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I'll be on AIM at MOOTCHAT for the next few hours answering questions and complaints. Feel free to send me a message (read: complaint)!
love, —mootykins

EDIT: It's hard to keep up with lots of IMs. Feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org if you don't get a response or I'm not online.

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The night never ends.
I want to cum inside nightmare moon
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>tfw there will never be Jones Soda pone
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Poor changelings.
>No Cream Soda
I just grabbed one of the first pictures Google gave me.
fuck now I want some jones soda.
I would cream in cream soda
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You mean fuck

fuck jones soda pony
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night thread
I like you MLPG

But I really should stop coming to 4chan altogether. Its not good for me.

I just only wish I knew how
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Is this from a comic?
Man, I've always liked that image. Could never really get the context though.
You know what? I'm gettin fuckin inspired. Come summer, I'm gonna run a Quest. This isn't gonna be another 'I wish I would have's, or a 'wouldn't it be cool if'. Fuck, I'm gonna start writing and planning now.

Goddamn I'm pumped for nightwrites.

I want to stroke those ears
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Nightpones have the most adorable fluffy ears.
She just landed after being blown back by Shining Bro and Cuntdance's SaucyLoveboom.
Good luck. Just dont get too bogged down in the story
Hell yeah
But anon, you and anonymous are my best friends.
Contains my requested drawing and the answers to a few questions from the last thread.

With that... goodnight, all. I hope my return in a week is fruitful and brings you something you'll enjoy.
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Understandable. She's busy right now though, but we got a replacement bugpony for you.
they really do
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Previous Thread


[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.7.c 05/04/76 Fixed!



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):
I don't know man. I've been here for nearly 7 years, the general for more than 2. They both just sort of became a home away from home.
I'll try not to, but I need to set some kind of general framework up. If I don't, my stories usually spiral out of control with no direction.
bugpony is just as hot. She would be my backup. 9/10 would fuck cheeselegs and spread my seed on her eggs to fertilize them
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ha ha ha

time for Curvy Belle
depends on which flavor
fuck that water shit water isnt tasty

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE and be dissapointed by FROM ME.
No no, frame work is good if not a must. Just dont get too caught up in trying to follow things along a certain way

If you've ever DMed an RPG you kinda get the idea
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Wheel of Hiatus, turn turn turn. Tell us the fetish we should discuss.

apples appleing apples
>not even rhyming
I think your wheel's a year out of date there, Yakko.
Nope, I'm a complete greenhorn when it comes to this. NEW EXPERIENCES
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sometimes I wish I could sleep forever
I just don't have the energy to update it.

Here's the psd if someone wants to take a crack at it.

>anon devolving into nothing but a pretty pet for his friend-turn-master
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Why are you such shit at drawing anything appealing? That's not curvy. She's got cycling legs and a grandma ass. And those colors are awful, not to mention your shitty rendition has her at 14.
Octavia getting bred
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What like this?
Bedwetting Fluttershy? :3
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That's going too far
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oh boy, is it sad time
babby's first feels
Can I....just have one Pinkie Pie for bed?

silly anon, pinkie pie is not for sleep
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Sad time?
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sure thing anon

But I'm really really tired and she's my favorite
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Haha, no, thats not how it work, Anon.
First of all, you would have to visit her in her lair, the tunnels shrouded in a green glowing fog, shadows scampering around in the corner of your eye, distracting you from the path which you should have payed attention too - because now it happened and your feet are stuck in a puddle of goo and now matter how hard you try, there is no way to free yourself.
You can hear a delighted chuckling come out of one of the tunnels and when you try really hard, you can spot the silhouette of a tall, lanky body coming towards you through the fog
Now that's something I can get behind.

But you're too slow. Only one for tonight.

But I'll keep it in mind
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too bad
have this one instead
fuck everything
Remember to focus on the important plot points and not so much how players get there. You don't have to railroad them back onto the "right path"; simply move the objective on or near to the path they've chosen to help them discover it on their own.

If you have a challenge set up for them and they bypass it before knowing it existed, move it somewhere else to have it it block another part of the path later on; they won't know the difference.

But do sweat the details, and be prepared to improvise and do most of your world-building on the fly. Your players will want to explore your world's possibilities and will feel happy when you can always give them something interesting to see or do.
Thanks, I'm gonna need all the help I can get.
>my only sunshine
>his sibling is right there
I really like that one. It's my favorite OC and I'm kinda sad she's not really around anymore
Rose was here like last week
I guess it's the Big Sleep for her.
have you never heard that song before?
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Ah gee whiz, the picture only has the exact same colors and values as the picture I ref'd it from
He's seems to think the mother was only singing to one child.
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I bet she's really warm
Like warmer than already warm ponies

So warm that you'd have to run the aircon to cuddle with her
But you'd be super comfy when you did
It's a little too close though. The legs look semi-realistic while the upper body looks more cartoony and it just clashes a bit.
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>mfw trying to figure out how it would feel to have the body of a pony

I can't get that skeletal feel right.
Isn't that what "only" means?
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man I'd never get up if I had a pony to cuddle
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Ross, how do you explain that no one likes your work. Are you just a misunderstood genius?
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I only like Chocolight when she's a pony.
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I don't like it either way
The head's size and proportions kinda clash with what you're trying to draw.

And personally for me, the way you draw heads, and especially the faces, looks just so unattractive to me. It's right there in the uncanny valley of cartoony faces.
muh deck
Just because something works in an image doesn't mean it'll work when transferred to a drawing. The lighting looks odd. Like it was copied down with no thought about how light was actually hitting the body being drawn instead. Also the torso looks oddly placed, given how we're looking at the rear.
Did you not learn anything from the gull in that Ballad of Nessie short?

Fair enough. I was just responding to the guy who thought that there was pretty much no basis in reality when there was, as lackluster the execution was.
It can be sung to more than one, anon.
Well then it loses its meaning, doesn't it? Think about it.
Rooty tooty pony booty
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Daily reminder to watch out for flying mares in heat.

Remember, even ponies without wings can fly to you
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Why is your penis so small, Anon?
I really like you, but this is hard to work with
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Right. Like I said, sometimes in order to get a more realistic look (like it looks like you're going for with the lighting), you have to exaggerate and compromise. It's kind of like how you wouldn't want to draw an object at a certain angle or location in perspective if it would look odd and out of place. Sure, it might be visually accurate, but on copying that down, it could turn out flat or oddly shaped. The same applies to lighting. Light and shadow works in the picture of the runner because it's a picture. When something is obviously drawn, the rules change a bit, and the brain begins to notice things that it would overlook if it was an actual photo.
I don't understand that feel.
you put that back right now
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The coloring is decent but the anatomy is very broken. You claim to have copied/referenced the picture but you only referenced the rear and the legs, everything else is out of place. Her right arm doesn't match up wit her right hand, her torso is way too small, she doesn't seem to have any shoulders and if you were going the realistic route her head is ridiculously large. It's not a good idea to mix realistic anatomy with extremely stylized characters. They look goofy, and not in the funny "haha" way. I'd suggest practicing realistic anatomy first before stylizing it to the extent you do now. You need to know how it works before you stylize it.
>tfw there will never be a sixpack of jones soda pones
>tfw cant stop thinking about dicks and dick shaped things
Don't know that feel at all
I do have fingers, Dash.
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Why are you trying to buy shrunken women's heads? That's fucking creepy dood.
too bad
I'm gonna color it
Sssssshhh. Everyone stop giving him advise. You'll bait him to try to draw realism again, and my sides will go into orbit.

Ross' head is so far up his ass he's picking out curtains for his colon. Why do people encourage him?

Fair. I really was NOT thinking when I drew it.
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Would be better without the spaghetti and feel face.
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>they thought it was a joke

they were wrong. it's not fear that gives men wings. it's boredom.

Because he's not as shitty an artist as people make him out to be. Still kind of an asshole though.
What needledick bitch is that for?
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Wow, you really let your fifteen minutes of fame from your pathetic self-insert Rarity fapfic go to your head. Even two twigs need a few moments before they start a fire.
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>tfw a horse will never milk your load out of you by winking furiously
Freud, that wasnt even your cue. Now, be a nice psychiatrist and go back into your corner till the Celestiafags arrive.
Anyone have that Ross and Jessy fluttershy comparison picture?
>tfw you can stop thinking of being a pony and being fucked by dicks and dick shaped things
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Hey Sang what are the chances of getting some fat stallion fiction in the future?
I looks good to me
and I want pinkie to be pink
How the fuck are you supposed to fuck that?
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What is this, a marshmallow butthole for ants?

That needs to be at least... Three times as big!
Either that thing is much bigger than I thought or it will be kinda hard to stick your dick in there
>self-insert Rarity fapfic
Yawn. You can do better.
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>Misunderstood genius
she wants the finger
>responding to him
It was obviously already good enough if you couldn't ignore it
Alright, gentlemen. We teamin' with /co/ or /mlp/?
Ross, if you honestly want people to take you seriously, you're going to have to stop shooting back insults at everyone who happens to express an opinion that isn't your own. Discretion is the better part of valor.
Those arms are too short

That's just it. I can. You can't.
Sentenal is with /co/, that makes the choice a lot easier.
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Nah, I legitimately know he can do better. Three months ago he used words like "Cheeto fingers" and "Fat minge". It was much funnier. This time it just sounds mad.

Ross baby, I can't get it up if you're not privately enjoying it too.
so he made it for personal use then?
I liked one plan, join up, tell /mlp/ to fuck off, and go explore this fuckhuge world.
So around what time is the ticket master gonna air in Japan?
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You'd get killed, nobody's gonna trust a bunch of strangers running around.
He's half T-rex

Ross, have you ever seen a therapist? Do you have any diganoses ?
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>CTRL+F Sentenal01
I just thought it was a neat plan. Other than that I think either /co/ or whatever home board people from here are from. Although I might join /tg/.
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Cmon Sang pls I need my fat stallion fix.
If we had enough people, we could form a close alliance with /mlp/ in return for one of their islands, but again, for this we'd need at least 10-15 players.
He left them for /co/, probably got fed up with the /mlp/ folks.
Until I finish my Master's Thesis, the chances of getting any fanfiction are slim, good buddy.
That's outdated. See http://mlpg.co/v/res/31.html
>you will never lovingly sound a marshmallow ponycock
Bull pop.
Those arms are just too short
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That was my joke. You took my joke.
good then we can be killed by /v/ seperate from /mlp/ instead of with them
you are going to die D1 just join /mlp/
You now have a boner
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nope, try again
Not likely. Mostly everyone here hates /mlp/.
That's impossible, I've already masturbated 3 times in the past two hours.
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Who here owns a dragon dildo?

List them
Oh, because running to /co/, a place that was always against us back when we were there, is so much better.
And /v/ is going to be disorganized as fuck, the most they'll be able to achieve is just flooding over some areas with 200 people.
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he's hatted us for ages.

he's half mutant T-rex, new and improved with extra-short arms.
Now that's just bad
/co/ is MLPG's abusive boyfriend. He hits us, but only because he loves us and we're the only ones who can see his soft side.
>not even a picture attached
not really
>a place that was always against us
Not really, mostly everyone took advantage of the filters or didn't care, vocal minority hated us. But in this, yeah they'd probably kill us anyway.
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I prefer a different kind of big Bloom.
>anthro oppai loli applebloom
...sure, why not.
I hate /mlp/ and, unless MLPG does something sensible, I'm teaming up with them anyway; simply because this is our home board whether we like it or not. At least I don't belong anywhere else more than here, since I only ever went to /co/ because of MLPG.
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As much as I don't like crazy muscles like this, or anthropomorphizing AB, that drawing is probably the most tasteful way it could have been done.
Well you can do that.
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so full...
it's a boy

that's fine.
Would you help Pinkie eat healthier so she can give birth to a healthier child?
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Ok so I just found out what Yandere means. I know Trixie is totally tsundere. But which pony would be described as yandere. To love someone so much it is to the point of extreme violence or psychopathic tendencies.
but Pinkie isn't pregnant she's just a fatass
Fluttershy or Lyra
>you will never sting the great and powerful ass
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Computer pone best pone
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sometimes. depends on which of us you listen to.
The excuses of Mr. Cake
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Pinkie pie
I guess any wife-beater is just Yandere.

Looks pregnant.

Tiny, tiny head.
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Scootaloo when it comes to Rumble


Possibly Guilda.
>Mr Cake's excuses

That's not Pinkie. That's your own OC, with her own story, and background, and tastes and so forth. It's not MLP>
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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Why doesn't she spend that time in the gym?
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>Goes crazy for not writing a letter in time
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Holy shit totally forgot about that moment. Your right.
Because she's an alicorn
>Play hard to get with Fluttershy even though you like her
>She just rapes you
That head doesnt really line up with the neck, looks like she's some alien-pony hybrid



Because fat people logic
>Why is she so perfect /co/?

She was. In season 1.

Not anymore.
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> /co/
>Implying I'd let fluttershy rape me
>Implying I wouldn't be the one doing the raping
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Because best pony taught her how to be perfect
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why can't she be a bird?
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Сырой тушеное мясо делать вы страх это Яблоко. цвести?
>that faggot that keeps on asking why shes so pruple
But that's a harpy pone.
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because she's a pretty princess
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nearly all the once-perfect ponies are no longer perfect. even Rarity isn't perfect anymore. only Celestia is left unbroken, unsullied. and even now the barbarians mass at her gates, to tear her down and burn her.
Its чувствую, что not страх это
After careful consideration I decided that Fluttershy is best suited for a yandere.
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Are we going to get our own autonomous island in the Minecraft shit?

Really we should have a big island.
We're faster than most of the boards on 4chan
But anon
we are most of the boards on 4chan
How would that make her cute?
Just go and build rapture
Most likely no.
I just copy pasted it word for word so people could get the english meaning by popping it into a translator. Sorry.
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>mfw I'm watching a show about ponies who are all friends yet I can't even fathom how I would even begin to get friends, much less talk to people in real life.
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What would happen if you actually reciprocate feeling for a yandere, but be firm in being able to socialize as if it were a normal relationship in the case that FS would be extremely controlling
Because that's kinda what I'd do anyways with Fluttershy
Can we go hollow out the entire earth?
Most people have an awful personality anyways.
probably not.
It might be possible if we have enough people.
>Select name
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>Select your pistol
>Select your horse
>Select Pistol
>Select your horse


That's a Ross OC wearing a pink wig.
the fuck is up with that legs
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I kinda like the pointed leg look...

Then ROss' creatures would have to fend for themselves for attention, and he would have no reason to post them here.
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Стейк ню... Ты не бойся, Эпплблум...
All this talk about Ross and OCs reminds me I actually liked those two milk and cookie OCs he did once.
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I seriously love those eyes.
Best case scenario? You'd probably not have to mind her coming home with flecks of blood on her coat and never seeing that really nice mare that you held a conversation with a few days ago again.

Worse case scenario? You never sleep because the moment you do, she "marks" you as her own with a knife because she really really loves you and you love her right? I was just afraid that you didn't know I loved you so I just carved a bit into you to show you. I have the same mark on me, see? See? We're happy and we'll never be apart ever again.
Which pony has the most copious loads?
Man, I want to breed her while she wears that outfit.
she looks like a whore
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>Hobbies: Shitposting in MLPG

In the trash it goes!
and a drug addict
So a gypsy?
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>Damnit, Fluttershy, she was my boss!
thats fuked up bro
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There's not enough gypsy pinkie
>too small violin
>left handed, by the chinrest
>no bridge
>scroll is too big
>holding a violin like that
>fine tuners where
>bow where
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271 KB GIF
>Even:Homework and shit
i really need to stop putting that on my cv

fuck you.
Gypsies are the fucked up ones
It's your own fault
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Forgive me
That ain't even that bad

One time I accidentally left the fact I watch a show for little girls on the hobbies section
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Oh, this?
>There will never be a Pinkie and Trixie gypsy duet with a Hunchback of Notre Dame theme
Why don't you have any friends?
When's the last time Ross has drawn pone?
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>not anal sex the ost
No. Do something to fix it. A draw thread and not a single gypsy pinkie request.
I have a feeling that if it weren't for the cakes and the elements of harmony planting her down in ponyville Pinkie would be a traveling party mare.
You may be joking, but you have no idea how bad applications are sometimes.
Had a holiday job where my task was to sort out applications written by obvious idiots. That was the month when I lost faith in humanity
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WHELP...more gypie comin up i guess
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>Oreo Pone
Ross, pretty please draw more.
That shit kawaii as fuck nigga.
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But anon, i'm not that good at drawing yet

I would love to see that, actually. A lone Pinkie, traveling the world and bringing happiness and laughter to all that stop to listen to her bright tales and songs.
O..oh jeez...do you have a refrence of that oreo pony....I think I have a new crush...
smile pls
draw anyways
>she will never travel the 4th dimension just to bring you happiness
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70 KB
minituffs licking oreopone butt when?
Yes. They're actually very cute.
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She is the most bard like. Makes me wonder what brought her to ponyville in the first place
probably by sunup depending on how fast i finish this gypie
Those are some nice hips

>Captcha: Gipsies icybut
You don't have to draw to request. This explains why it's filled with shitty requests most of the time if that is what people believe.
>I have a girlfriend and she loves me tons and I love her back
I'm mad jelly. I don't think I'd trade my friends for a qt gf, but it would be tempting.
>Have dream I drew a neat picture last night
>Boost of confidence since I'm finally drawing
>Wake up and realize it was just a dream
I think it's a sign.
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this was already posted faggot
I wish I had dreams like that. If you're confident enough to have a dream about drawing a good picture, you're probably confident enough to draw a good picture. Go do it.
Must study

And i'm not smile
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someone just posted this.

That's the only drawing I did because I thought it was dumb as fuck. My recommendation is to take out the big ass oreo on the side and make that her cutie mark. When in doubt better fatter than thinner, make her a target for gangbangs by handsome stallions yadda yadda greentext feels why boner yeah
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Oh sorry
have a different one then

i know.

deja vu
Hey Ross:
It's kinda funny that for me the experiences are the complete opposite than what that guy is experiencing.

But I suppose that it's mostly because of how just having people to chat and play games online with is more than enough for me.

Are you trying to cheat me again, anonymous?
That is a really, really crushing feel, man.

Who knows? Maybe she owed the Cakes something, or maybe she was just taking a break from her travels. Maybe she knew that was where she had to be to meet up with Twilight.
Noooo keep her the saaaame.
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Would you give pone a healthy spinach salad?
Only if she makes lame as fuck Popeye references while eating it.
Holy fuck:
I... guess.

If that was all I had.
Well, if it's hungry I guess I could make some... which pony is it?
Man, there's just some fetishes where I will never see the appeal.

I should draw some more chubby pones though.
Your favorite.

And she's very hungry.
I was getting kind of worried I was the only one who thought this. Really don't understand the whole fat fetish thing.
My tears wont stop flowing. My breath refuses to return
I just realized I want a pone version of that pic
*toot toooot*
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>not having all of the fetishes
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>Maybe she knew that was where she had to be to meet up with Twilight
this, probably consider the strange future sight she may or may not have.
I'm starting to think Pinkie is part zebra

these wounds, they will not heal
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I would kiss angry twilight's ass
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>your favourite
Oh.. oh my. Does she really just want spinach? That seems like a pretty lame meal for my favourite pony
She'd like you to put some spinach in there - she's had an odd craving for it all day.

But whatever you make is bound to be delicious.
Why do people hate MicTheMicrophone
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Just know that it's most understandable when it's actually abstracted far from what the reality is. The fat fetish, to try and make it sound as appealing as possible, is basically wanting a woman who feels like the pillow you rest your head on.
Because MicTheMicrophone is astupid name
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"Epitaphs on THAT certain pony's gravestone"
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Here lies Twilight
She never scored
fucking adorable
Isn't he the one who talked about how you have to already have talent to be good at something, then choked on stage later?
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I'd give you all my money but it's not a lot.
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nice human pose/10
That's fucking cute.

I want my dicks better drawn than that.
he said that in some con panel and then Eurobeat, who was there too, disapproved of his statement

Not bad, Montana.
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>always have dreams of killing/being killed/death/war battles/mortal peril, etc., etc.
I wonder what Luna would think of that, if she really wants anon's D over one dream.
Maybe I can be a general or a decked out front line soldier or some shit.
I prefer
Mega Tits
Milky tangos
Mighty tuba
Mumble talk
Miniture Trees
Mistakes Taken
Miniture toughness
One day I will be fast enough
You queer, boy?
>always have dreams of killing/being killed/death/war battles/mortal peril, etc., etc.

I'm always wondering what's up with that shit. I'm pretty much non-violent in real life, but a huge chunk of my dreams are related to killing something, razing a town or something like that

>Tex forgets his trip
Fuckin' pikies!

Too bad, MT abbreviates Montana. Live with it
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Poor sexually frustrated Fluttershy
was that a sentinal post reference? If so I laughed way too hard at that
>pulling a bugsanon on stage where people can actually punch you
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I'm dissapointed.
>Mega Tits
Minituffs with massive crotchboobs?
Yeah, I think so. It's not an exact copy but pretty close.
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I'm gonna have to ask you to stop.
what about Mondo tarantula
I...could draw this
Mountainous Testicles?
>I...could draw this
Mersenne Twister
Monster Truck
>you will never rinse pone's womb in gallons of hot semen
miserable tacos...

>tfw wanna take commissions
>but always doing requests instead

Sometimes...I think I'm dumb at art business
Maybe in a bit...drawing oreo pone

You should draw Oreo Pony
What is it with artists and initials that don't stand for anything?
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I request
Gypsy Apple Bloom
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>pony will never fill your stomach with loads of eggs
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Pretty sure they normally do stand for something. The artist might just not be willing to tell you
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Glitchy Belle!
>vanellope von sweetie.png

That's alllllmost laugh out loud funny.
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> crawls into fetal position and start scratching himself
Give me a reason to draw instead of going outside to exercise and stay fit.

>Shiny all god damn everywhere

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Geez Twilight, where do you even get 50 gallon drums of lube from anyway?
Oh - uhm... does my gratefulness if you draw us something count?
You wanna make something of it?
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You should do thing first.
Then draw.
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Those horsedicks aren't gonna draw themselves.
People often overuse a technique they just discovered. I don't know for how long he already did it like that and if he stopped by now though, maybe he's just bad at drawing.
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>poni will never lay eggs in your waifu
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Kawaii Codec Pack nigga. Easy to install external filters such as MadVR. No more hassle. Use the MPC bundled with this.

/a/ and /g/ are behind this, but the other boards are slow to catch on.

There's no reason to use vlc in 2013.

And yes you can change the icon. You could even use a pony if you wished.
>she will never clutch her swollen belly
>she will never beam with pride at making you cum so hard she looks gravid with twins
I don't know if I want to draw Scootaloo embracing Curvy Belle or Diamond Tiara

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I wonder if she'd allow me to join
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Scootaloo embracing Apple Bloom
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is there a feasible way to draw while exercising?
Fuck off, your fat fetish drawings are awful.
Honestly as far as I'm concerned shit like this is a plus for VLC.

If you pick Curvy Belle she will be curvy, not fat

Learn to geology
Take your sketchbook to the gym.

Draw a muscle or muscle group.

Then do an exercise for that muscle.

Just go exercise, we'll be here when you get back.
A good workout shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, maybe an hour if you're really into cardio.
>tfw never have any problems with VLC
>tfw not watching my goat cartoons on a toaster
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What if she is my waifu?
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I can't cardio indoors
in this weather
i need to climb a mountain
Ross, you've truly reached a new level of stupidity today with this post.
Climb a mountain, draw at the summit.
Enjoy life.
>>tfw never have any problems with VLC

Video quality is better on even standard MPC:HC. Use it. There's no reason to use VLC anymore. My laptop is from 2008 and was never high end, but it can play even the KCP+MPC package fine (I use lowest settings).
>tfw you will never convince Chrysalis to host her own eggs, just once, to see how it feels
>she winds up enjoying it
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I dunno...he was a genius with Oreo pone
>you find her later lying on her side, her belly bloated and jiggling with squirming, writhing changeling eggs
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>you will never give her the creme filling she deserves
Climb a fucking mountain and bring your sketchbook for the peak. Drawing in nature's great. Just be sure to bring enough supplies.
My only thing is...I wanna give her hime bangs...cause that FOREHEAD...is un-nerving...
Just don't bring only Hawaiian Punch to drink.
>every tiny movement in her belly sends a shiver down her spine, her eyes rolling and breath speeding up
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Why didn't you save her?

what does she have to do with MLP?
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But what if there's surprise rain

I'm over-concerned, i should go do it

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Because she didn't love me
Give her the M
How do you even get that stupid? Really, Hawaiian Punch? For hiking?
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good luck, anon
and remember; Don't be a Jay, Bring Water

>following it down to a T

That just causes undue stress. Take liberties as you feel like doing. The pony actually has widow's peak, since nearly extremely fat woman ever has a five head with shitty, wispy bangs trying to cover up that space and, yick, yeah.

Or a tarp and hikin poles to make a tent, and have yourself a little picnic up there.
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I took coka-cola with me once
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Oh... I'm actually not a fan of inflation, I thought it would be less eggs...
This is a good way to get filtered.
MT make it stop raining
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I never drink anything but water and afternoon tea anyway

I could use some sort of block of sort to hold under as i draw, i'll just drop by some store it's on the way.

>it's afraid
MT make it keep raining
I enjoy it
>not liking the rain

<3 rain
it makes the snow go away
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cutie pop
rain rain go away...come again another day. If you stay, I hope you may bring the flowers for the next day
>not waiting for the rain to wash who you are
>laughing lolicatgirls.swf

Seriously though, too many ponies have bangs, a widow's peak is easier to draw, anyhow.
>doing a rain dance
this offends me
>not Mr. Blue Sky
Apparantly we need to clear some stuff up.

Snow>rain>clear sky
widow's peaks only look good on dracula, tall then men, and some renditions of Morticia Addams
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is that rainbow dash?
Rainbow Gorilla Dash dressed as Lord Zedd
Vegeta has a god tier widows's peak
>implying vegetable ever looked good

Kid gohan level represent
That's clearly a gorilla, anon.
kakka karrot cake pls
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Thats silly, why is Dash so silly? She must be hanging out with AJ a lot more recently.
>tfw triple widow's peak

Get on my level.
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Your hair!

What are you, gay?
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You'd be surprised
what a happy pone
You're right. Too happy.

I can't be that happy.

If I'm not allowed to be happy, NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY.
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Well fine, I guess I'll draw Oreo Pony again. But I'm making her bigger

kids these days
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but you can be happy anon
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>Watch TFS DBZ Abridged Season 2
>Its actually 30% jokes and 70% story telling
>The editing and dubbing is so good I forget that its a parody and not the real thing.

I actually forgot a lot of things that happened in DBZ. Its like an abridged series that's actually an abridged series
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Draw some butt.
>you will never a chubby stallion's stallion chubby
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Oh thanks... I tried to get my mkv's running right lately and couldn't find proper codec.
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Celestia pls
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Shut the fuck up faggot I want it to be night thread forever
>that feel when pony's well pumped marecunt gulps and slurps inches onto your cock all night long
That's not chubby
That's corpulent
I don't feel
nor do I want to
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Still at least 3 hours until I have to deal with the sun
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MT draw some twilestia action please

>one day, in 2015 she will actually draw my request
>one day...
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64 KB
MT and Ross are gone. This means that the thread belongs to us, now.

Horse boners.
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how about those
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SB ffs
stop mimicking Jalm
it is pathetic
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there p cool
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why this
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You kidder you...
Jalms and SBs style arent that similar
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Supreme boredom
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>le epic rape meme
They're not similar at all.
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I bet Twilight smells like lavender.
All your vanity - and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a Matter of time
We started it. We must live with our creation
I don't understand
i thought i was posting the >hugs? one but couldent tell from the thumbnail
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>Not previewing your images
is this also some sort of le epic may may?
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Are you serious right now
Nope, just some guy trying to force it
I hate you guys.
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H-how about you sun my head in instead?
>You will never die on top of twilight while riding bareback
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78 KB

>That hussy TWi
>Not superior Marker

Her voice was so cute at that part

"BLAH BLAH BLah blah blah!"

>tfw Sweetie's VA's voice will finally deepen from puberty
>tfw no more voice cracks
Are you one of the developers? I've seen you posting this a lot in the last few days.

I'm a board anon with no life. At least I can recommend people to superior software to improve their lives.

I also bitch at people for still using Zsnes and utorrent.

/a/ has been using this for like god damn forever. It's finally leaking out to the less tech literate boards.
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Look at all those not Ponies.
That's alright I guess, it just caught my attention.
what should I use over utorrent oh great one
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72 KB
>what should I use over utorrent oh great one

I'm actually not 100% on that myself actually. I know if you use modern utorrent it's bloated and ad supported, and closed source so I don't trust it.

I use deluge and it works fine. But some people bitch about it.


That could also work.
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The sun is rising! And so are you!
Haha, that's great

>tfw she'll never catch you looking at inappropriate pics of her, saying nothing, just standing behind you and breathing down your neck while you dont dare to turn around
I'd probably cum right then and there
you should do a quest
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A obnoxilestia quest?
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Joke's on you, I'm already risen.
Wouldn't that be an?
What a shame, she was just about to help you with that
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Yes nerd. I meant to type an

draw noise
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March 26, 2013

A date that will live in infamy.

The day Waifus came to video games.
Now, this thread only goes down.
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I'm bored.
You guys are boring.
>Alyx Vance

anun pls
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Fuck you, arisen
What would that even be like
>You are Celestia
>You are bored
>Time to go annoy your minions
Remind me next weekend and I might.
Have you tried picking up a pen?

Otherwise post what you have right now, maybe someone in here can give you advise
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>megasweet just did a r63 shota pinkie picture
It can be surprisingly hard. I know, I tried butts.
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So is Twilight just not immortal, like alicornhood doesn't come with all the powers Celestia and Luna have or will all her friends become alicorns?
I'd rather pull a bugsanon than have someone like themicthemic talk people down. From what I remember, he even talked down on his own fans.
"Twilight won't outlive her friends"
- Meghan

I have bad news, anon...
First one
She just got wings, no extra powers, no godhood, no immortality, no nothing. Her wings are just a symbol. Cadence is in the same situation.
>all her friends
The question was if Twilight was going to outlive "all of her friends".
If she considers Celestia, Luna or some other seemingly immortal being her friend the statement "No" is already true.

Pretty sure what she meant was just that we wont see anyone dying.

because i don't want to get banned

it's on paheal, you nigger.
I meant mic with bugsanon. He was the one who talked about the talent bullshit, not Eurobeat
>implying someone isn't in the process of uploading it to imgur right now
I read that. That's why I'm asking. So either all of them become alicorns or she isn't immortal. Those are the only options. it's not like she'll dioh sweet mother of god
That pic is old.
Alyx didn't have the hair to be waifu tier.

I'll never know why GabeN didn't see fit to bless those games with hair physics.
>you are one of Celestias minions
>try to make it through the day while she constantly tries to annoy you
Oh, I wasn't sure what you meant by bugsanon (since I'm rarely there when he posts), so I assumed you were talking about Euro somehow.
Also it's not shota.

MS has to have a gun to his head to draw anything other than futa.
Bugsanon is the guy who always brings up the "practice is useless, you wont get anywhere without talent" thing.
Ah, alright.
Either she's going to die after one of her friends, or all but one of her friends.

Point is, one of her friends is going to die before her.

Pinkie. She has to put her down with her own magic after Pinkie got the diagnosis of terminal diabetes.
It isn't futa, if it was futa she'd also have a vagina.

It's either shota or a dickgirl. It doesn't have boobs so it could be either

>MS draws the same dick over and over again
>Not giving the world a abundant of juicy cocks on the pony girls to gaze at, all with their own uniqueness
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I bet Rainbow Dash could die faster than all her friends
>same dick


I could try to redline it if you post your sketch
An abundance*
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>that pinkie
Well let's take them one by one
Fluttershy lives isolated with her animal friends who will defend her and are under her complete control. She doesn't do anything dangerous. Still she goes into the woods and some wild mythological creatures might attack her. So in the end she has low chances of dying.

Rarity also doesn't do anything dangerous. No heavy equipment, she can defend herself if needed and you won't probably see her alone at night wondering the streets at random. Probably the least likely to die first.

Pinkie is crazy. If diabetes hasn't killed her yet it won't do it ever. She also doesn't do any dangerous activities so eh.

RD does dangerous stunts, takes risks, is a hothead and so on. She will probably die the first while trying a new trick or something.

AJ works on the farm. Problem is she works to much. And she works even if she is in no condition to do so. Sleep depraved or not she will work. She's also very stubborn. Really she could end up fucking up majorly one time when she's way to tired to do something but still tries to work. Farm related accidents happen a lot. Also she could try defend someone from a wild creature and end up dead. I mean Ponyville is near a forest full of horrible monsters. Not as high chance as RD but probably the second most likely.
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I don't get it.
>sleep depraved

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Thanks, I feel like the proportions are shit out of whack

also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbJanCYONrk
I'm not sure what's going on in this pic
I think she's using clever symbolism to tell him to screw her.
Anthro Fluttersy with a hammer on the snout of a dragon
Fluttershy attempts to slay the dragon but fails horribly and is about to get eaten
How much pony fan art is genuine, and how much of it is to just pander to the brony demographic?
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>try to redline it
>its already red
double unf
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This is how fuckin' organized /a/utists are. I'm blown away by this. They got this shit down to a fuckin' science.

Why is /tv/ and /co/ so far behind? /a/ are the trend setters in piracy.
I don't care. I just want pony drawings
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I really love this angular look.
It was even redder then before, I took the opacity down cause of this

Should I just make it blue?
I don't know who to fight for in this MC event, but I want to stand with MLPG if there are enough players. Any anons partaking in it?
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>Should I just make it blue?
what do you think?
A redline doesn't have to actually be red. Any dark contrasting color will work.

The term comes from animation where artists will typically sketch in non-photo-blue and do corrections in red before moving on to inking.
Oh. I remember this one comic where a dragon fucks Fluttershy with his tongue.
Well of course we want the most autistic person in the world on our minecraft team.
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I am. Though how its looking, I might have to betray /mlp/ to go with /co/ everyone is out to get /mlp/ and that thing with /co/ asking for help earlier sure didn't help its reputation

You write that off as sarcasm..but it really could actually help
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Who else is going to make a mega auto farm, make pens for hundreds of sheep and hostile mob grinder?
I wasn't being sarcastic.
sounds hot

That's some nice cross hatching.
then why are we fighting?
>Anonymous asked: Does anyone in your real life know you draw ponies? What has been their reaction?

>Yes. Apathy.
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>not watching the show
>not telling everyone you're doing it for money\
that's what I do
The idea is, too bad it was drawn by lumo. 7/10 is the best I could do.
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>the people agreeing that they haven't seen season 2
I don't know if I should hate you for making me look or if I should hate my powers of google-fu

Wouldn't they give you puzzled looks and say "There's money in drawing ponies?"
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I tell them "yeah, you should try it. Its easy."

I don't actually do commissions though
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>buy pony card pack for shits and giggles
>Fluttershy and Aj are on the front
>notice that Fluttershy has Pinkie Pie's cutie mark
>open up pack
>there are supposed to be two character cards and one episode card
>instead get one character card and two episode cards
10/10 good job Enterplay
>Buying cards
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Must be nice to be a pony. Don't have to deal with figuring out what you have to do in life and if it's the right thing for you. If it is, POOF, cutie mark!
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I bet his co-workers don't know.

Unless he posts a pic, I'm always going to imagine Tex really looks exactly like Tex Anon. Some tough looking guy who never smiles. Then he gets home from work and posts applejack in MLPG for 4 hours while listening to Beck.
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Where can I find his really early work? He seems to have deleted it all.
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I'm gonna use em in the next Magic tourney.
Its both great and depressing.

I mean you know what you're going to be at such a young age, but you also learn that this is all you're going to end up doing.

Wanted to be a samurai? Fuck that, you got a speaker cutie mark. Congrats on being a loud speaker
The thing with Joey Darkmeat though, for me at least, is that he seems to be a man of few words and his popularity doesn't seem to get to him that much. He just draws what he enjoys to draw, and that's that, and as such his indifference to the show doesn't bother me.

I could be biased because I love his sketches to hell and back, but whatever.
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It's a pretty rough sketch, so I cant give too much feedback

Made the neck shorter because it's really long in your version
Cant see too much from her ass in your sketch since there are too many lines but it looks like you made her belly a bit too fat, Celestias body gets thinnder towards the hindlegs
The ear placement doesnt really looke right. Drew two ears on it, depending if you want it to point straight upwards or behind her
Made the muzzle a bit shorter, though that is just my personal preference

Try to avoid all legs being straight and placed on the ground. Even though that might seem easy, it often makes the picture look really stiff
ir probably doesnt work like that though. They are probably naturally predisposed to enjoy what they get as their cutie mark
Did LK post those stone gigas proportions while I was asleep?
I know a guy at one of my local stores who uses the Season 1 poster printed on a large mousepad as a playmat and a bunch of Trixie cards as creature tokens.
Yea but their cutie mark predisposition is the happiest thing that they could possibly do.
well, I could fap to it.
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Rarity has diamonds on her but but makes dresses.
Pinkie has balloons but can bake.

Cutie Marks just show at what you are the best at but it does not limit your choices
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>pony doing a blowjob
>POOF, cutie mark
>she is the best blowjob giver in all of equestria
>there is no one better than her
>but all she is is a walking blowjob machine
And thats why some ponies wear pants to hide their cutie marks.
Oh jesus yeah that looks a bunch better. Thank you!
>hourglass cutie mark
>fanon still insists on Colgate being a dentist
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>Pinkie has balloons but can bake.

Pinkie hasn't made a god damn thing that didn't taste like shit
>now you're just the blowjob guy
Shut the fuck up Iron Will, you've only been in Ponyville once.
[citation needed]
do you watch the show
do you
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Foreverial hiatusized My Little Pony with ham bologna and cream cheese tongue
I fucking love this comic so much
Oh please
Cutie marks are a goddamn lie. Ponies just invented the whole special talent bullshit.

I mean come on. They just use it to fuck around. Take Cheerilee for example. She has some flowers as her butt mark. And what does that mean? Growing flowers? Pff nope means she's talented as a teacher.
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Twilight casts her time spell on you.

You get 5 minutes to talk to yourself in the past.

What do you say?

I'd tell myself to write down a bunch of art books and go get them and start drawing right now.
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Think about it

Muffins made everyone sick
Her cooking with Applebloom burned everything

Every good she has seen watching over has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Cake.
No shes making young buds sprout into flowers ie making the kids grow.
That was AJ
And Apple Bloom made the cupcakes not Pinkie
It's metaphorical. Kids are like..flowers? They grow?
Shit I'm not very good at this
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My god.
Stop drawing fanart, it will kill you in the end.

Also don't use paint tool sai, stick with photoshop
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Dear god it's true. All I am is the porno guy now.
Don't fuck up so much in high school you fucking retard
Oh shit, it's true... maybe I don't want to be popular after all
Yeah but Pinkie directly guided her
>that book

Someone post some pages from that please.

We need to find a drawfag who'd be willing to redraw a page with ponies. Or just shoop LMJ faces in there.
Yeah mehaphore.
And my dick cutie mark is a methaphor about how good I am at physics. It's just 2deep4you to understand this kind of methaphore
New nippony is today, right?

>Mega Sweet.jpg
Id tell myself gold prices, lottery numbers, apple stocks, buttcoins, etc

Who are you?
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>my dick cutie mark is a methaphor about how good I am at physics
>Implying this doesn't make sense
He's "The Porno Guy"
Pay attention
The blowjob guy.
Have you not been paying attention?

But which "porno guy" ? This fandom is filled with them.
I'd tell myself to get diagnosed with depression sooner and to not stop drawing.
There's japanese pony now?
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Do your co-workers know that you spend hours talking about your Pony Waifu with losers?
Everytime I see this I think of a purple carrot
>There's japanese pony now?
Yes, always on monday. First two episodes aired already.
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He's THE porno guy
You know the one
All of them put together. He's super blowjob man
With the power of the best fuckin blowjob you've ever had

But Mega Sweet hasn't posted here in months.
Is the dub any good? I must see some.
>your head

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>Chrysallis fails to resist temptation
>Tackles that ass and starts "feasting" on Twilight
>Good End. Literally
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Why the fuck is the joke going down a waterfall with my head?
Would she stay looking like Grincess Cadance?
Because Chrysalis is too buggy
I've enjoyed the dubbed episodes so far, but they seem to skip some of the scenes just to make room for ads and some pointless Pony TV at the end, ala Lucky Star's thing.

Here's the first ep
I like it, apart from AJ and Spike the VAs are pretty good. There are some cut scenes though and apparently the dub isn't done to well if you understand japanese

And that NMM und Celestia voice...
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>see this on my dash
>read it
>suddenly realize how my gayshipping looks to people outside the fandom
There is nothing in my room that Rarity wouldlike
Give Ponka the cardboard box that holds all of my old vydia

Hug the hell out of that horse.
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>Implying Double D can be shipped with anyone but Ed


>Ed can't stop talking about him
>links don't work on smartpones
Well I just received a TI-nspire CX whatever. I'll say I opened it to put CAS software on it to make it better and more useful for her. It's half true. And she'd fucking love it.

I win
Theres p. much nothing that I have that Gilda would like enough to make up for me forgetting her birthday, so, I'm gonna go with get punched in the teeth
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>".............wanna spoon?"

no seriously why haven't I taken these dishes down yet
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I give her a copy of the redwall book from my library. It's about animals so she should like it...
nasse whats life like in the snowman military?
Look for MyLittlePonyJapan on youtube. That channel has 'em.
Uhm... make her a nice bath and rub those tensions out of her wings maybe
he said pone you dingus, and who the hell would have gilda as their second favorite anything. she is in one fucking episode
...Daphne is a pedo?
You have a bath in your room?!
It is horrible and I want out. I'm a fucking cook.
N-no.. I only have a shower but I guess she would understand.
Nevermind, gilda is clearly in first. If were gonna be picky about non-pones anyway, I'd give rainbow dash a rainbow dash toy. She'd love it
HAHA shit happens man.
Ed is in high school. Does that still make her a pedo?
Get back to work and peel those potatoes.

The porridge ain't gonna stir on its own, either.
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>Second favorite
>After Gilda

You know Gilda would hate you for putting her so close to her in the rankings, right?
do they not guarantee contracts in your country? but that sucks man. i will say some of the most badass combat stories i have heard have involved cooks, but thats here in murka
See this is becoming problematic
I'm discounting Gilda because were picky about non-pones.
Rinbidis is after Fluttershy on a strict, pony-only list
Is he evolving?
Well, just see it this way: Cooking is actually a skill that will be useful in everydays life, keeping watch and shooting at paper targets not so much.
What would Gilda think of your tattoo?
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>Fluttershy at first
>tfw want to learn to cook but extremely lazy

My waifu would be so disappointed in me...
Wait what's Nasse do?
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>Forgetting Luna

Roogna you are actually a slut
Every food starts with boiling upwards from 50 liters of water. It s not really cooking.

Also the dub is pretty kawaii
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Those are some crappy ass list roogno
No I meant the military thing. Did he enlist or something?
That's gay.
I hope she's like it. I got it so I can match hers!
I didnt forget Luna!
I like her she's just not my favorite
Goddamnit really like pinkie too. I was thinking of bumping fluttershy down for her but I dont know, I dont think fluttershy could handle it
Nigga you gay
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a while ago, its why he was ded for so long
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Good morning, MLPG!
Oh, what country?
I don't think they could have fucked up any worse when it came to designing Donte
what country do you live in again? norway or something?
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Its not gay unless penises are touching
..or in this case...existing
Eat shit Rarity.
hes perfect as a mexican though
Isn't Nasse from Sweeden? Or one of the nordic countries?
True, the mustache does do wonders for him
More like eat sluts
I might get offended...

Someone add Flutter-toots.
Personally I don't think its that big of a deal.

Its Dante in the early years before he becomes the hardenned badass that he is in the other games.

He's at least 30 in those games right?
I could see that about him. Then again I know nothing about the DMC games. I only owned the first one.

Virgil is unnacceptable though
To be perfectly honest, Donte's design was great in the actual game. He really fits with the whole punk thing they were going for.
i did not mean to offend i just remembered it was in that general part of the world, and i did remember it wasnt sweden. whats basic like in finland?
Heavy tactical gear and forest.
I kinda like to think that they made Donte so hateable because you're not supposed to like teenagers in the first place.
To other teens he must have been the shit, but to adults like us, he's just a punk.
DmC is a reboot so it doesn't really affect anything from the old series. And Dmc was already a prequel.
>Its Dante in the early years before he becomes the hardenned badass that he is in the other games.

There is no connection between the games, they are in a separate universe. They do not work together at all. Did you even play DmC?

They're totally separate characters.
sounds like fun, how long is it?
Nah you're giving Ninja Theory way too much credit
Finland, Sweeden, Norway same thing.
Wait no. You live in the same country as Santa. Dude could you tell him I want some ponies this christmas?
So is it just sort of a national guard thing where you do preparedness exercises but no actual fighting?
>read ponies as panties

What the fuck anonymous
>Did you even play DmC
Well yeah when it first game out. Its been so long. When I saw the new DMC trailer, I just assumed it was Dante as a kid. Maybe I just like playing devils advocate
Oh oh ok. Nevermind then
Canada and US, the same thing. It's all in America.

Just saying this because Finland sets itself completely apart from Norway, Sweden and Denmark because of its language among other things.
You're the one who read it like that. Why the fuck are you blaming me?
Depends on what you mean by actual fighting.
two months basic, two months specialization, 2-8 months of doing what you were trained to do.
If I see him, but I think he knows already.
i honestly think its smart to make some sort of short basic enlistment mandatory for all citizens of a country. Makes ita bit easier should you ever need to instate a draft as there is less training you have to do.
I think the Japanese voices are cute apart from AJ and Fluttershy.
Rarity's i the prettiest.
But I'm blaming me.
It's a relic of the past in fear of Russia, and how we fared against them in the winter war.

Even though the reality is that if Russia ever mobilized we'd be shot down instantly.
>Depends on what you mean by actual fighting.

I mean armed conflict with a foreign enemy.
>two months basic, two months specialization, 2-8 months of doing what you were trained to do.
sounds pretty much the same for the way America works, but i guess there is no real different way to train people.
I'd ask someone for a spear and after going back in time I'd stab my baby self.