Well, the comics are here!The last micro-series comic (hello, Friends Forever!), and the conclusion to the pirate mini-arc. Looks like Under the Sparkling Sea made a bigger splash than it first seemed!Luna and Tiberius are so cute.>>15154847Previous thread.
dedrip mlpg
>>15158479>Friends Forever!How are you guys feeling about this series of comics?Duos sound like they could be fun.
MONSTER STRAM IS NOWhttp://derpy.me/fnhw3Sorry for the delay, please come and watch!
>>15158479I'm not as familiar with myth and legend as i should be. Is there significance to the name "Tiberius" for the possum?
>>15158479Tibbles is kawaii.And also has rabies.
>>15158545probably just katie and andy's star trek fetish
>>15158479The Pirate Comic was nice. At least 2 pony learn a lesson (Dash on pirating and Fluttershy on keeping a friend from its own home). It got an interesting connect with the Seapony Book (and they look a hell a lot better in the comic). Is it wrong that I want to see those Sea Pony in the show now that the comic made it less horrible?
>>15158538First one is Pinkiejack and then Discord+CMC. Even if they're terrible they're going to be at least interesting.Spikelestia comic is going to be ass though
anyone got a link to the latest comics?
Blah blah still need fanfics you guys is useless
>>15158603nigga there'a a whole site for themfimfiction.netit even has a little search bar, go read and be merry
>>15158619But but but >wading through a sea of garbage when someone might be able to suggest something instead
>>15158603http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/kathras/Now shut up and jerk it already
>>15158603You can't just say "give me fanfics"That's like saying "give me movies"You got to say what you want man. You want sweet and sacharine cute ponies doing cute things? Raunchy romps? high adventure? Gut busting lughter?
>>15158631What do you want?Porn? Feels? Grim? Epic?
>>15158524naw he's always been like thishe had a stats or chem test a few years ago and instead of studying, he 'borrowed' a key, went in the school and photocopied the test for everyone.Guy's smart as hell, genius level, but he takes the dumbest risks.
>>15158645Not him, but I could use some sweet and sacharine cute ponies doing cute things if you have suggestions.
>>15158603Rarity's generous plan
>>15158479Why is Pinkie Pie hugging Celestia?
double y'all
Despite Hearts Strong As Horses feeling pretty weak, it's still stuck in my head
>>15158664Sounds like a great businessman.Too bad he'll be spending Christmas at Gitmo eating a cockmeat sandwich and will be marked for life.
>>15158679xDebin memay ponibrao! /}
>>15158681She needs another hat.
>>15158631You don't wase through a sea of garbage, you search for tags based on what you want, then you only have to wade through like a pond of garbageIs that so hard?If you just keep asking for "fanfiction" you're only going to get shit like >>15158666
>>15158695where is she going to get another hat
>>15158664Like I said, no common senseGenius level intellect doesn't mean shit if you're a fucking idiot
>>15158700At the hat store.
>>15158665here's a cutesy fic with pinkie and the cakeshttp://www.fimfiction.net/story/43268/tummy-acheAnd a warm and fuzzy slice of life fluttershy story:http://www.fimfiction.net/story/25439/my-little-butterfly
>>15158700GG draw two headed Rarara making out with herself
>>15158664Ladies(ha) and Gentlemen, the difference between Int and Wis in a nutshell
>>15158664harvard has had a long running issue with cheating in it's student bodyAlso, like half the campus seriously qualifies to be labels as sociopaths
>>15158645>>15158659Anything from corny shipping to practically-novel length adventure to funnies. Not really looking to beat off, there are better ways to take care of that.Read the stuff back during the first hiatus when I had a problem and just sorta wondered if anybody kept up with it enough to point out anything particularly interesting.>>15158699Thing is I'd only be excluding one or two tags, and even then there's exceptions.
>>15158643>over a year oldi need recent shit you faggot. i was just reading a good fic but it was about unicorn twilight. it fukken ruined the whole mood.
>>15158723I wonder if he's got the Charisma to talk his way out of it, or the Constitution to make it through prison?
>>15158727Harvard teaches it's students how to lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top. That's why a lot of important people have backgrounds at Harvard.
>>15158734>>15158733I guess I feel you guys. Thing about fanfiction is, no matter how vaunted certain fics are going to be, it's a challenge to find fics that are going to compare to actual, published authors.Lower your standards a little bit and be blown away by the simplest of horsewords
>>15158690Most he can get is like 5 yearsI think he might spend some time in Korea after, but I know he'll come out of this fine.It's just hard right now. He'll figure something out after.>>15158701>>15158723I guess it is a pretty good example of that. It's not like he's completely retarded outside of math and science though, he just made a mistake.A pretty big mistake
Rollin'Evens - DrawOdds - Vidya
Next time on Game Grumps
>>15158764Put your name on so I can filter your nonpony shit
>>15158733Here's a really interesting story: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/48108/statisticsand here's a really fun and light hearted onehttp://www.fimfiction.net/story/54117/whom-the-princesses-would-destroya longer story that might just have the better written applejacks i'I've seen in a whilehttp://www.fimfiction.net/story/14777/contraptionologyAnd a oneshot that's a fun mix of everythinghttp://www.fimfiction.net/story/72971/nosflutteratu
>>15158733Not him but I try to find the Friend off event the MLPG did a year ago, but both of the Friend off Links are dead. Some of the entries were entertaining and its sad that its gone.http://www.fimfiction.net/friend_off_july_2012http://www.fimfiction.net/friend_off_2_results/Some one did try to hold a mlpg write event but there hardly any contributors there.http://mlpgwrites.tumblr.com/
>>15158759I'm not looking for high literature man. Just something half fun. If it makes it any easier, someone said Pink Eyes was a better read than FOE (which I dropped partway though), so I picked it up and kinda liked it.>>15158786Thanks, homie.
>>15158733I think you might enjoy The Exchange. It starts off pretty weird, and is a waifu-fic about Princess Celestia, but there isn't any clop. It has a lot of adventure and I enjoyed it a lot. http://pastebin.com/b84cTjFa
>>15158767What vidya?
>>15158764His life is ruined. Nobody will want to hire or educate somebody who has been charged with conspiracy for terrorism.
>>15158781More than anything, this just makes me miss _why
>>15158823>Nobody will want to
>>15158733http://www.fimfiction.net/story/22831/yours-trulythis is the only really long fanfic I've actually finished and liked it
>>15158807MLPG is the most casual of all the pone threads. We had a couple of friend offs, they were fun, but people move on, get jobs, etc.A person who was a sophomore in college when the show started has graduated by now.
>>15158818I dunno. Dark Souls or LoL or Starbound or something.
>>15158727>>15158755yeah, cheating is really prevalent in most prestigious American colleges because of the competitive education style. Graduates from places like Harvard are being passed up for students from smaller colleges who are taught to actually think and lead better, not just fill out a sheet.>>15158823They can't charge him with that, it's obvious to everyone it was a fake bombthreat. The worst of it is expulsion and the fines. >>15158777Sorry, I guess I kinda was shitposting a little with how off topic this is.I'll just go.
>>15158849LK plsPost your ship.
>>15158807Read most of that acutally, but much obliged for the digging!>>15158815I'll take a peek, thanks.>>15158840You ever read Dangerous Business? That's the only terribly long one that I've enjoyed enough to recommend to folks. Ended up marathonning it one night and had my only horse dream afterward.
>>15158863I've played like 10 minutes since the wipe last week or so. It's just the standard Avian ship.
>>15158850I'm talking about you. You could be nailed for conspiracy. First thing tomorrow you need to contact a lawyer. If some fuck on League of Losers can get arrested for making a joke, so can you.
>>15158843Oh I know that.Just sad that some of the entries for the Friend Off are gone forever, well a link to the fic anyways.
>>15158886Oh and the art work. THOSE are gone since they are saved into the webpage.
>>15158905Very cute.
>>15158905Fluttershy please, I thought you were worst ponystop making me love you so much
Hey um. To those of you that linked me horse to read, I just remembered the name of the stuff I was gonna bribe with. Some halloween stuff I enjoyed from a couple years back. I know it's out of season, but they're pretty fun.http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1451/the-monster-mash
>>15158905dot pls
Pony wonders if you've ever had to dig through the hamper for a pair of underwear.
>>15158928is that a request for doctor flutters
>>15158933Pony should know I have plenty of underwear so I don't need to do that.
>>15158936Yes.Flutters and Mane Cureall (that vet pony)I'm remembering names of backgrounders from the cards. Am I brony yet?
>>15158807http://web.archive.org/web/20121014090424/http://www.fimfiction.net/friend_off_july_2012http://web.archive.org/web/20120706112731/http://www.fimfiction.net/friend_off_2_resultsImages are dead, but the fic links all still work. You've just got to clean the "web.archive.org/web/20121014090424/" from the start of the URL.
>>15158939Milky Way
Dear sweet fuck did Summer Days and Evening flames actually get finished?Goddamn I'm glad all this fanfic talk made me check.
>>15158939So, what, rarara with cow tits?
http://www.reddit.com/r/MLPLounge/comments/1t4nas/plounge_its_time_you_guys_knew_who_i_really_am/vvvvhttp://www.reddit.com/r/MLPLounge/comments/1t4nas/plounge_its_time_you_guys_knew_who_i_really_am/http://www.reddit.com/r/MLPLounge/comments/1t4nas/plounge_its_time_you_guys_knew_who_i_really_am/http://www.reddit.com/r/MLPLounge/comments/1t4nas/plounge_its_time_you_guys_knew_who_i_really_am/http://www.reddit.com/r/MLPLounge/comments/1t4nas/plounge_its_time_you_guys_knew_who_i_really_am/GUESS WHO
>I thought I enchanted this knife so it wouldn't harm anyone friendly, how unusual.
Have you bought your ccg decks yet?
reposting because i posted it in the old threadhttp://www(dot)livestream.com/agathoidstreaming national treasure in a few minutes
>>15159021I'm waiting to see how the game settles with people before going in on it.
>>15158989luna waifu plsyou are too good to me
>>15159000>poor ratingsdidn't even fool me for a second, FiM is a cash cowno pun intended
>>15159027Shits fun yo
>>15159021Nah. I only play LCGs. Played Pokemon. Fooled me once. Played magic. Fooled me twice.Learned better.Playing Netrunner now. It's fucking baller and only blows a small hole in my wallet by comparison.
>>15159034Yeah, admittedly pokemon TCG wasn't that fun to play. My friends and I still bought cards of course to trade, but as far as fighting our pogeys went we just used the games.
>>15159021I have no one to play with so noHowever I'll end up with half a deck in the coming weeks if I'm lucky and that amazon thing pans out
aw south park is on hiatus
>>15159006Wow how gullible are you?
>>15159021I'm hyped but you need a starter deck to play (you need one of those mane6 cards). I was wanting Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. Those only come in the 2 Player Sets.Which are delayed until January.That left a taste in my mouth and now I don't want to pay shipping. I'm going to find a comic shop that carries them. Most of the places in town are shitty though.
>>15159034Can you explain what you don't like about CCGs?
>>15159043>finally get into the metagame now that it's not ballblisteringly difficult to breed good poges>get your shit pushed in because you're actively trying to not use the best picks from current OUI don't know what to do, anon.
>>15159072Stack Flareons
>>15159082Sorry yellow horse, my heart belongs to another pone
>>15159072>I don't know what to do, anon.Don't fucking play pokemon against tryhards? Just play the game and play against your friends and forget "competitive" anything
>>15159009how violent. more violence plz
>>15159068The random draw from booster packs, and the fact that the money I spend on those packs will become useless once the cards aren't tournament legal in a year or two. I just like to be able to drop ten bucks on a pre-determined package every couple months to get new cards for my decks.
>>15159034I really liked the Pokemon TCG (and I still do), but there was almost no one else around me who did more than collectI learned a few years ago however that in Nintendo's grand scheme, old cards are horrendously weak and I haven't bought or traded for a single card in many years
>>15159084sorry friend i do not understand your new meme, could you please explain.
>>15159089Like this?
>>15159097Well I do randoms and shit, but, unfortunately, the only friend I have that plays pokemon enough to have actually beaten the Elite 4 in x/y IS one of those tryhards with the Standard Smogon Roster.
>>15159006I can't into Reddit, I don't know what any of that meansLarson posted there under a different name I guess? What did he doe?
>>15159096>So psyched to see what I'll say next.He's saying it's an impersonator, dummy.
>>15159124>randoms>set aside actual team>pokesav a bunch of wonderguard ubers>drink delicious tears all day
>>15159072>welcome to aegislash/rotom-w/mega kangaskhan/talonflame: the game
>>15159121God, look at Celestia's saggy ass folds.I would pinch them and poke fun at her a little before buring my face in that and exploring till she forgets
>>15159124Well then tell him he's a faggot, that shit isn't fun
>>15159104Try old pokemon too.>Strongest attack for many of them was slam
>>15159131>impossibly large penismy favorite tag
>>15159142It should probably bother me that I'm watching someone die. Gotta love how modern entertainment desensitizes you.
Only thing I don't like about the luna comic is that she admitted Celestia could handle it all.
>>15159142is he okay?
I love her depiction and forward personality in the comicsI wonder if they'd carry that over to the series
>>15159139>tfw you use none of thoseI use mega mawile only because she's a qt
>>15159102>The random draw from booster packsYou don't need to buy boosters, but I can see what you mean. I usually just buy them for the thrill of opening them and maybe getting foils, and I buy what I really need after as singles.>the fact that the money I spend on those packs will become useless once the cards aren't tournament legal in a year or twoNot all games go by a block system, and if you win an event with what you buy you can usually get your investment back
>>15159172I love the sparkly shit around her eyes
>>15159162I wish the pumped pussy tag wasn't so empty
>>15159131Poor overendowed colts can't even suck themselves off.The princesses are so charitable.
>>15159184That feel. Not nearly enough of it around.
now that i am losing interest in ponies how do i make sure i dont go to equestria when i die?i want to go to the pokemon world instead now.
>>15159172>Blame my SisterDitto. I'd do horrible things to get a good solid Luna episode
>>15159181her mane sparkles, makes sense to have her eyelashes sparkle as well
>>15159192Are you a contributor?
>>15159194I wonder if something else sparkles.I'm talking about her pubic hair.Just in case it wasn't clear.
>>15159174I use Aegislash only because I spent too long hatching a shiny to just cast it asidealso my nigga
>>15158944here ya go>>15158957unf
>>15159168>she admitted Celestia could handle it all.I'd like to think that Luna's a better fighter than her sister.Celestia being the brains in the family, while Luna's the muscle.
>>15159172Nope.It's clear that the show and the comic have two totally different audiences.
>>15159218>picture hasn't loaded>look at tags>all the way through>brestia>futaHaha no
>>15159216Wow thanks!
Luna is too cute.
>>15159225>I'd like to think that Luna's a better fighter than her sister.I would have liked Luna SAYING she could handle it all, but pass out after meeting her sister. Celestia attempts the night and is freaked the fuck out and both agree to never swap shifts again
>>15159228one of those 'a's are b's, but not all b's are a's' situations i guess
>>15159254>Celestia attempts the night and is freaked the fuck out and both agree to never swap shifts againThis would have been a nice touch but we already had a Celestia micro
Can we agree that the Luna micro was the best micro; if not the best comic ever?
>>15159225Why not both of them have muscle
>>15159248For such an easy job I don't know why they look so disgruntled. Must pay a lot.
>>15159269I haven't read the older micros more than once, so I don't have great recall, but this one was pretty fuckin' great.
>>15159263I thought that was mostly a day comic or do you speak of the night marity comic?
>>15159168Celestia did handle it all.Who do you think did Luna's job when she's was banished to the moon?
>>15159281It seems like they just took all the guests at the garden party and made them stand around.
>>15159248i bet a large portion of the ponies fukken hate luna and want her removed from power.she has done nothing but fuck everything up and try to kill them
>>15159287Interns and "eager to face battle stallions".
>>15159287Robo-Luna, duh
>>15159281They were at a party, then they were forced to be chess pieces.
>>15159282The older micros are kinda shit, except for Rarity's. They didn't really start getting good until the Pinkie comic.
>>15159248>Luna doesn't know any better when it comes to making ponies into pawns.>Fancy Pants is totally alright with it.
Why aren't you outside admiring the full moon?
>>15159284No, the one where Celestia has to deal with keeping a controversial teacher at her school. The one that had the Harry Potter ponies and the one with the ears.
>>15159216>you're all set little gay!
>>15159301Ooh. Yes. I remember goops for stuff. That was fun.
sure is moon princess in here
>>15159303Because it's cloudy outside. Plus its really windy and cold.
>>15159307I was waiting for someone to think this
>>15159305I thought she had some night ponies assigned to the night.
>>15159305And the Ducktales pones.
>>15159303Too drunk and comfy in bed. Plus I've seen full moons before. Plus it's cold as fuck out tonight. Plus there'll be another one in a monthish if I really wanna see one.Sorry, bestprincess.
>>15159309all the moonat oncein public
>>15159303it admires me
>>15159248Why is Pinkie Pie playing Chess?
>>15159305And Fatty Doo Doo.
>>15159316>not brick_boomer_and_butch.png
>>15159315My head canon was always that Celestia literally just did both jobs. I don't know when she would sleep. I guess she would raise the moon and mostly delegate watching to others when she wanted to sleep.I guess she couldn't have not slept for 1000 years.
>>15159303I'd admire her full moon if you know what I mean
>>15159269Because she acts like Pinkie Pie, has millions of pop-culture references and has le reaction faces?Yes, the perfect brony micro.
>>15159225Luna gets beaten in chess by someone 1000 years her junior.Celestia fusses about her sugar and cholesterol level.Celestia goes to a spa on off daysLuna sneaks off to brawl in an underground fighting ringi love this combination.
>>15159324>>15159339So just to be clear, we've silently come to the consensus this is a shitter, right?
>>15159320>you will never make all three versions of luna cream themselves simultaneously
>>15159345Nah, it was fun. You're a shitter.
>>15159345Why are you shitposting?
>>15159340>Luna got beaten in Chess.WE WERE FORCED TO RETREAT!
>>15159348>making Luna cum so hard she changes form
>>15159340Technically chess theory (and likely the game itself, given how it's changed in the few years it's been in our society) has changed in the millennium she's been stuck on the moon, and if Fancy Pants already noticed she was losing, he's probably up on it. It's no wonder she got stomped.
>>15159345The comic, or the guy you're quoting?No to the first, I enjoyed it.
>>15159363>...grows a Nightmare Cock, flips you over, and tops you
>>15159370So... she inducts Fancy Pants as the "smart" consort, and Big Mac is the "strong" consort.
I want to see Celestia finishing Luna's chess game for her
>>15159363>Fuck woona so hard she blossoms into Luna mode>Make her so horny she rebels against you and turns into Nightmare Moon to rape you with her nightmarecock
>>15159378And so begins Luna's quest for a proper harem.Put that in your two-to-three-comic-storyline pipe and smoke it.
>>15159336>I guess she couldn't have not slept for 1000 years.Exactly, she threw gaurds n shit at the night
Pony wants you to be in her harem
>>15159323Luna knows what's best for business
S04, E10 Rainbow Falls 1/18/2014
>>15159397>>15159377>NightmarecockmindMan, cock is the best way to say that. It even forces your mouth into the right shape to take one
CCG Scootaloo is just as useless as she is in the show
hold onto your dicks kids
>>15159429What is her effect?
>>15159334>not trick_tick_&_tack
>>15159437How many stallions do you think slap their dicks to the thought of Celestia? How many of them do you think joined the royal guard just to see that ass every day? How many of them do you think are "married to their job"?
>>15159400>Luna thinks harems are still a thing.It gets awkward when she makes the public announcement of stallions to be her suitor.>None of them show up.>the old method had the guard take these stallions by force.>Luna just stands there in awkward silence.
>>15159443>not lock_stock_and_barrel
>>15159439She costs 2, requires 1 Loyalty, provides 2 Loyalty, and her effect is:>Main Phase: Exhaust this card to play a Troublemaker for free.So you lose her 2 power for the turn to save ONE action point.
>>15159437>you'll never use the royal rump as a pillow
>>15159475>LK will never draw chubby Rita
>>15159480Fuck LK, Dufel is FAR and away better.
>>15159465If you're hard up on action points, it's not a bad thing.
what a weird feeling, i just thought of a great idea for a shitpost that would guarantee replies but then i thought "whats the point?"
>>15159467>Implying I need solar winds blowing over my face while I'm sleeping
>>15159465>trading resources for other resourcesthe essence of tcg gameplay
>>15159499>not wanting to wake up smelling of freshly baked bread
>>15159492If you're 'hard up' on action points, you're already doing a bad job, and you know it.
I want to force others my opinions.I have nothing else in my life than this and suicide.
>>15159509I'm glad that's still a thing.You guys haven't changed a lick.
>>15159517Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
>>15159511I can still hear her voice in my head to this dayAHH! AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS I'M FREE!TIME TO CONQUER EARTH!
>>15159528*guitar riffs*
>>15159528more like 1000
>>15159487well its not really a contest. the ideal situation would be them both drawing my favorite fetish of my favorite characters.
>>15159535Why is the Lance on the moon instead of in orbit?
>>15159534Say what you want about the show, but that theme song is bad ass
>>15159531Jesus christ I would.Also, anyone want a few dogecoins? Post wallet.
I want to hug Celestia and have a good long cry with her.She seems like she'd understand.
>>15159547God, wasn't it, though? The lyrics weren't all that, for obvious reasons, but that shit's like 80's speed metal
>>15159547Someone should stream the first movie
some of you are really pathetic
>>15159535Rita a shit
>>15159572>where do you think you are right now.png
>>15159563>>15159562Time to rock out to some sweet nostalgia electric guitar jams, mah niggashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZtzn5GQOng
>>15159363>that's why luna looks like she does now>the first time she fucked after getting freed from being nightmare moon it felt unbelievable>1000 years of pent-up sexual frustration finally unloading>stars burst to life in her mane as she moans and squeals in ecstasyI don't know if this is some sort of fetish but god damn
>>15159558She probably doesn't have too much to cry about now that she has her sister again, but I'm sure she'd hold and comfort you like nobody else could.
>>15159558>Depression in Equestria is treated with hugs>You visit the cuddle doctor who cuddles with you and lets you talk about your problems>Celestia meets the most downtrodden personally
>>15159579I feel like I should be fighting like six people at once while I listen to this
>>15159573That is the silliest shit I have seen tonight.
I wish I could sleepand never wake upat least I was dead and your favorite artist was alive instead of me
>>15159606>not at least a dozen Putties
>>15159558I want to follow Luna on her night hunts.and probably go full on pvp with her.if you know what i mean
>>15159487but Dufel's everything seems too chunky for menot in a fat way, but in that the body is composed of chunks pasted together whereas LK makes them look like one gigantic squishy mass
>>15159598We should have something like this.I mean like, with magic ponies and shit. I don't want hugs from some middle-aged dude.
>>15159610That's because he's the villain, Anon. He's fighting all the rangers and the white ranger.
>>15159558celestia understands, she is straightedge like me and hates weed and anyone who smokes.
>>15159606>throw punches and do sweet flips and kicks to knock down all the putties around you>pull out totally awesome laser blaster and shoot at another group>spark explosions go off everywhere as they fly into the air
Comfy ass niggas report in.
>>15159621Green ranger was the best one>best zord>best suit>best theme
>>15159609>I wish I could sleep>and never wake up
I'm going to sleep. Maybe I'll dream of pony.
>>15159580>Orgasms so hard a miniature universe is conceived within her mane, billions of billions of particles collapsing into stars and burning with the power of a thousand suns
>>15159628>has a dagger that is also a flute that calls a robot dragon when he plays itHe was the coolest ranger ever, man
>>15159628accept when he was turned into White Ranger. OP nerf now. the rest of the team needed to be promotied not just the leader
>>15159642>try to run your hand sensually through her mane>get third degree burns
>>15159623>she is straightedge like me and hates weed and anyone who smokes.good.you do that while I share a joint with her sister.She thinks its still legal.
>>15159651>no one dreams of Jasonthat's fine, maybe not having friends is a good thing
>>15159663into hoers
>>15159627It's going to be 40C tomorrowI wish I was comfy
>>15159627damn, i was just wishing i had some eggnog right now.
>>15159609>I wish I could sleep and never wake upSometimes Anon I know this feel as wellBut I do eventually wake up.And everything keeps going, whether we want it to or not.I remember when I was younger I discovered that my closet was nearly sound proof. If I sat in it without any clock I wouldn't notice time passing. It was almost like I could stop the world from spinning forever if I stayed in there.
>>15159672a-atleast you won in the Vs movie
>>15159618I could see people literally treating depression in children with dogs. If that's not already a thing.
>>15159685>thinks Jason wondon't be that guy
>>15159685Those movies were fucking terrible though. Who in their right mind puts supernatural villains in the same universes as each other.
>>15159685How'd he do that?are the movies good enough to not spoil?
>>15159682Sometimes I lie down on the floor of my walk in robe and cry
Your waifu wants to dress up and act like Voldo for tomorrow night's sexcapades.Do you do it?>>15159623Does she also have a fetish for what she hates?
>>15159698who puts the Alien with the Predator?
>>15159698the same guy who made AVP apparently
>>15159480Says who?
>>15159668>Tell her it's not>She's too high to give a damn>"FUCK THE PONYLICE! I'M THE DAMN PRINCESS!">Luna tries to decree national 'getting stoned as shit' day>immediately>in the middle of the night>to that one colt who was wandering under the balcony at the time
>>15159713oh jeez oh manMake sure she's got plenty of ass to wave around please
>>15159711>>15159712Alien vs Predator mindalso same people who did King Kong vs Godzilla
>>15159717hey GG welcome back
>>15159717I can understand Spike having thick scales, but why does Pinkie have less health than Twilight?
>>15159699They aren't.He didn't.Actual Spoiler: He carrys Freddy's head as he walks out of the lake at the end. Freddy looks at the camera and winks/grins
>>15159732If there's two of them they could make a whole liter.
>>15159711>>15159712To argue, both the aliens and predators are aliens from space. They can both exist in the same universe because of this. Freddy is a supernatural entity and jason is a fucking zombie, this is for more bullshit than former don't you think?
>>15159693Probably is. Sounds like something people would try. Young minds work differently. That might actually be enough for them.
>>15159736you could put it in milk bottles and trick people into eating it with their cereal...
>>15159727High evasion?
>>15159736AnonZebras only cum 250mL
>>15159715well...at least the blow would carve open her head like a melon and kill her instantly.
>>15159717>>15159727Yeah, if anything, Twilight should have the least health because Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends!
>>15159747like Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man?
>>15159758What if they're double niggers?
>>15159713How about you draw ponies or get the fuck out?
>>15159693It kind of is a thingThat's basically what therapy dogs are
>>15159762Good thing I don't read the forum.
>>15159750Maybe like one spoonful. Cum doesn't taste much like milk, breh.
>>15159768Exactly, what the fuck man.
>>15159779You should read that one, though. It's funny.
>>15159758Oh. So I need four of them.
>>15158535Remember the good times.http://arch.413chan.net/co21896730.html
>>15159760really? Jason wouldn't kill a pony, even a talking one, one of his actors stated Jason hates people and doesn't harm animals
>>15159772Zebras are AfricanNot African AmericanThey have a proud and varied culture beyond saggy pants and bad music
http://derpy.me/u5nefI'll just leave this here...
>>15159796Which is the one with massive tits?
>>15159786okay what about King Kong vs Godzilla?
>>15159796This seems accurate.
>>15159765Oh. Yeah, that makes sense then. I didn't notice Twilight's wings. I would say alicorns get more health than earth ponies.But yeah, Pinkie's evasion would be ridiculous. On par with Dash's probably.
>>15159796>Kaylee costumeBEST FILLYSCOUT
>>15159787Well I gotta admit, that easy mode made me chuckle.
>>15159773Calm down, anon, it's not like I post that stuff here.
>>15159796Samoa is best
>>15159819Stupid file nameThat's obviously post-oral
>>15159805Hmmm...Well they're both natural monsters, so this match up isn't too bullshit. The real kicker though is how in the fuck would they even meet. Godzilla hangs out around japan and king kong is supposed to be dead, unless of course he is magically teleported to japan while he's in the jungle or during the NY fight.
>>15159819All the way through cum is so hot
>>15159716>Celestia walks into Luna casually toking away>"where the hell did you find that, we torched the last hemp fields 2 centuries ago!">"The everfree forest when i was on patrol. What do you mean you torched the fields? How do you even make rope?"
>>15159842>you will never pump so much cum into pone's throat that she pukes most of it back up after you pull out>pone will never confide in you later that she wants to do it again, this time with an even larger load
>>15159846but that movie DID happen
>>15159852What about hot spunk geysering from her nostrils as she shudders and feels thick waves of cum blast from her lips?
>>15159867I haven't seen it, how do they meet up then?
>>15159882a corporation capture Kong at the exact same time Godzilla is losereally it plays almost like Freddy vs Jason, with one short fight and then one big fight in the end
>>15159855>Luna has a mild headache>She takes two 'doses' of morphine for the pain
>>15159908I was thinking of Sunny. Turns out she's not a scout, she just hangs out with one of them.
>that one guy who keeps commissioning Starfox macro porn
And the lemar dicksucking continues
Fun fact: Tripfags' posts receive most >>replies. In average 1.25 per every tripfag post. Namefags without trip receive in avegrage 1 >>reply. And these numbers are growing.It might mean that tripfriends are vital part of the community with important stuff to say or they are bunch of vile and savage attention seeking, drama stirring bunch of circlejerking freaks.Interpretation is up to you.
>>15159923>>15159908>>15159803What am I gonna do with you guys...
>>15159951Draw more rockin' tits?
>>15159948orORIt could mean that you're a giant fucking autist.
>>15159951>>15159957...What he said.
>>15159948Or it could be mean both.
>>15159948>It might mean that tripfriends are vital part of the community with important stuff to say or they are bunch of vile and savage attention seeking, drama stirring bunch of circlejerking freaks.What a difficult question.it's both but sometimes it leans on the latter
>>15159948Or it could mean that people hate on tripfags for no particular reason (or have a particular reason that others may or may not agree with) and reply to every tripfag post they see.
>>15159948Is there any way for you to calculate the number of tripfags and namefags in certain threads like MLPG and other generals?I'm interested to see where the most amount of trips get used.
>>15159976Is Doug Winger dead yet?
>>15159985I hope not
>>15159796>Thanks-alotWHO?also>9 choices, 7 in picI'm so confused I probably need to revoke my MLPG badge
>sethisto in the trixie thread
>>15159796that Kaylee always gives me heart tremors.
>>15159995Thin Mint is on the left, Thanks-A-Lot is on the right. I haven't introduced them on the tumblr yet.
>>15159974It's possible. I was planning to make statistics of every general ever (post rate, image rate, trip infestation rate), but detecting generals and grouping threads to generals is not that easy. I'll do it later.
>>15160049Just making sure, you know we've got an archive of just all our threads set up already. right?
>>15160049Neat.Just curious since the results could be vastly skewed from insular threads where everyone is a namefag or a tripfag. Responses in those threads would put the statistics off the charts.
What would you want in a successful pone game mlpg? Genre, characters, setting, graphics (2d, 3d, isometric etc),lewd?
>>15160049This attitude smells familiar...
>>151600693D platformer/puzzle solverSomething akin to DK64 featuring the main 6, where there's a variety of characters with each one bringing something special to the table. Way toned down on the amount of collectibles. Probably just bits and some MacGuffin Pieces to advance the game.
>>15160021>nerdy green pegasithat hits my buttons for some reason
>>15160069Anything done well. Platforming, Role Playing, Racing, Fighting, etcMane 6 ofc. Cameos from secondaries and backgrounds if tasteful.Grand Tour of Equestrian locales, both old and new, fading into Villain's territory2D if fighting, 3D or Isometric for everything elsenah
>mfw seeing deaf in wakfu credits
>>15160069Pony crossing
>>15160056Yes and I have archive of all thread posted on 4chan since april 2010.>>15160059Well, that's hard life of man who pretend to be statistician. You just do some magic with confidence intervals.
>>15160084Green ponies are dabes
>>15160084>nerdyIs it because she has glasses, anon? That's pretty presumptuous of you.
you feel it?
>>15160101Yeah, definitely familiar.
Aside from generals
>>15160110Not him, but she looks awfully Asian to me for some reasonMake sure to tell her not to call in a bomb threat to skip finals
>>15160119She'd never do that. She's too nerdy. I'm sure she studied for days just for that final.Because she's so nerdy.
>>15160110i am very presumptuous, thank you for noticing.GLASSES = NERDthat applies to everypone. even Silver Spoon
>>15160110>>15160119>>15160127He... wouldn't be too far from the truth, actually.
It's nice to have somewhere to come back to.Somewhere that still feels like home.
>>15160117Shit! We've been compromised. Assume disguise!
>>15160119>>15160127She studies all these things so that she can refute that conspiracy nut that has the tin foil hat.
What comic is OP picture from?
>>15160100I was going to say something else but this is way better in every way. Either I want a pony version of animal crossing or I want a mod that replacing the player's character with fltutershy.
>>15160171the one that just came out on itunes.And I want mlp's intro to be replaced with the one from gummi bears.
snuggly princesses
>>15160189snuggly princesses with snuggly cocks
>>15160171The Luna IDW comic that came out earlier today. It's been posted over here, just follow the reply chain.>>15156262
>>15160142That is a cute scout filly.
>>15160088Sorry, I used to be the comic editor for the fan group.
>>15160252i meant to post this but ok
>>15160260>flashbacks>good flashbacks
>>15160276We need more ponies in jammies.
>>15160267What was your favorite part, anon?
>>15160204>>15160142Uh oh.
I love it when things are slow/ded.When I was first using the internet I always tried to find a community that was fast and always had discussion going on but I grew older and older and desired something much slower.Playing Zandronum (Doom II multiplayer) with other small amount of people while reading a slow moving MLPG/Other generals is always a delight.//blog
>>15160284Couldn't say.I'm ashamed to admit participation in most of it.
http://www(dot)livestream.com/agathoidstreaming the nic cage version of gone in sixty seconds in a few minutes
>>15160307That reminds me, I don't think I ever got a chance to lure out and play with Rouge-loving pukeanon, did I?
>>15160312Wouldn't know. Not me. Sorry.Just a ghost of times past.
>>15160288No Deaf. Bad. I don't know what it is you're thinking, but it's probably bad.
>>15160308fuck dammit if i wasn't about to head to bread i so would
>>15160342why are you headbutting bread anonwhat did it do to you, did it make fun of your mother? honestly i think you'd be better off eating it as that gets revenge for you and a meal too
>>15160357vorefag, pls
>>15160368no man, vore is grotycome to my stream
>you will never have pony ask you do unspeakably lewd things to them
>>15160394>but only because you know her well enough to know what she wants before she even asks>the two of you have the kind of relationship most would commit atrocities for
Aww, I missed out on all the fanfiction discussion.I don't really understand the appeal of Dangerous Business. It's not particularly well written, even if it's better than the more common utter trash fanfictions. There's a there were some interesting worldbuilding parts I guess, but it got incredibly preachy at times.I've read through both it and the original Fallout: Equestria and I can easily say I prefer the latter. The author of FoE is a much more technically proficient author, and the story itself was even run through separate editors to help flow and consistency. Put that together with a more diverse set of characters, and all the fun you can have crossing over between such vastly different fantasy settings, and you get a recipe for success.And yet, pretty much everyone here hates FoE.
>>15160412pank la pank
>>15160403not everyone, i love that shit. if anything, FoE is probably the most discussed fanfic here, I've noticedThe last fanfic I have read, or rather listened to, was that Pheonix Writ/MLP turnover, TOurnabout storm and I thought I was pretty good
Why is pinkie so cute?
>you will never wake up in the middle of the night to find pony has curled up and fallen asleep nestled in the space at the backs of your knees.
>>15160428Because she's a pink endearing marefilly. Gotta love it.
>>15160437Anonymous pls
>>15160437>>15160443>>15160445It says here that you think Pinkie pie is a cute pony.Care to explain that, Anonymous?
>>15160452I stand by my assertion
>>15160452That's a lie.
>>15160452It stems from the fact that she's incredibly cute.
>>15160415NopeI hate themI always feel like I'm going to make a fool of myself before I goThen I get drunk and make a fool of myselfI've blown more boys than I'd like to admit while drunk at parties
>>15160403But dangerous business was written by jetfire and we could talk to him about it and shit.old mlpg was fun
>>15160482>Getting drunkYou disgust me
>>15160490I'm a bundle of fun while I'm drunkI bet you would be too
>>15160492I hate it.what little time i've spent drunk was the worst in my life.
>>15160490I want to brush that pony's hair and then use the brush to zap flies with the static electricity it built up.
>>15160500I want to brush your hair
pony wants you to give her the mwah
>>15160496You sound like a faggot.
>>15160485Oh well, I guess that makes sense.>>15160426There is insufficient good FoE art. Maybe FoE art in general.Also, Project Horizons is a very poor substitute for the original FoE.
>>15160512Yes, and?
shh guyspony is asleep
>>15160527yesand soon I shall join her
>>15160526whoops, >>15160516
>>15160548Those were fun times
>>15160567>greentext cap for ants.jpg
>>15160516For a crossover it comes off okay.I'd really like to see a good fic dealing with past events, maybe expand on the events leading up to Hearth's Warming Eve going into the war. The premise being, a lot of stories and tales are sugar coated, made fun and safe to explain conflict to the kiddies, so they don't include all the terrible things.
>>15160579>>15160581God damn it
>>15160516>Project Horizons is a very poor substitute for the original FoE.that's why you read Pink Eyes instead
>>15160490Intoxication scares me.I wonder if there's a phobia name for that.
>>15160588a FoE story with only implied dark themes and violence, llike those old 80' action cartoons, would actually be great since a theme of the story is that the ponies are in world filled with death and sorrow, one they dont belong in
>>15160634I can dig that.
>>15160126Cross-post because I am compelled to share with MLPG something something drawfags hat us ride never ends
>>15160655He is just milking it for the popularity, isn't he?
>>15160661That and to drown the sorrow.
>>15160627There probably is. If there isn't, just fine the latin name for intoxication and add -phobia.If you've never been intoxicated, that's good, don't bother. It's horrible.
WHAT is up everybody?Soundspeed here, bringing you a takeover of MLPG
>>15160661If I was going to do that, I'd have an ask tumblr, commissions to have your OC next to Hope, and an art stand at BABScon to sell Hope paraphernalia.
>>15160661Satyrs are very, VERY niche. I really doubt it's out of popularity.
>>15160655>tall girl>tall STRONG girl>with those legs>and a southern twang
>>15160681don't forget the lewd.
>>15160698>implying he doesn't already do the lewd
>>15160703nudity doesn't count as the lewd
>>15160688Low, actually.It's been a good quarter.
>>15160661>you can't just enjoy doing something>you have to have ulterior motives
>>15160688Feeling pretty comfy and good actually. Almost euphoric, almost.
>>15160688Practically 0, having a pretty good time and it's getting better
>>15160688LowI'm really motivated to help the MLP ccg catch on over here, and maybe even volunteer to judge at events.And someone I have a crush on is actually talking to me
>>15160688I'm doing better than this time last year.
Ugh, be a dear and call the pizza place again? Just let them know Rarity's~ calling. They know the usual.
>>15160740You sure you don't want extra sausage?
>>15160743But you can drawIt comes with the territoryNow draw the rest of her
What an indecent behavior for a princess
>>15160752What a dumb word
>>15160764>tfw you will never have Luna drooling all over the carpet
i just went through the luna micro again to look at the little opossumcute little bugger
>>15160772Why is Costanza's crown wrong?
so what was the thing in katie's backup andy was surprised cleared the censorsthe spidey sense joke?
they should all be sluts
>>15160791horse butts
Play the card game
>>15160776Tiberius is great
Well I'm home so that means I should draw.
>>15160827Don't draw, do something fun instead.
>>15160810Should have made it into an online game. Hearthstone, Scrolls, etc. are getting pretty big and this would have opened up to not only more people as you could buy digital cards online, but shot down the "there are no good pony games" with the same stone.Well, time to wait for someone to port the game into a free online version ala Apprentice.
>>15160831Like take a nap? I would but I have food cooking in the oven and I can't let it burn.
>>15160827Celestia with her giant mane.My dick demands it.
>Had $150 sitting in buttcoins>Now $70Can we invade China already?
>>15160842Everyone said it was going to crash and you didnt listen, it's not their fault.
>>15160848It was just a couple days worth of miningNot like I can skip the buttcoin step
>>15160771I just made it up.
>>15160841Celestia's giant mane?
>>15160857Celestia's giant mane and tits
>>15160842>buttcoinsIf you want to gamble, invest in a coin with superior anonymity instead.They are currently setting up systems to trace bitcoin transactions, so all the drug dealers might switch over to another currency.
>>15160842>had $150 sitting in buttcoinsIf you didn't cash it out then you probably consider it a long term investment, in that case just deal with it, you can't expect value to rise constantly with no drops. In another 6 months it might end up being $300's worth.
>>15160866>HumanizedSweating man.pngPost references
>>15160842Hold on into the new year if it doesn't pick up by thenOnce the Chinks are out of the picture it should be okayMaybe>>15160870Buttcoins were always easily traceableEvery user has a copy of every single transaction from genesis
>>15160885If you send your money to a web wallet and withdraw it elsewhere, assuming the wallet service doesn't keep logs and uses a single address, you made them untraceable.
>>15160885>Buttcoins were always easily traceableYeah, but until now there were no companies like coin validation who actually try to remove all anonymity from it.
>>15160880ahhhh ah you know what it is
>>15160897Why did the artist have to add a cave-vagina and ruin the uncropped one...
>>15160899>ywn play cave explorer with Celestia
>>15160897But I'm really shit at human poses
>>15160912Time to practise, son
>>15160897>filename>double incestShit is getting really weird yo
>>15160931You'll masturbate furiously?
>>15160897Wow it's horrible.
>>15160942>Celestia touches youIf only
MLPG,Why does my heart feel so bad?
>>15160966Because, Applebloom, this is a very cynical and hateful world, and you're neither of those.
>>15160966You're not doing cardio
>>15160966Too much cholesterol
>>15160978>cheddar>white bread>just cheeseThat doesn't sound glorious at all.Now, provolone and mozzarella with some tomato and either spinach or basil on a nice ciabatta or sourdough...
>>15160966>whah does mah heart feel so bayud?ghghhggg
>>15160978If I eat all those grilled cheese sandwiches, will Luna hang out with me?
Goodnight MLPG.
>>15161007Shh shh shhhhLess talking, more eating
>>15160966Have you been thinking about loneliness lately? A lack of friends? How you can't find the courage to say anything to someone you have feelings for? That all sorts of things in your life are a mess?Because I have and it's tearing me apart
>>15160966I don't know about you, but I really miss my dog.
>>15161017Is.. is she trying to kill me?
>>15161024She's keeping you clinically obese so you won't run awayCelebrate with cake~
>>15161026I wouldn't run away anyway
Remember tex?
>>15161026I guess she's the princess of spaghetti
>>15161038That was awful
>>15160688always depressed all of the time
>>15161026>Princess Luna's feeding/fat fetish>She wants you to be her massive concubine>she'll guarantee your health, but not your mobilityWhat do?
>>15161038Why were you talking about rose' tits?
>>15161065Nope. I like Luna, but I despise obese people. Getting fat would make me hate myself.
Vodka tastes awful, pony would never drink this stuff.
woke up in a horse's stomach one foggy morning
>>15161110mornin' twiyou look like hell warmed overrough night?
>>15161114That thing isn't Twilight! She doesn't have the pink and purple stripe in her mane!
>>15161110We unspeakable horrors now?
all I wanted was to be a happy man
>>15161139You got something on your cheek. Might wanna use some lotion.
>>15161139Twily, did you get your mane cut?
>>15161139Ym Liitel NpoyMy Eltle OpynaaaaaaaaaH Haaahhhaahh hhahhhhahhhhahhhhha
>>15161149please I don't want to get mad right now
>>15161149>gender-agnostic file types>#import is aliased to #consider>main() is aliased to womain()>"{" aliased to opendialogue>"}" aliased to endmisogyny>var int privilege "Yes"; >// this may look wrong, but the int is allowed to FEEL like a String.>// Don't be such a bigot.
>>15161167It is pretty blatantly a joke site.
>>15161167It's actually just a joke. It's really funny.
the manta hawk showed up in the book first too
>>15161168>>15161178Hah, not bad.
So is there a youtube upload of the extended power ponies promo from hubworld or such?The video player won't load for me.
>>15161048Usually my day starts fine as long as I remember to take my pills but it goes down as time goes on. Or if I try to practice drawing.
>>15161218i havent wanted to draw in months
pony just touched your hand
>>15161235i blush
>>15161235I always get giddy when a girl holds my hand for the first time
>>15161246Scootaloo's probably getting a bit jealous there.
Yeah, don't hold your breath for that Celestia. I can't do humanized.
>>15161265Why would I hold my breath for celestiaIs this a test
>>15161270No, it's me giving up.
>>15161265Draw Colgate brushing her teeth with Berry Punch
>>15161272Oh I just got herewhat a shame
>>15161110>>15161139awwww, did cheerilee dump widdle weavy?
>>15161274It's fine, there's nothing you could have done.
How is this looking?
you know what 420chan is actually pretty damn cool
>>15161288I could have provided moral support or something. I dunno.>>15161289Looks pretty pony to me
>>15161289Looks great, my only complaint is that their noses look a little weird. Did you intend for them to point upwards like that?
>>15161297Yeah it's intentional. When I started drawing them that way I was kinda going for a Mickey Mouse ears thing, where they're always visible from most angles. But then I realized it doesn't work too well with noses. I like the way they look though.
>>15161320Okay. In that case, just keep doing what you're doing.
>>15161360RULES OF PONY
Nightly "What are you listening to?" post.Share with the class, /mlpg/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4dIXt2D8zw
>>15161403an oot speed runhe's restarted like at least 10 times and its just background noise at this pointI like this pony
>>15161426Why would he post all of his attempts and not just the final, successful run? That seems silly.
>>15161433It's on twitch
>>15161284>that 'endearing' baby talkpls stop.
>>15161436That makes more sense. Link? I like this pony too, she's pretty cute.
>>15161419>that bronyconOh man that was fun
>>15161403I'm sorry.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jfU7pw76ZE
>>15161447/ennopp112I wish she would get some canon so headcanons would go away
>>15161471fuf mwa but
>>15161471Roogna you faggot, why aren't you using reactions from the Luna micro?
>>15161465Twingnut Spinkel
>>15161483Havent got around to picking it up yet, and I've always only used pictures from the show, though I had considered using comic ones when the big mac comic came out
>>15161476>I_HAVE_SPECIAL_EYES.gifThey're supposed to be doing something with Vinyl this season, maybe Tavi will be in whatever episode she's in.
>>15161494I havent seen the last two episodesI'm in this state of being sick of pony but also liking it enough to care. I think it's cause I dont have friends to pony withI'd be happy for Tavi to at least say one line
>>15161516The last two episodes weren't particularly spectacular. You should find a livestream of the new episodes when they come out, its almost like watching it with real friends. Close enough for me, anyways. None of my friends care for pony.
>>15161532I watched the first half of the premiere with the mlpg link but that one soured my want of pone probably.I dont know of any small streams
>>15161455I'm glad it's dead.
>>15161504Top taste, I can dig it. >>15161470I don't really like most of egoraptor's stuff. Pokeawsome was decently funny, and game grumps is sometime's okay though. >>15161419Classic, you must have been >>15161341 Never seen the video before, its bretty gud.
>>15161556go boop yourself
>>15161556Do you save all these filenames somewhere? I'd like to read the ones I've missed
>that Luna comicThat was terrible.
>>15161615>the comics are terriblewater is wet.
>>15161615From the start you already knew what was going to happen, so yeah
>>15161615Terse you're back!
>>15161596when the show is about to end, when the world and the human race will be cosumed by the great ponylessness, putting all components of the prophecies of isaac together will reveal it's true meaning and guide your way to equestria
>>15161615>let's turn Luna into Pinkie PinkieI sure enjoyed those epic meymey faces and billions of pop-culture jokes.
>>15161643Oh hey it's this guy againGood morning
>>15161695I bet Gloomy is great in beb.
pony says yo man what is up
>>15161704her snuggles are to die for
>>15161716Just brushing my teeth and thinking about pony.And how I wish she was real.
>>15161542What was wrong with the /mlpg/ stream? Or do you mean the episode soured your want for pone?
>>15161736before the episode happened someone posted stream link in OP so the rest of the board was thereI thought like 15 people at the most and it was pretty badEpisode was great imo
>>15161704Probably the most loving and comfortable embrace you'll ever experience
>you will never snuggle with gloomy>you will never sink your hand into and grip her ampe posterior>you will never wake the next morning and find her ever so slightly bigger.
>>15161723That is a very nice pony.
>wake up>do 75 push-ups and 50 squatsat least I can brag about my good health
>>15161744Just social anxiety? I can get that, I guess. Streaming is best with small groups
>>15160655Have you done a pic of her applebucking yet?With those skinny human arms and wrists I reckon she'd have to do it whilst staying on her hooves, just balancing on one hoof and giving the tree a single tough thump with the other.
>>15161779I just dont like being drowned out by everyone elsemewball streams are great for just buds
>You will never punch gloomy in the butt repeatedly>You will never pick her up and throw her against the mirror>You will never drop kick her when she gets back up>You will grab your drill, tie a bunch spoons to it and punch Gloomy and spin her around (like Voldo from streetfighter alpha tekken)>tfw you will never tuck her in afterwards, knowing that she's in a coma and have loose teeth>tfw you will never leave all episodes of conan the barbarian on repeat while you tend to her.
>>15161771Easily my favorite. Not too many people seem to share my love, though. I've been looking for good fics that feature her.
>>15161807Take it to /pol/, this is no place for that.
>>15161807go away
>rediv's cavernous vagina
>new zelda game
>you will never fire Shining Armor
>>15161758>you will never snuggle with gloomy>she will never hold you tight>so tightly that you can't resist marker tooling your new vagina in the morning
>tfw no fat pokemon to cuddle
pony thinks you should be more than friends.
>tfw no gilda paws to cuddle
>tfw no qt 3.14 ponimouto to cuddle
>>15161403Go home, plebshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxgZQ-wFFJ0
>>15161838Like that is ever a newslike that doesn't happen so often like nintendo so often makes more original games
Christmas is next week! What are you getting your favorite pony?
>>15161929Reminder that Petirep does covers for Monstercat.Petirep also visits /mlp/.
>>15161921The only interesting bit about this one is how it's being developed by Tecmo Koei. Is it gonna basically be Dynasty Warriors but with Zelda?
>>15161942Petirep is a swell guy. I like going to his strams.
>>15161955>autocunnilingusGIGA UNF
>>15161982Hi Appledan!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOaZCkA8Zvk#t=31Is your butthole itchy yet?
>page 6>164 images
>>15161984>not LKAppleDan would be talking about crotch tits or something silly
>>15161992That's no excuse to post thumbnails.
>>15161991>itchy buttholeCorwin pls
"It's just because of finals" they said
>new fighter annouced>Rosalina and the star for SMBhnnng
>>15162004Oh shut up, you whine too much
>>15162004I didn't notice before how awkward SS's hoof's motion is there.
>>15162006But you foorgot waluigi is confirmed for drivan gaemWAAAAAAAAAA
>>15162009I am not whiningI am complaining
cuddles with DT & SS
>>15162024WAAAAAnow we just need Ridley and the game will be perfect
>>15162028Did she died?
>>15162031No she dyed
>>15162028>wispy see-through wind tail>looks like a fart
>>15162049But fart doesn't have a look.
>>15162027>seriously thought for a second it was a kirby air ride sequel for a second
>>15162057Tell that to all the drawings with broccoli coming out of their ass
>>15162031Rainbow Dash cannot die.
>>15162024I would fuck Rosalina hard
>>15162073>no hoovesYou dissapoint me, anon.
>tfw no characters from Paper Mario games in the SSB franchiseI WANT ROCK HAWK
We third best horse now?
>>15162073but things with hooves don't have feet
>>15162098Too blue, not enough yellow.
>>15162078>tfw no Viewtiful Joe>tfw no Bayonetta>tfw no Krystal
>>15162110But Fluttershy is best mane sixthird best character
>>15162110Is this enough?
Dash was kinda cute at points though.
>>15162114Do you think Krystal being in SSB would revive her in furry art?I mean there's like nothing new with her these days. She's too old.
Rainbow Dash needs help!
>>15162120Nobody said she's not.
>>15162119I like keeping my bluefast levels low to a minimum for optimal enjoyment.
>>15162129Most likely, yes. I have to admit she'd probably be fun if they gave her her staff like she had in Starfox Adventures, but I can't help but be reminded by one of my friends. He followed SSB:B development religiously and vowed to drop Nintendo entirely if his furry waifu didn't make it in the game. He did, for a while.
if you had to watch a s4 episode right now, which one would you watch?the correct answer is castlemania
>>15162159I haven't not enjoyed any of them.
>>15162138No blue horse in sight.
>>15162162Yeah but you're Terse.
>>15162164That Fluttershy is 2cute.
Anyone can cook!But only the fearless... can be great!
>>15162129There is playshapes game.
>>15162164This is acceptableFriendshipping is A-OK
>>15162175Isn't she? >>15162189The one that will never be finished?
>>15162185>tfw Peter OToole is ded
>>15162159Daring Don't
>>15162129Speaking of furries, Overgrowth is on steam.
>>15162204>$25>for a betalel
>>15162201Excellent choice.
>>15161772I run about 3 miles every morning.
>>15162216does it even have a game to it?the last time I saw anything from the game was when those first videos came out and it was more or less just an engine test or so.
>>15162197Fluttershy my favorite pone.
>>15162204So is Starbound
Am not actually as down on Rainbow Dash as I used to be
>>15162221I need to start running again.I know how to push myself so I work up the endurance fairly quick.
>>15162242I don't care. I'm just saying I run 3 miles every morning.
>>15162256>ocplsAnd Chickenbutt would win
>>15162261What, you wanted a cookie or something? Anon please.
>>15162277No, I wanted a discussion.Prick.
>>15162235She's okay.
>>15162256I really should fix the colors on that gif sometime, but I gotta jet now.
>>15162288I am curious as to who are you. Do you draw?
>>15162297he's a namefag like Nonymous
>>15162297He's just a useless namefag like Nonymous and Roogna.I think he came from ponychan
>>15162297I think he was the one that always posted porn links with pics of rumbleIt's actually kind of nice to see him with a name so you can filter him if you don't like it
>>15162297I don't really do anything. I'm learning to draw, though.
>>15162324Draw me a hand.For research, of course.
>>15162324Then why do you have a name?
>>15162333Why not?
>>15162348begin sucking my dick
>>15162348That doesn't answer the question.
>>15162361Because they are attention whores.Did you really have to ask that question?
>>15162366I guess not.
>>15162360An attractive offer, but no.>>151623614chan has a name fieldWhy should I refrain from using it?
>namefag texts friend to stage bomb threat>idiot friend does it>police look through phone records>bomb threat is traced back to namefag>investigation shows namefag is a frequent visitor of 4chanOH BOY HERE WE GO
>>15162373why not
>>15162376>they find the moth pone porn>charges are dropped because he's obviously insaneAnd everything turned out well
>>15162373Hi there!You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Come on people, it's not that hard.
>>15162376I wonder how old that pic is.
>>15162329I made an attempt. >>15162333I dunno.
>>15162385>every sentence punctuated with exclamationsshit customer service/10
>>15162072What is she doing?
>>15162397Mondo 2000 was a glossy cyberculture magazine published in California during the 1980s and 1990s. It covered cyberpunk topics such as virtual reality and smart drugs. It was a more anarchic and subversive prototype for the later-founded Wired magazine.
>>15162403>Not being punctualdo you even minimum wage
>>15162397Late 90's
>>15162389Nah, I rather just filter them. I just wanted a straight answer from them but of course they never give a straight answer.
>>15162413because there is no answerjust like there is no answer as to why you want them to not have names
>>15162385>your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversationI don't see the problem here, explain more clearly please.It takes a lot more effort to comment on my name then to ignore it like the harmless thing it is.
>>15162433>because there is no answer>>15162366
>>15162389Good try
>>15162435I just want you to suck my cockI fantasize about it
>>15162400Ah, thanks for that.
>>15162435Ignorance never solves anything.
>>15162413Then problem solved.I had to do the same to some posters because they wouldn't answer to why they would bash certain people, even after they left.
>>15162454I have no idea who you are, I doubt we live close enough to each other, and I'm shy as fuck and I'd just end up leaving you blueballed>>15162463Theres no problem here to solve.
>>15162476You never know, that might change.and cocks are great. one lick and you'd decide that you weren't gonna stop until I came.
Is mlp finally dead?
>>15162487Get out of here you fucking faggot.
Pony needs to buy some onions but there are only carrots and apples in the market.
>>15162476Well, where do you live?
>>15162508Why don't you make me, tough guy?
>>15162520If you don't leave, i'll suck your fucking dick
>>15162487The problem isn't finishing it, the problem is going through with actually setting it up>>15162516NYBut this is a pony thread, back to ponies
>>15162456Anytime, mint horse
>>15162535Woah man calm down, I'm gone, okay?
>>15162542How is she holding all those ice cream? There no magic aura.
>>15162540>But this is a pony thread, back to poniesI have to laugh every time you say that.Because it's obvious from the fact that you answered the question in the first place that you don't give a fuck if you are off topic.
>>15162555Hoof grip
>>15162561>I have to laugh every time you say that.Then my job is doneSeriously though, I'd rather just talk about ponies here.
I was told that Fluttershy was the best pony in the Pirate comic. Is this true?
>>15162589Talk about this one
pony wants you to stop referring to her as "pony"she has a name, you know
>>15162615>tumblrstopped reading there
>>15162622shut up, ponyi am the superior species
>>15162612A pleasantly plump Rarity?Theres not much to say past "I love it"
>sex with Princess Red Ribbonhttps://24.media.tumblr.com/c0844237372dbdcca2abe6c66d3cac92/tumblr_mxxku4wQMN1s4rmtro1_500.gif
>he still hasn't killed himself