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Sometimes it's the little things in life that make it wonderful.
So sit back, relax, have a cup of tea or cocoa or warm milk, and enjoy some more pony.

Not-quite-as-relaxed thread: >>14721033
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Are we dressiest horse?
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or we can be Rarity, too.
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I can't enjoy pony because pony isn't real.
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I hope so
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Of course
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>season 4 not on yayponies
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But it is.
I'm going to have to ask the uncropped version.
>not http://pony.bronyasia.com/1id4.php
Which ones of you faggots are responsible for the fandom calling that silly prop a cane?

I am not surprised that it stuck around, considering the silly face on the end, but seriously?

A cane?

It's a scepter. A SCEPTER. This is not a difficult subject to understand.
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I want to forcefeed a fat Fluttershy as long as she liked it
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Are you guys still Risk of Rain? I think I went too far, but I swear I went to the final level as soon as I unlocked the Alien Head.

Not us.
You will never be a chubby mare in a pretty dress
>hmm, I think I know the artist
>I'm right
Damn it why do I always come back to him?
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dick move brah
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>that tfw
Downloaded that today. Its pretty fun. So far I've only unlocked a few items and the Enforcer.

>tfw couldnt even get passed the 3rd level.

Stoner Gilda
>Needing all those drones
>Using the OP character
ultra casual
I'd rather be a griffon
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new MILFity coming soon. within the week. MILFity's day off, filled with cat and lazy and pretty. watching new pony revitalized me.
if i may ask, who is the artist?
I just got done playing this and fuck fuck fuck I can't get anything done past the second stage. It escalates too fast for me to do handle, with enemies crawling into my various holes.

How about filled with dick
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Been waiting for this for too long
>pony will never beg you to throatfuck them
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I couldn't beat it until I unlocked Acrid. I'd definitely recommend using Commando until you unlock somebody you like.

I just picked them up along the way, trying to spend money. I only had one regular drone until I started going around the stages again.

And what's this about Huntress being OP? It's not like I'm using the Mercenary.

Takes some getting used to, but prioritize the teleporter. If you haven't at least started the TP event before three minutes, you're doing something wrong. Don't farm, just get to the teleporter and pick up any items you can during the time between hitting it and leaving.
>you are not allowed to view this image
What's the fucking point? There are tons of NSFW stuff hosted on FF that doesn't require a login.
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Can we all agree that the premiere was mediocre as fuck?
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I said dressiest guys.

The implication being dresses. Jeez.

Nobody wants to see crisp white pony naked bodies right?
>And what's this about Huntress being OP? It's not like I'm using the Mercenary.

>Has an ability that can bounce off of enemies
>Has an ability to causes small bombs to drop
>Short range teleport
>Automatically changes aiming direction

She's the only character I manage to get to Risk of Rain (three times by the way) with.
Yeah commando is cool, I just like how the enforcer plays.

I'm guessing you have to kill Acrid to unlock him? I found his cage once but died shortly after releasing him.
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that's the plan. but later.

i have new inspiration on both the "MILF" side and the "-ity" side, so i'll be throwing a lot of shit against the wall and watch what sticks. bear with me in this transitional period.

Nope. It was great. Loved it. Only criticism being Rarararara didn't get quite enough screen time compared to the others.
No, the premier went rather well as premiers go. One or two issues like the flashback potion and pinkie Pinkie being obnoxious aren't enough to push it down to mediocre.
Rarity is my favorite of the main 6 and I disagree. Whoever was writing for Rarity in the premier did a piss-poor job of it. All of her lines sounded like she was trying to butter up the new princess and take advantage of her new connection like the greedy whore she isn't.
>replying to him
He's going to call you shiteating bronies
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Fine. Dresses.

And you're just supposed to rush to the boss all the time? That usually gets me killed because I end up with a dozen assholes breathing down my neck and little to no items to buff me.
Also I can't get into commando at all because he can't do crowd control nearly as well as Enforcer.
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>tfw will never be turned a curvy diamond dog and trained by Rarity
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Have some humanized Sunny and Dulce before I go to bed.

Sorry GR.
Is that her being op, or fitting your play style well?
Who cares.
>meghan episodes


as a deacon in the church of Ra, i agree with this. there was too little Rarity, and what there was wasn't good.
I care, I want to be a slutty diamond dog.
>you will never roll pone into an emponeada
Like I give a fuck. It's not my problem if this shitty troll doesn't like decent episodes.

steampunk Rarity when
>tfw EA taunts you
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The season 4 premiere are my favorite episodes.
My favorite episode is The Show Stoppers.
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Great taste.
>Steam punk
Rarity would never stoop so low, she'd obviously go for diesel punk or deco-punk
Thank you.
No she isn't, she's looking back at her EA please stop holding my boners hostage just tell me your demands.
They're pretty good for something that's 70% worldbuilding and lore.

Same for cutesy misunderstandings. We DID get super adorable Sweetie singing from it.

I hope you die and go to hell.
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A simple thread for simple men.

That's any breasts, for you...

I guess my demand is to know what sort of bonering you're after
>generic meghan premiere

Don't worry, brony. You will call it shit soon enough after we saw some good S4 episodes that aren't written by that piece of shit writer.
You always come in here and start posting crop of stuff I know, enticing me to start ERP, but I know that's what you want. Someone to play with.
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Gooood, let the butthurt flow through you.
Now draw the one on the left on a leash blowing somebody.
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Why thank you Leth.
Oh gosh oh gosh my first thread is a success
itunes rip on youtube when
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You are going to have to go bigger than that.
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Welp, you got me there
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I recognize that trace.
didnt onta/doxy draw that
What did he do the first time?
What's your poison, anon?

i forgot about dieselpunk, actually.

THE LADYWING: masked crimefighter, adventurer, aviator. RARITY DIAMOND: jet-setter heiress, socialite, heartbreaker.

Why have the two never been photographed together? When will luck catch up to THE LADYWING? And how long can RARITY DIAMOND hope to keep her secret from BUCK SAULTERTON? All we know for sure is: it's time once again for another thrilling installment of The Adventures of Ladywing!

This week: In the Lair of Doctor Totenklein!
it's shit
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Whaaats wrong with her face?
The face looks like it's hinged and coming off.
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>no fat chicks

but fat is beauty
I like how you think.
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I'm more interested in that massive booty she's lugging around back there.
I always wondered how morbidly obese people's skeleton handled all that extra weight. Like clearly they have the same structure as a thin person, it's amazing that at one point their legs wouldn't buckle under them.
she has a nice body, and I suspect a decent and even attractive face, if it wasn't for the look she is trying to give. I don't know if she is too dumb or naive to know she looks like she has downs but that is my fetish, stupid women that will conform to my fetishs.
>no episode of fluttershy learning material arts and then beating up a bully monster
What did I do last time?

What are you drawing lately rediv?
she recently posted some spike ass

[footsteps on metal]

"Oh, drat and blast. Well, Antoinette, dear, it looks like this could be the end!"

"The end? Why, Ladywing, you're not suggesting..."

"I'm afraid so, Annie. I can't see any way to get this blast door open, and with my spare transenergy ray blaster in the White Widow, there won't be anything to stop that robot!"

[metal sliding against metal, wooshing]

"Ladywing! Antoinette! In here, quick."

"Bu-- I mean, who in the blazes?"

[footsteps on metal, metal against metal, wooshing]

"Sorry for the fast introductions, LW, but that robot won't wait for etiquette! Name's Buck Saulterton, big fan of yours, undercover for the Global Police Bureau."

[buzzsaw cutting through metal]

"Hey, that blast door ain't gonna hold for long, Ladywing, we'd better zip!"

"Language, Antoinette! After all, even when facing certain death, a lady must act the LADY. Especially when in the company of such a... rugged man."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll send ya to Paris for a week. Let's blow this joint!"

[fast footsteps on metal, buzzsaw recedes]
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a few random things here and there to work on how I feel with my art. Trying to get comfy with it. Sometimes requests here and there and then commissions
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>stupid women that will conform to my fetishs.

That sounds kinda fucked up.
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Rediv pls, are you gonna draw rule 63 royal couple porn or not?

Let me sleep
Sleep first. I probably might doodle it later.
What about futa rr x futa rosemary
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its not that fucked up as it sounds, i think...

Now I can sleep easy, knowing that there's a future prospect of blood flowing into my penis.

wow ded
Early morning threads are always ded.
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Which named stallion who hasn't had much focus would you like to see get some?
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That one.
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Shining Armor
rarity is kill
Fancy Pants, maybe Soarin'
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Rarity is life.
I would kill to be with that mare
I would kill that mare.
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that would be bad. Rarity loves only good men.
...I would donate to orphanages and help the homeless to be with that mare
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we also manufacture humans.
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Is it time for fancy horse
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>tfw no Sex and the City-style micro starring Twilight and Rarity doing FASHION things
what about good women

But you don't even have a dick, how are you going to secure her lineage?
I would kill that human Rarity, travel to Equestria, kill Pony Rarity, travel to Dogverse and kill Dog Rarity
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I love those two mares together
This anon has a point.
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>that feel when not enough traditional unicorn arts
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Rapeable humans off the port bow
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>implying I would let a pony rape me
I'd use pony as a blunt weapon if she ever touch me in my no-no area trying to make forceful whoopee
The problem is that FASHION doesn't work well with Twilight.
The only way I could see this working is if it's rarity preparing Twilight for some kind of royal dinner or some other high class event which includes a makeover, new cloths and training in etiquette.
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it's the person you fall in love with, not the plumbing.


adoption, artificial insemination, and so on. though i wonder how her father would react to his daughter introducing him to her girlfriend.
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Did...did I scare everyone away?
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pony is asleep.
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now that she's the only unicorn of the group, Rarity needs to find another one to get along with


She can breed Rarity with her fat futacock
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There's a pony mimicking you right now.
Pony eskimo kisses are the cutest thing ever

Now make them eskimo kiss with the other end
Oh no Rarity is going to be eaten!
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>a lot of old Marmaduke comics are posted in a thread on /v/
Jesus fucking christ. Those things are just wrong. I need some cute ponies man. They help me forget those kind of things.
What is wrong about marmaduke?
Who is Twist?
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It's just fucking wrong man.
I mean holy shit, his fucking angry stare never changes.
Is that large dog about to rape that man?

Why do newspaper comics make absolutely no sense?
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He rapes everything.

That dog ain't coming back home alive

only that one and Heathcliff.
The fuck was that shit anyway. I fucking dare you to find one single Heathcliff that makes sense.
Protip: you can't
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That's good too.
I was thinking whiter and bigger
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I've been out of the horse loop mlpg, tell me, is the season 4 premiere any good?
9/10 BEst premiere since season 2.
I consider it as good as Return of Harmony.
it's a solid 8

Most of MLPg liked it.

You should watch it.
Twilycorn is good in it

AJ is also worst pony in it
Any Princess is fine, that's just the first image I found.
>not ponka
They really wrote her shittily.
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But AJ is muh favrits, does she continue being a backgound horse?
She basically admits that she's shit and not important as Twilight
No, she continues to be a dumb horse.
Just watch the episode.

Yes. Better than return of harmony in my opinion.
I was thinking, when I read fanfics I prefer cuddling and romance/intimacy to actual sex. Could it be because I
A) Idealize cuddling
B) I have never had sex
C)Cuddling is great
Ponies are not for sexual
Tell that to my balls.
only colts and fillies are not for sexual.
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Is there a luna episode for season 4? She is my favorite poh-nee
There was this Twirity fic that I really loved.
Mostly romance, no sex, pretty sad till almost the end.

It's my favorite fanfic now.
Anon being turned into a Slutty Griffon
Griffins are not for slutty
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>cloacae have no erogenous flesh
>animals that have cloaca generally have to be raped to be impregnated

being catbird must be suffering
No, fuck you, Gilda's a bitch.
Well, her rear legs are cat, so she probably has a cat vag.
and people wonder why gilda is always bitchy.
>he doesn't know how awful cat sex is
Have you ever fucked a cat?
No, I'm saying that either she has a cloaca and no erogenous zones or that she's used to have her inner walls scraped by spikes.

Hey, maybe I understand why she's a lesbian.
Fluttershy must smell like shit all the time.
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What if the background pony that gets an official name and a lot of screentime is this guy?
and piss.
And I'm sure she's got fleas, you can't go around with animals in your house (and let us not forget a squirrel in her hair) without catching anything.

Evens - Draw
Odds - Vidya
you know the drill.
Regardless of which pony it ends up being, nearly everyone here will be mad and the fandom will go nuts. Like usual.
I want to be turned into a filly and raised by Twilight
Unless it's derpy. But we're sure it won't be derpy because hasbro hats us.
Oh God now I want this episode so badly. Given that it'd have to be this season they either did it or didn't, but I hope they realized how perfect this would be.

I can even see the song.
meow im confizzled
What if it ends up being some background filly like Dinky or Rumble
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>all of these memes that have come out of the premiere

I didn't even make the relation between the potion and jizz though
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oh man am I late for the pony princess
>I didn't even make the relation between the potion and jizz though

The hell is wrong with your libido.
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>You will never be in Twilight's school for gifted unicorns
I hadn't slept the night before and I was already running on 2 hours of sleep the night before
I was pretty out of it
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Do you think of jizz every time you drink milk?
Who doesn't?
It's one of the first things that went trough my head during that scene.

Still it's better than to be on the opposite end. there was this post on a tumblr where someone said that "the vines, Twilight drinking the white potion, and Discord in a maid costume is proof that the show staff is embracing clop".
But no-one likes LoL strams.
>taking tumblr seriously

I thought it was funny when discord was reading winter wrap up. I didn't want to come to mlpg to talk about the episode for a while because it would have been 2fast4me
Well I mean I definitely do I just wanted to be sure that's normal
not him, but i'm legitimately ballless
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Sounds like it's not in control of his life.
I think of Milky
Eh well at least the artist of that tumblr was more rational.

And yeah Discord singing Winter Wrap Up made me chuckle. I wonder where he lives tough. I mean they had to summon him from somewhere and it didn't seem he was staying in Canterlot seeing how he only now "congratulated" Twilight.
Hey me too! High five!
Why is there the wonderbolts academy and the school for gifted unicorns but not a special school or academy for Earth Ponies?
>Applejack's school for bucking
>Pinkie Pie's school for partying
I guess those could work
it's only good if you're amazing or as bad as Klondike
I wish they would at least involve a new villain. They seem to recycle discord since the studio loved star trek a lot or something
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you're late,anon. I'm sorry.
Winged mary sue-light sparkle is actually growing on me and isn't as annoying as I thought she would have been.

Props to the writers for dealing with one of the worst character developments I've ever seen ham handedly worked into the lore to sell more toys.
exctly what I thought.
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no that's impossible
Earth ponies are shit and everything they do can be learned in 20 minute class on plant biology.
>Winged mary sue-light sparkle is actually growing on me

Same here. But the season is young, Anon. Let's see if they can keep it up.
I hate it slightly less but it's still nowhere near to growing on me and I don't think she was handled very well, Meghan was just trying to balance it out by making her completely useless and shit at nearly everything, which is stupid and yet more bad writing.
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can someone help me find a gif, I've never used derpibooru before
Well, I'm pretty bad.
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>Meghan was just trying to balance it out by making her completely useless and shit at nearly everything

It's better than what they did in the 1986 Transformers movie. Killed off Hotrod and replaced him for a little while only to bring back in the TV series as Rodimus Prime
They really have some very good opportunities to use Rarity and Twilight together now.
Both have higher education, bot seem the type to enjoy cultural events like theater and opera and stuff like that, both like Canterlot and know some stuff about it and since now Twilight is a princess they have even more scenarios.

Really seeing them pairing Pinkie and AJ gave me hope for other very underused pairs like AJ and FS and Twilight and Rairty
Fucking this.

Meghan can't do fucking shit by writing Alicorn Twilight well.

She just degrades her even more.
Well so far all her wing have done is made her dorkier (sparkleboom notwithstanding) so s'all good.
That scene where she starts freaking out till she hits the ceiling was great.
Twilight was always and incompetent dork with self esteem issues. Having wings and being in charge has only compounded the issue.
they might even be able to handle the rest well when they become alicorns

At least you aren't arguing that ghost beats flash on any champ. Right?
A gif of what?
If it's of a scene from the show rather than a fan creation, Derpibooru kinda sucks for finding images from the actual show.
You might aswell call yourselves GAY.
HIghly unlikely.
Stop hammering on the old slippery slope fallacy chicken little.

I sincerely doubt even the jews at Hasbro could pull a fuckup like making everyone princesses.
As long as "handling well" is limited to "make them behave the same with the occasional 'whoops I'm pretty bad at [new thing] haha' thrown in"
It's pinkie drooling at the start of the episode. It's the second time that she's out of it drooling over frosting
I think they can pull it off.
The worst case scenario is Rarity becoming one too, seeing how much she wants it but even that's very unlikely.
No, highly unlikely that will ever happen.
I'm not arguing anything. I tend to do unconventional shit just to have fun and see if it works.
oh not this season
thats too soon
I meant never. Really that stained glass scene kinda made it clear.
ITT: Bronies who don't know how a cartoon about little girl toys work.
It's about as unlikely as Discord being like Q.
I caught the very end of Equestria Girls before the premiere.
Seeing the other pones tease twilight for having a crush on the yellow stallion kinda made my heart sink, not because she's MUH WAIFU or anything, it just felt cool to have a show about girls that didn't involve romance much, y'know?
>I left her in good hands.
>...what are "hands"?
That would've been funny if they hadn't said phrases including "hands" throughout the series.
Being pedantic nerd is suffering.
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>Rarity being princess is the worst case scenario

oh god you're right, if they did that they would ruin all of my rarity princess fanfiction
yeah it made it pretty clear that its happening eventually
Yeah, it ain't gonna happen.
There's a few under "creamy creamy frosting, animated", but all the ones of the second scene are either poor quality or looped stupidly. Thought I saved a decent one from here the other night, annoying, but it doesn't look like it. I'll poke around the /mlp/ archive and see if I can find the one I'm thinking of.
Also, why are we spoilering.
>implying hasbro gives one shit about continuity when there are potential toy sales to be made
Exactly. It'd be like putting Princess Cadance in charge of the Crystal Empire, or letting Princess Luna raise the moon.
I could probably make it myself, but I've never used the program before. Oh and because something something chatroom is bad
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Stop being in denial. It's an obvious opportunity for Hasbro.
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The really horrible thing about that whole deal was just how unbelievably badly done and bland Brad - that guy/stallion - was, and that Twilight would be fawning over someone like him. EG had writing on a level I don't think I've seen anywhere else in my life, Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake has better writing than that thing.
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>Cadence didn't show up in the new episodes or in the intro

apples still giving out heart attacks
What if Rarity had to support her progressive political endeavors by helping her court attention from the corporate elite who hold the real power in Canterlot?
>everyone becomes princess
>slumber parties at Celestia's castle all day long and all night forever In an incestuous alicorn orgy for all of eternity

I can dig it
I didn't even say it's not happening, just that the writers don't handle anything well, instead they handle things by only handling them when convenient.
"Every little ensign wants to be an admiral"

- Rick Berman
She was mentioned.

Eventually Skyla will be born, and then she'll be another minor character.
If there's one thing I definitely liked about these two episodes, it's that. But we'll see her plenty later on anyway.
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Sadly doesn't look like it. There were a few different gifs of the scene here
but the only ones that have been reposted recently enough to not be 404'd are the ones that are already on Derpibooru.

And hunting down a show pic is pony related, it should be fine.
Princess Cadence is the Princess Luna.

Zero screeentime, zero episodes, only mentioned every once and a while.
That thread was gold, I wish the retarded janitors hadn't deleted it
I still say that no one really tried to make that good.
Both Meghan and Katie are better than that but the writing of the movie and comic is atrocious. Nicole barely gave a fuck for any part of the movie that wasn't pony.

They just wanted to get on with it as fast as possible.
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.


________I don't care all that much, really________________________
I don't think they deleted it, it was on like page 9 after 280 posts. Can janitors make a thread stop bumping?
You're a monster.
That was my guess initially, but over time on so many occasions Meghan was so happy about it and praising its brilliance, decided it'd be a good idea to outright say that it's canon; she doesn't give me the impression of someone who just wants to have it behind her as soon as possible.
And Katie praised the fuck out of it saying it's fucking great and as good as the show multiple times.

They can't say it's shit. And they'll get a shitload of questions.
They can ignore them. Like they ignore so many other questions, pretty much everything that isn't either about bronies or something utterly broad ala "IS X GOING TO BE GOOD?" or "HOW WAS WORKING ON X?".
It may be awfully written with enough holes to make a changeling blush, but at least it's not going to have any significant effect on season 4.

Season 5 is anyone's guess.
Well since Meghan said that, it's very safe to say that it will have an effect on season 5, since she specified season 4.
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I anxious to see how the mystery box arc will play out.
They're all going to die on the same day.
>implying it's not full of dragon dildos
In a suicide pact?
If she wanted it to have an effect on the show there's absolutely no reason for her to not use it in S4.
Like Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper.

The last episode of My Little Pony will have all the characters die in a plane crash.
Man, nothing like a quick dose of pony after a long day at work

How lomg are your pony fixes /mlpg/?
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I have an odd feeling that what's inside will be a new element of harmony and the mane 6 will have to figure out what the new harmony is.
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>tfw you'll never cut yourself on that edge
You know what I'd like to see?
Look a big thing about the ending of the premiere is how the elements mean shit in the end and their friendship doesn't depend on them.
So what if the box is a test to that claim? A big bad sealed in it that will push their friendship to it's limit. Or maybe the quest for the keys itself is the test and the box is empty, you know a "focus on the journey, not the destination"type of shit.
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They've yet to explore the obvious other hook: someone from the Equestria Girls world crossing into Equestria.

It'd be weird for the CMC, since they're older than their pony counterparts. Especially Babs.
There is, overlapping writing schedule for instance. The script for EG may not have been finalized while they were already working out the concepts for S4. Also keep in mind that they're running out of ideas for story development as demonstrated by Twilight's ascension. They may know what do to this season with taking away the elements only to replace them with Totally Not EoH at the end of it, but that's only one season.
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>tfw you'll never get wicked quads
Big slutty hooves.
>Also keep in mind that they're running out of ideas for story development as demonstrated by Twilight's ascension,

That doesn't demonstrate any such thing.
We'll just have to wait and see.
How can hooves be slutty?
I can't watch the premiere episodes until they're on a torrent site. WHen's the itunes rip getting uploaded
Yay ponies rips are up.
>enough holes to make a changeling blush
Okay that's kind of cute.
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>you guys are still here after 3 years
It does, because that's something you'd pull at a series' ending. That's exactly how it was initially planned to happen as well, even if without the princesshood. Hell they even said that it opens up more potential development or stories, forgot which word they used, even if that's not true as there was considerably more to do with her as a non-princess without actively ignoring this for the sake of story, but then that doesn't seem to bother anyone.
And Applejack is here, too.
oh shit i thought it'd be up much later today thanks
top kek
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So the villain in the superhero episode.
Do we know her name yet? I liked the name of Manedusa, but the popular fanon name for her is Doc Sedusapus.
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>you will never be a wrongfag
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The ride never ends!

I took a pony hiatus for all of season 3 until season 4 started

That reminds me, there are still people posting on the pokemon general since they got banned from /v/.
Come on. How hard can it be to put on a sweater? Get your dad to help you.
dad won't come out of the bedroom with mom
That is a cute marker. Does she like a belly rub?
She's a dog, they always like belly rubs
and butt scratches
Oh she's down for some "heavy petting" if you know what I mean.

I mean she a slut.
My friend's got a dog, and he hates belly rubs, from me. ;_;
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I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life

goodbye /mlpg/

>Rye and Battle
>tfw also a southfag
>tfw living in Folkestone
>tfw no Shetland Ponies to fuck around here, just sheep and normal horses
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Stay away from my waifu once you get to Equestria
RIP in peace

Enjoy equestria
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Eh...the last time something like that was in the news here it was the police telling a women that unless her goats come to press charges against the neighbor that was fucking them there's nothing they can do.
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You should've crawled to the phone.
If you were really having a stroke, you'd give us your address so someone could call 911 for you.
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Why doesn't Discord just open the box?
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Now whenever I see a drug pony, I remember Ghost...
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He doesn't have the keys
This would be cute if not for the gamer luna.
But he's Discord.
Asking something made entirely for chaos to open a box created from the Tree of Harmony probably isn't going to work, considering that Discord had to deal with the tree indirectly in the first place.
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It's a magic box.
what's with killride and tits
they're always pretty good
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I really did get the feel from the episode that they were expecting to be rescued and were prepared for the pods to open up.
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But why doesn't he just automatically find the keys?
this makes me really sad
no, it's still cute
That's not the impression I tend to get
It's usually "they're always pretty bad and somehow unfappable"
>gaymer luna
it's shit
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I usually hate these but this one made me laugh.
I'm here to shitpost and nobody can stop me

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Whoops, forgot pic.
Look at it this way alright, Discord is Chaos incarnate. He sows and reaps disorder and everything that should not happen happens because he wills it, but for him to will it it must be chaotic in some way.

And while fabricating all six keys out of thin air would be just about the most improbable and chaotic thing Discord could do, it would not result in more chaos but in fact it would resolve the mystery box's arc and create order. This is why discord cannot find the keys even if he wanted to.
go back to your pokeman
So how does he dispel his own spells?

is pone still terrible

I haven't watched anything since the end of S2
How does that anus even work.
Because dispelling chaos is chaotic in and of itself.
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What is it with you britbongs and ponies?
it's shit
S3 was weaker but had some good episodes, EG is complete utter shit, s4 opener was a step up from McCarthy's work in the past ~2 years but that's really, really not saying much.
MLPG overall rates it around 7.5/10 but that's not really close to the actual quality of the episode and has more to do with the long pony withdrawal; not that the episodes are bad, but they really aren't very good. You can watch them on youtube or download them from yayponies.
Pone went low in S3, but is riding high after the S4 premier
S3 was okay, if uneven and short.
S4 seems off to a pretty good start.

Have you made a good vidya yet
S3 is awful
EQG is dogshit
S4 is good so far
s3 had 4 good episodes, the rest a shit
s4 had a hyper premiere
Where do these things come from?
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The amount of oldfags who came back to say the new season is shit is pretty astounding. I'm a bit of an oldfag myself and I think Season 4 is much better than season 3.
On itunes, they now have "volume 6"
A season pass is $25
Does this only cover the first 13?
Yeah, S3 was fucking terrible if it wasn't for Larson and newcomer Corey's episodes.
reddit mlp section.
What are the "good" ones in S3?
Might give S4 a shot then

>Have you made a good vidya yet
ponykart ded, now I work at codemasters
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Some good news.

The rest of the good news is just the Scottish military parading their Shetland Pony everywhere.

Apparently, The Queen of England demands they always bring the pony when they/she comes visits.
There some nice Season 3 episodes here and there but its agreed that is has a bad opener and its freaken short.

Everyone hates the movies.

I would say the score is average for the season 4 opener.
work on the game faggot
every episode Larson wrote
every episode Corey wrote

all the others are terrible or boring mediocre as fuck
You liked ponk so ep3, after that up to this date ponk remained shit, ep4 is not the best but it's alright, ep 5 and 6 are good, some people like 10 but other loathe it, JFS was great.
Please, watch the entirety of season 3, all of the episodes have some redeeming qualities and things that are worth seeing.

Also, opinions differ and you should make your own.
Just for Sidekicks, Sleepless in Ponyville, Personal Favorite #1, Personal Favorite #2
Of top of my head, Magic Duel, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Spike's Sidekick, the Scootaloo Nightmare episode. Just watch the whole season if you can.

And read the comic as well. Some of the comic are great. The Rarity Micro and the Big Mac arc is a nice one to read about.
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what if terse came back also
I know you work at Codemasters, I wasn't talking about ponykart
My question remains the same
Terse has never left
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He probably would not be accepted back.

He is probably working something not revealed yet.
gosh so many


ok then


>I know you work at Codemasters, I wasn't talking about ponykart
>My question remains the same
then no ;__;
A whole lot of those overlap
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In my search for pony, I found this piece of historical footage.

It's a very large pony sale in Oklahoma in the early 50's.
Later hoppopopopo

You'll make it
I believe in you
Who is Terse?
He threw a hissyfit after Twilycorn and saying he leaves 5ever and even before that he barely came here anymore.
>tfw people from mlpg actually made it somewhere in the dustry
it's a weird feel.
I work with horses, ponies, and donkeys IRL.

God donkeys are smart.
I wonder if Boco will swing by. He was another "Twilycorn ruined everything, I'm leaving" and he's still around on other boards being unlikeable
Is terseness something like Krautism?
You should watch the whole season, mlpg know shit about pony.
>people from mlpg actually made it somewhere in the dustry

No they didn't.
What is a pony?
Hoppip and Eurobeat are the only ones who come to my mind?
hoppip do you still have rosy cheeks
TW/Mrponiator are in cartoonhangover/frederator
PHN too, although he already was when he came here
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Whatever you want it to be, baby.
>Making it somewhere in the industry

Also what about Seth and Knighty? Both of them are/were from MLPG and are now rolling in the pageviewbux

This is not "making it"

It's like saying you made it by becoming a starbucks cashier.
PHN is a weird fellow. I guess I know what it's like now to have an Image artist visit in person.
i like how tiara's newgrounds-tier shit is considered good enough to work together with two cal-arts graduates.
your dreams can come true, even if you fucking suck at what you want to do!
I wrote for a book once, does that count
Real funny
red your diary doesnt count
Seth was in mlpg origionally but i don't remember knighty ever coming here.
It doesn't matter how good/bad you are if you can make people laugh/bring in an audience. If hes able to do so then more power to him.
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Truth be told, Frederator basically accepts anyone. There's nothing special about it.

If you go to their website and check their FAQ, it basically states "you can join even if you don't have any established work or can't animate!".
Knighty still comes here, if not often
And that's why we discuss it here!
fuck off knighty
hey hey, johnny test and the problem solverz are even on TV.
even more power to them.
fuck you poultron
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>the cane
phn pls die
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get fucked leth
nothing fills the hole in my heart like pone does
except for this substitute doll
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>Playing video games for the past two days
>Still haven't gone to sleep
>Still don't feel tired
Which pony is most awake?
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obvious answer
the one that didn't get mario and zelda
I must have been super tired when the episodes aired
When does the cane thing show up?
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>wake up talking about female monsters with /co/ and /tg/
>come to MLPG now
>Rarity OP

Today is a good day
When Discord mocks twilight by giving it and a gown to her
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When Twilight was sent back to Ponyville by her friends who could obviously use all the Elements without her, Discord mocks her being a Princess and briefly appears a cloak and scepter for her. It's a throwaway gag.
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what the fuck
What if Fluttershy learned jarate instead?
Then yes, I was really tired
I'll have to watch it again today
ponies ain't shit but hoes and tricks
Saffron calm down!
Dogs shouldn't even have coffee!
Why does everything look like it was made of different parts traced from different artists?
because it was
Because tiarawhy is not a good artist.
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>I was really tired

Well, then, you should have called it a day.
Has anyone drawn Palette and Renne drawing together yet?
It's actually cosmos jester and tiarawhy.

I'm pretty sure cosmos does the bulk of the work, as his animation is visibly different from tiara's.
It's tiara? It looks like he samefagged >>14728716 and >>14728731 to show of his MAD SKILLS because of the previous posts.
Rotating fixed poses that look awful by themselves already.
cute pon
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I wonder who of them gets all the money.
I wouldn't put it past tiara to hire a slave who gets paid with "exposure".
Well according to mlpg, thats how you MAKE IT IN DA BIZ
what a qt pon you have there
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I wouldn't put it past him. I've noticed he likes posting his work here.
The two teamed together because from what I hear they live close to one another.
I'm going to pony pony.
Where else can he brag without repercussions?
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>"he samefagged"
>comparing me with that flash faggot

Can I fucking kill you, you dumb piece of shit?
Cane you teach me how to pony pony?
That's easily edited, TW
Just like your mom doing some edits in her life by adopting you? :^)
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Kissy little love ponies
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I love you.
>Using inline

Das shiggy.
>Just like your mom doing some edits in her life by adopting you?
That's... actually kind of sweet.
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drunkshy is cute
tfw I was the top post
i wish it went on
You don't know me
Prove it.
If you really love me, you should know my favorite pony.
Unicorns mocking an earth pony's intelligence.
I'm sorry, I'm in love with pony.
Oh, I guess I don't love you, then.

I'm sorry, I'll never bother you again.
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who do you think will voice dj pon-3 for her song
did you get a tan or something
Little pone is sitting on your head. What do?
ur mum
>A sceptre (or scepter in U.S. English) is a symbolic ornamental staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia. Sometimes, it could be used for magical purposes, mainly by skilled magicians.

>A walking stick is a device used by many people to facilitate balancing while walking.

>Walking sticks come in many shapes and sizes, and can be sought by collectors. Some kinds of walking stick may be used by people with disabilities as a crutch. The walking stick has also historically been known to be used as a defensive or offensive weapon, and may conceal a knife or sword as in a swordstick.

>Autistic, ignorant and uneducated fanbase of show for little girl "My Little Pony"
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there are very rare times when reddit gets it right
Vinyl Scratch is getting a song?
the little pony just ponied all over your head
I saw this on facebook first
That one fan voice actor
According to an unreliable source
insert MT joke
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I don't understand why people are harping this cane thing, is there a joke I'm not getting?
You mean that one from the video with the ponies in it?
Yeah, its got that bad song in it.
It was a funny thing that happened and is easy to repost and paste on things
aka: a meme
skrillex with a female voice filter
It was just something silly that caught people's eye that could easily be manipulated into images.
Sceptre, damnit
its a literal forced meme
it was funny
then it was overplayed absolutely everywhere
and now it's just dull
Did it also have that one bony famous guys OC in it? You know the one that the mane 6 are just all madly in love with?
Bronies have horrible humor so they just keep repeating the one joke that needs the least amount of understanding of anything
>wow funny scepter with silly twilight head lets put it fucking everywhere
milky way will get her own song before rainbow dash does
We need something
LK pls stram
I know you're here
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>mfw plunder seeds
>mfw discord knew exactly what was going to happen the instant they walked up and planned for it and enacted on that plan and made it look like more silly bullshit
>mfw Q
Say what you want, but "twilycane" is a funny name.
Yeah! Its got electronic music in it and shit.
>sui was taking requests in the draw thread

That was cool.
its just silly stupid "fun" with an exploitable face

what i don't understand is how you manage to exonerate yourself from the stupidity of not understanding this, but, still manage to hit that better-then-thou high note you all love to sing.

actually i lied i do, your just a sour sack of shit that thinks he's better then everyone else, because he has such better "refined" tastes then the average brony.
>family guy killed off a character

What pony would make you the most sad to see killed off?
Nigga that's Equestria Girls
It isn't a funny name.
I saw it too late, she was already gone by then ;__;
But I'm still being bad at bad video games.
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I'm not a fan of the cane thing, but it at least shows the fanbase is alive and well, so that's a plus.
Also Nanaki lost Tumblr followers over it. Ha.
That was the laziest way to kill off a character
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It's not and it's not even correct.
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admit it, even if you dont like panky spank, it'd be extra tragic to see her removed
It's the new funny may may :DDDD
Which character did they kill?
Why are you so angry over me asking a simple question? Are you this autistic to think someone not getting a joke is automatically playing it off as their them being better than someone else?
Rainbow Dash because she is my favorite. But the obvious aside I think Pinkie Pie. Something about the cruel irony of having a funeral for the element of laughter would surely hit all her friends hard.
Best pony.
That was so obviously shitposting, why'd you respond?
That's how most dogs in a family die, Anon. Really suddenly, and under the wheels of a car.
>Something about the cruel irony of having a funeral for the element of laughter would surely hit all her friends hard.
Anon, pls, stop.
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>google it
>they killed of one dog just to replace it by another
Yes, obviously, or your too stupid to or dare i say new, to the fandom. which your not, and my assumptions were right in the first place. don't try to play off that innocent shit. where do you think we are
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I know it is. Twice, to me

But just getting replaced by another dog is kind of lazy
I'm surprised not many people whined about twilicorn the other day. Maybe it isn't that important after all.
>having a outdoor pet in the suburbs

Why expect anything else?
They spend nine months bitching about it, they need new material.
It bothered me, but complaining isn't gonna change anything.
They took the cheap way out of the hole and just kept everything exactly as it used to be with her personality, which is perhaps the lesser of the two shitty routes they'd laid down ahead of themselves.
You can't just call every dissenting opinion or poorly compiled post 'shitposting' because it's easier than making a direct response.
See now I can say he's shitposting, because he's calling himself right without any actual arguing, this isn't a poorly compiled post, he's directly stating himself as correct while the object of arguing is about my ability to grasp a joke.
It's mostly that pretty much every point they used for their shitposting was disproven. So now they have to come up with something new.
He types like the guy riding PHN's dick a few days ago. Probably a shitposter.
>tfw the artist you follow started doing videos again
Didn't disprove jack shit before S4 you just screamed and said 'everything will be okay because nothing bad ever happens' when in the light of Twilight abrupt and poorly conceived ascension and EqG, people were justified to be wary of S4.

It's still pretty shit, and I'm not changing my opinion of her becoming a princess and I've just came to ignore it however every mention of "Princess Twilight" was grating.
Why do people think Fluttershy is going to turn into a dragon/alicorn/whatever?
Alicorn, anon.

Because of Meghan hinting it and it would give Hasbro even more cash for upgrading Twilight's friends into Alicorns.
>tfw the artist you started following stops drawing and only blogs instead
Happens way too often.
there was literally a leaked photo of an alicorn fluttershy toy
subscribe for anal
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>Anon, come to bed
>all of the mane 6 turn into alicorns
>they use all of there horns as keys for the box
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>tfw jessy is ded
>remembers some horrible flame shirt i wore all the time

*cringe cringe* make it stop
>make it stop
No Anon, you deserve it.
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Did anyone take screenshots from the new episodes? I'd like to see some if you've got any handy
>you will never ride sunbutt bareback
>Going through old futurama episodes
>Episode where leela was about to be forcefully turned into a Slurm Queen
So that's where my corruption fetish started. That or Totally Spies which was loaded to brim with fetishes I barely remember being on the show.

I think I watched Futurama more than TS though, but just to be safe I'll say both.

I'm waiting for the itunes release to take screenshots and what not.
totally spies was shit.

Scroll through those, someone took a bunch of caps of the TV version, if you don't mind the NEW EPISODE and TV Y things.
ah okay
I don't really remember if I like the show or not but considering /co/ say it has lots of fetishes and the images don't lie, I'm going to have to say you're wrong.
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yeah, some guy took a shitload of them in after-epsidoe discussion
i was just watching tom and jerry, where tom ate jerry's companion full vore

and before that tom was forced to wear diapers and fed like a baby all the while being abused.
Actually what's the name of that site to download episodes at? Drawing a blank, it's been a while.

itunes rip is finaly on youtube

get it while it's there
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she posted this in the past day
She then died of lead poisoning and cellular asphixia.
RIP swap.
>Canes everywhere on the web.

Jesus fuck, how does this make any sense? Why is everyone so obsessed with Twilight Scepter?
lol sorandum
mostly because theres nothing else to do
Even the Twilight Drinks Cum From A Bottle has more realistic reasoning and context than this fixation.
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>X everywhere on the web.
>Jesus fuck, how does this make any sense? Why is everyone so obsessed with X?
Twilight drinks cum from a bottle was way worse, at least the scepter thing resulted in a bunch of funny pics after they made hundreds of them
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At least Twilight Drinks Cum had an appropriate amount of context to it.

Have a comment from a video on the Escapist
What kind of reaction...
I'm pretty sure my transformation fetish started somewhere along the lines of the little mermaid
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It looked funny.
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An appropriate one.
Ross is german for horse
>Bob horse
oh fuck off
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I loved that part
wait wait, what's that video
I remember something
You know what would be funny when Rainbow Dash becomes an alicorn? She starts flying with her new wings and keeps putting too much force behind it, zooming past everything she tries to reach.
>tfw LK's scratch tumblr is ded
no, it's pferd?
>I drew something for his ask scratch tumblr months ago
>he hasn't posted it yet

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nah, I was thinking of this one
It would be more fun watching applejack getting wings and a horn.
Derpy is going to sit on your lap.
>That cheek squish

LK is unable to draw something without making it look squishy somehow
Guess I didn't use my legs that much anyway
>Bucking trees
>flies all over and accidentally telekinetically shakes off all the apples

are you
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That one gets me every single time

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You Canadians make me sick.
Ross is an older word for horse.
If there was ten times less of this shit it would still be too much

puni puni puni
Who we gonna defeat?
Some put really a lot of effort into it
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Neat, but why baap
thank you man.
You always can leave or use post hiding instead of shitposting.
Boop was in the john, and Baap had to take over.
Exactly, why don't you?
why does palette have such a great butt?
Because jessy likes projecting
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Oh god that's pretty cute
Love that colouring dude
I asked first!
Now you're just shitposting, anon. Please refrain from doing that.
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Your welcome!
And thank you! I'll be doing some more later after I get done playing video games
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That and sex sells.
Would you poke-rape Luna into submission so you can steal her chips?
Is it just me or does she really look like the drunk kitchen woman?
Can I poke her with my penis?
>eating chips
>eating any kind of potatoes that aren't sweet potatoes
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I don't know what you're referencing
>eating sweet potatoes
>not eating yams
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>itunes 1080 released

aww yeah
>at all
why is sanguinius so uggo
I rarely eat sweet potatoes, but since I planted them...
I'll work something with the yams, they don't really grow well here.
She really got better.
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dem little saddlebags
that's an ol dpic
>Episode 5 :

>Flight to the Finish: The Cutie Mark Crusaders vie for the honorof carrying the Ponyville flag at the Equestria Games.

>Episode 6 :

>Power Ponies: When Spike and the Mane 6 end up assuperheroes in a comic book world, the only way to get back home is to defeatthe super-villain, The Mane-iac

>Episode 7 :

>Bats!: Vampire Fruit Bats take over Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack and her friends’ efforts to get rid of them take an unexpected and frightening turn.

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That glorious animation...
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Don't make fun of the bags
No, Princesses aren't for sexual.
that jawline seriously keeps weirding me out
I can't decide whether I like or hate Disney's Xerox phase.
>Bats!: Vampire Fruit Bats
oh boy
Princesses are for sensual.
Wait, I remember a pic fo her wearing an unfy swimming suit about a year or so ago, did she get worse again?
Is she still with sanguinus, by the way?
As long as it's nonsexual, go wild.
Yes, she said that she's still with Sang.

For now.
Celestia blah blah Faceless blah blah blah.gif
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Yeah she rocked that swimsuit. Didn't save the pic though. Doubt she'd post it again if asked.
Princesses are definitely for sexual sensual, but they're not for just a quick rut.
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>Luna's little collar thing is sparkling
>Vampire fruit bats
>Unexpected frightening turn
Who's prepared for Applejack to get bitten and become Vampirejack?
Big Mac's too buff to be Vampired, but a Vampire Applebloom might be cute.
Or a Vampire Granny Smith with no teeth
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>Doubt she'd post it again if asked.
Yoy know we have an archive,right
I ain't gonna save it because I'm not a creep.
What the?!
>defiant weiner won't back down
>Princesses are definitely for sexual sensual

But not for you!
Yeah I know we have an archive but I dont know where to look.
I spent a minute looking at it trying to work out what the pony related thing I was supposed to be seeing was before I realised.
Tell that to Celestia.
>Who's prepared for Applejack to get bitten and become Vampirejack?

>AJ turns into a batpony
we also have a search engine. Look for swimsuit jessy.
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Just get someone to draw it as pony.
>she doesn't have fangs or anything, but she keeps sucking the apples
I didn't know it had a search engine now
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Unless you are SmutAnon, especially Celestia isn't for you.
I am and she's cuddling me sexually.
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Can you feel it guys
can you feel the waifu
I thought she posted it on her tumblr, not MLPG
Wow, she's insatiable! She was just in my room for four hours!
It was reposted in MLPG and searching for 'site:arch.413chan.net swimsuit jessy' really does direct you there.
no, it's here.
ctrl-f swimsuit.
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>hating it ecause they reused some frames to make movies for little kid.
>implying they would have done that if they had known people would be such anal manchildren over it
>not Spaerk
>Flight to the Finish: The Cutie Mark Crusaders vie for the honor of carrying the Ponyville flag at the Equestria Games.
Ah! I'd heard that the Scootaloo episode was also the Canterlot Games episode and was wondering how they'd work it in, since it'd be weird to have foals competing in that, but that's going to be pretty neat.
Isn't our celestia great?
>"holyshit look at all these people discussing pony, pony memes and other pony and fandom related stuff in my Fetish General while I'm gently shitposting!"
>"what a bunch of faggots! Why can't they jut go to /co/ or /mlp/ or... whatever suitable place where they can discuss all this stuff"
>"so I can keep meta-shitposting without interruption"
princess twilight sparkle wants you to submit your essay
it's due today and she won't accept late papers
I was hoping Power Ponies would just be someone's imagination.
>more crystal empire
Didn't take long, huh
>half an hour later
did you have to try that out in front of a mirror before writing it, hot stuff?
I already handed it to her... personally.
But I guess it's understandable if she forgot, given what we did next.
SmutAnon ran a multiple months long Quest about her, what did Spaerk do?
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>I have 3 essays to do in a week
>one requires me to go to a museum and write about the trip

If only I could get by without the points
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Well we knew that the games were happening there at some point this season.
And I have a hunch that one of the keys is going to be tied to the place somehow.
>essays that require you to take a trip
>when you have so much homework there's no time to travel
>tfw jobless
>Anon being turned into a mare and left alone
We knew the games was happening there and this is not the episode in which they happen. They're probably gonna spend 3-4 episodes there. Hell maybe they tie in the last two episodes. None of this is good.
The irony is the constant misuse of the word autism on 4chan
>Anon being turned into glue and then dumped on toys
big mac cockvoring applebloom and turning her into jizz
You sure the games will be the focus of an entire episode and not just a quick thing at the end of Flight to the Finish as Scoots carries the flag for the ceremony? It's not like any characters we know are competing.
fuck her, they're due in 2 days and 8 days respectively.
Anon being turned into a stallion and being hooked up to a milking machine.
Considering how many times Meghan reminded everyone about season 4 featuring the games and even 2 season 3 episodes tying in, pretty sure.
>femsnips struggling to wrap up her chest wobblers and asking for help
Yeah, I guess so. Bummer.
>SB spamming cropped version of his porn
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>make a post
>can't find it in mlpg
>can't find it in any of the threads I have up
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we gonna talk about this?
I hope flutteshy becomes a vampire

>tfw your 4chan pass just expired
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So the superheroes episode isn't a dream.

I still wonder if that's supposed to be Luna's room, though.
>around the thanksgiving season
>one requires me to go to a museum and write about the trip

Anon, please, you have to be 18 to browse this page.
I just got here but I'm guessing that's why everyone is talking about vampires
>6 straight weeks of pure pony pleasure
>guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar
>vampire fruits bats take over sweet apple acres
status: hyped
Can you do that? Can you mark a thread twice?
>Dec 28 is 2spooky
I haven't seen any vampire chat
Rarity looks really happy hugging Fluttershy's rump like that
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give me a few minutes
I need more time
anybody got a gif for when Luna turns into NMM? Or just a pic? Luna makes this really retarded face right before it happens.
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And then she died


>all the episodes are mane cast episodes
>finishing anything
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You calling the CMC Mane cast?
I... guess you could do that. I'm gonna look at you funny for it, though.
Anyone not saying power-ponies can turn in their /co/ badge right now
Damn it firefox, stop freezing while I'm typing.
>not castlemania
it's an adventure with traps and shit

plus, all that fanart afterwards
>Implying mane cast episodes arent the best episodes.
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I'm trying, Anon
Fine, mane cast episodes and ONE cmc episode.
I said Daring Don't but it was a close call. I want to see them both a lot.
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ok, i guess you did finish up on camera for $20 that one time
To be fair, the last episode to feature heavy superhero/comic reference was one of the worst in the show
You can shove it in your ass faggot, scootaflying all the way.