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love, —mootykins

EDIT: It's hard to keep up with lots of IMs. Feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org if you don't get a response or I'm not online.

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Eternal horse that never ended: >>>/mlp/9892622

New thread.

Would pone rely on guns if they had them?
No they have the magics
Only earth pones and pegasus pones would need guns.
no because magic

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We princess now?
So what was luna doing during the entire invasion. Maybe she went to visit her lover pip during the day?
Better question:
Why would pone have guns?
I thought they just squished and suffocated everything in their marshmallowy embraces
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This is true.
But humans could kill wizards in Harry Potter.

Well sure but magic was still better
why didn't the fucking noob-ass death eaters just bring assault rifles to hogwarts for the final battle

i mean

fucking seriously
what am I looking at?
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>being princess when I'm about to go to bed
Guess I have to stay awake now
oh geez, thanks for spoiling it, asshole
Full on
Completely accidental penetration with internal ejaculation
>You will never be a foal sucking on the teats of a princess
Because filthy muggle pig disgusting technology.
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Probably Patrolling the Area for the threat
End of Evangelion. I can't explain it, either.
well then how come Mr Weasley didn't show up with an assault rifle

he loves that muggle shit
It's not a real spoiler, fgt.
Hey watch it, bub!
You can't just do that!
Wizard pride. The Death Eaters believed in magic supremacy and would never stoop to muggle tech.

Sometimes I wonder who would be more of a threat to the other, muggles or magic-users.
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You know
If you were a femanon with a stallion big-spooning you

Accidental penetration could possibly be a somewhat frequent occurance
What in the hell is going on here
more of this
we need more
It would be great if the stallion was having a wet dream and he slipped inside of femanon who was fully awake but trapped under him.
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WIP, i kinda want to try coloring and failing miserably
NOW I remember the one darf did. Wasn't exactly along the lines of what I was hoping for but it was still hot as shit, same with they 'human lyra fucks an actual horse' thing, which had me fapping for days.

See, THIS is what we need.
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I want to spoon with a pone.
it's a little hard to make out what's going on with Spike's lower jaw and body
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Look at these princess pones

Just look at how cute they are.
Being a maid femanon to your stallion master would probably include a lot of cuddling duties.

Accidental penetrations come with a gentlemanly apology, followed by a "you might as well" order to let him rut you and take his seed. Then there's the cleanup...
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>she will never show up in a pretty dress before you or even without one
>NOW I remember the one darf did.
So did I. Shit sucked.
He doesn't know how to use it.

See, second movie. Doesn't even know what a rubber duck's for.
Draw it.
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d'aww its so cute
>Waking up with the tip of a big fat horsecock jutting out between your thighs


But muh piggies can't draw worth shit
Which fic he did?
That's adorable

Her right leg seems to be a bit wider than the left one though
And the muzzle gets pretty thin towards the end
>you try to poke him to readjust but it just slides straight up your anus
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>'human lyra fucks an actual horse' thing
wait, this is a thing?
can you post this thing?
Learn it.

Took a little longer than expected, but I wasn't content on leaving this without some sort of nighttime shading effects and stuff. Does it work for your guys or should I go back and dick around with the shadows more?
And motherly.
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And adorable.
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>porn of marker
That's like porn of Yotsuba, you swine.
The green aura looks way too dark. to be emitting that kind of light.
The anus looks odd, like it's coming right at me.
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Oh god.

Clopsort finally completely died

truly, the end of an era.
Gotta be night thread edition worthy. I figured Marker getting naughty while reading greentext seemed appropriate.

She really needs more porn

Duly noted. Maybe I should adjust the darkness a bit; could make it look more natural. How's this?

What a strange mix of "unf" and "You horrible monster"
>She really needs more porn
Not to be offensive or anything, but why?
There's plenty of show ponies to choose from that have canon personality.
Is that a Leth-brand montior on weird little wheels or is that some kind of sentient Leth avatar?
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well they need more porn, too
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Thanks to the posts of /mlp/ I finally have achieved lucid dreaming.

It was so amazing be able to fly through the clouds with fluttershy at my side.

There was nothing lewd about it, at all you stupid slutty horses
Here you go bro.


Really, really hot.
Shh, no more tears now, only dreams.
>you are femanon maid, serving a gentleman stallion master
>he has no family, so it's just you two in his gigantic mansion and estate
>which still means a lot of housekeeping, cleaning, gardening, cooking, and more
>you work long hours every day just to keep things in order
>but there is a problem with your stallion master

Continue here or in the deadhorse
Well yeah
I just think marker porn is strange since she's not really that cute
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here's the other pic >shipping pic from last night
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Why? Why is it gone? Why did it stop updating at all?
Check it out guys, human Zecora

is anon a pony or a human? this is important

is also down ;_;
Your terrible sentence structure has me wanting you to not continue at all
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And here's the Apple Fritter anon asked for
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Yo, you happen to hear of Junior (MLPG.co pone) and Gloomy (Hiatus pone)?
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>Not cute
Is this a ruse to get me to post marker pony?
Good shit nigga.
I just like her design. She's a pretty cute pone.

We need more pones having fun all around, not just Marker. Wouldn't mind seeing more Nightmarity either.

Some kind of a Leth based computer avatar thingy on wheels, yeah.
Well all the ponies are cute but she's got ugly hair yo
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I have never even heard of that
I'm fine with http://explicit.ponyfictionarchive.net/ and fimfiction anyway.
what was so special about it?

Thank you
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what do you guys think of this horsedick girl character

>We need more pones having fun all around, not just Marker
That doesn't have to include porn
>over a million posts
Gloomy looks cuter.
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I love cutelestia.
It's greentext. What the fuck are you expecting
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Pinkie. Come on.
It was a catch all for most fapfics of the fandom, including the ones from ponyfictionarchive and fimfiction
What the FUCK is this from?
how to i search for futa rarity fics on this site
Works fine for me.
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I like this one better
I've seen these two around, but only recently. It'd be fun to do a piece with Gloomy/Marker sometime during the hiatus... however long it's supposed to last.

Interest lost.
>That comic on the bottom
Holy shit my sides
I agree wholeheartedly because those were the pones that were in minority.
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>Be a pony
>Find someone to take care of me
>We sleep in two different rooms
>I moan and clop loudly through the wall
So you're trotting around?
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>all this Celestia
I really liked it because it's sorting system wasn't shit.
But seriously, why did it never update? Did the owner just stop doing stuff?
i need more now
I'd be okay with that
Why did no one mention how stupid this onomatopoeia and how it makes no sense back in the day?
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That was a pretty fucked up video, Anon.
much more
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it was something about that hard vore Chrysalis/Twilight fic.The comment section was a carnival of stupid so the guy maintaining it closed it down. I remember another shitstorm from that Zebra/Dash/Twilight fic, but it wasn't "close donw the site" bad.
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>tfw no more amazing dry faps

I remember the dry ones being so much more intense, fun times
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Why don't you come have a seat, let mommy Celestia make you feel good.
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no pone till winter
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I bet Freud would be all over Celestia.
Oh look, even during hiatus markerknight faggots always here
truly the worst
fans of the MLPG
You don't like you some Tales from the Crypt?
aww, they look so sad...

I really would like to be there to support and hug them in those difficult times.
Whenever people bring this up with words like clop and Brony...

They were just as stupid back then, I can't be the only one who never used them in the first place.
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How would pone fight for Anon's attention?
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fellow african americans
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>be a owner
>hear your pet moans and pleading for your dick to satisfied their heat cycle
>run in, pants undone
>she's just sitting in their browsing /mlp/
With their butts.
It would be simple stuff at first, like an apple or maybe a lunch date but would quickly escalate in to offerings of wing massages and blow jobs.
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Couldn't twilight just warp anon's mind into him loving her?

Only slight so there wouldn't be any massive recoiling when he's broken out of the trance for even a second?
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request an audience. She gets what she wants.
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Anyone got that screencap of that post which summarizes episodes from season 1 and 2?
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She wouldn't really
She'd just try her best to spend time with you when you're alone and lonely
it's peace from this evil
i love you
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Ooh, wing massages.
you werent but i did use them
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I love it.
This little horsey kissin' me.
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>implying Freud himself wouldn't want some of this beautiful flank.
Imagine being hugged by the fluffiest pillow
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>there will never be an age progression episode with the CMC

super sigh
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42 KB
Pinkie looks like she is so happy with that.
"Hehehe, I wasn't expecting it to be that much! My tummy is allll better now!"
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>all 6 ponies trying to suck your cock at once
>tfw that edit already got reposted more than any of my art
oh god...

the *motherly* makes it. 10/10 gif
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a hug from dash would be the best
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that crap
not this
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You wanna go faget?

im pretty sure jk rowling said muggle tech would fuck up wizards.
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good show
>he's not even *grabbing him by the throat*
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IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):
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Hey anons whatcha doin
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your waifu
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1.99 MB GIF
Be a dear and do what's right
stop staring at my de-rear and help my plight.
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160 KB PNG

we need more bughuman
lamenting the death of clopsort
when the fuck are we going to get a new one?
Writing. Wanna watch?
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Again with the Guy Fieri, I see.
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110 KB PNG
Playing Shogun 2
It better not fucking be fanfiction.
I like this pon as a sexually waifu

Am I a bad person
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We need more mantis ponies.
Good, you wouldn't like it anyway.
I enjoy this thread from time to time, but I'm too lazy to actually screencap the twidom stories in it.

>tfw did draw request but cannot currently upload it and requester probably won't even be awake when i can post it
My life is suffering
Everyone likes ponies sexually. It's like having a hot cousin, not many people admit to beating off to their hot cousin, but they all do, some are just too ashamed to admit it.
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You are darling
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Why can't I quit you?
Never seen a day thread be this slow.
Just think of it as the hoverhand equivalent
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i-i've never beat off to ponies or my hot cousin
But this is an evening thread.
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936 KB PNG
Drawing backgrounds isn't so horrible.

Anyway finished this. Sorru it took so long.
Are they this slow?
just look at those kicky little legs
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i am going to post this picture with no useful comment
why is Pip wearing a piece of cloth over his face?
Clickity clack
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1.27 MB GIF
they are the kickiest
Oh my god is she having a seizure?
It took me a second to figure out what's going on since the text is kind of all over the place

pretty cool otherwise though, like the shading
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>animal compression suite
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243 KB PNG
Shut up
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167 KB PNG
Posting is fucked for a bunch of people
>angry hips

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33 KB
what if they got a little achey?
would you massage them?
> at first I was like

She is a gorgeous lady, that's for certain.
Does anyone else love the smell of their dick when they have a boner? I always take a deep whiff and it drives me wild
AppleDan, you have a problem
of course i would, as long as she was ok with it
>that sweetie x mac foot fetish human story on fimfiction
oh god muh dick
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Dash has the kickiest kicky legs. Look at them go!
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with my face.
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525 KB PNG
her hips are pretty nice too
> mfw I've beaten it off to my sister before, but never seriously
It's supposed to be the back of his knight helmet...
I'm not very good at text placement when it finally comes down to it...
h-how hot is your cousin?
... What's this then?

What's the title?
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790 KB GIF
>that excited wing-flap


Oh god like the Palcomix thing?

what the fuck
How do you beat off to your sister and not be serious?
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297 KB PNG
The dashfags are all over this thread.

I guess if you can't beat 'em...
"Musk," though really you SHOULD wash with water every day.
I was under the impression that it should just read left to right, top to bottom.
you're bad
>that sweetie x anon incest story with foot-massaging, which will never be finished
That strong odor that semen gives off
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87 KB
>reading up on horse news
>new trend is idiots shaving in cutiemarks
That's kind of funny except I can imagine the kind of people doing it
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1.59 MB GIF
Dash porn when?
I do, but my man funk is strong by the end of the day
never been called that before
fairly hot, also a lesbian
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>horse news

There's a website that's just horse news?
like atheists apparentally
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Might I join the party?
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blushing ponies?
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Where did you get that?
I don't want to wig you out, but I had a friend who had a general staph infection whose only symptom was a distinctive BO in genital folds. He needed some serious antibiotic creams to avoid giving MRSA to his sex partners.
uhh the horse fandom is pretty massive. even before mlp.
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I don't know.

Ponified within the week, calling it now.
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1.06 MB GIF
What a cute pony.
She's been so busy in S3 she hasn't napped on any clouds.
> download available in .epub
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154 KB PNG
>tfw finally finishing up a 40k word fanfic I've been working on for 5 months
>tfw it's both relaxing and disappointing because I shouldn't have taken this long
>inb4 >fanfiction
is this "sweaty, smelly and nasty" foot-fetish material, or just regular plain foot-fetish stuff?
>40k fanfiction
Literally, objectively the most pathetic
I like it when she bounces the ball on her butt
Plain ol' foot fetish
None currently slated. Might throw her in as an extra character in another piece I have plans for a Nightmarity facesitting piece the next opportunity I get to free draw; RD could be the seat

Distant future is probably the best answer.
Why in the ever living fuck would you waste your time on that shit? You could've done something original instead of fucking trash fanfiction
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Why do we have to hate her?
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Most people who like feet don't like them smelly
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Is that you, Nanaki

That's impossible
He either does it in 3 minutes or not at all
I don't.

I just don't particularly like her.
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I know, but around these parts you can never be too careful
Thou shalt not worship false idols.
At least you're finishing yours up. I can't seem to focus on a horror fic that I was supposed to get done by last Halloween.
>50 shades of grey
but im not though
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She should really get to that. It looks like she could use some rest.
no, just another no-name smut writer.
>RD could be the seat
muh dick!

>mfw that's my background at work
>mfw I recognized pony Sanguinis and Abaddon
>mfw I didn't realize the pony I thought was hot was pony Fulgrim
>mfw I have no face
It started as fanfiction, but it was turned into something original, as shitty as it was.
post it
Is it good.

What is it about?

Yes you are son. You are the most adorable thing in this whole fucking world.

And don't you ever forget it.
I feel indifferent because I don't know her. She looks cute.
so I guess Discord is Tzeentch?
>everything you enjoy doing MUST be original and practical
>stop enjoying things for the heck of it
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That's cute.
You're not my real dad!
sometimes originality isn't everything
The Divine Comedy was fanfiction. self-insert fanfiction at that
granted, it's also much better than any pony fanfiction will ever be, but still
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>forty thousand words

And I'll bet you've got some of the most boring prose imaginable, too. And I'll bet you start your sentences with adverbs.
that gif is kinda hot...

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She is a very active pony after all.
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how did they change the shape of FS's eyes
KONY 2013
Quit being a faggot, anon.

What's it about?

>Not just taking the compliment

What are you, a woman?

just human-pony (Applejack) romance. It sounds pretty stereotypical but I tried to do some interesting things with it. Who knows if I actually succeeded.
*quickly grabs his neck by the throat* Back the fuck off!?!?
What's the fucking point of writing fanfiction? It sure as shit won't help you in any way. Least fan art has its uses. Fanfiction has fuck all.
What do you think Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash would if they were all alone together?

I bet Rainbow Dash would be the dominant one and make Rainbow Dash wear a collar.
what an aggressive girl
They used a spell to remove her autism
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She use to be a model, besides I am sure rarity has a few tricks up her hooves
>no followup on femanon maid

Aaight, fuck you then.
neo mlpg
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They had to give her something to force her eyes open and wide awake. Something that's opposite of a relaxant
Like ginger
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Probably cause it's fun
>Uhh dash can you help me get the paint off?
>Let's leave it on for just tonight
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I responded
I think they would be great to have a threesome with
competing against each other to see who can please you better
one could ride you like a cowgirl while the other sits on your face
and every so often they swap places
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Scarf pone is cute. Do you think it's cute?
I enjoy writing. I think the MLP characters are interesting. Therefore, I write about them. I'm not trying to be Faulkner or Tolkien, I'm just enjoying myself.
I thought Ginger only worked in one particular orifice
Rainbow Dash would probably do the best of the two though
Sounds kind of cute.

I'll give it a look.
I think i like this idea even better if it's still just Fluttershy dressed up as Dash and trying to act like her.
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you're welcome
stram what?
A movie or arts?
Wasting time on something most here won't care about is fun?

Then go do something original and stop using MLP as a clutch. It's for your own good.
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>favorite pone
pls mlpg
Tailbow Pony > Goggle Pony = Scarf Pony
>favorite pony

Arts I guess

I was going to stream but my internet cut off whenever I went live ;_;
You mean crutch
Yes, but not smoking the ginger
Hooka doesn't really count though
well, wasting time here is fun
and I don't even write
>most here won't care about
Geez it's like you think this place is hate fan stuff general. Also, it beats doing nothing in the general all day.
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scootapone is still the best
>using MLPG as a clutch
How do I get this thing out of first gear
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m8 i'll a bunch of british slang u
>at first she's shy and reserved and doesn't do a very good impersonation
>but as time goes on and she gets more excited, she gets more and more into the role
>by the end she's even more aggressive than Dash is, grinding her pussy into your face and slamming her hips down against yours when it's her turn on your dick

...I think I just gave myself a boner
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You know that's completely false, right Scootanon?
I forgot this was neo-mlpg
you've got a serious disconnect here. I'm telling you I enjoy writing fanfiction just for the heck of it, and you keep telling me I shouldn't.

You're telling me what I should and should not enjoy. As someone who enjoys a cartoon intended for little girls, don't you find that a wee bit odd?

Everything I do doesn't need to be practical or original.
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>using MLP as a clutch
Are you of legal age to browse this website, kiddo?
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We'd just sit around and stare at each other all day...
everything you dislike is "neo-mlpg"
maybe you should try disliking things a bit less
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I know that pain... I'll stream in an hour or so then.

As for the rest of you guys, would anybody be interested in like a mini-quest sort of thing?

I was thinking: Scoot and Ab rescue Sweetie from the confines of the goat tower. Something silly, that would last maybe 2 nights or so.
>tfw you try to shift your MLPG without a clutch
So is this the new le epic meme
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>Dat filename
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you shut your whore mouth
sure, I'll play
That's because I dislike everything about neo-mlpg
When was the last time MLPG has ever cared about fanfiction? Probably the first friend off of last year, and I'm sure as shit no one read more than half of them. The second friend off had a shit amount of "writers" and we all know what happened in PONY OR DIE (hint: everyone bashed the shit out of the fics), and now that writing event that ran for god knows how long had a piss amount of "writers" for it despite going on for a long ass time.

MLPG hasn't cared about fanfiction in a long ass time, and they won't start doing it now.
>this entire post
Stop with that "neo" shit. Fanfiction still gets the same reputation here as it did back on /co/. Faggots either hate with a passion and adore it like, well a faggot. Others do it for fun.
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Those legs are little but they aren't really kicking
Kicky score: 2/10
Little score: 10/10
Legs score: 10/10 those are indeed legs
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My idea is that they decide to roleplay as each other one night and got so into it that they forgot who they were.
Do you think Scootaloo's legs also kick wildly when she's in the throes of orgasm?
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so is this really what we're gonna do for the next couple months?
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Scootaloo isn't even best filly, for god's sake.
This one is, however.
yes it is
and I'm going to fall for it
Fluttershy as ultra-aggressive (or really just over-enthusiastic) is the best.
why does she look like a hotdog
Smells like chlorine?
you'd dislike everything about mlpg any time, ever.
back then we were even more like the bronies than we are now. since /mlp/ it's been sprinkled with ample amounts of cynicism and bitterness and a desire to separate ourselves from The Piss at all costs.
Wait, what's going on hre?
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Thanks man. You're pretty cool
I don't read fan fiction normally but I would read the hell out of that
it's not that people don't care, it's that they actively hate it. Sure, there aren't many writers, but the few we have get little attention unless they're proven, and the rest just get hateanons that drive them off.
Why in the ever living fuck would you waste your time on that shit? You could've done something original instead of fucking being on MLPG
>that writing event that ran for god knows how long had a piss amount of "writers" for it despite going on for a long ass time.
it is disappointing that there were only 2-4 entries for each prompt
>This is bait, yes it is
>And I'm gonna fall for it
Sounds like an 80s song...
Sure mate, sure. You'd know that wasn't the case if you were ever on /co/, just look at how everyone hated Nathan lol
Why is there no art of this?
and her wings flap a bit too
>air-to-ground cat
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Ehh, sure

>Captcha: was sadhorse
Mother cats pick their kittens up by the scruff of their neck with their teeth. It's instinctive for the kitten to lock up and not move to avoid hurting herself and to help out the mum cat. The instinct stays with most cats
Quest sounds good. MLPG is just eating itself at this point...
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series of animated shorts for youtube called "barbie life in the dreamhouse"
wasn't half bad
stop pretending that you know what you're talking about
Stop copying what I said in my post. I know you are but what am I etc, are you a child?
2+ years here. Yes we hated fanfiction but mainly all the bullshit. People still read and wrote. It's still the same as it ever was.
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It's probably just a hard concept to capture in just one image.

And the days go by
I would like to propose magic guns. Would pone use magic bullet?
Well, I was talking more about two ponies on one human at least.
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>all this blue
i like this very much
MLPG attempting to seperate tmeselves from the rest of the "piss" is what killed the general
Pretty much proves my point, so I don't even know why people bother writing here. If they want to "write" fanfiction they can go to >>>/mlp/ but don't bring that shit here.
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It's kind of out there, check the "human on pony action" tag on derpibooru
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I'll just leave this screencap here
Funny how we're still around
That wouldn't have happened if there wasn't piss in the first place, thus it's their fault
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>not mint aqua
>Dash starts out being overly hammy in her attempts to act like Fluttershy, like Eddy's impersonation of Double-D from that one episode of Ed Edd & Eddy
>as the intimacy starts, her nervousness starts to show and her usual bravado melts away
>her especially sensitive body makes it even harder for her to act bold and brash
>soon enough she's a quivering, moaning puddle
>Fluttershy-as-Dash starts coaching her and egging her on, whispering encouragement into Dash's ear while she's slowly riding you
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So, this is my speculation on what pones would be wanting in lovers:

Twilight - Someone who would like listening to her theories and be unobtrusive to her quiet time. She would be led to experience things that can't be done by reading books, and would be there to comfort her in these things and share it with her.

Rainbow Dash - She would be scared of any intimate relationship. The fear of having her heart broken, of being judged about having a boyfriend, and the possibility of not being loyal would hinder it. If one could gain her trust, and slowly push her into it, they would have her heart.

Fluttershy - This pony wouldn't think she's worthy of having true love. Working against that and trying to make her like herself would be the biggest obstacle. She would like someone to care for, on all the levels, but she wouldn't want to be cared for.

(continued below because of 2,000 character limit)
The general is alive and well at night
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Nuh-uh! This is my first turn. You had it only an hour ago!
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It is quite a pleasing sight.

Rarity - The thing with her is she has a fantasy about what love is, and one would have to have to put up with it until she experiences what it's really like. She will be expecting romantic fixes to problems and a flattery of herself, almost like worshiping. For it to be genuine, she is going to have to be at her proverbial bottom of the barrel existential crisis and the other loves her throughout.

Pinkie - This one is tricky. To get to her core, one would have to get her to sit still and focus. She seems like the type to run away from personal problems or go in roundabout ways rather than think seriously about them. Just enough for them not to bother her, yet never able to solve. If someone was able to get her to do so, and be there with her while all those things explode on the surface, they would be more than just a friend.

Applejack - As much as she worries about making sure everybody is taken care of, and that things are secure, she neglects a lot about herself. She's a fixer and doer, and likely to have anxiety and her heart broken when she gives it more than her all and it doesn't work out. This is to a point where she would push more and more, to self-destruction. Teaching her to be okay with not being able to solve everything yet help her with the ones that can will earn her love.

That's my general idea. Tell me what you think.
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>(continued below because of 2,000 character limit)
>not posting it in a pastebin
>Fluttershy-as-Dash starts coaching her and egging her on, whispering encouragement into Dash's ear while she's slowly riding you

I need a bunk
Some one give me a bunk
>Cloudkicker sticking her tongue out at the end of the GIF
says the guy getting his panties in a twist about fanfiction.
why don't you just admit that you're trying too hard to fit in and save yourself the embarrassment of continuing to flaunt your misinformed notion of how things work here?
damn, look at those rainbow-hips
If anything, he's doing the opposite of trying to fit in, brony
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RD-as-FS and vice versa is something that definitely needs to be done a lot more.
this is my bunk! go get your own!
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He won't stop!
>implying I want to "fit in" with neo-MLPG
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I haven't read Renne Quest but I still save most of the pictures I see and I think these two are really cute I feel like such a brony
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>all this neo

how would it work
>ugly nigger ones at that
Do it.

And if you have a tumblr, post your reactions
>tfw no pony tongues lapping at your bell-end
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>All of MLPG is piled into a bus
>Contributors sit in the back while Anons occupy the rest of the seating.
>Sentenal is always sitting in the front alone
>Markerita is driving and constantly threatening to turn the bus around if we don't start posting pony
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How do I stop loving yellow horse so much?
realise that she's a faggot.
I'd be surprised if you've been here for more than a few weeks at best.
Oh boy, here we go!
Why did you guys make a thread on /q/ about the janitor without having lots of screencaps of his obstruction as evidence?
Having some taste.
>Everyone is asleep
>Apart from a few anons passing notes around written in green pen
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I think Applejack's main concern is whether the person she loves will be able to adapt to her family and her duties to them. He would need to be accepting of the fact that her family will always come first for her.

If he fulfills that requirement, everything else should flow naturally, given her honesty.
>confident Fluttershy
>reserved and shy Dash

>feeling like such a brony
>for liking renne quest
See, on the one hand I feel like a fag for just how high my power level is, though I do fine keeping it hidden...

On the other hand I want to call people casuals for not having ventured into the dark dungeons of fanfiction and come out alive.
You don't.
Yellowquiet is best little sister
If you were forced to choose between sitting next to Ross or Sentenal, which would you take?
...Smith, did you just make a play-on-words?
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Rarity sure is a good looking pony. She get's her good looks from her mother, after all.

She's a plastic surgeon!
Nobody from here did that.
seatbelts everyone!
>and a few of them covertly masturbating
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I only like Post grungecore-MLPG
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How good of a pet are you?
>>Sentenal is always sitting in the front alone
More like having to sit next to teacher
Also who the fuck is markerita, that sounds retarded
This is like the worst episode of the magic school bus ever.

I knew I shouldn't have come on MLPG today!
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>this shit's about to get magical!
Please let this be an ordinary field-trip...
>a few are not so secretly.
>In a car behind them, in a smaller car and shaking a broom out of the window, is scruffy.
this should be more of a thing
Sure mate, keep on deluding yourself. Maybe if you pretend that I'm new then it will help you hide from my truths!
>not avant-garde Siberian jazz fusioncore
>there's no internet so all you have for fap material is a few dirty, rumpled, cum-stained pages of fetish greentext
I'm quite partial to postmodern-MLPG, myself
In my old board, we never ventured up a horse's urethra.
It seemed like one of you guys >>>/q/554327.
Is he really that much of a problem here?

Twilight would want someone who challenges her intellectually, or else she would get bored.
Who would be who on the Magic MLPG Bus?
>an Anon sticks his hand out of the window and flips him off
>Scruffy severs his hand at the wrist
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we never made jokes like this in the old horse.
Pony is good pet, I am not.
Also that is a great picture
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But I looove her...
>by the end of the trip the garbage can is full of yellowed tissues stuck to the bottom and sides of it
Epic MLPG meta discussions again. At least it's not a mansion this time

Every magic bus has Carlos on it.
Some buses have seatbelts.
But brony,
we ARE in your old board.
Actually there were a few people trying to compile screenshots for such a thread, but that anon there seems to have jumped the gun, or the effort has entirely petered out.

Either way, that wasn't "us", just a lone anon.
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No, there's not. Some faggots get upset because they can't follow the rules, and then continue to spam rule-breaking images out of some weird, deluded spite.

There is nothing wrong with the janitor's actions
I bet FS secretly hates everyone she meets
She would hate you
I want off of MLPG wild bus ride!
I guess they didn't piss around so much!
>That S1 twilight
At least I think it's season 1. It's cute enough.
Janitor please go.
>there's always an anon or two who mentions how things were back on /co/.
>/co/ is now the old school that was never this cool.
God damn your eyes, carlos.
Whatever you say, kid.
You're as bad as the people who think only one person hates sentenal
Alright. I know he's spotty at best on the rest of /mlp/, so him hanging out here didn't make much sense.
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scootaloo is the kickiest cutest orgasmiest little pone
I think Rainbow Dash should kiss all the ponies.
except for, y'know, when he deicides soemthing pony related suddenly isn't. Like the musci discussion we tried to have.
If anything he should crack down more across the whole board
I think the fanfiction attitude has just become a point of pride, which makes it very difficult to discuss and near impossible to change any minds about. Some people hate it, whether it's because they thought the attitude around here has always been against it, or they've tried reading some and found it horrible, or they think it's a pointless waste of time. Doesn't matter. Most people I imagine don't care one way or the other.

The problem isn't that people hate/don't mind/love it, it's that every time it's brought up, people attack it. And it's not helpful criticism, either, it's just, "I hate thing."

Why not simply stay silent? You don't have to hugbox or, even if you read it, given them useful feedback. Just don't say ">fanfiction", because what the hell is an author going to do about that? How is one singular story supposed to change your opinion on fanfiction as a whole? How does it offend you in the first place?
>copying my post again
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Why do I even come here at this time of day?

You'd think I'd remember it's a shithole
But I don't
Because you have nothing better to do?
Or, you know, not post it in MLPG. I'm really sure that >>>/mlp/ cares about fanfiction more than MLPG.
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Just train your eyes to cut out the bad posts and only see the good ones

ie posts with Rainbow Dash
>"Alright MLPG, today we're going to learn about the ocean!"
>Everyone just gripes and complains the whole rise there. "There arent any ponies in the ocean!"
It's fine. It used to be harder to mention fanfiction around here but it's slack enough for me now. I like it, others don't. I don't have a reason to bring it up in MLPG but when it is brought up people get stupid so I still stay out of it.

Some people are just stubborn in their opinions on things that don't matter.
>"I bet there are sea ponies in there, fucking brony pandering."
Show of hands, why here posts on /mlp/ in more than just MLPG?
Carlos: Scrubbing bubbles
Wanda- Rose
Pheobe- Jessy
Tim- Dooks
Ralpie -Glitter Glue
Ms. Frizzle- Marker
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It's a little of that, but it's also a little of well, popularity. I can understand the hate generating from bullshit fanfics that pollute most fanfiction in general, which is probably why even good stuff gets tossed aside.
>"Alright, now wink around him. I want to see the look on his face~"
>"What's the matter, Dash-I mean, Fluttershy? Too much for you to handle~?"
>a soft moan escapes Dash's lips as a wet "sqlch" emanates from her pussy, her muscles squeezing and milking your shaft
>"There we go~ I'm so proud of you, 'Fluttershy'~"
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Would you eat corn with Rainbow Dash?
This is getting 2meta4me
>they come out of water and grab the closest filly
>another has fallen victim to the sea pony menace
Where does Tex sit?
Are you quite done?
Tex drove his own car.
b-but i want them doing eachother
That pony is walking on three legs so easily. It's amazing.
>Bus turns into a giant sea horse
>"Hey look, that fish has wings!"
>"That's a flying fish."
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But I do
I could have seen my friends or boyfriend
I could study
I could vidya
I could try to art
I could program
I could masturbate

But instead I want a quiet day on my day off
But instead I come here

There is something wrong with me
i would eat corn without dash, i love corn. but yes i would also eat corn with my favorite pone
he's the fucking gecko
>dat name calling role reversal

what if someone has been posting in mlpg for a while and would like to share something they enjoyed or something they wrote? Part of the appeal of mlpg is the community.

If the post gets 0 responses, that's one thing. No one cares, no big deal. If it gets 8 responses of >fanfiction, that's something else entirely.

I dunno, I guess /b/ and PTS immigrants have gotten to MLPG more than I hoped they had. The fanfiction hate may not be inherently wrong, but it's counterproductive in a thread meant for discussion.
wwhat if your favorite pony had sex with your favorite pokemon
this thread is so laughable
>bitching about fandom and fanfiction
>meta baout a magic bus
>one anon desperately trying to talk about pony
Probably on Applejack's big fat butt!
Liz is the marker.
it never talks. just sort of sits around and watches.
Tex stands, chatting with various people and going from seat seat.

That or he has his own car.
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That's not even a pun.
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>there is something wrong with me
it sure is you're lying on the internet
But who is the bus?
You can have the magic bus for one hundred English pounds
fanfiction is technically pony, especially during hiatus.

The meta fanfiction stuff isn't, I guess, but when has that stopped anyone? We going to stop talking about artists now, too? That's not technically pony.
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I'd even fight crime with her
It's a Nekobus
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>tfw scoota/silver OTP that no one shares
True, it's more of an observation

an astronomical one!
But that would mean the bus would try and kill us at ever chance
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thats the worst ship anyone could have thought of, and i know about ships i shipped myself with one once.
On a river of LAVA!
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stop, please
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>I shipped myself
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You're a homosexual, Anon
Would you have a threesome with your favorite ship?
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Let's talk about princesses:

What do you think dominates Celestia's thoughts?
that other princess'?
Alright, alright, I'll stop

No need to Poke' any one's buttons
Just because I want to be bottom in a guard orgy, doesn't mean I'm gay.
So how many of you put Dash higher in your pony rankings after season 3?

She was #5 at the end of S2 and she's #4 now. Sorry AJ.
How you figure sports fan?
>*q p*
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>Not pitching for both teams
No buttfun allowed.
that other princess' what?
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Would you dare suffer the wraith of the alicorn librarian?
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man I love slapaloo
>what is reading comprehension
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What would you do if Celestia invited you over at the castle's gardens for some tea and cake? What would you two talk about? With no sex afterwards, of course. She don't want any of that human dick.
If I want to be a pretty pegasus mare, who's a pet and a slutty one at that, does it mean I'm gay?
>"Ooooh, that one REALLY got to him~ I don't think he's gonna last much longer~ See? He's bucking up into you and everything!"
>"Ahh! AHHH!! Haaah-haaah-hnnngh! Nnngghhaaaa!!"
>"And it sounds like you aren't gonna last long either~ Look at how much you're leaking~ Getting him aaaall creamy, and he hasn't even cum yet~"
>"Ah-ah-ahhhh~ I'm Rainbow Dash, remember~?"
>"Let me hear you say it~"
>"Say it~"
>"Oopsie~ Looks like you couldn't quite make it~ And neither could he! Just look at all that cum seeping out of you~"
>"Aw, don't get discouraged, 'Fluttershy.' You can always try again...next time~"
Why would you waste time on that
>she just teleports to late book owners
>at midnight
>and waits until they seem comfy
>then shouts "TARDY!" before retrieving the book(s) in question
>eventually people start having nightmares
>Luna notices
>Luna has to sit Twilight down and have a talk about abusing godlike power for petty reasons.
>the irony isn't lost on twilight
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If liking magical talking unicorns makes me gay I don't want to be straight!

I'm concerned about her future
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That's some pretty effective censoring there pal.
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does she like videogames?
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haha-my dick
How a slayed the 30 score of dragons, ate and drink with my king and mastered the art of the sword.

and how cute I think RD is
Again, MLPG's interest in fanfiction has dropped a lot since the last hiatus, so posting about it here is pretty useless. Shit, there's barely any writers left, and even their fics a re usually ignored. So really, what's the point of bothering if there's nothing here?
Applejakc your songs are terrible!

At lest last time you could count correctly!
Pretty much that. Talk shit and gossip about various locals
I requested that, and my answer hasn't changed since
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calm down there, Applejack. I'm sure your can ink just fine.
I like
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Jesus fucking christ
oh my god
Why isn't there more stuff like this
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at least Applejack is sober and can spell correctly
>D-did I do okay as you?
>implying all contributors are recognition-seeking attention whores
glad you liked
>"So, Rainbow Dash. She's a cutie, huh?"
>Celestia just stares at you, and slowly floats her teacup in front of her and takes a long sip out of it, not breaking eye contact with you during the whole time
Did xieril ever finish that?
>Dragonball Z the porno
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yeah, you're right.

I just wish you weren't.

Twilight would be disappointed.
>my resolution

new wallpaper time
If the interest is so low and little to nobody talks about it, why is it such an issue posting it here in the first place? What if the writer just likes MLPG more than other places?
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Would she still give you a blowjob because it's a nice thing to do?
>advanced spoilering
>"Mmmmm...needs a liiittle work. But don't worry. We'll be sure to get a lot of practice~"
>"But first...it's MY turn~"
Wallpapered so hard my fingers broke
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>"What is it Celestia, a dragon slaying knight cannot enjoy the sight of cute cuddly ponies?!"
>A-apples! she manages to moan, under the fury of your intense pounding. A-apples! she continues, tears of joy and pain streaming down her face. "Louder," you demand.
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He's 2busy2pone, he hasn't even finished the sleepy RD he posted last night.
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last one, now pony motherfucker
Probably not. But I could see her giving you a magic "handjob" if you asked really nicely.
Your spunk would be a rare alchemical cumponent, and she'd eventually ask you to make a weekly contribution
>Celestia secretly wishes you'd say that about her
>its not that she thinks you are strange for thinking dash is cute
>its that she thinks you are strange for thinking dash is cute


>you take a sip of tea yourself, also not breaking eye-contact
>"Well she is."
>"And that Twilight, she's a real looker"
>She coughs on her tea in shock
By that logic, so would cunnilingus
I'm sure it might be enjoyable to exchange stories of our respective peoples

>"...and after a period we called the Space Race, we finally were able to put a man on the moon."
>"Goodness! How did they ever survive?"
>"They had suits."
>"But unarmed?"

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are those breasts?
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Asking really nicely seems to be the key to a lot of things in Equestria
We just got used to talking about it in other threads because a number of people ho left last summer came back and caused shit whenever we mentioned fanfiction.
>may i please rape you
Because it's easy shitposting material.
Is that a human?!
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>magic handjob

at least it's something
nope..it was a typo...

yep. being friendly gets you very far
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>she starts laughing uncontrollably
>takes her like ten minutes to stop giggling
>"but seriously, anon..."
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You can't rape the willing
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>You'll never anyone with a body like this
Reality sucks
And I'll never meet a girl like Pinkie Pie.

Everything sucks for everyone
>"You're right. They all pale in comparison to you."
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>fluttershy will never give you a wingjob after a tiresome day of work.
why am i even alive
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I'm bored. Screw what anyone says.
I'm going to go read a fanfiction now.
magic and a 1000+ years of learning to act due to royal requirements and etiquette can go a long way towards making you forget that.
So that's a no?
>Anon's smile dies down as he takes another sip
>"No, really, I know several very... cute ponies. Some I see more than others. It's a pity, really."
>He puts the tea down
>"Because some of these ponies are quite beautiful."
What if I spit on the book would it be mine?
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tell us which one if it's any good

What exactly is a wingjob?
You have to touch it with your balls.
No problem in liking it, but they really shouldn't expect anything from MLPG when it comes to fanfiction.
sounds like someone needs to read LK's Derpy story
They hug you with their wings non sexually and give you a big soft tickle
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Pony wings are pretty dextrous. Use your imagination.
Imagine getting a handjob.
Now that hand is a wing.
>she gently cuts another piece of her slice of cake, biting gently on the fork floating in front of her.
>she takes a sip of her tea, stands up and exits the garden
>a few seconds later
>birds flee the garden
What's a handjob?
>Twilight sittin there reading a book all peaceful
>suddenly in the top of her vision, right on the page she was reading, your sack hits the book
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>You'll never a frigid Fluttershy
>She's loves you dearly but she just can't get wet
>She gives you blowjobs and wingjobs more often than you ask for them in exchange
>Cuddles up to you afterward like she's enjoying the afterglow with you

Could you deal with it?
Ya blew it
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this crap: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/6515/days-of-wasp-and-spider

It was in the fimfiction featured. I have no idea what it's like yet. It looks weird but promising. Likely it's gonna be terrible but there's only one way to find out.
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then why isn't she using her wing in this pic? huh?
>celestia swearing
>not hot
shiggy diggy dooby doo
why is anon in ponyville aggravating the shit out of ponies so amusing
>Celestia acting like some animu tsundere bitch
yeah how about no
I can get behind this.
>not even being able to please her with your fingers while tweaking her sensitive little teats
I could deal with it, I guess...
>Hanging out mane six out for a walk
>Quickly start rubbing your but all over the ponies
>"Anon! What are you-ERGH- doing!?!"
>"Saving you! It wont want to eat something that a butt has touched!"
>no MILFlestia yet
twice the pitty
Because the visual of a pony taping something to their hoof to use it is amusing.
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MLPG, everybody.
wait, that's supposed to be tsundere?
Thats just and excuse to rub your butt all over them.
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Critiques please, before I take this any further.
While that is true, there are a few people who do. Usually decent fanfiction discussion here isn't even that much. It usually gets posted here, slightly discussed here if discussed at all, and then discussed elsewhere, like the sub or FiMchan.
My guessing as to why the writer would post it here instead of "out there" to me, seems like a group of friends who discuss random crap with one another, and if the writer prefers here, just might want to know what they think, what little amount of people it is.
But that implies she has kids that aren't mine
I was thinking about doing a quest with a somewhat tsundre Celestia. Granted, it wouldn't be full tsundre, but as much as possible without borking the base character.
EVERY Celestia is MILFlestia
That is a saggy anus
how would that even work?

Whoa, I really like how everything flows. It's hard coming up with good critique on it because all the stylistic choices seem appropriate.

I would change the line under the eye. The black one; just get rid of it completely, i think.
>thinking about
>not planning it
Get that shit rolled out in a week, damn it.
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>mfw having pony dreams
>having my wings messaged at the spa
Celestia's not a mom, dude.

She's one of them whatchacallits. Heiffers.
they can be yours. like that MILF Derpy greentext.
that just means she's YOUR MILFlestia.
maybe tsundere was the worng word, but your typical female "baka (insert male character here)" and then she hits him for no fucking reason because he like glanced at something the wrong way.
I had a dream that had a pony in it. But never dreamed of being a pony while asleep.
>implying she would lose her composure like that
Has anyone gotten any of the build a bear pony plushes? How are they?

I'm sad to admit that I'm at that point where I really need something to hold at night and it might as well be Pinkie Pie
Might as well make it Dash.
Were you a mare or a stallion?
She's concerned about something, which distracts her. Then she meets you, and as time goes by the thing that initially distracted/frustrated her disappears, but she associates those feeling with you. So, she acts somewhat tsundre because she's kind of conditioned for it, but at the same time her feelings for you have developed.

I would, but I have to finish my other writing tasks first.
Why not me?
well, she's had a thousand years...

I had ONE dream once. It started as my usual "reading a blank book in a forest clearing" dream I have sometimes. Suddenly I'm covered in a wing, celestia's, and she's reading over my shoulder. She says "this is my favorite part" and I wake up. I have no clue what it means but I stopped ponying for a week afterwards.
>"Wings, your masseuse called to tell you she'll be late today."
>"Of COURSE you'll receive a discount for them. It's only fair."
>"And it's a pleasure to serve you as always, sir."
Because you're not real

>not waiting for updates on the guy who's making a life-sized pony plushie with a fuckable plump pony vag
>yeah not that "insert a fleshlight" shit it's gonna be built in legit
whoops, meant that first reply for >>9905479
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Why don't we just make all the ponies Rainbow Dash?
I like to think Dash turns a bit into fluttershy when romantic emotions are involved.
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one of my favorite things
I dont want to spend ten grand in some brony building war
A more perky anus.
I was thinking the same thing, right now they're just place markers for where the eye stops.
T-too big?
Because we need something other than worst pone
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Am too
I'm pretty cute as well
My Little Vapid Cunt:Lesbianism is Magic

Celestia could be a "Type B" Tsundere by this article's definition. Naturally kind and caring, but she wields enormous power and can be passive-aggressive and underhanded in her own ways. (I mean, sabotaging the Grand Galloping Gala? Seriously?)

A shy tsundere?
We you sure as hell aint a pony
I'd love to get a massage, even nonsexually.
>No-one called her pretty
What about the other way around?
I'm having a hard time visualizing it. guess I'd have to see it in action.
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MT/Jessy/Brae, please.
Is there an easy way to make gifs like that in Photoshop or do I have to use another program?
Yep, Fluttershy is the aggressor in the bedroom.
>no one has called Rainbow pretty before

This is so sad
Oh god
>too big
Eh I'm sure most people appreciate it this big
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you would tell her she's pretty, wouldn't you Anon?
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>still no cosmo stream
I'm die
people still say this about dash?
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Are you callin' me ugly?
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Did he finish that fic he was working on?
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>everyone always goes on about how "cool" she is, or how "amazing" her tricks are
>or even how good she is at skyclearing
>but no one's ever said to her that she's pretty
>you're the first one, and she doesn't know how to react
File > Import > Video Frames to Layers
Window > Animation
>that gif
what the fuck
>that pic
Why does this anon sound like a sassy gay friend about to give her a makeover?
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No, I'm calling you a very pretty mare
God dammit, my spaghetti
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>tfw no cute lithe guy with a big dick to fuck
>tfw no stallion to fuck
>tfw no gelding to fuck
I bet it makes the most pleasant "slap" when your hips collide with it while you're fucking her
oh yeah?
well I'm scared
I thought you already left us. Why are you back?
I'm horny
guys... pls, my heart. i just...
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Oh, you're right hahaha fuck you!
the face is a little derped
the hair tangles real easily if your gonna sleep with it, but feels really great to fondle with while you're hugging her and feels great to squish your face into
She is super soft and huggable and squeezable
don't forget you can add a scent thing to make her smell like strawberries, bubblegum or cupcakes
I chose bubblegum and she smells great
8/10 for 24 bucks
oh god, now I hear it too
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Does Hiro still come here?
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I'm done. Time for video games.
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>I know I'm pretty you eggheads, quit rubbing it in
I kissed your favorite pony.
Did she like it?
i'd rub it in rainbow dash if you know what i mean
i really don't remember the last time i seriously smiled of happiness, not because i saw something funny
did you like it?
You're pretty swell Rainbow Dash.
Sassy gay anon:
>Big, beautiful, strong, well maintained. And SUCH a pretty shade of blue.
>Girl your wings are so fab!

4chan is a website for legion by legion, every faggotry needs to be purged. All we need is /b/ /v/ and /pol/. Those boards were fine before /a/ and /co/ was created and newfags took over.
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>Pony dream
>Be a unicorn mare
>Hear Rarity's voice
>"You look marvelously fabulous darling"
>Later she's trying to find the right shoe for my hooves
>I have never felt so pretty in my life

She said that you were a better kisser, but that she'd set me up with one of her friends.
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Shut up you fucking blue dyke.
That's my little pony
>not Dooks sees your lineart.gif
So does he and Rarity get along or are they rivals?
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>Those boards were fine before /a/ was created
funniest post all day
well isnt that the pot calling the kettle black
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Why don't you go make out with Lame-ra
he's her #1 assistant.
Let's find out
he does, just as anon most of the time.
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>You call Dash pretty
>She's taken back by it
>She's never been called pretty
>She's never been called anything feminine

>When she was a little girl she had messy hair and was pretty fast on the track
>That's all she ever got any substantial praise for
>For being athletic
>For beating the boys
>She got it stuck in her head that that's what she needed to be
>She needed to be a better boy than the boys else she wouldn't be good at anything

Would you help Dash realize she's a girl?
Would you help her catch up on lost time?
The closest thing I ever got to this was Rarity being drunk and saying I'm cute. Then Twilight who was also drunk started laughing
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All right, we'll stop.

You realize /a/ was one of the first boards created, right
What I figured.
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why don't you make out with muh dick?
I need more sassy gay anon. I'd bet Twilight doesn't realize he's gay and she tries hitting on him awkwardly.
>Those boards were fine before /a/ and /co/ was created and newfags took over.
>before /a/ and /co/ was created
>before /a/ was created
keep going
I need to laugh
I'd rather watch Fluttershy show her what being a girl means, but I'd try.
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>you'll never be a pretty mare
>the best you can ever hope to be is less than average looking human 3dpd male

>NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- World Trade Jewelers is pleased to announce their collaboration with Hasbro, Inc to create and distribute jewelry designs expertly replicating select Hasbro related themes.
>Now, their portfolio of iconic and private label brands has expanded into entertainment themes. "Jewelry retailers will recognize the power of Hasbro's highly popular brands and see this as a huge opportunity," noted Murray Shabot, CEO of World Trade. "Hasbro's branded properties are legendary and proving extremely popular within our jewelry creations. Consumers of all age groups immediately recognize the CANDY LAND, SCRABBLE and MY LITTLE PONY iconography, and will now be able to wear their favorite designs and themes within our licensed jewelry collections."
>A key, targeted segment is within the 24-34 U.S. female market as influencers and purchasers.

I am intrigued...if only to see what high qua-er, high cost MLP jewelry looks like.
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as much as we like to think it, i dont think Dash has a problem with her feminine side.

i mean she is always in the best dress
Hey Bon Bon, how come I saw you going down on Minuette in the park?
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