Trixie did nothing wrong.Old and wrong: >>14580574
fuck off asshole
Fluttershy for mayor
>personmovie OPkill yourself
nightmare moon did nothing wrong
>>14583402Is that Winnie the pooh?
>>14583403It's still show related bruv.
Did we just have a general without it getting marked?
Daily reminder popularfags ruined mlpg.
>>14583426I want to see Rarity take every inch of that beautiful stallion
>>14583408And then it turned out that the moon is actually a gigantic battleship!
>>14583436wouldn't be the first time
>>14583438No the influx from EqG/Ponychan into the shitblender that /mlp/ is did
>>14583436You can't delete your posts anymore after too much time has passed so Isaac switched to marking one at the end and then directly the next one.
>>14583429Gloomy EG when
OK.So I worked on my art today.What do I get?
>>14583443The Death Egg?
>>14583408the only thing NMM did wrong was being too pretty
unleash the pony WITHIN!
>>14583461but then the beacon is always pointing at the old thread
>>14583438The mplg was always ruined
>>14583456You do know MLPG was really shitty when we were on /co/, right?Not a lot has changed since the move...
>>14583429Why is it slowed a bit? To avoid an automated b&hammer?
>episode day>1 minute cool downs on the post timerThis is going to be weird
>>14583473No, the cathedral equestria.
>>14583470I'm hard. I like it. It looks a lot more interesting than a lot of the other stuff you've been drawing lately. Please draw more trap colts.
>>14583408She really didn't.
>you will never stick your nose between her toes;-;
>>14583486it speeds up during the whole time
>>14583475The truth.
>>14583470I have never wanted to newspaper a pony in the face so hardit's cute though
>>14583484No, it really wasn't that bad, I mean it was a bit weird there at the end but I still remember going to /co/ seeing the "YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BOARD NOW"
>>14583500But anon,I haven't been drawing lately?Thanks though
>pony just found porn of her on your computer
>>14583522No it was pretty shitty. We still argued a lot. We still had a lot of fetish discussion. We still had a lot of pointless drama surrounding drawfags and writefags. Almost nothing has changed.
>>14583541all of them found it? There's a crowd there?
Lines. Now with assorted knick-knackery. I hope Anon likes it, because I kinda don't want to work on it anymore tonight. on Imgur because 4chan keeps telling me there's an embedded file in it.
>>14583547Yeah but the mods of /co/ did manage to keep the fetish shit down to some degree, not to mention we had some cool /co/ people
>>14583470I really dig those colors. Also those lines on his legs.
>tfw no more fun, superior slice of life episodes>tfw 26 straight adventure and/or teaching-Twilight-to-be-a-princess episodes
>>14583541I honestly don't know what Luna's reaction would be.
Remember when Trixie was a brony pony
>>14583541Maybe we could make some ourselves...
>>14583557no, only your favorite
>>14583566That's probably it. We need more cool people.
>>14583582she still is.
>>14583562That's pretty damn good, way better than the original!
>>14583582Yeah.And funny how most of the Trixie talk after MD turned into the same things that we mostly made fun off before MD aired.
>>14583562I want to rub her coat dry
>>14583596I'll go put my aviators on
>>14583589B-but I don't have a favouriteExcept maybe celestia.
>>14583591>S4 this pic will become cannon
>>14583569>slice of life>superior>>>/a/>>>/90's cartoons/
>>14583562That's pretty cute.Could use a monogram on the towel if you wanted to get fancy.And why no goops for stuff?
>>14583613I think moving into /mlp/ could be correlated with the increase in liking Trixie too
>>14583566>>14583596I miss when people asked what the show was, we convinced them to watch it, and they ended up enjoying MLP and sticking around. That, and random visitors from /co/ who sometimes posted.All we can get these days is the same crowd of helpless /mlp/eople and reformed /b/tards like AppleDan
>>14583619and now the comics become more canon than the show.
>>14583621FIM can't do adventure for shit.
>>14583621Think of your twenty favorite horse episodes.None of them are adventure episodes.
>>14583629It's a fandom problem. Time to change!... Okay, one last season and then I'll change.
>>14583569>he wants more Owl's Well bullshitfuck you go die
>>14583640Who is Rainbow Dash?
>>14583610Thank you!>>14583626isaac plsA lady keeps her goops in private.
>>14583626/vp/ took all the goops
pony wants to go to the dimmerdale dimmerdome
>>14583640who is luna
>>14583640Who is pony?
>>14583627I don't think so. Trixie discussion during S2's hiatus wasn't as big as it was during this hiatus. At least, as much as I remember.
>>14583640who is your favorite pony
>>14583638>>14583637You know that for it not to be slice of life, they don't have to go adventuring, right?Slice of life is about mundane, reality-based stories. Pretty much every episode of FiM is something spectacular, not slice of life.
>>14583619Oh my, I am okay with this.
>>14583638Dragonshy, Return of Harmony, Over a Barrel, The Last Roundup, Magic Duel and Stare Master didn't have any adventure?
>>14583648Correct for 1200$
>>14583658>finally got my own goodraaw yiss
>>14583658>/vp/ hates poniesright
So what do you think causes celestia to become ded
>implying adventure and SoL are mutually exclusive
ponesI got ponesin different area codes (codes)
>>14583699a hallucination
>>14583689That's almost enough to buy a good pony plushie!
>>14583671Can slice of life be a spectacular event in a mundane, realist setting?Is Nichijou slice-of-life?
>>14583699She realizes how huge of a mistake it was to make twilight into a princess
>>14583655The people deserve to know, goat.The goops cannot remain hidden forever.
>>14583562Celestias horn is kinda misplaced. Apart from that it looks great!
>>14583698They do. That pic was done by LK.
>>14583704Gold Star post right here
>"it's just like any other I've done! You'll be fine spike, it's just an exam!">"o-okay, if you say so..."
>>14583640Who is: DJ Pon-3, Octavia, Trixie, Luna, Celestia, Fluer, Cheerilee, Derpy, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Big Mac, Mayor Mare, Gilda, Spike, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Starswirl the Bearded, Future Twilight, Nightmare Moon, Little Pip, Batman, Patrick Bateman, Jason Bateman and Woolie.
>>14583738they wouldn't even know it was pony unless somebody recognized the stand anyway
>>14583738oh.Makes sense.
>>14583699She really needed a bellyrub, and nobody was there for her.>>14583726they're right off-camera>>14583736thank you!
>>14583742Don't stick your fingers in thereDon't stick your fingers in dragon cloaca
>>14583640All of them
>>14583726>Ram it!
>>14583695It's a great poke. It can take special attacks like a champ and becomes almost invincible with an assault vest.Just keep it away from physical owies.
>>14583695Did you fuck it?
>>14583747You forgot Rarity you sack of shit.
>>14583752>not going to vobob to have your anus fingered
>>14583733>>14583745>>14583763it's an epic new meme that is being done in every thread in the board
>>14583713Fuck off with your forced meme.>>14583733>>14583745>>14583763Forced meme from /g/ and possibly originated in /o/.
>>14583760woah now what
I want to belly rub a pone
>you will never help pony flatten and clear a nearby area so they can build their base
>>145837838/10 would punch his abs in a friendly manner.
>>14583783moot you fucking nigger
>>14583742>>14583760He's a licensed vobob. He needs to make sure Spike isn't developing greed lumps.
>>14583778>>14583775Adding red arrows along hair? That's gotta be one of the weirdest memes I've ever seen.
>>14583793>you will never help pony breach and clear a room
Why is she so perfect?
>>14583793Future sight of the Princess Cadence MegaBucket!?You used me....FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT
>>14583810there's worse. remember apples bear?
>>14583651>>14583769Rarity is the least popular among bronies because they have bad taste. Like you two.
>>14583810it came from /g/; it has something to do with airflow
>>14583829No no, it's Rarity fans that have bad taste.
>>14583813>you will never provide cover and distraction as they do a torch run to light up the area
>>14583828How does the bear know what apples are? At least it's a legitimate question. This stuff doesn't even make sense.
>>14583810No just adding red lines arrows along random lines.>>14583837I think you mean /o/.
willest ther be stream tonite?
>>14583821Because she has fists and knows how to use them. Also chest floofies. I would like Gilda to punch me in the face and then smother me in her chest floofies.
>>14583841>you will never mark the target with a flare so the pegasus strike team can drop the thunder
>>14583829I think Rarity and AJ who are the least popular mane 6 characters.
I just cuddled a filly without consent
>>14583845>how to squash pone teatsthat would be even worse if it was a stallion tap for tonight:Secret of My ExcessHearth's Warming EveFamily Appreciation DayBaby CakesThe Last Round-Up
>>14583813>tfw you will never operate operationally with ponies
>>14583863you are under arrest
>>14583869What does "operate" mean?
>>14583865I'd join but I'm downloading video games.
Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy the Princess is beb, and your position atop the throne is now secure?
>>14583870I don't think they would appreciate getting their junk squashed anon. Well most of them I mean. You never know what weird stuff individual pones may be into
>>14583840Whatever you say, brony
>>14583883It's when the Devil manifests himself in the good of man.And the man becomes him.
>> said beb.
>>14583899R-Rara sama.....
Cutest cuddliest horseI love her
>>14583898Is it just me or does Sweetie in this pic look like that kid from South Park that had Down's Syndrome?
>>14583896>not wanting your junk gently massaged
>>14583912I want to tickle her
>>14583915Sweetie always looks like she has down syndrome
>>14583912>>14583922She's a faggot.
>>14583916>Not wanting your junk smothered in sweaty paws
>>14583912She's not my waifu, but I'd treat her like a princess if given the opportunity.
>>14583916>you will never snuggle with a stallion and casually massage his sheath and balls
>>14583945Good. I'd rather do that to a colt.
>>14583896FlyingSaucer, this will happen to your favorite pony unless you type this "I really want to be the slutty mare"
>>14583945>you will never idly finger a winking mare
>>14583936Same. She's such a pretty pony and deserves all the love she can get.
>>14583967Fuck off retard
>>14583974Are you angry, cat owner?
>>14583958>choosing rumble
>>14583972>sticking your hands inside a winking mare is socially accepted>you will never ask your mare friend if you can keep your hands inside her mare vagina during the winter because you forgot your gloves
>>14583979>>14583958I guess as long as they have nice heavy nuts and a thick, girthy sheath
>people out there still make demotivationals
>>14583978Not angry.Well, angry in the way that you're angry at a child for being stupid. It's not anger, just a feeling of "really?".
>>14583967Why would you post that image anonWe are here for cute ponies not that
>>14583917R-Rara s-s-sama...
>>14583978That shits just sick you faggot.Take your edgy dickloving ass back to >>>/b/
>>14583986>pony's balls are huge>but lighter than air
>>14583967Holy shit fuck off.
>>14583986>>14584020>mashing your face into them and inhaling
>>14584005>dickloving assunf
>wanting big balls on your colts>Not wanting an adorable little cutie colt with a small dick and balls Get taste please
>>14584020Wait, can pony make them heavy so I can feel their weight and fullness?
All pony wants is a warm clean place to sleep, electricity, a refrigerator, stove and possibly internet
>>14584048>living the dream
What if Celestia's futa mare balls resting on your face casually
>>14583469Would she be sunset satan sized?
>>14584044yeah, you should get some.
>>14584048Pony and I can split the cost. He's okay with that, yeah?
>>14584035>spending a lazy afternoon slurping and nuzzling their fat testes
>>14584048Is pony 420 friendly?
>>14584047it's not like he has any control over themhe has to wear a weighted athletic supporter otherwise he's all off balance
>>14584048What do ponies need internet for if they don't have a computeror does the fridge download food
>>14584048All I want is a nice studio apartment with a cot to sleep in, a fridge, a desk, and a computer with internet.Preferably in a nice cold mountainous area so I can always leave the windows open.
>>14584060you just wake up to something draped across your face, your mouth was open and everything
>>14584070Pony thinks you're dank as hell
>>14584060Best way to wake up
>>14584087>you didn't even know she was in town
>>14584075Pony scrapped enough cash for a cheap Thinkpad on Craigslist.
>>14584075>the fridge download foodWith 3D printing, that's gonna come sooner or later in everyone's house.
>>14584005>Dead cat>Something that can be seen all the time>THAT'S JUST SICKHow does it feel to live in a royal clandestine temple of faggotry?
>>14584091Then pony may not like the apartment.
>>14584071>pony wears a bra for their ballsu-unf
>>14584110no anon, she would not have a giant demon futa marecock
>>14584107Please, leave your insulting people that don't like looking at dead cats on /b/.And also go back there.
>The mall closes early on Sundaysee you guys later
let's suppose I started dating a girl that has been somking weed for years since she was 14.How would it be like?
>>14584115it's a topic that's come up before, but I'm pretty sure one one's ever drawn it
>>14584122>implying I want thatAll I want is a big girl.
>>14584107ya you should go
>>14584137She's probably switched to harder stuff. She may even think she's a pony.
I want /b/ to leave. ;_;
>>14584137nigga i don't know, go date her and tell us.Just kidding, but i don't know seriously
>>14584137She might have worse lungs if she doesn't do cardio regularly.Other than that she'd pretty much be normal.
>>14584136it's monday, you doofus
>>14584137Why should that even matter?
>>14584106probably won't taste that great for a good while tho
>>14584147I want Fluttershy to leave
Pony wants to wear the saddle
Is it time for best pony?
>>14583640LyraBonbonOctaviaVinylle dr who referenceDerpyLunathere you go
>>14584157well she usually smells like someone....well she smells of cigarettes. almost constantly.
>>14584162Pony has to wrassle me for it
>>14584143I saw a fic like that a while back, but it was incomplete at the time and now I can't remember what it was called
>>14584177So.... Cigarettes are a deal breaker but weed isn't?Are you retarded?
>>14584171>sweetie belleunf
>>14584174yes it is
>>14584174Sure, here you go!
>>14584172For the love of god do it.Please.And make a good EG Marker too
>>14584194>>14584197>>14584196You should start posting fluttershy then
>>14584192Cigarettes do have a way of lingering longer than weed.Also side-effects that doesn't happen with weed, like bad temperament and bad skin.
>[shitposting intensifies]suprise suprise we literally less than a week away from season 04 now and what do you niggas do
>>14584171Kevin weirds me out a lot. Like, I've talked with him on a few occasions and I think he's a pretty neat guy.But whenever I see his art I just think "goddamnit Kevin" to myself.
>>14584172Can you do a human Marker and Gloomy as cheerleaders pic? I liked MSOB's pic, and I want to see you do one too.
These guys are hard to draw.
>PS updating his porn tumblrwhat does it mean?
>>14584158>potato starch>oil>salt>glutamateYou can bet it's gonna be the first ingredients, and it's not so bad. I'm more worried about the texture.
>>14584172DO IT
Yadda yadda yadda Pone Marethon starts at 7pm EST.Here are the episodes:>36 Secret of My Excess M. A. Larson 2011-12-10>37 Hearth's Warming Eve Merriwether Williams 2011-12-17>38 Family Appreciation Day Cindy Morrow 2012-01-07>39 Baby Cakes Charlotte Fullerton 2012-01-14>40 The Last Roundup Amy Keating Rogers 2012-01-21
>I'm not a pedophile I'm a lolicon- Kevinsano
>>14584044How big, though? I hope he isn't too small...
>>14584203But you asked for best ponyNot #3 pony
>>14584224>palete dogcute.
>>14584192No, it's the fact that she smells in general. Of weed or cigarettes.
>>14584201I'll do it for you, Mr. Banderas.>>14584221I'm on it! I need the human practice, anyways.Post his pic for reference? I remember liking his cheerleader outfit.
>>14584225Oh yeah, that pipsqueak was him, right? That makes another one who comes back for S4!
>>14584224I don't know how Klondork does it.
>>14584224>dog noise
>>14584126>Not being a squeamish faggot means that I love looking at dead cats
>>14584224Nice to see some proper diamond dogs, and not just ones used as a means to pedal fetishes
>>14584224Jazz hands!
>>14584171If only they were of age
>>14584224You need to make a full picture out of that backing off diamond dog and dog pone
>>14584238No, I asked for Fluttershy, who was voted as the best pony. Was your favorite pony voted best pony? I'll answer that for you: No.
>>14584255klondike is over dogs, now he wants to be penetrated by dragons
>>14584258Hey just because [lemon] likes to pretend to be a diamond dog guard and fuck all the ponies doesn't mean you have to shame.
>>14584281Oh shit you're right. I though that might have been rose.
>>14584291The way that guy draws the legs just looks weird to me
>>14584280yeah, it's probably better.
>>14584231DERPO YAYA
>>14584281>PipsqueakDisregard that, I suck cocks. I mixed their names: it was>>14583470
>>14584305meant for>>14584254
>>14584257No, but insulting people that don't want to look at them means you're an edgy faggot that should be on /b/.
>>14583470Oh neat, I missed this picture. It's cute, I like the tail wrap.
Do pegasi mate like the eagles in a death dive?
Wait PS is back?
>>14584231In before you stream the modified Last Roundup
>>14584324Also the "lel lol", but you should probably stop responding to him now. Don't get sucked into this.
>>14584261That looks like it would be terrifying for the mudhorse
>>14584337You're right, I'm sorry.I won't reply anymore.
>>14584334>youYou mean me...Nope, it's the original.
>>14584353It's alright, it happens to everyone
>>14584365Look at the nuts on this guy. I bet he cleans off plushes with a garden hose
>>14584365>>14584391the original doesn't have a 1080, does it?
>>14584235Average size for a kid.
>>14584399>wanting the butchered versionFUCK YOU
>>14584401yayponies fixed it.
>>14584370Never be creative!
Did you get a PS4?do you plan to get one/want one?
>>14584402Oh.I kind of expected about my size, give or take a few mm
>>14584431No.I guess I'll get one to play Guilty Gear, but I'm not really that interested in new consoles.
>Jay copycat
>>14584391Hey, I AM the one that's been staying home at night to stream this stuff for you all.>>14584401It does, the problem is I actually had to downscale my 1080p version down to 720 because the rest of the episodes in tonight's stream ARE only in 720p, and VLC doesn't know how to keep it's window from resizing if a 1080p video is played after a 720p video.
>>14584414>wanting the brony pandering offensive to the mentally challenged versionNO FUCK YOU
>>14584418>>14584448Oh, I didn't know they worked on a fix. I thought they only had a 720p of the original.
>>14584445I'm probably going to fap to this stuff later.
>>14584445oh dear.And there's no dicks,either.
>>14584449>implying it's even offensive in the first placeFORNICATE THOUUBLARGEWREW[wubbeth intensifies]
Someone stram 28 Days LaterI'm in the mood for zombies
>>14584462hey, VLC was the shit when I downloadd it.several years ago.
>>14584482but there's gonna be pon strram in 8 mins
>>14584449>wanting the LGBTRQRZDG butchered versionyou should kill yourself
>>14584482I love 28 days later.
>>14584459They didn't even upscaleThey fucking reedited each frame with pixel point precision and used the audio from the 720 version
>>14584492>Watching a show for little girlshwhat
>pony stream>by HotGlueAnonWelp now's as good a time as any to sleep.
>>14584448Woah there, sassy pants. I know what's goes on there.You put it on loop and then bugger off on your toy dates.
>>14584511>caringAre we seriously going to be doing thi every time?
>tfw have to miss tuesday's stram due to class
>>14584519Not even onceALSOSOON
>>14584535I live a very sad and lonely life. This is the only fun I get to have.
>>14584431PS4 HAS NO GAMES
>>14584535Some people are still a little butthurt from the months and months of Hotglue shitposts.Those hateanons.
>>14584566It's not that hard to ignore that.And even then, they could've just filtered the name or something.
>>14584431NoPc master race
>stream has been terribly laggy and unwatchable last few times for me>MLPG about to emptyI guess I will just hold the fort until everyone gets back
>>14584541>tfw I have to miss all the weekday streams because of work.But then I realize I make enough money to fully support myself in a decent house and I feel better.
>>14584219Kev's a cool dude and it's really easy to separate him from his work. I don't even really mind his tastes in that regard, I just never ask for it.
>>14584589Even as Anon? Even when he changed some letters in his name to bypass filtering? Although those may have been impersonators.
sweaty butts
motherle$$.com/3525F9F>you will never do that to pone
>>14584601Why not watch something else?>>14584616Then jut hide his post. Hiding really in't that hard.
>>14584611>hotglueanonJ-just watch it without me.
>>14584542Toy date soon?
Pony wants to apply for a credit card but needs you to cosign itwhat do
>Futa artists that don't draw balls
Pony says you'll find that the less bread a man eats, the healthier he is
>>14584627>no bloodboring.
Pony invested your lifetime funds in bitcoins.
>>14584627I want pony to do that to me
>>14584714Chastise pony for not investing in the gold standard.
Pony wonders if you're getting enough macronutrients and essential amino acids.
>>14584700A penis without balls is just unarousing
itt:one anon talks to himself while everyone else is having fun elsewhere
>>14584772>having fun>with worse horse episode
>>14584772>having fun in the hotglueanon streamNo thanks.
>>14584786>SOME>even remotely bad
>>14584714>investing in highly volatile securitiesAsk pony why pony is gambling my life savings away
>>14584767you said that, brother.
>>14584761Of course. I keep a loose watch on my macronutrient ratios, a close watch on my calorie intake, and take a daily fish oil pill and multivitamin.Pony would be proud of my health.
>>14584627i want to tie sweetie and applebloom to the same wand
>>14584809Pony recommends grapeseed oil
>>14584809but anonpony doesn't give a fuck.
>>14584871but anonpony wondered if I diddon't get your jelly all over me, I just cleaned.>>14584866I'll consider it.
>>14584800Pony liked the shinny gold icon of the coins. It reminded pony of home.
>>14584905>panties stuffed in mouthyes>little girl pantiesno, i don't want that.
>>14584886But now we could have NO home if bitcoins drop in value. What was pony thinking!How did she even operate my computer
>>14584905Even by 4chan standards, I'd say you need help.
>>14584946>>14584948>>14584953Wow, prudes.
>>14584905what the heck anonbad anon
>>14584905>pedo blog status: updated
>>14584953Remember when Jappleack was just silly and cute one-shots?
someone shoe me a good fanfic, please
>>145850611. You're late2. That's not best pony
>>14585077ElaborateWhat do you want specifically.
>You'll never get a blowjob from the sparkle kids
>>14585077>good>fanficAn oxymoron.
>>14585077What are you into?
>>14585077I'll probably get flak because of >opinions, but pic-related is among my favorites.
>>14585010i liked it better when they were drowning rather than being ultra retarded fan favorite
>>14584905>little girl sucks me offThat'd just be shit thoughHer tiny little mouth would never fit my dickDunno about yours
>>14585083>>14585103i like ones that are kind of dark, with adult themes. Action/Adventure. Also, Mane 6 is preferred
>>14584602You can have your own marathon if you download them!>>14585081I just came back from real life.Also she is best pony in my heart
>>14585116Fuck. Mid-sentence greentext ruined by a comma.
>>14585099I like CS's precision when it comes to linework.
>>14585077Just watch Rainbow Dash Presents.
>>14585135Ohthen fuck off t /mlp/
>>14585131i swear you mlpg niggas are ridiculousNo offense
>>14585102There really are some nice ones buried under all the spaghetti and babby's first fics and shallow clop.
>>14585159ridiculous is a good thingespecially when it comes to fetishes
>>14585135>dark>adult themesGet out Renne Quest might fit the bill if that counts as a fanfic. No mane 6 though
>>14585155not EDGY, kind of dark. It doesn't have to be, though, Action adventure is just fine. As long as it's good
>>14585102Keep living in your little ignorant world anon.
>>14585173>I don't think you ever had your dick sucked by a childYou'd be quite right about that
>>14585178again, fuck offfanfiction is shit outside faps
>>14585171Is it time already?
>>14585135Not sure about adult, but you might like Immortal Game and It's Dangerous Business if you want action/adventure.
>>14585083>The Show that Never LiesIt was a hot sunny morning when Applejack and Rarity were preparing to meet at a cafe"Howdy Rarity!" says Applejack, as she reaches to hug her."Hello AJ, it's nice to-" Rarity started, but she noticed AJ's new footwear."What's that?" Rarity questioned."O-oh, these old things? Why they're my great grandpappy's old boots!" answered AJ.Rarity stared at the boots for a second, "He sure did have big feet.""What!? No he didn't!" AJ argued."Oh please AJ, the shoe never lies."Endi tried
>>14585099This would be really hot if it implied it was their dad's dick they're playing with
>>14585099>Twilight will never blow you as Shining fucks you>You'll never form a train with you in the middle
>>14585199It's always time.I want to curl that pool noodle around my arm like a snake.
>>14585135I liked Upheaval. This Platinum Crown is also nice, but it has more political adventure than action.
>tfw being a male in equestria
>>14585197you mean smut? Oh i see what you mean then. I was hoping someone could convince me otherwise
>>14585248>Implying they're into incestIt's not incest if they're just sharing someone
>>14585275nofuck off
Oh lookie, the new adbanner.
>>14585288oh, and>mother/daughterkinda unf
>>14585258Well you have to be careful with it.If you play too much it gets hard to bend
>>14585274yeah having all the mares lust after my cock would be pretty bad.especially when sweetie belles friends get older and they start hitting on him and want him to check out a closet space with them so they can feel how large his shaft is
>>14585288>>father/daughter>disgustingPleb alert.
>>14585309Have you seen how the first dude grew up?
>>14585274The fanfic that is based on is fluffy as helland adorable
>>14585309>dashfags in charge of not being patheticlol
>>14585321>he thinks non stop sex wouldn't be a curse after a while>he thinks too much of a thing is always good
>>14585238>showshoealso meant to quote >>14585077
>>14585274It wouldn't be that bad anon, and has its benefitsThere are plenty of gals to choose from, all of whom are naked. They are also completely insane but but is not too much of a departure from how things are here so its all good
Pony wants to know why you didn't switch your AP runes for your AD runes
>>14585361>implying i was sarcastic
>>14585379If I ever went to equestria the first week would be awkward as hell since i probably couldn't stop myself from staring at all the juicy mare cunts.
>>14585392go tell pony to play crawl somewhere else.
>>14585274Why is Dash kissing Rarity's girlfriend?
>>14585417What if a unicorn noticed you staring?What if they slowly made their marecunt juicier and fatter with each passing day, just for you?
Pony wants to know which katar is best for Sonic Blowing Demi-Humans
>>14585455 PON
>>14585475Then you probably would like it if she got together with some of her friends, slowly plumping up the marecunts of the town until every mare was sporting a fat juicy marepussy
Pony just jingled most, if not all, of the way
>>14585455What if she used her magic to give you a handjob?Keep in mind your in the middle of town and everyone will stare at you.
Pony has trouble saying thank you
>>14585533Tell pony to save her jingles for when they are appropriate
Tell pony I don't care for sex.
>>14585560Stroking your cock as you groan and stare at all the thick marelips on display?
>>14585516but pony doesn't want to share with other ponies
pones getting poned hardand by poned I mean getting fucked
>>14585588She doesn't have to worry about that.She makes sure she's always got the fattest pair of labia in town
Pony asked how come the Japanese human women act so weird during sex
You sunk pone's battleship
>>14585614Japanese porn is the only 3D porn I can fap to now.
>>14585339Who's that?
Pony asked you what it was
>>14585632I wouldn't feel comftorable having sex NMM, I'm not doing anything
Pony says that you swore your allegiance to the Republic! To democracy!!
>>14585610what if pony smears her juices on all your stuff at your house because she is marking her territory and claiming you.all the other ponies get nervous when they are around you because you smell like her
>>14585680>implying you get a say in the manner,
>>14585417Well you would also have to deal with all that stallion junk hanging around in plain sight so it sorta evens out.Unless you are interested in that as well in which case yeah you are doomed
>>14585680You're not supposed to feel comfortable, in fact I would get bored if you did.
Pony criticized you for joining the Sith, instead of destroying them
>>14585715Very nice.
>>14585697If pony thinks that I'm going to let commoners decide who runs the country then pony is sadly mistaken
>>14585715Oh gosh~
>>14585747It all comes down to the glasses.
>>14585747Truely, he is a god among mortals
>>14585720pony doesn't have faith in the sith orderthey aren't worthy to pony with.jedi can't love the sith can do whatever they feel like doing, because their feelings are what give them their power
>>14585735>>14585768Thank you!I kinda want to clean it up later.
>>14585632NMM is really hot while Luna is really cute.It's weird
>>14585759>RDJ will never be your commander>He will never lead you into dangerous, risky situations>You will never be in the military of a country worth fighting forI'm joking, of course. U.S.A. is great country
>>14585714Even if you're not interested in stallions it would be really hard to not stare at their dicks
>>14585806USA is only a great country when you compare it to sweden or other mud holes
>>14585806>RDJrainbow dash jr?
>>14585798Please do.
>>14585819Well they would be put away most of the time anon like most other quadrupeds Unless you stare at animals junk all the time as well then you may be in for some trouble
>>14585819An erect penis always looks as if it is in anticipation. I get the same feeling of anticipation when looking at them, sometimes
>>14585822But Sweden makes every country look bad.
>Christmas music>Thanksgiving hasn't even passedWhy is Florida so weird?
I want to cuddle the evil out of Diamond Tiara
>>14585920because we just are
pls ass creed.pls be done're like that really annoying friend of a friend that gets invited over to the house. no one wants you here.
>>14585913I'm 89% sure you're confusing Sweden with a different country.
>>14585908you don't love your works enough.
would you?
>>14585904>hyper feminism ruining the country from the insideyeah, i doubt that
Why is Baby Cakes not liked?
>>14585979Would you rather have hyper feminism or rampant crime and low quality of life?
>>14585956I'm actually pretty happy with this picture. It's not done at all, but I like it so far.
>>14585984he's a good artist.No idea.
>>14585971Clean the silly string off them?Of course
>>14585984Because he beat everyone at DnD
>>14585984Personally, because I can't stand Pinkie when she is doing anything besides standing still.
>>14585989You're heading towards rampant crime and low quality of life with all that immigration.
>>14586051Swedish gun laws prevents rampant crime.As in a military rifle in every household.
>>14586037Lolicon is a respected and long-standing tradition of 4chan!
>>14586023I don't mean to come off as depressive or whatever. I'm usually pretty happy about stuff.
>>14586070Read "the trigger", by Clarke.
>>14586070wow wow wow
Twilight forkbombing Canterlot’s servers while hotboxing lab created chemical laced THC she has covered her horn with in a sticky layer heat vaporizing it with her magic as she rubs herself in between her legs with a giddy and orgasmic expression
>>14585971Now it's perfect
>>14583967Uh, that reminds me of the 80/90's/whenever the fuck it was version of The Blob, where it pull the guy head first down a sink drain.
>Honestly, if kicking our flanks holds priority over finding your best friend, then your friendship probably isn't as strong as you say it is.
>>14586116>The Trigger is a 1999 science fiction novel...No, I think I'll stick to statistics.
>>14586097Happy to know I was mistaken!
>>14586133>balls are still tiny>still underageIt's getting better though
Pony just had a sensible chuckle
Pony thinks you're a total n00b
>>14586138>implying he didn't read statistics to make the novel
>>14585984I like Baby Cakes.
ignore the drugs
>>14586159>wanting big balls on your lolis/shotas>EverYou people are the fucking worst.
>>14586161I don't even play multiplayer games,pony.
>>14586178But I don't want them to be lolis either
>>14586161She won't be saying that after I kick her ass in all these fighting games
>>14586162I'll stick to statistics that aren't 14 years old.Did you know that our crime rates have been declining since the 90's, and gun ownership is on the rise?
>>14586159>ballsthere are no balls, they're vaginas.Check.
>Sitting in the same public place so long you hear the same song on the sountrack twice
>>14586201If that's the case then AB is pretty puffy
>>14586174I'm only in it for the paws anyway.the drugs were just a bonus.
How would Rarity remove a pint of sticky stallion cum from her hair when he half-accidentally releases all over her, and she needs to be at the model runway showing off her latest design in 20 minutes?
>>14586218indeed she is. Unf.
>>14586223She replaces her weave
>>14586223>implying she'd remove it at all
>>14586201They're ballsYou can even see AB's poking out.
>>14586239Nigga you wrong for that
>>14586199Pony says that all you do is button mash until you winPony says playing games with hooves is a disadvantage in general
>>14586223You smell like peanut butter... again. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
>>14586223She'd make an outfit out of it.
>>14586253Is there a version where they're not coinpurses?
>>14586241>Watching Rarity walk down the runway oblivious/uncaring to the semen in her hairR-Rara sama...
>>14586223Add glitter.
>>14586258Stop making excuses for being a scrub, pony.
>>14586273>implying she's not being splattered with more and more of it with every step
>>14586292R-Rara sama!!
>>14586253>you'll never suck their tiny nuts
>>14586266>>14586223>SEX? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT IDEA? I just needed to bleach a bunch of things very quickly. And then scrub them with ajax.
Rarity just found the bedazzler you bought in a drunken haze off the as seen on tv channel a year ago.
>People passing by me complaining about the Christmas music in Novemberglad i'm not the only one.
>>14586223Rub it into her hair so that it disappears from sight.>Gain free shampoo>And a nice shine
>>14586309Did she bedazzle all of my stuff?
>>14586321Christmas music always puts me in the mood I was in back when I had friends to celebrate Christmas withit's the same reason I like the smell of sunscreen
>>14586321>Implying there are people who don't complain
>>14586346Simply divine!
>>14586346Everything, including you.
>>14586321You know how that works? One mall/radio/whatever plays it earlier than the others, and then it's the race. It's also why you see chocolates and littles santas as early as october.
>>14586131>Twilight covers her horn in the chemical>Goes straight to where armorbro livesTwilight dies
>>14586346She mocks your poor taste, and for buying an item for teenage mares. Then she takes it and covers literally everything in rhinestones.
>>14586349It's putting me off. I feel like it's December 14th>>14586350true. Complaining is a good excuse to talk about something without just stating the obvious
>>14586362I kind of like it. And I'm a little aroused.
>>14586362Dat chest fluff.
Filly Rarity bedazzling all of anon's clothes with the bedazzler anon got her for Christmas
>>14586349>That old couple who says merry CHRISTMAS to you, emphasizing the second word because they're think you're one of them young-ins supposedly ruining their pampered lives by saying happy holidays, when you haven't even opened your fucking mouth to them.
>nightmare moon's cockvore fetish
>>14586360Does this mean I'm finally beautiful?
>>14586416Even my friends in atheist families celebrated Christmas. Christmas tree and all. People are dumb.
>>14586408She opens the box with the bedazzer, shows no interest in it labels it as trashy and uses knock off gems. Anon blinks, everything is covered in gems.
>>14586416Could dash give a prostate massage with a wing?
>>14586441"Rarity I can't go to work with all my clothes covered in plastic jewels"
>>14586436>Sparkly blemishesNo
>>14586416I think you're just projecting
did you brush your teeth today mlpg
>>14586457Could she? Or would she? Only for wonderbolt.
>>14586461>luna waking up after transformation to wonder just what the hell nightmare moon did to her body
>>14586422>>14586374Someone pet this pony or get her some Xanax or somethingshes getting out of hand
>>14586490friends do.
>>14586482>Get some magical wings>Practice every hour of every day>Dash wants to know what the fuck you're doing>Stare at her for a few moments>Gonna get that massage
>>14586511Anon wouldn't know because he doesn't have friends.
>>14586508Luna/NMM Jekyll and Hyde episode when?
>>14586482She wouldn't be into it, but this is her only time to lose her virginity to her idols so she's willing to do so much weird shit for it.
>>14586546Don't be such a pessimist.
>>14586457feathers aren't that strong
>What do you mean you don't orgasm twice a day? You really want to get prostate cancer when you're an old fogey?
>Applejack doesn't know what to do anymore.
>>14586546You have pony aids, no one cares what you think
>tfw pony will never listen to Squarepusher with you
>>14585984>>14586165I like baby cakes<3
>>14586574Dash would like almost none of your music. That's why Rarity is the superior pony. She'd love all of my music.
>>14586568I want to pollinate the flower trio
>>14586524oh, don't be bad with anon. he's just a misbegotten, unsavory being.
>>14586374I hope Flim Flam continues to draw pone after he's done with RDP. His art is cute and silly.
>>14586586I wish there was more babycon
>>14586621don't you know?he's doing lets plays and talking about videogames now.
>>14586586>So what did you do today anon?>I drew pictures of baby ponies from a little girls cartoon show in compromising positions
>> very lewd
AJ had some really cute expressions in s01.
Every pony needs to spend 3 hours a day physically training, 3 hour playing, 3 hours lounging and eating, 3 hours doing whatever you want, 4 hours napping, and 8 hours sleeping....Work? That's what the weekends are for!
>>14586621Pretty sure that's petirep who does all the drawing.And he's an /mlp/ drawfag already
>>14586635>abandon creative endeavors>to make video game gameplay commentaryThat's pretty sad.
Do we have a S4 Bingo yet? I liked the S2 one, but I don't remember a S3 Bingo
>>14586660it's something he does on the side
>>14586660More like>Abandon fanart and fanfiction endeavors>To make video game commentaryI mean it sort of evens out.
>>14586656>aaa-shoo>aaa-shoothe cutest.
>>14586621Did you know he's also the same guy that draws some of the covers for Monstercat Music?Pic related.That nearly destroyed my mind when I discovered it.
>>14586672Should we make one?
>>14586674>it's something he does on the side>on the sideHave you seen the ratio of pony to videogames in the last 6 months?Hell, in the last year!
>>14586672Sorry, but all fan creativity was lost during the dark age of hiatus. We scour the world for scraps of what once was.
>>14586687Why did that cat steal ultron's helmet?
>>14586657Pony lives a very comfy and entertaining lifeDosho probably gets extra napping hours because of how quickly she does her work when she has to
>>14586700Sure.What could be on it?>more princesses>seaponies>tea party episode>Trixie comes back>Derpy>Rainbow Dad talks>comic canon is destroyed/supported???
>>14586621I liked the tracy thing that happened a little while back when people found out he browsed /mlp/
>>14586716Pony wouldn't charge.
STream is over time to shit up the thread.
Why is Applejack so dishonest?
>>14586716there actually are cuddle cafes in japan for really lonely people
>>14586707Yes I know, but he stil regularly enough makes new pony stuff
Thanks again for the stream, Nonymous. See you guys again tomorrow for more of the MLPG Pone Marethon.>RIP in peace, Derpy
All I want's a little love to take the pain away
>>14586739Comic stuff in the showWorld building/flashback stuffReturning one shotsPRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE being said
>>14586739If you had transformative powers would you be ponies clothes? You know, touching their skin for hours at a time.
>>14586747pissfag pls go
>>14586747>tracyTake that shit to /mlp/.
>>14586772derpy a shit
>tfw after the show dies and mlpg dies for real, no frens
>>14586739I want a tea party episode.
>>14586775>PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE being saidthat's fucking stupid.
>>14586739So the CMC were at the movies in Babs Seed... do you think they go to riff on bad movies?
>>14586716>$60 an hourFuckIt's cheaper than a date
>>14586770>regularly enoughI thought he had stopped. it's just that in the last month he's released several videos.
>>14586716>helping people>getting paidIt's not helping people if you are getting payment for it.
>>14586747OK that was pretty funny
>>14586707Do you know how long it takes to make a single RDP video? More pony stuff is being worked on, but the let's plays are just a side project he does while he and Petirep work on other shit.
>>14586790Better get crackin', anon!
>>14586778>>14586782>caring where it comes from
>>14586775But the last one is already confirmed.
>>14586739>world building>VA sneaks maymay in>Pinkie is annoying>more princesses>PANDA RING (free space)
>you will never snuggle a qt futapone
>>14586790I'll be your frens
>>14586798Cheaper than a date and she's at least guaranteed to cuddle, then leave without causing drama.
>>14586774Just a little lovin'Early in the mornin'
>>14586793You know people will bitch about it anyways so might as well put it in there.>>14586817In more episodes outside the opening episode.
>>14586810I'm not sure if it's possible, but I will probably be more unsavory by the time that happens, and I am already a fairly unsavory creature.
>>14586752Pony has charged me for cuddles ever since she moved in. She doesn't even let me talk or look at her when she does it.
>>14586811>shit tier art>epic /b/ shitgo away piss
>>14586818>Pinkie is beautifulfixed
I don't care for Derpy's original voice. I like her edited VA better.
>>14586844Your pony is defective anon, you should get a new one.
>>14586864Tabitha St. Germain did both Derpy voices.
>>14586790MLPG dying just means one less general tab to open and MLP dying just means one less show to watch>tfw being involved just enough to browse a general and watch every episode but not emotionally involved enough to care when both go away
>>14586864I respect your opinionI also respect that you gargle 1000 dicks at a time
>>14586867I remember seeing the trailer of that movie. It was creepy as fuck.
>>14586864>>14586878It would have been better if they only changed the voice but kept the scene exactly the same.
>>14586716>I liked the piss thing
>>14586883You seem to have forgotten one critical detail:>nofrens
>>14586895Clicking the [G] next to an image is quite helpful, anon.
>>14586854nice crotchtits.>>14586890what movie?
Pony got a new pet anon! Can he sleep in our bed tonight?
>>14586904Yeah I have no friends before watching MLP and browsing MLPG and I'll have no friends after it too.
>>14586790Speak for yourself, I have le funnay meme number of tumblr followers.
>>14586921I think I liked the cropped version
>>14586927I approve of this development
>>14586883These sort of things come and go. Just enjoy the hobby and the silly antics while they're around.Everything's going to be just fine.
>>14586883My biggest worry is not finding a new obsession to replace it. I don't really like any new shows or anime. Maybe I can finally start just going to the gym for hours everyday. I usually do an 45 minutes of jogging, but the weight room scares me. I'm afraid they'll laugh at me for being weak.
>>14586924but robots don't sleep.
>>14586924>T8Yeah this totally isn't going to end in atomic bombings across the earth
>>14586927>>14586957>sweetieloo>squigglekickeryou soiled it
>>14586963Noone gives a fuck how much you're lifting anon, everyone's too worried about their own routine.
>>14586954>pony as a hobbyUnless you are making content, art/fics/games/music, I'm not sure that is a healthy mentality to have.
>>14586921I kind of like it.
>>14586966>He sits there dancing at the end of your bed all night
>>14586938followers aren't friends
>>14586790>the show dies>people actually believe Hasbro will ever kill it's cash cowMan people are stupid, aren't they?
>>14587004you eat the cow some time
>>14587004Hasbro is stupid too though.
>>14587004Hasbro could either kill the show or milk it for all its worth (which is essentially the same as dying anyways)
I want to call my girlfriend but I don't have anything to talk about
>>14587004this incarnation of pony will be taken out to pasture one day anonlike every incarnation of transformers
>>14586979>>14587038>worst shipsSeriously?
>>14587004All it takes is one brony to go crazy with a gun and a note saying that he wanted to go to Equestria.
>>14587004The second toy sales go down enhough Hasbro will cancel, wait a few years, and do a new series of MLP. Chances are the new series will be terrible and more like gen 3.5.
>>14587048Ask her about her daysee how she is doing
It sure is pedo in here.
>>14587037I fucking hate you americans.
>>14587048talk about ponies
So since twilight is now an alicorn that means rarity is an exclusive unicorn!2 earth ponies2 flying ponies1 chimera and Rarity.
pony just wiggled at you
>>14587059They'll try to recapture the "original audience" by making it more childish, while trying and failing to maintain the charm that made this generation so popular.
pony just wonked at you
>>14587078Shut up, commie.
>>14587004There is no way Hasbro will ever have something as big as FiM so if they ever make a new generation the smartest thing for them to do will be to keep the same art style. It probably won't save the new generation, but at the very least it could keep a few suckers interested.
>>14587089wiggled what?
>>14587086And Trixie is still the Highest Level Unicorn.
>>14587086>implying Rarity isn't going to be an alicorn
pony isn't winkingshe's blinking
>>14587123It's two one eyed winks at the same time!
>>14587110But Rarity is a higher level unicorn than Trixie.
>>14587123>double genitalia
>>14586778>>14586782But we're on /mlp/ you pair of willies
What will happen if the mane six and the power of friendship fails to stop the Everfree forest from expanding?Then all of Equestria will become a vegetative state!
>>14587141>>14587110Comet Tail is the highest level unicorn in all the landIt just isn't acknowledged by anyoneI mean just look at his butt symbol. His rump radiates phenomenal cosmic power
>>14587158no, just vagina and anus
>>14587152>JFKNigga it's fucking LBJ
>>14587173in an itty bitty pony space
>>14587161don't be sillly.
>>14587048Tell her you were thinking of her and how pretty she is
>>14587173He's a cosmic hero, while twilight and her friends are down saving the town he's beating the abstract concept of death in space. Fucking cosmic stuff.
>>14587163Scrubbles I...
>>14587189Fffffuck.I suppose it made sense.uuuhBUT YEAH WORDS AND THINGS.
>>14587184I wish all the comic writers and artists did commentary like the guy who did the Pinkie micro. It was really interesting and insightful.
>>14587209He is the best redneck space hero
RARA is top pony.
>>14587247I guess you could say some people call himthe space cowboy!
>>14587048Just tell Fluttershy she has pretty eyes and leave me alone.
>>14586983How do you figure, stranger?
>>14587247so hes Guy Gardner?
>>14587277I should have seen that coming
>>14587269top whorse.
FUN FACT: A group of ponies is called a "string"'s true you know!
Would pirate pony drink barrels of rum?
>>14587310>comically big breasts
>>14587299thanks mountain dew
>>14587297chubby checker pls go
>>14587297AND SHOUT
>>14587299FUN FACT: A group a unicorns is called a blessing
Not sure what line of thought led me to believe this would be a good thing to draw but here's some stupid bullcrap i drew
>>14587306it's true yeah. Thank god Aj's giving her lessons in anatomy.
>>14587367MLPG, what is in grog?
>>14587390Watered down beer and rum
>>14587371>Home Movies not in God TierThat's my only issue
>>14587367AnonI had safely forgotten that song until you posted thatNow it is back to haunt mecurse you
>>14587004Reminder:Hasbro killed Optimus Prime off while Transformers was one of its biggest sellers.Then they attempted to kill Duke off in the G.I. Joe movie.
>>14587390kerosenepropylene glycolartificial sweetenerssulphuric acidrumacetonered dye no. 2scummaxle greasebattery acidpepperoni
>>14587403Fuck you>>14587418See this asshole gets it
>>14587390A sailor with a tight, ready anus. It's your turn next week.
>>14587351the bottom right is really cute
>>14587418ugh, I was gonna make that joke
>>14587427I don't get it.
>>14587448I love ahegao
>>14587390Everything is grog, AnonWelcome to Australia
>>14587448This is not what a pony's frog looks like, nor is this how they actIf anything it would be ticklish
>>14587418Yes, an excuse to post this!
>>14587476and then there's this fagot.
>>14587476I'd like to think a euphemism for pony masturbation is leapfrogging
>>14587473Even the Fosters?
I never know if I would rather draw or play video games so I end up sitting around for hours being indecisive.
>>14587418Battery acid is sulfuric acidAnd 'sulpheric' is the wrong spelling even if you're a britbong
I like Atryl's anthro stuff Does this make me a bad person
>>14587544Draw and StramSimple made the choice for you.