The grey one never stops talking edition old >>14397552
I wish I was Fluttershy's colt
>>14401916>>14401918This is a bad meme.
>>14401910yeah but
>>14401921get raped
Is that moot?
>>14401922What's the matter, Rarity?
>>14401910Derpy is a very ugly pony
Who is the best princess for sexual?
>>14401938The motherly one
>>14401920You wouldn't be allowed outside to play, or do any rough sports fun, practice magic or fly...
>>14401923>>14401933I hope we get to see her in S4, at least in the background.
>>14401938princess Rarity. think that is all of them.
>>14401934I-I think I messed up
>>14401945I want her to forcefully turn me into a colt and mind break me with motherly love
>>14401944Is that the pink princess who's name I cannot remember
>>14401954Can I have a different pony?This one talks too much and eats all my food.
>>14401938The princess of love of course~
Pony is begging you to punish them for cumming without permission.How do you proceed?
If anyone missed it because I'm slow as buttsGet gta for 19 bucks
>>14401964>The princess of loveFluttetershy?
>>14401973Why is Wal-Mart selling GTA 5 for 20 bucks again
>>14401972I'm sorry, Rarity.
>>14401973only for murricunts.
>>14401962No. This pony loves you and wants you to hug her like you do to your plushie.
>>14401972>It's her fake eyebrows flying off and landing.Took me a second.
So can we all agree, like 5/10 at best?
>>14401831>hating KLKI guess not everyone can be saved
>>14401973Nigga who cares? ALL THE METAL GEAR RISING DLC IS FREE NOW
>>14401982She's just glad you care that much to try.
>>14401995Well to be honest, I thought I was going to not have enough room to get you all in one page.
>>14401964Can one truly love a fictional princess?I mean, can one utterly, truly, wholly, give oneself to a cartoon ponyBecause cadance would be that pony
>>14402000I want to rub my face against her paws
>>14401938None because furfags are the scum of the earthThe princesses agree. Human should love human, pony should love pony.
>>14402000I want a footjob while she takes a hit
>>14402000>Smoking weed.>No pictures of Gilda getting high as fuck off some Catnip a pony is growing in her garden for her tea.>No pictures of said pony chasing her off with a broom.>Or a garden hose.
>>14402009Princesses can't tell me what to do.
>>14402018But she's part bird, catnip would have no effect.
>>14402018>It's fluttershy's garden>She's gotten into the kittens stash>She doesn't have the heart to chase her off but Angel's been pelting her with fruit for the last hour>Oh god she's going for the yarn
>>14402023Imagine of Jappeack had been animated this well...How horrifying would that have been?
>>14402026It would get her half baked
>>14401991I'm sorry I just don't appreciate thematically childish cartoons with softcore pornography and rape jokes any more.Feel free to call me a pleb for not eating up the edgiest flavor of the month i've ever seen.
>>14402018>>14402000>>14402016>>14402027>>14402026>>14402033Kill yourselves
>>14402023It's pretty much the eyes that make it horrifying.
>>14402026Do YOU know if Catnip would do nothing to a gryphon?Are YOU a wizard?!I THOUGHT not, you fuck.
>>14402023Is this MLP as realized by Spumco
>>14402026>Rolls in catnip>Splashes around in the bird bath>Hordes all the seed to herself
>>14402040>He thinks there aren't any wizards on MLPG>HE'S NOT A WIZARDHeh.Go back into your dwarven cave.
>>14402037Catnip isn't a drug, faggot.Your privilege:[ ]Checked[x]In need of checking.
>>14402034>calling any animated series childish or flavor of the month while posting in an mlp thread
>>14402052It's a drug for cats and if I ever had a cat I would never let it near the stuff.
>>14402050>Go back into your dwarven cave.Y-ye too...
>>14402023That's actually really well done and fluidI like it
>>14402056MLP is like 3 years old now and i've been an on again off again fan since nov 2010. I don't think this is flavor of the month anymore.
>>14402056You can like MLP and know you have shit taste, you know.
I drew a Scootaloo and now I'm going to bed.Goodnight Mlpg
Time for night princess!
>>14402068it's bandwagon shit. it's all the same thing.
>>14402071Your art is shitYour waifu is shitPls improve art and waifu sweetie belle
>>14402034Why does no one on this site no what the word edgy means?Why does everyone think it's some kind of insult you can use to win an argument?
>>14402071That's a pretty okay horse. Good job.
>>14402034Did you watch Panty and Stocking? It took me a while to warm up to KLK, but when I did, I realised it was the same kind of humor. Also Mako is cute.>thematically childishHe says in MLPG. Hue hue hue.>rape jokesThat was one scene, and it wasn't really a joke. You can go back to Tumblr if it's too much for you.
>>14402086Don't you dare. Panty and Stocking was nothing but dick and fart jokes, KlK is thankfully nowhere near as crude
>>14402027>One ball sets sail over her.>Her head snaps to focus on the object and leaps.>Misses completely as her form sails past the ball, claws flailing at the one strand of string emerging from it.>Before it hits the ground she manages to tackle the tiny ball.>Fluttershy watches helplessly as a precious ball of yarn is swatted out of her property.>Towards town.
>>14402060It's a tea for humans.Salt is a drug for horses, do you want to ban that too?
>>14402081I try anon, I try. This was kind of a doodle after practicing some anatomy.Sweetie Belle is pretty good too.
>>14402094Everything that alters your state of mind is a drug nowSo food is a drug for everything. Ban food.
>>14402094>>14402105>PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS ARE THE SAME AS FOODFuck off pothead.
>>14402023I would watch it.
>>14402105>Hunger has you in a state of delusion.>Ban hunger.>Africa is nuked.
>>14402086>Did you watch Panty and Stocking?I did and it was absolutely one of the worst things I have ever, ever seen. Ever. It was terrible. In fact, I remember watching PSG and thinking it would be in what would become the lynchpin in what killed all of my interest in anime. It wasn't funny, I didn't even smirk a little. I cringed at how bad it was for the 4 episodes I did watched. >complaining about things being thematically childish in MLPGI am aware ofthe irony, but if you bothered to read what I said I said thematically childish WITH SOFTCORE PORNOGRAPHY. There is a difference between watching a cartoon with daffy duck being whacky (like mlp is) and a cartoon with daffy duck making wacky sex jokes.
>>14402114They should have just grabbed a Snickers.
>>14402114>Africa just blips off the maps>it's still there, but it's just one giant black market with no nations
>>14402089Panty and Stocking had some genuinely funny moments that weren't sex jokes. It's also the same director, so I don't think it's too far off to say they're similar.
>>14402116There were quite a few "sexy" jokes in old Looney Tunes cartoons
>>14402116I guess it's just not your thing.
>>14402105Not armorfag approved genetically engineered nutrient slop served with a side of "meat"!Oh wait that still changes your brain chemistry>>14402112You evolved to get high off food. If you didn't, you would starve.The foods with the most dramatic effect tend to be the least nutritious, making them drugs with coincidental caloric contentAlso your anti-drug logic (more like rhetoric, that's all it is) is logically flawed just like your rationalization for not being an awful human being
>>14402125>Whites in the south now yell at blacks "GO BACK TO [redirected]!!"
>>14402131anon i'm just going to tell you now, when he responds to you it will be horribly wrong and you will be tempted to try and set him rightdon't. he's hopeless. don't respond to him at all and he might finally kill himself.
>tfw finally done with college>tfw laying in bed with my tablet reading mlp and watching old pone episodes>tfw that comfy feel of not having to worry about any assignments or anythingAhh... this is the life mlpg.
>>14402131Getting high on illegal narcotics make you want to eat food.Marijuanas are a gateway drug to harder stuff like, chips.And chocolate milk!Or a soup containing these two drus!
>>14402105>>14402114>>14402125>>14402132This reminds me a bit of Unknown Armies. It seems like the type of thing that would happen.
*Touch fluffy tail*
>>14402131>>14402143>I'M GOING TO COMPARE WEED AND A STEAK GUYS.Fuck off.Exactly why I hate potheads, if they can't defend their precious drug they start comparing foods to it.
>/mlpg/ - Drugs
>>14402151Oh my god go have a fucking salad.
>>14402153What is with the sudden anti-drug shitposting all over 4chan nowadays?
I love shitposting with drugs and sex. It's probably the only reason I come here post-/co/.
>>14402151>not eating weed
>>14402151 NOT COMRADE.I HAVE THE PROOFS OF HOW BAD THE EVIL DRUG IS!You sound this retarded. Non drug user here.
>>14402150What would happen if you touched Luna's tail?would you fall into space?
>>14402162furries are accepted now so they moved to the next fringe topic
>>14402162>nowadaysIt's been a /b/ trolling (and thus sitewide virus) topic for ages.
>>14402154>if you're out of toilet paper, take a shower afterwardsOH FUCK, HE'S ONTO ME
>>14402162There's one black NEET in New Jersey that's dedicated to shitposting in MLPG about drugs.I don't know about other boards.
>>14402170>touch Luna's tail>hand is frozen solid>begin screaming
>>14402171That seems dangerous.I mean, it can't be healthy what with all the space radiation giving everyone around her cancers of various lethality
>>14402164I love talking about my sexlife on MLPGI love it because it seems like no-one else on MLPG has oneI also taunt /r9k/
>>14402177>>14402154>Literal shitposting.
>>14402172>furries>acceptedOn MLPG maybeEvery other board that isn't /v/, /g/, /co/,/ and /vp/ hates them with a passion.
>>14402186It's actually just like a portable hole. It takes up more space that you'd think, but if you fall in you fall ten feet and wrench your shoulder or something.
This is your queen
>>14402182>black NEETThat last point was redundant.
>>14402154>Sometimes eat a hot pepper if you want to feel something.>And try walking out of that employee restroom without looking like you just fired mace out of your ass like buckshot.
>>14402141Now you have to worry about a job, rent, insurance, and getting a gf.
>>14402200>getting sick from peppersYou have a gut infectionSeriously bro
>>14402185Actually, you don't turn into ice in space, the vacuum sucks all liquid from you and would in fact turn your hand into the equivalent of human jerky.The more you know.
>>14402194/tg/ and /k/ too. /mu/ seems really indifferent to them as well.
>all the tech progress in the worldSoon i shall touch the pony.
>>14402204>He hasn't had chili shits.You need to step up from pussy "hot" peppers.
>>14402206>/tg/>monstergirls>furryTAKE IT BACK
>>14402201>jobhad 5 offers before i even graduated (majored in mechanical engineering).>rent/insurancesee above>getting a gfyea... got me there.
>>14402205Would the vacuum suck the liquid from your hand through your skin or something?I was told that astronauts can survive very brief exposure to vacuum as well. That seems contradictory.
Let's play "find the show related posts in MLPG"Ready? Go.
>>14402198So what if I'm a black NEET?
>>14402207Pony wears the virtual reality saddle.
>>14402215Then you're just black.
>>14402208>eaten some salsa with ghost peppers>eaten chili with sauce that comes in a coffin>eaten hot wings that you need to wear gloves for>never gotten more than the sweats for an extended period of time
>>14402208Already didYou have something wrong with you, or you're eating them with improperly prepared beans or something and don't even chew. I never eat beans or grains with my peppers. I'm too lazy to prepare them or chew them well enough to actually digest them.
This is the cutest princess.I hope she gets a song.
>>14402200I can hear that click from selecting the box
>>14402212>I was told that astronauts can survive very brief exposure to vacuumThis is a myth, in even the briefest of exposures of a total vacuum the air would be sucked out of you so violently it would turn your lungs inside out and pull them out. You would then become blind and you would die within seconds afterwards
>>14402211>tfw doing EE>tfw shit GPA>tfw going to get no offers with one of the most sought after degrees>tfw might not even get a job
>>14402194I've seen them get more than a fair share of hate on co and v. I haven't used those in a bit, though.
>>14402224She had one...
>>14402228Do co-op. I did it my third year and it's the reason why I got a lot of job offers since I have experience.
>>14402228>tfw you had a 4.0 GPA>until english and history classes came along>0.0s fucking everything upFuck degree requirements. I'm autistic, I could never be a "well rounded human being" in the first place.
>>14402230Sorry. Don't hold it against me.I'd like another.
>>14402224I'm hoping Luna sings in S4, maybe a nice sad one at night.
>>14402086>Same kind of humorI'm SO, SO with >>14402089P&S had AWFUL humor, KLK is legendary. Unfortunately I can do nothing but be very mad.. and ask.. what the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously what are you basing that outrageous claim on?>klkRyoko tells Mako to go ahead on the trolley alone.Shot of the front of the trolley heading forward slowly-..Mako isn't on it. wait wtf?Shot of Mako next to the trolley with her stupid face. "O-OKAY!" and a shot of her running after the trolley...THAT'S FUCKING GENIUS! It was fast, pure humor. AND it further defined Mako as an oblivious weirdo. A character like Mako is a huge opportunity for tons of great jokes, and a character like Panty is a huge opportunity for the.. same sex jokes.. over and over again..>p&s>dildo battlehha - ha heh ha haho ho:|
>>14402233I would like a Celestia/Luna duet
>>14402228>tfw strait 4s in all your computing subjects>flunking everything with maths in itI should not have chosen engineering
>>14402230I would ravage that Celestia so hard you have no idea.
>>14402227Anon, you're mistaken.After researching it, humans can indeed survive space exposure for a brief time.
>>14402242>flunking mathsHow is this possible unless you just sit around shitposting instead of practising and memorizing?
>>14402245Tell me more
>>14402252Because calculus and criteria based assessment
>>14402228>Shit at everything>Autismbux>610$ every two weeks>Cheap apartment>mfw seeing people struggle/homeless people
>>14402250you know if we had the right kind of natural armor on our bodies we could survive in space by holding our breath>thick nonporous skin, no gaps>eyes cover themselves in thick protective lenses>orifices close themselvesspace lizard people when, geneticists?
>>14402222>eaten some salsa with ghost peppersYeah, I have had the same brand. It's cute and gimmicky but they tame it down.As for that sauce, same shit different bottle.>Hur I need my fingers clean while eating wings!I have made salsa using scorpion peppers. And nearly DIED eating some. While, between labored gasps told my family to try some.Had dishes of nothing but pepper, some beef and a little bit of bamboo, and called it good.Went to Thai resuraunts and told the cooks that I wanted hot meals that they ate, to the point where they give me the smile of "Oh you fucked up" and they nuke me. And I smile, thank them and pay them, and become their best friend.>>14402223If something is wrong with me, my doc has not found it, and I don't want to be well.
>>14402250I enjoy bullshitting about things that would take less than two seconds to google. It's a hobby of mine, being proven wrong.
Can I confess something, MLPG?I couldn't even finish my freshman year, and had to drop out. I feel like shit doing it, but I couldn't even follow how people bullshitted their way through ten page papers on the most fucking bland subjects.Sorry for that. Have a pony that's smarter than me.
>>14402278Welcome to adulthood
>>14402263I wish I had autism
Why so fast at this hour?
>>14402274at least now if you're ever in the situation where you have to chance brief space exposure or not, you can make the right decision.
>>14402278>really, really shit at one thing that's linked to creativity and bending the rulesCongratulations, you're not retarded. You're just autistic.
>>14402263>1220 a monthSometimes I wonder why I live where I do, with that much cash I couldn't even rent an apartment in the ghetto
>First day on the job>Everything going smoothly>Suddenly the princess does this to youWhat do you do?
>>14402272>Yeah, I have had the same brandUnless you went to the same podunk shack I went to and watched them make it for you, I highly doubt itYou don't need to wave your dick around when it comes to eating hot stuffJust saiyan I don't ever get the chili shits that everyone fears
>>14402278I dropped out of high school. Getting my GED soon. Then I'm joining the military.
>>14402253Well, first I would Sexual expletive that warms you up to the upcoming confession and then I would Gratuitous sexual deviancy that is disgusting but leaves you wanting more until we're both passed out on the floor
>>14402268>natural spacesuitsWhy not just build bio-mechanical spacesuits we can wear
>>14402292Wonder why am I pony.
>>14402292Remain stoic and expressionless, emotion is for main characters.
>>14402294>joining the militaryWhy? Why would you ever?
>>14402295now fill in the blankshearing anon's fantasies is my fetish
>fluffle puff lewd being drawn EG styleI don't think I could throw up enough
>>14402294Me too. Seeya
>>14402293>I don't ever get the chili shits that everyone fearsWell then I blame my frail Irish body.But seriously, avoid this fucker
>>14402305EA pls
>>14402303They'll pay for college and I get to do something other than sit around all day.I'm gonna try and get the option on my contract that lets me try out for the Army Rangers, too.
>>14402305But you're supposed to fill in the blanks. This is how ad libs work, remember?
>>14402289My apartment costs 170$ a month and has two bed rooms and a nice view of the city, I wish I had a camera.Although the view isn't much compared to others (It's jersey city guys) I like how cheap it is and how close the stores are.
>>14402301Some background ponies have shown loads of emotion even without
>>14402313>avoid this fuckerThat's the one that was on the wingsThey were only allowed to give you two, and I had to sign for it
>>14402294>>14402321Do yourself a favor and read/talk to some of the people that have been in the places you're planning on applying to. I really don't think you know what you're getting into.
>Just got a 24inch monitor from walmart for 15 dollarsI'm ready to suck some dicksDon't let anyone tell you that /v/ is a bad board
>>14402292I scream 'NO PLEASE MOMMY DON'T!
>>14402292Realize it is a small price to pay for getting to be the tiny magical horse
>>14402334I did talk to people who have been there. A lot.Since was a teenager, even. I've wanted to join for a long time before now.
>>14402336God bless America.
>>14402336>I'm ready to suck some dicks
>>14402336Do you actually have it yet? Because they can cancel your order.
>>14402306Considering how autistic buttmad fluffy got over someone make a downloadable fluffle flash model i can't wait to see it.
>>14402355As usual!
>>14402356Not yet but I finally got around the server loads to get itEven if they cancel it, I got farther than most.My friend got 4 and is going to send me one when he picks it up in store
>less than 20 dollars short of buying a new laptop because the merchant says I need to pay a fee to use paypalIronically I have 20 in cash, but need to deposit it in the bank.>have to go outside
>>14402334I'm joining the national guard. There is very little chance of me ever getting put into a position where I have to do something that may involve taking the lives of others. But I would if I had to. It's an easy thing to say, isn't it. To kill somebody and free them from the mortal coil. Would that make you a bad person, to kill someone?
>>14402360Are you good at it?
>>14402330Burned like shit, didn't it?Not meaning to dick flex here at all but. I grew some of them. I bit into one of those fuckers raw.It felt like Satan shit on my tongue for ten minutes.>It made about 10 more peppers.>So did the other plant.>I had NO idea what to do with them at that point.
Rarity is not a slut.
>>14402357He's in the livestream right nowThere's some my chem playing right now so it's fitting
>>14402348Someone that isn't a recruiter anon.
>>14402370stop using autistic reasoning , killing is bad.
>>14402374Rarity NTR
>>14402376Fuck you, smart-ass.I wasn't talking about a recruiter. Recruiters lie.
>>14402371god no good god no
>>14402381But i'm talking about killing for your country, not murder. That makes you a hero! Everyone loves a hero.
You guys always talk about how crazy King Crimson's powers are, but I'm having the worst time figuring out what exactly Gold Experience does.
>>14402389You're not a hero, you're not battling irredeemable creatures of the dark, you're killing people.
>>14402385>There are no Rarity NTR doujins>not even a rarity NTR fapficGensokyo here I come ;_;
>>14402388I'll bet you'll be great at it one day.
>>14402404Anti-hero then
>>14402387Then talk to these people you've been talking to in the context of "I will be joining them this year" and they'll be less likely to lie. It's a combination of the most boring/potentially mind wrecking job out there. Most guys spend their paychecks on shitty food, then get a useless degree because the college the gov'ment sends you to doesn't have good programs in the area you're looking into.
>>14402367Why don't you just use your card or account?
>>14402411I wish I had someone to learn fromMaybe they could show me first-hand how to do it right
>>14402404Even better, women love a dark brooding warrior with a heart of gold.That is, before they get abused. Maybe that is the appeal you think? Women love abuse? Or maybe they think they can mend a broken man, like putting a bandaid on a cut. See this is good fiction right here, it would make for a great obituary.
>>14402415Anon, I've been hearing that ever since I've been asking ex-enlisted about what it was like. Except for the government sending you to a college, I'm certain you get to choose.Why are you so dedicated to stopping me from joining?
What do I buy a girl for her birthday if we've only been dating for two months?
>>14402437ask her what she wants?
>>14402419>not both hands
>>14402437A pony
>>14402437Step 1: Cut a hole in a box
If you love pony, why do you keep spanking her so much?
>>14402433I see someone going from high school to the military as someone who has no idea what to do with their lives and just wants to stall for time until they can figure that out. But hey it's your life, I'm not even gonna talk about it anymore.
>>14402450What do you buy your pony girlfriend if you've been dating 2 months?
>>14402461She makes me.
>>14402465A pretty dress!
>>14402381>killing>badMost humans are bad, both for other humans and for the planet they live onBy killing, you are more likely to create a net good than a net wrong>human live>intrinsic valueMade up by people that know their lives mean nothing and can't deal with it. Everyone with autism is free from delusions of self worth and knows very well that their suicidal philantropy trip is the best thing they could ever do. Dumb militants dead, and then you in the ground just like them. Could your life be any more fruitful? Doubtful.
>>14402463Don't just insult me and then say you're not going to talk about it anymore, you shithead.I don't know if a Marine touched you when you were little or something, but I know what I want to do.
>>14402475This sounds like something I would read in r/atheism or in a ironic shitpost on /v/
>>14402476You can touch me, Anon
>>14402476>Not wanting the guards to touch you
>>14402485I'm being serious here. /r/atheism is all "hurr durr god isn't real but we should all create happiness and enjoy life"Bullshit. God is real, and there are people he doesn't consider people. Jesus was a false messiah.Go forth and kill the goyim and get your goyim self killed, it'll benefit everyone.
>>14402487Whenever I see lewd Twilight I can only think of her awkwardly trying to hit on anon while he tries to avoid all of her advancements because she's not his waifu.
>>14402385pls nonot best pony and a meh fetish
>>14402466What else does she make you do? Should I be concerned?
>>14402463Hey, fuck you pal.
>>14402496who's your favourite pony
>>14402504It fits her characters so well, though.
>>14402472I think I might have messed up.
>>144025121: Rarity2: Sweetie Belle3: Twist....Impossibly low: Rainbow Dash
>>14402512If you don't like the discussion, ignore it.Don't try to force pony down everyone's throats. That's what makes shitposters start shitposting.
>>14402502I'm glad we're on the same page, lol
>>14402496pony loves you
>>14402506Sometimes she makes me give her my wallet and then she just kind of disappears for the rest of the day.
>>14402515No it doesn't>>14402518WhoaWe pretty close to niggas
>>14402463So that's it then?You're done, just like that?What a fucking moron. I'm sure your life is on track.
>>14402519tell us about your favorite pony, anon
>>14402521Yellow is worst color. Derpy is broniest pony.
tfw you get a boner when the doctor probes your ass
>>14402527It totally does. Just because she wants to fuck other stallions in front of you doesn't mean she doesn't love you.
>>14402528Who's your favorite pony, anon?
>>14402529Tell us what direction you chose to cause your life to stop here, telling an anon to talk about little horse cartoons.
>>14402519But AnonMLPG is a pony based thread
>>14402418It's not a credit card, just a VISA debit card, and they apparently can't process it. I can probably just pay via my account, but it'd be nicer if it just werked via my debit.Despite saying they accept Paypal they have 0 methods of paying via paypal on their site, and no information about it (they sprung the fee on me via email exchanges).
>>14402540Is it really?
>>14402538You do know that mlpg is the least serious place on /mlp/, right? Stop not having fun.
>>14402544>they sprung the fee on me via email exchangesSounds dodgy as fuck
>>14402545Yes, it is.
>>14402549That's a great pony you posted.
>>14402544>Can't accept a visa debitSounds scammy anon.
>>14402552But I didn't post any po- OH I GET IT.
>>14402551Yeah, no.I'm not gonna listen to YOU preach about this being a pony-only place.Didn't you say you were done being two people? Why are you trying so hard to be two different people?
>>14402551Please, you only support the thread when RCH jizzes on toys.Or when you attention whore harder then he does.
I've filmed myself cumming on pony toys in the pastI've got a girlfriendWhy don't you?
Guys, my favorite character on the show are mostly the villainous females.Why do I enjoy when pony is naughty
>>14402568Because I'm fat and have self-esteem issues
>>14402554We ought to find out
>>14402568>not filming yourself cumming inside your girlfriend while playing with pony toys on her body
>>14402554I'm more attracted to EqG rarity than pony rarityI'm more attracted to twinky genderswapped twilight sparkle than any other horse
>>14402553Why does no one ever call out Diamond Tiara's dad on being a greasy salesman. He's richer than the Apple Family and they do all the work. If the ponies can line up at Sweet Apple Acres for cider why can't they do it for zap apple jam?
>>14402550>>14402557>Sounds dodgy as fuckI know. It seems they're legit however because I was referred there by a Gentooman and there's complaints about delivery times and other non-shill supporting details across the web.>>14402553Please don't bully and imply my favourite filly is a Jew!
>>14402569Because you're an edgy person and are bored with genuinely nice, pleasant people as characters.
>>14402579>Pale redheadI assumed she was irish.
>>14402579Hey, that's my favorite too!Have you got a toy of her, by any chance?
>>14402584That's better.Too bad she'll never have any backstory explained like DT has.
>>14402578This is actually a good point. Probably because the jam keeps longer and can be sold year round and the Apples can't spend all their time rotating and selling stock when they could make a lump sum of money and just get rid of their once a year harvest.
>>14402568Because I have extremely high standards which someone like me really shouldn't have. I'm kind of shy when approaching women or men when it's about anything more than friendship. In relationships I'm not forward or aggressive enough to make any moves. And I'm also not interesting enough to make people interested in spending long periods of time with me. I'm also very clingy.I don't have a boyfriend because I'm afraid a lot of gay or bi guys aren't into black dudes and I don't date black guys.
>>14402535What it means it that I can't satisfy her needs, despite giving her everythingIt would be toxic for us to stay together.
>>14402568I wonder if those infamous youtube vids are from you
>>14402590DT has a better dynamic going for her than a boring candy pony with no style. Twist a shit.
>>14402569Two of the hottest females on the show are antagonistic.It's Gilda and Trixie. DT and SS are shit.
>>14402592Or maybe he's like an importer exporter and the Apples worked out a deal with him to ship the jam to other towns. He might be making all his bits by bringing in cherries or something to sell in Ponyville.
>>14402590>Irish.>With those eyes.
>>14402597Twilight likes what she sees.
>>14402578Rarity turned dirt farmers into canterlot nobility in a week. Applejack is just shit at business, Granny smith is too senile, and Big Mac is all about the work and doesn't have the head for all them numbers. Applebloom will be the one in charge of the books when the time comes and only then will they actually start making a profit.
>>14402597I'd fuck a black guyI'm a short top, so you'd have to be cool with that
>>14402598But she loves you.
>>14402598the only thing you could give her is a fit of laughter when she learns your hobby and a reason to get a restraining order
>>14402612Sometimes love isn't enough for a healthy relationship.
>>14402604ur shit, faglolrekt>>14402606Filthy Dick probably does that with a lot of different products. He did inherit the general store, after all.
>>14402582>tfw that describes youi just want someone i can relate to without having to become a genuinely nice person. i can't become a nice person.i got diagnosed with the spergers last week. it's official, i'm a permanent asshole by nature. >>14402568i don't think i can love anyone as more than an aesthetically pleasing heat source because i'm an awful sack of subhuman meati don't want to hurt anyones feelings by being my emotionless, shallow self
>>14402618Yes it is.
>>14402602>no style0/10>different body shape than other ponies>megane>dat lisp>Pinkie fro>genki>>14402587Unfortunately no. I'm tempted to pick one up, but can't even find any minifigs being sold... She's so unloved. ._.
>>14402618So you'd just break her heart like that?
>>14402620>ur shitnot as shit as ur waifu
>>14402631No styleNo personalityNothing to involve in an episode>BUT SHE WEARS GLASSES
>>14402618Your gut is too big for a healthy relationship for anyone with standards
>>14402624Go to bed Rainbow Dash
>>14402624There's nothing wrong with being spontaneous, Anon. >>14402631When she grows up and gets out of ugly duckling phase and fixes her hair, we can talk. I already rarely enjoy fillies as it is.>>14402637u don't even no my wifi
>>14402655i kno ur wifi password thoand im hacking your computer
>>14402624>Watches ponies>AutisticYou needed a doctor to figure that out?
>He's got a gfWhy would you even be here if you've got someone to cuddle and kiss?I thought the whole reason MLPG exists is to sooth our all consuming emptiness
>>14402655>I already rarely enjoy fillies as it is.Bad taste alert
>>14402635It's fine, she has plenty of other stallions to fill her needs, if I was that important to her she wouldn't need any other stallions.
>>14402674if she ever needs a fatass she's got you on speed dial though
>>14402669Scootaloo is the only good.
>>14402668I didn't feel a consuming emptiness until I started browsing MLPG>
>>14402678I didn't feel a consuming emptiness until I discovered animeNow I'm here
>>14402677These are the worst onions
>>14402674But they don't mean anything to her. They're just toys to her. You're the only one she loves.
>>14402641>no styleRarityfag detected.>No personalityYeah no. She is a very friendly pony, a bit boastful, and... doesn't get enough screentime to shine more... ;_;>Nothing to involve in an episodeShe gets her cutie mark before the crusaders.>>14402655>I already rarely enjoy fillies as it is.Opinion discarded.
>>14402693more like lovehandles
>>14402699Did Nonymous post a picture or something? Is he really that fat?
>>14402701I don't even know if he's really fat, he just seems like a fatguy.
>>14402693They mean enough for her to still use them after I made it clear that I wasn't comfortable with it.
>>14402708just like you're not comfortable in small shirts
Literally dead thread.
>>14402695You wouldn't like the fillies I do, so it's pointless to argue with a Twistfan.
>>14402708So I guess this is it.You're just going to trample all over her heart
>>14402739True, I only like best fillies.
>>14402745i guess you can say he's attacking her hearta real heartattacker
>>14402745I would love Rarity no matter how many dicks she needed to keep her happy.In fact, I encourage it.
>>14402745She started the trampling Anon, I'm just making sure neither of us get hurt any more then need be.She broke my heart first.
This is now a map thread.
>Masturbate in front of mom>Can now openly masturbate even during conversations>All she does is just stop talking and threaten to pour water on my PC
>>14402770actually your diet broke your heart first
>>14402773seems (le)git
>>14402753Spoon, Tiara, and Scootaloo are the only ones I can thoroughly enjoy.
>>14402770She'll always love you
>>14402793there's a lot to love
My headcanon is that Pegasus can shoot lasers from their mammary cannons and sync up to perform laser rain.
>>14402798 music man.
Humanized Rarity's body
Wait shitWrong image
as an American who is stereotypically bad at geography, I am non-ironically enjoying this.pic related
>>14402773>not masturbating to your mom
>>14402815I really wish Braeburned would draw more of this
>>14402801I love this one anon just constantly being a jackass
>>14402802Hahaha, that's preposterous!
>>14402833>realisticPlease no.
>>14402837You consider that realistic?
>>14402843>Veneto...are we a minority, now?
>>14402829Fat jokes never get old
>can't move the markerOh well.Have an image for the not-auditory impaired.
MLPG, I have kind of a weird problem. See, this thing has been bothering me for a while and I don't really know who else to turn to. But I really need to know What are you listening to right now?
>>14402841The nose:face ratio is poor.Ewe
>>14402881 is love.Chill is life.
Why the fuck do I keep coming back hereI don't even like pony anymore
>>14402881Nothing, thanks for reminding me. listening to this for 1 hour.
>>14402881The Hounds every morning
>>14402901not available
>>14402901Well I was listening to that [nothing]. I'm listening to this now.
>>14402893It's a mystery. Do you think anyone would be here if we knew?
>>14402881'm practicing listening to unheard of bands that normal people would still listen to
>>14402910So theres porn of these two right
>>14402920Existing right now? Probably not.All it takes is a couple paragraphs or some lines on a canvas.
Penis in vagina.
>tfw I will never be turned into a broodmare
>not wanting to be a coltOh right, I'm on 4chan.
>>14402942good taste
>>14402942being a colt is fucking gay, being a broodmare and corrupting little colts or vaginally devour them with your bugmarevag is much bettter.
>>14402946>remingtonfuck i messed the joke up
>>14402954holy shit that's awesome
>>14402959pinkiecalm the fuck downholy shit
>>14402971>Random body part for some random reason excites/arouses ponyI always hated this.Especially that frog one.
>>14403000Don't shit talk pony's fetish
>>14403000Have you never heard of erogenous zones?
>thread still ntot marked
>>14403000>has never scratched an animal's ear, neck, belly
>>14403009Yeah in humans and I doubt that the skin bit of a tail or the underside of a hoof would actually be arousing for them.
>>14403027>what is tickling0/10
>>14403027the base of the tail is where animals have a lot of nerves actually
>>14403032>>14403034Have either of you actually tickled or rubbed the frog of a hoof or the dock of a tail?Can you provide to this annoying bullshit.
>>14403043I live in the city, I can't just go around molesting horses (even if I wanted to).
>>14403043grossI'm not going to touch a horse
>>14403043why would I do that?my little ponies don't have frogs. they have marshmallow hooves.
>>14403054Get out.
Why are we so dead? I'm scared anon.
>>14403076Don't worry, Winter is coming.
>>14403078le tiny leg
>>14403129Really? If so, why can I garner responses when I post them online?
>>14403129I think Pinkie would be really happy to hear other peoples' opinions on things, even if they were negative.She seems like the kind of pony who would understand.
>>14403153>all the other ponies laugh and make fun of your dorky habits.>Twilight and Pinkie cheer you on and enjoy them alongside you>Twilight because she's... well.. Twilight>Pinkie because she wants to make you smile.
>>14403140they're only being passive aggressive in hope you go away because they don't like you.
Luna has just agreed to marry sentenalHow do you respond?
>>14403185I don't get it, because I haven't watched EqG.
>>14403187Nope.People thrive off on discord.
>>14403208i send them a lel
>>14403185>ganging up on the popular mean girlhuh. How come no one ever thought of doing that before?
The mlp commercial on CN looked kind of "cool". I wonder what id think of it if i hadn't watched the show
>>14403213because in real life nobody is just a popular mean girl
>>14403225>tfw still haven't watched itApathy reigns.
>>14403233mean people don't get popular
>>14403248Sure they do. At least in highschool.
1. Guy Fawkes was not an anarchist, or even an anti-monarchist. The Gunpowder Plot was a religiously motivated attack, with the intent of replacing a Protestant king (James I) with a Catholic ruler (Princess Elizabeth). The notion of Fawkes as an anarchist revolutionary comes entirely from Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s imaginations. 2. Time Warner owns the rights to the popular Guy Fawkes image used by groups like Anonymous. With each purchase of a mask, you are actively giving money to one of the largest media companies in the world, thereby feeding the beast that you claim to be opposing.
>>14403250Maybe I just went to a nice high school.
>>14403234havent watched the show, or the commercial?
>>14403254Please explain how this is pony related.
>>14403254You're a day late.
>>14403263The commercial of course.
>>14403217At last I truly see.
>>14403254I never knew Fawkes wasn't actually an anarchist because I never really cared, I have learned something today.Anarchists are the stupidest, most selfish, short-sighted losers in the world.
>>14403267i'm fucking your favorite pony
>>14403208If she looks like that, I don't really mind.
>>14403254That's great. It's the sixth and this is a thread for ponies, princesses, and pony princesses.
>>14403254>>14403285Yeah, I actually didn't know Guy Fawkes wasn't an anarchist either.I did already dislike anarchists, all the more reason.
>>14403285Not that guy but the whole point of 'Remember the 5th' was that the British saw the world in the terms of evil Catholics and righteous briton anglicans/protestants.So the whole gunpowder pot was accepted as just another example of heinous Catholic treachery.
>>14403279it was a 10-15 second highly insignificant commercial. You literally didn't miss anything, i was just thinking of it from an outsider's view
>>14403291It's the 7th, past-dweller!
>>14403254V wasn't an anarchist in the comic either, that's why Moore dislikes the film.
>>14403285Humans aren't fit to rule.We need ponies.
>>14403301I never read the comic. What was V there?
>>14403304What if ponies need ear scritches?
>>14403304they'll have to arm wrestle us for it
>>14403307Kind of like reckless, more selfish Robin Hood.
>>14403322So he just robbed people?
>>14403326Kind of. It's probably easier if you just read it.
>>14403185ITT: things that aren't funny
Flutterponk couldve been handled much better.
>>14403185>tfw no pale white purple hair rara sama gf
>>14403344>you'll never knot a screaming rarity
>He never put oraljel in his urethra!
>>14403185wow rude
>>14403359Do you know why Bundy was so spooky?He had such a generic face that he could look entirely different with just a different facial expression.
>>14403359I try to keep anything with the word 'jet' in it's name out of my various orifices.
>>14403338Except it was handled great, you swine.
>>14403384What kind of pony could be so generic to pass as other kinds of ponies?The only thing I can think of is changlings, but those aren't normal or generic, they're magic.
Pony just ruined the entire thing
>>14403398Mayor pony.Because Major Mayor Mayor Mare looks like Henry Fonda
Pony is for war.
>>14403439haha I can just shoot them and their horsesstupid britbongs
Pony stopped calling you
>>14403439le epic alt history steampunk deviantart picture.exe
Will pone comic ever ntr itself?
>>14403461Actually it's warhamburger
>>14403480Fucking hotdog marines and their codex creep.
>>14403512I don't understand
>>14403454What is this referencing?is it that junji ito manga
>>14403534Reference to the movie Goodfellas.
>>14403544never seen itso why was it a response to me
>>14403548Oh.No idea.I think anon posted the wrong picture.
>>14403559why do kyoani's animes all look the same?
Rarity wants you to cuddle her and firmly run your fingers through her coat.
>>14403572Maybe it's the art style
>>14403578R-Rara sama...
Does anyone have links to all those naked ponies GG drew the other night?
>>14403480Pork Ham-mer
Pony's swag is untouchable
>Browsing db>See a pretty unf chrysalis blowjob .gif>it's made by the same person who made that shitty trap spike comicWhy whenever I want to improve in something I always get to a certain point and never imrpove?
>>14403601Because you have shitty genes.
>>14403601>shitty wobble animation gifWow it's fbf so impressive, such animation, so wow.I fucking hate how anyone who does fbf no matter how fucking shit it is gets praised just because its fbf.
>>14403614he didn't say he liked it for the fbf, he just said he unfed to it
>>14403608Well okay, I'm going to stop programming now.
Pony says too bad about that face
>>14403624Blog updated.
>>14403632Here's a guide to posts on 4chan>Statement about thingNot a blog post>Statement about current events in life and current feelings about said things in lifeBlog post.If you were going to say "blog post"You've should of replied to>>14403601becuase it says>Why whenever I want to improve in something I always get to a certain point and never imrpove?and the image implies anguish, so it's pretty clearly a blog post.
>>14403584 is the only one I saved the link for.
which pony likes the new call of duty the most
>>14403659blog updated
Pony is going to save the world....eventually
Why so beb, my faithful thread?
>>14403685Shh... The fandom is asleep.
>>14403669Snips' fatter, uglier, more socially inept little brother who never leaves the house and only plays CoD and is currently being watched by an FBI sub-division for making incredibly graphic, specific and expletive-ridden terroristic threats against other 8 year olds.Like all CoD players.
I want to have a loving relationship with centaur-shy.
>>14402089If you're still around, what was the scene you're talking about? I'm watching it but I seem to have forgotten whatever it is.
>>14403705>doxy in charge of doing something that is anatomycally correct.png
>>14403705>brown hairNope.
>>14403720I think humanized fluttershy would look nice with light brown hair
>>14403705Get a cute centaur first.
>>14403705>huge breastsFucking why.
>>14403734it was just an idea for a natural hair color
>>14403736I know right?Why can't artists just stop at very large?
>>14403736because Onta is really gay and thinks this is what straight people like
>>14403736It's the epic mee.
Rarara song.
how do you pronounce 'meme'?I say it like 'mommy'
>>14403732Isn't she always?>>14403736I'm a horrible pervert. I can't exactly control what I like.
>>14403736This.Look how much better this looks.
>>14403770It's like Meeemh
>>14403770it rhymes with "team"
>>14403753What is her hair color then?I'd be happy with anything.
>>14403770like cream
>>14403782She's naturally blue
>>14403770like 'mayum'
>>14403791Blue is a silly color for ponies, but I guess she's a quarter pony so it works.
>>14403806Pony was always silly. Always.My privilege remains unchecked.
ur a faget
>>14403813>not checking your pony privalagebrb posting on pony twitter about how this is as bad as rape
>>14403813What a pretty pony that is.
>>14403826oh no that snails ice cream is melting
>>14403845Yes, that is acceptable. Time to unf.
>>14403770it rhymes with 'pony sex dream'
>>14403845my god, it's snails with eyelasheswhat a convincing difference,It's almost like they are two different ponies now
>>14403845lewd snails
>>14403888>lewd snails
>>14403893spooky snails
>>14403893Where's the dick, GG
pony is still sleeping
>>14403898>spooky snails
>>14403918skeleton snails!
>>14403919>skeleton snails!
>>14403925no anoncuddle the pony
>>14403924Firemare snails?
>>14403929>Firemare snails?
>>14403946>remove burger>remove shekel>remove night horse
>>14403826>>14403845now hug
>>14403947>my little weaver general
>tfw tooth ache and mouth ache due to tooth achethis is the worst hell
>>14403947>fetishshit general
>>14403959GG plspls
>>14403957>my little weaver general
Who is? You is!
>>14403970funny enough I was actually at the dentist just yesterday>>14403967>fetishshit generalsure which fetish would you like
>>14403971To be fair I wouldn't mind it.
>>14403976>sure which fetish would you likeYou fucking off and never returning.
>>14403976twilight trying to score but being a dork is a fetish?In alternative, large insertions.
This kills the thread.
Glitter Glue is really gone.
give me your freshest horseboner
Whoa shit.This is what I get for reading books.
>>14403994>In alternative, large insertions.
Mods are asleep, post ponies.
>>14404042>>14404048Now you need to kill yourselves, GGdrones. :^)
>>14404058Things that wtwilight wouldn't say for 300 $
>>14404058books are for faggotsamateur fiction is where it's at
>>14403975Why doesn't she just use her horse sense?
>>14404065Hahaha too late ross
>>14404060Yes.Yes.I love you.
>>14404066"you are useful, spike"
>>14404060That horse doesn't like what she sees.Now do Cheerilee's biggest fetish
>>14404060>it would go up to her throat if she tried to hilt thatdisis nice
>>14404091What is Cheerilee's biggest fetish?
>>14404105unconsensual rape
>>14404105fucking Big Mac with a strapon while he's wearing a french maid outfit and a corset
>>14404100>>14403946Why is Applejack such a good supporter of Hamas?
>>14404113but that's MY fetish.
>>14404113I don't remember that from the showdid I miss something?
>>14404060>Fluttershy will never refer herself as mommy when talking to you
>>14404105Students getting all A's.And finally being able to go all the way to S, SS, and SSS.
>>14404124>ageplay>incestNot even once.
would you watch pone la pone
>>14404138shit taste.>tfw no age-regression+transformation fic with mindbreaking and incest
>tehre are 7 billion people in the world
>>14404154>and not a single one will love you
pinkie pie u r so randumb
>>14404152Oh, there is one, want it? It's with Celestia.
>>14404154How many ponies?
>>14404162ten millionbut only like a hundred if you don't count duplicates
>>14404158False, And not only because of the MWI.
>>14404160Is it the one with the guy in the desert being breastfed back to health?Anyone post it because I don't have it bookmarked.
>>14402881Diplo - Biggie Bounce [TWRK Remix]
>>14404158>and the ones who say they do are lying to you
>>14404119no it's MINE
>>14404169Yeah, it's that one, "the gift from the sun".Just have the guy's pastebin, he's very good. I'm reading the end of the universe series.
>check>looka t the first quest>the introduction 404'dDoes anyone know how to get it back?
>>14404194unf, I want to fuck goodra
>>14404194>goodra is the new furbaitSad, it's a really cute pogey, even the dex entry is cute as fuck.
>>14404207furries and pokeporn are two different entities
>>14404207>Braixen is losing the furbait competition against Goodra
>>14404194>Gypsy Horde Battle
Okay, let's just talk about random shit for no reason.
>>14404222Quick, run, she's after your gains!
Pony is going to drag you kicking and screaming in the century of the Furbait.
>>14404217Asking out of curiousity, what do you consider the difference to be?
>>14404232No, let's talk about what we look forward to seeing in season 4 ponies
>>14404232Ok then. Which post specifically is she making that face at?
>>14404235BUT ANONcardio kills gains
>>14404242You know what I'm not looking forward to? More Crystal Empire. Hope they keep that low this season, or at least make it a damn sight more interesting than all of the other times.
>>14404229Man, you suck Enrico.All it takes is one Attila and you're out of the game.There's ALWAYS a Attila.
>>14404248Damn... what a predicament
>>14404244>I really like gloomy. She's much better than her sister and I'd like to have sex with her continuously.P.s. adventures suck
Why do we gotta talk about ponies all the time? Why can't we talk about ponies instead?
>>14404259pony is abusing of her powers.
>>14404259Sorry police pone. Would it make you feel better if I said the donuts are goin straight to that ass? UNF
>>14404241one likes anthro more while the other likes on model more
>>14404267To be fair, she does put up with her fair share of shit.>>14404270I could be a bit rusty, but that doesn't really look like a pone to me. That's some kind of cat, right?
>>14404191You'd have to check with Pineapple to see if it's gotten backed up at any point. I know he wasn't able to bring back the first Renne Quest discussion thread when I asked him about it, so hopefully you have better luck there.
>>14404277I want to steal her crown and then hold it into the air where she can't reach it
>>14404259>talking about ponies instead of ponies
>>14404277I want cheeselegs to catch me staring and enlarge her butt for me.
>>14404297I want to put strings in her leg-holes and and tie a knot
>>14404297>anon finds both his lungs pierced by chrysalis' horn
>go into bedroom>see thiswhat do
>>14404297>playing keepaway with a shapeshifterSounds like she could cheat and win real easy.
>>14404321>"You got a nice bust."
>>14404321Have sex with my wife.
>>14404321Think to myself that I already have that picture saved.
>>14404321tell twilight to get off my bed, I'm tired and I want to sleep.
>>14404321HOLY SHIT A PURPLE ALIEN PIG bad this is the only chrysalis broodmare corruption fic
>>14404322>Sounds like she could cheat Please Goat, she's a Queen, cheating is below her
>>14404321>What happened to my room?>Why is everything 2d?>Tell her take off those clothes and get off the bed>Ask how did she get into my room>Ask her if I could go to Equestria
>>14404336What if she cheated her way into her position? What if she's not a legitimate queen at all?
>>14404321turn 360 degrees and walk away
>>14404321Is it not normal to find this sexually arousing?
>>14404354Does this look like the face of a cheater?
pony doesn't care if you're in the showernature is calling and pony has got to use the toilet
>>14404362No problem, I have a shower curtain
>>14404361Kinda, but how do we know that's even her real face?
>>14404362I swear to god Applejack if you flush and run like you did last time...
>>14404362Masturbate as quietly as possible while pony is doing her buisness
>>14404321A good cuddle.
>>14404369She's deeply hurt by your accusations.
>>14404354>yfw changelings are descended from peaceful creatures, that always returned the love they drew power from, then something happened.
G-good morning a-anon!
>>14404381>then something happenedThey went to /v/.
>>14404385Good morning. How are you?
>>14404380I just wanna see her once without her weird magic makeup, that's all.
>>14404395I really wish the wedding had aired on two separate weeks.
>>14404398Man remember how awesome that week between S2e1 and S2e2 was? Holy shit we had so much fun.
>>14404403People would've bitched about Shiny and the fact nothing happened all week if that actually happened.
worst pony wants to give you a rimjob
>>14404415>implying there is a worst pony
>>14404421It's Twilight. This is canon.
>>14404415alright but I gt to shit all over her face
>>14404424What about Pinkie's song?
>>14404421Rarity. Rarity is worst pony.
>>14404429Filled with lies.
>>14404429Pinkie doesn't know anything because she's worst pony.
Rarity's plump buttafter a workout
>>14404434I'LL FIGHT YOU
>>14404431what noClearly this is the worst pony. She doesn't even know how to do her job right.
>>14404395What form do you mean?>>14404398So much potential of speculation.
>>14404457Goat I swear I will wreck you.
If you could only marry a pony or a human for the rest of your life, which species would you choose?
>>14404467Braeburned's ponka. It's a species, look it up.
>>14404385>"Eheheheh... Anon, what do you mean you won't follow me to a dark cave for a refreshing slime bath with Celestia?"
>>14404481All my life, I have trained myself to catch goats.
>>14404486Is the man who stared at goats any good?
>>14404467Whoever asks first.>>14404486Learn to use a lasso, anon. AJ might give you a few pointers.
>>14404486are you one of the fabled goatbusters?
>>14401933best ship
>>14404512nanananananaGOAT BUSTERS that if you like Applejack you are as bad as Chris-chan.
>>14404414Dude, do you not remember the very last thing in S2E1?(What we thought was) Cadance, BANISHING TWILIGHT INTO A FIREY HELL.
>>14404513more like shitty brony-tier ship
>>14404513You can't deny this is the best ship.
>>14404513Shittiest,broniest ship.
Hey anon,why doesn't chanarchive work anymore?Is it dead?
>>14404580use the wayback machine on it
We /tg/ nao
>>14404561>implying we aren't all bronies here
>>14404594Oh man that's smooth. Like we did with the clopfic directory. I like your style.
>>14404322It's not cheating to fly if you can fly. Now, if you're teleporting it back and forth, maybe she can try to wrest the leylones from your horn's grasp.Mind-numbing someone into giving it to her would be cheating, I guess.
>>14404607turbo bait
>>14404599Anyone else see that thread on /tg/ about the MLP card game? It looks
>>14404626man that really looks like shit
>>14404612So Flufflepuff is a colony of really tiny fluffy ponies?I can dig it.
>>14404638>>14404596What's wrong, pony?
>>14404646If I were a colt I'd give her a hug and slap her ponybutt
>>14404653Gå nu i seng
>>14404656Why won't you give her a hug as yourself?
Ponut ponut ponutsay it with me!ponut ponut ponut!
>>14404674pinkie pls
>>14404662That'd be creepy, anonymous.
>>14404674That word has really lost all meaning to me now.
Your favorite pony just got 100 likes on tumblr
>>14404679unfest humans
>>14404684how can a word with one meaning lose that meaning for you
>>14404683An adult hairless monkey from another dimension hugging a little filly?They'd kill you with pitchforks and THEN charge you with rape.
>>14404687Those are terrible and terribly ununf.
>>14404687Horrible. Enjoy your ban.
>>14404693Anon, I think you're way too self-loathing. You'll be fine.Just don't slap her butt.