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I wrote a pseudo-news post on my blog that explains my rationale for making the decisions I do.
For the nerds among us, I also wrote a post about how much bandwidth will be saved by the migration to our static domain (4cdn.org).
Since I hate writing news posts (and writing in general), I'll probably spend more time writing smaller updates here in the coming months.

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Good morning! It's another lovely day in Equestria! Time to do your morning routine! Like... calisthenics! Eating a healthy breakfast! Princessing! Cracking codes! Winning the lottery! Painting the cities aquamarine!

Previous thread.
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morning is for suckers
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>you will never ruin Applejack's hard work
blind commentaries are surprisingly enjoyable
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Who's a silly pony?
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Can any of us truly be the silly pony?
Yes. You.
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Right here. Right now.
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but she's not silly
she's a very hard worker
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She puts an equal or greater amount of effort into being silly.
For Christmas pony made a donation in your name to the Human Fund.
>rediv's new cowity

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>do not
Give me a pony
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Daring Do

No, it's my pony, get your own tan
Sweetie Belle
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goodnight mlpg

no that's my pony
Fluttershy should be a cat more
She makes a good cat
You're going to sleep now dotkwa. She isn't your pony anymore. Why do you think sleep is called 0pone?
that picture gets me every time
goodnight bestpony
gg plz

>not putting your pone on lock down and 24 hour surveillance
No they're all mine, I need all of these ponies. You find your own.
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No, I only have one pony and you can't have her.
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>What is this? A fair maiden, such radiance, but alas, she is hexed, and only the kiss of a brave hero shall awaken her.
unf unf both cutiemarks unf.
I actually like that twicane wgip
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Too bad there aren't any brave heroes around, huh Rainbow Dash?
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Alright, get in here and play some Starbound, guys


I have no idea what I'm doing server-wise but fuck it
I hope that in several years were on a version where 4 and 5 are crudely crossed out.
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How did I ever do this
I can't imagine what hell that would be by then.
80s cheerilee is a qt
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Check out this picture of best princess.
Why aren't you sleeping with your pony?
I'm going to steal that pony and you can't stop me.
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bitch please

why do people make pictures in SFM?
Because 4DE is being a bunch of jerks
Because it's easier then drawing
It's missing the other princesses, though.
Do they each count as their own subfaction?
It's official: everyone loves facesitting
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but I was
then I had to get up for work
but now I dont have to go to work today
so I am playing starbound
and when everyone leaves the house I will be playing starbound with my pony
Is there something disagreeable about it?

Not really.
Because everyone else does the the hard work for you that way
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what are you even talking about?
Pony CCG release events this friday
Check your local card stores, the game is worth checking out
Because I don't have a pony
Or a gf
Or bf
Or friend
Or anyone really

I don't like my bed
Because she isn't real anon.
Make sure you play Rarity's colors.

Toity is OP.
quit making excuses
Daily reminder that I want to cum inside ReiDuran.
pony's butt
I love you tan.
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I stole your pony and created a derivative work.
How can I sleep with her if she isn't real?
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Rarity version of the game is superior
Also that cane is stupid as fuck there. Kinda ruins the drawing
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I got one more drawing in me before I hit the hay.

Apologies for the long absence. It has been a while though and I'm super rusty, so I'm gonna' take requests.

Just keep em simple I guess.
>Series Finale
>Twilight ascends to the ultimate level of alicorn
>she's now powerful enough to one-shot all the returning villains
>the final villain who was controlling them is still a threat somehow
bat pony
Glad to have you back

Comfy Rarity if you can

>I'll let you fuck me but i'll kill and eat you right after

How do you proceed?
Twilight in a fancy hat.
It's a scepter, not a cane.
Twilight sleeping
butt pony
When does the Cell saga begin?!
Obviously you have to do well enough that you're worth more alive
boot pony
Fuck the dragon unconscious, become sex friends.
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>hyper-index redirects to a dead /co/ thread
A pony with a raincoat and booties
draw pony drawing for boops
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bit pony
Is this CoC or something?
maximum qt
I love the first part, but fuck the second half

I'd still be tempted as fuck
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I like the dragon part of that picture, although the pony looks kinda weird
Has he done anything else similar?
expand dong is the best meme of all time
fuck off
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pony just wants your love
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I love pony, just not that one.
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Sorry pony, I gave all my love to this one
Your favorite pony has their own YouTube channel.

What are their videos about? How many views do they get?
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Right here
Tell me your terrible headcanons.

Fluttershy has an allergic reaction to apples, but doesn't want to admit it
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Here ya go. Comfy Twily.

I might actually go and finish this, since I actually was liking how it was turning out.
would snuggle with
I said rarity

Still really cute though
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Yes, of course
Just forget I said anything, go back to your daily routine. Nothing suspicious here.
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Oh, oops.
Just add a comfy Rarity there too and you make everyone happy
Why ya'll ain't daring do
Why y'all ain't doing daring
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how come yall aint doin any hotglue?
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I'd love to, but I'm beat. Time to 0pone.

Bye bye caballo gente.
I don't get it
Nice to see ya again. Dream of pone
You could add it another time.
Eh whatever, still a pretty cute and a would hug/10 Twily
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>he started it so he could make videoblogs
>just him, talking about stuff - his babysitters, his big brother, Iron Will, songs he likes - whatever he thinks of while he's recording
Cloudchaser recorded a video of him dancing enthusiastically to a song on the radio and uploaded it in secret
>it has over a million views and climbing

>not knowing The SHRIIIIIIINE of the SILVER MONKEY
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>all his classmates at school occasionally mock him about it
>mares just wanna have fuuuun~
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and textured version
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It's too late for me to appreciate this properly but it's nifty
you're really honing that style of yours
i dont even like pank much but it looks like there's room in her bed....
Just enough room for your thumb
It sucks being poor
Why not just get a job?
Can someone post that one picture? It's a Judge Dredd crossover with anon holding up a filly Judge and she's saying something along the lines of "but I am the law!"
Yes, that IS what popped into my mind before I posted that
I'm a white male aged 18-45, everyone listens to me! No matter how dumb my ideas are!
oh yeah?
>aged 18-45
you only got one of that right
>tfw only an engineering student
>Can't get a job anywhere
>Supposedly going to enter a land of milk and honey the moment I get a degree
I'm not hopeful
into something that can't transform
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transformation into a blind and deaf changeling
I can't get over the same face
I'd fuck Sunset
She's the only one with normal proportions
what movie should i stream
...and I thought that was Pinkie Pie
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So I just woke up projectile vomiting/shitting, guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
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c'mon guys
did you pkay The Neverhood Chrincles yet?
Neverhood fanart in your style when>
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>that Gilda
>that Trixie

Ding-dong! HELL-o.

that's just terrible
Thank you for sharing with us anon.
I'm watching speedruns right now. But I'll start downloading it soon. I could stream it tomorrow maybe
then why post it
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You mean this one?
i'm bored and haven't been here in like a year.

what the fuck up
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Scoots ep this Saturday. What are your predictions?
Everyone died.
Yes, that's the one
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>what the fuck up
ponies are what fuck
awwwwwwwww yissssss
>i'm bored and haven't been here in like a year
So you are bored enough to make this post every day for the last few months?
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>Estimated delivery Friday, Dec 13, 2013 - Tuesday, Dec 17, 2013

So when I get those I'll be able to tell if my nib was just worn down or if something else is wrong with the pen.

Until then... well...

...I don't really know what I'll do until then.

Maybe stuff like this where I draw with the eraser end.

Sorry for stealing your thunder Slowmo.
Its ok, though. We got better.
it'll be GOAT
Scootaloo is a pony, not a goat.
It's a dumb joke based on her colors. I wouldn't worry about it if you can't figure it out, it doesn't really work in the first place.
I really can't say with certainty whether she'll fly or not, episode could go both ways. My hunch is on she will though
>What are your predictions?
I have no idea really, I mean I'm really looking forward to the episode but I;m not sure what to expect. I'm thinking it might be a bit like SiP, and I'm hoping it does have a lot of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash interaction.
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How dare you
It's a joke ancient enough for JJ to finally make a reference to.
You should put some more contrast between those colors.

Looks cute otherwise.
Is that supposed to mean, "Greatest of all time?"
You can't possibly mean that.
would you your favourite pony up the butt? not your waifu, your favourite pony
my expectations are high, even when i know they shouldn't be
But they are one and the same

I suppose, but only if she wanted it
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Been looking forward to that one since s1. They better not fuck it up.

I don't wanna see any Princess Alicorn Twilight save the day or teach Scoots, and no episode that's nothing but 22 minutes of Scootaloo trying different things and always failing just to have RD tell her in the end that she's just a late bloomer and it's okay. Character development has to be the key part of the episode, not Scoots derping over and over just for the sake of toplel super funny.

I want feels. RD and Scoots have to be the center of this episode. I can accept the CMC and maybe Yellowquiet play some semi-important role too since it would fit, but noone else (not saying noone else should appear in the episode in general, just talking about who should play the major part).

Don't let me down, s4. Please.

They got the first step right. Don't let MWW ruin it, like she did WA, which was another episode I've been looking forward too since s1.
Nah, there's a good chance Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon play a big role in this
They're gonna be the ones who make Scootaloo feel insecure, but hopefully that's about it. If they follow her around the entire episode or appear randomly out of nowhere everytime she fails just to make fun of her, it would suck.
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My favorite pony is my waifu though.
>Diamond Tiara will play a role in this

Episode is already an 8/10
>Don't let me down, s4. Please

Sorry, did you miss Daring Don't?
I expect them to belittle Scootaloo at the beginning which makes her want to try harder, then at the end where Scootaloo then shows them up.
Cliche, but it is a children's show.
It's fairly safe to assume they're going to do just that. They kinda do it in every episode they play a role in.

so, what's everyone's waifu/husbando?

drive angry streaming in a few minutes

A vengeful father escapes from hell and chases after the men who killed his daughter and kidnapped his granddaughter.
Applejack/Big Mac

There are other things to be very afraid of. If they mention the word chicken or give her a memorable meme face there's going to be a meltdown.
You guys better get your asses in here.
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I know, anon... So far s4 was a huge disappointment that doesn't capture even a fragment of the feel and style FiM used to have - Daring Don't being the worst of this season so far.
But just one more time I'm willing to be optimistic, even if it's naive. Probably just because I've been longing a good Scootaloo/RD episode about her flying issues so badly for such a long time.
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da bes
Wow. You win terrible opinion of the week.
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This pone
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more alicorn lyra when
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No, but you are one of the cutest fillies

Maybe he doesn't eat up every Meghan and Polsky shit?

And he is right. Even the new writer for castle-mania fucked up with that horrible Pinkie writing.
no, and you are ugliest filly
ill probably keep doing little speedpaints of her throughout the week/break

been experimenting with starting in greyscale and i think im getting the hang of it, tho painting straight to colors is more fun generally
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I think you're taking this show a little too seriously.
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Pony: Shining Armor and Cadance

Non-pony: Togami
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I can't waifu because I can't believe that any pone would ever like me
>excuse for terrible shit writing that isn't on par with Larson and Corey

Then you must be a brony if you continue watching shit. Even the board is meaningless and this thread is just the same like a shezow/fetishshit /co/ general. Zero discussion, maximum fetish shitposting.
I don't have one
I'm sorry you're incapable of having fun.
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Bring it on, boyo
Can you do a Rarimom?
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u dont wan' none of dis hombre
I'll wait until you're old enough.
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Pony has weighed up all the options and has decided that suicide is the best choice for everyone
Nah, I just have a better taste in fun than yours. :^)
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Christmas is coming and I haven't killed myself yet

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pony says lighten up

But rediv Cadance isn't a husbando.
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>S1 Luna
Why isn't anyone streaming anything?
>all non-up-to-date fanart must be destroyed forever and forgotten
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I tried to make up some creative female diamond dog designs.
I failed

The one on the left looks kinda weird, the other two are neat.

Do you think you could try depicting the statue dogs from the comic as they were in life?

I don't have it on this computer.
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Oh yah, you betcha.
Cocker Spaniel is pretty cute.
>I failed
You done good, kid.
Also, simply by virtue of not giving them tits like damn near everyone else, they're some of the best female DD designs.

Now draw RariDad and Rarimom being smoochy while Rarity and Sweetie gag.
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You did better than I did. I haven't touched anything Diamond-Dog related in ages.
Shar Pei version when?
the collie is cute
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we need more cute female diamond dog designs
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this is my fetish
husbando/waifus anon
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You have 10 minutes to post the cutest pony picture you have.

If you get a duplicate file, it's okay to link it instead.
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>actually picking a favorite
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Spoiler Image, 304 KB
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I don't really have a favorite so I just picked the first cute one I came across
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y'all are terrible at this

That may be a bit beyond me at the moment.

Remember, I'm drawing with half a stylus here.

bring it up another time, maybe?
>you will never palm and rub that fat mound
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I can be terrible if you want me to be
>50 posts/hour

Hows about pankmom?
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Today you three are all winners

>I'm drawing with half a stylus

Then draw half the picture now and half later and put them together.

Would you?

You a funny guy.

I kill you last.


I'd most anything
Not if it was the last piece of sexualized art left on earth.
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Too human?
Would I what?

Save that picture so I can fap to it later?

Yes, apparently.
Man that is an old pic.
Too terrible
pony gryphon oviposition

>Cuddling with Celestia on a snowy winter morning
>tucked in all snug under a nice warm comforter, enjoying, in a way, how cold it is in the room, because it means you get to enjoy how nice it feels to keep each other warm.
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>wake up
>see this
>cry a lot
>try not to kill self
The bottom half is a lion, though
And when I get excited
My little pony girl says
Oh baby just you shut your mouth

>pick one
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>Took me a moment to realize what I was looking at.
>That unexpected feel.
Are you fishing for someone?
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You'd think there'd be more references to Bowie considering A Dog and Pony Show

Maybe if they come back
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2.39 MB GIF
I saw a news article about horsefighting and now I am genuinely terrified of horses.
That's not how vision works at all

And I'd be much happier as a wall eyed pegasus mare than a short unattractive nerd
hey, I'm not short!
Why isn't there more ponyxloli art?
Why is pony futa so god damn hot?
And why is it even better if they're standing upright?
You're exactly the reason why /mlp/ shouldn't be removed and is serving its purpose as a containment board.
It's not and it's not.
Because dicks are way sexier than vaginas
This is a fact
>you will never fuck pone so hard that she cries
I made a guy bleed pretty badly once
That's not a good thing
i like you anon
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59 KB
Hello, is this pizza hut?
I know
Ruined my sheets
I remember when I could still answer it with "no"
Would you comfort Anon after he turned into a very ugly pony?
>tfw 6" girth
>tfw 3 boyfriends I couldn't penetrate

A gift and a curse
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>it will never happen
Does fapping to horses and horse anthro pics count as "ponies?"
Because I've been doing that for a decade or more
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152 KB PNG
Don't fuck off, Roogna
>tfw inexperienced size queens

>They almost worship your cock
>Yet they can't blow you for shit
>They can't even take you half the time

Finding an older guy is getting more and more attractive
Why not? its fuckin' off time!
I want Angoor back
Because mlpg is dead
It'd be in bad taste to walk away
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b-but I'm tired and dont have anything to post about
You guys will do fine
He was here like 2 days ago or something
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315 KB PNG
>tfw "fetish" for average or less
>tfw never had a bad experience with sex
>tfw never disappointed
>tfw happy with my sex life
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Spoiler Image, 111 KB
111 KB JPG
>Aren't mares with pee pees just stallions?
>Implying you wouldn't love to have your marshmallow butt stretched by our hung faggots
You don't have to lie to me, flowery pone
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You don't have to spam the thread because two guys get laid more often than you, Anon

The rest of us are just as hopeless as you
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>Oh no, someone is posting ponies in a pony thread, this is clearly unacceptable and I would very much prefer to hear about faggots discussing their faggotry.
>implying anyone here gets laid
They are just ERPing
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113 KB JPG
If color blindness is a real thing
Why do colorblind people get confused with colors?

They should still call red "red" even if in their mind they see what we call "yellow"

>implying our eyes are real
because yellow might look the same as red, so red next to yellow just looks like red
Educate yourself.
Because you're an idiot that didn't even take the time to Google it

Most colourblind men can't differentiate between red and green
They look the same
Because the colors look the same.
At least to my dad.
I could show you the sheets
I cut them into rags
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19 KB
i'm curious, show me
I don't care
Unless you show the massive cock that did it
>the large and flatulent trixie
>I’m sorry, but this gives people the wrong impression of morbidly obese people. I’M morbidly obese. THIS is Jabba the Hut in Trixie form. :P
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Can't I just enjoy my morbid obesity fetish without you inserting your weird thing into the mix?
where's the evidence
>standard reply with image from Kill la Kill
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59 KB
Yeah, morbidly obese people are usually classy and fashinable.
Thems was jokes.
Poe's law, mang. Also fetishes aren't supposed to make sense.
>fetishes aren't supposed to make sense.

Damn, everything I've done was a lie.
why are her nipples blue

I think you've got a terrible disease
You'll have to show me them, to be sure
So they broke Derpibooru again
You can upvote your own uploads infinity
Are you telling me girls don't put lipstick on their nipples
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67 KB
anons confirmed for never seeing a girl nude before!
And why would I do that?
rediv please my mother counts as a girl
>replying to rediv
Also, are you on a Punpun boner recently?
You wouldn't
I'm just saying it's a thing
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43 KB
>tfw it's true
>tfw I've only fucked one girl in the dark
She had great tits though
At least they felt that way
The first issue of the Shining arc is kinda sad...
You mean the Shining Armor and Cadance comic books, right?
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152 KB PNG
that was an accident
and I love Punpun
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149 KB PNG

You can help us with that problem.
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33 KB
Where do you think we are?
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67 KB
>that ending
>that art
>that me meeting Asano a month ago
>that me complimenting me
>that Asano taking photos when I'm probably in

I can't take these feels
>asking some unhooved 3DPD monstrosity to show her boobs
>which aren't even on her crotch
complimenting *him, obviously.
my jelly levels are off the charts
more moaning over video games when?
is it just me or are threads goign missing from the archive
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747 KB PNG
>asking some cow pony to show her boobs
>the area around her crotch isn't deliciously flat
Shut up Obsidian
Again? That problem already existed two days ago or so but was fixed.
> try to find thread 15001588 in archive, was enough
>404 errors, 404 errors everywhere

My dick is missing in your ass
I wish I could greentext in a speech too.
ive watched that video like 10 times and i cant hear any part where i moan
It was your pokemon one with the shiny clefairy
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90 KB
>also we don't have the marker and the last thread on the archive had 404'd
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I wish I could cuddle a little pony in my sweater.
The last thread is still alive and has the marker though
..thats weird. it's not ashowing up in the archive for some reason
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>click on it in the archive

well that was to be expected
Oh, I didn't realize that. looks like something is still broken
Pony can't believe you swallowed so much
How many people are here right now anyway?
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34 KB
I'm here.
>See a jigsaw puzzle
>Instantly think of autism

You, me, and her.
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So I assume nothing leaked out of mlp grand plan to hack hubworld.
Of course not
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Don't be silly.

>literally the only threads 404'd in the archive are the most recent ones

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1002 KB GIF
>tfw things are lost forever

And I was going to go and post mangneto's new thing he did in one of those threads as well
That's an angry scrunch
His Snips is pretty cute
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30 KB
If the shadow blocks out the sun... there will be Light!
If it stays 'till the sun is set... there will be Light!
If the sun never shows its face again... there will be Light!
No matter how dark the city gets... there will be...
actually, i suppose nobody on mlpg saved that winter snips and snails thing he did? you could probably repost it here or derpibooru
Sadly I didn't
I have a habit of only saving useless stuff
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Every day until it happens
>>tfw things are lost forever
They are still in the heinessen archive (albeit without full size pictures)
fuck i knew i should have saved it when i saw derpibooru was down

dammit archive
>moth pones
>bat pones

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So... what's Twilights secret nickname?
>Twilight's mom's nickname for Twilight is Worstpone
"Shiny's Condom"
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Cadance looks kinda pretty here
Why did I wait so long to read this comic? It's great
Little Slut
What's broken is that for some reason the archive is pointing at /co/ instead of /mlp/.

The last two threads are actually saved just fine on the archive, but the pointers are wrong:

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49 KB
Why are you all such meanie pants?
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>Alas, friendzoned again.

Woo woo woo!
Well? Where's the Flash-Twilight edit?
Today I found out that 'gigil' is a word in the Tagalog language that is used to describe the feeling of wanting to lay your hands on something that elicited an emotional response but holding yourself back.
For example punching something that causes rage.
Or hugging something incredibly cute.

So now that feeling where you just want to hug something super hard because of adorable has a name.

Just thought you'd like to know.
I want to cum inside Gigil
I didn't.
isnt gigil a weaver monstergirl
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I just love how all of them are being all flirty.
But then you have Trixie all like "LOOK AT MY GREAT AND POWERFUL BAZONKAS"
And then Gilda's all like "get me the fuck out of here".
It looks really fucking stiff though.
I don't know why, but half of them look like mannequins.
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Sameface/body and stiff poses are two issues that JJ's been having for quite a while, I think.
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I'm surprised people still think enough of MLPG to make stuff like this.
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66 KB

fuck hands, why aren't the using sleeves? Why do they not have any lands on the battlefield?

These ponies have no idea how to play magic.
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What the fuck
that's pedofillia
who would make art of this sick fetish?!
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We need a version where hiatus size gloomy's hoof comes in from offscreen to boop markerpony
Twilight bounced all the lands that were in play

They don't need sleeves because they don't need them because magic
>isnt gigil a weaver monstergirl
this gives me a fantastic idea
Oh boy
look what a careless inquiry has wrought
i look forward with trepidation
Was probably you that uploaded it, but in case not I saw what I assume is it on the front page of Derpiboo.ru a minute ago.
GG do you have any Mothgirls yet?
>saying "bahp"
*grab2 diick2*
sex with gloomy
Pony is not for sexual.
*wwalks into dick*
Yes. And the show has nothing sexual in it.
The baby cakes were delivered by the stork.
Yes. The stork being Cup Cake's birthing canal as she foaled.
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oh hi Lightning Dust how are you
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marital intercourse with gloomy
Sex with age-appropriate consenting human females
Pony just fell for the trap.
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97 KB
Yes please.
>tfw no pictures of Celestia in black lingerie
Pony was balls deep when he realized it was a trap
>locking content behind that shitty dance game
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53 KB

why does she have a dead twilight as a cutie mark?

you can only kill someone once...
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lewd chubby princesses
Her cutie mark means ded horse
Because ded
Notice that it's regular unicorn Twilight and not alicorn Twilight.
The old Twilight is ded.
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I read that as jew princess...
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Ugly ponies can't be happy.
Pony says you'll find that the less time a man spends in cryosleep, the more awake his brain is (excluding the animal/primitive side, which is always awake)
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if it was that convincing in the first place, i wouldn't mind
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats the healthier he is
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But I want to be healthy as a horse.
Atryl has been drawing alot more frequently. That's always another good thing about hiatus ending
Okay, let me fix that

>tfw no good pictures of Celestia in black lingerie
Fuck of rabbi
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79 KB
Good morning.

You may have noticed the locator get very confused when /mlp/ rolled over to the big 15000000.

That was my mistake! Back when we moved from /co/ to /mlp/, I was using the post ID to "guess" whether a particular thread was on the old board or the new one... and then, I forgot to change it back when /mlp/'s post count began to catch up to the old post IDs from when we were on /co/.

Anyway, things should work again now.
Thanks Archive. Great to hear from you.

Do you ever have time to lurk?
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Hi Archie

Please respond.
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Ahh, neat.
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Pony is sad that you've been stuck in an emotional rut for god knows how long and hopes you can get yourself out of this hole that you've dug yourself into eventually.
pirated photoshop
Will future villains have contrived motives?
for drawing pictures? something more along the lines of SAI
boku no photoshop + amtlib.dll
FireAlpaca works, right?

Also this:
More people draw in Photoshop than SAI.

Autodesk Sketchbook is cool too.
He asked for image editor, Photoshop is the best. For drawing it's still not bad although there are better alternatives.
Alpaca is good for now, i left my eyepatches on the other ship. Thanks. Does anyone have the color reference guide picture?
I'm working on it.

These meds keep me really, really exhausted though. I slept for 12 hours, woke up still dead tired, and slept for another 12

I don't know if I want to sacrifice not being exhausted all the time for happiness.
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I've been cutting back my 4chan use lately for personal reasons, so I'm afraid I'm mostly just popping in to give the news when stuff breaks/unbreaks.

>tfw defenceless is ded
>tfw no one left to draw your fetish
Pony asked how you got so ded and hatsus
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Best musical horse.
Pony is tired of your shit
I think the pills are helping. Anxiety is still off the roof though.
I find the ones divided by season to be more convenient because I know where to look for specific characters.
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I think Twilight was attracted to Flash Sentry, because she hasn't adjusted to having hormones of a different species.
That's sentenal.
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41 KB

sentenal is dead
stop calling me that
Pony says that, at any rate, it can't be helped.
There was a plethora of other males, and her pony mind wasn't transplanted into a human body, she just got a human body
There has to be some crackpot explanation. I mean the nigga was orange, for fucks sake
no you're not
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13 KB
Bridle Gossip was 3 years ago today. That's Zecora's episode for you plebs.
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One of my friends had this problem too. My suggestion would be, talk to your doctor about it and see what your options are; depression medication is one of those things where the proper pill and the proper dosage is very much a matter of what fits with a particular patient, so there's no shame in trying something else, or even trying part something else and your current meds at a lower dose.

Keep experimenting until you find the treatment that works for you.
>Somewhere in 4chan
>Guy suddenly gets his picture switched with a pony pic thanks to the bug
>Gets chewed on
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but yes, obviously
>Celestia blushing
it'd be hard to find things I wouldn't
i'd punch her in the titties
how about this: http://derpibooru.org/493322
One on top of the motha-FUCKING dashboard
It would be cute to see her blushing
By the redness it looks like someone already has.
Also everywhere else
the thumbnail makes it look like she's bruised and bleeding
I'm not proud about it, but yeah
>Heroin addicts in MLPG
But I didn't die though it was a joke
pony addicts in MLPG
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89 KB
>cum addicts in MLPG
Can someone post a mane 6 picture from the show pls?
horse is a colloquial term for heroin
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89 KB
what, like this?
anal is a colloquial term for apples
i don't think i'd ever inject myself with something called "horse".
They have taken you from the Canterlot's prison, first by carriage, now by boat. To the west, to Ponyville. Fear not, for I am watchful. You have been chosen.
Rarity looks so angry

I like it
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178 KB JPG
>Really? I sure love anal!
i actually meant a single pony, as long as they were main 6
REMOVE DONKEY remove donkey
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372 KB PNG
oh, alright
Pony just learned how to be evil
Should I watch the VGX awards?
Do you love constant meme spouting?
Watch the no man's sky trailer which is on youtube. That's all worth seeing of the VGX.
right on

have this as a reward for being honest
What if I like getting angry that the industry?
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84 KB
Not him, but can I have it, too?
Woah. Who is that pony? Is that Rainbow Dash, or something?
>fucking blue horse

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I dunno

dude gross
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only if you promise to bother goat train until he draws the other princesses
Oh sweet god what's wrong with her face?
Such grace.
Half of the princess art Goat draws were my requests anyway
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Keep it up
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not ugly enough
>not wanting PSI BOOP
I don't think I can get out of the hole again. Meds are destroying my heart, I don't know how to find relief for my anxiety, I have terrible memory so I'll never learn or improve on anything and the holidays aren't helping
Have you seen a psych?
Why are so dead?
Maybe pony could come and cheer me up
some people have jobs

>still no deleting characters
>still no keybinds

I don't think the developers know about how to make a proper game.
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The year is 2027.

It is a time of great innovation and technological advancement.

It is also a time of chaos and conspiracy.

Humans have more power than the equestrian government.

Everyone is fighting for power, for control.

I don't even know who's side I'm on anymore.
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95 KB
>"So what seems to be the problem again, Anon?"
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188 KB PNG
>some people have jobs
I'm addicted to masturbation
also, I'm not a pony
>abandoning pone for money
Heartless cold bastards
Anonymous, my little pony chracters are imaginary. They don't and will never exist in this universe.
>I don't even know who's side I'm on anymore.

I'd totally become a species traitor for pony.
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We could talk about pony butts right now
Yes. Doc was shocked to learn I've had these kinds of problems since childhood and never been treated for it.
we could talk about jobs.
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>There WILL probably have to be another character wipe for the weapons damage fix. Massive apologies!
Pony asked if being an adult just means knowing how to lie
Wait what weren't you treated for?
I don't know, it seems the equestrian world isn't as peaceful as we though in season 1. There have been wars with other species (in the comics too), ponies are rude to each other (fluttershy getting pushed around) and there's blatant racism agaisnt zebras and so on.
>I posted it again
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I want to be an electrician or sonething else other than a grocer clerk
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How about we compromise?

Jobs related to pony butts
meds and psychiatric counsel ain't cheap, chap. You need to fix yourself.
you wanna be an electrician? That's great, I'm learning from my father. you'll find some way.
No, it also means that I have to pay my bills and shit like that.
I don't know how. I guess Ill never get out.
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Pony says you'll never escape the 9-5 life and enter the world of success
that and have a job.

that's not a good attitude, mate.
At least yours believed you, mine just told me to stop pretending.
I guess ill never be an elictrician. I just want a decent paying job.
Joke's on pony, I work a 4x10 schedule
three day weekends are wonderful
I tell pony that even if she enters the "world of success" she'll die sooner or later and everyone will forget about her like they forgot about me.

Being an electrician ain't a decent paying job, mate.
grey as fuck.
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People won't forget you if you find your passion and follow it.

the hard part is finding your passion
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>you'll never save your sister with augmentation
Those human legs with hooves are just too weird for me.
Either draw feet or proper pony legs.
that pony is too lewd to be outside
>People won't forget you if you find your passion and follow it.

Yes they do.
Do you remember that guy who made the thing?
He was pretty famous. Must have forgotten about him.
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Damn, it's cold outside. I'm never going out again.
she's better at posting tits than art.
More ass when
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is steam down?
But I do remember John Carpenter

a lot of people do

and even if they didn't, they'll remember The Thing
>I just want a decent paying job.
Go into video game development. It's reliable and well-paid work.
not for me
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In two hundred years?
>it's a competitive and crowded field that requires previous experience to make big money

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fix that beak
who gives a shit what douchebags are gonna remember in two hundred years
Don't get nihilistic on me, anon.
Doing something you're passionate for, for money is always a bad idea
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Gotta pay the bills somehow..
Pony just told me that if you're good at something, never do it for free, then she slammed some random goon's head on an sharpened,upturned pencil
The whole idea was "people won't forget you if you find your passion and follow it".

People will forget you.
Sooner or later, everyone does.
Then what was the point of doing it?
I condone doing things only if you like them and enjoy them. So if you enjoy making music, you should definitely do it, but don't tell me you'll never be forgotten or "you'll be a star". 'cause taht doesn't count shit. Having fun counts.
What's a human thing that's socially acceptable here but not in Equestria
What happened to her left index finger?
Eating horse meat.
I don't have talent for that kinda stuff.
say what you will about pony, she knows how to work a crowd
People don't really want money, they want happiness.

They're mistaken in thinking they can be happy if they just had everything they wanted.

You know what happens when you can buy everything you want? You get really, really bored and start throwing parties with other rich folk where you can sit around and talk about being rich and drink expensive liquor out of gold edible cups because you can.

Does that sound fun to you? Just endlessly spending money?
not being a pony
not having friends.
coding is a learned skill
talent has little to do with it
Pony asks why the german langauge sounds so violent
Same with drawing.
Pony sollte besser vorsichtig sein was sie so von sich gibt.
talent isn't

but intelligence is

Dear god try taking a entry level programming course at a university. You'd be surprised at how many people have trouble with the simplest concepts.
I have terrible memory anyways so I'll never learn it
Does it really, though?

Once the novelty wears out, life would be so boring.
being a slut
>inb4 but rara tea a slut
Not really. You need both talent and intelligence to be good at it.
you don't even need to remember stuff if you have the internet
get a second monitor and always keep your references handy
>You'd be surprised at how many people have trouble with the simplest concepts.
I wouldn't.

I have tutored tons of first semester students, albeit not in informatics.
remembering things and learning things are very different
>get into CS university
>first programing course is for C
>starts with the most basic shit possible
I was quite amazed but really if you didn't do C or at least any other kind of programing language in high school you would be easely overwhelmed.
That is actually a good way to find out if you are fit for programming. If you can grasp simple concepts like if statements, arrays, assignment statements and whatnot you are pretty much set for the type of thinking you'll need to go deeper.
You want to make money off your talent?

Learn your talent and then teach others for money while still learning your talent.
>how to draw manga.txt
No, to draw you really need the right genes.
Yeah or make controversial shit and become the most popular person in the fandom.
derpy is a very ugly pony
Not ever worrying about bills? Giving to charity? Pay for my sick grandfather meds? Practically go to school without ever worrying about tuition? Yeah no... The novelty will never wear off.
>tfw always wanted to learn programming
>but never found the motivation
Here is a nice easy place to start: http://www.codecademy.com/
Was that Japanese?
krabb pls
>doesn't have C
coding is easy as shit dude.
i mean the really advanced stuff, the groundbreaking stuff, can be extremely challenging and is genius-level stuff.
but the level it takes to actually generate money, easy as fuck. anyone can learn this shit.
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>after seeing the derpy gif i have begun the stretching routing recommended by autofellatio experts
Drawing is bullshit anyway.
Believe me when I say this.

If you want to learn a skill, yes you, there's a major secret.

Step 1: Find resources for your learning your skill through Googling, board sticky, etc
Step 2: Close all tabs besides said resources
Step 3: Practice your skill using these resources
Step 4: Enjoy your new skill

It has never been this easy to learn something in all of history. The only thing stopping you from mastering your talent is hard work and dedication. That's it.
gonna need you to share with the class, anon
For just getting someone motivated to start, it's a great site. I wish it had C too
I know. But you still have to sit down and actually learn it once.

And I'm really shit at motivating myself to do things alone.
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>everyone says its easy to learn
>i give it a try
>see the math involved
>head explodes
>The only thing stopping you from mastering your talent is MLPG
the worst thing is always the initial hurdle
Math is easy to learn.

Also programming doesn't require that much math. Depending on what you are doing.
I'm going to go draw a picture but I'm not going to use any of those available resources
it's going to be fuckawful and I'm not going to share it
I'm probably going to quit and go to sleep instead
All it takes is thinking in the most literal and straightforward thinking possible

just pretend that you can only follow instructions to the letter and not the spirit and it will come easily
after seeing http://imgur.com/riH1na0

i googled how to blow your own cock and i was surprised to see so many autofellatio websites and forums and communities that give advice.
There isn't really any math involved beyond basic comparisons most of the time. Like if you want to make a game then sure you have a ton of complex shit, but if you just want to make an app or a webpage or something you only need things like if (variable >= other variable) { do whatever }
Did anyone of them provide proof that they can do it?
Pony says never to go ass to mouth
You can just go to whatever porn site and look for autofellatio, there's plenty of it. It's definitely not impossible.
Where is Mare Do Well when you need her?

ya a ton
Anon wears the saddle
How do you make money off this stuff?
>you will never be the pony
no, i was reading this >>15013745

kawaii desu-ne
Not till you reach trigonometry. That's when it all started falling apart for me.
have an idea for something that has not been made, make it first and market like a madman.
programming is shit
infrastructure is where it's at
Pony just made it first and then marketed like a madman
I hope that you will get disappointed and then write a huge stupid rant about how season 4 and whatever writer wrote whatever has ruined FiM and then rant about how you have stopped watching the show since episdoe 3 of season 1 and other stuff like that.
write code for people that need it and let them pay you 5% of what it's worth, that's what i do
>It has never been this easy to learn something in all of history
Well, you could also argue there have never been more distractions to prevent you learning.
Pony didn't see that shit coming.
Ill give programming a try.
pony won't see my dick coming
>It has never been this easy to learn something in all of history.
Yeah, but there has also never been so much you have to learn.
And misinformation.
tbh a lot of the problems kids have with math is the way it is taught. When I was in highschool it was an hour and a half straight of math, and it is taught by repetition and memorization instead of understanding the concept. As soon as I got out of school and started to learn on my own everything clicked. You can probably find a good site to learn trig.
Is it because it's too small?
Someone who can code should start a project where he gives out tasks he deems suited for beginners and gives them a deadline till when they have to finish them.
Because I'll never be able to get off my ass if it depends solely on my motivation.
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Pony's a smart one

what does that even mean
if I wanted to do busywork I'd go to school
that sounds terrible
I'm the dude running the cables to and from your homes and offices so that your computers work in the first place
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cuddling with demon shimmer
Thank you for your hard work.
Ohhhh so your the guy who on the phone all the time wearing the hardhat? Gotcha.
pls install fiber
i hate programming but i'm good at it
what do i do
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that sounds complicated, how hard is it to learn?
Demons are not for cuddling or sexual.
>not human or pony

I'd rather hug Nurgle
arigatou gozaimasu


it's not hard to learn it's just hard work

Nightmares inc
If my current plans fail, that sounds like a good field to get into
Im sure he had to go to vocational school
We could trade. I hate the thing I'm good at, too.
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I flunked my school exams
school doesn't mean shit if you can get one foot in the door in a tangentially related career of your choice
Are you Jim Carrey?
There are no good free math sites. All these educational sites are running an educational racket.
luna nibbles your neck and tells you you're a werepony now

and the moon is full

nothing actually changes she just looks at you expectantly until you drop to your hands and knees and make horse noises and then she rides you around the room
not interested unless she has a huge demon penis
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Will you help pony to find her wallet?
>what is kahn academy
somebody post that g1/g2 werepony transformation comic
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>she rides you
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>look up weather
>today's highs

aw yeah
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Keywords accepted (1/3)
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Oh fuck, after many years of dildos and fingering and stretching
I've finally managed to anally fist myself for the first time.
You have no fucking idea how good it feels holy shit the sensation of my fingers wriggling around and my knuckles grinding against my rectal walls and oh god damn I could feel my own heartbeat throbbing away shit my ass is so happy right now.
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oh damn, would buy if i'm sure it wasnt vastly overpriced.
khan academy

hell wikipedia is good for math sometimes
Pony is tired of your shit, what are you going to do?
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can I be a changeling instead
kimochii~ amirite
we usually asume a good goop bath does that, not a bite.
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And one more for the road
Thank you have have a lovely evening
Pony wants you to sing the opening song of Frozen with her.
Oh god I want it so fucking much.
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>turn into a changeling instead
>she flips out

What would a human changeling even look like.
I love transformation, even if it's with G1 ponies.
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sounds gross
>buying a statue
what's the point
you can't even cuddle it like you can a plush
What's the appeal behind transformation
But "Let It Go" was way better.
what if I have a plush and a statuette of the same pony?
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>Expecting a concrete answer on a fetish
This is why FlyingSaucer is a Satyr.
Pony says you diva that song and drown out everyone else.
the possibility of becoming something I'm not excites me
plus it's highly compatible with other fetishes
>tfw you will never have a plushie of your waifu
speak for yourself
But that's not feminism. That's egalitarianism.
I saw that thread, too.
I laughed when no one made it past the first question. Including me.
>that feel when wearing your rainbow kneesocks to bed on a cold winter night
>All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

What flawed,wicked and poison logic is this?
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is Frozen actually good? i havent seen any kids movies since Princess and the Frog

same feel, i could buy one but that other thread shows i probably shouldn't.
The funny thing is that the line doesn't say "All humans are equal"
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>you will never be a plushie for your horsebando
Womyn are clearly better and are only being pushed down by dumb men.
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The only way I would buy a plushie of my waifu is if it was big enough to hug me back.
>not watching Gob-It Greg
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I love pony's reaction to extraterrestrials.
Why is an Imperial II class Star Destroyer so close to the land?
they do that sometimes
thats a Victory class casual
surfing the atmosphere
Ponybanga dudes!
Starkiller was pulling it to the ground with the Force.
Whatever nerd
whos on the right and in the middle?
But I have a singing voice like a constipated barn owl.

There's no way I'm out-singing anybody.
NMM, Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, Gilda, Trixie, Nightmarity
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goddammit i had this picture up while i went out for a few minutes


there is a high chance someone saw it
While they were crossing through some other IPs to get to pony land they had a mass effect drive installed.
Why does mlpg kissup to drawfags like jessy? She draws a sitting pone and you all lose your shit. Anyone else draws a sitting pone, they get nothing but shitposting.
Guys, my pony roommate always leaves her dirty horse panties lying around in the livingroom

what do
Oh god that thing is still alive
And no it's everything but cute. Just trust me on this
It's not a very good picture, why did you have it open int he first place?
>human penis

Atryl is literally Hitlersatan
Smell them.
>>15014391>She's a grill with 15000 BTUs
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Pony is doing just dandy
i was jackin it and had many pictures open. i thought they were all closed but i forgot that one.
But Twilight wasn't an alicorn when she was raising Nyx

This picture is completely noncanon
Dropping an invasion force to subjugate the ponoenoes.