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Old, singular horse: >>14621205
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first for best ponn
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Can you do that?
Make a thread about all the ponies?
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These threads have gotten super cute.
What if the thread exploded?
And then exploded again?
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What if Silver Spoon was gone?
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Those are some sexy princesses.
I certainly hope Discord wasn't responsible for NMM, because that would make a male more powerful than a female, and that can't happen in the Faustiverse.

Oh wait, this is the McCarthyverse now, where trains were in Ponyville since its founding less than hundreds of years ago.
It's an unf-tacular time!
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But I'm totally a pony. Your favorite in fact. Why don't we go down this dark alley to cuddle?
Give it a few minutes, it'll get raunchy soon
what is the source of the image that was cropped from, good sir?
Pony asks if you can help her with a level she's stuck on

She says its Tubular
Oh yeah?

Who is my favorite pony then?
Is Pinkie okay?
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but that level is fun you grumpy goose
When did people start having so much problem with that level?
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It's okay, Rarity cushioned the blow.
it's just NSMB babbies complaining
Those are ponies, not ducks.
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Swiggity Swooty
You're so fowl
Scrubbles I will hide your body non-sexually
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I wish to hug this pony.
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But Twilight is a pretty pony.
>Pinkie Pie will never turn you into her or a stallion version of her
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Really? That pony wants to kill Flutershy's pets.
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I wish to hug all the ponies.
No anon, that's bad.
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Every. Single. One.
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that's a very blushy pony
I'd love to cuddle Trixie.
It's almost too blushy
>Cuddle Trixie and Rarity nonsexualy
>Their horns keep jabbing you all night
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Not like Trixie would want to use you for body warmth or anything!
I am so god damn excited. Holy shit. I haven't felt this way since I first started watching.
Calm down, there's no reason to be excited yet.
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Trixie would be fun.
That story was just weird
>calling them lamias

they're fucking nagas
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>tfw she'll never act tsun to you when you're in public
>tfw you'll never get home and have her jump into your arms as soon as you close the door
>She'll never be your little teddy bear
Season long story arcs are one of the things I've always wanted. I reserve the right to overhype myself over them.
Mind break

I feel like I've just been stabbed in the belly because of that
Fuck off.
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I want this
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are you ready?
I read the email first, so I did not
>being this Sanskrit

Naga were any diety or being of power that took the form of a giant snake. Lamia was a woman in Greek mythology who stole children and ate them, sometimes described with a snake's lower half, sometimes not.
it's shit
i hate your name so fucking much, here have some attention
>Have consensual sex in the missionary position with pony
>Just normal, vanilla sex
>She's completely mind broken by the end
>Insists on being your cocksleeve
>Get bored of the sex in like 3 days
>You just really wanted to cuddle
It was written by a greentext "writer" so the lack of actual skill makes sense.
That pony sounds like she has problems.
>conspiracy to cause shitstorm
6 years iso cubes
Ponies are always horny
>She's found her soulmate
>There's no-one in the world that makes her feel like you do
>You're the only one in the world that enables her to be the mare she wants to be
>She thanks you for that every night as you cuddle
>pony obliges and cuddles
>you're at peace
>pony starts rubbing on you
Being Flitter is suffering
You're not the judge of me!
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I drew a pirate horse. Hope you like it!
No, you're a shit.

They're nagas.
I can never insert myself in this shit. Just doesn't feel right, feels better to be an outside observer.
Only the unicorns are horny anon.
Reminder that Flitter and Cloudchaser have terrible canon voices.
So... so this it was it feels like to be Seth.
How has he not killed himself yet?

i dont
Whatever they are called they were made by the shit tier "writers" MLPG seems to love.
Love and Tolerate, it seems, even the sob garbage gets attention here,
His backlegs seem a little skinny.
Well, of course you couldn't. It's an impossible relationship.
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>Filly Applejack building an apple fort

>shitposting this hard
if you think the MLPG writers are bad, you should read the other generals' fics.

you would think being on the internet would mean you can write with good spelling and grammar, but those other generals love to prove you wrong.

queen of apples do you have enough apples
Were you expecting a full story with proper characterization and a compelling arc where the protagonist overcomes struggles, and leaves a better person? It's like a paragraph nigger, a paragraph of fanfiction from a childrens cartoon show, show some common sense.
any streams up?
>Honestly, If you think that kicking our flanks holds priority over finding Twilight, then your friendship probably isn't as strong as you think it is.
rediv is strammin a movie
Is it interracial porn?
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>you will never be this comfy
Delightful. Now we need to see what she's building that fort against.
Obviously the deathly dangerous "timber wolves," which is just Big Mac tied to a few bundles of sticks.
Transsexual porn?
That doesn't look comfy at all.
i reallly wish this was drawn better
>A paragraph.

I saw enough words to form a paragraph when MLPG actually gave a shit about posts. Now I see you posting, just as bad and /b/.

It all started when the trash from /b/ floodd, the object ponies, Coke, tabasco, and the others,
MLPG changed,
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How about this.

What's wrong with it?
Rarity kissing you.
Aw hell naw, you ain't talkin' shit on swiffer pone!
>using someting that already exists and putting pony in it
It happens no matter what you do
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I've hardly seen any pics of anon and Rarara
What are you talking about? The object ponies have been around since before the move from /co/

Don't take the bait Saine, pls.
Pony was watching you masturbate.

Pony says you have bad form.
Oh no, your precious OC is in danger!
Where is your hero? Your precious OC has been sold off to the bronies.

It's only a matter of time before I do the rest.
Well why doesn't she get over here and show me how it's done?
It's not my fault, this chair's armrests get in the way!
That's creepy.
That's a lie, I'm the best in the land
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I can't tell if you seriously think people care or if you're meta shitposting by acting like a retarded shitposter

you're either autistic or a genius
if you consider shirtless hugh jackman and a japanese girl barely touching each other porn then
Ain't too fugly of a brony OC, plus look at those ponuts, man.
>Rarity clearly getting drunk
>Fluttershy getting hit on by pirates
I can fap to it.
If I am retarded, let me ask you...
How dd I get so many responses?
Pony says it wouldn't be masturbation then, would it? You should go read a book on it.

Excuses. If you can't do it right why are you even bothering?

Pony has seen better technique by drunken colts.

Your inability to masturbate right is creeping her out. You've been doing it how long?
Why does it have pineapple trees though?
Alright, so you're retarded.

Got it.
I bother because I enjoy ejaculating, pony.

Fuck you.
Are there actually books on how to masturbate?
Oh yeah? I challenge pony to a jerk-off
No need to be so upset.
>big, bare-chested bear takes two fingers deep inside
just happened
we're watching The Wolverine on her stram
Back when shitposting was called trolling, it meant something.
You sure trolled him!

You sure trolled him!
What did you hope to accomplish with this post?

Do you think it's clever? Funny?

Does it make a point in your eyes?
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When nobody was looking I stole all of the ponies and replaced them with changelings.
There's books on everything. You should ask Twilight to borrow one some time.

Pony would leave you embarrassed and covered in bodily fluids.
I don't know why Nobody wouldn't just tell us
I don't see a problem with that.
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pony pony?
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I'd give that pony a pat on the head and an ear scratch.
I doubt Twilight has a masturbation guide written for human men.
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Pony's favourite game is Half-Life and says you're a pleb if you disagree
Just shut up.
No, I'm curious to know what you thought that post would do.
I disagree, pony's favorite game is pony.
pony called. said you were gay
I wanted to show you and the other guy how stupid you were being

Apparently you're too stupid to realise you're stupid

Now stop ruining the thread
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why cant he just fly over her, instead trying to climb over?
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rediv please I'm trying to watch the movie
>What's wrong with it?
the linework is horrible
She probably had the wrong number, ponies aren't very good at dialing phones.
I'm going to hug your favorite pony and there's nothing you can do about it!
Okay, so to call us stupid, you thought it would be applicable to act the same way, and you thought this would make a point?

Do you think before you make a post, retard?
It took me several tries to come up with a good strategy and off and on play to find a winning one.

The easiest map is the first one.

When you start off don't worry about upgrading units until later. Your first worry is to build up an army that can attack enemies no matter where they are on the path. Spamming derpy in strategic spots works well. Derpy is the most well-balanced unit.

When you need more firepower get some Bon bons. When the enemies seem to travel just too fast slow them down with upgraded Dr Hooves.

Begin upgrading select units around wave 8 or so. Everything should be upgraded before wave 50.

If you fail to beat a boss restart; not only do you lose too many lives but you absolutely need those bits you win from them.

Using princess super powers are cool but investing in units is a better long-term strategy than using one shot spells for 100 bits a pop.

That's what worked for me.
That's good, Twist could really use a hug.
My cousin works for Nintendo and he said that there will be a VIP showing of the premiere on Friday, but only for select bronies who have proven they have gone above and beyond to love and tolerate.
I don't believe you, I'm going to need proof.
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You better be talking about the first Half-Life m8
Btw real answer is pic related
Scootaloo deserves lots of hugs.
She can defend herself quite well.
whats rediv,s stram link agian? im on mobile
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Pony would also like to remind you that HL is 15 years old today

As long as you know you're a fucking idiot.
2 years used to be a long time
Have you played vanilla HL recently?

I am not even a little surprised. HL looks like it could be running on the Quake engine.

Now HL2? That was a huge step up in terms of both engine and graphics.
http://inter-vivos net/
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Not even a Scootanon but holy shit, that filly deserves all the hugs.

Sweetie can have the cuddles but Scootaloo definitely gets all the hugs.
AB can have what's left over.
hng fluts

bedtime goodnight
anon pls
>HL looks like it could be running on the Quake engine.
That's because it is
goldsrc is modified quakeworld
And I wasn't talking about the graphics
put a . for the space
>HL looks like it could be running on the Quake engine.
You are kind of right. GoldSrc was based on the QuakeWorld engine.
What games are you excited for?
Half Life was made with the Source engine which is based off of the GoldSrc engine which is a heavily modified Qua->>14624927
What he said.
Mah Nigga
I like all the CMC, but I'm really looking forward to Scootaloo's episode next season.
Project Eternity
None, every single modern game that has released today has a much more refined older release or at least a game in the same genre that employs better mechanics.
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>two years was Quake and Half-Life
>two years is MW2 and MW3 now
>or BF3 and BF4
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>not 1 year

see: >>14624940
Wii Fit U
Star Citizen
The remake of ALttP for nostalgia purposes.
we should have sex with pones
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I feel sorry for kids today, they'll never know what a good game is.

No sex until after mariage anon.
>that line
fuck, do they really think they surprise anyone anymore when they release a new CoD game?
What kind of sex?
It warms my heart to know you will never get your wish

Forever cuckolded

I hope your waifu gets a shitty Flash Sentry OC husbando in S4
Titanfall and the MGSV
I'll get a PS4 when MGSV comes out

Terraria 2
Star Citizen
Project Eternity
Torment: Tides of Numera (or whatever, I forget how it's pronounced)

And this


I am so hype.
Slow, loving sex that ends with her softly biting down on your shoulder as she starts quivering
>after marriage

so, divorce?
Source was actually Half Life 2's engine.

It's pretty interesting how those engines got their names. They were both named after the directories they were stored in, so goldsrc was the release (gold) source code and src was the development sources for the next version.
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yes yes yes
I bet she says thank you afterward.
She does But it takes a few attempts because her voice won't stop shaking and breaking
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The reason her voice keeps breaking is she's going into cardiac arrest and won't make it to the hospital.
Project Eternity
Mighty No. 9
That new Shantae
Eliza on Skullgirls I guess. I dunno, I don't play very many games anymore.

I'd love to see a pony JRPG game that isn't that stupid Lesbian Quest thing because fuck that artist is an annoying bag of cunts.
That's okay because she's a good girl who deserves to have great sex.
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Gordon Freemane agrees.
My mistake.

It's crazy how things just evolved and built upon themselves. If I recall someone mentioned there was still bits of Quake code in Half Life 2.
I don't click on spoilers anymore since there is never anything important in them
Nothing important ever happens in MLPG.

Why are you here?
But behind one of those spoilers is a hidden message from your waifu.
>a sourcemod has better weapon technology than multi-million dollar AAA releases
Goes to show how shitty vidya has become ;_:


Not him, but I'm too tired to sleep now and after catching up on my Internets there's not really anything left to do.

So instead I'm going to talk about pony fetishes with strangers.
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I think we should have stopped bothering with better graphics when HL2 came out

HL2 has more than enough capability to tell a story and it doesn't cost a king's ransom to develop for
>Too tired to sleep
Yep, that kind of thing happens with large codebases. There's probably still some in TF2/Portal 2/L4D as well.
I really do like better graphics, but judging from interviews it sounds like they take up so much time that the games have to sell millions of copies to break even.
Many modern AAA games have complete shit graphics because of the consoles anyway, see any and all CoD. That being said everything benefits from better visuals, they may not be integral but a beautiful scenery that isn't made up of 500 polygons to make it run on a toaster always adds to the experience.

Graphics aren't what drives up costs.

It's poor management and bloated teams where EVERYONE needs 6 figure salaries.
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You like ponies.
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You've never been awake too long to sleep?
This is why I use free software, though it doesn't apply in all cases. Sometimes throwing unholy amounts of money at something actually does succeed, like in Photoshop's case.
Once capitalism collapses there won't be any need to redevelop graphics over and over anyway.

Every game will just use the best engine, best textures, etc. because all of those copyrights will be nationalized by Glorious Peoples' Republic.

Now even Mario 3D Land will run on Crysis 3 engine, Comrade.
Kind of. You mean like a short-lasted second wind?

It doesn't really matter, you're here is all that matters. What horse fetishes would you like to discuss?
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Has anyone played Killzone Shadowfall? I was just watching videos of it and reflecting on the big controversy over the E3 2005 trailer for Killzone 2 that everyone (rightly) pointed out was pre-rendered CGI. It's funny because you look at the latest Killzone and the actual gameplay looks just as good as those fake pre-rendered graphics from 8 years ago. People were like, "Nah games will never look that good, they'll look like real life". And technology has advanced to the point that games really do look just like real life.

>tfw old
>just like real life

Games don't look anything like real life. CryEngine is currently the most powerful engine and it still doesn't reach photorealism. Once Carmack drops his unlimited detail technology, if he does, we'll get fairly near to photorealism.
>Focus on the guns and making them realistic
>Fast-paced gameplay reminiscent of 90's shooters

Why make the guns so pretty if you're too busy to look at them?
It still hasn't come anywhere close to being 'real life' quality.
hey I can't find it on derpibooru so I must assume it got lost in that database fuckup some months back

does anyone have that picture someone (not me) drew of Danganya in zebra form cuddling an uncomfortable Ice Pack with a blanket on

if anyone can help it's you MLPG
thank you
Dicks go with everything. And a bit of pudge to grab onto feels so good.

But at the end of the day, I'm a cuddle kind of man.

I like to imagine pony sex lasts about as long as horse sex. So there's a strong emphasis on foreplay and then the cooldown with loving cuddles and whispering.

That mod is fucking terrible. It's "realistic" to the point of being cumbersome and clunky and stupid. Why do I have to press a combination of buttons to PUT AWAY my gun, and then another to GET OUT a different gun?

Mlpg I need the name of a good horror movie, plz. And to make this pony related what horror movie would you watch with your favorite pony or some shit.
Also marketing costs. I really have no idea why companies like EA blow almost a billion on it when they have all those game magazines/communities waiting at their door to give them free advertisement.

Over here they put some Mass Effect 3 flyer on every fucking door handle in the whole dorm. It's such a retarded waste of money.
I wish I could enjoy loving cuddles and gentleness and whispering

it seems like something nice
I'm scared of intimacy. I wish I could enjoy it too.
Because most people don't even read reviews.

Direct correlation between ad money and sales. No question about it, guaranteed. Capitalism doesn't act arbitrarily: it always does the selfish thing.
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Some people just aren't made for it, anon.
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Sorry GG, can't find it in my fanpony folder.

Do you know the artist's name?
watch The Birds with Fluttershy

For you though, idfk
You can't tell me that throwing flyers for Mass Effect 3 everywhere is a successful way to advertise stuff.
Especially since it was the third game in the row and thus pretty much every possible customer already knew about it.

>Capitalism doesn't act arbitrarily: it always does the selfish thing.
Capitalism isn't some bodiless entity though, it's carried out by humans which aren't omniscient and can make mistakes. Otherwise you wouldn't have unsuccessful businesses.
I wish I did
I guess I'll just have to repost it to derpibooru and look for the artist in a month when I get home
I refuse to trust someone that closely. Keep them at a good distance.

>drive through icepack

Does he just have this lane beside his house with a glory hole for mares that want a quicky?
I know, right? What if they touch me and I don't like it? What if they look me in the eyes too much?
Any fetishes that aren't lame?
What is wrong with the artist? Is he an ass or something?
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MT stram!
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You mean cozy.
Any fetishes that aren't cozy and lame?

Have y'all played the games these kids have got these days, like on a really powerful computer with a real nice screen? It's like walking through a movie!

Maybe you guys have different standards than I do for near-photorealism.
>Have y'all played the games these kids have got these days, like on a really powerful computer with a real nice screen?

Not really, they are all the same with a slightly altered setting anyway.
>getting pre built computers to play shootbang 9000: pay us for additional content

Yeah, real winners
Not a really powerful computer and not a really nice screen, but I can run anything on max at fullHD, and yeah, that's not really photorealism. I stopped following the generic shooters, but they wouldn't have brilliant graphics anyway, and the rest is not really there. Visuals have gone a long way, but it's still not photorealism, no matter how you look at it; there's only a handful of games where the polygons aren't trying to stick your eyes out.

>you can't tell me that advertising is a successful way to advertise

It's a way of saying, "Hey! You know those Mass Effect games? Well there's a new one coming out!"

And then normal person that isn't a basement dwelling 4chan user goes:

"Oh shit! They're doing a new one?!" or "I don't care, stop wasting our planet's finite natural resources"

Have we talked about this?
Yeah, I know what advertisement is supposed to do.

My point was, that I find it really hard to believe that this is a cost-effective way to do it.
Yes, mainly just the spoiler
>my little pony grows up
Glad for them, but mine won't. She will stay my *little* pony.
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Fluttershy and Juniper on the beach.

>"Oh we do! My father takes the family to the beach every summer!
>Last year, it was a Tuesday!"
I for one welcome our new amazon princess overlords
>a premiere that is less thrilling
>an actual reviewer they specifically invited to an early screening saying this
>the premiere is going to be shit again
thanks McCarthy

Get on a playstation 4 and play the latest Killzone, or get on a friend's gaming rig and load up the latest Crysis. Or some of the racing games, like DiRT. Or watch high res videos of them. I think they look darn close to real life. But if you don't think so, that's your opinion.
>Get invited to a preview party
>Say it's complete shit
Thanks obama!
>Twilight solves all the problems alone again
>>It’s not the best episode
It keeps getting worse
I probably shouldn't be reading this but the little hype that was building up very slowly now dropped below zero
Saturday is going to be very ugly
It will still be better than The Crystal Empire

>Two episodes watched for review
The guy hasn't seen seasons 1 2 and 3, chances are there's alot he's missing context for.
He did see them, he was comparing the opener to other FiM episodes. Even if he didn't see every episode, it comes off as if he'd seen at least a couple, otherwise he has no basis for the "not the best" comparison, and why would he make that comment otherwise?
Woah woah woah Terraria 1.3 isn't even out yet, let's wait for that first.
maybe but he also mentions some other things that make me interested and he certainly didnt say it was shit
My PC is better than a shobby PS4 at least.
And yet, the outside universe key seems to be working best. The author focuses on what the episodes are trying to do/say with the plot and message, rather than complain about characterization shifts or too many songs or other fans' complaints. I like that. For comparison:
>The show’s strongest moments explore the complex subtext of female friendships through what appears to be a juvenile lens. Yet there’s an insidiousness about constantly championing the group over the individual: Like many narratives targeted to young girls, there are never any heroes in My Little Pony, championing some versions of girl power at the expense of others. No pony accomplishes something alone that she would not have done better with her friends present.
>It makes for some curious contradictions: Even though Twilight Sparkle’s mentor, Princess Celestia, is always pushing her to learn more from her friends, Celestia herself doesn’t seem to have any. What happens to all your friends between childhood and adulthood?
I dare you to find brony reviews which would focus on this kind of aspects. At best they would hide these considerations among a super-long pretentious rant about how FiM was the best show ever and Hasbro ruined it forever.
Ah well then >opinions, for all we know he could be the kind of person that owns a Nyx plush. I remain optimistic until proven otherwise.

>Juniper with her hair down

What would you do if "Nyx" made a cameo?
>Twilight and friends get separated
>Princess Twilight Sparkle for 10 minutes
>something something Discord something queen zebra
>they "band together" but Twilight still solves all the problems on her own while friends do nothing
>finds the box that needs keys
>the end
Which part of this is the one that you find to be good?
And when a reviewer says something is not the best, it translates to it being shit. In this case both are relative to the series, but that doesn't make me feel any better about it.
>Which part of this is the one that you find to be good?
Which part of that do you find bad?
Stop watching the show and move on probably.
Every single one that I listed. Except for the end.
I would not only drop the show immediately, but would also continue to shitpost about how it's complete shit and anyone watching it is retarded.
Not him but

>they "band together" but Twilight still solves all the problems on her own while friends do nothing

That is a big problem. Both the pilot episodes and the discord two parter didn't have that.
maybe if you weren't so eager to call it shit, you might not be dissapointed
>dose terrible comments
>dat autist making up for 1/3 of them
>dat Twilight Sparkle RP
>Both the pilot episodes and the discord two parter didn't have that.
All the pilots had Twilight solve the problem in the end
>queen zebra
that'll probably be Zecora, right?
>king Zebra
Select your horse.
And then select your fetish.
But he was defeated by Terry and Rainbow Dash and is now in prison.
sweaty bushes

>MLP will never have another episode about the Mane 6 going to foreign lands and meeting other cultures
Stop being stupidly optimistic just for the sake of being optimistic. I could accept it if you said that Discord might be cool, the Zebra queen might be cool, although for the latter I have McCarthy's great track record on villains with me, but sure, be optimistic and then disappointed if you want.
But saying that actually canonically separating the main 6, even if you plan to join them up later as a result of unforeseen circumstances, is good, that's stupid. Princess Twilight Sparkle for 10 minutes out of 40 is going to be a bad thing, but again, go ahead and look forward to it, no arguments there.
Twilight solves all the problems on her own. That's fucking awful and you're shit if you don't have a problem with it.
Box thing, again just an excuse to not go along with the stupid forced shit of separating her and her friends, but not the worst thing ever.
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I'll have one Panka Poe stuffed with cake please Anon.
He probably escapes from his prison to be the new villain, Maybe he wants to stage a coup d'état and take over from queen Zebra.
To be honest, one episode out of 65 does make for a clear exception rather than the rule.
>Stop being stupidly optimistic
also, tl;dr

>I haven't seen an episode yet
>Someone said it's shit
>It's probably shit
Anon he's critiquing a little girls cartoon like it "handles the subject of women's relationships with one another" seriously. It's a cartoon anon, I don't trust any motherfucker that writes a thesis on kids shows to give me a reasonable opinion.
>less than 1k characters

Applejack saved twilight.
Fluttershy stopped the manticore.
Pank got them past the trees.
Rarity helped the dragon.
Dash fixed the bridge.

In the discord eps they all helped dash back to normal.

Compare that to the wedding episodes where the others do absolutely nothing, or the crystal empire episodes where they do nothing.


Drunk sex
gigantic humanized titties
I didn't even mention his opinion of the episode in that entire post. I'm talking about facts he brought up, things that will happen. These things are not up in the air assuming he didn't write a fictional review, these things are going to be there and they're going to suck.
>But saying that actually canonically separating the main 6, even if you plan to join them up later as a result of unforeseen circumstances, is good, that's stupid.
You must've hated ACW then, considering how much time it spends on separating Twalot from her friends, then locking her away and reassuring the watcher in the end that the others were wrong all along and Twilight and only her was right in trusting her instinct.
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Oh yea?
I enjoyed watching it but I find it to be a pretty shitty episode, so yes. Same for TCE where her friends barely did anything.
Do you mean force feeding or what?
But you don't know how they're handled, for all we know it can be as the anon above said, her friends get her there but twilight makes the last revelation. Honestly just hold out before you start crying loss or you'll go into it with a shitty attitude. Then it definitely won't be any fun for you.
drunk abusive sex
>At the close of the third season, protagonist Twilight Sparkle became a princess and an alicorn—a unicorn with wings. She now has duties and responsibilities associated with her royal title, and as such, she can’t spend as much time with her friends from Ponyville, the five other ponies that round out the show’s regular cast.

Goddamn, how could I've been so blind!

>Twilight gets sad that she can't spend as much time as she used to with her friends
>Celestia asks what happens
>Twilight explains and says she doesn't want to be a princess anymore
>everything back to normal!
That, or they make the rest princesses too, but that would make animation costly. Six alicorns on scene mustn't be easy for the monkeys working with flash.
Well, I guess I don't mind if she comes pre-stuffed, but a Panka and a cake would also be acceptable.
>But for once, even though the other ponies are present, it’s Twilight herself who has to do most of the work. Even though she’s often the pony who solves the riddle or finds the missing clue, she’s joined with her friends to fight off the attackers. In “Princess Twilight,” she has to do a lot of the grunt work on her own.
No, for all we know her friends are occasionally appearing in the background while she does everything. If you want to believe that this won't happen, that's your decision, but "for all we know", it's not the case.
This section also implies that he'd seen other two parters, although probably not TCE or ACW, or if he did, then this is going to go to a next level of not including her friends.
the pilot episodes were the best
Anon I think you need to calm down and take a couple horse tranquilizers. We can drug you a nice horse, would that make you feel better?
>all six of them as alicorns is hard

top fucking lel
Hasbro could get more fucking money for turning them into Alicorns.
Pinkie Pie
Milk enemas
Why is it unacceptable to go by what the only review of the opener says?
>drugged sex

Honestly, I'm just glad that this review more or less confirms a seasonal overarching plot with they "keys" or the mysterious Element Tree or whatever.
Done-in, SoL episodes can be great, but I need something more to be hooked up. I was so disappointed in S3 and the book at the end of TCE going nowhere.
I'm not seeing what you mean. Explain.
They would have done it already if that were the case.
We already knew there would be an overarching plot
It's that you're doomsaying so much without it even being out. If it's shit it's shit, not like we've been sitting here an entire year putting our lives on hold for the show...right?
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Urethra play.
>mfw my fetish makes most people shudder in imagined pain and call me crazy.
Yeah, see Season 4 and the leaked Fluttershy Alicorn toy.
Anon, I do not understand your fetish, but I hope it makes you happy.
I just shuddered in imagined pain you crazy fuck.
b-but we had fairy princesses toys and only Rarara was like in the show!
My point is, we were told the same thing about s3 and Twilight's "destiny" and look at its execution. This time I'm confident that even if it ends up being stupid, with 26 episodes it won't just be referenced in the season's opening and ending.
>SO sure that new pony is going to be shit
Why are you even here?
The only explanation I can think of is that you are setting your own expectations so low that anything will be good

>You're lying on your bed flipping through a book when you hear the front door open and close. You hear some heavy thuds as she kicks off her boots, followed by that beat-up bomber jacket of hers.
>she's back early, and judging from the sounds coming from the kitchen, she bought at least a case of beer before coming home.
>You decide to stay in your room until she passes out and hope she keeps whatever she's doing out there to herself.
>No dice. She pounds on your door an hour later.
>"Hey Dweeb! Come out here and drink with me~!"
I posted my opinion, someone said it's wrong, I explained my view. I'm very unhappy with Meghan shitting up the show, it's the absolute minimum that I'd do this much.
I feel like there was supposed to be a filler episode with the "training montage" of becoming a princess, probably something with time travel shananigans that had to do with starswirl but it got cut because of the budget restraints.Not surprising considering I doubt they'd sell any starswirl merch.
Judgement day soon.
The problem is that the reviewer leaves out that Twilight and her friends have become so estranged from each other that Twilight has to do everything herself.

It's even right there in the review.

>has to

This isn't a "I'm a Princess now, so I don't need anyone, I'm so awesome look at me."

It's suppose to be that Twilight isn't liking having to do all of this on her own when she knows she and her friends work best as a team, but her friends don't really care too much about the situation because they have their own problems that they have been having to deal with while Twilight's been away doing Princess things in Canterlot.

She still manages to win and set things right, but there is a rift between her and her friends, which is what these episodes want to establish.

Season 4 is going to have Twilight trying to reconnect with her friends.
They could easily pull putting all of this into just 2 + 1 episodes, although at this point it's much more likely to have at least those 6 + 1 episodes dedicated to it, possibly 8 + 1, +1 being Princess Twilight pt. 2
>Season 4 is going to have Twilight trying to reconnect with her friends.
>Please no I've been shitting out pancake shaped turds since last time
That's just too complicated of an idea to have in FiM, I don't see it happening. Ultimately the writers want to maintain the status quo so they can still write episodes about random things when they don't have to touch on the overarching plot, they want to be able to air the episodes at random without there being a huge difference between S4 and previous seasons.. apart from Twilight being a princess anyway.
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Why thank you, Anon. I hope you have a wonderful day.


That sounds...

Awesome actually.
I hope you're right, it would be a shame for them to make the season premier a 2 parter to set this all up and then have it fall to the wayside until the season finale.
Truth be told I think having s3 hype the fuck out of Princess Twilight with MMC for it to happen with the s4 opener would've made me a lot less upset.
Use the Cutie Mark shit as the episode where Celestia officially addresses the fact that Twilight will achieve her destiny and she'll be given a proof soon, and be a little more specific instead of meaningless mumbo jumbo like in TCE, and use the s4 premiere (with the princesses disappearing, day/night=twilight and all that jazz) as her REAL test.
It could work a lot better.
It isn't really that complicated really. Just need to establish the fact and remind the viewer every few episodes, much like the friendship reports.

Oh hey, speaking of. Meghan apparently said that Twilight would be keeping a journal. Hmm, Spike is shown with a new book and Twilight's stained glass window has a book with her cutie mark on it.

A journal, don't those normally get written in daily? About important events in ones life? Perhaps Twilight could write down things that she feels important about connecting with her friends.
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How do I find a girl that will drink and do drugs with me and sleep with me sometimes before she steals all my stuff, pawns it for drug money, and then ODs in my apartment?
100% sure it's going to be the new "dear Princess Celestia" for the writers to point out the Aesop.

>the journal becomes a key in a finale/opening level conflict akin to the letters in s2.

I am legit hype for this season. It feels like more work is being put into it.

S3 will just be remembered as a rushed speedbump best ignored. Kinda like Gen 3 pokemon.
>Twilight's friends telling her that she doesnt need them anymore
I want this
i need these feels
>"Twilight, you don't need us anymore."
>Credits roll
>Show cancelled
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>Kinda like Gen 3 pokemon.
Nigger do you even AGGRON?
best ending
Coming back to that after such a long hiatus would probably hit me pretty hard. These little ponies can really make me feel sometimes.
Imagine all the mad bronies.
It would be worth it.
What time do my little horses air again?


>taking bait

I guess I should have expected as much from hoenn fags.
Check the countdown on mlpg.co or stram.in, they should be correct

>You open the door a crack to see her leering at you, leaning on your doorframe.
>"C'mere and have a drink with me! Even you gotta loosen up sometimes, right?"
>Shit, she reeks of booze.
>"No thanks, Gilda..."
>She doesn't take the hint, pushing her case again.
>"One fuckin' drink ain't gonna kill ya, Dweeb! I got a case and... like two bottles of rum out here..."
>"...why in the world would you get that much booze?"
>"Because I wasn't plannin' on drinkin' alone, you fuckhead!"
>Actually, Twilight gets to choose new friends in "Equestria's got Friendship"
>A bunch of Brony OC's are selected in auditions, each demonstrating their special abilities
>each episode, Princess Twilight gets to kill off one OC
>The remaining 5 will become the new cast members
>Yfw they're already alicorns
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I didn't even play anything past gen2, I just like AGGRON.

10am East Coast.
But S3 is bad.
The bait was pokemon, not S3 being shit, I imagine
Pretty much, which is alright with me. I loved the letters, but trying to shoehorn them back in at this point when Twilight is suppose to be becoming her own mare would just be a regression. Instead writing things for herself would be much better.

Oh, another point to look at when considering this. Let's look at episode 3's synopsis again.

It says that Twilight is given a task by Celestia to go to the old Castle, but the other Ponies make their way there too.

How odd, Celestia usually tells Twilight to bring her friends. Twilight herself also usually goes and brings them along anyway.

So why would she go there on her own even though she has this great friendship? Perhaps her friends don't want to go with her? But something causes them to go anyway?

Or maybe Twilight didn't invite them because she doesn't want to feel hurt again after last time and still hasn't figured out how to reconnect with her friends?

Or perhaps the problem will be more that Twilight is still not back in Ponyville just yet.

So many ways they could go with this.
Do you think there's a chance S3 will ever get better with age? Some people were saying watching old episodes in the Mareathon had them enjoying episodes they used to remember as boring or even bad.

>will S3 get better with age

Yes, it'll get better the further it is away from us.
I think things are looking up right now, maybe the writers pulled off a great S4 after all.
If the show gets worse and worse, then yes, but there's a fixed point of deterioration that is S2E25, that's not going anywhere. There were enough shitstorms about it to make people remember that.

please don't talk like this, you're scaring me
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I would let Gilda peck out my eyeballs if you know what I'm saying
>only piece of information on s4 says the first two episodes are shobby at best
>Larson no longer on the team
>Renzetti and Faust still gone
>things are looking up now
I don't even want to argue, I'm not going to, but I wish I understood the logic that made you reach that conclusion.
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Man I'd like to have that pic as a huge poster on my wall
It'll probably get worse since we're not giving it the benefit on the grounds that it just came out.
No matter how you word that, I do not know what you're saying.
I would let Gilda rend my testicles with her knifelike talons if you catch my drift.
>Gives it a B

I don't think you know what Shoddy is. She just says that it could have been better and that could have been for any number of reasons, though it seems the most likely one was because they were bothered by Twilight having to do everything.
I've actually tried to stay as optimistic as possible even before the hiatus started, right now my hype is just adding to it. Of course I have no idea how the show is going to be now, I just have hope that it will still hold my interest like it used too.
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same here
No matter what happens

It'll be fun when we watch together.

Even EQG was fun to shit on together in a stream and I'm sure it's gonna be better than that.
Let's rate the episodes then

>The Crystal Empire 1&2
Not bad, but could've definitely be much better
>Too Many Pinkie Pies
It butchered Pinkie and her relationship to her friends
>One Bad Apple
Wasn't bad by itself, shit Aesop about bullies
>Magic Duel
Again, not bad by itself and had funny moments, but Trixie's return should've been better and of more consequences
>Sleepless in Ponyville
A bit too brony, but good
>Wonderbolts Academy
2murrica4me, also will not have any consequences ever and that's stupid
>Just for Sidekicks
Neat enough
>Apple Family Reunion
Had its moments and great new Apples, but was overall boring
>Spike at Your Service
>Keep Calm and Flutter On
Utter shit
>Games Ponies Play
Good, but a bit bland
>Magical Mystery Cure
Judgement suspended for too controversial
I still haven't seen EQG

feels good man
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You said it, kid
I still haven't seen the brony documentary

Feels even better man
I don't think many have, I listened to the audio of the Faust interview but that's it.
I haven't seen that either.

Feels top of the line man.
It's airing right before S4, so now you can watch it with all your friends here.
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implying implications
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It's hilariously bad.
How does one live with such horrible taste.

I wish you actually had a name/trip so I could filter you.
Feels patrician, bro.

It's not even that bad, just bland and uninteresting as it pushes bronydom as something entirely new, heroic and challenging.
I agree with most of that, except that I really liked Keep calm and flutter on (because Discord) and MMC (I fucking loved the songs).
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My pony waifu won't return my calls
I disagree with a few of their opinions but I can see where they're coming from.
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Shit's gon b gud, mang.

>mlpg episode streams
>chat is nothing but people repeating every single fucking phrase that was just said in ALLCAPS

Why is it so fun?
>MMC (I fucking loved the songs).
Nice opinion, Satan.
But yep, I liked them too (Celestia was great) and the premise as well, it's just that the ending is still pure madness. I'm waiting to see how Princess Twilight Sparkle BEHOLD BEHOLD actually works as a concept in S4.
It vehemently shows happiness.
>tail extensions
>Not bad
>Make a short movie about the fastest growing phenomenon on the internet
>Follow 3 "bronys", one being autistic, who are literally nobodies whom recieve more air time than Lauren Faust

Get fucked brony
this kinda goes against what mccarthy said when we first learned about all this princess twilight stuff. Something to the likes of "I don't think becoming a princess changes her"
I always have fun just sitting in those streams watching how everyone reacts to seeing the episode for the very first time all together like that. I'm also really looking forward to the talk that's going to happen the next couple of days after where things have settled down a bit and people really start talking about the episode. Then repeat that for a few months.
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>mlpg is always worst on pre-episode night
>the shittiness directly correlates to the length of time its been since new horse
>this hiatus has lasted almost a fucking year

Oh my god, how bad is it gonna be?
Things she said include: it doesn't change her, it doesn't change her relationship with her friends, she's not moving away from ponyville, and various other wordings.
>Documentary on the fandom
>Shows more of the fandom than the show

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>3rd anniversary stream
>chat always erupts when the theme song plays
The phrase you're quoting is "it's not even that bad", with the operative word being *that*.
Some say it's terribly or hilariously bad, while it mostly isn't. As I wrote, it's basically bland and uninteresting. Does this mean it's good or even average for you?
>I always have fun just sitting in those streams watching how everyone reacts
my fucking nigga
I'm not doubting that it's about MUH FANDOM, but their choices in who they spectate were unacceptable.
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>believing her lies

>I always have fun just sitting in those streams watching how everyone reacts to seeing the episode for the very first time all together like that.
I stopped when I realized I wasn't having fun.



And yet we have in the press release that Twilight's friends have their own problems and stuff.

Really what it seems more that Meghan is getting at, is that Twilight's status won't ULTIMATELY change things. In the short term, things have changed. She's away a lot, her friends have started to drift apart from her because of that.

I would be more pissed off if that didn't happen. It was the major complaint going around for the entire hiatus. Trying to say that it made the whole thing pointless if nothing changed.

But Meghan was trying to calm down two different sides at the same time. The ones that want things to change to make Twilight's status mean something for the plot going forward and those that don't want the show to be all about Twilight or for Twilight's friends to go away.

So Meghan decided to comfort the latter because it was ultimately what the season would lead to, while also avoiding the spoiling the fact that not everything is sun shine and rainbows for Twilight being a Princess.
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>we will never watch a premiere in a big theatre together, everyone with their own beanbag and snacks, the episode playing on a huge projector, and dark enough that our identities are unknown.
>you will never make out with another anon from MLPG
B-but anon

we're both boys

>"Everyone reach out and jerk the person to your left!"
>dark enough that our identities are unknown.
>implying an anon wouldn't stand up in the middle of the projection with a flashlight, lighting random spots to detect namefags and accuse them of ruining the screening

>mewball raises his hand to wave away a fly
>everyone screams 'DOWN IN FRONT'
But those were all made to reassure bronies that changes wouldn't be traumatic and sudden and the franchise was still good and viable.
THis time a non-brony reviewer is giving opinions on the episodes' themes at large, and everyone's expectations are considerably lower than they were anyway since the damage is already done.
that's essentially hentai nights at big 24/7 conventions
>couples coming in and sneakily giving each other handies
>people shooting the shit and laughing at stupid hentai

>the person to your left is MT
come watch Found Footage Fest 2 with me

is Velvet Remedy still there
You're making a lot of assumptions.
>Implying people wouldn't hook up at the bar across the road before the screening
>Implying they wouldn't share a beanbag and make out during the commercials
It's true that what Meghan says is to be interpreted as "it's not happening like that at all but technically in some weird way it's not entirely inaccurate", but his post is still just building on the base assumption that the season will be about Twilight trying to bond with her friends when there are plenty of other ways it could go, including the very likely alternative of it's all the exact same as S3 except with the overarching plot of the 6 keys occasionally mentioned.
>telephone rings
>it's the LPS theme song
In any case, it doesn't matter. In this instance, Meghan has either lied, or not fully understood what "relationship hasn't changed" means.

We know now for a fact that Twilight's friends aren't dealing with Twilight being away well, that Twilight has either gone back to Canterlot or is just there most of the time and barely in Ponyville. Because not only the Press release, but now a reviewer are saying it.

That's the story and Meghan's wrong. That's all there is too it.

So which one did you want more? Twilight going back to Ponyville and everyone acting like nothing happened? Or the way it's going now?

What other way? You think they will patch up whatever they have going on in the premier? Because based on episode 3, it doesn't seem like it.
Who says that the keys are gotten by twilight bonding with her friends? Does twilight have to bond with herself to get the sixth key?

If anything, the keys and box, when mixed with the tweet about "storylines" makes me think that getting a key is not about bonding, but simply solving some sort of problem in that ponies life with of course, help from her friends
There are plenty of other ways to go for the third episode too. You like your assumptions way too much. It wouldn't be the first time in a cartoon for all of them to receive a special letter from Celestia telling them to go there and specifically instructing them not to tell anyone. It could be coincidences leading up to it.
It's suppose to be about inner problems. One of the writers talked about "The Mane 6's Darkness" as a villain.

The keys are a reflection of their heart. So when they move past these personal problems, the key appears.

Twilight's problem won't be solved until the finale and is the greatest of them all, it takes all of them to help Twilight.

I feel like they tried hard and deserve a sticker, maybe.

But not unf.
>One of the writers talked about "The Mane 6's Darkness" as a villain.

Need a source on that
i'll give it a tentative unf
eh, I can unf to that
I think the ear touching is pretty cute too
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>"The Mane 6's Darkness" as a villain.
That's interesting. It probably won't be their main problems ie fluttershy fully getting over her shyness.

I've heard talks of S5 so that would be weird of them to do.
Don't you know? Sasuke's DARKNESS was lifted some time ago. I haven't followed Nurutu in ages, but /a/ had threads everywhere that day.
Pony fought the law and the law won.
This shitty cartoon is my only escape from real life. I wish I could sleep for 3 days and never go outside again.
I don't even know his deal anymore. I just read the manga before I read one piece because it and bleach take no time at all to read because they are awful and I used to be interested in them.
>ie fluttershy fully getting over her shyness.
Who's ready for at least 2 more episodes this season being focused on GUISE IM SHY XD with FS going from fully paralized from some trauma to mildly adjusted at the end because friendship and then reverted to square 1 in the following ep?
I just wish she disappeared forever ;_;
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125 KB PNG
>wanting best pony to disappear
>the best pony who was actually voted best pony
Any idea who made this?
This shits glorious
I saw a rara comic book at my local grocery store today.
I was too beta too to take a closer look at it though.
Didn't even know they sold that stuff here.
I think RizCifra, since I know he did that one Celestia gif
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402 KB
402 KB PNG
Did you buy some apples? I heard from someone that they are tasty.
Shit pony
shit personality
shit look
shit fans
shit everything
Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of this too. I don't mind her being shy, but goddamn, have some sort of backbone. Her character just keeps resetting every episode.

Stop fucking up my waifu, writers ;_;
Damn, that's pretty great.
you forgot the most important one.

shit haters
No, but I have a loads of homemade applesauce
>shittalking fluttershy

*grabs you by the dick*

Back that ass up??
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6 KB
>being a flutterfag
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478 KB PNG
>hating fluttershy
Aren't all shotguns for some sort of combat
Again, >flutterfags
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I'll tell you a secret anon
I like flutters too
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233 KB JPG
Eh, she's not that bad.
>Not that bad

So even flutteryshit fags admit that she's bad.
No, unless you think hunting is a form of combat.
fuck i hate it when people make those weird looking smiles like that, its way too wide and thin
Well you know, she's no Rainbow Dash.
>tfw no LK stram
I'm the one who started the conversation about how bad she is and see, let's stop this. Flutterfags need reminders from time to time but if you make the thread about this they will crawl from their places and start posting their shit waifu all over.
And nobody wants that.
Fluttershy is 4th best pony.
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derpy is a very pretty pony
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1.79 MB
1.79 MB JPG
What a whorse
How about you deal with what you started?

>tfw 2.3 fags are delusional as fuck
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178 KB
178 KB PNG
She's the best horse.
No, she's very ugly.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DAUGHTER OF A FARMING MAN
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360 KB PNG

I love Flutters.

I'm not sorry
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598 KB PNG
May as well wait til it leaks all over the net despite DNPs. Piracy, ho~
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123 KB PNG
Did someone mention best pone?
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166 KB PNG
....Fuck you 4chan image swap.
It was likely closer to 5 or even more, bro.
Fake ninja confirmed for best pone.
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10 KB

I'm not your bro you filthy fucking casual.
>thinking that pic somehow disproves Rarity being best horse
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126 KB PNG
Well, some ninja is enjoying best pone, somewhere.

Pic is intended pic.
I may agree with your opinion on dress horse, Nonymous, but I still blame you for ruining my life.
I haven't slept more than a couple of hours a night since this mareathon thing started.
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3 years of arguing who is best pony.

Geez MLPG. We need to agree on some things. Can we at least agree that best pony is a pony?
>EQG characters fursuiting
This should be our corporate slogan:
>Arguing about best pony since 2010
I wanna talk about fruit bats.
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249 KB PNG
Bullshit. Best pony is a dog
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1021 KB GIF
I'm sorry Anon, but at least it's almost over.

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Pics don't swap anymore, only dupe.
I wanna talk about fat tits
We need to pony harder
am I a brony for liking fluttertits this much
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90 KB
Fruit bats with fat tits?
You haven't been on /a/ very long, I see.
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No to your no.
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1.88 MB GIF
Did you know?

In 4chan X you can post images from other sites without even saving them? Just copy the image so that its in your clip board and press Ctrl V in your post box. It would be posted as a png with the name "file"
For liking humanhorse porn of fluttershy? Not really.

Bronies fantasize about FiM ponies ONLY
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79 KB
Still not best pony.
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384 KB GIF
Of course this horse is best of course.
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Someone suggest me a pony

Its been so long since I attempted drawing one
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Of course she's the best whorse.
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Twist being her adorable self
That opinion seems pretty bias
How about 3rd best
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God damn it MLPG
>all those Twistfags
Love that gif.
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61 KB
Twist is a good choice because I'm guessing you've never drawn her.
This will make good practice
No its not that. I just didn't expect that
Such insight.
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762 KB JPG
Well, that bites. Now I'll never know when someone gets pone instead of boobs, scat, or guns.
Twist isn't even a real pony.
Sorry, was playing vidya for a while. I dunno if I can stram soon, though.
Then can you stram latter
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137 KB PNG
So is that a Yes to one of the cutest fillies?
new podcast when?
i thought you guys were really dorky in a fun way
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And just so I know you aren't playing a cruel joke

Which filly are you drawing?
the gay one
I dunno. We haven't really planned anything out.
you mean the ugly one?
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pony should ride pony
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
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13 KB
Twitht ith a cutie
make me
Only if you stop sucking all the dicks Anon. I mean all of them, too.
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961 KB GIF

>about to go to bed
>finally at a decent hour
>suddenly chance of stram and fun is offered.
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82 KB
New pone is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
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52 KB
I just want a cute boy, girl or pony to deepthroat my seven and a half inches every so often

Is that so much to ask?
will this meme ever fucking die
holy shit that face

>leave mlpg for 5 minutes
>everything happens
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16 KB

That gif is fucked up. Here, take this one instead.
Project M

It's not a remake

Does a lisp affect the "sh" sound?
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That's adorable
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Shieeeeeeeeeeet, negrooooooo!
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She speaks normally when she's excited I guess?
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what is that? some minecraft thing?
It wasn't a complaint at all, just a curiosity.
Yes. Islands in the shape of a horse.
I love you~
Must be for that 4craft thing
Dear God, put that horse out of its midery.
Or its misery, whichever comes first.

Fucking fat fingers.
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By the way, you need a name if you're going to keep being awesome
I'm sorry... but I'd fuck it.
Can I fuck you?
That was Klondork

Is everyone's memory really so short, or are people just not able to differentiate between artists' styles?
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80 KB
>you need a name
You don't even know what gender it is. Or its age. Or its level of cleanliness. (Some of them fursuiters smell something god-fucking-awful.)
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It begins.
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Aww thanks

I have a name I just don't want to use it.

God damn it
>the crystal empire episodes where they do nothing.
They kind of did help out keeping the Crystal ponies occupied, but yeah they really did fuck all compared to Twilight.
I have a REALLY bad time naming artists based on style alone

That said I KNEW it looked familiar, and now I feel like an ass
I really don't care about any of that
But you're a cool dude and everyone likes you. Why not use a name? Unless you don't want to be mobbed by adoring anons, which I would understand
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I have never said I would eat out your waifus pussy.

I have a great waifu. I have enough to eat at home
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Its cause I didn't want to formally start artfagging again until I really got a grasp on drawing ponies agian
Ah, that's an okay reason. Hope you enjoy the new season.
You seem to have them down...
>klondike might be drawing ponies again

The drawfags are awakening from their slumber.
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45 KB
Fuck you I do not have the downs. Thanks but I still want to practice a bit more
image related
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Still wish iTunes could've gotten it last night, but this works too.
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3 days 1 hour 21 minutes
Implying he's not only here for the Rockadiles
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>hasbro owns D&D

Equestra: Torment when?
That's up to you. You do good stuff.

Hey Anon
Post with a name!
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836 KB JPG
aw yissssss
>Pinkie confirmed for liking crabs
Thanks god for the comics.
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713 KB JPG
What is it now?
>I love the beach crabs that pinch your hoofsies
Pinkie confirmed for BDSM
>rarity getting drunk off of fresh pineapples
K-Klondike's back?

Klondike I love you. Please marry me and have kids with me.
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Link to archive:
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>having kids

Not now red.

It's storytime.
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eh, it's not that bad a color
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I'm reading this now to all the nautical songs from spongebob
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alright dad
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AJ confirmed for liking citrus
>rediv will never be your mother
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>here's a princess
>let's threaten her
This is exactly as moronic as I thought it would be
>AJ has a chef hat
>with a jolly roger
I'll be your mom

also when did Twilight get wings in the comic
Says who?

Klondike will marry me and we'll have three kids. You cannot stop me.
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741 KB JPG
>fluttershy's hair

hunng holy shit
>Big Mac and Granny

she isn't exactly in regalia

and he's biggerthan her
>I'll be your mom

That's creepy.

>also when did Twilight get wings in the comic
This issue takes place post-S3 this is the first issue where she has wings.
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is nobody gonna ask what the crusaders are doing here?
Haha, this artist is kind of cool. Their art reminds me of MLAATR for some reasons.
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>that sleepy pony
totes adorbs
She has wings and a horn and even flies at points, the captain would have to be a complete moron to not notice that she's an alicorn. Alicorns are princesses.
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Or Big Mac and Granny Smith. Kinda took me by surprise.
woo, swordfights!
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Is that luffy?
>Luffy pony
hahaha this page is great

>luffy pony
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>luffy pony
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I feel very stupid for not seeing or knowing
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Middle panel, right side.
Isn't 1 piece all about pirates and shit

and this comic is all about pirates

makes sense to me
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719 KB JPG
>The plot of finding nemo 2
>Captain x Fluttershy x AJ threeway while Spike watches
>Fluttershy getting drunk off of fresh pineapple juice
hey, that luffy over there?
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707 KB JPG
This is pretty fantastic!

>Princess Twilight Sparkle
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671 KB JPG
>Pinkie Pie's booty
I find colorful cartoon ponies to be cute.

I-is this normal?
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That's all of it. Hope you enjoyed it MLPG!

Link to the download one more time:
I want to plunder Rarity's booty
Guys, I don't want to make an entirely separate thread for this, but I'd like an answer from people that may have had some bit of experience.

I want to buy the IDW comics that have come out so far. I'd like to get a complete collection. I've went to their website:


But the display is all whacked out for me, and it's hard to tell what came out, in what order, some things seem to be duplicates of others, so on and so forth--basically, it's very disorganized.

Is there a place you know of where I can purchase the comics that's, well, easier to understand than that jumble? Preferably one that makes it easy to just go down the list and get each volume or issue or whatever they come as?

Sorry for being such a newfag about this; I've never really used MLPG before, so I don't know if this is an acceptable post.
>they actually didn't notice it the entire time
>the entire time she didn't use magic
>now she does and beats anyone up
Fluttershy and rarity are worst ponies.
>giant crab
rarity is going to save the day god damn
File: 1384956197179.png-(110 KB, 445x460, WORRY!.png)
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110 KB PNG
Yeah, I recognized the Goonies reference.
File: 1384956214141.png-(526 KB, 1000x997, 390268__safe_rarity_tumbl(...).png)
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526 KB PNG
Finally it's the moment we've all been waiting for
File: 1384956306134.png-(28 KB, 574x607, avast.png)
28 KB
That's no way to boop in pirate.
That's where I do my online comic shopping.

Your best bet would be just to buy the trades which are go by volume. It's currently up to 2 volumes one with the Chrysalis arc and the second with the NMM arc. The micro series trade also came out not too long ago.
All IDW comics, or IDW pony comics? The latter are listed on yayponies.eu more or less in order, you can just get those that are listed there, alternatively I'm sure mlp.wikia has them listed as well.
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264 KB PNG

Oh wow. I didn't notice until just now.
>actual giant crab

Well, I guess that's that.
did fluttershy really not notice that it wasnt gil she picked up
>things that make ponies drunk
>pineapple juice
>apple cider
Is the anon who just asked for Celestia and Cadance on tumblr here?
Any specifics?
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274 KB
274 KB PNG
fluttershy is cray cray
From a scale of shit to good, how's the comic?
Wow, is Fluttershy always this much of a crazy bitch in the comics?

I like it.
why is that so hot
it's not even that saucy
>That's where I do my online comic shopping.
>Your best bet would be just to buy the trades which are go by volume. It's currently up to 2 volumes one with the Chrysalis arc and the second with the NMM arc. The micro series trade also came out not too long ago.
Thanks, Anon, this seems to be exactly what I need.
I'd a yandere Fluttershy.
Because you've never touched a boob
do they? i made that shit for a few months and never heard any of this.
Er, thanks Comic book expert, rather.
fluttershy confirmed for animal abuse, as usual.
Pretty fucking good.
If for shit we assume the worst non-EG comic, about 5.
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Didn't have it saved Don't think I've got any Danganya or Icepack saved for some reason, despite Dang being a qt, but dug about the archive a bit until I found something matching the description. This is it, right?

Late reply because I just got into the thread and am reading through.
I think I am liking the comics more then the show.
Comic fluttershy is amazing

That being said. I can't believe what the comics are getting away with. Sword fights and "not" alcohol

No shit, the show is in hiatus.
I'd give it a 7/10
File: 1384956902240.jpg-(347 KB, 521x604, yes.jpg)
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347 KB JPG
I'm shipping my first ship

How bad is it?
I'm thinking that too. May have to start reading them from the start. This is fucking golden.
No shit. The comics get all the good stuff, and the show isn't airing right now.
File: 1384956927370.png-(7 KB, 214x214, smug neckbear.png)
7 KB
Happy to help.
It really isn't though. Applejack just made fresh pineapple juice on the ship.
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2.01 MB PNG
great. i loved Nightmare Rarity
I'd suggest skipping on the Twilight, Dash and Fluttershy Micro Issues.

He's going to take Fluttershy's virginity and turn her into a dick crazy slut that only lust after his dick.
You think she's brave enough to get past the medial ring
>I swear I didn't know it was a fake fake leg!
wwould you plunder pinkie's booty
It puts ponies in a drunk like state. What do you want to call it?
Pretty good/10
>References: The Comic

Oh boy, here we go again. Again.
Twilight's wasn't that bad nor was Fluttershy's. They're just not that impressive art or storywise.

Dash's is just awful, though.
>Let's rumble like it's applecrumble in the jungle
>wolverine? Highly unlikely.
no, the girl has crabs
The only overt references are to One Piece (a pirate manga)
They're less drunk and more truthful.
You can gave references and no be Family Guy tier about it
>there are faggots who didn't see the sanji and zoro pone

What about that Hulk reference?
Seemed like it was referencing Captain Jack Sparrow as well.
Have you ever been with a drunk person before?

It's really easy to get the truth out of a drunk person.

Also look at fluttershy while she is drinking it.
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Ponies confirmed for playing cards!

And that sleepy pegasus is super cute.
> complaining about a pirate threatening a princess
That's like the basics of everything Pirate related..threaten everything...and then if you meant anyone you don't like kill them
what did you think of pony pirates?
Yes, in the human world. In the pony world, princesses are super-powerful magical beings that will kick your ass if you fuck with them.

>comic about pirates
>pirate themed things
>crabs are not a long stretch for relating to sea-faring adventures
>the fandom is gonna think this is a nod to them
Otherwise, I thought it was fun
>Sanji and Zoro getting along

What the hell?
The captain starts telling the truth right after starting drinking because the juice is a truth serum.
Oh look, luffy pony is in the last panel as well
Someone should draw it. Seems cute.
>not giving a shit about her sister being in a pirate town
You are really dense
>what if marker pony had this manestyle
Then it'd look less like a tumor and actually appealing
I'm not sure where were they going with putting the CMC and the apple family there

Damn skippy. The comics have been better than S3 was for me, though you do get the occasional clunker in the Micros. Especially when they get silly.
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I love it. This comic is and will continue to be one of my favorite on-goings for both art and the writing. I really dig this new artist. They're stuff isn't as detailed as Price's, but the characters still manage to be just as expressive. This issue was golden. Seriously.
Aww, don't be like that. Go juice some fresh pineapples and get stinking drunk.
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I want /co/ to stay_
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Sea ponies when?
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Rarity wearing puce when
Sure. If I was a pony.

Go be dense somewhere else.
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She's not a new new artist, she did the Applejack micro.
mega lame
She's a princess now, red. You have to accept it.
>the editor for the pony comics picked a good team
>and not one with fleece

thank god
It's been a while since I read the AJ micro, so I guess I forgot her artstyle. AJ micro was cool was hell, though.