I wonder what griffons think of owlbears.Bats are 0 for 2 on pet material, and the vampire fruitbats in Bats! aren't likely to endear themselves much to Applejack. Will there be a pony for a bat, someday (or somenight)?Something to think about this evening while you wait around as a living chess piece.>>15163933Previous thread.
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats, the healthier he is
>>15169916why would there be copyright issues?
>>15169987i dont think pony understands what he is talking about
>>15169916what is the whole deal with the owlbears?I feel like its' a joke older than I am.
>>15169916As adorable as bats are, they make absolutely terrible pets.
>>15169916This picture is about as canon as the comics
>>15170017Owlbears are a classic DnD creature.They might actually be older than you.
>tfw the bears win the suberb owl
>>15170031Ah, that would explain it. I need to go to /tg/ ,ore often.>>15170034Fuck, I laughed
>>15169916Reminder that the comic are neither good, nor are they canon.
I really like Katie's art. It's the cutest.
Pony says that most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side
R-Rara sama...
Pony told me that the "world has gone to shit" and that "nohuman cares anymore"
>>15170049That it is
Pony says you'll find that the less time a man spends in cryosleep, the more awake his brain is (barring the animal/primitive side, which is usually awake)
>>15170067Stop calling me that.
here is your present anon, no opening it until christmas.
>>15170102R-Rara sama.......
>>15170067How do your like your Rara-sama? Yandere, tsundere, or himedere?
>>15170104>unwrap it on christmas day>its a book in a pony wire-frame stand>"God dammit Twilight"
>>15170102>tfw this little thing grew up to be fabulous
Best micro yet?Best micro.
In the original storyboards, the final battle took place in the underworld, where everything was made of flesh and bones, and the final villain was the undead shell of Starswirl the Bearded. However this was changed to taking place on a giant space colony, and Starswirl's spirit was merly possessing a mechanical body.
>>15169998>>15170017>>15170031>>15170044It is kind of curious. Hasbro owns D&D right now; would Gary Gygax's estate have their own claims on owlbears (he was the one who came up with them). But, then, they've had appearances in a number of non-D&D games over the years, too.Just a joke, I suppose, no need to look too deeply into it.
>>15170137Anon, the micro comics are over, we no longer need to say "yet"Friends forever is a serate line that keeps the spirit though
>>15170087I really wouldn't mind if she did a full issue.
>>15170149>RobolichI should be mad but that sounds FUCKING AWESOME!
>>15170162Yeah I've seen owlbears in several non-DnD works.Hell even DQ has em.
>>15170162hasbro does not like crossing streams. they still view mlp as "pretty pink princesses" and DnD as a toy for boys.
>>15170181>DQ...Dairy Queen?
>>15170166Oh.Well, what a way to end it!
>>15170191Dragon Quest, probably.
>>15170123R-Rara sama....
>>15170161The only correct choice
>>15170181>Even Dairy Queen has owlbears.Holy shit.That explains the five buck lunch.
>>15170197Yes, recently been playing 5 and I saw them on there.
>>15170034I like your mind.
>>15170162>elf>not Fighter>not even Dwarf or Cleric
>>15170204ThugderityYandershyKuudashTsunlight SparkleHimemina Diane PieApple Jack
>MLPG laughed at me and told me to kill myself when I showed them dogecoinYou should have listened to me, MLPGYou could have been on the dogesled with meI only want the best for you
>>15170157oh geez i didnt realize fa is back.its like a surprise christmas gift, for my dick.
>>15170227>KuudashHow would that even work?
speaking of the double D, GOG is having their gigasale right now with only a couple hours left and D&D has a huge discount bundled together.
You can cuddle a CMC or filly mane 6, but you can only have one.
I wish I had friends
>>15170247Yo i don't play nerd games for nerds you nerd.
>>15170244I'm not sure, but I think kuudere is when she likes the dude but has to keep up appearances. 'Like I'd ever be seen in public with you! (but hey, meet me behind the school after class and I'll blow you)'.I could be wrong though.
>>15170257Then stop wishing and start looking for them.
>>15170257i wish i had friends too, but not you. you are not very good.
>>15170227>not Danderejack
>>15170257>tfw no frens
>tfw no seapony gf
>>15170266No no, kuudere is the one that seems cool and aloof on the outside. The "ice queen," essentially.
>>15170299>finally get seapony gf>time for sex>she sprays eggs on the ground and sits there waiting for me to jack off onto themdoes it still count as losing my virginity?
>>15170337>implying she wouldn't blow you and then drool it all over her eggs
What are you listening to, MLPG?>Television Rules the Nation by Daft Punk
>>15170337>"You want to what? Stick that thing in my egg pouch and fertilize them BEFORE I lay them? How deviant!"
>>15170359my friend on skype
>>15170337>"What do you mean land stallions don't have an egg pouch?"
>>15170297stop fishing for friendchips anonwe all die alone
>>15170364>She then injects them into your belly.>Fucking seahorses.
>>15169916So apparently copyright is a legit thing in Equestria now...There go my cd's.
>>15170359Luigi's ballad by Starbomb
>>15170364>"...I love it."
>>15170387>anything besides the show>canonshiggy do do dah day!
Post deep pone
Wait...bitch you ain't no hobbit, right?
>>15170364>>15170415well hello there boner
>>15170377But we can live together
>>15169518Please no, her being okay with it and maybe a bit ditzy is too much.
Pony said you were "mysterious as the beb side of the moon"
>>15170470Favorite side character in the comics
>>15170483I found him extremely annoying.Babs Seed levels of annoying.
>>15170478It is a very deep pony to be able to accommodate Spike's girth like that.
>>15170470You know, I don't mind the comics developing their own exclusive side characters
>>15170377i will die alone and hated by many but atleast it will say on my tombstone that i had a good computer and never smoked weed.this might be weird to the people in the future since weed will be legal and most likely become socially acceptable and normal. so i will have to explain to them that in the past weed was illegal and bad for you.
>>15170441Pony fnagn
>>15170441Deep enough for you?
So what do we know about the future Rarity episode?
>>15169916I feel like I should be enjoying the "spidey sense is tingling" joke far less than I am.
>>15170257I had friends cuz of mlp, and then I fucked up and they aint friends no more -.-
>>15170549that it doesnt exist
>>15170549rarity tries to impress some fancy ponies but in the end learns her friends are more important
>>15170572you were set up for a strong chance of failure from the beginning since anyone who is into mlp is pretty unstable in the first place.
>>15170549Rarity tries to service all of the cocks at once, but then she realizes that sometimes help from your friends is acceptable
>>15170600what the fuck, except me, right?
>>15170549Well we know that she'll be a vapid skank, she's Rarity, after all.
>>15170631i'll duel a nigga to the death, watch your mouth.
Pony says you'll find that the less people browsing the thread, the more beb it is
>>15170549It'll be the best episode of the season
>>15170608So she calls your mom.
>>15170665Rarity episodes are the best, for the same reason why Applejack episodes are the worst (and almost non-existant)
>>15170600Yea, still depressing. I dont get out much cuz of work, and so making friends is difficult enough as is. But then to fuck up cuz I got stupid while drunk and lose them made it worse.....
>>15170509how horrifying
>>15170497>Flax Seed comic.>The entire comic he is blankly staring at stuff as shit goes down around him.>Hes the focus of the comic so all of the crazy explosions and shit are background only.
>>15170668i will bury you
>>15170441>deepNTSTS/Obsidian pls go
>>15170565>Woah man.>Looks like it's time for a spider man comic!
>>15170683Applejack's getting two team-up episodes already soon, with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.
>>15170706Wasn't that kind of what the Big Mac two-parter was?
>>15170703Why does she have fangs in that picture.
>>15170512>this rarity has two functionsAre they being cute and making clothes?
>>15170509Is this Yogg Saron pone?
>>15170742HahaI will not be able to unsee that now anon
>>15170741Yeah, but this time the pony is high as balls.
>>15170231how do i get dogecoins
i still need to kill myself
>>15170785Buy them off meI'll give you a special rate
>>15170797damnit you're not going to jew me anon, how do I mine for them
>>15170643I accept!*throws off trenchcoat to reveal cargo shorts with dual bladed katana holster and gold plated deagle*One last chance to surrender, old friend.*begins turning into sengoku demon form*
>>15170731i think Applejack is mostly too sensible to have a conflict that would take an entire episode to solve. A team-up could be good though
>pink one>fizzlehttp://cdnassets.bad-dragon.com/images/product_images/0023_full.jpg
>>15170608>>15170631Samefag detected.
>>15170746Yes. The deluxe model has even more functions.
>>15170807>jewI hate how this has become an insult.There is absolutely nothing wrong with being jewish.
>>15170831My penis in your ass is a samefag.
>>15170777A-ha! A valid point!
Sweet dreams, mlpg.
>>15170845I wonder who could be behind this post
>>15170848I'll rek ya m8. I'll bash yer fookin' 'ead in, I swear on me mum.
>>15170809very well then. I believe the time for talking is over*tilts hat to the side, to reveal long pointed, signature to the elves, who most had thought to be extinct for the past thousand years*This will not be quick. You will not enjoy this*unlatches satchel and converts to makeshift quiver**casts 'make arrow' at the nearest fallen log, producing 500 wooden arrows**unsheathes a flargon of holy water, blessing the arrows to better combat your demon form**arms self with bow and holds holy arrow at the ready*This fight will be your last.
>>15170855Don't be racist, you silly goy!
>>15170831>tfw accused of samefagging>tfw he's wrong, for once
>>15170894*long pointed ears
>>15170894Hmph so it will be!*takes out dual katana and electrifies it**teleports behind you*You: What the fuck?Me: Too slow my basketball-american friend*stabs you in makes you explode*Hmph, too easy.*powers down and goes to play Minecraft*
You have aspirated horse cum. What do
>>15170913I want to believe.
>>15170938aspirated horse cum sounds like a shitty indie band
>>15170960'aspirated horse cum sounds like a shitty indie band' sounds like a shitty indie band.
>>15170960We should start a band called Aspirated Horse Semen. It would be /mlp/'s band.
>>15170960What is your dream horse band lineup, MLPG? What would it be called? What genre would the horses play?
>>15170976And this is how I titled my LN.
>>15170976''aspirated horse cum sounds like a shitty indie band' sounds like a shitty indie band' sounds like a shitty indie band.
>>15170960Aspirated Horse Cum is the name of my new folk-death-metal band, actually.
>>15170986I don't know but my dream mare is her.
>>15170989No it doesn't, that's just asinine
>>15170935i actually called the eagles, and they threw you off a cliff
>>15170986ShiningBraeburnBig MacGaffer8-bitThe Pones.A cute quintet of boyish sound
>>15171005How many times do I have to tell you she's married?
Would you?
>>15171034I'm going to get married to Prince Cadance and Shining Armor!
Just finished reading the Luna micro.Who are the fuckers that kept complaining that all that Cook/Price could do was background-pop-culture-references? You guys suck. That was amazing, hilarious, and adorable.(I wonder what it would take to not only get a motion comic version of that, but one that is fully voiced...)
>>15171025>Shining, Big Mac and Brauburn are just the background vocals>Break out into a chorus of "EEYUP, Twily, Taint Fair!!" while the others supply main vocals
>>15171025The backstreet pones.Complete with wire team pulling them over the crowd as they sing and shit
>>15171050Could you please post it here?
>>15171004oy vey it'th like another shoah
Pony actually abstains from masturbation and all sexual activity
>gets Omid killed >kills doge >leaves gaping hole in shack >leaves gaping hole in fence under house >breaks one of two weapons unlocking a door she doesn't lock again >breaks shelf >steals watch >option of becoming a lil bitch
>>15171039Would I slaughter the xeno and offer his concubines to Slaanedh?Yes. Yes I would.
>>15171054That would make a fucking amazing PMV.
>>15171065Pro tip for the future, just search for "yay ponies" (seriously)http://yp.xtraxtreme.me/ypbooks/YP-PDF-MSCOMIC10.pdf>damn I really need to start throwing piles of money at these guys
>>15171043It doesn't matter, eagle's claw pieces Def
>>15171050None because if the VAs can't even read bits from the comic at cons, it's probably a big copyright hurdle. Comics people get really uppity about that.
>>15171083Anon this is why we have spoilers
>>15171083You fucking asshole.whatever, hopefully in 6 months when the entire season is out, I won't remember that shit.
>>15171083yay now i don't have to actually play itbecause i know exactly what happens...
>>15171102sure sounds un-canon to me
>>15171106I love you Dooks!
>>15171098you're alright, but you're wrong
>>15171106I did specifically for you Dooks.
>>15171041You can't do that. Never will they agree to let you eat out princess Shiny while Prince Cadence pounds your tight boyhole. >>15171025Which one has a successful solo career while other members try to stay relevant?
the lifeboat still floatswho's left alive?
>>15171143ur mum
>>15171143anonymous is still here unfortunately
http://i.4cdn.org/mlp/src/1387419474931.png>EqD poll of best micro comic>that number three vote
>>15171130I actually just finished playing the first chapter,before entering here.>>15171126I love you too, me.
>>15171102I'm pretty sure Andrea read something from the comic at a con.
One boat is filled with shitposters, the other, humble contributors. At midnight, Pony will blow up both boats, UNLESS, one boat blows up the opposite boat, before the time limit
>>15171143This is now a goats ship.And the sub is now a shelter for pony dnd and cam whores
>>15171102What do you mean, "can't read bits from the comic at cons"? I know that the comics are produced externally from Hasbro, but doesn't Hasbro still own the rights and shit?Note that I could understand this being some SAG bullshit, though. Those guys are some annoying fucks.
>>15171143the second half of the picture turned out to be false.
>>15171164Euch.EUCH.>hey, at least that #1 and #2 though, eh?
>>15171170The shitpost boat doesn't even hesitate to hear the rules they just hit the buttongg
>>15171164that's awfulI wish I hadn't seen that
>>15171183I'm sure the contributers will be back someday!;_________________;
>>15171216once the season starts all the shitposting will stop and all contributors will come back, right?right?
>don't want to drink>Nothing else to doWell shit
>>15171216I'm kinda still here... give me few minutes to take a breath and then I guess I can sketch a pon or two. THEN. Please don't ask for anything now.
What is the best part of waking up?
>>15171229>>15171216>>15171183but we still have loads of contributors
>>15171257At least the ones MSOB didn't chase off.
>>15171255Knowing that in a little over fourteen hours, I'll be going back to sleep.
>>15171255a pone in your cup
>>15171255I want a coffee pony
>>15171257name themoh wait all the girls are gone because sentenal scared them away
>>15171273MSOB didn't chase anyone away
>>15171253post cats
>>15171255Going back to sleep.
what is MSOB
>>15171285>MSOB did nothing wrong!
Pony stressed the importance of a life with purpose
>>15171301a shit poster spawned from the early days of mlpg
Everyone's already had a laugh at this, right?
>>15171265that's rather sad.I hope pinkie finds out and sends him a nice care package
>>15171280>Getting sweet coffee flavored kisses from her>If she's mad she starts to smell like burnt grounds>she sneezes milk foamthat would be cute
>>15171283But that's wrong, we have as many girls as we used toLike, two of them
Pony threw out everything in your fridge, and said "none of it tastes good"
>>15171288N-no. Why? That's exactly what mlpg didn't liked when I sometimes did it.and that's kinda obvious if you look at it. It's basically avatarfagging.
>>15171312Anon, heat exhaustion is no laughing matter, many people die each year because of it.
>>15171177The cons aren't sponsored by Hasbro. IDW might get a little miffed if they realized somebody heard a portion of the comic for free.
>>15171327what was she doing in the bodies fridge in the first place?
>>15171314the care package being her moist tight hot cunt
>>15171299>all those artifacts
>>15171327Dammit Pinkie that wasn't my fridge that was my dishwasher!Don't you know the difference?!
>>15171312I want to sniff Dash's horrible stifling stinking heat
>>15171312Looks like Dash has a major case of Unrelenting Heat!
>>15171315I like this idea enough to write a full greentextmaybe I can be your contributor tonight? mom and dad aren't home...
http://derpiboo.ru/500808the power ponies need your strength, /co/>gokuspiritbomb.png
>>15171315...pretty cute, yeah
>>15171360Did they seriously hire a dreamworks animator, what the fuck man.
>>15171361don't resurrect food ponies anon, the wound is still too fresh for some.
>>15171360>unrelenting heat
>>15171371I still can't bring myself to like Twilight's or AJ's costumes. Rarity's is the best
How do you drink a coffee pony anyhow?
>>15171315>Every morning she has a cup ready for you.>Get a day off and sleep in.>Wake up to coffee in your face.>"YOUR GOING TO BE LATTE!"
>>15171404I like AJ costume. Is like a spy.
>>15171404>not liking AJ'sShe's like wonderwoman and batman in fucking one
>>15171398Megaman was always a shit series and it was shit against the other slew of platformers at the same time.I laughed at people who shared a childhood of megaman and not of contra or duke nukem.And by the way I'm glad that the Dina Disaster in the Might No.9 has left backers spirits wavering, fuck Keiji Inafag.
>>15171344It was from the preview, sorry.Is this better?
>>15171427Mega Man was a nice series on the NES. It's Mega Man X that the series became WHOAMFG
>>15171422Too pretty.Take it back and try again.
>>15171408very carefully
goat train's ponies have been growing at an uncomfortably exponential rate.come febuary, one of them might colapse from the gravitational field their sheer mass produces
>>15171428>I hate Mondaxnew villain confirmed
>>15171421It just looks so boring to me.
if you could become a real artist to do just one drawing, what would you draw?
>>15171445Battle Network and Zero are my favorite Mega Man series.Do I have bad taste?
>>15171445I'm just messing with you, I never played and never cared about MegaMan at all.
>>15171462>februarylet's see how much worse this one will be
Would pinkie wear clothes that say "PINK" but were not actually pink?
>>15171470wait that pic wasn't mine
>>15171470moot pleaseat least that's a good picture
Piggie Pie wants to remind you that despite the stereotype pigs are actually naturally clean creatures and if given the option will prefer to live in cleanly and hygienic environments
>>15171479god I love that pon
>>15171470Every released FPS game character centered around a fire.From BJ to the latest modern dreck
>>15171408Is it wrong to imagine that a Coffee Pony would just poop coffee grounds?
>>15171492they are also very picky eaters
>>15171479>tight gray sweat pants with Pink on the back
>>15171509What, like civitz (sp?) coffee beans?
>>15171470A cat. Most magnificent cat picture in the world.My magnum opus and then I'd commit suicide knowing it lasted just for a day.
>>15171499>tfw Doomguy, Duke Nukem and Ranger are ded
>>15171509Like a civet?
I have sea shanties stuck in my head. What pirate costumed pony should I draw?
>>15171470A foot fetish picthe BEST foot fetish pic, of all time
>>15171531no, like coffee pone is a percolator, she brews the coffee inside her flexive living glass body.
>>15171554That one with vinyl is the best for me. I still get a boner to it
>>15171509>Get up and drag self to kitchen.>Bleary eyes manage to see the coffee maker.>Coffee pony has her back to you and is straining.>She is SHITTING in the coffee filter!>She has been here for weeks and you commented on the improved coffee.>Why did you get up early?>"OH, HI ANON!"
>>15171576It doesn't hit my hard foot fetish enough.
>>15171554Gotta make sure you include some good reverse POV of thighs, waist, and torso, though. Got to leave something for the normals to look forward to.
Pony wants to tell you a story.
>>15171541>tfw you will never see Samsara with every good FPS hero in modern graphics.>tfw you will never kill shit as Kate Archer ever again
I'm not alone in thinking that, like, huge parts of the new comic (the pirate one, not the amazing Luna one) was, like, really incoherent and hard to follow, right?
>a new poop fetish pony is bornoh god I just wanted a pony full of refreshing beverages ;_;
>>15171587Nah.It'd be a straight-up foot fetish pic. Fully clothed and everything. Feet and face would be the main points of interest in the picture.
>>15171470the sensible thing would be to draw something that would make me money but instead i would just do a comic of the futa celestia shitting cheesecake into anons mouth story
>>15171603at least we will always have the memories.and let's hope that they won't touch that with shitty remakes
>>15171620You suck.
>>15171579>implying I wouldn't still drink that coffee
>>15171617Maybe I can be your refreshing beverage. You can drink from me while you're playing Call of Duty: Ghosts™.
>>15171658But god damn, I'd be happy. And so would the audience I'm aiming for.
>>15171612if you analyze any of the comics deep enough you will see they are just shitty cheap predictable cliche stories written for children but if you can learn to look past that you just might be able to still have an enjoyable experience
>>15171668god damn that's a cute pony.
>>15171675I shall respect the fact that it's better to make a thing that a lot of people will like a lot, than a thing that many people will only a bit.
>>15171660>>15171680You sick fucks.Caffeine is a drug!
>>15171664Ghosts is terrible and I haven't drank mountain dew in over a year.
>>15171579>Panics and falls off the countertop>lands with a fart, shooting a single coffee bean through the glass pot, shattering it
>>15171612Not really. It kinda dropped the ball with the resolution, but I felt that the pirate comic was pretty well presented otherwise.
>>15171637I wish people remember that Strife existed
>>15171510>they are also very picky eaterswell most of them
>>15171683It's not even a case of looking deep. It's just, like, the action is impossible to follow, and it seems like the story jumps forward several panels spontaneously.
>>15171701too bad you're still fat
>>15171617>Baww muh object ponies!!>>/mlp/Go back to the piss where they came from.
>>15171492They'll also grow tusks and loads of hair and try to murder you if left in the forest for a couple weeks.
>>15171713your pankas start to look weird...fix them
>>15171690How cute is she?
ponies during the holidays
>>15171701Oh come on Nonymous, don't tell me you're one of those weirdos that plays games that have too much talking and unnecessary stat system.
>>15171734Cuter than most, not as cute as AJ.
>>15171408Like this>It's early when the alarm goes off, and seeing just how dark it still is outside adds an air of dread to winter wake-ups>Rolling out of bed, you head into the kitchen to see coffee pony sitting and looking at a newspaper, her rich brown eyes sweeping the pages by the low light of the furnace>As you light the stove, the soft woosh of flame catches her ear, and Coffee Pony perks up in your direction>"Oh! Good morning master! I took the time to get your paper and I'm all freshly brewed!" The small transparent pony shakes her hips at you, the deep black liquid insider her sloshing slightly as steam rolls from her nose>Your fingers rub along her mane, the tan mane almost synthetically soft. "Hmm, but I don't have the time to let you cool...">The pony scrunches her face momentarily before launching into deep gasping breaths that threaten her with unconsciousness>"Coffee Pony, stop that before you pass out and spill yourself." Reaching into the fridge, you grab some cream and bring the bottle to her lips>She sips from it at first, a small bolt of light color spiderwebbing along her chest before being consumed by the dark coffee>Her eyes widen, and she takes a larger gulp this time; shivering with delight as the cool liquid blends insider her, you have to almost take the bottle from her>Putting the cream back, you turn around to find Coffee Pony shaking with the effort of standing as her insides mix to a sweet tan color>"I... I haven't felt this before!" Her front legs give way, and she rests her head on the table as little rivulets of coffee begin to leak down her legs. "I-it just tingles too much!"
Anyone want a continuous stream of The Next Generation?
hmmdoes mlpg want me to stream? i'm feeling a bit washed out and i'm not sure whether streaming some movies will make it better or worse, and if i didn't stream i suppose i would just sleep or something
>>15171763>Placing a hand under her belly, you lift Coffee Pony to your lips; exhaling gently on her loins, you lick the trails of spilled drink from her legs. "Ooooooh, this just tingles mooOOre!">She throws her head back as you take a long slow lick, drinking deeply with each gush of liquid>Coffee Pony is fully limp in your hand now, her eyes half closed as she moans and rocks her hips against the seal of your lips>Pulling back for a breath, you lap at her folds and make her bray with pleasure, tilting her body to pool the coffee in her feet and not across your face>Rolling her smooth body in your hands, you bring her to a reclined position>Coffee pools and sloshes around in her rump as you part her legs gently, lips cupping over her back end and tail sweeping your neck>"Please! Finish it!" Coffee Pony rocks her hips side to side as your tongue finally makes its way to her winking clit, a little steam escaping from her ears at her peak>She squirms against your lips as you pull the last drips of coffee from her well-tended and sticky pussy, carrying her over to the sink to fill her with hot water>She curls up in the basin, her snores like the soft choke of a drip coffeemaker as you walk out the dorr feeling rather energized today
>>15171713HNNNNNNNNNG>>15171745FPS games are probably my most played genre, but Ghosts is so bad I haven't turned my 3shitty on in a month. Hell, I haven't played much vidya at all after that trash.
>>15171751I was going to post a picture of them together, but I don't have any that aren't lewd I think.
>>15171782>HNNNNNNNGAre you having a heart attack as a result of your bad diet?
>>15171782Well, I'm sorry, but I just can't hang out around a weirdo like you. I only play cool videogames.
Ponies shouldn't be drinks! Ponies are meant to be drunks!
>"What's that? My butt makes you happy? Well why didn't you say so, here you go!"
Pony needs you to get into shape so you can help her win the race
>>15171816in my mlpg?it's more likely than you think
>>15171801Cool games like the VGX game of the year? >the fuck? Is there no MLP x Gone Home fanart? How is that even remotely possible?
>>15171841Simple. No one played it.
>>15171840Wasn't what object ponies were supposed to be.Well, except Coke...
>>15171833She can squat on my dick while I do crunches.
>>15171780I don't even drink coffee and I would drink a horse
>>15171858...but it's a nice game with a really touching story that just happens to cost way too much for what is on offer and should just be bought on sale and it's one of the most immersive games i've ever played...
>>15171802>Not wanting pony forcefully get you drunk
>>15171861cock sauce pony disagrees
should i drink a crappy energy drinkwill that make me less depressed
>>15169916Anyone else done any artist 12 month charts?
>>15171906Maybe momentarily. Works on the symptoms, not the cause.
>>15171906No.Also, if you're in NA, it's too late and you'll ruin your bedtime and sleep.
>>15171883Still not interested. Sorry.
>>15171889Get your brony OC faggshit out of MLPG.
Pony regrets to inform you that she must discontinue the import of oxygen to your lungs.The organisation is going through some tough times and just can't justify wearing the expense anymore.
>>15171725I'm...I don't......You can't be this new, can you?
>>15171918nah i live in a different western country>>15171917okay, i might just try some other stuff to cheer me upwhat should i do mlpg, stream or play starbound?
>>15171955Just fuck off saine
>>15171944do you have a job or school? you seem to be in here a ton.
>>15171955It's still a bit late, then. You shouldn't have coffee or energy drinks after 4PM.
>>15171960>not in NA>saine
>>15171968He takes his name off to shitpost.
>>15171960>i live in a different western country>Saine
>>15171906energy drinks do make me less depressed for a while. they're not very good for you though
>>15171971But its not 4pm yet in australia
Uh oh... so my tablet pressure sensitivity gave up. I guess I'll draw some tomorrow because today it's just... ueeeh.>>15171916I just made one but it's not all pony. Still wanna see it?
>>15171959okay i guess>>15171971it's 2:18pm>>15171981well, i don't usually drink them so i probably won't drink it now
>>15171968I didn't have to work today and it's too cold to do anything so I spent most of the day here.
>>15171992That's a cute ponae.
>>15171492>>15171713does piggy pie like belly rubs
Princess pony says it's almost time for bed, get ready so she can use you like a teddy bear.
>>15172017Tell her I'm tired her turning me into a doll against my will and leaving me awake through the entire ordeal.
>>15171942All they are is a way fro fetishfags to spew more of their garbage into the general.>>15171780>>15171763See shit like this?This is all that comes out of object ponies, nothing but fetish shit for the freaks here to unf at like mindless drones.
Pony said that it isn't fair, but she doesn't care
>>15172030Just because the world isn't fair doesn't give justification to being an asshole.
>>15171928wots th@ m8
>>15172037why do you keep posting this? boredom?
>>15172027>I don't like it so no one else does>SHUT IT DOWNYou heard him MLPG, party's over. I guess fetishes don't exists anymore.
>>15172036Tell that to MSOB
>>15171992Drawing with no sensitivity with the binary tool can lend to some funny results.
>>15172027>All they are is a way fro fetishfags to spew more of their garbage into the general.Maybe, maybe not, but saying they came from the piss is flat factually incorrect. Coke was a /co/ thing, as were Swiffer, Sriracha, Tabasco, and many others.And I don't think they were nothing but fetishhorses either; loads of cute stuff was done with Tabasco, for instance.
>>15172078>Coke was a /co/ thingFactually false, tripfag.
>>15172047I hope Gilda comes backand I hope she wears boots
>>15171942I bet you he can.>>15172093and he did!
>>15171992Lets see that chart.
Pony stressed the importance of a like with purpose
>>15172089You can actually see the art getting worse panel by panel...They should have stopped with dickwolves. Their purpose was served with dickwolves.
>>15172071i never liked how mlpg became the place to discuss fetishes of a childrens cartoon. i didnt start coming here to talk about sex.if the mods put up a poll asking if fetishes should be banned from mlpg i would vote yes every time.not because i dont like fetish discussion but because i dont think this is the appropriate place
Pony cried on my shoulder, about her "lack of a father figure"
>>15172037>>15172068yeah whats up with this?
Pony discovered your address, and then mailed you a comprehensive list of the things she doesn't like. She titled it "That shit i don't like"
>>15172074I knooow but I'm too tired right now and look for valid excuses to go to bed
>>15172140this is 4chan, if this isn't the appropriate place, then what is? beastforums? furaffinity?
I would kill and eat a pony for survival only
>>15172141Oh, the tragic irony!
>>15172140Don't you take my fetish discussion from me.There is literally no better place to discuss fetishes. Not /d/, not f-list, not anywhere. Seriously.
>>15172078I thought MLPG hated shitty OC garbage like that.Guess I was wrong then, you are nothing but the same patch of piss in the ocean.
>>15172171Go make a general in the piss with your fellow bronies if you want to talk about fetishes.oh wait, it would get banned. So you hide it in here, where it's not wanted.
>>15172140There are no rules in MLPG.Also snakepone best fetish.
>>15172171>>15172163i was thinking more like no fetish discussion in the show discussion thread. you would be moved to the fetish general instead.
Pony fears that you might be going insane due to all the years of social isolation and virginity.
Pony says she's meant to be a tragic character
>>15172188wow he's going all out
How can she handle it? Knowing it all. What will be, what must 404. What was never recovered even by the most thorough of threadcappers still lives on, in her head.What madness lies within?
>>15172188>go talk about fetishes with your brony friends, I'm trying to discuss ponyyou know what I'm not gonna touch that>>15172194>MLPG>Show discussion threadIt's a general. There is a dedicated show discussion thread, though.
>>15172207She needs us as much as we need herBoop.
>>15172195She's mistakenI'm there already
pony wishes you were a draconequus
>>15172164What if pone needed to kill and eat you for survival though?
>>15172191and thats what i am saying is the problem. you know how fetishfags can easy get out of control and take over. that is why some of the horrifying fetish threads and topics had to be banned.it just hasnt gotten horrible enough in here yet to justify the ban but it is getting there.
>replying to all this baitgee i thought i had a problem with that
Pony actually doesn't even know what insanity is
>>15172195Tell Pony that my childhood isolation in the woods for five years already broke me, and I never could love or desire anyway.Good try though.
>>15172228i-is this also bait?
>>15172191>There are no rules in MLPG.So, MLPG is /b/?
>>15172243>t-t-t-typing like thisno anonyou are the bait
Pony explains that it's her hole, and that it was made for her. Then she bites into the donut
Pony blushes and says you look nice.
>>15172214until she goes mad with power
>>15172214and still she smilesmarvelous.
>>15172195I'm not insane, just reclusive,generally bitter,nitpicky and a self-defeatist.
>>15172249I-I'm sorry anonP-please f-f-forgive me...
>>15172113Pretty sure this post >>15172078 is bullshit and a front for all the fucked up shit you fucks have written about your object ponies and have hidden somewhere.
I need $400 to pay for a class so I can graduate. How can I get make that much within a month?
Pony actually thinks you look garish, and says your mane could use with a wash. Then she put her hoof over her nose and said "and that aroma...stench de la neckbeard?" she said, sarcastically
>>15172287suck 40,000 dicks
>>15172287Sell your pony
>>15172287sell your body on the street
>>15172287Wear panties and jerk off on cam
>>15172289I drop trou and take a shit right then and there.
Pony went on to create a line of perfumes and body sprays titled "Mother's Basement". She says you were her muse.
>>15172298OK, where? I'm serious, I will even sell a kidney to get the cash I need.
>>15172287whore yourself
>>15172287Do you have a modern AMD graphics card?Mine DOGEOr like get a jobOr a credit cardOr a bridging loanOr pawn some shitOr beg your parentsOr whore yourself out on Craigslist
>>15172287What's your body look like?If you're sexy I'll pay you a little money to be sexy
>>15172312>>15172305You need to specify how I can do this.>>15172314>Or a jobI have been looking for over a month, no luck thusfar>Or a credit cardI have one. I have only 450 left.>Beg parentsI don't want their help anymore with college.
>>15172195Tell pony that isolating yourself from other people and only associating with them sparingly makes you more empathetic, I read it in the paperthe paper might have been onlinePony doesn't have to worry about my virginity, it's basically a myth anyway: it's not like there's a physiological difference on my end between sex and masturbation anyway
>>15172315>It doesn't matter>No, none of it matters!>No no, you're both wrong, all of it is matter!!
>>15172287donating the maximum amount of blood,plasma,marrow, and semen legally allowed for a month and you will make an easy $600
>>15172047>Gilda's feet are almost near puke-inducing stench>She immediately takes off her old shoes after coming back home>She lays out her paws, dripping with sweat while she lays out and relax and take a drag>Smoke,stench and paw lust fills the room>She's waiting for you to do your daily foot cleaning and boot huffing>She even promises to give you a quickie after serving her>You move your head closer to her smelly paws, almost basking in the scent but then she immediately push her paws into your facewhy yes I am doing this in retailation to the anti-fetishfag and anti-sweaty paws fag
>>15172222Pony would go in the microwave
Pony started singing "Smooth Operator" and doing a little jig
>>15172348>mfw you can sell blood in the US>tfw you can 'sell' semen in Australia>tfw too short so they probably wouldn't want it
>>15172348Tell us more about Rose' tits SB
>>15172363Well it's also giving me a boner
>>15172335I have a chubby belly with love handles, so to speak. I have average arms, and my legs and thighs have some fat on them. The face has no discernible fat on it.>>15172348I have heard of selling plasma, once from Nathan and another from an anon, who was prob Nathan again. How can I find out where an organization is buying blood/plasma/semen?
Pony apologized, and said that that is "not okay"
>>15172377Yes Pinkie, you're a very pretty pony.
>>15172195>virginityIs pony offering to help with that herself?
pony wonders why your shitty country doesn't have a universal healthcare system like the rest of the civilized world
>>15172392Hm. How hairy are you?
>>15172348A homeless person could become very rich
>>15172414Where i come from, you have to supply proof of residence, or job.
>>15172377DA PRETTIESTyou might want to get your eye alignment checked out though
Pony got in your face and said "bro, do you have a problem with me?" very aggresively
>>15172423That's what's wrong with this country, no economic mobility
>>15172195>virginityThat puts no stress on the mind unless you constantly think it's a problem, which it isn't.
>>15172421Where do you think we are?
>>15172440push pony and say "YEAH BRO I GOT A BIG PROBLEM"then whip out my huge erect horsecock
>>15172225You realize that trying to speak reason to these /b/readwinners only causes them to spout more shit, right?>>15172363>why yes I am doing this in retailation to the anti-fetishfag and anti-sweaty paws fagPrime example.
>>15172408I have a full set of hair on my head. Curly. I have very small amounts of hair on my chest, and a full bush of pubic hair. My legs have a normal amount of hair, likewise the arms.
>>15172443true. Lack of proof of job or residence does not imply lack of either. I do agree that it keeps alot of people who would abuse the system in check, however. The only thing owning a home seems to do, is give the government/bank another way to get their hand around your balls
>>15172363I don't know how I feel about this in my heart, and I don't want this boner either. I just want her respect
Zebra needs some of your pubes to make a voodoo doll
>>15172161Haha it's okay man, go take a rest.
>>15172453Pony fell to the floor and ran away, as fast as she could
>>15172287i will send you $10 right now to record yourself reading thishttp://soashamedpony.tumblr.com/post/27807684230/celestias-ambrosia
>>15172460got a nice butt?
Pony burst through the door, and told me that being brave is really hard
>>15172495That I can do. What's your email address?
Pony threw all the grant money in the trash, saying "we don't need it"
>>15172496It is fleshy, with a firm texture. This is getting creepy now, I haven't even said anything truthful and I feel dirty.
http://www(dot)livestream.com/agathoidstreaming lord of war, we'll start in a few minutes
>>15172523ANNIHILATE PONYwhich pony is it
>>15172524>haven't said anything truthfulWell I wanted to give you money
Pony played with your nipples for 30 minutes, before realizing they were just the twin doorknobs for the closet
>>15172533it's so simple, a child could use it, and they do
>>15172538HowThis makes no sense to me tbh.Unless you wanted to meet up in the NJ area, I don't see how this can benefit either or us.
>>15171492Pigs are also remarkably intelligent.while possibly not quite as smart as dolphins and chimpanzees they are among the most intelligent animals on the planet.
>>15172550give me picturesgive you money
>>15172456You're not speaking reason.A person who speaks reason doesn't lash out like a 12 year old.If you wanted to speak reason you would discuss the show, but obviously since you've chosen this course of action it only shows one thing:You want more and more shitposting on your behalf.I'm not even going to reply to you after this post, in fact I'm going to keep on posting until you figure out that whining uncontrollably instead of actually doing something doesn't change anything.>>15172477>>15172381>She doesn't want you pulling away>She holds your head with her leg and pushes her other paw even deeper into your face>She takes a couple of drags while she watches you inhale her foot odor>She switches her paw with her dirty,musky and sweat drenched boots>You're just trying to get her respect, she knows this and she's just toying with you>After a little foot play, she wants to try something new:Face sitting>She roughly plops her posterior on your face, wearing the same sweaty and smelly underwear from yesterday while giving you a light paw job, slowly teasing your cock and grinding on your face
>>15172561OK. Give email.
I can hardly bear this wait you guys
>>15172535She didn't say
>>15172578No, you weren't truthful
>>15172580unf transformation
>>15172580i'd fuck that
>>15172598but she stayed the same genderthis isn't unf
>>15172566more about underwearand more about trying to earn her respect and not getting it pleasethat's my second biggest fetish
>>15172597I still can beYou had no intention did youNor the guy asking for me to read the textSemen and plasma it is then. Thanks for being useless MLPG
what if pony got a really stupid haircut?
>>15172566If you are going to shitpost as revenge against a shitposter...Could you at least learn how to write?
>>15172628>Fluttershy rocking the Young Granny Smith braidsMY PENIS HIT THE CEILING OW
>>15172623I really was serious. I don't mean to be a jerk, but you blew it.
>>15172631I'm not a writer so I honestly don't care.
>>15172508*in the form of a bestbuy giftcard
UghA little packet of lube in my wallet popped
how often do horses fight via butts?
>>15172647Why don't I believe youMaybe if you give me something to latch onto, say, an email, I will be more truthful form now on.Or maybe I was all along and wanted to throw off potential shit posters.
>>15172671Hmm, ok. Send email and I will private message you it.
>>15172680give me your email
>Cute girl I like at local convenience store>Hey anon what shows do you like?>Just go over the safe shit, Dan vs.; AV, Futurama, etc>We should hang out some time after work and watch some shows or grab a bite.muh powerlevel
>>15172678all the time
>>15172672That's why you keep that shit in your purse
>>15172647Give me some money and I'll be your whatever
Pony's record for keeping a friend is 2 months (She was smiling really hard while saying this)
>>15172716Give her the D.Godspeed.
>>15172644>Young Granny SmithAh, so you too are a man of fine distinction.
>>15172718>Flitter will never facesit you
>>15172566>facesittingI hate that mlpg gives me fetishes.
>>15172743Damn fucking right. We need more flashback episodes with her such as the time she was invited to the Grand Galloping Gala
>>15172764>not already having a facesitting fetishI hope you enjoy the unwashed underwear too, anon.
Pony told me you were ded and hats us
>>15172750Should I draw Flitter facesitting on her sister?
Pony took a long draft of her pipe and told me that "smoking is bad"
>>15172771>The same Gala Cranky and Matilda were at.>See them in the background.
>>15172771A full episode with her and AJ WITH A MOTHERFUCKING BLUEGRASS DUET is my dream.
She looks good for being several hundred years old.
>>15172827>AJ goes back in time to when Granny was the age that AJ is nowFUCKYESMEGHAN PLS DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR ONCE IN YOUR CAREER
flitter sitting
>>15172871What a pretty pony with an ugly voice
>tfw posting in mlpg while sitting on the toilet
>>15172853With a surprise visit from future Applebloom!Her cutie mark is obscured by a futuresuit the whole time
>>15172853>Applejack fucks up something and has to hook Granny Smith back up with her future husband or risk dooming the entire Apple timeline.>>15172889>Literal shitposting.
>>15172889Anon pls don't shitpost
>>15172889It's a good feel, except for when they're talking about your fetish and your boner touches the rim
>>15172889>literal shitposting
>>15172929I know this feel.
>>15172886A shame, really.
Fluttershy has her scrubby brushes in her saddlebag, she's ready to go clean some fish with you!
Scootaloo has been living in a horrible house with an abusive father, one day he crosses the line. Can Scootaloo stop it or learn to live with it?
>>15172904>Convinces Granny's future husband to stand up for himself and ask her to dance>plays some bluegrass on her fiddle while they squaredance>has to get her apple cart hit by lightning at just the right time or get stuck in the past
>>15172985If Scootaloo had a gun, she could stop it
>>15172989Who was biff?
>>15172994>A gun will solve the problem.Rape only lasts a few seconds.Murder is forever.
>>15172617her unwashed and sweat soaked panties almost smell as bad as her feetShe giggles every time you moan, calling you names while she strokes your cock with her pawAfter a few minutes she starts grinding harder and faster, making her underwear even more sweatyShe takes off her panties and force them into your mouth and grinds your face bareshe keeps up with light paw job, she really wants you to enjoy the taste her panties with your mouth
>>15173003Swindle, or something
>>15173024I like you a lot, anon
do griffins have mammary glands?
>>15173055>>15173071Drug addicts.
>>15173104I'm in it for the paws and panties, not the drugs
>>15172973man, that was a fun series
>>15173104Ponies are drugs on drugs which I watch on drugs.yay drugs
>>15173104I'm straightedge and I'm the one who wrote it.That picture of gilda smoking pretty much gave me a stoner fetish.
>>15173138>your mom will never try to rape you in a high school parking lot
>>15173147Ponies aren't drugs, they're ponies.
>>15173147>pinkie pie excitedly tried to sell you some small squares of paper>do you accept?
>>15173172ponies are my drug
>>15173179No, I don't do drugs.
http://i.imgur.com/P9kWc0a.jpgUh oh! Looks like Pinkie found your bottle of poppers!
>>15173203>she leaves, dejected>"Now who will I sell my stamp collection to?"
>>15173155>Straightedge.>Stoner fetish.
>>15173103thanks google
>>15173239I hate fat people with a fashion, but I'd tenderly love a chubby pony.
>>15173155More, but perhaps with more emphasis on the domination aspect?
>>15173241I know, it was no help
>>15173251>I hate fat people with a fashionWhy do you hate Rarity?
>>15173235>human vagina
>>15173219>>15173256Anon I was horny when I wrote that and I came when I finished it.also I'm creatively spent so I probably would of dragged on and on.>>15173239Just because I'm straightedge doesn't mean I don't find what Stoneypony draws hot.I can't explain why stoners turn me on.
>>15173266the only thing fat about rarity is her cock and asscheeks
>>15173280Well then I'm gonna cum to it too.Thanks for it.
>>15173280I thought you said you were not going to reply to me anymore.Tell me more of your righteous lies.
Rarity is not a slut.
I think I should write a choose-your-own-adventure with Gilda.
>>15173346>rarity as a sperm
>>15173359I think you should have it on its own general.On the sub.
>>15173359>unf unf swety paws
>>15173395no, yeah, not here. later though.
>>15173359Only if everything is a false choice and it all leads to being dommed by her >>15173402
If Rarity were turned into a cake, what kind of cake would she be?
>>15173414fuck you thenrarity adventure awaaaaaaay
>>15173452Wait no I was joking
>>15173449semen cake
>>15173359Hey, yeah! A quest would be a fun, interactive way for MLPG to explore what the griffon kingdom and culture is like, ideall with an adventuresome story and exciti->>15173414Oh. Should have seen that coming.
>>15173514don't make me get rough
>>15173509Halo pls.
>>15173509Hey /v/.Are you still working on that supermod of Ascend? Because I played it a long time ago and I don't want to go back if it's dead/slow.
>>15173558quests are deadyou're gonna be in the shadow of aspirant's rarity questetc
>>15173574it's not a quest, it's a pre-written, motherfucking Goosebumps with cute horsies story. and I already have one under my belt.
>>15173602whatever helps you sleep at night
>>15173602>Goosebumps.Muh childhood.
Playing the Walking Dead Season 2 is like watching FiM Season 2It looks better but the writing is worse
>>15173561There's a steam group. Go check it out.
>>15173639>shitposting alreadylooking forward to your quest, m80
>>15173602>GoosebumpsBeware of the Purple Peanut Butter with ponies.
>>15173635>who's baby is it
Pinkie Pie's family came to visit her in Ponyville. Pinkie was so excited she put on a super special party for them and even had Gummy do a little danceShe called it the Crocodile Rock!
>>15173724 I'm betting carver
>>15173738sb i'm so glad you're still here
>>15173635I dunno I rather liked itSeeing how clem gets on now is interesting and theres a whole new cast of characters to bitch over
It's too late
>Realize just how fucked up Wendigo's are>They are in a show about ponies.JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!
>>15173753That makes one of us!
>>15173769Sure, i enjoyed it too but i think its certainly a let down compared to last season >docter can't tell a human bite from dog bite>they'll shoot her if she has a fever in the morning but wound could get infected and get a fever anyway>Dog is desperate enough for food to attack clem, but only after she found the can of food.>the whole Pete and Nick scenarioI'm more hyped for Wolf Among Us Season 2
>>15173804they're not traditional wendigos
>>15173817Imagine if they were.That would be fucking WRONG
>>15173817MLP windigos are still pretty fucked up.
>>15173635I don't know man, I'm really enjoying it so far.SPOILERS AHEAD>that fucking dog biting clementine>clementine suturing herselfclementine became too hardcore
>>15173751I'm thinking it's Luke's. I don't know why, he just seems too nice.
Okay then, since im not the only who played episode one, post your choices! I saved ChristaI killed the dogI gave the dying man waterI accepted Nicks apologyI saved Nick
>>15173813>a particularly savage bite can be unidentifiable>In the doctor's own words if she was infected she would already have been feverish, unconscious and about to turn by the time he was treating her, still at night >You've clearly never owned a dog before. Dogs can act perfectly docile most of the time, but turn into an entirely different animal when it comes to food, especially if its been starving for days>Yeah it seems to be classic daddy issues, but they could still go somewhere with itMost of the problem is this is the FIRST episode. It has the most work with trying to establish things and it hasnt even gotten to like half the characters. Lets see how episode 2 is before shitting on the whole season. You know, kinda like how we do with ponies. Also yes WAU should be great
>oh boy lewd talk>WALKING DEAD SPOILERS
Any good "Oh my god they almost found my unforgivable porn" stories MLPG?
Monster stram in 40 minutes
>>15173934You didn't want fetish shit.This is what you get.
>>15173885Same, except I went to save PeteFuck Nick, he can run back to the house
>>15173934You've had a day to play it. All bets are off
>>15173885I made the exact same choices. I regret not helping Pete because of how nice he was to Clem. But fuck, I didn't want to risk traveling with someone that was bitten
>>15173934Talk about beating a dead horse!
>>15173934>not having spoilers as a fetish
Have you properly prepared your pony for the piercing precipitation, mlpg?
>almost 2014>still playing fucking zombie games
>>15173986this isn't /vg/, don't talk like I'm stupid
>>15173967I would have streamed it but I cant get twitch to stop dropping like 90% of the framesI think I have terrible internet or something
>>15173996No>tfw almost 0% chance of a white christmas
>>15173996No but she is very soft and snuggleabledoes that count
>>15173985Scrubbles that was terrible even for you.Your humor is deader than the walkers.
>>15173804Everything seems less threatening when you look at it under the veil of love and friendship. They could've been demon spawn
>>15173963 i saved Nick because I assumed Pete was bitIn hindsight, i think I may have jumped the gun...>>15173976 But what if he actually wasnt bit
>>15173997Excuse meIt's a 3rd person little girl simulator is a zombie setting, thank you very much!
>>15174004>tfw Australian>everyone is mostly concerned with not dying of heat stroke during christmas.
>>15173934>>MLPG using spoilers to hide spoilers>it's for notponyfuck
>>15173967I'm looking forward to the TBF's playthrough
>>15174004Where I live we get nothing but wet christmases. Fucking Oregon
>>15174032we niggaztru blud
>>15173999awwww, did widdie biddy anonny get mad becaus ehe lacks common senseaww that okaayeveryone makes mistakes
>>15174017You'll probably figure it out anyway. I saved Pete and during the NEXT TIME ON THE WALKING DEAD it shows him and Clem and she asks what hes going to do and he picks up a hack sawHe's like Lee, but even more stupid.
Instead of each pony having an episode where they get their key, they will all get their keys in the same episode.
>>15174024This is what you get for shitposting about fetish text.You dug this hole.MSOB is a blessing on the general, for he removes the weak artists.
>>15174032>>15174040mai negrosthats partly why i didnt wait to play the gamethat and i just wanted to partake in discussion
>>15174050what does common sense have to do with it
>>15174023>tfw Melbournian>tfw dying of heatstroke>tfw trying to keep my homebrew alive as it's starting to boilFucking Australia
>>15174006Being snuggleable can count I guessI want to snuggle this pone
>>15174062Yeah seriously I'm going to start looking up spoilers for all recent things and injecting them randomly during fetish shit now
>>15174033were where you two weeks ago, it snowed like shit
>>15174057I really hope they don't do this
>>15174074Was it last year that a victorian power plant fucking shut down because everyone was running their ac overtime?
>>15174092In Portland where it didn't even stick. It just blew around a bit and was gone in a couple of days.Pond at my college stayed frozen over for a while though.
>>15174056 >confessing about lee to luke>he asked what happened to Lee>I had clem shoot lee at the end of of season one>"I killed him";____________;
>But what if he actually wasnt bitI'm not taking that chance
>>15174085I don't like fartsbut this fucking greentext
>>15174062Why do you assume it's the same person?
>>15174094That's a shame.With the way it seems like the episodes are being spaced (three since the premiere and no keys yet) it seems to me like they will at least have two of the keys being found in each key episode if not all in one.
>>15173885My choices
>>15174098That's every single year since we've invented the air conditionerPlus every idiot leaves them on when there's no power so there's a massive inductive load and they can't start the generators again
>>15174073they're called "spoiler" for a reason>>15174108you should move to Eugene
>>15174090Oh god that's terribleI'm tempted
>>15174129Since MSOB is just the tiniest bit abrasive he's obviously the source of all shitposting and should be put to death
>>15174139common sense would be knowing that spoilers in MLPG usually contain lewd
>>15174139I would but U of O doesn't have a BFA program for theatre.I fucking love Eugene.
>>15174129Because they are all cut from the same tree.
>>15174099>sweetie belle>good>>15174121 >"What if Clem actually wasnt bit by a walker and it really was a dog>we're not taking that chance"
>>15174135>left the dog to suffer>gave an asshole murderer waterI hope you get the chair
>>15174108>tfw illinois>tfw we get all 4 seasons in their entirety
>the dying dog scene;___;
>>15174135>Walking away from the dogYou are the worst
>>15174172>IllinoisI'm sorry you have to eat such shitty pizza.
Boy this all sure sounds like an interesting movie to watch!
>>15174153only on MLPG
>>15174194I don't think you know what interesting means
>>15174197where are we?
>>15174192depends where you get it from, really
>>15174206on /mlp/keep being mad kiddo :^)
>>15174197>MLPG is the only place with lewd shit in the spoilers as a regular /co/Most BOARDS do that, most of them dont even bother spoilering it
>>15174219>>15174223What's the thread we're in?
>>15174231My Little Shitpost/Fetish General
>>15174170They're all murderers anon, all of them.You should probably think about being nicer to her.
>>15174231a thread on /mlp/
>>15174241>>15174245Right.Isn't it a little late for you kids to be awake?
You should try the card game
Is it too much to ask for a fictional childrens cartoon character to exist and be in a romantic relationship with me? God.
>>15174256That doesnt change the fact that spoiler tags should be used for spoilers. you have no right to complain
>>15174262I don't have anyone to play it with.
>>15173885I ran awayI killed the dogI gave the dying man waterI accepted Nicks ApologyI ran away with Nick
>>15174256>uses "kids" as an insult>on a thread about a little girls show>on a BOARD about a little girls show
>>15174132I was hoping for single episodes focusing on one of the six finding their keys. It's probably not going to happen, but I would have loved that.
>>15174273Your original point got destroyed and you know it
>>15174274Have you checked card/comic shops near you?
>>15174288adn there's another thing, the conversation leading up the spoilers clearly indicate that it was going to be about the game's spoilers. It si your own fault for not reading the damn thread
>>15174283lol xD why didn't you say that to >>15174219shitposter pls make sense
>>15174285>mfw the Keys are the MLP equivalent of Crests
>>15174274There's someone (I won't say who out of respect) that's looking into digitizing the card list and making it playable online.You might be able to play with all of mlpg
>>15174295>Going into a comic shop.>For My Little Pony stuff.Oh yes, I want to be looked down on by the people who go into comic book stores.
>>15174301what were the first posts in the thread, without looking?
>>15174312>Looked down by the people that go into comic storesI...I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Have you seen the motherfuckers that go into comic shops?
>>15174307>It's not a box>It's an armor digivolution digiegg
>>15174307Crest you say?
>>15174302>lol xDsuch shitpostso funnywowvery ebinlol>>15174315Playing the Walking Dead season 2 is like watching FiM season 2it looks better but the writing is worse
>>15174302Hey, it ain't my fault you couldn't think about that first.Don't you have some horseboners and krusty kunts to talk about elsewhere?
>>15174335>dogeIsn't it a bit late for you to be up?
>>15174312>went to one of the Ravnica block releases>guy next to me had a Rainbow Dash card mat>tried to play it off like it was a gift and he didn't really want it>guy I played against pulled out an MLP card tin and a Gangnam Style card mat>smelled like BOYou'll do fine.
>>15174330>Have you seen the motherfuckers that go into comic shops?Yes.I used to beat them up too.Fuck...
>>15174334How can I brush my teeth when I have such a cutie on my tooth brush?
>>15174264God never did shit except cause war and strife by twisting what is right for society for it's own financial and power play purposes; effectively throwing the human race so technologically behind that we can't enjoy biologically engineered pony life forms.Even now science is still being held back by morales and social justice warriors condemning the research that will allow us as human being to take what is known as life and destroy, create, and warp it to our own benefit.In before le fedora.
>>15174346Why would you do that?
>>15174349Look up some research on religions effects on society as a whole. It's been more beneficial than not, it's not perfect by any means but as a way to solidify a culture, control mass population towards one goal, and enforce the laws/life of that culture it's the most effective tool we have.
>>15174273God wouldnt want a romantic relationship with you anyway
>>15174346It's never too late to changeThe game is really fun and it's a great way to meet people.
>>15174362Jock code.
>>15174379The only person I saw around here was a 400lb manlet in a cracked and worn Fluttershy shirt.
>>15174349>>15174370*tips fedora*
>>15174379Are those really the kind of people you want to meet though?
>you will never be Luna's guard escort and dragged off to places you don't want to go to do things you don't want to do
>>15174396That's more of a gatsby cap, they don't look too bad. I should get one.
>>15174395>>15174403I said meet, not "become close friends" with. It's always nice to have people to talk to about common interests, and card shops are probably the most easy going places to do it.
>>15174422I WANT THAT FIGURINEWHY IS IT SO PERFECTit has such an appealing shape
>>15174396>Aethiest shitWhat? That's like religious studies 101, you can be aware of the sociological effects of religion and not be a fedoramancer.
>>15174441im just shitpositng because I get laugh everytime I see a tip fedora post
>>15174362They were different.
>>15174396That's not even close to a fedora.
Hey Anon. Remember that random drunken fling with Rarity? Yeah. That certainly happened...http://i.imgur.com/MjlecQP.png
Why do you want to corrupt the youth, anon?
>>15174446What a good horse.
Pony thinks you're a girl
>>15174468unf corruption unf unf
Hey, remember when bluntwhiskey quit pony?
>>15174468>Twilight is twilight
>>15174485I love her mind break comic.
>>15174478But I have a penis.
>>15174485>>15174485it was a great day.
>>15174478Ask pony if she wants to experiment.
>>15174493So do I Especially when they're breeding
>>15174493I love that her mom made her stop.
TIME FOR MONSTER STRAMhttp://derpy.me/fnhw3Come escape the shit posting with us.
>>15174495Pony says if its under 10 inches it doesn't count
>tfw pony will never fall asleep on your shoulder
>>15174510Pony's gonna be pretty amazingly disappointed with other ponies, then.
>>15174485wait, did she just quit now or was it in the past before she drew pony again?Either way, the lure of bronybux was too much to resistI may loathe Bluntwhiskey's business tactics but I like her art enough to pirate it and spread for free whenever I can
>>15174498Pony says once is enough
>>15174510I shove an arm into pony and wear her like a glove.
>>15174510UnfI want her to bring in a real stallion
>>15174521>that censored image bullshitAs far as I'm concerned, you're doing god's work anon
>>15174523But pony cannot accurately experiment with such a low sample size. Does pony even have a control group?
>>15174521Mind break please and thank you
>>15174510Where's that penis size chart?10 inches would gut a pony Mr Hand's style.
>>15174510I show pony the wonders of human engineeringin the form of a Chance hooked up to a fucking machine
>>15174485Isn't bluntwhiskey a sassy fat black woman who don't need a man?
ya Boop it to the leftya Boop it to the right
>>15174581Not pony but I want to experience that
>>15174590But her momma made her quit.
>>15174597I don't have the anal ability to experience that.But I'd love to watch you go at it
>>15174598You don't fuck with a ghetto mama, she'll smack the black right off of you.
>tfw you find a new artist
>>15174590She is indeed a sassy fat black woman, but she does have a man, believe it or not.
>>15174624>tfw you've been in a state of such complete nothingness for so long that you haven't found anything new
>cooking pizza in the microwave
>>15174624>Just for MSOB to chase away.
>>15174637>>15174635Do we have a fat sassy black woman pony?
>>15174647>cooking microwave in a pizza
>>15174647>baking brownies in a mug
>>15174624If you find out they do nsfw it's just the icing on the cake.
>>15174647>cooking in a microwave
>>15174685Appledan is that you?
>>15174668No pony, I need to help you.You have fused legs.
>>15174581which Chance?
>>15174685Why does it smell like my aunt's house in here
>>15174689Depends on the ponyFluttershy would probably need a small
>>15174699>not size-queen flutters
>>15174697>Wanting to fuck your aunt.
>>15174709get your shitty headcanons away from my good ones
>>15174722Have you even seen the size of that bear of hers
>>15174717>wanting to fuck
>>15174745she only fucks angel, she probably still has her horse hymen
I don't think I've ever seen actual cuntboy stallionsLike Big Mac's body but with a horsepussy
>>15174749So you have already fucked.Gross.
>>15174749>>wanting to fuck
>>15174764Braeburned drew Caramel cuntboy. I miss him so much.