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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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Old thread: >>9927779

Topic: What do we all genuinely think of season 3? What did we truly like/dislike about it? What could be improved?
I found it largely forgettable.
No Alicorn Twilight
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Too short. Some episodes were really weak.

Like the last one.
It was on par with S1, only real problems it had was being too short and not having any Rarity episodes
I dislike it because why aren't you streaming?
It had the best two Spike episodes of the series.
I will drink until I am popular. That will work.
Too much Applejack.
too short

too many important episodes felt rushed or not well thought out

We had a new villain who LITERALLY DID NOTHING

I don't like where thing are heading and feeling its drifting away from what made this show good to begin with

Everything else was ok
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I liked the new MILF pony
>no fap fics yet
>barely any art
I also like how she was squandered on nothing
mangneto are you going to draw more latino-tier bigbutt femsnails

please don't judge my incredibly weird and specific fetish
>Not barren
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Hahaha, boop
is not like S1 didn't have weak episodes
>Listen to the song on Youtube
>The uploaded is telling people to knock it off with the my little pony spam
stram what, anon?
The only real problem I have with the finale is that it was two episode's worth of ideas in one episode.
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though I'm more likely to do so through posting pink pone
Well when you have a shorter season, weak episodes matter more
...What song?
>Every episode not being the best thing on television
>Every episode not setting a higher standard for the show
>Implying I'm baiting
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The idea of their cutie marks being switched could have made for such a better episode.

Something /co/ related.
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what kind of headcannon is that
An animated feature
I liked it. It was a fun season. Not as great as the other two but pretty damn close. I'm sure that if it had 26 episodes it would have been better.

It also seemed rushed.

Anyway it seems that S4 will not suffer from this.
I mean fuck they are still writing and recording for it. Animation hasn't even started but I'm sure that this time they'll have more than 3 months to finish everything unlike S3
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How about Dredd, that /co/ enough for you?
I wonder if they figured that a fun cutie mark switching would make up for the whole Princess Twily debacle.
I'm on board like a toard
Red Ribbon's distended, distended stomach
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>dorky latino girl

that's actually a pretty cute idea anon

i do wanna draw more femsnails though, she's kinda something everyone (i know) can enjoy
Why is it like that?
Horsickle cell anemia

what about some LEWD femsnails?
I'm really surprised things are good enough in Dredd's setting for people to get fat
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Fat pony is pretty good pony.

Draw Femsnails and Femsnips getting their butts gummed together.
what is it with mlpg and giving humanized characters spanish backgrounds?
Snails original mannerisms would hardly suit a latino girl. Femsnails was already out there, but it's clearly become an unrelated OC.
Gallons and gallons of horsecum
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This was the last post I saw before I left today, and it was the newest one when i got back

je ne sais pas
>used to raise a little goat named Oreo
>feel sad now
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I think forcing pony to wear socks a tile floor would be a good punishment for a misbehaving pony.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeed Ribbon


also I always kinda put your femsnails as a latino from skin colour (because snails is depicted as a darker-tanedish skin), no offense or anything

so yeah, more femsnails is nice
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The biggest problem in MegaCity is boredom. The Belly Wheels is actually one of the fads that went through society. See also: plastic surgery to get ugly.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I tend to see darker-colored ponies as darker-skinned people.

Also Mexican Scootaloo is a fun headcanon, even if it has no chance in hell of getting canonized.

Not sure why you'd make Femsnails latina, though.
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What are you doing here, mang?
Bored of drawing chubby goat chicks already?
Hey Tex, how'd you feel about drawing the Wonderbolts flying in formation streaking red, white and blue?
I want to take Pinkie Pie, hold her upside down by her legs and slide her across a smooth, cold tile floor
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It was really a mixed bag. Some episodes felt like they should've been 2-parters while others felt like they were dragging on.

Magic Duel, Just For Sidekicks and Sleepless in Ponyville were the best this season. Both well placed and the characters and their actions were spot on. MD had some great action and while Trixie and Twilight's conflict was the main focus, the rest of the cast all got some good parts too. JFS was a nice expansion on Scootaloo's character, especially since we don't see much of her. These two are going to be the best remembered for the season.

Opening arc was merely okay. It was nice to see Spike play a heroic role. Sombra was very different from other antagonists we've seen before, in that instead of stomping in and chewing the scenery like other villains, he's more of a "looming danger" type. We don't know his motivations, what made him evil, anything really about him, which is supposed to make him threatening in the first place, but it doesn't work as well in a show like this.

Finale would've worked better if it was expanded and broken into two parts.

Could not stand Spike At Your Service. Timberwolves looked great, but Spike was way out of character and the ending was rushed.

One Bad Apple and Too Many Pinkies were pretty good. For OBA, I wished there was a bit more focus on Bab's character. I didn't like the end of TMP, I wish the challenge for the Pinkie clones was something more meaningful.

Apple Family Reunion and Keep Calm and Flutter On were two pretty good character expansion episodes, though both could've been better. Wonderbolt Academy was alright, Lightning Dust felt like season 1 Dash, which sort of puts into perspective how much Dash has grown. Games Ponies Play was "meh".
will megacity ever be free of crime?
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I knew this would be relative one day.
or a femsnails & femsnips rump-bump
What are you doing here?

Board of all the reasons why Batman wont kill you?
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Interesting. You should draw it.
There's most likly a lull in the adventure time drawthread (his /co/ hangout, usually), or otherwise he feels like ponies tonigh

As someone who's struggled with their weight their whole life, I find stuff like this extremely distasteful.

MT draw more young cadance and shiny.
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>Snails original mannerisms would hardly suit a latino girl
>mannerisms must be stereotypes

i dunno, she's more the "cute girl who never did much in class" type i guess...
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Alright, I gotta get procaster reinstalled
it'll be up in a minute

probably not
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>you will never feel your ponimouto/waifu/whatever's coat rub against your bare skin as you cuddle them naked sexually, if you want it to be like that
>this character is Snails because I say it is lel
Just add salt.
here's a tip
hard limit of 2,000 calories.
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But Snails is ugly and stupid and American.
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My art is literally almost painful to look at.
I want it to look good, not to cause blindness.
>mannerisms must be stereotypes
pretty much.
I mean, good luck finding anything about Mexican Scoots that isn't a stereotype.
I would. BUT. I've got oreo ponies to draw after dinner.
beef lomein and coke
>socks that dont slip and slide
Thats like building a plane too heavy to fly

aww yiss
Oh John Dimaggio

you were a passable Joker

Draw a Beef Lomein pony having a friendly chat with coke pone while you eat it.
Don't be upset just because he doesn't want to make some stereotyped hispanic Snails with an oversized mexican family.
But all the ponies that are good are American
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I'm just in a sketching mood right now. Someone else would probably do more justice to the idea.
Where's my /a/ spaghetii tan pictures when I need them

oh that reminds me:

Mangneto, if you pressed snail's nose, would another part of his/her body randomly inflate? or would it just cause a iknowthatbuldge in the pants area?
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Hey Dash, how's it hanging?
>Implying John Di doesn't dominate ever role he gets

But Anon

Scootaloo already has that.
Oreos before dinner?

MT you're terrible!

I'm honestly getting tired of it too. Why does everyone have to be latino all of a sudden?
>implying anyone can outdo Mark Hamil as a Joker voice.
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I doubt anyone else would do it.

You're probably the most American drawfag I've ever seen around here.
Besides, your sketches are great.
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I don't hate you anon. I just wonder why you care so much?
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As long as we're working out rule 63 headcanons Sugar as a pizza girl is my new favorite concept.
>Wolf anthro dash
what the fuck
I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on
We get lonely, Apple.

cause we like your pones.

and you randomly leave, but more recently say you dont like pones anymore
there's ALWAYS a lull in the AT drawthreads

like this place is pretty lame too but at least this place doesn't have coldfusion

also people there have a habit of requesting complex shit that would take a long ass time to make look half-decent
How about dead in a ditch.

Fuck you people.

Stop drawing fat disgusting things ALL the goddamned time.
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the things
I would do
to that butt
It doesn't look like it's intentionally wolf-like, it's just this artist doesn't draw that much ponies.
deal w/ it nerd
He is one of my favorite VAs

But his joke isn't in my top three
Because you're a great artist and I'd like to see you around more

Also you keep thinking people here hate you when it's just the two usual hateanons
She gets fired because she eats all her pizzas.

Then dies of diabetes.
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>this place is lame too
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What about buff disgusting things?

Shutup and draw more anon and pony comics.

Yours are the best.
>implying we're not lame
>implying we don't need to be put down
>implying you're a gud dog
Let's be honest here now
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Sugar is my new favorite anything

Anyone got the colored version of this?
I'm starting to think MLPG, of all its bluster, is incapable of real hate
>Waco just exploded

jesus christ, texans
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>pizza delivery in Ponyville

Cool, I can post this again!
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>Snips grows up to be really sweet to people
>Sugar grows up to be good at cutting pizza for people
but we are.
you should be able to acknowledge when your own shit stinks.
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Work on your backgrounds.

You'll never improve if you don't practice.
Best Joker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKM
I had it, but then I deleted it because it's shit.
It's shit. All that's going to be drawn anymore is its giant dick because the artist is a giant cockfaggot
dont use so much fat or oil. It makes the cookeis spread
she can be my fatty ANY night
It won't last
>check Dark Souls General
>drama because one of their drawfags is leaving
>drama because one guy's attempted suicide
>janitor deleting post errywhere

It's uncanny

I like thinking that Snips is going to be a hairdresser/barber when he grows up.
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Backgrounds aren't ponies.
the few who are, are very vocal about it
I think the rest just wish they would shut the hell up
scrubbles bby pls
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That's a mean thing to say.

Then draw Applejack as a landscape.
>They rush to your door on time every time
>Not because its professional, but because they're back is burning!
And tomorrow I won't be mad, but you'll still have shit taste.
oh that remiinds me

has mangento done anything involving the male/female versions of snips/snails interactingwith eachother?

I seem to recall GG and Rose had some sort of doodle contest that ened up really sweet
It's a completely, irrefutably true thing to say.
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Backgrounds can be really fun.

Backgrounds can improve ponies, though.

>break up with girlfriend
>Sugar offers to "comfort you."
yeah you will
you always find a reason to be mad
I want to hug those ponies
Sugar bugs me because she reminds me a lot of one my friends, like he has the same general body shape and hair minus the pig tails, same eyebrows even.
Where is dredd

You fat ugly ponies said dredd would be here
Yeah I felt the same way
I still say Snips is gonna be a chef
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alright, JUSTICE stream going live in a minute or two


season 3 dislikes: the rest
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But it isn't. I only drew Puff and Snow's dongs once each.
>2 large mountains and a deep valley
sorry jeez, it's right here >>9932128
>that underage applebutt
I think I need to go lay down for awhile
>you just lay on top of her like a couch
>"shh shh there there... want me to drag my tits across your face?"
>"*sniff sniff* y-yes..."
That you posted. I'm sure giant cocks is all you'll be drawing the next few weeks.
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>GG and rose collab

What, this?
it was kinda cute, I guess

>Speedy Quick's Pizza - Screamin' Fast, Hot and Fresh, Guaranteed!
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it's okay if she wants to sit on my face too
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You're mistaken. I'm on a Sugar rush.


I'm not seeing it.
Well, obviously he doesn't quite have the breasts or hips, either, but... it's still uncanny to me.
no applebloom, I didn't mean with you...
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Oh, I almost had to sweat
She would have to lean forward quite a bit to keep from smothering you with her big luscious velvety smooth butt cheeks
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Might as well post this too.
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she can smother me aaaaall she wants
How lewd.
but no funny business. you aren't for sexual.
alright i can't sleep for shit

does anyone know any cute and short flutterdash fics? am in the mood to read one.
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Celestia would be such a great first. She'd be kind and understanding about your inexperience, guiding you through each step while shattering your mind with her indescribable skill forged by thousands of years of experience.

I'm talking about sex.
Yeah, the Plantation went up in a mushroom cloud and there are reports of the entire area smelling like natural gas, also the blast apparently leveled a nearby houses

rumours abound that some of the more explosivly flamable tanks are being advanced upon by the flames so there might be more casualities
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same thing I said
>"This will make you make you feel better right?"
>"Mmff mmmfff"
>"Good, because I want you out of funk as s-oooon as p-p-p-posssible!"
The best thing, though, is that she'd do that with you in anything, not just sex. She'd be the most loving, patient partner you could hope for.

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Uh, will this do?

It's a cozy Lyra story.
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eh. don't really care about lyra to be honest.
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Dredd stream is up

final warning

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I'm watching you...

>she gives you a hug, standing on her toes to put her arms around your shoulders
>gently rubs your back while you hold on to her.

Thick girls give nice _____hugs.
But...she plays anon a bedtime story and everything to help him sleep.
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Big girl hugs always give me full body shivers
I would rebound-fuck her so hard
not really interested in her
>sharing your first time with Celestia
you make me sad
because I know it will never happen
Why dont you just date.... her?
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what the fuck, man
Fuck your ponies
...good question.
why DON'T I just date her? and have dat booty all to myself
don't mind if I do
All of them?
sorry, just don't really see the appeal

No, only Twist and Featherweight
>tfw you will never erupt in Celestia's mouth while she stares up at you with an innocent look on her face
In a row?
I'll take a Lyra.

Better than this fat worship.
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Be sure to get her fast, you know what happens when you want someone for too long without acting on it.
>Ask Featherweight will never update again
>Snails' dick will get 3 full colored updates a week
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Let's dance MLPG
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Iron Will that's disgusting...
Life is unfaaaaiiirr
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this guy draws porn
>that feel
not this time.
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>we will never be deers again
>3 full colored updates a week
>when it hasn't had a single update since it started
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>Deaf Punk
Maybe in 2000 but...
go to her my child

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Deer suck pony rulls
deers are assholes
they dont even eat the goddamn basil growing everywhere
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>Celestia would be such a great first.

Do you even Sex anon?


deers are horrible creatures
it nice
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>not liking DF

SB can't help it. He's a terrible artist
They're so painfully stupid.
I got a little ambitious with the first update and decided to do a short comic.

Hopefully it'll be up tomorrow.
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Is this a deer?
I'm failing to see where the issue would be
I'm saying I liked DF back in the day. Now it just seems...uninspired
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>not liking double penetration
what are you? gay?
no u.
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Why you so mean, dude?
I thought we were going to talk about dwarf fortress for a second
Me too
>Suddenly notice a giant patch of clotted blood on pant leg
Didnt even know I was bleeding.
>Dayguard sees an impossibly large cart getting pulled down a road.
>Has to canter to catch up to it, expecting a team pulling it.
>It's a doe.
>She scoffs at him for gawking, not breaking her pace.
that's what I like to hear
sb when is femsnips gonna deliver pizza to the ninja turtles

>stuck in a manhole.png
what a pleb
Which pony would be easiest to manipulate and gaslight?
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That's mlpg for ya folks
Good night!
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This is a pony

She likes penises

Does she like your penis?
What the fuck is wrong with their necks?
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Rarity, it's canon
Yeah, nah.
You know, every time mplg bitches about a great artist like SB or Atryl, it loses credibility. It's like, if they're going to bitch about somebody who's real fucking good, why should I take their opinion seriously when they're giving some new beginner artist a hard time? Or when somebody really is genuinely awful, and mlpg gives them the exact same shit they give good artists?

It's almost like that's the whole point, making mlpg's criticism pointless, so the bad artists get lumped in with the good.

Probably why Ross does it so much.
>waco explosion site is now offically a hotzone

Is Rarity a cannon?
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Not as much as I like hers!
>lumping MLPG in with the single retard that hates everyone
she thinks it's silly looking with a curve like that
>double penetration
Potentially, if inserted head-on, my penis would hit the back of my throat
I don't know what this means, I've never bothered to "conventionally" measure it
SB and Ross are the same pile of shit, the general just has more fans for one then the other it seems.
It's fucking disgusting.
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>liking deer

you must not live anywhere near them.
>tfw your waifu is now evil and you couldn't save her
Worst feel
It's a penis, so yes, she likes it.
ross pls go
Use a song to describe how you feel.

I just finished a beer, and now i'm comfortably numb.
>SB and Ross are the same

Exactly something stupid Ross would say. Drag SB down to his level.
>Even Manet is better than you
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70 KB
Dude I love deer.
Venison is delicious.
That's almost as curved as mine
I'm drinking too so now I feel like a
She may like dicks, but where does she stand on cum?
Your opinions are shit-tier.
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You're all potatoes
Yeah, yeah, fertilizer plant explosion.
big deal.
I just dislike the fat fetishist jerking each other off in the main thread.
They're more canon than the trading cards, at least.
Go study.
they're only the same in that they only draw their fetish, and don't take requests because of being uptight assholes.
>SB whiteknights attempting to rescue their fetish artist from the shit pile.

what like some kind of super virus or something like that movie?
So do I. But you aren't alone. You have plenty of talented folk around you and you should be supporting them not treating them like things. I may have some skills. But I don't have goals like them. I feel like I'll just disappoint everyone eventually just because I want to have fun. And it's just so easy to make a fool of yourself on the internet. I'm afraid I've already done so many times over.

Also to the guy who made up shit about me saying I judge artists and think people are lower than me because I can draw. You can eat shit. I hope you fucking choke on dick you cunt. Don't ever make me out to be someone who thinks that everyone's a pleb for wanting to do something they have passion for. These people try hard and that's far more respectable than sitting on your ass creating fallacies about others because you're a goddamned loser.
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I'm not a potato
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What if Sweetie wouldn't eat her green vegies?
0/10 troll elsewhere please your a embarresment to trolls everywhere
SB, ross and atryl are all shit.
Go to bed, Ross.
And they flip their shit when you call them out.
You want to know why Ross stays?
He has fans here, the same ones that fawn all over SB, they are just quieter when Ross does it.
But there is always one.
Apple all I want you to do is have fun
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Sweetie Belle is too sweet to make trouble. You're not trying to make trouble, are you Sweetie?
Ross only has one fan.
His name is Ross.
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This is very silly
deal w/ it, faggot
>Leonardo, Picasso, Walt Disney, and Rembrandt were all just as bad as Ross
>they're his peers and equals

Sure, Ross, sure.
When was the last time SB drew something that wasn't his fetish? A normal pony.
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lumping those with ross
fuck you and fuck your opinion
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>You will never spread your cheeks and ease yourself down onto Twilights kawaii girlcock
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according to his normal tumblr, roughly a week or so ago
I don't care, his normal ponies are bad just like ross and atryl art.
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But Ross and SB are on the same level. Only difference one has more exposure because he draws "interesting" fetish art. Nothing more.
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>that last paragraph
Sure, dude...
>Baww, the same fans of the fat fetish can't like the other fat fetish artist!
>It's not true!
speaking of not taking requests, commissions when SB?
>same level

confirmed for Ross, get out of here
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Everything is my fetish.
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You have no idea what I'd do to have these dolls.
>Leonardo and Ross are at the same level
>people only like Leonardo more because he got two hundred years head start and is in museums and junk
I wouldn't doubt it. You're pretty fucking weird.

Like most Snails fans.
Come on, Ross. You're embarrassing yourself.
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a day or 2 ago
>Ross and SB are on the same level
oh man
oh god
holy shit
thanks anon, I needed that
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Do... Do you love me A-Anon?
No, you are worst pony.
why do you keep feeding him attention?
he's like the WBC of mlpg.
>Better call him Ross!
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flutterslut 2.3/10 worst pony
yeah naw
can you hook me up with that blue bitch though she fine
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It's fun to be weird though.
Yes. You are the best pony.
I really don't like SB's art and just ignore it.
SB also kind of a faggot but over all he's not a bad guy.
This is my opinion
well i mean can you blame him
he's talking to ross
Yes, with no self-awareness I'm sure you hae lots of fun.
I love all ponies
Actually putting atryl on SB Ross level is quite an insult. Atryl put tons of effort into his drawings and is a complete professional who is actively learning. Ross and SB are nothing more than attention whores.
>ross go away pls
>ross pls your s-7 tier
sorry fluttershy
but I've already fallen for your purple friend
Holy crap
Famous for a cult standoff and an especially brutal lynching. Now this. What a shithole.
is this a game?
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He doesn't sound like Purple Tinker at all...
A few great episodes but mostly forgettable. It's not going in a good direction and the finale killed the fucks I gave about the show.
I'd love you if you introduced me to that cute blue pegasus friend of yourse.
God. I want to fuck you.
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I said "of mlpg," you mongoloid.

Deer aren't THAT strong, man.
Why is Purple Tinker such an ignorant, intolerant prick?
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I'm very self-aware. I think it's pretty obvious you either don't know me well or you're just saying anything you can think of to provoke a negative response.

Atryl has a lot of experience under his belt. I'll get there someday.
Fuck you all saying that Fluttershy is worst pony. >>9933149, I love you.
>Deer aren't that strong.
Deer also aren't insane Scotsmen...
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41 KB
well /co/?
Ah, so you're aware of your humongous faggotry and still bring it here.
>Birthday 32 minutes
I was more or so neutral towards PT before, but this just completely blew it for me. What an asshole.
Because you need to check your fucking privilege.
You just hate her because you are cis scum!
Scoots was made to be picked up and pretend flown around.
Because she's damn adorable and would love the attention.
the only person who cares is you
But you're already so good! I've seen your finished stuff. Everyone has.
You just haven't been doing any.
Same, what a jerk.
Because you're not a princess.
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>humongous faggotry
because you are a defective specimen but celestias liberal agenda has forced society to keep you alive and fed
do us all a favor, please, and end yourself
happy birthday, anon

You're just a late bloomer, Scoots.

You'll get the hang of it someday.
You wanna ride on my shoulders for a while?
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She just needs a little help.
Not as good as BloodHarvest, but not bad
That's it. This really sealed the deal on my hate for PT. What a disgusting individual.
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Happy Birthday!

May you dream fondly of your favorite pony.
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Yeah pretty much. Most people don't seem to mind though.

I'm backlogged and I keep wanting to just doodle.
Well, PT isn't factually wrong, just not very self aware, or thoughtful.
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I want to fly a pegasus around on my shoulders so bad.
>Scoots wings grow out to be twice as long as her body
the moulting must be awful, but worth it in the end.
You will never a pony on your birthday.
>PT did nothing wrong
MLPG doesn't mind non-pony fetish shit, what's new?
>Tons of effort.
>Sausage fingers and lack of understanding of anatomy.
>But that's fine, I will just slap some tits on it, I will get whiteknights like this Anon to sy it's amazing!
>And he will know how many years i didn't take to get to this level.
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all the pegasi colts are gonna want her
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No SB you won't.
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we scootawings now
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This Friday
things came up
She's going to give the best winghugs
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Some already want her.
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Does anyone have that image of the black pizza delivery guy just laying on the couch with the pizza on the floor?

I think its a porn edit but I just need that picture
>mlpg pretending to know anything about art again

oh lawd
Is this the end?
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Yeah I will.
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it's just ross again
Turning 18.
>implying I won't be having consensual regular pony pony with my favorite pony when I lucid dream.
>Scoots shows off her massive wings.
>A passing gust catches them and launches her into the air.
>Still doesn't know how to fly, yet finds herself getting treated like a flailing, screaming kite.

I like thinking that Pony wings only grow slightly bigger in proportion to their bodies as they get older - like long-bone type growth.

The difference between young pegasi who can't fly and ones who can is when they moult the downy baby-feathers and ones that can actually catch the air grow in.
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>You will never have sex with Princess Celestia.
>You will never be a pretty pony princess
>Turning 18.
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Yes. Why can't I find a girl like you Fluttershy?
Just stop replying, SB.
You know what happened to TAW and Kraut, right?
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I wouldnt be surprised if Ross was here for days.

This is a paranioa worse than the cold war
>you'll never smother your face in humanlestia's bosom
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I haven't been here in almost a year
I haven't watched anything since the season 2 finale
what am I missing?
I thought we scared him off yesterday over that oreo pony.
>She will never massage your ponynuts
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How furry are you, MLPG?
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I'd rather be cozy under those glorious wings.
Your favorite pony wishes for you to equip the Naughty Nightwear

What is your course of action
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I'm just havin' fun.
Both good and bad stuff.
I knew girls like fluttershy in college. I knew at least a few who were obviously interested in me. But they were absolutely damaged goods, and they knew it.
Go watch S3
It's enjoyable
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Watch Season 3, anon.
Fuck off
google "equestria girls"
Oh joy, this faggot again.
>Implying having SB pull a full Kraut wouldn't be a good thing.
One less 'fetish' artist.
Clean this shit hole right up.
We pissed him off.

All the more reason for him to come back and shitpost anonymously.
thx i feel up-to-date now
also nice fagg
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>being friends with wolf nanaki
>what happened to Kraut
I legit have no idea what happened there and no one will ever explain it
SB no you will not you have no taste. Just stick to fetish art and pedophillia like Ross. That's the only thing you are good for

So you can start shitting on another artfag? No thanks.
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Damaged goods? Like emotionally unstable?
>Clean this shit hole right up.
we can start with you
I guee nobody knows, but he has been gone for two months now and he has never been away for so long.
And incredibly desperate. It's off putting.
is there a pinkie wallpaper?
ok. glad to know. anyone got good magnet links? or should I stop asking to be spoonfed like a little shit?
also holy shit
are the other tripfags still around? is sentinal01 gone forever?

already heard it m8 but thanks for the reminder
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So you think I'm good at something?

Aww...that's so sweet...
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why not both?
Implying SB didn't orchestrate killing them off so that he becomes the center of attention
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Huh...yes, why indeed.

That would be the ultimate coziness.
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not at all
You first, brony.
All you are doing is whiteknighting for a fetish 'artist' because he may just draw you one more Sugar picture so you can get your rocks off to furry porn.
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Why haven't you subscribed to BUTTS™ Magazine yet?
>is sentinal01 gone forever?

Ha good one
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>consensual and non consensual tooth brushing
c..can we get pony versions of this
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They don't deliver to Earth
I want to know who this pony is.
Bad Lyra
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Draw it
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it would be a Celestia sandwich
and you would be the meat
your head nestled between humanlestia's breasts, while ponylestia has her wings wrapped around the both of you
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Right after you draw it.
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I even have one with your favorite pony
Ya know...I can't draw all my fetishes...that's weird.
Red Ribbon
And you're stirring shit for your own amusement.
You are a pathetic individual.
I didn't know you shut posted SB
I want to meet someone who's more just quiet and sweet and gentle, and cuddly. But you know, it's hard to almost impossible to find your dream girl.
o fuck


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75 KB
worse than hitler and manet combined
oooh...good girl
now, swallow
You're also missing out on the comics
why not?
>implying hitler did anything wrong
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Gettin' mixed signals here
Pets can't talk
good lyra
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Depends. I didn't start it but I'm having fun playing along.
sweet pony ass.
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Fuck off, pig
you're not swallowing
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The ratio of bad episodes to good episodes was higher in season 3 than it was in the other two seasons.

Come @ me.
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39 KB
>Pot to the Kettle
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wake up
see this

what do
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who does one fancily be a god of the sun?
I unf everi teim
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oh my~
get better animation
Celestia declares that she will no longer tolerate those who cannot make friends or find love in equestria. You have a month to make at least five friends and fall in love before you pay the ultimate price. Can you do it?
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this punk giving you trouble?
>not being friends with nanaki to get free masturbation videos
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>lyra presents.jpg
I want some presents from Lyra.
>Implying I am wrong.
Defending shit artists like them is why the general is in the state of piss it has been in for months.
And all it does is attract more of their ilk, like MT just popped up like a fly to she smell of the fresh shit that floated up.
So why do you contribute to shitposting? Unless, you are samefagging?
don't respond
Samurshy Jack?

Yes please.
>every year she gives you fingerless gloves
Lyra would get you a shirt
I'm sure you're the same "marker knights xd" epic troll
>muh dik
if you respond to any post in this thread you lose
le epic post :)
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I'd feel guilty if I didn't wear them.
Challenge accepted.
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81 KB
what do I lose?
I also appreciate Pink pony's posterior, especially when she's dressed up.

I'm working on it, cool thyself. It's tough to balance Farsi and pony projects.

Besides, I gotta blow off some steam.
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It's not gonna stop if I ignore it though.
the real irony here is that if you would shut your trap, everything would be peachy in this thread
Texanon is probably very aware of how odd they look, but he sees how happy it makes Lyra, so he wears them anyway. Only around their houses, though.

You in that defense language school? Good for you.
Bullshit, the thread would be full of fat anthro ponies and all you spergy fucks could do is post unf like a bunch of 12 year olds.
>blow off some steam
is that what they're calling it these days?
Fat fetishists need to at least keep it in the old horse. But we always get some fat chick that's supposed to be R63 "Snips" or "Snails" and then paragraphs of faggots jerking off to them.
>It's tough to balance Farsi and pony projects.
You could like, mix them.
So you have been samefagging this shitstorm SB? Why?
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guys you aren't pone

stop being stupid shit

start being pone
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Who stole Twilights legs?
I know this is not pone related, but I heard Teen Titans is getting a reboot in the series.
>SB admits to not only not ignoring it, but helping the shitposters along.

And you idiots defend this shit?
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He didn't say he was samefagging, dumbass.
Just responding.
Which is pretty stupid in its own regard.
>The thread would be full of normal posting without anybody sperging out about stupid shit because they can just filter it because they're not 12 year olds
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This is a pony.

What do you think of this pony?
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don't even talk, you hypocrite
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>unicorns using utensils
Because he is no better then the shitposters themselves.

also whatever happened to that artist that got caught on lifestream DLing see pee?
Do you mean Teen Titans Go?
Real irony is this. If this thread didn't exist none of this hate would exist
She's very pony
that is a very 4thbest pony
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Can't spit it out
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she's got some nice hips on her
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That is a great pony.
>implying that's SB
You can't be this retarded. Holy shit.
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94 KB
Ah. So all along, you were the guy trying to get this thread shut down.
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>they were just a gag gift
>lighten up, jeez.
You poor, poor man.
wutta faget
Yeah. Is Tara Strong going to do the voice of Raven again?
>pot meet kettle
I fucking hate you, Ross
oh man she looks so toasty warm

someone post some of dem cloaks from Spike Being a Faggot Episode
I wish I could do something for that pony to make her that excited
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answer me you faggots
Shut the fuck up anon.
So I heard MLP S4 was confirmed for Q2 2014
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Where would a pony even get fingerless gloves?
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Shitposting happens. It would happen if I wasn't here. You could accuse me of feeding it if I were getting super defensive but just fucking around isn't going to have much of an effect either way.
who fucking knows
who fucking cares
how are her arms connected anyways?
custom order from Rarity, no doubt
fair enough
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The Fingerless Gloves and Sofas store.
>actually using msn
don't you have ponies to post or something
Well, dragons and ahuizotls exist. They have hands.
Sign onto Skype for a second please.
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>from Spike Being a Faggot Episode
You're going to have to be more specific
You are right it must be kraut, mewball, or lame-at.
>Zecora delivers some of her wares to the farm
>is about to leave, spots Big Mac plowing the field
>she stops to watch
>watching the big, mighty stallion gets her all kinds of heated
>when he notices her and says hi, she gets flustered and starts babbling nervously in her native tongue before running off
>anon in charge of understanding fiction within fiction
They're not here arms, it's a seat that's the same color as her coat.
>Hurr it's not going to go away.
>May as well roll with it!
Get fucked, SB. Go back to Tumblr and play with your brony friends.
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But also only four 'fingers'
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But dead people cannot shitpost.
Get fucked, Ross. Go back to FurAffinity and play with your brony friends.
What happened to MSN? It's still running.
You're either a hypocrite or a retard.
You know it's not a completely nonsensical ship
Apple Bloom hangs out with Zecora sometimes so maybe Big Mac drops her off.
I am now old enough to post on this site.
Not that mattered for the past 6 years
Those are her legs, idiot.
I spent $65 on a membership for caledonian-nv, I'm trying to justify the cost but I can't, at least I get to see some mare pussy
Well, then maybe Anon was right. Custom order from Rarity.
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>whenever she tries to talk to him she stumbles all over her rhymes
I hate myself.
yeah now we're talking

are there any vectors of those?

yeah i know i forgot the title there for a second
are you a pony
We know, SB, keep it in Tumblr.
shut up nerds

wow I can see it now thanks assdick
pls draw
Take your own advice, brony scum.
>Starts rhyming the first word of every sentence.
I am 12 years old and what is this?
pony also hates you
ross please
Fuck off back to the piss, whiteknight.
Yet you still fueled the shit posting SB. I'm starting to believe that one hate anon who thinks popularfaggots like you are killing this thread.
>zit on inside of ear
>Scootaloo will never rake her nails along your back while squealing AY PAPI as you unleash shock and awe on that filly pussy
full blown /b/ right now huh
but SB can do no wrong Anon!
You are just a hate anon!
>not popping it with a heated sewing needle

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This mint ice cream is delicious.
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After you, shitposter.
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welcome to the late night hiatus
>Big Mac seems to be apathetic about her
>is afraid of being recognized as a zibba lover
>fucking a child
what the fuck
no reason he can't be both
I just sterilize a pin with alcohol and stab them.
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that shit hurts
Don't let me holding the door for you look like I am treating you like a lesser person!
I am just being polite!
when I say inside, I mean INSIDE
I can't reach it with a needle
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If you get mad about anything on MLPG you are a faget.
I love ponies. I just wanna have sex with them. Especially the Pink bitch.
>not fucking a nubile filly
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How much does it cost?
Tex? Can you sign onto Skype please? I need to ask you something.
isn't late night hiatus supposed to be bonertastic?
oh man appplejack i want to buck your apples
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What if ok what if Tess was causing this shitstorm? It would be soo funny!
>The only pony in town that would flip over it is Granny Smith.
>And she is blind as a bat as it is.
>Zecora can stand right in front of her and Granny Smith can't see her.
>Big Mac goes through the forest to drop off Apple Bloom and the CMCs at Zecora's place
>he opens the door, sees her working on her broom, singing rhymes to herself
>he can't help but admire how pretty zebras are
>she turns around and freezes up when she sees him
>awkward silence
>CMCs bounce in and start yapping
>Zecora hastily stumbles over some words and rhymes
>Big Mac can only say "Eeyup."

Poners are in short supply these days
Dammit, pony stole my pants!
Don't pop or squeeze it or you'll get an infection and it'll come back worse than before. Run a washcloth under some hot water and hold it over the ear a few times a day, hot water helps the cyst drain away.
>You will never be the sluttiest guard in the barracks

not gonna lie, Cadance is hot as fuck
>Fluttershy is watching from the window
>She's devastated

It's getting rolled into Skype.
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rediv pls
It has seconds now?
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Started animating this vocaroo clip that an anon here had recorded like months ago. Kinda want to ask if he's fine with the idea or not, but I don't have a clue how to contact him.
oh shit
I'm up for some anon x royal guards erp

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I'd help, but I'm busy. Sorry.
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God you're just a bunch of stupid faggots, aren't you? You all waste your time with this shitty faggot cartoon all fucking day, chatting with the same 3 other autists, and rant on about completely irrelevant shit that will have absolutely no benefit for you or society. How does it feel to be complete sacks of shit all day, to the point where you've bypassed /jp/'s level of pathetichood? Please, for the sake of your lives and society's, take a look at yourself and try to realize what a piece of shit you have become. Realize how pathetic your existence is and maybe, just maybe, you won't be such a gigantic fucking faggot. You think you're so cool in your little collective, your little crew room. Nope, just a fucking faggot that deserves to end his or her (haha as if, unless you're fat) life as soon as fucking possible. Go fuck yourselves you dick fucks.
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her butt is the perkiest
No hate for the mt please. Mt is chill and loves to draw. Unlike the other scum, she draws for fun and not for popularity.
anon please
it's erotic literature, not simply roleplaying
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Ooh, that's really nice!
Thanks, Dash.
>We will never get a Twily update of this
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A tub of it costs about five bucks.
sentenalhate autist pls
I have microtia.
This made me cringe

captcha: eardies drawn
why is the doggie eating out fluttershy, mommy?
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my ass.
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Can we do some filenames?
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>He actually believes this.
>fetish stuff and porn is bad!
This is the sound a retard makes.
Why is MLPG so defensive of drawfags?
Night thread please stop being a day thread.
>each princess has a different sort of butt
>Princess Celestia has a firm butt
>Princess Luna has a soft, perfectly round butt
>Princess Cadance has a perky butt
>describing a butt as "perky"
I don't know why, but that gets my motor running
i can't unf to this
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>ggckcbbblkccgbllkgkgkckkk -gah- gbblbllckckckbl
this is the sound a cocksucker makes
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Can we be cute ponoes?
you're so mad, Ross
Fuck Applejack*
just putting the shitposters in their place
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What a rant SB !
>she's still mad, because the apple family now has to buck their own apples since they lost the equestrian civil war which she refers to as the war of celestian aggression
>Twilight has a magic butt.
>Anon tries to rub it to make it grant wishes.
>"It's not that kind of butt, Anon..."
>'Shush, the butt genie is real!'
but which is the tightest?
>not even close to the same tripcode
anon are you okay
This is what a man sounds like when he walks.
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no fuk u
pony a shit
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Are they?
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What was that?
>everyone is SB
Your tinfoil hat is a little tight there, buddy.
I didn't know 'defensive' meant 'not shitting on them'.
she has a big doughy ass from sitting down all day
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wouldn't surprise me though, why would Tex post Applejack so much if he didn't want to fuck her?
>none of them actually like Panka
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>that filename
every fucking time
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Panka is a very ugly pony
It also means 'Not putting them on pedestals and treating them like special snowflakes.'
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cutest most beautiful ponoe
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let's talk about something more interesting
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Thanks, Dash.
Yeah, but more importantly, "not shitting on them".
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>first Pic crouched behind a car in cholo pose
fake tan not mexican or hispanic

>you are forced to go out of the house every day looking like Sonic's autistic cousin?.. right?

>you obviously follow a cast of retarded Dagos

>went out of your way to make a meme for /mlp/ we would fuck you and your girlfriend but

>no hooves

>craftsman aint got shit on your gang of tools

kill yourself

your blowout hates you
that doesn't look like a marevag at all
> sebaceous cyst

God, it's been a while since I've been to PopThatZit. Time to remedy that.
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fuck you.
we butts now.
To the anon who posted >>9925697, which was requesting the CMC having a tea party, sorry for the wait, but it hasn't been abandoned. I'll get it done soon, I promise.
Then if its not SB it's Apple.
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>yfw da bears win the superb owl
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what the fuck are you talking about, Pinkie Pie
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Fuck that homo shit, we're talking about butts.
pop that what?
that's a thing?
I don't. I'm not even a part of this conversation, I just got back from wandering around town drunk for two hours. You just take any and all counterarguments as dicksucking. All you do is shit on everyone, and it seems to rotate by the week, and wait for people to give any sort of opinion otherwise and claim all of MLPG sucks that persons dick day in day out.

It's getting old.
> biggest loads
Stack discussion in 3 ... 2 ... 1 -
Huh. Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing?
What about Kraut? He loved to shitpost more than any other.
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What if Rainbow Dash was a cake filly

and you found out

would you still love her platonically
It's a site for video and stills of people who ... deal with the problem.

It's really quite hypnotic.
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I can't watch those videos, it's the only thing that makes me nauseous. All the gore and beheading vids are no problem, but fuck those pop videos.
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i remember when the original was first posted on /co/ at like 4 in the morning and someone suggesting something like the cakeboy thing to OP
nice to see it picking up popularity
Check these, sugarcube
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What if it's another useless tripfag?
I didn't realize AJ was into tennis.

As long as she's got game, I'm in.
Berry has a really nice ass for being the town drunk
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princess pones are the most attractive pones
I think it's new all
do mares really like it when you pull their tails or is this a ruse to give a horsefucker broken ribs?
She's a pony. A nice butt is a given.
S-shut up
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She kept a nice body even after having her kid.
She works out.
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Punch is ALWAYS on fire
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which pony has one of these horse semen collection balls, and uses it the most
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Quit shitposting you faggots.

We just finished watching the Karl Urban Dredd and we're about to start the infinitely superior Sylvester Stallone/Rob Schneider version.
No, that's a good way to get double kicked in the abdomen and burst your organs. You can hold onto them and pull forward a little to drive yourself in deep, but don't pull them.
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woah now
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only way to cleanse the world of their existence
>Can never find those two toys.
>Toywiz is sold out.
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also yes
yeah, don't do that
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I wasn't staring. I would never stare at Applejack's apples.
This is the only horse that I would put my penis inside. After a night of drinking, of course.
Link faggot
Which pony would be THE LAAAW

I'm thinking Dash or AJ out of the main 6.
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I love the way that artist draws flanks
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>Judge Dredd> Dredd 3D

the original MILF pone
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420 blze it fgt
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Which pony would you take to the Genius Bar to help her fix the angry birds on her ipod
so every night then
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The only shitposter tonight was SB
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I did have a soft spot for the Stallone vehicle because I saw it as a very young kid but it's a terrible, terrible movie.
>movie that captures the essence of what Dredd is about
>NOT better than some skinny faggot in body armor shooting things
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i Be Talking about this post
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>mfw /mlp/ is heralding Nathan as some kind of hero for delivering a slick burn to PT or some shit
why her specifically?
anon pls stop
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>Body literally not allowing me to fall asleep until I draw something stupid
And the fat fetishists, but SB is one of them anyway.
uncensored version where?

I wonder if pony realizes that sushi can be eaten with the hands.
>Implying the Stalone movie captured ANYTHING the comic was about
>Implying the Urban movie didn't play out almost EXACTLY like a story out of 2000AD
>Berry vomits into her glass.
>Looks at it with apprehension.
>"It'sh still alcoholl... but schould I?"
>tfw your fetish greentext isn't good enough for the satisfied dragon
but that's incorrect
she seems like fun, plus she'd be the wild type who'd want to break the human in first for bragging rights
>two too many dicks
to be fair, she was pretty out of line
they were both pretty shitty
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You'll never find, a better time.
Make your stand, you'll be fine.
Know the game, and all it holds.
Watch it now, as it unfolds.
royal guard erp when?
Well yeah.

But that doesn't make Nathan the hero /mlp/ deserves.
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aww yiss
He admitted to feeding the shit posters for his own amusement you blind drones.
>tfw want to watch but can't because waking up is hard
good night MLPG
>implying it did
Stallone movie;
>"But I had no choice! I had to hide inside the robot!"
>"You could have jumped out the window."
>"But I would be dead!"
>"Yes! But