Why is she so damn cute?Old cute: >>14545350
>>14549994>Around the world in 80 days featuring Rainbow DashThat sounds cool.
>>14550008>Trixie>cuteGood one
>>14550031>Circumnavigation of EquestriaSo... a single continent?
>>14550008Because that's really all she has going for her.
>>14550055Aside from being the Highest Level Unicorn, maybe.
>>14550008>"C'mere, stud."
We've put our top researchers on it. Early spectrum analysis suggests that blue may factor into the final product.
>trixie thread
>>14550074>Highest Level UnicornOh wait, Twily is an alicorn now..
I think pon should goop
>>14550031That's cool and all but I find the Twilight one more fun.>All those books>And she can't read them
>>14550074But she's not. Without that amulet, Rarity's more powerful than she is.
>>14550093>not liking the great and powerful trixie
>>14550097I'd goop pony if you know what I mean.
>>14550096Twilight wasn't the highest level unicorn even before she was a princess.
>>14550101>where all the books that were never written are kept So wait wouldn't that mean she'd find an infinite amount of lewd books about her and her friends?
>>14550097>pro-goop You are the ones ruining mlpg.
I wish to be a slutty princess.
>>14550116No no no. Pon. Pon should goop.>>14550123EAT SHIT COPPER
Cute? She is an attentio whore and an asshole? Why would anyone like her? Trixie fans are faggots
>>14550127is that not the dream of every pony?
>>14550102>Rarity's more powerful than she is.[citation needed]
>>14550134goop is everything that is wrong in equestra!
>>14550141Well she did all those illusions in Suited For Success while all Trixie did were crappy simple stage tricks
>>14550145what is that supposed to mean? And who is that stallion?
>>14550145Needs more underage sandwich eating
>>14550158I sure love watching the show.
>>14550158Why don't you go be autistic somewhere else?
>>14550166Needs more underage eating underage sandwich
>>14550172you're doin god like work Anon.
>>14550174Are you sure you like that pony? I mean, there are so many other ponies... Are you sure THIS is the one?
>>14550152Rarifag detected. Although her cutie mark and special talent are related to gem-finding, she clearly has talent in dressmaking and her telekinesis of cloth and other materials is nothing compared to Trixie's general feats. Her telekinesis and magic aside from in dressmaking has never been impressive.
>>14550127I'd fuck humanlestia so hard
>>14550166is the sandwich they're eating also underage?
>>14550214Well it is only a six inch.
>>14550172those hips need to be wider
>not liking goop
>>14550204>that excessive restatement>*Her cutie mark and special talent are related to gem-finding, she clearly has talent in dressmaking and her telekinesis of cloth and other materials, but it's nothing compared to Trixie's general feats. Her telekinesis and magic otherwise has never been impressive.I really need to sleep.
>>14550204If I had to guess, her cutie mark/talent are less gem-finding and more beautification. The gem-finding spell was easy for her to learn because of it, but she'd have a much harder time than Twilight learning the wing spell.
>>14550204...She did impressive illusions on the show. In that episode. How the fuck were those huge ass illusions not impressive and not above what Trixie did?
>>14550117Who was is?
>>14550188Make me. You guys don`t stop mocking me, so why should I stopping you? You have any ideas what I went through, ever since you mocked me three weeks ago in those threads? Some of my closest friends on youtube left my channel, calling me a faggot, because I do not like their pony show. They called me a faggot!I am not going to tolerate those ponies anymore! You wil see. I will make my next character beat them up, the moment I have watched season 4
>>14550211Well okay then. I'm sure you know what you're getting yourself into.
https://derpicdn.net/img/2013/9/7/421800/medium.jpegWhat the fuck.
>>14550245do not want
>>14550245>hard voreEw
>>14550204>>14550236>How the fuck were those huge ass illusions not impressive and not above what Trixie did?Nice Raritygoggles you've got there. The scene wasn't really that impressive, at all. It was just her doing her sewing shit, and floating around pieces of paper.
>>14550245Hard vore is a fetish.I'm sorry, but it is.CARRY ON CITIZENSNOTHING TO SEE HERE
Good thing I've got name filtering
>>14550196>Ponyville isn't googly>Canterlot isn't googlykill yourselfhi-five for not liking Twilight though, you have good taste
>>14550245I really really need to stop visiting random links posted here
>Around the World in Eighty Days>in EquestriaHOLYSHIT YES PLEASE>all the places
>>14550245>guro>hard voreThat ain't for me for sure
>>14550264Dude I'm talking about the part where she shows the dresses to Hoity the second time. You know the part that has all those cool effects while each of her friends show their dress. That's pretty damn impressive.
>>14550273I didn't make the image and I do like Twily, so you can go ahead and keep your high fives to yourself
>>14550245Well, at least there isn't blood everywhere.
>>14550284>liking worstponeBut why.
>>14550263uargh...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbVPUnYSb-kJust because I make my own MLP thing, you guys are mocking me and ruining all my chances to ever become a voice actor!
>>14550290>not liking all the poniesif you have to ask I guess you'll never understand
>>14550282That's not Rarity. That's called "special effects" on a "cartoon show".Did Pinkie actually summon magical moving felt?
>>14550289I actually find blood pretty erotic and fascinating, especially when there's no actual harm. But bodies torn in half, organs desiccating in the sun and slimy pone bits everywhere? God no!
>>14550275This whole map!
>>14550295This has nothing to do with us. I have no idea what you're talking about.
>>14550269>>14550269shut up or he might get wise to us
>>14550310>tfw no Freud Vale
>>14550301It very clearly showed rarity casting the effects as a spell of some sort
>>14550245not amuzed......i read a fanfic where a tentacle monster eats the pony after "use".this shit goes nothing
>>14550301Yeah we don't see Rarity casting the spell. We don't see those illusions end when Rarity stops using magiuc. And hoity doesn't acknowledge those vines at Fluttershy's part.Oh wait all of that happens
>>14550282Okay. Although following this Anon's interpretation: >>14550235 her talent is just beatification of things, that doesn't make her the Highest Level Unicorn or mean she could compete with Trixie in general magic tricks, or nonspecific magic.
>>14550295mlpg may be in /mlp/ but we don't represent /mlp/. Make a thread about your qualms, don't bring it here.
>>14550358*compete and winI have doubts Rarity would be able to cope with cutie marks being swapped with Trixie (implying MMC is anything but bullshit).
>>14550358Trixie never did anything impressive besides levitation and changing Rarity's hair color. Rarity does some pretty impressive levitation, much more than Trixie did, also did color changing magic and all those illusions. So while Rarity isn't the Highest Level unicorn, she is above Trixie.
>>14550337>>14550354Well fuck. I mentally glossed over that.
Does pony have a single fact to back that up?
>>14550392B-b-back dat fact up.
>>14550392WHAT'S A FACT
>>14550380>Trixie never did anything impressive besides levitation and changing Rarity's hair color. And predictably Rarity's attempt to one-up Trixie, was just beatifying things, because she can't compete with Trixies general skill.You're basically saying that a 2-bit fashion designer is a higher level artist than Da Vinci.
>>14550392Pone is gonna burn, alright.
>>14550380Rarity is definitely top notch with the TK, more than most ponies we have seen. She had the entire contents of her damn shop orbiting her at once
>>14550400>light source on the left>nose shadow on the left
>>14550400Rarity and Twilight should do some things together.
>>14550358What has Trixie done, without the aid of the alicorn amulet, that makes her the Highest Level Unicorn?She's done rope tricks, summoned a tiny stormcloud, and fireworks.Even Rarity was capable of manipulating the entire sky. And we're not arguing that Rarity is the Highest Level Unicorn, merely that she's demonstrated more power than Trixie.
>>14550414What a shame. She was a good pone. What a rotten way to die.
>>14550426>Rarity's first week as an alicorn princess>she breaks down trying to juggle all her responsibilities and comes crying to Twilight to help her
>>14550428Not agreeing with either of you fucks, but that whole episode was bullshit, anyway. Dash's cutie mark has nothing to do with weather.
>>14550428Trixie defeated the Ursa Major.
>>14550442>nothing to do with weatherThat's equally stupid as saying it's specifically weather.It's a fucking cloud with lightning, both of those are very weather related, even if her biggest talent isn't weather, but going fast, which also makes her pretty good at weather management.
>>14550442Well clearly their memories were altered to think that that's was their normal life. Maybe the spell made Rarity know some weather spells. I mean the spell itself changed their destinies. And part of Rainbow Dash's destiny is being the weather captain of Ponyville. So it would make sense for Rarity to learn some weather spells seeing how she had Dash's destiny.
>>14550442>>14550464It doesn't matter, the ponies were all terrible at what their cutie marks were telling them to do. They got no innate power from their marks. Anything Rarity could do with Rainbow Dash's mark is something she can do without it.
pony is ponying pony
>>14550469>Anything Rarity could do with Rainbow Dash's mark is something she can do without it.Cool, next you're going to tell me if Celestia's cutie mark was swapped with Rarity, Rarity could move the sun (but terribly (lol))?
http://i.imgur.com/DawFULp.pngOn tap for tonight:Over a BarrelA Bird in the HoofThe Cutie Mark ChroniclesParty of One
>>14550423Anything is possible during a musical number
>>14550469But that's the thing. I'm saying that Dash's cutie mark didn't give Rarity her weather spells. All of them had their memories altered. So maybe Starswirll's spell gave Rarity the knowledge to use those spells since that's what her new destiny was. She probably forgot all of that after Twilight cured her.
>>14550509>Trixie didn't even get a songNice.
>>14550505Why not just wrap up season 1 today?
>>14550509>tfw no Trixie song
>>14550505>Party of One
>>14550521I'll ask Creepy about it if he pops on.
>>14550529Creepy is ded and hats us
>>14550488Rarity would be as competent at moving the sun as Pinkie Pie was competent at bucking apples.>>14550515That doesn't hold up for any of the other ponies who had their marks swapped.
>>14550537I guess so but hey the spell made Fluttershy not shy so you know maybe it made Rarity know those spells?
>>14550537And who's to say Trixie wouldn't fare equally as well/poorly attempting to control the weather?Saying she would is pure speculation.
rarity moving the clouds around was just an extension of her telekinesis
>>14550527is dat kinky pie
>>14550535I hope not, I was THIS CLOSE to making him a mod
>>14550563But how did she make them snow and rain? Where did she get those kind of clouds? Did Cloudsdale just said "Oh yeah send some winter clouds to that unicorn that just ordered them. I mean why not?"
Trixie has better gross motor control over technical aspects of manipulating her AIM than Rarity.
>>14550556well we did see her control the weather effectively on a small scale as a part of her magic show
>>14550589anon plsnothing about trixie is gross
>>14550567From the thumbnail I thought he was trying to rape her.After opening the picture... it still looked like he was raping her
>>14550605I bet her hair is greasyNot having access to a shower will do that.
>>14550605What about her unwashed labia?
>>14550607the sketchy lines under her eyes made me think she was a very tiny gloomy at first
>>14550622I can't wait for the season to start so we can get all sorts of cute lil' mini-hiatus gloomy
>>14550618oh my worddoes this mean that twilight is Amy?
>>14550555It didn't make her not shy; it made her try despite her misgivings. She did the same as a model without having her mark swapped.>>14550556>>14550602All we have is scale. Rarity has been shown juggling dozens of items simultaneously with magic on numerous occasions; Trixie, without the amulet, has been shown working with much more limited means.Perhaps Trixie could have more raw power than Rarity if she developed it, but it's not something they've demonstrated.
>>14550615Do you have a rape fetish, anon?
>>14550618This is the most appropriate crossover.
You could run down a pony and rape her in the midday heat
how much wing power does rarity have
>>14550666thanks satan
>>14550671Well she's the only pony to have farted in official media.
I guess goats can be alright
>>14550666Sad. Cheetahs are not doing so well. There probably would be a preserve more than happy to take a cheetah in.
>>14550671>new hub [crowned]I laughed but I'm dead inside.
>>14550666this isn't that surprising as this is how early humans caught horses before they domesticated them
>>14550666God damn Kenyans you scary
I made you something, old ones.
>>14550707Hey that's actually a better ending than what it could been. Them clubbing the cheetahs to death
>>14550718That's pretty cool
>>14550713I still want a drawing of the hub logo with a crown annoying Rarity that he has a crown and she doesn't.That or it being drawn alongside the other princesses in a pretty princess dress.And Rarity looking jealously at it from afar.
>>14550732and eating their dicks while fapping to rid themselves of aids
>>14550718now make a gif of it shattering on the graoundbut only if it didn't cost very much
>>14550666humans are terrifying
Dash is going to become princess of the wonderbolts.
>>14550750But Anon Soarin already fills that position whenever he gets drunk
>>14550750I'd love to see their performance.
>>14550732Oh shit I read that wrong. Yeah what they did was good then. Sorry.Bi-pedals will always outlast quadruped animal. Quadrupeds have faster max speed, but they burn out really fast. Humans excel at constant movement over long distances, and along with being able to produce hunting tools, made us the best hunters.
>>14550768Is she turned on or something.
>>14550761He'll still be able to fill it.
>>14550782I hate you so goddamn much Carlos
>>14550666That look on that Cheetah's faceIt's like something from a sitcom
>>14550519What if I slip you my dick?
>>14550781She's about to have a milkcident.
>>14550820>>14550824That's a "go on", isn't it?
Pony has a terminal cancer and wants your help to create drugs so pony can support pony's family after death.
>>14550824put whipped cream on her snout
>>14550839I actually worked in the cancer research field for "a while", I can surely help pony!
>>14550842Just out of reach of her tongue, right?
Hello rest of /mlp/ hereWhy the fuck do you keep making this thread?Why can't you use an IRC or go live together in the wild or something?By the way my filters are broken
>>14550839You know, Breaking Bad would have ended really quick if he just moved to Canada.
>>14550718that's great
>>14550779Just to add to this, cheetahs a fucking cute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq6uX1jfFRkCheetahs are, like house cats, very nervous animals. So much so that cheetah preserves had trouble breeding them because they were so scared. So what did they do? Give them therapy dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndlf5_L5gsEI'll be pony now
Who is your favorite bat pony?Mine is Midnight Blossom.
>>14550839I can't help her but I know just the mare for the job.
>>14550862Aren't there tongues super rough?
>>14550855IIRC doesn't allow me to post ponies like I do here.also can't you make a backup of the 4chan X settings and then reinstall 4chanx to fix it?Also who's your favorite pony?
>>14550855Hello rest of /mlp/.Improve your threads.MLPG is fucking awful, but somehow it's still more palatable than your shit.Improve your attitudes and stop acting like spoiled little jerks and this place will completely die.You're only doing this to yourselves.
>>14550839I think the show should have ended with s4
>>14550862I'm amazed how many problems can be solved with "get a dog".
>>14550862That first one? Yeah it looks cute but that's a cheetah softening up its prey. There's a tasty meal just laying there and that cheetah knows that the moment he tries to get away, it has him.That's not cute, that's a predator fucking with its prey.
>>14550864>OCsMy favourite is none, that is to say I like none, because I don't like OCs and the ones in the show are flat characters.
>>14550887I don't like dogs shitting in my garden
>>14550893Thanks Dr. Dolittle for your insights into mind reading.
>>14550899Well, "having a poop-free garden" is not a problem a dog can fix unfortunately.
>>14550871Yup. Most animals that lick themselves have rough tongues. It allows them to really get deep into their fur when cleaning.>>14550893you silly anon>>14550887therapy animals are great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JzjV2xS794
>>14550926If only it were smootherSource?
>>14550883>MLPG is fucking awful, but somehow it's still more palatable than your shit.>paid a visit to the bat-thread when I opened the catalogue to look for MLPG>they have one massive shitposter by the name zee who puts ours to shame/mlp/ really is awful.
>>14550899First off, fuck your garden. Secondly, you should be thanking the dog for the free fertilizer
>>14550916Why do humans love other animals so much? It's so odd thinking that despite the fact we eat and hunt them constantly, we still love petting and loving them.
>>14550899a real pony would shit all over your garden
>>14550926>Tfw pony will never turn me into a little girl and impregnate me with anthro/satyr/humans with horns children
>>14550944MLP really attracts the worst kind of people
>>14550949I don't need fertilizer
>>14550944>paying a visit to the catalog to look for MLPG>not just having a bookmark that searches for MLP General, filtering everything else out
>>14550963I have one, but not on this PC.
>>14550894I don't think OCs are bad perse, if the arts good and the characters are cute I enjoy them a lot.Sometimes the fans do better characters and stories than Hasbro cares enough to churn out.
>>14550950I'd pet and love pony.And then eat her.
>>14550950Cause animals tend to be better friends than actual people sometimes. Plus they don't bitch near as much. And don't ask you for money. Or clog your toilets. Or drink your beer.
>>14550768that pone is far older than the boob monster ponyShe was a canterlot backgrounder featured as one of the background singers in "At the Gala" in s1
>>14550851>>14550859>>14550867>>14550885Now that the series is done, does anybody know where I can watch it? Not with torrents, just streaming.
>>14550950Because they look cute.
>>14550950I don't hunt dogs nor cats. I doubt a lot of humans do.
>>14550980Netflix has the whole series readily availableJust make a bogus account if you don't feel like paying
So theres a spanish version of doxy's newest cashgrab outAnyone have the english version?
>>14550980Why do you not wish to torrent?
>>14550950I'm not a physiologist so I can't say much. It's probably a mix of childish projection.Also it helps that most animals don't kill for the sake of killing, even hunters. They are just trying to survive, kinda gives off a pure feeling.
>>14550985Well not hunt, but there are entire breeds of dogs raised solely as food in Korea, despite Koreans also owning dogs as pets (Not near the scale as America in terms of ownership, though).
>>14550944>Pay a visit to the bat thread>Filled with shitposters and gay art>Find out that the gay general is dead because of batponies, so they're raging at the bats and posting gay art thereHuh
>>14551010PffffGotta love intestine wars
>>14551010>>Find out that the gay general is dead because of batponies, so they're raging at the bats and posting gay art thereWe have reached new levels of retardation.
>>14550993I haven't torrented in many years. I'd have to relearn all the little nuances and security avoidance. Also, I'm pretty sure my ISP tracks my traffic.
>>14550975I'd much rather have a bitch of a dog than a bitch of a girlfriend
>>14551033>Not hiding behind 64 proxies 24/7
>>14551018Call indiana jones, we've got some incredible artifacts there.
>>14551018Thanks, VLC.
These mouths belong to the main six. Can you tell whose teeth is whose? From left to right, name em.
>>14551018>tfw no qt monstrosity gf
>>14551018VLC: AN XXX PARODY
>>14551010>the gay general is dead because of batponieshow does that even work?
>>14551023Bat is stupid. You're stupid by proxy for posting bat.Stop posting bat,stupid.
>>14550944MLPG may be shit, but it's a special kinda shit.The golden turd in the still waters of shit swamp.
>>14551055Apparently the batponies sucked less
>>14551033You don't even need to be secretive unless you're really retarded and torrent really expensive software or maybe porn. Just torrenting movies/music/tv shows won't get you anything other than maybe a letter from your ISP, who will then proceed to not care.
>>14551061But bats are cute.
>>14551055I guess you could say the bat ponies know their way in a hot shit filled cave a lot better.
>>14551084...that's... that's not even funny.
>>14551084Nice try Pinkie, but I'm going to have to give it to Carlos.
>>14550971>>14550955>>14550789>the piss are raiding
>>14551055Apparently, someone kept pushing a male bat into the thread and was trying to have everyone talk about it all the time, to the point where some almost considered it spam and compared the bats to the dragons before they split up into different threads..
>draw your own anthro>complain that you don't like anthrowhat
>>14551108hut hut hut hut hut hut hut
>>14551103>An insane asylum....Huh, I thought the pads on the walls were for the drunks...
>>14551040I was thinking about getting a VPN, but I don't know if I can trust them.>>14551072I let a friend borrow my internet and the next day, there was a notice from my ISP about torrenting movies. I had to call them and explain what happened (I just lied and said I forgot to put a password on my wifi) so they can turn it back on. Not only that, but when I mistype things in my address bar, their search engine pops up with results. I feel like I have no privacy, but don't know what to really do.
>>14551111I agree.
>>14551104>someone kept pushing a male bat into the threadWhat, like the one who keeps posting them here? That would explain why things went south.
>>14551072That's actually mostly the other way around, expensive software, e.g. adobe or autodesk, is usually earning money from companies purchasing licenses, so they don't give a shit about the individual, sometimes even encourage it, and porn is already much more easily available in many other ways. It's the media giants behind movies, music and tv shows that keep lobbying for censorship of the internet.
>>14551103>muh exclusive club
>>14551103>I have no idea how things work at MLPG.>Imagine an insane asylum.I like it.
>>14551103>trying to mess with the insane
Sorry for the delay, here ya go.
>>14551126Aww. look how cute she is.
>>14551103Fuck off
>>14551136>>14551139well bcs does post here
>>14551136does that mean we get cute nurse pones to restrain us when we get out of hand?
>>14551104They split up because of a single shitposter?Weak.
>>14551125get a different provider
>>14551144DON'Tshe hasn't been here for months and it's been the happiest time don't destroy it
>>14551141draw more of this horseEVERYONE DRAW MORE OF THAT WHEATY CRYSTAL PONE
>>14551141She's so cute.I wonder what she'd look like if she was crystally but had the same hair?
>>14551144It all makes sense now.
>>14551141Jess, could you draw this pone:http://i.imgur.com/rUxONF1.pngSorry i have only lewd reference. But you are big girl. right?
>>14551141Oh hey, its Wheaties in her actually cute formHooray
>>14551141now draw her receiving a hug and looking just a little gladbut not TOO glad
>>14551150I guess it's easy for the gays to get butthurt.
>>14551148NoYou get EqG nurses. So you better fucking behave
Is there a bat pone that likes guavas?If so they have good taste
>>14551141oh hey. You're alive.
>>14551103Raiding what? They're just talking about MLPG. It's time you accept people browse both MLPG and the rest of the board, dude.
Hey there again. The MLPG Pone Marethon continues again tonight at 7pm EST, so come by and watch some ponies ponying pony. http://www.livestream.com/nonymousTonight's episodes will be:>21 Over a Barrel Dave Polsky 2011-03-25>22 A Bird in the Hoof Charlotte Fullerton 2011-04-08>23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles M. A. Larson 2011-04-15>24 Owl's Well That Ends Well Cindy Morrow 2011-04-22>25 Party of One Meghan McCarthy 2011-04-29 >Owl's Well That Ends Well>Being the best episode everTime for some fun tonight!
>>14551169>he actually did make a version where her hind legs are in the airl-lewd
>>14551141Thanks Jessyilu
>>14551169>all those pretty mares being ruined by gross dogshow can I like and hate lemon at the same time
>>14551174No anon!That is lovecraft tiernobody deserves that!
>>14551186DA SUPERB OWL
>>14551141Adding to the reply/asspat wall :^)
>>14551152I can't. This is the only one on the area that is over 1mbps. I'm sure there's some ways to go around their trafficking surveillance, but I don't want to meddle with stuff I don't know.
>>14551129One of the bigger lawsuits against pirates that actually went through was against people who pirated some porn by some company. A lot of porn companies are going to suing pirates because they are more likely to win (A lot of people don't want to publically contest it, as they admit to consuming porn), and because the porn industry is in a lot worse shape than traditional movie producers. Software devs might not care, or might care, it really depends. As much as the RIAA and other media companies lobby congress/senate for new laws, they so far have been uncessful, so their ability to stop pirates is very small, especially compared to the amount of people who actually pirate. Not to mention HBO has saw piracy as an indication that GoT is doing well.
>>14551170the pony gods are displeased with your careless remarkyou are cursed to remain human eternally no matter what you try
>>14551181>It's time you accept people browse both MLPG and the rest of the boardYOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!YOU ARENT EVEN MY REAL MOM!
>>14551197You're starting to misbehave FS...
>>14551103>MLPG has been more fetishy>Attacking their tripfags more than usualThat sounds pretty normal to me.
You know, if Fullerton's husband did not pass away she probably would have been the new show runner.
>>14551204>>14551206You anons are rather gurmpy today nobody deserves such fates!I am with this guy >>14551217
>>14551103MLPG has been labelled this since forever. It's like people who have been saying America has been slipping into immorality since the moment of its conception.
>>14551216I think you missed the more than usual part. MLPG usually does that, but either the sluts and hateanons got louder, or more of them jumped in here.The former sounds more reasonable.
>>14551218Wow, I neber knew her husband died or anything. That kinda sucks.
>>14551238It'll get better when pony start.Or at least fetishes will have new footage to be discussed upon, and hateanons... Whatever.
>>14551251Macro is a terrible fetish.
>>14551238It always seems pretty fetishy and shitty here. I think they're just looking at this place with rose-colored glasses.
>>14551252Day after his birthday.
>tfw no cosmic horror from the dark dimension to be my waifu>tfw will never have my dick go into her slimy vag (that's no doubt creating an intoxicating aroma that would make armorbro reconsider his position) and come out the otheror I could just have sex with Fluttershy
>>14551254And I'm not so pone.
Would you rub pony's belly?
>>14551218All the writers had more grounds to be the new lead writer, since they were all more experienced than McCarthy. Hasbro picked the other way around, they wanted the most inexperienced one.
>>14551268thats even worse
>>14551186Why not just finish off the season tonight?
>>14551260>It'll get better when pony startsRemember: This has happened twice before, and both times it got worse.I really don't have any faith in these threads anymore. I just hope the show starts to improve. Misplaced hope. I know.
>>14551262>"Hey, I know we're hauling huge as fuck piles of garbage, but let's stop next to each other on this bridge to have a conversation.">"Oh my gawd, good idea. Then ponies have to walk down stream to use the other one. We'll be like, important."Bonbon, Lyra needs to give you a good cuntpunt for that.
>>14551274Hey draw something.
>>14551279At least it makes a nice, round figure.>>14551292I feel like it gets better. Not better than before the hiatus, but better than the hiatus just before. It's all relative.
>>14551299Bonbon and Cherry are the most grumpy ponies there are. They are just doing that to ruin other ponies' days.
>>14551305Applejack gave her the fabric
>>14551305Someone should write a fic with some of the ideas you post in the filenames.
>>14551317You should probably go.
>>14551045Nobody wants to take a whack at it, huh. Fine.AJ, PP, RD, Rarity, FS, TS
>>14551317I think you should leave.
>>14551323Bonbon is a such an asshole. How does Lyra put up with her? If she actually taps that, the angry lesbian sex must be awesome.
>>14551317Would it be okay to boop her tombstone? Or would something bad happen if I did?
>>14551342She doesn't, they're just friends. Bon Bon lives with Colgate.
>Trixie thread>ctrl+f "seth"No results?!?Except this one now.I'm proud of you /mlp/.Also, pic related
>>14551275I'd have pony lay on my chest while I rub her belly and kiss the top of her head.
>>14551342Lyra is the only pony Bonbon doesn't completely hate.
>>14551275I would most certainly rub all the pony's bellies.Non-sexually.>>14551302B-but pony stream a-and PS4, anon
>>14551299Such is the life of the grump pones>>14551323Well Karma seems to be dealing with Cherry Pone at least. She has the worst luck in town, there is always something unpleasant happening to her>kicked in the head>repeatedly>knocked over>twisted into a pretzel>balloon stolen>attacked by spider monsters>garbage on the headbeing Cherry pony is suffering
>>14551349She gets out.
>>14551359But Bonbon is really friendly with Cherry.
>>14551350Haha, so they're actually reluctant associates because they have so many friends in common.That day at the market? Lyra forgot her bag, of course. Bonbon didn't want some creepy stallion to rifle through it.
>>14551360>PS4you are ded to me
>>14551360CC, I asked non about this. But can we do up to episode 26 today? Just to finish season 1.
>>14551349Her spirit will possess you and force you to boop yourself to death while screaming at anon and telling Gloomy to braid your hair.
>>14551374Damn, how did pony find out about my witch-y ways?
>>14551374I'm not a witch! I didn't float!
>>14550008Wow, this thread is like /b/ for pony.
>>14551388Well to late. You're on fire
Pony found a strange page from a strange book.Will you read it with her?
>>14551384She turned me into a newt!
>>14551391A clean pone rolled in the mud.
>>14551372You never liked me to begin with, admit it.>>14551376I was really wanting to Watch the Gala and Discord back to back because I thought it'd be an awesome stream and also to appease my number OCD. If you guys are good with only watching 9 pone tomorrow night instead of the scheduled 10, I reckon we could show it tonight.
>>14551367Cherry and Bonbon are members of the Grump Guild. Their relationship is born through hate.
>>14551396Pony didn't think this through: I'm still wet and can't get on fire.
>>14551391Once upon a time, there was a pony.This pony vanquished the evil dragon and obtained all the loot.The End
>>14551374The Salem witch Trials didn't end in burning, they were hanged.Also I would put a curse on pony
>>14551391http://www.fimfiction.net/story/74051/one-drink-too-manyStill my favorite fapfic
>>14551397It's just really old directions for grinding grain into flour.Why does pony want me to read it?
Boop Scouts > Filly Scouts
>>14551364>Anon boops Marker pony's tombstone>Suddenly, a hoof shoots out of the ground>Zombie Marker pony rises from the grave and groans "boop"
>>14551391something something darf
>>14551433What does a boop even taste like?
>>14551359I really do need to draw Lyra and Bon-Bon again.
>>14551391>Pony is aroused>other pony is also>pony ponies other pony
>>14551440salty milk and coins
>>14551440Imagine the taste of soap but with a lot more butter and sugar.
>>14551440It actually tastes like fresh bread, but a bit more salty. It never goes moldy or stale, so it's really good for sandwiches or toast.
>>14551444>>14551446Disgusting. I like the mint cookies the best. Boop scouts can get lost.
>>14551440What do you mean, you never had boop before?
>>14551439I miss Darfis he officially ded or what?
>>14551397Pony, I can't read those characters. Can you read it for me?
>>14551459I stopped caring after that futa-rarity aids thing he wrote.
>>14551459I suppose. Dead as soashamedpony, it seems.
>>14551430Pony doesn't speak scribbles and wants you to read it to her in your big human voice.While you give her a belly rub with your big human hands and then maybe grind her flour
>>14551456she boops you with her vagina
>>14551466>people actually have an aids fetishI just can't even.
>>14551482I'd ground that ponies flour.
>>14551421He didn't mention the Salem trials! There's been a lot of burned witches in Europe (even if that was pretty rare compared to hanging or drowning).
CHANGE OF PLANSWe're adding The Best Night Ever to tonight's stram in order to start the marethon tomorrow with the S2 2-part opener
>>14551482Stupid pony, you don't grind flower, you grind GRAIN.
>>14551486Its utterly terrifying when people try to animate still pictures. I don't know why, but it pushes everything over the edge into completely uncanny.
>>14551482Fine, but if Shub-Niggurah shows up, I'm blaming you, pony.
>>14551518Oh, and now you're gonna tell me you don't toast toast.
>>14551486>pony will never wink while you rub her belly
>>14551521Because they look like puppets. I haven't tried that method, but they probably break the picture into parts and them move the parts around, which really restricts the kind of movements you can animate.
>>14551534You can toast toast, but you risk burning it. You really ought to toast bread.
>>14551518Did you know that grain is grass?You eat grasses.
>>14551512Good it Makes more Sense that way
Alright so me and Non internet dooked it out and tonight's stream will be 6 episodes so we can finish off season one. Tomorrow's stream will have 9 instead of the scheduled 10 because we're autistic like that.
>>14551554Mario pls
>>14551565Now this doesn't make sense
http://24.media.tumblr.com/57e0d8d9116362c0bbcdb2e7edb3b37b/tumblr_mwbvr5Qt2a1s1br9oo1_1280.jpgunfity unf
>>14551561I know! It's kinda cool when you research agriculture.And it's not the whole grass, it's just the seeds. The whole grass would taste like this.
>>14551574Can you do that? Can you explode three times?
>>14551565>we're autistic like that.That makes no sense with the rest of the sentenceWhat do you even mean?
>>14551565But you'll have to do the same for the end of season 2 if you don't keep doing an even number of episodes from now on.
>>14551581>spreading vagina with wings
>>14551587Yooo that dude should eat something
>>14551580>finish tonight's marethon with the S1 finale>start maethon tomorrow with S2 premier
>>14551584*shitIt would taste like shit.
>>14551581Fairly boring 5/10 pic bumped up to 8.5/10 due to fluttershy spreading her vag by using her wings
>>14550008maybe your dehydrated?
>>14551546It's definitely all about execution.
>>14551616What about my dehydrated?
>>14551587Wasn't that series getting resurrected as a MOBA that completely raped the lore?
>>14551611That makes sense however not just airing the first 10 episodes of S2 tomorrow doesn't make sense but whatever. Your stream.
>>14551623Is that cropped?
>>14551638Oh, that reminds me of the people who lost their shit when an Argonian got poisoned in Skyrim online or whatever this is called. Turned out is was magical poison.
lets see what type of person the average mlpger is these dayshttp://strawpoll.me/712266
>>14551674I'd do either.
>tfw MLPG episode strams used to be non-autistic and didn't require a multi-hour commitment
>>14551532WHY ANON WHYYOU'VE CREATED A MONSTERLOOK WHAT YOU DID>>14551554>toasting bread>ever
>>14551674Both are fun, but until newhorse I'd rather make fun of bad artists.
>>14551638http://www.nosgoth.com/This takes place after Raziel's execution but before he becomes a wraith, so they have about 500 years of leeway concerning lore. There was talk of a game http://legacyofkain.wikia.com/wiki/Legacy_of_Kain:_Dead_Sun millennium after SR1. You can watch the series here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIPen5ELwb51_g2qaByrP2hZN0ZlLxcvP
>>14551677>new years>i will be alone again this yearFUCK YOU i wasnt ready for this end of the year depression so soon
>>14551676>tfw dooks is ded and hats us
>>14551606>>14551615>that difference in opinionsStay classy MLPG
>>14551688dooks had nothing to do with itcommander jesus used to do those streams
>>14551674oh wow i expected more votes for #2 or at least more ironic votes for 2
>>14551546>>14551521>>14551486There is only ONE instance I have ever seen where an animation of a still image actually looked good. It was that one deer thing from Zaush
>>14551693Girls are really cute when they masturbate.
>>14551690It's not that I don't like it, it's just something that needs some getting used to.
>>14551638>raped loreis there any series in existence that has perfect lore? i keep wanting this in anything i watch but maybe it is time to realize it is just impossible. i just end up saying to myself how a story in any game or show i watch has ruined canon.
>>14551690It's pretty great, uh? Sparks discussion and all that.
>>14551693Whatever those big puffs of breath are in an image, they always almost push me over the edge.
>>14551705anything a cute girl does is cute. she could be taking a shit in my face and i would think its cute.
>>14551728Laughed way harder than I should have. Neighbors probably think I'm a maniac.
>>14551611>>14551589>>14551597Eh, it'll even back out to us showing episodes 36-40 on Sunday. For Season two we'll be playing Canterlot Wedding before the season 3 premiere since it's double parters. That'll make sure we'll see 5 every night after tomorrow until Season 4 starts.
>>14551728It's about time we weaponized cute girls.
>>14551693>hugging the pillow after she's doneMY DICK
>>14551814what about your weird human penis?
http://i.imgur.com/DawFULp.pngIT'S ON
>>14551829IT'S SO TURGID
>>14551842gee.Thanks for letting the class know, anonymous.
>>14551854sssssshhe's listening
Ponies are pretty good, but I don't understand why they ever got a whole board for them.
>>14551674does discussing superheroes and humans wrecking Equestria count as show discussion?
>>14551854sa.png isnt even close to being the most autistic anymoreanyone have a cap of antiweedanon saying all he needs in life is a good PC and free autismbux from the governmentor nbs say he is responsible for creating mlpg but he doesnt like how it turned out so now it is his mission in life to destroy it
>>14551870/v/ wanted it so they could have more feel threads
>>14551885PfffThey're just trollingOr at least I hope so
So, I just woke up from a dream that kept having that fat yellow pony with the blue hair, which is odd considering I've only ever seen it posted here a couple of times. Which one is it?
Boopin' huh.
>>14551974>He still has hope.
>>14551977GoshGosh gosh that's pretty gosh
>>14551978Lamar's OC?
>>14551141Woah, I didn't even know you fulfilled my request. It's 2cute. Thank you.
http://www.livestream.com/nonymousCOME WATCH PONE WITH MLPG
>>14551977Who's OC is that?
>>14551978Lemon Puffs?
>>14551977red mage hat?
>>14551977oooh my, she is pretty.[lemon] will be happy
>>14551978Hah, oh wow. Now that fat sack of shit is raping people's dreams. He can't be stopped.
>>14551885There is someone way more autistic than that.
>>14552005>>14551977It is lemon's merchant pone
>>14552012>That name.Thanks asshole, now my good mood is ruined.
>>14551997>>14552012Looked it up, that's it.
>>14551987I miss hobopone.
>>14552005Some OC who's calling in life is getting fucked by dogs.
>>14552034Also known as the dog fucker.The Knot Hider.The Red Rocket Rider.
>>14552032He's obviously depressed, not autistic. Unless the 4chan lingo has changed and I'm not up to date.
>>14552044>We will never know the story
bump limit warning
>>14552049>>14552051You sound jelly x upset.Delicious.
>>14552032that is barely even autistic, the antiweed guy is much worse.
>>14552034Is drawing dogs fucking horses all he does?
>>14552044She's in hobo heaven now.Eating out of the trash with Hobo Jesus.
>>14552055>>14552066Pretending it for the attention and shoving into everyone's face without end is autistic though.
>>14552072Pfft. Hey Jessy, you should totally draw this.
>tfw no response
>>14552070Well, he has a thing for dogs, what could you do? Still not as bad as "octavia cum inflation" faggot. Though i would love some porn with canon characters.
>>14551978Today I woke up from having a dream where I was riding on a wagon with AJ and a few others, when suddenly, there was a rockslide and one of the weels got stuck on a giant rock. Fortunately, Cherry Jubilee showed up and smashed that rock to pieces with her massive flank and rewarded me with sex.
>>14552098I didn't mean that in a bad way. I was really just asking.
>>14552112I didn't take it that way.
>>14552055>>14552066>defending KrautismSeriously?
>>14552111Who are you? Some kind of OC?
>>14552111>there will never be a gif of her done like that black guy from metroidREMEMBAH ME
>>14552148you need to get your priorities straight, kraut isnt even in the top 10 mlpg autistics of all time
SAYS is a fine episode.
>>14552168I wonder where I would rank on that. I have pretty odd posting habits.
>"ironic" shitposting in the streamThere you have it. Your beloved tripfags.
>you will never watch this for the first time ever againhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UXGEbaP5Ug
>>14552161>She will never get egyptian slaves to erect a giant talking statue in her remembrance
>>14552178NO SHIT
>>14552182I hated it the first time and I still do.
>>14552174i dont know what that acronym means but from your style of post not even explaining why you think its nice leads me to believe you are just shitposting
>>14552189>things that everyone does
>>14552168Yeah sure, white knight.
>>14552193>hating fun
>>14552112Nah, he does other stuff. He just really likes the size difference.
>>14552177if i used a name i would be nachos tier autistic for sure
>>14552182The first time I saw that was on that site that played the video in several columns. I think it was called youtuuuuuuuube or something like that. Anybody else remember?
>>14552182I don't like the music.
>>14552207I don't like the music. it's just bad.
>>14552211lifehack is good for some things.
>>14552235>>14552236Apparently anonymous really doesn't like the music.
>>14552213Some of us do too.That shit is unf.
Thanks for killing MLPG, Nonymous
>>14552308why do you mlpg people complain about so many things so often?
>>14552321>you mlpg people
>>14552308>not watching pone
>>14552325He's not a part of MLPG. He's above you people.
>>14552227Looked em back up in the archive.http://www.yooouuutuuube.com/v/?width=192&height=120&yt=6sNPKg0gkmc&flux=0&directionhttp://yooouuutuuube.com/v/?width=192&height=120&yt=6UXGEbaP5Ug&flux=0&directionReading pre-S2 posts always get me depressed.
>>14552227The Rarity one's the best one for that page:http://yooouuutuuube.com/v/?yt=qQSz6gKdhO8&width=192&height=120&flux=0&direction=rand
>>14552338Huh. I thought we were supposed to be the elitist faggots. I guess the tides have turned.
>>14552353Yeah that was the other one. I also remember rainbow's being neat
>>14552437shhhyou'll wake anonymous
>>14552437>Marker's very last words before everyone leaves her after the show ends
>>14552474AHA!A PUDGY PIE!
>>14552487I know, it's horrible isn't it?!She didn't even have her fucking anything!
>>14552474>>14552495She probably ate out the inside of it, leave the frosting standing.
mewballyou're wrong
I'll draw something cool tomorrow.
Rolling to write stuff that may or may not be lewd.1: Cheerilee taking Big Mac's virginity2: Cup Cake affair with Anon3: Trixie roommate4: Babs adult5: Futashy dominating Dash6: Oppai loli Sweetie7: Amazon Celestia8: Bonbon sort of rape thing9: Luna and Celestia shenanigans0: GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD NIGGASDubs: ERP with MLPGTrips: First response gets pick or a new idea
>>14552539>there are people who think the show is canon
>>14552505Not that, didnt thought someone would consider making her so cute and innocent at the same time.Well all I can say its very good.>>14552051>>14552049P... pls.>>14551193>>14552070>>14552213I.. its my fetish
>>14552584YESDO IT
>>14552586>there are mewballs who think they can keep Lyra even after cheating on her like the gay faggot they are
>>14552590could you do fluttershy getting spit roasted by goo dogs
>>14552584You'll do the rest someday, right?Right?
Spike at your Service is a legitimately good episode.
>>14552590What've you got against stallions, m8?
I used to wonder what the fuck friendship was
>4chan pass gets banned for 3 days>continue to do bannable stuff without using the pass for the three days>don't get banned>log back into pass>banned an hour later for pornshit
>>14552616I agreement
>>14552602Not now, still got to finish some stuff that I am drawing and IRL.>>14552638Nothing.
>>14552653Until you french kissed me.DU NU NU NUDo you know you're all my very best ...sddneeeeiiiirrrrrrf
>>14552665GAH SO VIBRANT
Your favorite slut is a pony.
>>14551693This shit makes my dick rock hard.
transformation into earth pony stallions for everyone but flyingsaucer
>>14552799but i want to be the slutty unicorn mare
>>14552799You are a terrible, terrible person anon
http://www.livestream.com/nonymousTIME FOR PARTY OF ONE, AND THEN SEASON FINALE
>>14552799But I want to be earth ponies with Flying Saucer.
>>14552814you get to be the pretty pegasus
I accidentally posted ponies outside of /mlp/ because I had multiple threads open
>>14552833you can at least let him pet youbut he can never be a pony
>>14552825Did you ever do that Rumble/Scoots pic?
>>14552833We can be pals then>>14552835but anon wants to be the pretty pegasus
>>14552848He was busy drawing other pedo stuff.
>>14552848Ah, not yet, there was that and another requestthanks for reminding me
>>14552864It was that and fluttershy aheago
>>14552799transformation into panties
>>14552846Ugh, fine. But only if he can use me to fulfill his earth pony fantasies.
>>14552889no anoneveryone is earth ponieswell if they want to beit is the only way
>>14552829No. I will not see this is tripfag shitposters are in the stream.
>>14552903It's too late. The deed is done.
>>14552905I bet whenever you see a filtered post you unhide it so you can see what it was
>>14552932It's the SAt before S4 E1 preview
>>14552596Oh? You like something?>>14552610What kind of picture is that for a response to lewd?
All pairs on this cover are canon.
>>14552903I could still be your earth pony pet pal.
>>14552952Everything about this cover is great
>>14552949YesI like that thing a lot
>>14552958you can be my pal regardless anonbut do not be swayed by that other grumpy anonit can be ponies all the way down, and by ponies I mean earth pony stallions not pegasus mares
can I be a bat pony mare instead
>Unicorn reaches critical massWhat do?
>>14552952Best ship
>>14552979Well I'm still going to be your pet.
>>14553016don't overfeed your unicorn
>>14553028but anon I do not want or need one and before another anon jumps in here I certainly do not want to keep any in basements
Earth pony stallion transformation forced femenization
>>14552590Phew, was afraid you disliked it.
>>14553078>forced femEh.
>>14552974Anything you want in particular?
>>14553078always gotta tack something on don't you anon
>>14553052Oh. Okay then.
http://derpiboo.ru/473444>miss cake in skintight suitoh my
>>14553078wait, I have this
>>14553115No hard feelings anon I am just not a pony owning type
>>14553093jessycommissions when
>>14553104Not really. Just do whatever you want.But for the love of god focus on her lovely breasts.
Can I be /co/ for a moment?>Emo episodeReally?Pulling this again?Not only are they using characters we haven't seen a long-fucking-while but they could have easily used neckbeards/bronies instead of Emo kids, Emo kids aren't even a thing anymore.
>>14553093Its cute and innocent at the same time.It was just a random draw of mine but didnt thought you guys would like her design.Now I am feeling a bit guilty of drawing another lewd of her.
>>14553173There's nothing wrong with it.
>>14553162But that's already been done. There needs to be something that makes it Babs.
>>14553159Just finishing up the ones I owe now and I'll be taking more. Sorry!>>14553173I think she looks cute and I like redhead pones. I'm just not a nsfw artist so I improvised.
>>14552584I vote for the Big Mac one.
>>14553168What are you talking aboot?
>>14553023one of them anyways
>>14553209South Park
>>14553168>Emo kids aren't even a thingThen how do you explain all the twinkly emo albums I have from this year and last year?
>>14553188make her into a spaghetti filled femla so that anon stands a chance with herbecause that's how all everything goes in all anon/human pony caps
>>14553219The point of that episode was that both sub-culture's are dead and irrelevant and that they're pretty much the same thing. That's why everyone kept pointing that out to the goth kids.
Mentally ill people are dangerous.
>>14553233I was going to do all human.>>14553201That could be easier to write.
i'll finish it soon
>>14553199did you send messages back to everyone you got offers from a couple months back or are you just responding as you get round to each one? I don't know tumblr very well so I don't even know if I sent you a message the right way (I used the fan mail thing)
>>14553262Take the Rumble out and it's perfect.
>>14553262hnnng thats ultracute
>next genmagical blacks confirmed
>>14553306>EA Sports>ever
>>14553262You could just erase Rumble and it'd be great
>>14553259>That could be easier to write.Then why even bother rolling?For Babs, take inspiration from her home city. What kind of foods would she eat, how would her breasts get in the way in restaurants or crowded subway trains, where does she work, what kind of home does she have and how clean/decorated does she keep it, etc.
>>14553273>>14553324I'll make a rumble-less version after i finish it if ya want
Whelp just a non-lewd cleaner update.http://i.imgur.com/VlI27aQ.png>>14553183I know anon, its just that I hope I draw more cute than lewd.>>14553199Good for you. I(well personally) think cute art is much better than lewd.I just cant control myself.
>>14553263Responding to them as I reach them. I really dislike tumblr's reply system so I do it one at a time so I don't lose track.
>>14553349>rape soon, lemon?
>>14553371Nigga I don't even remember the dresses.
>>14553410Pinkie Pie had the ugliest one, that's all you need to know.
>>14553410>not watching the stram with us right now
>>14553371rd=best dress + best hair
MLPG should I buy this?http://hellomerch.com/collections/giraffes-giraffes/products/giraffes-pullover-hood
>>14553419My internet is too shitty to stream anything, even at 144p
>>14553349Why not just draw Rumble and Scootaloo holding tails together while sitting on a park bench? Perhaps have them lean a little into each other.
>>14553419Shitty internet and it's 3 am.
That episode wasn't as good as I remembered. Actually, that whole season was kind of weak.
>>14553332Was going to go with Anon being an old friend who moved away when they were still kids and moved back after years later.
>>14553449seconding thismore cute rumblescoot is always good
>tfw you can never watch pone alone no matter how hard you try
>>14553443What shitty third world country do you live in?
friday night hats when?
>>14553508I disagree, it was better than I remembered
>>14553517maybe you're in the wrong general.
You guys do know the reason the thread is dead is most of the people (about 20) is watching the show in a stream, right?
>>14553508For me, it's still just as good as ever.And I'm pretty sure it's not nostalgia.
>>14553517i can but its 10x better with friends
>>14553539But I've only ever done it with you guys
Shouldn't you be getting some sleep, Anonymous?There's a new episode tomorrow.
Any new S4 news?
>>14553449That sounds pretty cute... I'm jotting it down.
>>14553543>tfw drinking and watching pone at a friends housegreat times
>>14553551Maybe it's time to change partners,anonymous.
>>14553556please nono offense, but your art isn't really that good looking
>>14553576then don't look at it
>>14553540>2030 before Best night Ever ended.
I haven't had sex in like a year
Tonight's Marethon stream was fun just like the last few were. Big thanks to Nonymous again for streaming them for us. It's still on loop if anyone missed the episodes.Tomorrow night season two starts off, so show up for MUH DE LANCIE and more pone fun.
So no one told you life was going to be this gay~*clap clap clap clap*
>>14553560I like dominance lewd centered around butts.
>>14553609What else is dominance lewd centered around butts?
>>14553587Not to mention that it's just the people who are still sticking around when the thread goes off of page 0.
>>14553595I'm 20 and I'm still a virgin.
>>14553595I havn't had sex in ever
>>14553595Over five years for me.
>>14553625male virginity should be illegal past age 20maybe then someone would fuck me
>>14553598Now in COLOR WITH A PENIS
>>14553595>complaining about not having sex in a relatively short amount of time on 4chanDo you guys do this on purpose?
>>14553641wouldn't that mean you'd be breaking the law instead of everybody else?
>>14553641>not going to school year after year>not pumping that int>not gaining all your wizard spell slots
>>14553622Bondage. Pet play. Spanking. Breeding
>>14553598The line art looks like the discorderly conduct askblog
>>14553687You forgot a very very important one.Facesitting.
Chin up! Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll only drag you down!You've got to keep on sailing even when you want to frown!The world will keep on turning without matter where you land.You might as well be running when your feet should hit the sand!
>>14553676int is my dump stat
>>14553699But what if we combine them all? A snowball to include breeding.
>>14553699Who could ever forget that?>>14553713Sure
>>14552092here uou go
>>14553699You know what sucks about facesitting?You can't use your hands
>>14553771>what are thighs
>>14553754That Big Mac looks like a mare.
>>14553771that's the entire point
But where were Applejack's parents?
>>14553771Being in what position?
>>14553811But AnonThat makes your job harderAnd she's heavily invested in you doing your job well
>>14553814They're right there!
>>14553814deadAB was just born and was too little to see her sister off
did the goops pony ever have a name?
>>14553830well, get better and worker harderyou don't want to disappoint her
>>14553842We call her Goops.
>>14553842Flax Seed and Wheat Grass?
>>14553842hippy pony n°3.
>>14553857>doesn't turn up anything on DerpibooruDoes the fandom have a name for her? She's pretty cute
>>14553914>Derpy teaches everyone how to dedhorse
>190 images>page 8
>>14553887goopiest dragon pogey
>>14553927images are for dorks
>>14553693That's because the person who does Discorderly Conduct drew it.I talked her into doing a few requests here a long while back.She was shamed for it so she had to stop.
>>14553927>That imageI should really get on those projects. Hiatus is almost over.
>>14553951that's a shameI really like that blogand now I need to check it
>>14553914Fluttershy is super pretty in that
>>14553951goodless tumblr popularfags in here the betterthis place is bad enough as it is
>>14553951>she was shamed for itwhat
>>14553887This isn't going to end up like that slime pony fetish thing, right?
>>14553978Was that a big thing? I know it was fetishized but everything is.
>>14553951>She was shamed for itThem bronies and their love and tolerate!>Be nice to everyone!>Except THEM!
>>14553974These fags by my guessing.>>14553972
>>14553994I forget what it was, Cteno or some shit?
>>14553914Who's that purple unicorn next to rarity?
>>14554007Cteno was some furry artist who made his slime OC into a pony-shape to cash in. He did good for himself.
>>14553996We don't deserve to be nice to.
I want to cum inside Claire Corlett
Fluttershy always unlearns things.
>>14554007You don't have to pretend you don't know.>>14554022It actually started out pony, and then once he was ready to bail out, it changed.
>>14554025>The burly bikers of the fandom.>Being nice.>Ever.There are two things we love here more then anything, kid.Our mothers.Ponies.And Christmas.
>>14554027Woah, woah, woahThe CMC do things together. You have to invite Michelle and Maddy along too.And Michelle doesn't go anywhere without her parents and letting her do a concert.So there's a lot you have to do.
What iff Fluttershy were a Sudowoodo?
>>14554049Some of us don't like our mothers, but want a motherly figure to sex.
>only a week till new ponPANIC
>>14554043>Everyone was hating molestia.>He does this.Ballsy.
>>14554049your mom
>>14554055Use her as firewood.
>>14554055Then she'd still not be a tree. She'll never achieve her goal of being a tree.
>>14554063>tfw I'll miss new pone
>>14554069Woah there anon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_rBidCkJxo
>>14554071Joke's on you.It's a rock.
>>14554061And fapfic links to that?
>>14554104This is impossible. I am against a corner.
>>14554103Use her as incense rocks then.
>>14554094Other than it being so long, I didn't really mind this hiatus too much. I liked it more than last year's.
>>14554104But...there's a wall behind me...
>I've wasted like 9 months in this shithole with no pone
Your pony is stuck in the doggy door.
>>14553974>>14553996It was a long time friend of hers. She's makes her walk the line or something. I don't know what the deal is there, but that kind of attitude really doesn't sit right with me. DC's mod used to visit 4chan years ago so she knew how the place was. A real shame that had to happen though. I felt bad about it. She just wanted to draw some silly drawings for you guys.
>>14554141is this going to turn out like that window girl hentai game
>>14554151Yes, Yes it is.
>>14554141Time to get out the crisco and slip her out of there
>>14554141Dammit pony! Just because I put a collar on you doesn't mean you're a dog! Stop using the doggie door!Use the pony door!
>>14554141I think Rainbow Dash has reached the point where she needs to stop "bulking" now.
>>14554145who cares
>>14554141Guess I've been giving her too many snacks