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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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Do you having thing to say about some character that has a episode based around them? Which one was you favorite?
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
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Horse butt.

livestreaming pizza cats
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

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since when has BL2 been full of bronies?
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Quite so! I would imagine if she were to exist in Season 1, that cute pony would have many art by now.
Since it was being made
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One of the developers in the credits literally thanked Fluttershy.
proof or gtfo
I forget, wasn't that pony the one that was spitfire at one point?
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Google 'borderlands 2 fluttershy'.
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It was and in many respect, its a whole lot better this way.
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>all those fucking talent names

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Indeed. Real shame that most bg ponies are usually ignored.

And I found that pic.
why is this a thing

joke's on you, I don't have that DLC.
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Not very pony at all.

>wallpaper cycles every half-hour to another photo from the bing wallpaper pack
>and who needs desktop shortcuts when you've got a start screen?
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>using bing
Borderland is a terrible game and you should feel bad for enjoying it
But the pictures are really pretty!
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you're thinking of Wildfire
Spitfire is a much prettier pony
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There were loads of BG ponies in season that I like. The whole apple family being many of them.

It's nice that some memes were able to taper off into retirement before leddit started sticking everything on t-shirts.
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But I don't feel bad at all. Guess I just like things you don't like.
Rand Paul, Alex Jones, SRS, Murrca folder- wait, you have a fucking folder on your desktop called desktop? 360 nope
My nigga
Borderlands is a fine game, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying it. It's easy to see that some people find it repetitive, and disagree with some of the writing, but there is still some good fun there, especially when playing with friends.
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How would ponies handle an overly sexual Anon?
>using Jakobs
>not setting people on fire, covering them in acid, electrocuting them, or dousing them in toxic waste
nigga do you even vault hunt
If I ever get to Equestria, which will never happen, but still if I ever get there I would never ever help AJ at Sweet Apple Acres
Farm work fucking sucks.
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Sadly they don't really get any art.

Any game is fun when you play with friends.

You can sit around in a room doing nothing with your friends but chatting and have fun.
I know we usually just call the right one Libman pony, but do the two of them have names?
What are you gonna do then, try on beautiful frilly dresses for Rarity? Haha, who would do that seriously...
>Any game is fun when you play with friends.
>doing all of those
>actually having to wait till the enemy dies
>not just making their head goddamn explode without them even getting to you
Jakobs and Torgue master race
Maliwan is second best after those.
This is true.
I spent spring break playing Uncharted Waters Online with my friends and had a lot of fun.
Now that no one is playing I have no interest in that Asian f2p grindfest.
>Needing fancy-prancy elements
Hip-hugging Maliwan faggots.
The thing is, if they do get attention, they tend to stop being cute-but-ignored BG ponies, and instead become overplayed fanon characters.
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>The pone in Memelands didn't come from the piss
>The pone in Memelands came from us
Not really. That only happens with S1 BG characters.
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Libman pony is Wild Flower and the green apple is Candy Apple.
I'll just be over here covering all these loaders in acid and not giving a fuck.

Honestly I just can't precision shoot in multiplayer, so I take the role of the slag-all-the-things bitch.

mlpg didn't invent boop you dingus.
Candy Apple and Wildflower
It's funny because the fanons for all of these characters are pants on head retarded
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no but look at the context
I'd be more inclined to believe it if there was one or two other lines.

>For awhile, I was fairly certain that there was at least one other gamedev on here.
>SRS folder
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Bon Bon being a grumpy pants isn't retarded

It's fairly normal for fanon
Which is why it's fanon and you can just ignore it and make your own.
I'm ok with all of them except Scratch being obsessed with wubstep and Derpy/Time Turner shipping. Most of them are acceptable if you disregard the most extreme bits of fanwankery.
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the one on the right is Flowershine
If she went "Hahahaha boop" like the boop script then I'd be more inclined to believe.
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>vibrating pony butt
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I shouldn't speak in absolutes so much. I'd be inclined to agree

I do this already
Or made a marker reference.
How would an anon handle overly sexual ponies?
Ask AiE
>most fanart is from here

Don't know if i should be happy or sad.
Rarity would be my first choice if I needed a job actually. Element of Generosity, rich as fuck, easiest job. Really all I would need to do is either model for her or carry things for her. Worst case scenario is taking care of Sweetie Belle and even then I would love that.

I might even have a chance to get close to Rarity
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what if happy pony
>not Flutterrape
I think a thread dedicated to evading yellow sexual assault would be an expert on sexual assualt
True enough. But it makes it much harder to share stuff involving them, since all others see is the fanon.

And that's why I gave up drawing characters like Lyra etc
Then I'd be happy and hug.
Did she just got hit by Cadence's spell?
More happy pony pls
did you tell her about the library of congress
>not making up your own fanon agenda and pushing it until it's accepted
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Not happy enough!
>Worst case scenario is taking care of Sweetie Belle and even then I would love that
I'd jump at the chance to be Sweetie's foalsitter

For the first day, then i'd have to sleep for a week.
God, reading the Anarchy skill page makes me want to play as the Mechromancer when I pick up BL2 again. Fully buffed, you can get +1000% gun damage, and -1000% accuracy.

>Depending on the number of stacks the character has, less-accurate weapons such as shotguns may become useless as they cannot reliably hit targets within the player's field of view.

That just sounds amazing.
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Eh, I just ignore anything DW related with TT and just imagine him like this. Makes it much cuter.

That's kinda stupid though. you can pretty much do whatever you want with them since they don't have a canon personality. There's a reason why she and most S1 ponies are still popular.

Is Rarity happy too? Can they share happiness?
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How happy we talking?
>There's a reason why she and most S1 ponies are still popular
And that reason is the fanon that has been established for them.
>Implying Sweetie wouldn't take care of herself
So long as you look at her drawings and watch her when she asks
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Well, that, and becuase they were substitutes for OCs in the early days.

And personally, I'm tired of the "human obsession" fanon Lyra has, so a change would be good.
I want to have more of Irish Loira if you ask me.
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>human Sweetie
>On Earth there's this thing called "The Internet"
>It basically contains all of human knowledge, art and history
>It's pretty neat
>human obsession fanon Lyra
That will never die, because it plays too much towards the pony obsessed crowd. In some bizarre "it's okay because this character we've invented does it too" kind of way.
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>More happy pony pls
good idea

Evens - Draw pony
Odds - Draw other
Dubs - Write
Who cares about different fanon?

If you don't like it you can just ignore it.
>we mostly use it for masturbation
Ya better be strammin dat son
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Jesus christ I love seeing happy ponka so much
Happiness levels reaching critical mass, captian
Exactly. This nigga gets it.
>Oh and there's this fascination with cat videos.
I liked it more when it was, "hey, wouldn't it be funny if that horse was a reverse furry?" instead of "OMG OMG OMG YOUR HANDS IN MY HORSEVAG NOW"
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She certainly has the ass for it.
I'm too tired for stram, I'm just drawing to wind down. Sorry.
Peanus is that really you
I never thanked you for the Caimon big rig picture. So, thanks!
M-maybe we want to wind down with you. Shared experience and all.
Yes, nigs.
'ts alrite

Anon leave the man alone. If I didn't know better I'd think you're obsessed with him
I haven't watched an art stram for so long.
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when are you going to stream nigga

I want to smother myself in your sexy accent again
I am

But I keep quiet about it
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Maybe later on today, bud.
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I still request Anon and Gillou hugging, please.
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>Is Rarity happy too? Can they share happiness?
I just don't want to fall asleep while streaming, is all.
Either that or inflation stuff.
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H-how big is your penis, MLPG?
I-t's for science!
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no sorry I was just funning with you guys here you go
Fucking huge, wanna see it?
She isn't sharing it with Twilight.
I want my money back
That's our Glitter Glue!
She sure is happy at all those ponies trying to help her get up after falling down
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And Applejack is happy, too!
I will only forgive you if you draw Scootaloo being happy as well.
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oh I didn't realize that was you
you're welcome!
orphans can't happy
Fuck you I've seen Despicable Me.
Holy hell, how did she do that?
Flowershine > Wild Fire

Who let an alligator drive a truck anyway
She really shouldn't be behind the wheel of a vehicle
What if all ponies went cross-eyed when you booped them.

What if booping caused a muscle contraction that caused momentary crossed-eyes.
Because the point was to be Derpy
Is that written by a non-native English speaker or just someone with a disdain for subject-verb agreement and proofreading?
but why
alright, but in exchange I get to touch your wings
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Posted the wrong one

>implying that isn't Derpy during Nightmare Night
>ruptured irises
what is that in the corner?
>Derpy's Rainbow Dash cosplay puts Bonbon to shame but she can't find the fanclub HQ
a cock
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ten million hours in photoshop
that's not her eye color
oh god its transparency
oh god what happened to her mouth?
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Eye color is wrong, lines are all discolored and shitty, mouth looks like she was eating cement.
>wrong eye color
>interior of the mouth not red
At least you tried
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Better than the smartass I guess
Sometimes I pick up low vibes of hostility from you, MLPG.
he has a point
Is it wrong for me to hope that Twilight would grab Rarity with her wings and embrace her?
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I got sloppy

>lines are all discolored and shitty
correct, why are you using partially transparent lines, anyway?

From the thumbnail I thought that was a goo Twily and that Rarity was eating her.
I just woke up, are the /b/ shitpostes from last night gone for good or are they preparing for another attack?
someone do this please
thanks for bringing back the meta, that's exactly what we need
eye color is still wrong

Dammit there needs to be more Twilycorn/Rarity content
>/b/ shitpostes
what happened?
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Thanks for actually doing the request anon
You get one blowjob
>partially transparent lines
Because it's been a long time since I did anything in Photoshop and I wasn't thinking before I got started to turn it into line art. I ended up doing a few things sloppily from the get-go that just made it a bitch later on.
New drawfag? Cool
well, don't do that
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
MLPG shit the bed and couldn't handle an outsider

You spammed the threads with Charles Manson avatarfagging roleplaying and shitposting for what, four months?

Then you started "contributing" by bugging evreyone for shit to do because you have zero creative- SOMEBODY JUST POST THE FUCKING IMAGE
I l-like you mlpg
W-would you go on a d-date with me?
apparently you owe me a blowjob, so if I have to take you out to redeem that then I would
>wall replys
oh god
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and he talks to Purple Tinker
Oh...Anon. Look you're a good friend. A very good friend. I think it's better for both of us to stay like that
>not posting it yourself
nope, not spoonfeeding you
someone else do it
I get nothing?
You can go fuck yourself
That other anon is sexy as fuck
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Favorite song from S3
do you like pinkie?
What's so wrong about them? You want to reply to multiple people, you reply.
Babs Seed
I think at one point I would've agreed with you but after last night's display it's clear that he could've been far, FAR worse
what my cutie mark is telling me was pretty cute
but in a wall?
three to four replies are great, but more then six at a time?
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grumpy apple pone song
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What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me, only one I found catchy which is disappointing because prior to this season I found most of the songs to be really nice. Ingram went for a more Disney-esque songwriting direction or something.

Have a Ponka-paper in good faith.
So... Do they make out?
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This scene made my dick rock hard
One of my favorite shots in season 3. Great style that fits the song perfectly.
>Have a Ponka-paper in good faith.
that's a shit wallpaper
but that doesn't answer my question
I still hate them for fucking up the animation
You must know your enemy to defeat them. Shitposters only retreat to regroup. They will keep coming until you, or they, are dead.

Yeah, it was definitely great. One of the couple scenes in the season that jumps out of memory for me as well
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How so?
Sweetie Belle was supposed to be the one singing for most of the song but they animated Apple Bloom instead
They fucked up
Sweetie is the main singer. She's suposed to sing most of the song not Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom's only lines are Everywhere we go she's a step ahead.
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the janitor's selective moderation does not help at all
I started typing out something lengthy about how only super-autists find Pinkie funny, just to piss you off, but I actually do like Pinkie.

Fuck you anyway, it's a good wallpaper and my mother loves me.
Maybe because THAT janitor only shows up during morning and daytime, nighttime seems to be Leth's but I guess he wasn't around.
but it was applehorse singing about her cousin

hahaha whoops, that's pretty bad
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>that feel
Still salty that Sweetie got screwed out of a singing scene.

Sweetie was supposed to sing in the milkshake scene but they put AB.
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Why befriend a gluttonous lard comet of a pegasus when there are plenty of other, normal yellow pegasus pones around?
Ingram confirmed it at one point though
Ingram confirmed that Sweetie is the main singer
I don't even know how it was even possible to fuck up to this degree
>I was going to pretend to be retarded
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>my mother loves me
do you share this love?
at least he didnt, right? right?
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How rude...
MLP fans seem to have a real complex with cross-overs, probably because deep down they know the show is mediocre and that they only watch it to be trendy, so they overcompensate by crossing it over with superior series.
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freud pls
It is a shit wallpaper though.
>implying he isn't constantly
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then you're alright with me then
don't fuck it up
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MLP Fanworks are better than MLP Crossovers
prove me wrong
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You will rank the main 6 in tiers, and rank 'em well

Best tier:
Pinkie, Rarity

Okay tier:
Fluttershy, Rainbow

Boring pleb taste tier:

Background pony tier

Come at me faggets
no no this doest work like this frued
the ones whos mothers DONT love them are the ones who start feeling insecure about it and the first word which comes into their minds when they see something they consider attractive is "motherly"
I think it was the storyboard artists fucked up not the animators
Probably? Though the only 2 I know are fallout and DW.
They both suck.
No lways. The oedipus complex is the opposie of that

Princess tier:
Twilight Sparkle

Pony tier:
Everyone else

Who cares tier:
Fluttershy, Spike
Elder god tier

Great tier

Almost Great tier
Pinkie, Dash

Ok Tier

I guess she is Ok, I don't know or care tier
Best Pone Tier
Great Pone Tier
Still Pretty Good Pone Tier
Same thing with fanon.
Some people can't enjoy the show on its own merits and have to imagine that all the horses are lesbians and one is Doctor Who and one's a furry and Derpy is a single mom because she fucked a fork oh wait that was us
the shit
Does the FBI have any proves against these guys? Haven't been following it so closely..
I watch the show because it's cute

I post in here because you faggots are like friends
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Best Pone Tier
Great Pone Tier
Still Pretty Good Pone Tier
>Rainbow Dash

We do not mention cloydes anon

I thought we went over this
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Best tier:
This pony

Bretty Good tier:
All of the others except for Fluttershy.
Fucked a fork?
>I watch the show because it's cute
It's like appreciating apples for their spicy as fuck taste.
>>>>> Pinkie Pie
Ugh, that was a fuck up.
*Not *always. The oedipus complex is the *opposite of that.
Spike isn't a pony you idiot
Spike is the new Rainbow Dash
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>copying my text exactly
No but he's her one true pairing.
a fork named cloydes
>mail to
Elder God Tier:

God Tier:

Bretty Good Tier:
Pinkie, Twilight

Lame Tier:

Holy Shit Stop Talking Tier:
Rainbow Dash
I did?
but, thats a common and completely legitimate reason.

Just because youre a creepy neckbeard who wants to tap some pony flank, doesnt mean everyone is
I hate cloppers. I simply know that the show isn't cute.
oh shit I did haha
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>Best tier
>Top Tier
Twilght, Rarity
>Good fun tier
>Annoying tier
>Boring tier
you swapped Rainbow Dash and Twily
still, that's pretty close
are you guys gonna make out or what
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Project on us some more.
Most Refined Tier
Still amazing
Everyone else
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why would I do that?
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Now I have to post this
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>Second option
Which pony would hate her name?
You remember how we an entire night arguing about people wasting the imagecap...

now I want more art of these 2.
That doesn't even make sense
>making new threads is so fucking hard
Theres 2 kinds of people in this world,
those who can extrapolate from incomplete information,
too bad
instead you get him if he were homosexual and in to his season one recolor
did you even read?
I was talking about wasting the image cap thing.
That's like complaining you're wasting the color black in paint when you use the bucket tool
It really is. Even years later, we still can't get something as simple as "only make one new thread" right.

i don't really mind that
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yes. it said
'boo hoo rarity'
wwere you not here then?
also, people still manage to make em 10 pics early
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What's wrong?
Don't you still want to party?
No and I'm happy I missed that MLPG moment of stupidity.
A goo party is not a party
So, you dont like activity then?
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102 KB JPG
>unthrusted connection
>"do you wish to add an exception?" yes
>404 not found

what the fuck? worst part is i can see the thumbnail and it opens when i hover my mouse over it
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>turning down a goo party
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Art thou madest?
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i just copied the link without the "http://" part and it worke- OOOH YOU
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cutest ponies
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MLPG, sometimes I forget you are the only good thread on /mlp/, and I make mistakes that I come to regret.

You are the only good thread on /mlp/. I will never doubt you again.
I'm sorry.
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shut up faggot, we know it
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>fluttershy instead of rarity
well now that don't make any sense does it?
suck my dick
I still don't understand why fluttershy is there
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Is the anon who wanted this colored still on?
why wouldnt sweetybell be replaced with rarity?
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>implying Fluttershy > Sweetie

There are people who should not be allowed near a computer.
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You are both terrible people.
Thats not how you spell applejack.
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because best pony
I don't know, but I am here

Thank you!
Worst ponies with milkshakes.tiff
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hanks man.
the world may never know
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I think they figured things out eventually
but it would make more sense is rarity replaced sweetie belle
>I still don't understand why fluttershy is there
Because unbeknownst to her the otehr two brought her along so they could rent her out to the store owner for those milkshakes.
i bet they fucked while in uniform
i'd give one free milkshake for each time i can explode inside fillyshys tight insides
why aren't you BLAZING IT
what was so bad out there
What? We're on /co/ and always been! There's no such board as /mlp/.
that uniform might be the hottst thing pone has ever worn
bonus for canon
we dont give a fuck
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consider it blazed.
>not any of Rarity's dresses
showgirl pank is still hotter
but still the wonderbolt trainee uniform is pretty unf
pretty =/= hot
Oh but we do. The constant validation we give each other is really the only reason why we're here...
is it safe yet?
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>took a look out side
safe from?
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This one is pretty hot
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shit yes
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I'm going to color this gif for you, friends.

Do these eyes look boopy enough/any other suggestions before I get started?
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let me fix that
Why the fuck moot would filter "shitl0rd"? Something happened?
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oh god this is awesome

/piss/ does have good threads after all
Is it's like a "Present Sins" but with snowdrop?
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

What the fuck?
Other threads are full of hateful dicks.

I'll just say that anonymity is always better than tripcodes,
even when most people know who each other is.
>futa thread in the Ocean of Urine

If you mean the 'raid' from b, no I'm still here.
If you mean the unwarrented attacks on myself, yes, it settled down nicely
Poster ID's remain valuable, for rooting out samefags, and weak trolls
SRS spammed /pol/ and /q/ with it

so now it's filtered
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>no one loves Celestia, they just see her as a ruler instead of her own pony
>implying calling the board "piss" 24/7 will ever get you back to /co/
Wait what? We can't go "Nice cropping shitl0rd" anymore?
But I do love her...
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>follow the link
>go through the comments
I hate bronies who think their fanon is canon.
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Oh my, you're contributing. How lovely~

They look fine.
Apparently the word 'shitl0rd' is a staple of some faggot subleddit
Fanon does tend to turn to canon though.
why does moot/4chan in general even care about roddot, anyway

it's just a website
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>DmC2 cancelled
Not surprised
Why do newfags care about pony anyway? its just a phase...
People cant ignore what they dont like...
Moot doesn't give a shit about ruddit, but a huge part of 4chan does.
It's not a phase, Mom, it's who I am!
>Why do newfags care about pony anyway? its just a phase...

Well that was a terrible analogy and you should feel bad for it.
Even if /mlp/ eventually gets removed, we can never go back.
Eugh, telling mum i like pont.
>i imagine its how gays come out.
Feel free to come to bread. We acept allcomers
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counter-troll harder.
>try to be nice
>Hurr durr you troll
>this is why we cant have nice things
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daily reminder that you have cancer
>Feel free to come to bread
>Actually have thyroid cancer
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Why don't we all just sit around and talk about our feelings?
that sucks
go to a doctor
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Theres your link.
that's not what
i didn't mean to
hope you get better
How do you think I found out?
I can imagine that conversation IRL.
You just deapanning your lines.
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But we already do!

Why do ALL ponyfaggots have problems with themselves?
>entire thread is talking about the raid last night
>0 pony discussion to be found
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>feel free to come to bread
But you guys are partly responsible for us being unable to post pony on the rest of 4chan
Are you going trough some sort of therapy or something or are you doomed?

Also sorry if this is a touchy subject
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its not limited to us here, its people that frequent 4chan.
I think you meant "mostly"
Might be, but the entire fagdom isn't limited to 4chan.
>I dont think i'll ever do that again
>they are a lost cause
Thank fuck for that
No, it's because of DoW.

Why do video games have to ruin everything?
eh i would say its 50/50 btard faggotry as well as everybody elses inability to ignore things they dont like
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anyone interested in a /co/ stram?
Where the hell else would /b/read be?
Tis a new thread, and yeah, as far as 'things' go, you guys fucking our attempts to say hi, rate highly
Yeah, along with newfags, whiners, bitches on soc, and yourself.
We fight against the shit being unable to post elsewhere, you, like a jew in a concentration camp, came here to die. How noble of you.
Not even close
See, its youre attitude that makes it hard. They came here to try and clear the air, but you just shit all over them
Haha joke's on the mod, I preloaded all the images in the futa thread before he deleted it

Victory is mine!
>they think they are better than us
Well, I guess we have at least one thing in common
There are good outcomes for my kind of cancer

The thyroid controls metabolism so there's a pretty good chance I'm going to be crippled by lethargy for the rest of my life

So yes to both questions
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You're either trolling or completely fucking stupid, and I honestly don't care which.
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I thought they left.
Yeah, but we fought for our right to say that. You guys just sit in your clubhouse, with its walls, and claim b is the cause of all your problems. You dont solve anything
>We fight against the shit being unable to post elsewhere, you, like a jew in a concentration camp, came here to die. How noble of you.
b-but we call the rest of the board "piss"

we're glorious freedooms fighters
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>Browsing IMDB because stalking is magic
>Tara Strong was princess grimderp
I did not know that.

Though Starfire was my waifu before I even knew the meaning of the word waifu.
God damn. FUCK Teen Titans was good.
well, I'm not interested in talking about my life, I want to talk about ponies
>We fight
and thats why we hate you, because you are to immature to either recognize people dont like the same things you do and should be left well enough alone, or to be the bigger person and just keep to yourself. Thats what we did on /co/ and it pretty much worked for us.
Then why are you in MLPG?
Now it's written by people who never saw the original
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I think you linked the wrong post?

You fought for my right to futa?
talking about ponies
what is your favorite pony?
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How naive of you
>tfw director of Teen Titans is dead
At least we're getting an episode this season from his wife.
I don't get involved in memespouting. Please go away.
>now it's written
The CN show ended I thought. Yeah Starfire and Raven and Nightwhing are comics characters, but they don't have a cartoon... do they?
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OH wait you're serious? Allow me to laugh harder.

Moot said himself the main reason for /mlp/ and the global rules was because of the /b/reads on /b/. Everyone hates them legitimately.
you don't have a favorite pony?

Wait,I just got up. Are you really still here?
fucking bad link
sorry, not aimed at you
Aint you just. Stick it to the man.
Also, you lot talk an awful lot about fucking ponies, a lot of 4chan finds that weird
>thats what we did on co
>bread is one thread, within b.
Its the same idea.
But it didnt work did it. Thats why you sad lost souls are now stuck here
>yeah... not that theres anything wrong with futa. You should fill a bread with it one time. no bans for porn with us
no, they dont, we're mainly ignored, and left to ourself nowadays, we also act as containment for newfags, who come to us to try and be edgy and 'troll' we tie them up, keeping the board cleaner as a result!
I do, I said I don't get involved in memespouting.
I don't even think he's real. It's a ghost come to haunt us.
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>Also, you lot talk an awful lot about fucking ponies, a lot of 4chan finds that weird
Sadly, I must agree with the shitposter.

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Gettin real tired of your shit, anon.

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Holy shit guys.

I don't remember you all falling so easily for obvious bait.
>Thats why you sad lost souls are now stuck here
This place is pretty good.
But Rainbow Dash, how do you expect us to entertain ourselves?
Well there's nothing else to talk about.
>for fun
Cheshire must be rolling over in his grave.
No. The reason they hate us is for posting ponies on "their boards" and not keeping to ourselves. Sort of what this shitposter is recommending. Don't respond to the faggot.
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>I don't remember you all falling so easily for obvious bait.
Please spell out "memory problems".

Baiting MLPG was always babby tier easy.
>generates discussion
>openly wants to chat about lieterally anything
Dont respond to me guys, im like the opposite of mlpg
Mmmhmm, I mean, as a whole, b has no problem with fucking horses, threads about it happen all the time, you guys do it in an odd manner though, so even the real beastiality people find it unnerving
Baby, you hae no idea what a raid is do you.
youre guys openly admit its /piss/ and they want to old days back
good. discussion is fun. we're learning about each others cultures.
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I could stream some doodles after I shower in a few minutes.
Yeah, sure. Applehips, unf, unf unf...
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Hey did you guys hear about this new My Little Pony show?

I hear it's p. good.

>This is one of them, her name's Pink Pink or something
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>replacing "god" with "celestia"
Will they be /ss/ doodles?

Will there be doodles in your /ss/ doodles?

As in penises?
I read that comic the wrong way and I thought Rainbow made everyone cry for breaking a chair
You know, thats barely half of it.
If the one pony thread on b really caused all that... well. Itd be a sad state of affairs.
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Anon wanted this colored too.
Only nostalgia goggles retards think so. I for one accept /mlp/.
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>dat jap panka
insta boner
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Do I look like Braeburned?
Guys seriously. Discuss /pol/. Circumcision. Subby stallions. Music. ANYTHING is better than going through this shit again.
Fuck off with that crap, jew.
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
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>Praying to something that doesn't exist
Get a load of this human
I'm pretty sure he would feel honored that someone colors his stuff. He's a bro.
Braeburned does /ss/? I thought he just did the gay.

>using "human" as an offense
Furfaggot please die in a fire.
Hey little girls, stop watching shows for assholes
That is cute. Spike would get jealous of that dragonling.
Thanks man. I love it.
Again thanks
Nah, I doubt human Rarity would have huge knockers.

In fact, I think she'd be the thinnest one
>implying male humanizations can't have bikes with hooters


Hey watches, stop showing little girls' assholes!
I bet the Boston Bomber is uncut

Every degenerate is
Seeing how adorable the dialogue with the small dragon is in the game yeah he would.
>on her bike

>being proud of being enslaved by jews
good goyim
#trigger warning: bikes, huge hooters
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Why aren't you scrunching?
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I love this artists's style
>singing to chickens

Does that make them tastier when you eat them?
Game? What game?
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Those front hooves are way too small.
I sometimes get the feeling people draw 'anthro' ponies because it gives them an excuse to avoid learning how to draw hands.
How is it?
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Spoiler Image, 10 KB
Alright you fuckers, I don't think we've ever discussed this before.

You're living with your favorite pony, and she's been the roommate everyone dreams of having. She's nice, she keeps things clean, she sometimes cooks dinner that you two eat together. One day, you get up off of your computer and head to the bathroom. It's closed, and she's using it, but she'll tell you she'll be out in a second. You wait, and go in after her to see this.

Wat do?
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>implying you can find bigger bike hooters

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Why do ponies scrunch? Is to good for them?

lol jk idc
use the bathroom?
I'm not really sure how I did that
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I'm too busy derping.
Nah, most anthro has hands, that's what makes it anthro. This is just a pony standing and dressing like a human.
Wouldn't that bike be very back-heavy?
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Its a unique expression that make them look extra cute.
Baldur's Gate.
Tried to make Rarity in it. She's a Illusionist mage with maximum charisma.
Anyway mages have the Find Familiar spell that gives them a talking pet depending on the alignment. Neutral Good has that pseudo dragon.

The cutest dialogues is playing with him and putting him in your inventory
>Pet and play with him
>The dragon coos with delight, it's multicolored eyes whirling as you pat it's warm, leathery hide. "You are very kind to me, my Lady" it purrs
>Put him in your backpack where it's safer
>It's eyes brighten, and it practically leaps into your arms, ready to be stowed amongst your belongings where it can sleep and occasionally poke it's head out
>Luna's cloak turns into bats
How have I never noticed this?
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>implying you can stop the honking of the bikes huge hooters

the effort wil be worth it
You're blind?
They're actually singing to the apples. You need to keep chickens in an orchard to weed, eat insects, eat the potentially diseased fruits on the ground and manure the orchard.
what the fuck is this Chen thing
why do people keep posting it
Roogna, have you ever considered shortening your name? Maybe just using initials?

>Mr. Smegworm

...I shall be referring to you with this name for the rest of your days.
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Goodnight/day MLPG. I've been up for far too long. I was going to try to finish that gif but I'm at 9/45 now and I can't go any longer. Maybe tomorrow.
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Sc'runch is a dark and mythical Eldritch expression that exists on another plane of reality and we only perceive in this way to prevent us from going mad from the revelation.
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>not knowing chen
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
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Why would you post such a violent little pony
You know she isn't that violent.
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>you will never watch The Simpsons through Pinkie's crotch
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I like to see happy ponies
So that's an anus looks like...
Maybe if you pinch her nipples you'll get better reception.
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i really hope someone edits a Hood in there, its perfect
oh pinnkiechan, why do you tease me so...?
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Why aren't you drawing?

I'd like to see Big Mac giving her the D.
I am you silly slime horse
Because I'm not famous enough for anyone to care about what I draw.
If Gummy Pinkie pounced on my dick, would her form hold or would she just sink into me and collapse?
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but i am
Then get famous, yo

Why aren't you a absorbing another pony?
Well at least you moved on from drawing cubes and spheres
I have no talent
ya, and doing that playset thing has already shown a massive improvement in my work
absolutely disgusting
How do you cause friction against jelly
How do you fuck something that you can completely sink into
It's just stupid
Tentacles for life
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>Rarity's familiar
>not a cat
>not modding the game to make the cat the familiar of whatever alignment Rarity is
Nigga pls
>toilet paper
>not being part of the baby wipe master race
Thanks to everyone who joined in on the Samurai Pizza Cats stream last night.

Unless something terrible happened while I slept, we made it through 25 episodes.
Slime is too pliant.
I want my tentacles to be firm and rock-solid, for obvious reasons.
And if I wanted to be on the giving end, flesh-ponies have holes for me to use,
and embracing them doesn't feel like touching a snail.
But Rarity WOULD be neutral good
Yes and I'm saying that he should mod the game to make it give the cat familiar to Neutral Good
because we have Mr.Clean to get mad at you
Only Janitors and Mods really give two shits about porn.
Oh fuck I remember. She was also supposed to right the wedding before her husband died right?

And I'm curious what her episode is going to be this season.
If a huge bitch hired Rarity to do something and at the end would call her a pawn and a fool she would make a thief steal her huge gem while she was talking to her wouldn't she?
>breaking rules, ok
>not posting in MLPG's preffered format, ZOMG troll
It was a day before his fucking birthday too.

She used to tweet sometimes about how she heard the door and thought it was him coming back
I already drew the last two days
>coping with a loss

I see you are from Gaia Online. We run things differently around here.
what? You wanted to be LE NEW EPIC SHITPOSTER or something?

We have like half a board out to prove themselves at that category already man
Nah, that would not suit her at all

It might still happen, though, but not because Rarity ordered it
not even close...
nathan pls
stop responding
Fat horse wieners.
I think it was a day after his birthday.

And that tweet was near Christmas
that is a bad reason to draw. i myself actually refrain from publicly posting my art and instead concentrate on the art itself.
busy watching Tomodachi wa Mahou
Oh god this is adorable. Now I need more of this.
i wish i was rich
Why should I smoke weed on Hitler's birthday?
I'm so glad that day is over where I am
Because it was 2 years ago today that the Playstation network went down.
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12 KB
>mfw watching Ponchu go from doing terrible art in the piss drawthreads to drawing clop and commissions with over 400 notes
He's great.
I do hope that in Baldur's Gate 2 they give him more dialogue.
Still a long way till then
And you know why? It's not talent, he worked his fucking ass off.
I never thought he was that bad.
I know

I was congratulating him
I wonder if he is here right now
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25 KB
Oh man. Too much.

I'm not ruling out an AJ episode
>caring about notes
there's your problem
He was never terrible, but he did improve a lot
>shitty anthro
>when the janitor is here
You dead nigga
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8 KB

She stole that guy's pizzas!
>lard comet
I can't believe that made me laugh
Some average pedo drawfag.
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Sweet And Elite.
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Yeah, he has gotten much better
Another guy who draws poni
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Youre not spitfire
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I thought that really small image with Rarity sticking her butt in Fluttershy's face with the flat colors that was ALWAYS posted when someone mentioned facesitting looked pretty ugly.

I think he's posted his stuff in here anonymously once or twice. Haven't seen him use his name anywhere in awhile
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50 KB
I'm not stu either
Your favorite pony just ponied EVERYWHERE!

What do you do?
this is the kind of arts and crafts stuff RCH should do
Every time I see one of these it reminds me that the original was not a joke, it's a real thing that someone actually thought was good.
I was almost positive he drew things for us a few times
insert penis
He does.
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127 KB PNG

Yeah, he does pop in from time to time to ask for drawing tips and requests.


Was one of his from when he stopped by.

I remember when he made that Rarity flutter request in the draw thread, he said it was a really quick doodle.
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>still no equestria girls edit of this
Would you gravelord pone's world?
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64 KB
>it's cold as fuck
>a fungal bloom has infested the town
>irradiated craters everywhere
>no labs or mines to find more cool shit
>giant worms and swamp monsters infest everything south and I'm ten miles from the unexplored north

At least I have gas and guns.
>not playing ADOM
What the fuck-shit stack are you talking about?
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9 KB
the fuck am I looking at
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>the one time Buckley doesn't use words
>comic is still shit
dude knows absolutely nothing about timing and setup and impact
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121 KB GIF
Oh shit
This is MLPG isn't it lol
Meant for /vg/

Cataclysm, zombie post-apocalypse roguelike.
Also, ADOM a shit.

I want a BBQ sauce pone. And I want her to be bold.
jefmajor pls
fuck you son
Now he's doing way higher quality stuff like this
The multiple tits are a bit of a put off but damn if he hasn't improved. Reminds me I need to practice coloring and painting.
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at least it isn't preston
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I like it
Is this a reference to something?
Or Tatsuya Ishida
Rainbow please stop.
That's way too cute.
do more of this >>9987466 pls
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LK needs to do more comics
What's the best video embedding script?
Would you like anything in specific?
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790 KB GIF
>Y-you really think I'm cute?
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94 KB
Not really. Just thought it looked cute.
for a slut
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cuban pls, cataclysm is dead and won't be getting updated anymore, go play another survival roguelike.

would anyone like anything drawn while I try and figure out what the shit I'm doing with coloran
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what about rarity playing with that small dragon with spike looking jealous?
gala dress batpone
jalm draw frankie porn
Spitfire doing a rainboom, but like orange and yellow and stuff?
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2.51 MB
2.51 MB GIF
You can be very expressive.
more of these 2 >>9985893

You know it looks cute.
It isn't vanilla Cataclysm. It's Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, maintained by the most prominent modder for the original Cataclysm.

Get your facts straight, please.

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>why doesn't tabasco pony have a cajun accent?

A mix of this. succubi pony meeting fluttershy
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Sure lets go with that.
how many damn layers does that thing have? is that a banana or something? I dont even
>shitting my request with fluttershit
>you will never own a high quality chrysalis plushie
I'll give it a shot. It may take a while, though. I kinda want to paint something. Is that okay?
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Someone requested a while ago that I draw the CMC trying to eat disgusting turnips for cutie mark acquisition purposes
I like that naughty pone.
Is she meant to be Trixie?
There wouldn't happen to be more of dash and rumble right?
Putting a bowling pin in your anus would hurt like hell
I've been noticing a lot of people are copying doxy's style.

Is that the one with pregenerated zombies? because jesus christ I loved cata and thought it had so much potential when they added factions and shit. the only endgame things you could do in vanilla was monster trucks or mutations like some flexible survival rip-off.


we can't be bros anymore anonymous

sketch, lineart, flats, shades, primary eye highlights, secondary eye highlight (placed on top of lineart layer), hair eyelights, text. of course he could've all just done everything on one layer, or possibly used more.
I meant the thing she is eating. The layers of whatever the fuck is on that is confusing the shit out of me.

I dont know shit about art
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It has SOME late-game content in the form of Strange Temples,
home to extradimensional Lovecraftian horrors whose disease was responsible for the zombie plague in the first place.

Yeah, it's mostly mutations, but there are also bionics, too,
so if you ever wanted to be Robocop you totally could.
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Why didn't Twilight just cast the destiny spell over and over until it fixed itself?
did bilbo ever teach you about suspension of disbelief`?
Does that mean you are doing >>9988175
>casting a broken spell over and over in the hopes that it will just work out

That sounds like something S1 or S2 Twilight WOULD do actually. And then have to be bailed out of.

Of course the whole point is that Twilight has grown as a leader and figures out the better solution.
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>how I feel right now trying to draw again
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i love embarrassed/flustered Dash.
They both look like drag queens in that picture.
shout pls
well it's normal for rarity
Why? Is it because of the long faces?
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You can do it whoeveryouare!
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get in
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Jalm, you still here?

Can you please draw a similar to this picture, with Nightmare Moon and chrysalis, but diffferent set up: chrysalis drones pleasing NMM while batpones trying to figure out how to please Chrysalis. yes, that kind of "please". Unf.

will ya? I know it is lots of characters but it worth it
and here we go again
>unsexy NMM
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I'm sorry?
The point is this guy bothers a bunch of artists asking for that.
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12 KB
>look for slime pony porn on google
>get this

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18 KB
Fluttershy is a hungry hungry filly
>Fluttershy finished first


>looking for porn on google
am I in bizarro world
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She is such a cute and silly pony
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And how is this my fault? Or you just want to shit on someone, whoever he is, because mad and bored?

This picture >>9988417 was requested in early 2012 and I always wanted to re-request from Jalm a continuation for it, but he either was busy or just disappeared after few posts.
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her best friend is also a qt
>and it is even delicious porni

oh shi~
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Sure is.
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but these horses are canon bes frens
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909 B PNG

that's a qtp2t apple
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>they've hardly talked to each other in the last two seasons

why is this

they are so great together
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because white/ponk is the new canon frens
>they mention spa visits every week
Yet they don't really interact in the show nearly as much despite being BFFs.

Which is something that I want S4 to fix; different character interactions. I'm a hue Rarijack and Flutterdash fag, but some different pony combos in the show wouldn't hurt. Maybe something like AJ/FS or FS/Pinkie.
Apple should really do more Celestia.
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49 KB
who is your favorite writer, and which is your favorite episode?
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Holy crap this, give me some flutterjack, dash and rarity, and others. I like seeing fluttershy and dash but they just do it too much.
Who's Peter new? Shnning Armor?
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freud pls
I think apple went back home or something so he can't draw now.
big mac
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72 KB
>Rarity has a romantic relationship with Big Mac
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64 KB
You've just encountered the unique boss, Angry Scrunch!

What do you do?
>Only Big Mac can satisfy her anymore
Get ye flask
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95 KB
Boop it for massive damage
cast Boop II
Cindy Morrow
HCFS or Read it and Weep
Cast Boopaga
>AoE boop

that shits illegal
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246 KB PNG
Corey Powell
those two episodes she wrote
I know she did the spike one, but what was the other?
the scootaepisode
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Kick its ass in one of the better turn based JRPG combat system.
What's source of that?
Oh shit really. Do we know how many she is doing in season 4?
Oban Star Racers
good series
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Maybe if he was jewish, brae is pretty scrawny looks like he hasn't eaten in a while
From pictures looks nice indeed. Thanks a lot I'll check it for sure.
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Why are we so ded
MA Larson is favorite writer and favorite episode... for today im going to go with Hurricane Fluttershy
>tfw blue eyes
>tfw wanna say Pinkie has best eyes
>tfw Rainbow Dash

pents confirm
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99 KB
Not enough apple horses are being posted.
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Hey guys let's watch some kung-fu hustle
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blue eyes are mid tier.
I have a soft spot for tying dongs to thighs.
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Anon there is no shame in admitting it, its just the truth.
that's one big apple.
Real life they are top tier.
In fantasy worlds they are mid tier unless they are a very vibrant shade.
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>not Rarity's dark blue sapphires
Pents confirm M A Larson is now /mlp/'s favorite writer.
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91 KB
>Real life they are top tier.
her eyes are rather boring in relation to her face. they dont do much to complement it.
Oh god why wont the janiotor delete that fucking rpg parody.

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92 KB
>caring about gets
Best GBA game ever, no fucking contest.

And dream team looks dope as all hell.

Top Tier:

Mid Tier:

Literal Shit Tier:
let's hope we stay away from 10M get
>Not advanced wars
Cackletta was hot
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44 KB
>hating on Superstar Saga

I don't even know.
im pretty sure that anon was joking. you know pointint out the obviously fine picture as the one that is offensive.
Good game, but not SS

Bowletta was even hotter.
>playing dark souls
>estrus flask
Is it illegal to keep a small chosen undead in your house as a pet?
like a dog?
Wait until you get to humanized Celestia
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Can you find something more autistic
Still surprised MSOB hasn't done a Celestia dressed as her.
Wow Blueblood is my favorite pony and it's still terrible.
The question is do I want to
why are we so ded?
Wasn't even half way through before I knew this was going to be a story about how FiM saved his life.
MLP was canceled
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>you will never be her chosen one
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No just watching Dan Vs.
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111 KB PNG
Cutest pony.
this is true
my dad is hasbro and he said mlp a shit
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I think so
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good night mlpg
Isn't that Hixkie or however he is called?
I just read the last line so I don't care but what if Shadow is his favorite chraracter?
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Oh yea bby
his original alias was justpony
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65 KB
Everyone is stoned
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We're dead as shit so might as well ask.

Favorite fanon/head canon? Any particular one you want to see happen on the show/comics?
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53 KB
This is the only headcanon I've ever seriously subscribed to.
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Derpy stuff.
why does rumble look like a girl?
he doesn't
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961 KB GIF
What if they made more Little Witches?
What if it was an old-school RPG?
Why did no one tell me this was made by studio trigger?
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What is the point of this gif?
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The only Derpy stuff I want on the show is her as a mailmare with the uniform.
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he does

he's even using the filly model
>we will never have femsnips vore femsnails nonfatally

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why is she so phallic, /co/?
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Unf is just another way of spelling fun!