Old thread >>14550008Pony time soon, fellow pony fans.
this is so dedanyway im gonna stramhttp://derpy.me/e7bqs
Remind me again why do we need the show when the comics get all the good stuff?
>>14554883>>14554887>There are already little girls falling in love with Big Mac and Shining Armor>they dream of petting and kissing their pony husbandos>they're going to use them as an outlet when puberty hits and masturbate at night thinking of being pinned and humped by them from behind.
>tfw when your husbando is ded
>>14554935Because the show is better. Pone doesn't work good as adventure. Honestly, other than the Big Mac story, no comic has held a candle to the worst of the regular eps.
>>14554937I like how that one jock is all over that trap.
>>14554937>rediv shows them how to take the flare
>>14554937I doubt itHow many of you still fap to things from your childhood? You know what nevermind
>>14554937Well shiny is p cute.
>>14554957Chrysalis'arc was great except the final fight.The comics made SA actually interesting.We're getting a Pinkie vs AJ cooking contest, Discord and the CMC, PONY PIRATES and some Dash focus.And it's not like the comics can't do cute stuff. Look at the Pinkie, Celestia and CMC Micros.
>>14554971Isn't that Carrot Cake?
>>14554988Please don't get me started
>>14554865Of course Twilight would use a Blue/White control deck.
>>14554996I don't think that was, no.
>>14554975>implyingNigga she buys the unflared chance
>Watching Turnabout StormDespite the bronyism and the meh voice acting, this feels like a real Phoenix Wright case. I almost feel bad for wanting to know what happens next
>>14554988>How many of you still fap to things from your childhood? Also when I discovered fapping you better believe it was all Disney furshit because that's all I had before discovering animu smut.
can someone stream some porn and we all jack off to it at the same time
Oh man, Bad Dragon just released a fuckable dragon butthole™
>>14555034Don't feel bad. It's legitimately one of the best things that's come out. The case is great and it has some nice twists.I want a full MLP Ace Attorney game.
>>14555043I think we'd argue about which fetish to stream before we got any jacking done
>Which one of the main characters is pregnant, and did the father's twin brother's best friend's evil alter ego from alternate dimension shoot Princess Celestia? Find out next time!
>>14554937My sister used to have a crush on Big Mac when we used to watch the show together
>>14554988>How many of you still fap to things from your childhood? *raises hoof*
>>14555059What if it was just a stream of the streamer jacking it?
>>14555043>rose would enter the streami know it
>>14555063Name some characters
>>14555004She knows the difference. We call nose rubbings "eskimo kisses" in my house. Honestly, is it so bad if pony kisses pony? Even if they're young and friends?
>>14555043Did anyone ever stream the porn parody?
>>14547352You are in the same fandom as these people.
>>14555078You show your parents?
>>14555043Ill stream it but you all have to edge and wear your names.
>>14555088Report it for raiding.Everyone.
>>14555088I was in that thread earlier and I don't normally get mad at things posted on 4chan but damn I was close.
>>14555111No fuck you
>>14555043imagine trying to explain to a normal this is the type of thing going on in the mylittlepony forum
>>14555122You fuck you!
>>14555089It wasn't a very intimate kiss. It was a lot more cute than anything else. They were outside and it was sunny and I think there was a tree. Their noses were barely touching which was why I asked if it was them rubbing noses instead.
>>14555136You fuck you fuck you!
>teat fetish out of nowhere
>>14555144>teat sheathes
>>14554995VAs, animation and way less obnoxious references.
sex with Trixie
>>14555143NO fuck you you fucker of yous!
Daily reminder that popularfags visit mlpg as anon. How horrifying.
>>14555162Those all make sense.
>>14555165Would she want to dominate or be dominated?Or would she break down and want it to be really touchy-feely intimate?
>>14555138Still should show the folks.You can cover for her and say you put it there.
>>14555162Callie BriggsJasmineArialSerenaSailor Neptune
>You think Scootaloo needs any help with the bleeding?
>>14555179For her first time, yes.
>>14555192She's a tough filly. Foals gotta have their scrapes and bruises. Tell her to wash it with soap and water and put a bandage on it.
>>14555192What would I know, I'm not a mare
>>14555187Thinking about it now, I might have mentioned it. Honestly, if she thinks ponies kissing is cute it's cute. It's her computer, she can have whatever desktop she wants on it.Are you implying my sister might have lesbian tendencies? Because there's a boy she likes in her class. They Skype together while they play Minecraft.
>>14555173A challenger to my rule!?
>>14555165only if she magically gives herself a dick and she cant stay in my house after
>you will never study under Applejacks tootelage
>>14554925You can get banned for posting derpy.me links now too
>>14555093like this?
>>14555179She'd probably be shy the first few times.Once she'd gotten comfortable though, she'd probably prefer being the dominant one. Though she'd be willing to be dominated so long as you tell her what a sexy mare she is.
YuGiOh is better.
>>14555257>Strap her up nice and tight.>She can't even use magic to get out.>Call her an ugly mule as you get started.
>>14555227>Talking to boys on Skype.Goddamn kids these days...
>>14555257unf unf unf
>>14555267i never got the appeal of that show, he just won every battle by pulling the dark magician.
>>14555267than Vanguard?yes, it is
>>14555296Are you saying you dont get to talk to boys on skype?What a loser
>>14555301It's not even that. The very last episode revealed the protagonist subconsciously cheated the whole series because his magic powers literally rearrange his deck so that he drew the right card at the right time.He was never in any danger the whole series. It retroactively ruined what little goodness the show had.
>>14555267The main thing that bothered me about that show when I was a kid was how every character just seemed to break the actual rules of the game or they just didn't apply to them.
>>14555301Isn't the guy simply just a master gambler in the original manga, and the tv show simply ran with the card game idea?
>>14555316Does pone like to be preened?
>>14555339>playing with no tribute summons
>>14555343The card game was in the manga too, just not as much.
>>14555323really? that's funny as fuck
>>14555367>bat ribbon cutie markhnnng
>>14555322So what made that guy decide to start drawing pone again? Didn't he make a few comics in S1 and do NOTHING in between?Not that I'm complaining I like his pointy nostrils.
>>14555343I would think a show for kids about gambling would not fly.
>>14555367Cam it for us. Your knowledge must be passed on
Yugioh is a shit card game. There is no skill in playing it. Just combo decks.
i love hiding
>>14555367UNFnow draw lewd femdom with her
>>14555384In Japan it might've done it.Just look at all the mahjong animes.
>>14555405Yeah, but soccer moms in the US would have lost their shit.
>all quests are beb
>>14555424>wanting interactive fanfiction shit
>>14555424>We will never fuck Braeburn in that brothel.
>>14555412they still lost their shit about the card game
>>14555424>tfw when forgot no Cute Quest this week and was looking forward to itLuna Quest should still be on in 14 hours or so though, right?>>14555435Pity that fell through, I kinda really liked what he was doing with the setting. And frierarms were just brilliant.
I got my twelve sided die and I'm ready to roll with a wizard and my goblin crew. My friends are coming over to my mom's basement bringing Funyuns and the Mountain Dew.
>First part makes it look like Mr. Cake gets brutally murdered at the end.>Second part shows him comedically covered in bandages, telling the Mane Six they have to get the Secret Recipe and Element of Laughter back.
>>14555344yes, pone enjoys being groomed very much
>>14555412Soccer moms are a plague upon fun
>>14555442>no Cute Quest this weekDamn, and I was wanting to see what Harley had in charge for our little friend in his sleep.If he was going to tell us, that is.She seems to be the kind that loves to tease an overly awkward colt.
Can someone be my friend?
>>14555344I'd help that pone with preening
Does S4 even have a chance at being good, or are you here to just to watch the show burn and die?
>>14555424>FacelessJR will never Raisin again.What a shame. Does he even come here anymore?
>>14555488he was in the stream tonightso no
>>14555488He was here earlier for Nonymous' marethon stram.
>>14555485I think MLPG likes to doomsay as hard as possible so the resulting first episodes cause the place to be an orgy of happiness and pony.
>>14555466What if Scootaloo secretly wanted to be beautiful and worshipped by all the colts in school?
>>14555492>that one guy whining in the thread about all the people in the stream having a good time
>>14555508Was there?
>>14555516Nonymous has been stramming episodes of the show to get ready for S4. FacelessJr has shown up to join the stram the last few nights.
>>14555485From what little bit we've been shown so far, I think S4 is looking pretty good.
>>14555520you have a really weird grasp at the definition of circlejerking
>>14555570I want to rub those hooves
>>14555570I want to play that butt like the bongos.
>>14555485Despite what the board thinks Season 4 looks good.
>>14555570What a horses ass.
>>1455559026 episodes of PURE PONY PLEASURE!
>>14555560I want to lick Rainbow Dash's hoof vagina.
>>14555570Wasn't she confirmed to be part of the Cake family?
>>14555551>>14555547Well fuck.
>>14555597we're a pelican thinking of fish next to a dead pony? What?
>>14555570I would touch that butt nonsexually.
>>14555597>A pelican tried to eat my wiafu.>He ran away!
I want to cuddle with that
>>14555648What would her mane feel like in your fingers?Would she let you touch it?
Pony Plushiescuddly ponies for bronies
>>14555666Satan, it'd be velvety soft, kind of like holding a cloud, but warmer, and it'd coil around your fingers.
>>14555682Those plushies are shit
I dont think she has anyone to cuddle with.
>>14555666I imagine a cool felt air
>>14555682I like mine.
>>14555693My arms are stretched out right now you silly horse.
Luna would not want to hug or cuddle a commoner
>>14555682Advertising works, I wish I had a cuddly pony plush to cuddle at night.
>>14555693Of course not, Nightmare Rarity is much hotter.
>>14555703And yet so far, Anon...
>>14555704Luna hasn't had affection in 1000 years, I mean cuddling would be like hard core sex to someone without affection for that long
>>14555723Price's Luna makes my penis twitch.
Pony wants you to bring the wubs.
>>14555704Everyone in the upper class secretly wants to fuck commoners, did you learn nothing?
>>14555704She kissed a dirt-dumb mud pony.
>>14555731Except through the magic of comics we know Luna was surrounded by all those moon critters.
Luna hopes you will grace her with your affection.
>>14555723>dream girlam I slowpoking or is this also a joke about how she can go into people's dream literally.
>>14555732And to think he's doing the Luna micro.
>>14555746>everyone wants big mac's dick: the comic.
>>14555723if only luna was my dream girl
>>14555746>everyone wants Big Macwhat a lucky fellow
>>14555754Yes.That is the joke.You didn't read the comic?
>>14555768Can you blame them?
>>14555713Wonder if we will see the Nightmare again.Just so it can make another pony hot.>It misses and hits Derpy.
>>14555768What an accurate comic
>>14555775No I did, but I just took it at face value
>>14555768>big mac the big beta comic
>>14555746I still love how Celestia is giving him the crazy eye.While staying regal on the side the ponies see.
>>14555746>celestia giving the stink eyeEVERYTIME
>fleetfoot will never get a moment of background focus in the show>tea love will never even appear at all.
>>14555762Because she has dem big, beautiful wings.
>>14555804>wanting comic shit in the show
>>14555746>5 pound caramel cornBig mac is gonna get a pudge
>>14555818Seriously, that is a fuckhuge wingspan
>>14555794Why aren't you drawing fleetfoot snuggled up against a diamond dog disguised as big mac?
>>14555820Please, he probably burns twice that off working on the farm.
>>14555826Price seems like a huge wing fagAnd I love it
Big Mac's going to end up with Cheerilee, anyway. All the other mares are going to be heartbroken.
>>14555824This would be perfect if not for the Diamond dog. Dog dicks are gross
>>14555829hnnnnnggggI want to touch that butt.
>tfw rose calls you a nobody loser
>>14555846Hey you.Stop that.
>>14555804>>14555819Fleetfoot was already in the show you dorks. They even named her back in Sweet and Elite.
pony got sand in the potato salad
>>14555824That'd be okay if not for the anthro.
>>14555863>tfw rose doesn't even call you anything
>>14555824>anthro>that fucking facedisgusting.Is there any good nightmareity porn?>>14555868I think he's talking about her doing something in the background like fluttering her eyes at big mac.
>>14555840He draws gigantic wings.I bet he fantasizes about rubbing his dick on them.
>>14555867She doesn't even fight for Big Mac because she knows he's hers. The other mares are just wasting their energy.
>>14555829Oh no, pony has worms again!
>>14555863Female artists are generally irrelevant.
>>14555891Man of my own blood
>>14555896Fleetfoot a qt
>implying you wouldn't want to marry a wonderbolt
>>14555828Because I am still drawing merchant pone
>>14555896>They got poisoned to love one another.I think it's kinda like getting food poisoning, you can't look at that chicken salad the same way again.So they are just friends, but anything more makes the queezy.
>>14555896Cheerilee a bitch. She has Mac in the friendzone and is constantly leading him on that she's DTF, but we all know she's not putting out.
ponk a shit
>>14555931>implying that they can't get enough of that taste, and that it's all the sweeter now that it's honest
>>14555923stunt flying is dumb as hell but i would marry for that athletic body (fuckyoufatfags) and fame and wealth
>>14555863Stop acting like a creep then
>>14555914Why aren't you drawing her and tea love having a time out from a brawl?
>>14555034>MIddle of part 4I feel really bad for enjoying this
You can go to Equestria, but you have to marry Applejack.
>>14555863She could have called you worse.
>>14555962I prefer my pones to be swollen with something else
>>14555962Have you ever seen a mare eat her own head?
>>14555970Well...I guess
>>14555970No thanksI bet she'd always be too tired to fuck every nightExcept when she wants kids and is fertile
>>14555960Not feeling it bruh
>>14555944you a shit
>>14555970i would spend all my time trying destroy the farm and get her out of the apple business. fuck doing manual labor all day and still remaining poor.
>>14555995Just draw fleetfoot doing something you cunt.Maybe roping anon into helping her get close to big mac.
I sure hope the anon who asked for singing seapony is still here.Sorry about this and that. It's been months since I've tried to draw a pone.
>>14555995Draw lewd dusk
>>14555999gogo power rangers
>>14555980Why not both?http://derpiboo.ru/471410
>>14555995How about Fleetfoot and Tea Love moping together with a bottle of red wine thinking about the one who 'got away'.
>>14556016I don't know how to draw dongs sorry
>>14556010qt sp
>>14555998Should have been left in that ditch to die.
>>14556030draw your comissions
>>14556030Draw lewd cuntboy dusk
>>14556030Look at more gay horse porn, you twink
>>14556025I'm not sure how to feel about this.But if it was unbirth...
>>14556030Draw plans to ace your next test
>>14556010BeautifulNow give her a name and draw her in compromising situations
>>14556040You're right anon>>14556041>>14556044
>>14554865>implying Trixie would use anything other than Blue/Whitedyemtg?
>>14556039What, Celestia should have just let her become an alicorn and ignored her?
>>14556030Then don't draw dongs.Just something suggestive and sexy.
Do you have a fudge pudge mlpg?
>>14556010Shoo be-doo~<3
>>14556018>>14556046If you prefer ponkhttp://mlpg.co/countdown/
>>14555488>that pictureOh jeez, I remember that quest. That seems like ages ago.I made this for Jr in case the players lost.Good thing they didn't.
>>14556064No, her biological parents abondoned her on the side of the road. She was picked up by mudpones and communally raised in a mudpone town.Do you even read the book?
>>14556072NopeI'm rock hard
>>14556041What if instead he just had a really stretchy, prolapsed butthole that was as loose as a cunt?
Why do people like S1 so much when S2 had the better episodes (Hurricane Fluttershy, Ponyville Confidential, Read it and Weep)? I was honestly bored during the S1 stream.
>>14556067I'll draw it when I feel comfortable drawing suggestive/lewd male ponesgoodnight mlpg
>>14556092Being thin does not mean you are fit. You can have a shitty bodyfat% even if you are thin.
Applejack is the best pony.
>>14556080I honestly wanted bad end. Imagine the autistic tears.
>>14556025oh sweet mother of godI'll be in my bunkerguard my ponies
>>14556108Bubble Berry in a suit
>>14556097I'd enjoy that just as muchAlthough it kind of defeats the point of not having a dick
>>14556112Indeed. That's why she becomes princess next.
>>14556132I hate that this guy draws their dicks so small even by human proportions
Pony wants you to buy a Wii U so that she can play with you and her friends some Mario 3D World.
>>14556154I already have a wii u, and I'm already getting mario.
>>14556056>>14556032You guys can try and name the seapony if you want. I'd like to see what you could come up with>>14556073>>14556023Helpful as can be ponies - simply signal SOS ~
>>14556151but small willies are cute
>>14556154I tell pony she go fuck herself.
>>14556150>Applejack becomes princess.>A castle gets dropped on the farm.>She builds the farm around the castle.
>>14556154Well, I tell pony I'm sorry but I don't waste my money on tripe console shit, specially related to a series as rehashed as Mario.
>>14556178big cocks are way cuter
>>14556184>She builds the farm around the castle.Applejack is best age of empire pony.
>>14555863I see Rose still circlejerks
>>14556185Your missing out on one of the best mario games ever made.
>>14556176What if she's calledSeapone Seapone?
>>14556186I fucking hate this animation. That stupid asinine face
>>14556186why isnt the filter catching this goddammit
>>14556176She has a shell in her hair.Shelly?Shellsinger?I never read the seapony book, what kind of names did they have?
>>14556211no rarity no
>>14556193Time for a little regicide.
>>14556211what a fancy pon.
>>14556199They all play the same, so why should I bother?I honestly find myself trying to find the appeal of Nintendo games. The only one I care about is Smash, and only because it's the most original fighting game there is. But it's not like it matters really now that Air Dash Online is in development.
>>14556214No idea. From what I saw they were pretty terribly written, though.
>>14555424>Everything I make is shit, but I keep doing it anyway
>>14556211classy pony is classy
Did you remember to check your pony traps today?
>>14556211[Euphoria intensifies]
>>14556231scrubbles pls
>>14556226Mario 3D world is on a different engine than the galaxy games. Stages are more inspired as well.
>>14556211>FedoraHow euphoric.
>>14556195>rose being a fag and constantly editing her postsits cute
>>14555746>Celestia throws you onto the bed with gentle ease>she jumps onto you, quickly mounting you with centuries of practice>as she whips her aurora hair back over her head, you see a mischievous and hungry glint in her eye>"I won't hold back."
>>14556237>>14556245This joke is totally not run down and unfunny.
>>14556234>pony trapsunf
>>14556212you don't like ponies?
>>14556256It's not cute, it shows she has a mental disorder.
>>14556265much like your posting
>>14556260Dead by dawn.
>>14556265did someone say run down jokes
>>14556265You can't deny that fedoras aren't ugly hats and only worn by shut-ins who idea of classiness comes from 50s noire films because they don't know the meaning of falling in and out of style.
Pony has cuddle deficiency and needs help.
>>14556244So? The look just the same. Hell, 3D World looks even more rehashed. Like, it looks like a 3D version of the New Mario series. At least Galaxy looked more interesting visually.
>>14556280Or she's on her period.It's completely normal for a woman to go full bitch mode once a month.
>>14556010nice binary
>>14556300The only time I would EVER purchase a fedora is if I was going to dress up as a 50's PI and only for Halloween.And damn if I would have some dames on my case.
>>14556321I thought someone shaved a gorrilla and called it Rose.
>>14556310Cuddle deficiency is not a real ailment.Pony is a changeling.
>>14556294Are you saying doge is shit, or Lyra fanon is shit?
>>14556310Get her on 40cc's of cuddlecodone
>>14556296jokes on you pinkie that is my fetish, my ass could easily take both of your hooves at once
Would you walk your pony around?
>>14556331I actually used MS paint before doing a hard brush trace in Fireworks.I'm not killed enough to use SAI yet.
>>14556345>Are you saying doge is shit>He asked this.>He actually asked this!
>>14556300I never said anything like that. Just the those "euphoric" jokes are unfunny and plain annoying/.
>>14556343Changelings are superior to ponies anyway.I can be whatever you want me to be. I can fulfill your deepest desires. All you need to do is love me.Shh, I'll take good care of you
Would you lick pone horn?
>>14556234I keep getting applejacks, I keep having to throw her back. Maybe I should start using something other than apples as bait.
>>14556319You silly anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEH8SWuxOm0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBl1ySPU-fY
>>14556362sounds nifty, i never tried MSpaint+fireworks, i still use SAI
>>14556381I'd suck it
>>14556362That seapony needs to lay off the kelp.
>>14556362>not skilled enough for SAISAI is a plebian program. Everyone and there down syndrome mother can use the program
>>14556372they hit a little close to home dont they. you enjoy being a militant atheist and wearing fedora dont you
>>14556393>white guy defense forceMUH SOCIAL JUSTICE
>>14556361pet ponies are best ponies
>>14556393Strawman posted to deaththe euphoria joke has overstayed its welcome
>>14556392I wouldn't recommend it. I only use it because I'm lazy and can't do smooth lines with a mouse.>>14556413Like I said, no skillz.
>>14556440no tablet?
>>14556389>>14556389>tries to use video evidence to show it's not a rehash>video shows it is more than I thought.Pff
>>14556385I hear you can catch a rainbow one if you use corn.
>>14556417I'm sensing some projections here.it's like saying that "doge" jokes are still funny now and totally not beaten to death.
>Fluttershy is gently sleeping in bed in the middle of light rainy night >She wakes up to the sound of a door opening>Pinkie Pie casually, if a little groggily, barges in with half laden eyes>"...P-Pinkie? Are you ok?">She just walk over to the bed without stopping, throws over the covers and tucks herself in beside Fluttershy>"Schooch over. You're hogging all the blanket.">"Oh uh....sorry.">In a moment she's asleep, half clung onto Fluttershy, snoring lightly
>>14556389Are these supposed to impress me? Looks like the 3DS game but in HD
>>14556378I don't think I could ever love a changeling. They require love to survive, so I can't tell if they genuinely love me back or if they are just manipulating me.
When pegasus ponies walk on the ground, they bob their heads like birds do
>>14556417>brotheists (brony atheists)>forming a portmanteau from a regular word and another portmanteau, completely dropping half of the original portmanteau so there is nothing to indicate one facet of the intended word logicallyaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU
>>14556214>>14556227The names in the book are:King Leo, Coral, Arrow, Electra, and Nar Wally.
>>14556479pankshy is a really cute ship.I need more of it
>>14556464I bought a $99 Bamboo back in 2008ish. Never learned how to use it.
>>14556404>>14556441It's agreed, then. We gang up on Rarity.
>>14556505But they don't?
>>14556473Why does rainbow pony like com so much
Pony wont stop nuzzling everything she comes in contact with.
>>14556538You know, Twilight Sparkle never changed the Parasprites back to eating food before Pinkie Pie led them away.
>>14556501Does it really matter? I appreciate you. I'm always there for you. I'd do anything for you.I'll show you how much I love you. Just crawl into this cocoon and I'll make you feel happy forever
>>14556538Well at least she's over that kissing-things-while-wearing-silly-hats phase...Look at how fuckin' silly that hat is. It's outrageous.
>>14556538Hand pony a cheesegrater.
>>14556538That is normal. Pony is just leaving her pony smell on things.
>>14556565Fucking wizards.
>>14556571That does sound rather... intoxicating.
>>14556536Corn is nutritious and has everything an athletic pony needs to be strong and go fast.
>>14556565It's okay, Pinkie drowned them all.
>>14556585I still want to see a movie, horror or action, where there's a part when a dude slaps someone with a cheese grater and chunks of flesh fall off. Such a painful idea and I've yet to see it.
>>14556587>shotguns>when golems would have been more thematic
The sensitive space behind pony's knees.
>>14556594See? Doesn't it look so warm and comfortable? Just try it for a little while...
>>14556571Why can't I love you without getting in the cocoon?
>there will never be an episode as qt as H&HDMight as well kill myself before the season starts and I am massively disappointed.
>>14556586>pony will never leave her pony smell all over your dick
>>14556587>John Kerry is a wizard.
>>14556600>corn>nutritious nopenopenope
>>14556587Why isn't there a unicorn version of this?it's so fucking obvious
>>14556643there is
>>14556618>trying to tie wizards down to a single theme.
>>14556620Ponies don't have knees, they have heels that connect directly to their thighs.
>>14556571You don't really appreciate me. You want to take my love by force or manipulation. That's not love.
>>14556519>Fluttershy is in her cabin tending to her critters when Pinkie Pie kicks in the door>"Fluttershy! Quick I need your help! It's Gummy!">"Oh dear! I'll do everything I can!">The two of them run out of the house as fast as they can and high tail it back to Sugar Cube corner >Finally up the stairs and in Pinkie's room, they're both nearly out of breath>"Whe....where is he? What's wrong?">"Here! Look!">Pinkie turns around and shows that Gummy is completely tangled in Pinkie Pie's poofy tail>"I can't get him out! Every time he moves he is tugging the roots and I can't reach back there! Doe he look ok?">".....why did we run all the way here if he was on you?"
>>14556656then where is it?>>14556669you don't count
>>14556618How would one leaving a golem lying about be dangerous? They only respond to the will of their master.If you're going to be picky "fireball wand" would have worked but it wouldn't have made the joke funnier, it would probably be less funnyin fact
>>14556678Now make a Pinkie one where she makes 5000 other Pinkies!
>>14556658Reminds me of the part in Wizards when the fucker just pulls out a gun and shoots the big bad. I expected a great wizard's duel but no, the fucker shoots him.
>>14556632You don't need to go into the cocoon. Just look into my eyes. Stare, and just let your mind go blank. It feels soooo good...
>>14556640Crystal corn has Vitamin P, for pony.
Last Saturday of the hiatus. One week from now we'll have new pony after a 280 day hiatus.How does it feel? Are you all excited for new pony?
>>14555424>>14555442>>14555435>>14555488If you guys like questing so much, why not join those sub guys? Don't they quest a lot?
>>14556695I just want a kiss.
>>14556694That ending was the best.I'm glad you changed your last name, you son of a bitch
>>14556713I don't feel.
>>14556666But I'm different! What can I do to show you that I really do love you?
>>14556719I like the CYOA questingNot the D&D style they do.
>>14556695>Look into my eyes.Yah numbskull!>Jabs Chrysalis in the eyes.WOOOOP WOP WOP WOP WOP!
>>14556732Suck my finger
>>14556732Gimme the D.
>>14556695...Why does looking at you make the back of my skull tingle?
>>14556726So many boners from that busty fairy. Them hard nipples through that silk cloth. Those squat proportions.
>>14556719The sub is just DnD garbage with a pony theme.And most quests do take place on the sub, but the trick is getting someone good to do it.
>>14556733I don't really get what the difference is but I guess it's just because I don't understand your weirdo nerd games.#shotsfired
>>14556733/mlp/ has a fuck ton going onGo check there
>>14556732Not require love to survive.
>>14556720>>14556748>>14556744OkayI can do that!Can I have my hug now?
>>14556769Warm Bodies please...
>>14556719Different style of quest, I think. The ones we're talking about are a single-protagonist, group decision-making ones, whereas a lot of what's going on on the sub is every player gets their own character that they have to roleplay and decide all the actions for. I like having other players be able to pick up the slack when I'm being dumb or just when they have better ideas than me, and not *having* to be there or hold everyone else up and just being able to pick up and start providing action suggestions whenever I get in.
>>14556765I'm gonna lose it when I see the 5 MINUTES picture before the episode starts.
>>14556719I'd start one again but we only have a week to go!
>>14556751>busty fairyOkay, you've piqued my interest. What are you guys talking about?
>>14556784CAPS: ONPANTS: OFF
>>14556778no you aren't I like the normal changelings more than you.
>>14556713I feel like this season is do or die for the show. If we have another stinker, I see people leaving the fanbase like rats and a sinking ship
trollestia pls
>>14556750IT's just the natural reaction to seeing a beautiful, beautiful creature.You don't mind if I start weaving a cocoon around you? No, really, you don't mind.
>>14556786Wizards by Ralph Bakshi.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizards_%28film%29
>>14556801>Chrysalis changes into a regular changeling
>>14556721I like this.
>>14556782I like reading quests. I don't play beyond the first hour or two because I have to be in bed at a reasonable hour
>>14556799>7 people claiming IT'S SHIT in a row the second the hour rolls over>all with it begins faces in between
>>14556786http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076929/They've killed Fritz! Those lousy stinking yellow fairies! Those horrible atrocity-filled vermin! Those despicable animal warmongers! They've killed Fritz!
>>14554967>>14556059>Implying they're playing constructed when all ten lands on the battlefield are basicStay fukken pleb /mlp//r/ing more mtg pone
>>14556817wait is this new?has bdf finally returned?
>>14556822Okay then.
>>14556786Type "Wizards" into Youtube and you can watch the whole movie.
>>14556831>>14556842>They hold out hope.
>>14556831Ghost hasn't.
>>14556849D-don't do this to me
>>14556765It's 8 AM, sleep is for the weak.
>>14556806YesI keep doing it, it keeps coming out bad but I can't help myself.
>>14556859But pone sleeps
>>14556807But I'm claustrophobic.
>>14556891Nappiest pone.
>>14556520looks good to mejust need to learn some lineart and and coloring :3
Wait, they started 4craft again? Did /mlp/ beat /v/ again as well?
>>14556914that's racist
>>14556914THAT'S RACIST
What if you ate a changeling's love?
Would you?
>>14556915It took ages to do that. When I tried to line it I learned that I cant draw a straight line or circles worth shit.
>>14556930You mean his semen?
pony should pony pony
>>14556930Changelings don't love. That's why they have to steal it from ponies.
>>14556921It's not racist if it's true that Pegasi are prone to being very lazy and only doing the jobs that no other pony wants to do for little to no money.
>>14556938Demon only
>>14556914Very much so
>Pony verb something something fags
>>14556892What, don't you trust me?
>>14556938Yes, but not with her mouth.
>>14556940Reminds me of that fic (I think by Darf) of Lyra paying a changeling to turn into a human to fuck.
>>14556958pony is ponying pony
>>14556956Does anyone have that cropped gif of Rainbow Dash with a pillow?
>>14556939thats why you use the lineart layer in SAI :3you can edit the line and move it around, mess with the nodes. it's kinda like vectoring if you have experience with that.
>>14556955Claustrophobia is an irrational fear. It has nothing to do with trust.Maybe you could stick me to a wall instead?
>>14556954Pony's up to two packs of fags a day, surely pony should tone it down
Who is your favorite pony's favorite Crystal Gem?
>>14556978I used to animate (or attempt to) in flash during my teens. I've been thinking of just building some flash assets for a while.
Is there any art of Marker Pony with sockem boopers?
>>14556992S-sure, I-I'll do it for pony
PstEAIf you're here,play with me.Please.
>>14556947>for little to no money.Rainbow Dash lives in a 3 story cloud mansion with rainbow waterfalls, she's got loads a bits.
>>14556992i always see that as "ouch, right in the cervix"
>>14557004There is actually. Don't have it saved though.
>>14557012She probably just built that house out of clouds.
pony butts
>>14556984>irrational fear.>tfw bosses always forget about fear of heights.>"Hey, Anon, I need you to get in that lift and flip that switch on the ceiling of the warehouse.">'...Sir, you do remember I don't...do heights?'>"What do you mean? You can't do you job?"
>>14557022>storm comes>Dash has to bunk with one of her friends because her house blows away
>>14557010I'm hereWhat are we playing?
>>14557012Nigger, this is like saying a homeless man has a mansion because he made it out of fridge boxes.
Where's all the mtg pone at?>>14555063>roleplaying asterisks>hoof>no replies calling poster a faggot or making death threatsthis board grows up so fast
>>14557044The sub.
>>14557012It's that cushy weather pony union. Probably gets paid 40 bits an hour to do 15 minutes of work and laze around on clock all day after.
>>14557050It's supposed to be a joke, see pic.*Raises paw* is growing into the next trolling may-may
>>14557050>People ignored it.>Except you, to point out the shit.>Took you THIS long.>You literally dug it up.
>>14556983>you will never fist pony
Look at this pretty pony.LOOK AT HER!
>>14557004Here ya go.
>>14557089I'd rather not
>>14557056Oh, rightFor a second I thought the vanilla server was unded
>>14557090HAHthat's great
>>14557072maymay is 2 new 4 menew thread time
>>14557085I love Luna's face. It's like she's ashamed of her own lewdness but wants it so bad.
>>14557090That's neat. Thanks for digging it up.
>>14557085>tfw no human Celestia/Luna futa fapfics
>>14557108I want to suck Luna's cute little futa penis.
>>14556972Good idea
>>14557122The MLPG vanilla Minecraft server
AJ no, don't stand like that.
>>14557169Wonder how many new unponylike poses we'll see in S4.
>>14557169She wants to be more human so you'll like her in the same way she likes you~
>>14557189>RSNo thanks.
>>14557163But what does that have to do with your thread?
>>14557204>not >MSI thought MLPG was supposed to hate MS too
>>14557225I think it's more like ambivalence then hate.
>>14557240So am I allowed to like his dicks?I like his dicks.
Sometimes I wish I was an overweight tumblrnaught female who pretended to be a nerd and watched TBBT and said stupid overused memes on a daily basis.I wish I actually thought not shaving was proving a point and changing people's opinions or that not being skinny meant that I'm a strong female.I'd show up to Feminist rallies and belong to hundreds of feminist female groups, oh and I'd be lesbian and I'd dye my hair every month.//Blog
>>14557253Well sure, yeah.Dunno what's so great about them though, they seem pretty boring.
>>14557253Well, that's all he draws.
>>14557225I don't hate MS but I do dislike his art.He's S1 Luna is perfect thought.
>>14557266>thoughtI'm going to bed.
>>14557269What frequent occurrence do you think makes her cry the most?
>>14557260But those women are crazy!
>>14557260you can take hormones and become a dyke though!and post surgery you can be a PT! Your dream could come true!
you there! Pink one!how many days left till S4?!
>>14557269omg why are you crying?
>>14557291every post that doesn't involve ponies
>>14557295>be a PTWho would ever want to be Purple Tinker?Purple Tinker doesn't want to be Purple Tinker, that's why he cut up his dick.
>>14557260I dated a girl like that except she was pretty nerdyShe started shaving as soon as we started fuckingI was way out of her league physically
What's that one pony fic/pic idead that you have in your head, but can't realize it?
>>14557312Does stuff like laughing at convention or fandom spaghetti count as that?
>>14557334I have feminine features, I could pull off a girl better than PT.
>>14557346no but it makes her sniffle
>>14557291When a post isn't about ponies or isn't about her favorite fetishes
Applejacks so cute I could just eat her up.
>>14557349do it then
>>14557379I like my penis too much.
Rose draws herself super cute
>>14557353Butterfly is such a pretty pony.
>>14557353Whatever happened to Endii? It looks like he still pops in from time to time, but it's nowhere near as often as I remember.
>>14557396He hates us
>>14557387then you were only shitposting
>>14557349ManVin Diesel could pull off a girl better than Purple Tinker.The Rock could pull off a girl better than Purple Tinker.Purple Tinker is a monstrosity.
>>14557409So are you
>>14557366>implying she has a favorite>implying she doesn't like them all equally
>>14557428She loves all fetishes equally once she gets over her initial fear of a fetish and then tries it of course
>>14557343human Flitter/RumbleI remember an anon saying he'd do it, but nothing ever came from that.
>>14557428>Glass pancakes.
>>14557396He hates us, because of the shitposters.And the porn...And the general in general...I really liked Butterfly too...
>>14557420you started it! i was only showing you the options you have at you disposal. if you aren't willing to fulfill your dreams, you are the worst kind of person. and deserve your misery
>>14557440They're not glass, just gelatinous.
>>14557314Oh hey.Seven days isn't that long.
>>14557444No I didn't! The guy that did start just stopped posting.
>>14557343Mind break fic with a straightedge guy and a stoner griffon.It'd be way more interesting to me because there's more than just sex that's being bartered around.Sex in mind-break fics isn't even that interesting, turning someone into what they hate is a lot more arousing for me.
>>14557454>seven days > > a a v v
>>14557441Wasn't he MT's friend who got roped in here because of her? I'm surprised he wasn't out on the first day.
>>14557407>>14557441Makes sense. Takes a certain type of person to be able to contribute while weathering the abuse here. Some people just can't take it and go to more friendly havens.>>14557454Lots riding on this season, but I think there's a chance it may turn out okay. I'm excite.
Pony asks if you'd like a chippy and some tea?
Lyra baked you a treat.
>>14557454That new series is shit. Shame, since his art is charming. There's something jarring about pones using computers.
>>14557483I would lick it thoroughly before thrusting my tongue down the center.
hurray, only weeks left for new show! Cant wait for the new friends, eh MLPG?BOOF!
>>14557501Sometimes I think you guys actually buy donuts just to practice this sort of behavior
>>14557501I'd just ram my dick in completely dry!TAKE IT, WHORE!
>You walk into your room to find AJ smelling your pillow.What do you do?
musky ponuts
>>14557487I like it, but I like most of FlimFlamFilosophy's stuff.
>>14557520I sit on that pillow!
>>14557520Sit down next to her and see what happens
>>14557520Rub her nose in it.And fuck her from behind.
>>14557483Tell Lyra that I'm currently suffering from a terrible tooth cavity and that eating a donut would be the last thing I would do, also tell her that I have very early tooth decay and I'm drinking nothing but water now and brushing my teeth as well as swishing with listerine after every meal, and not that pussy mint listerine either.
>>14557462oh my bad>>14557440>>14557451
>>14557550what the fuck is that image?
>>14557556Gross! Now they're chocolate!
>>14557506marco what do you like best about the show?
>>14557520Wonder how she managed to get onto earth. Or how I got into Ponyland.But overall I would take that as a good sign that she would like me.
>>14557564just a dude feeding a fish, what does it look like
>>14557390She is super cute.
>>14557564It appears to be a man feeding beer to a fish that is taped to his torso.
>>14557550>tooth decay>brushing after every mealshit nigga you are destroying your enamel
>>14557506new frens make my pants tight
marco gloomo phase pitting
>>14557507I bought some powdered mini donuts because they reminded me of people talking about RarityThey were disgustingly stale and I sincerely hope they don't resemble her anus in the least. That would be very unhealthy.
>>14557587>Implying he isn't getting ready to be a toothless cock sock for Mac.
>>14557602>Rarity unwashed.png
>>14557587Anon, before this week the last time I brushed my teeth was 2 years ago.
>>14557436>human shit>ever
>>14557602It's not for eating, its for destroying with your penis
>>14557626Holy shit you do realize people can tell? Did you seriously not have a job or any sort of social interaction that would require you looking and smelling decent for 2 whole years?
>>14557577my favorite thing on show is that pony, Derry! She has thos mismatch floppy ears, how outrageous! I even like make fan fiction about her and love to eat prettzles. Such silly!BOOF!
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>>14557688God look at that ponyShe's so fat
>>14557692 (you)oh shit nigger what are you doing
>>14557670That is a pretty good pony.So why do you wear that cape?
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>14557696That guy is still alive?
>>14557721It's not murder, they just need to back underwater where they came from.
>>14557626>the last time I brushed my teeth was 2 years ago.
>>14557664>Implying the only way not to have bad breath is to brush your teeth regularly
>>14557726this doesn't look like pony
>>14557654Why is it white. Is that pancake made out of marshmallow fluff?
Should I buy a bottle of poppers?I can't fit this toy that I bought
>>14557720is November and cold, you dummy bronist!
>>14557740You can kill bacteria with mouthwash, but after a week plaque gets so bad that people can see it when you smile.
>>14557757You can stand in the middle of a rail road track with the toy in you, I'm sure it'll fit once the train comes.
>>14557773floss that shit out of there
lets dance mlpg
>>14557781ohh yes! party time!
Pony says that you'd have a better chance in getting a girlfriend if you get all that acne off your face.
>>14557781Dancing ponies are cute.
>>14557757but winners don't do drugs!you'll never get the gold at the analympics that way!
>>14557664Not him but I use an activated zinc mouthwash.I literally have 12 hours of zero bad breath.I brush, mind you, have to keep the whites shining, but the mouth wash is just over kill on the bacteria.Shit is powerful to the point of I can actually fuck up and forget to brush if i am in a rush and use it to cover for me.The only downside is constant zinc mouth all day.
>>14557757Do poppers really help with anal?
>>14557768Please. I can do some back and forth tonight if you want.
>>14557825I see no reason why they would, other than the fact that you'd be high
>>14557825My ex-boyfriend was a whiny little bitch without them
>>14557827Okay okay, let me focus up aftertheselastfewwondertrades
>>14557842>tfw pokemons steal your boners
>>14557781>>14557794>>14557806>>14557849http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCvYVL1FyScaww yiss, dancing ponies is so much better with music playing in the background
>>14557835Relaxes smooth muscles aka your butt
Are poppers legal to get online?
>>14557801Tell pony that I have no acne and the reason why I don't want a relationship is because I am not good with emotions and a romantic relationship to me is like DirectX to a Siamese turtle, completely unrelated.Also I look like a cross between the miner from Demon Souls and a far much uglier Garry Coleman (Young).Oh and I would never go outside unless it's to throw something out or scavenge for food in the desolate nuclear wasteland known as Jersey City.
>>14557867Nigga, you can get them from most restaurants that have appetizers.
Stop it with the drug talk
>>14557883Okay guyswhat if what ifMLPG THEMED RESTAURANT
>>14557903That genitalia needs to be hyper.
>>14557903The horse statue on the roof of an MLPG restaurant would have an erect penis.
>>14557903The place would likely burn down in less then a week.
for what purpose
>>14557918And it would look like Dusk Shine
>>14557903All drinks will be served in water bottles.They will all be shaped like horse cocks.
>>14557921Don't do it anon! You'll overdose!
>>14557903>restaurant tables have tables on them so patrons can stand on tables and enjoy their food and chant slut at the same time
>>14557921I know you're messing around and all with that post but you are setting up for the Shitposting Expose curator know as "Armor"
>>14557916Yes, it would be way better if that horse had a raging boner.
>>14557903It'd have a dress code where you have to wear a pretty dress
>>14557936>Coke stallion/futa coke pony
>>14557903Trappy male waiters dressed in skirts.
>>14557903Would I be allowed to stand on the tables?
>>14557842>wondertrade technician scythers>get Scatterbugs named NIGGERLife is suffering.
>>14557960Only if you are quiet.
>>14557903Ponuts for dessert?
>>14557942So wait it's shitposting when you're against drugs but it's perfectly okay to discuss how much you like huffing poppers to fit toys into your rectum and how like the high from it?And discussing where you can get it?
>>14557977look how fucking shiny they are
>>14557939what kind of stram would mlpg be interested in, if one at all
pony is shitposting all over the place
>>14557903>The chefs keep walking out because people keep coming into the back to tell them how shit they are>Most of these people havent even ordered
>>14557970I like to only use pokes I catch, but I figured I might as well be nice and snag any extra rare encounters I don't need to gift to some lucky stranger.
>>14557842Would you put your ponymon in their ponyball?If take out a pokemon that ha been in the PC a long time and go into amie, it's crying.
>>14557993Art if you can talk.Shitty movie if you cant.
>>14557977holy fuck how sugary delicious
>>14557993footage of horse mating!
>>14557970One time I got a Ralts named Reject #2. Someone took that Ralts all the way to the name rater and named it that, and then threw it onto wondertrade.She was Jolly, and a solid part of my team for a while.
>>14557979Fetish is okay, but you are the parasprite troll if you say anything against it!MLPG is literally Ponychan when it comes to protecting and loving and tolerating the fetish.
>>14557977Only if they are served proper.
anal penis
>>14558007I can talkI think i'll probably fuck up drawing but i can scribble or paint for a bit, and then maybe stream a movie after? Would MLPG be interested?
>>14558006That's a lie. You're a dirty liar, Anon.That had better be a fucking lie, goddamn that would be so depressing.
>>14557893Applejack is named after a liquor
>>14558004But all the freebie entrees are covered in shit!
>>14558029I got nothing better to do.
Celestia dies.
>>14558029No don't stream. I have to leave.You wouldn't want Me to miss out would you?
>>14558025I can see Celestia being into pastry play.
Best hips.
>>14558012I just named them on hatching and just renamed the one I liked when I was breeding.I wonder if anyone out there is actually using my PuffyAnus Noibats.
Pony is disgusted at your sexual attraction to ponies
>>14558004>meanwhile the other chefs keep on putting weird and exotic foods on their entrees and forcing them onto the customers
>>14558053Ponies don't die, they just become constellations
Pony is aroused by your sexual attraction to ponies.
>>14558053It's for the best.
>>14558004>One of the chiefs throws an anon's head in the fryer.>The entire restaurant goes silent over the bubbling screams.>Ten minutes later a service it put out.>Specific to the former Anon's friends table.>The chief watches them eat it.
>>14558068>Chef Glue makes things no one orders, and all his dishes are incredibly simple>However, they are never turned away, nor are there complaints
>>14558031Applejack is named after a song made by Dolly Parton
>>14558081TIME FOR HIPS
>>14558030You know that one pokemon you caught for the dex slot and never used? See for yourselfPutting pokes in the PC is like putting them in a white room. They're completely alone. They spend months and years in complete solitude. Every day they dream of when they were free. Sure, life was hard, but it was better than mindcrushing boredom. They can't even escape torment by taking their own lives. Most pokemon that are freed after such a long exposure immediately commit suicide, because they want to take no chance of being recaught and going back in the box again.
Would you ever get so mad you would throw a pony?
holy shit this whole tumblr is genius http://bonpun.tumblr.com/>>14558049alright i guess i'll try to stream lemme go shower off and get /co/mfy first
>>14558109I would throw unicorns like javelins
>>14558109At what? how hard? I might throw pony softly into a pile of pillows before cuddling with her.
>>14558116Mew you are the slowest poke ever
>>14558108Please no. The guilt would end me.This can't be true.
Chin up! Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll only drag you down!You've got to keep on sailing even when you want to frown!The world will keep on turning without matter where you land.You might as well be running when your feet should hit the sand!
>>14558137Yo uget into an argument with a pony and get so mad you pick them up and throw them
>>14558147Why? At the end of the day they're just 1s and 0s.
>>14558152I would never do that. I might yell at pony, but I'm not physically violent.
>>14558189you're 1s and 0s
>"I am your pony waifu!"
>>14558204Get in my bed Dash
>>14558204Rainbow Dash go to bed
>>14558204It's true.
>>14558189I used to be the type of kid who'd be sad when a tamagotchi died.I actually brought one to school, and it was confiscated. The entire class had to listen to it slowly die until someone took out the batteries. It took nearly an hour.
>>14558204Don't think she'd like me very much, but I accept.
>>14558233>>14558202Do you ever think we're just some sort of program and God was our "player" until he got bored and left us running in the background of his Jesus PC and only checks up on us when he's bored?
Im sorry everyone
>>14558204that is emotional rape RDplease stop, my heart belongs to pinkie
>>14558267It's not beyond the realm of possibility. Some 7th dimension programmer bored out of his skull decides to program in 4D, and suddenly we exist.
>>14558267no, but, maybe his thoughts or dreamsor simulation on a computer>>14558276tell us your sins, anon
>>14558276its k
>>14558284's alright, she's mine.
>>14558276An apology isn't enough. Draw your favorite pony being sorry and that may be satasfactory.
>>14558276It's probably okay. You want to talk about it?
>>14558299That pony could use a trim.She's not looking very aerodynamic.
>>14558317>Interrupting a man while he's masturbating
>>14558267I doubt a dream, but maybe we are just a simulation. I doubt there would be a way to find out if thats true or not, and it really doesn't matter either way. If we are in a simulation, I just hope they give an afterlife to everyone, and we get to choose what our paradise is.
>>14558317>chance unfIs that word just completely ruined for anyone else? "Hey anon, wanna play a game of chance?"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0&list=RDEiO9_PJ0h8Q1billion 800million+Oh ok
>>14558299You can't own My Little Pony, Anon.
>>14558267Does anyone remember a cap or an archive of a thread where a guy claimed to have left some arena shooter with a learning AI running in the background for months, and that when he remembered about it and checked up on it they'd reached a "The only winning move is not to play" state, and all just stood around but immediately ganged up on him once he shot one of them?
>>14558340>tfw realize i'm going to be gone for premierewhelp
>>14558324She heard how much you enjoy chest tufts.
Can you feel Princess Twilight saving the day all by herself again?
>>14558348yea that was a really interesting movie
>>14558353I took it off months in advance. I normally work afternoons, so I don't think I'd have missed the airing of it, but I wanted to be there to see the aftermath.At least it'll all be archived for you though, right?
>>14558348Yes.You do realize it was fake, right?
>>14558363I can feel your autism brony lord.
>>14558377Of course, but it was still a neat idea. Was just wondering if anyone could post it/link me to it, since I can't seem to find it if I had it saved.
>>14558374yeah ill hopefully still catch it that weekend but not with mulpug
>>14558356But I like her sleek and curvy like she usually is.
You will be turned into rainbowsEveryone will be so happy!You'll be gone but that's okay, though.Hey, cheer up, it's not that crappy!If you assume it your life goalto convert into a rainbowyou'd dare not be disappointedonce I stuff you into this hole!
>>14558397But...she's still curvy, anon. She's just fluffier.
beep beep
I can't wait to see more Babs in season 4I'm SURE she'll be representing Manehattan in Scootaloo's episode, and she'll be with the manehattan branch of the CMC
>>14558410If we pony were to keep driving into my ankles I would kick them right in their faces
>>14558410HONK HONK
>>14558427What are the odds that the Manehattan chapter has a pegasus, and a unicorn?
>>14558427>tfw Babs Seed isn't mentioned in the entirety of season 4>It's like they forgot about the character or decided not to useher
>>14558427The CMC have branches extending all throughout equestria. its like The kids next door all over again.
>>14558437What is happening to the left of the image?
>>14558442If they do there's going to be so much hypothesizing about a future main 6
>>14558463Fluttershy's hitting the anxiety pills.
Pony has created a monster!What do?
>>14558495Punish pony.
>>14558491Oh that Discord.I wonder how he's going to act in S4 now that he's friends with the main 6.
>>14558491I giggled.
>>14558510I'd use the term "friends" loosely.
>>14558491That's an incredibly OOC twilight.
Has pony gone too far?
>>14558525i dont care i had a giggle, and not really for s1 twilight
>>14558437>father given opioid pain patches>out of nowhere he starts talking about zucchini and flushing cats down the toiletBUT IT'S OKAYHE DOESN'T HAVE PAINEXCEPT THAT HE STILL DOES
>>14558537No, pony hasn't gone far enough.
>>14558537probably but she is cute, so I forgive her
>>14558450Meghan was jealous people liked her more.
>>14558542>flushing cats down the toiletFurry little shits deserve it.
>>14558537Define "too far."
>>14558542Zucchinis flushing cats down toilets is a very serious issue that reduces the efficiency of our sewage treatment plants.