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My Little Pony General: DORKS edition

Discuss dorkish ponies, or don't.

Old "cool kid" horse: >>14787828
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I want to high five Andy Price.
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This pony is a huge dork.
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me too, he seems like a really cool guy
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Gettin' real tired of your shit pone.
I want to stroke her mane
honestly, the cane thing is still funny to me

Beats gak by a long shot
I do too.
I also want to stroke her butt
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We need to go to the next con so the normal fans of the show are given a voice.
>On mlpg
Anon I don't think you have perspective on life.
source on that pillow

Gak wasn't even from the show.

It was just a fucking advertisement in between.

I'm surprised they didn't capitalize on stompeez.
would you?
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>Every single Twilight Cosplayer will have this fucking cane.
>In a year they will be on sale at Hot Topic for 50 bucks.
Well, that's a given.
Gonna dance behind you when you least suspect it.
It's not a question of if I would, it's a question of when I would stop. The answer is never.
What is your mlpg difficulty setting?
did we ever finds out whats ins the box?
Have you accepted that you're a changeling yet?
Like the fist of an angry god.
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full human or full pony only

nah, it's loosing steam and will be gone come saturday
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I want more silly Apple pone this season.
The only question is how to introduce her to my parents like that.
And her wings.
In fact, I want to stroke every part of her body I think
Yeah, but at least I'm the original me.
Pone is too full after Thanksgiving, she needs to just lay down and rest. She tells you not to rub her belly for a half-hour.
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The new episode pissed me off.
Would you stroke her ego?
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did we ever finds out whats ins the pank?
Just say, "Mom, Dad, this is aaaahhh AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH
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Pony meets you for the first time. But has the voice of a grown man, bigger than yours.
Do you still love pony
Does anyone have a link to it? What was the general consensus?
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She's been pretty silly already
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magic xD
Because that's so much more powerful than a sight-linked mind control spell, right? It's basic telekinesis.

In what way?
She levitated an entire fucking section of crop from Sweet Apple Acres in the first season. She lifted a water tower full of milk and then an Ursa Minor. Four light ponies is fucking NOTHING.
Hmmm, one of Rarity's biggest draws is her voice
But if she was still the same pony, yes.
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B-but you're so cute!
good round mouth for my horse cock
not me. It was great
It's not the spell itself, but the power she exercises over what should be her friends /and/ equals (but clearly are less than that.)
>general consensus
somewhat positive, but with some who disagreed vehemently.
I liked it, personally.
maybe. I don't think she really needs me too though.
>pony wooing me with a smooth baritone
I'd be comfortable with that, I think

Jessica Elwood is pretty cool, because even though I don't like her furry art, she constantly posts nudes and gifs of her playing with her tits.

Pony says no, she feels sick.

the greatest


so you aren't just forgetting how strong she is

you're just retarded.
All she did was calm them down. If your friends were freaking the fuck out and words weren't doing anything, you're telling me you wouldn't try to help them get a hold of themselves? That's not seeing them as lesser, that's helping them out.
Who said they were equals? I only count one princess in the group
They were freaking out, she did what she could to calm them down. I've been on the watch for what you're describing, but I don't think this fits at all.
As >>14793426 said, it's not unlike what we've seen before.
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I'll just admire from afar.
and wonder if I should get the bucket ready
...They've never been her 'equals', anon. She was the prize pupil of royalty; they're citizens of a tiny little town.
So far.
Nothing special, just like Too many Pikis
Wait what seriously
dot's stuff can be pretty cute
Heh. Pretty funny.
So it's the Princess Twilight Sparkle Show.
How long do you think it'll be before the rest are princesses too? End of the season?
She was always her equal. That's been a point forever.
that one is good too
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>They are all going to become princesses!
No, it's the Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie show. They're all equal as friends, but they've never been equal in strength.
Nonymous do you think you could make some gifs of the Black Vine fight scene from Princess Twilight Sparkle part two?
Next season. Whatever's in the box will help lead to it.
wow I need a link brah
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would you?
They are all friends.
That makes them equals.
Because blah blah friendship is bigger then any crown.

Better than anything in S3 and most of S1 and S2. One of the top 20 eps.
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Ah, nice to see the real, respectable Pinkie Pie was killed in TMPP by Princess Twilight Sparkle.
you mea the lyra show

What are you talking about? That scene was ponka as hell.
Warning: Artist Titties
>but they've never been equal in strength.
They are all strong in different ways, they balance one another out.
Blah blah, balancing your friends for the sake of gameplay, Activision Blizzard.
Okay, so why is her stopping them all while they're panicking such a problem?
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Do you guys think Applejack still keeps in touch with Cherry Jubilee.

man, it manages to be even more horrifying without the bgm
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Link to the new episode.
I have no idea, I think the Anon is just acting retarded.
I really missed letters to the princess in s3

it was so nice when pank wrote one
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>Mfw I must visit my parent's house to see my extended family
>I didn't see them for a long time
>I fucking hate many of them
>But my parents insist on me coming

God, why mom and dad, why?

I fucking hate that smug asshole racist uncle

I fucking hate that cousin that always begs for money and makes insulting jokes

and I hate so many of them for asking so many shitty questions every time we meet
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Half past a monkeys ass.
Quarter to his balls.
Hey! Should I stream myself drawing? It won't be amazing but it might be fun!
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>Avast decides to update.
>Starts fucking with 4chan's updater.
Of course I can, Anon, give me a few minutes.
pony. you smell. take a bath.
That top post...

I need these pics.
Do it.
I'd be up for it
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nigga that scene was pink to a T
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>Family asks me about hobby
>Immediately think of /mlpg/

What do
Are think you could make a gif of AJ being a Badass?
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Say reading
If I post nudes of myself on my tumblr will I get more fans too
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Do one of this scene
Show us your teeth
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"Hi Anon. Want to go down and get some snacks?"
commit sudoku
Is that the girl who paid a big breasted model to pose as her?
Ok, what should I draw? Can I have an exciting science fictiony request please?
Is that guy still alive?
Lewd poni
lewd pony in a space ship
A dandy stallion in the space
>Bro notices stuff scattered on desk.
>"Man, what are you doing with all this?"
>'Uuh, you know, hobby stuff.'
>Blank stare.
>"Yeah, i'm uh, working on making jewelry and stuff, but mostly I kinda waste my time grinding quartz on this Dremel."
>Bro gets on his phone.
>Shows me a rock polishing machine.
>'Probably want one of those, man.'
>"Ahaha, yes, silly me!"
>The entire time mentally willing him not to open the door next to him.
Fluttershy wearing a high-tech slave collar that Twilight deactivated so they could escape, and the two of them are shooting lasers at the slavers.
I should have clarified, I can't draw anything lewd or nsfw, I live with other people, nosy people who would judge me for drawing lewd pone. Plus it wouldn't be very good.
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Here you go.

People have wanted to see you for years.
But theres a lot to be said for the "Mystery of Weaver"
those are some huge titties
Draw lewd pictures of those people.
non-lewd pony in a space shup
Maybe not you, but what if MT and Rose posted lewd selfies regularly?
This, it's the only logical choice
>MT posting lewd selfies
pls no
>She has to take two shots to get it all in.
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This sounds really cool but I don't think I'm good enough to do it justice

But I'm related to those people
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There was another scene where she was deeking and diving under vines too
draw pony in stormtrooper armor
>But I'm related to those people

I want Nicole to milk me exactly like this
>I don't think I'm good enough to do it justice
So? Do your best, and that's good enough because the point is for you to get practice.
that scene where she was fully encased in vines was pretty hot
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Looks like Twilight got a little THORNY!
winghugs are the best
My cock is fully erect.
Good point! You have convinced me, I will do your request! Any specific designs for the slavers?
make them wear big space suits that hide their features
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Just going through the scenes as they come up
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Maybe I'm just biased from other criticisms I read, idk.
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those could just as easily just be notes for the various contests
W-what does that mean?
>constant popups about buying their VPNs
Just short-cropped manes, and preferably the weaponry is pony-compatible instead of just human weapons.
You mean while she encourages you and rubs your thighs and tells you to relax and let go in Celestia's voice, surely?
I had an idea, can that be bodacious fish men with sunglasses, as shown in pinkies drawings?
>secret code thingy in bottom left
Half life 3 confirmed
>Not paying for the service and not seeing that shit.
why is there a heart in aj's side?
ow pinkie you

Am I the only one who finds JessicaElwood's art extremely bland and unappealing and her posting nude pics of herself on her blog to be in bad taste?
Sounds rockin', go for it.
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Gnarly! I'll just set things up then post the link
Gross: http://derpibooru.org/484990

Unf: http://derpibooru.org/485001
It is kinda funny, not just the fact that both 3rd episodes of latest 2 seasons leaked but Pinkie again in the center of attention and receiving criticism (note" I'm indifferent towards it).
>that roll
Applejack is so bad ass.
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>that secret code in lower left side
CC pls
Creepy Curse style is amazing.

fucking cornlords
quit pushing your HFCS agenda everywhere
We all do, but you can't argue against free boobies.
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Her humans are shit but her poneis are okay:

Camwhoring is a usual thing in the Internet. R u new?
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It's funny they're going to do a new episode with him considering how ruined he was at the end of 'Putting Your Hoof Down'.
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This pleases pone.
Actually, I feel the opposite way. Her art isn't great, but her nudes make up for it. It's a good compromise. I wish Jessy would learn from her example.
>I wish Jessy would learn from her example.
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Despite my gripes with it, I still thought it was a lot better than the premier.
You guys are really desperate.
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Who is?
For what?
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It was much better than most eps in general.
Rose you should post nudes too, for when your art sucks.
It was a pretty solid episode overall

I liked the premiere more though
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pone is already nude
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Pffft. Happy Thanksgiving, guys.
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If you're going to ask artists to post nudes why wouldn't you ask like
a hot artist
like art anon
twilicorn or non alicorn twilight?
Oh baby
Those thick folds
That beard
Up to you.
princess, obviously
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No subtlety wasted on little girls.
non alicorn twilight it is

Oh god I can't stop unfing.
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Hope you had a good one.
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Fuck yes Mortarion is the best primarch

>unlimited phosphex bombs
>essentially a meltagun ranged weapon
>S7 unwieldy sweeping weapon that can slice through entire squads
>ability to teleport across the battlefield.
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Burger please, Thanksgiving was last month.
and his honor guard is nothing to sneeze at either

not to mention how retardedly durable he is
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>twilight almost kills pinkie
>Pinkie had ptsd flashbacks from the last time twilight killed her
>She was even aiming where pinkies head used to be, if she hadn't ducked
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Hmm, her wings are the normal model here, not the larger "alicorn" wings.

Every fucking time.
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I know just the pone for that guy.
also who the fuck is he

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Applejack can be a pretty pony too.

primarch of the deathguard
Why is pone metroid?
Never too late to wish someone a Happy Thanksgiving

can someone make a gif from this
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pone is very animated
Why can't pone crawl?
>tfw I still have only watched s4e1-2 once

i need to rectify this
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I wish I never watched it, myself.
>i got feels from snowdrop
What moment?
i can make almost all of it, but it is 500 frames, will be shitty quality and very low-res
>tfw arachnophobia

i'm waiting for your nudes
>"Look how much prettier my wings are compared to my friends' wings!"
That's not snowdrop. It's some other OC named Celery who I can never seem to find any info on but who has a lot of art.
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She'll never be until she can accept it
just a loop of the dance at :25
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like this
who are you quoting
Well Today is your lucky day
The GIF, you dolt
Because it is an OC of the artist named Celery so obviously he draws her?

It is actually very shitty OC, mary sue borderline and artist is a massive faggot when you try to interact with him and do not meet his expectations.
you wouldn't like it
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why are you quoting?


love you mlpg!
Then Dewbon pinup.
But Twilight doesn't say anything in that .gif, and .gifs themselves are soundless

GG draw more stallions with monstergirls.
GG Draw more ____________
>vine hornjob

>boob job
>taken down
Show us nudes of your special somepony then.
Eating pizza
Public fucking.
If you could deduce from context, you wouldn't need to ask that question, autist.
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Pretty sure it's the one a little ways down. Nothing special, really.
After a race.
She won, and it was part of their deal. Winner got to be on top.
Princess Bitch
Mti and Mua
Spitroasting with them kissing maybe
It's Princess Bitch
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>Spitroasting with them kissing maybe

Yes, thank you.
Planthead assfucking Cheerilee
How would you spend a nice seuxal evening with pony?
Anon please
that would be incest
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And another one.
I want pony to break me.
Does your special somepony play out your rape fantasies with you?
basically just make out with my dick inside her
Come on GG

they're so cute together and it's never really been drawn

they can still be cute while raping PB, alright?
So has season 4 started airing yet? I'm curious as to whether the show has improved. If it has, where can I download?
It'd be genius
But I don't want to have sex with anything, can't we just play Video Games or watch shows
>they're so cute together and it's never really been drawn
Because they're not for incest
dude it's season 5 now
I'd rather spend a nice coaxial evening with pony
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the first 2 episodes have been officially released, with the third one leaked prematurely

yayponies as always has your needs met

and yes, the new episodes are fantastic
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But where would I download it?
For some reason I only like her pics when she's the one posting them.
>Because they're not for incest

Frottage is incest any way you slice it, GG

As is DP
It's just a little peck, come on.

One can go in for it and the other could freak out about it, then it's not incest and it'd still be cute
seconding the fantasticity
Have I missed much
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420 braze it.
Fuck off queer)


just some horses
please stop
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>Frottage is incest any way you slice it, GG
Pony is having sex with you rather you want to or not.
>a girl with ass and hips like that and a relatively small gut is possible

Jesus fuck

I gotta hit the gym, time to start dating again

hello unf
Quit being gay, guys.
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>post edit of the new episode
>please stop
why does everyone assume the twins fuck each other god
But there's no boobjob. I wanted a sex vid.
Women like that get their pick of guys since they are all scrambling to her.
I'm locking myself in the room and tying covers around my waist and putting stuff next to the door, pony isn't getting in.
Lots of ponying
Hey, I asked for the Harpy chick and Soarin. I thought it would be cute.
B-but I just want a little kiss during heated unconsensual spitroasting
>a girl with ass and hips like that and a relatively small gut is possible
Where do you see that
But that would be incest.
Because it's drug related.
Because you've never specified if they would or wouldn't

And they rub cocks all the time
>But there's no boobjob. I wanted a sex vid.
Sorry bro, them's the breaks. The 'boobjob' is the one where the dick isn't even visible because it's completely enveloped in her tits.

because tying your dicks together is pretty close to gay incest m8
It's a means to an end
If they just rubbed dicks that's one thing
That wasn't tying dicks together Anon...
That was gift wrapping.
can I get the spitroasting sans kiss then?
>Incest is sexual activity between family members and close relatives

Last I checked, tying your dick to another guy's would count as a "sexual activity"
>Lyra and Sweetie Drops.
>At all.
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smelly feet give me the most shameful boner ever, why do I have to like something like this
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rarity invites you to pony thanksgiving at her parents house. what will you bring?
No, it isn't. It's clearly just a sport. It's called "Jump across a field with your dicks tied together". All the colts do it.
Oh, this one. Darn.
If I could find a vid, it would stroke so many fetishes.
The postnumber card suggests it's just a camwhoring image.
Use the reverse blow, Rarity!
My father's marshmallow covered mashed sweet potatoes.
This sight after a long run is my exact fetish
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My dick in a box.
>you will never put your dick in Rarity's box
Pone is better than tumblr camwhore shit.
Apparently she did camwhore. The thread said it might not be her, but I wouldn't put it past her.
But anon, it'd be all damp with sweat and it would smell funny
>you will never box with rarity's dick
>damp with sweat and it would smell funny
How appropriate.
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Holy beb
I bet the person who is in this doesnt know of the edit
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Food comas
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ok so like
how nothing is the fanfiction side of the fandom these days?
They do, actually.
It's Elwood, and I'm pretty sure she's the one who made it.

Either an apple pie, a cheesecake or this pumpkin rice pudding I tried making this year.

Just not this batch, because the rice was still a bit crunchy. I think I'll have to use leftover rice next time...
I've been riding the fine line between full and violently ill for the last few hours. Things have settled, though.
I ate plenty of turkey and my food coma wore off fast

Would you let your favorite pony tease you like this
Is there a tumblr?
Edits are fun.
only writefags car about it, they're in their own bubble
It would work with either a pony or a personhorse, probably better with a pony because they have stronger tongues
but she draws porn that is fappable so it is ok
DOes anyone have that picture of Rarity sticking her hoof into Raindbow Dash? It's based off the leaked episode.
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Post your expectation of the whole season

fomr 1 to 10

1 being monkey shit and 10 being godly good
i have low expectations so yeah
I expect it to be less enjoyable than when I was first watching the show.
There's still good fiction being written
not really much from mlpg lately
someone tell cosmo to write more

-3 for not enough screentime for best pony
8-9, no real reason to think otherwise.
7-8. I would say 9 if it weren't for the box bullshit.
btw im not talking about fapfiction, just straight up stories

but also Twilycornsavesthedayandsolvesallthemysterieswithoutanyhelpfromherfriends/10

and maybeZecorawillgetasong/10
I'm going to aim high, it paid off for the premier

8 overall.
but Celestia's had a decent amount of screentime already
been dead for a long, long time now

Im on my way out.
Applejack wants to sleep with you
alright, but only if she gets her brother to sleep with me tomorrow
She needs to take a bath first
Sexually or nonsexually? Can we cuddle either way?
We have not seen a 10 yet, and no, S1 was not a 10, but it is a ceiling.
alright, but only if she gets sweaty and smelly first
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>I expect it to be less enjoyable than when I was first watching the show

you mean like since watching season 3
As in sleep with me in the same bed or "SLEEP" with me
I'm up for it

Cuddles are always great.
Guys I think my request killed Glitter Glue.
We can sleep nonsexually, but I just finished masturbating.
So I'm afraid anything lewd will have to wait for awhile.
He'll be back
he always comes back
He needs the attention.
That which is dead my never die
oh my god im laughing
Weaver can't die
He's immortal, timeless and ageless

He's like the Discord of porn
Up to MMC I was enjoying Season 3.
I am going to say it will rank just below S2's quality, so 8.5 out of 10
its a shame that music wise. i fucking loved MMC

besides Behold of course
>calling what Weaver does "porn"
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Why is the fandom so awful?
Wait, do people actually jerk it to GG's stuff?

I thought it was all just crass humor
>GG's porn
Some of the things he draws might make me excited over a concept, but then I'd find better porn for it.
Some people want a big friendly Cajun alligator to sit on their face, what's the big deal?
You're right anon, he also does great clean stuff

The Discord of sex jokes?

Though the concepts do get me going
i don't think i can fap to the art itself, but the concepts are pretty damn fapworthy so i go look for some similar stuff drawn in better detail.
Yes. It leaves enough to the imagination, unlike a lot of other stuff.
Fandoms are inherently awful. It takes the dedicated work to get towards quality.
But fuck that I'm lazy.

I'll admit, he makes great waifus
>attend Thanksgiving potluck
>eat until sick
>don't even feel like packing leftovers
>seven hours later
>skipping leftovers
rookie mistake
Actually the mlp fandom is by far the worst.
she does know of it but doesn't know who made it
jokes are funny, anon
>that pathetic dribbling

I'd be shooting like a geyser with that kind of treatment
all this elwood talk is leaving a bad taste in my mouth
you're not funny, though
It's worse than the Sonic fandom.
>Liking GG as an artist.

That's like liking a greentexter as a writer.

Or calling someone who glues shit to their toys an artist.
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sounds like you need to get something delicious in your mouth instead
citation needed
While it can be worse than the sonic fandom, I still think it is all around better given the fact that not all of it is completely autistic bullshit. Look at the amount of good art, music, videos, and other things still being made by the fandom.
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I really want to give this person direction on art and ways they can start improving but I'm not well versed enough in it to do so with confidence
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What helps get me aroused helps gets me aroused, and I like GG and greentexters solely for that reason.
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I've giggled at plenty of GG's stuff anon
Big Bang Theory is a very popular sitcom.

If you watch it, you can clearly heard an awful lot of people laughing very hard.
>Sweetie belle will never pick out your dress for the gala
actually it's canned
>he makes great waifus
I wish this wasn't true, but it feels like he can just whip up a waifu with a wave of his hand. Except that fat blue swamp blob, I still can't believe people actually like that one.
That's a man. An MtF, you're jacking off to a dude.
Your point being?
All for the purpose of getting popular.
>I'll admit, he makes great waifus
I'm kind of surprised at how little they get drawn by other artists.
I don't understand why tracing is still a thing.

Everyone gets caught these days. The internet is a big place.
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it's not, actually. Live studio audience, they have signs though I'm sure.

I don't really see what TBBT has to do with GG though
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did you know that girls are actually made of the same gross stuff as dudes
we're all rancid sacks of dirt and water and that there is one of the prettier ones
Toppest of top tiers.
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I want to be best friends with Agua
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Yeah I'd probably fuck a cactus too.
Which one is the one with long tongue and clearly ripped off from aliens?
>I don't really see what TBBT has to do with GG though

His humor is meant for an audience that is too retarded to realize they are part of the joke.
unf unf cacti hips unf
why would anyone want to put their dick in that
Not even a good tranny, looks like a fucking man. The of fag shitposting is reaching unacceptable levels, half these threads are fucking faggots talking about how they want to suck a dude's dick saying beta shit with emoticons included, meetup attempts, and terribly written greentext fics about how much you want to get fucked by a stallion.
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>Pubic spines suggesting hair

I normally like GG but I wish he didn't have to shove bush and oversize areolae onto everything he draws. Agua was safe at first but now he's trying to give her some dirty hippie bush.
I think you're reading in to things a bit too hard
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I feel your pain.
no matter how good it is expect shitposting levels to be at an all time high all throughout
This really should get posted whenever people started on which "fandom is worse than what fandom"
"stop using other drawings as references (really tracing lel)"
"try using pictures of real horses as references instead"
And not even fags that ever get laid, it's just pathetic lonely virgins trying to hook up with dudes in a board about ponies. This shit needs to go to /hm/ or go over to mlpg.com, none of it belongs here.
>Worst fandom
Answer has and will always be the one you're not a part of.
How is >>14796183 making fun of me? Last I checked I was not a zebra being hired to hang out with Sweetie Belle and endure her cooking, nor am I a naïve little filly who lights stuff on fire a lot.
I don't understand this picture.
Traps are the worst offender, this shit is on EVERY board, especially on /v/. You can't go through a single page without seeing this attention whoring degenerate behavior.
Is shit.
I want to be best friends with Paula.
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whoa holy shit I said FRIENDS
that said if she gets me tripping balls everything goes out the window
the fat man fell and spilled his pot full of shit.
he has ruined his outfit, stained the carpet and spread the smell of shit throughout the office

he has brought shame upon himself and he will have nothing to feed his cactus
2 pump chump
Guys I need some perspective, how old are people generally when they get a proper career going?
Child labor laws are ruining this nation
During high school when they take college courses.
mid twenties
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why is kc so hilarious lately
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Meta time.

I'm kinda pissed the episode was leaked. Not only was it spoiled by Ponychan faggots before I even got to see the leak, now the hiatus between this ep and next is artificially longer.
But Anon

Her juices could be concentrated pejote juice

Would you risk getting cactus needles in your face for that high?
Tell me that's not a fucking implied bush. Look at it. There was another one he did of her that was even worse but I didn't save it, for obvious reasons.
those are spines
she only has like one on her crotch

I think you're overreacting
We are so hungry that we will devour every episode like it's water to a thirsty guy. Then complain about the water and demand more.
Yeah I hate it when new episodes get released too.
That is not a fucking implied bush. You're reading too much into it.
Or talk about poeple. Honestly, ive never seen this kind of stalking behavior before in other fandons.
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>artifically longer
You mean it's two weeks instead of one?
That happened, happens, and will continue to happen to all kinds of shows. Calm down.
I know right?
I actually have to sit through the episode without a chat window to follow along with
who even cares about the stupid horse cartoon when there could be a stream chat?
that's not an implied bush
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Yeah, fuck the ponies!
Humans are where it's at!
I actually like a well-kept bush more than just having everything completly shaven off.
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>Yeah, fuck the ponies!
you got it
You know we all say that and I dont exactly disagree, theres really nothing the mlp fandon does that every single other fandom does.

Its just because the mlp fandom is so large and the absurdity of my little pony getting a dedicated following gives it an infamy

I've yet to ever see a good fandom, let alone "the best"
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that would be one comfy pony
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Well you're in luck because ponies are fuzzy everywhere.
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>Ignoring the evidence
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the comfiest
Yeah, wouldn't it be cool if all the episodes this season leaked tomorrow!
It would be the comfiest sex.
I can't tell if you're shitposting or if you genuinely believe what you're saying, but I don't see this "implied bush"

it's even less apparent on that image than it was on the previous one
Are they also....down there?

Cause the details are fuzzy!
So you admit it was apparent.
I can't handle how amazingly soft and round that butt looks
>You will never have a giant roomate horse that grows larger every day and one day after the show ends will reach critical mass and collapse the known universe
>Also you fuck on occasion
I admit nothing
she had a single spine in her crotch reason and apparently that's good enough for you to flip out?
That's- that's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying that these breaks happen and we all have to deal with it.

It's not an implied bush.
I like pubic hair in general, long as it's more than a tuft.

Well-kept bush? Sure. Untamed forest? Count me in.

I even like body hair on girls.
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>All these Agua plebes
>Not going True Dewbon
>also her "sister" does weird fetishy magic on you every night
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>Not Caimon

Get out of my sight
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rumble gonna get dem wings
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Pony enjoys watching pony.

She seems like she'd be sweet but I'd probably give up trying to get her to reveal her feelings.
Caimon is best monstergirl
>Flitter will never be your marefriend
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I guess you could say Twilight Sparkle is a real jive turkey!
I agree, but, its kinda funny how pathetic they act.
I knew I liked you for a reason, Nonymous.
Mz. Ruby is best
The only reason the mlp fandom is as bad as it is is because all of the terrible elements that made the sonic fandom so bad migrated over to pony
I'll take requests. Make them cloppy, and make the festive.
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You know you could talk about monstergirls in GG's sub thread so that way it'll stay up instead of being swept away with the rest of MLPG? That way GG can be involved and other people who aren't here right now can also converse.
Cheerilee and Big Mac fucking in front of a decked out fireplace.
Fluttershy opening her new razor that Rainbow Dash bought her to shave her wild pubes
pony in a turkey hat

But is not happy to be wearing a turkey hat
When you move it from MLPG, it dies.

That's just the way it is.
Mz. Ruby?
The only Ruby I know is Rubyquest Ruby...
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such a terrible feel
So, umm.. I never got a reply about twilestia?
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whoa hey
are you saying she like reenacting lewd greentexts
because that would be megaunf
Peppermint Twist having fun with peppermint twists!
You're both wrong, Veronica is number one.
But if everybody who thought that would use the sub, that wouldn't be the case.
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Reenacting old ones, coming up with ideas for new ones
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Exactly. The furry fandom lept at MLP like rabid beasts.
I think like that, and I try to take it to the sub every time someone tells the monsterfags to take it to the sub.

It never happens. The discussion just goes away.
You're all crazy.
Paula is the cutest.
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you plebs dont even play sly? how dare you http://i.imgur.com/m9x3RQU.png
did you mean on top like.. lewd wise or riding her not lewd wise
>liking Eileen
I guess that just proves that MLPG is just a chat room.
as long as that was made my a 6 year old its ok

but i asume you'll tell me its from someone 20+
>GR answering various questions about his non-pony projects
>decides to move over to his sub thread
>no one moves with him
>conversation dies
every time
You never link it
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>say something
>no replies
>someone with a name says the same thing
Who gives a shit about his non-pony projects?
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Is she the slutty mare?
I never played Sly...
it's been on my "things to probably play sometime" list for ages now

goodnight gloomy I love you
lots of people, apparently
There have been times when it was linked, and the result is the same.
>say something
>no replies
>someone with a name says the same thing
pony just stood up
what the fuck even is that site
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she's A slutty mare, yes
the ponies had all been shot in the head
>no tripcode
not interested
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Best horse wife
that means they won't be coming back as zombies
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why is she so perfect?
Cute ponies

Doing cute things
>straightedgeanon finally snaps
Teenage or so SANIC fan I surmise.
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Pony has cute expressions.
>"if I can't have friends, no one will!"
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Fantastic Mr. Fox is heavily underrated

Did poor advertising do it in? Uncanny animation?
Why is Twilight so happy

Cause she just payed of her bookie!
Pony's sandwich ain't a sandwich without Miracle Whip.
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I had a different picture but I lost it
I like it. I guess because it's not easy to digest. Lowest common denominator and all that.
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She traces like a Mofo
I don't need friends, all I need is shows and video games.
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its the teeth
no idea
you should watch paranorman, it's also an incredibly underrated film that deserved a lot more recognition

it got lambasted in america for having an openly gay character (which is just played off more as a gag and as a single line towards the end of the film, nothing offensive at all)
>babby's first time in Brony General


which one would you
>QueenCold's reaction
My sides
You could always adopt a name if you consider your contributions that important.
Well you only really find out he was gay at the end and it was a punchline

Persoanlly I was a little dissapointed with Paranorman. I was expecting Norman to have more interaction with ghosts and maybe have them help during all the conflict, but they were only really in a few scenes
It's not my first time, it's just usually I'm not annoyed enough to care

That's not the point
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And her eyes
None of them, I lack a good sexual drive to want to do something to them, but I guess I could masturbate to them.
not him but that joke was kinda dissapointing, I figured it would be more for how much people talked about it.

Ditto for the movie, it was ok but Wreck-It-Ralph deserved the Oscar more.
None of them
these are all awful
>A weird plotline occurs
>The Mane Six have to run around wearing nightmare inhibitors.
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>Chrysalis' limbs
fuck fuck fuck those things are going to snap off

can you upload the rest
it's just a bunch of chibi girls with big tits and guns.
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What do you guys think Fluttershys parents are like?
Sure can


It was free, you know.
all of them but luna
Redneck hillbilly.
blah blah blag quiet mother blah blah blah drill sergeant dad
monarch butterflies
The Travel to Mexico to for the Winter?

Nightmare Moon, though the hips are a little disproportioned
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Yeah, but the download limit got hit. Thanks!
Have whatever pony is your favorite.
You mean they're wonderfully disproportioned.
>it's just usually I'm not annoyed enough to care
I had it happen in /g/ earlier, a tripfag posted literally the same thing two comments below me and got a response when I didn't, don't feel bad.
I prefer bellies with my large hips
I prefer rock hard muscles with my wide hips
Would you WPSHH Trixie while she is performing for a large crowd?
I'd rather be her stage assistant that she teases during the show by letting you see her naughty bits

Would I what?
>"Watch now as The Great and Powerful Trixie uses this rope to-"
Her legs buckle as all the air in her lungs escapes her lips with a throaty moan. Eyes give a pleading look as she inhales with the sound of pleasure.
if you are going to hang out in mlpg you have to keep up on the latest mlpg memes and learn all the popular trigfags
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I'd rather motorboat her.
You people and your anthro.
Pony begged me to take her to "Beb and Hats R' US" for the Black Friday sale. I said i'd think about it

i am such a horse vagina expert i instantly see how terrible this is and all the flaws
At least we're not talking about furries that have nothing to do with the show.

Like Herro.
I see mods like this and my initial response is WHY

But then I think "Someone was dedicated enough to sit there and model horse vaginas for a video game" and find a small amount of respect.

Thats love right there.
>refuse to watch any of the s4 episodes until the season ends
>when the season ends and the great hiatus begins, i watch all of the s4 episodes i did not watch, which will be all of them
>while i am in an oasis of pony you peasants will be floundering about, begging for horses
People would will to nothingness before they abandon will at all.
I caught Pony sleeping in the freezing cold and i tried to give her a blanket, but she told me that "it's ok" and that she's "meant to be a tragic character"
it doesn't work that way
you live a very stupid life
we'll have spoiled everything for you by then. i dont get it. and whats to stop us from just rewatching?

you can catch up on Game of Thrones in a day but that doesnt make the season come faster.
Did everyone have a good eat-too-much feast?
You sure? This guy might be euphorically enlightened.
where's the spitroasting, GG
a brilliant plan, but you are only prolonging your suffering
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Why haven't you proposed to your waifu yet?

Oh? What's the flaw in my plan? I lose nothing, and gain everything.
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What just happened to mlpg.co?
Nice stamina GG
Pony bebicated her next song to you

What is it with nobody drawing pubes with their hips

why are so many artists such plebs

Because she isn't real.
Now that i have a face to put with the name, GG somehow pisses me off even more
Pony needs to understand there's a reason only some of Hans Christen Anderson's stories caught on, and that's because some of them were just dumb and depressing
lol wut
I cast Lore on the ring. What does it say?

Oh fuck did he finally show his face after all these years?
The rest of the site is fine. Either the locator app isn't running or it crashed.
There's literally zero chance.
I want to see GG's face.
i thought we agreed GG was the dreaded fellow from that picture on wednesday
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What picture from wednesday?

>become head of animation studio
>hire him to make his own cartoon
>when he shows up for work, take a picture of his face and post it on mlpg

Atheists: 1
Christains: 0
But I did anon. With a diamond ring who's diamond I myself got after negotiating with the Diamond Dogs for it.
[X] Doubt*

*But it COULD happen
only on the hub
Pony says the suffering is related to her true purpose
how bored are you
Of course you'd be from Wyoming, Anon.
It's not even funny in a pathetic way, it's just pure shitposting. Has absolutely no reason to be here. It's always the same 2-3 pathetic losers posting every single day, all day long. They do nothing but shit up the thread with their reddit-esque behavior(:3 im so shy, can I be your pony gf tonight, im so lonely any guys want to meet up :DD)

Should start screencapping some of the more pathetic ones.
>atryl does pubes
>in the style he does eyelashes

pls no
Why don't you get this analpained over the guys who waifu Rediv?

>making sense
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>Should start screencapping some of the more pathetic ones.
The way to stop shit is not to pile more shit on top of it.
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Whats that supposed to mean?
we have his voice from stream and he posted his hand once

i feel i can pretty accurately imagine what he looks like
nevermind, it isn't important
What picture, though?
d-did he sound black?

oh god I bet he's super hung

>fighting autism with autism

Pony caught you being a fu**ing idiot
Rediv shitposting is bad, but it's not constant, every single day, spoilered posts going on an on, the same 2 people replying over and over again. Like that faggot who posts shit about edging stallions, that stonypony greentext, greentexts about sucking a shy anon's dick, it's just nauseating.
he sounded like your average white nerd american
caught pony being a fucking idiot
guess we're matched
Okay NBS, it's time to go away.
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Not everybody you disagree with is NBS, you know...

I agree that it's annoying and has no place here, but you aren't exactly helping.
People who post like complete retards are all NBS.

>using emoticons ironically
>using "buzzword" as a buzzword to defend your use of buzzwords

all signs of being an NBS
that stick is clearly going into fluttershys horse anus
it was a picture and the filename was "Weaver attends bronycon" or something like that. It -really- isn't important. I promise. I didn't save the picture either
Pony needs to be realistic about this, sitting out in the cold isn't going to help anybody but the doctor when we're paying for cold medicine
Look the hot chocolate's even got marshmallows in it
As much as I'd love to discuss Fluttershy's fat donut asshole being stuffed with that stick you can clearly see that Rarity's tail moves towards Dash at the last minute, sparing them all a stabbing.
Pony tried to come up with a reason why government treason should ever be forgot, but her list came up short
You know how common those things are among shitposters?
NBS would be threatening people at this point. Probably with several references to erasure and/or Satan.
Also smug reaction images with unfunny filenames.
NBS never used emoticons.
Oh man. That's nice.
The NBS part is a joke.

NBS might as well be synonymous with shitposting, so I used it as such. Jeez.
Pony said what if she misses her true purpose when she goes inside? Destiny could be right around the corner. Abandoning it is abandoning everything Pony stands for
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Pony wants to know if you like her.

I dunno pinkie.

Ever had a human husbando before?
Enough to cuddle with
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She's a nice pony.
I'd probably try to be her friend.
Pony is surprised that you came back to die with your city
Okay firstly Twilight isn't my waifu
Secondly no
Even if I were to betray my waifu, which I would never, ever do, it would be with Twilight, not you
I'll get my blanket and wait outside with Pony, how's that sound? I don't want to miss my Call to Adventure, either.
And I'll bring the cocoa, too.
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>considering betraying your waifu
14 megahitlers
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is being able to relate the backbone of good humor?
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She's lovely
Sure, why not.
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Anon it says right there that it's a thing i would never ever do
Usually humor makes fun of something, so being able to either relate or know why it's funny helps.
She's really growing on me, to be honest.
I feel stupid for having not noticed her before
Pony said as long as you don't get any ideas. Pony is supposed to be a tragic character
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>I love him

moot pls
My butt isn't that huge.
Fuck this is painful. I can't look
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Yup, though I'd like her more if she were human.

I am working on the issue now, not exactly sure what happen.
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Either being able to relate to someone, be able to disassociate with that person, or knowing what is being referenced.
Pinkie's major was humor studies.
Aaah, but Pony might not be a tragic character yet. Pony hasn't found Destiny yet, so who can be sure it'll be tragic?
Might as well be warm while we wait for it, regardless.
Pony hid under the bed when i told her that your country flouridates the water supply
If I rape pony, would that be tragic enough?
>Monoprice's $40 tablets have been giving wacom's $200 intuos tablets a run for their money and many people prefer them
>They just came out with a Cintiq alternative for $400

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I can't remember the last time I used this for real.

I can't remember the last time I got this awful sinking feeling in my chest, either.

Maybe being a cynical jackass isn't the way to woo people. Maybe I should actually start having fun being me. Maybe I should finally get into drawing.

Maybe I'll be in time next time.
>you will never help Pinkie get a bigger fudge pudge
Pony calls it a feeling. She knows it will be tragic
Pony just looked away and pretended she didn't see this post
>sub is down
>getting a screened tablet
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Why so glum?



Pony might very well be right about it being tragic. It might even be something as tragic as a horrible, ruthless, sedicious... TICKLE FIGHT!
Are you blind? >>14797710

But what if pony likes it better in the vagina?
Pony asked me if pulling your mask if would kill you. She also said something about you being a "big guy"
Wait who does she love?
don't go from anal to vaginal
no illegal lane changes
>I can't remember the last time I got this awful sinking feeling in my chest
I share your pain, Anon.
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Why does Gandalf look so weird?
It's funny cause molestias voice actor (memj) is actually dating JJ.

Well then don't do pony in the butt in the first place!
Pony wishes she could have lived in a time where JFK was president
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>molestias voice actor
her what
Wait, Molestia's voice actor is dating JJ?

Oh, whatever then.
Ehhh, I don't care to much about that.
Who here is actually watching the episode stream when it airs?
>Fandom drama
over the line!!
absolutely disgusting!!
Stop studying human history, pony.

It's as terrible as it is wonderful. You shouldn't read it.
>why's she draw a sickle?
She retweeted some implied NSFW from JJ someone linked to her, bronies - like the attention whores they are - used that to argue about it for hours in hope that she'll reply to them

Someone said that as far as he knows she friends with JJ and that "I love him" was her reply.
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I am

Avoiding spoilers is easy when nobody discusses the episode
Oh. And what's the big deal?
Wow that's terrible. I mean the voice for the character is at least a different one but she's trying to do it so throaty it's distractingly bad. Plus doesn't sound like celestia.
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>molestias voice actor

>implying you'd care fucking her in the ass and making her talk like celestia.
Pony said "but if you know your history, then you would know where you're coming from, and you wouldn't have to ask me who the heck do i think i am"
Yeah but that line is so far gone I can't even see it in the mirror anymore.
as an artist who draws all day, if i ever had a huge chunk of spare money this is the first thing i would get over a new tablet

She doesn't sound hot and knowing what JJ looks like I could probably do better.
I have it, it's a mixed bad. I mean if you want to relax on that chair IT IS NOT HAPPENING. This shit makes it impossible to get too comfy but it's great for making you stay awake and get shit done
What if JJ actually hates drawing Molestia now but is essentially held hostage to continue it?

Think about it; imagine what would happen if JJ posted "Hey, I'm deciding to focus on other stuff now" or even worse "I've learned from my mistakes and the consequences of making this blog and will no longer make content for it"

I think it'd cause more drama, shitflinging, fandom destruction, etc than one of the fucking main 6 dying.

So he just has to keep drawing it, to keep safe
There IS no big deal aside from the one bronies are fabricating by sensationalizing it.
It's fucking nothing.
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I would. I would totally grab a pony and run away.
Probably that she voices Celestia and now the Celestiafags are upset
Why should he care about making a bunch of autists on the internet upset?
Why should ANYONE care?
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scuffed princess legs
And he uses the money to support his family.

Dude, you know he'd get death threats right?

Honestly he'd probably get more than that. I'd honestly be terrified.
Pony said you're treating her like a child
on all of JJs sites and brony twitter he still advertises his shitty anime girl porn comic sites. and lately he has been drawing more and more anime girls instead of ponies.

i think he wants out
kicky little legs
It's the only thing that gets him money. His art isn't great enough that he can just change what he draws and still be popular. Same could be said for a lot of people in this fandom.
No, it's that he has nothing else to do. He might be held hostage, but it's by money, and not the fans. He'd have to get an actual job and potentially earn way less than with just drawing these shitty comics. He's definitely not the person that would have ideas for great creative projects/investments.
yeah, the fandom is pretty bad
Who fucking cares?
Nobody ever goes through with those.
That's why I don't even want to be "Someone" in this fandom. Too many crazies.
He probably does, but he isn't good enough to make a living of original art.
slugbox officially left the pony fandom when he was one of the top bronies.

i think it was kinda stupid how he made a long post about leaving but i guess it had to be done so people know to stop bothering him with ponies
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I am your pony waifu.
not sure if a crazy autist is more or less dangerous than a regular crazy

Slugbox didn't run a pony ask blog with ~100,000 followers.
JJ is a bigger name by miles
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Nu-uh it's this one
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Pony doesn't care if you are another specie, you are just too ugly to be with.

Alright got it back in running order. But the beacon doesn't seem to be locating the marker. Hmm
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Well that's not particularly true, I'm very handsome for a member of my species.

I can understand if pony doesn't like body hair, though.
>What if JJ actually hates drawing Molestia

rusty bars welded shut
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x inventory
Imagine if birds were suddenly smart enough to understand on the same level as humans.

They'd hate flying so fucking much. It's like constantly running wherever you go.
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Twilight's friends becoming Alicorns when
Probably around May. Maybe June.
>brothers: A tale of 2 sons on the sale for just 5$
>tfw no money
Ooh! You can be my waifu!
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>jj wants out
>mlpg slowed to a crawl

Maybe the fandom really is dying.
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>main six become alicorns
>twily then becomes a mega double alicorn

what now fag
Do a commission.
Trade some inventory.
i stopped paying attention to the fandom so long ago

but it feels like it isnt growing as fast as before

This shit's a runaway train on the plains, and the seasons are the tracks.
Dash would hate having wings if shit were real.

They'd be wing-shaped tumors. Or she'd have bones brittle enough to break in a strong breeze and other stupid bird anatomy.
Huh how funny I had that chair not too long ago. I had it for like 4 or 5 years and the bottom wore out twice, the netting just tears. You also have to learn to position your ass just right.
>TFW I don't know that feel.
It's your own fault for not managing your finances, which is a basic life skill.
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Can't draw for shit.

Wanna trade?
Aerons are not that great.

Steelcase leap V2 is the best chair
Of course it's fucking dying.

Week two of S4 beginning and we have almost no artists stopping by compared to S2 and S3, and the whole day has been about rediv.

But I'll be here until the last bang
You lied. It's $8. Offer.
Except Dash is a pastel colored magical pegasus pony. And her bones don't break in a strong breeze. And she loves flying enough that people that would hate flying are alien and detestable. And you're one of those people.
It might have something to do with everyone being knee deep in college right now.
Cause we don't need MLPG to draw anymore
We can just draw stuff about the new episodes on our own. Why take shitty fetish requests for contributions here when we can actually draw about new content on our own?
Season 4 was trending on Twitter during the premiere
>if shit were real

exactly. if she were real and didn't live in a land where physics didn't apply, she'd hate it.
You're incorrect, many of the old guard came to visit shortly after the premeir and around the time of the leak. You're free to trawl the archives if you want art and proof.

Feel free to take your negativity and shove it up your ass.
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>mega double alicorn
>college prevents me to pony
Shit sucks man
It is 5$ here.

FullBore + OST (Steam key upon release)
Mark of the Ninja
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Mirror's Edge
Titan Quest
Mortal Kombat Kollection
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit
Guardians of Middle-earth
Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC
Snuggle Truck (x2)
Medal of Honor
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Eets Munchies (2x)
Brütal Legend (2x)
Intrusion 2
Little Inferno
Thomas Was Alone
She's not real and never will be. Her joy is safe from you forever.
>came to visit

Where did I say that the old guard didn't come and visit?

If you'll kindly take your knee-jerk strawman argument and shove it up your ass, the world will be a better place.
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I'm your pony waifu.