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Previous Thread
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>touch buggy tail
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superior purple
Transform back pls

I'm gonna reach out and touch that bugbutt!
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97 KB
Bugs are scum.
Shouldn't it be
>W-what do you mean this was the p-previous thread?
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>you will never tell your changeling girlfriend how you accept what she really looks like and that she doesn't have to transform for you
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if she's so superior then why isn't she a princess?
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62 KB
Aha! I came again!
We're all going to die sooner or later, better make the best of your lives.
>a Chrysalis redemption episode where Twilight lets the Queen impersonate her and interact with her friends in order to experience friendship firsthand

yay or neigh?
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There's something off about you Twilight...

Did you get a new haircut?
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I would be so romantic... Cheesy, but good cheesy, you know what I mean?
>lying to your girlfriend
even if it makes her feel better, it's not a good idea
>Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns
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46 KB
I wish Rarity was my mom

Yeah. Cheeselegs.
on one hand
>redemption episode

>on the other
>bug spaghetti
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Seems legit.
Nay. Make it a regular changeling. The Queen's too evil for that.
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Hope you washed your hands before you typed that.
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excellent pone but not purple enough
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>not wanting her as your big sister
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Something seems off, Twilight. Did you leave your wings at home?
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No, why?
Huh. Looks like filters ignore OPs.

What the hell did you filter? Purple?
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Oh man, I just came all over my shirt
she looks so dame cute on this one.
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Have you tried from the front page?
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Would you let pony come over and do their laundry at your place?
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If she was my mom I could spend more time with her and she would raise me
The MD5 of the picture.

Actually no.
Haha, why would you filter that?
I hate and love when that happens
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>pony con now also hosting LPS panel

hahaha oh wow this overlap is getting ridiculous
not him but probably because of the guy forcing the "eh hehe heh" meme
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If she was your mom she would climb into your bed in the morning to wake you up.
It was 7 big spurtsI have to do laundry
Because it's not funny, stupid and annoying? Better to just get rid of it and not see it again.
Seems pretty smart to me
There's probably lots of overlap already and maybe some people who wouldn't come for just 1 of them
Plus when the fandom starts to die down they'll have to start doing this kind of thing anyways
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>Rarara as my poneechan
>Sweetie as my ponimouto
Go for it
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Pony is wearing your underwear.
C'mere you.
Man, I medabots was so good. I wish the new game would come stateside. God damn, I loved all the medabots games.

I wanna gush about that series so bad that I don't even want to talk about what a loving mother Rarity would be to me.
b-but thread culture! I want to be one of the cool guys!
>why so glum my faithful student
and that retard shiny from the /b/ threads started posting some stupid gif as well
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I love when pon's head is drawn with that potato shape
Why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle, Anonymous?
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That's not even a meme. It's an harmless joke. But eh, if he's triggered like that, he's right to filter.
Can I have sex with your pony sisters?
were you the guy that was edging?
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So MLPG should also become part LPS?
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Eh heh heh, w-what do you mean this anon can't read this right now? M-maybe we should all laugh at him behind his back right now
Pony probably looks good in boxers.
Why the fuck do you even care anyways?
I want to cum inside Peppercat.
Get used to it. Once MLP ends, the major cons will transition into being general animation cons with a pony focus. That's how PAX started.
Twilight, don't you have a letter you should be writing?
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No but not fapping for a few days certainly does feel like edging
I would leave mlpg forever and mean it
I know, right? I've been rewatching it recently and it didn't even get old. I'm only talking about the first season though.
No. I want Sweetie all to myself.
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You do know it's easy as fuck to filter by MD5 right?
But I was just talking to Celestia and she was asking about why she hadn't received a letter yet.

Why not?

LPS is clearly the same as MLP
why won't you write me?
Holy fuck that pony is so smug

so smug
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You shouldn't do that with your sister
it's not right
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the smuggest
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G'nite Mlpg. Dream of ponies.
She forgot that Twilight is a princess, now. She basically graduated so she doesn't have to send letters anymore.
You are filtering pictures with music in them?
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That's MP3, you idiot.
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It's not a friendship report; it's a princess report, and it's almost overdue.
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Why is she so smug?
I think I know the difference between music and assault weapons, Anon.
pony asks why aren't you keeping it real
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You'd be smug too if you were a pretty pony princess
Ask pony why she's not real.
then cry
i forgot where i kept all my real
I want to bang the smugness out of her
Because the man is keeping me down.
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Not gonna happen, but you're welcome to try
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You got that right
Fuck you

If we're going to talk about other cartoons, then I'm going to at least talk about a decent one!

Do...Wander is pretty annoying, yeah?
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all it takes is one good magic restraining collar
I mistook my breath strips for my LSD.
we all want to bang something out of someone

>Seems pretty smart to me

Is just one panel

LPS faggots are going to attend to a pony con just for one panel?

Also is assuming that the overlap of people liking LPS and MLP will be big enough for the panel
man I've got to learn how to quick reply without quoting.
Haha, nice try. I've played the rape game before. The girl always wins.
Rarity is not a slut
You should have found a hole to blow it into. My mouth would have been available
anon that bait was so obvious I could smell it from 2 threads ago
Just looking at it from a marketing perspective from the con staff. I don't really care about the quality of those things since they all seem to be pretty shittily run anyways.
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She just is, anon.

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you know those don't really work, right?
she just like to pretend with you
Press q
we all want to bang something.
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pony not wanting to wear the collar ruins it anon

for shame
I think the idea is you start introducing the concept of having more than one show at your con. It's probably not about trying to get just LPS fans but rather convince MLP fans who also like LPS that are on the fence about going
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So it's opposite day, eh?
I bet she hates banging multiple men at once.
she's into some really kinky stuff then
>Twilight has been taking self defense classes
>Knows all of the theory and is naturally the top of her class
>Feeling cocky, she tells you to come at her with all you got
>You gently shove her to the floor as she just kinda flails around
oh. thanks man.
I certainly would if I had knownIt was a lot too
Trixie please.

That doesn't work and you know it.
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we all want to bang
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so you're okay with it as long as they like it?
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it's definitely NOT opposite day

yes indeed
Taking into the account of show staff overlap, I'd say it's frankly not a dumb move by any means
this coming from somebody who's been more or less ambivalent to LPS for a while now and will probably continue to be
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That picture still cracks me up
I think it's that smug look on Twily's face
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>Tex traced a third of this image

What else has he traced? Maybe more?
you're alright sometimes fs
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I drew an alicorn princessu
LPS is pretty decent. It'd be a lot better if they just removed Blythe.
Speaking of LPS

Does anyone else saw the season premiere?

LPS is really turning out better than FiM
Dude sex with ponies is like the best thing
I like this princess
but she's not smug enough
you've failed to capture her smugness
try again pls
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here we go again!
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are you even trying?
Don't you have that a bit backwards?
That's a cute pony and princess
But the other dude's is more recent.

>yesterday's bait
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Why are twifufags and Rarifags so awful?
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I never could sit through it
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I just do not understand you guys. How can you respond with shit like this?
Like these smug replies of "are you even trying?" or "obvious bait" when you are giving him the attention he wants? I just cannot wrap my head around this logic. He's obviously doing it because he wants attention and you guys are giving it to him and you know damn well what he's trying to do.
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Because you haven't been enlightened
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the air is turning into ice...
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I dug both episodes, I hope it keeps riding high cause my expectations for pone are low and I want at least on thing I watch to be good times.
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what can I say its cute
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You probably have bad taste.
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but they only got rid of celestia
they didn't do anything to their gods
I'll take it!
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Those wings could stand to be a little sexier
Yes, you're the best bitch i know
much better 10/10
Those stallions are dangerously close to touching lips
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Princess Pinkie Pie > Princess Twilight Sparkle

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The more the better if you ask me, as long as you hold my head down to help me get it all down my throat
who is this drawer
I like his draws
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
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I don't like artist streams.
Rainbow Dash in a wonderbolt's onesie
optional butt flap
Something that will help me sleep
Scootaloo and Apple Bloom drooling all over Sweetie's horn
Sleepy Silver Spoon pls

is that dooks
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draw these two ponies at the mall
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It would sort of be funny to see how they would react if they accidentally bumped muzzles. Would they freak out or just try to pretend nothing happened?


Now we just need more of that sort of thing with stallions in it too and balance will be restored

>dat denial

Nope. tex is the tracer. I'm very disapointed in him.
pinkie voring fluttershy
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695 KB JPG
dry lyra in a forest of harps, minuette in a field of hourglasses or silver speed in a grove of bows and arrows
Rumble beefs the spelling bee.
I just draw poni
I like pone streams
where is yours?
dooks isn't blonde
What do you like?
The CMC dressed as Japanese delinquents. Pls give Scoots a huge pompadour
I don't care.

I've never liked seeing others draw. it's always boring and just an excuse for more circlejerking.

Movie and show streams.

Luna wpsshing big mac while wearing a shirt with an amusing slogan.
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222 KB JPG
aw shit yes
seconding this
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FlyingSaucer confirmed for secretly being sombra and wanting to capture all of my little ponies for himself
I haven't been here too much

How much of the filly funtasia is ironic and how much is serious?

Did moot change the rules just to mess with us?
>not applebloom and scoots having pompadours while sweetie belle looks innocent, wearing a normal girls uniform
>you will never sneak in to FS's secret pony basement and cuddle all his ponies
Mostly ironic as far as I know

but moot changed the rules to satiate /v/ once again
Seems like a miserly kind of opinion to me
They're just fun watch art happening in and talk to to people, I much prefer them over generic low quality movie streams.

Anything can seem like a circlejerk if you go in with a negative attitude
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>but moot changed the rules to satiate /v/ once again

What the fuck?

When did /v/ complained about Filly Funtasia?

I wasn't even aware that /v/ was aware of that shit
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but I said pony had to be willing! and I have no basement

You've got me completely wrong and backwards I tells ya!
They just seem boring to me. if I ever do open an artist stream from here it's just to listen to their music.

At least with movies and shows one's much more engaged in actually seeing what happening.
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That's exactly what some one running an underground pony ring would say
rescinding >>14361738
seconding >>14361765 instead

stram where?
Man you are just my polar opposite then. I always turn off whatever godawful music is playing.
Well, I meant more along the lines of people with a /v/ mentality to anything equine related
I'm fairly confident it's all ironic, and the rule was a pre-emptive thing in case it somehow wasn't.
the fuck is a filly funtasia
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An attempt by disney to capticalize on cartoon ponies

it's abominable.
You know those cheap Chinese knock-off toys you find in dollar stores? Imagine ponies like that being made into an animated show.

>having 24/7 generals for a show that isn't going to be out in at least 6 months

>not ironic

Though they clearly are taking it quite far, they even created an EqD like site.
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>you will never be a pretty party pony
>google it
>there is already a Funtasia Daily
lol, smart move
I refuse to believe that abomination of a show came from the fine people at Disney. I hd the vague impression it was... Scandinavian somehow?
Jesus fuck. Maybe it's just a pre-emptive, hopefull URL grab, in case it actually turns into a big thing?

Which it won't... right?
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Why do ponies look so much cuter when they're wearing hats?
It doesn't make sense
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Why aren't you into LPS already? Is what the cool guys are doing now.

Ponies are so 2010
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>fine people at Disney
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we may never know
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I have multiplied the pony's cuteness factor significantly!
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Oh pinkie, you have drawn such incorrect conclusions

But I shall not point out in what way

Keep hitting that bubble pipe

>3D pig disgusting show

>being as successful as ponies

Maybe when 2D animation is completely dead
Lauren Faust, what did you do?....
Sh should have kept her clever ideas to herself
because LPS sucks
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89 KB
wherever did you get such a silly name for that pony, anonymous?
Not really.
LPS is what happens when you try your absolute hardest to force a second miracle.
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80 KB
Or does it make PERFECT sense?

It works?
I want to say wearing that hat

and only that hat
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his nightmare night costume
You've been found out. Stop trying to prolong the inevitable.
Would you WPSHH Derpy?
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>dumb comical cliche dad
>Try hard characters on the animals to force characterization
>evil twins

Need I say more?
You get something close. But it will never what you want it to be.
Luna does not help me sleep
Nor does coffee

>>Try hard characters on the animals to force characterization
LPS, or MLP?
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58 KB

anon is pointing out that Meadow has Real Ultimate Power


But anon has not uncovered the real truth yet, and never will!
so I guess you're not interested in this either http://derpibooru.org/463869
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Uh, MLPG is not being as shitty as when i left around june.

Right now is quite bearable
That would be fatal for you
This image actually made me feel a little better about seeing a brony out in the wild with a pony shirt on...
really? this is kind of an average night
like, for a long time
Are you kidding me?
wait until the fag spammers and drug shitposters come around
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Pipsqueak is wearing his princess outfit and invites you to join "his own personal little filly funtasia" in his room, tonight, after his parents have gone to sleep

How do you respond
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No, this is serious
I saw one of those the other day at my LCS while I was with friends
I think he saw me
I think he knew

I also think I'm getting a little neurotic about making sure no one knows anything

Grffin is a brony, but right now i think he is more of a petfucker.
Chrysalis' longue, probing tongue.

Sliding around your mouth.

While her mouth forms a tight seal around your own.

She starts sucking.
Chinese or starve?
>She's after the pizza and beer I just ate.
I graciously accept his offer but lament the fact that I have no princess outfit of my own
I guess I'll have to wear my royal guard pj's and attend to his every desire
starve sounds good, unless you mean eating nothing
I don't respond.
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>not ponying in your LCS
Pony says you're a really good liar

>Chrysalis is able to feed on your half digested meals by sucking it out of your body.
>you have to eat twice, once for her, and once for yourself.
>her breath smells like vomit afterwards
Nevertheless she likes her lips, kisses your nose and breathes the words 'Thankyou darling~
neither; opt for a mcgangbang or two
quietly lying together with gloomy in the breeze
One came to my window to pay for gas for his mom's van.
My eyes may have lingered on the faded Fluttershy saying yay on his XXL shirt.
I looked up and he was looking at me.
>He saw me look.
>He saw my face.
>He knows.

When he walked away I muttered that fluttershy was shit.
How serious?
By hiding posts like this.
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>being outside
>Day Horse Mask in Equestria
>All the ponies think you're some sort of golden god

What's the story with this image? Is it faked in any way? Did the other guy copy from Texico?
sitting next to gloomy while the plane you're in plummets to the ground
But I don't like Gloomy.

I'd rather be with Markerita. She's more fun to be around.
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just don't die

you can't make it
It's going to be one hell of a ride.
We're going to need more popcorn
My LCS no longer sells comics, just pull lists and statues. Why the fuck would I want to drive to the store to pick up a weekly comic I can get much easier online? I figured they'd sell the trades but they stopped stocking them.
Who cares.
or alcohol
>Comic Store not selling comics
Is this some kind of joke?
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>buying comics
>He doesn't horde his alcohol like he hordes ammo.
Meghan wrote some episodes I like though
It's a good thing they didn't have the Rarity micro there or I'd have been sweating for real.
I was so scared. I think I even saw him smirk when he saw I saw him.
Hold me...
mine sells MtG cards almost exclusively. Kinda sad, frankly.
They're douchenozzles, I go in there every so often to see if they've even updated their stock, they don't have any comics from the last 8 months in there.
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Selling to the "nerd" culture is much more profitable
>Only comic shop I have here is some hole in the wall.
>Dark as shit and cramped inside.
>Don't even know if he sells pony comics, but seems to be the kind of guy who remembers customers.
Amazon, you better not rape me too hard...
Well, why don't you have fun with her while Anon keeps Gloomy company, then?
Her only good episodes were in S1 and the Twilight/Spike scenes in EG.
I saw one in real life at a Wegmans, fedora, neckbeard, trenchcoat, fingerless gloves, the works. I tried not to make eye contact, but he made eye contact first. I tried to get out of his line of sight.
You know I really wish that people would have some faith in Meghan. I wouldn't blame them for getting a bit skeptical concerning her writing seeing as we had EQG and The Wedding but she's got a pretty solid betting average
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you have been warned

is like you learned nothing from A Canterlot Wedding and The Crystal Empire
B-but ponies are nerd culture!

Did they not see the latest Big Bang Theory?!
That sucks. My store is awesome. Sells comics, figures, plushies, toys, boardgames, cardgames. Owner will special order in just about anything you want.
Sure, but i question why would anyone would want to be with her in the first place.

All she does is laze around and sigh. Total bore.
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what did you just say
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aaa I read too fast
it was "sleepy" not "sleep"
>What is learning from your mistakes.
But I enjoyed those....
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>entertaining the idea of BBT mentioning ponies
technically are you not sleepy when you're asleep?
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EG didn't show any of that.
You in the Rochester area?
Super cute! Thanks for taking my request.
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>Hearts and Hooves Day
>not good

Choose one

I bet you're a Fluttermac shipper
Pony has an itch she needs scratched.
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Not true, she likes to have fun, too.
I live in Maryland. One just opened up near me.
Hey that show for old ladies has a dude in a MLP fursuit in it.

It even had a fat, neckbeard guy trying to jump his bone because he liked them too.
You know, enforcing that rule that if you like ponies, you loooove cock, unless you are some fireman or something.
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Someone shitpost for me while i'm gone
who's terse?
The wedding episodes were awesome, I'll give you the TCE 1/2 were weak
H&HD is high up in the running for worst episode of S2

okay I got this bruh
along with s&e, tcp, mmdw, and bc
But Markerita is much more fun. She actually talks whenever we watch an episode, or read a comic.
>The EG argument.

And now we know the shitposter lost.
>wedding episodes

>there are people who are serious about this question
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>implying anyone watches Hot in Cleveland
>implying anything or anyone gets out of Cleveland
I...I need to sit down.
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Gloomy's just subdued. She likes it quite a bit, she just lets her sister expend the bulk of the energy.
>The wedding episodes were awesome
An average villain song and fetishy villain does not a good episode make.

Po1 is still her best episode, and the Spike moments in EG were the only thing not completely god awful. Outside of that she's mediocre.
>1 minute response times for posting
>episode day

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>H&HD is high up in the running for worst episode of S2
Please, tell me you wouldn't lay your fire hose down that English channel.
GIYC is god tier
not him but come on
new people show up all the time, we used to welcome them and now you're giving him a hard time for not knowing some guy that hasn't posted with a name in years?
*mediocre tier
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Ponies in freckles are an underutilized resource of cute.
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I had almost forgotten about that. This is really going to throw a wrench in it.
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>this nigga is serious
You beat the ravens and you got Kyrie so there's that
So she's a bore then. Sorry, but I just cant see anyone really liking her.
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I wonder what the actual count of frecklepones is
>10 sec response times on the sub
Fluttershy was actually entertaining in EQG

Just post in the stream chat.
really is, isn't it.
Fuck. It hasn't really made a difference yet because I only get the occasional "you must wait 4 seconds to reply," but I guess those are about to jump right up.
I'd be down for holding episode threads on the sub if anybody else is.
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I'm sorry that you think so.
I went to a donut shop today MLPG

I came out with an apple strudel because it reminded me of my waifu
>implying my piece of shit laptop can reliably run streams
Just because she actually talks, doesn't mean she's good.
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>You know I really wish that people would have some faith in Meghan.

I had faith when A Canterlot Wedding was announced

I fucking hated the a idea of a new Alicorn, Twilight having a brother and revolving around a wedding, but i was still hopeful.
What i got was a fucking clusterfuck of an episode where for the first time in the series the main 5 became background. and 2 new bland characters with a forced and rushed introduction.

I had faith when the Crystal Empire was announced.
The episodes clearly were promoting the new set of sparkly ponies and to force more Cadance, but i was still hopeful.
What i got was a forced shit about Twilight's destiny, her friends once again being mostly irrelevant, Cadance and Shiny being bland as shit again, and one of the most disappointing villains ever in the history of cartoons.
>not the super sekrit stream chat
Did you also buy some sausages while you were at it?
After this show, drinking apple cider will never be the same for me
I agree with all of this except Twilight's brother. I was ok with that, even if I didn't like how they introduced him so abruptly.
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>19 days
Yes she talked and her dialogue with Twilight was actually good. She wasn't so agonizingly quiet while retaining here demure manner
Pony thinks your waifu is shit. I mean what does she have that I don't?
I agree. but then we have mlpg and
>muh oldfags.
All of those died.

I used to have it open a night before it started just to get a spot.
changeling likes you likes you
>Principal Celestia: So, how was your day, Luna?
>Vice Principal Luna: It went well, the ratio of students that actually needed something to students who just wanted to see if the rumors of me sitting naked in my office were true was pretty well balanced.
>Principal Celestia: Well, that's just lovely, I got your outfit back from dry cleaning, by the way.
This is a fun game. Can we throw more stuff at fluttershy?
Are you implying you're pony?
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He is an adorable freckle pone.
And then those assholes had to make the ponykart stream
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>b-but why
but I don't have a waifu
I'd like to have one to fill the emptiness but it hasn't happened yet
that particular angle is so cute
Why not?
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He really is
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Are you havening a proableam?
>hating on best writer
just look at this brony!
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>having a waifu
>not an imouto
I guess. Hope it crosses over to FIM FLuttershy at least.
but I don't have a waifu at all, did you even read that post?
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I think he's cuter when having fun with his relatives.
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I wish the paintbrush attack would have been something we actually saw rather than just a picture
>What i got was a fucking clusterfuck of an episode where for the first time in the series the main 5 became background. and 2 new bland characters with a forced and rushed introduction.

Odd. I remember the whole of /mlp/ loving that episode and effecting a high that lasted for a whole week.
I like every single episode

Even the owl one.
That's pretty much rape
me too!
>Even the owl one
There needs to be more of it.
Everything is rape these days.

I agree most definitely
>Even the owl one.
The one episode I have yet to see start to finish
OK so Terse has cloned himself
This isn't good
We need to kill the original, then his progeny will all die too
me too
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I like every single episode

GIYC is my least favorite
For me it's MMDW, but I haven't even started to watch it.
I have been called Ross on several occasions.

Eveyone were creaming their pants for Cheeselegs and the songs

I like Chrysalis and some scenes from the episodes, but i still think they were bad overall
>password isn't BOOP
I hear you and what you're saying but I'm just asking for some faith. She's done good work before.
The reception on MLPG was rather tame. People thought it was passable and were overall disappointed by the lack of development on Shining Armor and Cadance
brony detected
same here
>Even the owl one.
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I've been called Rose once. It was a wonderful day
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>The own episode.
I like fapping to ponies

even to the ugly one
I fucking hate any episode where pones are displayed as crazy and making references to Ren & Stimpy.

See LZ and Po1.
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One time someone called me noel.
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I've also had my art confused with Rose

Even though mine's way worse
>watch minecon e Q&A panel

I now know autism
>check boop.com

>She's done good work before.

Yes, with regular episodes.

But so far she has proved that she can't handle two parters.
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>fapping to Applejack
and both of them are written by meghan

And they're both really good.
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Shit, check boop.org
It's boopin' neat.
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What is she making for her?
Wait, did you just give a real reason for disliking episodes?
I think you should be hanging out somewhere more intellegent, because here you'll just-
oops, my warning came too late.
No, they fucking aren't. You shit-eating brony.
Oh interesting. another from the drawthread has come to visit here.

What made you come?
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!
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She's upgrading Spike.
It's messy work, but worth it for the cuddles.
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sorry not a lot of details
I guess it's hard to code with hooves
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I haven't read the sinopsis for the premiere

Is it going to be 100% Twilight's power hour?
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>Lesson Zero

>Lets turn Twilight into a crazed psycho because it's funny
I like it!
nobody knows yet, or can say for sure until we see the actual episodes.
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>you don't like thing

okay man calm the fuck down
Yes. Turns out that Celestia and Luna are kidnapped, so any princess action you'll see will amount to a flashback.

Discord shows up, but don't expect much.
>laughing at kids with actual autism

i dunno man
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It's fine anon. Just be a little more careful next time.
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I was here years ago...just didn't draw
started drawing here some months ago
>Twilight has always been unreasonable and tends to overreact to stupid shit

>so here's an episode in which she's unreasonable and overreacts to stupid shit

Explain why you're so mad

that is a cute mint pone

she needs her butt stamp but still, cute
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>Asking NBS to calm down.
Like throwing water on a Magnesium fire.
Oh yeah, I remember when she was so unreasonable she

Or the time she
Applejack how are you doing that? Isn't it painful?
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>inb4 the Hub releases half of the first episode in parts again
What hole do you use to inflate the ass?
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I don't even give a shit at this point I just want pone

Why not go to Steam Chat?
I'd be mad
>"My favorite one, Sugarcube."
Fuck off.
Ticket Master
Bird in the Hoof

>They're release both of the two-parter episodes on the same day
Please keep /v/ out of here
It is not a good board
>iTunes leaks half the season tomorrow.
No he means like in S3's opener or some of the episodes in S2; Hub would leak like 1/2 the episode or itunes would get it dayz early

>try not to cry
>cry a lot
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>S4E1-2 and S4E25-26 air back-to-back
>programming director gets a raise
I would be so excited holy shit
It really isn't. The boards become something like a pile of shit that loves it's own stink.
when was she unreasonable in any of those
at worst in fpk she was frustrated that she couldnt figure out pinkie sense but she didnt go out of her way to set up harmful situations
n-no, the fluttermouse one
>It really isn't.

Yes it is

The entire reason why we are on /mlp/ right now is because /v/ is awful
>I call in sick Tuesday and have a horseathon

Seriously now, the sub is a better option

Eh, i really prefer it they don't do that shit again.

It was awful when they did with The Crystal Empire, killed some hype and got kind of annoying with all those chunks of the episode being released sporadically
If twilight isn't the villian in S4 E25/26 I am going to be PISSED
>Pinkie coming out of itunes.png

I'm starting to miss my pone folder
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>It is not a good board
>No it isn't a good board
Reading comprehension anon.
>Meghan will never stop writing episodes

I know that. I was throwing out another thing that was also a bit frustrating. Instead of leaving us in anticipation to speculate what will happen next week, it's just up and over with right there.
is ponykart still up where it was just horsefuckers? or is it that shared chat with EFN err whatever.
He was agreeing with you
Not everyone on 4chan is out to disagree with you just because they can, though with the current thread, I can understand your confusion
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>In a room of 1000 guys,
>935 should be larger
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>Merriwether is still writing for the show

>Larson is not
FPK - self explanatory
Ticket Master - she could have just asked Celestia for more tickets but she had to be a faggot about it instead
Bird - she could have just taken the phoenix back in Celestia but she had to be a faggot about it instead
Swarm - she could have just alerted Celestia about the parasprites but she had to be a faggot about it instead

Do you see a pattern? The plot of LZ isn't exactly out of left field, anon. TS freaks out any time she thinks she might get in trouble with Celestia.
>Boss I think I'm coming down with something. I'm feeling a little horse. UNF.
>What did you say at the end there?
>Sorry, was a cough. Excuse me.
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>tfw barely above average penis
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Megan McCarthy?

More like Megan McBARFY!But no seriously, I have a good feeling the season will be an improvement
>Merriwether is writing a S5 episode in THIS MOMENT
wait what
when did larson leave
>people still mad at Meghan for no rarity episode

Calm your tits guys seriously
I'm just hoping that one or two of those new writers are good. I'd hate to have more of the writers start off on as sour a note as Merriwether.
What happened to Larson?
>Only 17 would be larger
But she didn't really freak out in any of those, especially not Ticket Master.
we have already hit a plateau in hitlers
nothing could possibly exceed 1.5 terahitlers
Known writer's list for S4 so far.
He just took the backseat for a little while to write some book. I think he was going some supervisory shit though
I think Pinkie might be a little sick.
Why does every artist pplay such bad music when they stream?
He was doing a book at the time of S4's writing, so there was some schedule conflict.
She had near nervous breakdowns in all of them.

dyewts you even dyewts the dyewts
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welcome to the hell
They are probably going to be terrible.

We are going to expect tons of brony meymeys and references.

A long time ago

That's why Magical Mystery Cure was such a shitty episode.

Larson stopped giving a fuck since he was not going to come back for S4
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E: 818 should be larger
F: 976 should be larger
C: 8 should be larger
1.5 terahitlers? That sounds strong.

Almost Tara Strong!
It just goes to show that Rarityfags are the most obnoxious of the waifufags
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pony with ears too long
Except she didn't.
Girth is considered more important for pleasure.
I usually like their music
I guess I just have low standards
ah okay, so you don't watch the show then. gotcha.
To a point, and not for gay sex
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>having a small dick
That's still Twifufags and Celestiafags. rarifags are those people that think they're important, but no one cares about them.
He was too busy when Season 4 was being written with his book series being optioned by Hollywood to spend time writing any episodes. It's not a situation of quitting or anything; it's a per season commission for the writers, and his schedule didn't permit him time to accept this season.

He has stated that he's perfectly amenable to working on season 5 if it does not conflict with his other jobs.
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So what would S4 do to make it the best season ever?

Luna sings
who streams anymore?
Oh yeah? Well...y-you too
Fluttershy becoming an Alicorn, according to the popularity poll.

At the end of S4.
Sorry we can't all be massively hung futas like you, Dash.
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Why do you think I don't bother with artist streams?
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but wait, you thought you couldn't get worse?
little, little dumb retard...


One of the new writers has a lot of experience, but with shitty shows, so expect bad episodes from that writer.

There is also a newbie writer, with almost no experience, so also expect bad episodes
That's wrong stupid. Larson had not time in his schedule to write for MLP due to working on a book series.
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I'm sorry, I was too busy watching the show to entertain your fanon.
They just look like rabbits with hooves.
>Cute pony with super long ears
>You can always find them,because their tracts have long parallel lives from where their eats drag on the ground
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ded horse
fastest ded horse I've seen
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I forgot what I started pimpin' for

Twilicorn dies

>There is also a newbie writer, with almost no experience, so also expect bad episodes
m-muh corey
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dragon hips
Luna and Celestia duet
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What do I have to do to get you to like me mlpg.
I gues you can say dead Rainbow Dash came so fast it was a ghost load!
>We are going to expect tons of brony meymeys and references.
Are you serious?
why is your waifu the best
>buy a pretty dress
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80 KB

>its a show tune
>with royal guard background dancers
>they are not amused by this
Because she is also your waifu
You do. But at least you're willing to admit that.

I usually mute it and put on my own music. But fuck, their taste in music is always so horrible. Xieril and Dooks are the only people I know have decent taste, but I've never seen the former stream.
Because I love her.
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>Pone gets lost/runs away into the woods
>Search team sent out
>Team finds tracks and wonders if it's his
>"Do they have huge lines on the sides?"
>"Yup it's him"
The newbie writer wrote the Applepink episode.
I'm getting too chivalrous for this shit.
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Celestia or Luna forcing their guards to do something silly would be amazing

pony fondled your butt
>not being more fun than the color pink
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>We are going to expect tons of brony meymeys and references
>no citation
Holy shit I want this so much, you don't even know.
Not to mention the Ingram's strength seems to be Broad-way style stuff, it'd be freaking gold
but I just woke up

too much focus on them

needs more pretty purple princesses
I've been drawfagging here forever and I'm still not sure anyone here actually enjoys what I do because I never get anything beyond one or two one word adjective replies.

It's truly a secret why I still come here and draw, anon.
>bigger then 90% of guys

awww yeah
>"do you do pony commissions?"
>"ya, as long as its not mlp"

what in the fuck
>Princess do we have to do this? We're highly trained-
>What happened the last time we were attacked
>...we got knocked out
>Yes, and until such time you learn to actually guard us you will act as backup singers

Episode about Twily and the gang playing an O&O game with shiny.

fuck that prissy purple pussy
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>bigger than 100% of the guys

i already knew it so no surprise

That is exactly what I was thinking. If they do it right we could put so many sides into orbit so fast the world would be engulfed in nuclear fire as the russians retaliate against what they would assume would be a nuclear first strike
Then go to the draw thread, or any other place here.

MLPG takes contributors for granted.
why did I hyphenate Broadway?
I dare not hope
Reminder that Meghan is in full charge of the first and the last two episodes of S4.

And she will probably have 6 more episodes written for S4.

We are doomed.
I want to slap Sylvia's butt
>That ass
>Those pants
I want to grope, violate, squeeze, and ride him like a broodmare.
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Who cares
They really do. I draw better than Jessy and Rose and Corwin, but nobody ever praises me. I think they just don't appreciate classic cartoons.
Who are you? Post something you've drawn.
Sorry if you've already done this, but I've heard people remember you if you take their requests.
I don't.
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Do we have any hints of what new toys are they going to promote this season?
>I draw better than X

This is why we don't like you.
You're not even Ross.
You know they won't pull it off well.
Tell me one time the show has ever realized the potential of any of it's content?
i want to build a house and raise a family inside of her butt and start a horse breeding business in there with rarity
Pony offers to give you a ride, as you climb on her back you hear a soft unf.
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Do you draw with a name? If not its pretty hard to recognize anon when there are a bunch of him, and you never know if he is the one you enjoy talking to or the one that hates your guts
Everybody knows ponies aren't big enough to carry humans. Maybe small or light ones, but not real humans. Pony probably was grunting in effort or pain. I'll just walk.
Draw thread is even worse. Look at it right now and it's divided into three threads with someone spamming pinkie pie images in at least one.

I dunno. At least here I'm not drowned out by tens of people drawing on lined paper and taking pictures with their cellphones. I've been drawing here for a year and not once have I ever gotten honest praise so I guess I'm still not good enough.

No because then you'd know who I am and I'd be known as the whiny bitch who wants more attention. But I pretty much everything I've ever drawn has been a request.
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Alicorn Fluttershy
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I tried
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try drawing like a pony
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Yeah okay
and I love you for trying
And you succeeded.
Just shut the fuck up, take a name and deal with it.

You want attention? Then start doing shit to GET attention.

Take up a name and a gimmick. Xieril has his RD posting/near avatar fagging, so those Tex whenever he shows up. Fuck, AppleDan does fuck all here yet he's know here, and all he does is post with a name and circlejerk.
do you have a thread on the sub?
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>Girl toys
>In china
You're lucky if your parents don't bury you in a field if you're born a girl, and these fuckers expect them to buy toys?
holy shit, Sweetie is adorable in this.
What's that on Applebloom's cheek, though?
>pretty much everything I've ever drawn has been a request.
Know that feel. Just draw for fun man. Don't be mlpg's bitch like I used to be for a long time. I really wanted mlpg to like me? Praise me? Fuck no idea. Just accept me I guess.

It's not worth the hussle. It's just the other way of saying "I want to be gud in art NOW". You can't. You need to drawalot. Allthetime. DrawalotAllthetime.
Stop being a pussy and post something.
but no one likes Appledan
I like AppleDan
It's the same company that makes the toys.
It's the same place we got the first leaks of alicorn Twilight.
Aw yiss
Mouths liike like thwy were just pasted on, but alright.
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yes, perfect
I do have a name.

As for the gimmick thing I think I still have too much pride left to swallow before I stoop that low.
Yet gets attention.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's AA bitching again that no one likes him.
no you don't, Appledan

Don't you know anything about Eastern delinquents?
AppleDan pls
You don't even have to circlejerk

Just fucking talk and interact so we can know you a little more

It's hard to really appreciate a regular drawfag when we have nothing to go off of.
So yeah, you are Art Anon bitching that no one pays attention to you.

If you don't want that to happen, then post with your name all the time.
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Do they wear band aids as fashion?
Oh, I see it now. Oops.
Mah Gawd, it's full of stars! I bet a star cutie mark would look great!
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or Cheshire
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Wo where is our S4 bingo?
but lots of people pay attention to art anon
and art anon's gimmick is those filly scouts
he's been posting their halloween costumes and getting a ton of attention, hasn't he?

this is my guess
If you cover up her mouth it looks like the bandaids a really smug smile.
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admit it

you would play the hell out of Pone space program
Alright time to get gimmic.
>step 1: Luna magics
>step 2: walk on space rope
>step 3: ???
I don't want some other game with pony sprites pasted on top
I want an actual good pony rpg-like game
I don't know, the only time I ever see anyone wearing bandaids is if it's on their nipples or covering their vagina.
copy SB and draw huge horsedicks
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>this is my guess
Woah! Dammit... it's not me. I'm also in thread right now but that
was just me laughing at myself.
No they wear them because their faces are constantly bruised from fighting other school's gangs.
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Not AA and I kind of feel like shit for making it seem like I am him. But I can't prove you wrong so I guess we'll just put a pin in that.

I've enjoyed this pow wow, mlpg. I've learned that if I want recognition then I need to circlejerk like a motherfucker.

I'd rather a pone settlement management game or something along those lines with light rpg elements

but I will take anything
>Crash into ground
>covering their vagina
I really want to see that done with ponies more, it's practically nonexistent and I love it
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You don't need to circlejerk

Just give us a personality or something beyond just the art
Yeah, now.

But a few months back he talked about this exact same shit, "muh pride" and all.

Yes you do. Take up a name, post with it all the time, and draw shit related to any current topic, no matter how stupid it is. That way, people will know you and give you attention.
Like a Pony Civilization?
I could see that
What pony?
Why can't you just let the guy keep his anonymity?
What if it was an fps where ponies used unicorns as guns?
oh god my heart
Because he's complaining that he gets no recognition.
if he wants attention he's not going to get it anonymously
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More like pony black & white

but pony civ could work too if it was a bit smaller scale than normal civ
>implying MLPG cares about that
I don't really have a preference if it's well done and one of the main cast, but I think it'd fit well with Fluttershy or Dash
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Can't wait for the nitpicking to begin
Hard to empathize with a box that outputs art with no personality behind it
But I already said I post with a name.
>pony black & white


*you can't do anything
You can remain anonymous and still have a feel to you posting or style or method

you can be recognixzed for a stylistic choice or a persistent habbit
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it began a long time ago nigga
>you will never pat your giant pony on their head
>dat butt flap
I promise nothing but I'm leaning toward Fluttershy
>Tell Anon to get a name so he stops bitching about not getting recognized.
>The next day MLPG is shitting on his for attention whoring.
Is that butt flap for her tail?
The guy who made them probably moved on from pony. I'm sorry.
so do it more
Pony objects
The post with a name more.

Fuck, why arent you using it rght now?
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What's wrong, Anon?
Oh you're gonna draw it? sweet
why is /sp/ so racist
Pony Plugs
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shitposters are shitposters

>giant pony

No need for the creatures, those were sorta silly. But scooping up pones and dropping them into hay bales and building little houses so they can get their ponying on and produce armies of foals, yes.

Then you can make them dance around their silly elements of harmony idol to zap everyone with your pony magics
Cloudchaser wants to share her $5 Footlong with you.

It's MLPG.

I'll give you one guess.
Part 4 is best part
But then everyone will yell at me for attention whoring.
There's nothing quite like finishing up deep inside a pony and then plugging them up to make sure they don't leak while you cuddle
Are Cancer.
>pony will never digest you
Then why the fuck are you even complaining in the first place?
>it's actually a drawn sandwich

Hahaha. You're good people, Kev.
Pussy coward limp dicked bitch
>when you're not me

Uh oh.
I'm yelling at you now telling you to not give a fuck what shitposters tell you to do

if you want attention you're also going to get negative attention
you can't have it both ways
I'd make one but I dont want to have to come up with it all on my own. What do we even got?

>Someone else becomes a princess
>Gilda returns
>Sea ponies
>A Rarity episode

>"I do not wish to go among attention whores" said Alice

*Unless you're a girl
There are only 2 girls in MLPG
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>I want attention
>then use a name
>but I already have a name
>then why don't you use it more
>so that I dont attract attention
Could you do aj forcibly kissing fluttershy?
MT, Jessy, Rose, Goggles, and who else?
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Why does that poor pony get taken advantage of so often
I wish the Ripple or hamon whatever from part one and two could be brought back
I mean stands are cool but I thought that was awesome
So I just had another pony dream kinda...
>new episode day
>Everyone excited
>Something about a magic contest
>Twilight enters
>There she meets Sunset Shimmer
>Suddenly they start trash-talking each other
>Sunset sucks at it while Twilight delivers burn after burn
>entire general is filled with SHOTS FIRED and ICE BURN and people cheering for Twilight
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Cadence attempting to lure shinning armor to bed, rolling a d20 for seduction, getting a 1 and hastilly flipping it over to a 20
We artists are a strange bunch.
I'm almost as bad, I want attention but don't want to get a name.
Jessy and Goggles don't count. They don't come here that much anymore.
sounds gay as shit
pony ran away
Well she walks around in the nude constantly.
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I know Jessy still stops by, but I think she's been having problems these past couple months which are more important than posting here.
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Would you?
it's not limited to artists you know

pretty much every celebrity ever has wanted fame but not a fandom

they want to be recognized everywhere and left alone

they want everything good from life with none of the bad
because she is a cutie
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anon pls
sweetie is not for sad
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>birthday was two days ago
>no birthday requests from Reu
I miss her so much
>they want everything good from life with none of the bad

What an astute observation of human nature
I would unceremoniously dump rarity on top of him and hastily lock the door.
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If I had a Sweetie I would keep her sad all the time because it's adorable
Why doesnt Scootaloo pout?
Yesss now help one another get clean...
And don't look at the camera.
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If she doesn't hide her sadness she'll lose what little she does have.
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Happy and curious Sweetie>Sad Sweetie
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I like to smell something cooking - it makes me feel at home!

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But sparity a shit
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>not great
>applebeans eyes
What happened to her? I don't keep up to date with people.
Holy shit is that girl horrified about what's happening in front of her
Rarity and Sweetie singing along to a Sapphire Shores album. Have like Rarity singing into a brush or something
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but she does
She got fed up with MLPG being offtopic often, but not letting her talk about Pokemon.

So she's been raging at Espurrs.
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I need a really smug picture of twilight ASAP
No, it's a walrus.
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here >>14361205 >>14361243 >>14361282 >>14361309 >>14361331 >>14361342 >>14361392
I guess you could say Thin Mints are a DREDDful coockie!
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They've gone. They've all gone. And we're back.
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pony glasses are weird
Hiatus will do that. Maybe there's a chance she'd be back at new season when things get on topic. If not then oh well.
Purple is a very smug pone.
I need a really smug picture of rarity ASAP
Looking at that size chart and need smug twilight to satisfy your size shaming fetish?
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just ignore the right side
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This isnt smug
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Pone learned their glasses wearing technique from Morpheus