Luna micro and #14 are out!This Saturday, episode 406: Power Ponies! (No song anticipated.) Is the Mane-iac actually Luna in disguise, or is it just a strange magical comic book world? Will the power the Mane-iac is after have anything to do with The Box? How will Spike save the day?And Bats! sounds like an Applejack/Fluttershy episode!Next month in comics, Friends Forever #1- Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest!Friendship is Magic #15- mysterious pods appear around Ponyville and a bookworm is eating all of Twilight's books!I hope Hoofbeard's magic gills and fins don't wear off, or he's going to have to bug Twilight Sparkle pretty regularly.>>15158479Previous thread.
>>15163916Pony really needs to stop being taken in by obvious advertising.
Pony doesn't know what an add-on is.
I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on
This is my fourth post in this thread.
>>15163990Well, look at you.Where's the confusion?
>>15163933>Next month in comics, Friends Forever #1- Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest!Hmmm, this will be quite a competition.Twilight will win the baking contest because she was cooking by the book.
>>15163950Maybe I'll give it a shot.
Reminder that Meghan, Polsky and Merriwether are the cancer killing MLP.Make sure to write death threats and petitions to fire those assholes.
>>15164145I'd only want Meghan gone. The occasional bad episode is good to remind you of how good the good episodes are.
>>15164100definitely moth ponies.
>>15164198>>15164210I kept mixing that word and insect around but you guys know what I meant. >>15164205But aren't they a bit bigger than that?
>>15163990I think Hope is the cutest thing /mlp/ ever made.
>>15164255not when they're babies! Duh!
>>15164272So does Lyra.
>>15164272>>15164279would you start family with pone
>>15164296I'd rather have a full pony child if I could.But yeah that'd be nice.
>>15164296Oh god yes.
>>15164272I agree wholeheartedly
>>15164296Hell no, get those ugly things away from me!
>satyrsgoodnight MLPGdon't post any sarcastic comments about how glad you are I'm gone while I'm gone, okay?
>>15164301I am perfectly okay with a satyr hybrid. Full pony would be like you didn't even have a part in it's creation.
>>15164313oh come one, lyras not THAT hideous anon.
>>15164319I'm glad that this anon is leaving, so that the rest of us can have a fulfilling conversation about satyrs.
>>15164327Would Celestia raise her child to handle royal duties as well? Would she teach YOU to handle royal duties?
>>15164351Shit nigga do I look like royal material to you.
>>15164374How hilarious would it be if you could put it down with just one bullet.
>>15164387Of course you do, anon. You'll be a great leader.
>>15164278Thats a changeling.
Query: Would you have a satyr freak of nature child with any MLPG related OC?
Rarity bathing in Fluttershy's viscous girlcum
>>15164411what would hot water bottle satyr even look likeor... how would you even have tobasco satyr
>>15164411only coke pony
>>15164409>implying changeling are not corrupted moth ponies.>implying it's not like orcs and elves.
>>15164411Tracy or Marker
>>15164409And I love changeling.
>>15164415I hope Fluttershy drinks lots and lots of fluids, that sounds like it'd dehydrate her quite quickly.
>>15164429I'd ship them.
>>15164429>Marker SatyrSOMEONE GET ON THIS SHIT
>>15164401You would need the golden gun for that.
>>15164422>>15164419>Tobasco or Coke pony satyrHow would that even work, glass legs, flesh upper torso? Can you see her guts?
>>15164401You do know it takes more than one bullet(not to mention needing a high calibre one) to put down an IRL bear.
>>15164411Only if I loved her.
>>15164451>glass legs, flesh upper torso? Can you see her guts?Absolutely disgusting. 0/10, would not reproduce with
>>15164448i think its been done. Didn't MT draw that? I know we have a minituffs satyr and a texanon satyr. What else do we have?
>>15164474mewball satyr
>>15164462Unless, you know, you absolutely fucking destroy it's brain.
>>15164411I would with Gloomy.
Which two characters would you ship as Tennis Partners?
>>15164491Applejack and Luna. Applejack is best athlete and Luna is best at tennis.
>>15163933>Luna micro and #14 are out!>Next month in comics, Friends Forever #1- Applejack and Pinkie Pie enter a baking contest!Why do you put this fanfic tier comic message in the general? MLPG are full of plebs
poni in collar
>>15164401>1911I think that brings enough problems as it is.
>>15164451They would both have the brittle bone disease
>>15164521poni in feedbag
>>15164521What if, one day, Pinkie decided to wear a collar because she wanted to act like a dog?
>all this pink luna spam
>>15164553poni in christmas hat
>>15164564made me laugh
>>15164560I'm not in a drawing mood today pank
>>15164525What you got against 1911's?
plane pony satyr
Pony waved a hoof in front of your face and said "I think he's beb"
>>15164469>blind and crippleconsidering how incompatible the genes are, this seems like a likely outcome
>>15164611the cane is because she's blind.
You will never be a batpony mare serving in the night guard fighting alongside princess luna.
>>15164574Pinkie, that is impolite! We have guests around.
>>15164639>and yet, there are so many lessons that aren't in boo.pngDon't you hate that character limit?
>>15164639Boo who?
>>15164619Looks like Derpy's satyr kid finally has a friend that shares somethnig in common with her.
>>15164664What a horrid gif quality.
>>15164650>you will never be promoted to captain a a royal airship and chase down a rampaging dragon through a storm.
>>15164650>you will never meet a cute stallion
>>15164701>anons will never ship you
>satyrfags will never fuck off
>>15164712>you will never bear anon's satyr child and have a shower thrown for you by all your mare friends.
>>15164668What kind of pony is that?
>>15164655It's rather unpredictable.>>15164668Boo hoo, Twilight's books are eaten! (All that's bitten off is the ks)
>>15164712>>15164726aaaaand you lost me.
>>15164726What if we see a pony shower in the show?
>>15164745>he doesn't want to experience the magic of pregnancy and childbirth
>>15164728Oh nevermind. You are probably in your own little world in your mind.
>>15164650Luna's guards do not have fangs. Your headcanon is dead.
>>15164717Look deep inside yourself, anon. Deep, deep down, and you'll see you'd love to have one.
Why ya'll ain't reading?
>>15164754Would Saucer do this if it meant he would get to be the female pony?
>>15164784But...I amI just read your post, Twilight!
Pony says vereor nox.
>>15164784Because you are worst pony.
>>15164732It's from a fallout story. It's a 'blank' pony used for cloning. The MCs adopted her as their pet and named her 'Boo'. The funny part is that despite having the mind of a real life horse she's the only likable character in the group now. Also she likes snack cakes.
>>1516478199999999999999. Your post
>>15164760did I post a picture of a pony with fangs? Nope. Your anger is misplaced.
>>15164784But I am reading, Don Quixote de la ManchaIt should be required reading for everyone who wears a fedora and thinks they're a gentleman
>>15164752Well what kind do you think pinkie threw for mrs. cake?
>>15164817>angerwhere? I see no anger n that post.
pony should pony pony
>>15164799Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up~
>>15164830>being a windmillfag
>>15164798>FOEYeah, nevermind.
>>15164830the irony is that the irony of that book is lost on so very many of them. The Renaissance was all about geeks and Don Quixote was about making fun of them.
>>15164784I want to borrow Daring Do books from Twilight and keep them for months even after I finished reading them.
>>15164845He's mad that bat ponies are popular, or a thing at all, that's kind of obvious. He didn't even look at the post he responded to.
What if you favorite pony becomes a dog?>>15164784Can you read to me, Twilight?
>>15164861Figured as much. I used to like that character before the writer slowly went mad.
Pony genuflects.
celestia should celestia celestia
>>15164923But what if human ponies Celestia?
>>15164953Don't worry, Princess - I will pony you gently~
>>15164939would you pony Celestiahow hard
>>15164784I'm studying for a final exam, leave me alone book horse.
>>15164966as much as she feels like it
>>15164966YesWith the force of a thousand suns>writing 'sons' on accident first
Princess Celestia requests you to come down to her basementDo you comply?
>>15164995Of courseWhat are we gonna do there though?
>>15164973Poor choice of words. Now book pony wants to be your study partner and bother you to no end.
>>15164995As long as she promises to rape me
>>15164880>He's madAnd you know that how? I'm looking at the post and I still don't see any anger. Are you high?
>>15165021Anon pls. He's doing the whole "I don't like thing and neither should you!" Routine.If you're that bad at telling this shit I can't help you.
I want to force others to like thing.
I want to force others to not like thing.
>>15165079But Luna's guards really do not have any fangs in the comic, which shows that they are, infact, not batponies like the guys in the batgeneral claim them to be. How is that being mad?
Celestia touches you
>>15165164Would you Celestia's disembodied buttocks?
>>15165152Yes and?What does that have to do with the fangless batpony I posted in a post that never mentioned fangs? You brought up fangs not me. what the fuck are you smoking?
Pony stressed the importance of a life with purpose
>>15165164I'd rather praise Celestia.
>>15165176Pony should know I'm an existentialist. You must create purpose and meaning for yourself. Pony should choose, that is, create.
>>15165176Pony should do what her cutie mark its telling her.
Pony wondered whether it would be your mind, or your body that broke first
>>15165175>FanglessHeh, then what are all those "canon" pics of her in the bat general, then? flaws?
>>15165214Pony is here to fulfill Ra's al Ghoul's destiny
>>15165173Play a drum solo on them? Yes
>>15165219Definitely my body, i'm a lazy, fat fuck
>>15165167I hope it's not in inappropriate places.
>>15165233Well the bat general likes fangs. That's not my fault. She was originally made by Equestria Prevails so you should ask him why she has fangs, though I'm not sure if all of his pictures of her have them.
>>15165237>fat>and lazyYour mind already broke
>>15165237Pony tried to lift you up and drop your spine on her knee, but you were too heavy
>>15165259In that case, I was born with a broken mind. Feels batman
>>15165252>you should ask the artist why she has fangsBecause a lot of people hought that the night guards were actual batponies at the time, but now that headcanon is shattered because the guards do not have fangs.End of story, now let's pony on with other topics.
>>15165252yeah, prevails doesn't seem to draw his bats with fangs. Or at least he didn't before the general happened. I'm pretty sure the fang thing was for the blood fetish people who latched on to the general when it popped up.
>>15165291But they are actual batponies. When was that headcanon shattered?Again, the fangs thing wasn't part of that character. You're clearly mad.
Pony got you a $25 gift card to "Beb and Hats R' Us"
>>15165307>blood fetishists in batpone generalI hate batpony, but I also have the largest blood fetish.Hmm, might actually have to check them out.
>>15165333Not everyone was into it so there are as many vampires there as fruit bats. That's where the mangos came from.
>>15165307>blood fetishSeriously?Fucking seriously?
>>15165371how is that at all surprising?
>>15165371If you have a hard time believing that exists, you're too innocent for the internet. Careful or you'll be late for the schoolbus, anon.
>>15165371>The internet.>Bronies.>You are still surprised when shit like this happens.>Hes still surprised when shit like this happens.
>>15165381>>15165392It's not that I'm bothered with it, but a blood fetish is usually something that emo goths seem to be into. So I'm merely surprised that their general was founded by emo teens.
can't find any fangs but prevails does some good bats.
>>15165371You're in MLPG, please don't fucking tell me that's what bothers you.
>>15165430Not really. Most of them only like it to be cool or edgy, they're not actually turned on by it.
>>15165482Batpony biting your neck actually sounds kinda hot
>>15165431He's best artist.
>>15165431Yes, she does some good bats.The fangs thing seems to be a brony thing, they gotta have their special glitter Twilight bats.That and Jr or whoever was doing that comic did it too.Probably started the whole fucking thing.
Pony asked me if they were "still into the little girls show"
>The EoH come from a fucking treeWell, that was a let down. For once I'd like some interesting world building.
>>15165503Prevails started the fangs bit.
>>15165507Where did the tree come from, Frodo?
>>15165507Where would you have liked the Elements to have come from? Perhaps artifacts created by Starswirl or something?
>>15165503Why are you so fucking mad about fangs? Who gives a fuck?
>>15165516prevails does a lot of commissions so that's not a definite thing. Mostly the fangs made them look cute, same with changelings.
>>15165507Why the fuck is a tree in a cave?Why does it look like it's made of crystal?Is this why the crystal empire is so important?
>>15165550It's a definite thing you twat. You can pretend it isn't if you wish.
>>15165526Nah, this seems like something that came from the planet itself.Like, creator level shit.Titan magic.
>>15165526I was going to include where I hoped they'd come from but knowing MLPG I'd get the typical>"SORRY UR BRONY HEADCANON GOT SMASHED :^)"I was hoping they were created by some kind of magical council, or manifestations of wielders even before Celestia and Luna, or that maybe they straight up came from Celesta and Luna themselves. But nope. They simply came into existence without any purpose. My only hope now is that they explain the tree. But knowing the show it will be another 4 fucking seasons.>>15165554I BET THE MCCARTHY DID THIS
>>15165507eh, that was actually one of the only parts of the episode i liked. It isn't Faust-tier, but it was still nice
>>15165576>tree>your retard council shit
>>15165554probably. It'd be neat if it was the entire reason why sombra had slaves up in the crystal empire - HE thought it would be around where all the other megical crystal deposits were located
>>15165576nah, The way Celestia always references them vaugely, seems to imply that even she knew jack shit about them. The fact that they were just an act of nature seems to fit
>>15165573>Equestria is just a part of AzerothWorks for me.
>>15165323I think he's saying they're pegasus ponies with batwings, not bat/pony hybrids. In the comics, they have no fangs.
That luna comic was easily the best of the micro's and incredably good compared to some of the arcs
>>15165569not really. he's also not the only artist to draw the guards with fangs. a lot of people just assumed they'd have them for some reason.Seriously, stop being so aggressive about this, no one cares.
>>15164995Are we gonna watch Football on her widescreen?
>>15165596you niggas have been saying this all day. damn i do not give a fuck
>>15165576Celestia and Luna knew they existed before they pulled them from the tree, so there's a good chance the tree was created by powerful unicorns to contain the Everfree forest.
>>15165590No...I've seen that fanfic...Blizzard doesn't fucking own Titans, fuck!
>>15165589I did say I wanted something interesting. Them simply being willed into existence on a whim isn't interesting. They could have done so much more.They could have done a lot more and not made Luna's little rebellion start and end in literally 2:16 seconds.
>>15165594but bat ponies is just a fun name for pegasus ponies with bat wings. No one claimed it was their real name.
>>15165601I'm not being aggressive, you're being incorrect and telling me otherwise. I'm calling you a twat because, well, you are.
>>15165612The tree seems something a bit beyond the realm of creation for the Unicorns
>>15165614thisits games workshop who invented everythingif your human it means youre ripping off wh40k because spase marines are humans >:v|
>>15165596It really was.Now we probably won't get a royal sisters episode though
>>15165589>I don't know what these things will even do...>Lets steal them anyways, Discord has to get fucked up.>Motherfucker keeps taking my tail.>I love that tail.
>>15165323Maybe is just something like that helmet spell that makes all day guards have the same design.
>>15165612Maybe they used them for their own ascensions, becoming first alicorn(s) kind of business
>>15165605>damn i do not give a fuckYet you keep posting, bitching about not giving a fuck.
>>15165616just because you don't understand something, or know little about it doesn't mean it's purposeless. I'm just saying that it seems to fit, and that the mysteries of the tree have yet to be unlocked. I agree with what you mean about the Luna's rebellion though, alot of what happened in the flashbacks did not do it enough justice, especially after the ~3 years of fanfic writing and speculations. I say the same for the Discord arc
>>15165594They also have slitted eyes, fur tipped ears and are active at night.
>>15165601but that guy is right. Fangs are one of the things that defines a batpony. And you are a twat
>>15165659I should have given up on this show after season 2.
>>15165649They did that by eating the fruits from the tree.Like on Dragonball Z!
Discord/CMC comic when?
>>15165623not really. You're jumping to conclusions based on nothing. Prevails wasn't the first to do fangs with all the shitty ocs out there doing it, and a lot of his work is comissions so saying it's his fault because someone's fanfic OC had fangs and they paid for a pic is kind of false. I also provided a pic of a bat pony with fangs not done by him and if you gave a shit you could go dig through the bat pony pics on derpibooru to see how many earlier ones had fangs but really, it doesn't fucking matter because you're just being a twat about it, not me.
>>15165681>One Piece.
>>15165654I don't care. You guys had a pointless storytime when you could have just read the comic by yourself, or go to /mlp/ to read it, and now you won't shut up about it
>>15165661And they fly into Ace Venturas hair!
>>15165637like when that day guard took off his helmet and still had blue hair underneath?
>>15165709Nope. I'll take the ponies.
>>15165697>Guys.>Stop talking about pony related stuff!>I SAID STOP IT!>WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING ABOUT WHAT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT!>FUCKING PISS!
>>15165709Yes, i'll stick my finger in your plum
>>15165669no anon that's bat wings that define bat ponies. Fangs aren't really all that important to it, I don' know why you'd think otherwise. And he's wrong because he was saying that prevails started the shit and all I was saying was, no, prevails did not start that shit. Seriously, and I'm the twat?
>>15165697>storytime>pointless>suprised we actually talk about the mlp comics in mlpg>legitmatly thinks discussing that stuff isn't supposed to be in the generalget out
>>15165696>one piecejust like the pony genetics.
>>15165716>a tiny batpony will never land on your face and start eating your snack
>>15165723Yes, you are, because what you're saying is wrong because he -did- start the trend.
>>15165700His eyes' color changed too.
>>15165697...I don't understand. Why is talking about ponies a bad thing?
>>15165740can you please both shut the fuck up about something so fucking inconsiquential, or better yet, move the pointless argument over fucking teeth of all things into the bat pony thread
so how 'bout that purple?
>>15165719>>15165726>entire board where you can post the comic and have an actual discussion>could have read it on /mlp/ then talked about it here>instead, ruin the general by posting a comic that people have to wait 60~ seconds to read each page for anywaysAll i saw was spam
>>15165726But Anon, it's not fetish talk or porn.Or getting mad at artists!This isn't MLPG's thing they do.MLPG isn't here to talk about pony stuff!
Do we have any idea on what the Rarity episode is going to be about?
you knowat least MLPG will never, ever, be as shit like that namco high thing
>>15165779Twilight used Swim!
>>15165773Hello, welcome to 4chan may I take your free time and convert it into pointless arguing?
>>15165779What about it?
>>15165782You are obviously not supposed to be here.I bet you get mad when we talk about the show when it comes out too.
>>15165779i liked her better when she was Green Ranger
>>15165782>posting an MLP comic>ruining the generalOh pull the stick out of your ass.
>>15165167This song will haunt me foreverI like it though so I don't mind
>>15165782>ruin>RUIN>WITH DISCUSSING THE COMICokay, now I am certian your just sayign this shit to get a reaction1/10 made me breifly wonder why tyou even came to MLPG
>>15165802Do you like it?
>>15165826>cutie marks in dog training
>>15165835Oh I like it alright. She's like 3rd best pony or something.
>>15165635It's a nice tail.
>>15165779The purplest
>>15165804>>15165809>>15165816The comic has nothing to do with the show. You're just elaborating on shit that won't happen on the show, and you could read it somewhere else.
>>15165782guaranteed replies
>>15165740No he didn't. Are you going to back up that claim or just keep telling me "I'm right because I said so!" >>15165516Let's settle this.The character midnight blossom was from a fic, she likely had fangs in it. Prevails drew a lot of art of her, I thing through comissions mostly, and all his earlier stuff did not include the fangs. He drew a lot of bat ponies without fangs. It was not until after the bat general started that he drew ANY ponies with fangs as far as I can see.check his deviantart yourself: on derpibooru it seems that, chronologically accordign to when they were psoted, very few pics of bat ponies or night guards have fangs before that general, except for some that I know were drawn by people HERE in MLPG just this last year. The only exceptions are not drawn by prevails.QED he did not start the trend, and you are a twat. Are you going to shut the fuck up about it now or keep insisting that "your headcanon is dead!" when someone posts a bat pony?
>>15165868>The comic has nothing to do with the show
>>15165868Thanks for the lovely ruse, mate. Have a reply!
>>15165779she's alright
>>15165868>The comic has nothing to do with the show.
>>15165887NO BREATHING
>>15165810It's a great song, isn't it?Celestia wants to be your father.
>>15165868Were talking about something pony related.Official shit to boot.If you want to go be mad about it i'm sure you can make a "Angry that MLPG likes thing" general on /mlp/ and talk about it with your fellow assdamaged aspies.Because last time I checked, we came from /co/ COMICS and cartoons.
>>15165885>The character midnight blossom was from a ficWhat fic?
>>15165868>MLPG has to be 100% show all the timeyeah, too obvious that your just trying to stir up shit for no reason.
why do you keep giving him what he wantsyou fools
>>15165868Your fishing license is revoked, anon
>>15165905wanna be your mother too
>>15165885Doesn't change the fact that fangs -are- one of the things that defines a batpony these days.
>>15165918gandalf make the hobbit a better movie series pls
>>15165911something about that one pegasus guard she's shipped with all the time. I don't know if it's a fic based on a pic that spawned even more pics, or if the fic initiated it all.
>>15165919alright who changed the record
>>15165889>>15165899Yes, it doesn't. In anime, the show is just an adaptation of the manga (comic), it draws its material straight from the other. This on the other hand, is a completely different thing, and the comics aren't even mentioned in the show
>>15165909>tfw have both comics and cartoons and soon to be a cartoon episode about comics yet still can't be in /co/
>>15165925Well they're cute so people draw them, but they're not necessary. I get the feeling you're trying to argue that just so you can shout out "look! know fangs, that means no bat ponies at all!" And I only get that feeling because people actually have tried saying that before.
>people who dont like the comics.1000 mega-hitlers
>>15165951I think that episode would blow their minds.
>>15165889>>15165895>>15165899>>15165909>>15165921The comics are fucking fanfiction that don't matter at all.It's brony pandaring.
>>15165955I like the comics but I'm sane and reasonable enough to do not mix them with the show.
>>15165954>but they're not necessaryRiight...
>>15165905>>15165923>>15165946>shoving this meme crapThere is a thread in the piss for that shit. >>>/mlp/
>>15165972Oh shit
>>15165972yep, that response isn't entirly predictable replybait
>>15165955That would be a gigahitler.
>>15165979Right. Because they were only added by blood fetishers injecting their vampiric fanon, and only kept because they're fucking adorable. Seriously, look at this cutie.
>>15165949>>15165972>>15165987is this an epic raid?
>>15166006Why do you shitpost?
>>15166004>yellow and tealWhat kind of shitty batpony is that?
>>15166006No is the average mlpg poster.
>>15166017green is not a creative color
>>15166017Obviously a little fruity.
>>15166019You mean /b/tard and steamchat crap.
Remember stop responding and they'll go away.Now let's talk about background shit we missed the the comics
>>15166017a FABULOUS one!
Pony debated semantics and other gentlemanly things
>>15166004They have fangs because they're batponies, that was established by everyone in the batthreads a long time ago.
>>15166025What's a creative color?
>>15166049Oh jeez pony, not in public. You know I have a reasonable disagreement fetish
>>15166040I'm not a fucking shitposter. Someone asked me to explain myself, and i did.
>>15166054of course. You're 100% right. Now is there a point to this or are you just being stubborn for no reason?
>>15166054I can't remember, did the night guard in the comics have fangs? The ones on the actual show certainly didn't but I can't really remember the comic version other than the fact they wore the same armor
It's time.
>>15166070Pony said that was "qutie alright" then called you her "good fellow"
>>15166092>implying I have drawn enough to fill that chart
>>15166078Yes, you are! If you disagree with the MLPG hivemind, you must be a shitposter!LYNCH HIM!
>>15166081not him, butis there any lewd midnight blossom out there?
>>15166077AMD a shit
>>15166101obviously. should be some on derpibooru.
>image swapThe only good bat pony is a slave bat pony.
>>15166085nope. none did. luna had fangs a few times though. at one time they were fake though.
Pony begged to differ
>>15166081>Now is there a point to thisYes there is, proving >>15165954 wrong.Honestly, are you an idiot?
>>15166092Hey, how did you get my chart already?
>>15166123fuck off you stupid dog
>>15166143Your chart?
>>15166137Why? You've done a terrible job of that so far and apparently proving means 'say i'm right a thousand times until they give up.' So, why?
>>15166123This anon has the right idea. >>15166149. If I am correct, that OC is a artist insert, isn't it?
Pony decked you out of nowhere, with an oversized lead boxing glove, and said "MORE FUN THAN A PILLOW-FIGHT". Then she started dancing, while your unconscious, broken form sailed and landed at least 20 feet away
>>15166131I didn't think so but wasn't sure, thanks.
>>15166092I'm no artist but I think this will work for all other posters that want to show off their pony waifu.
>>15166171Ok, I kinda laughed
So ponies confirmed for Christian?
>"I see you..."
>>15166190Comic confirmed for non-canon fanfiction
>>15166190king solomon was old testament, as in, you might as well say jewish. And you aren't even considering that luna is pony solomon.
>>15166190No, Luna merely confirmed for wisest pony in Equestriaalso she has a massive harem but that's really important
>>15166190They've always been Christian in the show.
>>15166199This is my Favorite Nightmare Moon image
>>15166208It's up there.
Anyone in Portland wanna make $250?
best bats right here.
So anything I missed for today?
>>15166162>and apparently proving means 'say i'm right a thousand times until they give up.'The proof is that the guards in the show and comics don't have fangs, meaning that they are NOT batponies like everyone in the bat threads believes them to be. Case fucking closed.Now stop trying to defend the batfags and let's talk about something else, for the love of fuck!
>>15166217I like to imagine Luna eaten or unbirthed Celestia when I see this image
>>15166236Not really.Can you possibly draw some Cloudchaserbutt to go with the Flitterbutt you drew the other day?
>>151662362 comic. One pirate and one Luna.
i need to kill myself.
>>15166190Why is Pinkie blue?Why does she reference pop-culture shit?
>>15166240You just have to fetishize the pictures I like
>>15166251sb pls
>>15166237not really, as has been beaten into your face constantly this whole thread, the fangs are not a necessary or defining feature of bat ponies and are just a nice addition that people liked. So it doesn't really mean anything at all and you're being assmad over literally nothing.
>>15166248I might not be that active these days but I will try.Here have some cloudbutt.>>15166165>>15166149>not acknowledging bats are for slaving
>>15166236how long have you been around MLPG? I've seen you once before but usually seem to miss you for some reason. And I swear I've seen your style before.
>>15166274>not acknowledging bats are for slavingPlease die.
>>15166269We will ponies.
>>15166233For some reason, the thought of Luna wearing a really old-fashiony swimsuit is incredibly appealing to me.
>>15166274God, the things I'd do to that rump...
>>15166190>Never breaks eye contact with the possum.Oh Flax Seed, you crazy cat.
>>15166299would you touch it?
>>15166274stupid dog.OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!
>>15166310Yes.Very much.There would be lots of squeezing and kneading involved.
>>15166271>the fangs are not a necessary or defining feature of bat poniesMaybe they weren't a defining feature in the past, but they are now, you stubborn twat!
>>15166271>>15166336It doesn't matter.When will you both realize that?
Pony tells you her fetish isHard core foreplay and cuddling
>>15166336but they're just a fad like that general. They not canon, as you've clearly pointed out, so they're not really important.
>>15166365Then it's her lucky day.
>>15166311>OOGA BOOGA>capable of building underground empires before pone's came.>>15166299Massage?
>>15166356it seems like those characters exist just to piss me the fuck off. Bravo, Faust. Not sure if i like the stupid boy characters, or the trying too hard to be serious boy characters more
>>15166374>MassageDoes anal sex count as a massage?
>>15166376>death threats that aren't actually death threats
>>15166382Rarity hasn't wahaha'd in almost three years
>>15166374...Courage the Cowardly Dog? anything? no?aw fuck you.
>>15166389>Januarycan i have November and August?
>>15166396she'll do it again when shes a alicorn
>>15166374>underground empiresWe've only ever seen a handful of burrows, though, sadly. Saying they had underground empires is a bit of a leap from a handful of dungeons and mines.
Pony is installing an ink pouch so she can escape from her enemies.
>>15166397That is what one get for not having cable I guess.>>15166415Well at least they have their shit together, well until those dungeon/fort has fallen to ruin that is.
what is your favorite pony's favorite book?
>>15166411thank you
>>15166535None because reading is boring.
>>15166535Probably some lame dentist textbook. silly pony
Pony introduced you to her lovely daughter "Beb" and her handsome son "Hatsus"
>>15166535"I just can't stop sucking dicks" by your waifuIt has become quite the classic
You know what this calls for?Everyone who reads the mlp comics are dumb bronies who love eating up shit that references pop-culture.
we are so beb
>small breeding farm near me looking for help>no experience requiredshould i?
>>15166535Something about flowers I am sure
>>15166608They breed the horses anon, the horses.
>>15166608Go for it.But if it's a live-in job, they better have an internet connection.
>>15166608Sounds like a good not bad idea
>>15166624well they posted the ad on the internet, so i'd assume so. You can't be too careful, however
>>15166608>just checked alabama laws>bestiality is legal as long as you arnt selling videos of itsounds good to me
>>15166636>September>Dat sombraPls post, i have needs
>>15166638>Anon we've been monitoring your internet connection>What the sam hill is em el pee gee?>And why do you keep talking about your job with them?
>>15166647>Go ahead son, just keep it to yourself
>>15166636when are you going to stream again
>>15166638I meant one you could easily access. For all you know it could just be a modem hooked up to a single terminal that you're not allowed to use.
Wait, how the hell is Hoofbeard able to live in the sea? How long does that waterbreathing spell lasted?
>>15166608I wish there was a horse farm near where I live. The only time I've worked with horses was when I took a summer job at a sheep farm.
>>15166657>They' enthusiasts.
>>15166670Delicious. You have any more of him? If not, you should draw more.
>>15166608>>15166623>>15166624>>15166629>>15166630>>15166647>>15166675Fuck off to /b/. This is not pony at all.>>>/b/
>>15166668true. i think i'd be too sheepish to ask if i could install a router (I'm not the anon who's asking the question)
>>15166674pirate Dash is the cutest fucking thing
>>15166674twily says the spell will last forever as long as he never masturbates again
>>15166708who is this dumb bitch, and how do i find and slap her?
>>15166700pirate dash and swordfighting rarity are my current favorite things
>>15166674I just want to know how he and Jewel got to know one another this well and fall in love.Did he go diving once and bury his sword in her treasure cavern?
>>15166674It didn't seem like there was a time limit on the spell. I dunno.
>buying potato chips>any flavor besides salt & vinegar, or BBQ
>>15166700Dash was really cute in a dress.
>>15166731>salt & vinegarI like you.
>>15166731>Salt and Vinegar.Delicious.
>>15166728>landlubberevery fucking time, Applejack. Goddamnit
>>15166731>salt & vinegarMy fucking nigga!
>>15166735>tfw Pinkie hats you
>>15166728>Aquatria is a thing.>Mermares migrate all the fucking time.>Their cities are abandoned half the time.>They are out knocking ships over and raping sailor ponies in caves.
>tfw AB is dead >tfw Apple hats us>tfw BDF is ded>tfw Caluriri is ded>tfw Changelingbro is ded >tfw Cheshire hats us >tfw ciircuit hats us>tfw Corwin is ded>tfw Creepy Curse is ded>tfw Dafty is ded >tfw Dalapony is ded>tfw Disco hats us >tfw Don.ko is ded >tfw Endii was killed by MSOB>tfw Gypsymagic is ded >tfw Hoppip is ded >tfw Jalm is ded>tfw Jailbait is ded>tfw Javkiller is ded>tfw Klondike hats us>tfw Kloudmutt hats us>tfw Kraut is ded and hats us>tfw LK is ded>tfw lolip hats us>tfw Megasweet hats us>tfw Mocha hats us >tfw Moe is ded >tfw Moophins is ded >tfw MiLes is ded >tfw Metals is in jail >tfw Nithirian is ded>tfw Noel hats us >tfw No-Ink hats us>tfw NPA is ded >tfw NTSTS hats us >tfw Obsidian is ded>tfw PHN hats us >tfw Peanus is ded>tfw PNGLN hats us>tfw PS is ded>tfw Rei is ded >tfw Reu hats us >tfw Ross is alive>tfw Rubro is ded>tfw Saine is ded and hats us>tfw Scherzo hats us >tfw Shout hats us >tfw Smile hats us >tfw TAW is ded>tfw Tess hats us >tfw Tex hats us >tfw Unity is ded
>>15166735Not as cute as Pinkie.
>>15166767>Inky is alive and loves us>Nasse was killed by MSOB just today
>>15166728It sound like a simple spell, yet it seem or powerful. You would never have to worry about being ship wreak with that spell up.Its interesting that the comic writer and artist link up the comic with that book.
>>15166781>Nasse was killed by MSOB just todayFaggot needs to grow a spine.
>>15166781>Nasse was killed by MSOB just todayWhat happened again?
>>15166781>Nasse was killed by MSOB just todayWhat'd he do now?
>>15166774aw, what a cute little->hint of a vagwaaaaait a minute...
where can I watch the latest episode?
>reading the comics>reading fanfictionLOL
>>15166809>vaginas can't be cute, adorable, or non-sexualI bet you support female genital mutilation too, you sick fuck.
Just started the stackWhat should I expect now
>>15166809that honestly was not supposed to be there
>>15166767>>tfw Kraut is ded and hats usWhy isn't there a positive equivalent of this list about shitposters we all hate? We need some optimism.
>>15166803>>15166804Declared himself the god of anatomy and told Nasse to step up.
So, who's this "Horse" fella, and why d'you reckon his heart's so strong anyways?
>>15166838Aw. I liked it. Not even from a sexual point of view. I just enjoy nude art, aesthetically.
>>15166831Exploding dicksExploding kneesA reason to buy stock in tissuesThe key to the universeA ponyMaybe and ice cream sandwich, and that's a big MAYBE
>>15166850>MSOB>anatomyGotta need an archive link to that. That can't possibly be true.
>>15166774thanks again
>>15166850>MSOB>god of anatomyHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>15166778Most of the 6mane are. I like how Twilight looks in the comic.
>>15166862Likewise. However I don't draw vaginas as nothing more than a curved line. That's just boring and lazy.
>>15166884godshe's soCUTE!
>>15166850>Declared himself the god of anatomy
>>15166778>>15166884Bandannas on ponies is way too fucking cute
Pony bought you something from "Beb, Hats and Beyond"
>>15166850Oh boy, it's that time again
>>15166896>>15166874>>15166870Dude went full Ross on him.
>>15166920but where's the proof?
>>15166906>>15166892AJ need to learn a lesson in wearing thost bandannas. The hat isn't her thing here. Not at all.
>>15166935This is MLPG, there is no proof because he's lying to you
>>15164560But I just got here
>>15166840Kraut, Sentenal and BCS are gone, which means that we managed to get rid off the worst 3 shitposters we ever had, so maybe MLPG can still accomplish good things as long as we stick together.
>>15166968we still have NBS.How do we get rid of him?
>>15166968None of them were anything even close to being the worst, the worst shitposters stay anonymous. Broke and one other.
>>15166973...Wow.What a dick.
>>15166968>weI am assuming you are the shit poster that shitpost all these crap and using those three as your scapegoat.
>>15166850Nasse needto step up but MSOB is ross-tier.
>>15166973Not only is his art awful, he is also an asshole. I wish Endii was still around too, but you know what happened. He might be the guy who often gets confused for Ross when posting stuff about art.
>>15167018>>15167028>>15167036B-but muh boob fetish!
>>15166968there are people who still shitpost about sentenal and kraut, they have become do we get rid of them?
>>15167006BrokeNuffyNBSthe straight-edge faggotthat one guy who bought the $500 bannerI'd say those are the worst
>>15167049That's like 3 people you listed
>>15167049>no GG and his drones
>>15166959>>15166973Now who is the lair.Mister lair mc laierson pantses ore on the fires.
>>15166973>I actually have a very physical understanding of drawing>sometimes acting it out helps meSad to hear about your Facial nerve paralysis MSOB. I also hope that one day there will be surgery that will give you the face of an actual human being.Assuming the faces you draw are based on your own of course.
>>15167046Boobs aren't even that great!
>>15166767I don't hat you, you silly shit.
>>15167076skwisgaar pls
>>15167080It's how he distracts his fans away from the rest of his shit art.Kinda like Ross with fat rolls and no hands or feet.
Anyways, I finally deleted everything MLP/General related in my image folder.I'm finally free and got a gf. Pretty neat.Bye MLPG.
>>15163933Oh god i have the fear that spike will save everything by accident and that ruin the ending of the episode
>>15166767>tfw not important enough to be proclaimed ded
>>15167113>Just like every bumbling sidekick ever.
>>15167006They are the worst ones who occasionally wore a name while shitposting and since anonymous shitposting can be blamed on others they obviously did the majority of their shitposting anonymously and then blamed it on people who weren't even involved.
>>15167109Cya tomorrow
>>15167109Your time here will be nothing but a funny memory. A dark dream pushed to the deep recesses of your mind. Be gone, my wayward son
>>15167113Umm anon. I think everyone knows that Spike will save the day.
>>15166973>breaking skype drama hereFuck off
We spend too much time talking about the quality of these threads.We should really just relax.
>>15167109goodbye anon, we will all miss your high quality posts.
>>15167109Yeah but your gf isn't a pony, what have you accomplished
>>15167151Bravo, China!
>>15167151Yeah, I read about that.I think there's also a reddit sticky on the bitcoin section with the suicide hotline number.
>>15167151>keeping any large amount of money in coins>at allThe worst choice, also you lost value by proxy even then unless you bought dogecoin very very early.
>>15167151As long as you move it back to Fiat before the trend dies, you'll be fine. It still has growth in it
>>15167049>that one guy who bought the $500 bannerI still think that guy was hilarious.He was so upset when no one cared about it.
>>15167154>Get called out to provide proof of thing.>Do it.>Why you post thing!?
>>15167180And he's been around ever since, shitposting about anything and everything.
>>15167174>there's also a reddit sticky on the bitcoin section with the suicide hotline can't even make this stuff up
>>15167151>pretending to be mewball
>>15166311>OOGA BOOGA BOOGA!
>>15167182I didn't ask you to post anything, I'd be glad if you'd just stop bringing drama from skype to the thread.
>>15166973What a disappointment. Again.Soon there won't be anyone left to respect around here.
>>15166973>those last two linesThat is not okay!
>>15167211>Respecting MSOB>Ever.
>>15167190He's gotta get his $500 worth of shitposting I guess
>>15167229Maybe it was a bit over the top, but the comments from Nasse that led up to it where asking for it.
>>15167211This is like the third time this has happened.
I'm gonna call it a dayGood night, MLPG>mister ENOURMOUS IMPOSSIBLE TITS anatomy giving nay advice>ever
>>15166973>I actually have a very physical understanding of drawingMoron's man tities.
>>15167229If you look closely at how he talks to people his "i'm better than you in every aspect" attitude shines through. It's funny that MLPG can't see blatant elitists for what they are until something like this happens.
>>15167244I can't imagine what kind of life he must have to waste so much time trying to ruin something for people on the internet.
>turns out MSOB is a huge dickI'm having Terse flashbacks here
>>15167276>He says on 4chan.
>>15167211We'll always have people like Leth, Isaac, LK, and Klondike, right?R-right? ;_;
>>15167264Maybe if you're looking for it, but I've never seen it anywhere. I'd like to see what Nasse was saying to lead up to that tirade, because it looks like a bunch of good advice ended with a mild insult.
>>15167276I remember a thread about it where he was talking about it and /mlp/ proper was soundly mocking him. Claimed he had rich parents, a boat, all sorts of shit.That might be precisely the case.
>>15167280How many hours a day do you spend here?Not as much as him, I'm willing to bet.And he's here every.Single.Day.
>>15167276Well if he's to be believed about anything, he's got it made money-wiseBeing set for life means you can spend all day shitposting and not worry about a thing
>>15167279>turns outMSOB has always been a salty cunt, it just took three tries for you to notice
>>15167285Nasse has spent the last week moping and griping about art and motivation incessantly, on skype and elsewhere.
>>15167279Hes not a dick Anon.Hes a big boob!
>>15167285"The one who has eyes covered with tits can't see the truth"-Confucius
>>15167302>Well if he's to be believed about anything, he's got it made money-wiseThat seems kinda unlikely though, unless he inherited it.People who are that shitty at handling money normally stay poor.
>>15167302He's a neet, he is set for life, autismbux support his lifestyle entirely.
>>15167305Looks like he got motivated right the fuck out.Sure did work out.
>>15167304>three triesWhat were the other two?Shitposting about LK ruining quests and?
>>15167305Pretty standard Nasse fare, to be honest. He's a solid guy, but like a lot of artists he has confidence and motivation issues.
>>15167321>Looks like he got motivated right the fuck out.>Nasse has left
>>15167283No. Only human garbage sticks with us.
>>15167327He made Endii cry bitch tears, it's like MSOB's special talent is rooting out the weaklings.
>>15167333>Roll for motivation.>Critical success!>Kill self.
>>15166973We have finally found the cure for Krautism
>>15167340>MSOB's special talent is rooting out the weaklings.msob pls go
>>15167340Oh yeah I forgot about thatMostly because I thought Endii was fairly annoying
>>15167340What kind of cutie mark would that even look like?
>>15167370An asshole.
>>15167370a fist punching a tear with a dismayed face
>>15167340No, his special talents are drawing hideous manface, terrible breasts and rendering otherwise appealing concepts repugnant.
>>15167340>rooting out weaklingsIt's sad that autistic people like MSOB view this kind of stuff as some sort of battle they're waging on other people.He probably thinks of himself as some kind of internet warrior.
>>15167380>>15167381...What about a fist punching a dismayed asshole?Can an asshole even look dismayed?
>>15167370>>special talent is rooting out the weaklings
>>15167360>I get all buttflustered over someone calling me a fagtthis is 4chan, if being called a faggot by a trip is all it takes for you to start crying then maybe it isnt for you.
>>15167387He doesn't give me that impression, more like he just doesn't know when to stop saying things, and that's based on the very limited amount of "proof" provided.
>>15167398>Hitler was an artist.OH MY GOD IT'S SO PERFECT!
>>15167399msob pls go
>>15167387And he talks about improvement while having drawn the same 3-4 pictures over and over again for years
>the point of the log was to let people know MSOB is a huge faggot>people are rooting for MSOB nowy'all are some bipolar fuckers
>>15167419Nasse/Endii pls go
>>15167421It's like getting art advice from Buckley.
>>15167429Like hell I am.
>>15167412>limited understanding of social cues and what kind of behaviour is considered acceptable>no real empathy>inability to word opinions in anything but aggression>likes poiniesMSOB sounds autistic to me.
>>15167429It's about half and half, calm down
>>15167391>20% of the video is introI hate that shit
>>15167446I thought he was.I thought everyone knew he was.I thought everyone knew that Ross was too.
>>15167429If we are bipolar just give us a few minutes we will all be raising pitchforks and shit.And then get depressed and try to kill ourselves.
>calling someone else out for being a cunt to an artist>when the number one problem MLPG has is it's anons being shitty to artistsYa'll some shifty motherfuckers
What's MSOB's trip? I can see this becoming a recurring shitstorm, so I need it to complete my filter set beforehand.
>>15167429If you want to post proof you post the entire chat log and not one small section of it, but posting the entire chat log of others is rude and more importantly has nothing to do here, so the right thing to do is shutting up about it and telling MSOB to get fucked in his own thread on or via IM if you disapprove of what he's done.
Can someone post a picture of one of the Mane 6, from the show?
>>15167469Yep, now fuck off to tumblr where you belong. :^)
>>15167476Easier to call out someone by name than bitch about anonymous, which won't change
>>15167429But the log didn't show him being a huge faggot, it shows him offering a lot of very helpful advice (regardless of whether you/we think it works out in his own art) to somebody who has always had trouble about motivation and being 'bad' at art.Either show us what inspired the rant, or go away.
>>15167478oh no, I didn't posted that log, I don't even use skype, I was just pointing out the sudden opinion shift
>>15167479I think this one's name is Rainbow Dash
>>15167501Could have as well just grown some balls and tell MSOB directly that he thought that was over the line, seeing how he's obviously in a chat with him.
>>15167229After listening to Nasse's whining over and over, I'd say it was just out of pure annoyance.
>>15167511You are half right anon
Guys please, I haven't even been in the thread for almost all day.
>>15167512No no, that's the plane 6
>>15167529That's never stopped anyone, see the endless Kraut shitposting
>>15167163It's possible, I used to drop off what I was practicing on classical guitar every once in a while here.I also spoke of ponies, but the dream is dead.
>>15167512>vinner buys lunch, ya?Why would winner by lunch, that's punishing someone for doing well. Dumbest race 2013
>>15167533What's that?I don't have a picture of the crane six!
>>15167479I'll just post best pony, than. You ask for it.
>>15167542Oh, it's you. Good riddance.
>>15167543well the winner gets to choose where to eat??
>>15167567>European food.Nobody is a winner!
>>15167575I like your art drool anon.
Pony says it's 5 45 and she's got 5.45
>>15167575i am gonna need that fluttershy, DT, twily, pinkie and derpy kick picture
>>15167579Don't be silly, NTSTS has been dead for months.Also, that Anon doesn't sound anything like NTSTS at all
>>15167579I'm not that pretentious.
>>15167539He always brings himself up to get more attention. I wish he'd stop. This board should get IDs so we can always call his anon shitposting out and just filter him.
>>15167613seth plspls
>>15167211That's cute. You know most of the people who stop showing in the threads can still be reached right? Tumblr? Skype? Steam? There's so many fucking ways yet it always ends at "boohoo they left".Fucking reach out to people sometimes instead of just demanding shit. Fuck your shit mlpg.
>>15167575>augustI laughed
>>15167611>>15167615he's the only one I remembered that played guitar
>>15167623Have you even read the post?
>>15167619>implying Seth comes to mlpg>implying we want him to
>>15167580Don't hold your breath for it.
>>15167639I was anon, always.
>Giving other artist shit when you're still only "Generic internet artist"People need to learn how to hold a mirror up to themselves.And people just need to learn to "Just Like Draw Pone".
>>15167639There's also one Anon who did some vocaroos, I assume that's the one posting right now
>>15167645If Seth came in you know he would HAVE to use his trip.So you know it's him.
>>15167645seth pls
>>15167651Pony was holding her breath, Nosso. She passed out.
>>15167659No.Someone is wrong on the internet.
>>15167651Why must you hat us? hasn't anybody done this with pony?
>>15167693Thank MSOB for that. Nasse has been with us for far longer than most other artists, but sometimes some asshole has to come along and ruin everything.
>>15167610twi and fs
>>15167730It didn't even happened here. It was on some fucking skype chat. What are you talking about?
>>15167744that twily is better than i imagined
>>15167693It's not your fault, it's my own. I should have just started drawing ponies when I got home instead of trying to do humanized and this all probably wouldn't have happened.>>15167730It's not MSOB's fault, it's my own problem.]
>>15167684But you have to let people figure that out for themselves.I went back to programming tutorials and books when I thought I could JLMG it wasn't until I was 2 months of little to no progress but heaps of motivation that I knew I had to go back to cplusplus and go over other people's code.
>>15167793NO DONT
>>15167748You know what happens in situations like this. Pretty much the same thing happened with Endii and look how often he showed up after that. Some asshole with low self-esteem needed an ego boost and unfortunately it had to happen at Nasses expense.
>>15167806How do we remove the MSOB?
>>15167793that's amazing
>>15167793I would recommend deleting that post now. Anything that involved that yellow pony get you banned.
>>15167839Derpy is grey you idiot.
just because.
>>15167820You are the worst kind of faggot
>>15167834and epic
>>15167718That is one epic DT that you have there.
>>15167839If that gets him banned, the fucking mods need to set their priorities.
>>15167891gee, you sure showed me, anon
>mfw someone gets worse in a summary of art pic
>>15167839Milky is kinda save, I posted her a bunch of times without getting banned.Though I get shitcanned every. single. time. I post NSFW
H-Here I go
>>15167926im not trying to show you anything. i am just posting popular memes in the hopes the people here will accept me.
>>15167952Love that Lyra.
>>15167952>septemberwhat's with the cmc dinosaur
>>15167970I think it's one of them newfangled pokeymans.
>>15167952thank you for this
>>15167970that's a pokemon
>>15167952oh hey I was a dick to you in the minecraft server almost a year ago. good art.
Pony drew you without the penis in your mouth, this time
>>15167970you said the magic wordeveryone ready for what happens on christmas
>>15167999>oh hey I was a dick to you in the minecraft server almost a year ago.>this shit againI've never played on a Minecraft server
Can someone post another picture of one of the Main 6, from the show?
>>15168046TOO FAST
>tfw haven't spoken to my dad since I was 13>tfw want to contact my father and get back in touch>tfw I have his business's phone number and want to call him but can't muster the gutsFuck.This sucks. it's also not pony, I know.
>>15168056he is trying to force a new epic meme by reposting the same exact thing every thread. you are falling directly into his trapthis is his face at every reply or indirect reply he gets
>>15168057It's good to know that RD is still cute as heck in any dimension she's in
>>15168084godshe's justtoo adorable
>>15168000I like her singing voice, all 3 of them are good really.
>>15168101sucks to be you.
>>15168142>The back of her manedat dragon ball z do
>>15168109Except the third dimension
>>15168101Do it.
Why is Venture Bros so good?
>all this progress around me>feel stuck with this rubbishGranted my attention span is terrible and I have more important things to take care of but it still feels shite.
>>15168197it really isn't.
>>15168179I just don't know how to answer the phone."Hi, this is anon, is anondad there? What's up? Haven't seen you in 12 years"
>>15168207ur wrong.
>>15168197Brock Samson is probably in the top 5 greatest characters of all time
>>15168197Because it revels in its' own insanity>>15168203Hey, at least you are ahead of me, all my spaces are blank
>>15168203You're pretty good Shout.
>>15168203Well, work on it when you have the chance.Also, her right hooves seem so weird and that is a big belly.
>>15168203I think your sense of humour makes due, honestly
>>15168101Don't call for contact after 12 yearsshow up out of the blue, uninvited
so, I just got the latest material in starbound and i've got a legendary weapon.I've finished the game.three boring days.
>>15168245But he lives on the other side of the country.
>>15168259a bloo bloo blooI want contact but I don't want to drive for some hoursa bloo bloo bloo
>>15168142Yeah, though Scoots VA sounds a bit too old when singing.Which is understandable I guess, according to the comments she's 18 already.
>>15168259well then get the money for a plane ticketthis guy put you on this planet
oh hey I missed the scootaloo episode. how was it?
>>15168212Pretty much exactly like that.Either he'll be glad that you call him or hang up.
>>15168203if you did that twi...I need to know where you post your things
>>15168296Woah now filly, you don't need to talk like that.
>>15168294it was alrightbut i expected more scootacuddling
>>15168296>tfw never be a pony in heat
>>15168320care to drop a link? Can't find it anywhere.
>>15168203Well, your stuff is already nice to look at though improvement will be hard to achieve without actively trying.
>>15168343my bad, found it.
>>15168296>tfw every time you see colt you think underage male
>>15168343 being so lazy Anon, it's always in the same place. Always.
>>15168203Hurts doesn't it mate? I feel reluctant as hell about doing '13 sheet.
>>15168368>downloading episodesbesides, my computer can't handle 1080p.
>>15168294its the low point of the season so far
>>15168386Are you browsing on a toaster? Even my phone can handle that.
>>15168393well, I can run starbound. Can your phone run starbound?
>>15168387Which doesn't say much, since the rest of the episodes were really strongI agree that it was pretty meh though
>>15168393>cant run ridiculous demanding tech>HURRR STOP USING TOASTER CDDDDDD
>>15168281>>15168276I was thinking of calling him, asking for an email and sending him an imgur album of my life. Then ask if he would like to see me (whether it's a trip up to me, or trip down to him)
guysi need luna and rosalina artbecause reasonsholy shit she look so much fun to play
>>15168421>ridiculous demanding
>>15168239Twi's just naturally rounder than the other ponies
>>15168449isn't she also larger?
>>15168434You could do that or you could hug him like a fat girl at Animecon, then explain that you're his son
>>15168239>>15168449Pudgy purple pony pirate_
>>15168449Twilight ain't fat, she's got a cake in the oven.
>>15168449For some reason Twilight carries being plump better than anyone elseMust be the ''grapefruit'' look
>harshwinnywhyof all the backgroudn ponies they chose the worst
>>15168463She got a little taller.
>>15168449I'd hug that round pony
>>15168500Mr. or Mrs.?
>>15168449this is the maximum upwords limit of pony pudgyness for meonce they fatter they stop being cute and cuddly
>>15168506Except grapefruit isn't purpleConfirmed for never going outside
perfectly pudgy pink peerless plump princess pony pussy pucker
>>15168515Uh, because it's her job?Also how can you say no to a face like this?
>>15168515Say that to my fucking face
>>15168553wait, I thought you were dead?also SHE'S WORST PONYAlso: they said "horses". Did we have a lengthy discussion about that?
>>15168526but the bigger they are, the more you can hug and snuggle
>>15168515And which background pone do you consider the best?
>>15168577None, background ponies are brony shit.
>>15168577moot plz>>15168576there is a point of diminishing returns. And then it actually starts going down after that.
>>15168515>backgroudn ponieshe has a voice, part in an episode, and a canon personality, she's not a background pony
So it's been another year, huh?
>>15168593next you're going to say that chickadee is not a background pony.
>>15168572>horsesyou know, I was thinking about that too. I just assumed they were talking about Saddle Arabian type horses
>>15168592>And then it actually starts going down after thatmore for me then
This pone needs a good, hard fuck.
>>15168601She's not, for the same reasons>>15168602What?She's a reoccuring character, you guys. Flim and Flam weren't background ponies.
>>15168609that first pic you posted, that was idealthis one is too much
>>15168577dammit moot and/or dogethat is over the line
>>15168515>>15168593>>15168601They're side characters. Even a one-shot like Fancy Pants is a side character since he actually had lines and an important part.
>>15168576Speaking of which, why aren't you guys practicing on drawing butts?
>>15168577>Flying Saucer getting a picture of clothing due to a 4chan hick up
>>15168606but the shadow shows a full grown stallion, while they say that.
>>15168611Pone needs tender loving.
>>15168611Who is Cadence?
>>15168638Well shit, there must be a race of horsey horses out there in Equestria somewhere.
Anon! Come to bed with me.
>>15167718That Mare-Do-Well is pretty neat.
>>15168678you're a girl...right?
>>15168572>>15168606>>15168638>>15168672Twilight turned mice into horses in Best Night Ever.And they've said "horses" multiple times on the show before, like in Over A Barrel and in the Cider song.
goddamn i wanna cuddlefuck the crusaders so bad
>>15168631Exactly. Background characters are ponies like Cloudchaser, Derpy, Lyra, and the flower ponies.
big booty horse
>>15168638I am pretty sure that was just the animators not wanting to bother with anything more complexThese guys would definitely qualify as horses as far as I am concerned
>>15168632I am.human butts
>>15168716>cuddlefuckingHow does that even work? Do you just stick your dick in them and cuddle with no thrusting at all?
Guys what if Celestia is half horse?And therefore infertile.
>>15168632because I'm busy drawing human loli butts
>>15168759first you cuddle them, then you fuck them,m then you keep cuddling them as you fuck them then you repeat the process ad libitum.
>>15168772>human loli butts
>>15168748im actually sad they went nowhere with those horses but glad as well
>Getting caught up on one line in the fucking song.It's because they already have hearts as strong as ponies, fuck!Anything stronger is a goddamn horse!
>>15168796Yeah me too, especially if they are going to keep mentioning horses. Seeing as those two have no butt marks they have got to be pretty different from the ponies
>>15168796>Bunch of blank flank horses.DT and SS would lose their minds.
>>15168819twilight's husbando
>>15168764Why would she be only half horse though?Unless those delegates from Saddle Arabia only were half horses, too.
>>15168819written script, the same guy she has been rubbing all over ever time she goes to a train station3 times now
>>15167258> that was super sugoi
>>15168828You mean nohooves?
>>15168836>rubs her every time she goes to a train stations-surely he could be his brother
>going through folder>actually see myself drawing less and less each monthIs this what it feels like to feel your creativity die
>>15168836>rubbing all over
>>15168853It is ok anon Carrot just REALLY likes stallions
>>15168853>he could be hisIs Carrot Top hiding something?
>>15168870holy shitwhat a whore
>>15168836>rubbing all overunf