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Can you feel it? Less than 18 hours to go for episode 405: Flight to the Finish! A preview clip's been released, though it's pretty much the animatic scene from the summer animated.


Also, just as a reminder, next Wednesday is the release of the Luna micro AND Friendship is Magic #14.

Plus, solicits for March are out!

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #17
Katie Cook (w) • Andy Price (a) • Price, Brenda Hickey (c)
“Reflections” part 1. The start of this epic four-part story will see the ponies travel to a new world in desperate need of aid... that is, if they can discover the secret spells of Starswirl the Bearded! Secret traps and magical danger are only the first steps on the ponies greatest adventure yet!
• Uncover a brand new world of Magic!

My Little Pony: Friends Forever #3
Ted Anderson (w) • Agnes Garbowska (a) • Amy Mebberson (c)
Featuring the unlikely duo of Princess Celestia and Spike! In need of the birthday present for Twilight, Spike enlists Celestia on an adventure! What seems to be a harmless journey quickly turns into danger for even the mightiest of ponies! Who will save whom??
• A dragon and a princess… what could go wrong?

Go, CMC!

Previous thread.
youtube upload of the preview when
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she looks nice
Posting from the other thread
Cool interview with nice bits.
Also it'd be nice to have a 3yo daughter as a consultant on the comics.
>de pony
daily reminder that mlpg is the worst show discussion thread ever
>a new world

More EqG human bullshit?
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Pony will let you sleep with her as long as you stay on your side of the bed.

school shooting
shooter committed suicide
they showed pictures of the shooters locker

you will not fukken believe what pony you see there
How will you react if Scootaloo does, infact, get her cutiemark or learn how to fly tomorrow?
Why are there two Pinkies in that cover?
and this has to do with the topic how?
>they showed pictures of the shooters locker

Post them.
No promises. I turn in my sleep and always wake up in a "head down, ass up" pose of some sort.
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Threadly reminder that the comics are objectively better than the show in every way possible, and that if you seriously prefer the show than you hate actual quality in you ponies.
I'd dislike it if Scootaloo got her cutie mark before the others. I'd like to think they get theirs together. I wouldn't mind Scootaloo learning to fly, though.
>Twilight started masturbating in the bed
>She completely forgot that anon was sleeping right next to her
Welcome to MLPG, is this your first time visiting?
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Oh that week is ganna be quite a week for comics and show.
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(Hadn't seen that before submitting the thread, I'll just repost your post here since the other thread's on page 9.)

Interview about Friends Forever

>What tone are you aiming for in "Friends Forever?"

In our story, which is only the #1 issue, we're sticking as close as we can to the tone of the animated series -- so a lot of very funny moments, a few things in there for the grown-ups, and a conflict that kids can relate to: wanting to help a friend, but choosing the wrong way to do it so it doesn't end up being very helpful at all. (Pro tip: everything ends up OK in the end). We even have a little singing! (I... might be able to sing most of the musical numbers from seasons 1 & 2 by heart, if very, very off key.) Carla draws SUPER ponies -- her style really suits the book and will be easy for "My Little Pony" fans to enjoy. Even my almost-3 year-old daughter could look at her rough pencils on my phone, and tell that it was Pinkie Pie and Applejack and what they are doing, which is pretty awesome. We are taking the lead from some of the more visually exciting moments in the series, including Pinkie's invisible friends, the eyes staring at Fluttershy in "Hurricane Fluttershy," the anime-style colored-background hero shots when the Mane 6 head out to fight the dragon in "Dragonshy," and trying to bring moments like those into the book. We also sneak in a "Milk and Cheese" reference. And, a brief cameo of a fan favorite character and a couple shots of the rest of the six main characters because seriously you think we're going to do an issue and not try to play with ALL the toys?!
>The start of this epic four-part story
XD /)))))))))))))))))))))))))0000
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Would you masturbate also to try to make her feel less awkward?
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She's not going to want help is she?
I think it would be fair and justified if she got her cutie mark first and or learned to fly. She has been denied too many times already about her background
i would like it Scoots got her cutie mark first
then that means the others will get theirs in later episodes, increasing the hype
She couldn't help herself, she smelled your scent all night.
>cutie mark

Please don't cop out, please for the love of god. Meghan said it was a disability episode, that means you have to actually have a disability for it to count and not have a stupid moral of "you can do it if you try hard enough".

NO, be realistic like you have before FiM. Real Morals that hit kids and speak about real issues. Not everyone can do everything and sometimes that thing we want more then anything will always be out of reach and we just have to accept that and do with the things that we can do. Teaching otherwise will only end in bad things.
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now every time i see the words epic or amazing i just instantly stop reading
I don't think I'd have a choice. All that under-the-sheets musk would get to me and Gae Bulg
Oh boy, so Scootaloo will use her Scooter and that's the fucking episode?

Sounds boring as fuck. Hopefully, she gets her goddamn cutie mark.
Considering how they handled One Bad Apple, expect the worst since that's what you'll get.
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>(Pro tip: everything ends up OK in the end).
It would be need if the opposite happen more often. For example, Ponyville get screwed over during the Swarm of the Century because Pinkie never bother to tell her friends or the towns people about the paraspite.
no wonder why this place is shit.

I'm out of here.

also you faggots should >>>/mlpg.co/
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My god they are like tiny, concentrated Rainbow Dashes.
The cunt-O-meter is breaking!
Sorry for the late reply, but yes there are more on his tumblr. As you probably guessed. I just didn't feel like linking all of them.
I never knew Megahn was going to make it a disability episode. Now I'm afraid at how it will turn out.
is there any secret torrent site but for cartoons
I'm with this guy
fuck off rarifag
But Dash hasn't been a cunt since ever.
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Okay, this is where it gets into HHNGG territory.
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I meant neat.

DT was like this all the time, though.
>scoots gets her cm tomorrow
>sb get hers in 409
>ab commits suicide
the way childrens shows or stories are setup everything has to go back to normal at the end. they dont plan this shit far enough ahead where they can have huge canon changing events.
no anon
there is no secret website for downloading cartoons
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he couldn't have done us a solid or something and taken the picture out?
>ab commits suicide
>After shooting up the school.
pony just started whistling that one tune from deadly premonition
>DT was like this all the time, though.

Which just makes it all the better when it blows up in her face.

She's going to grow up to be an ice queen.
OH LOOK, They portrayed rainbow dash as a cunt in MMDW which is her real nature.

>worst episode evar!!@@!
>fuk merriweather!!!11!1!1!!
>rite guise?!!!
Scootaloo is going to be faced with Rainbow Dash finding out that she can't fly. Her idol and one who is most likely to think that a pegasus that can't fly is worthless and you don't think that has potential to be a good episode?

Scootaloo is going to have to work out those issues, she's going to go into hyper "I NEED TO FLY" mode and the solution won't come until she accepts that she just can't fly, hopefully with the help of Rainbow Dash who is also facing a similar problem with not knowing how to comfort someone about what amounts to basically her whole life.
Pony said comics a brony pandering shit
Life is Beautiful is a nice song.
dash was the least cuntish out of the main characters in that episode
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>overwieght depressed antisocial highschool kid

of course he is into mlp
"Things that will never happen" for 200, Alex.
They can only make S4 hype as fuck when Scoots gets her fucking cutie mark.
Nigga, Scootaloo fucking sucks. I don't give a shit about that bitch flying. She can be a glorified earth pony, i own give a fuc
if this happens then it's a shit tier episode off the bat.

fuck you and your disabled head canon
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OH LOOK, they portrayed rainbow dash and fluttershy as being two friends who cared for each other in every episode later.

>worst seasons eva!
>fucking meghandrones
>rite guise!?!?
kill flying saucer
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But anon, that happen a hand full of times. Pinkie baby sit the Cakes, Pinkie using her Pinkie Sense, Twilight got her wings, Dash being a Daringfag, etc.
Pony says you should have gotten a Dell
At least the brony fandom isnt as bad as the batman fandom.
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whoa there anon

relax and calm your frighteningly sudden homicidal urges
But everyone was a fucking cunt, except Dash.

What the fuck is up with Merrywether and her "someone acts like a cunt" fetish?
Seems to be connected although no confirmation so far
>tfw only the iron man fandom is good
>that starswirl comic cover with the mirrors

Did anyone else notice the difference between the ponies and their reflections?

Dash's reflection was angry, Pinkie's was straight haired.

But that's not the Homosuck fandom.
The batman fandom doesn't kill.
It's funny how she wrote Band Geeks, considered to be one of the greatest Spongebob episodes and that had people acting like cunts to each other.
Merriweather can't write without adding anger. In fact, MLP is not the type of show Merriweather should be working on.
huh!? a bloo bloo bloo!!
i never heard of anyone in the batman fandom shitting in diapers and posting pics of it all over the internet
most of spongebob's humor is aggressive slapstick and involves every character being angry at spongebob and patrick
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Yes we have, anon.
It's like the strange reflections in the Sunset Shimmer mini comic.
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats, the healthier he is
Pony says she's done talking with you and is going to play video games instead
Thats like the only "good" thing she wrote, and its a Spongebob Episode, a show where they love to be aggressive with Squidward.
Why are the production codes always an additional episode ahead for Season 4? They did the 2 episode premier and then the castle episode. This is the 4th episode yet it's #405 - what gives?!?
is that why pony is so fat?
Pony says you'll find that the less time a man spends outside of the boundaries of wall Sina, the more protected he is
i like how the comics are going into pony history like this but it is sad to see them changing canon so much from the show
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Pony needs your help opening a jar of mustard!
Joker fandom, please.
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I'd love to help pony with those simple little things.
Pony just rung me up on the phone and said we can still talk, even though she's in the other room playing video games
At this point, I just ignore whatever the show does with its canon.
eh heh heh, what do you mean you don't know how to defend against a manticore invasion?

This is bull----. The kid's identity has not been revealed; why would they show something that would identify him like his locker?
Daring Don't.
Please, next thing you are going to tell me is the zombie comics Marvel do isn't canon either.
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Can't they just ask Rainbow Dash? She's always willing to help out a pony in need.
Pony wants to learn Rasengan, but she already knows four moves. Would you like to forget a move to learn Rasengan?

>Getsuga Tenshou
>Buster Cannon
>Shadow Clone Jutsu
>caring about the show
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I bet he was a Pinkie fan.
He had a real blast!
Pony tried hard, doing what she can
What you talking about anon? That's what guns are for.
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what a helpful pony
>being a brony with your own retarded headcanon
who the fuck are you even typing to?

just blurting out random shit
Yes. Yes I'd be glad to help Zecora

eh heh heh, what do you mean human war magic doesn't work on Discord?

Pony wonders if this is your first time in the general.
The show is shit now. The comics are the only good FIM related thing now.
No, that's clearly a horse, not a plant.
Pony noticed that this wasn't the first time you left your defenses down. If you can be fooled, you can be killed
I guess...
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A turd is still a turd no matter how well you polish it.
Pony shredded a nice one on her guitar
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ross just posted his newest tattoo
I put on my wizard hat and robes, preparing for a training montage
I don't want to be killed, I just want to hug a pony
like your face
Pony wondered why your room only had one lamp. Wouldn't you be happier with more light?

I'm having an erection. What do,
>references on every fucking panel
>Pinkie is featured twice as herself and as a blue Alicorn Princess
>forcing shitty dadrock lyrics on us

He's still a living, breathing creature.
Legit question, but does Ross have a site? Can't find his stuff for the life of me. It's too common of a name to google with any real results
Looking through my pony folder and seeing all that early 2011 shit what an awful brony I was.
Fap, idiot.
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That is disgusting
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>massive Dash folder that I never post from any more
dash is still my favorite
Go to google and search "horse vulva"
But it's true. Just look at most of S3 and now S4 with Daring Don't. And you know they'll fuck up tomorrow's episode in a big way. just like they did with One Bad Apple.

>>references on every fucking panel
Depends on the artist, but yes it does get annoying sometimes.
>>Pinkie is featured twice as herself and as a blue Alicorn Princess
>>forcing shitty dadrock lyrics on us
I don't recall anything.
It was a different time, anon. We all have been there.

/mu/ plz go.
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>Daring Do, DARING DO!?

All she wanted to do was help out a pony she admired.
Say what you will, I am totally looking forward to seeing Carla's art. I've been a fan since the second Finder TPB.
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If pony by "my room" refers to the room where I sleep, I'd like to inform pony that I have no lamp in there at all.
Pony should stop spreading misinformation.
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>Oh like you don't do it
he had a furaffinity account using his real name that was filled with all of the horrifying furry fetish art he did.

he deleted it because he doesnt want to be known only for his fetish art but still that is all he draws
You have the same one, Applebloom, just smaller and cuter
and tighter, unf
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>all those reaction images you will never get to post
>I can predict the future and I know the rest of the season is going to be shit!
eh heh heh, what do you mean bullets are still affected by natural forces such as gravity and the law of conservation of mass? D-don't you have anything to counter his chaos?
His full name is Ross Irving.
I bet Applebloom practices her winking in front of a mirror
I don't mind the comics if they weren't written and drawn by Katie and Price.

Those assholes should fuck off already with their pop-culture jokes.
Pony says that long hair is for men too
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no sense of personal space
>what do you mean bullets are still affected by natural forces such as gravity and the law of conservation of mass
What are you even implying here.
Thanks. I'll try looking with the full name and see what I can find. I like watching him improve brings me joy, and he does some cute things from time to time

flight to the finish preview is now on youtube
Pony says that most of your brain shuts down during cryosleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side
Pony is going to another board until this thread is off the first page and the piss stops shitposting in it
I'm going with pony
Pony likes blues music.


He is probably just disappointed that Meghan and Polsky were already shitting on S4.

Give it some time with the new writers.
That is one loud echo.

EW.com all the way.
there was supposed to be a "his stuff and" after "like"
But Meghan's episodes were actually good this time
>Expecting NBS to change his views.

Dude even makes us not look elitist.
eh heh heh, what do you mean? Discord's main strength lies in bending the rules of any system to his will. Anything that follow rules gets changed to follow his rules.The only way to win is to discover the new rules and exploit them and i don't know if you can do that with this limited human technology..eh heh heh
So far it's not doing any favors to itself. And when the comics start getting all the interesting plots and stories, it's kind of hard for me to care that much about the show.

Outside of maybe Shining Armor's arc, Katie's writing doesn't have that many references. But Price really needs to tone them down a lot. Big Mac's arc was great because of little references (the only big one was the Doctor Who and Derpy scene in the background).

I'm more disappointed at Polsky because I really liked his previous stuff. Meghan was fine in the premier though.
No, they fucking weren't.
He has. It's not an outstanding leap, but you can see it.
Filly transformation
Ross Irving isn't his realy name
Then how about I just run up and shove this pointy stick up his ass?
Not sure why but I feel like the animatic is more emotionally dramatic. Could just be because it goes on longer but I think the imagination factor plays a bit of a role.
Pony actually doesn't mind the thread, as long as they aren't talking about Scootaloo, Rumble, or being gay for the sake of being gay
Go on. This is related to my interests.
>everyone who says bad things about the show is a shitposter
It's not going to be long before this is going to become a problem here and for once that's something to be ashamed of
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Yes they were
>he didn't notice
You seem to like doomsaying a season that has hardly started.

Oh wait, I know why.

And then you stamp around in your room like an infant.
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>it's legit

shame about the shit quality though
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>get called NBS
Shut up, Ross.
Oh uh sure, as long as you think that'll work. I'll be right behind you, not preparing a portal back to Equestia in case your plan fails or anything, eh heh heh
Oh wait I see what you've done here. That's actually clever, congratulations, for once you've done something even if it's still in the field of shitposting.
If you don't want to get named after someone with incredibly retarded views...
Stop sharing the same views.
>forced unneeded drama
>alicorn twilight is fucking worthless to please the bronies
>episodes wasted on flashbacks, climax is a fucking joke

It was a 6/10 at best. Discord and Pinkie jokes saved that episode.
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>everyone talking about Ross and NBS
Ross' problem has never been a lack of talent or improvement, its his loopy, wobbly style that meshes terrible with his fetish for obese blobs.
He hasn't.

hi, Ross
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I mean seriously why the huge fucking watermark on the video
Pony said stop playing with that, you'll poke ur fucking eye out. Then she asked me how come some people say "put your eye out?"
But I just said that I'm only disappointed at Polsky since he used to be one of my favorite show writers.
Every time...
I'm not ross, dagnabbit!
ross has always lacked talent and improvement

Not that he isnt a cunt for lots of other reasons
I'm not in the mood to type anything lewd or cute or lewd/cute (assuming you're apart of the TF master race that likes the "new life" aspect of transformation).
Pony shook her head and said that that jacket is way too "freaking warm" for this weather
>HUB posts videos in DA
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welp i can already tell what's going to be the focus this episode
And now he's finishing what he started, lumping everyone into the same bowl with the supposed "that guy" so they stop saying bad things about either McCarthy or S4.
Pony said your hair fucking stinks, and asked when was the last time you took a shower
No I want the body horror and crushing sense of not belonging and alienation and inability in the new form.

>assuming you're apart of the TF master race that likes the "new life" aspect of transformation
Actually I am. There's this one story, "In alien waters" that I love readign from time to time. Nothing lewd happens. just details the transformation. It's good stuff. I'd post the link but for some reason it's always considered spam. It's on the "Transformation Story Archive" if you're interested
5 hours ago
It was like 4 hours ago, and pony stinks more anyway
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Pony said and if you keep fucking scratching it, you'll ruin the pores and go bald
Pony told me that everypony in town hates Scootaloo, even the ponies who have never met her, but especially the ponies who have met her
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2 hours ago, maybe like 4 days before that though.
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This is going to be interesting.
Well duh, it's a bully episode.

The lesson is going to be that some ponies, are just real butts!
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Pony sounds like a cunt. Was it this one that said that shit?
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final cap

sorry for the shit quality source
The reason Scootaloo sucks, is because her character is between Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Every interaction of the three, Applebloom has one stance, Sweetie Belle has a different one, and then Scootaloo is always on one side or the other. She isn't independent, she's just a neutral factor and she brings nothing to the table
why are you smiling at me
stop smiling
I hope Silver Spoon gets teen pregnant and her life crumbles to ruin.
It really isn't. I've seen his paypal.
no, Pony is very well respected in the community
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Did anyone ever tell you that you have beautiful blue eyes?
>CM chronicles
Stop being dumb, anon.
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for some reason your post reminded me of the to this:
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I hope we see Scoots parents
Pony says she doesn't marsturbate.
Pony spent two hours educating me about the dangers of "outside wall Sina"
...What does that have to do with Applejack?
Pony is lying to your face.

Very troubling anon
Are you sure you don't mean applebloom? Scootaloo is one extreme, Sweetie Belle the other, and applebloom is either similiar to scootaloo or sweetie bell depending on the episode.

See Stare Master and Cutie Mark Chornicles for evidence.
I haven't noticed that at all, be specific.
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>Scoots can't fly because her parents never got to teach her.
>Because they aren't pegasi.
Pegasi have no parents
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what a pretty pony
Shitposting is against the rules.
>shitposting this hard
Megan did nothing wrong
Cry harder that your doomsaying didnt come true
oh boy I sure can't wait for the obvious episode

>we prepare for equestria games
>scootaloo wants to do scooter trick
>bullies bully her
>she cries and goes away
>everyone cheers her up
>she rides her scooter
>cmc is now part of the equestria games
>no cutie marks were earned

>Dash has a dad.
what kind of dumbass parents
>well shit kid, you're out of luck. Go find a really good flyer, start a fan club, and just in general be on their dick about everything, they'll eventually get the message
"L-like Rainbow Dash!?"
>Eh, you're shooting a little high there, kid. Why not try Raindrops, or Cloud Chaser?
The last time I actually took a shower?

Two years ago.
Also the last time I got a haircut was two years ago.

So I look and smell like a native african.
They're disowned and kicked out of the cloud nest after a certain age
but no mom.

I bet the pegasus race just when in heat go into some mega orgy
aww that's adorable
Her parents kinda are assholes.
>homolust pride will never be seen again
>y-you don't like muh episode?

She did everything wrong. Also I am not doomsaying, just hoping that Corey and the new writers will save S4 from those three shit writers.

Retards :^)
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mlpg is a bit off tonight

Opinion invalidated.
>tfw tempted to put a the marker on a spare concientious objector

please stop me
>They all earn their cutiemarks at the same time while doing their thing at the Equestrian games
10 bucks says this is what'll happen
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They've all been turned into pretty mares
We don't want his kind round here.
I'd take that bet
>offended by words

Your existence is invalidated. :^)
Ok MLPG, you can have one pony from the show to hug and they will be yours. But it can't be a pony with a show-canon name.
Pony spent 3 hours looking through my folder to find a picture to post in the general. She eventually gave up and said "it's not like they need my help or anything"
Thanks for the 10 bucks.
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>imgur link

Why not just post the picture?
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Well, technically...
Anon, pls
I need more

>"Welcome to the world of the Horse-He, middle-aged men who share an unusual devotion to My Little Phoney. Though the line of sparkley and adorable horses was made for young girls, nothing stops the Horse-Hes from adopting this lifestyle. When a dispute ignites over which clan of Horse-Hes are truest to the Horsey creator’s original vision, the game of one-upmanship gets bizarre, and apocalyptic. Now, the Horse-Hes must travel the barren wasteland to discover who the truest Horse-He is."

yeah, i wouldn't mind if they were never introduced
There's nothing against the rules in that picture
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I can't see this going anywhere good.
But interesting
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I don't know then
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But it isn't night yet, and this seems pretty standard for day thread fare to me.

The new episode will be here before you know it and what time of day it is won't matter, for a little while anyway.
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>>Because they aren't pegasi.
Yes they were, but she likely never knew them.

Scootaloo is not handicapped at all. Look at this anorexic guy in class, Featherweight, he CAN fly. Not just because there's too much wind. (inside joke)

It's instinctive for a pegasus to fly, they don't really need to learn to fly, Scootaloo's problem is not physical but psychological. Everything that's fucked is in her head. If we got to piss her enough she will do her best, get angry and try to actually fly by her own wings to show everybody she's not a loser.

This will be awesome.
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>Apple Blossom
i don't like this kind of satire
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I won't be able to see it, I have a plane to catch
First time in years
if you have to explain that something is an inside joke to a group of people outside the circle that will understand it you're better off just not making it in the first place
Yeah, I can't wait for 100 times the normal shitposting
Sorry, this won't happen.
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I told Pony to get that dirt of her shoulder, and she cried "BUT I'M A LADY!!!"
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Have a good flight, sorry you won't be able to join us!

I missed several episodes including the finale of season 2 that way.
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Why ya'll ain't practicing safe sex?
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rarity is no lady
Kraut's last drawing on derpibooru is a sick Twilight.
Lust like Ghost's last pony drawing.
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I just wanted to post this.
last time I posted that I got a vacation.
But I've got my kneepads on. How can I possibly be safer? Perhaps you should help me practice, in case I'm not doing it right.
I hope when you do actually do get to see it it remains unspoiled for you. I know some people aren't looking forward to this one because it's CMC/Dash episode, but personally I\ve been looking forward to this one for a long time. Scootaloo's inability to fly (yet ) is an issue I've wanted to see adressed, and I really hope the episode delivers.
Masturbation is safe, right?
>No mustache.

Almost nailed that cosplay.
It won't.
That shouldn't be a problem, I plan on just watching it on my mobile later in the day. Not like i would go to mlpg before seeing it first anyways
Pony posted show discussion in the general
What if pony lived on water?
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I counter
Oh man, can you imagine if it's true that there will be a song this episode? If there is I really hope Rainbow Dash is a part of it, I could possibly see Sweetie Belle finally stepping up too though.
Why does Dash have a harem of blank flanks?
Pony sensed a disturbance in the force, but then concluded that it was "probably womprats"
Pony said "kawaii desu ne"
She likes em young.
Why not?

If I were a mare, I'd have my own harem of lesbians as well.
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Sorry im late, so why is everybody upset now?
I'd say "well, email to moot and explain the shit and ask wtf" but then I remembered it is pretty much the same as email to google/yt support.
When you mindbreak a pony, their cutie mark disappears

Scootaloo's problem is that she's a fat little pegasus.
Calm down, kid. :^)
Pony says i'm just here for the epic bait memes
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I've seen some shit.
>not just reportign them for spam
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Cute Quest in 3 hours, about.

Have a nice night whether you participate or not!
You'll find that the less a man reads, the less likely he will marry the new princess
Maybe the scene just before the preview scene is a song? They were on stage.
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Good thing I read mlpg every day!

>*unsheathes hegehog*
Can you give a recap of the previous session? I missed it.
Pony told me that she believes every lie that slithers out of your mouth
I always post a recap of the previous session at the start of the new one as the opening post.



I have never bothered with one of these cute quests but maybe this time I will.

If there's an archive.
Ah right. Still, can you link the previous session?
'Tis no lie that Tor is the god of thunder!
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I hadn't considered that, you could really be onto something here.
Pony says you were wrong once before, why can't you be wrong again
Pony won't stop playing Kerbal Space Program
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you are so lazy anon

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Oh boy, lets hybrid.
60% chance of cutie mark tomorrow
Pony sent her idea for an episode to the writers. It's the one where Scootaloo learns to fly. She called it "Arise, Chikun"
Your favorite pony says to hurry up and finish, she's getting bored
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why aren't you drawing?

/b/ pls go
didn't mean to quote
because you are my drawfag waifu
why does that bat pony have lion paws and tail
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Pony started thrashing to that one rad song. She said it "goes really hard"

That looks like softcore cuddling.

Get that tame shit out of here.
The archive of the original Cute "Quest", done this time roughly last year and heavily rushed at points, is here: http://mlpg.co/arc/

I'm trying to find where the current sessions are being archived at but haven't found a link yet. I'll have to ask Pineapple tonight if he appears during the session. Sorry.

Alternatively, you can go thread diving on the sub, but I'll try to find a more convenient way to go about it.
She said that the drop really makes it all worth it
xieril pls
>Hardcore cuddling iclused feats like cuddling on a tightrope over a pit of lavasharks
It must be nice for Celestia to nap during day time just for Luna.
Pony asked what it was like having all those mini arms at the end of your big arm
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Dragon claws you dork.
This fucking panda...
I need to know if there's a pixie stick under that skirt
yeah, and Luna probably doesn't even really remember her coming, she was only there for an hour, there one second and gone the next. She could have dreamt it, for all she knows
A dream or Celestia left her a small treat or present after that restful nap.
Pony said "this beat is sick, who made this?"
snoop dog
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>hardcore cuddling
There hasn't been an update to the archive in a while do to procrastination. All the Cute Quest: Reloaded threads are still scattered about on /q/ I will work on it soon.
Pony caught you 'mirrin
Pony asked the store clerk if they "accept brony bucks"
wow, i love that
Yes, they accept autismbux.
Pony liked it, but opted to not put a ring on it (to save money)
So you're saying they take bitcoins
Pony told me that what is dead may never die
Why is Pony so active this thread?
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They do not take buttcoins.
Pony just came back from work.
I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face.
>mfw a man had 7million USD in bitcoins, and accidentally threw the HD away, not realizing until months later
Oh alright. Thanks man, I appreciate it. Take your time with it.
a hard shift of pulling people's heads out of their asses all day
Pony's Cutie Mark is related to their sexual tastes somehow.
pony says it's time for you to grow up
Pony paid the whore, and said "be gone with you"
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Does this count as a hybrid?
oooh, newsflash
I like being a boring,bitter and reclusive neckbeard.

Tell pony to die.
Why is Pony so based?
Pony suggested you surrender your heart to darkness
This counts as
That is actually really, really sad.
I think I'm cured from that fetish. Thank you
pony just called you a cunt-racket.
Pony just rolls like that, and lessons cost money
Pony blessed you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit
Pony informed me that some people, just want to watch the world burn
Which pony views comfort as weakness the most?
Pony once told me the world was gonna roll me.
Pony asked how come some people write in all caps
>Touch Fluffy Tail
That fucking song.
Seriously what is that panda and is it a guy?
I want that furfaggot to die.
He has effectively helped ruin /dsg/ with insufferable shit OnlyAfro.
Ken confirmed that it's a girl
dsg? and how?
What song?
canon has never gotten in the way of my fanon before
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>mfw i read that as HARDCORE CUCKOLDING

Probably this song

This song
wrong link
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Man, just look at Pinkie. Look how happy she is to have those balls in her mouth.
>5 seconds in
>song haven't started
>already absolute shit I want to ctrl+w

but why
Not sure, honestly. It just kind of wormed its way in my head and laid eggs. I can't stop listening to it once I remember it exists
Glad to see he HASN'T UPDATED HIS MIC!

Every time he uses an S it sounds like skk
>those terrible fucking eyelashes
>putting stripes and rainbow colors in them
>liking furry shit that much but being a closed furry
you know who you are
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Why do you like this pony?
>Calling someone else out as a furry.
That shit's a karaoke favorite of mine.
God damn it, Atryl...
God damn it!
How legible do you think her writing is?
>pinkie with balls in her mouth

Ooppsie whoopsie!
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stupid moot, eating my pictures
I have no idea why, but I do.
She's sticks by her friends no matter what, and she isn't afraid to tell it like it is.
>hard worker
>southern accent
>hips, I guess
>"dear celestia, I didn't learn jack shit because I was right!"
>she's a family gal
>i don't like the first 5 seconds of this song
>therefore it's a shit song
Would you play Bon-bon's path? With Lyra crying that her best friend is fucking the human she adores?
Awful, she probably just learned how to write.
She's just scribbling things and pretending she knows words.

She's so adorable.
I would make Lyra watch my fuck Bon-bon.
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>I know how to read, anon
That asshole Atryl... He knew i would self-insert and then get pissed that it will never happen
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>you fuck bon bon
Pony chose ignorance, rather than regret
When I really think about it I can totally see her having the worst cursive of them all.
Looking at picture books isn't reading Dash.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

i lost the download of cromartie high, the files just disappeared man
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>Not using your wingers to write.
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I wish I was a mare.
Updating the scripts on the sub and noticed that mlpchan added the ability to choose a different sound to notify you when someone replies to your posts. Any good boops for this?
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>those gaudy eyelashes
>that anatomically impossible horse dick that everyone seems to draw for some reason

Atryl is literally shit.
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>calling them wingers
Me too.and I had the benifit of two healthy zebra males to keep me company from time to time
oy m8

fugg off m8
I like the current sound though
Pinkie clone, please.
>Not using your wingers to drink pop in a bouncy-castle.
Pony checked the gluten in your diet, and said "absolute shit"
>tfw never get filled by two zebras
>tfw will never feel his hefty balls slapping against me while he pumps my dripping wet marecunt with cum.
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boo. stallion pone is best pone

just look at this adorable little bastard
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Celestia wants to know if you think her butt is too small
It's called a Moon-jump you uncultured trog.
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it's alright
I'd punch that nigga in his shit if he tried to look at the fucking crystal heart. Already told his bitch ass to step off, and he still wanna be a fucking peekboy
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Fine, what do Pegasi call their featherpendeges?
Oy, Guv, I see 'ow you look at the 'orse princess.
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How could you hit such an adorable face anon

Couldn't you just shoo him away or something
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>or feel his hoofs on your back, gripping your flanks
>or feeling the flare widen as it kisses your inner opening
>or feel the bloom of warmth as he fills you beyond expectation
>nor the heated breaths on your neck and satisfied moan in your ears
>and definitely not the sloshing feeling of walking around so full, knowing he'll be good to go again soon

transformation from flyingsaucer into flyingsaucer
Look at this horse, look at it.
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It's not small but it's def not big enough.
man if i already told that nigga stop playin, and he still wanna fuck around, tryna save the kingdom an' shit
>anatomically impossible
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what is a nanaki
The default sound would be the same, you would just be able to change it in the settings.
Zebras have the smallest and thinnest dicks in the equine family.

It turns out having huge hefty balls and cunt shattering dicks isn't a good thing when you're food for 80% of the African carnivore population.
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a miserable pile of secrets
>will never gulp down his load
>will never snuggle his cock
A miserable pile of somewhat above average cock
what kind of secrets?
Who are we to challenge the wisdom of Evolution-sama and Survival of the Fittest-dono
You can draw unicorns and pegasus all day long, but once you draw a horse dick that just sticks out like a human dick then you've gone too far into the realm of impossibility.
so, i'm redownloading cromartie high, but it's going to take more than an hour

we have two options, find something else with a better download speed, or watch something else while we wait for cromartie high

what say you mlpg?

hey, no recursing anon!
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>somewhat above average cock
And yet he has a shrinking penis fetish.
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wut's it to ya?
I'm above average and I've got a fetish for dick stealing

Actually I think I've got a fetish for everything to do with dicks
no man

i still need to finish this vinyl scratch plush so i can sell it and start taking commissions
I'm just sayin', if ya need someone to distract the old codger jus say the word.
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but I've been watching cromartie all day
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>Feeling that pulsing heat against your cheek
>how many days has he been saving up? Days? Weeks?
God damn it, I was joking at first but I think I'm starting to develop a horsecock-lust
No, you fly, you don't swing!
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well, mlpg wanted me to stream it for series saturday

that's what i'm calling it yes
You don't 'develop' anything, anon.

You were always a faggot.
>tfw no more stallion saturday ever
Is the card game fun?
Oh. Fair enough.
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>MLP trading card game
>not being made by Wizards of the Coast
>when WOTC is a subsidiary of hasbro

missed opportunities general
It's always stallion saturday if you buy a chance
Imagine working all week and looking forward to getting some downtime to ride your chance all day
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So will we get to see scootaloo fly tomorow?
when pigs fly
>Bronies are buying cards for 300 bucks per.
But stallion saturday involves stallions and/or colts fucking femanons.
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What if Twilight Sparkle went back in time to before unicorns joined forces with the earth ponies and pegasi and built her own true horde free of impurities?
Hey where did you get the black chick plush?
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You can be a femme-anon
>just learning about this
Fuck my life I'm missed so much
>putting ™ in the card name

Did they even need to do that?
Where's the Akira stream you faggot.

leaked season 5 opening

man, the twilight and her friends alicorn part was the best
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More awple friturs plesae?
You have problems.
>your face when tomorrow's episode ends up being like this
Dead. I've died because of this raw beam of cute
i could stream akira i guess, but i'm going to download jojo's bizarre adventure

i know, what's your point
Isn't youtube title built in now?
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I tried
I forgot all my stream info and couldn't get on
and I'm too lazy to make another one

So I watched it.
All of it.
And it was good.
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And your fucking dead.
>jojo's bizarre adventure will take a day to download

fuck me man

i give up, no series saturday, at least not this week

what movie should i stream?
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>tfw I will never be able to make cute stuff
Anon...it's just a picture
Someone tell me what video game to play. Fuck.
Sonic racing Transformed.
Candy crush.
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Cute Quest in 1.5 hours or so.

Truth or Dare with the CMC queued for tonight.
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If we're going to shitpost, let's go to the deep end already, anon.
Mega pony
And stream it
Man I am so terrible at that game, and the old megamans in general.

too spaghetti to stream sorry.
Risk of Rain
has anyone seen nonnie lately? i'm worried about him and i can't find him
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How would you spend a quiet evening with your favorite pony?
>people listing all these games I actually have
>still cant choose
play all those humble bundle games that are collecting dust
He was just posting yesterday.
I'm a Pinkiefag, so it wouldn't be quiet.
And who is that OC, anon?
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>Quiet evening
>With Pinkie
A fine jest.

But should the oddity occur, I'd spend it playing board games, watching movies, eating popcorn, tickling, snuggling, and cozily drifting to sleep with her in my arms.
i'm pretty sure that was because he woke up in the middle of the night, anyway it was brief, he wasn't around for very long
Play BF4 with me
Maybe if we sacrifice a virgin together I'll be able to get into a fucking game
She'd probably make sure that the word "quiet" certainly no longer applied
I would if I had it anon. All my friends died or something and arent on tonight. bored as hell.
jaws is going to take an hour to download, should i stream akira? or maybe the secret of nimh?
Well we didnt get to finish SoN last night.
Begging Twilight to turn me into a filly.
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should we watch it from the beginning or from where we left off?

man, if i don't do this i'll just crawl back into bed and cry myself to sleep, i need a distraction
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I don't think it would be out of the question for an Pinkie to be super tired on an off night and to just want to pass out. Maybe like once a year
Just like her sister.
Don't matter much to me just want to see it threw to the end.
Pony asked how come love always feels like a battlefield
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is pony tipping a crime in equestria?
okay, i might stream from the beginning though, to let anyone else who wants to watch get the full experience
Sounds good.
Just like when a meth addict runs out...
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>That's unusual, I'm certain that I enchanted this dagger, so it couldn't harm anyone friendly.
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why is she so perfect?
Yes, I imagine it'd be after hearty bouts of horsing around.

I will say I think there'd be nothing greater than working alongside that Pink pony and just collapsing with her onto the couch once the day was done. Just a tangle of limbs and pink mane, out of breath, tired, but happy.
>rediv's room
>fem Discord

Why isn't she his daughter? That would be a much better fanon.
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That's how it usually is though.
Tell me if anything has happened in krabbs tf2 server
That looks pretty cool. Dunno if I wanna buy it right now though.

streaming the secret of nimh, come watch, i'm going to start in a few minutes
secret of nimh is a really dumb movie
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Is this heresy?
it's got a hot mmilf, though
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Changeling can't wait to get back to work instead of being a useless slobbering idiot who's been sucking on the same melon for 2 months!
>Suffer not the xenos

Grimderp parody future humanity doesn't like sticking its dick in everything.
That's TRIPLE heresy!!
What if the melon is another changeling?
fucking lewd
source, now. derpiboroo is no help

that is adorable
Pony told me you were full of shit
Why is pony so mean to me?
Pony is technically not wrong as there's a high probability that there is some fecal matter residing in my large intestine, but I would like to remind pony to watch her mouth
She said ur a faget
Pony called you "not her father" and then wished you were "beb and hats us"
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satyr child is all ready for christmas
>derpiboroo is no help
It isn't? I just searched for "satyr" and found it on the second page
I did that, but it gave no source
Pony needs to be reminded that I'm the best she's got
also what in the sam hill is a beb
and hat is not a verb you horse
That feel

come watch the secret of nimh! it's good i promise!
Pony said you could "shove it", then she started laughing at you
Pony needs to not speak with that tone of voice
Oh yeah?
Well I hope pony didn't want ice cream.
it's dumb and first it's science being portrayed as magic and then there's actual magic magic and nothing makes sense
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So when do we get an episode about Sweetie using magic?
Pony found your AC/DC's CDs.
dude chill

it's a kids movie, it's really well animated and the characters are charming, but it's not necessarily going to make sense

do you watch pones with the same level of criticism? if you do i'm amazed you can enjoy yourself
So who the fuck is Agathoid anyways?
Where'd they come from, and why are they so rabid about streaming every movie and show ever made?
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If I ever have a daughter, I want to name her Scootaloo, Scoot for short
I'll kill you
>character development outside the mane 6

That thing needs to be put out of its misery with dynamite
And have her teased mercilessly for the rest of her life?
This is why you'll never find love

How brony of you
streamfag/drawfag/plush maker

i'm a grill from australia

i might be addicted to streaming
>no one streams Little Witch Academia

did I spell that right

because come on
I don't see what's so bad about it.
i can stream it later if you want
Because any fetish you might even remotely have, she'd tease you for it relentlessly
Pony says she can do "whatever she wants" and then she blew razzleberry
Pony called you a poser
Pony didn't even look at this picture, or read the filename
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next episode in a year
Thank god you're never going to have the chance to breed
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Scoots is best daughter
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One more word and pony gets the collar
i was actually thinking that this should be in the next stream, like 3 hours ago
I want to fuck all three of them.
They'll call her screwie scootalooie
>i might be addicted to streaming
It's pretty fucking annoying to be honest
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Which pony?

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>not imouto
cool i'll stream it after SoN, and after little witch academia i could stream akira

dude, before i started streaming people were asking for streams quite a lot, i'm trying to fill a demand
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No that's Sweeite Belle.
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>plush maker

>Record scratch.

...Average price?!
>trappy changeling
>>Record scratch.
the fuck
so you're a shitposter now?
what would you say is an average price?
where do i punch it?
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that's it
Dunno, you sell any before?
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does pony have a battlestation?
Can I get some pictures of a finished one?
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Anon, you terrible, terrible person!

I will tolerate this
this is my first

email me
You would, you pony slaver.
Wow, so precise.
Look at that stitching!
it's not finished yet but email me and i can show you the progress shots, i't' nearly done

Never anon, that pony is clearly enjoying herself
Pony doesn't give a fuck
I have a feeling MLPG wants some plushes...
>Preview clip
>it the same scene we saw at Comic Con
...bunch of faggots
Pony is on a highway to hell.
Uh huh, I know you love mind breaking your slaves.
Alright, I'm kind of interested now

streaming the secret of nimh, starting now
Pony says she's out of rubbers and needs to turn you into a condom, just for tonight
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Just wait till we show you the Apple song!
but I already have two 20+ inch plushes
I might be getting a 3rd one at about 12 inches
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You wound me anon. If I could turn into a pony and suffer it instead to save that innocent mare, I would

Though she does not look like she is in need of any saving
That actually would be cool since there's a lot of things going on there.
But this scene is pretty simple so the storyboards already showed most of it
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There is only one pony that I want a plush of.
>Hasbro doesn't post the Apple song.
>It's something boring right before it happens.
Terraria 2
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Ponies like the collars.
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Sweetie Belle can't wait to get her cutie mark!
Don't ever close the door while you're in there, i hope to Christ
tfw corwin hats us and pony

I like it when they like them. Carry on you adorable pones
>Not closing the door.
Can't let God and Santa see the unholy shit you are doing in there.
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I like it when they like it as well.
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Cute Quest in roughly 30 minutes. I'll get to starting typing up the thread for it now.

Whether you participate or not, have a nice night!
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Top tier is when they pretend to think they're annoying but secretly love them
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It's safe man, just step inside
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Oh that is a cute one I did not have, thank you anon.

And yes that is particularly adorable
That Miiverse Community is the single greatest thing on Miiverse ever.

Aw yea, gonna hook up our friend with Sweetie.
And then take her away!
FlyingSaucer wants his ponies on leashes so he can lead them into the basement easier
Multiple pony blowjob
Well you know what they say, you can lead a horse to a basement...
Multiple pony cunnilingus
>Stud farms

You know darn well that is not the case you silly anonymous
>How Russians protect themselves from homosexuals
Why is FlyingSaucer such a background pony slut?
If being alone is bad for you, locking yourself in a small box all day is probably alot worse
Pony is shock.
We're onto you, we know you're going to replace all the ponies eyes with magical gems after they go blind from being in the basement for too long
Pony politely informed me that all of her opinions and views were correct
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Eww no way anon. Normal pony eyes are way prettier than those things
>Sweetie dressing as a race traitor.

Rarity beat her so much she couldn't even make a sound.
Applejack is still going to stumble into your computer chair and kill you.
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Pony told you not to speak her fucking name, you tool
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Why would would she do such a violent thing anon, yeesh

Can't a person just like ponies
and collars
and collars on ponies
especially on stallions

and not basements?
why are you playing My Life With Horses 3D right now??
>dan vs, fim is ded
>only ask flufflepuff remains
Pony is an accomplished Earthbender
Applejack can't help it, she's just a silly pony!


Pick one
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>handheld shit
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I pick 2013
It was such a nice year
>take Sweetie away
>implying we're not gonna sweep Scootaloo off her hooves
get real friend
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Pony just had the best idea ever
Eh, he's probably already ghost fucking Harley anyways.
Can she get out?
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for the one saying mlp won't do a project
Princess Celestia is waving it around and looking expectantly at you
Pony just realized that this was in fact, not the best idea ever and that she's trapped for good

at least the matter of using the bathrroom while inside was thought out well in advance
But I don't WANT to go butterfly catching today!
For the last time, I already said I'd wear the scarf with her.
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Why is she so perfect?
lol, is this the birth of an epic new meme?
Pony actually didn't do any of that stupid shit
So there's like tubes for , you know
Well if she's fine with me doing it, I would love to brush her tail while she serves me a tea and discusses her day.

also tubes for food and medicine
Pony is the 999,999th visitor again and she's tempted to click on the banner.
Fluttershy wants to take you out on a play date
>tfw no podcast.
She can say it's a play date all she wants. I see what's really going on here.
What the fuck is that?

Ah yes, I completely forgot about that as well.
Don't do it, pony
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>pony gets infected with cryptolocker
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>tfw when you will never ever brush a princess pony's mane in a golden wheat meadow while sipping tea and eating sandwiches
So, assuming you have a gaming group, which pony would you bring to it and what would you play.
Pinkie Pie to D&D. After she gets the hang of it, let her DM.
Pony just got scammed.

my gaming group is street fighter and tekken
And what do you see?
It's the worse feeling.
>hey guys i'm going to do [thing]
>alright fuck it then
>tfw n-no [thing] ;_;
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but she didn't bring her condom
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>go into mothpone thread to see if anyone has cute ideas or drawings
>almost entirely shitposting
why does this happen
the podcast was pretty shit though
/b/ got into it
weren't you drawing maid moth?
>Letting shitposters influence your projects.
They didn't even sound too downy.
Youre pretty shit, but we dont shitpost about you
lol, is this the birth of an epic new meme?
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The vengeful /b/read.
Pony actually didn't get scammed
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Cute "Quest" starting up on the sub right now!


Have a nice night whether you participate or not.
How can we be sure?
Yeah, tablet was weird for a while though
fixing it now
Man, I don't even go to those threads.

All the art ends up in Derpibooru anyways, so I can enjoy cute moths with non of the shit.
>top right
Pony told you to avoid those ads, because they're all shit
>that Daisyrose
I mean the art is nice, but I go for requests and stuff too
Pony says things she doesn't put on practice.
Pony told you to shove it
What kind of savage doesn't run with Adblock + Noscript by now
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what manner of sorcery is this
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Pony wants to condemn everyone who watches Uncle Grandpa to 5 years isocubes
What "stuff"?
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I wonder how /co/ feels about these being used for so many pony fusions.
Pony says ideas are better in theory than in practice, anyways
Guys, what if Earth is pony heaven?
pony isn't the law
>Fusing the flower trio.
>She is always terrified, all the time.
I dunno
I mean some of the greentexts are cute
Pony should get more scripts and stop using IE.
Pony says you're supposed to sip tea, not drink it
They should have brought sent and cosmo to it, it would have been a huge boost in viewship
I was the one who linked to mothpones general first

I wanted you to see it
I think /v/ uses them more. but they're more general with some vidya characters.
Pony said what kind of loser is still using Mozilla/Chrome
>The autist and Vladamir.

I would listen to it.
Man, I miss cute greentext stuff on MLPG.
Oh, thanks then
when they're on topic it's pretty nice.
Pony says "Meesa" isn't a verb, and then called all the Gungans "idiots". Then she asked "how come the bad guys are always Skype chatting with Count Dooku"?
roses are my favorite
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Explorer, please.
The only reason we brought you was to trip if a bear shows up.
Pony is downloading Opera.
They've basically been replaced with all the "Pony said/thinks/just/is ___" posts
It's almost like ponies that look a lot like Bon Bon are your favorite
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>Downloading Opera.
Hey look at that, Anon found a way to download a free car!
Pony said Maxthon was better
pony thinks you might be right

Then why don't you draw Rose helping Loira/bonobo in their garden?
Twilight, just because you learned how to access the internet with magic, doesn't mean we can.
>tfw you won't receive an implant for the Equestrian Discovery of General Yokels Group to cast magic
>can never study under twilight and be her most faithful student
But pony, Opera is Google Chrome now!
Anyone want to watch a stream of all of the LotR movies and The Hobbits?

Did LK do anymore Renne quest stuff with Chronicle?
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lol, is this the birth of an epic new meme?
Can you repeat the question?
How does a dog bark?
i would go to sleep during the first three, and join during The Hobbit (hopefully) The three were on TV like 2 months ago, and i spent all day watching them

There was an imgur album with a young Chronicle and creepy shit in it as well. Did he expand on that?
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Nothing since this I don't think
You mean these?

Aww yiss, but we may be a bit dead tonight

It's almost like everyone has forgotten what I remember.
Pony disapproved of most, if not all pastries
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were you still interested in a plush? email me man
I didn't know you made plushies, do you have examples posted anywhere?
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>180 images
>page 8

Pony said "what a surprise", but she wasn't actually surprised
That pony needs to go on a diet
I can take some photos, I'll post them on my tumble, agathoidal.tumblr.com