Old lazy horse >>14573378Topic: 6 Days till new episodes, how are you prepared for new horse?
>>14577304we've used this image for the genral so many times it's ridiculous.
>>14577310It's a very nice image.
>6 images earlyYou're the kind of person I hate , OP.
>>14577310Best pic of Celestia I have
>>14577315I know, but it wouldn't hurt to change a little.
>>14577315I wish Dooks drew more
>roogna will never a you
>>14577304>inb4 we're all not prepared for S4
>>14577322I wish I was good like dooks.
K, I'm making a new thread the minute we hit bump limit.
>>14577335See you in 6 hours
>>14577335>K, I'm making a new thread the minute we hit bump limit.I'm going to shoot you daed.
>>14577335try itsee what happens
>>14577324what's up with all this roognafaggotry lately?like what has he ever done except obsess about madmax in the early days?
>>14577341>People start moving to it.
>>14577335I will stab you right in the dick
>>14577351>>14577341>>14577340No but seriously if shit like this thread is acceptable I'm making one at =>240 images.
So let's see it's all but confirmed we >See the mane6 get thrown back in time to Discord's banishment and NMM's overthrow>Discord plays some sort of 'helpful role'>Cockodick confirmed>Song or two >tfw no celestia/luna deutWhatelse?
>>14577356Whoa buddy, take some xanax and calm your autism.
>>14577310>tfw you can't remember the last time one of your pics was used for the OP>or even reposted;_;
>>14577358It's most likely just Twilight, and it's most likely just a flashback, not her actually going back in time.
>>14577356>new thread made at 245 images>Muh early thread butthurtShut up this isn't /co/ where we actually had to hit image limit or get yelled at by mods
>>14577365I know this has been used as an OP at least once.
>>14577365>or even repostedPost them with your posts when they're relevant then.
>>14577356You knowYou could, likeMake one yourself at 245Hell, even 244 if you're feeling particularly saucy
>>14577356Why does it even mater who makes the thread as long as its not Mito?
>>14577362I think making a new thread at 240 images out of spite for people making new threads early isn't the way to make a point, however I do agree that making threads early is getting a bit ridiculous.
>>14577380Nah, 240 images, maybe even just bump limit. The image limit doesn't matter, clearly, just when people think "time for a new thread".
>>14577365I was thinking about using this
>>14577356>try to make thread right on time like a non-idiot>some tard makes one at 240 images>people start bitching at him>could have all been avoidedI hate you.png
>>14577382There are people in MLPG that are just as bad as Mito or even worse, it's just hard to tell who makes the new thread. I preferred when we only ever used name/tripfag threads. Always on time, always reliable.
>>14577386maybe they doin't know about the 251 rule.
>>14577394>some tard makes one at 240 imagesYou mean like this thread?
Are we seriously arguing over 10 images?
>>14577391>brutal interspecies gangrape
>>14577400No, the next thread will be at 240 images, it's no big deal, dude.
>>14577382Or Sent....
>>14577395>There are people in MLPG that are just as bad as Mito or even worseYeah, but as long as they don't delete the thread or have EQG as the OP why does it matter?
>>14577405No, the new thread is going to be one or two after the bump limit
>>14577410Why not one or two BEFORE bump limit?
>>14577398yeah, I even have all the shit filled out all I gotta do is fill in the captcha and LINK FAST.But then sanic makes the thread 10 early and i gotta scrap it
>>14577391>not giving that .gif goat-train related name
>>14577415So then make it 10 early?
>>14577415Oh wellat least you're getting better at drawing
>>14577415Just make a new thread at bump limit.
>>14577416>tfw tempted to search for the whole thingWhat have you guys done to me
>>14577408Because they're mentally unstable and are suspectible to deleting the thread.Even then, if we just had constant standards for new threads, we could avoid this discussion in its entirety, instead new thread standards and requirements change around, the more smooth recent threads have been, the more lax they get, in turn we do end up with this discussion at a certain point.
>>14577413because I don't know what the bump limit is, I'm just going to make one after the little number turns red unless some one else makes it first
>>14577417>>14577420That's terrible, ya'll terrible.
>>14577412I need to watch that again.
>>14577382>>14577395weren't hotglueanon, nonymous and mito the same person?
>>14577400Yep, now it's going to turn into bait too. I can't wait for all the shitposters to slowly whittle down the number an image at a time before it reaches a point the whole thread melts down into boiling rage. And there's nothing I can do to stop it.
>>14577428The first two yes, I don't think he's Mito though.
>>14577428Mito had problems writing, he might still be here, but he's probably not nonymous. Hotglueanon is nonymous though.
>>14577424Bump limit is 500, but keep in mind... this is a RACE! So post the thread before bump limit to beat everyone else.
>>14577335>>14577349>>14577370>>14577394>>14577400guysplzstop getting mad over poniescalm your titties
>>14577438Isn't bump limit 750 on /mlp/?
>>14577433>>14577434i remember that he linked his steam and the "previously played as" showed "mito"
>>14577427Indeed you do. It's very good even if you aren't hebrew or don't care the slightest.
>>14577437That was not a question for the source, Anon!
>>14577440Nope, only on /vg/.
>>14577441Not inconceivable, the retardation is fitting.
>>14577397The one that says that only the first 251 pokemons are canon?>nostalgiafags
>>14577438that's called "Jumping the gun" and it's cheatingare you a cheater, Rainbow Dash?
>>14577441WowThis is the only person that I've hated on three separate accounts that might end up being the same person
>>14577448Rainbow Dash cheats, it's canon.Maybe Dash made this thread.
>>14577441Haha, that's rich.It's cool that he's trying to be nice now, making a mareathon and all that.
>>14577439Twilight if you don't shut up I will put random books in the wrong order.
>>14577456>tfw have three different accountsman, i'm autistic as fuck
>>14577461Whether or not he's Mito, he's always been trying to be nice, it's just that the underlying horrible personality and inability to change made those efforts futile.
I don't know who mito is, passed him deleting threads.I WAS hotglueanon, I WAS NOT mito.
>>14577471or, maybe he's just nice
>>14577474Did you make this thread?
>>14577469>autismWhere do you think we are?
>>14577477No sir.I make threads with my name on...
>>14577480you should use your tripcode if you're going to be making threads
>>14577476Nonymous? By what measure? The only nice thing he does is putting on a name making him filterable, which is probably not even because he wants to be nice, and he definitely drops the name when he wants to shitpost harder than usual.He's spammed and shitposted and spammed some more, for some reason some people seem to have forgotten that.
Gas thread
>>14577476Not that Anon, but he's right - Nonymous does have an awful personality. I'm willing to give him a chance, but I don't really think he will actually change.
>>14577489>disembodied luna head
>>14577489One day I will learn why rimming is so damn hot
Welp can't delete the OP so we are stuck here until someone makes a new horse
>>14577469fuck off
>>14577513Let's make a new one at bump limit.
>>14577513it's not like this thread is marked or anything
>>14577442Oh, I know, it's always been one of my favorites since I was a kid.
>>14577514>tfw kraut is dead
>>14577516No shut up
>>14577508>>disembodiedIt's not disembodied, the rest of her is just covered by Celestia's tail.
>>14577519it's been one of my favorites since I heard the lovecraft parody
>>14577520>>tfw kraut is deadI know, right?
>>14577524How about at 240 images?
Gas thread, with image dump quick post a picture of favorite pone/art
>>14577514not him, but i think i passed his level some time ago
I know none of the people that hate me will listen, but I have been trying to change.
>>14577546So you have been so awful that you got the collective hatred of an entire community and deserved it?
>>14577469>>14577514that's funny that everyone gets so mad at Kraut for having two when LK has about 10
>>14577557>everyoneAt the absolute most 2 people
>>145775561. i don't think kraut deserves it2. i have been quite awful sometimes
>>14577557>everyoneDude no one gives a shit about your retarded krautism may may
>>14577552Sorry nonymous, the pepole need someone to hate and you're the new kraut.
>>14577552>trying to change>change your name to avoid filters>brag that you'll still annoy people as anon
>>14577570I think she's cute.
sum mlpg up in 1 picture
>>14577557>dragging other artists through the dirtWow. I thought you couldn't get any more autistic than that.>>14577559>>14577565>At the absolute most 2 peopleIf that's true then it's sad that nobody cares what happens in this thread anymore and that autistic shitposters are accepted here.>>14577575>i don't think kraut deserves itYour new is showing.
>>14577552You spent too much time shitting up threads, pretending that it is totally okay because others are off topic too and even taunting Anons who told you to stop it by taking your name off to avoid their filters.You can't act like the biggest shitposter and then expect everyone to immediately change their opinion about you just because you turn down the shitposting for two weeks and say that you changed. It will take a little bit longer than that and even then some of them probably won't forgive you since they don't really have a reason to do so.
>>14577572That's not little at all, Hasbro lied to me. I bet she isn't even mine either.
>>14577581WHO FUCKED IT UP
>>14577586You know, it would actually be better if that were true.
>>14577586>1I've got 20.
>>14577589>Your new is showing.I've contributed longer than kraut. Sure,he might have needed a slap on the wrist at times, but this perpetual hatred is not unwarranted
>>14577598>winter is coming>02/29
quit fucking dumping imageswhat are you doing
>>14577608>but this perpetual hatred is not unwarrantedWell at least we agree on one thing.
>>14577619Is it wrong I think this is cute as hell every time I see it?
>>14577575Hey Kraut
>>14577589>it's sad that nobody cares what happens in this thread anymore and that autistic shitposters are accepted here.What are we supposed to do? Respond to them every single time, giving them exactly what they want, despite Kraut not even visiting this thread anymore?
>>14577624Nah, it's probably because of the pony picture.
so tired, bed time
>>14577589>>dragging other artists through the dirt>implyingKraut did a good enough job of that by himselfjust pointing out that hating someone based on the amount names that they have is dumb
>>14577628You do realize that he's the kraut shitposter and you're replying to him, and his "autistic shitposter" refers to Kraut?
>>14577631>pony crying as she gives you a blowjobOh god ;_;
>>14577635No, I didn't realize that.Now I feel silly.
>>14577641That's okay, I almost did that mistake.
I'm breaking out of here.
>>14577628Go through the archive and see how often people responded to him blatantly shitposting. He got away with it way too long.
>>14577647>Celestia will never sing you a song
>>14577647You only have 6 days left, don't be a fool!
>>14577653We're given only what we need,Only the chance to pone on.And even then, it's a coin toss,A roll of the dice.There's gotta be something better,Something that don't feel shat on.So I'm breaking out of here tonight.I'm breaking out of here.
>>14577656>flip flopsevery time
why are they the worst?
The Protomen suck
What other artists draw gigapons?
>>14577659You've got to feel it pone,Feel the shit pick up.It feels like something's gonna change,but there's no use putting it in driveif all the writers are shit.There's somethin' wrong here,like this whole horse wants to scream,But no one makes a sound.
>>14577668Khorme is very fond of gigapon.
>>14577671But, you've got to feel it, pony.So I'm going to find out what it isand I'm going to tear it down.>Anon turned to a pony who'd been ignoring him all night, leaned in, and whispered in her butt.The engine's running, pony.We don't have time for goodbyes.I know you can't come with me.I see that look in your ass.
>>14577609I dawwwed. What about this one? Why hasn't this one ever showed up to the picnic?
>>14577667Never listened to them, but the idea of making a band around Megaman seems kinda dumb
>>14577682Nah that's macropon.
I love horses.
>tfw they'll never be a low poly pone game with awesome gameplay
>>14577676>there are starts, galaxies, other worlds in Luna's tail and mane>she runs across the sky to cover it in a curtain of stars>does fisticuffs with Celestia whenever she wants to raise the Moon>Equestria is egyptian
>>14577582>thumbnailOh man, I loved Bastion!>Expanded imageOh.
>someone literally trying to spam the image limit>with random non-discussion picturesbiggest autist.png
>>14577714makes sense, pony flash is probably bigger than human flash
>>14577721>caringI'm playing roguelikes. It's daytime anyway.
>Cadence has to deal with an infertility subplot, but that gets dismissed when Skyla crash lands in Equestria, piloting an Alicorn Star Vessel.>Skyla is Cadence and Shining Armor's biological daughter; she's a filly, because naturally born Alicorns live super long, and reach adulthood super fast.
>>14577730These suckFuck off
>>14577725Where do Blonde Rarishys come from, anyway?
>>14577744they're Princess Twilight Sparkle's flagbearers
>>14577755You could shank someone with those snouts.
which horsecock would u suk
>>14577752there needs to be a fic where they're some kind of virginal order and on night of twilight's coronation, those four guards get to bang them
>>14577766blue horsecock
>>14577765Yea its a bit a weird style but it kinda works for me.
>>14577766sb's 8 inches
>>14577777Saw what you want but the humor is good
>>14577772>needs>to be a fic>needsdo you even
>>14577785Wouldn't go as far as calling it good, but at least it's not bad.
>>14577794There's better ones that he's made.
Still Have Never Watched EqG And Have No Plans To Master Race
>>14577773Good choice.
>>14577801Capitalize Every Single Word Because I'm A Humongous Faggot Faggot Race
I'm curious.What was the Princess Summit thing thar Celestia invited Twilight to in EG?
>>14577810who caresit's not canon
>>14577809You're why MLPG sucks now, FYI.
>>14577819You're why MLPG sucks now, FYI.
>>14577819>>14577823You're why FYI sucks now, MLPG.
>>14577823You're MLPG FYI, now suck.
>>14577818EG is canon though. Shouldn't affect S4 in any meaningful way, but it still happened.
>>14577824>implying FYI was ever good
>>14577819>>14577823>>14577824>>14577828You're MLPG FYI sucks why, now.
Are we going to watch EG on New horse day?>MLPG will never do voice overs of all the lines in EG
>>14577800Pony brain damage from intense sports and getting black out drunk every night in high school.
>>14577830in that case futalestia is canon aswellwon't affect S4 in any meaningful way because she'd never show it, but she is packing that horsecock alright
>>14577836Nonymous will be streaming it either that day or the day before
>>14577766all of them
>>14577836>watching EQG>ever>for any reason>including but not limited to "the nuclear apocalypse happened and the only form of media to survive said apocalypse was this Blu-Ray copy of EQG"
>>14577722I very much doubt that. Judging by his size it should be the same or just a bit bigger.But in case with twily pony, her vag sure is tighter than human's. Again, because size.unf
>>14577850>>14577853I thought we were over this. It's honestly not that bad, it's basically 72 mintues of a Owl's end well or MMDW quality episode
>>14577813Sweetie Belle, no, you're not for sexual....okay maybe you are.
>>14577841You're sounding mad.EG is canon, it happened between S3 and S4. And really, outside the stupid Element thing from the end, there's no reason for EG to not b canon outside people not liking it.
>>14577859No, we were over this and everyone agreed it wasn't the worst thing in the universe, but it was pretty damn bad.
>>14577860Whether or not she is for sexual is dependent on whether you are for sexual or not.
>>14577850I don't know man.One one hand watching it it's torture and EQG itself is horrible with maybe 2 or 3 things at most being goodishOn the other hand it's a beautiful horrible thing. It makes you appreciate things that are not EQG more
>>14577857I AM OVERFLOW!!!
>>14577869>It makes you appreciate things that are not EQG moreWatch some other shitty kids show then, not the one that's actively butchering characters in one that you like.
>>14577836>>14577848I think it's going to be the night before, the last 5 episodes of S3 starting at 7:00, then EQG would be at 9ish
>>14577859The first time you watch it.
would you cum inside pone
>>14577889Which pone?
So since we only see Twilight with Luna coming NMM and we see other past events, do you think the mane6 get spread throughout 6 different points in equestrian history?Where do you hope the girls end up?
We're at 250, should I make a new thread?
http://imgur.com/gallery/dXzVHcVThere are going to be a lot of grown men upset at this
>>14577889Of course.
>>14577897>implying anyone in the main 6 other than PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE™ will have any meaningful screentime or dialogue during the premiere
>>14577898>63 images>250NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN
>>14577898we're not at bump limit250 usually refers to images
>>14577899>http://imgur.com/gallery/dXzVHcVIt was edited pretty well but it needs to be longer. I want to see some aftermath.
>>14577862>Hasbro fanfiction>legitimatethey're the corporate owners of a franchise, they have no more bearing on the actual story and world than my fetish headcanonsto suggest otherwise would be some intense madness
>>14577907But there is, that's an old russian animation, it's probably on youtube somewhere. I also have it downloaded.
>>14577899>That Celestia faceThat's pretty decent.
>>14577918Then someone needs to add that shit to it.
>>14577913I think you're the one with the intense madness
>>14577913Hasbro owns the franchise, so it can't be fanfiction even if you want it to be
>>14577925That's autism and retardation anon, not madness
>>14577918>>14577924By fuck why did they have to call it "MLP FIM FanFic"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x8bZJPovUQ
>>14577913EG has the same staff as the showHow is that fanfiction?
>>14577937that was pretty retarded even by the standards of this fandom.
>>14577902I dunno I think it could work>Twilight NMM battle timeline>Pinkie PieFallout of NMM Celestia living with herself>FS Stoning of Discord>Rarity<some timeline about Canterlot needing to be more generous to poor towns>>AJ and RDSome time after Donut Steel's banishment showing the princess n' shit how to grow food manage weather
How many ships and headcanons will be destroyed in S4?
>>14577800>>14577857All these spinning 3D models in GP videos made me euphoric.I can't listen to Anne Bonny without envisioning 3D ponies rotating from different point of views.
You have her word, mlpg.
>>14577875It' less butchering (except Twilight) and more making them boring
>>14577923EqG version.
>>14577979All of them.
>>14577993The bunny is uglier here
>>14577987Wanna farty, /co/?
>>14577991A lot of them act more retarded than usual, especially considering how little time they have to act retarded, that's both princesses, all of the main 5, Spike for just being content with Twilight's enormous retardation. And all the EG characters are complete morons but of course that's not butchering since they're separate.
>>14577983Kek. Are you noided fellow horsefucker?
>>14578073Yes.Here's a spinning Sunbutt.
>>14578057no you idiot that's beata
>>14578087I really like her mane
>>14578073This is violence now.
>>14578087I want to fuck that sunbutt.
>>14578118Like hell you are.
>>14578129Yes I am.
>Browsing /co/>Shezow thread>"I wonder what that is all about"HOLY SHIT I thought MLPG had sexual identity problems
>>14578136MLPG's just really horny to the point that gender ceases to matter
>>14578158That and most people here want to fuck cartoon ponies.
>>14578158pretty muchif it's pone I'm down to bone
>>14578158I would a pank regardless of gender.
>>14578161Top lel
I have seen the future, and the future is horse.
>>14578207read: I finally found the new horse and am no longer living in the past
>>14578207can't wait
Would you?
>markerfags in charge of anything
>>14578219This thread shouldn't be marked.
>>14578136shezow isn't even hoti mean he doesn't even turn into a girl, just a really bad trapseriously what the fuck
>>14578136Remember when you could discuss delicious tight maregina in MLPG? Me neither. It is gay as fuck and disgusting,
>>14578227please finish this
>>14578226I was disappointed. Not even a very good trap. An annoying boy.
>>14578163Nigga mine.
>>14578240I actually got the lines on it done yesterday!I planned on coloring it after I did today's monstergirl thing.
>>14578226>tfw if you were to transform into your gender counterpart you'd probably still be gross
>>14578207Now that's a future I can get behind.
>>14578232>just another day for rarity.jpg
>>14578258if I got turned into a female version of myself, I would work my ass off to make myself attractive.
>>14578267I'd just fondle my tits.
>>14578252Looks empty. Some small details would be nice, like sprinkler, shampoo, sponge, etc...
>>14578272you can burn lots of calories doing that
>>14578232I remember vacuum-pumped marebitsThat was a nice stint
>>14578267i'd laze around and get a cute little potbelly
orange horse is best backround pony, wish she was gonna be mane 6 again ;-;
>>14578273I'll see what I can do. There were a few additions I was planning on making, but I didn't wanna just have a bunch of stuff strewn out on the floor or anything.
>>14578297Stop booping so much or you'll go blind Marker.
>>14578320Blindness is a horrible thing.
>>14578287>cute little potbellyhnnnnnng
>>14578320but it feels so goooooooooooooooooood
>>14578337Somebody broke your favorite pony. I hope you kept the warranty.
>>14578346>women really feel orgasms>you're stuck to "eh, it's kinda good I guess"
>>14578298>>14578298>but I didn't wanna just have a bunch of stuff strewn out on the floor or anything.That's why you don't just put it on the floor? Take a look at this, for example:http://derpicdn.net/img/2013/2/10/239383/large.pngeach small detail has its place. You don't put shampoo on the floor, you put it on the mirror's shelves, etc.
first time looking at /mlp/ and it's not as bad as I originally thought
>>14578398>video on how to have sexwhat, you're telling me it's not just pushing? THERE'S MORE?
>>14578273>sprinkler, shampoo, sponge>not adding dragon dildo
I just thought "Le eppin dubstep maymay" while watching a scratch image with "wub wub wub" written in the background.Please terminate me, I'm infected.
>>14578431Just take a short 4chan break, or read other websites more.
>>14578455Did you know they're printing organs, anyway?
>>14578431You're shitposting to yourself. You can't be saved.
>>14578431My Prof wrote me a mail with a smiley at the end and I had a really strong urge to tell him to stop shitposting.
>>14578468Yeah. It's fucking awesome. Soon they'll print ponies.
>>14578469>shitposters get put in an old people's home because their families don't want them drooling around and yelling at their families anymore>they spend their last years yelling at nurses of how much the comics are better than the show and their favourite pony is shit
>>14578476>Dear Prof, >get a name so I can filter you.>Respectfully, Anon
>>14578476>people who use smileysI know we live in a free world and everything but I can't stop hating them
>>14578411ApparentlyYou also need a giant cat, a giant dog, a giant horse and a giant egg.
>>14578504>a giant horseI'm liking this.
>>14578491I'm used to /v/ shitposting which seems a lot worse than /mlp/ shitposting
>>14578463My back is to a wall, this would be very unlikely.
>>14578510Wait wait. You need a giant Horse head on a stick. Not a whole giant horse.
>>14578513>going to /v/you brought this to yourself, mate.Did they release another song after the "beata anita", the mulan one and the aladdin one, by the way?
>>14578524too latethe giant horse is already here
>>14578524Oh.man, sex is boring.
>>14578530/v/ has been the only board I've used for the past 7 years. No idea on that other bit.
>>14578536Well now you have to decapitate it. It's that or not have sex.
>CheerieMac>Dr. Derpy>LyraBonWhat other ships do you think we will see?>inb4 an episode where RD gets a guy friend she just 'likes' and the girls tease her about having a boyfriend
>>14578530There's a whole musicalhttp://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAX8JHUJcFR2gh_WG3YJBITuO-tODVCcJ
>>14578546I'm just gonna have sex with the giant horse
>>14578554hoooooly shitthanks a lot anon
>>14578500Oh no you don't. We had enough of that discussion last thread, thank you very much.
>>14578546what ifsex with giant horse
>>14578565obviously not>>14578568this guy has the right idea
>>14578552brony pls go
it beginshttp://okiedokielowkey.tumblr.com/post/67267663376/you-should-draw-more-chubby-pokemon-they-look-cute
>>14578584I'm tempted to send him Ditto just to see what he does.
>>14578579http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYVz9KezlVsNigga shipping has been part of mlpg since forever
Why aren't you working on your art?
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puGZ46GEDAM&list=PLAX8JHUJcFR2gh_WG3YJBITuO-tODVCcJ&index=1I'm die
>>14578630>XDgo back to reddit
DRINKorFinish those projects?
>>14578637projects are for faggots
>>14578612Because I can't draw.
>>14578637DO BOTH
>>14578633Sorry, it fit too well with the video and replies
>>14578646Art isn't just drawing, Anon. You can write, make music, sculpt... Some might even say that trolling is a art.
>>14578657Is talking about ponies art, too?
>>14578657Busy listening to Death Grips. Art can come some other time.
>>14578596that's just meani'm gonna send him Honedge
>>14578612because i'm not sure you guys want to see a crossdressing featherweight
>>14578671you know we do
>>14578668>>14578596You'd be surprised.
>>14578668I already did.
>>14578513that's just because /v/ has loads of marketers from video game companies shilling their stupid crap.try to imagine if Hasbro paid off a bunch of people to spam their love of Equestria Girls in here.
>waifu tells you she is infertile
>>14578698I think I know that fic
>>14578705I wouldn't know how that would go over, I've only browsed /mlp/ for a half-hour at most
>>14578676what does that mean?
>>14578708Didn't matter, waifu and I are incompatible.
>>14578708Hug her and tell her we could always adopt
>>14578718That there's already inflation art of honedge, even if that may seem weird. The pokemon thread on inflatechan should satisfy your curiosity.
I'm gonna purchase a domain for the ponykart.net/mlpg stream, been checking various things, aiming for a short domain that doesn't cost thousands and is somewhat relevant, so far I've found that stram.co is available but .co in general is relatively expensive, stram.in, stram.it and stram.me are all available and cost less. There's a pile of mlpg.something's available, none of them is particularly good. So far the best option is stram.in I think, any opinions, ideas?
>>14578708Good. I don't want kids.
>>14578764have you tried talking to fallenpineapple to see if he would put it on mlpg.co?
>>14578732>inflation art of a ghost swordi shouldn't be surprised at this by now
>>14578785He could link it from there, but I need access to a ton of things for administration and development, so it's not really a solution.
Just think next week this time we'll have a bunch of cool new content to talk about!
>>14578764If it's less expensive than just ponykart, then sure.
Man, /v/'s good at singing.Why haven't we sung anything? where di the podcast thing go?The song, too?
>>14578824That wouldn't work. Maybe stram.mlpg.co or something, but the last one has to be a valid domain extension. Something from herehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains
pony wants you to have her satyrs
>>14578764my vote is for stram.in
>>14578814Ponykart isn't expensive to begin with and I'm gonna keep the domain for at least another year, point is more having a dedicated domain that's short instead of going through ponykart.>>14578824That's probably in millions>>14578827io costs $60 a year>>14578838That's an option I guess>>14578843Not very short, that actually goes for horsefuck domains too
>>14578835http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LedKEFXLzj4nobody will ever top this.
>>14578840Or possibly I have no idea what I'm talking about, given he's said .mlpg is possible, just prohibitively expensive.
>>14578860~$100 a year
>>14578866.edu?It's my little pony. It's educational.
>>14578835Because people said it would be stupid and it never got organizedAnd people also said that the podcast was stupid and both Gypsy and LK haven't mentioned it since releasing the first one
>>14578863They've opened up TLD registrations and from next year we're gonna be seeing domains like .sport and .horse and whatever, but you need to pay a huge amount of money and/or have a good reasoning behind the TLD, not sure about the process, either way it requires a lot of effort and money.
>>14578874>tfw no more ei
>>14578708Angel ;_;
>>14578887What if there were scenes of ponies fucking showing full penetration with the e/i slapped on the corner?
I wonder what it would feel like to fuck a mummy.
>>14578874>As specified by the Department of Commerce, only postsecondary "US institutions" that are institutionally accredited by one of the agencies on the U.S. Department of Education's list of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies may apply for new names in the .edu domainhttps://net.educause.edu/edudomain/request.asp
>>14578897Faceless pls
>>14578882I'm hoping the podcast could be fun, and even if its marginally related to the horse show, it'd still be interesting to hear mlpg-ers talk about whatever
>>14578901oh fuck those guys.
>>14578884>tfw no new.horse
>>1457891150 more posts.
>>14578882They got a lot of negative feedback when they released it, maybe they figured they wouldn't do any more, although they never actually said anything about it. I'm kind of hoping they continue.
>>14578914I mean as a url.
>>14578917>2 FEET 8Well that's not really intimidating.
>hmm mlpg is being slow today wonder what /mlp/ is like>>14578243>some pony getting nailed to the floorWelp time to go outside
>>14578917Dude, I heard she's got like, 30 dicks
>>14578917>WEIGHS A FUCKING TONunf
>no new horsewhy not NewHorseWhere?NHW.org/com/net/info/?
>>14578919is there actually a podcast already?
>>14578947she's only got one dick, it's just 30x bigger than it should be
>>14578938>not knowing about fluffiesNewfag detectedDon't return
>>14578926It's probably preregistered at this point, .horse will also likely be expensive
>>14578938>going outside
>>14578962I know of them but holy shit daddy issues general
>>14578959They released one podcast, yes. http://mlpgpodcast.tumblr.com/
>>14578963Why not gnu.horse?
>>14578962who died and made you thread police?
>>14578938>going to /mlp/ then bringing it hereDon't do this.
>>14578959One, yeah. Haven't listened to it, and can't point you to where to find it, sorry.
>>14578962>using "newfag" outside of the first stop for new peopleYou'll grow out of it eventually.
>>14578999YES, PLEASE
>>14578975I'm really dumb, but i can't see the link to the audio file
>>14579008Click the title of the post "Episode 1: ..."
>>14578813I imagine half of mlpg is like this
>>14579019>half of MLPG would go to see EG in the theatersI refuse to believe that
>>14578612Because art is bullshit.
>baby cakesman I'd almost forgotten that.
>>14579019Wrong so wrong. MLPG are fans of the fandom not the show.
>>14579034I did__n'tIn fact I have yet to watch it at all.
>>14579050It's getting streamed next friday for all of mlpg
>>14579042How could you forget one of the poorer episodes of S2?That said, Pinkie's other blunder Mmmystery was much worse.
>>14579042how could you forget these sexy little fillies
>>14579050>not watching the show
>>14579065>implying that's a good thing>implying half the already few viewers won't leave after MMC
>>14579093The word is "foals", anon
>>14579042>tfw Baby Cakes anon is ded
>>14579089>EqG>the showThere's a distinction to be made here.
>>14579113Mlpg, a thread should be.
>>14579123$12? That's pretty cheap.
>>14579103But LK isn't dead, silly anon
every day until you like it
What if trixie comes back and saves the day in S4?
>>14579090Equestria Girls is actually a real fun movie to watch with friends. Heaven help the poor fool that ventures into that territory alone.
>>14579135What if she doesn't even appear in S4?If only.
>>14577781>no one tells Roogna to fuck offTruely, we live in horrific times
>>14579136>tfw eyes jumped right between her legs
>>14579136I watched it with MLPG and it was terribleinb4 >friends
>>14579143Best way to kill a tripfag is to ignore him. You have failed us anon for the last time.
>>14579136At leats there is fanart that makes them look cute and acceptable.But movie is shit.Also:>friends
>>14579151I didn't say it was a good movie, Anon, just that it was fun. But I really like terrible movies (especially with friends), so there's that.Also, you guys are my friends.
>>14579135Who is Braeburned?
giant pinkie pie
>>14579150>that feel
>>14579174What I mean is that while the experience was definitely better than watching it alone, it was still a terrible one that I wouldn't wish on anyone nor do I wish to repeat, ever.
>>14579130whatand he is too dead
>>14579192Ah, I see. Well, I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it, but I'm gonna be watching it on the MLPG stream when it happens.
New horse where?
>>14579214what's with this shitposting?
>>14579204eh 0/10
>>14579218>he thinks he's seen real shitposting
For those of you who have seen EqG, did any of you watch it more then once?
>>14579249I've seen half.It was painful.
>>14579249It's only worth a 1 watch
>>14579249I've watched it THREE times
>>14579249Only once, no plans to ever watch it again.
>>14579249I've seen it three times.I've learned two things.1. Watching it multiple times doesn't make it better.2. Don't watch it.
>>14579249I OWN Equestria girls and I haven't watched it yet.
>>14579268>Watching it multiple times make it betteryou're not smart anon.
>>14579231Wait till a popularfags comes around then the shit really flies.
>>14579249Only once, with my roommate.We both hated ourselves a bit afterwards.
>>14579249I've watched it 6 or 7 times so far.
>>14579249>>14579267Also a friend who's only very casually following the show watched it out of curiosity and he said it's fucking horrible and he's never gonna watch it again.
>>14579249I watched it a few times so I could fap to the scenes with Trixie in them.
>>14579277I haven't watched it whole the first time, so I rewatched it.Then I rewatched it with some people again, because why notIt's still fucking terrible.On the contrary, I've watched Minty's Christmas 27 times and Dusk's Dawn 7 times.
>>14579213that's... wowboner, pls
>>14579278This. I am not looking forward to s4 premiere or s4 in generaly becuase of this.
>>14579113>>14579125Be AggressiveBeBe Aggressive
>>14579249Two timesFirst time was the shit quality stream that was made with a cameraSecond time was the slightly better quality camrip streamBoth times it was horrible
pony asks if you brought the thingyou better have brought the thing
>>14579350the thing is at the place, waiting for her
>>14579350Well did you brought the thing?
>>14579360>did you brought
>>14579360>>14579350ButI don't like thing
>>14579350Of course I brought the thing.Is pony ready to use the thing?
>>14579389what, like... in front of everyone?oh god. Lewd.
at the gara~
>>14579401Would you take Derpy to the gara~?
>>14579401Now every day is Gara Day
>>14579409Oh god thse are adorable
>>14579425on the stack, obviously
>>14579409>aj>no hat0/10
>>14579434It's FILLY aj
>>14579409Why is Twilight so dark?
>>14579400What is pony talking about? We are in her bedroom, there's no one else here.
>>14579443She is the black one remember?
>>14579436>FILLY aj>too few freckles0/10
Does anyone have a copy of the improved Stack?
should I sleep?
>>14579467yes no
>>14579434Would you put hat on pony?
>>14579434The 4ED plushie will have a hat
>>14579467Why aren't you asleep?
>>14579499Horses only sleep 2 and a half hours a day.
>tfw Borderlands 2 GOTY won't ever be on sale
I wish I had a pony
>>14579499sleeping is for nerd
>>14579561i still resent this image series
>>14579561What's the point of having a horse dildo as a model if I don't draw horse dongs?
>>14579469>Yohimbine HClIsn't that used to lose body fat faster?
>>14579561who even made that?
>>14579574stress relief
>>14579547Have a pony, be a pony, there is a lot of pony wishing around here anon! In the mean time maybe we can post cute poniesHere, have this one
>>14579585I wish I could post ponies.
>>14579583Can I beat someone with it like in Saints Row? If not then I don't think I could use it for stress relief
>>14579585IS SHE OK?!
>>14579601FS drugged her to drag her to his basement.
>>14579587>>14579561>tfw no pics of drawfags using their drawfag kit
>>14579595I remember requesting that. I asked for fluttershy biting an appleIt's much better than what I asked for
>>14579608Kraut threatens to use it every dayhe never does, though
>>14579601Yes anon she is just napping>>14579604Oh hush anon. Pony is not for basements, and neither am I!
>>14579624Lies upon lies.
Pony brought you loads of weiners
>>14579613I'm so glad Kraut is dead. I hope he finds peace elsewhere.
Pony verb the object
>>14579608brae mentioned once he'd uploaded a video of him using hischance
>>14579624Apple mares are good mares.
chubby pone>other pone
your opinion is good
>>14579682Fluttershy doesn't like chubby pone. They do mean things to her.
>>14579669They really are
>>14579686Oh come on what the hell could those do to Fluttershy? Gobble her up? I mena really all she needs is to fly 2 meters from the ground and bam she's untouchable.
pony band when
>>14579700This is my favorite apple mare, though.
>>14579715>fly 2 meters from the ground >fluttershy
>>14579715>implying Fluttershy can fly unless the plot calls for it
>>14579729>filenameI chuckled>>14579732That is a good pone, this is true
>>14579732I love scotaloo's expression in that.
>>14579732I love applejack's exression in that.
>>14579732I love Applebloom's expression in that.
>>14579666I've only seen pics, no videos.
>>14579204Oh manunf, would rub fuzzy thighs with my face
>>14579755I love Applejack's _______ in that.
Best pony wants to know why you aren't watching handegg
>>14579561That's a nice revolver, anybody know the model?
>>14579747>plot calls for itunf unf
>>14579781You can't have her she's mine.
>>14579732I love Zecora's expression in that.
>>14579712Who else here is going to miss the premier?
>>14579784Because pony gets a bit too into it.>>14579801YOU WANNA GO?
>>14579715Exactly that
>>14579809I will cut you like an apple.
Can't wait to see some Luna/Celestia in S4
>>14579809Goat Train, do you think Applejack is a fan of Magnum's, or was he playing for the wrong team?
>>14579792>le plot xD>>>/ponychan/
>tfw halfway through Dashvember
>>14579836Me neither. Do you think that Luna will turn out to be the Shadow Pony?
>>14579836>twilight finally realizes what she's done to the show
>>14579837I bet Rarity is ashamed of her american pleb family.
Pony's belly is dragging on the floor
>>14579851Dashvember, you mean.It's okay, people get their months mixed up all the time
>>14579844Dashvember seems slower than Rartober for some reason. I hope to have a good Twicember, though.
>>14579843I wish I can turn you into a pony, put you in a leather gimp suit and rape you all day and feed you psychoactive drugs while fucking you.And you would be chained down.
What if snails turned out to be the shadow pony
>>14579881what shadow pony?
>>14579857No it will be something like NMM's essense or people or some gay shit like that
>>14579877That is a rather extreme and detailed reaction right there anon
>>14579869Pony shouldn't be moving around so much while pregnant with our child.
Is it wrong if I enjoy Ross' Sonic art?
>>14579881It's gonna be luna, and the castle will become her castle.
>>14579905Pony decided to drink loads of alcohol and do tons of drugs
>>14579877Am I a male or female pony?This is important
>>14579907What sonic art
>>14579870No no, Dashvember isn't a month sillyJanuarityFebruarityRarchAprarityMayrityJunarityJularityAugarityRaritemberRaritoberRarivemberRaricember
>>14579907It's not bad to enjoy Ross's art, Ross is just terrible.Especially his Rouge. Unf.
>>14579837I am not this goat train you speak of. Besides, Applejack's a Broncos fan, through and through.
>>14579933I needed a reminder of why rarifags were the worst.
>>14579844Can the next month be Celestember please?
Why aren't you learning alchemy so you can become a pony?
>>14579933That's really funny, anonI didn't know you could tell such good jokes like that one
>>14579957Goat we all know that's you
>>14579960Rarifags have to be obnoxious so they can tune out the other anons calling their waifu a slut
>>14579957Apple apples apples apples.
Have you taken your vitamins, MLPG?
>>14579968I AM NOTSee, I'll even prove it!
Pony challenges you to a Yu-Gi-Oh duel. Not to brag, but she warns you she's pretty good.
>>14579934I have no idea why /v/ complained so much about ponies, they have tons of massive furries on their board anyway.
Pone's butt is against the wall
>>14579984...Okay sheep bus. How about a small test.What do you think about goats and Applejack?
>>14579877Did you really have to put the psychoactive drug part?
I'm Bored, what to do
>>14579964I am.
>>14580006Edge for as long as you possibly can and make a video for the /mlp/ youtube
>>14579992/v/ used to complain about furries too. Eventually they succumbed. They'll turn to like ponies in the future eventually. Hell, they're already tsundere for humanized ones
>>14580006Kill Yourself ;)
>>14580000th-they're both reeally terriblewho would ever like either of those thingsthey're so baaaaaad
>>14580006Go to cracked or watch How It's Made.
Would you buy a pony plushie WITH REAL PONUT ACTION
>>14580028...Welp your certainly not Goat Train.Good to see someone who actually has good opinions Sheep.Now who's your favorite pony?
>>14580022This is all wrong, what basically happened is that /v/ got tired of spamming furry threads with WH or saging it, ignoring it =/= succumb them.
>>14580031Cracked is shit
>>14580031Modern Marvels > How it's Made
>>14580057My nigga
>>14580057Unwrapped > Modern Marvels > How It's Made
>>14580047Obviously it's Fluttershy. Any other answer would be just silly!
>>14580006Watch Trough the Wormhole.Learn about the universe and physics from Morgan Freeman
>>14580068I want to unwrap a pone
>>14580083Oh damn, that's violent. Is that from the new pokemon anime
>>14580070I take back what I said. Goat may have horrible opinions but they're better than yours.
>>14580068Good Eats > Unwrapped
>>14580006Learn DirectX
>you will never be a cute femanon>you will never in a relationship with Spitire>you will never have pony/human lesbian sex
>>14580104You can always pretend.
>>14580097I'm going to fuck the wrong opinions out of you
>>14580104>you will never have lesbian sex with your waifu>or your ponimouto
>>14580004look at those kids. They're horrified.
>>14580133You will never have any sex at all with your waifu, Anon.
>>14579961Celestember was before Rartober.
>>14580130I think you and I got off and the wrong foot. I'd like to apologize for anything I said that may have upset you. I'd like to, but I'm not going to, because Good Eats is the shit.
>>14579986Yugioh is a shitty card game based all on luck.
>>14580133femanon/filly would be insanely hot, but I know there's barely anything of it.
>>14580153That's fine, just bend over.
>>14580152>I was born in CelestemberAw yis
>>14580006Hi Bored, I'm Dad!
wtf is going on in this thread?
>>14580149I know.
I was born in Apriljack
>>14580168All I've seen is Applebloom eating out a woman.
>>14580179Well, now I feel awful for saying that. Have some grown up Sweetie Belle
What do you want to see in S4?
>>14580179Actually, you will.
>>14580170I'm afraid I can't do that.My moral code prohibits knee movements of any kind.
>>14580094It was a few one-off episodes, I think, but I've yet to get around to watching the full thing.Also, there's an element to that scene that an image cannot properly convey.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAdGv89e0sE
>>14580188>Born in june>Junebow Dash
>>14580193I think I've seen it, but I prefer a fic of it.
>>14580201Break from the hips, not the kneesCome on now, you should be thanking me for my generosity. Most people go their whole lives without having the bad opinions fucked from them.
>>14580202Oh wow. Does the anime portray a gritty, more "realistic" view of the pokemon world?
>>14580188I was in Rarivember
>>14580197Full penetration.
>>14580228I'm just scared, is all. My bad opinions are all I have.
>>14580237Nigga shut up it's Rarivember
>>14580202>"it's not cockfights!"it's exactly cockfights.
>>14580188I was in Celestember.
http://www.siliconera.com/2013/11/16/namco-high-lets-date-namco-bandai-characters-holiday/#TgjxPzi47rKl8GrJ.99Would you pay for a pony high school dating sim?Would you pay for the highest tier pre order of a pony high school dating sim?
I'm abandoning ponies. From now on, I draw for Crossed general.
>>14580229Dunno. That and a couple of other small things is all I've seen so far: totally plan to watch them at some point though, it looks pretty good and a step up from bloody Ash.Just spotted the first ep subbed in the related vids though, so there's that.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU9K024gAow
>>14580248Believe in my cock who believes in you
>>14580197Celestia and Luna as fillies.
>>14580248>sex>grossare you a neckbeard, chicken?>>14580262like the one onta has done?no.
>>14580179Is Sweetie the cutest cmc?
>>14579684i remember when readdit tried to have actual discussion in the comments. all shitposting and memes were downvoted.saying you disagree without explaining why is shitposting
>>14580251How is it like to be so awfully mistaken all the time, anon? It even says "Dashvember" up there.
>>14580271The first episode's dub is already out.
>>14580282No, that's Babs
>tfw no Schoolhouse rock-musical educational episode
I hope none of you even try to argue against Dashcember.
>>14580282yesany other answer is wrong
>>14580280No, I am a golden Adonis.The lovechild of Fabio and Fabio - the most beautiful creature the world has ever seen.>>14580272Your cock doesn't look too sure.
>>14580303I will punch you!
>>14580285Anon I'll just let you continue living in your delusion
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>14580289Oh, thanks!
This is my new nameDrink it in
>>14580317none of themthey killed me
>>14580315>projecting this hardEnjoy your made up month, scrub. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go enjoy what's left of Dashvember.
>>14580260Ma nigga
>>14580317one too many
>>14580317None, who do I look like?Twilight?
>>14580335Other anon with a birthday this month hereIt is indeed Dashvember
MLPG,Name the worst thing you can think that will happen in S4.
>>14580317Why would I want to murder Panka?Anon I'm calling the cops on you
>>14580354no anal scenes
>>14580262This is the most blatant "we want the tumblr audience" I have ever seen.And holy shit at those prices.
>>14580354it already happened
>>14580354Ponies besides the main six become princesses.
>>14580354The pilot sucks.I'll be done if that happens.
>>14580354Her not coming backI thought she would in S3, but I was mistaken. The world wasn't ready.This season will surely be different.
I just had an attack of explosive diahrrea
>>14580354every meghan and merrywether episodesnew writers are terrible and actually put brony meymeys in their scripts
>>14580354megahn adds a ton of more 1 shot villains that are easily defeated
Pony said you're all dumb and you should shut up
>>14580354If the ponies stop being cute, I don't think I could stand it.
>>14580354It will air and mcCunty will be the writer of ep01OH WAIT
>>14580387I'll shut pony up with my cock.
>>14580381Fuck off subby
>>14580280I'll never have sex because of two things, one I'm about as attractive as a bus fire and sex looks really gross and I'm not okay with being touched.