There's a pony infestationThey are all over the rooftops and in between the crawl spacesold thread: >>14427465
I think she's fundamentally fun
we should just make threads at bump limitnobody pays attention to the images anyway
>>14431077>8 images earlyC'mon Anon I had a whole thread queued.
>>14431069Infestation you say?
>>14431093oh the new horse where sound went off, I guess images got deletedI didn't mean to
>>14431099don't lie
>>14431088>nobody pays attention to the images anywaythat is stupid thing to sayhow many times to people point out when someone is x images earlyobviously, someone cares about the images
That feel when you might not be good enough for her.They're gonna get boyfriends soon, aren't they? ;_;
>>14431108He sounds like a /b/tard to me.
>>14431113I hope that pony doesn'tShe's too good for anyone but me
>>14431129>playing lan party halo 4 at a con recently>can't help but do thisI laughed when the guy accused me of it. Felt surreal that I would be called that again.
>>14431107anon I really don't care about making a thread at this point, I really thought the old one was at limit and meandering
>>14431113I think i'd have a good shot at getting with Dash
>>14431125And why do I sound like a /b/tard, sweet anon?Is it because I said something you don't like?
>>14431136>implying Ponk isn't the OTP
>>14431149Why wouldn't you look at the image counter?
>>14431151Nothing against what you said. Just your actions are not MLPG standards.You smell new.
>>14431165I heard the image limit sound and made a new one
>>14431174Right, so because I said something you don't like.You don't have to try so hard to fit in, newfriend.
>>14431184As the guy who had a thread waiting, I don't really mind that much. I'll just post it another time.
Isn't symbolism supposed to be subtle?
>>14431069what ep is that screeny from?
Alright guys how is it going.I found out, I am depressed.
>>14431097>g3 faceinto the garbage
>>14431204Found out what?
>>14431192You are the one who is acting hostile to try to fit in.It's cute.
>>14431215As hard as I try I can't be my normally optimal functioning self due to a variety of current factors that will resolve over time so bare with me.
>>14431218You said I came from /b/ because of a single post
>>14431212Thanks, reminds me, Friday night r/a/dio is today.Why must MLP music suck so much? I've never heard more than 10 songs I didn't terminate early.
working out with pony
>>14431225>tubecocksliterally the worst thing in the entire fandom
>>14431233And you confirmed it with your retaliation.
>>14431032I do.If I was a writer I'd add a character like Gill as a villain and would make sure Celestia gets the Sraphic Wing attack. It fits her pretty well. Godlike wings shooting out Rainbows that fuck you up. Any other fighting moves that would fit Pones?
>>14431237>he doesn't like the music from the show eitheroh my godliterally no one has ever shared this sentiment with me
>>14431204is it real depression or white american middleclass tumblr depression?
>>14431243Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night.I've been here since Jan 2011 and have never stepped foot in /b/, but you're right.Congratulations, I'm a /b/tard.
>>14431232They won't resolve over time, you need medication.I recommend cocaine or amphetamines.
>>14431241>lk in charge of shoulders
>So you actually fantasize about being a female pony?
>>14431256Either one is real depression, anon.Don't be a cock.
>>14431088That's a horrible idea.
>>14431232That sounds like pretty much everyone here.Good luck, I guess.
>>14431254Well, I've only really heard FiM music. I think most of it's awful, and actually one thing that objectively becomes worse with each season.I do like Smile and This Day Aria though. >_>
>>14431273Of course. Who wouldn't want to be you, Dash?
>>14431273Why is your tail twitching
>>14431273No, I fantasize about sex with a female pony.
>>14431262Be glad you are among company.MLPG is nothing but /b/tards.
>>14431262>i've been here sinceNot the anon you're arguing with but that's a real hipster thing to say
>>14431275but it makes me feel better to be a jerk to others online
>>14431204>>14431215>>14431270Wow, what is this, ponychan?
>>14431290Her mane is twitching too.
>>14431285>I do like Smile and This Day Aria thoughI can only stomach those onesWouldn't go out of my way to listen to them
>>14431301No, it's /b/.Haven't you been following the thread?
Rarity is not a slut
>>14431262You do realize that pretending to having been here for long, assuming we believe you, just makes you look that much more of an idiot for suggesting such a stupid thing when anyone who's been here for a couple weeks can understand perfectly well that we don't make new threads at bump limit because it's both more convenient for us and less annoying for the cunts on /mlp/ that hate us?
Rarity is a huge slut
>>14431313Another wonderful post from a guy that definitely needs to have a name on.Are you still fat?
>>14431313Rarity is actually the biggest slut.
>>14431305what are you doing isaac?
>>14431319>PretendingNo.And if you'd have actually paid attention to anything, I said that because nobody makes new threads at image limit. They always make them at 240 images.Do you get a boner from acting so above everyone, anon?
Rarity is a Changeling.
You are all, without exception, faggots. Good night, and talk about pony for a change. Comics, the new season, something other than pointless bickering.
>>14431262>Congratulations, I'm a /b/tard.>Announcing how long you have been here.Yes, yes you are.
>>14431341>mini sentry wranglerNothing pisses people off so much like this>it's for people who can't aim
>>14431348>someone says you're new>actually I've been here since->NEWFAG /B/TARD NOBODY SAYS HOW LONG THEY'VE BEEN HERE!Why are you so terrible tonight, MLPG?
>>14431354Based moot. It's been like that for a few days at least.
>>14431359>Let me react with a /b/ image.>That will show them!
>>14431364That doesn't look like Craig to me.
>>14431336Sometimes we make threads at image limit, other times a bit earlier, point is we don't make them at 500 posts but instead around 700-1000, which is a really big difference.
>>14431262>have never stepped foot in /b/,doubt itif you went to 4chan, you went to /b/ at least once on curiosity alonebesides when you say Jan 2011, do you mean MLPG or 4chan?
>>14431374>let me ignore his points and greentext something completely false!Oh wait, you're just trolling.
>>14431359The fact of the matter is that it's far from whether or not you're a glorious 2010 poster versus a filthy 2013 /mlp/ latch along, and much more about the fact that you're enough enough of idiot to think you're entitled enough to announce that you're different enough to distinguish between the two. No one cares.
>>14431351Yeah, even Tex had the compassion to do tandem with his shotty.
>>14431389If someone calls me new, I'm going to tell them that I'm not.That is called a discussion.
>>14431381>On top of it all I am mad at greentext.Hi NBS!
>>14431354>>14431364What does removing post deletion even help?
>>14431390>texI had a whole texas themed engie loadout for him and I never had the chance to give it to himHis engie was so bare
>>14431249>Celestia gets the Sraphic Wing attackWith that typo I mentally autocorrected it to "Sapphic wing attack" at first and was confused for a moment.
>>14431376Yeah!They dont look like they just woke up from their friend counch and didnt bother to shower even!
>>14431399well then have fun
>>14431402You got me anon, I got trolled hard.
>>14431405Ask moot, or use that shitty /q/ replacement, I have no clue, IMO it just makes things worse.
>>14431417Just tested, it seems like you can delete images, but not posts.
>what do you mean you don't want this apple?
>>14431415Glad we would sort your out as a shitposter from /b/.
>>14431431Anon, you already trolled me good.You don't need to keep baiting.
>>14431249I dunno. Celestia's shown dispel magic, shield magic, beams, and teleportation, but she's never really done an area of effect blast.
>Bee and Puppycat got fundedHow long until cartoons can be original and not trail in AT's wake again.WoY was a good try.
>>14431341What if I bicker with a pony? Does that count?
>>14431447but I liked that cartoon
>>14431430It's all lumpy and shit.Not to mention the bruises on it...It looks like you just let it fall off the tree, and not let it get picked by the delicate hand of some Hispanic fellow.
>>14431429Try deleting something over ten minutes old.
>>14431447Why does that Family guy character have so many rings on? Is he a pimp?
>>14431447How is WoY like AT?And dont use the world random
>>14431447>A frederator cartoon looks like a frederator cartoonSTOP THE PRESSES
>>14431465The point is that WoY isn't like AT.>Don't use randomFuck you.>>14431471It's not just looks, you idiot. It's like an AT clone. The humor, the characters, everything.
>>14431447I want to know why there are 3 family guys on adult swim at nightI miss all of that king of the hill
>>14431465He said Woy was a good try at being original and NOT trailing in AT's wake.
>>14431476>A frederator cartoon is like a frederator cartoonSTOP THE PRESSES AGAIN
>>14431486Cartoons being clones is a bad thing, anon.
>anon you better not
>>14431437You don't need to keep posting.We don't need your shit here.
>>14431491Don't move and I won't cumJust wait a minute, Shy
>>14431439>but she's never really done an area of effect blast.Which is why she should. Plus it's beams, they can show that in a kid's show. looks both "girly" and bad ass at the same time.
I'm going to marry Shining Armour!
Tex is really weird.
>>14431518It's because he's underaged.
>>14431510But, see, I don't actually think it fits her character all that well. She's very much a controlled, focused personality. An indiscriminate display of power isn't her style.Mind, a villainous version of her might well do something like that.
>>14431514Who the fuck is Shining Armour? Do you mean Shining Armor?
>>14431520Do you even remember what Snails' character is actually like or are you just unfing to a furry oc?
Rch should not be praised here.
>>14431514I'm going to marry Twilight Sparkle!That makes us brothers-in-law or something.
cross species makeouts
>>14431535>tfw ywn experience an indiscriminate display of Celestia's sexual power
>>14431514No, I'm marrying Shining Armor!
>>14431552>not "twointhepink.png"
>>14431552I keep thinking Klondike drew this, even though I know he didn't
>>14431563go away
>>14431563>not going on a diet
>>14431533That was totally like his mom's address. Or maybe girlfriend/wife?
>>14431552I guess you could say Spike just gotA piece of Pie!
>>14431549Tell me, do you have a different reason this time to hate him?
>>14431535Celestia never does ANYTHING. She's so boring. She needs to get pissed and show the world who's boss.
Fluttershy needs braces
>>14431594I admit, Tex's loneliness can be seen in any of his recent pics. Waifuists who spend time drawing themselves in little fantasies about being in love with Applejack aren't getting any obviously.
When's the last time you watched an episode?
>>14431354I just emailed moot about this, has anyone else?
>>14431595She did once, she got beaten
>>14431543Endearingly stupid but also yes.
>>144316062 days ago.On my Vita.
>>14431607we jigglin' now?
>>14431585>wifepfftShout is the only one that's made it in MLPGI'll be the nextOnly need to find a fiance and make a name for myself
>>14431606When the S3 finale aired, I think.Though I might've popped in a few streams during the hiatus.
>>14431602>She smiles.>Pull her in and kiss her.>Her lip gets caught in her braces when she pulls away in shock.
>>14431610>She did once, she got beatenWHICH WAS BULLSHIT. Which is why she needs a nice scene where she saves the day.Or dies
>>14431606End of season 3
>>14431606About a month ago, nippone.Episode in english, S3 finale.
>>14431593He's a massive attention whore, what else do you need to hate him?
>>14431606An episode of what?
>>14431629Too bad. Princess Twilight Sparkle will be saving the day in S4.
>>14431629It was bullshit, yes, but that was the point where I realized I didn't want them to show anything about Celestia at this point, because they'd make it shit to suit some retarded plot and make Celestia retarded. Which they did anyway in EG, but then in EG everyone was a retard.I'd rather just have a mental image of her that isn't fucking ruined, but it's getting increasingly hard.
>>14431606Earlier today after getting my new monitor.
your pet pony wants to get frisky
>>14431606I watched an episode of Kyoukai no Kanata about a week ago.As for MLP:FiM? Dunno, a month or two.
>>14431668>Which they did anyway in EG,For the record, which was the point where MLP:FiM died?>Wedding>EG
>>14431682Pony is not my pet, she is my equal.
>>14431687Died, I'd say EG. Wedding was just the beginning, a sign of things to come.
>Wake up>update for the 8bit game>soundtrack for S1 and S2 probably might get releasedWhy do all the cool things happen when I'm sleeping?
>>14431687The movie doesn't exist anon. It was all in our imagination.
>>14431702Pony is not a slave. Pony is an individual.
>>14431692>you will never be pony's pet>you will never feel their hooves wrap around you
do you know what time it is, MLPG?
>all of the old guard is gone>even NanakiMLPG will never be the same.
>>14431709SWEETIE TIME
>>14431701Because you're operating on Euro time when MLP runs on American time.
>>14431682Pony better learn I dont do it with no stupid animalPet pony is for gentle snuggling and sometimes aggressive snuggling nonsexuallt when and only when I feel like it
>>14431682Sorry, I ride bareback
>>14431712i'm still here. barely.
>>14431709Pony time?
>>14431687The wedding wasn't bad in my opinion.S3 ruined MLP.
>>14431708>They will never take you nice long walks through town
>>14431712what happened with Tex?
>>14431712His cock isn't even that great
>>14431716oh, no. not quite.
>>14431712I never had a name, but I've been here for a long time.We're still here.
>>14431712You still got me, baby...
>>14431712I ended up getting a name later but I'm still here
>>14431712I'm right here what the fuck do you want
>>14431712I've been here since seaon 1, does that count?
you people have forgotten how to be afraid.
>>14431652are you the same anon who really hates weed?
>>14431712>even nanakiI'm sorry, what?no one ever like that piece of shit, what the fuck are you on about?
>>14431712Are we doing this every two days now?
>>14431712Nanaki was just here yesterday. I even told him to fuck off, just like old times.
>tfw everyone ever from MLPG has left for good
>>14431745>tfw I recently found out there are Cazadores where i live
>>14431783I'm still here though~
>>14431770there's a reason he said "even"it was a way to express that even though Nanaki didn't do anything good, but he is still sad about him not being around.
>>14431712T-tex is just posting as anon! He totally is! H-he's still here with us!
>>14431766Not self-admittedly but it's quite likely
>>14431783too many wasps.
>Nonymous is ded and hats us
>>14431788And still a useless fatass.
>>14431737>what happened with Tex?Last mentioned lack of motivation. So he's just being a lazy nigger and not giving us free entertainment.>>14431712>>even NanakiNo one likes Nanaki though.
>>14431789I stand by what I said
>>14431801Why don't you add me on skype a so you can see how useful I can be~
>>14431809No thanks, I've got standards.
>>14431816Come on Anon, we can have some funI'll let you shame me all you want~
>>14431807But you asked a question. And I answered it.
I want season 1 pinkie back
>>14431804You know, Nanaki really isn't that bad as far as MLPG goes.
>>14431766No, RCh is somehow worse. I thinks himself an artist but isn't, A stoner at least is just a failure and too lazy to do anything else.RCh will jump on you to make sure you know who he is, so you pay attention to him.I pity the Anon's against the drug posters.
>>14431821I mean it was more rhetorical But it's not like I need to say anything, we both know what's going on there
>>14431819I'll add you if you kill yourself/lose 50 pounds.How about that?
>>14431835I'll kill myself on skype, just add me~
>>14431829Nanaki had the decency to fuck off and leave.
>>14431839please stopI don't even know who you are but just stop
>>14431832you sound exactly like the weedanon
>>14431839You have my terms.Kill yourself first, adding later.
>what time is it?
>>14431843rch seems to be the type to do narcotics.
>>14431861time for pony?
>>14431832what a weird thing to be angry at. that guy isnt even close to being the biggest attention whore in mlpg.i was sure you were just being ironic but it sounds like you genuinely hate the guy.
>>14431868Noit's time for ponies to wear eye shadow
>>14431862ya probably, it is pretty common at this age
>>14431870He's usually referred to as brokenenglishanon. He's just a shitposter, don't mind him.
>>14431847My son just killed himself but wanted me to add you on skype
>tfw became friends with a black guy recently>Got a chance to score some weedYES
>>14431882Okay.Give me your son's skype.
>>14431890He wrote a note saying you can find it on /3dpd/
>>14431889>Weed>Not crackClearly you're dealing with a fake black guy.
>>14431895Did he leave a map?
>>14431870It's actually mildly interestingObviously RCH doesn't really deserve any hate, but this guy is doing just that.I think It's just some kind of advanced shitposting. I also firmly believe that this same person is the anti/pro drug shitposter, the Not Ben Stiller shitposter, the sa.png shitposter, the Tex shitposter, and pretty much anyone else whose first response to any new art is "ufck off" or a variation thereof.
>>14431870NBS was right to hate the guy. He does nothing for the general, he pollutes the Skype art chats. Sentenal was a boon against scum like him.
>>14431883oh god look at at themthey totally put eye shadow on in the morning
>>14431917>dat Dashunf
>>14431907There's most likely two people that do those things, split between them, just because of post cooldowns at certain points when both are present. It's most likely not more than 2 people though.
>>14431922>not wanting to panty anonI want outsiders to leave.
>>14431915are you saying NBS hates RCH?because that's wrong
>>14431930fuck off>>14431922because it's a better alternative than having it here.
>>14431927Why the hell would two people shitpost on a tripfag who only acts like a clown?
>>14431930please stop
>>14431912>crossdressingUgh that's gross why did you even link that here?Why is that even a thing?
>>14431907NBS is such a massive attention whore he will mention his name and take credit any chance he gets so i dont think its him
>>14431940No, that's just one of them.
MLPG - Ouroboros
>>14431935>NBS>BCS>RCHSame shit, different letters.
R-Rara sama!
>>14431606More than a year ago.
>>14431961I don't want to lick paws, I want to lick pony.
>>14431944I'm with you, I just don't know.
>>14431712This thread isn't even MLPG anymore, just another shitty general cancer thread from the piss.The boat has sunk.
>>14431935So, are you saying NBS and RCH are friends?Nice to see that RCH enjoys company with the shit lords of MLPG.
>>14431961ew gross i dont want lick feet, i want to lick horse anus
>>14431975>quoting BCSthe lack of self awareness is simply astonishing
>>14431975>>14431991Yes, BCS, we see. You are helping a lot.
>>14431975Remember when BCS wasn't batshit crazy and her view actually mattered?
>>14431991Calm your ponies, it's 1:30 on the west coast best coast.
>15 daysI can't wait for more Apple episodes!
>>14431976>The shit lords of MLPG.Well he DOES still see MLPG as his friends, after all.
smells of urine
>>14431998Not really.
Name an episodeI make gif
>>14432006Feeling Pinkie Keen
>>14432006Just for Sidekicks
Why aren't you partying with Pinkie Pie?
>>14432005Fuck off fatty
all this lost hope is so fucking depressing...G'night MLPG!
>>14432006sweet and elite
>>14432006Owl's Well That Ends Well
>>14432006Any episode with Twist in it.GIF of TWIST.
>>14432013<3 you tooI bet you're a chaser
>>14432004i remember the times when people could piss without limit
>>14431998She might've been crazy already, we just weren't aware. At least if she drew nice things still, but no, not even that.
>>14432006Mysterious Mare Do Well
>>14432006The Cutie Pox
>>14432012Pinkie is so boring. I'd rather party with Twilight!
>>14432020absolutely not
>>14432021Stop arousing me I'm trying to hate your guts
>>14431975Oh look, shitty tripfags thinking they define the threadMLPG's attitude and patterns haven't changed since its last year on /co/Furry fetishy hiatuses punctuated by discussion and actual discussion during the season and comic releases. That's the way a thread should be. That's often.
>>14432029Princess Twilight Sparkle cannot party.It is not part of her princessly demesne.You will have to party with Princess Pinkie Pie.
>>14432030Come, look at this cute little filly.
>>14432037All I want is someone to cuddle with while we watch the S4 premier
you're awareeyou're infora scareeha hahaha ha
>>14432030I am offended.
>>14432043Pinkie isn't even a real Princess.I'm going to party with Twilight and you can't stop me. We'll party with Fluttershy too.
beware the sandwich thieves
I think I want to have sex with the Apple horse.
>>14432044literally the worst thing since the last worst thing
>dat OPOk, so let's mix things up. What are all the reasons you would NOT cum in rainbow dash?
rch is the shit clogging mlpg.
>>14432054>Pinkie isn't even a real Princess.look at this nerd living in the past
>>14432064Because I'm cumming inside another horse
>>14432060Very good anon, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
>>14432064I am not sexually attracted to non-human animals
>>14432064crusty cunt flakes
>>14432067She can't be a Princess anon, she isn't even a real color.
>>14432073FUCK YOU
is this what it looks like when the shitposters achieve their goal of chasing everyone off?
>>14432064She doesn't exist IRL.
Fluttershy says your hands smell like Rarity.
>>14432079this is what it looks like when we're on the front page during hiatus
>>14432079This is what it looks like in the middle of the night during hiatus before the bump limit.
>>14432075The hell you on about?
>>14432075Anonymous, she's been a Princess for a while. Don't you remember when she let Sweetie Belle host a concert in her castle?
Why does MLPG support has been contributors that do nothing to help MLPG?
Have you had your propane today?
>>14432094because your fury has blinded you enough for you to mistake indifference as support
>>14432094Because they are our lifeblood
>>14432093That's an okay gif Anon, but you need to work on making things loop better.
>>14432107you need to work on making clothes fit better
>>14432093>back spasmsFucking ow
>>14432107You need to focus on making your ponies not be bad.
>>14432082Maybe Rarity just smells like my hands.
>>14432107Just you wait, when I track down smile and eat his heart I will be the gif king.>Assam, INDIA — Men in India are already beginning to celebrate as the annual Assam Rape Festival is just days away. Every non-married girl age 7-16 will have the chance to flee to safety or get raped. what if Equestria has such festivities?
>>14432107I like to make them twitch, it adds character
>>14432122Every day thousands of ponies everywhere are trapped in and subsequently cuddled from discarded human clothing. Be kind to your ponies, cut holes in your spent pants to prevent this.
How long should foreplay last with your gf?
>>14432122But fluttuttershiCrunchwraps are hexagonal
>>14432126Then it would be a pretty terrible place.
>>14432126There people who believed this story to be factual.Enough people to make India mad.the world is fucking stupid
>>14432141Your body is hexagonal
>>14432136That depends, is she a pony?
Pony should be mecha.
pony should pony me
Pony should.
>>14431113>They're gonna get boyfriends soon, aren't they?not that one
>>14431113I think I'd have a good shot at dashI mean she probably doesn't even know what guns do
>>14432162If Rainbow Dash ever gets into a long-term lesbian relationship, would she be the butcher one or the more feminine one?
>>14431293>MLPG is nothing but /b/tards.MLPG has never had a problem with bread posters. They used to hang out with us. The only people who bring this shit up are new people pretending to be someone someone should give a shit about
>>14432150Admit it, AnonYou want to rub each and every one of my sides
>>14432178a-all six of them...
>>14432183So why so tsun tsun?
>>14432174Why not both?
>>14432176I don't really recall announced /b/read visits ever being smooth and/or chill. Not all of them are retards, but many of them are, and those who aren't often just transitioned to being one of us.
>>14432194Back when we were on /co/, when it got quiet, chill bread posters would invite us to hang out with them. no one ever really went over, because my god did they ever enjoy to avatarfag, but it's not like there was ever ire. I guess they did /b/log more than they discussed the show, but they hung out with us when they wanted to do that stuff, and they never stirred shit when they did. besides, which of them would even cop to it?
>>14432028 why
If you went to equestria you would be treated like gilda or iron will, probably a bit better because you're not huge and don't have claws. You would be welcome.unless you fucked up bigtimePonies would not stick their asses in the air and beg you to fist them and work your hand magic. Ponies would not throw you in a cage. Ponies wouldn't care. Ponies are nice and would treat you like just another pony.
>>14432214been there done that
>>14432215yeah, and it'd be really fucked for it to be any of us. >ok, I've been transported to equestrian. i'm a pretty horse. this is amazing! my whole life is going to be -- no, I still have all my crippling social phobias. guess i'll just get a quiet job, spend all my time in my house, not enjoying the internet, and then die alone.>as a pony
it's not over yet.
>>14432214I thought he was sick of us years ago.
>>14432208Yeah, I met a number /b/ronies on the early days of Ponychan who revealed that they came to /co/ when they wanted to actually discuss the show, retreating to /b/ when they had their fill around midweek.
>>14432227Can't it be bo-Oh wait, you're not Caimon
>>14432214I don't find that horrible. Marker is pretty nice, it's actually somewhat funny, 0r0's fursona isn't having sex with anything.
>>14432215I don't know anon, being the only human there might generate a bit of interest.
>>14432223>go as a human>at least you have a good excuse to shun the "life" thing and go die early on a DnD styled adventure
>>14432223While I'm not an extreovert, I don't have huge crippling social phobias, although I guess that's not typical
>>14432230right. so sometimes we'd get raided, and sometimes some people from b would flood /co/ with threads, but those people were assholes.if my little pony has stood for anything in this entire weird awful trip down the rabbit hole, then it's stood for "the face of things are horrible, but underneath there are decent people hiding, afraid of the horrible people who represent the community."and then we go on to say "all of /b/ sucked."
>>14432214That's pretty awesomeNice to see someone making fun of themselves
pony tried to bring you a sandwich
>>14432215they'd probably mistake you for a really ugly diamond dog actually>walk into ponyville>"oh, you poor thing">"did your pack abandon you for being too mangy?">"no worries about this one kidnapping us, he's so scrawny! why, i bet it hasn't eaten in weeks!">"come in for lunch deary, we'll fix you up"
>>14432189>tfw you will never a personhorse Gilda
>>14432242>tfw I am kind of an extrovert but still have those social phobias so I'm always anxious to do what would make me feel better.
PantyAnon has a really tiny dickIt's kind of a turn-off
>>14432250>start laughing uncontrollably>lapse into monkey noises>sprout a tail>body hair thickens>feet un-foot into leghands>no humans allowed in equestria
>>14432258>PantyAnon has a dick>It's a turn offSeriously keep that out of the thread thanks ponies only.
>>14432258More for me
>>14432258Today I saw a deer walking on the side of the road.
>>14432242Wait, having crippling social phobias is typical?>>14432244Yeah. There were people from the /b/reads and are people from Ponychan who have the presence of mind to realize that as long as you understand and respect the culture, there isn't a problem with having it both ways.
Okay, you get transported to Equestria, but you are made the avatar of your zodiac sign rather than a pony. You must conform to all the rules thereof.
>>14432236I'd still love to tell them stories about how great of a species we are.
>>14432267>Wait, having crippling social phobias is typical?For 4chan it does seem to be
>>14432239Don't worry Gilou, you're my #2 pick.
>>14432266Deers are assholes. Holy shit I hate them so much.
>>14432264>tfw they stopped making Billboard ads for each season
>>14432268I'm a human virgin, wow nothing changed.
>>14432270Fair enough.
which pony should I throw into the bonfire?
>>14432268>VirgoWorst fucking sign ever.
>>14432287Bonbon or spitfire, your choice.
>>14432268I'm a virgin maiden?
>>14432287Snips or snails, why not both.
>>14432290>>14432293I only have main six figurines
>>14432268>master race signs>Taurus>Sagittarius >Shit tier: everyone else
>>14432298All of them
>>14432268dis gon be funwe barbarian as fuck now
>>14432268I had to look that shit up. What does Aries even do?
>>14432249punch it once for putting muh sandvich in it's mouth, and once more for ruining it.
>>14432268>ScorpioI have no idea what the rules thereof are.
>>14432307You're a goat
>>14432298Don't do anything bad or dirty to them
>>14432311Pony is in tears and cowering on the floor screaming that she is sorry
>>14432268Man, I don't know. Depending on the interpretation, I could be some dude with a jug of water or this guy here.
>>14432284>>14432289Virgo master race reporting.
>>14432289What? It's the best.
>>14432268If Chinese zodiac, I'm a cock.
>>14432300Nigga, Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, nigga, maybe if you got rid of that old geegee ass haircut you'd get some bitches on your dick. Or better yet your waifu'd call your dog ass whenever she's done fucking around with that brony artist or tumblr she's fucking with.Nigga~
>>14432268libra is pretty great, but being blind would suckalso how do I hold scales with hooves
>>14432322>>14432323>Overly critical.>Worried about everything.Yeah totally the best sign.
>>14432316I'm not going to jack off on them for fucks sake
Scoots wants to fill you with seamen
>>14432325I'm a dogeI'm pretty sure this means I'm predestined to be a furry and will fuck someone in a dog fursuit at some point
>>14432307be dominant and aggressive as shit, son. getting shit done, leading the troops on the ground, getting all the women with our natural charisma and magnetism. Aries is that dudebro alpha that all the fedoras bemoan women being attracted to.
>>14432331>just... just put on this wig first>and wear these wings....
>>14432268>sagittariusDoes that come with centaur body, or just a bow and arrows?
>>14432313Neat, I guess.
>>14432312Well, the first rule is learn to swim
>>14432268Gemini is the twins, right?
>>14432345I'm a decent swimmernext?
>>14432268PiscesAh'm a fish?
>>14432268Alright, shit. When I was a kid and looked it up, I got capercorn. Now when I look it up I get Aquarius. What's wrong, yo?
>>14432327You don't get to be a pony. You get to be a celestial figure holding a scale. Or just a giant, anthropomorphic scale. Your choice.
>>14432330That's what I was saying not to do
>>14432338Too bad astrology is bullshit, huh anon?
>>14432336doge is love
>>14432331so i assume we're talking about Cutie Mark Colts?
>>14432353some people are retards and decide based on where the stars were thousands of years agosome people aren't and go by the stars they were born under
>>14432363Alright then. How fast do these things change and where can I look up what it was when I was born?
>>14432360Doge is the worst sign.
>>14432268>sagittariusI am a majestic musslebeast
>>14432362you're a giant crab. congratulations. you're now obsessed with family and tradition.
>>14432354>You get to be a celestial figureSo I get to be Celestia? Libra continues to be the best
>>14432360Cock is better
>>14432377No, you're kind of an abstract thing. You exist in the immaterial world alongside all the other concepts and gods of equestria.
>>14432368>>14432371Hey, question answered!I'm a Capricorn.Well, that certainly is... something?
>>14432268>become large cat>befriend Fluttershy>receive petsaww yiss
>>14432377No, you get to be a giant, vaguely angelic human. Or, giant scale.
>>14432328You get to be a virgin though!
>>14432352so, now what?Do i just live out my horrible existence?i'm rather dissapointed in being a fish..
>>14432371>Libra>law, fairness and civility.Just as boring as i am, in other words. fits much better than scorpio
>>14432385Virgins have mystical effects on Unicorns. As the mystical embodiment of virginity, you can have sex as much as you want and stay a virgin.That makes sense, right?
>>14432383aww piss
>>14432392You're two fish.or you're two hyper evolved fishmen with a psychological link i dont fucking know the western zodiac is stupid
I'm super horny, MLPGWho'd be up for giving me a blowjob?It isn't cheating if she's out of town and you're a dude
>all this astrology talk>had a friend who was really into astrology>havent been in touch in over five yearsShit, guys...
>>14432392Well, besides the domains you now rule over, you're a cosmic keystone now. You'll get ponies coming to you for advice, you'll be sent on godly quests by the power you serve, and you'll participate in the War In Heaven. And so forth.
I just realized Twoiloit has buttwings on "official hasbro vector", kek.
>>14432408What if I'm not a dude
>>14432418Then it's cheatingUnless you join us when she gets back
>astrological bullshit>immediately think of homestuckFUCK YOU HUSSIE
>>14432380>You exist in the immaterial world alongside all the other concepts and gods of equestria.Small Gods Equestria would be super cool
>>14432403now i'm just terrefied.>pisces confirmed for worse zodiac.
>look up what a Capricorn -is->determined, ambitious, loves work, doesn't make wavesI don't even. I have ambitions, but that's about it. I'm the laziest motherfucker.
>>14432430Well, you aren't making waves, that's for sure.
>>14432403now i'm just terrified.>pisces confirmed for worse zodiac. ad.
>>14432425What if you could live in equestria but you would have to be roomies with the alien that shared your zodiac sign?
>>14432268>Decide to read up a bit on mine>Don't even fit into half of it"Well that was a rip-off" -Patrick Star
>>14432441also, the alien is a female Yautja.
>>14432425>libra>blindFUCK I GET IT NOW
>>14432425Yeah, I can only figure out what everyone is talking about by trying to remember which homestuck was which star sign.
>>14432441Um, how high is Gamzee at the time?
>>14432441>homestuck taurus guyThis dude looks like a broDoes taurus ever stop being the best sign? Hell no man. It's the coolest.
>>14432413>rule>advice>wage holy war.B-but i'm just 2, the hell am i supposed to do?!
>>14432457>tfw incompatible with Taurus>both exes were TaurusThird time's the charm...
Applejack might be fine too.
>>14432441If we go with the new chart the I get to enjoy mussle beast milk. If the old chart, then I will be killed by a Juggalo
>>14432459Evolve into Gyarados
>>14432457i can literally taste the irony in this post
>>14432457This post made me smile.
>>14432425Why isn't Kanaya there?
>>14432457He's actually pretty much the lamest. His alternate universe version is apparently massively bro-teir, but we don't see much of him at all. Taurus guy prime fails at everything he attempts and gets verbally shit on by everyone he meets. Hope you like taking in stray, broken puppies, anon.
>>14432480Being a mare made her so slutty she imploded into a black whore
>>14432371>Still a Virgo.I hate my fucking life.
>>14432484Whatever.I can always kill him and be roommates with his corpse.
>>14432465It's over for us. We're not going to Hell, we're going to be in Purgatory forever.
>>14432176>MLPG has never had a problem with bread postershahahaha
>MLPG - Star signs and Homestuck
>>14432507that was pretty good
>>14432494Good call.>>14432486The rabbit hole is deep.
>>14432408p-pls don't tempt me
>>14432371>tfw you're actually an ariesAlright, this looks like a waifu tier waifu. This is good. This is workable.
>>14432487would you rather have a slutty zebra mare who ain't strong and independent and do need a stallion, or would you rather be a slutty pony mare who's an absolute slave to massive zebra cock?
>>14432470Ah believe!>anon used 'splash'>it wasn't very effective
>>14432516I liked what they did with her character. Made her death even more satisfying.
>>14432523Aradia's okay for a robot ghost frog alien.
>>14432533I thought it was a pretty lame gimmick at first, but the payoff was magical.
>>14432430But... but...I was born on January 13th and everyone here either hates me for being a faggot sometimes or kinda likes me for being fucking different from all the other ponyfags on here that just post within a set of stale guidelines like everyone else, i.e. thinking freely...
>>14432542>Poor bastard. Had to go and get all tangled up with your brother's crazy, complicated life.
>>>sub admin fallenPineapple is a pesterchum handleWhat is with the crossover
Three witches wearing seven rings, set with nine black stones. One of golden fire, one of earth and wood, one of bones.
>>14432575A combination of /co/ and huge, loyal, internet based fandoms?And 413chan? Weren't they the host of Ponybooru back in the day?
>>14432575Autism!Or just /co/.
>>14432268>I'm a fish instead of a RamWell I'm going to kill myself then
Can I have a request please?I need to go to bed soonish though so no stream.
>>14432586413chan was also a homestuck imageboard413 being an important number in Homosuck.
>>14432595Well yeah, I get that. I'm just pretty sure that they hosted Ponybooru, too. Actually, I'm sure they did, come to think of it.
>>14432594I request a stramAlternatively, futa showmare trixie
>>14432594Draw this pone in a roman toga.
>>14432603Yep, they definitely did. Our archive was on the same server as Ponibooru.
>>14432594>not strammingWHAT ARE YOU, A reasonable adult that knows not to fuck up his sleep cycle?
>>14432594I request you get better
>>14432594Stram anyway, fuck sleep.
>>14432594sweaty gilda paws
>>14432602Anon pls, not right now.>>14432613It's 4am, we're well past that point already.>>14432605Okay
>>14432620>not sweaty gryphon paw sweat corruption
>>14432614>mfw complex doom 1 life survivalI can never finish this shit, everyone else has no problem with it.
>>14432625But I actually want to fap to sweaty paws
>>14432625>sweat corruptionThat's a thing?
>>14432621>Anon pls, not right now.When Saine? When?
>>14432625>Sweat Corruptionwhat?
>>14432625>No mention of sweat mindbrink0/10
>>14432636>sweat mindbreakwat
>>14432633When.... I feel like it some time? I dunno. I'll probably just decide to do it one day.On another note, I'm considering staying awake all night instead of sleeping.
>>14432268Gemini. I am all that Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena needs to be happy. I mean, I get it, I'm like that too, I could be up with her when she's up and down with her when she's down. I wish I transformed, too, instead of it being invisible.
>>14432621Saine draw some fucking genderswapped Gaffer.
>>14432651>On another note, I'm considering staying awake all night instead of sleeping.STRAM!
>>14432638sweat mindbreak would be pretty hotlike a pony losing it and becoming a slave to paw musk, being completely unable to stop sniffing griffon paws...
>>14432655>I could be up with her when she's up Pinkie is best futa
>>14432660unfbut explain>>14432625sweat corruption
>>14432669Sweat that causes anything it lands on to start becoming something corrupt.
>corruptionwelp time to leavesee you guys
>>14432677Don't go, I won't survive.
>>14432677>Thing mentioned twice>TIME TO GOYeah because you were discussing the show, weren't you?
Mane six get boyfriends, discuss.
so i migh be slowpoking but have we talked about the potential season 04 locations first one seems to be the old everfree castle re-built
>>14432651Ok Saine, Ill be waiting.
>>14432687There's shitposting and then there's creepy fetishes fresh off of furaffinity
>>14432679>implying you don't want Gilda to pinch your nose between her sweaty toes
>>14432681You got to stop letting MLPG bully you into things
>>14432679>expecting people to know what that symbol means
>>14432700I googled itit means what in stupid chink talk
>>14432691YesWe've decided that it's everything we didn't want, and by that I mean everything we wanted and everything we expected since season 1
>>14432691I pretty much assumed that the Castle was going to be magically fixed in the premier, judging by the next episode's synopsis and general intuition. Fun to see it confirmed, though. The rainbow fall one is interesting, though. It looks like the place from SiP. I don't think it's going to be winsome falls. They seem to like introducing new elements over re-using older ones, especially in minor cases like the falls.
>>14432698But I have no self-control so I'm easily pressured into doing things I don't want to.
>>14432691also: we're FINALLY gonna see this place
>>14432687were you?
>>14432719Oh.But on those panties.
>>14432729Do you mean put?
>>14432724No I was playing doom and I mostly lurk MLPG unless there's already show discussion going about.And it's been that way since s1, rarely post mostly lurk.
>>14432719Remember that show with that dog? I wanted to fuck that dog so bad when I was a kid.In retrospect I might have been a furfag. The first sign was probably wanting to marry that fox chick from robin hood.What if wanting to marry a pony and have sex with her every night means I'm still a furfag oh godgoodbye cruel world, i must yiff in hell
>>14432691>they reused that ancient S01 stock vector and just stuck wings on it>the wings aren't even the same colour as the baseWhy?How is it possible for Hasbro to try so little?I'm fucking done.
>tfw 32oz of coffeesomeone post an appropriate vibrating pony image
>>14432746>that dog>80% furryTruly casual shit compared to ponies.
>>14432754She's vibrating so fast the human eye can't perceive her movements.
>>14432767>not a gif
>>14432746>>14432763It's not furry if it doesn't have fur.
>>14432771.png's can also be animated!
>>14432780>4chan does not support apngyour move, anon
>>14432774>a-anon, are you sure about this?>It'll regrow, twilight.>but why?>Hold still while I shave your butt
Time of beb 11:44am UTC
>>14432784Pinkie is just that good!
>>14432780Not offically. The PNG working group don't seem to have any interest in standardizing APNG.
>>14432798>pinkie is not realcheck, anonget a better move
it's hard to believe we know what six season 04 epsidoes will be already (animatic and zapit)
>>14432807checkmate, anonbetter luck next time
>>14432691>the first one seems to be the old everfree castle re-builtThat's Luna's castle
>tfw your waifu will never kiss you while you hold her in your arms
>>14431961Lion paws would not be nice to lick
>>14432829Flying birdlion paws are okay to lick
>tfw you will never something about a pony here i don't care anymore i'm dead inside
>tfw I will never be turned into a slutty mare because I'm terrible at a lot of things and I'm pretty stupid, so being a slut would at least make me good at something.
>>14432833Trust me they really aren'tShe could spend a miniscule amount of time on the ground every day and her paws would still have those cracks and be dried out. Not to mention all of the dirt that gets in between her toes.
Is mewball ded?
>>14432822it's probably gonna be pwincessu twilightu sprukle's perfect castle TM
>>14432829They would be if someone massaged lotion into them daily. >>14432840>dirt between her toes>bad thing
>>14432845Twilight Sparkle, princess of the Everfree.
>>14432847Anon dirt is not safe to ingest
>>14432853That would actually be kind of cool
>>14432858I would die a happy man
>>14432870>At someone's house>PLAYING ON HANDHELDSWhy are the princesses such big plebs?
>>14432870you can imagine what that bug horse thinks>wow holy shit handhelds seriously? is this a preschool?>>pote chips >not gamerfuel>not keeping your milk in a bag>i bet they don't even have PCs>i wish i was at home playing starcraft
>>14432880take this and try again
>>14432859>First used the EoH in the Everfree>EoH are somehow connected to the Everfree>She's somehow destined to use the EoH>Ponyville is bizarrely close to the Everfree>There's a castle there without anyone ruling it>Elements were found in the castle>Episode 3 takes place in said castleAll they have to do is spin the EoH and Everfree as synonymous. Considering how little we know about them, it wouldn't even be hard. She'd be the princess of the Elements.Hell, when Luna and Celestia stopped using the elements, it seems like Celestia moved out.
>>14432878and they don't even have hands
>>14432890There are more than 2 greentext lines' worth of logical connections so it's not happening
We're sitting here on mulpug shitposting about poneThe greentexts we are writingThe unfs we are unfing
>>14432870>handhelds yet no hands>no magic going on so fuck you>big hips and or butts>anyone playing a psp anymoreSo much wrong with thisIt's cute though
>>14432898I want to believe.
>>14432909>no magic going on so fuck you>implying magic needs sparkles and colours everywhere
>>14432917It does for my little girl eyes bitch
>>14432909>not liking big hips and or buttswowwowwow
>tfw it's Friday>Can't afford any booze
>>14432925>Drinking alcoholFuck off
>>14432921I never said thatThey look like weights so they can stay uprightButts are pretty great
>>14432921not on ponepone hips and pone butts are just weird
>>14432921>Kill Le KillThis fanservice anime will not be much rememberedI'm glad it will be done soon after december
>tfw you will never get high with rainberg dashovitz
>>14432921I don't like big buttsMy gf has a cute little butt in comparison to her titsSmall tits and a big but is the worst
>>14432945>My gf
>>14432945Stop posting about your fucking girlfriend.
>>14432925I feel your pain
>>14432959I just got hereBut okay
>>14432959Report and ignore.
>>14432956well played
>>14432966Just got here today maybe, but you've been bragging about your girlfriend and her big tits for a week straight.
>>14432936Enjoy not being saved I guess.It's surprising how fanservice can get people so upset.
>>14432967>reporting for having a girlfriendNot that anon but that's pretty sad man
>>14432936Lol it doesn't end until next summer.
>>14432973Non furfags are cancerno hooves? fuck off
>>14432981what if gf was furfagyou didn't think about that did you
>>14432981Go away /mlp/.
>>14432945No offence to your gf or whatever, but I really dislike that kind of body.Don't get me wrong, I love big boobs, it's just that big boobs and a tiny butt looks really top-heavy and weird.
>>14432971Who thinks this is okay?
>>14432980Is that not around the time you joined here?Perhaps you all can follow it when that time comes near
>>14432970They're not even big, AnonI think you've got the wrong guyThey're like C cupsShe's just got no butt at all
>>14432870.I really dislike this artstlyeLook at their faces, they're all the exact same!
>>14432994Yeah, I came here next summer.
>>14432997The focus on her chest.It just comes off as annoying,obvious and pandering.I don't even like anime but shit like that is exactly why I refrain from playing a lot of Japanese games because I can automatically tell where the put most of their efforts at.
>>14433004Sorry if I was not clear, I just meant summerWere you not to leave then it would be a bummer
>>14432991I actually enjoy it. I really wish it would tone down the damn fanservice, but that's not all it has going for it, and I'm pretty sure half of it is played for comedy so I'm willing to give it a bit of a pass.
>>14432971>muh savedIt has shitty animation, simplistic, uncreative low brow humor, and so many cliches that it's almost like they're trying to make an awful showDid trigger hire andrew fucking hussie as a creative director or what?
>>14433017Fuck off ponyfag.
What if MLPG was full of normal people?
>>14433017incorrect. they hired dave strider, a mysterious middle aged big lipped man in a blonde wig and sunglasses.
>>14433017I'm pretty sure the cliches are because it's a parody of anime in the same way PSG was a parody of western cartoons.
>>14433027I wouldn't be here.
>>14433027Then we all wouldn't be here, and what would it matter then?
>>14433027It wouldn't have lasted this long.
>>14433027I don't come here because I want the Facebook environment.
>>14433027We wouldn't have people getting pissy because someone is getting their dick wetAnd I'd be getting my dick wet
>>14433027MLPG wouldn't exist because normal people don't think talking about ponies is worth their time. There's not much for them to talk about.Most of our "show discussion" is headcanon creation and destruction, telling off retards that can't figure out what happened in the latest episode a girls cartoon, and going "OMG PONY TOTALLY DID THAT THING WOW" every time new content comes out
>>14433017There's a difference between falling into cliches due to lack of effort and playing them up for laughs. KLK does the latter and, while it took me a while to get into, I'm having a lot of fun watching it.
>>14433051>Most of our "show discussion" is headcanon creation and destructionit's fun
>>14433051welcome to the touhou fandomenjoy your stay
I wish I was a normal person.
Is this a pretty pony?
>>14433062>that gif>that songwelp
>>14433062>tfw we care more about the ponies than the thing the ponies are from>tfw MLPG is full of secondaries
>>14433041I can feel the pain coming through the screen
>>14433001homu pls
>>14433065A pretty tiny pony.
>>144330622hu fandom doesn't create ponillions of OCs though.
What if MLPG was full of smart, funny, reasonable and polite people?
>>14433065The prettiest.
>>14433065That pony is shit
>>14433064What is a normal person?
>>14433077bored nerds facetiously using my little pony as a vehicle to discuss science and philosophy
>>14433077Two out of four ain't bad
>>14433084>tampon going NYAAOh wow. But is there tons of PORN of OCs?
>>14433092Funny and...I think you're mistaken.
>>14433077I wouldn't feel so good about myself when I browse MLPG then
>>14433092>smart, funny, reasonable, and polite>anon is "," and ","That's two out of seven idiot
>>14433077I think it is, secretly. Everyone comes to 4chan to act stupid, though, so nobody notices.
>>14433084I'm not sure if this is better than ZUN's art or not.
>>14433097Secondaries and tertiaries aren't old enough to post porn online without getting caught by their parents
>>14433101That is a terrible waste of mayonnaise, pony.Take a shower and go to your room!
>>14433101Semen pony is the end goal of the pony matriarchy to make stallions unnecessary
>>14433101>coveredi've got some bad news for you
What if MLPG stopped respdonding to obvious bait?
Did Cazum baleet everything?
>>14433121Shut up! We don't respond to bait! You're just jealous of how awesome we are!
>>14433121We'd be ded more often
where da marker at
>>14433113It's funny how the MLP fandom has secondaries. How hard is it to watch a goddamn half hour show?
>>14433137I have trouble watching 5 minute episodes.
>>14433137Our secondaries are the worstThey watch the show, but then they never really talk about it. They just use it to make more headcanons for their waifus that quickly deviate so far from the show that they might as well have never watched it
>>14433097It's a sandal you dork.
>>14433137For some, very. Check you're privilige.
>>14433121Are you telling me that there really isn't anyone in here with a girlfriend?OhI had hope beforeIf one of us could make it
>>14433146>They just use it to make more headcanons for their waifus that quickly deviate so far from the show that they might as well have never watched itlike what?
>>14433149the kind of person that is capable of girlfriend is not the kind of person that watches, likes, and talks about my little pony: friendship is magic
>>14433151Background pony fags.
>>14433146>T-Trixie's a total bitch! She has no redeeming qualities! Anything you say is headcanon and baseless speculation!
>>14433151Everything shipping
>>14433151every waifufag ever
>>14433162PinkieDash is canon though.
>>14433152What about all the bi-fagsWatching a girls cartoon doesn't seem to conflict with them as much
>>14433158>Background pony fags.Background pony shipping is fun. The Carrot Top and Derpy roommate thing was funny. Vinyl and Octavia is cute, ghosts art especially.
>>14433170The bastard secondary at workUsing vague memories of an episode he watched once to construct things he thinks are "canon">oh yeah i remember those ponies doing something together>in the show too>ship = canon
>>14433152Not true. I've had a girlfriend before. I just sacrificed all that on the altar of Ponies.Maybe you could say I'm a different person.
>>14433181PinkieDash was the worst back in early 2011, before secondaries ever formed.
>>14433181The bastard blindfag at work.Unable to see Pinkie's admiration of Rainbow Dash in multiple episodes, he dismisses things as ``fanon''
>>14433176Fuck your shit bronyI hope all of your headcanons die. May you drown in your own tears.
>>14433181jokes on you, i bet you dont even remember which number dash was for young fliers competition
>>14433194,,fanon''fixed your dots for you
Relationships are canon.Tolerate the love.
>>14433172I am currently drawing Batman, please don't come to my house.
>>144332002 before she switched, 15 after
>>14433194Interpreting and extrapolating canon is called "fanon" and is usually complete bullshit, especially when you're reading lesbian romance into a show for prepubescent girls based off two characters being friends in an environment where every main character is close friends with every other main character.
>>14433209You put the comma in the wrong placeI'm expecting a picture of Batman soon
>>14433198Fuck yeah, I loved that moment. Carrot Top and Dinky were on the train later in the episode and whatsisface and Carrot Top were seen talking at the platform.Fuck mother derpy headcanon. I enjoyed the tears.
>>14433198you're not going to rile a night thread poster, morning fagcarrot top x derpy is great
>>14433206>crush>relationshipyour waifu doesn't love you back
>>14433214I'm pretty sure the homosexual agenda will be explored in MLP, it's becoming a lot more expected.Boyfriends in S4? I think girlfriends are equally likely.
>>14433213which pony was it she switched with?If you don't remember, you are a brony
>>14433220But anon, look at the time.
>>14433198You are now aware that that stallion impregnated Carrot Top and she dropped that filly out of her gaping vagina.
I'm a lesbian ponyI'm real and I still won't fuck you
>>14433228But he doesn't have a canon name
I think Pinkie and Dash could adopt Scootaloo, since she has no parents.
>>14433220>tries to defend himself with the arbitrary morning/night divide>continues contradicting canon
>>14433231Still 3:30 on my end
>>14433198Theorizing about background ponies who will probably never do anything plot-important is literally the most primary thing you can do, since it's one of the first things we started to do on /co/.There's nothing wrong with taking an interest in all the cute ponies they put in the background. It's only human.
>>14433240Why can't I hold all this fanon?
Unfortunately Twi and Flutters are left wanting, with PinkieDash and Rarijack pairings.
>>14433227homosexuality is still a mental illness. most people know this to be a fact even though it hurts gayfags feelingsit would never happen. hasbro would be committing suicide.
>>14433002I see what you did there
>>14433250Well at least Twilight has SpikeAnd Fluttershy has...her job.
>>14433250What if Rarity just fucks all her friends?
>>14433241They're not fucking, you dope. I'm specifically talking about the old Carrot Top Derpy roommate thing we used to have fun with.Shipping is fun. Fun things have come from it. Look at these funny pictures. They're fun.
>>14433260Twilight will have Trixie in S4.
>>14433250Pinkie+TwilightRainbow Dash+FluttershyApplejack+RarityEverypony equal. Everypony shipped.
>>14433261I can see that happening. She does like to visit those spa ponies an awful lot...
>primaries >secondariesAlright, you faggots; what are you doing?Please just stick with 'edgy' and 'autism', we don't need any new buzzwords.
>>14433283>Alright, you faggots; what are you doing?Welcome to the morning thread
>>14433277Is Rarity hoofing her cum soaked twat while Rainbow watches?
>>14433269>Pinkie+TwilightTwilight literally killed Pinkie Pie though, multiple times.
>tfw not attracted to ponies>tfw not interested in shipping>tfw disgusted by prospect of sexualizing a little girls show so much that you have to leave MLPG every five minutes to take swig of vodka>tfw want to stay human>tfw want to stay on earth>tfw don't want any pony on earth>tfw don't want humanized pony gf
>>14433286I can't help but laugh each time I see thisThat poor butt though
>>14433291Yes, and?
>>14433283Those terms are almost older than the internet.
>>14433291That actually makes them better friends when you think about itNext time Pinkie annoys Twilight, she can just rememorate on that time she fucking murdered Pinkie a billion times, and feel better
>>14433304And have never been used on the internet in that context.Fucking stop it. Fucking stop it now.
>>14433303i don't mean to sound edgy but i really enjoy killing things and would kill for a chance to kill pinkie pie over and over againis that a bad thing
>>14433312HAHAHAHAHAThe MLP fandom mirrors the Touhou fandom in so many ways, it was a matter of time until the terms ''secondaries'' came back
>>14433314Don't you mean "i don't mean to sound primary"?
>>14433314Yes, it's called being a psychopathYour kind will be the first group to be sterilized when the public eugenics program starts.
>>14433314As long as it's the consequences-free ending of soulless fleshy husks you're thinking of and not the idea of the death itself...Yes, it's still a bad thing.
>>14433291>literallyIt was pretty goddamn vague what happened to them.
>>14433303>that pictureI feel bad for laughing so hard at it.
>>14433314>i don't mean to sound edgy but edge edge edge edge
>>14433314You'd be edgy if you didn't want to kill the worst pone.
>>14433339>rainbow dash: night thread>pinkie pie: morning thread
>>14433314I believe you. You're not edgy anon, you're genuinely less than human. Kill yourself, you heartless fuck.