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I know you're not digging my wings, but that doesn't mean you can take them off me, Anon!

Old horse: >>14489102
>Show is ruined
>You could have stopped it

Am I doing it right?
remove wings

remove princess

bring back the real twilight
Twily's wings are super pretty
I love Rainbow Dash.
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But it's for science!
Applebuck season is the best episode of the series.
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Doesnt mean i wont try.
remove kebab
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Dibs on Pinkie PIe
there was in no uncertain terms, nothing that could have stopped it
i tried to stop it. in the beginning in mlpg whenever someone made an OC or did a crossover i called them a loser and told them to fuck off

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Dubs confirms it Doom Paul in S4
This is the end of creator driven animation.
>that gif

At least it isn't their dicks.
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But your wings are so pretty!
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Can we share?

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Twilight having wings means more chance of her being adorable.

you be good to her
help support her through her alicorn ascension
be guinea pigs for her new magic
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>white widow
>Applejack died
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>pone will never wrap her wings around you to keep you warm on a cold night
Now, which one is Rei so I can request something
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Lots more of her to love.
fuck that last picture

It ruins the rest for me
That doesn't make any sense, Applejack's married to Prince Blueblood.
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Yes, lots and lots more
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Exactly. Now she got wings to play with.
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You guys really think Twilight will find a way to make them more adorable?

I have my doubt, I think she just might be able to wing it!
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but muh tulpa and lucid dreaming
that guy looks so chill

I want to hang out with him
Twilight you should cut down on the sweets if you're pregnant
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i was exite when i saw this, but then instatly lost interest when i saw the human.

why does japan have so much porn with fat/old people in it? usually raping things?
>Pinkie Pie gets her wings and horn when she becomes an alicorn
>keeps giggling and playing with her horn
>sproinging it like a doorstop
>telling the others to listen to how silly it makes her voice
I love the way Japs draw pones
classic Twi is best Twi
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I guess so, can I have her weekends?
You know, maybe I guess I shouldnt still be mad about /mlp/ being made

We would still be the go to group to use for a punching bag. I doubt much else would be that different
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Celestia is even bigger than a Japanese fatbeard.
I am scared.
Pony just got home from a 12 hour shift of "pulling people's head out of their asses"
so the audience can feel immersed
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Every Twilight is best Twilight
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What a qtpie.
>hey, pull my horn
Modern > Classic
me too

i like the russians too and the americans, and the eurobros, and the koreans...
God, what horrible painting.
It's doshite actually and it means why. Nani would be what.
I have a question I want to ask, but I'm afraid people will jump down my throat for it.
But what about that bionic space ninja from the future, that said you were going to become evil if you stay an alicorn?
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Only if I can have her every other day
You see it was their plan all along

They get us hooked on the original Twilight. Then they change things up and give her wings and shit and everyone hates it. Which is the perfect time for them to bring her back and call it Classic Coke!

It's perfect!
What does it say?
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Who cares, you're anonymous.
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wait so that means I get her weekends AND tuesdays and thursdays?
pony says no retreat baby no surrender
i don't speak moonrunes

at least i can tell kanji from jap and chinese though!
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so, how will twilight and friends beat exdeath in S4?
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I think you might be onto something...
Okay. My question is why make a character that's the female version of another instead of making your own original character if you're just going to remove any all traits of the character you're basing it on?
Just a reminder a horse dick is roughly the same size as your arm so you will never be able to please your waifu
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<those dots above her butt , everytime...unf

those are one of the best features on women IMO
>a horse dick is the size of your arm
>you will never please your waifu

pony is little
so it would be the size of an above average human penis
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Downloading untranslated manga, but can't read it?
>hot monkey dick
well by that sense I have two horse dicks don't I?

and I can last more then two pumps
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N-NO...fuck. Fine
but my waifu is a little pony not a huge horse and you neglect the muscle control of equine vag.
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i know im a horrible person, with horrible tastes

but, hey, there is worse right?
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a mare's vagina would probably break your arm, they pulsate to suck cum out and are very strong muscles
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I could translate them but I don't care to.
Too much work to get on Sadpanda.
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i don't think a mare's vagina would break your arm

Applejack's anus might though
Which traits are missing?
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that's why i drink milk nigga
remember when the main 6 were equals?
Literally all of the few traits Snips has.
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>sharing Ponka

dibs on Rarara then. i'll learn to make pretty clothes
but anon, pls use the plugin http://haruhichan.com/wpblog/815/ found here

right click download *here* link

drag and drop to ext, page in chrome

fill in forum acct info

bazing, no sad panda

100% worth the time and effort, these are pretty unf
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ponies wearing clothes are just
Twilight was always more powerful than the rest, both magically and politically.
They were never equals.

Pinkie was always the best
that fucking face, holy shit
dem japs and their crazy eyed mares mang
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mah nigga
Was celestia texting and driving or something
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You open your garage door and this speeds out and zooms by you

what do?
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> You will never feel Applejack wrapping herself around you and pull you in to her motherly warmth as you snuggle up comfortably in her embrace.
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and to think Flying Saucer deprives himself of them

almost blasphemy
I'm confused

And scared

I want the real Celestia back!
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Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
Maybe when I get back home.
Or not lel.
fuck off frodo
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Stop drinking before 5pm
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your pleas of mercy are falling on deaf ears
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>Nanaki got art of his fursona's dick shrinking
If I had a penny for everything I understood about furry fetishes, I would owe a thousand dollars.
Twas a rhetorical question
>You will never feel Applejack wrapping herself around you and pull you in to her


I'm like three times her size.
>you will never fill twily's grumbling tummy with yourself
Wonder what kind of retarded game they're playing
I know this is spam at this point but source?
Hey, whatever happened to the anon that said he'd ask Rina-chan questions at that con, and post the results? Did he ever deliver or what?
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Good. I would rather wrap my arms around my ponimouto instead.
there is a firefox plugin too
I know a way but it requires me throwing myself head first down a stairwell
What is anon going to do to that little filly?
>tfw Chrysalis turns you into a changeling
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fat pone is best pone
yeah. She'd feel like a little backpack
i can't speak for the other anons
but i only posted one
Question as to why there was a small seal team 6 made up of horses insidet of my garage
The firefox plugin doesn't work anymore and hasn't worked for god knows how long. Use something like Cookies Manager+ instead and change the url of all e-hentai cookies to exhentai.
Send her to her parents what else?
Sweetie Belle is a robot!
>tfw Diamond Dogs turn you into a Diamond Dog
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i would ask /a/. They helped me with something similar, once
Does fat pony include inflated pony?
Because you may or may not be correct
EA would you just fucking stop already
Reminder that many people here would gleefully give away their humanity to become a pony
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i dunno i just use chrome nowadays
That looks like a refreshing beverage

and I am quite parched
>You will never be snuggling with your favorite pony, get up in the middle of the night for some water or something, but have her still firmly latched on and asleep
Reminder that ponies have no hands.
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pretty sure alot of fetish fuel is that changling goo turns ponys into changlings.
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It includes bloated and stuffed pony, but not straight up inflation.

swing and a miss
that implies ponies have no humanity

and to think someone was so clumsy to let it hit the ground, for shame.
Pony just pointed at the general and said see, they're all shitposters!!!
Hey, Dash! Come down and play some hoofball with me!
cuddle her
and maybe get sexual if she wants to, but it's totally cool if she doesn't want to
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I love Rainbow Dash.
they have hoof grip and magic, the latter being far superior is its dexterity
it's weird how they're are different types of "goo", that you would even have to specify it as "Changeling goo"
So I had my first real life encounter with pony stuff

I was driving and the SUV in front of me had pony stickers on the rear door. I think it was Rarity, DJ Pon3 and that white and pink whispy unicorn I forget we call
List all of them and just assume Sugar has them too unless explicitly shown otherwise.
>Reminder that many people here would gleefully give away their humanity to become a slutty mare
Not everypony is a Unicorn or Alicorn.
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I'll accept it
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that pony needs to go to bed

hoofgrip though
Define give away my humanity?
This would be so unf on 4 legs
shut up mlpg, get on my horse
>pink whispy unicorn
That would be Alizee.
their hooves are apparently soft, like when they jammed them into those cider handles
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I am glad we agree.
But they can also drive nails with them and they make clipping noises
Your body, your life, your relations. As far as anyone on Earth is concerned you just disappeared.
Maybe they just have special soft handles?


here is hoof grip IRL
But anon, how can anyone possibly give away something they don't have!
Reminder that many people would destroy the universe, killing all humans (and everything else), to go to the Equestrian one.
...And what's your point?

Subtle/backstories you would like to see in S4

>CheerMac seen more and more in the back ground together
>Cheerle gets a bit 'chubbier' throughout the season
>It's hinted that Cheerle is pregnant
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Is Applejack straight?
reminder that humanity could wipe out Equestria without breaking a sweat
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16.9oz container
servings per container about 2
serving size 12 ounces
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>you will never go swarming
How big is gloomy now
In a heartbeat
You really want to get into that?
is Soarin?
room sized
Twilight starts turning into a villain that needs to be destroyed. Trixie kills her.

gloomy ceases to exist when the hiatus ends.

it's like applying positive energy to something undead.
bigger than your mattress
I've been travelling the last two days.

Anything new?
eh, we haven't seen hooves conforming around an object to pick it up (similar to the way an ameoba engulfs it's food). They'd have to adjust pony body pressure at will, too.
>discord can't stop the nukes if he doesn't know they're coming
>most unicorns aren't powerful enough to go around trasmuting guns
>celestia moving the sun would end life in Equestria
>people get mad and start mentioning how humans control Equestrian laws of nature anyway

there it's done
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mlpg help me sleep pls
Oh no
As big as you want her to be.

No she doesn't, she just watches pony.
Every little girl wants to be a princess.

go to bed faggot

pone doesn't have a tail?
take a fist full of valerian root
All the main six are becoming princesses.
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>have undead buddy
>he looks sick
>try to heal him
>it doesn't work
>keep healing him
>he dies (again) (?)
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why do you have to ask so many questions
So she's big enough to cuddle with on a cold day?
*The morph ball is from Metroid
only Rarara. you have to do great feats of magic to ascend.
Lel how are you getting them there.
>unicorns transmuting guns
Just lel.
>Celestia moving the sun
She'd move Earth's sun, not Equestria's, are you daft?

There it's done.
take someone else's sleep while they're not using it
Pony says that lying down with your eyes closed is just as good as sleep, sometimes

how does metroid crawl?
Pegasus ponies can become princesses to anon, so earthponies probably can as well
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> "We sure do make amazing children, right hun?"
> "Sure do. Should we have another?"

If the first becomes a Prince through marriage, the second becomes a Alicorn Princess, will the third one be a God?
If no one streams a movie I will be sad
pretty sure all ponies are big enough for that, but yes

Fuck off you cock gobbling retard
>Cadance just loves an evil enchantress
>doesn't even have magic
pony is right
go lay down in bed and close your eyes
i just hope i destroyed your horrible headcanon. Or at least kicked a little dirt on it
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no xdif necessary
It moved
Just an average joe
>How are you getting them there

this applies to ponies as well

congratulations, now there is no fighting
She creates love magic mate

....did they give the others stained glass too?
i did that for three hours
now what
>Rarity in charge of keeping her trap shut
Yes we have, go rewatch Winter Wrap-up.
A small portal.
The ponies would win in territory control, and swarm Earth.d
Don't forget the mother is an award winning author.
she does that now
she didn't do that as a pegasus
>B-But they'll kill him
>No, honey. He'll be a god to them
god the pure expectations of the child would probly make him a drug dealer pony

with her

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didn't work though, i just don't have readily available pics, i have seen pony manipulate plenty of objects without magic using hoofgrip
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Imagine living with that anxiety. Your siblings are famous and successful while you are just an average pony.

They would feel like Applejack feels like when she's around her friends.
Biggest (realistic) ass damage to the fandom for S4? What would you think one of the biggest fallouts would be?

>RD episode
>Girls find out she has a crush on Soarin
lyra stop that, he's married
go back and do it for another three hours
Pinkie is made of rubber, and you are made of glue.
>"Gee Twilight, you sure were kinda tubby back then, huh?"
>"You really think so."
>"It's not important. What's important is that future generations will think so."
when da fug did this happen? a newer comic?
spill them
not today
Not yet, they have to become princesses first.
This sounds horrifying
wouldnt it be kinda good to seal Dash as straight though? and make Fluttershy gay for Rarity
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one of the books
>I kill myself
If Ponk gets a coltfriend I will.
>a small portal

which episode did ponies make inter-dimensional portals in?
Do you think Twilight's going to get a lot of extra work as a princess or will it just replace a chunk of her study time?
Dunno about ass damage but there would be a HUGE shit storm if there was any hint at fluttermac
Does anyone have the .gif from TMPP of Pinkie excitedly trotting in place. it was in the cave
You guys really do need to start watching the show if we're going to have arguments about what is and isn't possible
Equestria Girls.
i hope you're just saying that because you're so sure it won't happen. If you aren't, that's ok though i guess

No anon that is not cool
The portal was an ancient artifact that wasn't consciously attuned or controlled by the princesses or anything. How do they plan on making a portal of their own?
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Pony insists that you are not prepared
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>not choose your own adventure

It's shit

>we will never get warcraft 4
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well AJxRarity is her best ship but AJ is to straight

2:20, shot of a bunch of pegasus ponies on rooftops holding shovels with their hooves wrapped around the handles.
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>an ancient artifact
Ergo portals can be made. Twilight is the master of magic after all, fuck Trixie.
Which Mane 6 would you turn into a male, to have the rest of the Mane 6 as his harem?
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My favorite ship for fluttershy is the other 5 all making sexual advances on her
then biggest ass storm would be Flash Sentry showing up and talking to Twilight.
Twilight sparkle

it would make ticket master even more interesting
>12 years an earth pony
what the bloody devil

Where the heck did that thing even come from, anyway?

>Discord just throws it up on a whim.
>He doesn't know why, but some day it will eventually make some group of people somewhere very very upset

Rainbow Dash.

A reluctant secretly gay male that just wants to be friends but all the others want his dick.
Elements of Harmony can be made, too.
Just saying, we've seen hooves conforming around an object to hold it.
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>S4 E1&2
>Luna didn't go evil to be evil, she just got out shined by Celestia, whom being a bit full of herself and her importance in equestria.
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Portals are two-way

And humans are a lot nastier than ponies.

also there's superheroes now, because non-existent ponies exist.
>He doesn't know why, but some day it will eventually make some group of people somewhere very very upset
Gave me a chuckle.
>dat gif
i don't understand
>there's superheros now
/co/ please.
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Would you hang out with a miniature pony version of yourself
didnt the comic just say, she wasnt evil she moon shit just fed off her rage?
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Like so?
thanks DD, i didn't have the patience.
Yes would would take turns buttfucking
i don't even know what that guy would be like. Fuck, would i even hang out with myself? Damnit.
Yeah, I'd use it to make glue.
I'm honestly not sure
But I hate myself
I'd like something awesome to happen but it probably won't.

I'd be nice backstory to just see a well mannered luna be continuously pushed aside by celestia's importance, to the point she got fed up found some spell to become way more powerful and couldn't control the spell from taking the greedy side of her.
yeah and since it's me I know I'd be DTF
I guess, but I'm not sure what we'd do.
I would rather hang out with a big pony version of myself but I guess that's okay too
i hope you don't mean what i think you mean
>pony you also has plans to harvest your bones
yeah, it's just weird. Like an animation error or something.
I hope Trixie replaces Twilight Sue.
i put pony self in my lap and pet it like a cat when i'm at my computer and try to learn not hating myself.
Doppelgangers are scary

Wasn't the point of this discussion to dispel headcanons that have no evidence/contradict the show? One alicorn filly is an animation error. Six Pegasus ponies holding shovels in the same way? That's an intentional fact.
what if i had self insert pone? would pon self look like that?
i dont know anon, they have a pony that controls 98% of the mass in the solar system. I think if she wanted to wreck shit she could. We are talking Type II civilization on the Kardashev scale. We are just humble level 0's. Sure we could wreck their shit too, but it would be mutual destruction in the least. I don't want a cold war with ponies. And if there was a war we would have no chance.
It'd be fun, so sure.
Launch +2
Trixie is just a more outspoken Korra
Of course, and maybe we could both lose our virginity together!
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Superman could just stop her from moving the sun
Nothing lewd, but it would be funny to see tensions flare even higher

and Twilight being an older brother to spike could be a fun dynamic too.
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>skim last thread
>learn I missed a marathon
He is powered by it, not in control of it. Sorry, but, he fails.
Why would Scootaloo do that?

She's not very huggy
Nigga that was six seperate background ponies in the same shot, that's no error. Misguided, maybe, but that's not unintentional.
We didn't want you there anyway.
>we could wreck their shit two
Assault baby killer street sweeper clip magazine rifles aren't going to cut it against telekinese.
What if there's a Magneto pone? An Xavier pone?
He could literally fly to the sun and hold it still

He is Superman
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lies and slander
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Ok /co/

You guys

Hole on

Let's try and kill Superman

You guys

Listen you guys

We'll kill Superman, you guys, by holding an umbrella over him at all times!
is there any art of Supes and Celestia interacting somehow?
Are you ready for the episode where scoots n flying is addressed and RD steps in?
we still have nuclear weapons

She CONTROLS IT, she can simply make it a red giant, engulf the planet and render Superman's balls inert.
Superman doesn't exist in this universe and Cape logic is a joke, you'd be less outlandish saying we have orbital bombardment cannons to use against the ponies.
no no no, i stand corrected. I was just saying it looked weird.
>he actually thinks the show will develop Scoots and Dash in any way

>Remember that /co/ thread of Winter Round Up
>Great threads like that can never happen again
The Flash vs. Equestria
>nukulear weapons
There's only one portal to Equestria and there's no way you're going to get your nukes through.
If SiP is any indication then the interaction with the two of them in S4 is likely going to be super cute.
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We already have a "scoots can't fly" episode confirmed
>Superman doesn't exist in this universe




>she can simply make it a red giant, engulf the planet an-
All she's done is move it, anon. There's nothing to suggest that she can affect its fuel. Plus, she was beaten by a bug that was high on love.

This is fucking Superman.
Dammit man I wanted that art because it would make me happy, now you've just made me sad
pony thinks you look weird
Celestia existe in another Universe or dimension and can make a portal to ours. Superman won't do that.
her cutie mark is the freaking sun, if that doesn't mean direct control over it, i don't know what would.
>implying that means Dash will show up
>implying that means that Scoots will be developed in any way
>implying that means the episode will actually be good
Nonymous turn your skype back on you chode
Did she ever stop and think that I have feelings?
>Superman doesn't tell you to fuck off
>Just lets you follow him around with the umbrella
>One day he's feeling faint
Oh, Anon, i don't feel so good....C-Call Loi-
>He just faints right in front of you

it's amazing how people make him fucking godmode.

he just runs fast, people.
Accelerator vs. Discord, who wins?
There are plenty of powered beings that could open up a portal to our universe. FAR more than ponies.

>cutie marks are literal

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Eh, her sister's close enough, yeah?
She says maybe you should have thought of that before you called her and her friends weird looking.
Although I agree with you that Celestia controlls the sun, cutie marks aren't always directly correlated to a talent. Cheerilee is a teacher with flowers on her butt, remember, and that one background pony has a tropical island.
he broke lightspeed
why not just call Tony Stark? He's great at getting nukes through portals
They haven't let's say the portal opens tommorrow, why should another portal open in time to save Earth? Convenience? Face it pones wreck humans.
His power level varies wildly between writers.

Sometimes he's just fast, sometimes he's faster than light and that gives him a punch with infinite mass, and sometimes he's faster than faster than light.
He is literally faster then an attosecond
good luck not getting the word "attoseconds" thrown at you
hey someone has to

but we are talking about diety/archetype ponies, those are not your run of the mill floral design marks
the >implications of FTL travel are profound, if anything the public underestimates him
Sometimes that is all you need to do.
>try beer for the first time
>it's awful
>try Rainbow Dash for the first time
>it's awful
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The portal could open up as soon as the ponies' portal did. It's just as likely, so why not?

And even if they do kill all the humans, see pic.
God, this was great to jack off to!

dog minus scarf = ?
the responses you are getting are making me giggle

well done anon
>it's just as likely
That's not how probability works.

>Blog status: updated
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Now with qtmark.

Any color requests? Keep in mind that I might not finish it because I'm still relearning the color ways.
there's nothing that would suggest in the show that those marks would be any different from regular ones.
>that's not how probability works

No, it's how superheroes work.

>trouble in another dimension? on it!
>superman will avenge us
If humans threatened Equestria, and they reacted in defense, I don't think Superman would side with the antagonists.
So one time this guy was telling me about all the crazy shit The Flash could do.

And I said to him "Get atto here!"
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So how do the ponies defeat the flash?
hey im on the ponies side, but, at the very best like i said mutual destruction is the only thing "we can look forward" to with them
>not cultivating mass

come on, do you even pander?
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>if humans threatened Equestria and they acted in defense

In this scenario, ponies open a portal and try to slam our sun into us for no reason.

Even if we did attack them first, Superman is aligned with humanity. If ponies were wiping us out, Superman would destroy them.
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>mutual destruction
Literally the only way that would happen is /co/tard's >muh sooperman? Ponies are just better, faster, stronger, smarter.

cover the entire planet in industrial strength glue
They had to buff his speed because it sucked having such an iconic hero be anything other than the best at his one superpower.

That's why Superman can't outrun him anymore.

I snickered.
I miss doing heroin because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and lovey-dovey just like ponies. Ponies are my anti-drug.
>ponies open a portal and try to slam our sun into us for no reason
Do you even watch the show?

>e-even if
Celestia can beat superman.
Thing that you love that a contributor said they would do but never did.
if you think the original royal sisters are regular ponies, then im done talking to you.
>Implying that greentexting "e-even" makes me incorrect

And no, Celestia is not stronger than Superman. Celestia got rekt by a bug.
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this one

my dick
More curvybelle in pajamas, Rediv why have you forsaken my penis
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stupid babby pones should just get cutie marks already
That thing Nanaki was writing
So ponies are like heroin?
If you thought people got angry when Twilight got the wings...
femanons molesting colts
Superman's source of power is the Sun, Celestia can literally move it out of his grasp or even field of view, making him powerless. Celestia isn't the only one who could pen him though. Luna can cause an eclipse. Discord could #rekt Superman by changing the laws of physics
More luna

>superman's power comes from the sun

He's fucking birdman?
What if there was a pony who's special talent was getting the fans mad?

What would that cutie mark even look like?
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Amazo copies Celestia's powers, multiplies them by 10, and then proceeds to destroy Equestria.

And he out-omnipotents Discord.
I don't, actually.
I've spent many a fine Fffffriday night here arguing they are basically on the same powerlevel as Greek gods with those who prefer to think of them as merely very powerful magical beings.
Even if they are gods, saying their cutie marks are different is absolutely speculation, because we don't know how cutie marks work exactly for regular ponies. We really have absolutely no way of knowing how Celestia or Luna got their cutie marks. assuming they weren't born with them. We just don't know.
I feel it is more likely that their cutie marks behave the same as all other observed cutie marks so far in the show. It's speculation, yeah, but there it is.
depends on the portal, and like I keep saying, at best we can "hope" for is that. Can you at least acknowledge that we have the capacity to destroy a planet? Well at least nuclear winter it?

Ponies would win regardless though. Class II are are many magnitudes stronger then us.
A greenish blue square
But how are they still strong when they go into space and do shit with the green lanterns a trillion billion miles away?
That angry forehead vein thing
>he out omnipotents Discord
Now this is just nonsense.
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this ugly one
He's like a battery, he can store that shit.
A Celestia vs. Superman fight would be sure to be a long one. They're both very powerful, it's kind of like saying Superman vs. Goku.
amazo pls. your overpowered its embarrassing.

try Green Lantern Post New52
It's not.

At the very least it's a stalemate.

kenshiro would kill both of these fools
Fair enough.
Amazo is retarded. How do you "scan" and "copy" powers?

>we have the capacity to destroy a planet
>or at least nuclear winter it
Yes, our own planet. Shining and Cadence are capable of making energy shields, not to mention the telekinesis powers unicorns display.
Which two? I mentioned Superman, Celestia, and Goku.
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I pick Q to kick Discord and Celestia's ass
The same way you move planetary masses, probably.
ok /co/ can we get back to unf pls :3
But I thought Amazo was a boat.

And Metamorpho was a company.

And Deathstroke was Australian.


Fuck I hate Arrow.

Pony just goes around, doing little things that just drive us up the wall.

>Pushes one of the mane 6 into dating some stallion and making him a major character
>Getting everyone a good rebate on reselling their homes, so they all move to the Crystal Empire
>Convince Pinkie Pie to both eat and promote vegetable when on the air
>Make brand new accessories for everyone to wear, just in time for the holiday season
>out omnipotenting chaos
Only the magic of friendship and the EoH (key word being Harmony) were able to. Trying to out-do Discord in terms of raw power would end up result in smashing yourself in the face.
Same Diety looked at through the Equestrian lens, IMO.
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>Superman and Celestia meet
>And hug or something
>Make brand new accessories for everyone to wear, just in time for the holiday season
Evolved Amazo is just as omnipotent as Discord.

This is a fact. He's actually much stronger because he could copy and amplify Discord's powers, but I'm giving you a break.

He's just written as more OP than Discord.
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>>Pushes one of the mane 6 into dating some stallion and making him a major character
Make it Fluttershy or Dash for extra mad points.
But they took Rarity's job

Rarity is just a pretty model now
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just hug??
yes, yes this is percisely what I was talking about
somebody draw this please
>all this headcanon to make celestia and luna not as useless as the show makes them to be
>thinking they have total control over the moon and sun when even unicorn can do the same thing
>thinking their moon/sun = our moon/sun
unf unf rarity inflation
>filly parts

Worse than cunny.
>A hug
>and some gentle petting and a back scratch
celestia just unfed at you
Q wouldn't get destroyed by a magical friendship beam.
I have no idea what is happening in that picture and something tells me I don't want to know
Worse than boypussy
>Worse than cunny.
>copy and amplify chaos
Lel. I can't see that going anywhere, no matter how OP Amazo is.
Plus: EoH can also one shot all badguys as far as we know, including Amazo.
Discord can change his super powers, by the very nature of being the god of chaos. The trick is though, Discord could not care less. And besides how does one amplify chaos? With more chaos? Well gee, that sounds familiar.

tl;dr Discord cheats
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>thinking their moon/sun = our moon/sun
Let's play with this one a little. I think Celestia and Luna DO control their respective orbs, however the Sun and the Moon are both much much smaller than Equestria and our own moon and are roughly the same size and distance away.
lucky you
Does Superman get power in the moonlight?
i got banned for saying boypussy once, i lol'd
Do you know why the EoH worked on Discord? Because Discord let them work on him. He just sat there. Amazo could instantly teleport all of the ponies into the sun if he felt the barest desire to. He can teleport PLANETS without event thinking about it.

>Discord could take Amazo's powers

Amazo could take Discord's too, then. Not to mention Amazo could beam his thoughts into Lex Luthor's brain from across the galaxy. Amazo could defeat Discord without Discord ever seeing him.
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He's not a reverse Dracula, his powers don't just wear off at night.

But I'd venture yes, he does still get some slight energy from reflected sunlight.
the comic seems to imply that they are smaller than our, seeing they lassoed it closer and it seems to be the size of a village
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What if pone clung to you wherever you went?
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yes of course master , right away
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I want new horse NOW
What if you clung to pone wherever they went?
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Why does pony like faces so much
>the EoH work because nobody resists
The EoH are an undodgable one hit kill. DURING EoH the Mane Six are in an avatar state. Amazo can't do shit to them if Discord intereferes.
i would think i died and went to Equestria
You think Fluttershy has ever won?
It's more like, nobody ever bothered trying to dodge because they were all stupified by it
No, but she is happy when dash wins.
Being Fluttershy is losing
>that one frame where i can see the goats real faces
What if Disney bought pone?
It would be wonderful
all these conversations that can be summed up in one simply equation

Are you ready for that slumber party?
>everyone's stupid!
Maybe part of the power is stupefication (Amazo is fucked and cannot dodge gg).
Probably better animation, writing, make is so that the show makes toys, not the other way around...
>The ponies approach Amazo
>Suddenly the ponies are on Mars
>Discord tries to do anything to Amazo
>Amazo laughs and then teleports him to Mars too

Even if Discord could affect Amazo, Amazo could just fuck off into a distant part of the universe and decide to blow Discord up with his mind. He could think about Equestria disappearing and it would. Do you understand? Amazo can shrink down to subatomic size or be the size of a Celestial. Does Discord even know what an atom is?
rene magritte, stop hogging the pink
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Hasbro would never sell that IP, Disney would have to by Hasbro.
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wait what? I thought you were ded.

no really i was worried
You appear to have it backwords mate

As if, have you seen how they treat their merchandise based shows?
that has to be the cutest horse picture, i have ever seen. thank you anon
Yeah I kinda just dropped off for a while.
What's been going on in horseland while I was gone?
Can't be any worse than hasbro
What would Reverse-Dracula's garlic be?
who the fuck is this lame named Amazo fuck, i don't care about that nigger. gb2/co/
I was really woried clicking this

I am pleasantly surprised
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What if pone was to big to cling to you? What if pone wanted you to ride on her back?
Same old same old. News has been really tight come to think of it. Info was spilling out like candy leading up to season 3.
>That other pic with Pinkie

What if

ALL of the mane 6 just all got up in there at once?
You're more than welcomed to ignore things you don't like

But please fuck off, we're discussing pony here.
Dark magic
>Fluttershy is shown to be knitting in the background of an episode

How do you react?

And holy shit is her micro bad.
About the same if not worse actually

Pone would be forced into cheaply produced CGI shit
cotton candy?
>Amazo tires teleporting ponies to Mar
>suddenly Amazo is on mars, because CHAOS, ain't got to explain shit
>blow discord up
>discord explodes into butterflies and they swarm Amazo
Discord doesn't even need to shrink to anything, he warps reality to his whim.
Amaxo cannot win, pones are more OP.
>go to sleepover with main 6
>they are all wearing this

wat do?
>You will never go on a crime spree and harass Superman with cotton candy
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>Pone would be forced into cheaply produced CGI shit
i don't see talk about ponies

i just see dick waving contest with some B rate comic crap
That does sound like a nice hobby for her to have

I'd probably have a bigger reaction if we saw a bottle of the hippie products sitting around in the boutique
Every girl wants to be a princess

>Amazo makes Equestria vanish
>Discord makes Earth vanish
>they just glare at eachother for the rest of time

Is this a sleeping party where we can snuggle together?
I like comic books, but I never really got into them
Maybe if I had I would understand the desire to argue about the relative powerlevels of fictional characters.
pony doesnt want to fight you
cant you just be friends with pony
I would say "neat" because it sounds cute
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It's a dick-waving contest with B-rate comic crap and ponies.

Like I said, you can ignore the things you don't like.
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change into my PJ's too
A lot of capestuff is rubbish
>fluttershy is shown knitting in background
>mlpg streamchat flows into a bunch of "neat"
>Amazo dissapears Equestria
>it just ends up dimension transplanting and Amazo is sitting in a copy of Earth's universe
Can't descore the Discord.
Thta why I'm not into comics so much

I like the stories and everything, but god damn some of these characters have been around for nearly a century with their own arcs, different writters, seperate universes, retcons and everything

I have no idea what is happening "now" for any given super hero. I mean.....like, is Doc Oct still Spiderman?
thanks for the permission champ

now please proceed to follow your own advice
Not all comics are cape comics, there are comic books for everybody.
Seeing as how you're here, though, I'd recommend the MLP comics (dih) and the Powerpuff Girl ones. They're pretty good all-age comics.
That character looks like vomit.
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I can't wait till pony on the 23rd

What is the optimal way to snuggle 6 ponies at once?
pls stram.
Huh. Now that I think about it, human FS would definitely be into knitting. Could be a funny meta joke about her human designs almost always wearing sweaters.
I can't tell if you're trolling at this point or if you're really too stupid to understand that Amazo is basically Discord.
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Probably have them all pile on you
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I know, it was the only pony that i could find on short notice in PJ's here is EqP's attempt to make her look half decent
Oh I didnt know there were PPG comics. How are they?

Recently saw a story time of the Samurai Jack one and that was pretty good
I can't tell if you're trolling or can't understand Amazo can't beat Discord.
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>all this headcanon about discord doing things that is not at one point shown that he can do in the show
>against a stupid character whom power is to do anything they can do but better

if they are that powerful, how do they lose in the first place?
11 days
Not all comics are capes man. I personally am reading the new TMNT comic, and it's pretty awesome.
I stop using "beat" a while back. I said it'd be a stalemate.

I guess you ARE stupid.
i wish i was under a pony stream too anon

Would that be comfortable for them? I want ponies to be comfy
I can
In a way I don't want it too happen since it'll be over that much sooner

I can't take a fourth hiatus man. They won't take me back
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Such a pretty pony
Anon's autism won't let him accept that ponies can't beat everything.

Just wait until he finds out that ponies were designed by humans!
While you where gone Saine drew this

They're basically episodes of the show without sound. I caught a storytime of them once and they were surprisingly funny. It was probably another IDW comic but I'm frankly not sure on the publisher.
and we come full circle to my point an hour ago. a cold war, or mutual destruction without stupid B tier comics.
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God damn it
>if they are that powerful, how do they lose in the first place?
The same way all comic and cartoon characters fall: plot devices and shenanigans
I dunno, has Amazo ever tried to copy Mxyptlk?
Arguing powerlevels and fictional fights is fun as hell.
ponies were not designed by humans, they are based on something in the first place.
They probably have plenty of poofie pony pillows to prop themselves on.
prettiest pony there is
I'm actually really impressed by that
It looks pretty great, saine is improving
Honestly its pretty hot too
Pinkie Pie could easily out bake Applejack!
>based on something

So... they took the base, and then made changes to it to make a new design, right?

As in, designed by humans?
Yes. But not a lot of people like him. I wouldn't be surprised if they killed him off.

D-did I do something wrong?
If you want to talk about things that can't be proven, why not talk about the fundamentals of reality and the mind?
Micro Gloomy comic book
I like you.
Just made me laugh, I didn't think anyone would actually take that.

Good on ya, Saine.

Also, any requests? I haven't drawn pone in forever.
9 times out of 10 yes, but if apples are involved in any way, shape or form then Pinkie's fucked.
Because we have more to grasp at with powerlevel fights
Alright you got me on that one, but, the real ponies are not based on human designs. Well, maybe they are actually...shit.
It's usually false that powerlevel fights can't be proven. Tons of powerlevels are cemented in stone, and are readily available to be compared.

Assholes who go "THEY DON'T EXIST STOP ARGUING ABOUT IT" are literally the worst people on the planet.
It's Monday

Twilight as a dragon awkwardly trying to end a conversation with Fluttershy, because she wont stop talking about how good fucking busses is
I sure hope Pinkie gets fucked
I'm not sure she could fit
Why are you such a slut?
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just a thought
Raritydragon fucking a 1993 Buick Century Wagon, with a family of 4 inside and luggage on the roof.
Goopony CMC taklehugging cherilee and making a big sloppy mess

shinning armor polishing an axe

Princess cadence plundering valentines day chocolates en masse

kekest top
I bet Pinkie Pie can make better candied apples!

What does Applejack know about candy? NOTHING
I'd prefer a world in which comic writers stuck by their decisions, even when they're really, really stupid ones, than one in which comic storylines have no permanence.
>art books

never again
Pony just called you a fan of puppeteers
>It's porn.
>Bronies get hold of it.
>MLPG burns to the ground in a fit of pure rage.
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>#21 top mare of all time
You need to make one with the van bursting with cum.
I would a micro Gloomy.
Just like all of those games? Or the collab album? Or the fanfic challenge? OR EVEN THE NEWEST ART EVENT?

Fuck off. MLPG can't do shit.
bitch shutup. Your talent is wiggling
>What does Applejack know about candy? NOTHING
Except when it comes to apples, then she's a fucking wizard. AJ gets nat 20s on all knowledge: apple checks
And cause a second wave of Krautism?
Pony knows I like Jeff Dunham, this is nothing new.
Pony needs to stop acting like Captain Obvious.
This >>14495902

All of Applejack's apple cooking just gives everyone the apple squirts!

Pinkie is the far superior cook/baker/pony
I can think of worse people, but, i understand the frustration. It's just that sometimes, it's seems rather pointless in the first place. At least, with other discussions you can gain some insight into deeper thoughts. Then silly dick waving contests. Hell talking about philosophies based on comics that can be used to gain insight is better then, goku vs. superman chit chat. and even then it's fun until it goes past a point, but, i guess that's different for everyone. usually that point for me is when it's an obvious stalemate and neither person can make a proper argument against one another.
What does Pinkie Pie send to har family when its someone's birthday?

Rock candy!
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Y-you too...

How so?

Well, I don't think they would retcon it. I'd think they'd be more likely to actually kill him. Otto's kind of a jerkass.

Blahhhh, I played with the idea but I don't really think I could get it to look right without obscuring too much.
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>twilight number 8
I believe in you anon.
>how so?
You want to bone everyone on MLPG
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We won't do art events
Our artists straight up refuse to tell them how they got so far with their art
Anything else we decide to do goes down in shitposting flames

We should all just pack it up and go home
Pony knows me well.
>Our artists straight up refuse to tell them how they got so far with their art

Them who?
Do not, I don't think I've ever said I want to bone anyone.
Oh they're definitely pointless, powerlevel dickwaving contests, but that doesn't mean they aren't fun.

A lot of times it even results in learning new things about the characters and looking at the characters involved in new ways, so it isn't entirely moot.

Did you know Spiderman can pick up 25 tons, but he holds his powers back? I didn't until reading a thread about him fighting.
saine who is your favorite pony?
>who is Nonymous?
>who is xieril?
holy shit, you guys, I'm just saying it'd be neat. Like, a neat hypothetical idea that probably does not have any chance of working.
Hahahaha, as if I'd be able to do anything even if we did do a project
so saine is the father of xieril's child?
Nonymous said he wanted to bone me and I just said xieril was cute. That doesn't automatically make me want to sleep with everyone.
Sounds like a slut to me!
You commented on someone's looks.
By MLPG's rules that means you are already totally fucking!
Never bring up MLPG and project in the same sentence ever again.
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anon, start working on a story or storyboard. if you build it they will come.
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Art projects fall apart because artists get told what to do, treat it like work and end up quitting or missing deadlines.
Creating shit works best when it's spontaneous and flexible.
Compare the sheer volume of random finished art requests that get posted to the few projects MLPG has collab'd on
but we've had successful projects before

are you guys new or just commenting on how recently every project has fallen apart?
Nothing will ever be cool or nice, ever.
Maybe an art project would work better if there were no strict signup lists or anything. Maybe we should just pass something around and anyone who wants to add something to it by a given date can and that's it.
We still have artists just pop in and ask for free requests. Thats good enough
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MLPG doesn't deserve contributors
Christmas book

Too many to fucking count
>Christmas book
And it was one of the worst things ever to happened to MLPG.
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Okay, now show me a better pony
It was mostly Terse's fault.
Also not let Ross in.
was the christmas book the writefag/artfag thing? because we had a successful one of those too.

and the grid images, but you might not call those projects.
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>implying appleblom isn't the best pony
You guys
ya wanna send a christmas card
who's terse?

still the best
We had a few friend or dies
>The firefox plugin doesn't work anymore and hasn't worked for god knows how long.
Huh, weird. The version I installed from
is still getting me through just fine. Perhaps it still works with older cookies or something.
>nobody will ever draw roogna orgasm denial
how many contributors do we have these days?

contributor meaning someone that has taken requests in the last month.
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She's not even the best CMC
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To who?
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will S4 be shit?
taking bets

horsecock dildos will be acceptable as collateral
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Sorry, I was really just saying it was a cute idea
I had no intention of i itiating people talking about projects I swear
I'll get started on one right as soon as I finish a story of my own. So, sometime around never.
Pony says you ruined this fandom.
Let's do this
I think it will be equal to or greater than S3

and I only enjoyed 3 or 4 episodes out of S3
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Personally I can't wait for season 4. I think Twilight trying to figure out her wings will be cute.
2 bad dragon horsecocks on something going horribly wrong and twilights wings being a really bad thing that causes bad stuff and they gotta stop it and adventure happens
Betting with horse dildoes on season 4? I don't like those chances.
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>having a wrong opinion
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Thanks meghan!
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Just off the top of my head sorry if i miss someone

rose stops by and drops a quickie now and then
hops stopped by and posting something

Probably a bunch more too
Sounds good I will make crude drawings of ponies!

Maybe make a project page on the sub?
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Mah Nigga
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that was a real cockup on my part
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>drops a quickie

that was a bad choice of words
>tfw AB is dead
>tfw Apple hats us
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Caluriri is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Cheshire hats us
>tfw ciircuit hats us
>tfw Corwin is ded
>tfw Creepy Curse is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Dalapony is ded
>tfw Disco hats us
>tfw Don.ko is ded
>tfw Endii was killed by MSOB
>tfw Gypsymagic is ded
>tfw Hoppip is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw Javkiller is ded
>tfw Klondike hats us
>tfw Kloudmutt hats us
>tfw Kraut is ded and hats us
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw lolip hats us
>tfw Megasweet hats us
>tfw Mocha hats us
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Metals is in jail
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw Noel hats us
>tfw No-Ink hats us
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw NTSTS hats us
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw PHN hats us
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw PNGLN hats us
>tfw PS is ded
>tfw Rei is ded
>tfw Reu hats us
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw SB is ded and hats us
>tfw Scherzo hats us
>tfw Shout hats us
>tfw Smile hats us
>tfw TAW is ded
>tfw Tess hats us
>tfw Tex hats us
>tfw Unity is ded
Alright let me revise the list

3 Friend offs (with the last one having scrace content)
Heavily delayed and mostly hated PONY OR DIE
Christmas Book
1 Mosaic

Chaos Collab Mosaic
Dooks music album
At least 3 videogames (Kusoge platformer/RPG/whatever, Megaman Ponies, VN)
And I'm probably missing others.
>best CMC
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They're all adorable.
>They also preserved her inability to save the Crystal Empire.

Ponies are kinda assholes.

Like if Pony France existed they would have massive churches with stained glass windows of America saving them from Germany.
All very over dramatic and everything.
You put down hops twice
Also missing from the list
hahaha holy shit
is all vectorized Price art this funny?
We already did this years ago, and /mlp/ send her a card as well already.

Why not to Renzetti?
Or just all the writers?
>Pony is ded and hats us
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See? Now I feel awful because I forgot people.
>Pizza Steve is ded and hats us
Woah. We could send cards to writers with pictures based on the episodes they wrote
I'd be cool with that but I think too many people hate McCarthy nowadays.

The sing along thing Mewball tried to start.

The podcast.
alright, that sounds better than never
>inb4 people are dicks to Meghan
That wouldn't end well, I don't think. Better the writing team in general.
Why not leave the little girls show writers alone?
this this this for the love of god.
>The sing along thing Mewball tried to start.
I blame the song choice

I still say "do you believe in magic" would have been a better choice
because sending them nice things is nice

Every thing would need to be screened of course.

To make sure no rude cards get sent.
It would have to be an optional thing though, if we start having sign up sheets and deadlines you know it'll fall apart.
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>At least 3 videogames (Kusoge platformer/RPG/whatever, Megaman Ponies, VN)
you forgot pony crossing

i need to make that thing just an animal crossing clone and package it with an encrypted zip that unlocks pony-mode everything
just to cover the bases
little stronghorn stronk
Pinup Book
Quality control or something. Just nothing offensive or rude.
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Are you hype for Guardians of the Galaxy?
It would suck if a writer didn't get a card though, and everyone else did.
Just give it a dead line of before christmas or january.
Don't feel bad we have a lot of contributors
>Our artists straight up refuse to tell them how they got so far with their art
that's because the artists that get asked are usually depressed or assholes, or depressed assholes
everyone used to ask Apple how he did shit and he just kinda blew it off and said his work was shit and deleted it
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>wonder what saine grey is from
>look it up

what a strange thing to be in the top results
absolutely everyone has you on ignore
>Why not to Renzetti?

Why did he leave the show?

I know why Fasut did, but what's his excuse? Disney was better?
We stalking now
its funny the quality of mlp has gotten so low there are many namefags worse than dinofag now
Creepyanon please go and stay go
Yep, he posted it here last night.
>kill le kill
Oh. Ignore me, then, I suck cocks.
>The law of Equivalent Exchange dictates that in order to obtain what is desired, something of equal value is to be given. So if you wish to know who is responsible for this and how to defeat them, you must surrender your wings, and your title of Princess, are you willing to do this?
no there aren't
Nope, it's good to re-post things because you never know if everybody's seen it yet. Obviously there's a limit, but something brand new from an artist you like is fine most of the time.
Every time you ask a contributor how they do this or that or how they learned to do this or that you get hit with a "haha i dunno i've been drawing for a while!/I just draaaaaww! xd"
Why would Google+ just tell people I go to ASU? I don't even have that information filled out.
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wait, what if twilight loses her horn instead of her wings?
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Welcome to the 21st century.

I hope you're backing up your data.

Someone is.
You just haven't asked the right ones
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Wow, jeez. I wonder what people would find if they put my name in.
that you're a mediocre artist?
we already did that in season 2
Being super specific helps. I recently asked someone from mlpg about any specific books they used and he helped me right away.
She didn't have wings in S2
I've never done that. I always try to help people.
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You don't need to do a search to find that out.
>We send them something nice.
>/mlp/ catches wind.
>This will not do.jpg.
>They yell, they scream.
>The send a metric ton of pasta and once again make the fandom look like, well, the fandom.
>Some of them send porn because "You know they want it!!"
>We get a thank you.
>They get ignored, or get that "Oh...that's a thing." #creepy response.
>look up my name
>fairly unique last name, not many others with it
>an exact match that isn't me
>his Google+ pics are of him doing some rad tricks on a unicycle
I'm fucking awesome
>tfw never ever revealed a single damn thing to anyone or anything on the internet
>tfw always behind a private proxy
>tfw never have these first world problems
Quit teasin, Trixie!
>Google image search puts a ton of my oldest shitty art as first results.
God damn it.
can someone please post cutest cmc?

i need some pone to calm myself down

i'm about this close to throwing my 3ds to the fucking wall

fuck you dk

fuck you
LK's not dead, he just sleeps a lot.
Ponies soul is a never ending abyss of torment. Pony found your ipod, it was stuck on nine inch nails.
>you will never eb a princess
>Do this.
>Motherfucking Technical directer.

Hell yea
>Shitty state University

Fuck even my other life is shit.
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>"You call that cuddling?"
what page is that
I have my arms around you and holding you close

I dont know what more to do
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Have you tried telling her she's a good girl?
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Here have cutest CMC and 2 more thrown in for free.
Throw it, anon.

It's mocking you.
I want a pony to demean my cuddling ability
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What's wrong, anon?
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[Bronycon sex joke]
is that your cock?

the fuck is wrong with you?
Stalemate, and then EoH kill Amazo.

Having this Amazo shit come up in the first place is asinine.
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yes thanks

boringest cmc

fuck you both
I want to rape you in the eye.
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Goodnight, hopefully I can be back tomorrow to take some more requests.
people voted for it or some anon proxied it
what was i supposed to dooooo
some people draw the weirdest style of snouts for the ponies
That's my fetish.
Don't take it out on me, anon. it's your 3DS that's calling you a faggot behind your back.
>and then EoH kill Amazon

You mean and then Amazo turns the mane six into methane gas for kicks

don't bring this back up, man
I love that little guy
thank you based nobby
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Will you be joining us for the mareathon?

>You mean and then Amazo turns the mane six into methane gas for kicks
Discord counters. Too bad.

EoH kill Amazo while he's occupied.
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Stand down nigga
Scarfdoge is overrated.
>console shit
enjoy spending 15 seconds switching to a new proxy you motherfucker, that is time in your life lost forever.
Oh damn
I'll try to, looks fun
why is red pone sitting on yellow pone?
Oh man, is MLPG having a one-mare marathon gangbang?

PS4 next year.
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>discord counters

Fucking stop, you're doing this just to shitpost. You and I both know that Amazo wouldn't be occupied and this shit is just going to be X COUNTERS, NO Y COUNTERS.
We had 32 people by the end of tonight's, it felt good.
PS4, but not on launch. Waiting until KH3 actually comes out first.
I'm happy with my 3DS, Path of Exile, and Dota2 ty.
PS4 when I get a real job instead of all this temp shit.
He did a fine job of straming.

That's fine, you just wont be there
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What if Discord is every shitposter in MLPG
What if Discord is the only non-shitposter on MLPG?
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What if you're Discord.
What if I am both?
What if Discord turned the air into chocolate milk
What if Discord orbits my futa dick?
>Sunset Shimmer will never something something you
what if the world was made of pudding
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Can I orbit your futa dick
What if the air was made of pudding
Chocolate milk is so played out.

I am thinking more along the lines of turning all the air to wood.
>you will never redeem Sunset Shimmer
Then I kick pony in the face so they wont strike first
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What if Discord slaps you with his multiple futa mare cocks
I'm getting the zelda game on the 22
I wish they had a midnight release so I could make some kids butthurt
>pony will never sound your urethra with a chainsaw
>Sunset Shimmer is the big bad of the season premiere.
Talk about making the air stuffy in here!