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Every little girl wants to be a princess.

Old aspiring princess: >>14598642
>smelly paws
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Every little boy wants to be king>>14602720
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oh boy princess thread
A friendly reminder that popular fags have ruined mlpg
no, you did
like who
>become an alicorn
>get your magic upgraded and get wings
>become immortal and make new friends around the world


In before late
>not giving the whole quote

being a good pony who shares the gifts that they have been given with others,” according to McCarthy. “We’re building a very unique mythology around being a princess,” she continues. “Every little girl wants to be a princess, and not everybody can get to be a princess — but you can live up to the ideals that should come along with being a princess.”
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So if every girl wants to be a Princess and most of us wants to be a little girl, does it mean we want to be a Princess?

Do you want to be a Princess, /mlpg/?
>Implying Twily is immortal

She's a Level 1 Demi-goddess. She doesn't unlock Immortality until Level 5.

All she has right now is the basic kit of enhanced magical power and elevated social status.
hey i haven't really been paying mlpg for a while do we hate this namefag or is he cool?
That's fine, but people taking things out of context is nothing new
Do you have the rest of that comic?
I want to be a musky diamond dog


>Every little girl wants to be a princess

Okay, I don't mind the "living up to the ideal," part, but what the fuck Megan?
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
He just popped up out of nowhere. I think it's nonymous
>stating the obvious
I want to eskimo kiss Queen Chrysalis.
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Iron Will did nothing wrong
well duh, theyre all becoming princesses in S4
Of course not

Because they'll all eventually become pretty pretty Princesses to satisfy their corporate overlords.

He's just some guy who turned up and apparently hasn't watched pone since S1.
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Well, boop boop on you, Boopy McBooperson.
That's becuase iron will is a bum
he inspired this
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Wheaties really loves Putting Your Hoof Down. It's her favorite episode of the show!
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Can Iron Will Beat Billy Herrigton in thong wrestling?
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Quick, MLPG, before the new season starts! List your top 5 favorite episodes! Mine:
1. Winter Wrap Up
2. Sonic Rainboom
3. Party of One
4. Suited For Success
5. Bridle Gossip
A wild PRINCESS appears at your doorstep

They wish to bunk within your house for the night as they are on a multi-day journey

Do you accept, and how hard do you lose your spaghetti
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i know what you're doing, anon and I think you're a cool guy~
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I actually liked how he was so ready to add new material based on experience. Clever Minotaur.
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She still looks cute.
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Now let me tell you why that's bull shit

Wheaties looks really cute there. To bad her show form isn't as cute when she's all happy.

Mopey Wheaties > Happy Wheaties

1. Sisterhooves Social
2. Suited for Success
3. Cutie Mark Chronicles
4. Look before you sleep
5. Bridle gossip

My favourite pony is probably evident.
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I miss Tess
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yeah i guess i accept
and not at all

unless it it princess pip-chan
in which case there ain't no doubt about it, spaghetti drop so hard it cause earthquake and power outtage
Sonic Rainboom
Suited for Success
Sister Hooves Social
Bridle Gossip
The Last Roundup
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I have no idea, but I think we need to find out. For science, of course.

I always liked how he actually kept his word.
Not to mention dropping his assertive spaghetti when he found a pony that wasn't going to play his game.

Does anyone have the one Tess drew of Derpy and Carrot top making sandcastles?

It was a request I made but I lost it in my folders ages ago. Probably because I didn't have a derpy folder when I saved it.
I know, I love applejack too
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Tess is a totally awesome guy. I still keep in touch with him.
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Party of One
Sisterhooves Social
Winter Wrap Up
Luna Eclipsed
The Best Night Ever
here you go
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Doom does not recognizes your Authority
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I think everyone can agree that Sisterhooves social is a top tier episode.
That's not applejack
It is without a doubt
Do you miss the ded drawfags mlpg?
that's a funny looking applejack
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He tried his own tactics actually, trying to intimidate fluttershy. She just didn't take his shit.
your dead mother was a top tier episode
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fuck this, going rainbow.
>western furry art

Something about the way this person draws snouts is just offputting.

I can't put my finger on it.
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That's what I'm saying. When he saw Fluttershy wasn't going for it, he just decided to take a different approach.
He even stopped referring to himself in the third person.

First time any pony had ever stood up to the guy, and he let her win.
Don't see how Rarity and Pinkie can call the guy a monster creep.
Pony offers you a tail job.
She really did incorporate his lessons.

She just wasn't satisfied with how she acted with them.

They curve up towards the end, and normal pony snouts don't.
Is pony sweaty?
I think they make them look a little too male-ish and more horse-like.
only if it's squiggletails
They call him that because the main thing they see is how Fluttershy has changed, and they don't want to believe badly of their friend.
>Rarity's tail is actually perfect for it
I cant beleive im just now noticing this

I don't think that is an issue as that can actually look pretty good if done right

They seem a bit misshapen period, like they got some duck bill in them
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She wasn't satisfied with how he taught her to use them. Whats the point of getting advice to do something if its just terrible advice?
fuck yeah drillhair fucking
I dunno, it's in the weird middle-ground of horse-like and male snouts from the show to me, making it difficult to explain.
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Still kind of a shitty thing to do. I always had this feeling that Iron Will probably gets shit on a lot by ponies.
You know, in between getting super rich off of teaching them how to be assertive.
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I hope we see NMM be evil
Really what?
I wish someone draw some new Iron Will.
meant to quote >>14602829 before I even noticed yours
Sadly no good enough drawfags left who will take your request.
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>5 game win streak in queen of the hill
>Game crashes

Give me a happy pony.
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Sleepless in Ponyville
Party of One
It's About Time
The Last Roundup
Sweet and Elite
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Iron Will told her how to stand up to someone if they were antagonizing her.
It was Fluttershy who decided to apply that to absolutely everything in her life.

It was entirely her fault when she decided to lash out at others for precieved wrongs.
Iron Will didn't cause that. Then again, he was pleased as punch about it too, so I doubt he really cared if she was abusing his advice.
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What's that
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Would Princess Twilight Sparkle rule Equestria like the Mayor of Toronto?
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>A whole page without a cameo
What is this fuckery?
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Turns out it was a freshwater fish
>those crabs
goddamn ponka
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>denying our glorious beach episode by putting it in the comic
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This is the closest we will ever get to a beach episode guys
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No Andy Price
le fuck the comic
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i was just reposting the preview
comic is on wednesday
hopefully higher resolution
>Rarity is getting Drunk
>Hugging twilight
Sick son of a bitch.
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Ah, I didn't want to jump the gun about it or anything, but I've been writing up some new comics about Iron Will lately.
S-so, you know
That's not a hug
>Pinkie Pie has her army of crabs
they make a shampoo for that, you know
He's an alpha-as-fuck pirate, what do you expect?

no beta pirate horses here
>puce is a nice color
Rarity is no longer my favorite pony
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>Alicorn Twilight

Even in the comics? Shit.

Draw Iron will on the couch with his goat buddies eating popcorn and waving around little flags that say 'Season 4'

With a signed photo of Fluttershy in the background
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What's wrong with puce?
Refresh my memory what do you do again?
He just negged twilight, pretty sure he's planning on fucking all of them.
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Words cannot even describe my contempt for people like you
It looks like dirty Pepto Bismol
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1. Cutie Mark Chronicles
2. A Canterlot Wedding pt. 2
3. Fall Weather Friends
4. Return of Harmony
5. Sonic Rainboom
>off of fresh pineapple juice
So wait Why does everyone want a beach episode? We've seen the girls go to the lake and swim, what is it about a beach that makes it "that" much better
Well, it DID happen in the show. If you didn't want to see adventures of stuff that happens relatively in-tune with the show, there's a shit load of OC comics on DeviantArt.
It's more or less about the cliche of every show having one.

And the fan service that comes with it in animes.
I want to see bathing suits with the bra part around the waist.
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>GallopingGhost Islands
>/mlp/ owns "Gallopagos Island"
I love this.
I've been away since the season finale. It's still surprising for me.

Cut me some slack buddeh.
So people just want to see their waifu in a bikini instead of wearing ????
In no order
Ponyville Confidential
Sonic Rainboom
Sleepless in Ponyville
Hurricane Fluttershy
The Last Roundup
MLPG should I draw? I never drawn before.
I glad Twi didn't pull the "get off of me, I'm a Princess" card
>no fucking pop-culture references on every panel

Holy shit, did they just fire a shitty writer and everything went well?
There's no one stopping you. Just have fun with it.
I hope Gil is okay

>Twily being rubbed against the swollen chest of a musky, dirty rogue pirate stallion
It's definitely not easy or for people who can't stick to something.

The work vs. fun ratio when you're starting out sucks.
I hope red is okay
You have no idea how much I loved reading this comic and not having pop culture references and brony shout outs smacking me in the face in every panel.

Cant these guys be in charge of the comic forever now?
All the references were done by Price or the artist in charge of the issue

You're fucking stupid.
It's been 9 Months!
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You should. I've done it, and I'm an awful painter.
1. Equestria Girls
2. Owl's Well That Ends Well
3. The Mysterious Mare Do Well
4. The Cutie Pox
5. A Canterlot Wedding
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Can I get it to you tomorrow, compandre? Gotta do stuff tonight before work.
I'm a drawfag. I tried drawing an Iron Will comic sorta blog thingy a while back.
>QT pox
Why would you want pick up a useless hobby? It's only for people seeking attention and validation
you draw a couple things tonight
and I'll draw a couple things tonight
and we'll meet up in the morning and compare our awful drawings

sound fun?

I'll wait. I'll bug you about it in tommorrows stram.
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I know!

Only 5 days to Pone!
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Heh. Those crabs.

Spike is secretly super excited. And I love the Applejack/Fluttershy exchange here.

>"Fluttershy, are you sure you wanna do this? No offense, darlin', but pirating doesn't seem quite yer speed."

>"Hush, you landflubber! I'm ready for adventure... and stuff!"

Fluttershy has the best pirate lingo.
Good idea. Only way to ever get me to really do something is to hound me into it.
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ACW wasnt THAT bad
And only 4 days to Xbone!
4 days anon, it's 4 days
>wanting to get rid of the best artist just because you don't like visual gags that have no bearing on the actual plot of the book
Yes, it was.

You fucking vore-fetish fag.
yeah it was okay

id put it below, say, pyhd and mmmmystery for s2 but it was alright, better than mmdw or s&e
What's a useful hobby?
4 days and 12 hours.plus change.

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New ponuts soon, fellow horsestalker

except for babs we will NEVER see her again
The comic gets the best interactions.
>mlpg in charge of not overreacting
honestly, I like it more than PYHD. That and MMDW are the worst episodes of the show
Friendly Reminder Gilda was an ass, but just wanted to spend time with RD only. Even though she was extremely edgy.
> It's only for people seeking attention and validation

No truer words have been spoken
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Hmm. Nah, PYHD is better than OWTEW or AFR.
bitches love good cooking
Wow, is everyone really getting this butthurt over background pop culture jokes? Wasn't one of the appeals of the show that it had a few nods to older fans in the first place?
I'm not alone in thinking that the story shifts gears unreasonably quickly, right? I mean, it's okay otherwise. Just flying by a bit too loose.
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no, you don't understand!
this is somehow different!
At first.

Then they just got irritating.
it jsut comes down to opinions at that point
..Ah! My minds audio turned his voice to jacks... that was cool.
There's a difference between references and fan-pandering.
Learning how to program?

Anything but art is useful.
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Good, I'm running out.
background pop culture jokes are nice when they're not constantly being shoved down your throat

to each his own, though
It's only good when I like it!


Which is worse?
In comics visuals play an important part. If you add USELESS clutter that has no point being there, then that's all it is.
Unnecessary clutter. The constant background gags and pop culture reference do distract the reader from the main focus of every scene.

If it was actually subtle, then it would be perfectly fine. Having a character who has actual dialogue in a comic offhandedly make a Quantum Leap joke is not funny or interesting.
they're good when they're subtle

there's nothing subtle about "MAGNETS, HOW DO THEY WORK?"
But she was right that Pinkie pissed her off when she wanted to hang out with RD only.

And then everything went down in Pinkie's favor when she went full bitch mode around Ponyville.
There's a fine line. They have to be handled properly or they get very obnoxious very fast.
It introduced worst villain into the show. It was pretty bad.
I like both those ponies
she is the brony pony
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Would anyone like a draw request?

odd: traditional
Even: Digital
>implying twifags and flutterfags aren't equally worse
>2 people

I thought the pop culture stuff was amusing. Tucked in corners, and relatively out of the way.
Pinkie playing with the CMC!
How is it fan-pandering when some of the referances are older then even the majority of the adult viewers?
Derpy sticking a star sticker on anon's forehead
the pone ou just posted
Derpy getting pulled over by police pone because that ass too fat
The show doesn't constantly make pop culture reference in every single scene of every single episode.
And when they do reference something it tended to be very down played and subtle. No attention was actually drawn to it.

That's the opposite of what Price does.
airel pegasus bombardment
What's good enough for moot is good enough for me.

I concur. RDFags by a long mile. "20% cooler" and "so awesome" were, by far, the worst part about the fandom.
I think he's referring to things like Dr.Hooves making a Dr. Who reference to Derpy while she's standing in front of a muffin stand.
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Did you miss the entire Celestia Micro?
Hateanon please.
Doesn't matter how old, just how blatant and forced it is.
Not anymore thats Octavia and Vinyl Scratch
but not on every fucking panel, you piece of shit

not even the fucking show does that
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Why is Dashvember happenng so fast?
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>everyone hates Dashfans because of a vocal minority of ironic shitposters
But autists like things that are blue and fast.
In their defense, it was a legit Dr. Who reference.

And even then, who cares? They're just background gags. Harmless fun.
I disagree, only a couple of them are blatant. Most of the little jokes, references, and nods are all in the background that you could easily ignore by not looking too hard at every page.

Also the Shiny arc doesn't count, it was asking for as many references as possible.
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honestly, taking care of my brother's kids has robbed me of any enthusiasm for anything girly or cute anymore. i no longer wish to be the little girl. i just want to be a grown man and eat steak and fart again
Really. I will never understand this dislike for the little references or cameos that get thrown into the comic. They're usually in the background and the only time I can remember them being in your face is the the Huey Deweie and Louie and the Mabel ones, but those were there for like one panel and had nothing to do with anything else in the issue. They were just gags that the artist thought would be funny.

>The constant background gags and pop culture reference do distract the reader from the main focus of every scene.

No they don't because there is still plenty going on in a panel aside from those visual gags. When Price is on art my eyes are usually drawn to how detailed his backgrounds are and how expressive his characters are rather than some little joke he tossed in. Comic book artist do stuff like this all the time.
This is like saying you were somehow unable to enjoy the scene where Power Girl and Terra were at the movies because Amanda Conner literally drew the cast of TBBT in the scene and had them interact with Peeg.
just like everyone hates bronies because the loudest ones are the worst
Anons who enjoy having a constant rod up their anus do
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>i no longer wish to be the little girl
Because Christmas destroys everything in its path.

But bronies are all terrible, regardless of how "loud" they are.
>i-it's just background gags
>soon in the future, the plot revolves around a fucking pop-culture joke, with ponified celebrities making shitty jokes and referencing old 4chan meymeys
>i-it's just background g-gags
We are all bronies though.
>self hatred?
says the brony
its true
I'm starting to think that everyone hates everyone else for shits and giggles at this point.
This pretty much sums up outside of the fandom.
That's a nice Slippery slope fallacy you got there.
Don't break your legs jumping to those conclusions
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Thing is I don't give a shit when cape comics do references because they often take place in a more modern setting.
Not to mention that the majority of cape comics today suck ass in the first place.

When I want to read about magic ponies in a magical pony land I don't want to see constant sci fi references and unfunny pop culture gags.
That's what I like, you can disagree with me if you want, but that's not going to change my tastes.
Not everyone is going to share the same opinion about things as you, and that's fine.
I love the first art, but I haven't read anything past that and the Twilight micro.
The background gags and super busy art just really turned me off.
So no actual counter-argument? Other than
>It's just my opinion
I know I am fucking right and I fucking hate faggots like you for ruining shows I once loved.
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I can't wait for Dashember.
Read the Big mac arc at least. it's surprisingly devoid of references, and really feels like a show episode.
>I'm starting to think that everyone hates everyone else for shits and giggles at this point.
You know what. This is probably the truth.
If you once loved them then why the fuck are you here?
I really can't get how people are annoyed by background gags
Forget Derpygate already?
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Oh, the slope has already been slipped. So many feels.
I'd kind of enjoy my background gags not being a reference to pop culture?
It's just lazy doing that. You can literally come up with anything to put there, and instead you take something someone else did and put it there instead.

>attributing names to yourself

Haha no, you cant bring me down to your level you faglords.

Thanks for the replies but I think I'll pass.
I've actually read a couple of pages here when it was story timed. I really liked it
Fucking this.

That's what you fucking get for trying to make our lovable cameo a fucking main character.
Yeah, preach it.
>still calling yourself a human being
Get on my level.
>calling it Derpygate
That was different. It was the creators essentially giving a thank you to a fanbase they had no idea would even exist.
Are you retarded?
It's healthy to be creative, though. If you don't take up drawing, consider taking up a different creative hobby.
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Still that one little part just makes it... Bad
I feel like it's the opposite for me; Price draws your eye to every little gag with detail overload; often the references are in less busy spots which naturally attracts attention by contrast. The ducks and such were pretty blatant, too, but they maintained a consistent look with the rest of the art and weren't pointed out with signs and dialog and witty captioning.
It's not on every panel in none of the issue Price has done. It's not on every panel in the Nightmarity arc. It's not on every panel in the Celestia micro either.

And there were quite a few visual gags in the Jimmy Palmiotti/Justin Gray PG comics.
I'm barely a person.
The issue of Derpygate was unrelated to what you are arguing about right here
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I was never trying to make an arguement to begin with. If you like tons of pop culture references in your comics, that's cool.
I'm not going to try and make you think like me, because in the end my opinion won't change the things I won't like.
You just have to keep on trucking.

Of course I'm still probably going to bitch about things, though. Sorry to hurt your feelings.
>getting upset over gags
Calm down
I hope they reference "bazinga" in the comics.
>you will never be upset by pony gagging you
I think apples are great.
Well Price did make references a part of the actual story in the first arc when the ponies decided to start opening the doors in the castle. Those are really in your face.
You know what

I hope they do, just to piss you off
>gags fucking forced on you like shit smeared on your face

>calm down
What bothered me the most is that you said

>The constant background gags and pop culture reference do distract the reader from the main focus of every scene.

It'd be fine if you didn't make it sound like you were speaking for every person that reads the comic when this is just a problem you and a few other people have.
Why are you encouraging him? Do you want him to get depression?
I hope they reference Cupcakes in the comics.
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>liking apples
Look at this guy and his shitty onions.
Own a pencil and paper? Get to it, it's fun.
>gags fucking forced on you like shit smeared on your face
Only very few gags are actually forced on you at all. A vast majority of them blend in very well with the background and you have to be looking to find them.
>dr who joke

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Background gags work in the show because they don't command your attention while watching it. Derpy having cross-eyes in a crowd shot does not take your eyes off of Twilight talking to Pinkie Pie or some shit.

In the comics, however, there is not background. There is only 'ground'. Your eyes pour over every inch of panel to get the full effect of what's going on, if only to read the story. So things like a pony quoting the ICP isn't just a miss-able piece of background noise, it's ascended to a required part of reading for the comic. You can't un-read it, and it was assigned a speech bubble, therefore validating its horrible existence. much different, very not okay

fuck faust
maybe if he gets depression he'll kill himself and then we won't have to deal with him here
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I dunno. You're welcome to your opinions, but it's sad when /mlp/ changes its goddamn hivemind opinion every two months.

/mlp/ thought that the comics were the second coming of Christ even with the admittedly decent first arc with Cheeselegs, the mediocre first micro with Twilight and the pathetic second micro with RD. Now that it's been out long enough, the shine has faded from the comics, and Anons will be able to look at things as they usually do. Emphasizing the negative.

Remember when we hated season 2?
Remember when the CMC was cancer to /mlp/?

I guarantee that this wave of negativity will be replaced with a nouveau positivity (like right now with the nine months post-Twilicorn scare) that will allow the Anons to see hated things with a more positive light.

Curse guy, will you be saying that in a year when /mlp/ gets bored of the comics and says that they are shit? Will they love it the year after when the equivalent of S3 comes out for the comic?

Fuck this gay earth.
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>Would yyou WHPSHH
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When I say reader, I'm referring to myself.
Because, you know, I'm the reader. It distracts me, and it makes me not find the awesome stories fun.

It's just me being super shitty at trying to make a point or form an opinion. I'm not a clever pony.
What if I was just joking around and I tried to wpshh but my finger accidentally went in?
I always liked season 2 and the CMC.
I thought The Show Stoppers got too much unwarranted hate.
I'd WPSHH that hard enough to break my hand
>In the comics, however, there is not background. There is only 'ground'.
But that's wrong, panels have a clear visual center where the action happens. Things outside of the core point of the panel are the background
whpshh away
>so fahnny
>being a price apologist
The day that happens is the day I get laid, hell freezes over, pigs start flying out from a hole torn in the earth leading to the recently frozen over hell, and sentient cheese takes over the world.
It worked! It worked! I'm so happy you're back to normal!
Don't worry, Twilicorn will be loved if she does fucking shounen shit and gets competent writers.
Indeed. Outside the song, it had cute ponies doing cute things.
I loved the Show Stoppers, it was one of the most recent episodes when I started watching. I ended up rewatching that episode a bunch of times waiting for the new one.

It's still in my top 10 even though a lot of people hated it.
But the points outside of the central focus become part of the focus when they are assigned things like speech bubbles, remember? Or when the 'background gag' is referred to by a main character, like, uh, mabel pony
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Now Fluttershy is taking shape. Isn't she tall
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I couldn't give a flying fuck about whatever hivemind opinion /mlp/ has.
And I definitely don't give a shit about /mlp/ hates or what it calls cancer.

I came here to MLPG to talk about ponies and draw stick figures.
You'd have a lot more fun if you stop worried about other's opinions and expressed your own.
People who claim that there is a cinsensus anywhere on anything are the dumbest
I thought drawfags were suppose to help each other.
There are really only three instances I can think of that you're naming.

Mabel. The ducks. And the magnets.
The latter I thought was really funny because it was just a passing joke.
I disagree. Your eyes are only lead to them once everything that's important has already been consumed
And the Ducktales ponies getting a whole panel focusing just on them, as if to drive the point that they'er Huey, Dewey and Louie
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Far be it from me to encourage any more shipping, but I was admiring the beach accessories on the ponies (that seashell comb is pretty great on Fluttershy), and it struck me that the flowers ornamenting Applejack's hair are the same flowers on Rarity's hat.
Only when we get something out of it.
Rest of the time we're all phony catty bitches.
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Honestly, I didn't even catch it at first until I reread it. It's pretty in your face, yeah, but it wasn't actually bothersome since those characters fit the style of the book.
Most of the references I don't even notice until I re-read because I'm not really looking for them. Some of them I don't even get like all the star-trek ones and the Dr.Who one because I have never in my life watched either show.
With that many "friends" it's amazing she didn't get crabs sooner.
It's canon that Pinkie Pie likes to be pinched.
CC you aren't an artist. So what would you know?
But the point stands that you are going to have to look at the background gag sooner or later. That's the nature of how comics work or something
>I have never in my life watched either show
Could you at some point? Both have some fantastic episodes.
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>taking my waifu's character places
>places with many feels
oh man i am pumped

is she gonna be a travelling wonderbolt
>MLPG has been on /mlp/ longer than it was on /co/
Even then, they are not "shoved in your face" or forced on you
Eat the, uh, cock?
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You got me there.
Corey redeemed Dash.

Prove me wrong.
you got it, boss
Not that guy, but the length of Doctor Who has always seemed a bit intimidating to me.. aren't there close to 30 seasons just in the original series?
Read it and Weep/Hurricane Fluttershy
Soon enough, /mlp/ will have existed for over half of the length of the fandom
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>but the length always seemed a bit intimidating to me
I can't.
I've never really had the desire to watch star trek because I was never into stuff like that. I've never even watch a single star wars film.
Doctor Who has the Kamen Rider/Sentai effect on me. What if I jump into the latest season and it's bad? What's a good season to start with? Stuff like that. With Kamen Rider and Sentai I can at least ask /m/ for recs, I have no clue who to look for for Doctor Who stuff.
A good number of people just focus on the 2000s revival. Still kinda long, but not as much. Besides, a chunk of the older seasons, especially the earliest, have episodes lost to time.
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Will Crackle be in Season 4?
You there, stop scrolling this instant. I'm going to need to see your license to pony.
not even gonna click
yeah, and some of the earliest seasons have been lost

but I doubt hardly anyone watched the whole show in its entirety, and a lot of the episodes worth watching from what I know can be cherry picked
>What's a good season to start with?
I think when starting a season of Doctor Who, the general consensus is that you start with the first adventure of the Doctor that you think looks most interesting.
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I hope you fucking choke
>Read it and Weep
Episode was okay. Gives Dash another hobby that isn't flying.

>Hurricane Fluttershy
Also okay, at least she sticks to her friend.

Both of these episodes and Sleepless in Ponyville are the best Dash episodes that doesn't involve her being a cunt or being a turbo cunt in merrywether episodes.
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Fuck Faust? Why?
Does she feel that good?
Good grief I've never seen all episodes but I watch just enough television to pick up quite a bit of it. But you're right, its not something you can marathon through.

I wouldn't be the guy to help you there. And try not to let the tech in the show scare you away from storyline.
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Anything new with Tex?
683 episodes, 1 tv move. Through eight Doctors, and over 23 years before you get to the current series.
Wonderbolt Academy.
And doesn't Doctor Who do the British thing where a season if like 5 episodes?
Man period again
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>tfw jealous of Craig
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I found this in a folder I haven't opened in a long time last night and posted it.

I'm posting it again because I think everyone needs to read it, and I kind of want people to argue about it.
Drop your pants
Pony is gonna go up in there
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gee, I don't know
maybe if he had some sort of personal blog you could check
I dunno. Wasn't she pregnant? Did the kid die? Does she have a poison womb>?
Quit white noising for the underage faggot
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>Not posting the better version
Dash was never a turbo cunt in a Merrywether episode, aside from HWE where she was acting
>merrywether shit
I laughed. But also her only episode where Dash isn't a turbo cunt, but her rival is.
Worshipfags are annoying as fuck
>what to draw
>the whole sentenal drama

I still love Tex for sticking it to the tard.
Yeah, what is the deal with that kid.

We got no word on if she had it and in none of her con appearances did she look pregnant.
wow, no wonder everyone hated that guy
>WA not a great episode for Dash
I will admit It would have been better with the original ending.
Yeah, sentenal was the worst
I know it wasn't 100% cosmo's doing but I'm glad he did his part to help drive sent away
And ironically, in her original script, even Lightning Dust saw that see went over the line.
just because it's a rumor doesn't mean it's true
I think he was referring to tex
There was an ultrasound picture. That's kind of beyond rumor. But anyway, she had her kid before she did the con circuits.
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>tfw no snake waifu to give a tail job and lick your frenulum while hissing
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What really baffles me is how people defended him for over a year when he used to post shit like this. Like, past behavior predicted future behavior, and he was nothing more than a tool. He said he got better, but that was clearly a load of horse shit.
>she had her kid before she did the con circuits.
No she didn't she miscarried
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>relevant since 2012

Just drop it
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>no snake waifu to feed ponies to and cuddle her stuffed gut as she digests them
He's underage? Really? I try to give no attention to MLPG celebrities outside of their artwork/other creations. How young is he?

He isn't even supposed to browse this board.
young enough to give his moms name for shipping apparently
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Fluttershy wants to know what your fetish is.
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>looking for a download link to an album
>realize I'm searching for a song name rather than the album name itself
>realize that it's a song from a completely different album
Giving people the benefit of the doubt, and trying to help them change, should be something anyone would do.
And he did get better, or at least a lot less vocal about his /b/ roots.
Since he's gone, why do you care anymore, anyway? Miss your nemesis?
Ponies with butterfly cutie marks.
The one with wings?
Isn't /mlp/ a SFW board? Aren't those supposed to be 13+

That's funny and sad.
>tfw I have been through so many fetishes I have worked my way back to fetish of releasing my seed into a woman
Dead Jews
Chubby pones



and accents/speech impediments
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yxuDU8gims is my fetish
>the backwards datestamp
>tripcode doesn't show in archiver
4chan is 18+, the boards are just SFW
Perhaps its force of habit. Forgeting where they are exactly.
>Chubby Fluttershy with glasses, leggings and a lisp

Tex please attentionwhore someplace else. At least put up your trip.
>tfw he's 5 years younger and still better at art than I'll ever be
Is it ok to have MT as your favorite artist?
body odor
Forced Femenization
Forced Gay
Public Use
Cum Inflation
Deepthroating with throat bulge
Face sitting
Inverted nipples
Nipple fucking
light BDSM
Lolicon femdom
And hand holding

>fluttershy's face when atm
Why do people say shit like this? Shut the hell up.
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4chan is 18+ on all boards whether a board is Blue or not is not a factor
>hand holding

You are fucking disgusting
Help i can't stop listening to
You don't need approval or permission to have a favorite anything
The backwards datestamp was apparently a script or something. He actually stopped using it when I asked him to.
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>"Tho if I get thick and wear some thockings, you'd like me?"
MT is ok. She keeps it on the down low.
but I need people to validate my beliefs so I can feel better than other people
Kinda. I always did get a thrill for pointing out his failures when he announced them. No one else lives up to his autism, so yeah, kinda sad.
You dont have to encompass everything Twist

You're fine how you are
Artists need validation though.
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I have every fetish but my favorite would have to be transformation.
True, I was actually just fishing for people's opinion on it rather than needing approval. I'm just a curious person
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How about now?
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I really don't understand why the comic colorists keep coloring Spike's tongue green.
Listen to http://mlpg.co/dashie/
>No one else lives up to his autism
You haven't looked in a mirror lately.

Love it
I wish to massage Fluttershy's huge feet at the end of each day.

Bad taste
Nope. Soiled it.
what the fuck is that
Guys I want to kiss pony on the mouth.
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Oh boy, more pirate romanticizing. Because it's not like they raped and murdered everybody they came into contact with.
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I am not EA
>/co/ will never fuck off
but you could get germs

and germs make you sick
What if they were smelly?
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Feetfags are the worst
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Stupid sexy reptiles
EA's over here >>14604476
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Muh childhood
Damn you.
The pedofags are much worse

>not smellfags
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I-I kind of want to braid your mane and paint your hooves too...
Then I would clean them first.
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It's hard enough being a smellfag. Don't need your harshness.
Triple unf
Your waifu just ate your second favorite pony!
Can...can I touch you?
Panka Poe
I'm only assuming seeing as she's been Lucky Pone almost every other week.
Facesitting, I'm pretty sure she is used to it

dorpa is ruckiest pone
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here's your human and horse

critique my human MLPG?
Pony wants to show you her Corruption of Champions character.
But my waifu IS my second favorite pony!
This artist draws cool stuff
10/10 very accurate portrayal of anon
best anon to date
This dude is an awsome artist. He improved insanely fast with his art.
that pony is too small
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Big Beautiful Bushes
then your waifu either
a). ate a duplicate of herself
b). was eaten BY a duplicate of herself
c). ate your most favorite pony
Hey! My nose isn't that big!
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I think the face's proportions are a little off in minor ways. Eye size being the most noticeable. The body looks good though.

I'm happy that my studying and practice is showing results
Can anyone summarize the fic "Somewhere Only We Know", is it actually MLP related or some sort of alternate rality where the mane 6 are actually horses who just dream about being in equestria?
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>tfw GG has stopped monstergirling
Please dont stop
I'm still getting the hang of construction but ill get better
is that a butt?
is she pile-driving a naked dude?
are they naked wrestling?
this is mlpg we don't read fanfiction, just laugh at it
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Personally, no, I can't
but Rainbow Dash can!
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What contributors are still active in MLPG?
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I want to like his stuff. It's like, half good, half not at the same time. I can't point out why.
I know but I can't help my boner.
Less than half a year and he's just awsome.
None of them. They are all dead.
He still draws YoW
Boobs do not work that way.
Are you using Loomis?
You are just saying that becuase he improved his arts faster than you could ever do. Jellyfag.
I hope he draws more CMC soon
Oh my.
Boner does not care. Boner does what Boner wants.
Don't be fooled.


visit here daily but mostly to attention whore.

Goat Train

Only two I can think of who actively draw for fun.
wait what
yes, along with references and random tips i see on the internet.
Jokes on you, I'm not creative! Ahaha... ha...
I'm going to hug all the ponies and noone can stop me.
>cmc for sexual
Go get more pills
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Anon pls
Oh then good! At least you will never develop a mental disorder
>I'm not creative
Why would you even post here then?
>liking the CMC
I'm not even saving that.
it doesn't take creativity to develop a mental disorder
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>implying anyone here in mlpg is creative
You know why artists get so many mental disorders? It's a talent that takes years of practice and study to be any good at, gets no respect from society in general, and is often related to nerds jacking off to cartoons.
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
This is cute
Since you're on mlpg I'm guessing you're not on the successful side then.
9.3/10 would chuckle heartedly again
They get no respect because they're doing it all to seek attention and validation. It's a joke!
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I'd serve her bacon bits while I had all 8 pieces myself.
what's in the box?
He got eaten by a shark soon after swimming into the ocean
Anon, that's no way to treat a princess.
>eating bacon
Slightly disgusted.
>Someone does something others enjoy looking at.
>Write for free
>Work gets recognized and it makes you happy
>Post funny things
>It gets recognized and it makes you happy
>Draw for free
>Holy shit you suck the anatomy is shit are you even fucking trying?
Why are drawfags held to a higher caliber than everyone else?
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Why do you want to know?
I do it because I care

>implying mlpg isn't full of self-made entrepreneurs who only come here to relax as a break from checking their stock portfolios
>Work gets recognized
Not in MLPG.
Any idiot can write, or tell a joke.
Drawing requires actual talent.
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And that's three. Three to go.
Did that ever reach a conclusion?
How much influence do you think the periphery fanbase has on this show compared to the primary demographic?
>Any idiot can write
Hahaha... No.
You've apparently never heard of ``good writing''.
Not as much as it would like to think, still more than it should.
Ego much?
You mean little girls? Probably not alot considering all the porn.
>implying you can get rich off stocks
>not gambling your life savings on risky ventures or volatile as fuck options
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I did it. I finally understand how King Crimson works.
That style is actually pretty cool
She looks more like she is prepped for a windy day than a snowy one
those legs > those tits
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Damn, not on the list.

Dotkwa also contributes pretty regularly.

Also I drew this last night.
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Please enter a name
Right, my bad.
I accidentally lumped in greentexting with actual writing.
A lot.
I like it, but they look like X-men.
I wish I had life savings to gamble away.
I'd have made a fortune on bitcoins and litecoins today.
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>comic preview is really good(holy shit Fluttersny is such a qt this is why she needs more screen time)
>beachy pone comic drops in two days
>new pone episodes drops in 4 days
>the premier is looking less and less like PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE and more like a big old adventuresome romp with castles and shit(maybe with all this exploring they'll make some D&D references)
guys, guys, I'm excited
Bahamut P
>Why are drawfags held to a higher caliber than everyone else?

This is only happening in the mlp fandom. It's a quick way to gain popularity.
Stream of consciousness can be done well.
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then why dont you explain it to us, smart guy
but nobody cares about you saine

i just said that because i want to hurt your feelings and drive you away from drawing forever so i can say that there is no point to mlpg and we should end these threads
>Being able to convert bitcoins back to real money
Haha no, drugs and illegal porn maybe but not money.
im going to draw a cute thing in a moment
at first the lineless stuff was kinda iffy, but looking at it and seeing you add more, I'm really loving the use of colors here. Really.. bold? it's actually really pleasing to look at. the outfits are nice too
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All of that, plus new PM trailer and dec 9 release just made my week so much.
This amuses me greatly.
Whatever, it's a terrible form of "writing" and I don't know why MLPG seems to love it so much.
his whole style looks pretty good with the big, bold colors, imo
>He still hopes the show wont turn into PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE™
Im going to laught at you faggots this Saturday, and relish in your tears.
>being hyped for a meghan episode
Just kidding. I am also hyped.

Just kidding again, Meghan is fucking awful and will fuck up the premieres again.
I thought you hated Ross rediv.
Why was Nightmare Rarity so hot?
It's terrible because the people who write it are terrible writers.
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Nobody cares! How nice of him.
agreed. it kinda makes me want to see what he would do with Cadance
What gave off that impression? I don't hate Ross at all
>Meghan somehow hits this one out of the park.

Ten autism bux says it happens.
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I wish her arc had been 6 issues. Same with Return of Chrysalis.
Oh anon, you are trying too hard to be hate anon.
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It's gon b gud.
The best part is that I used to be worried about it as much as you guys, but it really looks like it's going to be better than that. And worst-case scenario? It looks like the regular pony episodes are going to be unaffected. I have hope again.
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Isn't Stairway to heaven a stronger stand?
rediv what is your opinion on cow girls
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Her Sleek Black coat?

She needs more "epic" art work
i love cowgirls why
...Why not?
Most likely because it lends itself to being quickly composed and consumed
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Okay, you ever see that Futurama episode "Time Keeps Slipping"? The one where time just keeps skipping forward and no one has any memory of what happens during the skipped/erased time. King Crimson's power is basically that except Diavolo can move within this erased time and because of it he can predict his opponents actions.

Also Narancia is the best part 5 character

Stairway to Heaven is complete bullshit, but no, King Crimson is canon stronger I think.
I was just asking, because I fucking love cowgirls too



Oh hey rediv. Thanks. I didn't think I was so hot with colors, so this is good to hear.
God damn it, I'm getting used to your humanizations now. Maybe it's because you've turned some of the cartoony exaggerating down?

I do like the way you're 'coloring' them for a lack of a better word.
Pony was surprised that you ate so many orders of hay fries. You must have been famished!
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Counterpoint to what she said: Rarity and Fluttershy could use more vibrant colors. Too much black and white.
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I'm really glad nothing ever came of this
Pinkie still looks gross and caters to his fetish.

Just trim down her chubbiness.
Well yeah
But to be honest I kind of forgot what was happening since things were getting kind of crazy
That reminds me, how's the /mlp/ VN going?
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Man it's just a sleepy evening...I need to wake up maybe I should stream or something
heh I like it
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Which stand would be more fitting to each main 6?
Yeah, I could do with a pudgy Pinkie but I've grown to accept that how he likes her.

Maybe have a big of pudge above her pants and her shirt is a little short.

I think the hint of pudge is great but yeah...
Probably shit.
Do it! I wanna watch you art.
But Merrywether is confirmed to return in S4.

And we don't even know how the new writers will fare. I just hope we get more mediocre ones, few good ones and only one/fucking none shit writers.

MLPG finally we now have a video on how to BUTTS
I'd love to change the setting to something other than "retard circlejerk meta" but keep Marker as the PC, yet I can't come up with anything
the last new writter we got was pretty good
I read it's going fine, and they have everyone they need onboard working on it.

Though honestly speaking I'm not interested about it.
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Starswirl? Looks pretty bad.
I still want a MLPG game.
A stereotypical pony platformer with real booping action, ridiculous bosses and a loose narration of Marker Pony's journey. To end a level you have to boop the marker.

The game over screen could be MarkerPony face down in a shallow puddle of piss.
Yeah, Corey is pretty good.
Yeah alright.

It's OK Pinkie. You're still third best pony.
From what I heard it's still going smoothly. They're just not updating everyone on it so much now.
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I can deal with Merriwhether. Also, I liked SAYS, so sue me.
I'm looking forward to that Super Lesbian Horse RPG, whenever that comes out. I played the demo a while ago and it looks fun.
Your damn right you should have been you stupid Pink horse
Pst, hey, EA...
what if the final boss was gloomy, trying to stomp around and shitpost about fetishes?
>loading screen is that gif of marker jumping out of a dead thread and into a new one
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Was this the most recent before now?
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Dash: Crazy Diamond
Pinkie Pie: Spice Girl or Echos
Fluttershy: Gold Experience
Rarity: Hierophant Green
Applejack: The Hand
Twilight: Star Platnum
And then it turns out Gloomy isn't the real final boss, she was actually trying to combat the Elder Shitposter
Would Gloomy slowly get bigger and bigger? Would each form be bigger than the last? Would you have to eventually climb Gloomy a la Shadow of Colossus?
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>I liked SAYS
Who uses slut as a term of endearment?
That's dumb.
Rarity doing a Jojo pose
Sounds like it's reversed, other than the size. Gloomy would be stopping Marker.
Stop it before the plot goes full Kojima
both of these

make it so
You unf you lose
>MLPG still thinks they can get any project done

The Christmas Book was a fucking miracle really. And the Friend Offs (except for the last one) were a one time thing really. Right now it would be impossible to do a new one. Pony or Die was also lucky to even happen, considering the massive delay. And thanks to the reception of the first one Pony or Die 2 will never really happen.
9 very desperate people
I thought SAYS was a pretty good episode.
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>cmc with part 3 stands
>not part 4 stands

the fuck is this
Sad considering the amount of people that come around here.
but gloomy is the old dead horse

and that where the fetishes are

You say that like that's a bad thing
MLPG print project is dead. So many "contributors" dropping
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marker's the one who shitposts about fetishes
gloomy just endures them
MLPG can't get a game done because all ideas are 100% meta. The novelty would wear off in seconds.
MLPG just needs to learn the magic of friendship.
Indeed, the only good way to do a game about MLPG would be to crank the absurdity levels up.
>dat god-tier main 6 co-operation
>best ponies' acting
>not worth a couple scenes of Spike with the Idiot Ball
priorities, man
low blow, Pinkie
low blow
Not to mention mewball's EPIC BEEF
What if we took a fic and adapted it?
Oh. OH. That's how you're going to try to play it, huh? Yeah. Sure. Tell us more about your life and how none of the ponies even want to go to your parties.
My pony is acting funny, she keeps saying boop every 5 minutes and refuses stares off at the tv. I turned it off 3 hours ago and she's still there.
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>Twilight: Star Platinum

Nah, her stand should be more....gimmicky
Sad considering someone hosts mlpg draw events and no one really cares for it
Even if it wasn't meta MLPG still wouldn't be able to get anything done.
Everything is dead.

We never did the singalong
We never did th print book
We never did the music collab
We never did Pony or Die 2
We never did the various game ideas (MLPG platformer, VN, Megaman with ponies)
We probably aren't going to do the MLP Writers Christmas Card
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>Scoots with crazy Diamond
>AB with The Hand
>Sweetie with Love Deluxe

I can feel it.
Pony has malfunctioned

Please place pony in tpony's shipping unit and return pony to us

We will send pony back as soon as pony is fixed.
Yeah that jerk really killed the vibe in the group
Was he doing those before the hiatus too?
I disagree. All we need is a truly great idea.
Sometimes the planning stage is the funnest part. I like hearing everyone's ideas.
>Love Deluxe
>not Echoes
Not really. Only the MLPG one. We had a doc for a Megaman/MLP thing, but didnt go anywhere.

The first 2 Draw events were fine. The Write event was a flop and the 3rd Draw event was an even bigger flop.
>tfw stopped working on pony at all
I keep saying I'll write something.
I tell myself I'll get back to pixelling or modding.
Why even bother working on pony shit, seriously?
What was done to spike's character was inexcusable considering that he was the central focus of the episode
The only project that ever got done was the podcast
And it got shit on so hard that they haven't done another one
I'm honestly not surprised people don't want to do more things around here
Wonder how many MLPG concepts we have to work from after 3 years here.
I read that as a sloppy evening. Then my mind went naughty.
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Only five days left!

What did the five ponies say to the face?

Oh? There was a doc for the Megaman idea? Anybody have a copy or link of it floating around somewhere?
What'd he do this time?
Exactly. What's the point of even doing anything for this shit? it's just a fad that sooner or later is going to go away.

It's best to just focus all of your energies with something new and original.
>Why even bother working on pony shit, seriously?
because you like ponies
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>turned some of the cartoony exaggerating down

Nope. They were wonky and the bad inking made those designs worse. Fast forward to almost three years later, and what you're seeing is the result of me turning them over in my head over and over again to make them sleeker and better proportioned. If anything, I'd say my current way of drawing them is MORE cartoonish, not less, than the originals.

Have a look at these abominations again...
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I just can't see Sweetie as Koichi
Your tech support guy said to try turning her off and on. I turned her on but she won't turn off.
Fucking this.

Thank god, Corey fixed Spike again.
You'll have to search the archive, because I don't have it.
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>Mfw I want to start reading JoJo, but its such a fucking loong ass series, I dont know HOW to begin

Jesus christ, 109 volumes? What the hell
What is your favourite episode and your least favourite episode?
>it's just a fad that sooner or later is going to go away.
I wonder how long that's going to take.
Start with the anime, then read from Part 3 (or 4 once the Part 3 anime starts up)
Lesson Zero and SAYS.
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What's something cute Pinkie could be doing?
What's the point of doing something new and original? It'l just be a fad that will eventually go away, better to focus your energies on porn.
Jesus. That mime Rarity. That burnt orange AJ. That super nigger Twilight.

Pinkie is not a lard abomination at least.
Bridle Gossip
Wedding part 1
SAYS and Lesson Zero.
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Watch the 2012 anime then read part 3
Part 3 is getting an anime next year, if you want to wait for that, but I say just go for the comic

This site has all the parts
Most of the other designs are much improved, but I like that fluttershy more
>What's the point of doing something new and original?
Having something new and original you can call your own as opposed to some ripoff.
>liking cuuurazy pones in ren&stimpy style

Staring contest with plank.
Stare Master and One Bad Apple.
filling out her multiplication tables
>Pinkie is not a lard abomination at least.
But making her into a lard abomination was a 3 year long road of "improvement."
So make of that what you will.
Making oragami
So is this jojo crap the flavor of the month like
attack on titan
kill la kill
Sitting on a wobbly washing machine with all her friends.
Feeling Pinkie Keen and games ponies play
Doing her taxes.
Is that you Saran?
do they plan to stop the anime after part 3? i'd love to see part 4 animated.
Just start from the beginning, or like the 2012 anime.
It's older than all three of these, you fucking retard.
>boku no macro vore
I'm glad it's over
Sisterhooves Social and Apple Family Reunion.
Yes lol

Jojo is just some fleeting new flavor of the month, in 2 months you'll never hear of it again

Toldja. Ugly shit. It's interesting since those were really the best I could do at drawing cartoon people at that time. Before, I admit I just drew anthros, so it was all growing pains.
Drawing a picture
Part 3 is guaranteed money. Part 4 would be a shoo-in for it.
>implying anyone in this cancer of a fandom can do that.
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Would you paddle the pony?
Best night ever and Sweet and Elite.
That seems to be an episode that everyone either loves or hates depending on what they think of the characters being turned to 11.
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Lel Galaxy Girls.
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andyprice is good for what we can realistically get. if he was the talented genius amazing artist you all want him to be he wouldnt be doing fukken mlp comics. even if he loved ponies hasbro wouldnt pay enough to get him for it.
They'll probably make enough money to do part 4 after part 3. There's no doubt in my mind part 3 won't be successful since it's the most popular parts in Jap'n.

>Animated P4
>Animated Kira
My dick
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dont line up Jojo with those crappy series
She was a professional though
Actually... yeah. The manga is a long-running series, but there's a new anime out that's brought it into the tumblrgeist.
No, why would I want to do that?
Cheer up Ponk, you still have all your other pony friends you don't need anon.
Please don't cry Pinkie.
Only if I could start with this one >>14605621
Professional idea grill. Anyone can be an idea grill.
Sucking a million dicks
>if he was the talented genius amazing artist you all want him to be he wouldnt be doing fukken mlp comics.

Just like there will never be a good my little pony cartoon, right?
I'm just lashing out because you never invite me.
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Both JoJo and KLK are pretty plebshit.

Like Attack on Titans. Doesn't mean that they are terrible. They just have a retarded fanbase.
Then where's your successful and good cartoon?
That's not true.
People who like Attack on Titan more than likely are mlp fans.

Food for thought
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Oh, hi Appleja-

-oh, is that you Anon? S-sorry, I made a mistake.
I guess I just don't care much about Spike's character recently. He seems like he has a lot of potential, but the writers aren't really sure how to handle him. Like the ending of "Secret of my Excess" is NEVER going to be resolved, his long-speculated about questions about his own identity in "Dragon Quest" will probably never be brought up again, and of course we'll never learn if he should have wings or not.
Although, maybe with Corey, this'll change and he'll get a proper arc of some sort. I guess it's just priorities, but I thought SAYS was a pretty enjoyable episode dispite how it treated Spike. Here's hoping S4 will turn out better for him in general, eh?
>this Patriots press conference
I can't stop laughing
I don't smell like Applejack. At least I don't think I do.
What does Applejack even smell like?
retarded fanbase is usually the case for people hating on things from the way i see it
apples, sweat and dirt, of course
and big mac's cum
I ate her apples, all the apples.
I remember back during season 1 when I really loved Spike's character and couldn't wait for him to get his own episode thinking that the Owl one was just a bad fluke.
But yeah they just haven't done that great at writing him. He's best as that sidekick straight man.

What's happening? Who's whining? Who's yellin?
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>missed LK chubby draw stream
kill me now
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Doesn't need to be successful or good, just 'original'. Hell things can be 'successful' but not good or vice versa.

Fact is MLP[FiM] fandom is not the Touhou fandom, any success in it is probably going to be short lived in comparison to Pokeshit or 2hushit.

Sure, some people are mentally deficient I guess. I'd like to think most people aren't.
I don't smell like any of those things.
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One thing I have always admired about Jojo's was the outfits Araki draws. I grew up reading western comics and watching some anime and a problem I always had, especially with anime, was the outfits. It's like a lot of artist struggle to design good outfits for their characters, but Araki's outfit designs are so amazing I think. They're pretty ridiculous, but they work so well. Jotaro's hat sitll makes no fucking sense, though.
What came out of it?
>Fact is MLP[FiM] fandom is not the Touhou fandom, any success in it is probably going to be short lived in comparison to Pokeshit or 2hushit.

I disagree. Too many people have to much riding on this being a long term thing. This fandom is here to stay.
You missed it but there were so many awkward pauses and you could just sense the buttmad from Belicheck. You could even here players swearing in the backgrtound
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>not smelling like Big Mac's cum

What are you, normal?
except for maybe big mac's cum
but then again we all smell like big mac's cum
>Too many people have to much riding on this being a long term thing.
Furfag artists raking in dosh for commisions?

>This fandom is here to stay.
I have doubts.
fukkin seriously you guys
please tell me you have more gifs like that
Big Mac isn't gay, please stop stealing his cum.

How do you guys even get it from him?
I guess so.
Why am I hanging out with you freaks?
Haha, what, you think the people drawing entire Touhou doujins were pure minded individuals who did it for the art?

FiM is the american Touhou, and it can only get bigger from this point
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what do you do when the feelings of nothingness come back
Just make him drink the tea.
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Buy more cocaine.
Listen to music and read comics until it passes
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Very carefully
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>/sp/ right now

Those guys never fail to entertain me.
mugen is your friend
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Any requests
lots of things apparently
>FiM is the american Touhou, and it can only get bigger from this point
Dat delusion. It's not even taking off in Japan like it is here. The source well WILL dry up and people will jump off the ship.
Octavia cum inflation
Derpy riding anon like a hat
Anon, you're tearing us apart.
does LK even like vore?
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This, but the pigeons are ponies
Derpy using anon as a hat
She's the best princess we could hope for
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>Searching unbirth in deviantart
Sugarcube sugarcube sugarcube-
Does it count as vore? I thought he just liked inflation in general.
Do you have any idea on how long it took for Touhou to take off outside of Japan? FiM has been out for three years and there's already quite a few jap artists drawing for it. Wait until Hasbro unfucks itself and learns to marketize the show better, and this shit will fucking EXPLODE
what do you do when suicide keeps trying to call you
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How did you know?
Get a new phone number.
Anon wearing a fanny pack with a little pone sticking out
Derpy giving Dinky a bath.
Suicide is an abstract concept and probably can't pay it's phone bills. I would not extend a line of credit to suicide.
but yoshi IS vore pretty much
what did it eat in the gif?
suicide help hotline
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>One little pony
>Not several
>Not having many pockets all filled to the brim with ponies
>And trying to walk out of the store with all the ponies scrambling to get out and anon trying to look nonchalant
>Security wants to know if he paid for all those ponies
Nothing. Just air. Comes from the m.u.g.e.n. fighting engine.
dinky a shit
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>suicide help hotline
What are her qualifications?
Does she have any references?
dick-sucking isn't cute
How many "48 hours remains" threads are we going to see?
So, do they give you tips on how to kill yourself?
Don't listen to this guy.

Anon just go ahead and answer suicide.
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What I liked about Spike that episode:

The beginning, when he gets free time and realizes he doesn't know what he wants to do.

The following sequence was just a typical slapstick comedy of errors deal that seems fine for the show.

When he's telling Twilight that he has to go to fulfill his code with Applejack. That whole "telling really important things to a loved one while you can tell they're super distracted"? I dunno, maybe some people didn't like it because of Spike worrying about being abandoned in the Dark Magic trap, but that scene rings really true to me; it was always the easiest way to get away with stuff while simultaneously hoping they'll snap out of whatever they're doing and tell you no or something.

Spike's hyper-competency with piling the rocks and counting the grass blades. I would have preferred if he'd been as good at the normal chores, too, but having him succeed in fool's errands is a fun character trait that I hope they do more with.

And when he was critically analyzing the fake timberwolf puppet, that was a nice tone for Spike.
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You a shit.
>How did you know?
You have a distinctive style. You can't hide from me.
i'm scared
I'm anticipating a whole bunch of MM "X days remaining" pictures Wednesday.