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Yeah you know what it is

Is it Sparta?
Damn it I was about to make my first thread.
I wasn't going to delete it either.
It's your fault for saying that you were going to delete it.
plus this is a bad horse, there is no keywords.
Rarity just ask you to be her prom date.
Rarity is a gigantic hoebag
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>Mlp general
>Not a keyword
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replace butt with book obviously
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Looks like I'm getting laid, guys!
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God damn, pony won't shut the fuck up about donuts

wat do?
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I always prefer Wiz's version over Critical's
I still have no idea what is this "le epic meme xd"
Symmetrical Ponying.
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Merry May is a very good pony
File deleted.
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will this ever get lines?
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but wiz sounds like a drunk asshole who doesn't know how to rap in his version

it's a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLUj_OWZSNg
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I agree
That's some Cosmo level of eye-placement on that thing
Pony was molested as a filly.
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His so much smoother in his version and I think that smoothness really fits the beat. KRT is just way to loud and aggressive, but I admit his lyrics are a lot more clever.
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Uhh...can anybody delete their own post?
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filly's are for sexual so it's a cultural norm for them
>that shitty tongue tween
Let me guess
Tiarawhy did this?
I deleted one of my posts with no problems

oh god is the marker stuck

you have to save her isaac
it's the song it's about the guy who spammed a gif of piccolo fucking someone from DBZ and said "here's your daily dose" for a good few months on /v/
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That's my horse!
And it's gone.
oh god the marker is stuck on the old thread fuck fuck fuck
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it's not the song*

Yep, deleted just fine.
I like the guards. They're adorably incompetant
While it is true that fillies are for sexual, this was the bad kind of sexual.
That video was excellent, thank you
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Well, uh...
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so adrbl
I got over that, but now I do the same with batshit and satyrshit
So far I haven't regretted anything.
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The one time when we actually need anon to delete his thread he doesn't do it.

/r/ing pic of Marker pony being sucked into a sandpit labeled "Old Horse" screaming about how she's stuck
Actually never demonstrated in the show. And don't use them getting gooped by the changelings as an example, because those changelings out powered even Celestia and the Main 6.
not in that old thread

i couldn't delete my #nightthread
Well fuck, we need the OP to delete the old horse.
How about the image itself?
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yeah, but that was like years ago, wasn't it?

no problem
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what have you doooooooone
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would you ravage dinky?
wouldn't matter
you can't repost a deleted image if the post itself is still there
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In the EQG comic, they get taken out in a second by the yellow and red horse.
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I think it is a new feature they were talking in IRC - you can't delete you post if it was reported until iti s removed from the queue.
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Ponies like this are too cute.
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whats wrong with the Lunar Guards Ponies?


oh the humanity!
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So the one time I don't delete a thread, I'm actually needed to?
No, it worked fine
Everything out powers Celestia
She has not won a single fight since this show started
The comic isn't canon, though.
who's the jackass that reported the marker?
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The changlings are a perfect example. The main six minus elements fought through a giant horde of them. Celestia fought a Queen, which is totally different.

Plus the guards were complete morons and got outsmarted by a plucked chicken in A Bird in the Hoof

They also failed to notice twilight and her group hiding in plain sight in the garden outside the archives
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Braces in general are cute, especially on ponies
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Pony would very much appreciate it if you gave her donut
80% of the faggots that visit this thread who always ass-rampaged over something?
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Keep working on it.
Fucking stop.
So is the old horse safe for lewd discussions?
oh, weird
that's how it used to be but I guess they fixed it
none of the comics are canon.
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You mean this donut?
Yeah, that's exactly what I just said.
Well, the were also so oblivious as to ignore the changelings bouncing on the roof of the shield
Most of the time people post the OCs, not the actual bat guards from the show.

So I pulled the whole "ultimate solution" on all of them.

Again, no regrets so far.
>They also failed to notice twilight and her group hiding in plain sight in the garden outside the archives

My guess on this is, considering they are the Elements of Harmony, they have pretty much free reign of the place. Just, they never thought they did. A guard could have looked them in the eye and unlocked the fucking gate for them if he had too.
>Failed to notice
They noticed her, I mean she's the princess's student and practically lived at the library. Why wouldn't she be there, statue thing was new though.
you're welcome to try but it could be deleted at any moment
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I was testing. So I can delete new posts here, but I can't delete any of my old posts in the last thread.

Also I'm still happy AA drew me a butte
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S4 reveals bat ponies to be nothing more than soulless thralls constructed by Luna.
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I'm not much for paws, but if you like em...
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I like to imagine that they're all completely green because of Celestia's diplomatic prowess.
No wars, no experience, no good soldiers to fight wars.
>tex is a tracer
>likely traced many other images
>He's not the lovable amateur fan artist I thought he was
>He's a fraud
All of the comics are canon
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>A guard could have looked them in the eye and unlocked the fucking gate for them if he had too
that's literally what happened
don't you remember It's About Time?
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Sorry, but the changelings are a perfectly valid example. A group of unarmored mares can fight their way through an entire swarm of them, but an entire group of armored, weapon carrying guards gets completely rolled over and does absolutely nothing
Guess I can't for now.
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Shut up.
>I started AA down the path of re-dialating her eyes
aw yiss
see >>14345666
The power of friendship
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anon! this is no time for giggles!

look at these poor ponies in dire need of assistance!

if not for them, do it for the ponies!

You seem to forget that they have the magic of friendship on their side, and are gifted with the power of the elements of harmony.
This is some cosmic level shit right here.
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read: plot armor
>Freindship makes you punch people harder
The japanese have been telling us this for years.
>posting Celestia
It's like you want me to care even less!

Sadly, it appears I can't delete it now.

Every pony has the magic of friendship on their side. They were also fighting the changlings in close quarters, the elements didn't come in to play as the entire point of the the exercise was retrieving the elements, which they failed at.
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Exactly, thus they are heavily armored. More so than the guards.
The entire point of the show in a nutshell.

>Tex drones try to defend their waifu

Or maybe you're even tex himself?
I don't think anyone can complain about you deleting threads anymore. I hope we all learn something from this.
Limiting your exposure to cute ponies, but, hey who am I to judge..
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The one time I want to stay up there's nothing to do

Why is the night so boring
Well, except for the odd time when the thread ends up being empty for me, but that's also related to the fact that I have Nonymous filtered and recursive filtering on.
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Yes, that.

Man...How did the new villain not See that coming?
Just find someone to do.
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He got pretty far down that path too
There is no way to know if any of those guards are friends. Especially considering they don't get specialized training from Celestia and write letters to her about the magic of friendship. That kind of bond between best friends and knowledge accrued from the tutelage of a wise teacher is unmatched by any guard. Furthermore, they ARE the elements, if you recall the first episode. The elements are always inside them, and thus, it is always underlying and helping them accomplish their goals. Also Twilight's element of magic surely helped with the fighting.
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Are you sure you can handle it?
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>whines when he wasn't getting enough attention eventhough he is in the top 3 most popular MLPG regulars
>Avatars for hours on end with inane waifu shit
>Art is stiff and uninteresting
>Used to do cool funny stuff, now does only waifu fantasies

I'm done. Used to think you were cool Tex. But this is the last straw.
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All of them!?
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You'll do nicely~
Don't forget he's 15 years old.
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Pony can handle any donut.
I like this for reasons I can't explain.
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>wasting chicken nuggets
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Guys shitposting is at an all time high and pone at an all time low. I'm selling off my mlpg stock.

I don't need to recall the first episode because their inability to use the elements against the changelings in their current state was the active plot point. They would not have had to retrieve them otherwise. The ponies may be the elements but they cannot use their power without the focuses, which was the entire driving point behind the confrontation, which they lost.
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wouldn't be the first time, as shown in your picture. but, soulless is a rather tricky discription, even those you posted were embued with her mind/soul. If mere puppets, then, what is the mind that controls them.

And if we are just flesh puppets created from the earth, does that make us soulless? Does one need a soul to create a soul? Who was first "soul" then?
Oh my~
Don't tease me like that Anon

Why not just make her a cute snail girl?
They had to be sacrificed for science.
I'll take it!
You'll regret that when s4 rolls around!
>tfw no chikky nuggz
I'll take my chances, I have on good authority that the spinoff will be better.
inb4 gay stuff
That's kinda cute, but I hafta agree with >>14345955. Also, that logo/cutie mark in the corner is really blurry.
Pip is a very cute pony
And just look at how pro he is at handling that shaft!
No wonder Luna likes him so much
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That's okay, this pone's market is super small. You'll just be buying back within a week if you don't want all out.
Not all of them, but probably most posted from bpg.

And fuck, a couple of threads back people here were seriously discussion shit from that thread in here for some reason.

I know it's retarded, but at this point I can't give a fuck and it's stupidly easy.

I used to like the OC bathorses, but now they just irritate me.
But you like it~
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Well if you insist.
It's hard to argue that the innate abilities within them that allow them to harness the physical elements of harmony would not still exist, and I think it is fair to say that it helped them in their fighting prowess somehow. Also obviously they didn't use their generic rainbow spell on them, but they still performed to an extraordinary level, and it is hard to imagine that they are more trained in fighting than any background pony, who were able to do nothing, even in large numbers, and thus it is fair to assume they had some sort of magical aid in being able to fight so well.
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Even this many donuts?
implied futa isn't gay, right?
Nope. We ran tests. A lot of them. They don't have souls.
dedpone = 0sowl
>not filtering it
I still think it's funny that the Changelings had to drag Dash back to the castle.
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Like this?

But all it does is frustrate me because I can't act on it...
>That fucking chat room dialog.

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you are a monster
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Pony can also handle any number of donuts.

What the fuck is up with that donut in the upper left corner?
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It's shit
Maybe I want you to be frustrated
it's an anus
It has peanut pieces on it.
You have to be a level 10 to eat that special donut
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*poke poke*

Someone do this for a MLP Con. PLease.
She's a cute pone.
yes 2ndbesthorse, what can i do for you
Why are bucktoothed cartoon girls so goddamned cute?
it's a ponut
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It's a special donut
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Its not hard to argue at all, you can just watch the episode. We are flat out told that to use the power of the elements of harmony against the changelings, they must first be retrieved. It was the plot point that setup up the fight itself. The friendship superpowers were not active as they were on their way to get them when the fight broke out and they were captured. I am just going by what we were shown in the episode itself. Which was a city that was filled to the brim with guards, had its top commander under the thrall of an enemy agent for who knows how long with nobody noticing, and was completely unable to put up even a token resistance when the changelings broke through. Even the background ponies did better than the guard, they at least managed to evade the changelings. The guard was completely useless from the top down.
But I don't like being frustrated, all it does is get me all...

Rarity will you tell me how to get a mare like you to like me? N-Not that I have a crush on you or anything.
Oh god...
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"Brush my hair like I'm a Princess."
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I know, right?


now what
I've had way more interest in doing silly girly things with ponies than i have ever had in romancing them.
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do i get to wear one too?
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You and me are friends now.
god damn welfare nannies!

but every movie/show has the guards and sentries useless, i think its a trope or something
Oh just fuck off.
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It really is. I think this one is an extension of the worf thing too. They like using them as whipping boys to demonstrate how scary and powerful something is

Like when nightmare moon smashed them against the wall in the first episode
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Well I've lost control of my drawings. Goodnight Anons.
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"They're all for you, silly."
what about a ponut?
>scoot with me if you want to live
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ill second that theory
hell yeah

this is going to be a fun night
Sorry, we're fresh out.
B-but I'm a bloke!
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>he doesn't want to wear a pretty dress
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And so pony got her donut.
>He starts firing out letters like a machine gun.
not tonight you're not
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Couldn't I have gotten the newer model?
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The only problem is they need to show them actually doing something competent occasionally or we get stuck in the situation where we have a force that apparently cannot handle *any* threat in Equestria.

It gets even worse if you want to count the blunderbolts as part of the equation

Poor serviec pones need to be allowed an opportunity to do something successful
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soon autumn babby
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That's all it takes for a burglar to break into your home and steal your waifu. Why don't you own a gun?
They wouldn't even fit me
but i do
I do and so does my waifu
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Not quite
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My waifu is a gun.
Why would I need a gun if I have my trusty banana? It's capable of stopping any crime 30% percent of the time!
>they probably have a decent job and are like 10 times richer than you
I'd fuck chubbity
holy shit look at that guy's teeny tiny legs
you have a shitty waifu.
why don't you pick a better princess like celestia if you are going to go with mary sues
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>needing a gun
Yes I am, you can't stop me
Who wouldn't?
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You really shouldn't have said that, Anon.
>/v/ and /vg/ shitposting at an all time high
don't get me wrong, i love the cup, but I dont love how /v/ (the worst fucking fans) can just make shit up and everyone will believe them.
Was our "player" ever removed?
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>Implying I don't have gun.

...could someone help me fire it?
>a bullet is still in the chamber
good luck
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2 MB
we're not Russian, anon
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That's what the second kick does
So what was the second kick supposed to accomplish?

The eternal question. Whose gun is that?
Those real dolls cost 5,000-10,000.

If becoming filthy rich means becoming a sick perverted, depraved and morally bankrupt individual - THEN WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!?
Removed round from chamber.
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She's probably get offended if you called her chubby
>nothing else falls
doesn't look like it
What's that supposed to mean!? Because if it means I've been doing something wrong with eyes then please tell me how to fix it pls.
It's my gun, Anon.
Unless you were asking specifics, like names or something.
Why are Russians so fucking crazy and strong and shit? Is it because they live in one of the most depressing places on Earth?
Training so it wasn't actually loaded
the second kick racks the bolt

it ejects the round, you can barely see it
/v/ is always shitposting.
It's the magic water they drink there.
They call it Vodka.
Pretty much everything.

I think even AppleDan draws better ponies than you.
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It's a russian built car, it's a wonder it didn't explode when the man hit the windshield. As for crazy, yes.


pretty much
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that is pretty lewd anonymous
whoa there sugarcube
because they hate tumblr shit and make laws against tumblr shit.

that is why they are strong.
I'm not saying that you're actually good, just saying that you're better than cosmo at drawing.
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No THIS is lewd.
All mares are lewd. That's why I stick to stallions.
Dude you're bleeding. I think we should get you some first aid.
Should I consult tanman?

I'm pretty sure it's one of the namefags. Although I can speculate as to who you are.
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Well I like stallions as well anon, but they are not immune from the lewd
Pony can't believe it's not butter!
>consulting Tan
oh wow im so hurt and cry
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Stallions can't be lewd. It's a proven fact.
What difference does it make?
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Goodnight, MLPG.
Those stallions are being lewd.

You are a liar.
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What if Fluttershy afraid she isn't sexy enough for you?
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I think you are trying to ruse me anon

Those stallions are looking sort of lewd there
It's against the law for stallions to be lewd.
>she buys all manner of potions and creams to make herself more erotic
>when you show up for your date she's a swollen fetish fever dream
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So all stallions engaging in lewd conduct are criminals?
It's against the law for pony to pony pony but you see pony do it anyway.
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>watching a video of a sexy young girl stripping in her bathroom
>can't cum
>switch to a video of two black guys screwing on top of a rock in the middle of a river in some god forsaken third world country
>cum in seconds
Stallions and ponies are felons.
would reginald try to tap celestia?
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You guys are crazy.
I'm telling you, Stallions cannot be lewd.
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such tyranny!
>It looks like I never even had a chance in the first place, huh? Well, I have but one final request, promise me that you'll create a perfect future, for both our kingdoms. You have the power to do so, you made that quite apparent in our fight.
Daily reminder that it's daylight savings tonight so remember to set your clocks back an hour tomorrow morning
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They can't?
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Oh my lanta that's awful. No wonder there's so few stallions walking around the streets of Equestria. They're all in prison.
how long have you been waiting to use that picture?
File deleted.
They can't.
You should actually do that tonight or now
>Could see the future, and Equestria wrecks his shit in a war.
>Only logical idea is to start a war with Equestria.
>And he gets his shit wrecked.

Good idea, dumb ass.
Those are lewd.
You are using this as an excuse to post lewd stallions.
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Anon, dear anon, I believe you need help with your compulsive lying problem
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None of them ever ever ever unfunfunf
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Would you go down into pony's basement?
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That tumblr is so good.

It's from here
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not very long, actually
I had it saved in my folder for pictures I don't ever expect to use more than once
I would go down on pony.

The basement pony owns?

That better be what you are referring to anon, because we know that clearly pony is not for basement.
Twilight has a basement.
Then why do you keep your ponies in your basement?
Only if it smells like pony squirted all over uncontrollably.
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I can't believe you would make up such a lie to discredit me like that.

FS, I have a degree in both lewdology and cute stallion behavior, all my research and the research of study state very clearly stallions are incapable of being lewd.
Applejack and Fluttershy have basements.
I want Stallion being forced to submit.

I meant anon's basement. I should have been more clear. Pony can have her own basement, but pony is definitely not for anon's basement.


I do not keep ponies in my basement anon. I do not even have a basement!
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Oh my god.
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all ponies are for lewd
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Is it possible to have a basement in a house made out of clouds?
This isn't a degree in lewdology!
This is a pinup of Hoity Toity!
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What are you getting at FS? Just how would you keep your ponies?
>Owning an assault weapon.

How many children did you murder for those toys?
I want gayfags and fetishfags to leave, or at least go to the old threads.
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but stallion is submitting willingly

>It isn't a phase mom!
>This is who I really am!
It would at least cut down on drama shit.
Thirty-six. Twenty more and I get the high-capacity magazines. Then my DPM will go through the roof!
holy shit this is solid gold
I can't stop laughing, thank you anon
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I would not want to keep any ponies like that!

and definitely not in a basement! I would rather be the pony than keep the pony anyway!

How silly

lotta chess players here
their special talent is fortress building
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Well, would you look at the time? I'm late for my very important stallion studies meeting
no anon

it's symbolic and shit

because they are sombra's pawns
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>not inviting your pony friends over for table top gaming fun times
what's wrong wit chu
>Yet a single person invaded the kingdom.
but on the flip side it might be sombodys fetish and I don't wanna be chained up next to that.
or being see through.
but those pieces are called the 'rook'
>that feel when no pony balls to knead and lick
Too bad

My basement is very nice and furnished, with its own bathroom, a master bedroom, a lounge, a medium sized fridge, a pantry, a kitchen with a wood stove, and an air filtration system. It's a really fucking nice basement. A shame about the house above it falling apart.
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Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
>tfw Twinkies are ded

thanks obama
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>Actually liking Twinkies.
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That sounds more like some kind of secret government survival shelter
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Can we be day again?

I liked it because we talked about the show after so long and it was fun.
Zecora is in the new intro right?

Does this mean she's gonna show up more and more and get an episode spotlight on her homeland?
>thought Miami might have a shot against FSU
>Miami gets blow'd da fuk out


further proof that the top four are all that matter and every other team is irrelevant
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there were two of them, and fortresses/walls don't really help against magic flying horses
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It's actually to cut back on heating and AC. The earth is the best insulator.
Did anything new get released during the day relating to S4?
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>not liking twinkies
what do you hate fun too?

you have to be a youropoor
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I couldn't think of a funny filename
You must be the conversation you wish to see in the thread
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Anon, pls
She'll get an episode with her in a major role for sure
>tfw no human to brush your mane and dress you up in cute outfits
>tfw nothing to play
>tfw when bored as fag

I want to die




So I have theory. We only talk about the show when we're angry and arguing. The key to get show discussion is to be angry as possible and start an argument with someone in this thread.

New promo.

Rather that than stupid gayshit for the millionth time.
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You had me up to the outfits part anon
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i wish pony would say lewd things to me while i do unmentionable things while she was bound up in my basement
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>post-indian food shits

no pls
oh wait, we already did that today
Oh guess they aren't bowing to twilight, they're just moving in closer.
When I'm bored is when I put my time into working on stuff I want to get good at

It's fun to say "I want to be a good artist", but it's more fun to work towards it.
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L-let's do these for all the boards!
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What if I ask nicely?
Stop worshipping yourself, EA. Jesus fuck.
Your anger has to be genuine anon.
People can feel when you're faking it.
I don't draw anon,
why is there no porn between two ponies that love each other deeply?
it's my fetish
Sentenal did nothing wrong!
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Either you learn how to deal with that, or you go under.
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Gallons lost, thanks to you.
Oh no, it's genuine. Tell him, kids.
I'm still pissed off that Twilight will get all the focus.

And that we won't even get a "teaching Twilight how to fly" since it happens in the premier. Literally the only good thing that would've came from Twilycorn already denied.
pls, anon.
Fuck, I never finished pyschonauts after picking it up ages ago.

Thanks for reminding me to reinstall and finish it.
>Rather that than stupid gayshit for the millionth time.
Precisely. If you want show discussion, bring up show discussion topics. Pointless bickering like calling it "gayshit" isn't going to solve anything.
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pone isn't for sad
>Twilight will get all the focus.
But that's wrong.
this is much better forwards
Oh shit.

What's your favorite?
citation needed
We don't know that Twilight will get all the focus. Stops saying shit like this. We already confirmed episodes where she's not even a main character.

She has always had the spotlight in the season openings. Why on Earth would you expect that to change?
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does cuddling count
Mention that her stars are so much more vivid than our stars, and in so much greater numbers. In our world, there is so much light, the night sky is less dark than it is here. If you where to look at it from afar, the whole world would be lit up. But here, things are more in focus, more quiet, and as a result there is a more beautiful night sky to behold.
>Second best Silent Hill protag
Aw yiss
See that giraffe horse next to the one that looks like a dude?

I would do THINGS to that horse. I would lean in and passionately kiss her on her weird horse lips on her weird horse head on her freakishly long horse neck. I would use that freakishly long horse neck as a handle during sex. I would hold on to that freakishly long horse neck for dear life while my penis became a beast of its own, ravenously thrusting in and out like a demonic dick knife. I would run my hands up and down that freakishly long horse neck, kneading as I went, while whispering sweet somethings into her unusually elevated horse ears.

And then I would jizz in her eyeballs. Which are easier to jizz in than normal, because of her freakishly long horse neck.
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Weird mindbreaky shit
It's just so hot to see ponies go dick crazy
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did you just draw my 3dpd waifu?
I think the worst thing about Twily being a Princess is that, now that she is, nothing interesting will be done about it.

She won't acquire some sphere of influence, she won't get a kingdom, she won't have a personalized retinue of guards, she won't really do anything.

She'll just be a pretty princess and get bowed to a lot.
She's a princess now, taller and more important that the others.
>you will never have a case of dick fever
>anon will never give you the only cure
She is a child.
The Animatics

>Twilight gets her own Twily styled guards
>Shiny insists on it for her safety
>they follow her everywhere
>episodes is about her setting up boundaries
"Stop watching me sleep!"
Maybe equestrian princesses are like generals in the war for friendship

Some of them sit back and manage things, others stand on the front lines and spread freedom and friendship for all
I pity the man who cannot find joy in work
She has ALWAYS been more important than the others, especially in the season openers. This has not changed.
there's porn of the Cakes
She's getting her own castle.

>She'll just be a pretty princess and get bowed to a lot.
Why do you faggots keep crying at this? Seriously.
A society that picks their leaders based on height isn't very intelligent.
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what if lera was pone
Anon, just because the Animaniacs are on the HUB doesn't mean it's going to become the plot for MLP.

Nope. Not even that.
Do you think I care about whether or not a talking horse is a child?
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>Twilight lobbies for her own guards
>finally gets her own custom retinue
>immediately forces them to work around the library helping Spike and otherwise completely ignores them
>just as planned
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aw yiss
oppai belle
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who's the first?
if you answer anything other than James Sunderland I swear to god
I want to take colts' measurements.
what if taller ponies are significantly smarter than shorter ponies though

would you really pick a stupid ponylet as a leader?
I want to enhance colts' measurements
She won't get guards until her friends are alicorn princesses.
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Colt is about 46 cm tall.
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Forgot her eyelashes.


Reckon I done her justice?
>Everywhere she goes they are there.
>When she is trying to make breakfast.
>When she is sleeping.
>In the shower.
>One time when the girls went back to Dodge junction she had to physically kick them out of the outhouse.
Pony would be kind of ugly and also syrian
>Snails is smarter than Apple Bloom and that one really tiny nurse pony
you messed up
who's Savannah?
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>what if taller ponies are significantly smarter than shorter ponies though

that's kind of a stretch.
It's James. He's the best because he's the most "complex" out of all the othersHarry is good, but he doesn't really have much of a personality, and I understand why he doesn't; it's so the player can project a little of themselves onto him. So I won't say he's a bad character or anything, just my least favorite.
>snails is a savant
Queen slut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VDjPLSTNUU
At what?
Sorry, but as far as canon is concerned, you picked the wrong half of "idiot savant" to describe him with.
pony will be the one to hold you down
I still want to fuck giraffe loli pone


Marilyn Monroe.
At least he's better than Henry "What the Hell" Townshend
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Time manipulation

He'll get his day, you'll see.
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reminder that snips and snails are now considered major characters
This isn't funny.
I unironically enjoyed Silent Hill 4.
>he has the power to manipulate his personal timeline
>but only to make himself go really, really slow
>Soon Princess Twilight will lay her first clutch of eggs.
reminder that no one cares

>No Cheerilee

The fuck?
>travels far into the future, doesn't age a bit
>keeps on going until humans arrive in equestria
>rape spree
>Time manipulation

I saw that fanfic.

Shipped him with Trixie.
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Hey, Mayor Mare is a major character now.
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That's actually pretty cute
and funny
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The mayor, but no Cheerilee

That is sorta odd
stop yelling it's right there
>I must breed

>Applebloom knocks a pencil off her desk
>Snails sees it tumble end over end through the air, sees where it will land
>he reaches out for it, leaning into the aisle
>Too far
>to everyone else, he fell out of his desk in a split second
>for him, it was three minutes.
I really hope they do more with her in S4. She always seemed like she could be a mildly entertaining character based on the few lines and interactions she's had with the main cast.
>The Cakes
>The mayor.
>And the CMC.
Aw yes.
The town's population got DESTROYED!
What is the ideal amount of pone? P=pone with P>0
That pun was unintentional.
I think the crowd around Twilight here was just showcasing some of the recurring characters that look pretty unique. That's why Trixie isn't there (despite starring in 2 episodes) because she's not recurring, despite being more noticeable and memorable.
>Gravity got a 97 on RT
>Captain Phillips got a 94


I gotta go to the movies
Anything significant happen in the past 12 hours since that last promo?

Because Cheerilee is closer to a major side character than the Mayor.

Cheerilee actually had an episode revolving around her.
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okay I panicked there
You do realize those two are the only ones in Applebloom's class who were shown actually able to use the looptyhoop, right?

Even if they were struggling at it, they managed to do it. No one else could except AB in hax mode.
there is no "ideal" amount
the more pone the better
especially if you maximize the amount of pone per pony
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Cheerilee shows up more often and speaks more than the mayor does, I would have expected her before the mayor. Not that I mind the mayor being there at all

Looking at this, it made me realize that I need a break from MLPG

Took me way too long, but better late than never.

Stupid gay shit, but nothing really.
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Wow this pony show isn't half bad!
Anonymous, stop attention whoring.
The Earth is about to collide into the sun. You can choose one of two availiable bunkers to survive the next 10 years as the earth slowly cools off. You can either choose:

Bunker 1: A Bunker full of 100 Pinkie Pies

Bunker 2: A Bunker that contains everyone who posted in MLPG for the last month.
>let me show you just how much of a cunt I really am
No one attention whores harder than anonymous
>Trip isn't up there.
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>I all can't

Captain Phillips was good! And apparently the actors who played the pirates were recruited from a neighborhood I used to live in/near, in Minneapolis.
I don't think those are tripcodes
Bunker B.
Pinkie Pie would eventually kill me, I imagine I have enough in common with the rest of MLPG to grt along nicely.
Also, I kind of doubt we've had more than 100 unique posters in a month, so less total people.
We'll all die anyway 'cause we're colliding with the sun, though.
Why do these dogs have manes?

>"I show zero improvement even after years" Anon
What they be then?
>you will never give pony a kiss on their swollen testes
>you will never snuggle up and give them a nice long rubdown
ross pls
Image MD5s, if I had to guess
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Number two.

We will be the best of friends!
Fuck princess Twilight Sparkle.
We should team up and fight crime.
Well, yes, I do. But our private life isn't your business.
I hope for your sake there's more bunkers, because the 100 or so people that that post here reguarly wouldn't be enough for complete global reconstitution. I think 1000 is the minimum.
thats lewd

I had no idea he was so mad about images of guns...
Must be a Liberal.
In my headcanon all princess are allowed their own little colt harem.
NoHooves pls go

The vaults were never meant to save anyone anon
Actually he's filtering all the guns so he can steal them all for himself.
Then he will have enough guns to shoot pony.
Jokes on him, I don't believe in guns!
R-Rara sama!
what an accurate filename
it's a combination of batshit, gays and shityr
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How terrible!
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Luna please things are different after a 1000 years.
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Posting just so I can be in the bunker.

But I'd still pick the pinkies
>snips and snails
>suck at magic just like sweetie belle
>have awful foresight like the entire CMC
>talk funny?

I don't think they're exceptionally dumb

I think all fillies are exceptionally dumb, or just those five.
I found that part a little fucked up to be honest.
But i was glad to see the author was willing to make Equestrian government seem like monsters too in F:E
>tfw your human keeps enlarging your genitals and edging you day in and day out
>tfw you can feel yourself slipping away more and more but you don't want want to complain because it feels so good
Time skip episode with those two as main characters when
after the mane six become alicorns
>bunker 1
>cuddle a pony before being vaporized along with the rest of the planet
>bunker 2
>some guy rubs his wrinkly deformed dick on your face and asks you to call him twilight, then you all die

Ponies mistakenly handling human gentials is my fetish
>draw clump of hair
>draw one separate strand creating a gap

I'm developing an eye for artistic cheap tricks.
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>tfw your human keep twiddling you clit with those weird appendages
>they weird you out a little but it feels great
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I'd rather see the 4 CMC get a timeskip episode than those two.

Fucking is what Princesses are for.

Didn't someone draw Twilight being married off to some foreign prince?

I wish GG would draw something along those lines.
Silly, these are super bunkers that come equiped with their own mass manipulators. Earth won't come apart, it'll just become uninhabitable!
>you give him a little peck on the cheek and tell him how good a pony he is to you
>you lean in close and whisper in his ear
"Can my good little pony hold it until the thread ends~?"
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2. I don't want my waifu to die. I'll do anything to make sure she doesn't get hurt. Even if it means never meeting her.
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>people posting about stallions
>its always about the genitals

Why can't you just pet the pony anon

Nicely on the head
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>on the head


That's a real hairstyle

For guys with receding peaked hairlines and homestuck cosplayers at least
People are taking this too literal. I said the whole sun thing because I though it was funny. Pretend you're just forced to choose a bunker and wont get vaporized.
>not hiding it
>"We will not even ask how they got into our chambers."
>"Or why they were trying on the royal sleeping garments."
>"Or how they managed to sneak so many ponies in for their 'party.'"
>But we will ask that next time, Pinkie, you keep a better eye on them."
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>Savannah showboating

Lookit that single best fillyscout.
>pony takes a deep breath and looks at the image counter
>pony whimpers and shakes his head
Pony is not for petting.
At least, not in public.
And definitely not on the head without being in a relationship.
They leak from there.
>you give him another little peck on the cheek and snuggle up tight

There's also /unf/ if you can't wait
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I got nothing.
you know, the old thread can't even be deleted right now
I would choose 2 because pinkie is a readily available food source

>eat a pinkie every few weeks
>running low on pinkies?
>no prablyem
>your mutant satyr spawn is almost ready to be born
>They leak from there
>making your pony cry
youre terrible anon
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when a stallion's one eye cries whitely you've done it right
Did you remember to give your pony an oil change after every 4,000 miles?
How long do you think we could keep to a single thread before needing to move if we got one stickied for some reason?
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I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask this thread to pull over.

Do you even know how fast you were going?
/r/ing a pic of police pone shouting "lewd" with her siren going.
Pony got a ring in there last night.
I always see fit to give her a proper lube job every night. She keeps leaking and groaning though.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
That means you ruptured his fucking eyeball you sick edgy fuck
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Anon is getting too violent with the poor stallion I cannot take it

good night MLPG
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I'm talking about on Pound Cake's tail or his sister's pigtails.
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Fuck the fuzz
What. It's an extra hour of night, you stupid horse.
Pony ate all of your Goldfish crackers...
do you think stallions pop their eyeballs on a daily basis

they're so big it must be unavoidable

>walking with a stallion
>"Nothing, just poked my eye"
>"On that twig"
>"Calm down, it'll grow back in a day or two. What, never lost an eye before?"
I don't have goldfish cracker...
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Yeah, magic is pretty cool I guess
Oh right, carry on then.
My flavor-blasted white-cheddar goldfish?!
I want to cuddle with a female pony.
Yeah, it's just free energy and monumental feats out of nowhere

Who needs it
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why does everything have to be a power-level dickwaving contest with you
come on pony, I just bought that bag today. It's ok if you ate some, but I was expecting to be able to eat some as well.
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Do you know how fast you were dancing, officer?
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I'm sorry it's just how I was raised

Fucking is a princess' job.

GG pls draw Twily being married off to a foreign prince.
>free energy

Spells have been shown to take quite a toll on the caster
I always wonder what a war between Equestria and America would be like.
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fine geez

We haven't really seen what happens when magic users get together an apply themselves towards a common goal so it's not really fair to compare magic vs technology

Except we know that a bunch of unicorns can get together and move the sun, which seems like a pretty big deal
why me
princesses know all about fucking
>you will never be a pony diplomat
>you will never visit foreign lands and offer yourself to the inhabitants as a gesture of goodwill
>celestia crashing the sun into the planet

this is dumb

that's not even how planetary systems work. she's only controlled the sunrise on the show so the only thing she's moving is the planet she's on

if she wanted you dead via sun magic she'd just prolong the day until everything on that side of the world baked to death

magic was imagined by people that desired the benefits of technology without the immense of hard work needed to get it in the first place, just saying

so it's everything technology can do but without the lugging around metal or having giant machines that are easily damaged
It would be very ugly for the ponies
everyone who is still awake gets to be transformed into a stallion
gee only 28billion?

what happened to the 3 trillion that the bankers stole?
>"is this... traditional in your culture?"
>"no, she's just a huge slut"
>"if you're not interested you should probably find someone off the street to fuck her otherwise she's just going to rub her junk on everything"
because you do innuendo the best.
Why would we go to war with ponies?

No seriously, what possible motivation is there?
is this optional?
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filly ships
Can I be a mare instead?
Like... right now?
For realsies?
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Actually, magic levels vary wildly between users, and even the unicorn whose element is magic has limited power.

Machines aren't easy to break, at least not any easier than they are to fix. And the benefit of machines is that they can be used by anybody, albeit with some training.

Magic has many more limitations than machines.
We're human. We have to war. If we meet anything, we will go to war. That is how humans work.
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probably spent too much time on this
it was good rendering practice at least

i am tired now
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Can I just get the stallion junk and keep my hands and legs?

It'll be harder to stream myself jerking off without hands.
The Equestrian Empire attacks Pearl Harbor
Can I be a unicorn at least?
I'm way too used to hands.
Pony pets.
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That's a cute Fluttershy.

Goodnight little guy.
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Ponies would be terrified of us before we even made contact.

Anyone got that screen grab of the time when humans came out of an area of the universe that was literally hell to the aliens and they shit themselves and surrendered almost immediately to a couple scouts?
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>Thinking America ever went to war over oil

You probably think the Middle East is also Americas biggest supplier of Oil
Silly, ponies don't have oil.

Except for Twilight, that is. Tal kabout a pizza face!
the time limit is up
you were too slow to respond
>America knows everything about equestria's magic
>Equestria knows nothing about america's hydrogen bombs
>Over tactics = bad
>Bombs planted, areas destroyed
>Total pony surrender

Realistically, because humans are more known for being traders and only fighting over religion and wealth

>Ponies have unicorn magic and a shitload of precious minerals
>Humans have advanced machinery
>Shit man let's form an alliance
>Magitech starships propel both races beyond the stars
>Medical magitech wipes out every illness and deformity
>Everyone has bling
>Humans develop machines that let earth ponies and pegasi channel magic to a degree, originally intended for themselves
>Humans protect ponies from outside threats
>Ponies provide cuddles
>Best friends forever
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...Ponies have weapons of mass destruction!
I like HFY threads sometimes but what you're describing sounds frankly a little over the top
God damn.
God daaaaaaamn.
I'd high five you if I could.
You can't stack cylinders like that. It's unpossible.
Volvo give Diretide!
it's beautiful, almost desktop background worthy if it was friendly for that sort of thing
if it's not possible then why do I have photographic evidence of it happening: http://images.4chan.org/mlp/src/1383454010375.jpg
not if they're glued to the ground
Cedric Gervais remix is pretty good
"mewball isn't the best artist in MLPG. you're thinking of rose." - Wrong Anon, 2013
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Negative anon

You specified no time limit

You fell for my totally orchestrated and non coincidental master plan

Victory is mine

I will be the adorable stallion
No, ponies ARE weapons of mass destruction.

The only solution is we must round them all up and keep them under tight captivity so that they may never be misused
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>start reading a book
>start reading another book
>somehow end up reading seven books simultaneously

but 40k said we exterminatus da xenoz and follow da big man with da most dakka
it may be hard to take
but it is already over

as a consolation prize i can at least let you live in equestria girls world
Why does MLPG want to be the little mare so much?
Rose is better. You're too easily dazzled by superficial flourish.
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but big pony has a ton of dakka
even little pony as a lot of dakka
and they just want to be frens
>not wanting to be the pretty mare
had it on repeat all day while working on this
not a fan of lana del rey but damn is that remix catchy
rose is leagues better at lineart and sketching
Eh, it was just that anything that entered our galaxy apparently fucking died or vanished, like we were the Bermuda triangle of space.
And when they saw ships leaving the fucked up zone, they shit themselves. It was all talked about through a marine who was watching a movie the aliens made about it.
It had hot human tentacle rape of alien females, because according to them, humans look like that. (They have no idea, because humans are always in their power armor, basically keeping a lie going.)
At the end of the movie the aliens start milling out, and he says something, they just then realize a human is in the theater and freak the fuck out.
it's tied though
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Boy howdy, EG sure is fantastic!

EG Daily, that is!
do you not?
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It was half and half when I looked
>superficial flourish

You're too easily mesmerized by cartoonish cuteness
The picture is a fake.

A fraud.

A vile deception wrought by the high-tech wizardry of scissors and glue.
I'd rather be the stallion that rutts the pretty mares.
You're saying this as a member of a species that drove all of its carnivorous competitors to the brink of extinction and then brought them back because it felt bad

You are a weapon of mass destruction. Humans are such an effective bioweapon that they create more bioweapons for the hell of it.

Ponies are cooperative and peaceful, and would probably be your friends if you asked nicely
honestly I could go for either, but I voted mare because dresses sound really nice and I'm a little bit of an autogynophiliac sometimes but Only a little bit
>not being a diamond dog
>not being a male diamond dog that ruts the pretty stallions
What episode was this?
Humans would be friends with ponies.

And insane rabid attack dogs for enemies of ponies.

I bet you both really just want to be subby stallions that get stuffed full of strap-ons
You're going to need pretty mares anon~
i'd rather be a human and continue living my life on earth with my family and friends
I find anal to be unerotic and gross
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What a tweest

also stallion stronk


Putting your hoof down
>Humans and ponies team up to conquer the known universe
>Ponies are air dropped from orbit as a vanguard
it is unerotic and gross

butts are smelly and anuses are not made for fucking. AIDS is prevalent in gay communities for a reason.
>Diamond dogs kidnap a filly
>Ponies cry
>A thousand fat guys in triforce T-shirts and fedoras, armed to the teeth with ninja stars and katanas, rush a large diamond dog encampment
>total human victory, zero human casualties. their fat armor and shock value was too much for the dogs.
>ponies assume that this is the human military
well look at that
someone happy and well-adjusted in mlpg

I think you're in the wrong thread bro
Trigger warning: Anthro

I would view ponies more like the Asari.
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Negroid, pls. "Texture" in digital is easy. And two point perspective is hardly groundbreaking.
>Ponies are marshmallowey and absorb physical trauma pretty well
>drop them like this >>14347879 to save money on parachutes
>well adjusted


i don't think i could be with ponies without corrupting them or suffering total rejection.
What if we want to rut the pretty Cajun Alligators?
>"Oh shit you have dragons here?!"
>'Yeah, you have dragons on Earth too?'
>"Used too, if ancient tales are to be trusted. I think we may have killed them off.."
>"And to think, they did it with nothing but swords!"
I'm triggered by that absurd gap in her thighs

that's pretty cute from the crotch-up though
can someone play with me please?

You mean like we already did here?

They were the reason the Mongols were the greatest tribe to conquer the largest amount of area.
>shoulders that jut out wider than the chest
>left arm longer than the right

I will say the right hand is pretty good.
If I were a stallion I'd want to rut a mare half my size.
>>>/horsefucking/co/weaver's thread/
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Wish granted.
Are you the size of Big Mac, or the size of a "normal" stallion
Pony is not space slut

Pony is how dogs are to humans; cute, useful, loyal, but also smart and intelligent

I don't think Khan would have gotten so far ridding on teeny tiny little apple horse
Oop, I can hop on with you, anon
I want to rut a shortstack sergal with my mighty dragon horsecock
if I were a mare half your size, I'd let you
That pony's not half their size.

I need a smaller mare.
Yellow one. Post above you. That size.
This's a really great moonpony princess
Thanks. Can you connect to it?
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always straight to the sex with you anon

If I were a stallion I would do a great many things

one must master the art of doing cute things for example

it requires very precise control
I meant combat and tech-wise. Very small, elite commando units based around magic, and very technologically advanced relative to humans.
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>Pony is not space slut
I'm on now
With out science and their magic the stars themselves will become our slaves
One must also master the art of wearing cute clothes to be a stallion.
She'd probably consider that a challenge, with predictable but humorous results.
Nigga, we got a princess that can move stars.
We gonna become space marines.
>domesticated dogs

They're much dumber than wolves. They're pretty much bred to only be smart enough to do very specific things in response to very specific stimuli after months of training.
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Sure you don't want to go bigger?
>humans working with magic

I hope you're ready for supervillains
um, acutually yes he would. the horses they used at the time were small ponies. and the people of that time were smaller too.

i have a picture of Khan milking and riding pinkie too

in terms of volume and weight i would say more then double. remember the cube law or some shit. what you want is a mare a 1/4 your size in actuality then
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but that is wrong anon, just look at the post you are quoting

that pony is very clearly a master, and like almost every other pony in ponyville, completely naked

YOU can be the snobby clothes covered canterlot pone
I want a megabat
Even if she just rotates a planet that's a potential asteroid bombardment pony right there
Put it in your mouth, stupid.
They're as smart as wolves but in a different way. They're more smart in social-ways. They can read human facial expressions better than any other non-human animal on Earth.
Caimon is not for sexual
>Someone thinks it will be funny to stick a sugar cube on a ponies snout like a dog.
>His commander has to deal with him in the medical building.

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How could you do such a thing?
There's a nice check in that only ponies get magic and their magic is powered by friendship
Maybe if they're border collies.
That pony has already mastered the art of clothing. It's an important step that cannot be skipped, but as usual, you want to try to short-circuit the whole process because you don't understand what it means to be a pony.
can facesitting be platonic
>Using asteroids.

Asteroids are not "Free" citize-
What's that?
Oh they are now?
Well shit.
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but you look better with short hair
they used their horses milk, i guess it was for historical accuracy and a bit of humor, considering pinkie's face of disinterest in the whole thing.
Why does she keep asking for sexual then

what if our magic was powered by unf
>a mare 1/4 your size
>she's wrapped around your flare, squelching violently and begging you to push her deeper
I just want giga pony to spoon me.
Tank's helicopter thing looked like magictech.

That means that we could make magictech with their help. And if ponies don't want to give us magic...
"hurf durf I want a bunch of unhappy naked pony slaves"
-Flying "Sombra" Saucer
I fucking love that cap.
>"Ok pony, find the contraband in the luggage. Good pony, find the stuff!"
>"Anon, couldn't we just question the suspect a little? Also I could probably just find it with magic instead of just sniffing around for it."
>"No, bad pony! Bad!"
>Sprays then with water mister
then god help us all


well ok, next time i see him i will captcha. thanks for the advice i guess

What is the optimal pony size for cuddling and more cuddling?
sombra -> sombrero (hat) -> flying saucer (vehicle which resembles aforementioned hat)
oh shit
>"ahh! stop that! cut it out!"
>pony blasts human with a magic waterfall
what if

finger puppet sized mares
and you have one on each finger, grinding themselves to orgasm after orgasm
Unfmancers like EA would wield undue power.
why is human so dumb?
>Animal control is called
>Pony is put in small cage and made to sear a muzzle
>Humans get magic
>Pretty damn good at it
>But it's heavily regulated by a magical surveillance state

You know it would happen. It's probably already happened in equestria.
>you will never help pony get swole
the bigger the pony the better the cuddling
>Water pushes the drugs out of the briefcase.
>Throw a toy on the ground.
>Pony instinctively grabs it in her mouth and wags her tail.
i like big ponies
i prefer macro, i don't want to hurt the ponies...

yes please
maybe you're just misinterpreting her down home louisiana slang
Large enough to wrap your arms around easily, but light enough for you to lift them above your head.
Also, 14 inches
>Human control is called
>Human is put into prison van and handcuffed
both are going to have to go to sensitivity training for this I reckon

All I can think of when reading your post is this:
Persoanlly I like all sizes.

Say you have a tiny Applebloom the size of shoebox. Can just hold her super close to your chest, arms around her warmly and protectively.

Or medium pony that is like big dog. Perfect for mutual contact.

And then you have super bog pony. You could lay on them and there is more to love
Would you be ok living in a pony ruled society where Humans are used more as Soldiers, Technicians, and other more physical forms of labor? This society will also view humans as the more verile of the two species
I've never been to Loozy Anna.
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>owning a dog that isn't a master race collie
or she has a gator boyfriend and is just toying with her food...err i mean us..
I think you're trying to keep her for yourself
You just held out your fingers and the mares lined up and started grinding up against them until your digits were halfways into them, more or less. They'll be fine, and your fingers are gonna smell like marecum for weeks

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Approx this size
So exactly like earth but with a cuter government? Sign me up.
you're probably right

no creature could love someone as wretched as I
God damn it now you're making me homesick. I have two border collies and a Rottweiller back at home.
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Celestia is making you a cake.

I would like to live as an equal, nothing more, nothing less
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>Shoebox sized
>Pony is put in a small pen with a couple others, given dry food and no legal representation, but is out as soon its determined they arent a violent animal and are no danger.
>Human is put in hold and anally raped repeatedly. Has to pay ten grand in bail. Court date is months away
I swear I'll punch you in the throat
Yep, did you see the SciShow's computer program that calculate where war spread and why, it was predicated greatly on grasslands and horses.
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I would not because then I would not be able to contribute to society
>tfw CON dump stat
an Earth pony would probably be better than me at literally anything physical.
I agree. That human is too gigantic, though.
.....what the hell could I protect Twilight from that she wouldn't be better able at protecting both her AND me from?

She's got magic
No! I don't want to be a cake!
I wanted to be a pony! A pooooony!!!
I'll incorporate that into our next gay ERP~
You will never be a mare in a pretty dress
>having a Rotty

You're my bro, bro.
Boop me if you decide to get back on
You would be tasked with designing and building thing or fighting for a group you liked

Those are some of the most prestigious jobs on earth
Is there any size that ISN'T good for cuddling?
You have arms and fingers and things. You my not necessailly be better in terms of brute strength compared to an earth pony, but you're able to translate that strength into different things. The jobs aren' strictly menial either. They could also be pilots and other jobs like that.
Why even wake up in the morning?
Or is the pony too small?
i dunno anon, you almost sold me, but no penetrative sex is such a dick tease....
It's fascinating stuff, isn't it?