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On an unrelated note, I wrote a pseudo-news post on my blog that explains my rationale for making the decisions I do.
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Since I hate writing news posts (and writing in general), I'll probably spend more time writing smaller updates here in the coming months.

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Old horse

Topic: What would be an ideal episode for you in S4?
one with lots of ponies in it
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introduce a new character from 4chan /mlp/ who is a name-fag
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Princess ponies being sisterly.
Something funny that makes me crack up
Something cool that opens up some world building
And of course Fluttershy & Dash centric

Also no Cadence/Shiny or any new 1 shot characters.
Well OP, since you posted a pic of Luna:

How about her own episode where we actually get a view of her past and maybe some concrete characterization?
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Well she is a very cuddly pony, rain or not
An episode centered on Trixie rather than Twilight.
It's parent appreciation day and all the mane 6 (including applejack) visit their families, most if which are outside of ponyville. I don't care what the moral is, as long as I see cute ponies with parents.
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Beach episode with Sea ponies and Princesses
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Rarity family episode.
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I wonder if we'll ever see them as fillies
How about an episode that doesnt suck!
Applebloom and Luna talking about what it means to be a little sister
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Scuffed and ruffled ponies are the cutest
It has kinda killed the whole idea that Celestia and Luna were the same age before she got imprisoned in the moon.
Hot springs episode
This is the only time we have ever seen them accomplish anything
a episode of star-swirl the beared
huh? luna was always the younger sister
err what?
What about a scuffed and ruffled pony with a scrunchy face?
The sun IS bigger AND older then the moon, brony
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Which pone is your waifu? Has she always been, or are you a dirty waifu hopping scumbag?
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especially that one
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Flower trio episode

22 minutes of losing their shit at mundane things
AJ, never changed.
Have you never looked out a window? The moon is much bigger than the sun.
I really wanted to see Celestia with Pink Hair
Pinkie Pie

I used to waifu ScootalooAnd before that Rainbow DashAnd before that Twilight!
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So /co/, how many of your headcanons have S4 killed yet?
derpy n the doctor episode
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Minuette has and always will be my waifu. PS. She is best mint pony
If no one streams a movie, any movie, I will kill myself!

Not really but I will be very sad
so Renee Quest is actually pretty good so far and I can see why people like Saffron a lot
Renee is better though
Twilycorn hasn't been revealed to be a dream yet

I still have hope.
None. If anything, it's strengthened them.
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this 'un forever and always
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Well she certainly winds up that way more often
Originally it was Fluttershy, then I hopped around before going back to fluttershy
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She's been my favorite since she kicked that manticore. I always like prissy stuck up characters, but as the series progressed I got to see how different she was from all of those other characters with the same archetype The I fell in love with her. After five years of making fun of weaboos I found myself a waifu
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>having head canons
nothing that was worth keeping
I wish pone related Diaper fetish stuff was better
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Not part of the general, just saw the opportunity.
how does that relate to celestia and luna though
they are neither the sun nor the moon
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I'm extra stupid right now and nothing I try to draw looks right for me
I hate this
Just dropping by to say I made a thread on /3dpd/. If you're into trap butts, come and check it out.
There's a possibility it could become a buttquest.
Spoilered and polite sage because not pony, even we all know that there's no sense in saging a general.
Get yourself to the butterfly lounge and find yourself a big pony.
Love with no sex
Sex with no love

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O_O seriously
At least you get art man
Shit that's great
what are you on about?
I don't like either one, so neither.
A false decision.

I choose Love with sex instead.
The first.
looks fine to me
keep going
I would that Celestia
Can I still masturbate? Can I still have sex with a different pony?
i choose the sex
oh god oh god, please post the full on imgur

sex with no love, because I will end up falling in love regardless
Well this is MLPg so C!
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There's only room for one best pony.png in my folder
It mostly killed the notion that nightmare moon had a reign of terror before celestia realized she had to use the elements.

It did however reinforce the notion that the events of that fateful night weighed heavily on her soul.
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>all these faithful anons
You won't regret it, especially when you make it to Equestria one day.
I didn't save it
I'm sorry anon. I'll go away now
the first

it will be one-sided and she might leave because it's now "too weird"
But that joke has been one of ours
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I love Rarity
love and sex with pony
oh no
don't be sad ;w;
Even that crop is adorable, I love the little chest tuft
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ok, but you don't have to go if you don't want to
Well if I waifu Pinkie Pie now and I go to Equestria, its not like she'll just magically find out I once had a thing for two of her best friends
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That's fine, at least I got some sweet pony candy pussy. I can live with that.
took me a while to realize my true waifu, never changed since.
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Yeah it's well put together. I don't think we will ever know all of the secrets.
>Upon entering Equestria
>"Hey Anon, I just got this weird series of mental thoughts that came from you that say you were totally into two of my best friends!
as long as nothing is put in the show to confirm that eqg is canon, i'll be fine
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who knows, seems the writers got their head out of their ass finally
How shitty is your waifus taste in videogames /co/?
they grew up in the old world under discord's rule
do you really want to see that?
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I've only ever had one waifu

My beautiful background pony waifu
Man of Steel stram maybe later.
She doesn't play.

She owns every single CoD
She waited in line to get the new Xbox1
She still likes to watch me play my nerd games
Kraut's drawing again?
That can't be right

I thought I was sending you telepathic messages saying we were going to Pony Disneyland. Because we are! You must have just gotten confused
there's secrets?
I just got to the part where they got into the temple
Remnant better be okay...
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she is alright

I didn't know it was kraut when he did this request for me

So I saved it with that filename
Dash doesn't play video games they are 2slow4her
not necessarily
We don't know how long Discord ruled for

But either way yes that would be great
Why does everyone keep streaming bad movies?

It's Christmas. Christmas means it's time for Tokyo Godfathers.
>Pinkie Pie
>She plays things "for fun!"

Extremely shitty.
She play hats.
With me.
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that pic's cropped, isn't it
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i am eating a choco taco
what horribly unhealthy frozen store bought treats does pone eat?
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only one pony for me
>not streaming die hard, the best Christmas movie of all time
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No interest in video games save for Euro Trucking Simulator
it wont be fun, or even happy
they probably grew up with the resistance, their single semblance of order in this world of chaos is a barely working grandfather clock they keep deep in their hideout. it's been repaired many times, but it grounds them in what is real
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Even dash knows that game is complete shit

No. He's ded because he got tired of having asshole friends.
I won't spoil anything, but yeah. Many times there were secrets hidden within images, along with the spooky tumblr and stuff.
Tons of crazy stuff.
I think one that stuck out is when the 4chan sounds were first popular he uploaded a pic that had a sound that when extracted and run through a soundwave analyzer resulted in a qr code that led to some download file and shit.
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I'm sorry but that's my waifu.
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I hope they finally give Lyra a line or two or real dialogue (not I love them) and she's the most annoying piece of shit pony

That would be lovely, thank you
It's like the animated equivalent of an ironic shitpost

I love it
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>and she's the most annoying piece of shit pony
If they use the same voice you're going to be severely disappointed. Her voice was lovely.
>Potter Takes Manhattan still isn't a thing
>Paul Walker Dead
I tried dancing on glass barefoot once.
I was drunk.
I saw an eight year old girl and a four year old girl today. They had a Twilight Sparkle plush and a Pinkie Pie plush, respectively. They were wearing fedoras.
it's not cropped
There are enough alternate universes for both of us, anon

wow rude
did you tip yours back at them?
>not posting superior christmas carol
Did they friendzone your or did you friendzone them?
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i wish it was cropped
Makes sense to me

they probably have a brother that wears them

hell, I know some families where none of the adults wear fedoras and yet the kids love them
>Little girls
>In fedoras

I was already depressed

Now I dont know what I am!
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She's mine in all universes. back off fgt
Sadly, I left my fedora on base in my messenger bag.
I only saw them as they were leaving the restaurant with their parents. So I suppose they friendzoned me.
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What if pony wore fedoras?
Pinkie Pie I am really upset right now and you quoting Spongebob back when it was good is only making me more upset
They'd probably look fine in them
There's nothing wrong with the hat itself, it's just the people they seem to attract
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Dammit! There's nothing wrong with messenger bags!

How else am I supposed to carry my umbrella in case it rains while I'm out walking?!
That's not very nice
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Post a pic of your favorite pones ass.
Wear an umbrella hat
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Pony wants to know if you ever feel like you're very ugly sometimes
But then where will I wear my fedora?!

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pony has great ass with a very puffy vulva
>he uploaded a pic that had a sound that when extracted and run through a soundwave analyzer resulted in a qr code that led to some download file and shit
what the fuck? who even thinks to do that?
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have we made peace with Alicorn Twilight?
I can't. She's too young for that.
I'm trying to. I'll need the strength for when the others become alicorns.
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I think it's because the picture was obviously a lot bigger in size than the others he had been posting and at the time embedding sound into files was all the rage on mlpg
Where are you reading this, by the way? The old archive seems to have gone kaput.
Okay guys I've found a way into equestria, but I can only send a message about 10 letters long. Everyone in the universe will hear it, I need suggestions.
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Twilight Sparkle wants you to have fun! She's throwing you a party!
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what's the episode count on steven universe?

I have not watched in a while.
a sexy party?
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That's a very magical butt.
A sexy party?
someone linked it earlier http://mlpg.co/arc/mlp/RenneQuest/RenneArchive.html
sort of
at least it has no meaningful impact on the show itself
i'll get mad when she starts solving all their problems with alicorn bullshit
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LK does.
Oh thanks, I didn't know the sub hosted quests, that's pretty cool
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That is a big if anon.

Look at poor Bon Bon. Or Rose. Or Cherry Pony. Or Daisy. None of them get consistent voicing
doesnt work well, mostly because you cannot expand any of the images
that flash project looked interesting, i guess it was abandoned?
I need the artist name. This is a huge fetish of mine.
Uhh 6

Last episode was Cat Fingers, which freaked me the fuck out. Every episode seems to surprise me with something
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What are you mining, MLPG?

time to get searching
he posts in draw threads

he is working on all the ponies
>not mining BBQCoins
Frybo had that unexpectedly deep moment too
>Throwing the party

Is Pinkie eating a book somewhere or something?
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>Spike: Hey Twilight, I just did a favor for Applebloom, what now?
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Not much, trying to find Silverwood
Don't forget Spitfire!
>killing best filly
Best shota pls.
pony undercuts your sales in the AH regularly by a copper
Pinkie Pie is busy tending to the animals.
it all works fine for me
I'm on Firefox since that's what the thing recommended but I really would like to see the rest of the flash version
>used to wonder what friendship could be
>almost 2014
still wondering
I know, right?

I honestly made me reflect and start drinking a little
It's for leveling a profession, jokes on pony
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Derps getting another chance to finally say something and get a shining moment where nobody will try to bring her down. Derpy needs to have screentime where you are definentley going to notice her on your first watch. I know she's just a character, but I feel as if she lives.
So please... just give her dialogue.
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Oh yes, poor, poor spitfire. She sounded so chill originally too
I'm soloing Grandcoins at the moment
They've been pretty stable over the last few days
Might get into Stablecoins if they keep up
This fandom is full of sane and perfectly normal people

>LK does.
well then he's one crazy fucker because that shit is just too much for me
goddamnit mlpg start being dead and depressed again
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Surely they wouldn't get rid of her beautiful voice?
Aw yis. Good old Rome: Total Micromanagement.
Is the new one any good?
Then who's manning the weather?!
You playing autism blocks?
Single player or on a server?
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I used to wonder what friendship could be.
I still do, but I used to, too.
You don't need to level mining in the old world anymore, you can level in pandaland.
I've heard mixed reviews
Single player

Same world as the stram I did
You can't take what she never had

and don't call me Sheryl
oh now it's working
except the audio thing isnt
althought im not even sure how its supposed to work
I left a table over Rarara's hole
She looked cold
It's been patched up to mediocre, but it's still not as good as Shogun 2 or the original Rome. Plus if you don't have the beefiest of systems it will probably kill your PC while looking like Medieval 1.
well maybe he's leveling BS, JC or Engineering.
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I miss Monster Rahncher
why arnt you a alicorn princess yet /mlp/?
BS and ENG

also what do you mean by you can level mining in panda land, that's new to me
>gf left me
>my friend died
>new episode awesome with great Rarity
3/10 Saturday
the gathering profs can be leveled in pandaland, but they only give "fragments," 10 to make 1 regular piece, until 525.
We should make a ponecoin.
She knew what the consequences were! I warned her several times!

Should I pop on now?
I think it was introduced in 5.4, you can mine ghost iron from lvl 1 and it gives you 'ghost iron chunks' or something and you can combine them to make regular ore.
>all excited to play a game of Civ
>turn 90
>Mongols capture a city I just built

neat, good to know
I guess that's why all the prices for the lower ore are insane forcing me to mine it myself
I heard so too. Mostly balancing issues and the traditional AI problems
Damn. I like that time period, but Napoleon has spoiled me with automatic troop replenishment and other streamlining that I can't really take all this having to micromanage every little thing business.
I still think RTW is the great strategy game ever made though.
I had those asshole Aztecs do that to me once.

There were no survivors. I wiped clean an entire continent of those fuckers. They begged the whole way to their annihilation.
play XCOM on Impossible Ironman.

then you will know suffering
Well at least Paul Walker was cool enough to die AFTER all finishing the principal shooting for Fast and/or Furious 7.

RIP in piece my semi-talented nigga ;_;

do this

but with XCOM2 TFTD

THEN, and only then, you will know the true meaning of suffering
I'm just glad he's finally dead.

Maybe Fast and Furious 8 can just be 1.7 hours of Vin Diesel and The Rock in a fist fight without that pretty boy ruining everything
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>implying I feel like drawing your requests
I don't even know what I would do on a vanilla server.
I almost emptied your fridge, though.
>The doctors said you should be regaining your eyesight soon, but they're not so certain about your horn.
>I'm just glad he's finally dead.

2 Edgy 2 Furious
Why do you guys make Civ seem so fun?
>It's only use is to vote on who is the best pony
>Get it listed on an exchange
>Rabid bronies buy the shit out of it to defend their waifu
>#2 currency overnight
draw a pony who has a special talent of fast and a pony who has a special talent of furious
I've been playing it on normal. It's too easy on normal.
>implying i want to request something from you
Is the anon who recomended the fanfic stardust here? Because I started reading and really like it.
Well you know

He's dead in the same way Jason Alexander is dead. I am never going to see his face ever again and it just doesn't matter.

Celebrities don't count as actual people to the wider population, they're just faces on TV.
If you are just being silly and actually taking requests

Please do Applebloom wearing a flatcap
My horn!
My beautiful horn!
Oh wait, I don't have a horn.
not him, but what is it about? I could always use another thing to add to the reading list.
you mean i'm going to be living as a filthy mudpone all my life
just shoot me now
MLPG you can have your favorite pony

But they do not have their horn and/or wings
Because it's really, really fun.

>chieftain difficulty
>build every wonder without even trying
>found dat religion and spread it like it's the clap
>gain five times as much science as everyone else
>kill everything on your starting continent
>spam dat tourism everywhere

Haha you're a fucking idiot.
I actually do want to, just really tired. Maybe tomorrow.
Twilight gets teleported to Earth. But that earth happens to be in the XCOM universe.

Jokes on you, my favourite pony is Cheerilee.
>found dat religion and spread it like it's the clap

Ah, you were playing Washington I see!
>reading fanfiction
>when you could be doing literally anything else
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The girl. or the plushie?
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well, no harm in trying
Silly, no one thats sane and anything not below street smart knows not to waste their time on an ugly earth pony
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why is this image making me unf
Well you could probably buy a similar looking escort for much less than the cost of the plushie...
Fuck I really want a plushie that size
>little mexican girl suggests a compromise.gif
i should play the XCOM games

but my tolerance for really hard games is low, so that keeps putting me off.
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At the same time.
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u wot
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the girl, i can always get another plush, and well another girl, but, given the potential, the human over a inanimate object.
If I had the girl she could make me more plushies.
So play an easier difficulty.
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Dat plushie is the best plushie i have ever seen

12/10 Would cum inside -IGN
You don't need to have any understanding of the XCOm universe to read the fic I didn't, and still really enjoy it.
it's your're retard
Sorry, I should carify

Cherllee is so ugly her own mother shot her in the face with a musket loaded with ugly sticks to make her more tolerable.

She later killed herself in shame of failure
anon pls

sweatshops are illegal
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you rate that episode too high
>there is a pair of eyes behind the sunglasses

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>you are retard

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Silly anon ponies don't use guns.

Jokes on you, that was the real Dash and the girl is a plushie!

For your unfaithfulness, Equestria will really disappear for you for ever
Things will start going your way again, now shut the fuck up about your real life personal problems.
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Not to mention Mayor Mare and Octavia
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>talking shit on GG's special somepone
...Go back to school, Jimmy. You're 8 years old, you should know how to spell.
When I was 5 I knew how to spell
I'm disowning you!
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Chemistry like apple and cinnamon~
like apple and cinnamon~
like apple and cinnamon~
But dash isn't my waifu.
>in b4 gg lost it and is legit infatuated with a fictional cartoon horse
>complete with body pillow and tulpa
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I am calling bullshit on your shenanigans anon. That is a plushie, you said as much. And joke on you I trained under Princess Northern Wind, I have access to the REAL Equestria.
You'r're reta'rded.
Doesnt matter

If you dis one of them, you lose all ponies
>type like an idiot
>get called out
>LEL go bek to buh
Face it, you're a dumb faggot. Next thin you'll say you were pretending to be stupid.
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DD who are you and why are you responding to me?

And why are you using a name in MLPG, whilst shit posting?
>only one pair of sunglasses

how ancient is that gif
WEll who hasnt?

Be honest
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Sure is weekend casual trolling MLPG tonight. gb2b m8, you are out of your league in shitposting.
What's happening?
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but it's a zebra not a pony, doesnt count faget
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>you will never casually fondle Dash's butt as she sleeps next to you
Is 4th Dimension really the best plushies there are?

I really can't afford it, but I need something to hold at night and need to be sure
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I am responding and fuel shitposters from another clan, to make up for last shitposting, watching movies today.
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60 KB
Would anyone be interested in me Streaming myself playing Xcom for the first time ever?
You can't afford $25?
Let me rephrase that so you understand:
S'H'A'D'D'U'P' 'A'N'O'N' 'D'I'E' 'I'N' 'A' 'H'O'L'E'
It's $25.
I have nobody to share so much as greentext feels with IRL anymore so sometimes I just have to say things here just to have them said and I hate that and I know you do too but it's all part of my ride.
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tbh not really
4de plushies are not the best

but they offer the best quality in that price range
if Dash was in my house i would probably never stop messing with her butt
I will do nothing but heckle you
Yeah, who are you anyway?
can we shout mean things at you
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2 MB
Who is best?
Isn't that part of the fun?
That means I will watch
DA people who will charge you $1000.
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no one that you should be talking to, that's for sure.
In terms of absolute quality, you would have to pay 10 times the price of 4de for a notable quality increase
pony says you looked ridiculous in the 90s
and the 00s
and the 10s
Who the hell are you

I take it you mean the newest xcom with all the 3d and antfarm stuff and lack of rookie banzai charges
joke's on you
I aM dIaMoNdOuG mOtHaFuDgA
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That picture is not that pretty, it has not aged well.
what's with your fascination with slaughtering weaklings sombra
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I miss crack parings
Why does she only have one pone hole?
>ded board
>half of threads RE: ded board
last one out get the liggghts
I still don't fully understand.
Okay gonna try this out then.

he is but a loyal servant of Khrone
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Hey that is a time honored and vital component of the original games I'll have you know


get that hussy away from my husbando
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Here, have another one.
No one's saying you can't still do them.
He's a Nazi with a checkered and sorted past, with a number of demeaning and sick fetishes.

Nothing important is happening that's for sure.
Maybe they stood next to each other that episode because that pon looks like flash sentry
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it's the only one she needs ~
we made him change his trip
Perhaps, but it really does capture the ~Forces~ of The Great and Powerful Trixie.
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I love crack pairings like this one
>spamming and avatarfagging shitty oc constitutes as grandmaster shitposting
*tips fedora, back to leddit, etc.
Then can you guys, like stop.
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Say please.
Not him, but have you seriously never seen "your're" used jokingly before?

Yes, it is pretending to be stupid. That's how jokes work sometimes.
please stop
and please tell your idiot friends to stop
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What;s wrong?
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I don't know those dumb casuals, and ok.
And me acting serious is my form of a joke.
Because you all were laughing at it, right?
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Posting bluest pony.
G'night mlpg.
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The trapdoor slide is my favorite.
Hey! Dalapony! That's great stuff, great to see you!
People don't have to laugh for it to be a joke.

If you were jokingly being serious, then okay, humor doesn't translate over text well sometimes. But you weren't joking.
Who would like a tune?

The more horse the better.
Dala please draw Sedusa or Umbra
>jokingly serious
>not joking
An ancient chinese torture method involved inserting a glass rod into a penis all the way until the end of the shaft, then shattering the rod while still inserted into the penis.
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>Looks like you've gone too far again, Trixie.
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That post was so fucking edgy, my fingers are bleeding from replying to this stupid motherfucking post.
You're all fucking horrible people. But I think I'm in love with everyone of you.

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You'll see! you'll all see!
wait you're the one doing the windwaker ponies?
shows that meghan really hates spike
I would WPSHH Luna but her tiny butt is hard to hit.
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Even spike hates spike.
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What is WPSHH?
Even if he hates his hate of himself.
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I love it when people ask
You're the reason edgy is so misused these days.
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How do you think Twilight's guards are going to be dressed?
they probably dress themselves
In book armor.
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The real question is,

Where did the trap do go to?
The guards she shares with Princess Applejack and Princess Rainbow Dash?

Probably unicorns.

Princess Rarity, Princess Fluttershy, and Princess Pinkie Pie have pegasi.
probs with stars all over the armour
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must suck to have a shitty OC that no one wants
the fuck is up with those ears
A deep blue
'edgy' will soon go the way of 'umad?' and troll face.
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>not building the perfect team
>playing on Normal
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The moon.
Holy shit what the fuck
I know that Bonbon's guards all look like you.
How many pinkies have you killed today mlpg?
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Yeah, that must suck.
sexy teeth unf unf
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In a fit of rage Twilight said she never wanted to hear Pinkie Pie's voice again.

Then she fell head first into poison joke.

That one was a bit of a long shot.
Yellow and blue, just like her husbando.
No, the sun.

i made a minecraft skin of that OC for someone ages ago
Still bothered they didn't make twilight the volunteer.
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I don't know that feel.
None of them. They killed me.
>playing on normal
At least tell me its with all second wave turned on + ironman
A bit like you and Twilight Sparkle.
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Did you now?
i didnt know the ending at the time
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One too many.
fucken A

did you like it?
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I'm calling it, the episode is going to be shit
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Not if it looked like that
how is fallout equestria still a thing
Even if it is it would be a bit of shit on an otherwise stellar season.
why is Raritys costume so shit. shes always had good outfits till now
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That was a low blow.

>little pip
>using generic swears
>weaver's shit OCs
>MT's shit OCs
i agree
It's a simple enough concept that has a broad enough apeal
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I don't know that feel.
*kills a pinkie*
fucking flaming cunt of nightmare moon!
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I don't know that feel
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Too bad I can't draw for shit, PC is best OC.
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How is mlp still a thing?
What if Pinkies Flanderization is purposeful, and one of the episodes this season has Twilight realizing she sent the real Pinkie back to the mirror lake?
Something where we see discord's background story. Possibly view the Star Swirl connection?
Also, if fluffle puff gets shown in the show, I think I just might explode.
because mlp is still continuing
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>haven't fapped to ponies in 3 months

Holy shit why did I stop, I came hard as fuck.
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More crack.
I ended up using my old one because the colour was off and I am allergic to massive changes :(
I mostly used a human skin more than anything anyways
I'll keep it fiveever though!
Once I start playing MC again I'll make a colour edit from it and start using it when on pone friendly servers
>awful colors
>gag inducing clothing
shit/10 wouldn't pony pony
I have never read, nor intend to ever read FO:E, but isn't there still a lot of fan fiction of fan fiction still being written?
its always good to pony poni
Hello I am here. Way too late.

I wanna see Hobo Pony did we ever give her a real name? I remember someone calling her Bindlestiff a long time ago in an episode.

Not in any central role - just as a background gag or something.

>Tries to hop the train at Ponyville station
>Caught by a railroad bull and thrown off the train
>is hit with her own bindle a second later.
What if flanderized is the new buzzword of the season and people are talking out their ass like they were last season with "pandering"?

What if she's always been like this in episodes where she plays a support role and when she has her own episode she won't be so much like that?
FO:E has fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction of fanfiction being written.
yeah, autism knows no bounds
just look around here with all the faggots worshiping their OC
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I'm stealing this OC from someone, at least I like to think I am.
All their other OCs are trash but this one was divorced enough from their usual garbage to look okay.
shows how much you know about fallout equastria then, eh?
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A spot the difference game.
It's alright. I'm still here. Thanks for recomending me the story. I just got to the part where Lana sneaks in to see Twilight after she got severely wounded
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You're cute, but blow it out your ass.
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I miss it when we did Rumblescoots stuff
there's already a stream going, so i won't stream, but has anyone got a drawfag request for me?

i'd really something female and diamond dog as a request, but most things are good

i could also draw someone's interesting OC

>Rainbow Dash on Steroids Hair
>What is up with those EYES jesus fuck

Yyyyyyeah, you don't have to be standing in the cesspool to smell the shit.
rumblescoot is lame
rumbletwins is lame
rumblepip and rumblelane are the only decent rumbleships
It's a great story, one of the few crossover fics I like.
Should I?

get another drink
go to bed?
femanon and diamond dogs
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draw these two adventure buddies making adventure plans
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>cakeboy having opinions
All your ships are now invalid.
do you have a better ref? one with colour please?
I happen to find her rather cute.
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we need art of filly luna sliding down the trapdoor slide. it's her favorite.
>What is up with those EYES jesus fuck
Eyes are my fetish.
I like pretty colors.
Pegasus are the master race.
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>rainbow irises
I really wish there was more rumblepip
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I could watch Dash's eyes forever


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You've got to do something about that tic.
it's not that she is a spike hater, it's the fact she hates men and all male characters
angel doesn't speak so it doesn't piss her off
I'm not really interested in the "sexual" aspect of the ships, just the cute interactions between them. Though I could see RumblePip being cute, but that's about it.
Pony got drunk and accidently admitted that she has strong feelings towards you.
>not rumbleanon
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I love Harley Quinn almost as much as ponies.

Who do you love almost as much as ponies?
only if it's rumblefemanon
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Especially these three.
Except, oddly enough, Spike was the best thing about EG.
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luv u 2
My ex.
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Do you hate snowflakes too, Anon?
give us a kiss love
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that's fine, too, i guess
Markerita sure seems very emotionally strange today, I wonder if she's pregnant.

Or just fat.
rumblescoot is super cute, got any more fics mlpg?
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I'd pick her right up in a big squeeze and gently boop her.
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>straight ship
mlpg is the most homosexual thread, even more so than colt cuddlers.

so saying something like that is heresy
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Too cute.
Hispanic Scoots is also something I miss

He finished it? Very nice.
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I wish we did more stuff with foals and fillies just doing kid stuff, like school shenanigans and projects and stuff.
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I like straight ships.
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Well you can go fuck right off.
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you'd think so, but we do straight stuff some times
Me too. Just silliness, no shipping involved.
>implying straight ships can't be just as cute as homo ships
you are not my nigga

I don't see his signature on it.

I think he got distracted by another pic or something.

AA gets distracted a lot.
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Gays are just the annoying, flamboyant minority.
>/ss/ with femanon and a colt

for the love of god there's more of this. I only know of that fic darf did with Femanon/Cherilee/Snails/Big Mac Caramel
is there a better picture of these two somewhere? or can someone tell me their names so i can look them up? i want to draw them but that's a terrible reference
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Dash can't get "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round" out of her head
So we're all agreed then: Pinkie Pie is the worst pony and has not had a single redeemable moment in S4.

The Diamond Dog is Saffron.

The Pony is Chronicle.

Renne Quest is a great read, if you haven't already.
Getting a quick blowjob in an easily caught area is my fetish
There's both fics Cosmo did, but that's about it as far as I can remember.
thanks, i'll check it out
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94 KB
Chronicle and Saffron


Saffron has a bunch of stuff but Chronicle doesn't
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Episode starring luna
octavia gets a line
derpy returns
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there really needs to be more of that
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This is my fetish.
So, I haven't been here in a while. What happened to the big post with all the links and stuff that used to be in every thread?
I actually have a lot of fetishes

I just say "this is my fetish" when it's something I find particularly hot
it got banned for a while so people stop posting it

I'm pretty sure it's clear to post now, but you can access it at http://mlpg.co/linkboard/ if you need it
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Me three. I'm a sucker for cute kid shipping, but sometimes just normal silliness can be better
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Hahahaha, banned, really?

The things you guys get up to.

Thanks for the link yo.
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I actually don't have any fetishes. I just like that one.
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>you will never find yourself sandwhiched between 2 princesses
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>you will never find yourself sandwiched between 4 princesses

>sneaking out of the party
>well, more like getting dragged out the back door by Gilda
>driving to her place with one stop at the drug store for condoms
>she practically shoves you through the door, before locking it behind her and pouncing on you
>you spend your entire weekend fucking in every room of her apartment
>you will never feel their erections throb softly on either side of you
>you will never find yourself sandwiched between 9 princesses
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53 KB
>you will never find yourself sandwiched between 10 princesses
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>not pictured: Button Mash

>He got his head caught in a chair that morning
>When they were taking the class photo, the local handyman was outside trying to saw through the chair to free him
>Had to listen to him talk about video games the whole time
How does pony hide his boner when in public?
Please leave
mt did the thing
he just lets it hang
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where muh cute straight ships at
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Cute and nonsexual /ss/ is best /ss/.
If the colt has a crush on the mare then it would be even better.
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why isnt there a ryuuko matoi pony yet?
why isnt there a SAVIOR OF ANIME pony yet?
Pony doesn't have to hide anything

Ponies know that boners are nothing to be ashamed of
Why isn't there a picture of Pinkie playing with Mako?

Short answer: Everyone else is dumb.
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What if My Little Ponies were cylons
>tfw a pedophile but not a brony
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Depends on what you mean by cute.
Sometimes when pony pulls it too hard he rips the skin
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Like their schoolteacher?
it works, i like it, print it and ship it and on my desk by monday
Waifu faps are the best
Sexually forward Derpy is best Derpy
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What if pony was okapi
Squirrel ?
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Super adorable.

Soft princess kisses tier.
Specially then.

That fic Cosmo did was pretty good.
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Right? I don't even know if this artist is still drawing this stuff, but it was so good.
Guys crying during sex/sexual is also pretty adorable.
why? 'cause it a spike episode?
Literally the worst costume designs
>you will never admire Pinkie from afar
>you will never constantly find yourself in front of Sugarcube corner
>you will never pace anxiously outside, terrified of the mare inside and yet inexorably attracted to her
>you will never find yourself really overthinking it and just biting the bullet, going into the shop with a daring charge that makes other ponies stare
>you will never wait in line and sweat bullets as you get in line in front of Pinkie's cash register
>you will never hear your own heart beat rising in a cresendo until you worry it is audible to other ponies as the last pony in front of you leaves the line
>you will never wind up just mumbling your order really quickly while staring at your feet
>you will never feel your heart skip a beat as she hoofs you a bag of goodies with a chirpy comment
>you will never let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding as her hoof grazes yours, handing you your change
>you will never trot away, feeling relieved you made it out without embarrassing yourself but entirely too queasy to eat anything you purchased
>your fridge will never accumulate pastries as this cycle continues every day
>you will never fail to work up the nerve to ask Pinkie out, or even to talk to her, because you will never even encounter Pinkie
Clockwork things with the "Hooves" family really.
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macro derpy facesitting
Who is your waifu?
You would die.
totally worth it
Can it be time for Stackable Princesses™

I heard there's going to be 5 new additions this season!
>Meanwhile some other guy walks up to her
>"There's a party in my pants and you're invited"
>...But you're not wearing pants, silly!
Rip Fast and Furious 7
ponies don't even wear pants, though
you're silly
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Here you go, nigga.

We must repel the gay sitposters!
i know everyones just doom pauling that but i actually want it to happen
Then how did fancy pants get his name?
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I can't wait either
I want all the ponies to ascend
unf unf pony butt unf
does /mlp/ ever have meetups?
>derpibooru doesn't allow filly fiddling clop
Kinda useless tbh
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It really isn't.
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"fancypants" is one word
while some ponies may wear pants, they all live in Canterlot, where all the pants are fancy
they're more like meatups but yes
did you not catch the leaked tape of the bronycon orgy yet? it's been out for awhile
We don't have meetups

We have orgies

gay orgies

with flared chances for everyone
F&F will definitely not be the same now.
A recent tweet from Megan got me thinking.

If one or more of the six lead characters in the show were confirmed to be canonically lesbian or bi, how would you react?

Personally, I would fucking applaud Hasbro and the writers for having the balls to include a gay character in a kids show.
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How bout this one.
I don't even think they can continue the current "arc" without him
I'd ask where the hell Hasbro suddenly pulled a pair of balls from.

Which is how you know that it will never happen.

Hasbro did not get to where it was by being daring or breaking new ground.
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Pony should be shipped with humans
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Pinkie wasn't that bad this episode

Still not as good as S1 Pinkie though

That's very silly, Bat Pony. Why are you wearing a mango suit anyway?
Pony should be shipped with food and water.
This general attitude is why Laika is the best animation studio in the movie biz right now.
Sometimes I think people look back on S1 with rose tinted glasses
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Dash is most daring pony
probably the same, as well as >>14834536
Unfortunately, unless it were done REALLY REALLY well, at this point it would just be kind of silly or pointless, wouldn't it?
I mean, they've shied away from relationship stuff for three seasons now and they're not showing any indications of starting. So, I don't see it working out, and I can't really say that I want it. It just wouldn't fit the tone of the show.
Oh god what
wait what now?
Not him, or chistery, but what is it?
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You cannot grasp the true form of pony's cuddle!
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she is mameshiba
Aren't they bringing back the twat from Tokyo Drift? With the primary filming apparently done for 7, I could see 8 using him as a main character again.

But really, this got me really sad. F&F may not be the greatest series ever, but it's part of my childhood.
Most ded pony
How many mangoes do I need to symbolizefor hard rough sex with bat ponies
Who ever drew this is a good artist, but decides to waste their ability drawing such stupid, disgusting shit.
I think you asked this last time and the answer is still one inserted rectally
It's not a waste if they enjoy it, I don't think.
Although personally I too would prefer different subject matter it's really not my call on what's wasting their ability.
He did a Rumble/Cherilee fapfic. Don't have a link I'm afraid.
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Pony should've l2not suck at QTEs
If only they had one of my fetishes
>what is a commission.
His name is pony throat.
He specializes in vore. All of his smut is centered around vore.

You are mad stupid and gay.
I think we agreed on inserting the mango into her marshmallow bat hole right

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pony likes humans fingers
I-I don't know
try your luck
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>shied away from relationship stuff
>implied abusive relationship , SA/Chrissy
>entire public display of affection episode
>recurring unrequited love theme
>Rarity trying to find her prince
>The Bradical Movie
What if Twilight Sparkle died in a horrific car accident in her GT Carrera before S5 could begin filiming

any more fics with fillies and colts shipping nonsexually. or sexually even
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No. Pony LOVES human fingers
Fingers are very useful when reading books. Especially without magic.
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Sometimes I when I look at my MLP smut folder I wish things didn't have to be sexualized. I don't think things would improve, but I feel like I'd be a lot better off and maybe things would be a little less creepy
how about colts and colts: http://pastebin.com/yPqgCSvd
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Rarity must've been pretty sweaty running around the castle
why are people saying appledash is confirmed by the newest episode?
>she dies like Optimus
>her color fades

2015 movie of the year
Goddamn, how much longer until the Happening happens? I want to bash some fuckin' skulls.
They don't have to be sexualized
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fingers are very nice for scratching those places where pone can't reach
also pone likes your massages

Guys Rarity took me to meet her parents, but her mom keeps acting weird around me.

What do I do?
and then you return to fapping to your horse waifu doing your favorite fetish

There's cute quest, both versions.

And Cosmo's Rumble fic, but that's probably abandoned by now.

I need to get back into fanfiction again.
that's good too
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All things were sexualized to begin with.
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I don't fap to my waifu. Ever. She deserves better than that.
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>go to seafood restaurant
>order seafood bake
>meal arrives
>open clam
>see this

what do
cute quest?
>Swallow Pinkie
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pone likes your everything
Did anyone else think Rarity was really brave, compared to all others except Lawlsorandumb and Over9,000,000,000,000,000. So determined to restore that art, I love it.
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Why ya'll a-ah ain't *huff* b-breeding *huff*
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eat out
Pone doesn't exist.
>all that slavshit
/pol/ not /k/?

I just wish things were sexualized WELL

When people do pony sex it's usually just pony blatently presenting or really horny for no reason, or just a human version of pony showing of their tits.

Why sexualize it like that if you're gonna make it so boring? What makes it different than any other human or pony?

If you sexualize, give it story, give it personality, and it'll be 10 times hotter I guarantee it
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Everyones gay for Rainbow Dash!

Quest Aspirant did. New colt in school, trying to befriend the CMC and get a fillyfriend.
I'm not sure if this is the right term to describe her, but I think she was "stupidly brave"

I loved her antics this episode though

I think she has the best parts in the show when dealing with inanimate objects or
I liked how Fluttershy put up with all of her shit
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I will never accept this.
Pre-established marriages and one engagement. No real romantic relationship has started on the show, except arguable Big Mac and Cheerilee, and that's left mostly up to the viewer's discretion.
>implied abusive relationship , SA/Chrissy
You've been reading too much fanfiction, there was no such implication in the episode.
>entire public display of affection episode
That was with a love potion causing that. If you'll recall, the Friendship Report at the end of that one was about messing with your friend's lives, not squicking them out with smooching.
>Rarity trying to find her prince
Close, but it kind of got nipped in the bud.
>The Bradical Movie
At best, that was half of a lead-in to an aborted subplot. Not even a subplot.
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I wish some things weren't sexualized at all.

Sweet heart, you can't breed thought your anus
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And I liked Rarity quite a lot, even though she's possibly my least favorite pone.
Why do you like ponies so much? Is it because they're nonthreatening sexually?
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M-maybe you're not just trying hard enough, sugarcube!

Seriously go harder
Then you'll have to find another reality to exist in.

One without ponies.
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but wont the mane 6 be sterile when they are alicorns?
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It's because they're cute, smart guy.
Ponies seem nice.
Josh Haber really did good for his first episode as a FiM writer

I legitimately laughed during Castle-Mania

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I remember in seventh grade some stupid abstinence guys cam to my school and said it was possible to get pregnant through anal. I believed that for an entire year and I was pissed when I found out it wasn't true. Why would they lie to me like that?
Me too. I did during the premier as well. I don't think I'd actually laughed at the show since Season 2.
No, of course not.

It's called scare tactics sonny boy
Making it forbidden makes it more alluring

You like anal don't you anon?
When AJ stepped on that pillar and Fluttershy thought she was crushing Angel made me laugh out loud. No episode of FiM has ever done that before, at most they can get giggles out of me.
>you will never leave Applejack breathless and sweaty, weak in the knees and absolutely stuffed full of your cum
I laughed out loud more than once, I was surprised myself.
He did a bang-up job, I hope he sticks around.
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This guy knows his shit.
I honestly think Haber did a really good job writing all the ponies. All the gags were really good and the episode had good pacing, especially compared to s3 episodes.
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You can't just go around lying to kids like that. It ain't right. I trusted them. The big black guy even gave me a high five after his speech. I felt so betrayed.

Thanks for the tip GG
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Why is this so cute
Once again proving that it is the "who, where, why" that makes attraction.
You fool, the big black guy just wanted all the anal too himself
because jasmine is prettiest batpone
I had a friend who, midway through the episode, said "It better not be pinkie pie at the end cause that would be some shit writing", And when it happened, said "that is some shit writing".

Do you agree? Does using pinkie pie as the episode's punchline/climax equal lazy or bad writing?
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It's a cartoon show!
Anon what makes you better than everyone else? Why would you expect your waifu to love you when you even admit that there are better people than you out there?
Yes, Pinkie Pie was literally the worst she's ever been this episode. Everything was just LOLSORANDUM
Using Pinkie Pie isn't bad writing. Pinkie Pies explanation for being there was just shit writing. Instead of doing something related to her cutie mark or the whole "giggle at the ghosty" thing, she just decided to randomly play a fucking organ in the middle of an abandoned castle.
>tfw your kids will never know of a time where Princess Twilight Sparkle was never a princess and a Fast and Furious with Paul Walker
this is why I don't waifu my favorite pony
I'm pretty sure in a field with no competition I would still lose out
There aren't better people out there though. I'm the greatest person alive.
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It was a stupid reveal, but it is a kids show after all.
To be honest, I'd loved the fact that Pinkie was there at the end

The whole ringing the school bell gag was set up perfectly into fooling you she'd actually be ringing the bell for two weeks
It was a bit silly, but it wrapped it up nicely. It wasn't terribly out of character but it was pretty convenient, and at least it was somewhat in character.
Lazy at worst.
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You left that for me?!
I'm going to draw a pony, poorly.
What pony should I draw?

Well, she DID think her friends were having a party and that the organ was part of it. And she is one for parties
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Nothing. She wouldn't even know I exist.
I don't. I honestly think I have no business being with a mare that perfect. I can't think of anyone that deserves someone like her.
The only thing I can tell her is how amazing I think she is, and how wonderful I feel when I'm around her. If she ever did go for me I would do my absolute best to make sure she's happy. I would do everything in my power to make sure she never has days where she never feels awful, sad, or just plain miserable. And I will always, always remind her just how important she is to me and how grateful I am to have her in my life.

Bet you can't guess my waifu
>tfw your kids will never know a time when Princess Skyla wasn't the reigning princess of Equestria
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So what kind of naughty things did Twilight find in the sister's journal/diary?
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Mango a shit
With a rant that long? Fluttershy.
No, that's not a real pony.
I wish that Batpony had a different name.
Good night MLPG.
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fuck you it's not a real pony

I'm just shooting for managing to enter one of the alternate universes where she has some inexplicable attraction to me
I'd do it anyway.
I wish Trixie appeared in today's episode
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she'll bite your neck dude.
I don't think I'm relationship material, so I wouldn't bother. I think I'm more...military material.
Would I die?
I'd do it anyway.
>bite play
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you'd probably bleed out
W-what did you find?
Hmm, now it's a maybe.
What is she even doing?
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Where did the ponies go in today's episode?
Despite being ruins, the castle actually seems like a fairly safe place to hide out
Make me
The castle where they fought NMM. DYEWTS?
I'm taking my bat pony and going to bed
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I'm indifferent to bat ponies
>I couldn't design my own OC so I just used bonbon, changed one of the stripe colors, threw wings on her and called it a day
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Finished that mix'em up request, now onto hoof holding.
It has a magical safe tree embodying the most powerful magic in the world

Its safer then under Celestia's skirt
Who is angel?
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No, shut up, it's fine.
We've definitely seen worse fads.
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AAAAAAA forgot myself.

So how is everyone tonight?
>bdf is dead
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thannk you

Not bad.
Remind me to do this with Brae, big mac and caramel to make the ultimate work stallion husbando
This is a lot better than the one MT did.
>Applebelle sings about apples and only apples.
Why do they all look crazy
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I think (and I can't believe I'm saying this), I think that might be TOO GAY
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Dancing ponies?
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Is it gay to have a crush on a female OC is the creator is a guy?
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MT did one!? Please do share.

You're mixing crazy with love anon.
Hasbro decided to create a MLP RPG designed for older fans. Would you rather it involve the mane 6, or follow different ponies?
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Did you finish fapping to that one pony pic you saved for later yet?
no but i finished up on my bookmarks like you recommended a few weeks ago
Mane 6 of course.

With Earthbound like quirkiness and gameplay
>downloading any form of pornography
Those are special pictures that I need in case the internet goes out
I've got two greentexts open in other tabs, I'm waiting for the right moment
No, I don't masturbate to pictures of pony.
Spike and futa Rarity cock fucking

So…if you suffer a lapse in your mental health, the gov can literally force you to have a c-section and put the kid into care. And even if you recover and try to reclaim your kid, they’ll say no incase you relapse…
why not?
Whose cock is getting fucked?
Princess Twilight Sparkle's
fuck off
It's the UK so it doesn't matter
Rarity/ colt or you forced feminization and public humuliation
Rarity'sHer cock is massive and girthy, especially when compared to Spike's
I don't live in the UK though.
gtfo tumblr
By both of them at the same time?