Hearts as strong as horses!Does the reprise mean that we've gotten 2 of the 16 songs this season?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4cu-YkElSc1080 of the episode.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq4MNpGIZJcPower Ponies promoSo, now we've seen all three of the Ponyville CMC's rooms. Too bad we're unlikely to see Babs's this season. Wonder what Rarity will do in Manehattan, besides take it.In the meantime, Luna micro and issue #14 coming up this Wednesday, and Power Ponies next Saturday!>>15087781Previous thead.
When I think MLP, I think quality.
>>15092805>missing a limb>shrunken wing>impossible equine anatomy>broken neck>top cunt hat reference>chickun referenceEverything wrong in the world.
>>15092805>it hurts to live
I was trickedBamboozledI think I'm relieved
>>15092805What the hell is that thing?
Continuing episode discussion, re: concluding poorlyThey def could have come up with something a little bit better than Scootaloo hummingbird-ed the CMC to the fucking Crystal Empire, but the beats were decent.>Ponyville is sweet because all three ponies can chill together>But scootaloo, what do you know about pegasii. you're a shit Pegasus
>yfw upon realization that the show went shit after season 2 and all sane people left with only worst of bronies populating MLPG
>>15092848>top cunt hat reference>chickun referencewut?
>>15092890>yfw upon realization that the show went shit after season 2you're just figuring out now that maybe lauren faust had something to do with the show being good?
>>15092858I don't troll, but I think that's a terrible idea. When you see somebody trolling, the LAST thing you want to do is say, "hey, let's put this person on TV!"
>>15092858>doing this in sweden>where eveyone basically has a assault rifleI'd say "gg no re" here, but this is sweden
>>15092902>Cadence and Shining Armor shoehorned into the series on the first episode made after Faust left the team
>>15092902No,her husband was the real talent behind mlp.
The song was weak.
I enjoyed the song.
>>15092858>all the "trolls" will just be actors>no actual justice will be servednext
>>15092239It feels so goddamn good, closest thing I can think of to describe it is like the warmest, fuzziest orgasm ever. You get these tingles of pleasure running through your whole body, you feel completely at peace, like everything in the world is OK. It's like being in the womb, the feeling of overwhelming joy, you feel peppy, like talking to people, like everyone is your friend. In higher doses it's the same thing but you 'nod', which is falling into a little half-dream, for 30 seconds or so, then waking up. Feels so good, the first few times I knew that this was the perfect thing for me, and I was so overwhelmed with pleasure and joy that I felt like I was cumming nonstop.
>>15092875Rianbrow Sanic.
>>15092902If that were true WoY would have been the next awesome thing, and we all know how well that show is doing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-gI_pFog0CMC Hell March when?
>>15092875An animation smear
What the HELL happened with the animationIt was still good but just WHAT
>>15092994>we all know how well that show is doingI don't! Is it not going well? I enjoyed the first two episodes, but because I don't hang out in /co/ anymore I haven't been keeping up on new episodes
>>15093017Wander is just too annoying and overbearing to make the episodes enjoyable
>>15093017it's going finedisney are just retards and keep giving it several week long hiatuses and they only ordered one season of it or something
>>15093017It's dead Jim.
Have you tried the frenulum edging technique yet? If you like edging, this is most intense technique that exists, it requires a lot of self control and restraint, but oh fuck is it worth it. Lie down in bed tonight, think about your favorite pony teasing you, and start teasing that sweet spot. www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=kJrlZ-C466-http://www.jackinworld.com/techniques/jackinexpert-collection/self-control-games/tiny-one-fingered-circle
>>15092866I think half the people watching that scene put a crease in their chair from their asshole tightening.I know I did.
How about after we fought the fightNothing
That's too bad, about Wander. The animation itself is at least gorgeous.
>>15093049is this even worth it
Anyone have a 1080p download?My youtube download script is shitting itself
>>15092960Horse is some pretty good stuff. I've never banged it, but I've railed/smoked a good gram or two total. I quit it after being betrayed by a long time friend over a 50 sack of dope though.I guess friendship isn't actually magic.
>>15092960I seriously hope it is a copypasta
>>15092805You're in a bar and this thing slaps you're waifu ass, what do?
>>15093122Me and my waifu had a good run, I ain't going near that thing
>>15093122Cry myself to sleep.
>>15093122Pray I wake from this Lovecraftian nightmare
So I guess we really are dead.Well, it was fun while it lasted
>>15093095I've only banged it a handful of times, but plugged it plenty. I worry about getting infections or missing a shot with needles.>>15093116nope, I'll post a timestamped pic of my bundle later tonight
>>15093201Yep. Totally dead. Goodbye Nonymous forever.Everybody, wait for the coast to clear.
>>15093201>Well, it was fun while it lastedwas itwas it really
>>15093201turn down your filterswe're plenty liveI just finished jerking it though, so I am going to go take a nap
Was I the only one who thought the mouth animations were way off?
That was a great episode.Goodnight, MLPG.
>>15093242I think they were just exaggerated to mess around with Mrs. Harshwhinny's funny way of speaking but yeah it was pretty weird
>>15093242they wanted her to look like a cunt, and, yeah, she does
>>15093242I was reminded of thisAnd I think the mov series
>>15093271What the hell is wrong with your face, Applejack?
>>15093271then why am I so alone
>>15093242We are removing scrunch.Permanently.
>>15093293This is the last straw, Hasbro!
>>15093072http://xhamster.com/movies/2070020/perfect_lickjob.htmlhttp://www.xhamster.com/movies/2407263/cock_licking_job_by_blondelover.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/movies/914232/long_lick_job.htmlAbsolutely, if you have the patience for it. It's intense enough with a finger, with a tongue I'd probably pass out..
>>15093293I can't let you do that
>>15093292You got me.
>It wasn't going to matter who won the right to carry the flag, no other town was going to win because Ponyville has a princess now!
>>15093323stomp stomp stomp stompies
>>15093242They where doing that on purpose with her. Because she is old. And harsh. And whinnies.
>>15093332...What? It was a competition for the Ponyville flag.Cloudsdale has their own flag, and I assume the Crystal Empire, Manehattan, Los Pegasus, and other do as well.
>>15093282>>15093242Way too 'Newgrounds'. There's a reason I don't go there. My flash animation needs to be QUALITY.
Do you think MLPG is a detriment to our enjoyment of the show? Like, we enforce how the characters should act or what should appear in the showI think what makes The Littlest Pet Shop so fucking enjoyable is that I can just watch an episode and not give a shit about anything. Was the Mongoose acting the way it was supposed to act? I don't fucking know. Drama going on behind the scenes? Who knows. Good writers, bad writers? No idea.
>>15093391TO A ROCK?
>>15093322Is that a tranny in those first two videos? Still hot, fuck that looked heavenly. If I had Aloe and Lotus work my cock like that second vid I'd die happy.
I am 2 episodes behind noware any of them gay yet?
>>15093400>Like, we enforce how the characters should act or what should appear in the showI pretty much ignore all the people that cry about stuff like that and just enjoy the ponies for being ponies
>>15093400>ourI enjoy it just fine.
>>15093401bad time to have one's mouth open
>>15093374Huh, A flash cartoon with quality?Why did he post a pony then?Oh he must be posting an example of a show with terrible flash quality!
>>15093400Watching 3 seasons of a show, many episodes multiple times, you'd get a sense of what's well and what isn't well written either way. With is probably not helping but it's not like you'd think everything is amazing if it wasn't for MLPG.
>>15093049PROTIP: Filter "frenulum"
>>15093422mega unf
>>15093434called it
>>15093408>If I had Aloe and Lotus work my cock like that second vid I'd die happy.Aloe and Lotus are unfest ponies.
>>15093434Flutterhulk is my fetish.
>>15093449Where did the "MLPG" go after "With"
>>15093456why, that was kinda hot and also informative
>>15093434>fluttershy takes the stack
>>15093418>ouras in me plus maybe one person from here. is it a detriment to other people as well. I am assuming yes because a bunch of people have already said the new episode is shitwhat i'm wondering is, can I even enjoy the episode? I feel like a movie critic every time I watch the show. Why is Discord here? Why are they going back to Luna becoming Nightmare Moon for no fucking reason? What's with this McGuffin? Would this be better if Faust / Renzetti were involved
Ponka meets Penku
>>15093468Massages feel great, getting a double tonguejob after a thorough deep tissue massage would be the most perfect thing I can think of. I'd fall asleep right after, so relaxing.
1080p download where?
Fun episodefiller song was filler, but cute.Seeing them dance around the issue of flight was interesting.Glad they took an ambiguous ending on the eternal "will she ever fly"
>>15093434what if pony wants to be the man tonight
>>15093522>Seeing them dance around the issue of flight was interesting.more like cheap and rushed
>>15093483It's been posted many times before. I've tried it, it really does feel as good as he said it does, but seeing it for months on end is too much.
>>15093528>little pony with full size horsedicktop unf
>>15093522and we never saw her parents
>>15093537first time I've seen it in at least half a yearI just did it toopretty good, I guess
>>15093434im not sure if I like this
>>15093507there's more to life than sex, you know
>>15093549>room at an orphanage
>>15093549at least we know for certain that she actually has a place to live.To be honest, showing her parents would not have done much, considering how dash has served as her parental figure for the series
"Things to describe the latest MLP episode, but not your favorite pony."
SoScootaloo at her Parents House?Or was she at the Ponyville Orphanage? They'd probably be good enough to have each pony there have their own room.
>>15093522People called the no flying you'll fly if you're older deal. The butt closeup was worrying until nothing was revealed.About the only good that came from this episode is Applebloom will dump a friend at the drop of a hat. And Scootaloo isn't homeless.
>>15093400>Do you think MLPG is a detriment to our enjoyment of the show?Anyone who thinks this is stupid
>>15093576>pony orphanage is a simple house>no signstry again
>>15093576She breaks into houses and squats.
>>15093242I had to pause several times to contain my laughter
Oh shit
>>15093566The blowjob would be the icing on the cake, massages are one of my favorite things, and I'd be perfectly fine with getting just a massage from Aloe and Lotus. They're very attractive and I'd probably have a steely erection the whole time, but they don't run that kind of spa. You have to make an appointment with Rarity for that.
>>15093575The color purple is missing
>>15093564You should love and accept your waifu no matter what form she takes.Imagine her taking you into her strong arms. Protecting you with the rage of a thousand furious suns. Forcefully taking you again and again.
>>15093589>Anyone who thinks this is stupidI think existing in and partaking in the fandom could wreck someone's enjoyment of the show. Like Sibsy inserting her ponysona into the show, or Mando Pony being involved in a song might make someone enjoy the show less
>>15093575Actual working wings.
>>15093617ah, so you're just shitposting nowGood thing I can filter key words
>>15093562How long did it take you? It takes me like 45 minutes, it build slowly, and maintaining self control for the last 5 minutes is incredibly difficult. I'm oozing pre everywhere, my hips are bucking, and all I want to do is finish.
>>15093607Does she wear jogging suits too?
>>15093575I didn't like it very much
Diamond Tiara was great this episode
>>15093631Sounds more like you're just projecting.
>>15093631>letting that affect your opinon
>>15093641Dash was in the episode but that was still p. funny
>>15093595The orphanage is so poor they can't afford a sign
>>15093642whatever autist, no one likes you anyways
>>15093657Not that squatting but sure
>>15093434>hourly in-show reminder that Twilight's wings are bigger and prettier than her friends' wings
>>15093664what affects your opinion? It's not like you're watching the show objectively
pony says your parts are as long as horse's
>>15093668the only thing poor here seems to be your logic
>>15093000someone needs to let meghan know she is doing an awesome job with a tweet of this image.then say something about remembering when there were horses in the cartoon
>>15093575it's boring and terrible
>>15093690>It's not like you're watching the show objectivelyForming your own opinions is hard, I knowbut you should try it out sometime
>>15093707You were supposed to use something that didn't describe your favorite pony.
>>15093681Examples:Call of the CutieCutie PoxFamily Appreciation DayPONYVILLE CONFIDENTIALOne Bad AppleFlight to the Finish
>>15093698why don't you do it
>>15093698Meghan does the writtingnot the animating
Changeling can't wait for his cameo!
>>15093726do you even JFS
>>15093719You are into femdom.
>>15093719All of which make me want to throttle her bitch ass face
>>15093713>Forming your own opinions is hard, I knowbut you should try it out sometimeThis is seriously my problem. You're being a dick about it in a tongue in cheek way, but I actually do struggle to come up with my own opinions
>>15093724she is in charge, it is also her responsibility to oversee
>>15093687>Implying she isn't
>>15092875oh man, I sure can' wait for this new brony meymey :)
>>15093727changeling has earned his cameo in the garbage for sitting around sucking melons all day instead of working
>>15093693lol @ kids sitting on their computers all day long cutting themselves off from the world to post on 4chan, son you need an intervention for being a total fuckup, real talkso not mad right now that I feel overwhelming pity that your life has sunk this low and wondering how you got to such a dark and lonely place, stay positive bro, one step at a time is all it takes
>>15093751the simple fact is that is not her departmentThere are proper people to blame, but you are actually barking up the wrong tree in this case
>>15093735Maybe a little>>15093740See?She does her job better then most other charactersShe's more consistent then the mane 6 in doing what she's supposed to do.
>>15093773oh so you can shirk responsibilities of who you are overseeing just because it was an underling that did it?i bet it was sibsy's fault anyway. she is a fucking hack too
>>15093626unfok, i accept it
>>15093759whats a brony
>>15093789Sisby was storyboardingShe was not even around when that scene was actually put to animationBlame the people that actually animate things
>>15093761What have YOU been working on?
>>15093779You wanna be dommed by DT, don't you Nony.>>15093575They didn't have to use a hand-cart to cross the desert
>>15093810>Blame the people that actually animate thingsThis is the last straw, Korea!
>>15093822But the animators are based in canada.
>>15093816Wait, no, I fucked that up.Eh whatever.
>>15093813world domination
The spa ponies are indeed very attractive for cartoon horses, I've had a few massages from a very pretty Swedish girl, and it was very difficult to not get turned on. I was hard the whole time and I'm sure I was bright red because I was so embarrassed, but she never said anything.
>>15093822i can't wait to become a supervisor.apparently mlpg thinks that they aren't responsible for shit their underlings do.
>>15093822DHX is in Canadia.
>>15093816No, bad AspirantLittle fillies are not for sexually dominating adults
>>15093844She can dominate me anytime~
>>15093860Oh, I think Diamond Tiara knows how to handle grown-ups.
>>15093846>The first lewd I ever wrote was spa poniesThey hold a special place in my heart-boners.>>15093860I just calls it as I sees it, man.
>>15093850Meghan does the scriptsAnimation is not her departmentIt's like blaming the guy in IT that the bathroom in the executive office is out of toilet paper
>>15093856>>15093831and the Philippines, which has two crews.
This pony really enjoyed today's episode! It's one of her favorites, including Putting Your Hoof Down and Baby Cakes.
>>15093900What is the problem with bay cakes anyways?seriously.
>>15093900Wow, I'm glad that pony isn't my waifu
>>15093890>executive produceri believe she has much more involvement than just head writing
Why is Rainbow Dash looking dejected by the end of the episode?
>>15093900you lieI know because my wiafu is in my arms telling me other wise
>>15093947Because the crusaders went right back to their nonsense.
Was there a single reason the competition had to be in the Crystal Empire aside from reusing assets? Was Cloudsdale the only city in Equestria to have a stadium for a thousand years?
>>15093879Link to the fic? I'm pretty sure I've read all the spa pony stories. I have a huge erotic massage fantasy, the scenario I like is that you're getting a massage, pone notices your boner, starts rubbing dangerously close to it and not so subtly trying to get you hot and bothered, then going to work on you slowly and passionately while whispering dirty things to you.Or Aloe sitting on my face and giggling with her sister about how hard the human got over ponies, while Lotus sucks my balls, and sucks on my head gently while teasing it with her tongue, then switching to full on deepthroat
>>15093900>Putting Your Hoof Downpony is ok with me
I really enjoyed the new episode. It was nice and cute, just the way I like pone to be.What should I draw?
>>15093951You make her sad because you bully her into lying about her preferences around you, but she's too timid to tell you off about it. If only you could be kind to her and respect her difference of opinions.
>>15093999Harshwhinny's over-exaggerated face(s)
>>15093969>Celestia never built a stadium.>All events took place in the hedge maze.
Pony says to quit shitposting
>>15093900Heyhey youYou don't speak for wheaties!She is an adorable pone and definitely not you
>>15093970Sorry to say I don't have the document or pastebin link on this computer. I wrote it last year in like, June or something and have shifted computers since.Someone else might have it, otherwise I'd have to archive dive for it.Dunno if it's worth it honestly, it was my first attempt at erotic writing and I never got any solid feedback on how good/bad it was.If I find it I'll post it in the active thread when I do.
>>15094018hes right though, i heard her say so herself before
>>15092656why No Babs?
>>15094015Pony first.
>>15094010Here you go
>>15093969It's probably to help reintegrate them.
>>15094039Pony says pony
>>15094042You know you want tohttp://derpibooru.org/497125
>>15094055pony should be censored
What if Harshwinny's face looks like that because she had aestethic horse surgery between S3 and 4?
>>15094018She's a good friend with strong emotions.
>>15093242So many O faces
So what are the themes for this week's lewd things, mlpg?
So how soon before Harshwhinny cane?
>>15094065Pony says mlpg should censored and expunged from the boards because pony says this is a circlejerk general. Pony also says you are all jews
>>15094092Hot messes
>>15094076I don't believe you.You may make your case further however by posting more wheatiesOr crystal ponies in general
>>15094004Well it's a good thing she isnt so passive aggressive and knows she can be honest with me
>>15093970>>15094020Nevermind, found it without much issue.http://pastebin.com/sE8iyk5jI warn you: It's old as hell, and as darf once told me the shift is abrupt.The reasoning is that it was in the middle of the old Pinkie "Quest" thing I ran last year and it was more an extra scene that wasn't part of the actual series of events.I digress, I hope you enjoy it to some measure.
>>15094094pony should pony somewhere else.pony in mlpg is an illegal offense, that is why no one talks about pony
How's season 4 been for you busters?
>>15094113>he says, posting his battered waifuYou're deluding yourself, you monster.
>>15094092Aside from RD and HW all the ponies in this episode are too young for me to creep on. Yeah I'm casual.
>>15094092I dunno.I should really work on some lewd, but I can't come up with anything, and it probably won't be connected to the episode anyway. All I now is there will be dicks.
>>15094062Looks like Squidward.
>>15094116I'm enjoying it so far.How about you?
>>15094116pony/ponySome didn't like the last two episodes but I thought they were okay. Castle Mane-ia is the best of season so far, though.
>>15094116you really shouldn't impersonate peoplewe all know endii is ded and hats us
>>15094116it's okaynot as much as I expected, but okay
>>15094116It's pretty good so farI hope you've been watching
>>15094123y-you too
>>15094062Okay, but no promises on quality>>15094116pretty gr8 so far bub.
>>15094116You are a retarded sack of shit.
>>15094122ily2>>15094134>>15094142>>15094145>>15094146>>15094157I've heard a lot of people rake on it but it seems ok so far. They haven't butchered it, at least.>>15094143rip>>15094175potato
>>15094116It's been better than expected so far except for this last episode. I'm pretty happy about thatI missed your pictures
>>15094116Started out good, but it's gone downhill after last 2 episodes. Next one looks promising though
>>15094108How many crystal ponies do you want?
>>15094116only watched two episodes after being asked to, and they were both horrible
>>15094116It's more or less what I expected. Episodes aren't anything terrible but Twilycorn is shit and canon is now shit.
>>15094116It's getting too racy for me.I mean, really? A pony with disabilities?What's next? Bullies?!
>>15094203A potatoe would be smarter than you. Fo not insult the humble potatoe
>>15094210he wants all of themhe is flyingsombra after all
>>15094210>crystal crystal ponies>crystal normal ponies>non crystal crystal ponies>non crystal normal poniesWHATS GOING ON
How do you know when a crystal pony is lying?You can see right through them!
>>15094239Their enchantment is like mood crystals and fluctates.
>>15094239The crystal kingdom is a touristic city.
>>15094252It should be "Why are crystal ponies bad at lying," but you made me laugh anyway you silly.
>>15094210Why's Daisy sitting so far away from Colton? Did they break up?
>>15094210>crystal Cloudkickerneat
>>15094239>Crystal pony leaves the empire for too long.>Stops being transparent.>Normal pony stays in the kingdom for a while.>Becomes transparent.
>>15094255and is infectious apparently considering there are several crystal ponyville ponies there, including pegasi>crystal cloud kickerI guess this shows that the whole crystal thing is not so much related to the ponies themselves but the environment, and any pony can go full crystal if they spend time thereAlso explains why the crystal pones in ponyville were not crystally
>>15094283Well we already saw all the mane six crystallyWe even had a crystal alicorn
>>15094239Crystal pones haver interbred with regular pones, giving birth to mixed races
>>15094210>Sparkler is not a crystal ponywhat a cruel fate
>>15094290Oh man, I bet those normal ponies saw a lot of cleavage!
>>15094289Yeah but that was due to the pulse from the crystal heart at the end, and the effect was gone by the time they left the city
>>15094210>>15094271>>15094272>>15094283>>15094290No seeThis is a major tourist attraction to the Crystal EmpireGo there to "become crystal" for a whileIt's legal thereAll the cool ponies are doing itAnd it doesn't harm anyoneC'mon you wanna become crystal too don't youFirst trip's free
>>15094283What it doesn't explain is why we can't see organs inside the ponies...
Pony says you're platinum mad, but it's okay because platinum is a cool word.
>>15094313>Crystal empire is Amsterdam of the Pony world.
>>15094315Because it's not an actual translucency, it's just a kind of magic glamour.
>>15094319Pony says to stop shitposting
>>15094336That's not how you pony say
>>15094315It seems to bend light around the ponies or something rather than let it pass through. You can see things on the other side of them, not things inside them
>>15094116it's a'ight
Pony doesn't like when a namefag is posting without contributing.
i like this pony
Best S4 episode and best CMC song.
>>15094357Pony says deal with it
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats, the healthier he is
>>15094365in b4 that's the background pony that gets a major rolein b4 her voice is nothing like the other twoin b4 her new name is Muffins
Pony think you're two-thousand and late
>>15094313I'm so glad I live in the Crystal Empire where the ponies are more crystally
>>15094366It's the best song in s4 so far!
She's got two tickets to the gun show.
>>15093107I like his sketches even more than his finished pics
Pony says that most of your brain shuts down in cryosleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side
>>15094394why do I find this so funny
>>15094394>tfw someone stole your image
>>15094394I didn't know Beavis was a crystal pony
All your plush ponies suddenly come back to life.
>>15094334>>15094351So...they are like Predators...
>>15094394Why does it fit so well anyway?
>>15094368>>15094336youre not me stop being a lil shit im just trying to fucking keep up with the discussion this is faster than i remember tbh
Pony says you'll find that most of a man's brain is shut off in cryosleep (excluding the primitive/animal side, which is awake most of the time)
>>15094388i hope her name isn't muffins.cause that is retarded.her voice being nothing like the other two is fine, she is a BG pony and they always have their voices changed.
>>15094426Hah, nice pic.
Pony complained that she "couldn't seem to make anypony laugh"
>>15094415>back>plush ponies are dead ponies who used to be alivePANIC!
>>15094419Well only when they are in that final state, but sort of yeahThey seem to occupy their second, non shiny state just as often though, especially when out of town
>>15094414He's the prettiest one of them all.
Pony bought you a hat for Christmas that says "Beb and hats us" on the front. She hid it in the closet and told me not to tell you
>>15094425oh god, oh god I'm sorryI'm retardedbut so are you for having a CMC as your favorite pony
Pony showed you the better way to make scrambled eggs
>>15094441Pony should read some joke collections and watch standup comedy, it's cheap and poor quality humor but it's also easy.
>>15094414maybe both of them are
>>15094426this is so human poses that I can't even make my usual criticism of >human poses
Pony left it on the floor and said "don't worry, somepony else will pick it up"
>>15094394I wish I could see where these images end up
Pony refuses to watch season 4, because she didn't believe me when i told her it was "better than the trainwreck season 3 was". She told me i was "putting the cart before the horse" and complained that "the magic will never return"
We can all agree that this pony ruined the episode right?Not because she was bad or anything, but because they wasted way too much time dragging out her scenes for no real reason. It seems like the writers just can't figure out how to use their time allotment correctly. Time spent on Dash explaining over and over how excited she was could have been spent actually watching the CMC perform.
>>15094469it was made a long time ago.back when there were actually horse poses in the show.now the hot button for fan art is that there are too many human poses in both fan art and the fucking show itself.fuck that shit
>>15094400But she's not givin' 'em to me, is she?
>>15094422Pony says pony
Pony told you to "stop picking at your freaking hair" because you'll "ruin it" and she can't afford to take you to the salon this month
>>15094503I love you Endii.pls draw Fleetfoot.
>>15094402Pony says you have no taste and will put anyone on a pedestal if they were popular enough.
>>15094495No, the only episode she ruined was Daring Don't, and Castle Maina
I hope you're happy.
>>15094522But his sketch stuff DOES look better. It loses a lot of its character due to him using the pentool.
Just caught up after my sleeping in...The animators are really pandering to the meme side of the internet with all the obnoxious faces they are making.The song was ok, though the lyrics could have been more developed.R8ing: 6.5/10
>>15094516Hopeless fanboy detected.
>>15094491>twilight masturbates to anatomy books
>>15094530I'm not.
>>15094530I am!I'm smiling so hard right now you don't even know!
Pony says you'll find that the less shitposting a man does, the better his mental state
>>15094521There is nothing more amusing then watching /v/ getting flustered about their favourite vidya getting ponies of it.
Is this series any good?Are they scraping the barrel yet?Any more pandering?
>>15094535Pony says it's a matter of taste.
Pony says a little bit of cinnamon goes a long way
>>15094530>humanized derpy.jpg
>>15094516okidoki>>15094503jfc you hookassbitchasspussyassnigga
>>15094554The show staff have at least been consistently great with Sweetie Bell. I like how she's always the only one to figure out how fucking stupid everything is, but goes along with it anyway
Pony asked me to start filtering "pony says" and a few choice other things. She said "we shouldn't have to deal with this"
>>15094547You must be a real fucking lunatic then
>>15094572Sounds like you have dick in your mouth. Can't be mobe because I have a micro dick
>>15094558Why don't you watch it for yourself and not ask for someone elses fucking opinion?
Pony called you out in front of your friends
Oh manImagine Tank painstakingly slowly licking Rainbow Dash's clitoris.
>>15094593This way is much quicker.
Do you guys think with the obvious way the devs keep up with fandom nonsense and trends that they're aware of the demand for Scootaparents and they're deliberately avoiding it to fuck with us?Or am I overthinking this.
>>15094581Pony wonders why? Does pony trigger you?
Pony sobbed uncontrollably, after i spilled that glass of milk all over the floor
>>15094595>friendsWhere do you think we are?
>>15094558Shout your fetishes just get weirder and weirderIs it because of marriage?
>>15094593Funny how a namefag got plenty of cock sucking responses but this dude gets shit.
>pony is turned to a little filly>she immediately demands toys for christmas>do you give in
>>15094601That doesn't sound very satisfying. Can't Rainbow Dash get someone else to do it like Scootaloo?
Pony filtered the comment, rather than respond to it
>>15094637But Shout is a namefag
>>15094642Pony shouldn't be on 4chan.
>>15094642and by that, i mean Pony asked me to filter the comment, and suggested i not to respond to it
>>15094641You obviously have not had your genitals licked.The slow licking makes your nerves focus on the little movements, and actually entices them more.
>>15094638No. I have no money, so pony is getting socks this year.
>>15094638I buy pony a revoltech woody
>>15094646I see no shout, i see anon.
I need mah 1080p
>>15093122Whatever it wants me to do, i am not touching that thing.
Pony told you to sleep with socks on, or you'll get a fucking cold
>>15094679How do you identify a shout
>>15094659Pony asks you to see a mental therapist
>>15094689I sleep with socks on after I get a cold otherwise I wake up in sweat, my blanket is too hot. Pony should deal with it and get in bed.
Pony told me that she really doesn't get this "Pony says" thing
>>15094682Have you looked at the OP?
>>15094661>You obviously have not had your genitals licked.No fucking shit. Someone would have to find me attractive enough to let me fuck them, and I am a very unsavory creature.
>>15094697that sounds more like something Pony would suggest, not ask. She doesn't like to invade my privacy, unless she knows it's for my own wellbeing
>>15094703It's a roundabout way to be offtopic while under the guise of being on topic
>>15094705Pony says he didn't because he is a attention whore.
>>15094723>needing to be attractive to have sexWaiting for the miracle that never happens, I see.
Pony pointed at all the bait posts in the thread. Yours was among the ones pointed
>>15094727So its's on topic then. Ok then!
>>15094705By "mah 1080p" I mean a downloadable oneYoutube keeps changing things so my script for downloading 1080p videos is busted
Pony tripped over the exposed wire, and told you to "tuck that shit in somewhere"
>>15094694Either Twilight or Panka is involved odds are pretty good
Pony doesn't like Pinkie Pie much this season
Pony wants to suck your dirty cheetoh encrusted cock.
they ruined harshwhinny.
Quick Fleetfoot for that anon guy.sorry for those of you who ended up filtering that guy who's using my name, you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of stuff :c
>>15094782she was liked?
Pony actually doesn't have a single clue as to what "cheetos" are, and as for the other thing, it can stay in your pants
>>15094791Pony says your mom ruined harshwhinney
>>15094791said no one ever
>>15092890>mfw I'm still just watching the show because it's fucking cute
>>15094794Just get a trip and it will be okAlso cool drawing brah
>>15094789why is there cheetohs on my dick in the first place?
>>15094805b-but i just said it
>>15094791Can't ruin what was never good
>>15094791Pony said "what else is new?"
>>15094791I'll ruin Ms. Harshwhinny if you know what I mean
>>15094679Shout doesn't need to put his name on to be spotted.
>>15094794Pony says abstract drawings suck.
>>15094810They migrated south for the winter
>>15094820That's kind of grossshe's practically an old lady pony you know
Pony nods knowingly, then calls your headcanon shit.
>>15094791By giving her unique expressions based on her unique voice?She was A LOT better in this episode
>>15094839But old lady ponies are cute
Pony taped the number of a veritable therapist to your refridgerator (then she complained about how you "don't have any fucking magnets")
>>15094858but are old lady ponies, ya know, for sexual?It doesn't seem to me like that should be the case
>>15094858You think any pony is cute and fuckable. You are deranged and need professional help.
Pony said "her eyes are too round" and how it "creeps her the fuck out"
pony says to stop making these posts
>>15094870She's not THAT old
>>15094836You have no idea what abstract is your fucking mongrel
Cook & Price are great. "Pandering" assholes can leave.
>>15094860How about pony does something on her own for onceOh right, she can't because she's a tulip
>>15094839You know who else is practically an old lady?
>>15094555The /v Thread most dear to my heart was a year and a half back where someone of them discovered Fallout: Equestria.The histrionics were.....Memorable.
>>15094879Pony first.
>>15094886NEW COMIC WHERE?
I caught Pony staring in the mirror, saying "CHANGE YOUR WAYS"
>>15094794That's a neat Fleetfoot!
>I hate this meme so much that I'm going to overuse it until everyone else hates it, too!
>>15094886There's no issue with pandering here, in fact things would be improved if there was pandering going on.
>>15094873I have yet to see an ugly pony, maybe someone need contacts>>15094870She isn't like, Granny Smith tier
>>15094886>that fuzzy fucking bathrobe>that cute bedraggled maneCelestia best princess
>>15094884Why you so angry with me bro? Pony said this! I am just a messanger. Please submit all complaints to pony.
>>15094904http://imgur.com/a/Sq1p8 It's just a preview of the Luna micro.But shit, nigga. We've got "first-thing-in-the-morning Celestia with housecoat and unkempt hair". That's some kawaii-ass shit right there.
>>15094886wait so luna pretty much takes up Warrior Princess Night Watch? hell yeah
Hello ladies... look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. But if he stopped all of... that... and started acting like a proper viking he could *seem* like he's me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a longboat with the viking your man could be like. Look in your hand, back at me, I have it. It's a battleaxe, forged from the finest steel. Look again. The battleaxe is now a tankard full of delicious, bracing yaknog Anything's possible when your man acts like a viking and not a wimp.I'm on a Thunderdrum. HYA!!
>>15094917Yeah, she still has another hundred years or so.
Pony's side hurts, and she thinks it's from those exercises you showed her
>>15094937FULL COMIC WHEN?
So if Scootaloo is insecure about not being able to fly, what are the other fillies insecure about?
>>15094914Pony asks what meme you talking about?
>>15094961Snips,Snails: Being background characters
>>15094936all i see when i see those two faggots is that it is okay for boys to be act retarded but if a girl looks silly oh my god better stop the fucking presses.no more twist. she is offensive
>>15094961Their small dicks
>>15094957Wednesday, along with PIRATES! part 2: Shoo be Doo Seapony Waifu edition.
>>15094976I'm pretty sure it says "I hate mornings,"
>>15094976It said "I hate mondays"
The entire time we were in the store, Pony was screaming "I DIDN'T PUT THOSE IN MY BAG" everytime i put something into the cart
>>15094957http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Micro-Series#Issue_.2310Later this week! Cool!
>>15094940The film was goodThe spinoff animation shorts were dreadfulI couldn't find the picture I wanted, so free pizza guy will suffice.Whatever happened to Gravity Falls?
>>15094976...I Best Princess?
>>15094961Sweetie Belle: Not being able to magicApple Bloom: Not being able to apples>>15094974Twist is not offensive
>>15094995>Gravity Fallsnew season, eventually.
>>15094921>just recently had twins>oldI don't follow your thinking
>>15094995>spinoff animation shorts were dreadfulstop the fucking presses, i've started turning a blind eye everytime Dreamworks does that shit...sorry for getting emotional
>>15094936Oh great the fetishfags will have a field day. Snips and snails general when?
>>15094981>>15094993THANK YOU
>>15095005>Twist is not offensivetell that to the writers that cut her outshe had a lisp clearly she can't speak.and because she is female, all females with any negative attributes physical or otherwise must be removed.
>>15095009Seems plausible.
>>15095017Pony says quit being a little bitch endii.
Pony got a letter from the military. After opening it, all i heard was "THEY'RE SENDING ME TO IRAQ!?!". (When i read it myself, it was actually just jury summons)
>>15094937>the patience of a zebrawat
>>15094940>>15094994>my mfw I know someone who worked on HTTYD2>she won't tell me any details other than "it's really really good"
>>15095026You're welcome!Man, with all of the new episodes out, how far behind am I on the comics...?
Ponies are silly.
>>15095028The writers didn't "cut her out", she just didn't have her role definedIt's a shame, too, because she's cute, even more so because of her lisp.
>>15095012>recently>over a year ago
Pony lit some tea lights, and put one next to the bed, and two more next to the curtains
Please tell me that Power Ponies is going to be good.Please.I can't take another disappointment like this again.At least the comics are fine for now, so they give me hope..
>>15095059Find out for yourself. Why do we have spoon feed you everything?
>>15095058>my my face when
>>15095077It's gonna suuuuuuuuck!
Pony tripped going up the stairs
>taking the piss out of Flash Sentry>pony 'stache>silly, bored-out-of-their-mind guardsi love this so much
Pony asked if you were high or something
>>15095077I didn't see much wrong with Flight to the FinishSome of it seemed a little...forced and lacked impact.
>>15095078It was rhetorical.
Pony ran into the closet and stayed there, after watching the Season finale of Season 3
>>15095104>royal guard confirmed full of stds
>>15095104don't forget the opossumcute little bugger
>>15095089>tentacle maneoh boy
>>15094794anon guy here, thanks for the draw!
>>15095130I think that's a ferret.Apparently Luna has a pet ferret.
is season 4 really as bad as i think it is, or am i just burned out on horse cartoonsfive episodes in and there's only been one decent ep... and it was merely decent, not good or great
>>15095131Late to the party, I seeI REALLY liked how she looked with these colors>>15095145No, it's a possum.
>>15095150I KNOW RIGHT
Pony said "yeah huh" and nodded to everything you told her
>>15095089No, it's gonna blow.
>>15095164go to sleep, pony. you look like shit.
>>15095151i just still can't believe they'd fuck with me like that, that mmc tore me up real bad. I've seen it over 30 times, and i still hate it
>>15095145Its an oppusum you idiot. Look at the jaw line and the fucking marsupial tale. Your a furfag too! How can you mistake shit like this.
>>15095150>tentacle mane>flutterhulk canon>fancy skintight suits all overPower Pones nearly confirmed to be Fetish Fuel: The Episode?
Pony want to be as strong as horse
>>15095174Pony cried and said you never look her in the eye anymore
>>15095063I can confirm this
>>15095180I figured it was too small to be a possum. The only ones I've seen are bigger than watermelons.
>>15095172Now now, Anon, no need to split hairs.
>>15095191pony should break it off with me. we've lost the spark
>>15095191Well that's because she is a cyclopse pony
>>15095185No, we already had that
>>15095185more like "please commission this for me" the episode.
So are the saddle arabia delegates horses?
>>15095063What're those cracks in the skull supposed to be?
>>15095200>watermelonsYou would know that, you stupid nigger
how was the new episode?
>>15095211Pony says we "just need to find the tree of harmony">>15095213Pony said you can't look someone in both eyes at the same time
>>15095225brain damage
>>15095225drain bammage
>>15095228Seems legit.
>>15095237cute yet mediocre>>15095240pony i am not going to get buggered by a goddamn manticore
>>15095237Gauranteed replies
>>15095237Dash is annoying/10Scootaloo is stupid/10Sweetie is kawaii/10
>>15095235I'm Canadian. We don't have black people up here.
>>15095237Harsh, but fair
>>15095237FillerCute and fun filler but nothing of note
>>15095264Normally I'd think that was a good thing
i wish the world had ended a year ago like they promised me
>>15095265Pony told you to just go around them. She says they can only run in straight lines
>>15095009Finally being a namefag pays off!
>>15095237Watch it for yourself. Im not going to spoon feed you info.
Wake up, sleepyhead. It's nighttime.
>>15095299Applebloom is not a whimp like Scootaloo/10
>>15095307You wanna take this outside, knave/10
>>15095237I'm just replying because someone told me to.
>>15095228*hugs the pony*
>>15095303Usually when mewball shows up the corclejerk intesifies.
>>15095237I really liked it. Scootaloo was great and believable.
>>15093579And that Sweetie can still voice crack.
>namefag asks how the episode was>100,000 replies
>>15095350Eh, I thought Scootaloo still caring about flying after Dash told her to do the show back to the original was out of character. Scoot should've cared more about Dash's opinion.
>>15095365But Luna, my swim trunks are back at the cabin.I'll just take my shoes off and roll the legs up a bit.
>>15095387Happened twice.
>>15095387>being this jelly
>>15093579Applebloom didn't dump her at the drop of a hat, Scootaloo was being a selfish cunt who thought that her flying was important enough to warrant a retake and practice until the other CMCs couldn't stand it.
>>15095387Welcome to /mlp/!No, there is no typo.
>>15095397You shouldn't be jelly anon
Pony is tired of being called pony. Pony wants a name.
>>15093726Dragon QuestJust for Sidekicks
Applebloom is such a nice girl
>>15095429>Dragon QuestIs shit.>Just for SidekicksIs not shit.
>>15095435Such best pony
>>15095387But muh circlejerk!
>>15095426fine pony is now to be called pone
>>15093726More like i will never catch a break from Spike's shitty episodes
>>15095426Pony is now Mike.
>>15095446Ahahaa those fucking legs
Gettin' real tired of your shit here, Scoots...
>>15095446mandomando pls
pony just said that batman and superman are boring characters
>>15095391Flying is obviously is really important to her. Little girls can be very insecure. Plus no matter what Dash says, Scootaloo will never be able to emulate her unless she learns how to fly.
>>15095463Shut up Mike.
If you took this episode and changed every instance of ''being able to fly'' to ''growing breasts'' it would make much more sense
>>15095440>Dragon Quest>shitNigger I will cut you.
Why doesn't Scootaloo become a F-Zero racer?
>>15095466>What Dash saysTHROWING AWAY YOUR SCOOTER?!?!!??!
>>15095473th-thanks dotkwa
>>15095409MLPG sure went downhill.
I don't even remember what Dragon Quest was about.
>>15095473Twily is the prettiest and the bestest.
>>15095473>tfw she wasn't ruined this seasonTh-thanks Tara
>>15095502I think it was the one with the owl
Just started watching it.These faces.
>>15095473Her wings are so pretty.
>>15095502It was about a dragon going on a quest.
>>15095516They are fucking horrible.
>>15095502Fluttershy and Spike went on a journey to the dragon homelands, to find out about the smoke covering Ponyville
>>15095502Spike realizes he's a pretty mare.
>>15095516What of them?
>>15095542What did Dan think of that?
Pony said you were a Mary-Sue
>>15095502That was when Twilight's dragon dressed as another gen's dragon, I think.
>>15095483She was being emotional. Little girls get that way sometimes. The characters are far from perfect.
>>15095521>wanting F-Zero wasted on that piece of shit showWhen you think about it, Cranky Kong was the best fit for VGX.
Finally got around to watching the episode. I really enjoyed it. The new song is probably my second favorite in the series now.8/10 It's alright.>>15093242I kind of liked it.
>>15095558no, i mean the way Dash says it was funny. She wasn't even in the room, and she just blurted it out uncontrollably
Applebloom can fly.Why can't Scootaloo?
>>15095549He was pleased with them
>>15095549I haven't stopped orgasming since
>>15095581what the goddamn fuck is this? i can't even R-Rara sama to this
>>15095597>>15095606Hah I figured.
>>15095478>pegasus pones use wing length and thickness in addition to feather alignment to pick a mate>anon attempts to woo rainbow dash with his homemade wings>she is unimpressed but princess twilight having never seen another set of wings like this is all over himjealous dash fapfic when?
>>15095597>that QUALITY faceAre they saving budget for the finale or something?
>>15095529Your onion is causing you have the baby cry tears.
>>15095590Because she touches herself at night to Rainbow Dash.
http://derpy.me/agathoidstreaming the gen 1 mlp tv show, come watch
>>15095638>implying she doesn't rub herself against Rainbow Dash's ear
>>15095625Why can't he just get with the program?
>>15095581As a big CMC fan, I can't give this episode any more than a 2.5/5. It was just painful.
>>15095629She's just a very ugly pony.No budget in the world could save that face.
>>15095652you're a big guy
>>15095632How in the fuck can anyone lke those godawful faces?
>>15095650She's just a slow pony.
>>15095607A neat animation of Rarity with a very interesting art style. >>15095652What didn't you like about it?
>>15095666I'M NOT GONNA SAY IT!
>>15095647That would require Scootaloo being able to fly to and sneak into her house first.
>>15095666For you
>>15095667Are you just mad that they aren't scrunches?
I was 50-50 on the whole expressions thingI just wonder why the change happened, and I kinda want to see the style change for good.
But hasn't Harshwhinny's face always been retarded?
>>15095689>>15095687GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
http://derpy.me/agathoidget the heck in here ladies, come watch low quality vintage mlp cartoons
Pony asked if removing the facial contraption would cause discomfort
>>15095706You're just jealous of her 10% longer snout and tiny ears
>>15095728but i saw g1 already
>>15095703In case you guys haven't noticed Harshwhinny has always had a unique face. Her ears are pointy and her snout is longer than the average ponies. Of course they're going to experiment with her puppet.
>>15095738watch it again with people from mlpg then
>>15095706>implying you wouldn't
>>15095676it scares me
>>15095739B-but muh old faces!Changes scare me!
>>15095754but i did the first timeand we made a drinking game out of it too
>>15095739Dash did some of the same faces, though
>>15095771too bad do it again, for some arbitrary reason you did it wrong do it again
>>15095739It wasn't just Harshwhinny that had different expressions
>>15095792make me a set of drinking rules and I will
>>15095757The gif of Rarity or the episode? Because you don't have any business being scared of little horses that can't even reach your shins.
>>15095694No, they just looked ugly and really "cartoony" for FIM, like they clashed with the rest of the animation.>>15095676Basically everything except Sweetie. The intro was way too long (though I do understand why it was), the faces in that scene were completely fucked, the animation seemed much worse than usual, the song felt completely unnecessary and wasted a lot of time, we didn't even get to the main point of the episode until 2/3 of the length, the ending was a huge cop out (though it's to be expected). I just had a lot of problems with it.
>>15095806But Dash is the meme pony.
>>15095581id give it like 6.5/10 i guessjust kinda boring, probably my least favorite ep this season, but not bad or anything
>>15095811http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DrinkingGame/MyLittlePonyhere have thishttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DrinkingGame/MyLittlePony
>>15095817>A cartoon is too "cartoony"wat.
>>15095839>implying she is
>>15095815the gif is really scary
Well even though they were messin around with um...new faces, I found the episode purdy good.Better not be losing scrunch though. Harshwhinny being cute at the end was funny.Also, was Derpy anywhere? My gues sis maybe the crowd near the end.
hey guys what's going on
>>15095864It's not consistent with its at style.
>>15095899S4 scrunch.Also no.
One on top of the dashboard. Two in back of the headrests
>>15095845I feel the opposite. I think it's my favorite ep of the season so far, but I might be a little biased because I like the CMC so much. >>15095871I guess I just like it because I have a thing for weird/"alternative" styles like that. Also I think it's really nicely animated.
>>15095936>noWhat a shame. Also about the scrunches I mean from now on. My bad.That applehat was adorable though
>>15095918Where do i punch it?
http://derpy.me/agathoidlast advertisementcome watch gen 1 pones
I have never seen a vagina.
change of plans, what movie would mlpg like to see?i'll stream mlp gen 1 later
hello ponefriendsi have been gone for a few monthsanything new?
Fuck off, Mewball.Stop shitposting.
>>15096012>bronies in charge of not being retards
>>15096028uh, s4 but I imagine that's why you're back
>>15096001>that feel
All i have to say is thank God Rainbow Dash was in this episode. The small mini ones and the old inspector were unbearable. The orange small one especially
>>15095817The intro wasn't way too long, you said yourself you understand why it was the way it was.The song I agree wasn't a strong one for FiM but songs are an integral part of FiM and I think it fits fine in that episode. Also, it's a great example of how the administration listening to the fandom can be a good thing - we've been demanding a more good CMC song since forever, and this one fits the bill. Even if it wasn't great.And finally, the ending was absolutely not a cop out. I'm assuming you're talking about leaving the question of Scoots' ability to fly open ended. Are you one of those aspies that demand Scootaloo never be able to fly? Even if so, there's no canonical explanation for her advisability, so RD would not have been able to authoritatively state that she should just deal with never being able to fly.My only real problems with the episode were the fucked up faces, which by all indications are going to be a season-long theme and the dumb montage where Scootaloo pulled everyone along on a cross-country trip. I think that was just bad writing and they should have resolved that conflict before they got on the train, not after.
>>15096028>"I'd WPSHH that."
>>15096028Look at that curvy Dash butt
Ring Ring>>>/co/56986760
>>15095945yeah, it's ok
>>15096068i'll have to call back later. Mod is using the phone
>>15096068N-no. I didn't want to go back anyway...
>>15096068If you want to direct us to a /co/ thread post the OP picture with the crosslink
And now MLPG is going to act embarrassing on /co/.Again.
>>15096099Ring Ring?click>>>/co/56986760
this isn't even my final form
>>15096099No, you don't understand how cross-board linking works. Also, mlp-co crosslinking is disabled in general.
okay, since no suggestions were made i have chosen two options, beautiful creatures, which i really enjoyed, it's about witchcraft and shit, or the craft, which i haven't seen but is about high school witchcraft and shitwhich does mlpg want me to stream?
>>15096137Is that her penis?
>>15096140Girls und Panzer
>>15096120The thread's already been deleted anyway.
>>15096057Very nice and watercolory Dot
I am called HorseHeart, because heart strong, like horse
>>15096161>>15096120well that was fast. What was it about, anyway?The upcoming /co/-squared episode?
>>15096167HorseHeart is stronk
aw harshie so cute
>>15096057i don't want to punch this horse
>>15096178Some /mlp/ asshat started the thread on /co/. Another poster told /mlp/ to shut up and put MLPG on the phone.
>>15096139no, YOU don't understand.If you post the OP pic you can find the thread with the post in it in the catalog.
>>15096185>tail flagging
>>15096047>Are you one of those aspies that demand Scootaloo never be able to fly?No not really. And I guess cop out was a bad word to say. It's like they didn't spend that much time on Scoots since so much was wasted the set up. Someone mentioned that the episode could've been like Show Stoppers in pacing, and I agree with that. Cut the song, expand on the routine stuff and how Scootaloo's "selfishness" was causing a rift between them, and then finish off with the full routine at the end.And this is more of a personal thing, but I did wish that e saw some development between Dash and Scoots after SiP. I thought the episode's concept would've really lend itself well to it.
>>15096154uh, no that doesn't sound that great in my opinion, i'm glad you like it thoughbesides cartoons/anime/etc take much longer to download, i wanted to download something quickly, ergo movies
>>15096185>harshieI'll kill you
>>15096217Now now Dan he aint hurtin nobody
>>15096198What was the OP? And why were we summoned?
>>15096204Heart warming stories about little fillies put her in the mood.Don't let her watch Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants unless you want puddles
>>15096231I bet shes the biggest cuddle slut on the show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ebat9R1L4AHow many times did GG ejaculate?
which snout would you boop
>>15096273Not enough to start questing again.
>>150962761 through 6
>>15096140Tokyo Godfathers.I'm never going to stop suggesting it.
how does pone play cards anyway
>>15096276They all look the same to me.
>>15096310with hoofgrip
>>15096276Boop em all right in the schnoz
>>15096276The white/grey oneTastefully
>>15096310God I want to hang with that night crowd.Did we ever get that Day Guard hangs with the night crowd quest?
>>15096316das racist
pony moans
>>15096332I don't think so
>>15096276the yellow one
>>15096305I ditto this faggot
>>15096334Holy shit that's great.I fear the asking price or final bid though
>tfw sound card finally diedIt was a great run buddy.
>>15096352I couldn't for even 5 seconds. Its so painful
>>15096364I watched this auction.It went for $15.
how are the pank levels this season
>>15096380HEY ANON LISTEN TO THIShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYH7wUoEqKg
>>15096382you're a big guy
>>15096394they're BOINGY BOINGY BOINGY
>>15096395Not my type of music Anon sorry.The onboard still works. Just my old X-Fi died. Think it was a capacitor problem.
>>15096305>>15096343shit, the only copies i can find with a good seed to peer ratio are in japanese with english subswhich means i won't be able to follow the story as easily as i will be sewing throughout the filmany chance either of you know a torrent of it that is in english?
>>15096334Oh god, I don't even like Pinkie yet I'd buy this. I need a Flutershy or Celestia version right fucking now.
>>15096387What? Really?How tiny is it?
>>15096416FOR YOU
>>15096416>pony will never call you "big guy"
>you will never have a room like this
Remember when Pinkie was Pinkie the whole time?
>>15096432$11000000000000000 USD
>>15096445Pinkie Pie could never be Pinkie Pie.
So it turns out that I'm in a position to make suggestions for the trading card game to someone that could get it doneWhat would MLPG want to see?
Pony says you're a big guy.
I really want to see her fly in the episode.Well whatever.also Filly Transformation.And Strife is the greatest 90s FPS, not half life.
>>15096444I think I need to get one of those big pillows
>>15096444>all them dakis>and I don't even have oneugh
>>15096444Good.Though the ponykiller Luna looks kinda cool.
>>15096444>having dakis of different charactersWhy
>>15096352>full-body convulsion at "god forbid, a molester"
>>15096352that old white guy sprung into action
>>15096444I'd take the luna poster from the wall on the right, and the Pinkie throw pillow on the right side of the bed.Maaayybe the Pinkie poster in the middle of the back wall, but that's stretching it.Everything else is just....too much for me.
>>15096472Not having a daki is a sign of a normal and rational human bean.
>tfw you physically can't
>>15096483Not fast enough.He should have seen the sway from the invisible pasta wave and took it then.
>>15096504>Scootaloo didn't earn her fucking cutie-mark this episode
>>15096477Filly transformation.Transformation into a cute and little filly while being parented by Fluttershy.
>>15096488I don't have a daki and there is no way in hell I am a normal real human bean
>>15096488body pillows, on the other hand, are great
DT and SS are still terribly written characters. While the comic's all for bullies bettering themselves, the show teaches children that once someone is a bully, they're an irredeemable monster for all eternity.
>>15096444>Pony do not disturb placard.Oh my god...You know what that is gonna be used for....
>>15096504>try 50 times as hard>never flyI don't want to spend my whole life on the ground. I want to be up there, free.
>>15096471Same. I'd get the FS anthro one.And did Corwin ever post his?
>>15096520Why the fuck would I want to be parented by a weirdo who's house reeks of animal shit and piss and would probably take better care of these random wild animals than me? Fluttershy would be a terrible mother.
>>15096488What does it mean if you want one, then?Like, really really want one?Or if you cuddle two pillows like they were one big pillow anyway>>15096524what's the difference, one has a pattern and the other doesn't? I don't really want one with a pattern on it, just something to hold in my arms
okay tokyo godfathers is a no go, i can't find a good download of itany other movies or shall i choose?
>>15096518>implying they'd waste it on that shit episodeThe fake out was great though.
>>15096548dakimakuras are the specific cover for body pillows with your anime girls on them
>>15096468You're incorrect.
why is scootaloo such a cute and lovable filly
>>15096524I bought my first body pillow less than a month ago and it is amazingly comfy.
>>15096533I masturbated to that video once.
>>15096566Ah, that's what I thought.I just want a body pillow, then. They look really nice for that sort of thing/faggotry
>>15096587did you cumhow many spurtsapprox how much cumwhat was the color and consistency
>>15096571So that's the flag of Ponyville?What does the W at the bottom of the heart mean?
>>15096599Nonymous pls
>>15096524>>15096573>Owning body pillows.What are you, a faggot?
>>15096444>that area of the door around the doorknob
>>15096488Why would one want to be normal though
i thought scootaloo's inability to fly was a metaphor for our difficulty losing our virginitiesespecially when DT & SS teased her about it
>>15096546Okay then, you're raised by Twilight and you're not allowed to have friends over, and you're not allowed to play with your toys or go outside until you finish your homework.>>15096568No I'm pretty right about Strife being better than Half Life.
>>15096488I don't want one with a furry character printed on it, I just want the pillow itself. They look comfy
>>15096571When will Scootaloo finally join the Redline and become a succesful racer?
>>15096531>the show>good after S2At this point the only thing that keeps me interested in FIM are the comics and maybe MLPG a little bit.I keep watching the show for some fucked up sense of obligation I guess, but I haven't been hyped fo an episode in ages. I always keep my expectations low to the dirt in hopes that the show would surprise me. Most of the time it does, admittedly.
>>15096276the green one
>>15096564oh it was a fake out? They got my ass so good, i didn't even realize it. I was like "who the fuck pressed B"
>>15096622>and you're not allowed to have friends overthat seems unreasonable and something you made up without basis because I called fluttershit out on being terrible parent material
>>15096637Dash ain't green.
>>15096635>comicsTOP FUCKING LELthat's like you admit eating shit and watching family guy for the billions of pop-culture references
I'm slightly disappointed there's only a little Dash paraphenilia in Scootaloo's room. Her bed comforter isn't even Rainbow-themed.At the same time it shows Scootaloo has more than getting her cutie mark and obsessing over Rainbow Dash. I think there's just the flag and the picture. There was a book and a basketball and a teddy bear (so maybe the bear from Sleepless was hers?). She also had an apparent Wonderbolts poster.So you think her shrine is in the closet?
>>15096602Connected by friendship maybe
>>15096643Yeah, i'm sure that fakeout caused many people to tighten their butt holes a little.
>>15096652That shit ain't good I tell you.
>>15096631i love her so much
>>15096663She's not Helga from Hey Arnold, anon.
>>15096654fine i'll stream vintage mlp thenhttp://derpy.me/agathoidstarting in a few minutes
>>15096675>tfw liked harem anime as a teenager>try to watch them nowI have mixed feelings.
>>15096699You know you don't HAVE to stream
>>15096693Where does she keep the Rainbow Dash Club stuff then? Is it all at the club house?
>>15096663that's where mine is
>>15096648>UnreasonableThat's what I did yesterday with Twilight and the anon who wanted to be the filly.I imagine as Twilight being an overprotective and strict mother.
evens: fapodds: watch a moviedubs: kill self
>>15096700I don't think there's a single harem anime I've ever liked. I don't even like Tenchi Muyo
>>15096444I don't see the big deal, its just a tiger blanket
>>15096709She has them in the house of course.Shaped to look like two adult ponies.
>>15096707people keep trying to tell me that, i'm fully aware i don't have to stream, but i do it because i enjoy it 90% of the time
>>15096727Twilight cannot turn Anon into a filly.
Twilight likes Ayn Rand's ideals.
>>15096716neko pls why are you posting on mlpg
>>15096636god, they'd split her in twoit'd be like trying to shove a tree trunk through a coffee stirrer
>>15096727can't I just be a pegasus or a batpony instead
>>15096700Meh, if you need a good laugh...NouCome this season has been pretty funny.
>>15096747I just got here and I'm bored
>>15096736Wait...>Look again.>Two beds put together....PEOPLE ARE SHARING THIS ROOM!