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On an unrelated note, I wrote a pseudo-news post on my blog that explains my rationale for making the decisions I do.
For the nerds among us, I also have a post queued up about how much bandwidth will be saved by the migration to our static domain (4cdn.org).
Since I hate writing news posts (and writing in general), I'll probably spend more time writing smaller updates here in the coming months.

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Dead Horse: >>14793142
Rest In Peace Horse: Dedicated to the Queen and Princess of Shippers. This is late as all heck, but oh well

are you cunts happy? she disconnected from facebook without responding

see i'm just as pathetic as the rest of you bitter assholes
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hello [s4s] :^)
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It didn't have to end this way.
Get out pissfag.
fucking kill yourselves already
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Maybe it did.


Consider checking your privilege before responding to [s4s] users.
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muh circlejerk general

Just fuck off to MLPchan already

Dubs confirm all of you need to check you're privilege
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>you will never tell her something
>you will never have her understand
>you will never hold her hand
>you will never hold her hand
>you will never hold her hand
I know it's not you.
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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Please fuck off and die, /b/tard
Trixie probably looks the least worse, or is at least a contender for the least worst> The thumbnail for that image looks ok, but in actual size, man, there's just something about those faces.
it's legitimately me, i'm upset and frustrated, i freaked her out, she panicked, she disconnected

and frankly i feel like shit
Morning threads. *jazz hands*
Good. You deserve it for shitposting
Equestria Fail aside, her corset is fucking UNF.

you should do

remove anon
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Kill yourself.
there is a difference between shitposting and asking for advice

what do you mean 'remove anon'?
Don't post EQG or Trixie shit here.
I'm sorry mate, I don't know why anyone would ever do that. Maybe she's not accustomed to have people asking her out and she went into hyperventilating panic mode because she didn't know how to deal with it.
You.. you do look good, right? I mean, you're not fat or anything?

Anon is like kebab

He must be removed
>post my Angel S04E03 edit on derpibooru
>tag "cannabis", "marijuana", "smoking", "drugs"
>some shitwipe untags it and tags "not 420", "steaming"
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Best printer test
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>What's the point of this thread?
m-maybe her computer just crashed ;_;
and for the love of god just don't respond. come back in the old horse.
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>Equestria Fail

It's not like it's even difficult to take what they came up with, and do it better. It really amazes me that no one did anything about the designs, and that they were able to make it to air. I can't imagine any artist working on that, or looking at that, and saying "this looks great." I know they were trying to take on Monster High, which doesn't look that great, but it looks better. This isn't something that should weigh so heavily on my mind. But how. Why
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>What's the point of this thread?
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Let's do this


Dear god, what a fag
hope is gone

all will not be well
Turning Twilight's friends into Alicorns sounds like the best solution.
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why should i continue living when all life brings me is pain
Nice try Meghan.
no reason
Because of pone every week.
well wow, not only she doesn't answer, but she just leaves and then tries to imply that either she doesn't want you or that she's in a relationship and she doesn't have the balls to tell you. You really would want to stay with a girl like that?

No, that first you shouldn't bring facebook things to mlpg, since everyone will react poorly to them.
some of us aresad bastards who don't like knowing people have a IRL life.

if you really want to stay here, I'd suggest to lurk a little more, don't post, draw some stuff and post it here. Artists are always welcome. Don't get a name, though. I'm dead serious on that one. don't.

Respect those for some time and you'll have a great time
thanks leth
Hope, that one day everything will be better.
You should have called me Hasbro.

Because that's going to happen, brony.
no, i didn't think she was a coward

i wasn't actively trying to piss anyone off, i just don't really have any outlets to vent or ask advice, for complicated reasons
thank you jesus
I know it is. Why'd you call me a brony, though?
one last post about this then i promise i'll stop

her friend was subtly mocking me in the comments, i must be a pretty shit judge of character
cause he is a le shit poster from da pee pee ;)
You're probably right.
I'm just glad to know anon won't get laid anytime soon. Welcome abroad friend!
it happens mate. And stop using facebook.
i still love you mlpg
you said you draw, right?
What's your favourite pony? draw her doing something cute.
An entire board exists for you to post this shit.
nah, i'm going to sleep

ponk is best pone

i love you mlpg
Nah, >>>/r9k/ is much better for relationshit discussion.
Her dress for the dance was actually pretty cool. She looked like she was part of the drama club or something.
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Pony likes books
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New horse, plz
get up
stop being so shit
the world is shit mlpg, the only person i can trust is you
Pony should just marry books if she likes them so damn much.
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>both cutie marks visible
She did.
Why is this so hot to me?
>both cutie marks visible
>tail up
>possibly lewd expression on her face
post your lewdest picture mlpg
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>Another fucking steam sale

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You just want to take advantage of pony
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Batbonefriend inspired me.
Just wait for the Christmas sale, you dumb fuck
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Would you play it?

maybe if its full pony or full human?
Nah, eroges are a waste of time.
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This was already a year ago. Time sure flies, huh? Not much has changed either.
I would definitely take advantage of a drunk and promiscuous Twilight.
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hope, gone

urge to commit suicide, rising
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full pony only
sweetie route
final destination
The daily and flash sale prices aren't going to be different in the winter sale.
>stallion on femanon
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Have a handy guide
full pony or go home
pony on lolifemanon is more rare though
Carbon monoxide is great and doesn't cost you a cent, you just need a car.
that's kind of a dick move

i was almost, almost legitimately considering suicide, and you gave me suggestions for how to do it? wow ...
>whole point of seppuku is to die while retaining honor
>50% of the people who try wake up in the hospital with their intestines hanging out
even dying is hard
>you will never storm Equestria while on fucking fire
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Welcome to 4chan. We're all edgy here.
That's why you have someone else cut your head off.
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Not having her part of the drama club was stupid.

Indeed. I don't think I've seen any decent art of it, clean or NSFW.

EG's regular art style did not help at all. Any other decent artist can make it work and look better.
How would it end?
Kiss on the cheek?
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Holding hooves
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Full penetration.

Sorry, Anon.

I thought you were just joking, like the dozens of other people who claim they'll commit suicide in here every day.
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Did I miss something?
That guide is off, the top 5 didn't do much for me.
That's mega lewd.

Would you brush her mane if she asked you?
check the old thread if you can be bothered
Whatever rocks her boat

even nose touching
>No gotta go fast
>No pizza cardboard stomach
>No fruit rolololol up shoe covers
>Some OC self insert next to Sanic

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The fuck are you on?
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mew should draw more bats
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>going outside
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With which pony would you have a drink?
I like this because she has different eyes from his usual Fluttershys.
an OC
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fluttershy doesn't have cat eyes, sillu
RIP in pizza ;_;
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>family jsut asked me what do I do all day on the computer

I wish I knew how to quit you.
You should have lied.
I just didn't answer.
My parents think I spend all that time playing vidya.

I haven't really played anything in ages though.
>tfw no gf
I haven't palyed videogames in ever. Last thing I tried were roguelikes and trying some twisted form of minecraft mcmmo/factions multiplayer takeover.
I just don't like games anymore.
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>tfw no f
The ded will last forever.

Yes, even tomorrow.
Well, that's because we've already had the episode leaked.
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i wish i was penguin
What if pony was penguin
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Complete at long last.
penguin is so cool
Let's just talk about penguins.

There was a penguin in G1, so it's okay.
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Dead as fuck.
penguin is a bird that can swim
>you will never go back in time and prevent everything after Ponyville Confidential from being written
What if pony was the voice in your head?
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Fluttershy is the cutest everything.
That is a chubby flutterhorse
It is a dark day for womynkind. The Patriarchy's stranglehold on society is creating a rape-culture of oppression that subjugates womyn everywhere. But in the suffocating darkness, a single pink light shines brightly. A daring SHE-ro will rise to the challenge and castrate this tyranny of testosterone!
I wish I had a chubby flutterhorse.
Pony is doing drugs again. Go stop her.
It was a dark and stormy night...
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I wish I had a little flutterhorse
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I wish I had an extra-large flutterhorse.

But really any size is okay.
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I wish I had a Flutterhorse to love.
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I would rather have a pink and yellow flyhorse that wasn't ruined by crippling shyness issues
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I'd rather have a pony with a personality.

And cuter.
Dot's fat ponies are really lumpy and not that appealing.
Fluttershy is second worst horse.
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That's okay as long as I get to hug Tia
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I don't need to be reminded.

No that's Rarity (Pinkie is the worst horse)
Man, I swear it feels like years keep getting shorter.
>there are still people in the universe who don't have Twilight ranked as the worst horse

i mean

it's like you guys really and truly don't watch the show
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Well, I could also call her Celli
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The recent episodes made me like her like her a bit more. She's only 3rd worse now.
pony wrapping their wings around another pony from behind
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like this?
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Aw, come on Siggi, we both know you totally would.
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I'm not the one who wants to fuck their aunt.
man, i've always thought that aunt/nephew was incredibly hot for some reason
Who said aunt?
pony said they're stinging her great and powerful ass
Did someone say ants? I want to fuck ants
reu pls
reu pls come back
Pony is afraid she couldn't hold a candle in the cold November rain.
Pony asked the pegasus ponies to stop it for a while.
sex with your waifu only you are a shota
Tell pony thanks for the blog update
unf yes
Wow, i just got here and i saw the first set of post. What the honest fuck was that?
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Some idiot. Lots of new idiots came in this season.
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The pegasus said no.
Twipie best ship
You said you were going to learn to draw before the next season.

What went wrong?
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no I didn't

I gave up on that this ages ago

Pony says you boop like a pansy
Goddammit, isaac. I can't handle all these doki dokis in my kokoro
Anything twi is worst everything
I punch pony in the face
>not liking le epic memes
Pony says you also punch like a pansy
Bend pony over and fuck her hard.

Stop reminding me. At least i know how to use Flash a lil bit.
So why are you not getting a Mare toy in 3 hours mlpg?
Sometimes pony needs some time on her own.
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Pony says you fuck like a pansy and she's getting bored

No. You're not a unicorn
Kill pony.
Worst ponies don't get hugs.
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No. You are not a little unicorn.
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You will see walking behind you and giving you the YOU WILL DIE SHORTLY eyes.
... fist pony hard?
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L-limp dicked pussies...
I bet you couldn't even hug your waifus....
>going to /mlp/
Pony recomends using both hands
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But I am hugging my waifu.
Well I'm sorry, but you aren't even worthy hugging.
Fucking pink.
you still have ponyacci
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I-I'd hug Pinkie...
Shut up, Pinkie
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Fuck you worse horse.
Her wish is my command.
Just kidding
Suck it
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I will.
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Yes you.
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Would Celestia have you dragged out into public and messily executed if you were mean to a pony?
She would have you dragged out into public and messily filled up with horse semen
I doubt Celestia would execute someone just for being mean. She'd probably give them a stern talking to, though.
Of course not, she's a fair and benevolent ruler.
>implying she wouldn't let her cock do the talking
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>Celestia giving you a stern talk
That would destroy me.
I'd never dare to be mean again.
Why have we been so dead these past few days?
Please respond.
Pony says you better stop asking those questions are she will have to take care of you.

She made air quotes while saying those last words.
What if the turkey gobbled them up?
Dumb theory, spoilered for meta.

During the hiatus pony was scarce, and you had to stick your nose in regularly or you'd miss the discussion of news, leaks and the comics which could come at any time.
Now we have pony on a schedule, and people can just come by on episode day and they won't miss much that's important, relatively speaking. in the meantime.
then why are we here
I think it's more that the episode leaked early, turkey day, and everyone is still doing school shit.
Because we have nowhere else to go.
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But then why were the threads in the last month always full of somebody saying "I was away for months, did something happen?"

This gif is begging for a WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS edit. I lose my shit everytime I see that Twilight Sparkle gif.
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Lyra is a very verbose pony
Why is she such a bad influence?
Hiya circlejerk general! What's up? Still talking about and kissing up to certain tripfags?
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She is just acting out again
Don't be a bully.
How am I being a bully? Is this not what happens every single day in circlejerk general?
bat pony general pls leave
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>fucking children

Gee anon, how pedo can you be?
The EG novelization is on sale at amazon right now.

I wouldn't get that even if they paid me to
Is it scanned yet? I want to know how bad was it.
No thank you.
it's shit
dont think its out till next year.

i honestly want to see if they can fix Sunset Shimmer
Those things are usually pretty minimal-effort. I doubt there'll be any fixing going on there.
I thought the first one was already out? I know there's a sequel coming.
If anything it will be even worse, and it's not like you can fix her without changing major plot points.
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mlpg, please stop me, I want to collect an ultramarines army
I'm going to marry a bat pony
>woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow how was I supposed to know the dick goes there
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You will never go down on Fluttershy so well that she gets starry-eyed.

>Not glorious Word Bearers

It's like you enjoy sucking cock.
chaos marines a shit
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Thirsty horses

your waifu is a shit
Princess Twilight Sparkle™ isn't afraid of anything.
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I don't have a waifu
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You are already lost, brother. The only help I can offer you is a swift death.
Grey Mouse is mine.
>Anon says the next doujin sucks
>the female characters all wear practical adventure outfits
>there's character development instead of fanservice
Grey Mouse is a slut and an exhibitionist

I can't help that I love the whole space roman thing they have going on, and their color scheme is very fetching
Your'r mom.
Mhmm, I sure love sucking dicks. I especially like them ultramarine dicks with some of Mary Ward on top.
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>Word Bearers
>not Thousand Sons
top kek
But mice have lots of babies it's only natural she'd be a slut
Dash is disappointed in the new Sonic's soundtrack
I love day threads. None of that circlejerk nonesense of the night threads.
Stop slutshaming
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>Mocking Word Bearers
>Posts a picture of Word Bearers
I... I'm so sorry, Anon
Do you at least have an imouto?

That's not possible. If Sonic games have done something right, it's the soundtracks.
Pretend to like everyone else, because it's cool.
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>tfw so pathetic you don't even have a waifu
Just have her listen to the mario one. It's much better.
Since we apparently /tg/ now, I hadn't seen this yet
Based /tg/ had a thread about it the other day http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/28488940 I'm always baffled at how people are chill the FiM and just care about the fantasy lore.
Fucking moot and rule 15.
Dash says that while it's not bad, it's not as good as Colors or Unleashed in terms of music.

She also says that the Mario remixes from the new Olympics game were amazing.
Dash needs to wear her fedora tighter to enjoy it.
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>mfw I was in that thread

I would kill to see a proper MLP thread on /tg/
pony says to stop saying that she says things that she isn't saying
I'm talking about 3D world silly

She knows that, but she'd rather wait until there's a proper soundtrack release.
Pony never said that!
that's nifty

I like AJ's
Funny, because I heard pony said she wanted to be raped.
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someday, when all this is over, rule 15 will pass
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>tfw haven't truly went back to /tg/ in half a year
Same goes for /co/
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>we will never again breach containment
which pony would you bust ghosts with?
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Just play with clearly delineated proxies like the rest of us hobos
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The flower trio

Just to see their reactons
/mlp/ will forever be in containment
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>rule 15 will never be lifted
>you will never be able to discuss and play Oubliettes and Ogres on /tg/
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You listen to me man, you stick around and I'll stick around, and someday we'll prove you wrong on that first bit
Hope springs eternal and all that
im gay for Gaffer
And this is why you are all in containment board. People like him.
left to right,
>Daphne, Shaggy, Freddie
its truer than you think too, i was on /b/ for like 3 years posting MLP
And you.
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>Hope springs eternal and all that
Worse than ponychan.
Frankly speaking I blame >>14801922
If it weren't for /b/ we would probably be on /co/ still, and maybe this wouldn't even be as big of a thing as it is
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I would pay to see the flowr trio have to solve a mystery scooby doo style

It would be 22 minutes of screaming and frantic galloping into walls
Sounds like it's exactly as true as he thinks.

Also, >posting ponies on /b/ post-containment

You are the worst kind of person.
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And you, and all of you. Oh, and of course Pinkie and Fluttershy too.
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Why are aliens laser nuking Tibet?
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What about Homestar?
aliens were alien laser nuking alien Tibet.
lol, a shitposting tripfag telling me im the worst kind of person.

Ya, probably. Oh well, nothing can be done now.
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these girls come up to you after convention and ask if you want to come to their hotel room to watch some episodes.

oh but you drove there with your mom so you cant go.
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Homestar can suck a dirty egg for all Rarity cares.
they look frightening
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Bitch please, I own my car. I paid it off years ago.
My mother is dead.
Also, I wouldn't agree to watch episodes with anything as inhuman looking like that.
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That's cool I guess.
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Was his date with Rarity really that bad?
the slick part is him, acting like he isn't gay for Gaffer too.
>Oh well, nothing can be done now.
While I'd have to disagree with you on Deaf being a shitposter, as long as you're not still violating rule 15 in /b/ you're fine by me.
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I own my own douchemobile thank you very much anon
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There were definitely gayfags on /co/ that weren't /b/. I mean, we had you, for one.
Homestar really is an Equestrian Girl
Were there anymore scorpio zodiac art?
You guys didn't decide I was gay until after we had to come to /mlp/.
do you get bitches with them
Homestar is still a thing?
He is a /b/ shitstain, though.
Literally the worst.

I love you, LK
>Twilight Sparkle will never stop ruining the show you used to love
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There's a ton of it
This was a request someone did for me
i haven't posted pony there in the last 2 months. I am so done with them. It's depressing to see what's left and how they act.
how do you get it into the basement?
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>Silver Spoon was in a severe accident, and was rushed to the hospital, she might not survive.
>Diamond Tiara is now at a loss, no longer knowing what to do, or what to say.
I could probably fap to that
>tfw lk is ded
>well not really ded
>just working so much he doesn't have time for anything else
>not even jacking off to over inflated balloon
>so she draws something horribly shitty
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Very carefully

Its getting back out that is the real problem
Holy shit she just killed that dude

why do people do this instead of spelling it properly
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"I know, I'll get a crystal filly slave!"
>not reversing it in
because its so funnah
>you will never make a fusion plant
>you will never make Aquarius the main source of water
>you will never generate infinite fuckin' energy
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To emphasize the particular manner of saying it.

Like when what is spelled "hwat" deliberately.
Oh yeah, I remember the short lived zodiac craze. That's when we got a whole bunch of new drawfags. Most of them dead now.
enormous veiny throbbing sweaty leaking horsecocks
It's a meme.
Oh it's you again
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It's the Blue Lanterns Corps getting slaughtered.
They are the one corps representing hope. Get it? So now there's no Hope! Because the villain is so powerful!
Wait no, actually the villain was shit and Saint Walker survived.
Everyone forgot about the zodiac ponies because there wasnt really a way to make them belong to someone like an oc
So no long lived art blogs
Oh it's you again
I still need to play deus ex
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West Coast shit, nigga
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EA pls
you need your sleep
They're not dead anon. They are in a better place. Free from the evil clutches of the attention whoring fandom to improve their art and skills.

A couple of them returned to /co/
Deus Ex made me realize how much I can't play on PC. I just cannot get into PC controls at all and much prefer a controller.
Oh, it's you again.
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You can't alter the truth, Deaf, some of us still remember.
>tfw listening to Tupac right now
Just wait for the Gabecube. You can play it with a Gabetroller.
>CoD:Ghosts for $60

such sale
Yeah, I'm hoping it's good.
My nigga. If I still had skype I would chill with you.

Unless of course you are black. Are you black, anon?
Because it's epin.
I suggest to take a look at the pony-related comments to have a reminder of how terrible bronies are
I'm the whitest guy I know.

Should I listen to Illmatic next or The Chronic?
I like to lean back on my chair to play vidya. I'm a pc owner and I dislike crouching over the keyboard cuz I my posture sucks.
I loved gamestop's black friday ad
They are just doing the same price on everything and calling it a sale
Good I hate black poeple. They ruin everything.
...I'd repressed the memory of that event.

You wound me, good sir. I don't go to /b/, and haven't since sometime around 2008.
/co/ rekindled my need to draw again mlpg. Why did I ever leave /co/ for this?
people ruin everything*
You left /co/?
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When is 4DE going to sell Fluttershy plush? I want one

I guess there's more variety in subjects at /co/. Here, you can draw ponies, maybe humans and a few related species.
But on /co/, damn! You can draw whatever.
I haven't seen a Dash one yet either. Maybe they haven't figured out how to do the wings?
not until she becomes a princess, I'm afraid. It'd be too much hassle to make one now and then have to make another one 6 months down the line for her alicorn regalia
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When you get a decent taste in pone.
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>Still have yet to ship Pinkie.

Fuck the bastids.
>tfw three days left out of a rare 4 day weekend
>limitless potential
>tfw don't want to do anything and probably just waste it scrolling through mlpg the entire time
at least tell me people will be streaming the episode tomorrow
Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive.
When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, ‘You’re based.’ They’d use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, ‘Yeah, I’m based.’
I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive.
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It's too late for the Dishonored screwup (it's $13.59 for the GOTY now).

You can get Bioshock Infinite at Amazon with 1&2 for $15.
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>just working so much he doesn't have time for anything else
>not even jacking off to over inflated balloon
Hey, I still have time for that at least.
I had a pony named gloomy

she died, she died
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Anon, she's kind of getting fed up with this.
Until you get over yourself she's going out for a cider.

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Somehow I'm not surprised.

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Is she really dead now?
Did not!
I told you she was staying at Applejacks farm!
With your goldfish.
And the dog...

I had a poster named anon

he lied, he lied
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Yep. You're in no state to try to interact with right now. She's going to see a movie, too.

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>fluttershy is the most explosive
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Balloons are cool, dude.

>Meanwhile, at Applejack's farm
>Gloomy shoos the dog away from the fishbowl
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Amazon doesn{t work with my card provider, but thanks for the reminder
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Casual butts are the best
>human slippers
>human keyboard
>human mouse
>human cup
>human everything
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no, naked butts are
stram balloons
Well duh, she's even had to tape pens to her hooves to type. My guess is that she's at your place, Anon.
the joke is she was just transformed into a pony
>get transformed into pone
>the first thing you do is tape pens to your hooves so you can continue being a useless piece of shit
Shit, I'd do it.
I'd come onto MLPG and wave my cartoon candy locks in your faces.
She probably masturbated first.
But right after that she went back to being a useless shit on the internet.
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I know this is a trap but still

do go on
I'm going to bed right now actually. Sorry.
I just found Discord's new theme:

i would be a horse prostitute for mlpg, doing cam shows regularly, but also flying out and having erotic meetups with anons who were interested - donations accepted, but not required
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"Casual butt" pony needs to put on some fucking pants.
or at least sit on a towel.

You don't know what she's doing on the computer! Maybe it's a 10 000 words paper she has to write for tomorrow!
into a respectable adult
i would encourage you
I'd social network with MLPG and try to find someone willing to take in a snuggle slave
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The first 500 onyx black toys in medium firmness will be eligible for a 40% discount at Bad Dragon.

The sale starts in 30 minutes.
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Dear god
No, it's quite clearly a tumblr blog.
>someone willing to take in a snuggle slave
You mean all of us?
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I knew it

the least fun thing of them all
M-maybe it's for a web design course!
No. She's probably a feminazi, too.
this is a viral wanna be shit
I don't want a slave just to snuggle.

It'd better cook me breakfast and play with my genitals too.
Nah dude, I want a qt dragon gf. No slave relashionship, that shit's nasty (unless it's a fetish or something)
pony wants a high wage earner
>Black Dragon sale
>40% horse pussy

anyone ever owned one of those things before?
>not getting a dragonbutt

I forgot how pleb you guys were
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why doesn't Bad Dragon make toys in UV reactive colours anymore?
The only possible reason for not watching it is wanting to wait for the stram and spout epic memes in the chat with your bros
Stupid as hell, but it's tradition and I can respect it

>cumtube no

what's the fucking point
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There was a time when I honestly believed all this dragon dildo and related accessories stuff was a joke and that nobody around here would seriously be buying things like that

How naive I was
pony butts
satyr hips
batpony ears
Why would you ever think that?

Vestigial traces of normalcy
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>pony butts
Why would you think it was a joke? Were you young and inexperienced?
Aah, I remember when I didn't know anything about fetishes. I remember when I got guilty with futa. "She has a dick!" I said to my screen. "I can't fap to this. That would be gay."
Are you implying that enjoying anal stimulation abnormal?

Or that wanting a toy with a "unique" design is?

I expected more from you, FS

I hope it was before pony.

Because Bad Dragon's been around a while.

>You're not a bad dragon. You just need a Bad Dragon.
Groose's Theme goes with Everything - Browsing My Little Pony General
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>batpony ears

uslaeli Batavia
I've seen more on /k/
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>satyr hips
and butts
though honestly this butt could be drawn better. it looks...lumpy.
The sketchiness probably doesn't help. I wish GR would finish more pictures.
I'm a bit more bothered by the face.
That butt should be illegal
Eh, his faces always weird me out. I've come to expect it.
At least he's been experimenting with angles. I respect that.

I honestly like his legs more than his tits.
Big tits are cool, but the size he draws them just isn't my fetish.
But I looove a set of nice legs.
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Pony gets stoned
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What would happen if I carved a stone dong and attached it to her just before she turned back?
Is Twilight literally the worst pony??
I wish I could stone Twilight

Remember when we sexualized stone Twilight two months back?
Hahaha, hiatus.
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Morning mlpg, are you as hype as I am right now?

...Suddenly I'm really regretting not trying that with Raisin.
Except with wings and/or a horn.
I'm looking forward to watching it.
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I used to love reading. Now, all I love is self-indulgence.

It's hard to be an great person when you're addicted to pleasure.
Did you all have a happy Ponesgiving?
Nothing of the sort in my country.
Dashsgiving was a success.
Wasn't the gist of the macguffin that It was a "true form" amulet?. They probably would have stayed stone.

Princess Raisin, Princess of Horrific Deaths
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much food is leftover
and princess of deja-vu

You do realize it leaked two days ago, right?
Our deaths weren't really that horrific.
The worst one didn't even happen to us.
RIP Pinkie Pie...

Princess of maids and butts.
Man you are a slowmo
It sure knocked her flat on her ass, that's for sure.
Well it sorta did happen to us on a larger scale, though we quantum-lept out of it before it happened.

And didn't we get molten/eaten by a lava snake at some point?
I still feel that was the most crushing of the bad ends we've run into throughout the quest.
I'm just glad we were able to reverse it.
At least it didn't chew.

Yes. I umfed and Jr had a spergfit.
I enjoy watching it live too much to watch it by myself if it leaks.
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>tfw Dashvember is almost over
Maybe an actual good pony could have the next month.
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It's nearly time for Princess Twilight Sparkle™ Presents: December!
Rarivember flows nicely into Raricember
I'm really looking forward to Dashcember next week though
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goodnight mlpg
don't have too much pony
Well Raisin had lost her mind and Hayseed was torn so we couldn't time-leap. The only reason the quests didnt end right there was because Leth figured out to find Rarity on the off-chance that fixing the doll would bring Raisin back to us.
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It had a good run. What's up next, Twicember?
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How does it feel to be so wrong all the time?

Same here
what is this gif from
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What is up with bizarro Showers
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Rartoberfest was fun
Dashsgiving was fun
What's the next big holiday?
The hit children's cartoon: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

this particular moment happens near the end of S3 E13: Magical Mystery Cure
Christmarity on Raricember 25th
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What an interesting time that was...

That's not even a real holiday. I wish you Dashfags would leave your made up holidays in your own fucking country.
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I love you guys
Oh, I forgot Raranukkah!

That started wednesday night, Rarivember 27th and it ends Raricember 5th
Rarifags, please. Leave Twistannukah alone.
You saved Raisin.
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This hits close.
Can I get two pones for my homeboy Jesus

I forget Leth, were you here for the last Raisin? Didn't happen over the hiatus and you became lost in the Pet Shop.
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No I cannot spare that many pones jesus will have to find his own
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Pretty sure the J-Man has all the ponies he needs
I just wasn't into it after the long stretch after 3. I participated a little, but something felt different about 4, and just wasn't having the fun I had with the first 3, which are still some of my favorite experiences here.

It was good to know it worked out well though.
holy shit
I can't believe I didn't notice "Rohirrim" on >>14801873 until just now but I did
what a crazy random happenstance
>Kuroinu 3 won't fucking come out


not sure how feel.
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No. You can have three.
I wish we were doing a Christmas thing this year.
this is very silly
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we could bitch about steam sales

Yeah, 3 was fun because the first two were shott and nobody expected the epic that ended up happening. I feel like fewer people got into Raisin 4 because people expected another long haul.

If Jr quests again I hope it's shorter, honestly.
Hold it, those ponies are not fully developed! That's only 1.5 ponies in total!
I'm a little turned on
this'd be a lot better without the extraneous crotchtits, they just don't make sense in this context
What a horrible project that turned out to be
Oh boy, it's this faggot again
I just wish we still did fun stuff...
All things come to an end. Move on sheesh
But I want to have fun
>fun is over
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Hey guys ponykart isn't dead and will be great just wait for its 2012 release hur hur hur
Fun is where you make it. Move along. Move along.
pony wants to know why you enter 1-0-0 to microwave something for a minute instead of just hitting 6-0
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Did we ever find out what was in Pinkie pie's box?
Has any fangame in this fandom ever been finished?

I swore up and down Fighting is Magic would never get finished ever since it was announced and to this day I wish I was wrong
Becuase my microwave automatically turns 60 into 1-0-0
sure, lots of fangames are complete
the trick is to aim low and don't seek attention before you're done
Stop raping those innocent elves, Anon.
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But I just press 1

Does pony need glasses?
I just wish we did things as a community still. Now it just feels like no one wants to do anything fun and just spend their time arguing or trying to make other people mad.

I'm not enjoying myself anymore, but I don't know how to quit you guys.
I even found better places to pony, but I keep coming back here
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Best month
well we dont do vidya stuff it seems.
Everyone in this fandom is out fishing for attention. Abandon ship anon. Swim for shore.
if you want us to do stuff as a community take initiative and start a project
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Does anybody know where one should go to find information on that Super Lesbian Horse RPG some guy was making? The demo was pretty fun.
Why is she so lovely
He's still working on it. I suggest you follow his main blog, but don't. He has awful opinions.
Celestia is love.
Celestia is life.
That doesn't work anymore.
>Super Lesbian Horse RPG
I wanted to be excited for that because I want a classic RPG with horses, but the guy making it is just a fucking Tumblr social justice warrior and all of the jokes are LOL LESBIANS so fuck that.
Pony keeps quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
you're right, complaining about how we never do anything is way more effective than actually doing something yourself

keep it up, anon
>it was originally a PARC (ponies against rape culture) poster but i’m sure way more people know what DWM stands for which makes it far more effective as scumbag repellent

See? Awful opinions.
Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

I just press "add a minute" on my microwave.
No, it's terrible and shit.
That's not me. I don't agree with him, but I'm just not an organized person so I don't think I can handle something like that without fucking it up and disappointing everyone.
Oh my god why.
It's a real shame, i loved the art and shit on his blogs, but his opinions invaded and now it's ruined
We already looked at stuff 20 minutes ago without you, Anon. Everybody had a great time.
I was very excited for Super Lesbian Horse RPG but the guy that makes it will not even acknowledge on his blog that niggers are subhuman apes who spread AIDS and need to be deported to Africa, so how can I look forward to this game anymore? Find other My Little Pony video games to play if you're not a faggot.
>eye shadow Fluttershy

Killryde knows what's up.
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Jesus christ how horrifying

That is about as neat as skin cancer
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>tfw considering buying an XB1 just for Killer Instinct
Fuck it, streaming draws in 5 mins.
I don't like how they're like the tits that are on breasts but moved down, they would be more like a goat's
What the fuck
I was about to be angry at you guys for giving a shit about his opinions because I figured they were irrelevant, as they SHOULD BE, but I guess I was wrong.

Fuckin'... c'mon. A lighthearted pony game is NOT the appropriate soapbox for your views on... anything, really.
I wouldn't care about his opinions if they hadn't been stuck clumsily into the game. Regardless about how you feel about "rape culture" or whatever, this sort of anvilicious shoehorning can really ruin the experience of a game or movie.
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>buying the NSA black box
Get a popular drawfag to join or start, poeple will come.

Start a project without a popular drawfag? Might as well consider it a one man project.
Wouldn't we be able to remove all the related shitty dialogue to make a generally more acceptable experience? What's it coded in, anyways?
Dude, I usually never let anyone's opinions effect how I judge their work, but this fucking guy. I'm following him on tumblr and his just so aggressive with his opinions. Just a few days ago I see him insulting people because they don't feel the same way about Molestia as he does. Molestia is unfunny and stuff, but fuck it's not promoting "rape culture" or whatever else bullshit you think it is.
But the collection wasn't complete. How can I be a girl who has everything if they're not all in one image?
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I just...I just want to play a next gen fighting game. And it looks so good, too.
Maybe it'll be good a couple years from now, but for now its only got six characters and its on a system that's fucking disgusting.

Trust me, I wanted it too, but I don't want it that much. Killer Instinct used to be one of my favorite fighters of all time.
>implying it isn't goign to be pirated
Wow they sure know how to reel in the suckers with nostalgia.
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I shove people like this into the "People that could not think to save their lives and have to copy other appropriately bullshit opinions" category. There is no reason, substance or good in being friends or even interacting with these people. It's better to just ignore, if not to outright silence them, because their "personal" opinions don't contribute anything whatsoever to anything ever.

Also, pony.

It was a combination of old MLPGers with well known drawfags that made others want to join the MLPG Xmas book.

It was mostly fun
The dialogue seems ok, it's just a little poster from what it looks like so far.
But shit, that's just clumsy as hell, and he shouldn't have put it in the game.
I can understand him vocally disagreeing with somebody else on his own blog, but I don't give the most remote shits about anything related to that sort of thing. I just want to play a fun pony RPG without being reminded of some retarded internet war that should have never existed in the first place.
Is that too much to ask, do you think?
I'm tempted to send him all this in an anonymous ask myself, but I get the feeling it would do more harm than good.
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Glad you could make it, Uther.
rediv pls
It's probably been said numerous times before, so you'd just be talking to a brick wall.

A big problem with the more recent draw events is that they were advertised like shit.
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There were recent draw events?
>tfw this died while tower defense and dota became all the rage

Do it anyway, I want to see how it plays out.

No Featherweight, your ears are too big to be shotarrific.
There was a Halloween event.
That's something of a dangerous attitude, though. I imagine many of the responses he's certainly received have all been rather blunt and directly opposed to his agenda: pro-Molestia, as he might put it.
I don't think of myself as a participant of this particular shouting match, and I think a noncombatant's perspective might be a fresh one for him.
I think I just might. I don't have a tumblr, though, so I wouldn't be able to reply if he actually responds, which I kind of doubt.
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>ponk pi after thanks giving
Yes, the fact you don't even realized there was is a problem, it's posted all on tumblr, so no one that sees anything.
I'd blow on Pank's bulging belly
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>Uther Party
>not Phase Killer, Metastasis, the good Vampirisms, Battleships, Are you a Retard, and Civilization
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>so no one sees anything

I need sleep.
This guy draws some good porn.
>I think a noncombatant's perspective might be a fresh one for him.
The problem is that with people like him, if you're not 100% in agreement with his stances, you're an enemy. It's less of an intelligent discourse and more that they just want to make themselves feel more important, so they belittle and write off anyone else who might not agree with them.
If three's a crowd, what's four?
I have the feeling that goes for a lot of things though. I barely ever see quests being advertised here, either.
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Ponk used to play this game where she ran up stallions and blew into their donut holes. However after the 6th case of a float away stallion she was banned from doing so.
A party.
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an orgy
An orgy.

The original saying is "'Two's company, three's a crowd, but four on the sidewalk is never allowed."
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a swarm
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Ponies with eyewear is my fetish
Then what's ten?
>Pinkie not wearing shutter shades
ya blew it
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>not ponies with feedbags
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The future.
Metastasis was just a shitty Parasite 2
Yeah, people need to change how they advertise things. Draw events at least are not something you should have to look up on tumblr for.
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I prefer bows and ponytails.
It's filled with frosting. Isn't it.
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>not mares in suits

Just get out of my face

Once every pony has been upgraded, they can move on to MLP generation 5, in which the only type of pony is an alicorn
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>JUST a shitty Parasite 2
No, this was before the S4 premier
It's drool
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume (for now) that he's not a complete extremist. Also that he doesn't feel the need to make himself feel more important by belittling people. Really, that's kind of a lot to assume of the guy.
I think the drawfags will actually have the least problems with it - they all follow each other anyway.
Well, all I can do is wish you luck. Maybe you'll get somewhere and everything will be better for it.
I'm liking this idea
4 times less than terrible.
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Costumes/Outfits of any kind.
Pony is a rap god.
Oh, and he doesn't allow anonymous asks anyway. Oh well.
I'll just forget about this for a while, most likely
too bad she had the worst gala dress
Look at that pretty horse. She's so happy.
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and stallions in dresses!
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double horrifying!
It's not on a drawfag's tumblr though, it's on a different tumblr made just for the event. It's dumb
unf dashbutt unf unf
But rarara got the worst gala dress. Dash had the best and Pinkie had the cutest.
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I can dig it.

Stop posting anytime.
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Eh, it was more to express their characteristics and hers meshed well with her attitude and job. I wouldn't mind seeing her in something fancy and potentially lacy though, I'll admit.

Happy ponies are best ponies.
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>rarara got the worst gala dress
>Pinkie had the cutest
your terrible and perfect opinions are confusing me, say something about Fluttershy

Flutter's was the worst. Incrediby tacky and those vines curling around her front. hooves just looked dirty.
I will tell you another secret Anon:

They even talk to each other.
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Dash best butt.
Fluttershy is boring
Ponies with bows, skirts, horseshoes, eyewear, feedbags, and crotchteats
>there was an actual mlpg circlejerk
Fluttershy is the dirtiest pony out of the six
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>responding to FS
stop encouraging him
Duh >>14804321
>implying Fluttershy's wasn't third best
disgusting tastes
Cruel, but sadly accurate
how do you feel about Shining Armor
hope twerking anon
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>November almost over
>never redeemed my free PS+ month because I'm a lazy ass
>won't get Dark Arisen
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Fluttershy can't stay up anymore.
>big bouncy Sugarlumps
absolutely worthless in every way outside of the comics
what will her father say
I ship fluttershy and sleepyhead
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Ain't no daughter mine doing no twerkin'.
Also fair. I can't really fault you for that either, but I think we're getting somewhere.
What are your top 3 ships
Wonder what she was doing.
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kill yourself
Who's hope?
But they look like they would be so peaceful and cute together.
>that video of the black dad
shipping is awful
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shit nigga get it together
augh they're so happy
why's it gotta be all this fatherly shit.
I just want tits and horsepussy
Shipping is the best thing as long as you don't take it seriously. How can anyone hate it is beyond me.
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Ok, I've figured it out!
You're hitler and everything you think is wrong, except what you said about Pinkie having the cutest gala dress, which is simply a fact you cannot deny.
Thanks for participating, have a lovely day
but she's only 12 years old
anon that is a terrible attitude and i will not let you near my daughter

go bother fluttershy's kid
Because she's a kid dude. Also because it started as fatherly feels.
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and she's got a pair of hips like a bomb
well I meant satyrs in general
>Twilight Sparkle will never turn you in to a hypersexual little colt
MSOB pls draw more of Big Mac's daughter
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public sex with human Pinkie
You're doing this to me on purpose.
>as a pony
Agreed. He needs to do more Applebloom
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The miracles of being part pone.
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>tfw missed the Bad Dragon sale again

I'll never know the feel of Mega Spike penetrating my anus
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They are really great, aren't they?
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Satyr's got hips yo.
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Whatever do you mean?
>tfw bought a toy
>for someone else

I love this feel

What if your satyr daughter brought home a boy for dinner?

What if you caught her letting him rub her legs and tickle her hooves?
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its over already?
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Public sex is one of my favorite fetishes of all time.
They had 500 toys to sell
It ended in minutes
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You've got good taste in fetishes then.
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a relaxing and in depth discussion on the nuances of music with human DJ-pon3 and Octavia
rei pls
you shouldnt have sex where everyone can see you

think of the bystanders
humans don't have ears like that
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