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The long previews for both the Luna micro and Friendship is Magic #14 are up, so they're on track for a Wednesday release!

Both of the comics together beg a question: would you serve on a pirate ship under Luna and Celestia? I never realized that this cover variant is the actual finished edition; no colors! I'm not sure what kind of pirating those Princesses would need to be doing, though. Maybe they're looking for the final treasures of Rule.

Also, card game.

Power Ponies this Saturday!

Previous thread.
>15 images early

What a fag
Straightedge anon fucking drug pony.
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this has been happening a lot recently. why all of a sudden? does it mean too many new threads are being made in /mlp/?
who is the creator of this masterpiece. i must follow them.
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MLPG cannot even fill 250 images before being thrown off to 10 page

What the fuck happened
I blame the leak.
we have reached the point where its easier to just leave mlpg instead of ignoring the many shitposters that now infest mlpg.
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>What are sides
the new episode leaked?
Exam finals
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No I meant Castle Mane-ia
Why is the internet the most interesting only when I have important things to do
Because fuck you, that's why.
There could be a pony behind you right now and you wouldn't even know it.
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You can go to Equestria

But it is a bizzaro world where man is subservient to pony
>tfw weak heart
One day I'm going to die masturbating.

Everyday you will have to carry a pony on your back to their place of work and then have to haul heavy stuff

You will be ridiculed by the children

If you are good you can have a feed bag. If you are bad you will be hit

When you grow old you will be put in a petting zoo
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People need to stop treating images like a precious natural resource and just post them more.
>implying this isnt anons greatest dream
as long as i have a good computer and get free autismbux from the pony government i will be happy.
You, you do know where you are right?
You won't
You'll be put on behavior-modifying medication and required to go to physical therapy until you're capable of pulling your weight
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thats not funny

I've been like that the last three days
but i have no skills and i am weak

its better for their society if they just give me a house and pay for everything while i stay inside
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I wish I had a girlfriend
>"Oh god why did I let him finish inside there"
was there ever a fluttershy foodscat fic
>"Never eating Mexicolt again."
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I'll be your regular friend
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they told me if i lifted the gfs would come

it was all a lie
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Pony still hasn't been given the talk. Will you give it to her?
She'd just dump you after a month, Anon

We're better off alone
It should be foalhood
do horses sweat?
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>Why am I Sweaty?
>there's pictures in the book
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Also, the wip version that has the flag visible

Look at that sweet flag

streaming the incredibles
Yes, but I don't think on the scale that humans do.
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>Luna comic hours away

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Why is Pinkie Pie better at flying then Scootaloo?

Because her jokes often fly over your head!
best animated movie
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maybe the joke is inside this thing
let's try to find it
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SUCK MY FAT COCK YOU MOTHERFUCKING WEEDFAGS. while you cocksucker potheads are destroying your brains my mind remains superior.
I remember highschool
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>posts rarity
I guess yuou must feel

putting your hoof down was a good episode

>implying Pinkie doesn't love Rarity.
Is it bad that I her to fuck me missionary while she gets filled like that?
it was, wasn't it
Better than anything in s4, that's for damn sure
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she loves everypony
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does she love me?



What would their conflict be?
>implying it's possible to love Princess Worsthorse McShowmurderer




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More than anyone
pony recommends you 2000 intake calories per day
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>hug and go
she hates her
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>you will nevwr play wheelbarrow with Fluttershy
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Pinkie hugged a pony once and never let go.

That pony is dead now. Pinkie absorbed her. She wouldn't wish that on her waifu.
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So what now we image spam yhread now? This is something /b/ would do
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>not this
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mlpg must survive
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when people said mlpg was only shitty because of the hiatus, i believed it.

but now there is always another excuse
>the episode is bad thats why we are shit

its over
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that twilight is so fucking adorable
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because it's my home

captcha: llyess himself
I challenge MLPG to go buy some pony toys and donate them to your local Christmas Bureau.
is she ok?
I would have to have money to do that first.
has rose done anything cool recently
But iv already bought toys and donated them to Toys for Tots
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>tfw cozied up with a cup of tea while rewatching episodes
Which episode should I watch next mlpg?
She only hangs around relevent cool poeple and fads. In pther words she moved on.
I was at Toys R Us today. The Shadowbolt Rainbow Dash cost $8. That's like a Big Mac meal. I'm sure even something small like that could absolutely make some poor kid's Christmas.
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>not fluttershy gets an upgrade.gif
i get free autismbux from the government but not enough to have spare money to buy toys for kids.

more importantly i need to save to upgrade my computer because a good computer is the most important thing to have in life.
pony toys, just to clarify that is what I meant.
at least you spend my tax dollars well.
there was a rich guy who bought toys for kids $10,000 worth. in a picture one of the carts was filled with EQG dolls

i felt bad for the kids
Well like half of the pony aisle was EG stuff at the store I went to.
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what kind of tea and explain your brewing method in detail.
Aw, man, he was probably just buying what he thought was hip for the kids

That's really nice

or at least its the thought that counts
Equestria Daily is relevant to this day.
sethisto should have a ton of money from pony fame right? have you ever seen him buy pony toys for kids?
Ooops wasn't meant as a reply.
I heard he blew all his pony money on a Trixie real doll.

OK I made that up but you'd have believed it right?
in all honesty you probably accidentally told the truth
Should have been a furreal friend
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Pony says to hand over your lunch money.
Pony can have fun getting up with her huge head after I tip her over.
What a rude bossy pony
God I love the WW style you do Dala. What you doing next?

I suggest the Rockodile from s4 opener.
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Lady Grey

boil water and steep for like, 5 minutes, I guess?

nothing special


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Animation has really been off this semester
MLPG is a shell of its former self

Like me
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wat if poni is in chalkzone?
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Hey Dalapony, can you post Flutetrhulk you drew ages ago in original PNG and size please?
err season
They've been trying out new styles that don't really fit the show

I mean, hey, it's great that they're trying to change things up, but they're doing it all wrong
I don't take orders from the worst zelda
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Haven't decided yet. I'm leaving for the holidays soon, so there won't be anything from me for a while as usual
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Pony says stop coming to mlpg out of habit
Pony says there's plenty of things to live for, you just have to find it.
First off, it's bronybux

And second, no
Have a merry christmas then!
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how do i find pony?
Pony says few find it, many die never knowing what to have lived for
Dash has an amazing body
Tell pony that's not going to avoid the buster call fucking everything up
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This is as big as it gets.
I live

when you think about how their faces are structured, that's probably what a smile on them should actually look like from the front.
The same to you.
Princess Celestia asks why you've abandoned all your friends and aren't talking to anyone about your problems
Pony says you are too young to be browsing 4chan .

I think you were the first artist who drew her as Hulk
I seriously looking forward to see Sedusa from you this week.
non-WW style though
Because my so called friends abandoned me for better more charismatic popular friends
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Stramming Monster in one hour.

Be there or be a dork.
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I've only had associates and classmates, Celestia.
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>tfw someone is so angry that you're happy that they have to resort to shitposting about your views and lifestyle.
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you're so boring good night mlpg
Advertise this on /mlp/ idiot. Youll get more viewers
I'm pushing everyone away because it's too painful to talk about them
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We're just a little slow today
But I'm not streaming for /mlp/, I'm streaming for MLPG.

And I have at least two regular viewers which is good enough for me.
i can find plenty of living right here in my room on the computer.

there is no need to leave the house when i am happy never having to work and other people paying for all of my stuff.
Because you come off as a braggart
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Because even when I'm happy I want to kill myself
By distancing myself from everyone I make it easier for me to do it and easier for them to deal with it
Stop being me

We getting fancy in here
rose pls dont kill yourself
but i dont have any problems, i am happy staying in my house all day alone.

i will only have a problem when the government stops giving me free money.
I might just eat pony.
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Why are the controls for Silent Hill one so fucking rubbish
Fuck off, Celestia.
I can handle my own damn problems.
Because I feel alienated from the world. Like there's some inside joke that everyone seems to understand but I'm seem to be left out.
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Abloo abloo, you are a fragile little snow flake
the same reason Witcher 1's combat is shit
I but I don't have any friends to abandon.

My only problems is there is very little quality YT content about video games and that I have a fear of intoxication.
>starswirl the bearded killed himself because he had no freeeeeeeeennnnssssss
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Pony friendzones you

>"Im sorry, we are of two different species, we can never be"
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>not having total mastery over the controls
>not being able to speedrun the game in less than 2 hours
It's like you don't even give a fuck about Cheryl.
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rose pls before you kill yourself can i just have 10minutes alone with your body
Princess Never-There-When-We-Need-You-But-Even-When-You-Are-There-You're-Of-No-Use
Please do killyourself.
I'm not Rose
You can have a couple hours if you want
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So when pony finds a special somepony I tell that special somepony some disturbing lies about their new life mate and get them to break up.
But it is true though. Happy poeple always tend to rub it in. They think they mean well but they are so full of shit they don't the damage they are doing
nathan get a life
snow white
You are just a drama queen. Your life is so boring that you need the spice of drama to make things interesting.
*tips fedora*
Why is Nathan the only one allowed to post that picture?
Please don't do it. Seek help. There are people willing to help you if you just give them a chance.
Wow, you took the bait dudebro
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>What would Diamond Tiara do if Silver Spoon wasn't around?
guys dont be jealous i get free money from the government and never have to work.

its easy to do, you just have to pretend to be retarded for the rest of your life and convince everyone around you.
It couldn't have hurt, though.
Great, so which artist is killing themselves this time?
>Andrea Libman used to work for a suicide hotline
>she's saved at least a couple of lives
She's such a great human being
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We gotta spice things up in here

we beb right now

How do ya'll think they're gonna try to incorporate the keys to the box throughout the season?
Wait are you

I was hoping to see a key already but probably the last 4 episodes
>she uses her Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy voices occasionally
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Go fuck off.
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No, that guy isn't me.

He's the shitposter that has been mocking me.
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what is your rating for the current season so far

from 1 to 10

1 being piece of shit and 10 being amazingly good
the way i see it is that the diary thing is going to come into play later. also i willing to bet their going to pull the whole "deus ex machina"

another guess is that the charaters they met are going to come into play later like how dash met daring do and she is going to say something like "oh hey i found this key on my travels" or some bullshit like that
people here get angry when i say i am happy never leaving the house and having no friends.

they are jealous i get free money from the government because i have a serious condition that prevents me from working any job or going to school
So far, I'd give it a solid 7. We'll see where it goes from here.
Oh I thought you were one of those dudebros. Nevermind then
when they promised us a serious season long story arc i was excited and expected a little info each episode.

it seems like they have completely forgotten about the box now
Just ignore it
7 out of 10
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No, you're jealous of my autismbux because you actually spend time shitposting about me.
better than season 3/10
the fact s3 was so terrible it is making s4 seem better than it actually is
fucking stoners. I hate them.
Why are you samefagging?
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PROTIP: FILTER "autismbux"
No wonder everyone is giving the new season good scores.
stoners, people who drink beer, and fat people all need to die

filter "stoner" too

S3 was better
i have been wondering if it is safe to filter "pony says"

i dont want to accidentally filter something good
Pony says filter filter and filter anonymous
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Congrats, you've made it to Horseville

But, the only pony willing to house you is your least favorite

How do you fare?
Nice samefagging
I think its annoying too, and the few people doing it ought to give it a rest, but I've seen others respond to it normally. If you filter the phrase you risk seeing the thread 'die' completely
doesn't matter if she/he is my favorite or not.

i have made it to the promised land...and now i must seize it with my dick
its safe
pony is giving you the finger
Pony thinks poeple who filter are fragile and easily triggered.
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>Pinkie Pie

I'd rather kill myself
Well I do too, but you can't blame people for not wanting to look at annoying things. I have some images filtered away just because I'm sick of seeing them. Text spam doesn't actually bother me.
Ponee sez you lie
how? pony doesn't have fingers in which to give me the finger
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How would you all cheer up a sad Celestia
>forgetting that you can filter names
change whatever words you like, it will be filtered
i am trying to find fapfics that have a ton of horse cumshots in them but i dont know the proper terms to search.

are any porn experts able to help
Pretty good so far.
Great episodes with only one that was kinda boring but still not bad
Ask her why she's so glum and that isn't she happy she could head back to Canterlot and return to her studies
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>tfw finally lose enough weight where my thighs aren't scrapping against each other and rashing after about a mile and a half
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Ask her why the long face?
Pony thinks you are a retard.
tickles and bellyrubs
>Twilight or Fluttershy
A chill-ass library , dragon bro, and a qt unicorn buddy? What's not to love?

Worst case scenario for me would be living with Fluttershy, frankly. I've got allergies out the ass and they don't have antehistamines in Equestria. Even if they did, I can't say I like animals very much. It's a shame, because otherwise Flutters would be pretty awsome to be friends with: she's been frowing on me recently.
>tfw CON dump stat
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It may not be so simple, but I'd give snuggling while discussing her troubles a shot.
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I like this pony, she is very cute
>Comic Sale Numbers
>PIrate arc had a huge boost in sales compared to number #12 and the boost was bigger than the one for #11
I was kinda worried seeing how badly #10 and #12 were selling
She has ugly pointy wings
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But of course I would.
they sold poorly because shiny and cantdance
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I don't think there's any other pony in the show with as many unintentionally-cute moments as Twilight.

except maybe Pinkie.
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That's a cute pony. I like this pony more, though.
all day vaginal massaging
What about the Big Mac one then? The second one also sold like complete shit.
Do you think Princess Celestia pigged out on cake and ice cream on the Summer Sun Celebration before Luna was returned from the moon?
>Pirate comic is the "boost"

Seriously? This that's like the worst one
That's nice. Good for you, I really mean it.
I like most if not all of them, I don't know why, I just can't pick one!
i would genuinely like to know why you posted this here
not enough luna
big mac isnt waifu material
>she asks if she can unbirth you so you can reach those hard to reach places more easily
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LK pls roll
I love Applejack
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what if there are two ponies, and although neither of them are trying to be cute they both look cute, one of them is actively trying NOT to be cute

who's cuter
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Because now I can run for however long I want without my inner thighs looking like a couple of steak-umms.
I want to fondle that pone's dick
Since when did you pick up running lk?
Picking a favorite is easy, it's picking a least favorite that's hard. They're all pretty great ponies.
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No. You must be nice and gentle to this pony.

I think you're mistaken anon, that pony has no penis. She's a mare, not a stallion
i know how you feel, i dont have fat thighs but my dick and balls are so huge they chafe easily when i try to run for a long time.
Heres an odd and probably stupid question.

Why do some of the cards have a trademark in their name? Is that even necessary?
Does that mean your dick and balls is small then! Like teeny tiny?

Before I lost enough weight I had to constantly put body powder down there and still it never seemed like it was getting the job done.
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She is also a very cute pony
U are right it is a stupid question.
nope, i have a huge dick. most likely the largest in mlpg.
No it just means your running form was lousy.
That's still pretty small, then
pony likes it ruff sometimes
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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I figured. But I just found it weird they would bother putting it on there when its their cards.

I dunno
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I'm posting a picture of the best pony.
Prove you're larger than me
>LK is Harry Potter
>LK is Boris
who else does he look like then?
fuck you man if i laid my dick out on the keyboard it goes all the way from a to z
Oh wow, idiocy knows no bounds.
Yep it's broken. I can't see Rarity there
Why are you so defensive about your manhood anon?
i dont need to prove shit to a bunch of nerds who brag about how much money they get from the government for having mental illnesses
that was a joke
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That's because you've got a baby dick that isn't even 8" long
I iwsh there was more of this
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just the preview
It doesnt count if you move the keys around anon.
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da fuuuuuck
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>you will never a
fuck it I don't know where I was going with that
pony is very very wet.
Dick size means nothing if you never use it nerds
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I still think it would be nice to have big dick
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Come and watch or forever be a dweeb
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whats the BJ mean? is applejack futa?
It's useful on craigslist
We image spamming again. Yup mlpg is ded.
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>4th panel
what should i schlick to
>rarity didn't fight the crab
so many mad brownies
It's the B) face
>Your favorite pony lays on top of you
>They are asleep and very heavy
What do you do?
It is pretty nice
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fukken young people and their new emoticon bullshit, i dont even know what this shit means or how it differs from a regular smiley face.
I thought you were taking a shower
It's a smiley face wearing sunglasses
It's cool guy sunglasses. B]
i usually do both

fuck you price
that's dumb
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I would have no choice but to snuggle pony and treasure the moment
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SB get in here...
that's it for now, the rest of the comic should be in another 24 hours or so along with the luna one
Do you hear the people sing?
Why is Pinkie Pie in control of a crab swarm?
I have a crush on someone in mlpg
Sucks to be AJ seeing how it's canon that she hates seaweed
who is it anon?
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its random so it fits her character
LK are you here? were you going to stream again?
She became friends with the crab swarm at the beginning of the last comic
>dash in the 3rd panel

someone is going to unf to this
Someone's already streaming.
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I am excited for the luna comic
i'm not leaving until you tell me who it is, you're anon, so it doesn't really matter for you if you tell us, i'm just curious
stallion x femanon
I guess that you could say that

shes in heat!
I'm going to marry Shining Armor and Princess Cadence!
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I wish I was a pretty mare
care to give me a link or name an artist?
Requesrts? I'm about to run to the stoer, but I'll draw em when I'm backk
Fluttershy being a silly pony
Rarity fueling a spell with anger
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Nightmarity vs. Mane-iac

Grudge boxing match

I still haven't written the other ones, I know.
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Mane-iac is Luna, calling it now
how did you know i like fics better than images?
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Can they ever do anything interesting with Applejack?
Octavia cum inflation
give her a tragic backstory involving her parents
Draw a serious flower pony preparing for an emergancy
Maybe I just know what women want~
Rarity, Twilight and Sweetie in matching Christmas outfits?
well, heck they say that women generally prefer to get off to written erotica whereas men like videos and pictures

is this anyone i know?

also, do you live in australia by any chance?
But futlershy isn't a silly pony
Onies can't box
no hands
Anon that is 2lewd fir tonight
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I don't wanna say

It's probably just a side effect of being lonely for so long, forget I even said anything
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>“In order to shoot the ponies and a large Twilight Sparkle, we couldn’t be in the same set. All I had for company was 5 photographs of the ponies on top of stands with little lights – whoever’s talking flashes up."

>"Pretending you’re with 5 other ponies when you’re on your own, it stretches your magical ability to the absolute limits.”

>“I cried, actually. I cried. Then I said out loud, ‘This is not why I became a princess’. Unfortunately the microphone was on and the whole palace heard.”

Soarin' in a tux?
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it's too late now you've committed to this

like i said, who cares if you say something while anon, it only matters to you if you give a name, so don't give a name
Make her a princess
Why do you keep posting this?
It's an edited interview with a VA, right? What's the point?
No, I don't live in Australia. And I don't think we've met before, unless you're Cookie
>unless you're Cookie

Cookie was Ross
nah, i'm not cookie, shame you don't live near me
agathoid pls
hey so, any of you cuties from mlpg live near sydney australia?
So I don't like streaming when someone else is doing one.
mmmmmm I guess if I don't fall asleep
don't judge me, it's not my fault i'm attracted to perverted chubby cuties
then it's too bad I don't live in australia
exactly my fucking point

why are all the cute boys on the other side of the world

I bet that horse is warm as balls.
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Her parents are gray and black?
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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the realistic horse anatomy tag is the biggest load of shit i have ever seen in my life
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Pone thinks you need to start the stack
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Whoa what is that from? Were they in the last episode?
>life size
>48 inch

>Hur just like her mane!
I forgot how good Wander over Yonder is
It makes me wish I actually had TV, I feel like its probably something that needs all the viewers it can get
>want to rewatch the last episode
>YT search

what is this shit
any videos of him fucking it?
i have had sex with giant plushies before and it is nothing like you image. it is way more hassle than it is worth and you never use it again.

if i was rich i would buy it for a joke, but not for actual fapping.
It wouldn't matter unless you were a household that was selected to track viewing habits.
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beats me

i cant tell if hasbro is getting anal about the vids or not. the episodes are a little harder to find them normal. atleast on YT
Is it because it's too light and doesn't stay in one place?
why would that matter?
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Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
that's because they all become alicorns
Not him but the ones I bookmark got taken down.
Waifu wants to be the big spoon.

would you let her
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats, the healthier he is
i'd be ok with that

its like only liking green ranger when every ranger does the same amount of work
hm, can i eat rice instead? i fucking love rice
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Because it's rude. Patience, anon. I might stream later.
Nah, Twilight just goes mad with power and locks them out of the afterlife
If she can't die, none of them can either. Because then she'd be alone, again. With no friends.

Its better this way.
They'll learn to appreciate it.
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>tfw Australian
Don't tease

I keep seeing this character.

The fuck is it?
you are much better off not knowing.
Where were you all summer?


Was the "big thing" for about a week.
>not knowing about Button and Button's Mom

Ah it's some fan animation shit.

I have avoided all of them.
>The Pilot was good.
>See that gif.

Shit went full retarded quickly, didn't it?
what the hell is this shit
i know its hard to believe but there are people out there who only watch the show without getting involved in the fandom
Well what really lit a fire under it was the voice lines he did in some chat.
its too bad we live in a reality where it is quicker and more profitable to pander and do meme jokes than a quality story
Likely due to his VA not caring about doing a whole lot of stupid voice clips that were later animated
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Hey guys playing Starbound, I found something.
Go to 78396861, -9797572 in the Alpha sector to visit the Horsebutt system.
well, out slut is there!
Please don't ruin my asshole

I don't have any words
How about "I'd Button's Mom"
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Who wouldn't.
Freud would have a field day with her.
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reminder that no matter how cool and popular you are in the brony fandom, you will always be a loser to normal people.
King of the Idiots


Normal nobody

What do you choose?
Most of MLPG would too.

Show us your ship.

>wanting to fuck brony trash
I'd still fuck her
There are people here who want to fuck Derpy.
I don't see your ammunition here.
>browsing the 4chan subreddit

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People don't?
i would take normal everytime
God that voice is fucking irritating.
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So guys, my only hope for this latest comic arc was a mare with a pegleg. There seemed to be one at the bar, but it was only a fake fake leg.

Anyone else out there have more like this?

The difference is that derpy is at least part of the show, and now has an established personality. This shit is just OC garbage.
But remember, King of the Idiots gives you an army of Idiot admirers and/or a source of income if leveraged well.
i'm not teasing, do you live near sydney?
you must be confusing your shitty headcanon with actual show canon

derpy is not mentally retarded and a perfectly fine pony to fuck
>The difference is that derpy is at least part of the show

I have not seen her in the show.
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You should watch the show.
>you will never be magically transported to the 2D world and transformed in Cammy from Street Fighter then orally service a cartoon stallion's anus and balls

explain to me why i should even bother to wake up tomorrow.

Maybe you should try watching the show some time?
>an army of Idiot admirers

i could do without that. also i believe you are severely overestimating how much money you can make from the brony fandom.

Okay, she WAS in the show.
But after her removal, she is nothing but a brony pony now, just the same as OC's.

Because just like the broniest OC, you will not see them in the show.

streaming equestria girls
Doxy's successful work says otherwise.
>FiM universe
>EqG universe

Should Twilight visit other alternate realities?
I point to Tiarawhy as Exhibit A re: profiting off of bronybux.
Let's stop here.
The should visit our reality so I can hug them.
Bronies like MLP.

All canon ponies appear in MLP.

Therefore, all canon ponies are brony ponies.
Tiarawhy has made $4,000 just since this thread started
no one will say doxy is rich, also he does other projects besides pony to make money.

Haha what? She's been in the show, she's still in the show, she still even hides in scenes. Can you grasp at anymore straws? Maybe do some more backpedalling regarding your viewing of the show?
Nope, Melbournian

In addition, I will point to the entire economic ecosystem that exists around the show. Commissions, websites, conventions. It's like the litany of 3rd party accessories that rely on iPods and such to survive. There are companies that make their entire business cranking out shitty merch for iPods.
that's shit, though i bet it's nice living in melbourne
http://strawpoll me/877289
i see too many famous brony people complaining about money problems to believe it is a good way to make a living.
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Nobody is making thousands ofthousands bux on bronies.

But his first project was successful enough that he has 2 new calendars in works + new illustration book. Which says a lot.
>She still even hides in scenes.

Yeah, no.
Your precious brony OC is gone forever from the show.
Seth may or may not be rich, but with the sheer number of views EQD gets he probably could be

I'm sure he gets a pretty solid income off ad views
I love the city
A little lonely though
It feels like you're fucking a heavy sleeper.
Don't ask why I know this.
lol Rick and morty
You fucked a plushie didn't you
>asking mewball if he fucked a plushie

not a plushie but a lifesize gay furry pooltoy
That's not Roognas trip.
And you are missing the secure trip anyway
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>memorizing roognas trip

thats gotta be a low point in your life
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I actually just searched the archive for it.
That's two clicks.
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Digging through old files, it's still weird that this happened.
Only if you take off yours first.
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I want Anon and Aggy to get together and make porn for us
>special hub wedding event for children
>and sethisto is invited

that was some funny shit
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would anyone be interested if I streamed American Horror Story sometime
>you've seen someone's trip enough times to recognize when something is amiss
>this is the lowest point in your life
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Even funnier is I`m pretty sure that`s the last time EqD and Hasbro had any official communications.
Which season?
cunnilingus is fun
with a pony it would be too fucking furry though
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no, but you can draw some horse penises on stream and i will be interested
I watched one episode of that with my mom and it happened to be a college rape one
Never again
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>Celestia: Twilight... you've done it, Equestria is safe now, however, I am not long for this world.
>Twilight: W...What do you mean?!
>Celestia: I'm afraid the curse wasn't broken in time, my time in this world is almost at an end.
>Twilight: N-no! you can't mean that!
>Celestia: .....................
>Twilight: Please, don't do this to me! There's still much more for me to learn! I..... I couldn't save you....
>Celestia: Do not grieve, somehow, I knew this would be my fate,
Met a brony today at a local metal detector's club hunt, he was actually kinda cool. Late 20s, well groomed, albeit a little strange and awkward, but so am I. First tolerable one I've met, he likes Twily so we were bros the whole hunt.

Also picking up some coke with my bundle of H this weekend, never tried blow before so I'm excited. Speed makes me super horny, I used to do ADHD pill in high school and I'd jack off for hours on end. I want to have rough kinky sex with dash, reverse cowgirl while she grinds that beautiful, velvety-soft marevag into me, while winking furiously and talking dirty, telling me that she's gonna milk every last fucking drop of cum out of my balls, then she'd give on last extra hard wink, and my cock would explode deep inside that perfect blue pony pussy

Pony says you'll find that it's much safer behind wall Sina
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I have all of them. I could do whichever.
I wish I felt like drawing
it's a shame, because it's like one of the best shows I have ever seen
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>She streams themselves fucking
>Every night
>She gets requests for positions and roleplay themes
>the second half

Good god. What happened, anon?
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I know a lot of people see A Canterlot Wedding as a turning point for the worse in the show but I have to admit I had a lot of fun around the whole thing.
no man, its all skin
you sound like a guy who goes out and does things and enjoys being alive, i envy that.

while i have to sit alone in my house all day and try to convince myself i am happy.

but at least i get free money and dont have to work.
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Mare pussy is completely smooth, it looks exactly like a human vag. That's why I want to fuck one so bad, plus the winking thing, I want to buy my own mini pony mare someday and make her cream, you only have to be 4 inches or so to please a pony, seen a few vids of guys making pony mares cream all over the place, they grunt and whinny while they cum, it's really hot. Fuck these threads for getting me into beast, why do mares have to have such attractive genitalia.

That explains the sunburns.
>I wish I felt like drawing
>tfw LK and rediv never draw anymore
>tfw no more chubby pone
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Shout out to all the FBI, CSIS, MI6, etc. agents reading this.
i downloaded a huge beast torrent a while ago and there was a folder of erotic bestiality fanfiction in it. not furry but actual horse.

it is some of the weirdest shit.
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I don't think so, also, welcome back.
>wedding ring

jesus christ.

that somehow makes it even creepier
Get back to work, Marriston.
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The closest we'll ever get to a Scootaloo solo song.

Holy shit she really can sing.
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Giant Pinkie is so much fun
Your tax dollars at work son. Protecting you from horny teenagers
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>tfw ASIO will never care enough about me to violate my basic privacy rights

Why do they want terrorists to bomb me...
>tfw I get free money
>tfw not enough to live alone

>tfw terrible mental health and I still have to work
LK streamed just earlier today.
did LK and that other guy with the cool voice ever do more mlpg podcasts
I've had panic attacks and social anxiety since age 6, I decided to start doing drugs at 16 since I wanted to enjoy life and feel pleasure again. Luckily i had a friend I'd known since middle school who started selling pot around then, one of my 3 friends I ever had. Then I got a bunch of surgeries and got prescribed tons of pills, so I started abusing them, then moved onto heroin at 20 after learning it was so much cheaper and stronger.

It was super easy to get, all I did was go online, find a site where people posted info about the heroin scene in different cities, and go to an area of my city known for drugs. In about 2-3 minutes a guy came up to me and asked what I needed, so I told him, and he brought me into an apartment where he gave me his number and sold me a bundle within another few minutes. Drove him, did the drugs, then called him and he'd deliver to me, usually met him in a low-key parking lot of a Subway or something. It was perfect for an awkward nervous person like me since they never did small talk or anything it was all business(tell him where I am, he drives over to me, exchange money/drugs, then leave).

Then I got clean for 2 years, and went back a few weeks ago, only using on weekends now for fun. I picked up hobbies to keep me busy so I don't think about drugs all the time, got a job, and I'm sorta happy now for the first time in my life.
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Giant pony is so much pony.

I can't not hear it.

Kill me.
I know not what this green and yellow mare is from.

Should I?
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only if you want to have a sound bite stuck in your head for a week


This guy makes neat animations.
this is the worst possible thing i could have imagined
>text isn't the size of the tiles
why even bother if you can't do it right?

You're welcome 3rd best.
you guys can't touch this yo
Pick up a hobby, mine was metal detecting. I love it since you basically hunt for treasure. I look for sites where old buildings used to be by finding old town maps online at the library or online. Like I found out there was an old tavern in our town in 1870, so I matched it up to a modern map, found where it would be, and it was in a field, so I went out there and found a bunch of old coins, tools, shit like that. It's really cool, like treasure hunting basically. Here's a site with TONS of info, I love it, there's so much cool shit about amazing finds/hunts on here:



I you live in CT I could take you on a hunt sometime, I go on metal detecting forums where people do meetups and go on hunts together. It's almost all guys older than 40, older guys tend to love it for some reason, but they're awesome because they love to help out younger people new to the hobby. Lots of retired guys who are basically treasure hunters, they do tons of research and find untouched sites, it's their full time hobby.
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2014 is the year of the horse, according to chinese zodiac

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Well you can go to pony hell.

See this man has acceptable taste.
Well, I can safely say I wasn't expecting that.
i dont even know what you are talking about you fat ugly nerd
I guess enough people complained that they didn't feel like doing another one
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>tfw commissions to do
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At least let us watch Anon touch you for us
this is an edit right? the chin and ears are creepy as fuck
pony says bacon makes everything better
Nope. Straight screenshot.
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Pony is not for sad, Anon.
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Why is her voice so perfect?

Why will she continue to use a singing double in the future?

If you're really depressed and have nothing going for you, try drugs, that's what I did. My DOC was opiates since they basically fix everything that's wrong with me. They make you feel perfectly happy and content, no worries, fears, only pure pleasure. Just a feeling of warmth, safety, tingling euphoria shooting all through your body. i used to buy heroin and pills sometimes on Silk Road when I was too anxious to find connects, but that's down now.

I still look for expired or old prescription opiates(oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone) whenever I go over someone's house. I look at the date, and if it's a prescription filled within the past month or so, I leave it alone since they probably need it. If it's old and obviously leftover from a surgery or something, I'll take most of them or sometimes the whole bottle. Guarantee there's opiates in either your house, or your relatives/grandparents houses, even friends if you have them. Try to find some, I fell in love the first time I tried them. If either you or anyone in your family has had surgery within the past few years, check your medicine cabinets or wherever you keep pills, you're bound to find some.
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Was I the only one who did a double take at "we'll be the first ponies out on the flag waving scene", thinking of a very different kind of "out"?
I'm pondering if I want to click the imgur link or not
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blushing pregnant cadence with extra baby weight

>there are actually people who use hard drugs on MLPG

actually you sound like an OK person other than the whole junky thing, at least you have a job
It's nothing graphic, it's just a screencap of a texfile on how to please mares sexually. No pictures of animal pussy.
Fuck you, Anon.
If you could make just one of the comics into an actual episode
which would you pick
The next one in the Celestia + Luna one

I don't care that it isn't out yet
Luna micro.
I finally want my royal sisters episode.
Issues 9/10.
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Rarity's micro.

I love the hippy pones.
Is Aggy pretty?
you are all correct
I kinda want to try drugs now but i have no friends, am i a degenerate yet mulpug?
Who's that anyway? I feel like I missed something.
Draw Cheerilee antics please.
As pretty as a roadkill skunk on a summer day.
GG, I just got around to watching all the WoY episodes that I hadn't bothered to yet.
I forgot how fucking adorable it can be

Can you draw the CMC curled up to sleep on Sylvia's back like Wander does?
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Can we just cuddle for tonight?
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The other bits sound like a bucket of soggy dog dicks being pushed through a paper shredder while theyre still in the bucket compared to Scootaloo's part
>We talking WoY
it's really my favorite children's show running currently, and it's not close. The character dynamics between Wander and Sylvia are so lovely, and Wander is just the cutest.

but the complete loser failure at life antiweedanon says its bad
Too bad it's dead.
No skunks in Australia

Maybe a possum
Too bad it got canned.
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y-you sure?
Doesn't he usually either lie flat or sleep against her side?
shame, that.

I wonder if a "Save Wander" campaign would work.
sweetiebelles singing was shit here
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Scootaloo's part sounds very clearly like it was sung by someone not her usual VA.
At the very least there wasn't the "grit" in her voice that she usually has.

also unf
I always thought it was ironic how people who are total shutins and have incredibly unhealthy sedentary lifestyles get so upset about other people using drugs. He sounds like he has nothing going for him in life, if it's that bad why not try drugs, at least weed for fuck's sake. Good for anxiety and makes edging feel heavenly. Hell, you can even grow it yourself in a small grow tent if you have nowhere to get it from. I like gardening and I love weed, when I move out at the end of this summer I plan on getting a small tent and growing an easy strain like Norther Lights or something.
>tfw there hasnt been any good futa pinkie art or fics in months

this is the worst
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I meant just on her back, like he does

The CMC curling up to sleep is just too cute to not be truth
>you will never snuggle a giggly penke sporting a fat, turgid horsecock
>we do not forgive
>we do not forget
The CMC would be all sorts of sprawled out on her. She's surprisingly cushy.
You're just upset that I got laid twice for my birthday
oly shit sorry I couldnf draw tonight we just took a bunch of dirnks from qfc and picked up like 3ozen donuts I am in no condition todo request jus remind me tomorrow or somethign or on mt tumble and i'll do em when Ican
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>still having birthdays

that sure is an unsexy word, the first image i think of when i see it is frozen turd.
>uses sex as a reward/currency system
u r whipped
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Time for a classic

>you will never watch rediv using her new toy
How often do you usually have sex per week?

Scoots' VA is a singer irl and it seems like she just used her normal voice.
is this the tw of music?
>you will never be able to afford Rediv's old toy
Would you prefer her unsheathed shaft to be soft and flexible, not yet hard as it drapes over her tummy?
Any time she wants
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>From 2012
wait I don't get this post
are you seriously saying I should not have posted "my personal business" on my own personal blog
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2012 was two years ago. April 21st (125 days away) is SA and Cadences' 2nd anniversary.
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Yeah okay sounds a bit stolen but this might be okay
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Should I whore myself out on Craigslist before I kill myself?
And how often is that, on average?
Did you have to reply?
why not neither?
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pls anon pls no
Maybe once or twice

Cheerilee is sweet and kind
sounds like a solid plan to me
Isn't that the same?
>whore myself out on Craigslist
To who?
This is on odd question to ask here.
And what if the sex is fun and makes you want to live?
But, if you stay suicidal, think of all the people you could take with you.
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It happened to MT too
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if you lower you standards enough you will be shocked at how easy it is to get sex on craigslist, even if you are a fat ugly brony.

You hould totally roleplay as pones.

With a saddle and bridle
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I reply to everything
She's not into that stuff

She just likes plain stuff so we do that
I miss the Chrysalis threads.
Dirty, or clean?
Equine thong
this was my very first mlp fetish
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>pretending to be me.
Okay, I get it, you're angry that I'm happy and don't have to work.
But I miss the glory days of this community so much, and I can never have those days back. It's just not he same since the end of S3. It's just, not giving me the reason to go on it once did.
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Hey GG
Happy motherfucking Birthday
good to be back sur
>tfw not enough art of my casual as fuck fetish
I was talking about someone earlier in this thread and in the last thread.

He likes posting as me and he likes posting a picture of a fat guy with a computer that sounds like paraphrasing about me justifying my lifestyle.
Pony dubbed herself the "watchful protector" of this thread
If this is seriously the only thing keeping you from offing yourself, you really do need help.
>I reply to everything that gives me an excuse to talk about myself
You forgot some words there mate. But don't worry, I got ya back.
Then move on from MLPG and MLP. We're one facet of one show out of the whole of entertainment.
Find something else that you're interested in, something to put time and work into that you still enjoy.
Or if you don't know what you like just try shotgunning various hobbies, showing up to meetings and sitting in.
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Every thread needs a Batman.
Pony made it clear that she was the only "non-faggot" in the building
Wait, we fired Marker Pone?
Judging from this thread, she's doing a really shitty job.
See that horse? I'm going to marry it.
Pony is not good at this
Pony called Robert Downey Jr. the "voice of a generation"
I used to have more...used to.

It's not the same.
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Well yeah but she's not Batman. She might actually be Batman
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Sorry Anon, this is My Little Pony by Bethesda
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The length of the S3-S4 hiatus, combined with the short run of S3, stole so much from MLPG.

I really want to get in touch with some of you faggots IRL before this place drifts away into the digital sunset.

Please email me if you live in the LA area and aren't afraid of a fat faggot.
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where were you, if it's ok to ask. we went for a month without a reminder how safe it is in wall sina. oh i mean behind wall sina
Pony used it for something other than it's intended purpose
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Here's some
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i was just eating a nutella and captn crunch sandwich and it reminded my of pinkie
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This picture is really confusing in a lot of ways
Fuck no

Look you guys are fine and dandy to talk to online but I'd dread ever meeting one of you spergs in public.
Why do you wish me beb pink horse?
>that embarassed Gilda
what I wouldn't give to be her.
>implying it's not already too late

And you never get away, and you never get to take the easy way,
And all of this is a consequence, brought on by our own hand
If you believe in that sort of thing.
And did you ever really find, when you closed your eyes,
Any place that was still, and at peace?
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i want to say i like this picture but i dont want people to accidentally mistake me for a JJ fan
Celebrate your accomplishments. Build on your failures.
I wish I was fit, hung and attractive
I'd fuck anyone
I fapped to this the other day. I was immediately filled with regret.
>You'll never fuck Sunset and tease her for having a normal body rather than a hypersexualized one like her peers
How come somebody smoking pot that they grow themselves on their own time bothers you to the point where you want them to kill themselves? I'm not trying to be condescending or telling you that you should do it, I don't care whether you do or not, I'm just curious as to WHY it makes you so upset. Of course I know you're being facetious, but let's say that you aren't just this time.
What's that on Gilda's wrist?
Oh good, I've been building on failures all my life
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i would give anyone in mlpg a chance in real life. with alcohol or weed any social event can be enjoyable.
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Those are very tiny apples.
How do we know ponies aren't super super tiny too.
>not fat, confident and confident
maybe if we were dating, and you lived in australia, but you should probably know i'm not this .. outgoing, in real life, i'm more like a watered down combination of flutterbutt rarara and ponka
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its ok to like thing
whatever floats your boat

Chrysalis has a normal one too, just a bit skinnyy

just ignore the shitposter

looks like a spiked braclet, what do you think it is?
He does it for attentionwhoring. Note how he put on a trip after someone "impersonated" him and expected people to know who he is immediately. Now you can stop responding to him.
i was here, i just got bored of AoT
Stoners are the most obnoxious and sickening group of people on the planet that aren't necessarily evil.

I group them within the same realm of drinkers, I hate you all.

I am not being facetious, I genuinely hate you.
Oh yeah no the guy who was earlier discussing drugs like it's the fucking topic is not the shitposter.
will shitposters ever give it a rest
>tfw pretty hung
>tfw pretty fit
>tfw pretty attractive

>tfw horribly lonely because I hate myself and can't manage to socialise for fear of rejection

>tfw not confident
This is not the first time I posted with this trip, idiot.
Ah, fair enough, have you read the comic?
pony says to put down the rocks because pony thinks that "pone without sin shall be the first to cast a stone."

pony doesn't look a thing like jesus.
How do I long distance relationship?
Sometimes they're not here but it's a rare occurrence
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communication, dear lust-infested anon
you don't, they don't work trust me
you mean the manga, or the FiM comic?
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not until they starve, or tolerated. those are the only times i seen them die off.

streaming the adjustment bureau
i know its possible for them to work but i have only seen bad personal experiences happen around me

I know that, but I want to see if I can get an answer out of him.

>I am not being facetious, I genuinely hate you.

Why? Did your dad drink a lot or something?

I barely ever see anyone talk about drugs here, and if they do, it's a side conversation, the whole thread doesn't need to be about it. There's lots of side conversations going on all the time, the people who get so angry about it are worse than the ones minding their own business having a conversations. It's just such a weird thing to get aggressive over, maybe it's because the popular kids in high school used to smoke pot and drink, and they're holding a grudge.
Skype and Expedia

holy shit, I haven't had to stub:no; filter a tripfag in a while. Like a year.
You don't
Why do you stream so often? Not that I mind either way but it's as if you were streaming throughout the entire day.
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>pour bowl of cheetos
>eat a few
>remember that cheetos taste like shit
>pour them back into bag
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I would love to get stoned with pony.
holy shit i finally finished Dragons Dogma
100/10 GOTY
I'm sorry I'm just so happy and needed to tell someone..
because until february 3rd i am a neet, with nothing better to do

and it's something nice to do while sewing also

and when i say i'm a neet, i'm kind of exaggerating, i still see friends and such, but i have not job or real responsibilities until feb 3rd
Good for you anon.
>Why? Did your dad drink a lot or something?
He didn't drink at all.

>It's just such a weird thing to get aggressive over, maybe it's because the popular kids in high school used to smoke pot and drink, and they're holding a grudge.

I love how stoners always aim for this (I seen it a lot on /v/), no it's obviously a HS grudge and not the fact that Stoners are pretty much more obnoxious than euphoric atheist bronies.
i drew something lewd, but it's a giant pone

should i link it here or should i fuck off to MMPG? i don't wanna post something that a majority of you probably won't like
That is what neet means, it's not necessarily connected to not having social life although it often is
Just post it here and there
I wish that came out for PC

Been playing The Last Remnant though, its pretty good.
your only choices are learn to tolerate it or leave. its too bad most people choose the leave option which only further lowers the quality of mlpg.
It doesn't matter, it's an imgur link I assume. Just post it.
Giant ponies are great

Even if I didn't like them, more art is never a bad thing
post it in both places
I hate summer holidays
why did you even buy them you idiot

ok here you guys go

Not bad
While I'm not a fan of giant ponies, I can really appreciate that squirting UNF
No i haven't

This is completely fucking ridiculous
that aint how vaginas work

change it to a dick immediately
they're for my brother
Aurora Indica is another really easy one, but Northern Lights is the classic easy indoor strain, it's very low odor so you don't need to worry as long as you have a carbon filter. It's famous for being one of the most stable and hardy strains, its genetics go back a couple decades. It grows very stout/compact too, so you can yield heavily in a very small area.

Afghan Kush, any of the Skunk strains, any Norther Lights hybrids, Hindu Kush, and AK47/48 are also easy strains.

If you have the room, it's most cost effective in the long run to build a grow room. If you live in a rented place or want something you can take down and move around, a tent is the best option. If you grow in a tent for a while, then build a dedicated grow room, the tent can be used for your mothers or for drying. Htgsupply has good deals on tent kits that come with ventilation, lights, and everything. You can expect to pay around 400 for a smaller 400w setup, and 500-600 for a 600w setup. If you make or scavenge some of the things yourself, you can cut the cost down by a hundred or so.
Pony maxed out Vit and Str, and just tanked everything
why are you eating his cheetos you asshole
Tanks should only max vit.

Here's the bundle, there were 10 there originally, did the last of it tonight.
Pony can't wear anything remotely heavy and can't swing or roll more than about once because she forgot about END.
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>not Vit and Agi
You're a terrible person.
oh, well yeah, I mean I know that, and that last part's not a bad thing really

look, forget I even said anything this is super weird, sorry
wanton destruction, maregasm, ahegreo, vaginal fluids. this hits all the right spots
What a beefosaurus
Merry ponymas mlpg
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>qt girl that's a mix of best ponies
How many days early are you, MT?
You're not very outgoing here either beyond namefagging
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um 8?
I give you an F for cheating.
See me after class for your state mandated spanking.
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I said teach me!
Hup hup one two right left do it do it do it
he can get more when they're done
You trying to pull a Hoppip, son?
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Goodnight MLPG
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Good night MLPG
have a happy sleeps with dreams
because dreams != 0pone
oh yeah. strech those muscles, baby. I wanna see you work it
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>readdit image

have a badnight anon
i had a night full of ponies last night though
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fuck because of the small typo my entire insult is invalid and i am the one who looks like the idiot
I'm a weekend warrior now. Before I used to be out of control, now I do it once, maybe twice a week, sometimes I take a week or up to a month off.

I found the key is to set rules and never break them, and also keep yourself busy. Because once you make an excuse one time, it keeps going and going. Like if I broke my rule and started using one day on a weekday, it's be the day after, then the day after, it just gets out of control.

But them most important thing is staying busy, if you do nothing all day long then you just think about drugs. Now I can enjoy life and take a vacation to opiateland for a few hours once a week.

HTG has good equpment and tents, but sme of them have pinhole light leaks around the zipper, not a big deal, but if you want a completely lightproof tent, Gorilla Tents makes the best ones. They're super tough and well built, but they're expensive. Once you have one, they last forever.
Fuck off drug addicts
Aren't you one?
No, I'm straightedge.

I don't even drink soda or tea.
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New Sword on AweMe channel

Sword of Chaos from God of War
You know what I find helps my drug problem?

Not having one.
are those things loud? Im looking at videos on youtube and the fans seem kind of loud, I looked up that they make duct mufflers to make it quieter
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too bad about the many other problems you have though
yeah whatever I'm a huge dork
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I can't think of any big ones

I suppose it'd be nice to have a more flexible budget, but I get by fine.
I'm in a relationship
I have a social life

I think I'm alright.
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i bet her breath smells wonderful and is warm
>Pulls a Hoppip
>Actually meets someone from MLPG in a romantic manner
>Date goes ahead without an issue because everyone in MLPG is supergay
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>N-no guys my drug problem isn't that bad it's just that I can easily become a hardcore addict if I change up my schedule just a bit
>being a drug addict isn't that bad
I had more of a life problem, the drugs were a secondary thing. Once I realized that staying inside all day long feeling sorry for myself, sitting in a chair all day long on the computer was destroying my body and mind, my life changed. I picked up hobbies, met friends, went out and actively tried to improve my life.

Honestly drugs helped me realize how shitty things had gotten and put things in perspective, as I realized that sitting home on the computer all day was NOT normal at all, and was only making things worse. Drugs saved my life by making me realize how abnormal my shutin lifestyle was, and how harmful it was to me.

I think the worst thing you can possibly do is to live a NEET lifestyle, longterm physical inactivity, isolation, lack of schedule, and lack of social interaction causes major psychological and physical damage to you. Isolation and lack of social interaction is the most damaging one, your ability to think and process information is dramatically impaired, your short term memory goes to shit, you can't focus or think, your cognitive function gradually deteriorates the longer you keep it up.
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someone should draw cokepony drinking milk
>I think the worst thing you can possibly do is to live a NEET lifestyle, longterm physical inactivity, isolation, lack of schedule, and lack of social interaction causes major psychological and physical damage to you. Isolation and lack of social interaction is the most damaging one, your ability to think and process information is dramatically impaired, your short term memory goes to shit, you can't focus or think, your cognitive function gradually deteriorates the longer you keep it up.

Except that doesn't happen at all, you're applying what happens to drug addicts to NEETs.

Not a single NEET on /jp/ or /a/ goes through this "deterioration".

Take your drug propaganda somewhere else.
Also it leads to thought disorders, the one I had the most trouble with was learned helplessness and self-defeating behavior. I was so terrified of breaking out of my shutin life and leaving the safety of my room that I'd make excuses as to why living like that really wasn't bad at all and that it was everyone else who wasn't normal.

It took a long time to realize just how completely and totally fucked my thought processes from back then were, the longer you go like that, the harder it gets.
Not true, longterm social isolation causes tons of mental problems, and sedentary living is equivalent in damage to the body as is smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. I can provide citable sources if you want them.
Can procaster stream two monitors?
what is it called when i want to be under her when she eats a mentos? is it still watersports?
Go ahead.

But my sedenatary life has done nothing but good for me (I'm going to take off my trip now), as a person zero skills and well zero everything else not working and not having friends is a safe place for me and society.
that doesnt sound good at all
I guess it depends on what she's spraying you from?
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her bodily fluids?
>Social Isolation Kills, But How and Why?

>Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review

>Research indicates that perceived social isolation (i.e., loneliness) is a risk factor for, and may contribute to, poorer overall cognitive performance, faster cognitive decline, poorer executive functioning, more negativity and depressive cognition, heightened sensitivity to social threats, a confirmatory bias in social cognition that is self-protective and paradoxically self-defeating, heightened anthropomorphism, and contagion that threatens social cohesion. These differences in attention and cognition impact emotions, decisions, behaviors, and interpersonal interactions that may contribute to the association between loneliness and cognitive decline and between loneliness and morbidity more generally.

>Social isolation and health, with an emphasis on underlying mechanisms.

>The many faces of social isolation in childhood.

>Low Social Interaction Harms Lifespan on a Par with Obesity, Smoking, Inactivity

That's just for the effects of isolation, do you want the ones for sedentary living?

>done nothing but good for me
How so

>as a person zero skills and well zero everything else not working and not having friends is a safe place for me and society
That's called a self-defeating thought loop. Classic thought disorder, also falls under learned helplessness. The longer you isolate, the more you tend to accept the situation as unchangeable, thus the term 'learned' helplessness.
What the fuck, why does your heroin say Sony on it

somebody got burned
>his store doesn't carry sony brand heroin

I'm so sorry
I wish opiates were legal again.
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I wish I had someone to share my bed with
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You can order poppy pods online but they're so expensive now that they're not worth it. I'm working on writing up a guide on how to grow poppies for the opiate subreddit and a poppy growing forum, I'll put it up on pastebin. They're easy as hell to grow, you can literally sprinkle some seeds on recently disturbed dirty, come back in 4-5 months, and have a shitload of poppy pods ready to be cut, dried, and made into some strong ass tea. You can also buy poppy seeds online and make poppy seed tea with them. I just bought a certain brand on Amazon a few days ago and they got me REALLY goddamn high, and I've got a high tolerance. They're called Food To Live, get the 4 pound bag tonight, and tomorrow I'll come back and tell you how to make it. Do you have any tolerance? If not, you're gonna get blasted at least 3 times off those seeds.

You can get them on amazon or off the site, think they might be a little cheaper from the site.
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beb and hats us
do you post anywhere, i would like to follow your personal blog.
>Do you have any tolerance?
None, I've smoked H a couple times and it was absolutely amazing. I\ll probably shoot up for the first time within the next couple months, but I've never even considered trying to make my own supply. Wouldn't that be a huge, expensive, and complicated process?
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Fun fact: 20% - 25% of all post on /mlp/ are posted in MLPG.
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Also, this only works with certain brands of poppy seeds. Most poppy seeds are usually washed, but the organic brands tend not to be, so they've still got small amounts of opium on the surface. Basically all you do is get a funnel, pour the seeds into a 2 l bottle, add cold water until the seeds are floating and you can shake them, shake hard for 30 seconds, loosen the cap just enough for the water to come through, then squeeze all the water out. There's water trapped in the mass of seeds that's gonna form, so squeeze hard until water stops coming out. After the water, you can also add a shot of vodka and a cup of some lemon/orange juice to help the alkaloids dissolve into the water better, and make the tea taste better. The vodka helps keep the tea from spoiling if you want to keep it in the fridge for a while.

2 pounds should be plenty for someone with no tolerance, 4 is good enough for 3-4 doses for someone with low to no tolerance. If you do a two pound wash, split the liquid in half into two separate doses. Drink the first one as fast as you can, wait an hour or two, then if you want to do more, drink the other half. The tea lasts about 24 hours, you'll feel great the next morning because the residual effects linger.

And this comes as a surprise?
>How so
Freedom to do whatever I want, without worrying about anything.
I never had friends or an actual social life to begin with, unless you count going to school for a while a "social life", I didn't lose anything or hoped to gain anything.

>That's called a self-defeating thought loop.
No that's called fucking facts, I'm absolutely shit at everything be it math,science or writing.
Everything I have ever tried to do has failed mainly because I am shit no matter how many times I lie to myself which could span from a mere week to a month of practice for nothing.

There was not a point in my life to where I was good at anything or capable of achieving it.

As for your links
The first one was researched in the 1970's to 80s, where 4chan didn't exist and video games were highly primitive and had no online capabilities.

The second link fails to explain the nebulous properties of social interaction, it seems rather fallacious and comes off as "Social interactivity/Not interacting = u ded lol", they didn't explain how excatly social interactivity saves lives.

Hell even your last link makes a statement that isn't entirely in your favor
>"The idea that a lack of social relationships is a risk factor for death is still not widely recognized by health organizations and the public,"

And then goes off to talk about "random effects" that could absolutely mean nothing and then aims for general stuff that again means fucking nothing

There will and always has been shut ins, and I doubt any of them died younger in comparison to people who were socialites.
It's for the best.
How will you guys react if pony pulls and snaps the butt of her power pony suit?
Well yeah we know that
No, but I could set up a pastebin page for people that want to read some of my info.

Nope, all you do is grow the poppies, which is super easy, cut the pods off when they're ready, dry them, grind them up in a coffee grinder, and make tea or just pour the grounds into a water bottle, fill with water, shake it up, and chug the slurry. Seeds are kind of expensive, but for someone who doesn't have any method of getting opiates and wants to try them legally, it's the best method.
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Goodnight MLPG
yall niggas need jesus
>pastebin page
it won't be for just drug stuff, I've got a lot of beast info and other miscellaneous stuff that I post here and I noticed gets requested a lot.
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finally found it

if the final panel doesnt make you rock hard get out

Here's the user page, I'll have the info up for poppy growing, poppy seed tea, and general opiate info up sometime tomorrow. Got that file about how to please mares, too.
they're gonna do it

they know
thanks friend
Do what makes you happy, but know that you're digging yourself an early grave if you keep it up. Ask your doctor next time you go, or your therapist if it's true.
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anyone want to play a video game?
save that food to live link, because it won't be in the pastebin file, only the procedure how to make it, good unwashed seed sellers are kinda rare

I'd like to, but it depends on the game.
Well, úerhabs. But it's still interesting that so much of /mlp/ traffic goes through only one thread.
i'm starting to think video games are the problem.

one of them at least
In the early days of /mlp/, sometimes MLPG was like 75% of board traffic

We're a pretty big deal round these parts.

Which isn't much to be proud of.
In fact, it's something to be cripplingly ashamed of!
It's funny to think that even the general just by itself has more traffic than a lot of boards.
Are there any mulpuggers that live in CT? Anyone want to go hiking, have a few beers, get smoked out? I love hiking with a pint of bourbon to keep me warm, stopping for a little smoke, then having a big unhealthy meal.
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S. Fl
go away druggo
Smoke/beer is optional, but if you're fine with that then it's certainly fine with me. It's just not a winter hike without a little brandy/whisky.
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oh god damn it, right in the feels
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cutebolds are one of my weaknesses
what do you mean? i'm just a lonely grill
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What if cutebolds and pones?
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oh i just realized Dangyana is a cutebold basically, no wonder I love her.
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then it gives me something to bug GG about to make more of, also, it makes my night all that much better
You're a grill
I bet you've got like a billion friends
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And what about a cutebold pone?
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Cutebold pone general when?
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wwould you?
You'd be hard pressed to find something I wouldn't
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oh god yes yes

>no hooves
>No Hooves
Maybe if I were drunk
actually, well, i mean i do have friends, but the hard part is i have very little in common with them, as i am friends with them because we went to high school together. i don't really actively seek out their company much because it feels like waiting, i feel like i'm waiting for something interesting to happen. it's unfortunate because they are all lovely people, but i just can't relate to them. i relate better to people like myself, unique is one word, fucked up are some more.
10/10 would read about them going on cute adventures together.
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anon you are my hero
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>attracted to their form and not their personalities
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I have a very difficult time imagining a human with a pony's personality.
yea its called being a guy

Weaver is the best fagfag for doing these before I even know about them.
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Got two more after this
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>Has friends
>Not interesting enough for you

Talk about friend privilege
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A villain approaches!
like i said, i like them but we have shit all in common, it's like every conversation is an awkward one, so i usually just don't talk much when i'm with them, i let them do the talking
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>i relate better to people like myself, unique
Pony stole my laundry.
Fuck you pony.
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Penke has it covered
man i fucking regret that post, but how else would you describe someone who is fucked up politely? i mean, i have more fetishes than i can count on two hands, several serious mental illnesses, and a heap of other weird social and behavioural quirks
Fairfield here, I smoke, I got a nice half of blue dream recently
>tfw no kinky, odd gf
>tfw no gf
>tfw no bf
>tfw no friends
Anyone in NY

Not gonna meet up or anything, just curious
I have archive of early /mlp/ in some other database. I have to load it and look at numbers then.
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Don't forget the best one.
being fucked up just makes a person more interesting

we've all got our share of shit so to speak, so don't sweat it too hard
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and then no more cutebold/pony

thanks for all the pics anon

well obviously make more posts that are self-deprecating, that always fixes my regret of misunderstanding!

seriously, if you are gonna shit post about your problems drop the name. and continue to be chill, or, it will only attract the sharks that smell blood in the water. we are not you therapists, although some of care enough, to act like we care. for the most part we don't, so please stop. I don't mean this in a rude way, because, i enjoy your playful banter in your streams, and enjoy your company. but, the path you are going down yields only bitterness, resentment and misery.
>Pinkie with fingers

That is never not scary
Go fuck that Australian Anon
You'll be hard pressed to find a mulpuger that isn't a depressed deviant
>gg spamming his non-pony shit

The fuck weavy?
There are more than enough people, especially here, to whom it makes you all that more attractive. Which is going to attract shitposters so you really might want to either not talk about it or stop namefagging entirely.
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its pony related though!
wow are you honestly arrogant enough to think i was coming to mlpg for help, i was just explaining my situation to give context and shit to what i was saying

wow man, pull your head out of your own ass

yeah i try only to namefag when it's relevant, need to do a better job haha
hhaha oh wow, ok cunt. don't say I didn't warn you
You're that guy that tried to chase of saine for the same thing

Fuck off
i'm going to let you win, i don't really care enough about this discussion
>i try only to namefag when it's relevant
ANd right now is relevant?
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You do that by not responding to posts like that. Nothing is more effective.
Stop spamming your nonpony shit, thanks
yes and no, yes because it's a discussion about me, which kind of but not really requires a name so people know who's who

no because it's 4chan and trip and namefags are usually hated
apls r gey

get fuk
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Just fuck off. Every time I start to think you're just not expressing yourself very well, you go full roddot sperg.

Go away.
GG i love you

now make like a good boo and update dangyana, im not looking i swear!

But what does apls think of drses?
Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill myself
cute ponies
GG is gracing us with his presence
suicide = 0pone
GG make the neew throd
S4 is still airing.

The comic is still being made.
Pone isn't enough of a reason to keep living
stram where?

Tribes may be returning to form under the guidance of the community.
new thread by request
then leave.
Pony is disappointed that you don't consider her enough reason to live.
To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--
No more--and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprise of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.
Thanks Hamlet.
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.


also that's the best part of that soliloquie
>tfw the dread of something after death
>the undiscovered country
Why is Hamlet so based? It's definitely my favourite Shakespeare play.
i think it's because he is still relevant, everyone has had these thoughts at least in curiosity or passing thoughts. and it's fun to think about the unknowable, and it's fun to read.
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle.
I love Fluttershy
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I love, cherish, and adore Princess Twilight Sparkle.
I love Princess Twilight Sparkle the most.

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