whisper, her voice intent and pleading. "They're my friends, okay? You have to believe me, they won't hurt us. All the time I've been at the quarry - I've been with Savage. He's nice. He's smart, he's - he's not like other dragons, he doesn't eat ponies or anything. You have to trust me on this."

"Trust you on - they're bleedin' DRAGONS, lass!"

"And I'm your bleedin' apprentice!" Filigree insisted, rising on her bed slightly, squaring her shoulders. "I'm not a fool, you've told me that yourself. I wouldn't go putting this smithy at risk for anything, especially not monsters who might eat us. Savage's their leader, he wouldn't let them do anything bad if I told him not to. They were going to freeze, and I - I just didn't feel right letting them be cold." She said intently, eyes flashing, before she tried to quiet her voice once more. "Look, I know you're nervous. I was nervous too, when I first met him. But he's had tons of opportunity to eat me before now, and he hasn't. I think he's a good wyvern."

Bellows looked at her, inwardly debating, then turned away with a rumbled grunt, walking to her window. He stared out at the darkened street for a hoofful of minutes, lost in his own thoughts. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and rumbling in his powerful chest. "It's only cuz I know yer such a good kid that I'm not runnin' down there right now, understand." He growled, his eyes still locked on the street below, the dawn's first weak rays beginning to light it. "I don't like the idea of dragons in my smithy, any dragons. But ... if you know this guy, if you're vouching for him, then I guess he can't be all bad. Takes a special kind of guy to grab your attention."

Filigree flushed hotly, her ears snapping flat against her head. "I - what - he's not - he's not a GUY, he's a WYVERN. Big difference."

"Well he's still male, ain't he?" Bellows asked coyly, glancing back to her over one muscular shoulder.

"He's - he's still a - who said I had anything against guys?"

"No one. You either turn tail when they show up or growl at 'em from the back of the smithy, is all." He chuckled as he turned back towards her bedroom door, his weaponry clanking gently as he moved. "Guess I'll go get ready. Yer friends'll be outta here by morning, right? Gotta get the fires stoked."

"Yes, of course. Sure thing. Thank you, Bellows." She called, slowly rising from her bed, absently reaching for her brush. It was almost time to get up anyhow, might as well greet the morning in a properly-coiffed fashion.

But as Bellows pulled the door open, a rather unwelcome visage greeted his, one that made him reach instinctively for his axe. Savage's pupils thinned when he sighted the axe, but he held obediently still, glancing back to where Filigree stood, watching the two with something akin to panic on her face.

"Bellows, you - this is Savage. He's my friend. Savage, this is Bellows, my blacksmithing master." She said as evenly as she could, eyes glued to Bellows.

Savage blinked once at the heavy pony in the doorway, then lowered his head slightly, as if in a bow. "IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET ONE OF FILIGREE'S FRIENDS. I HAVE HEARD MANY TALES OF YOUR SKILL IN THE FORGE."

Bellows' brows rose a little at that, and he finally gave a little chuckle, shaking his head. "Let's hope those were all the good stories, dragon. I gotta get going, need to stoke those fires up again. Nice ta meetcha too." He offered, almost as an afterthought, although Filigree heard the begrudging politeness in his voice. This was just about as friendly as Bellows was going to get, unfortunately.


"A - a mob?!"
>> No. 102968

Sure enough, crowded around the front of the smithy door was a group of ponies. Not a mob, precisely, and although they looked very ... focused, they didn't look particularly angry.

"Ain't those the girls from the bakery?" Bellows rumbled, leaning over Filigree's shoulder, trying to get a better look at them from her bedroom window. "Blinkie Pie, or somethin'. Flattershy?"

"No, I thought it was Shutterfly." Filigree murmured, squinting down at the group. "What do THEY want?"

"AM NOT CERTAIN, BUT THEY SEEM TO BE BLOCKING OUR EXIT. WE CANNOT ESCAPE WITHOUT BEING SEEN." Savage rumbled from where his neck arched gracefully over the two ponies, peering down into the street.

"Helloooooooooooo! Miss Filigreeeee!" Came the high-pitched call, accented by a sharp knock on the front door. "We're here to throw you a partyyyyyyyyyy!"

"A - why the hell would they throw me a party?" Filigree frowned down at them, whispering as if the sextet of ponies could hear from the street.

"Don't ask me, ponies never throw me parties anymore." Bellows whuffed through his nose, blinking down at them. "Suppose that'll be a problem if they see the dragons, though."

"We'll put them all up in my room." Filigree hissed, her eyes wide as they glanced to Bellows'.

"Good luck with that, Filly. Not that big up here." Bellows whuffed, glancing around her cramped room. It had been a storage room before he'd taken an apprentice; hardly the kind of space one could fit a flock of wyverns into.

"Then we'll - we'll - hide them in the back?"

"Don't think the neighbors will mind a flock of wyverns back there, will ya?" Bellows asked dourly, his expression only getting more and more grim as Filly's got more and more annoyed. Finally, she pulled away from the pair, fairly stomping their way downstairs and across the wooden floor of the smithy. Once she reached the front (where the ponies still knocked, quite intent on their goal), she wrenched the door open, ears flat as she faced the group of six.

"Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie, and this is Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle --"

"I'm not so concerned WHO you are but WHAT you are doing here, at sunrise no less!"

"-- Rarity, Applejack and Spike, and we're here to throw you a SURPRISE PARTYYYYYYYY!" Squealed the pink pony, leaping into the air as if she were made of helium. "Are you ready for your -"

"Who the schist is ever ready for a surprise party?! And besides, I have guests over!" She snapped, her anger rising to the surface as her tail lashed. "Dragon company! Yeah! A whole flock of wyverns! So if you got a problem with that, you can take it up with ME, got it?" She whinnied darkly, barely resisting the urge to paw at the ground rebelliously.

The group of ponies glanced from one to the other, quite confused, before their smallest member pushed his way forward. "Wyverns? I wanna see, I wanna see!"

"You ... what?" Filigree asked weakly, staring down at the tiny ... dragon. Dragon? Since when did Ponyville have dragons?! Behind her, she could feel a dozen small heads trying to push past, to get a better look at the small dragon in front of them.

Although she did her best to make way, eventually a head snaked between her forelegs, lifting her up out of the mob as they crowded around the door. With a cry, she wrapped her legs around the long neck, realizing only as she slid down onto his shoulders that it was Savage who had lifted her to safety. "Thanks, Savage." She sighed, holding onto him as he dipped his long neck in turn, greeting the small dragon with a cheek-nudge.


"Nah, I didn't really - wait, what?" Filigree asked abruptly, eyes widening to saucers as Savage lifted the small dragon into his webbed wing-arms, gathering him close to his chest.

"Daddy!" Chirped Spike, snuggling up against the much-larger wyvern.

"HELLO LITTLE ONE. I HAVE MISSED YOU." The older dragon almost seemed to croon, and Filigree felt his purr rumbling against her belly more than she heard it in her ears. She certainly hadn't seen THAT one coming.

"New friends? This sounds like the perfect situation for a PARTYYYY!" The pink pony squealed, streamers and balloons seeming to appear from seemingly nowhere behind her.

As Filigree slid onto the floor, leaving Savage to aid his son and his friends in setting up for said surprise/welcome to Ponyville/welcome home party, she scanned the room for Bellows, trotting over to where he sat at the foot of the stairs. "It, uh, looks like your smithy is being overrun by partiers."

"Ehh, it could be overrun by worse things, I figure." He shrugged, leaning slightly to make room for her on the step beside him. "Better'n rampaging dragons. You think if we keep 'em here over the winter, they could help keep the fires burnin'? Could save time, having dragon-fire to smelt with."

Filigree didn't bother to hide the little smile that tugged at her lips as she nodded, smoothing a stray bit of mane behind one ear. "Sure sounds like that could work out mighty well, Bellows. They're good diggers, too. Dug up all those gems for me."

"They did, huh? Might have to see if they'd be willing to stay on as part-time diggers, then." Bellows allowed, a little softer, still trying to wrap his mind around the idea of dragons as friends, instead of enemies. "Might be nice."

"Might be very nice." Filigree agreed with a wide smile, catching Savage's eye. Very nice, indeed.


The end! Or at least, the end of the G-rated part. The last chapter is hosted at the link below, only click if you do not mind sexy times.

>> No. 102973
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>> No. 102975
i need a network virus for my schools network, anyone able to provide?
>> No. 102994
File 129080318679.png - (11.84KB , 337x330 , 1289090967727.png )
Please leave.
>> No. 102998
Any upload of todays episode yet?
>> No. 103008

>> No. 103012
Some other Anonymous's, not mine.

Fic time: The Armors of Equestria

Nobody knows where Princess Luna sought a way to take control of the day, and nobody knows who fulfilled her desire born of envy and wounded pride.

Whatever mysterious being forged the dark armor, whatever dark arts and rituals it used, the will of darkness itself was forged into it, upsetting the balance of nature. Using Princess Luna's honest desire to be appreciated for her handiwork, discord crept in. Jealousy, cruelty, and vengeance seized her heart, and threatened all of Equestria. Armored and mighty beyond all opposition, Nightmare Moon reigned over a week of night.

Princess Celestia and the five other Guardians of Harmony (her courtesans and closest friends) were soon all that remained of the vast army that charged the ancient Castle of the Two Sisters that fateful night. Due to a foul attack from the rear by a minion felled but not killed, Laughter perished during the final onslaught, and those that remained found they could not summon the Rainbow of Light. Unable to break the armor of Nightmare Moon, they sealed her away for a thousand years.

Celestia's strength was quickly being sapped by the energy requirements of regulating both day and night. One of the Guardians of Harmony was able to devise a solution: she would forge an artifact for Princess Celestia that would enhance her strength, and protect the balance of nature. The symbols of the Elements of Harmony were melted down and set in the new armor and crown, and bound to the will of the Guardians. The armor was presented, and it worked. Celestia, transformed and more regal than ever, guided nature with wisdom and love.

All but one of her friends died of old age over the course of the thousand years, but Celestia remained young and powerful, the Elements of Harmony keeping her reign a just and noble one. Stone replicas of their symbols were created as a monument to their heroism, and placed in the now-abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. Princess Celestia, while managing the affairs of her realm from the new castle at Canterlot, founded a school to gather those Ponies with the noblest hearts and brightest minds to prepare for the day when Nightmare Moon would break free and once again ravage the fair land of Equestria.

For without the will of Laughter, who had died too soon, Celestia's armor was incomplete, and the Princess stood no chance against Nightmare Moon.

Days before the fated night, the artificially ageless monarch sent her cleverest, most trustworthy student to a town on the edge of her armor's powers, near a forest that held the Castle. She knew of the town, because the armor was forged there a thousand years before; the Guardian of Harmony named Honesty had smithed the armor and bound the Guardians' wills into it, but was quickly approaching the edge of her own unnatural lifespan. Only in such a location, on the edge of light and dark, and close to the mystically charged ruins where Pony blood was spilled by Pony magic, could the Elements of Harmony once again be reignited.

The battle was swift, but decisive. Without her minions of darkness, Nightmare Moon was unable to prevent the Rainbow of Light from being summoned and breaking her armor. Celestia was freed, and Princess Luna was pardoned for the events that had occurred a millenium before, as it was the dark will bound into her own armor that had turned her heart toward destruction and imbalance.

One day soon, when Applejack's grandmother Honesty Smith falls victim to time, Celestia's armor will fail, and Celestia, once again reduced to her natural size and level of power, will restore Luna's place as Princess of Night out of necessity. At that time, will the dark being who forged the Nightmare Armor and corrupted Luna's heart return with another scheme?


(Why yes, I have played Morrowind and read LOTR. Why do you ask?)
>> No. 103014
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2

Episode 3: The Ticket Master

Episode 4: Applebuck Season

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off

Episode 6: Boast Busters

Episode 7: Dragonshy
>> No. 103020
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>> No. 103043

A pony board! Dunno who made it or if it's been posted here already.
>> No. 103047
I imagine it's the internet police looking for a script-kiddy inhabiting this thread habitually
>> No. 103055
no...I wanted a network virus legit to screw over my schools network so that when they are busy with that, i can start a rebellion and finally get them to change the rules in ALL schools in the district, provided I can get the spark needed to start the fire.
>> No. 103058
Good episode. So we find out that adult dragons arn't as colossal as we thought they'd be. the ursa minor was nearly the size of the dragon. Though I guess being a living constellation helps
>> No. 103067
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>> No. 103127
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>> No. 103162
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>> No. 103165
wow, this thread's been here for over a month now, and over 1600 posts.

and this thread still has more than two pages left. can we get this to 2000 before its end?
>> No. 103168
File 129091583156.png - (97.17KB , 795x256 , _tmp_mlp21492247.png )
>> No. 103173
Who knows, we're kinda slow here, right now.

Loved it, too... the dragon was as big as I imagined, though. Also awesome references.
>> No. 103180
Not much to say, really.
>> No. 103185
We don't do that shit. Get out.
>> No. 103188
File 129093665383.jpg - (26.22KB , 469x268 , 1290124699279.jpg )
The hell you think we would want to do such a thing here? We spread friendship, harmony and oh! Love~.
Now kindly leave before we report you.
>> No. 103216
File 129097915880.png - (76.66KB , 750x241 , _tmp_mlp21509801.png )
>> No. 103248
I noticed sometimes our pony archive will save 404 threads. Is it because people requested to have the thread saved just before it died?

An example:


I don't remember seeing that thread so now I feel bad I didn't get a chance to. :(
>> No. 103251
New thread, with a new idea: THE DOCTOR

>> No. 103252
File 129100189653.png - (75.84KB , 806x297 , _tmp_mlp21518179.png )
>I noticed sometimes our pony archive will save 404 threads. Is it because people requested to have the thread saved just before it died?
You guessed right. The archiver itself has no power to find pony threads - these last-minute additions are usually because someone jumps in and submits an archive request at the last minute.
>> No. 103254
File 129100356250.png - (43.72KB , 1638x179 , AnimatorPosting.png )
Holy shit, guys, get in here and we also need to archive this shit

We have another MLP animator in /co/
>> No. 103270
File 129100911136.png - (1.36MB , 940x2486 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 103296
File 129101843819.jpg - (188.93KB , 620x670 , kurihara.jpg )
>> No. 103303
We finally got ourselves a live channel: http://plus4chan.org/tv/fullstream.php?channel=bronystable
>> No. 103364
File 129106165149.png - (77.11KB , 872x262 , _tmp_mlp21528314.png )
>> No. 103387
File 129107371141.png - (73.87KB , 844x197 , _tmp_mlp21536901.png )
>> No. 103470
File 129116569411.png - (73.99KB , 530x576 , Shenanigans0.png )
>> No. 103474
4chan's down due to pudding overload.
>> No. 103503
File 12911843481.png - (114.91KB , 846x373 , _tmp_mlp21565468.png )
cap (missed a couple, partly because monday was shit for thread quality)
>> No. 103521
File 129119453927.png - (161.10KB , 1261x623 , mlp-1-12-now-on-page-13.png )
Still hasn't 404'd, kept a high quality for a long time, actually.
>> No. 103543
File 12912184222.png - (1.45MB , 940x2486 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 103571
File 129122887774.jpg - (5.07KB , 300x210 , 3m33pb3l75Y45X65R1aa6c78a321f216d151e.jpg )
Check it. Japanese Ponies.
>> No. 103574
Trademark infringement? Us?
>> No. 103582
"In 1985, Takara worked in partnership with Hasbro to release the My Little Pony line in Japan. The initial line showcased a completely new look to the Ponies. Extremely rare these days, these Ponies are quite sought out by Pony collectors."
>> No. 103594
File 129124254755.png - (115.50KB , 500x744 , 2010-12-01-friendshipismagic.png )
>> No. 103597
File 129124400071.jpg - (362.31KB , 692x1691 , 101127.jpg )
Look at Aeris' computer. But yea, VGCats is kinda bad these days
>> No. 103601
that makes me happy.
>> No. 103605
File 12912521044.jpg - (76.84KB , 900x655 , princess_ts_by_princesschuchi-d336x99.jpg )
Pic from one of the MLP: FiM Production Crew.
>> No. 103610
File 129125279733.png - (422.54KB , 2292x1667 , princess_twilight_sparkle_by_princesschuchi-d340ie.png )
Colored version.
>> No. 103635
File 129127290638.png - (18.89KB , 600x100 , 2010_logo-round1.png )
MLP needs our votes!
>> No. 103637
As Spike gets older, he becomes more dragon-like. His wings grow in and Rainbow Dash teaches him how to fly. Spike begins spending more time with her and Pinkie Pie at Twilight's request, as Spike is growing more restless by the day and needs ways to exhaust his energy.

He then begins hoarding treasure in the old castle in the forest, drawing the attention of Rarity. But now, when the pony of his dreams shows interest in him, Spike is indifferent. He wants to find a dragon mate, but his years living under the care and tutelage of ponies has chiseled away at his confidence.

Applejack and Dash teach him about being tough, and he gets to put their lessons to the test when an angry Gilda returns with some griffin friends to cause trouble in Ponyville.

Fluttershy insists on teaching Spike about kindness and using his new strength, fire breath and flight not just for personal gain and showing off, but in the aid of others. She also urges him to remember to respect the other animals in the world, especially those who are smaller and weaker than him.

Confident that he is ready to be reunited with his own kind, Spike insists that Twilight goes with him to the land of dragons. She is impressed by how much Spike has grown and how much he has learned. Once in the dragon kingdom, Spike becomes immediately smitten with a female dragon - one resembling Rarity, no less. Before he flies off into his new life, Spike thanks Twilight Sparkle for everything she has done for him. The best friend I ever had, he says.

Twilight watches Spike gracefully swoop and soar through the skies for a while, showing off for the female dragon before teleporting away, her eyes brimming with tears. "I love you, Spike", she whispers, just as she vanishes into thin air.
>> No. 103655
>> No. 103656
File 129130765642.png - (1.47MB , 940x2486 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 103659
File 129130813098.png - (87.70KB , 796x261 , _tmp_mlp21581959.png )
cap one you missed
>> No. 103660
Will someone post the link for downloading the Fluttershy episode when it's available? 4chan is currently borked for me.
>> No. 103662
>> No. 103665
Download Links
Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk

Episode 7: Dragonshy
FLV [263 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=09R0653R
MKV [262 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPBBZ80A
MP4 [111 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?93tit316huil3kt
>> No. 103674
File 129133114935.png - (94.11KB , 815x270 , _tmp_mlp21586161.png )
>> No. 103683
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDHE8V2B
>> No. 103736
>> No. 103760
That's pretty cool, actually.
Although the Japanese WOULD end up making "My Little Pony" look like "Hello Kitty". :)
>> No. 103771
Our DeviantArt group: http://mylittlecomrade.deviantart.com/
>> No. 103785
Episode 8 links
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MYEVjVGrqM
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWCr_qG7kzg
>> No. 103792
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2

Episode 3: The Ticket Master

Episode 4: Applebuck Season

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off

Episode 6: Boast Busters

Episode 7: Dragonshy

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep

Download Links
Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk

Episode 7: Dragonshy
FLV [263 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=09R0653R
MKV [262 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPBBZ80A
MP4 [111 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?93tit316huil3kt
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDHE8V2B
>> No. 103827
File 129141955257.png - (107.63KB , 886x354 , _tmp_mlp21610512.png )
>> No. 103828
File 129141957948.png - (85.51KB , 763x242 , _tmp_mlp21623781.png )
and another
>> No. 103832
File 129141996350.png - (100.97KB , 848x324 , _tmp_mlp21624883.png )
and still another
>> No. 103856
File 129142433733.png - (1.61MB , 940x2486 , WoF2.png )
>> No. 103912
So, what'd everyone think of todays episode? I liked having more Rairty, but I'll agree it wasnt the best. Twilight felt out of character, but at the same time perhaps this is a side of her we havent seen yet. The side that always waned to do girly things and have friends and parties and such.
>> No. 103948
Hm, I didn't think to look at it like that. I initially felt like Twilight crossed the line from socially inept to flat out socially retarded but, yours is a good way to look at it. I still liked the episode though. Not my favorite but, still enjoyable.

Plus, in spite of my earlier statement, I thought Twilight being oblivious and goofy for once was pretty funny/cute.
>> No. 103987
That unfortunately, not my favorite episode because it felt rather dull. Sure I laughed at some parts but there just wasn't enough going on. I was hoping to see the entire gang having the sleepover, and Spike being subjected to makeovers and making hilarious pranks on them or something close to it, but no. Sadly, this will have to be my least favorite episode. Sorry, Rarity, maybe next time.
>> No. 104007
File 129149340815.png - (17.43KB , 445x316 , GET OWNED.png )
If they win, this SOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo has to get added to the wall of friendship.

Go vote.
>> No. 104049
Re-posting what some brony posted on a regular thread:

Posting this here since it was also posted in the pony quest thread


Four pony interactive comics from the tgchan site.
>> No. 104075
File 129151940339.png - (21.85KB , 681x300 , wat.png )
So apparently a mod HERE on Plus is trying to make MLP bannable or at least illegal to talk about. Does he not know about this monster thread?
>> No. 104083
ho hum
>> No. 104113
Weird. The other one when we started seemed okay.

Also some stream a brony's been advertising on the regular threads:
>> No. 104115
Ok, the thread has clarified itself that its about MLP porn and not MLP... I hope. http://plus4chan.org/b/co/res/103968.html
>> No. 104118
Yeah, I don't think that he may be aware of the tower of friendship we have going on in this thread.
>> No. 104130
So, based on the current front page, I don't think people on plus4 know this thread exists. And that's probably a good thing.
>> No. 104141
This thread is massive, but it won't last much longer. Will it be able to be added to the pony archive, or is it 4chan /co/ exclusive?
>> No. 104142
File 129157517720.png - (86.75KB , 241x244 , pillowfight.png )
As someone who, growing up, probably would've needed an instruction manual to hold a slumber party, I have to say this episode reinforces my fondness for Twilight Sparkle.

I can't say this was one of the better episodes, but it did show us a lot more of Rarity's character than we've seen previously. And I did like the "Odd Couple" gags, especially when Twilight was totally oblivious to them.
>> No. 104143
Pity, after this episode I can officially tell I don't care much for Rarity.

Of course. Also, it seems there are 8 pages worth of threads now, maybe it goes all the way to 15.
>> No. 104203
File 129161037118.gif - (276.57KB , 400x300 , 1291573641657.gif )
Dat tail...
>> No. 104243
Rarity does have a fine tail, and isn't afraid to show it off.
>> No. 104254
I think TS might be mildly autistic...
>> No. 104326

Channels locked now, anyone got the new livestream?
>> No. 104336
Agent X Field Report 03
Chrestota 46th, 1001 R.C.
Site 3 (Ponyville)
Ninth Week of Expedition

Director XXXXX, thank you for your personal message included in last
week's data burst. Despite my training regarding cultural immersion, it is
always comforting to hear a friendly voice in my native tongue while on
I am pleased to hear that you are so fascinated by the
Elements of Harmony, as they are a most interesting subject of study
here for me, as well. And so, as a reprieve from my usual dispatches, I will
instead send all of my notes regarding the Elements thus far. I am
confident that you will find this research enjoyable, and in return I humbly
ask that you tell my husband that I miss him terribly, and that I love him very

The Elements of Harmony

As far as I've been able to discern, the Elements have existed since
before the dawn of time on this world. Cave drawings by various cultures
from around the globe have depicted a great source of power
(represented by six symbols) in nearly all of their creation myths.
However, the elements are depicted as belonging to many different
masters in these drawings, rather than only the goddess Andromeda of
pony lore.
What follows is as accurate an account as I can make of the Element's
history; A tale of greed, war, and the lust for power.

The Tale of Two Brothers

The earliest, most likely record of ownership that I've been able to find
(and a sketchy one at that) is an old folk tale about Thorntail, the ancient
Dragon king, who had (allegedly) forged the Elements from the same fire
he had spurt forth to create the Heavens. Thorntail's younger brother
Prince Savage was selfish and very jealous of Thorntail's power, and
wanted to take the Element's power for his own.

The story goes, "One day, Thorntail invited Savage to go flying with him. It
wasn't long until the pair came across Mother Duck and her ducklings next
to a raging river, their eyes red with tears. 'Why do you cry, Mother Duck?',
Thorntail asked. 'My ducklings and I wish to cross this river, but it is too
strong, and we would be washed away', she said.
Savage scoffed at Mother Duck's plight. 'We are much too busy and kingly
to help the likes of you!' But the Dragon King had Kindness and Loyalty in
his heart, so he used the power of these Elements to calm the rushing
waters, allowing Mother Duck and her children to cross. Mother Duck
thanked Thorntail for his help, and the brothers flew away.

"The two brothers went on flying, until they happened upon Squirrel and
Chipmunk fighting down below them. 'Why do you quarrel, Chipmunk and
Squirrel?', Thorntail asked. 'We are both collecting food for winter, but
SquirreI tricked me so that he could have it all for himself!', Chipmunk said.
'Now I have no food, and Squirrel will not give me any of his, so I will
'Squirrel was clever and got to the food first', Savage said, 'so he should
be allowed to keep it. That is the Law of Nature.' But the Dragon King had
Generosity and Honesty in his heart, so he used these Elements to
conjure enough food for Chipmunk and to last the whole winter. Chipmunk
thanked Thorntail, and the brothers flew away.

"Both Thorntail and Savage continued flying for a while before they saw
Badger shouting at the pony children laughing and playing in front of his
house. 'Why do you shout, Badger?', Thorntail asked. 'These ponies are
so young and happy, and spend their time playing before my house and
making me feel old! I only want to laugh and play with them, but I cannot,
and that is why I shout.'
Savage scoffed again, saying 'You ARE old, Badger, and should go back
into your house to spend the rest of your days alone.' But the Dragon King
had Laughter and Magic in his heart, and used these Elements to make
Badger young again so that he could play with the young ponies. Badger
thanked Thorntail, and the brothers flew away.

"Finally, Savage confronted Thorntail. 'Give me the Elements, brother, so
that I can control the water, make the old young, and conjure food out of the
air.' But Thorntail would not, because he knew Savage would only use the
Element's great power for himself, and not to help others. This angered
Savage, and he vowed to one day take the Elements for himself.
One night, while Thorntail was sleeping, Savage stole the Elements from
his brother's heart and flew off to far away lands. But no matter how hard he
tried, Savage could not use the Element's power because of the greed in
his heart, so he hid them in a secret place for his children to one day find
and take their places as the true Kings of the land.
And that is how the kingdoms of Dragon and Wyvern were born."

The Wyvern War

No other mention of the Elements of Harmony appeared for the next 600
years, and several cultures from all over the world seemed to have
relentlessly searched for them throughout the centuries. Despite their
efforts, the Elements appeared lost for all time, until a Pony-led
archaeological expedition uncovered them in 6290 B.C. (Before Celestia),
and returned them to the Dragon King Talon (A descendant of Thorntail
himself, and great friend to Queen Cosmosia of Equestria), believing the
Dragon Kingdom to be their rightful owner. However, the descendants of
Savage (Led by the tyrant-king Savage the XII) said that the Elements
were their birthright, and demanded that they be delivered safely to Wyvern
territory under threat of war. Talon would not concede, and soon after, the
Wyvern War began.
The conflict waged on for several years, with heavy casualties; Talon
pleaded with Cosmosia to commit troops to his side, but she would not,
convinced that a diplomatic solution could be found to avoid more
bloodshed. It wasn't until a Wyvern attack on an Equestrian aid hospital that
Cosmosia reluctantly entered the war, and after several joint efforts, the
ponies helped the dragons claim a decisive victory.
As a show of gratitude, Talon entrusted Cosmosia herself with protecting
the Elements of Harmony, in the hope that the Wyverns would
not dare challenge her authority. The Queen accepted, and locked the
Elements away deep inside her Royal Vault, never to be seen again.

The Rise of Celestia

Several thousand years passed, with guardianship of the Elements
passing in secret to each Queen in the royal Pony line (Mares seem to
have traditionally held positions of authority in Equestria, with males
delegated to more, shall we say "earthen" tasks... More on that later), from
Queen Cosmosia to Elia, then to Mandala and Soleil, and finally to Queen
Astra, the mother of Luna and Celestia. No Queen had ever seen fit to use
the Elements, and so this great power faded from memory into nothing but
mere myth.
But fortune favored the curious, it seemed, and following Astra's death
the not-yet wicked Princess Celestia spent much time researching the
Elements while sharing the throne with her sister. It wasn't long until she
was able to uncover the ancient Royal Vault and absorb the Elements into
her body, despite her mother's warnings. Eventually, Celestia's new-found
power gave her a feeling of superiority and dominance over Luna, and as
the elements of kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty and loyalty began
to fade from her heart, thus did her grip on the Power begin to weaken.
It wasn't until that fateful confrontation with Luna 1000 years ago
that the Elements rested once again. In a great battle that badly damaged
the Castle of Queens, Celestia showed her true colors and used the
Elements to banish her sister to the moon. In this final act of greed and
malice, the Elements expunged themselves from Celestia's body in a great
explosion that destroyed the rest of the castle. As Celestia's soul clearly no
longer served the goal of the Elements themselves, she could no longer
touch them, and so she left them to rest in the castle ruins as she built her
new capitol of Canterlot, altering all records of the Element's existence that
she could find, completely obsessed with finding a way of reclaiming this
great power for herself once again.
So it was for a thousand years, until the Elements were awakened once
again by the most unlikely collection of bearers...

The Guardians of Harmony

This information is relatively new, and something I have already covered
once before; Over a month ago, the Elements were absorbed by several
bearers, rather than by a single being. Six ponies, led by the one called
Twilight Sparkle, each gained control over a single Element, and from what
I have seen of their devotion to their respective qualities, I surmise that
it will be extremely difficult to seperate them from their new found powers.
Also, I believe that this group may be referenced in an early part of the
"Prophecy of Harmony":

"The Six will come to embody that which Evil cannot know, many parts of a
whole, together as One.
So shall the Sword be Forged, and the War of the Elements begun."

It is my belief that this land grows ever-closer to the conflict described in
this prophecy, and I must admit that I am beginning to fear for my safety.
However, "Knowledge is Power", as we always say, and if I were to pass
up an opportunity of this magnitude simply to keep myself out of harm's
way, I would never forgive myself.
And so, I shall remain, and complete my mission. However, I do not have
nearly enough material for my next transmission, and am unable to predict
when, exactly, my next transmission will be made. However, you should
expect my next dispatch before the next month is out.
I can only hope that what I have uncovered so far has been of interest to
the Academy, and that I may return home soon.

- Agent X
>> No. 104337
wow! just wow!
>> No. 104340
Twilight Sparkle: Asperger's Syndrom
Rarity: OCD
Fluttershy: Social Anxiety Disorder
Pinkie Pie: ADHD

The only non-neurotic ponies seem to be Applejack and Rainbow Dash, since "redneck" and "jerk" aren't really considered disorders.
>> No. 104341
File 129174262327.png - (185.31KB , 1587x2115 , 1291741812977.png )
Time for grimdark!
>> No. 104353
That's quite possibly true. There's a very subtle yet telling scene in the episode: when Rarity and Applejack are fighting over the blanket, Twilight Sparkle complains that they're ruining her slumber party because "the most important thing is to have fun, and thanks to you two I can't check that off!"

Now think about that for a second--Twilight's not complaining about her friends fighting with each other, or even attempting to understand WHY they're fighting. Her concern is that her slumber party isn't going the way she thinks a slumber party is supposed to go. She's totally focused on the nonpersonal part of the situation, and completely oblivious to Rarity and Applejack's emotions.

That is almost a textbook description of certain autistic disorder symptoms--focusing on the objective rather than the emotional, failure to read body language, and inability to empathize with others. Twilight's not just socially inept, she's apparently incapable of recognizing others' feelings, at least, not without extreme effort.
>> No. 104385
Applejack is an inbred hill billy and Rainbow Dash is narcissistic/a dyke.
>> No. 104439
File 129183466953.jpg - (73.55KB , 1024x768 , BEST SCHOOL BACKGROUND EVER.jpg )
Y/N? best school background ever?
>> No. 104503
File 129187585962.png - (250.42KB , 1920x1080 , 1290147755750.png )
I except this as a challenge, I'm going to use this one. I'd like to note that I'm going to a community school after being arrested for assault twice. And not a single fuck will be given.

(maybe not at this size...)
>> No. 104530
Ponies soothe the most damaged souls.
>> No. 104531
no...use it big...make it fill the screen.
>> No. 104532
they helped me ALOT!
>> No. 104549
Also...I'm finally gunna continue with The story of Derpy
>> No. 104560
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x08 - Look Before You Sleep (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BM1ZDAG0

Here's the latest 175MB XviD AVI reencode of the raw FLVs from the hub's website.
>> No. 104570

Why re-encode? The flv already contains basic MPEG-4 data. It can be demuxed into its component *.264 and *.aac streams and wrapped back up into a standard MP4 with no quality loss from transcoding.
>> No. 104571
Episode 8 MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I4RDHVD4

No FLV because someone beat me to the uploading punch, so I decided not to spend the 45 minutes uploading it.
>> No. 104631
File 129199774932.jpg - (61.48KB , 1026x768 , 54.jpg )

done. skew's off though, can't access any settings
>> No. 104632
win 98? seriously dude?
>> No. 104633
how long were u able to keep it on the background before somone told you to change it?
>> No. 104649
New episode up yet? C'mon c'mon c'mon I need my pony fix!
>> No. 104650
I think that's xp at least. His start icon is a bit different from my Win2K one.
>> No. 104661
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 3: The Ticket Master (Amy Keating Rogers & Lauren Faust)

Episode 4: Applebuck Season (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off (Cindy Morrow)

Episode 6: Boast Busters (Chris Savino)

Episode 7: Dragonshy (Lauren Faust)

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep (Charlotte Fullerton)

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip (Amy Keating Rogers)

Download Links
Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk

Episode 7: Dragonshy
FLV [263 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=09R0653R
MKV [262 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPBBZ80A
MP4 [111 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?93tit316huil3kt
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDHE8V2B

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep
FLV [304 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=93ZG8L16
MKV [303 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I4RDHVD4
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BM1ZDAG0
>> No. 104686
anyone archived the pony showing thread?
>> No. 104702
File 129204159835.png - (187.70KB , 640x360 , vlcsnap-2010-12-10-23h25m55s194.png )
>Episode 7: Dragonshy (Lauren Faust)

That is incorrect.
>> No. 104711
Lauren Faust was on /co/ and no one mentions it at all here?! Is this thread really that dead?
>> No. 104717
File 129204866732.png - (258.40KB , 640x360 , 1289180061462.png )
>> No. 104721
File 129205086670.png - (669.47KB , 962x1386 , lauren faust on co.png )
>> No. 104742

This is amazing.
>> No. 104748
File 129208508546.png - (141.57KB , 576x323 , Spy1.png )
>> No. 104765
Should we make a new thread?
>> No. 104767
File 129209542449.jpg - (322.46KB , 1224x936 , TheClash.jpg )
I'm dropping this pic here. Like it?
>> No. 104830
It is.

Don't think so... what page are we in again?

Nice, looks like an old DnD style illustration!
>> No. 104849
>> No. 104970

Some more! This is shaping up to be a very long fic.


“Do you understand, stallion?”

Golden Delicious nee Honey glanced up from where he’d been studying the dusty road below them, giving a faint nod. They had been walking for at least an hour, trekking in from the farthest edge of the Ponyville countryside. Golden Delicious' questions had been met with stony silence, so he could only assume that it was done in order to make it look like they'd traveled here by hoof, instead of dragging Golden Delicious from the dungeons of Celestia's castle in Canterlot.

When he did not elaborate, the mare spoke again, her voice sharper this time. “We will hear it in your words, stallion.”

Golden Delicious’ ears flicked back against his skull, but he was too exhausted to put up a fight, so he simply repeated their story back to them, his voice low and tired. “My name is Golden Delicious, I’m from an apple farm on the far side of Equestria. Celestia found me and arranged for me to come here and become Red Delicious’ mate, and I’m very excited to be here and get back to the business of apples.”

The pair of mares eyed him closely, and when he fell silent, they prompted him. “And…?”

“And I recently fell off of my ladder, so I’ve sustained a bit of memory loss. Pretty please help me out if I forget some of the everyday business of – augh!” He jerked sharply back where one of the unicorn mares kicked his side, her delicate hoof surprisingly sharp against his brown hide. “What the fuck!”

“We will have none of your snide attitude, stallion. The Princess will not tolerate it.” She spoke in her usual calm, quiet voice, but Golden Delicious would have to be deaf to miss the barely-restrained anger there. “You will also not use your – sailor talk.” She added, her voice darkening with revulsion. “These are good apple folk, and the Princess will not have you besmirch their good natures with your foul mouth.”

“Right, right, got it.” He grunted, struggling to bite back the groan of pain. Between the occasional kick and the coppery taste in his mouth, Golden Delicious wasn’t feeling so great. The seemingly-endless hike wasn’t helping things, either. The only upside was that the constant burning pain in his hip was lessened by comparison, with all the other pains to distract him.

While he had started out the hike hating the idea of his new prison, by the time they finally reached the Crappy Happy Apple Farm (or whatever those hick ponies named it), he had to bite back a sob of joy. The farm came into view as they crested a long, rolling hill, the last hundred yards seeming endless as they made their slow descent towards the respectably sized homestead.

That’s odd, Golden Delicious wondered to himself, his ears flicking forward a little weakly. They had all kinds of banners up; had he missed some kind of birthday party? But where were the ponies?

As the trio stepped past the large front gate of the farm, the place seemed to burst with life, starting with a little yellow face pressed to a window for a split-second before vanishing. As if on cue, the doors to the main house opened as four ponies trotted out. Well, Golden reasoned, three ponies and one giant.

But they were all smiling, at least, which was more than Golden Delicious could say for his guards, and he found himself unconsciously returning it. It may be a prison, but it was miles better than the hellhole Celestia had kept him in.

“Howdy, y’all!” Chirped the second-to-smallest pony, the oldest-looking mare in the group. Which wasn’t saying much, since the youngest one was just a filly with a bow bigger than her face. “Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! You must be Golden Delicious!” She drawled, tipping her hat to him, her eyes alight with curiosity.

Abruptly, Golden became keenly aware of six pairs of eyes on him – four of the apple-hick clan, and two of the pointy-horns clan. A little nervously, Golden Delicious cleared his throat, looking at no one in particular as he recited his little story. “Hello, I’m Golden Delicious, from a farm on the far side of Equestria. Celestia found me and had me brought here to find my destined mate and – and I can’t wait to get back to work in the apple business.” He stumbled only momentarily, managing to hide the flinch that he felt rise unconsciously within him. “I recently fell off of my ladder, so if I have some memory lapses, please be patient with me.”

“Fell off your ladder, poor sugarcube!” Chirped the orange mare, accepting his story as wholeheartedly as he would expect of the poor, dim hick. But then, he thought a little guiltily, she didn’t know any better; in her world, Celestia was a kind goddess-figure who wanted nothing more than to help her followers. “Well, don’t you worry! We’ll take good care of ya! I’m Applejack, and this is my brother, Big McIntosh! This is little cousin Apple Bloom, and our Granny Smith’s inside – her rheumatism bothers her on cold days like this, you’ll hafta excuse her.”

Oh, thank the goddess. For a minute there he’d been terrified that the big one was Red Delicious. His eyes skimmed over the group, nodding gently to each in turn, before his eyes found the last pony to be introduced. So this must be—

“And this is Red Delicious, my cousin!” Applejack finished with a little flourish, smiling at her yellow-coated companion as he stepped from behind Big Mac.

Golden Delicious took him in with a distrusting studiousness he tried to disguise. Yellow coat, a surprisingly bright color, with cerulean mane and tail cut in the traditional choppy stallion style. His eyes were like a clear patch of surf, bright and clear, and he realized with mild surprise that the stallion was sizing him up, too. And why shouldn’t he? This kid was stuck with him as much as he was stuck here, on this hick farm a hundred miles from anyone he might know.

“Hello. It’s nice to meet you.” Red Delicious offered softly, overly formal.

“It’s nice to meet you, too.” Golden Delicious murmured back to him, clearing his throat a little nervously as he became aware of just how closely the other ponies were watching them. What, was he supposed to fuck him right now, or something?! What the hell were they waiting for?

“Well, now that y’all are here, we can start our party!” Applejack interjected after a moment of awkward silence, grinning to the newcomers at large. “C’mon inside, we spent all mornin’ cookin’ up some treats for y’all!”

“We must decline with greatest regret, Apple clan.” One of the horned mares spoke regally, and Golden was pretty damn sure she wasn’t sorry at all. “We have pressing business in the capital. Enjoy your party.”

“Oh! Well … all right then! Have a safe trip home, y’all!” Applejack chirped, watching the pair trot off for a minute before her eyes returned to Golden Delicious, sizing him up behind her wide smile. “Well, sugarcube, time ta meet the rest of the family!”

Wait. There were more?

As Golden Delicious would soon find out, there were in fact many, many more. Before very long, the party had become nothing more than a dizzying swirl of faces and names, accompanied by various apple-flavored party treats that kept getting shoved under his nose for sampling. Apple Dumpling, Apple Fritter, Apple – good goddess, did they have no other names!? What was so wrong with pears!

Golden Delicious managed to slip away as one of Applejack’s cousins (how many did that mare have!?) started up a boisterous round of “bobbin’ and shootin’,” which apparently was some kind of bobbing for apples (of course) game, interspersed with the drinking of the potent moonshine her uncle Applewine brewed on his farm up north – or was it south? Goddess.

He stumbled into the kitchen, the raucous cries of amusement following him as the door slipped shut. His eyes flicked over the large, tidy space for only a moment before a dizzying wave of nausea hit him, and he struggled to stay on his hooves as the entire room seemed to swim before his eyes.

His mother had a kitchen, just like this, back in the Eastern Apple Valley. Large and spacious, with room for all of their family to come inside and warm themselves up after a brisk day of applebucking. She’d always make all kinds of apple-y treats, like tarts, pies, cakes –

No! She didn’t have any of those things, none of those things happened, because he wasn’t a goddessdamned apple pony! His mother – try to remember! Try to bring her face back, not the imposter’s! His mother had a tiny kitchen, he thought intently, legs bowed and eyes squinched tightly shut, breathing harshly through his nose.

His mother had a tiny kitchen, in their tiny loft, in a big town by the sea. They had no big family, only Missus Jangles in the lower room, who watched him after school. There was no applebucking, no apple cakes, no apple pies, no apple—

“Are you okay?”

Golden Delicious’ eyes snapped open as he sharply straightened up, wincing away from the pony who had suddenly appeared beside him. Wild eyes danced around the kitchen, flicking past the too-familiar blue and white china that decorated the walls before landing on the yellow stallion who stared at him.

“Is everything all right?” Red Delicious repeated, his voice softening on the repetition of the question, his blue eyes darkening as they tookin Golden’s tense, almost shivering form.

“Fine. What business is it of yours?” Golden Delicious spat reflexively, ears flicking back as he scowled at the yellow stallion. But as soon as he said it, he knew it was too harsh, and something in Red Delicious’ eyes darkened, and his brows lowered over his once-bright eyes.

“Because you’re my mate now.” Red stated flatly, a muscle in his jaw tightening. “Mates look out for each other.”

“Yeah, well, is that why you came here? To come bug me about – being your mate, or something?” Golden Delicious spat, his anger boiling up inside of him, spilling out of his mouth like some kind of flood that he couldn’t dam up. “If you’re here to tell me you like to be spanked and want to call me ‘Daddy,’ this is not the best time.”

“You think I like this either?” Red Delicious snapped at him in return, startling Golden Delicious a little. “You think I wanted some stranger to come here to be my mate? I liked my life as it was. So you can just – go buck some apples.” He hissed, straightening up to his full height before trotting out of the kitchen, disappearing out the side door.

Golden Delicious stood there for a few minutes in stunned silence before the large main door opened again, and Applejack peered inside. “There ya are, sugarcube! I sent Red in here to get more of that apple wine; guess he got lost. You wanna come play with us?”

Golden Delicious stared after the side door for a moment before replying, trying to brighten his voice into something that resembled a more ‘proper’ apple-pony tone. “Yeah, sounds good.” He murmured, lifting the bottle of apple wine in his teeth. Silently, he followed Applejack and soon disappeared into the swell of bodies, an anchor vanishing in the ocean’s depths.
>> No. 104973
File 129223401752.png - (202.59KB , 640x360 , 1287998031697.png )
All right, bronies, let's get this DONE!

“My Little Brony” Basic Instructions

1.Download the “My Little Brony” recording kit from http://www.mediafire.com/file/p7is98l8hpstfpb/MyLittleBronyKit.rar
2.Read MLB(PLEASEREAD).txt (Important!!!)
3.Use either Vocaroo.com or Audacity to make as high-quality a recording as possible.
4.Send your saved file to CheddahSlingah@yahoo.com
5.Wait for me to mix the whole thing together!

As of right now, the following lines are assigned:

My Little Brony Anthem

My Little Brony, My Little Brony (Jimbo)
Aaaaaah~ (Jimbo and Chorus)
My Little Brony (Chorus)

I used to wonder what 4chan could be (Jimbo)
My Little Brony (Chorus)
Until you all shared your macros with me! (Jimbo)

Silly grimdark,
Rainbow manes!
Gettin' shitfaced On drinking games! (Forward 2.0)

Dykey ponies,
Fun to ship!
And an intro you should never skip!

Yeah, My Little Brony (Chorus)
You know we have the very best (Jimbo)
Threads! (All)

If you want to have one of the above lyrics to yourself, please contact me as soon as possible! Thanks for participating!
>> No. 104974
Wait. Guy on guy assigned mating? You are trying too hard here man. That doesn't even make sense. It seems as if you are trying to put in your own gay fantasies, or are thinking about it a bit past too much.
>> No. 104979
File 129224955415.png - (112.09KB , 882x282 , _tmp_mlp21857999.png )
New functionality implemented.
Lists the thread that currently holds the "MLP General Image" plus any other threads it's seen that mention MLP/ponies in the OP.

The same, except if there is a thread going with the General Image posted in it, it'll redirect straight there instead of showing the index.

Also, screenshot.
>> No. 104995
>mentions MLP/Ponies in the OP.
Wont you get a lot of Fuck Ponies threads?
>> No. 105005
That... is awesome.

As hard to believe as it is... pretty sure Jimbo's a she, dude.
>> No. 105011
File 129228271081.png - (115.52KB , 869x399 , _tmp_mlp21864362.png )
>> No. 105012
Yeah, it's not a perfect algorithm. But the point is less to find the thread perfectly and more to make it easier for humans to find it - you're sifting through five possibilities instead of fifty. And in any case only threads with mlpgeneral.png in them get a Big Green Link.
>> No. 105056
File 12923273293.png - (271.63KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Fluttershy-H-ending.png )
Somepony liked the idea, so, posting here... I'd spoiler it for the bronies who don't like the idea, but I can't find out how to do it, and it's pretty worksafe. Also please keep it to late night autosaged threads so we don't get more crap at /co/.
>> No. 105057
Lol. Not every thread that mentions MLP has potential to be an MLP General.
>> No. 105064
They do if you're a computer; computers are idiots who can't understand the nuances of human communication. If you have a better way of narrowing it down that won't *miss* a general thread, I'd love to hear it. But the idea of the "unconfirmed" section is more that when someone wants to find the active pony thread, they don't have to search all the way from the bottom of Page 15.
>> No. 105070
>> No. 105074
>> No. 105115
I say, do continue!
>> No. 105118
File 129240463118.png - (265.21KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Granny-Smith.png )
Done this one yesterday. Will look for more ideas.
>> No. 105155
File 129244860993.jpg - (59.65KB , 353x500 , My_Little_Pony_A_Very_Minty_Christmas_DVD_cover.jpg )
'tis the season

Lorraine Feather - That's What I Love About Christmas

Minty (Tabitha St. Germain) - Nothing Says Christmas Like a Pair of Socks

Star Catcher (Lenore Zann) - The Magic of Christmas

Minty (Tabitha St. Germain) - That's What I Love About Christmas (reprise)
>> No. 105163
THANK YOU FOR THE Lorraine Feather - That's What I Love About Christmas LINK! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT SONG FOREVER!
>> No. 105195
File 129247334149.jpg - (84.34KB , 640x480 , Photo 9.jpg )
Ok, so I finally got around to buying the set in the pic in the OP. My review? Hasbro: What are you doing?! Ok, so tiny vinyl figures are awesome and (for the most part) spot on. AJ's missing her hat, Spikes crawling around like a reptile, and Celestia is pink and her horsehoes are without color. Celestia also has derp eyes if you look at her straight on. Her tiara comes off, which is neat, and while not really fitting any of the other ponies, it fits Airman here nicely. The little ponies all have a hexagon shaped hole in their front left leg, making me think there will be playsets for them in the future.
So that doesnt sound so bad so far, right? AJ needs a little hat from a Stacey doll or something and celestia needs a paint job. So wheres the bad? The box. For some, not a big deal, but for the NRFB crowd, its a big deal. Everything is taped together with scotch tape, you cant get any of the ponies out without fucking up the box, and the the book it comes with is absolutely abysmal.
>> No. 105206
Hey guys! Those of you on the IRC have already seen this in-progress, but here's the updated first chapter. Based on a request from Cheddah!

Your Most Royal Highness Princess Celestia,

Greetings and salutations, Your Majesty. I am writing to you on this, the fourth month since my stationing in the small town of Ponyville, with my weekly report. Everything is going along splendidly, as it has been for the past few months, and I am sorry to admit that I do not have any great message of import to transmit to you.

We are rapidly approaching the Winter Wishes Celebration, and we are currently making plans to select a sapling to erect in the front yard and decorate. I am hoping that crafting the ornaments by hoof will help her improve her hoof-eye coordination, especially on a much finer scale than she is used to working with. Her job continues to bring her great satisfaction, and the updates I receive from her superiors are simply sterling.

With best wishes until I write you next,
Your most faithful servant,

Honey Muffin

A young, tangerine-colored mare pushed the half-open gates aside as she stepped into the enclosed front garden. It was only a low wall, and so even from the outside (where she had gathered the day's mail from its designated box) she could admire it, the neat rows of roses and lilies growing exactly where she had planted the seeds only a few months before. Sure, they had grown a little faster than normal, but that was one of the perks of making friends with a flora-minded unicorn. Friendship had been her mission all along, after all. The scroll naming her current assignment had arrived several months ago, impressing the young mare because it had only been a scant few weeks since she'd graduated from her studies at Canterlot. The request had been ... odd, probably the oddest scroll she would ever receive. But who could turn down a request from the Princess herself?

Honey Muffin edged the front door to the little cottage open with her hip, trying to balance both the mail and the groceries in her front foreleg as she wobbled her three-legged-gait towards the kitchen. Her most recent scroll to the Princess still sat on the counter, waiting to be sent, and bounced out of the way as she unloaded her day's purchases.

She didn't have the house to herself for very long; she heard her housemate's hooves on the back steps as she was unloading the third bag, and turned to greet her with a smile as the door swung open. "Good afternoon, Bright Eyes. How was your route?"

"Pretty good. I had to deliver a really big package; I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it all the way to Grandpa Root's place, but I did all right." Bright Eyes replied with a smile of her own, her 'good' eye focused on Honey Muffin and the other angled in a different direction, as was usual for her. It had earned her the nickname "Derpy Hooves" amongst some of the less-kind members of the town, especially those who were still earning their friendship sparkles. It was also the reason Honey Muffin had been sent in the first place, so far from her old home in the distant, elegant Canterlot.

"Good, good. Could you put these in the ice-box for me? I went to the market while you were at work. I thought we could go pick out our Winter Sapling once you got home, if you weren't too tired." Honey Muffin returned cheerfully, smiling back at her housemate as Bright Eyes carefully edged the jars and bottles into their enchanted ice-box, a common fixture even here in Ponyville. It was funny; when she first received her assignment from the Princess, she'd been afraid that the smaller town would be terribly backwards and old-fashioned. When she heard how poorly the inhabitants had treated this poor pegasus, her concerns grew. Thankfully, things had turned out much better than she had anticipated, especially in regards to the wall-eyed young pegasus.

Honey Muffin had been briefed by the Princess in her first (and only) royal audience, mostly regarding the nature of her assignment in Ponyville. She'd been briefly informed of the town's location and general description, although the bulk of their discussion had been focused on Bright Eyes herself. She was something of a loner, making her an anomaly in a town of highly friendly ponies, and she had been shunned for it. It was generally assumed that the nickname 'Derpy Hooves' had come about from some of these attempts to befriend her, which often resulted in nothing more than a confused, wall-eyed stare and a quick shuffle in the opposite direction. How could those ponies know that the shuffle was due to poor depth perception, instead of any lack of intelligence?

Although Celestia had neatly avoided the issue of how, exactly, the pegasus had come to need her aid, she had gathered a few things both from idle conversations with her and the other town's inhabitants. Although she had been warned the pegasus was of below-average intelligence (both by her appearance and reluctance to converse with the townsfolk), Honey Muffin had found Bright Eyes to be surprisingly bright, pardon the pun. While she didn't have the depth perception of an average pony, or the large circle of friends that seemed mandatory in pony society, she was rather well-spoken, once you got her to start talking. It would seem that she was simply not used to being around more than one or two other ponies at a time, as insane as that sounded. A pony, shunning large groups of friends? It was like a fish shunning water.

Understandably, Bright Eyes had not been very excited about the new pony invading her home. Her unfortunate little home had been located on the far edge of town, tucked away in a copse of tall trees, nearly invisible to the untrained eye. But a mandate from the Princess was not as easily ignored as the other ponies in her home town were, and so Bright Eyes had been relocated to a nice-sized cottage closer to the middle of town and the post office, under the pretense of "making friends with the newcomer and showing her around town." As mail-pony, she knew every inch of Ponyville, making her an exceptional guide for Honey Muffin.

Yes, as strange as it had sounded, the pegasus who was regarded as socially inept and possibly mentally delayed had been entrusted with a mail-delivering route. How that logic worked, Honey Muffin had NO clue. Luckily for Bright Eyes, it seemed she had a friend in the gruff older mare who oversaw the Ponyville branch of the Pony Express, and so she was given a decent-sized route. It seemed to be one of the rare jobs in pony society where being socially inept was a benefit, rather than a detriment; unlike most of the other mares on her team, Bright Eyes took no time out to idly chat with the ponies she delivered to, and was always the first one back from her deliveries. But no amount of 'Best Mailpony of the Month' plaques could replace the void a lack of friendship caused in a pony, Princess Celestia had insisted, so Honey Muffin had been sent to 'show her the light,' as it were.

"I've always wanted a Winter Sapling." Bright Eyes murmured over her shoulder, her good eye warming with delight as it landed on Honey Muffin, the other directed somewhere over her guardian's left shoulder.

"You've never had one before?" Honey Muffin replied as she pushed the bag of grain into the cupboard, her eyes a little wide with surprise. How could that be? A Winter Sapling was as much tradition as - as anything!

"Nope. Saw a couple in ponies' yards when I delivered the mail, though." She replied simply, stepping back to her side to snag the next item for the ice-box, placing it carefully in its place. It was a sign of how much she had progressed, Honey Muffin noted with pride, that the jar didn't clank against the others as Bright Eyes shoved it blindly inside. She was getting better at picking up on depth, even if she'd never be equal to a more sighted pony.

"Well, they're very fun to plant. And then you get to decorate them with little ornaments! I picked up some extra glitter and glue, now all we need are some pinecones from the forest, and we can make our own!" Honey Muffin chirped, edging the last box into the cupboard, giving it a little push so that it would close right. This little cottage, lying dormant for so many years, had taken a fair amount of fixing up until it had met Honey Muffin's standards for proper pony homey-ness. The garden had originally been Bright Eyes' domain, until Honey Muffin had seen the hodge-podge little holes she'd dug, ready to be filled with seeds. No sense of order at all! But Honey Muffin had quickly rectified that, working with the shovel until her dark blond locks had stuck to her neck from the perspiration. That was her job, after all; to show Bright Eyes how a proper pony lived, with friends and a neatly ordered home and a steady job. Bright Eyes didn't KNOW that was her job, perhaps, but there it was. She seemed perfectly happy to accept Honey Muffin as her slightly-bossy assistant, and what was the harm in that?

"That sounds really nice." Bright Eyes murmured, almost to herself, as she carefully closed the door to the ice-box, smiling at Honey Muffin a little wider as her smile was returned.

"Good! Shall we go right now, then? They should still have some saplings left to choose from, and then we just have to get it planted and speed-grown." Honey smiled, her long tail flicking behind her as she headed out of the kitchen, trotting briskly off to find her winter blanket. It was getting colder outside, nowadays; it was a wonder that Bright Eyes managed to fly around in such cold weather!

Then again, most pegasi were bred to withstand the cold, more so than little earth ponies like Honey. Most pegasi, in fact, had their homes in the clouds or trees, a testament to their agility in the air and attachment to nature. Imagine the scorn Bright Eyes must have felt, then, to not only be a pegasus with an abnormal symbol (bubbles were an object found in nature, sure, but not nearly as commonly as a gust of wind or a flower), and also unable to sleep in one of those cloud castles that each pegasus built for him- or herself. She had never seen Bright Eyes build one, either; it was highly likely she couldn't, but Honey didn't want to hurt her feelings by asking. "Heavy wings" were not something to be proud of, after all.

"All right." Came the faint answer from the kitchen, and by the time Honey Muffin had found her blanket, Bright Eyes was waiting by the front door, wings folded snugly against her back, her good eye locked on Honey Muffin as the other one wandered somewhere to her left.

The pair trotted towards the center of town in relative silence, Honey Muffin trying to make idle conversation as always, with gentle replies from Bright Eyes. She was surprisingly talkative, once you got her going. She lit up like a Winter Sapling covered in candles every time a pony recognized and greeted her, though. Even if it was only 'Happy Winter Wishes, Bright Eyes!,' it seemed to add a little bounce to her step, until it almost seemed that she was gliding next to Honey Muffin rather than walking. Although Honey Muffin hadn't ever heard her talk about it, she must have been very lonely before she'd made friends in town.

They arrived at the Winter Sapling 'shop' in the center of town without much delay, and began browsing amongst the little green saplings in their sparkly pots. Although it wasn't a physical shop per se, the seasonal set-up always seemed to occur in the town square, just as it had in Canterlot for the previous years of Honey Muffin's life.

"I like this one!" Honey Muffin declared after a few minutes of silent, concentrated perusal of the rows of tiny saplings. Although each tree was of a different type, the special surprise was that on the morning of the Festival, each tree would bear fruit, declaring the type of fruit that would be enjoyed for years to come. Most of them were common apple saplings, but there were some rare varieties, and every year brought a new wave of foals and fillies hoping for something particularly special. After the Festival, each fully-grown (thanks to the flora-mages of the town) tree would be carefully, magically moved into each family's back yard, to be doted upon until the arrival of the next Winter Wishes Festival. The choosing of a Winter Sapling was a very important, very serious matter, at least in Honey Muffin's upbringing. The sapling she had chosen seemed the most sturdy, and she could practically smell the luck coming off of it. She just KNEW it had to be a plum or pear tree!

Her quick glance around the rows of miniature trees brought her thoughts of pear tarts and plum smoothies to a sudden halt. Standing at the very end of one of the rows, her nose practically touching the smallest, feeblest sapling, was Bright Eyes. Surely, she couldn't want to take THAT sad little thing home, could she? It didn't even look healthy enough to have been brought to sale at all, with most of its leaves falling off like that. It should be taken home and nursed back to health, not planted in their front yard and decorated!

"I like this one." Bright Eyes replied with a little smile, glancing back up at Honey Muffin from where she'd been examining the little sprout. "Can we take it home?"

Inwardly, Honey Muffin warred with herself. She should be teaching Bright Eyes how to live life the way a normal pony should, which included picking the biggest, strongest looking sprout, to ensure many future harvests of its fruit. It was only practical! But if Bright Eyes wanted the little gimpy one, who was she to stop her? It was half her home, after all, and the one she'd be living in by herself, if Honey ever got released from this assignment. So after a moment to consider it, staring down at the sparse little thing in its pot, she finally spoke, abandoning her first choice. Good-bye, pear tarts. "Sure! That looks like a nice enough sprout."

When Bright Eyes' eyes lit up, she knew she'd made the right decision. Within a few moments, the pair had paid for their little Winter Sapling (which, if Honey Muffin wasn't mistaken, had lost a few leaves when Bright Eyes picked it up) and were soon on their way home, the sapling tucked into one of Bright Eyes' official mailpony saddlebags. They had almost passed by Mr. and Mrs. Cake's shop entirely when the delicious smell of freshly-baked Festival cookies hit Honey Muffin's nose, and she stopped and turned suddenly, calling back to her housemate. "Bright Eyes, c'mon! Let's get something before we go home!"
>> No. 105207

Their breath fogging up in front of them, the pair soon darted into The Cake Shop, Honey Muffin shivering as she laughed with Bright Eyes. "Two Festival cookies and hot chocolates, please!" Honey chirped between giggles, tugging the coins out of her saddlebag as Mrs. Cake set to work.

As they waited, Honey Muffin's eyes happened to land on Bright Eyes, a small smile playing around her mouth as she watched Honey Muffin shiver. "What?"

"Nothing." Bright Eyes said in her soft little voice, her smile only widening as they caught sight of the elaborate Winter Wishes cake in the display case. "It's beautiful." She breathed, edging close enough to the glass to fog it up.

A bit of an odd duck, to be sure. But, Honey Muffin supposed, Bright Eyes had never seen the finery of the town, living so far from it. She was basically reliving the childhood she never had - if she had a childhood at all. For every answer that she got about her 'charge,' ten more questions popped up. Honey Muffin smiled back at her, eyes bright and ears perked as Mrs. Cake called their names.

The pair were soon on the road again, trying to juggle their treats while they trotted home, Honey Muffin shivering all the harder in the cold gusts of air that whipped around them. It was only a little after midday, but the air was still freezing, the sunshine weak and filtered through the heavy cloud cover.

"More snow tomorrow."

Honey Muffin glanced up from where she had been focused on the slushy ground, ears pricking forward. "What?"

"More snow tomorrow. Or tonight, if the clouds shift quick enough." Bright Eyes glanced up at the sky, her good eye focusing on the clouds directly ahead of her as the other wandered aimlessly.

"Oh. Are all pegasi this good at weather interpretation?" Honey Muffin smiled, tugging at her coat, trying to settle it a little higher around her shoulders. It was chillier than she'd anticipated; if only she'd brought her scarf!

"I've spent my whole life here; I know how the clouds move." Bright Eyes answered with a little shrug, moving closer to Honey Muffin to spread a wing over her chilly companion.

Honey Muffin glanced at her in surprise, ears pricked, only hesitating a moment before a smile curled her lips and she snuggled closer to Bright Eyes' side. "Thanks, Bright."

"No problem, Honey." The pegasus murmured, their steps matching as they walked the much-warmer path back to their cottage.
>> No. 105218
/r/ing derpy muffin pic!
>> No. 105221
Alrighty, Persistent Streamer rips faster than Rainbow Dash can show ponies the wonders of an alternative lifestyle. All I'm doing now is a remux of the FLV to MKV.

FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LP9XDR61
Remuxed MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZ9WMYES

Reencodes (smaller filesize, possible quality loss, the usual for recompression)

MP4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7UGU4G6Z
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GVILRYK9

And his AVI wound up being larger than the original source, so I'll leave that to mentos.
>> No. 105223
Episode 9: Bridle Gossip
FLV [286 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LP9XDR61
MP4 [119 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7UGU4G6Z
MKV [119 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GVILRYK9
>> No. 105245
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x09 - Bridle Gossip (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z5YQCNY

These are 175MB XviD AVI reencodes of the raw FLVs from the hub's website. If there are any issues contact mentos on #mylittlepony on irc.irchighway.net or mlpfimentos@gmail.com
>> No. 105294
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By the way, if you're the brony interested, here's a better resolution version.
>> No. 105302
File 129260230933.png - (681.29KB , 860x860 , MUFFIN DERPY.png )
Scratch that, I found it
>> No. 105304
Post 1800! yay! and when they come out, can somone post the youtube links? thanks
>> No. 105309
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Started working on a crossover with Last Unicorn. Prologue and first chapter are done, I will start with the 2nd. chapter right away.


Clearly Schmendrick wasn't having a good day. Well, he admitted that life wasn't good on the immortal wizard at all. But nothing he encountered in his long life can't be this terrible compared to what is happening to him right now. Or rather what happened because of him, again.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ?!", Molly Grue did scream at the magician as she gripped at his tattered sleeve like the enraged harpy Celano who preyed on Mommy Fortuna. Dawn broke in and the sun started to rise and its bright light gave sight to what happened in front of the exit of Haggsgate. Dead trees were ripped from the uncarved earth out and splintered into a sea of wood. Deep wounds of hoof prints with the size of a little boy were scattering everywhere, its roads crossing, mixing or surprisingly supplemented each other into a bigger hole. Bigger and smaller rocks were scattered everywhere as if a small mountain fell apart as sugar, slowly to be covered by the snow which still fell down to the unholy earth. It was as if the gods did declare war to each other and settled the battle on this grey decayed spot so that life around won't be involved too much. However, no blood has been shed since even the invincible can bleed, nor was there any sign of those who might has caused this havock. Just two more or less ordinary looking humans, a kitchen maid and a half baked wizard who appeared even more wasted than his female companion. But both ignore the incredible scenario and focused towards each other in a rather spiteful situation.

"Get off me, woman", Schmendrick, the great wizard, demanded and tried to free himself from her rather sharp finger nails. But she kept him tigh and drew the young appearing man closer to her baneful snarl.
"What have you done with her?", she seethed through her teeths, her eyes blazing as if she wished to turn him to stone. "I told you to change her, and what have you done?! She...she..." Suddenly tears streamed down her eyes, and couldn't decide if she should let anger or sorrow overcome her. She decided for both and screamed at a metal scratching cry: "YOU KILLED HER YOU BASTARD!"

"I DID NOT", he defended himself, turning pale of getting such accuse ."A wizard doesn't kill anything, it just changes things-"
"Oh, so what did you turned her into? THIN AIR?!", she further bawled at him, letting go of one hand to grasp for the next rock near by. She hoped she would find the same rock she might've thrown at Drinn's men.
"Now that's just ridiculous and you know it", he further struggled from those painful accuses, hitting him deeper than any axe could cut into. "Why should I turn her into air? It's as stupid as if I would turn a raven into a writing desk! Now let go of me, dammit!"

Thankfully he freed himself before she had the chance to strike him with a sharp rock and stepped backwards quickly. "Now hold on! Calm yourself down and throw that rock aside. I, Schmendrick the great magician, can do unspeakable things, but not unthinkable ones. I didn't do anything." Molly still rushed towards him and striked, and the wizard could avoid that attack, and she attacked again. The fight continued some minutes until the kitchen maid lost all her power and breathed heavily and sweat, slime and tears dirtied her face. She looked at the wizard with full hatred but calmed herself down. "Very well, so what have you done then? There are only two options you got, changing or removing. So what did you do? Did you managed to transform her into something else? Into stone? Into a small flower? Into a star?"

"As I said, I didn't do anything, my magic couldn't have done anything of the like", the wizard tried to reassure the angered woman with slow words. As he was sure she won't strike again, he turned toward the spot the last time he saw her. " What worries me is that I can't feel her present. It must've been something else."
He heard Molly's voice gasping but payed no heed as he went closer to the spot. "Do you think the Red Bull cursed her?", she asked while she trailed behind the wizard at a good distance. "I doubt it. The Red Bull can't use magics, his only gift are his horns and flames.", the wizzard answered plainly and stood right on the spot where it happened.

He can't remember straight how it happened, he was still very drunk from the last night but tried to think back what happened.
It was like nightmare of forgotten childhood. The Red Bull, his horns pale as bone and his skin breathing like fire, was at the very point of turning the Unicorn into submission and guided her towards the castle. Schmendrick remembered that Molly pleaded her to do something, anything, but he was to scared to dare. He knew one way, a way his old master Nikos did to another unicorn once in order to safe it. But he didn't want it to let it happen to her, even it would bring him a step closer becomming a great wizard and free himself of this curse of immortality. It would maybe mean that the tale he and Molly were in would be added with another figure, and that felt wrong beyond any imagination. But he had no choice, it was the only way to trick the Red Bull, and so casted the spell. Or he was barely able if not something queer happened in front of both humans eyes (the Red Bull was blind). He spoke his spell and saw his magic flew towards the unicorn, but instead of the expected effect suddenly the spell bounced before the immortal creature as if an invinsible wall was being held before her. The spell landed somewhere else, Schmendrick didn't know. He was more watching at the hole which suddenly appeared out of nowhere and snucked the surprised unicorn in its stary realm. Then both hole and unicorn were gone.
He was shocked, Molly was shocked, the Red Bull needed a long moment to realize that the scent of its victim vanished and thus it went berserk. It would've tore the whole place down if not the first rays catched his skin and it was forced to fall back.

And that's what happened. And there was the other "what" Schmendrick has to figure out. The wizard didn't leave the spot and was deep in thought, deeper than the greatest philosopher might dare. Molly watched him for a while until he started to hum and made weird dancelike movements. She rolled her eyes and went the opposite direction and started her own search for the disappeared unicorn.

Molly Grue searched for like 20 minutes around the dead land, she looked everywhere a woman's eye can unlike a man's one. She even made the foolish attemp to look under a small rock in childish hope of finding the beatuful white unicorn she loved so much. No luck. By Hades, where might she be?

"HEUREKA!", she turned to the wizard's euphoric cry at surprise. "MOLLY, I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!"
She quickly run to the foolish wizzard and hoped for good news which was doubtful. She found him still on the same spot, only this time looking like he did a handstand with one hand only. He appeared alot more mad now than he was before she concluded. "Is she still alive?", was her very first question in her mind she spoke out.
"She might be", he just replied after standing rigid again. "I want to show you something."
He pulled with all his streng a rock nearby up and let it go on the very same spot he and the unicorn stood.
"Now look", he told his curious fellow. "This is a very easy spell, even I can do right. This will make the rock lift into the air for a few seconds, nothing more, nothing less. But let's go a few steps back first." So they did, and then Schmendrick did caast his magic to the rock. But again, instead of hitting the rock, the spell bounced off and vanish. And again, this big hole appeared, this time both Schmendrick and Molly could look into it directely. It was like looking into the night full of stars. But not only stars:
planets, galaxies, the neverending realm of space was beyond that hole and Molly could no longer look into thise endlessness. Such as the unicorn did the hole pulled the rock in into its realm and both disappeared.

"I thought so", Schmendrick concluded and began to shake, not of fear, but of exitement. "W-what is this thing?", Molly asked scared, even more scared from it than of the Red Bull.
Schmendrick started to grin as if he catched a lion with just one net and walked around it for a short while. "This, my dear Molly", he explained to her as if she was his pupil, "is called a link."
"A link?", she repeated it and looked it him with opaque eyes. "Yes, but not just one link!", Schmendrick went on. "This is the link which holds the very universe we live in with every other. There are not many in this realm, and I shouldn't be surprised to find one in such a deserted place like this." He stopped his pace and turned to Molly. "This is a link the gods created as they wandered through the realms to find a place where they can settle down and continue to exist. There are countless realms, Molly, realm not even we can think off. Every realm has its own universe, its own rules and ways, and this little spot here is what keeps us apart from them!"

He was fascinated by this realization that he started to make a weird dance as if he tried to summon rain and started to praise the gods wherever they were. But Molly stood still. She didn't liked to hear that and she said the undeniable conclusion. "So you mean, she...."
"Precisely! She is in a very different universe, far away from the Red Bull!", his eyes sparkled and the crazy magician continued his odd praise with singing "She is safe!". Only to be stopped by a punch in the back head.

"Why are you so happy about it!? That's an aweful thing! She could be in danger! We have to get her back before something happens to her!", she scolded the wizzard as he rubbed his bruise at his back head grumpingly. "No, we can't do", he contered and looked at her angry. "This link only leads anything to a different realm, not the other way around. And don't get the idea to follow her, we don't know in which realm we might land."
This disillusionated poor Molly and she looked away from this - link. "But what can we do then?", she whispered as tears sparked her eyes one more.
"Simple. We wait", Schmendrick said and turned away from the link aswell. "We can wait for three days and hope for her return. Drinn will no longer look for us since he probably is convinced that we arrived the castle by now. And the Red Bull is not our problem for now." But even he looked unsure about it, it was a turn even he didn't expect. He looked at the castle who was hovering over both humans like an eagle watching over its prey. "If she doesn't return, we must continue what she started, for her sake, and fulfil our role in this tale."

They were silent for a while. Then without talking they set a firing place up not to far away from the link. They ate their ration and switched patrol as one keeps to look for any hole which could appear for them while the other gets some sleep. But no matter who was looking for it, both Molly and Schmendrick did only have one thought recurring in their head over and over again.

"I hope she ended up in a better place than this."

>> No. 105311
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Chapter 1

"Thanks that I could help you out, Applejack", Twilight Sparkle flustered to her pony friend as sweat were streaming down her forehead. It was the end of the winter and after 3 months of snowy coldness the ponies carried the century long tradition out called "Winter wrap out". Each pony had its own deed to do clean the winter from Equestia away in order to set hoof to the new green spring. The pegasi guided the birds back to their home and cleared the sky from the gray clouds to free the bright sun from its depressing coat, others woke the animals from their long sleep, and the unwinged ponies practically cleaned the cities, the farmlands and woods from the soft white snow. Only Twilight Sparkle was having a short term of inner crisis how she could help the other ponies without her talents. Her 5 friends were present from heaven to earth and their indivduality and talents seperated them for each deed to fulfill. Only Twilight Sparkle along her dragon-baby friend Spike didn't know what to do. They were used to sit in the library and read books for their research yet their recent discoveries didn't reveal anything useful for the wrap out. And without their magic did they have no clue how to help out. So after an inner debate the pony unicorn decided to give any of her friends a hand:

She supported Fluttershy to wake the critters up, made sure that Rainbow Dash removed the clouds by taunting the free spirited pagasi ("So you made it in 10 seconds flat last time. But I doubt any pony is able to do less than 10 seconds."), carried along Rarity the stick filled carriots, and...rescued Pinky Pie several times from drowning. Now she gives Applejack a hand by seeding the earth on the pony farm. She concentrates with all her might and dragged the plow, feeling her power draining by this hard work yet still not giving up.

"Ah, it's nuthin',sugarcue, but maybe you shoulda come earlier next time", the orange pony joked as she buried each seed after another. Suddenly she hearded a gasp and Applejack looked frowning back to her friend. She recieved a look of dismay plastered on Twilight Sparkle's face and stopped dragging.

"Woa' there, Twilight, I was jus' kiddin'! But jeez, thankin' for helpin' me out? I never heard of that before." At this, the saddened look disappeard, switched with a blush, and the violett unicorn giggeled shamefully. Applejack sighed in relief and continued her work without further worries.
"Anyway, I should thank ye for helpin' me out with the seeds, unlike SOMEONE!". Applejack made an annoyed look towards Rainbow Dash at the heaven. Again the rainbow color haired pegasi was playing this stupid ball game and made quick headers, only this time doing it on a higher level. Rainbow Dash ignores her disziplin stricted friend and focused on counting the number of headers she managed so far.

"Aw com'on, Applejack, it is FUN!", Pinkie Pie squealed as she hopped up and down and kept her eyes locked on the ball as if she tried to snatch it from Rainbow Dash's heading. "She is going to break the record this time!"
"316, 317, 318", Rainbow Dash muttered with agitation as she continued with head balling and lifted herself even higher little by little. "Rainbow Dash, stop this already and clear ponydamn sky!", Applejack shouted, angered getting ignorded by the level headed pony. Clouds indeed did reappear and clouded the sun once more, giving an unholy look to the earth ponies.
"Now hold on a sec, this is my chance to break the world record! The first pegasi reaching 400 headers on 200 meter heigh! This will be my chance to join the Wonder Bolts", she encontered, yet still focused on balling her head out. Applejack rolled her eyes and with the usual resign through the pegasus pony she continued her own work once more. Yet she looked at the sightways up and muttered curses at this egoistic pony. But she stopped this immediatly and looked up with wide eyes and shouted "WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTRIA---"

"Yeah I know my record does make you gasp, just a few more and I am in the Wonder Bolts!", Rainbow Dash replied but didn't realize it wasn't directed to her. The other ponies looked up at Rainbow Dash's direction and shared the surprised look with Applejack. And again, Rainbow Dash thought it was directed to her and was finally recieving the respect she wanted to earn the whole time. "390, 391, just a few more! 397, 398, 399---399? Err...wait a minute." Rainbow Dash was expecting the ball to land on her head again, but it didn't. " Hey, I was just one hit close, where is the damn ball?!", disappointed she looked up. For this moment she forgot her future carreer in the Wonder Bolts and frowned at the weird scenario above her. "Hey, is it night time already?".

Suddenly the sky became dark and was full of stars and...galaxies? "Rainbow, get away from it!", Twilight Sparkle screamed up there, shocked at what was displaying. A huge hole appeared out of nowhere as if the sky was zipped open and revealed its dark inner secret. Rainbow Dash didn't think twice when some weird bright star was shooting at her direction and she managed to avoid it barely. The other ponies however screamed and gallopped away from the falling star. Twilight Sparkle forgot her vow for this not to use magic moment and freed herself with a spell from the plow and runned like there was no tomorrow. Like a thunder it crashed at the farmland and a bright glare streamed over the place. The ponies, also barely managing to avoid the strike, were blended by this anomal brightnes and didn't dare to catch a glimps, fearing to get blinded. After a not so long while, the light slowly died out and then finally it was gone.

Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack, same as her older brother Big Macintosh and her little sister Apple Bloom, went closer to the striked point and wanted examinated the scenario. The hole vanished and the heaven looked the same as before, however something else was different. As they found something, they were even more astounded what they witnessed.

"Hey, what is this all about!", Rainbow Dash creeped behind the other ponies, shocked to the core but switched slowly to an outrage. " I was this close to join the Wonder Bolts and now some - hole took my ball!" She continued her fits and gets even more enraged that the other ponies ignore her misery and went each inch closer to what all eyes are turning to. "HEY! I am talking to you all! Whoever is responsible for this, I will make sure this guy will wish never to see at a rainbo-". Then she stopped. Anger was replaced by marvel. Her eyes narrowed, just like the others. What she saw was the most weirdest looking yet most beautiful thing her eyes ever laid on.

It was a pony. Well, it was alot bigger than the ordinary pony. But Twilight Sparkle wasn't sure if it can be labeled as a pony. It has the body of a pony of course, white as the moon, yet everything else was - different. Its tail resembled one of a lion, long with a bushy end, circeling itself over and over as it was stroking its own soft skin. The hoofs vere splitted into two toes like that of a goat, and the head, oh the head! It looked of a noble deer, the snout just more slender. The mane were remembering her of foam. And a long shining horn was on its forhead, making Twilight guess that she was a unicorn pony,but it was longer and alot more gallant than her own or of any other pony. Even if she (Twilight Sparkle guessed that it was a girl) looked different from the other ponies, her beauty is beyond understanding, making even Big Macingtosh loose its calm look and gaped at her.

The pony however didn't seem to notice them, she didn't even seem to see them at all. Her eyes, Twilight Sparkle thought she saw a green valley with all kinds of animals and flowers in those for a moment, looked nervously at her new environment. The violett pony knew that to do, even if she was nervous about it. "So...uhm, hi--"

"HIWHOAREYOUWHEREDOYOUCOMEFROMWHYDOYOUHAVESUCHAFUNNYTAIL", Pinkie Pie interrupted Twilight with a her usual loud squeal and hopped up and down like a dog on exacy. The giant pony was taken aback and whickered loudly while standing up on two hoofs. It was shocked and it's serene look switched to the one of an wild animal. It even made fearless Pinkie Pie a step back and reconsidered it may have been a bad approach ("But hey, her tail is still weird", so she thought). The big pony's head shot in all directions and then decided to run away from the other ponies and run into the woods of Ponyville at an incredible speed.

"Hey, wait up!", Rainbow Dash suddenly shouted and shot towards the newcomer, leaving a trail of a rainbow behind. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle couldn't comprehend what scared the unicorn pony so much. Pinkie Pie wasn't that scary, was she? Still, they followed both ponies and tried to catch up with Rainbow Dash. "You stay here", Applejack said to Apple Bloom sternly before leaving. The little yellow pony was huffing and looked at the vanishsing ponies with dismay and jealousy. "Aww it's not fair", she muttered. "Why is everypony allowed to join but me,Macingtosh?" She didn't recieve any answer and looked up curiously. "Macingtosh?"
The red stallion didn't move and inch and returned to its usual calm look, but this time there was a sparkle on Big Macingtosh's eyes Apple Bloom never saw before. "A' guess tis is what they're callin' luv at the first sight.", he then commented and a sly smile curled up over his mouth. "Ayup."
>> No. 105328
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 3: The Ticket Master (Amy Keating Rogers & Lauren Faust)

Episode 4: Applebuck Season (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off (Cindy Morrow)

Episode 6: Boast Busters (Chris Savino)

Episode 7: Dragonshy (Meghan McCarthy)

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep (Charlotte Fullerton)

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 10: Swarm of the Century (M. A. Larson)

Download Links
Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk

Episode 7: Dragonshy
FLV [263 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=09R0653R
MKV [262 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPBBZ80A
MP4 [111 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?93tit316huil3kt
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDHE8V2B

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep
FLV [304 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=93ZG8L16
MKV [303 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I4RDHVD4
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BM1ZDAG0

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip
FLV [286 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LP9XDR61
MKV [286 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZ9WMYES
MP4 [119 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7UGU4G6Z
MKV [120 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GVILRYK9
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z5YQCNY
>> No. 105363
So for the first time in what seems like months, theres no pony thread on the front page, even refreshing a few times (beyond the obvious troll thread of fluttershy vagina). Did some shit go down in the 3 days I was gone and ponies are banned or are we taking like a break now? Its even friday - new episode day!
>> No. 105377
I set up a google doc page that I will be updating with my links, in case anyone cares:
>> No. 105381
people stay in threads well into autosage.

today we stuck in a thread until page 15 before moving.
>> No. 105384
'Sup bronies.:)

I decided to take a break from 4chan and see if I could find pony threads on any other boards. Looks like there's quite a presence here too. ^_^

Does anypony else have Pinkie Pie's polka stuck in their head? D:
>> No. 105385
I also come here, to bring you news of www.DerpyHooves.com, if you haven't heard about it. Yup, it's real! But there's not much there right now.:
>> No. 105389
...Well now I do. Will have to listen to something else now.
>> No. 105436
Also a calendar with all of the known upcoming air dates:
>> No. 105496
File 129279528393.png - (78.85KB , 484x566 , Moca Clap.png )
wow.....its nice
>> No. 105538
mentos! Thanks so much for the update pages. This will help us keep up with all the new episodes. Thank you so much for this!
>> No. 105598
Lauren speaks about /co/... to some guy who sort of set her up to speak ill of it (not like its a paragon of ponies anyway) http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/?offset=10#comments
I feel we may lose Lauren soon, as with every celebrity thats come to /co/, we scare em off. How are we one of the most influential comic message boards again?
>> No. 105628
We provide feedback and insight into things that the target audiences wouldn't.
Also, I doubt she'll ever be scared off completely; like she said, she's a feedback junkie.
>> No. 105634
Interesting stuff there today...
>maybe as the show goes on...
Also the other guy's theory about why Celestia kept the title "Princess" in respect to Luna.
>> No. 105651
So apparently the trolls go to Pensive Pine's account. Suspended for copyright infringement, though amusingly enough, by the owners of carebears and not hasbro.
So what the back up for fridays episode?
>> No. 105653
I have my capture card set up and ready to grab the episode, but I'm not sure I'll be there to actually cap it (being Christmas and all)
In the event that I'm not able to cap it, Oblivion W. Casinos will upload his recording of the live stream he usually does of the episode.
>> No. 105669
File 129297948752.jpg - (87.30KB , 1200x1200 , horse01.jpg )
Request Ponies!
>> No. 105670
File 129297951382.jpg - (69.16KB , 1200x1200 , horse02.jpg )
Request Ponies!
>> No. 105765
This came out of a late night/early morning conversation in the IRC. What would the ponies roles be if they were in the Battlestar Galactica universe? This is what we came up with. I give you the cast and crew of Battlestar Equestria

Twilight Sparkle - Works in CIC along side Adama

Rainbow Dash - Viper jocky

Applejack - Pegasus' deck Chief

Rarity - Caprica 6 style Cylon

Pinkie Pie - Hostess on Cloud Nine (maybe a Cylon)

Fluttershy - Gaius' head groupie

Spike - Adama's assistant (brings him coffee)

Gilda - Viper jock

Celestia - Cavel style head Cylon

Luna - Apollo's XO on Pegasus

Big Mac - Flight deck crew

Apple Bloom - Junior assistant to Rosilin's Administration

Nurse Pony - Doc Cottle's nurse

Derpy - Cylon hybrid

Trixie - Secret Cylon, works in Rosilin's administration
>> No. 105775
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 3: The Ticket Master (Amy Keating Rogers & Lauren Faust)

Episode 4: Applebuck Season (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off (Cindy Morrow)

Episode 6: Boast Busters (Chris Savino)

Episode 7: Dragonshy (Meghan McCarthy)

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep (Charlotte Fullerton)

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 10: Swarm of the Century (M. A. Larson)
>> No. 105784
Episode 10

FLV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RW9I5CZI
MKV: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6OF21BEY
>> No. 105787
Download Links
Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1
FLV [192 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=47NK1P1I
MKV [191 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?yjy09a2yg8x7zv8
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ADIKIWFW

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2
FLV [293 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2VU2SVA0
MKV [292 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6077YZGC
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TTHUXV52

Episode 3: The Ticket Master
FLV [274 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ5BEUAC
MKV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LKR9GYE2
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JTFFEHZ

Episode 4: Applebuck Season
No Dialogue HQ FLV [186 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=390PDVIY
Fixed Audio LQ FLV [78 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ano2i98ln6upjn1
Fixed Audio LQ MKV [77 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?0jkop7kmj1mgci9
Dual Audio HQ MKV [195 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UD386VHZ
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2J295VAJ

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off
LQ FLV [86 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?ra3s9lu2nmn7wqm
LQ MKV [85 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?6m4xklwwacz9jts
Resized AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=69HRGUZ3

Episode 6: Boast Busters
FLV [273 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9KHKB0
MKV [272 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3G8ZSRMM
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=wc9crawk

Episode 7: Dragonshy
FLV [263 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=09R0653R
MKV [262 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPBBZ80A
MP4 [111 MB]: http://www.mediafire.com/?93tit316huil3kt
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PDHE8V2B

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep
FLV [304 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=93ZG8L16
MKV [303 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I4RDHVD4
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BM1ZDAG0

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip
FLV [286 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LP9XDR61
MKV [286 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZ9WMYES
MP4 [119 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7UGU4G6Z
MKV [120 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GVILRYK9
AVI [175 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0Z5YQCNY

Episode 10: Bridle Gossip
MKV [308 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6OF21BEY
FLV [309 MB]: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RW9I5CZI
AVI [175 MB]: Pending
>> No. 105788
File 129313040671.png - (480.38KB , 621x538 , po'd Celestia.png )
Princess Celestia demands to know why this thread is on Page 7!
>> No. 105790
Because autosage, sunshines. Doesn't go back to the first page. We're lucky it didn't 404, we thought there were only 6 pages here.
>> No. 105796
>Episode 10: Bridle Gossip
>> No. 105804
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 1x10 - Swarm of the Century (webrip) [mentos] - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3M53Z7DS
>> No. 105856
File 129319693113.jpg - (15.22KB , 654x500 , Static063.jpg )
if any kind drawfags have any free time I would love to see my pony drawn up.

her Cutie mark & colours http://img710.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=63394241.png
>> No. 105858
I haven't seen the MKV and FLV rips of this one, but... you sure it's the same quality? Usually I don't have problems, but this episode doesn't look so sharp. (Could be the same problem that usually occurs to Rainbow Dash's hair, though)
>> No. 105881
There's always going to be a tiny bit of quality loss when reencoding, but I think it's just the hair in this case. The hair always looks fuzzy, it has something to do with how they export the video from flash, I believe.
>> No. 105889
No, I actually mentioned it could be a problem like that, not specifically RD's hair. Thanks for the answer, I might check the other versions later.
>> No. 105895
so how are we gonna save all this stuff?

I mean this thread has about 6 to 10 days at most to live, how will we save all of the stuff here?
>> No. 105898
>>105895 I mean this thread has about 6 to 10 days at most to live

That's what we thought a month ago.
>> No. 105915

yes but that doesn't change the fact that this thread will die and all of the fanworks will be lost unless we find a way to save them.
>> No. 105916
Youtube Links


Episode 1: Friendship is Magic part 1 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 2: Friendship is Magic part 2 (Lauren Faust)

Episode 3: The Ticket Master (Amy Keating Rogers & Lauren Faust)

Episode 4: Applebuck Season (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off (Cindy Morrow)

Episode 6: Boast Busters (Chris Savino)

Episode 7: Dragonshy (Meghan McCarthy)

Episode 8: Look Before you Sleep (Charlotte Fullerton)

Episode 9: Bridle Gossip (Amy Keating Rogers)

Episode 10: Swarm of the Century (M. A. Larson)

Episode 11: Winter Wrap-Up (Cindy Morrow)
>> No. 105936
File 129329936160.png - (153.07KB , 379x359 , DO EET.png )
>Episode 11: Winter Wrap-Up (Cindy Morrow)

>> No. 105941
Will probably be archived.
>> No. 106008
File 129343891517.jpg - (173.94KB , 533x533 , new-guy-Zecora.jpg )
Just leaving this for the brony who asked for it. Sorry for the delay.
>> No. 106063
File 129354228911.jpg - (354.12KB , 945x945 , derpy_ceiling.jpg )
Posting a request that some kind drawpony made for me yesterday. You can never have enough Derpy. :3
>> No. 106075

can you archive Plus threads?
>> No. 106087
Maybe it needs the MLPgeneral image, but not being on /co/ probably means the tracker doesnt pick it up.

Archiver anon, can you add this thread to it?

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