Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
>>14341898I can dig this topic
transformation into clothed flower ponies
>>14341934Anon.. you are entering super villain territory here
What if the only way to be transformed into a stallion was to be forced femenized by Rarity?
any requests?
OP, I'm really getting sick of your thread deletion shit.
Twilight Time
Can I be an Earth pony too?
>>14341898Earth Pone rule, other pone drool.
>old thread dedwow, that was fast
why did the previous thread get deleted?
>thread deletedwell that isn't omnious
>Old horse got shot immediately.
>>14341949it would depend on the duration of said ordeal
>>14341950Rarity doing Diamond Tiara's makeup
>>14341950Remove the wings
>>14341955I assume it's some /b/tard, they did that shit with their own threads all the time so they could immediately repost all the pictures instead of having to wait for the thread to die
Previous Thread>>14337923[MLP:FiM Link Board]Version 8.2.1 10/15/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links: picture-script (for porn/stuff):-
What if pone pooped foodstuffs
>>14341924that must be a really awkward petting positionhead behind seat with the hoove in front of it
>>14341974To make it last you would have to constantly go to her shop every and let her do it. She would never make you do anything lewd outside of the femenization, but if you miss a single Saturday you will wake up back on Earth as a human.
Earth ponies only exist for physical labor
>>14341950older Scootaloo and Sweetie cuddling
>>14341912Wait, some freaky CMC alicorn hybrid?
I want to hear best princesses in a deut
>>14341949Yeah ok
>>14341932PRINCESS TIME!
>>14341950Applebloom anon cuddles
>>14341997Earth ponies are outdated farm equipment.
>>14341996that sounds like a pretty rotten deal anon! I could see it being for a set period of time, then you could just endure it like hazing but maintaining it like that seems almost villainous
>>14341997and you only exist to suck dicks
>>14341950Rarity forcing some poor colt to dress up like a filly and model her pretty dresses
>>14341979But why would you do that? It's great to have new or different content instead of the same images over and over. Maybe it's someone who has a grudge over fetish talk.
>>14342011Poor Dash. She will never fast again.
>>14341995>LayersHow do iFuck
>>14342035Well it's not like they do anything in the dead threads. They mostly just do whatever they do in live threads.
>Pone learns about human history for a dayWhat does pone ask you
>>14342020Do you want to be a cute stallion or not? I'm starting to think you don't.
>>14342035>But why would you do that?Because they were avatar fags.The fetish thing could be a good explanation too.Though if thats the case the person is kinda stupid because it just means that the fetish talk will happen in the current horse.
What if you got to Equestria due to the result of a failed spell that swapped your body with a unicorn mare? Would you pretend to be her and live her life? What if you didn't know how to do magic at all? Also, how would pony fare in your body on Earth?
ITT: What ifsWhat if Twilight failed to befriend someone? Like going full sperg rage on them when Pinkie celebrated a party for her?
>>14342060>"See something you like, anonymous?"
>>14342066of course anon but cute does not have to equal feminine
>>14342034>Some poor colt.>Not Cobalt.
>>14342060>Oh my god are you seriously staring at Shining Armors butt?
>>14342071>Because they were avatar fags.Damn, of course. I didn't think about that.
>>14342011This is much funnier than I thought it was gonna be.
>>14342007Sort of. I had a mini-joke set-up where Diamond Tiara was going as the scariest thing she could think of: blank-flanked Apple Bloom. But Silver Spoon couldn't decide which of the other CMC to be.
Pony says stop fucking around and do the damn thing
>>14342071>>14342035>>14342062but you can't delete threads anymore, I thought?
>>14342074>What if Twilight failed>implying a perfect purple pony princess would ever fail
>>14342064"Why is he so perfect?"
>>14342043>tfw she will never finish that project
>>14342082>>14342071Who the hell avatarfags in MLPG?
What do you all think this plays a roll in S4 with?My guess,Some BS tree of life is sick all the girls have to give their elements to heal it, this way the writers can be lazy and not have to use these things again
>>14342091supposedly /mlp/ is exempt or something
>>14342085It's funny to remove things on ponies.
>>14342064"Why did your best scientist, Nikola Tesla, never get credit for inventing electricity or the radio? Those sound kind of important."
I've been trying to draw more dynamic poses latelyRarara is about to zap someone into a crisp
>>14342077It's not like she's parading you around town in pretty dresses and a vibrator hidden inside you or teaching you how to give the perfect blowjobs, she just wants to dress you like a mare once every week.It's not going to be THAT bad.
>>14342064Why did hats go out of style so relatively recently?
>>14342100scootanon used to.
>>14342091You can on /mlp/Because moot hats us
>>14342105heacanon status: It's totally ExDeath
>>14342091In /mlp/ you can>>14342113>shittiest ponyYou're dead to me
>>14342115I suppose that could be dealt with if it was the ONLY wayBut I would not be happy about it!
>>14342105It froze the elements of harmony and the big bad is using the elements against the ponies.
>>14342125He didn't even draw Dash this time.
>>14342125I don't want to have anything to do with people who call squiggletail shit so we both win
>>14342113you drew something i really liked, once
>>14342113That's what he gets for wearing leg warmers>>14342121>>14342125If moot hats us so much why doesn't he just delete the damn board?What was all the doomsaying around the con about, anyway? I heard he said something about /mlp/, but I never heard exactly what.
>>14342105>Twilight is the fundamental force holding everything together>Celestia and Luna are kind of on the bottom as a footnote>The other elements seem pretty important and give the tree, which is mostly Twilight, life/power
>>14342113RADICALBut she isn't the dynamicalestest pony. You know who is?
Worst fears of S4?>Celestia and luna vanish in the everfree and "have to go away for a while"; they aren't seen until the last episode where they both have a line or two.This would explain why the girls explore the old castle in S3
>>14342131You'll learn to love it
>>14342105the other 5 are expendable
>>14342145>why doesn't he just delete the damn board?Because if he does people will just ignore the global ban of ponies (even more than they do already anyway) and his mods will have to deal with it.
>>14342151I think it's meant to say that Celestia and Luna are base of the tree.Also giving power, they are the roots.
>>14342161I don't like that look anonymous
>>14342145moot doesn't hate us, he's pretty indifferent to us.
>>14342160The synopsis specifically says they go missing, doesn't it?
>>14342151>trunk of the tree>a foonotedo you know how trees work anon
>>14342179Yup which worries me more
>>14342166Oh, darn, can't think of a way around THAT. It's not like he could just REMOVE a misguided rule or anything.>>14342178That's what I thought, but what did he SAY?
>>14342176Give it a minute, she will be crying.
>>14342131>By the 'end' of your training, you must be able to pull off a convincing enough 'mare' that you can score a date with a stallion of Rarity's choice>She gets you to lure him in>After he finds out you're a guy, she plans to swoop in and take your 'date'>Her plan falls apart when the stallion says he's bi and still interested
>>143421693 butt checks
>>14342169Can she really be dynamical with such a fat butt?
Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
>>14342196If he removes the rule he will have people bitching about it again.If he doesn't remove the rule but deletes /mlp/ he will have people breaking the rule all over 4chan.It's just the least work for him to keep /mlp/
>>14342181Oh, do tell us you fucking hippy.
Someone streamI'm dying over here
>>14342160>whole season without Celestia and LunaDon't even joke about this, Anon.
>>14342105>the writers can be lazy and not have to use these things againBut the elements are the laziest fucking items in the show. We don't even know what they do outside of zap the big bad and solve any dangling plot threads.
>>14342164Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
>>14342215Get stuffed, Frodo. You don't have any faithful students.
>>14342250Who the fuck even says something like that? Fuck u Meghan
>>14342105>tree re-animates the previous holders of the elements of harmony>After 1000 years being encapsulated making sure the magic is kept within, they have grown bitter wanting to freely walk Equestria like the ponies who wield them>Won't go back in, but a stubtle hint that the girls if continue to use the elements will soon become attached and trapped in the elements one day
>>14342004I couldn't draw grown up scoots but I made her bigger
>>14342202Well that would server her right
>>14342239They barely do anything and we went a whole season without Luna back in S1.
Celestia has just as much personality as Cadence
so, the main villain is Exdeathright?
>>14342269duh, that's why her song was so shitty
>>14342269Candyass sucks, only time I like her is in the comic
>>14342268B-but, I already endured this mega hiatus, don't make me go even longer without my waifu...
>>14342160>>14342239Hold on guys. If they go missing, that means no sun and no moon. I'd say they won't go missing more than 2 episodes.
>>14342269I'm going to burn down your fucking house
Pony said sorry she's not made of sugar, and she's not good enough for you
>>14342269And I've been told you guys use "autism" as a joke.
>>14342288No, the sun and moon exist without them. They'll just have to get all the unicorns together to move them without the princesses again.Or some other pony that's powerful enough to substitute for them.
>>143422072 vaganiàsjustimagine
>>14342279Her and Fluttershy are both bad in the show, but they're awesome in the comics. In fact, almost all of the comic pony variants are better than their show counterparts.
>>14342319So... ugly.
It's true. You can chalk it up to the fact that she barely shows up, though. But she has just as much character as Cadence.
Who's your waifu?What do you hope they do in S4?
>>14342291>bouletMy fucking nigga
>>14342353she's back
>>14342343That picture is making me uncomfortable
what ifjust bear with itokay?what iffoodpony scat and watersports
>>14342353I am my waifu.I hope i sprout wings and a horn.
>>14342377rs plsdinner when
>>14342202Is a three-way an option?
>>14342353I like how competitive Luna is. She got spunk.
>>14342353Celestia.Basically anything that doesn't break character.
>>14342413He didn't say anything about canon.
I'm starting to feel the transition to the night threadI don't like it.
>>14342404>posting brony princess luna>posting her comic versionGet out.
>Inuyasha's VAwow
>>14342424Luna is not competitive in the showTherefore, the comics aren't canon
>>14342429>brony versionThat wasn't drawn by JJ
>>14342429But anon, Twilight is the brony princess now.
>>14342413Hey now, just because they're not canon doesn't mean that they aren't portrayed in comic book form better than they are in the show. The personalities in the comics are golden.Also, I think some of the main arcs in the comics are considered canon or at least cross-checked by McCarthy, though some of the little stuff like pop-culture references probably isn't.
>>14342450But that's not the problem. He even posted a picture of Luna from the comic because he's talking about her. What do you want, people to start saying explicitly "Hold on guys, be careful, I will now be talk about comic!Luna"?
>>14342466>tfw dafty is ded
>>14342429>brony princess lunaShe'd have to be crying or sa.png to be bronytized.>comic version luna inferior to show lunaI'm gonna have to mark you down for that one.
So, we don't have synopses for all of them, yet, but I guess we know the first six episodes of season four.1-2 Princess Twilight Parts 1 and 23 Castle-Mania4 Daring Don't5 (Scootaloo's wings)6 (Spike and Power Ponies)...and 9 had the Apples Forever song.Wonder what 7 and 8 will be, then.
>>14342370I've been reading his webcomic, his works are criminally unknown except on /co/ it appears
>>14342468What does Dash do on Dashgiving?
>>14342466She looks pretty cute with her hair down.
>>14342518She hosts a nice meal for her friends and they all gather and play fun games and eat pumpkin pie and whatever horses do on fall
>>14342468She seems surprised.And fluffy.
>>14342515I am hyper than hype for 9Applepink episode. Best combination possible.
>>14342515>4 Daring Don'tI REALLY hope this has some jokes on indiana jone's remake
>>14342542>Pink tongueThis kind of annoys me.
>>14342554>Writer wants to do something different>Girls tell her it is best to stick to the old stuff
>>14342516He's really well known in France though. He was one of the pioneers in autobiographical-slice-of-life webcomics there or something.Most of his work is still untranslated unfortunately, but it's pretty great to learn French
stram0pone, 0satyr0human
>>14342637ponies have those anonso I hear
>>14342624>>14342599PfffIt's weirdly accurate with the update
>>14342648human butt > pony butt
>>14342627Avez-vous une problème?
>>14342624reminds me of a sniper duel i had on upward one time. actually, i used the crusader's crossbow. still won.
>>14342596Yeah, I've been reading the French pages and the English ones side-by-side. Helpful for colloquial stuff, and of course French onomatopoeia is always fun. >>14342627nice filename
Fluttershypublic use
>>14342657I think that still counts?>>14342672You are incorrect
Twilight Sparkle is black.
>>14342018not exactly that but it's acceptable I guess
>>14342629Is that supposed to be Alexstrasza?Or just some random dragon lady?
>>14342709Are crystal ponies shatter resistant?
>>14342793You must be in a room with bad lighting, she's very clearly purpleDark, but not black.
>>14342794Is Anon going to put her in the Box?
>>14342801they are not actually made of crystal, they do not shatter, so you can treat them like any other poneThey bend and flex and sweat and do all the normal pone stuff. They have a wicked visual effect though
>>14342657One day anonymous awoke to find himself in the form of a monstrous shitposter
>>14342801Crystal ponies do not shatter.
>>14342845>Twilight will die in your lifetime
>>14342847fat pony
>>14342860Do they make a cling sound though when your hips connect?
>>14342874One of the better kinds.
pony just beeped
>>14342894smash pony on the ground
>>14342860Oh yeah? What's that crack between her legs, then? I want a refund!
>>14342874She's not fat, she is "perfectly plump"
>>14342871Image swap?
>>14342794Is nicethank you
>>14342903Congratulations you just blew up Manehattan.
>>14342874fat princess
I would like a crystal pony added to the main cast
>>14342941my girlfriend is awesome at that game
>>14342920>A vagina isn't 'gaping', Anon, it's 'welcoming'
Rarity is not a slut.
>>14342914...Is it safe?
>>14342944What if she got permacrystaled?
>>14342956How do I get a girlfriend or boyfriend that likes ponies? Please teach me your ways, master.
>>14342973I mean....
>>14342983if you came inside her you'd be able to see your semen
>>14342973Sometimes I think you post this just so someone will write a Rarity public use fapfic or a tender loving Rarity fapfic.
>>14342973Of course
>>14343012No you wouldn't.
>maybe if I flip the canvas, no one will notice
>>14342992Not by not putting yourself out there.>>14343018I post it because it's true.The second option would be preferable
>tfw no qt popularfag stram
>>14342992she has no idea i like pone
>>14342941Really surprised Sony hasn't tried to do a sequel to Vita/PS4 with cross play
I am a slut.
>>14343038I can see where you're coming from but I think you're stretching it a bit
>>14343048Maybe Saine will later.
>>14343038That's okay. Tex abandoned all donutsteel rights to his drawings when he abandoned us.
I'm Captain Obvious
>>14343073>same clothes, same position, same everything, even to the folds of the clothesHe isn't stretching it at all.
>>14343048i can now if you likealmost done with my painting so then i can do sketches or something
>>14343078>>14343093Saine got popular with the homos once he revealed that he likes dick.
>>14343038>how to be a DA artist>find image>flip>trace>add shitty oc and tweak some detailsAll they forgot was the lens flare.
Is it so wrong to wish to be able to lick MT's or Rose's butthole clean?
>>14343104He was talking about CUTE popularfags, Mew!
>>14343097Hello Cap'n
>>14343060How can live your life with a poneless relationship?
>>14343048I would but I'm not a popularfag and I have this weird feeling in my stomach like I'm going to throw up
>>14343104But mewboru-kun, they said qt
>>14343048MSOB is streaming. He must be super popular because people put up with him not posting horses.
>>14343069jk no i'm not
>>14343146I just really, really love taking cocks in my mouth, ass and vagina.Sometimes I'll allow a nosejob.
>>14343143you are fun size, which has it's benefits
>>14343126You know what, I can't remember the last time I've seen him post a horse.I can't even remember the last time SB made a post that wasn't just him saying hi and goodbye.
>>14343143I was kidding, mewballYou're definitely cutePopular on the other hand
>>14343177I'm got you again! I've never even SEEN a dick up close before.
>>14343179Well I haven't since I have him filtered.I haven't filtered MSOB because I'm only waiting for that pic of his OC and Red as humans.
I colored this, this morning. Just dropping it off.
>>14343038Who stole from who?I can't into drama without context you derps.
>>14343197>I'm got you again!Ah-HAH. You've been found out, Rainbow Dash!
>>14343205He already did that I think.
>>14343205That's been done for days now
>>14341950pank voring fluttershy
>>14343216desaturated that background right now
>>14343146"Me? A whore? As if! The nerve of some ponies... thinking that I'm some sort of sweet tart to be ravished by the local stallions. The very thought!""Now, tell me... what do you think of these, darling? They don't make me look too slutty, do they?"
>>14343205Why wait?
>>14343110And the watermark
>>14343178y-you too>>14343193but mlpg calls me a popularfag all the time>>14343240>
>>14343205Is this a case of "I don't really like drawing ponies anymore, but I want to stay around here because I like the community"?
>>14343226>>14343228>>14343246Well don't I feel silly.Then yeah it's time to filter him.>>14343267More than likely.
>>14343241No, not at all. The fact that you're modelling them while flashing your rump at everyone DOES though.
>>14343225JOKES ON YOU
>>14343238I think saturated backgrounds look fine as long as it doesn't work against the colors in the image.
>>14343123I know what you mean, when I first streamed I was very excited, but anxious too, and when it ended I felt a bit uneasy. I haven't streamed since anyway, it's not very interesting: either I chat with people in the stream, or I actually get work done.Unless you're explaining things.
>>14343267Yeah there are a bunch of artists here like that. I guess MLPG is more likeable than everyone seems to think.
>>14343296its kinda hard on the eyesbut do w/e
>>14343246I'd fuck that Red
>roleplayingWell I was getting tired anywaysSee you tomorrow mlpg>>14343300I was explaining things. All I've had to eat today was pizza, donuts, and reeses buttercups. Only now do I realize my fault and I want to die. I kind of want to throw it all up.
>>14343329Lighten up, Twilight, it's fun, pony related, and acceptable on /mlp/
>>14343329Oh. Well I feel silly now. Sleep it off, nigga.
>>14343323>expecting Saine to listen to critique
>tfw ballsanon is ded
>>14343283Would you cum on them?
>>14343283"Flashing my... Oh please! There's nothing wrong with adding a little flair to my presentation. Since you don't like those, apparently, what about something a little more formal? How's this entourage? Appealing, is it not?"
>>14343323I agreement, but I do like the purple. I don't know how to desaturated but that might be the best idea.
>tfw AB is dead >tfw Apple hats us>tfw BDF is ded>tfw Caluriri is ded>tfw Changelingbro is ded >tfw Cheshire hats us >tfw ciircuit hats us>tfw Corwin is ded>tfw Creepy Curse is ded>tfw Dafty is ded >tfw Dalapony is ded>tfw Disco hats us >tfw Don.ko is ded >tfw Endii was killed by MSOB>tfw Gypsymagic is ded >tfw Hoppip is ded >tfw Jalm is ded>tfw Jailbait is ded>tfw Javkiller is ded>tfw Klondike hats us>tfw Kloudmutt hats us>tfw Kraut is ded and hats us>tfw LK is ded>tfw lolip hats us>tfw Megasweet hats us>tfw Mocha hats us >tfw Moe is ded >tfw Moophins is ded >tfw MiLes is ded >tfw Metals is in jail >tfw Nithirian is ded>tfw Noel hats us >tfw No-Ink hats us>tfw NPA is ded >tfw NTSTS hats us >tfw Obsidian is ded>tfw PHN hats us >tfw Peanus is ded>tfw PNGLN hats us>tfw PS is ded>tfw Rei is ded >tfw Reu hats us >tfw Rubro is ded>tfw SB is ded and hats us>tfw Scherzo hats us >tfw Shout hats us >tfw Smile hats us >tfw TAW is ded>tfw Tess hats us >tfw Tex hats us >tfw Unity is ded
>>14343300I've wanted to stream some drawing for about a year now. I don't really have any interesting things to say or any nice music to play so I just decided not to every time. Maybe one day when I develop a taste in music.
>>14343238You're one to talk.
>>14343400>tfw sentenal01 is ded and hats us
>tfw leth has been reformatted and has ponychan os twily installed
>>14343400You still got me though. I even drew something for you guys today.
>>14343400is glitterglue ded? haven't seen him around in a while
>>14343179>I can't remember the last time I've seen him post a horse.27th of octoberAt least that's the last time he posted a pony in his /art/ thread
>>14343425Sent, plsU aren't ded.
>>14343418play in the background and get on itI want to see your arts. Right here. Right now~
>>14343456He was here this morning.
>>14343425Thank fucking god.
>>14343400Arbeit macht frei.
>>14343179Last night. He posted this.
>>14343386i-i guess if you wanted me to>>14343391That IS a very nice outfit, though the hoof boots look a little...dangerous.
>>14343489wow those are some adorbs personhorses
>>14343484>sb drawing something that isn't snips snails or his ocssure thing buddy.
>>14343370Comeon anon, I consider all critique. I just think Mewball's opinion in this case is a matter of taste. Reducing the saturation didn't look that great so I pulled down the brightness instead.
>>14343456He has never died, 400+ year old witch ya know. His papa was crushed by a boulder for not ratting out other witches in Salem.
Not a single trick-or-treater dressed up as my waifu today.I did get a Fluttershy. But her outfit only consisted of a pink wig and wings that were the wrong color
>>14343516That looks really good! I'm glad you just made it less bright, I liked that hue of purple
>>14343516Honestly I think it's just a shit background, when you start saying "Fuck it scribbles will look fine" then you're half assing something.
>>14342841Why is chicken butt so perfect?
>>14343400>tfw Nonymous refuses to die
>>14343530how much for anal?
tea inflation
>>14343555She's not. Look she's twitching all over the place. There is obviously a defect in that horse, you should return her to the Equestria store and get a better model.
>>14343552It's not even my art though, I was just coloring it. If it it had a background I would have colored that too but the alternative to scribbles would have just been nothing.
>>14343516Comparing the two, the drop in brightness was a good choice. It's less harsh on the eyes and makes Brae stand out better. It's still ugly, but it's better.>>14343552The background isn't the point. There's a pony right there.
>>14343580>not just filtering him
>>14343581She only accepts apples.
>>14343588Actually horses do that.
A poorly placed raincloud rains on you and your favorite pony's picnic. Using your trusty jetpack, you're able to catch a glimpse of the culprit before she takes off. What do you do?
>>14343594>4chan on easy modeI'm busy enjoying my pointless anger.
>>14343516not as hard on the eyes anymore i think it would work better as a flat color or just a single subtle gradient tho, the strokes are a bit oddbut these are just details so w/e
>>14343596how many apples for anal?bareback
>>14343585dat flash, man
>>14343588But real life horses do that.
what if you were rarity
>>14343592>The background isn't the point. There's a pony right there.Dude, a background can enhance a picture or completely ruin it.
>>14343591Less is more applies to doing a half hearted effort and calling attention to it, rather than not doing it at all.
>>14343580Why would I die?Why would I pop into your mind when you see that list?
>>14343630Go cum on Scootaloo
>>14343624le slut face
>all that talk of streaming earlier>no one does
>>14343630go die
>>14343602>>14343623But I don't like real life horses. They are terrifying.
>>14343641Don't you know theres a thread for that?Go there
>>14343650msob is stramming
I'm gonna call it a dayGood night, MLPG
>>14343607>put up old western wanted posters with her face>cross off "wanted alive"
>>14343626>>14343625>>14343614I kinda like the scribbles actually. A static background or none at all would have worked too though, probably. I don't know much about art.
>>14343624Feel beautiful for once in my life
>>14343614>>14343626Flat single color backgrounds are boring though. I just thought a vibrant background would pull up the color a bit more but I probably just overdid it.
>>14343624Make dresses, be pretty, have best voice, pet my cat, go to spa with Fluttershy, drink tea, make dosh, yell at sweetie belle, make up later
>>14343658Let me guess, he's drawing the same picture he has always drawn for the last few years?
>>14343658stramming what?
Hey, youYes you, the one that can't draw.Stream yourself drawing.
>>14343555That little twitch she does with her front hoof causes a severe lack of insulin in my system
>>14343530Couldn't meet the eyes of a working poneUndressed to kill
>>14343705>implying I have a tablet>implying I know how to streamI'd like to if I had either but oh well
>>14343683then just gradient colors or even on a texture, although I think flat colored backgrounds are a solid choice most of the time>>14343698>>14343702im working on something right now so i have no idea
>>14343698No, this time it's a girl with huge tits in loose fitting clothing., this guy is just ripping these episodes to pieces.
>>14343707I would be okay if pone was this big. She would be fun to hug.
>>14343705No tabletAnd no drawing experience
>>14343737>that brony shit againplease leave
>>14343555She is an adorable pone its easy for her
>>14343751Draw pony with your mouse in MSPaint. Do it as best as you can. Post it here.
>>14343687>pet my cat,Could I pet your cat?
>>14343758FlyingSaucer, who's this pone?
>>14343773If I were Rarity, I would probably take offense to your lewd implication and, following a good slap, would proceed to inform you that privilege costs 8 bits.
>>14343469>>14343519ah, good. it seems he's just on when i'm not then.
>>14343865The apple mare with 8 foals
[ominous latin chanting]
>>14343851I thought that would be some super-enhanced version of macromastia but you're just a dingus
>>14343870ShitI can't even read it and I heard it
>>14343895MRS. TARA STRONG™
>>14343721I don't like it as much but I'll throw out a flat background too.
>>14343881How do we know she has eight foals?
>>14343715Oh look, it's the attention whore.
>>14343882Neko please don't obsess so hard mew is but a child
>>14343937would you...a filly lyra poni?
What's Rose's tumblr?
>>14343933She said so in the show.Also, Babs is cuddliest filly.
>>14343948would i what?
>>14343933By dividing the height by the width of her gaping maregina
>>14343933Its said in dialogue as shes speaking with the other apple pone, pic related, making fritters with her. Specifically she talks about her 8th foal, Apple Tart
>>14343998She must be Catholic.
>>14343972Would you cuddle Diamond Tiara and Babs so hard until they are so overwhelmed with pleasure they pass out from your tender embrace
>>14344026That pony would give me some awful taco shits.
>>14344027But Anon, they are also lovers!
>>14343998Oh, I just looked it up.Jesus these ponies are so from Wisconsin it hurts.
ponies slathered in chocolate syrup
>>14344027How do you know it's not Braeburn's wife?
>>14344008>"Six foals Catholic."
>>14344041I think?Is it legal? Because it kind of sounds like something that might not be...
>>14343976Eh, I thought it'd be full of boring anthro.
>>14344058That goes against everything my headcanon stands for.
i really like their manes
>>14343946toolate>> with ye
>>14344008Or she is making use of the real earth pony special trait!>>14344011Tacoburn always made me chuckle>>14344051And it was strangely adorable when coming from a pone wasn't it?
>>14344052What a waste of chocolate syrup.
>>14344083>Spoons.I don't get it.
In actuality, Braeburn is engaged to a wonderful mare from another frontier town, Salt Lick City.
>>14344075No one has to knowYou're not going to tell, are you?
>>14344122>Hes engaged to a filthy Mormon.
>>14344099But anon, you have to lick it all off.It's a royal decree.
>>14344099>not enjoying your ponies with copious amounts of chocolate
>>14344126Of course not, I just don't want Diamond Tiara to use it for blackmail.
>>14344052i got one of my waifu. she looks so happy. ;_;>>14344115i think it's supposed to be assissans creed witch blade thing
>>14344143Nope, they're Lunar Revivalists. That's why they have such a great night life!
>>14344150>>14344162So it's a Rarito?
>>14344154How unbecoming of a princess to get so messy.
>>14344082It still makes him a virile stallion>8 foalsjust with maresheterophobe check your priveledge
>>14344180I bet Jack in the Box is responsible for this...
What do if you find pony in your food?
>>14344115>>14344161She's supposed to be Logan, you fucking morons. Holy shit.
>>14344162I'm pretty sure that's a crêpe. It's still hella cute
>>14343845Oh, she's ready alright...
>>14344193So...they are part of the New Lunar Republic?
>>14344205Don't tell me what to do, nerd.
>>14344205Earth Pony Fertility, man
>>14344180>>14344113Go fuck off to your local eatery ya goddamned pepperbrony
>>14344219ah that would explain this scene
>>14344239What no that's stupid. It's a mild religious schism, not a political one.Jeez.
>>14344219Oh shit, I hadn't noticed the sideburns.
>>14344241feminization is a good fetish.
>>14344238That picture gives me an odd feel. I want to make Gloomy feel happy, not the "fake smile everything is okay for everyone else," happy, but "I feel appreciated and loved," happy.... looking at what I wrote, I need to get a girlfriend.
I love Rarity
>>14344296She doesn't love you.
>>14344219Who the fuck is Logan?
>>14344294I think that's half of why people like her so muchthe idea of making such a jaded and...well, gloomy girl feel legitimately happy.
>>14344290It's just me and you, anon. We are the only two people in the general that enjoy forced femenization. Maybe one day one of us will get amazing at drawing and draw all the femenization we want.
>>14344316Wolverine, the X-Men character.
>>14344270No wonder Bon Bon hates everything.She's nothing but a troll!
>>14344294You're far from being alone, Anon.>that fucking marriage pic>that smile>that tear
>>14344316Hulk Hogans evil twin brother
>>14344296she's taken
>>14344316Wolverine, anon.From X-Men.
>>14344316some wizard
>>14344346worst ship
>>14344316Some kind of cheap car
>>14344329>>14344349>X-Men.I don't watch gay porn, is that from those .gifs I see you guys post?Is he the one who rips his skin?
>>14344316Why are you even on /co/?
>>14344294You think you've got it bad?I've got a problem.I live in total fantasy. I never leave my apartment except for essentials. I stay here and wait for Celestia threads to show up. While I'm waiting for new threads to appear, my life is dead. I have nothing to do and nothing to live for. At all.I just finished a Canterlot Wedding again, and now I'm genuinely concerend that I have blurred fantasy and reality. All day today, even at work, I daydreamed about Celestia. I wanted to be there for her. What happened to her was the most unfair thing. Her trials with Chrysalis made me cry harder than anything ever has. She needed someone, not someone like Twilight, or Discord, who fucks everything up and whines.I can't stop thinking about her. When I think about being there for her, holding her, telling her that it's not her fault, telling her that everything will be okay, not holding her for any gains for myself... I feel so strange. My chest burns. I know I must be sick but... could these feelings to want to comfort and bring her happiness be love? Am I in love with a fictional character?
>>14344346Why is Dash kissing Applejack's girlfriend?
>>14344376Are you fucking retarded or just pretending?
>>14344376That's exactly right! Way to go champ. Who wants ice cream, on me!
>>14344396hey Spaerk
>>14344349Humanized Squidward pls.Not everyone knows these things.
>>14344396The Anon is a coward. A collection of weak fools and dullards who wanted to voice out their vile words without so much as taking responsibility for what they have said. The reason why human voice is differentiable from person to person, is because voice give identity. The anon is the mask of the cowards of speech. They mean to hurt, destroy and ruin. The anon is stupid. A collection of shallow-minded mouths with no unity of thought. They do not forgive because they do not have a united identity. They do not forget because they do not share memory. You put a name to your thoughts to make a stand. You face the world with you opinion with your name engraved on it while you bravely stand for your beliefs. While cowards choose to hide their faces with "Anon"The Anon is irresponsible. For they is afraid of responsibility, responsibility to their words, their actions and their thoughts. They cower in the shadows of namelessness while they pester the named. They fool themselves that they are strong, but behind their mask is merely horde of closed-minded, cowardly wretches.
>>14344435In summary, your favorite pony a shit.
>>14344396Bah, that's okay. You're still working.I used to have a crush on Lucario after seeing that movie in which he dies. I'd pretend he was walking with me and everything. A means to cope is drawing your fantasies, or writing them. That's why I started drawing
>>14344448>being THAT newjesus
>>14344427Wolverine is pretty much a pop-culture icon. It's kind of hard to not know who he is.
>>14344457Oh right. Sorry.You're favorite pony a shit.
>>14344458some people are very europeanthere are places where black people are still considered to be pop culture props
>>14344458>Pop-culture icon.Oh!So he's like Justin Beiber? I haven't heard of his songs.
>>14344427>not everyone>posting on fucking MLPG, the one who gave a fucking shit about MLP back then on /co/How many fucking pissbronies did we get?
>>14344478>some people are very europeanSome people are very tall and merciless.
>>14344481You haven't heard his debut single "Redhead cuties"?
>>14344458>>14344483Relax you nignogs I just wanted an excuse to call Stu Squidward.Stop taking things so seriously.
Pony hasn't finished all her candy from Nightmare Night. Pony asks if you would like any since you couldn't go out.
>496 posts>149 imagesNew thread when?
Prettiest, nicest, overall best pony.Ponyyyyy.
>>14344483Anon...Let me let you in on a little secret...Come close...I was fucking with you.I know who Logan is.I love Deadpool.
>>14344503I didn't get any trick or treaters so I have plenty left, thanks.
>>14344506Haha. Ha ha ha.
>>14344506u 'aving a giggle, m8?
I miss when Pinkie had those mini 5 second songs.
>>14344238 ready?
>>14344546>she's talking about her genitals>ponies can buy and wear them like clothing
>>14344546>Porn.>Of our pure OC's.Sure is /b/ in here.
>>14344546>goat will never draw cute pornfucking markerknights
>>14344546>they didn't have any marebits more modestMODESTY ISN'T THE POINT GLOOMYNIGHT THREAD IS COMINGGET OUT THE BIG GUNS
>>14344567>you will never go marecunt shopping with your waifu>she will never lead you into the couples fitting room to try out a few sizes
>>14344570>>14344569You guys...
I don't really care for Gloomy
>>14344588Thank you for letting us know you don't like thing.
>>14344588She doesn't care for you
>>14344588Neither do I. But then again I don't care for Goat's art in general. And he's the one who made her and draws her the most. So I guess maybe it's an extension.
Daily reminder
>>14344588>>14344610Yeah, well, she's my wife and I love her, so you can just leave my house.
>>14342266I love ponies cuddling. I like to imagine slumber parties just end in a giant cuddle pile. Ponies just naturally doing the cutest things possible in a given scenario.
>>14344588>>14344588That's alright. I don't really care for a lot of OCs, but Gloomy and Marker are qt.
>>14344629And then reality sinks in and you realize you're putting too many expectations on them again.
>>14344631I don't care for marker much either.
>>14344546Dripping wet and winking.
>>14344631I don't care for rarity much either.
>>14344611Good thing I'm too self aware to ever spend any money on anything as fucking weird as a furry drawing commission.
>>14344631I think it's embarrassing that MLPG even likes OC's.Especially the object ponies. That is some /b/ level autism. And I hate the fucks who drew them into it.
>>14344546at full mast
Guess who just used his persuasive wiles to make sure this guy going to draw another
>>14344648Good. She's mine anyway.
>>14344648What ponies do you like? Or are you so jaded that you're just dead inside?
>>14344652Sweetie for the last time you are not a dog you are a pony
>>14344654>>14344672>>14344675I order you all to stop posting things I don't like.
>>14344637Are you trying to tell me I'm going to go to Equestria and they're just smelly little horses? Does their equine language resemble nothing but whineying and neighing and obnoxious noises? Are they all generally dull colored assholes building shitty thatch-roofed houses that fall with a stiff gust of wind?Are smaller towns like Ponyville livable for humans because of the lower population and the ability to retreat into the landscape?Does the stench of hay and shit become unbearable in the larger cities with some ponies deficating into the very crowded streets they walk?
>your favorite pony>your favorite episode
>>14344588You are just an OCist aren't you. Tell me one OC you like, and you can be off the list of hater of ponies.
>>14344690No, they just don't cuddle all that often. Only on special occasions.
>>14344697Alright, good choice.Crossed off the list of pony hater. But, I have my eyes on you. >>14344709Enjoy your fleas.
>>14344690They are going to smell like horses yeshorses that bathe regularlyIt would be different but not overpowering I imagine as they still keep things clean
>>14344697>>14344709These aren't me I hate those OCs.
>>14344693No I don't. I love OCs.I just don't like the concept or design of Gloomy. The fact that people only seem to post her when talking about fetish stuff is also something that makes me dislike her.That bat pony is cute
>>14344710Oh.That's fine.But surely really close friends might cuddle?When no one is looking? For warmth.
>>14344731Man that OC is terribly designed.
>>14344654>being this butt blasted over poniesGee, sure is pleb taste in this post.
What if Luna as a teacher was very harsh, but it just made the few moments where she praised you feel all the more important?
I like ponies you don't like.
>>14344727How do earth ponies clean back ends after a particularly bad time in the outhouse?
>>14344746Are you kidding me?
>>14344731You should have been around for her creation. It was almost exclusively "I would like to cuddle" stuff.Like ERP but with hugs and waking up in each other's arms and cheering each other up with presents and whatnot.Oh, and how neat it would be to hug a big, jaded pony and tell her it would all be ok, that too.
>>14344753You must be re-educated.
>>14344733I think pones are a bit more touchy feely with their friends than people are anonI think you are safe
>>14344748>"unf unf that salt shaker is a pony"Clearly, this is some quality shit...
>>14344746Yeah, she's pretty awful, but the concept is kind of cute.
>>14344746I disagree. You could argue that she's over-designed, but I think it fits the whole rockstar angle the pony has going for her. >>14344763I was here for it. I still don't like her.
>>14344748>that fucking recolorugh
>>14344763She had a bunch of sexual stuff the very first thread.
>>14344752I'd probably give up and break down because my sense of self worth is incredibly fragile.
i only like gloomy because she's big
>>14344774Her colors are terrible, and even as a rockstar she's pretty awful and overwhelming in looks. She is a bad OC.
>>14344785Yeah, but it was stuff like "good clean loving married sex in the missionary position that lasts for hours starting with the hair stroking"hardly fetish material, although I guess it does count.
>>14344768those pones are just huddling together to reduce wind drag so they aren't blown awaytheir intimacy is purely practical
>>14344806Draw a big guard mare.
>>14344788And if she came to you and said that the only reason she was so rough on you was because she saw in you the greatest potential of all of her students and she knows the only way for you to realize that potential is to overcome great challenges?And if she told you that she only gives you what she knows you can handle, but no less?
>>14344806You never draw herYou only draw Fluttershy
>>14343216oh cool! Thanks!I wasn't around to see it get finished but I like how it turned out
>>14344809You're a cute pony and I'd get crunk with you.
>>14344820They're not objecting to it and they're both enjoying the resulting intimacy though.
>tfw no preference in OCAs long as it's cute I don't give a fuck.
>>14344806Draw gloomy and lyra trying to out biggify each-other in front of mewanon
>>14343219if you're going to be new at least be nice about it
>>14344807You're entitled to your own opinion.
>>14344809"look at how far i can slide!" Damn you FIW, i cant unhear that line for that scene.
>>14344826i drew filly her like a few days agoalso im painting luna now get wrekt>>14344822>>14344839i might take requests after i finish dis painting hold ur horses
>>14344809Definition of uncool
>>14343038It's not the most original idea.
>>14344860Are you denying the fact that it's obviously traced
>>14344820If they were trying to reduce drag they would not be standing abeam of the wind with their wings flared anonBesides dizzy has demonstrated that she has a problem with touching other ponies.I mean look at that original image and consider her positioning. Dizzy is basically rubbing her teats all over Sassaflash's butt, nonsexually. Puzzle that one out
>>14344838Cute ponies are all great, but who is the cutest?
>>14344396jesus christ, are you me?
>>14343038>That's tracedYou're grasping at straws, the poses aren't even the same just similar. Heads different lines, ponies body at a different angle. Only thing I might concede is the humans back leg.
>>14344817You know, the only fetish stuff I really see with Gloomy is size-related stuff that comes with most macro ponies. Most everything about her is just loving intimacy.
>>14344876I'd an overly touchy gropey feely pony
>>14344825I'd have to spend some time alone, recovering. Then I'd calm down and try to understand what she saw in me and whether she was lying to motivate me or whether she truly believed in me.I'm not a very good protagonist to pick, Luna.
>>14344877>dulce's eyes
>>14344853you drew a tiny fluttershyand now you're painting fluttershy with a horn
>>14344900Well you are in luck anon I don't think anyone around here waifus Dizzy. She is available
>>14344731oh ok, you just don't like the fetishism of ponies. Understandable, but, it is after hours. Speck is adorable>>14344770not seeing ponies everywhere and even on the subatomic level. i'll be in the bathroom looking at the wall and see pegasus and froilicking ponies in the wall texture.
>>14344877stop pony that's too much sugar
>>14344898Yeah, it was all "loving intimacy" in that first thread, IIRC.>>14344902>>14344788I feel you, man
>>14344873>Are you denying the fact that it's obviously tracedYes. Overlay them. Other than the basic positions you'll find no resemblence. Pony dancing with a dude is not the most original dieas.
>>14344731I'd lick that pony's sweaty butt after she finished a set
>>14344897>>14344860>Tex drones
>>14344915she's okaybut her rabid fans are annoying more often than not
>>14344860>>14344922>>14344897I smiled, but only a little
>>14344926It's a pretty big sentence.
>>14344876>>14344876>Dizzy is basically rubbing her teats all over Sassaflash's butt, nonsexually. >Puzzle that one outi'll just rub one out instead
>>14344915>>14344915>oh ok, you just don't like the fetishism of poniesI don't mind that either. I just don't like that's the only thing she's good for. I'm also pretty bothered by it because it's the same thing every single day.
>liking OCsSo, which one of you faggots are pissbronies?
>>14344914I will court her at oncealso, look at all those ponies having the exact same eyes
I'm going to masturbate now, MLPG.I'll be back.
>>14344922It's so incredibly traced, that it's not even up for debate
>>14344965Prove it hate anon.
>>14344956It is a very common eye color amongst pones anon. I honestly think its the default color for the entire mare puppet. Often times when eyes glitch out they revert to that color
>>14344915>i'll be in the bathroom looking at the wall and see pegasus and froilicking ponies in the wall texture.I know a guy with what I'm pretty sure is a Persian rug; there are spots on it with Pinkie's colors on them where they could conceivably correlate to her shape a bunch of times. I can't help but imagine a bunch of Pinkie Pies whenever I see it.
>>14344952that bitch hair so fly
>>14344952>I just don't like that's the only thing she's good for.She's a melancholic but fun-loving pony. If all you can think of is fetishes it is your problem.
>>14344915>not seeing ponies everywhere and even on the subatomic level.It's called being normal and not an asspie like you.
>>14344915You.. do know it is Marker Pone you posted, right?
>>14344975what if that color is actually changelings
>>14344953It's good to have you here to make sure people don't like thing, anon.
>>14344974It's traced, obviously. It's not even up for debate
>>14344965I don't see it
>>14345002Then we are all doomed!
>>14344953>hating all OCs just becauseIt's like you hate fun
>>14345013BUT THE POSES ARE THE SAME IT HAS TO BE TRACED>hate anon logic
>>14344982I always thought of her as subdued, burnt out after a long time of ponying. Like she enjoys the occassional silence of a ded thred just as much as people talking about the show.
>>14345011if that were true then why doesn't anything line up here >>14345013>>14345028but the poses aren't even the samewhy is anon so dumb some times
>>14344995What kind of asshole does this?
>>14345013>those pants
All OCs are terrible.Never post any again.
>>14344952you could always add to her lore, she is like a blank sheet of paper practically. And to solidfy it get one of the artists to draw it. And bam, you might succeed.
>>14345031I've always felt the same. She's kind of jaded, too: she no longer eggs on Anons whenever they engage in "Who's Favorite Pony is a Total Slut" deathmatches, but just watches them with a bored smile.
>>14345034>>14345013being on a different scale doesn't mean it isn't traced. It's obviously traced so it isn't even up for debate
>>14344982The fetish stuff really seems to outweigh the non-fetish stuff from what I'm seeing. For the past month or so I have rarely ever seen someone post a picture of her that didn't include some kind of terrible fetish tacked onto the post. >>14345046I don't really care for her enough to do that.
>>14345013He probably just used it as a heavy reference
>>14345062It's you anon. You are the terrible fetish.
>>14345050Haha what
what would you do if you were Rainbow Dash?
>>14345050>>14345070moot moot please
>>14345036Every single MLPG purist."We would never do x.""We do x all the time!""Then you're not one of us!"
>>14344588My nigger.She's cute, but way too forced. And Marker's been ignored this whole hiatus.>>14344693I care even less for batshit. I'm not sorry.
>>14344978i want to draw on my wall outlining them...but that's a bit much, but, i have thought to use them as reference for positions and action poses.
>>14345072go fast?
>>14345072go fast
>>14345056Stop talking about shit you understand nothing about Kraut.
>>14345070>moot in charge of uploading pictures
>>14345063This. A.k.a. he copied the drawing.
>>14345013The negative space on the legs match closely. It's traced. At least that part is
>>14345070where's my scrunchy window dash???
some people will pick the most petty of reasons to hate things
>>14345062but marker pony is the slutty one with all the fetishes
>>14345072Ask someone to draw me better.
>>14345101I think the real question here is why the dude on the right put anon in black clothes on a black background
>>14345104>not tonight anon I'm tired
>>14345075no no, i was being rhetorical
>>14345072Go fast
>>14345063Probably for anon's outfit, the pony isn't traced and his head isn't traced.
>>14345072be disappointed for awhile I am not a stallionthen enjoying being a flypone
>>14345121I was thinking that the whole time while I was fucking with the paintbucket tolerance
>>14345062There's been plenty. I know the pantied Gloomy has been posted a lot, but that's not everything.
>>14345128I'd still pony you
>>14345092Why do people keep calling me Kraut
I like thing
>>14345127Tracing=/= using a reference
>>14345128well too bad your disappointment has made you back into a human
>>14345142Well thank you anon that would make me feel better about it at leastPony must pony pony after all
>>14345069What are you going to do about it?
If it weren't Tex's drawing people would be more apt to agree it's traced
>>14345122Don't come hanging around my door, don't wanna see your face anymore.
>>14345152Didn't say it was, but it might have been very heavily referenced.
>>14345101I still don't see itThey're both drawn with human legs, there are going to be similarities
>>14345072fuck fluttershy
>>14345101Uh, good eye.
>>14345142Would you a nerdy fast horse?
>>14344989you just lack fun and imagination, people like you grow old and splintered so fast. oh well i'll be here dreaming and being happy. instead of a sourpuss. have fun being "normal" what ever that is supposed to mean. lol>>14344993>please anon...pls but thanks for the new pic
>>14345136I'd be bored with Gloomy.I'm so bored right now.
>>14345155you are too late anon, anon already ponied me assuring I am safe from reversion
Msob seems like one of those artists who thinks his shit don't stink.
>>14345167Sorry, I misread. Boy do I feel silly.
>>14345147Because you know jack shit about art and constantly talk like you're some sort of expert. Go away.
>>14345173>that ponytailThat's adorable
>>14345168It's right in front of you. How don't you see it?
Do people seriously care that much if whether or not someone traced art from Tex?
>>14345168Stretch Tex and then look at all the creases in the pants
>>14345179But anon wasn't a pony.You weren't safe at all.
>>14345173I love ponytails
>>14345173I'd do anything to that fast horseShe's so cute and she doesn't even know it
>>14345178You could be bored together.And sometimes that's the basis of a wonderful relationship.Just being bored together.
>>14345168He most likely traced the legs, then used the rest as a reference
>>14345168Wait, wait wait. Those legs match up 100%. He traced those. Then from the waist up and for the pony he drew for himself.
>>14345203He doesn't have to be. Pony must pony pony does not state anything about pony being unable to pony humanIts like you don't even have a copy of the rule book
>>14345179Oh man did I ever pony youyou blacked out half way through I ponied you so hardYou woke up the next morning in a daze with a headache and pony parts
>>14345136It's just a neat picture.That follows from a very happy time for everyone.
>>14345198Look at all the people who are caring right now. They're even making side by side comparisons.
>>14345198It's arguing. It's fun. Were you there earlier? There's been light arguing all day, from reading order in comics to Princess sparkle implications.
>>14345177Whatever. The faggots who brought them here need to fuck off and die. Fucking attentionwhores.
>>14345193oh, yeah
>>14345231*sore pony parts
>>14345232Oh Marker.Now turn around and let me boop your boophole in public
>>14345229I looked at your rule book, and there are huge swathes of pages torn out and rules scribbled over with permanent marker. Apparently it goes from chapter 3 to chapter 12.
>>14345207Being bored with Gloomy would be nice.Just laying around doing nothing, not saying much but not feeling like that's a problem.And maybe falling asleep together for a nice long nap.
>>14345170how would you treat her though
>>14345234At least that was actually related to MLP.This is just asinine.
>>14345231>>14345247Wow anonWho knew ponying could be so intense
>>14345171I have a good eye?T-thanks anon~
>>14345252>permanent marker
>>14345271is she wearing that shirt ironically?
>>14345266Well, it's not like you can do anything about it.
Applejack, what do you mean gay ponies shouldn't be allowed to marry?!
>>14345272>S4 is going to be in 3-D
>>14345262Whoops Gloomy wants to watch TV now!
>>14345282She's keeping quiet and has to boop somehow.
>>14345263I'd treat her like a little princess. She's not my favorite pony, but I really would like for her to be happy. Have a stable relationship with someone that makes her feels as good as she makes the people around her feel. I don't want to see a mare as nice as her feel scared on insecure
>>14345238Cry some more.
Marker and Gloomy both are just a manifestation of the collective of MLPG. You don't like her because you don't like yourselfIf you like her then you are generally happy with yourself.only applies to those that write for her and draw her and use her as a avatar/mouthpiece and i know that is a trigger for some. but it is what it is. that's what OC and fandom canon do. image for effect. i love marker and gloomy
Anyone want to play TF2?
>>14345269well you certainly never will
>>14345285>AJ is a filthy mud Republican.
>>14345285That's right you pink sacko shit, no more snuggle with rarity.
>>14345284I can just hide the posts related to it.Works every time.
>>14345296But pony isn't on for another month.What are we watching?
>>14345308But Anon!I hate myself and I still like Marker.
>>14345202>>14345213>>14345212they're very similar but I still don't think it was directly traced>>14345198I'd much rather be discussing fetishes or something but if someone's going to argue a position I disagree with I'm going to argue my side the best I can
>>14345285Ah just don't think what they do is right is all. It goes against everything that Celestia stands for.
>>14345263Like a good marefried.
>>14345305>stable relationship
>>14345333But Celestia married Luna.
>>14344809supreme cool to the max
>>14345305>>14345335sounds pretty gay
>>14345308I used to like gloomy, but the whole "motherly" shit or whatever that it just turned me off to much. I honestly don't remember anything like that for Marker Pony.
>>14345312yeah. i'll check my favorite servers right away.
>>14345308I love them both and I hate myselfwhat now?
>>14345331>they're very similar but I still don't think it was directly tracedIt's like 1:1 for the pants. In fact, Tex altered the foot and it looks pretty awkward. It looks right in the original. So the image is like 25% traced. Not the biggest deal ever.
>>14345315But I already know anon, you were too late to rain on my parade this timeThis time you are doctor claw
>not tracingBut that's how you make things look goodFor example:
>>14345312Nolet's play something fun instead
>>14345305Same here. She deserves to be treated like a princess
>>14345342Now a stallion loving a mare that's a veryCommon thing common but beautiful all the sameStill there's something so neat something soExtraordinarily sweet with a mare who's in loveWith a mare
>>14345362But you still don't know. QED
You know who didn't trace?Picasso.
>>14345365that's amazing
>>14345376Picasso plsStop dumping on Van Gogh
>>14345372i still don't get why they have small penises and balls on their hooves
>>14345376You know who doesn't trace?Ross.
>>14345376He probably did to learn the exact motions of how other painted or drew their work.But he would never claim it as his own.
>>14345326>>14345347Always exceptions to the rules>>14345344You mean Celestia? I never seen motherly stuff with Gloomy
>>14345365Ok.I chuckled.
>>14345370Of course she does. Since she will be one.
>>14345376Picasso is shit though.
>>14345388No anon don't do this to me. I can't unsee it now
>>14345391Pretty sure Picasso didn't draw fat mimes smeared in shitPretty sure most artists don't draw fat mimes smeared in shit
>>14345387At least I don't get all bitchy because my life is shit and cut off my ear like some sort of freak.Good job, now you look as abstract as my art!