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Spoiler: Trixie is best, all around greatest unicorn.

REAL SPOILERReview detailing the entire premiere scene by scene.

Old mediocre, all around boring pegasus and spoilers: >>14628775
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Aren't so you glum, my faithful princess, for you're all wings and shit now?
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rarara a shit
Rip in peace MLP.
Speaking of which, what's the story of Seth, anyways?
>15 images early


Please stop making threads so early
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I don't think anyone could possibly be glum over receiving the gift of wings.
Once upon a time there was a faggot obsessed with Trixie.

The end.
Twilight Sparkle is.
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I enjoyed Epic Rage Time.

Is that bad?
Why not?
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>enjoying things.
Absolutely disgusting.
WHY would they put a SCENE-BY-SCENE description in a review?
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The fuck
You so random Seth.
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>You will never win 1st place in synchronized anal with Luna.
Oh wow I don't remember Celestia pushing twilight with her wing. Neat.
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Welp, here we go again! Like usual MLPG's Pone Marethon will start at 7:00pm EST.

Tonight we finally plunge head first into season three and right into Meghan McCarthy's turn at the pony wheel.
I'd suggest buckling up for this stream.

Tonight's episodes are:
>51 A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1, Meghan McCarthy, 2012-04-21
>52 A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, Meghan McCarthy, 2012-04-21
>53 The Crystal Empire - Part 1, Meghan McCarthy, 2012-11-10
>54 The Crystal Empire - Part 2, Meghan McCarthy, 2012-11-10
>55 Too Many Pinkie Pies, Dave Polsky, 2012-11-17
Because bronies.
I dunno...it just seems like an incredibly freeing thing to receive. If you're a germaphobe the new diseases you'd be susceptible could be a downside

>Oh no feather flu!
Sorry, I'm not in the mood tonight...

I'm joking, but I do feel like shit
Because they only know how to review vidya, and don't know how professional film critics or the like can write more interesting pieces than just step-by-step descriptions.
Twilight will never be cute again.
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>At least you feel better than you look
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Uhh... uh-oh.
At least I didn't ruin the show
>>Rainbow Dash will never accidentally suck your dick
You ruin dolls, not shows.
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>"allegedly "
You wouldn't get one if Rainbow Dash had one?
I have negative money.
Can I read it?
No, I don't care what 4th best pony does. 3DS is meh until it gets Metroid
That's one rightfully smug horse.
Sell your excess love to a changeling for the bits.
penis in pone
They should set up a love bank. Or maybe a protection agency. What about a changeling mafia.
But which pone, anon?
How do you judge cuddling?
Every time pony closes her eyes all she sees is you
>ponut gaping
the pone you love
>Twilight will never turn evil over season 4
>She will never slowly try to sabotage the Equestrian Empire to turn everyone on the alicorn sisters
>She will never remove Cadance
>We will never see only a smug smile spread across her lips as she states to the camera "I win."
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>example of first rate cuddling
the cuddlewatts it generates
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>implying cadence wouldn't send Twilight to the moon for 1000 years for killing the previous two sisters.
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Technically that already happened in close to the same context
baby in pone
Pony is hallucinating, I recommend that she see a doctor.
She just made a tulpa of you is all.
What would you do if Shining Armour was aiming his wife at you?
I guess it did, didn't it? Also the Friendship is Witchcraft did something pretty cool with that episode where Twilight was pretty damn evil.

That's why Twilight has to be extremely careful in taking out the sisters. Otherwise she's doomed to repeat history.

I'm glad those guys fucked off to somewhere else. To think I even made one for some months.
>Having excess love
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Do you think theres a janitor for ponyville elementary?
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In retrospect wife tossing seems like one of those "write yourself out of a corner" issues.

>Spike has to get away with the gem
>There's literally nowhere to go
>Fuck it, he jumps
>Cadance can't save Spike or the gem because she's tired as fuck
>Shining Armor can't magic
>Her friends are useless
>The writing staff sits quietly around the table
>What if... Shining just... fucking throws Cadance to catch them?
You put your penis in pone, now pone is pregnant. You have no choice but to take responsibilities for your actions. Shotgun wedding
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File deleted.
equestria girls janitor.png
Why is that picture so funny?
>Charles Barkley's birth dot jpg
Slammed so hard he came out black.
They could have had rainbow dash fly
>Applejack shows up at your house
>With a shotgun
>She's nonchalant about the fact that she has an actual shotgun
>She casually shows you how she loads it, tells you how good it is at getting vermin away from the farm
>"Oh, an' ah heard you and pone were gettin' married? Thinkin' about havin' a little foal of yer own some day."
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Reminder that Twilight is noticeable taller and her friends now have to literally look up to her
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>tfw if this were me she'd be the pone in question
>the only word that doesn't begin with a capital letter is the one that should
>marrying applejack
I hope you like being a stay at home husband
I would love that.
Do I get an apron? Is it pretty?
If you got Applejack knocked up out of wedlock you bet your ass she'd come knocking on your door with that gun.

With her in labor she's going to be needing some help with the farm. Not to mention the child.

And what would Granny Smith say? What kind of example would you two be setting for Apple Bloom if you weren't married first?
>Getting a pent-up-from-work applejack and cooking all the time
Seems pretty good
Which pony is the cuddleslut in this
Now would be a bad time to ask AJ which pony she's talking about.
My brethren.
I would be her house husband.
Pinke Three of them.
well how are you going to marry her if she doesn't know it?
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Why haven't you accepted Twist as best pony yet?
>What does for thekthual mean?
>Am I for thekthual?
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Because you're wrong.

So, was there a leak of the premiere episode or something?
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She's just a filly that's cuter then most.
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Oh god I can hear it
Just dont point out the error I made.

early showing
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Because Pinkie is better.

Ahh, how was it?
EFN beefed it and posted a full on review of the episode for review
read it an find out

It focuses completely on Twilight
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Would you Rarity if she was Tarzan?

Not surprised, considering how Season 3 ended.
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what a fuzzy butt
it's like bad fanfiction
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Because each and every other pony is better than her.
>Muscly Rarity with immaculately kept hair and incredibly fashionable garment fashioned from forest materials swinging through the trees
>No songs
S4 might even beat S1 if they keep it up
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All of the season openers focus on Twilight with her friends doing very little.
>knowing Japanese
It's already 1.5 terahitlers worse by default.
To watch anime!
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I don't even know which 63 main six I'd want as a husbando
Maybe Applejack
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Season 4 will have the most songs of all the season that have aired
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Like MRP?

No, stop.
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I don't have a husbando.
I do have an otouto, though.
So like, did you actually mean cute? Because that says scary.
sex with rarity
I'd probably Butterscotch or Dusk Shine (he really needs a better name)
sex with celestia.
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I already know mine
Just imagine this gorgeous man guiding you through your first gay experience in that calm, smooth voice of hisI bet he'd even kiss you on the lips and fall asleep snuggling you when you're done

I truly learned Japanese just to watch Japonies, was funny being the only one in a stream to understand without relying on memory of the dubs.(笑)

That's what the image says. I ask because I haven't watched Tarzan for a while and I couldn't immediately recall her having that as a catchphrase.
sex with celestia and rarity
I still want to know who you are...
he's a r63.
He's called r63 twilight.

Rarifags yet again confirmed for regular fags
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I mean their names are all pretty androgynous so I never really got why they needed the name change. I prefer to just say 63 Twilight etc.
>Evening Glisten
gee Anonymous, how come your mom lets you sexual TWO ponies?
nonymous stop shitposting by yourself
boops with marker pony
I'm not going to IRC again just to translate this shit another time.
Oh I didn't actually look at the picture, my bad.

How did you learn japanese so fast if you just did it to watch ponies?
>Not drinks with Gloomy
angry sex with applejack
>the barn door is destroyed
>most of the hay bales are scattered over the floor
>somehow the waterchute when through the loft window
anal sex with applejack with the ost
I really liked watching it at first, but the way so many episodes were edited was causing my autism to flare up.
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I'm just a man that knows what he likes.
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>A couple of apple trees are toppled over
>One is on fire
Anyone know where I can shoot GG a message?
No YOU'RE a faggot!
Tumblr? His thread on the sub?
His tumblr or his thread on the sub.

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>every little thing that comes out about S4 makes me lose more and more interest

I wanted it to end, but i didn't think it would happen with S4 so close
His sub or the thread on the tumblr
Thought of Tumblr, but I don't actually know his Tumblrs.
Sub'll do the trick though, thanks.
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I'd husbando my waifu and love him just as much as I do her if he were real
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>tfw money grubbing mudponies in this thread
Shut up, nigger.
Bubble berry will never make sense to me
does pinkie even make sense?
That wasn't me, honest.

I only use the imgur
pinkie is pink
it makes more sense than bubble berry
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>Pink pony
>works in a bakery

How does it not make sense?
what draw?
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Oh, you mean the name.
Fair enough. "Elusive" is a shitty name, too. It's just a direct synonym, there's nothing more inherently masculine about the word. Pfah.
"Rainbow Bolt" or whatever was pretty good though.
She works in a bakery because she likes to bake, but her special talent is parties. Parties often require bakery catering services.
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>Eat apple
>This apple taste horrible
>Look at it
>its all black on the inside

Am I going to die, Applejack?
I didn't, although it made me glad I did when I watched Japonies as I was able to understand quite a bit.

I don't like some of the VAs, for example Rainbow Dash sounds like a male shonen MC.
>the two of you survey the carnage
>"Hmm. Guess you win the bet. I'll pick up the spa bill this week."
Blitz, usually.
Rule 63 Rarity being prissy and fabulous
We need a pone MILF this season
Wait, no, that sounds bad.
We've already got one of those.

Her name is ______Celestia______
>Eat apple
>This apple taste horrible
>Look at it
>There are wasps inside the apple

I'm going to die, aren't I, Applejack?
Bubble Berry wearing a feed bag
>no confirmed kids
>sombra returns
>seals the main six in crystal
>the CMC become the main characters for a while
>need to go around equestria with Zecora and Spike and find pure embodiments of each element to free them
Hacker pony isolating the bad guys' nodes and routing their IPs
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1 billion hours later...
She is mother to us all.
Cherry Jubilee in casual summer wear?

God damn it, I told you to keep Rarity away from naked males this month, anon!
>Pinkie's cheeks
Twilight's horn looks a little bit too segmented somehow.
Oh my gosh that Pinkie
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I have just the pony
Holy shit I forgot she existed.
Yes. yes we need MUCH more of her.
What the fuck Raridad? That's your fucking wife!
are you still ded and hat us?
>rarity's mom poses for porn
>her dad is always photobombing and cheering on her somewhere
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>More of her.

But she's one of the main characters.
She's Pinkie Pie. She hides her horn under her hair, wears a wig and wears pants to hide her cutie mark

How did you not know?
>He likes to watch

I stand by the idea, all the same
>tfw no r63 rarity to turn you into a grill
sounds pretty hot
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What kind of grill would you be?
>initially you start to yell and complain but when he shows you some new outfits he made for you your new hormones start to kick in and you calm down
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>taking all that meat at once
It's rarity, isn't it?
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Hey, he knows his wife looks good, he's going to show her off.
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Aw haha
>Oh, but anon, you'll look simply dashing in this new dress.
>And this eyeshadow will look great on you
>Now all you need is some lipstick that brings out those gorgeous lips of yours
New favorite pic.
>tfw no forced feminization

well whew
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>just found old video of myself jacking off with banana peel

what the fuck was i thinking
>not uploading it

Fix this and all is forgiven.
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Silver buttons and boots
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>leak of review

Uhh so tempted to click
more importantly why did you record it?
Someone needs to write a fic about this or at least draw a pic with r63 rarity fucking a femanon.
He never would go to bed
Wish that gif had the resident evil "You are dead" at the end
naw, i dont like that idea so no one should do it ever.
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I'm glad I'm not as shitty at art as you.
So anyone who read the leak?

Is it good
It sounds nice.
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>Someone needs to write a fic about this
>mfw I've had the very rough draft of a fic about this kicking around for ages now
>mfw somebody actually says this
I like it so someone should do both of them, in fact no, someone should make a complete 30 page comic about it going really heavy into the part about anon becoming a femanon and Rarity courting her.

Then a part about you, yes you and favorite pony getting a blowjob by rarity and femanon.
I like the outfit, not so much what its covering.
You got it all wrong.

Once upon a time there was a faggot that was obsessed with a dragon and it transcended waifuism and just got creepy. /tg/ was almost ruined.
Then he got obsessed with Trixie and stole someone else's idea of a pony blog and got "famous".
post it
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That's kinda cute
>feel kinda shitty after having a minor car accident
>insurance is gonna go up, fuck
>watch some ponies, feel better.

why does it make me feel better /mlp/
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I actually like fanfiction

Hell I thought that Phoenix Wright thing on youtube was great
>heavy on the transforming part

why, that is the worst part
Two ponies are clinging to your leg, they refuse to let go and squeel with delight when you swing your legs around. This is going to make going to the bathroom difficult.
Voice acting killed it for me.
There's a littel something with zecora giving anon girly bits, but I can't find it
because this is the only place on the internet who will read your personal blog
yeah that couldve been better, I feel they did good on making it like the games though.
>three days until we watch a spoiled episode
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"We waited nine months for this?"
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>spoiling it for yourself
All I've read is something about keys. Still hype.
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Why is she so perfect
Things have truly gone too far with this whole "Brony Media" farce.
>reading spoilers

Pleb, unless you hit 300 days it won't be as good. It's like if you don't jack off for like 2 weeks butcut out the last minute
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They did not spoil the background ponies

I will be watching with great interest
Twilight does a sonic rainboom that ends with a star-shape to bring twilight to the land.
At the beginning of said episode, she can harly fly.
I have spoilers off, and people have been posting unspoiled spoilers in the fucking thread the entire time, someone even spammed the synopsis [and the janny didn't even delete them]
That's just absurd. Are you serious? I hope that's not it.
I've seen a couple, but they were all really vague, like, "it's all about Twilight." Could have easily been made up.

In any case, I'm still hype for new pony episodes after the premier, even if it turns out horribly.
I'm sorry, it is true. I wouldn't believe it at first, then I raged, then I got sad, then I got apathetic and now I don't give a fuck anymore because it's a little girl's show.

Does anyone have the "10 stages of accepting" (or whatever that's the name )pic?
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Hey, I'm glad you're still here. I'm done with your request~

Rate and critique my human, MLPG?
d'aww hes so tiny
There are only 5 stages of grief, so I don't know what pic you're talking about, but I still really really doubt that. Seriously, it "brings twilight to the land"? That's ridiculous, the whole point of the first episode was kind of the opposite of that really.
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cute pone/10

I greatly enjoy your small pones

Also neat to see someone around still doing traditional stuff
chrysalis just impregnated you
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I don't have a uterus

Oh and thank you!
That's it avoiding MLPG till Saturday night
>the worst part
Do you hate cheese on pizza?
What's the point of doing something transformation related if you hate the actual transformation part?
Why sleep so early
Could this obnoxious leak be a chink in EFN's armor? I can't think that would go over well with Hasbro that Final Draft's network spoiled their premiere.
I don't know jack about faces, but I think maybe the cheekbones on that femanon are a bit wonky.
You do now
If you want to read the imgur like, it's there. But people have stopped spamming info about the premiere anyway, you're probably safe for the next days.
sonic twilightboom!
Has anyone ever read blowfly girl's blog?
What do you think of infestation?
Which pony would prefer it?
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>The Bad
>so much epicness (what a fag, goddamn)... but no songs
>no songs

This premiere's gonna be great!
Come on man
Butts! You need draw some pictures I can get behind.
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Well. I'm tempted, of course, and God knows I may still break tomorrow or the next day, but I don't think I'm going to read that just yet.
I will say if that's how things turn out I'll be sorely disappointed. Hype meter slightly down.
At least we have pirate ponies tonight.
I'm mostly ambivalent about the songs. Good songs are ok, but bad songs are little more than filler.
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>Watches first few minutes of the new episode

I think this is the sex education one...
Those fucking shirts were the best part

it was all the best part
So does the new season have cute ponies doing things, and also Applejack? Thats all I want, for I am a simple man with simple needs.
Pony wants to watch Superman again.
>Flugel= wing
>Horn= horn
oh god not russel crowe again, he was only good in gladiator, pony
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>Nighmare Moon flashbacks

>no elements of Harmony

>box with 6 keys

Fuck, McCarthy is going to retcon Faust's major lore aspects of the show
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I tried.
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holy shit
I even knew what Flugelhorn meant, I just-

The problem with the show's songs isn't that they're too simple for the sake of it's REAL demographic (look at any Disney film in the renaissance), it's that they're just bad. They feel completely pointless and the characters aren't deep enough that the songs have any benefit of revealing something about them. It's basically stretching out a story point way longer than it needed to go on for, much like how a joke can easily go for too long or be used too many times.

Man, if only both Disney and Broadway weren't in the slump at the same time, we wouldn't be stuck with their abominable babies born from 1988-1997. Cheapass sentimental junk.
haha thats great man, thanks
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>>box with 6 keys
They shouldn't open that.
They could get a low-tier unusual for that, but they should save the keys.
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>tfw its 2 days for my timezone

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Whoa, whoa, man, back up a bit. I just said the bad songs were basically filler is all.
I like WWU and a handful of the other songs. Find a Pet was an actual segment of the episode, though, as in it was important.

Best example of that is the I was not prepared song

>song about something that just happened
>lazy as fuck lyrics even for kids show standards
>episode paused for the sake of the song
>song contributed to absolutely nothing in the episode
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So I just learned today that Ultra-Pro now makes mlp card sleeves.

>2 days 13 hours 48 minutes
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What the fuck are you doing in my house?
He sounds like James from Pokemon
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I love it when we small cuddly horses.
>tfw the closest feel to this you will ever get is your mare vagina fuck toy
>no Treekicker ones

>you will never be a pony cock sleeve
the road's a pretty good book but the character's an idiot.
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Are you getting ready for season 4 contributing?
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Is that MLP card game any fun, by the way? I've heard a description of the gameplay but I've yet to hear any testimonials from people who've played.
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they are the best kind of horses
tfw no new OPM chapter
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>tfw it was never finished
>tfw it will never be finished
I don't think it's out yet Leth.
Why did you just call me Leth?
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I just want to grab a pegasus and squeeze it.
What about fillies?
She's power sliding anon why do you have to see cuckolding in everything
Because I'm pretty sure no one would post that image besides Leth.

If I'm wrong, no worries.
Did Klondike ever finish that game? I don't know why I just thought about it.
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>even ponychan is is doubting the direction the show is taking

how could anyone defend Meghan at this point?
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Just don't squeeze too hard anon!


They are even more cuddly. Colts too
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Because we havn't actually seen the episode yet and all we know is based of some bronies play by play of the episodes.
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Would you push/fuck her
>you'll never finger scootaloo
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Psh, it's not like I'm gonna hurt her.
I feel that colored version really diminishes the quality of the origional.
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You can push while fucking...so both. WITH GUSTO!
I want to pick on a pegasus that is molting. She'd be all huffy and mad, scrunching like crazy.
>not wanting to listen to her bubbly giggles when you play with her hair
what's wrong with you

I played in a playtest at GenCon. It's pretty fun. Got a free deck too.
ew shes all human n shit
>No blowjobs while she stares up and smiles at you the whole time
Shit taste.
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>"Hi Anon, what kind of dreams are you having tonight?"
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pony is indestructible
Lewd dreams
>N-nothing. Definately not your sister.
I'm having the one where I dream that I've lost all of my friends and the people close to me because they don't want to put up with someone with shitty, jaded and depressive personality again.
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>since S2 i wanted to show to become serialized and follow a big story arc

>the show finally seems to be headed that way

>under Meghan's direction

>a writer with terrible sense of worlbuilding

welp, i got my monkey paw wish
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only main ponies are

normal ponies have to beware the ded
Shut up jesus
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maybe on the outside
>the board that should not exist, but still does for some reason
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
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>ponies having a funeral
>some little shit just waltzes up and calls him old to his face
So how fair the horses?

i can't get hype
>implying they aren't burying the only human to ever make it to Equestria
>they have no idea what to do in the event of a death, so he leaves them instructions
>none of the ponies understand why Anon has to go under the ground or why he'll never wake up, but they want to make sure in case he's wrong about that second bit he won't be angry

There are too many of those
Just the right amount.
very nick thickness, good length, get the fuck off of here this is a pony thread, not /soc/.
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Probably the wisest choice.
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>Hey everypony look at anon's weird misshapen penis
>look at how small it is I bet he couldn't even pleasure a mare
but he told me to
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>He can pleasure me!
If anon told you to jump off a bridge, would you do that?
>tfw can only fit one quarter

How will pony ever love me
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Go to bed, Sweetie

just press down?
Someone show this guy that size comparison chart

no I don't like hights
>tfw can fit two quarters flaccid
If anon told you to cut off your dick, would you?
Someone suggested in the stram that mlpg.co/countdown should give an alarm when an ep starts

what sfx should it be?
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Too late
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Her mind isn't.

The ringing in the same episode that pinkie does?
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the ponyville disaster siren
How many when hard though
some of us are growers

which pony would be a show-er

Anon these orders are all dangerous for my body there's a difference in context
anything that isn't "hahaha, BOOP!" is a bad suggestion
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No Sweetie, anon is not allowed to spend the night.
Pinkie going woooo wooo woooooo
>anon introduces equestria as a whole to anal
fòuttershy is shocked.
> fluttershy
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For that anon who asked.
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You just want him all to yourself.
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Dash has the cutest giggle
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Fluttershy is really into interspecies
I bet he masturbates to that villain bitch Trixie as a dominatrix dominating him. Plus Trixie is weak and officially known as "Not So Great".
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woah now
I think the ringing ponk is probably the best one out of those.

Is there a clean version of it anywhere? Or was it any different from a normal one?
Given some of the stuff he posted when he came here I wouldn't doubt it.
Twilight is more into interspecies than Fluttershy.
This hiatus was almost like a pregnancy.
I wonder if Marker got pregnant...
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All the ponies interested in one way or another.
>realizes humans don't finish in under a minute
>tells tales if "impossible stamina and recovery"

I think the only time its heard clearly is in Secret of My Excess but its unfortunately pretty short
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You're an all-star
Here you go.
Is it really such a brony to enjoy tsudere Trixie fanon
On average, maybe, but there are always those two-pump chumps out there.
A relatively insignificant refractory period isn't a lie, though.
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>actually have a reason to post this
Are you implying that the new episode is going to hurt like childbirth?
What I'm learning from these streams is that Creepy Curse objectively has the worst opinions.

No wonder his name rhymes with Terse.
That is the chodeiest chode I have ever seen.
True enough.
>go hiatus hibernation
>new episode soon
>check my favourite general
>this pic got coloured
neat, what else did I miss?
Don't you mean as a hole?
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Why are we talking about dicks instead of butts
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That was an... okay stream. Thanks to Nonymous again for streaming the episodes.
See you guys again tomorrow for more of MLPG's Pone Marethon. Just two more days and ten more episodes until S4!
It's 6.5 inches long. Aren't chodes short?
TCE was underrated
well I do now.
TCE was overrated
>tfw gloomy will die in 2 days
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Probably quite a bit.
because dicks are yummy and easier to put in your mouth
We all got our very own ponies
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You need to stop saying things that aren't true.
That's feral
The proportions are all fucked up
Yeah, but butts can sit on your face
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What if PonyAmie
She'll just poof down to pocket size and sit on your shoulder as you watch the new season
>We all got our very own ponies
are they little?
Twilight wants to know if her wings are pretty.
oh my god thats a cute horse
Yes. I got a filly. She's adorable.
I'd lose more of my free time
>tfw training a team of 2cute4me pokemon rather than a set of strong ones.
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I don't understand what you mean by feral
and the aspect ratio is fine
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>Goes into a public toilet to put some quarters on his dick and take a photo
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The Crystal Empire is an allegory for modern Russia, and how a strong capitalist leader is necessary to defend against the resurgence of communism.
Im really getting fucking sick of seeing that image everyday, post something else for fucks sake
>doesn't even timestamp it
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Of course they are.

Now I've got a question for you: are your books pretty?
That shit's gay, yo
I'm in a college dorm what was I supposed to do

two roomates
>are your books pretty?
hell yes

if I had a camera I'd show them to you
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I got a very feathery pegasus.
I love how you're the first person to point this out.
It will be the episode that decides if S4 will be shit or not, so yeah.
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Be a faggot somewhere else.
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So is mine!
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Every time.
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I drew some stuff last night
We should invite our ponies over for a playdate.
are you gonna stram more draws tonight
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oh gosh
why are the cmc so adorable
I'm a dick detective
A dick dick if you will
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I haven't decided yet.
Is that a bad thing to do

I don't understand
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All I can do is look at that and laugh
I wish I could hug a little pony and never let go
Saine pls, I need to know if I can go to bed.

Liittle ponies will want to breathe eventually anon
You will never be a mare in a pretty dress
What song would be best to win your waifu over?
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Jokes on you I already am
nostalgia rush~
The mane six all briefly become acorns in the premier.
Well, I'm playing DnD again tonight but we're planning on stopping early tonight because Roogna has something going on tomorrow. As it is I really don't know yet. I'll probably draw but I might not stream.

Maybe you should go to bed though. Lack of sleep is bad I should know

Celestia would probably find it cute
rarity will never force you to be a mare in a pretty dress
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I don't know. All I listen to is chiptunes
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I don't listen to music
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>Play this
>Every mare in the room starts blushing uncontrollably and sweating trying to resists breaking out into a dance routine
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I feel like this would work better on Fluttershy, though
Why the fuck are YOU using a 2HB pencil on a canvas?
My only waifu is video games
I will never understand people like this. Not judging you or anything.
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I got my twelve sided die and im ready to roll with a wizard and my goblin crew,
My friends are comin over to my moms basement bringin funyuns and the mountain dew,
I got a big broad sword made out of cardboard and that stereo's a-pumpin zeppelin,
Its that time of the night we turn on the black light let the dungeons and the dragons begin.
I'm deaf
can I see more?
Pony wants to go disco!
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I'm not the only one who waifus original Molestia...right?
Will there be pone's?
Pony is doing the hustle!
>implying they wouldnt all rip off their coats
>only to reveal another coat with a jersey and shorts on
>hoops appear all over town
>Discord shows up
>sudden readings of 19.7 Megajoules of negative BBall protons
I wish I wasn't too broke to afford Mt. Dew and Funyuns...
Did you futa that lewd pank yet?
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would you molest a filly?
Fuck man, you guys need to stop with these old songs. Its hurting me.

I'll try to do it tonight.
I don't think the other anons would like that.

look in email
Of course
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and I don't even like his singing
Jack black has the best version
>and I don't even like his singing
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Only if Rarity said it was okay
got an im?
No. I don't want to scare her.
How likely would pony would want to fuck my brains out if I played this?
>After fucking Rarity minutes after cumming she asked if you want to take her sister's virginity
If you came into a billion dollars would you do something special for mlpg with it?
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>not having already taken it
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no, I'm not
It's too whinny, I just like how i think of pinkie pie matches the lyrics
Get better taste in music
I'd probably send Archive and Pineapple new servers, or some nice PCs.
Like what? You donate to keep mlpg.co up but the majority of MLPGers don't use it. Buying commissions for everybody seems dumb.
I forgot one thing
Its only if I sing it right
Of course. Get every last drop all over it.
Whenever I think of Sapphire Shores I always think of Janelle Monae
I'd give Dooks 100k USD, and GG like 100USD, spen 80% on it working with spaceX to send me to mars and establish an internet link to it, donate the rest to charity/churches
Ozymandias please
Err 100K usd to gg
are you faggots still bitching about the show?
I don't care what anyone says that song is my favorite song ever.
I would probably commission every artist from here that I liked, and donate money to update/maintain/what have you for any servers people here use, to include mlpg.co and the archive.
Are you still hugboxing and screaming down any negative opinion as doomsaying and shitposting?
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You have bad taste
That's fucking magical
>tfw you commision an artist and they never draw your requests....

I guess I understand I was there, did that eh
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Who the fuck is Janelle Monae
>Look her up
>Look up a music video
>Black woman rapper with class
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What song does pony have to sing to win YOUR heart over?
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Constantly saying it's gonna be shit is just as bad as constantly saying it's gonna be great
Just relax, man, and watch some ponies in a few days
"I touch myself"
the song of her people
none of them
Nigga you should be making your waifu sing when you fuck her
you need a new favorite song, let me help you

No, post fetishes.
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She's amazing.
Not from one of her albums but she sings on this song and I love it so much.
I'd set up my own video streaming service to stram pone in 1080p live

I'd donate everything but $50M to charity and live off the interest
Anyone streaming the South Park episode?
nocebosapien on skype but I have to get going

I'll send videos


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I'd pay GG 100,000 for his stash.

I would love to do it in MLPG, while everyone is thinking it's a joke.
I keep forgetting how people in MLPG have great tastein music
>Mass of the fermenting dregs

My nigga
>check /co/

When did people start caring about south park?
Someone made a compilation of this finally
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Not my ding ding dong
I know, my mom was a GnR fan and it rubbed off on me. Appetite for Destruction was my first CD I bought after my cassette got screwed up.
Since always.

They have weekly SP threads every new season
Why would MLPG want my semen-soaked money?
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>imagining singing Little Talks with Celestia AND every time I listen to it
oooo you touch my rarara
yeah, i'll try and fix it later, give me a bigger res if there's one
Oh man we can pretend to be stallions/colts and mares/fillies

mmm my pink pink pone
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But what's your favorite song(s)?



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I had a dream that I became friends with Tom Hiddleston last night, MLPG

He was nice
He tried to teach me to play the piano
something in french or irish. Folksy songs just get me.
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Once someone from MLPG posted a download link to a really great folk-opera album and it's been one of my favorite albums ever since.
Also another good female vocalist

that is the greatest word I have ever heard.
I get performance anxiety when I stream sometimes Is that normal?
i get anxiety over making simple replies so i'd say that's perfectly normal

You're not only drawing for people to see, but you're in charge of capturing their attention.

Do you get anxiety when you speak publicly?
It's the sole reason I never stream or anything.
you wake up in bed
roll over
gloomy is there sleeping
she looks so happy
you watch her chest rise and fall
her ear twitches
Something like this?
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216 KB GIF
I get that too, sometimes.
that horse is so cute.
I made a .txt document of everything you've ever done wrong in your streams. I can post it if you want.

just kidding, that's normal
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I had no idea matt and trey had a deal with moot
I still have to give them props for that sunny day real estate shout out though
this is why I never stream tbh
>[Earthquakes intensify]
>shes gonna be tiny in a few days

dont know how to feel
I feel like something is off about the impact but it's pretty cute
That's cute
Yes, exactly like that. This kind of music is some of my favorite. I'll have to pick this up when I get some cash. odd because i don't speak a lick of French.
>this fucking episode
I might have to start watching south park again.
that last frame should be paused longer
I-is being comfortable and sort of talented at speaking in front of crowds something you can list as a skill?

Oh god I'm actually good at something
It's fine, Anon, you made prior arrangements with her.

She'll be your little spoon.
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Thank you, anon.
you would benefit greatly from learning dynamic lines. The fall is very stiff with little impact.
Sure it is, just got to remember we are just some jerk offs on the internet. Also you seem to do fine while streaming.
>party hard
The album is free.
Backside perspective where
Oh that is really cute, but it looks like she has no weight to her at all.
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...should I watch Lost?
jessy pls see >>14636021
im not trying to troll you anything
Oh I know, but I feel kind of scummy for paying nothing for it. It might not be much but I'll at least toss a couple of dollars towards it
I tried to get into it but it lost me about 20 episodes in
Thats pretty cute.
>hover over title
>see preview

Please tell me its not serious.
Gloomy wonders if you'll still like her after she turns to her normal size after the hiatus is done.
Yes, I'm kind of a shy person. Public speaking and often just talking to people I don't know can be pretty stressful.

It's not always, I was having a lot of trouble last night though. I had to get up and walk out of the room a one point just to calm down.
The first 2.5 seasons are some of the best TV I've ever seen.
The ending is shit, but it's worth finishing if you enjoy it up to that point.
But her hiatus size is her normal size.
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Just lend an ear for a second or two.
>not a little filly sized Gloomster
>Pinkie singing backup
You and Roogna have good synergy when holding a conversation and it's usually funny and nice to listen to
Sleepy's cool but he just murders it
I made you and your buddys laugh on stream a few times. That made me happy.
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Hey, in sickness and in health.

I'll always love her.
>The ending is shit, but it's worth finishing if you enjoy it up to that point.
i disagree
It's always way better if somethign starts out shit but gets great at the end
if the end sucks, it ruins the entire thing
I was trying to make this go faster but i just cant, ive been defeated
Someday I'll request an AJ version of this with the veil hanging off her hat.
The text will have to read "Y'all have" instead of "you have".
I wonder if unicorns like it when you lick their horn.
I was definitely really disappointed in the ending, felt like it was sort of a cop-out and they were trying to please everyone instead of do something interesting and unique.

That being said, I still loved those first few seasons regardless of how it ultimately ended. I can keep them separate in my mind, but I can also see how it could ruin everything for some one.
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fuck I got owned....
they like it even more if you suck on it
Roogna's my best friend so that makes sense, I like Sleepy a lot but I don't know him very well yet.

I'm glad to hear that, I probably wouldn't stream at all if it didn't make people happy.
But y'all is supposed to be the replacement for the plural of you, not the singular.
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Now you have to sit in the loser's chair.

No questions just do it.
Gypsy arriving late every single time is probably the funniest part about your streams
Funny thing about that is that it can be, and is, used to replace the singular "you."
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>This combination
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That's a good human Pinkie, but I like this one too.
more like poned xd
I really like your streams.

Not the guy who said earlier he needs to know if he can sleep, but I stay awake or plan to wake up to catch your streams too.

I usually don't know what to do when I wake at 4 and you say you're not streaming.
All the people that I know that have a heavy accent and say it only use it for the plural, maybe it's regional though.
that looks comfy
Depends on the area. I've seen it used both ways.

As for AJ I was thinkin more of a "Yuh've" sound
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People where I live use it for Singular replacement. 'Course, that's in southern Virginia, so there's that.
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Panka pa
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Why do I always lose to this?!
HSG pls
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I have the urge to share albums with you guys, but that's probably a bad idea because it's not pone
Man, Pinkie's voice and bubbly attitude are the best things about her. Why would you want to take that away?
I don't know how he manages to be so consistently late all the time.

Thanks anon, that means a lot.
Do it anyway faglord.

Nobody comes here just to pony.

there's an offtopic board on the sub, I'll check it out if you make a thread
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>trashing her art
>They are supposed to be the good guys
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I'd worship Sunset
I'm pretty sure the "Equestria Girls" are the evil twins of the ponies.
That's how parallel universes work.
I'd rather worship Trixie.
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Nah I know you're not, that was just a test to see how I would do, it needs a lot of work. I'll try harder next time.

Luna has a tiny butt
Where are their beards?
It looks like Drippy pony is stuck in an endless backing up loop too
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Would you feed her all the peanut butter crackers and other vending machine snacks she wants?

Though a diet like that would ruin her complexion and probably make her all soft.
So I just woke up...
And read the spoilers.

I am extremely excited about what I read
Her sitting on anons lap would hurt.

If I might ask.
Where do you put your works?
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I would
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On the inside

Cadance has a medium-sized rear
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>you will never send a letter to her
>Dear Princess Celestia, Dat ass. Your Subject, Anon.

>Sister, is there something wrong with my behind?
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Pony wants you to cut your own dick off and let her eat the results.
/mu/ pls

>Dear Princess Luna
>I can't stop having sexy dreams about you
>You should pay me a visit so we can sort things out.
Only if I can have a horsedick in place
No, I don't think this is a good idea.
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Will Celestia have pink hair when fighting Nightmare Moon?
Her legs got really short
neutral milk hotel a shit
ITAOTS a shit
Twilight a shit

you just went 0 for 3 nigga
wh-what happens when you suck it
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Is it rape if its in the subconscious?
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pony is having trouble finding a reason to live
She just got hips
she enjoys it
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>"What is it that that thou finds.... alluring about us?"
That would require effort, so no.
Tell her to kill herself then.
No, it's a good thing.

Big butts are nice.
If my deal turns out to be legit, I'll make pony happy.
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>tfw no EG bad end fic
she doesn't want to die, either
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NMM was imprisoned on the moon so she was far enough away not to torment ponies in their dreams.
Your ability to turn me into a pony
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...Will Celestia have Pink hair when fighting Discord?
Halo 4 Cortana is best because of dat toof gap
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That's a pretty good head canon
I claim it as my own
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Send pony happy sad song
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>tfw no leak
>Dear Princess Twilight
>I want to motorboat your asscheeks
>Sincerely, the guy behind you
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What if the opposite?
for a sec i thought she was bald
gee thanks reddit

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We need to do more with Elytra. She kind of died off. I liked it.
>decide to swim in the piss for a bit
>find this thread
>laugh my ass off for half an hour
Ponies being distressed about their tiny rears?
Human Gilda's sweaty soles
Why would you even?
Do ponies have butt envy like human girls have breast envy?
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How to defeat NMM

call her moon head because she's so bald
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It must fucking suck being a pony.

Weather and nature don't work by themselves, have to do everything. If you disagree with other ponies too much, gods of chaos appear or your land freezes over. Fucking dragons out to eat you, Changelings out to eat you. Princesses with short fuses invade your dreams. Buffalos out to steal your land. To top it all off you're naturally skittish and small so everything up to and including bunny stampedes are terrifying.
>she tries to rhyme thousands and diamond again
>this causes you to go flaccid
is that all?
Celestia it's not nice.
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Took me a second
my nigga
i could actually see my skin puckering when that "rhyme" played during the song
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>Hey, lets go tease Anon again. I like that funny "unf" sound he makes.
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>tfw leek
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Yeah but they get to be adorable ponies
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There is a distinct possibility that having more of the junk in the trunk is something to brag about among the mares with skinnyhips.
Also I had a similar idea with Pegasi wingspans and unicorn horns too.
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this look good?
why does Dash have PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE™'S wings?

>If you disagree with other ponies too much gods of chaos appear etc etc
You know now that I think about it ponies were probably made so nice by natural selection.
Are they sweaty from being in boots all day?
would fluttershy touch herself while watching dash?
epic win xd
I liked the smile better.
There now it looks like shes shy instead of demonic. Thank you anon
who the fuck is that

looks like shit
Now draw it from Fluttershy's perspective
Yes, not realizing that she's in full view of the rest of town because of her tunnel vision. She gives everyone a show.
But there are all sorts of creatures living in places where ponies have never been, with fertile plants and such, and they don't have pony manipulation powers. Weather works fine for them.
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You know I really like the fact hat Discord is the one that makes Twilight go back to her friends.
Really he's a cool guy
>There is literately nothing to stop him
>he's still good and doesn't go evil.
>Flitter's actually is bigger
>she's the one into assplay
yes please
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Shitty artists that has to give changelings hair to make it look "cute" or "fuckable"
>they're only 20 feet off the ground
>by the town square
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
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Chrysalis' daughter.

Pretty unf.
Chrysalis has several daughters
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I close my eyes and I try to drift off, but no matter what I do, my brain forces me to think what can only be described as awful, awful thoughts
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Maybe its not as big, but her sisters rump isn't something to disregard either.
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Just how itty bitty can a princess get?
Does Twily outbutt Moonbutt?
We should get Rumble to decide
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Go on in ...greater...detail
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Well this is is supposed to be her successor.
see princess gloomy after saturday
Twilight isn't as thin or lanky as any of the other princess' so she should have a comparably bigger tush.
Not including Celestia
Who has a bigger rear each new season.
You think about having sex with a banana?
No colt should have that burden.

He'd ask Thunderlane if anything.
>season 17 celestia cant fit through doors
>only her ass has grown
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But it's clearly shown in S3 that her butt is is smaller than Luna's
The only exception is during Twilight's vision of her greatest fear. Which says a lot about Twilight
I hope Celestia's butt is really big this season

this is perfect
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of course she does
Twilight outbutts all butts
Part of her fear is her teacher is going to have a fat ass?
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So which genius was this?
>"I'm...fucking Anon... Uh..."
>You blankly stare at Rainbow as she rides you while struggling to come up with a rhyme. Half because she's not good with rhyming, half because she's enjoying herself
>"He... Likes to eat bacon?
>The sound of a deflating balloon come from your loins
Yes. Celestia having a big ass is part of her greatest fear.
Her telling Twilight that she s disappointed in her? No big deal. But saying that while having a big ass? Game over man. Game fucking over.
>caring about death threats
>in a country where it is legal to conceal a fucking gun on your person
Looks like Moonbutt is getting ready for winter unlike her sister.

I think it has to do with all the cakes.
or if not, she also partakes in omnivorous activities(mainly eating fish etc).
I really doubt anyone was planning on doing any sort of harm to her physical or otherwise.
I just randomly post them here from time to time, but I noticed derpibooru has a lot of my stuff.
>Pinkie asks about sex
>Somehow got through life without "the talk"
>Explain babies etc
>To use protection or she'll get preggers
>"But why would I do that if the whole point is to make babies?"
>Uh, fun?
And who knows what he'd say.
Hunh, now thats something, I thought lunas splotchy cm met at her tail
Maybe she's afraid celestia will accidentally sit on her.
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>She sits startled for a second wondering what the hell just-
isn't it possible to find those posts and get the ip addresses or some shit if they're still on the servers
i don't know, i don't remember much of 4chan's internet vigilantism
And to make other ponies feel good and happy and smile. You like that, don't you Pinkie? Don't you want to make ponies smile?
>Pinkie is much better at coming up with songs on the fly
>Whispers in dash's ear while you two go at it