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On an unrelated note, I wrote a pseudo-news post on my blog that explains my rationale for making the decisions I do.
For the nerds among us, I also have a post queued up about how much bandwidth will be saved by the migration to our static domain (4cdn.org).
Since I hate writing news posts (and writing in general), I'll probably spend more time writing smaller updates here in the coming months.

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Previous Horse: Simon's Quest
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How old is Discord?
Discord is eternal.

Younger than Celestia unless they he got released from an earlier seal.
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Ponies in cute dresses
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Hot sweaty Rainbow Dash butt
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Is this a cute dress?

Probably as old as the world. He seems like one of those beings that is just a concept given physical form.
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Lyra please

That's bad for your health
But Celestia wasn't even around for the founding of Equestria.
Bonbon anal creampie
that pony is in the perfect position for tickles
She better be ready for 'em
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Ponie thinks your a faggot
It's functional
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Gather round' children and I'll spin ya a tale. The tale of the board we came from and why we're here now.

It was the magical land of /co/. A peculiar place. It wasn't perfect, but it was home.

The ponies frolicked and the /co/mrades rejoiced in their tiny thread and everything was right with the world. It was called My Little Pony General. Some people liked it, other people hated it, but things were calm. Oh sure you'd get the occasional shitposter here and there, an angry young troll with a chip on his shoulder an' somethin' to prove, but we didn' pay him no mind.

Why do bad things happen? Who can say? Sometimes circumstances just come together like stew in a pot. One group didn't like another. A different group didn't like 'em more. And some people just got a bee under their bonnet and stuck it firmly up their own ass.

What came next? Well some people call it 'the perfect shitstorm.'

Neither was Discord it seems.

I wonder if the wendigos are another one of his creations.
That picture is horrifying.
How dare they defile such a cute pony with a picture like that
What is its function?
She looks traumatized
i'm so tired

i'm dying mlpg

what do i do
Is that considered breeding enough by Applejack?

So I guess someone finally uploaded that?
Refrain from fapping. Maybe you should go to a safe-board without anything to fap to, like /po/.

Whatever you do, don't imagine the pony of your choice begging to give you a blowjob as drool drips out of their mouth.
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Which pone would be thunderhose?

Yeah. It's alright. Nothing to write home about

So where might I find it, good sir?
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I really enjoyed the friendship and interaction of the pairings in Castle Mane-ia.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are back butting heads like they used to, and Fluttershy is more than just Rarity's spa pal.
it's not due to masturbating, i think i've got insomnia
twilight adderall fapping
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>everyone keeps making fun of Dash's chubbiness.
>she get's super depressed and develops anorexia.

fuck you mlpg
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The stories with humanized characters are absolutely boring.
pony says sometimes laying in bed with your eyes closed is just as good as sleeping
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We're never going to see a morbidly obese Rainbow Dash come to the realization of what she's become and start to sob
for some people, it doesn't seem to work for me though, believe me i've tried

The firefox exhentai plugin doesnt work
>there will never be a picture of rumble just casually handing out beast doujins to all his friends
those pinups by the japanese artists tho
>she goes into insulin shock
>calls to rarity for help
>rarity is convulsing on the ground from an epileptic fit
nah, she'd just get fatter
yeah the only good part for me was the NMM bit and some of the slides
you are dumb, it works just fine, you need to make an account
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You're not getting enough vitamin apple.
I recommend daily apple suppositories.
more fucking apples!
apples apples apples apples
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what the fuck is going on here, its like the guy has no idea how to do values. looks like she was flattened by a fucking snow-blower
I liked angel.
Quit horsing around.
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Aw yeah, those were great. Aruurara is so based.

Honestly a lot of the pinups were better than the actual stories. I felt like I could just find some doujins or real porn with the same plots and have a better time.
should i stream myself drawfagging again

i said i would
You should draw yourself streamfagging instead.
fuck off jalm

please do
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Applejack: Alright Rainbow. Today's the first day of the rest of your life.
Rainbow Dash: It's a pretty terrible life so far.
Applejack: We're whippin' you back into shape little lady! Get flappin' those wings! You're gonna fly to Sweet Apple Acres an' back!
Rainbow Dash: I-I don't think I can!
Applejack: Well sure ya can! The barn's just over that hill there!
Rainbow Dash: I don't think I can get off the ground!
>flaps wings furiously
>falls over sideways onto sofa
>begins to sob
you can if you want, but some of us are busy watching saine fail to save the world over here: http://derpy.me/Saine
wow human horse porn sux
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you can't tell me what to do


yeah, i thought as much, that's why i was unsure
>nobody gave a shit about saine until he mentioned liking dicks
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Little guy wasn't too bad. Though he could have maybe left the trapdoor open longer.
but he doesn't even like dicks
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this is really lewd but does anyone want to put their peepee in my vag?
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what about ducks?
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>"What do you mean you won't join us for cake tomorrow?"
are you a pony
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that's gay
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>"How does this look, darling?"
Saine straming XCOM

I promised that I'd help prepare your party, I can't spare the time.
> "Seductive..."
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You can do it Rainbow Dash! We believe in yo-IS THAT A CAKE?

i'm a zebra
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still best ship
I like twilight's reaction.
Why is Rarity such a slut?
i just realised i know nothing about chronicle and saffron, is there a brief description of their characters somewhere? i don't want to draw them doing something out of character
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>I like twilight's erection.
Twilight doesn't have an erection.
You must not excite her, then.
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Chronicle is a friendly archaeologist who lead Renne (the player character) and Saffron (the doggy) through the dangerous sunken temple
He was helpful and idealistic, but he got betrayed at the last moment right when he was about to achieve his goal

Saffron is kind of a bully but she generally means well. She's obsessed with scarves and not afraid to step on someone else's feelings to get them.
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Anon really likes his duct tape.
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it's an internal erection
Eww, it's a dirty negroid.
thank you!
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I like the generations of duct tape.

But would he tape his granddaughter to the wall?
no, duh it's on her forehead
eh, alright
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>black twilight
What's a shitstorm? What happened?
How do I stop from becoming bronyfamous when I make something big with poneis?
Release it as Anon, of course.
devour the souls our your enemies
Support DWM.
don't fight the inevitable
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Why would you even care about becoming bronyfamous? It's not like it makes you a bad person.
not to mention we need to know who you are before you can even begin to worry about that sort of thing
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Can I partake of the royal winghugs?
It's just me, Elslowmo
Everyone knows excessive general fame ruins everything, and it applies doubly so to pone multiplayer games
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How little is your pony?
I got her at costco so she's pretty huge
it's great
This is my favorite horsey moment
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My loads have been huge latelyI'm not even on the stack
He'd tape her to a book cart. That way, she can join the family for dinner without leaving her "time out" corner. Plus, those stairs don't get any easier to climb the older you get.
below average but it makes up for that by producing more than average amounts of goo
>ignoring Trixie's girth
the stack?
>"Got stood up huh"
>"Well if you'd like, may I have a dance?"
Well if that's the case Pinkie why don't you come over here and show me some of them?
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mlpg desktops time
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Will your waifu still love you when Celestia turns you into a princess?
yes do that
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come on you gotta do it
>that feel when penk won't share her creamy, creamy frosting with you
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So Jowz is streaming DBZ again after the horse-show
Twilight's reaction to that seems kind of strange. She doesn't really show any surprise or shock.
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also, posts requests for desktop posts 10% of his, 15 microhitlers
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>tfw own several large anal toys, and can stretch out to around 3 1/4 inches diameter.
Yeah, I bet I could take that Trixie
Cheerilee is sweet and kind,
She's the best teacher, we could hope for!
The perfect stallion, you and I must find!
One that will really make her heart soar!
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___________________Nu uh
know any good stretching guides?
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It's just happiness. Pinkie Pie cheered her up.
Twilight has good frens.
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I don't like this game
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sweaty athletic mares


guys I just edged for 3 hours and the load wasn't gigantic

Are my balls dying?
Anyone have that cap of the Midnight Strike (black and yellow) OC being posted on a furry forum or something of that kind?
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WHY DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A FAN ANIMATION? Has pony really gone this downhill?
I'm watching the episode now, no spoilerz plz
good thing i was procrastinating then

care to share?
This show as NEVER had good animation
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>excessive general fame
says who? I don't think it's ruined pony.
Well you're pretty famous in here, but what about outside of the General?
That's what you mean by bronyfamous, right?
why do you literally have to worst shitposting onions
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Is there an ETA for Castle Mane-ia on itunes?

Or will it just be coming monday?
seriously how did you do it i need advice
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oh boy I always miss these and now I'm not
I like this OC because it looks like a bumble bee.
I like bumble bees.
no its just fan work is industry standard or better, esp. Jan's Mare Animations


I don't have an acoustic guitar that I can actually play right now. Hope a banjo works.
i'm super confused

was he telling the truth or not?

How do you evolve that?
>implying a game with quality that solely depends on the community won't get ruined with fame
Case in point, SS13.
A boop stone, duh
You use a boop stone, duh
For what purpose?

I really am curious as to WHY you need to be able to stretch it THAT wide

I only ever need prostate stim and stretching hurts
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rate mine
>not leveling up near Boop Rock
>not maxing out boopniess

what even are you
not him but i want to do it because that's one of my fetishes, anal insertion
To brag about it online
Some want to use their anus as a sleeping bag.


In the actual story itself, Chronicle is lying and manipulating the PCs to help him release whatever is trapped in the temple.
fucking tell me your secrets anon
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>chunk of audio missing

Fixed. Sorry about that.
did LK ever stram this week?
Could someone post their commission sheet, I need a template, for I am making one.

>those tabs
nope. just anon
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I think I need to update my prices a little or just advertise more aggressively. but I hope this helps.
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braeburned is streamin
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>TF2 spays
I sure hope it does
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Rate me
how do I get rid of my constant lethargy

I can't pony effectively like this
>not just reading Renne Quest
you'll thank yourself for it later, it is very good
now i'm not sure i want to draw chronicle

can i just draw saffron?
w-what about them?
>tfw no new X-Ponies

That Chamber is one of my favorite bits of pone art.

>not drawing old people

But old people are so much fun to draw!
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>Macro Recorder

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oh come on
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>having steam or skype installed when you could be purely be on MLPG instead
i was going to stream once i finish my dinner

fine, i'll draw the original request

What if I defined cute and sexy as obese?
japanon pls trixie futa smut when
MLPG is not your personal chat room.
you would be wrong and disgusting
:ittle pony is frightened of being spayed.

>"Why is everything on your computer in Neighpponese, Trixie?"
>"...You don't know how to change it back, do you?"
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Hey one question about payment on commissions, should I get the money first then draw or draw then get the payment?

One seems kinda safer than the other, but how do you guys do it?
>Trixie eventually becomes fluent in Japanese
seriously anon, tell me how to stretch my anus
I don't actually do commissions, I just grabbed a goofy looking sheet off google
but yeah, you should take the money up front
oh shit i didnt even see that it was misspelled

I don't collect payment until it's finished or the client is satisfied with it - and I do my best to keep them up to speed with my progress.

When we reach that point, I send them an invoice on PayPal for the amount agreed on.
Not him but lots of lube and slow increments every other day

It's like working out, but with your butt
Alright sounds cool, thanks man.
Never, but I do consider translating things [poorly] if I stumble across them.
Doesn't even look like Applejack.
>gradually increasing the size of your pony
thank you, one last question, could you recommend a suitable, cheap insertable or household item to use?
Veggies and condoms at your local supermarket

Seriously though, invest in a proper toy. You don't want to go to the hospital with a stuck Celestia doll in your rectum do you
PROTIP:Hair brush+tape

You can increase the girth with more tape
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Why does Dash love cider so much
>Anon really likes his duct tape

If the woman don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy
Like Japanese doujins or images or whatever?
don't have the money, i'm 19 and dependant on my mother sadly

fucking genius, that is some seriously good thinking
She is an alcoholic.

Also, another bit of advice: Don't send the full-res image until you receive the payment.

Make thumbnails at half-res or somewhere around there to show the client.

Also the reason I don't collect payment until the end is because I'm admittedly kind of bad at starting commissions, and it seems dishonest to take their money when I might get caught up in IRL work or other shit, and forget - if you're better at self-starting, you can also take half the payment up front and the other when you're finished.
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sure, lets pop the top on this ridicule-cola
Just make sure you put a condom over it, tape can get a little poky and/or sticky
Cider has everything a young pony needs to go fast.
you'll have plenty of time for butt fun once you get a job and move out
gib request

also brae is already streaming right?

Sitting in Anon's lap while he's drawing
My request is Lyra on a job search.
I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.
Rainbow Dash playing in some snow since it's December now
Link to brae stram
I think I'll just do what you do, it sounds like really good advice for a beginner in commisions like me.

Thanks man.
pony riding realistic horse
Lyra as a silly hat.
little pony cuddling big pony
Who the fuck came up with this name?
uh, with cling wrap do?

unfortunately due to my various sever mental illnesses that doesn't look like it's going to be soon
This is a compilation of a bunch of art streams that's good to use if you're a stream addict

You should go for the vegetable route anon. Easily adjustable and disposable!
No, you can get condoms for free at school and hospitals
You don't want to go there, lewd images are being produced.
>blocked that out
>uploaded unedited version
oh well thats what my ip traces to anyway i suppose
pony playing with their improvised hairbrush dildo
I used to make plugs out of carrots I'd carve, that was fun
plus delicious!

i don't think we have that much where i live ...

fun and delicious!
>unfortunately due to my various sever mental illnesses that doesn't look like it's going to be soon

We're in the same boat, friend

Good luck
What do you have anon?
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Clean doujinshi maybe, but porn comics nah, despite the demand it's too much work for such a useless cause, efforts are better spent on other things which fall by the wayside to teh doujinz!.
>good 90%
>moan moan moan
They require cleaning and a bunch of work.
Singles images and worksafe things are more worth it imo, as translating can reveal the story behind it and more people can enjoy it then a few horndogs.
I'll see about skimming derpibooru's tags tomorrow to see what's laying around.
If you can have discussions on mlpg you can get a job. This is America
we should fuck, good luck to you too anon

bipolar, ocd, social anxiety, you?
Are you non-american?

I'm pretty sure most states have free condoms
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>yeah I grew it out
>what do you think?
i probably will get a job some time next year

i live in australia
Looks great, Fluttershy!
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Did Josh Haber clarify what's up with the star spiders?

It's not perfect, but it's pretty much the only option I've got. Bitcoins are too unstable.
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Possibly foreshadowing to Twily taking over the castle. Or leftover bits of Lunar magic made them like that.
For some reason paypal hates me and the only place that takes my card is google wallet
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hey have you guys seen the news?

whats his name from the fast and the furious died in a car crash!
I mean... the blue one... Trixie! Yeah your hair looks great!
You're the best, japanon
Or its just spiders with a star symbol, just like the fruit bats are fruity bats and the timber wolves are wolves made of trees.
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>no anon it's me
>Rainbow Dash
to be fair he wasn't driving
Some people take Amazon gift cards because they let you skip the paypal fees
what a faggot.
he waifu'd the worst pony

he deserves all the backlash he gets for being that big of a faggot.
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>inb4 going too fast and/or furious
Depression, huge social anxiety, possibly a mild case of aspergers, adhd
Ohhh! The princess who did the Sonic Sparkleboom!
give me a hug anon
...m or f?
Applejack and Rainbow Dash held a contest for the most daring pony, when later in the very same episode it became apparent that the true most daring pony, the one who was at no point scared of the castle, was their scorekeeper all along

This is fact and cannot be argued
What's the deal with airplane ponuts?
What fees?
I set up paypal to link to a debit account.
Transfers take a few days but if paypal drops to zero it will still pay for what I bought and just transfer the money automatically. I don't see any fees...
*hugs halfheartedly*

we're not going to make it anon
i'm a girl, why?
where do i sign up to get more of this brilliant analysis

srsly though thinkiing on it now why would fluttershy bring angel
I had a giggle
egophilliac makes good stuff
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>I don't like this game anymore
I don't get it

bee staring contest?
we'll outlast them all anon, never give up hope, all will be well
Firstly the contest was between them two. Secondly even so that would only give Pinkie Pie a point. A single point while AJ and Dash had multiple points from all the last events.
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>we're not going to make it anon
Not with that attitude, you're not.
Because you need to draw more...I won't say anything else
Agathoid pls
Oh Pinkie, everything's a game to you!
>twilight reads how during estrus the princesses would take turns pleasuring themselves in the hall of hooves room
>she immediately heads there only to encounter her friends being retarded
>PayPal fees mainly apply to sellers, who pay a 2.9% transaction fee on the total sale amount plus a $0.30 fee per transaction.

>International Sales: 3.9% transaction fee plus a fixed fee based on currency received.
nuh uh

i'm tired, unless you want me to stream i'm not going to draw tonight
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fuck you
Rarity is so well versed in the male body that she's able to calmly explain just what is happening to her inexperienced partner's body as she introduces him to the pleasures his body is capable of.
>she fumbles to recast the spell that hides her princess cock before they notice
______why are we whispering
>tfw you will never be more of an anal slut than anon
so the ponies don't hear our lewd discussion duh
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Ah, I've never "officially" sold anything on paypal I guess. And nothing international.
But I have sold people things and used paypal. I just emailed them the amount and they transferred it to my account, no fees.
>Miss pony yesterday all day
>to lazy to go trough Twitter to see what the show writer said
>DHN finally makes a compilation post
>Not surprisingly he loves to write Rarity the most

because we're huge faggots_________________
>in great anatomical detail
>Not surprisingly he loves to write Rarity the most

And he did a really fucking fantastic job with her too
Pretty sure if someone reports you to paypal for doing that they'll freeze your money and lock your account
That's fine, you don't need to stream if you're tired

I don't know why this is making me giggle though, Aggy
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ponies are sleeping
>compilation post

i wish to see this
shame the comics depict rarity better actually casting offensive magic instead of being a useless cunt that can't even levitate
And considering this fandom there's always a chance of that so yeah, guess that's not a great idea.
How I get rid of crippling social anxiety

This show about friendship hasn't helped me at all
Aren't the fees different if you're not actually shipping something?
All of the writers do a fantastical job with Rarity
Even goddamn Merryweather did a great job with Rarity in SAYS.

He's a cool guy
>"We're going to try something a little... different tonight, Anonymous."
>"Now, tell me, do you know what a 'prostate' is? And what happens when one... stimulates it?"
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I don't know
All I know is that paypal is the devil and they'll take any excuse they can to steal your cash
it's too early to sleep, i've got a couple of hours

ok i'll stream just let me set things up
Cognitive therapy + Pillz
thanks, anon


Can we go back to Rarity dressing up Colt-Anon in snazzy outfits?

That was a nice change of pace.
>Favorite Breakfast Food: "Eggs Benedict. Because I like ham and treachery."
Hehehehe. Wonder what /mlp/ proper thinks of this guy.
So what, she changes us into a little colt and then dresses us up?
Who's Agathoid?
a faggot
Consistently condition yourself to talk to people you don't know. Make a plan to talk to one person you don't know a day until you can do it comfortably enough to talk to two people a day. Don't worry about it being a girl or a boy, some one old or young, the point is to force yourself past that hurdle.

I know it's hard, I struggle with it too.
>Now dear, the sock you're wearing will drain freely and keep your outfit clean, so don't be afraid to really let loose and fill it up
>Q. Whats the first episode you saw of FIM?

>A. Lesson Zero. Sooo good.

That's weird. Not bad or anything, no writer has to watch every episode of a show, but it's either weird that this show has gone on long enough that season 2 is somewhere someone jumped in, or it's odd that that new writers aren't taking anything from Faust
"N-no Ms. Rarity"
I don't remember which writer said it but she also loves to write Rarity.
Also both Katie and the writer of the NMM Rarity arc love to write Rarity.
And I think Amy Mebberson's favorite pony is also Rarity.

Really the only ones that probably wouldn't like Rarity would be the story board artists because they need to design so many goddamn outfits and the animators because they need to animate so many goddamn outfits.
Now we just need a writer whose favorite pony is Dash and we'll be in business

Scene with star spiders surrounding Spike right at the beginning of the episode, followed by the intro, then shortly after followed by a mention of the star spiders.
I'm pretty sure that the way it was presented, is usually how shows introduce a plot point.
If it never was intended to be a plot point, it was still quite misleading for the viewer.
And if it was foreshadowing for a future episode, it was awkwardly presented/dropped since they did it at the beginning of the episode
My first episode was The Cutie Pox. Sometimes I wonder how I managed to stick around.

Either that or Anon is already the little Colt.
>or it's odd that that new writers aren't taking anything from Faust
What has that to do with the first episode he watched? And how do you know from that that he didn't watch all the episodes.
I like a sprinkle of transformation so let's do it.

Change me into the little colt Rarity.
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Also from his twitter feed:
>Pinkie Pie explains it all. Sex ed books NOT to read.
Apparently he also knew his episode was reacted, he posted this image
More like its a way to introduce Fluttershy's nature talk about the spider when Fluttershy and Rarity visit the place.
What's the most autistic thing you did related to ponies?
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rarity! rarity! hey rarity! rarity! hey rarity! raaarity! hey rarity!
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Be here.
Wrote a really really shitty greentext about anon having a bad date with luna
Constructed a marshmallow onahole in a glass and failed to properly fuck it because I made it too small.
Also I bought a Rarity figure.
Drove around with a 3'x2' Rainbow Dash cutie mark decal on my car for a few months in early 2011.
at comicon paid some guys in the disabled hasbro toy line to buy me a figure because they were out of coupons
>And how do you know from that that he didn't watch all the episodes.

I'm hypothesizing about the writers that they may have hired, or writers that will come. I'm not trying to speak of doom and gloom, I just think it would be weird to have episodes wrtten by writers who started in, let's say, season three. That would just be really weird. Good writers have likely thumbed through the style bible, or watched other episodes or something, it's just strange to think about. It's like someone arguing that season 18 - 20 of the simpsons is the best. What about a writer who just thinks Season 3 really got the show
I think you're reading a bit too much into this man.
They are just spiders. Not everything has to have a meaning.
Is that you Rarity mare vagina owner
She'll always be Derpy in our hearts.
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>over 140 pages of poni parade

>only find fap worthy that black and white anthro rarity comic
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Link that's not exhentai?
Why would it matter at which season he started watching the show? He would have probably seen the other episodes. Really the first episode which you see is rather irrelevant.
wait that was released?
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wait, this?
Thanks for reminding me I need to
open Chrome because the plugin for sadpanda doesn't work on the new Firefox.
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>MLPG being this slow

what happened to this place?
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nice try anon, that is fake
Yes it does, just not for everyone for some reason. I'm using the latest firefox and my sadpanda plugin works fine.
I remember that
Why the dishwasher
Happy December!
Maybe he's got a wooden fridge
Nice pussy
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Maybe he wanted to come.
I think when you get into something matters because I don't really think Season 5 and 6 are the best the Simpsons have to offer. That's just around when I started watching, so I have a lot tied to that. I think Season 1 is the best of My Little Pony, probably less because of how good it was and more because I have so many good memories associated with it, like the Winter Wrap Up Leak, hanging out in /co/, the beginning of the fandom, etc.. I'd wager the people who started in Season 2 think it's better than Season 1, but then there are probably people who saw both seasons when the aired that think Season 2 is better.

Again, I'm not really trying to argue, I just think a writer who starts in, say, Season 3 might think that was when the show was at its best, and would want to capture that. Like, I'm not looking forward to a writer who wants Pinkie to be "so random" instead of nuanced, but, hey, I'm losing that battle anyway
Remember when ponies weren't for fucking?
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Do you think being friends with Pinkie would get annoying after a while? How long?
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Should i get a build a bear flutters?
ponies were always for fucking
That didn't happen, anon

Don't make things up
>How long?

eight seconds
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Manely Little Horses.

Then PMC deleted my texture pack [because they have retarded rules] and I got pissed off, because I even had a spotlights by Youtubers (one was quite popular, which got me mad hype) pointing to the PMC page for it. I pretty much gave up.

I'm still mad, but eventually I'll get back to it.

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They don't looks very good imho
I'm holding out for a 4DE Fluttershy
Fuck you
Writers wouldn't be like that. For once they wouldn't watch an episode and go on a forum to talk about it and have a jolly good time.
I understand what you're saying but writers would also be given some extra information when joining the show. They woulnd't just give him a pen and paper and tell him to just have fun.

Also I started watching the show at the beginning of S1 and I think S2 is better.
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they can look decent
If every porkchop were perfect
completely up to you
I just thought that they crossed the line into not looking good enough for me to want to buy, even though I'd really love a good Dash plush.


>They never ship.
You wouldn't have hotdogs!
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Here's the popular spotlight I got:
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Yeah, some people do them really well
Didn't that one go for like $3k?
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>Nanaki literally spends two days writing his book to win National Novel Writing Month
>ends up losing because of a technicality
Should I find this hilarious or sad?
what was the technicality?
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>I'm holding out for a 4DE Fluttershy


Goddamn it better be the next one they do

Otherwise I'll be pretty discontent
It's a lot more sad, because him winning would've been a good thing for everyone, he succeeds at something he cares about, and if he devotes more time to writing he spends less time here.
no furries allowed
To have the novel validated, you have to copy/paste the entire book onto the website.
Nanaki just typed his word count into the counter instead.
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You were just asking for this to be posted weren't you
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It is
I emailed them about it not too long ago and they said that Fluttershy is scheduled for release some time during the first quarter of 2014, so a few months maybe.
Rarity to follow
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Good job
what would he have got if he won?
muh hivemind
$3 million US I believe.
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Yeah pretty much what I expected.
Still unf
>0r0 doing 0r0xDiscord

anon i don't believe you're being fully honest with me
All winners have their book overlooked by professional editors and then get published and sold.
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Considering how dedicated he was in the last hours I imagine something he really wanted but is too lazy to get.

So maybe a good dicking.
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That doesn't really mean he would've won had he submitted it properly
Read FOE in its entirety on 3 of its side fics and participated on an FOE dnd-like game and have several oc's for the universe and even plan to write my own fic/comic
>even plan to write my own fic/comic

it's a good thing you're lazy or that would have been embarrassing

not really, though. why shouldnt you be allowed to like something
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>plan to write my own fic/comic
Good luck with that.
Nopo plz
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Writing is a lot harder than drawing.
I've drawn a number of pony pictures, but never a single fic.
he probably cheated then, also, now that you tell us that. im suspicious if 17k is possible
How long is FO:E again?

12:31 PST
Really long.
Fucking long, Project Origins is even longer
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I have a hard time putting pictures in my head onto paper, but find it much easier to write out things.
Is it actually any good?
Lol no.
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Eh. Mediocre at best.
I honestly liked it. The last 10 or so chapters take a huge nosedive in quality making those pretty damn shit.
read a SHIT TON of fanfiction

i used to tell my friends that i read a lot and when they asked me what I would tell them about one of the fics but I would pretend it was just a normal short story and that the characters were human and stuff.

also drew some "pony art" in pencil on several bathroom walls in my old highschool

i remember writing "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL __________" on one wall and a few days in someone had filled it in with "blunts"
everytime death time is posted gloomy gets a bit bigger until the new episode
>that too big scarf
>that little red nose
I love it

holy shit fan art that has a character on all four legs, and not using their hands. is this a fucking christmas miracle
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It's time
Is My Little Dashie fappable?
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Night mullpug
Where the base of the right arm of the snowman?

Its a cute dash.
Looks like she's got gas
i was going to post some asked stoned trixie thing, but i dont have any on me so I google image searched and all the images are of stoned trixie with a halo in the clouds

blocked by doshes hair
thats a shitty tangent though woops
Maybe if you're a psychopath.
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>that fluttershy blindfold

That's cute.
Seems like most fics take a nose dive at their endings.

Mew pls draw pony in armour.
rip smelly stoner horse
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>Seems like most fics take a nose dive at their endings

Most people don't know you have to start at the end
>you will never sneak up on Rarity and start tickling her
>you will never make her laugh and giggle as she demands that you stop
>you will never start laughing too, rolling around on the floor with her as she tries to get you back
Mew please draw pony in amour.

preferably Rarity because she's the frenchest pony
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I fucking love ponies in armor.
>not dreaming of bulbous ponies
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holy fuck this episode was terrible

please be better next week
It seemed rather clear that the author of FO:E was sick of it. The last chapters were rushed as fuck, even more so than the other chapters and they were kinda this happens and this and the end.

The only thing that the fic did that was good was Steel Hooves. He really was a character that had a good head on his shoulders.
Why didn't a Flutter / Rarity ship ever take off? I have kind of a lousy memory, but I'm blanking on great Fluttershy and Rarity art. Did they not get paired because of Applejack / Rarity?
What a terrible opinion.
I still don't see how Fluttershy and Rarity are best friends
Oh, it's YOU.

shut up, no it wasn't
Everyone was sick of it.
It was popular for quite some time. Then it just kinda died.
The only Rarity ships that are still alive are Rarijack, Raridash and to some extent Twirity.
I open at the close
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>He really was a character that had a good head on his shoulders.
Fluttershy is a natural beauty. Rarity sees that and wants to capture it. Fluttershy goes along with it because Rarity is a good host.

Rarity also takes Fluttershy to the spa weekly so Fluttershy gets that animal shit smell washed out occasionally.

well they are prettiest horses, and probably the girliest

A fine ship.


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>so Fluttershy gets that animal shit smell washed out occasionally.
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>He really was a character that had a good head on his shoulders.

Too soon.
>You will never wake up as the pretty mare.
>You will freak the fuck out then immediately try to use your hooves to do shit.
>You will never invariably attempt to masturbate poorly.
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someone's gotta do it
honestly, maybe the 3rd episode of every season is cursed to horribleness or something, because all episodes after 2-parters are bad
that's actually a really sweet drawing
Best doormat
Who would you even call if that happened?
I'd be afraid of the government taking me
>the government steals you to have their own pony fucktoy
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The new episode was predictable and light on content but awfully fun. Love episodes that pair everyone off and let them bounce off of each other. Bookhorse was great, too.
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Do you have a non-horse waifu?
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>the FBI and the CIA fight over who gets to brush your mane
this is kind of a shitpost and serious at the same time so i'll spoiler it

serious question, how does mlpg feel about bestiality?
Bookhorse's reaction was great when she found the old library
I'm going to marry my waifu!
I wouldn't know who to tell, how to tell them, or what the fuck I would say to try and explain it.
I probably wouldn't be able to even use my damn phone and would have to like tell my roomate first

Holy shit that would be awkward
CartoonLion pls go
I wouldn't call anyone.
My roommates would find me and freak the fuck out with me.

Then they would have to quit work and find a way to make ends meet without leaving home.

Hopefully one of them would 'relieve me' of my stress.
>he agrees to help you as long as he can fuck you first
>no homo
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Not in a million years
That's not true 75% of the time!
I never judge someone based on a fetish. I've tried to fap to bestiality, but I just can't bring my self to it.
It is waaay too much taboo for me.
against it, and i'm a furry, but then maybe i'm just against it because of it's unfortunate association with my fetish

but it has more to do with an animal's inability to consent. please do not abuse animals in any way
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>having multiple waifus
I personally don't like it. But meh.
Depends on several things.
Most of it is shit so there's that.
>animals cannot consent

What about all those stories where a mare in heat forces the owner against the wall with their rear
An animal can consent.
>You're trying to converse with him
>Have morning wood
>He won't stop fucking looking at it


Twilight was so fucking cute last episode

I'm...starting to waifu her

What do
>Hopefully one of them would 'relieve me' of my stress.

it's weird that you want to fuck your friends, or that you need a qualifier to fuck your friend. if you want your friends to relieve you of your stress then you should just do that

hmm, but maybe you do

don't respond to this post
If it can communicate with me on a level equivalent to a human and wants to fuck then we're gonna fuck.

Otherwise no. I think previous discussions have labeled wanting to fuck cartoon horses as 'xenophilia' to disambiguate this.
the whole consent thing is blurry, animals certainly can't consent in the same manner as a human but they can grind and wink at you

there's that too, but i meant would you do it irl if there were no repercussions
My first waifu was a pony
And she's still my waifu and I'll never betray her.
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Become smug like waifu
Honestly, Animals don't consent to anything we do to them. Why is it suddenly a big deal if you want to fuck them?
and so can six year olds. what's your point
>Wake up as the pretty mare
>Have morning wood

Just my fucking luck
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I waifu my waifu as a human sometimes if that's what you mean
Eh, probably not.
Though if I'm honest I wouldn't mind fisting a mare if she was really needing it
>He won't stop starring at my horsecock
>It gets harder
>"Alright, if you're going to keep starring at it, you're going to have to help me get rid of it."
>Animals don't consent to anything we do to them

So why don't we beat the shit out of them? Great argument
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buy a purple dildo and Imagine it's her futa mare cock fucking your butthole
That animals can consent.
I'm afraid of intimacy.
I have performance anxiety.
Alcohol would need to be involved.
Either they agree or disagree and my relationship with them changes permanently.
>he grabs the shears
so why is it illegal to fuck children then? what kind of topsy turvy world are we living in
>Immediately retract into sheath out of fear


sigh. cute picture, though
>there is no pony mod for Zoo Tycoon 2
What would be the most ironic way for your favorite pony to die?
I dunno.
Just sayin they can consent.
I'd be more okay if someone fucks a full grown dog than a puppy.
I'm gonna do it mlpg

I'm gonna plug in my tablet, and I'm gonna pick up my pen, and I'm gonna draw circles for 5 minutes, and I'm gonna close the program, and I'm gonna unplug my tablet, and I'm gonna put my pen back, and...a-and...

forget it, what's the point
They don't consent to being put down because your shelters are overpopulated.

They don't consent to when you slaughter them for food.

If you want to fuck your horse and it doesn't physically have any damage then what's the problem? It's not like animals go through the same mental issues that arise through rape.
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Bow down and lick your mistress' hooves, peasant!
can anyone recommend some really good gay clopfics please?
>Just sayin they can consent

alright, anon, you're not getting this, so let me just be direct. an animal cannot give consent. you can argue this if you want, but you'll be wrong. there are circumstances in which you can take advantage of an animal, or have an animal's take advantage of you, which might be mistaken for consent? but the word "consent" actually means something

maybe what you should do is is go to somewhere where beastiality is illegal, have sex with an animal, then argue with a judge about how the dog you fucked signed a contract saying it was ok
>saying no

anons pls

pls anons

that's not very honest.
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That's horrible, I would never.
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If evens I slack off a bit longer
If odds I actually buckle down and finish my paper.
I imagine a mare who has its genitals touched and maybe penetrated without consent would develop trust issues with humans.
this is a bad argument in just how arguments work. bad people do bad things so why cant you do bad things? you're not six, so you shouldnt be making arguments like this
you seem like no matter how good the argument you aren't going to change your opinion, like being wrong isn't even an option in your mind
take three minutes to outline what you're going to write so it's easier when you come back to it
>FlutterZoo Tycoon

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Anyone got any Trixie fics they would recommend?
>You can argue this but if you disagree with me you're wrong.
Nice argument

Also, laws are created to protect people's opinion on law, not it's ethical circumstances. Saying that a judge would still convict you of doing something illegal doesn't mean anything from an ethical viewpoint.
Pony just fapped to a video of herself fapping
It's pretty straightforward.
>philosophy 300
>pick topic revolving around discussion
>spit out a bunch of speal about how it's good for media, but bad for 'bad people with ill intentions'
>FlutterZoo Tycoon
>The sole attraction is a caterpillar-esque pokemon. All other exhibits are empty.
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Remember guys: ponies pass the harkness test.
>like being wrong isn't even an option in your mind

it's difficult to be wrong in the context of what consent means. you're more than welcome to argue how a drunk girl has technically given consent, or statutory rape shouldnt be a thing because cnsent was given, but here we are in reality where consent means a thing

for right now, mind you. you can argue that a thousand years ago consent meant something else, or in a thousand years consent might mean something else. it's grey, sure, but in the same way that someone who thinks stealing is alright is "grey."
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6 days, 6 hours, and 20 minutes.
using the word rape didnt help
I want to see that circle I swear to god you'd better draw it
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But chance said it demands I pony a little more so pony I will
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oh man that dash
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>Q. What was your inspiration for this episode idea and story? (@AnthonyPizzano)

>A. Honestly? Scooby Doo. I just wanted to get transported to sitting in my living room in my PJs as a kid.
>Big mac's double in Poni Parade is Quarter Pounder

I'll admit I laughed pretty damn hard.
>tfw no Rarity or Twilight dropping her glasses gag
no, but I bet >>>/mlp/colt+cuddler can
>not it's ethical circumstances

currently we are aware that animals do experience abuse when they are raped. the handful that i guess have been trained to be alright with that don't exactly skew the numbers enough for any of us to really ponder over whether or not consent should mean something other than what it currently means

but then it is legal to marry an animal in some states, so who knows
I dont agree with him, but, what is worse in the slaughterhouse vs sex? especially horses where there is no damage and mutually pleasurable? dog and man isnt right except dog and woman imo
In what way is it a bad argument? We justify euthanasia for ethical reasons. We can't really prove there's any damage at all from having sex with an animal. It's just illegal because it's gross.

People can give consent because they understand options. Animals can't consent to anything we do to them, why should sex be any different?
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I want to put my Willy Wonka in your chocolate factory.
In what way do we know that animals experience harm from sexual activities? Because people have justified making it illegal for those reasons?
so you're telling me a horse wouldn't kick out and seriously hurt you if it didn't want you to fuck it
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That's how she should be written.

Like a big tough guy who saves the group from a disaster or something, but doesn't interfere with the story too much.
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So, a Deus ex Machina?
Remember when Dash failed that quick time event

Fastest pony in Equestria my butt
You're changing the argument now. And either way, there are many cases where horses don't hurt the person behind them. If the person can get the horse to trust them first then the horse doesn't kick.
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haha epic weed reference 420 blaze it xDDDD lmfao!!
Pony says to press X to Jason
hypothetical question, what if we could get actual consent through some technological means, like actual communication. it would be a rather universe question, not like asking what is the meaning of life etc. would that even make a difference? or is it based on our perception of superior ity and how animals are less then our species?
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11 KB
there it is

just for you
>Hit scepter against wall
>Bullet holes
No one is meant to have so much pony at once. Your body can't take it.
That is a pretty circle.
What does it want to be when it grows up?
are you saying that a horse wouldnt know? I am pretty sure as long as they arent tethered and raped they would simply walk away or kick
not sure how i changed the argument, this is a different anon. if the horse was in pain or freaked out or in any way not ok with getting fucked/fucking someone, it would kick, or move away

but honestly i couldn't be bothered arguing with you much more, like i said before you are completely sure you are right, and won't accept that the lines are blurry, or even worse that you are wrong
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now cum on it
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fine bossy

doesn't matter because it's gone now

Now give it a neck attached to a smaller circle
>any AAA game based on ponies
Yes, because all the rabid bronies will vote it up fucking everywhere.
>Pony Mass Effect
Oh boy, Sci-fi and romance options? Make it a Trilogy!
>Dante's Inferno
It's very meh
Going around Tartarus as a pony could be cool though
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nice try
draw a line coming from it make it an action line!
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>X-Pony: Mutant Apocalypse

This would sell millions
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>Advance Wars: Equestria

>Princess Celestia and Luna Tag Power 2 OP
>Is it GOTY
I'm not a mindless brony who thinks anything with ponies is 20% cooler, fuck no the entire atmosphere of the game would be destroyed and it wouldn't make sense at all.
Look what you did anon, you made a person draw and post a sad lttle pony!
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Wow, dead much
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what would you do if it turned out your significant other was into bestiality, and had arranged a date for you and them with a mare or stallion?
Are any of the steam flash sales worth it mlpg?
>half an hour later Twilight witnesses the Void
Straightedge pony set Drug pony's house on fire.
would mlpg be interested in a Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt stream?
You wearing panties and stockings in a garterbelt?

Wow lewd
>would mlpg be interested in a Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt stream?
Nah, not pony. I'd watch an Equestria Girls stream though.
I've never actually seen that at all. It's been on the 'watch one day because maybe' list.

Pony asks what are some good racing games
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is he died??
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Download dolphin (emulator)
Download F-Zero GX
Burnout: Paradise

Pony asks what made you cum the hardest lately?

She wants to help you beat it
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Is that actually a good game?

Compare it to burnout 3. Gameplay and soundtrack-wise
that made for a pretty hot fapfic, but in reality I would be pretty weirded out that they didn't bring this up sooner

Speed Freaks
No, the real Big Mac's alive and well, it was taken form a clone made with the mirror pool.
the animated version of that comic with lyra getting fucked
I'd be totally okay with it because I'm not very judgmental about fetishes considering the shit i've fapped to. Plus it's kinky
mewball pls
if that one sentence gets you off i'd like to see what a whole clopfic does

but seriously, would you be able to work up the courage to tell your significant other you like mares/stallions?

Soundtrack is pretty good, and I liked the free-roam style city play.

One of the better burnout games in my opinion.
Did stoic5 releash the rainbow dash one yet?
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>In what way is it a bad argument?

It's a logical fallacy. I'm not king of the debate club, but you're basically gettin' disqualified for using composition / division, I think. There's a graphic that lays them all down. It's pretty neat

Animals can't consent to anything so why don't we do whatever we want with them? For the same reason we don't beat them with sticks, and we lock people like Michael Vick up for making them fight each other.

You guys are living under rocks if you don't think there are sexually abused animals out there, and I don't mean just two. It's not illegal to fuck things that can't give consent because it's "icky"
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stramming Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

be there or be beb



Pony asks what makes F-Zero GX so hard
It's always an eye catcher

the one where she's masturbating with the pillow, yeah
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hey mew
i fucked ur waifu silly
>hat is worse in the slaughterhouse vs sex

the slaughterhouse thing is advantageous for some animals. it's shitty that we put cows to death, but living peacefully live in a field, and outside of the food chain is great for cows. cows are doing very, very well. you can actually take something like this outside of the usual emotional appeal with something like corn, that is currently rocking the world, despite our constantly killing it. corn is a plant that would just fucking die if it werent tended to by humans, and yet here it is, ruling the world.
I was talking about this
Happy December, you disgusting horsefuckers!
That's just, like, your opinion, man.

Regardless of whether or not you think it's right or wrong, I'll just hop over to the adjacent state where it's legal
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Painting food is oddly relaxing.
Paint a bowl of food ponies you fruity mother fucker
>implying having sex is worse than people killing them

i don't even know where to begin in having to explain rape to you. i don't know how your parents did this bad a job of raising you, but here we are.
I know what I'm doing later
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The speed.
The crazy track design.

Chapter 2 in story mode will make you tear your hair out if you're new to the game.
and chapter 6
oh man dulce is tripping extra hard
I bet she saw that donut
>Regardless of whether or not you think it's right or wrong

i'd just like for people to not abuse animals. i think the people in this thread arguing that some animals are giving them the thumbs up aren't even emotionally capable of figuring this out.
Pone wants a good and hard fuck
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Sir, if I go up to a mare, and it bends it's legs, whinnies, or shoves her crotch into me, I'm going to fuck her.
Let me guess. The fat one ate all the cookies and they don't even have some for themselves.
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Why is Lyra so...fuckable? It has to be her personality.
i wish i could go back in time and show the chinese how to make glass.
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I guess the one thing I didn't consider is that none of you are going to fuck anything ever anyway
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It's true, I did. Last night.

In my dreams.
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Why would you say something like that?

What an awful thing to even think about someone.
>background pony
She lives only to be forgotten
>tfw you can't lucid dream and fuck ponies in your dreams
Doesn't change the fact that it's true piggy
so then the zebra stole them?
maybe sold them for double the price and used the money to buy some "special treats?"
oh man, it's the pone who hangs around the obsessed hands pone

I forgot her name
You keep thinking that while I stick with hot mare vagina during my summer ranch visits
It's Sweetie Drops
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Wow anon what an absolutely horrible thing for you to say.
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The Pony Who Fucks The Pony Obsessed With Hands

It's kind of a long, terrible name, but then all the ponies have kind of dumb names, and it does represent her destiny
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that candy horse with the rape fetish
Didn't Lyra made that face in the first episode too?
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It gets boring after a while, I've switched over to being a slutty diamond dog.
>tfw Full Immersion VR isn't a thing yet and I can't effectively develop a cloudsdale that I can easily go to without having to sleep and lucid dream.
The reason Zecora left her tribe is because she didn't want to become a cum witch.
Why is Big Mac so shocked?
in the parasite episode
Stay pleb mintyfag

I'm not exactly dying with jealousy here, anon
got some links for lucid dreaming?
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I think I made this terribly, how can I fix this mess. Also are the prices too much, should I lower them?
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We've been down this road before, Anon.
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That is such a cruel thing you could say to a pony. Did you forget how sensitive and fragile they are?
It's more than what you get, Anon
Yeah I know but I thought she made that face in the first episode too when Twilight ignored her at the beginning.
But yeah I was remembering wrong.
okay then

you sure? i'd really appreciate some links? i could google it but i'd rather get some tried and proven methods from mlpg
>how can I fix this mess

The problem with the splothes is that they're the same colour as the text. Make them a dark grey, or even just turn down the opacity
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The prices are fine, too many artists undersell their work.
Rude, anon
Yes I know
You girls get your weekly quantity of cookies, the fat one eats them and maybe the zebra one steals some of them like all zebras do, and then you continue to get yelled at for not selling cookies and not having money.
Really I'm sure you'd do better if fatty and the zigger wouldn't be in your team anymore.
I'm just trying to help you girls.
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Uh oh, you played with magic and got pony knocked up.

What the fuck do you do now?

Given the chance, Anon will always tell you to lower your prices.

Also I'm not sure how the dollars to pounds exchange rate works... or how much watercolors cost, but keep those in mind when setting prices for physical media, obviously.
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This thread is filled with so much love and tolerance
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What >>14839121 said. You need your art to draw all the attention. Things outside the art need to support it. It can be difficult because you are dealing with a bunch of empty space. Also, I think the purple+pink text doesn't go well in the lower right corner. This pic may help too.
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After searching for a second, I found this image that I use to see float around on /x/ and /v/ for some time.

I use reality checks.
MLPG what was the last thing you fapped to?
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ah! just when i had given up hope! thank you kind anon
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Pones soul is crushed from you killing your unborn child and never recovers.
furry stuff
horse transformation
The shitty ponyparade comic because why the fuck not
Yeah and I'm princess Celestia. Anyway good luck selling co...oh wait piggy ate them all. Well I'm sure you'll get that charity badge...unless the Zebra girl steals all the money.
pony almost had you
>unless the Zebra girl steals all the money.

too far. too far
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Blossomforth and Thunder lane DP with a dildo
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that darn human slipped through her hooves again
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You already came
Gilda stuff
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I feel like there's a typo with the dollar signs in the black box at the bottom
>that awful colorjob
i love how obvious that was just a paintbucket color job
>Implying I feel guilt for anything longer than 5 seconds
I'd only feel guilty if I left when she was like 5 or 6, but as a baby?
I don't understand why you'd want to leave in the first place.
It's almost bad enough to match the quality of the lineart
gn mlpg dream of bulbous ponies
I'm not capable of being father and I only care about people to the extent that I want things.
Good night, friend.
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>"Fancy that - your special talent must be surprisin' ponies; seems like every time you got me convinced you've said the stupidest thing you've said yet, you slap them gums together and top yourself again!"
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Hey at least he's honest.
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Night Night, MLPG
Better than your special talent of being ugly. I mean you don't even have to try.
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Good night, Luna.

Go to bed, Diamond.
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Goodnight, anon. May you have sweet dreams of pone.
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That's got awful looking lineart.
Is it me or does Luna look a bit anorexic
No, she looks anorectic.

Learn2Latin, philistine.
I was just thinking the same thing
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Oh i missed you assholes
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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Good night...

Everyone's going to sleep!
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Redid some stuff, I might just redo this later when I'm not so tired. I hope that the new background doesn't take to much attention from the pictures this time.

Got rid of the pounds thing, I'll just base my prices on murrican money.
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Probably far too late, but the Saffron was a twisted portrayal to: She's a student of archeology who hopes to uncover more of diamond dog history. She dislikes the dumb brute stereotype DDs have, but she's still pretty strong herself and does actually quite enjoy it when the situation calls for her to hulk out.
He was right about her having a fondness for scarfs, though.

Chronicle through the quest was pretty reserved, which only broke into slight panic a couple of times when things start going bad and he didn't have a plan for how to salvage them: but when he did had a plan for a dangerous situation he carried through just fine barely changing expression. He's also a bit of a charmer; he always called us "ladies"~
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It's sleep time, Anon.
I've always loved your slightly creepy style Inky.
Remember when drawfagging wasn't so depressing
Hey Inky could you post that Rarity with coffee drawing?
>Paypal only
If you and your client are in the USA you can transfer straight out of one debit account and into another via Square Cash.
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27 KB
Tails don't work that way.
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Here you go.

I'm in britbong, I'm not sure if there's another way. But I'll just stick with what I know.
The background is too simple and loud. Graphic design is hard yo.
Oh, really? Shit. Yeah, for international payments, PayPal is still the only way to go.
Consider accepting buttcoins, transactions are non-reversible
do this >>14839423
if you don't want to install anything you can just set up a wallet on blockchain.info, and when it's time to pay you can use preev.com to figure out how much they owe you
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Ah don goof it, I'll redo it when I'm not tired.

I'm going to bed, when I get up I'll restart that disaster. Night guys.

I don't trust buttcoins, I'll stick to gold bars in my mattress.
There are services that instantly turn it into dosh, you don't have to hold them to use them.

Those cash transfer things usually have a fee that either the client or the artist have to pay.
how many pony drawings will you give me if I mail you a bar of gold
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>trying to learn how to draw

Now I know why every drawfag is depressed. Holy fuck this is awful.
the artist pays them, and paypal does the same thing
paypal will double fuck you if it's an international transaction
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27 KB
Eh, it's easy.

Taking a request cause I'm bored.
>Want to try this image out
>Decided to go with an informal invitation
>Follow the prompts
>Comic Sans
>suggesting a paid fonts
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