As it turns out, ponies can play cards!Who knew?>>14325842
>>14329695That board state is impossible.
>>14329731that's often
Pony cut her mane just for you
Previous Thread>>14325842[MLP:FiM Link Board]Version 8.2.1 10/15/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:
>>14329730they're both running land-free decks using custom cardsbecause they play for fun
Why is she so wet?
>>14329735F-for me? I really like it...
>>14329743That is the best way to play
>last thread is already gonejesus christ that was a close one
That last horse died and decomposed fast
>old thread 404Getting real sick of your shit, Anonymous.
>>14329735She looks too fucking adorable like that.
>>14329750Nonymous u questing?
I would like to see a pony version of thisideally with a wonderboltSoarin' would work pretty well
>>14329766>>14329770Holy shit, someone was ready for that.
Like I was saying.>>14329619I apologize.I guess everyone on this site is an oldfag then.I went to /co/ once.Didn't really like it.I guess to you that would make me equal to all the people who participated in the MLP General threads on /co/.We are the exact same entity.I am The Zam.And so is everyone else that has ever posted in this thread.Right?
>>14329766MLPG just pulled off the 4chan equivalent of the Geordi Roll can't wait for this movie.
Old horse died fuckin' quick.
Qute/Spooky quest: Doo stram: /cosmonawt
>>14329718The thing is that you actively defend it, and there's a big leap in logic when doing a drug and browsing a board.Which throws you into the same category as anything pothead, not capable of changing a person's opinion or improving their own.
>>14329735I bet she's downright proud.
>>14329765What?I've never smoked pot in my life.Or any other drugsOr cigaretsOr alcohol...>>14329779Eh, not feeling it tonight, I'll be in for the next one though.
Goodnight MLPG
>>14329766>>14329770>>14329775>>14329783>>14329794>>14329787the new thread link was posted, and this thread is already markedso who cares really
>>14329809G'night fast-blue lover.Your fic will be done soon.
>>14329805We spooked the hell out of Panko
>>14329766>>14329770>>14329775>>14329783>>14329787>>14329794It's the same Anonymous that deleted his thread yesterday. Because who cares once we move to a new thread, am I right?>>14329816See? This asshole.
I love Queen Chrysalis
>>14329816It doesn't matter, it's just unusual.
>>14329816Because I was going to watch the dedthred fetishry. It looked like a good one too.
>>14329794Lamar is a shitposter what do you expect.
>>14329820What kind of fic?
>>14329822Yes.Again, who cares?
>I'm going to assume a position to where coffee and ibuprofen is exactly the same thing as weed because if I don't then I'd actually have to try and do some convincing and that'd be terrible because I can't use logic!
>>14329845A lewd one.
>>14329848Why do you care so much that you need to delete your threads?
>>14329830Why? strong>>14329667i's not lost, just temporarily misplaced!>>14329662humans and horses have always been together, our future is entwined with theirs. the romans were proud horse people too
>>14329843Go away kevinsano faggot
>>14329853If you're gonna be straight edge be straight edgeDrugs are drugs, right?Or are you a dirty dirty drugfag?
So if Marker's a unicorn, does she have a special spell that noone else does?Can she make night thread's fetishes come true?
>>14329858So that people can post more images n a new thread,
>>14329848I careI was waiting to see if that guy would post "I love Twilight Sparkle" like he always does
>>14329850I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger. She ain't dealin' with no broke princess.
>>14329787>>14329783Yeah, it wasn't a fall-off-the-board 404; the thread before the last one's still alive.>>14323376Hang on, we can delete OPs again now?
Why can't the popularfags just go?
>>14329884Her special spell is boop
>>14329861She's sexy, she's a changeling, she represents the true ruler of our worlds etc etc...Better question would be why don't you love her?
>>14329816>>14329848Not that anon, but there are sometimes people who chat/RP in dead threads so as not to get in anyone's way in the new horse. If the thread gets canned, they would have to do it here and thus incur everyone else's wrath.Also, we seem to have a thing about not deleting threads, even if they're spam-ridden, extremely negative, or just shitty.
>>14329843>you will never do this for you good little pony
>>14329893>again now?we always couldthe op deletion rule never applied to /mlp/
>>14329872>The idea of straight edge is of refraining from using recreational drugs, alcohol, typically promiscuous sex, and generally avoid extremes.Prescription drugs and things like ibuprofen are perfectly acceptable, as long as they aren't being abused.
>>14329884She casts boop.
>>14329756>>14329778>>14329803Pony can't take all the credit
Pony still wants a donutwat do?
>>14329914>For some, this extends to not engaging in promiscuous sex, following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and not using caffeine or prescription drugs.I guess it's one of those "no true scotsman" things like christians that don't really care about the bible
>>14329902We need to make a new rule, everytime a tripfag comes in a new horse must be created .
>>14329902we still have >>14323376
>>14329913Oh. I'm a dummy then, thanks.
>>14329872Okay if coffee is just like weed then why don't everyone who smokes weed just give it up in favor of something that can be easily gotten?Same thing for ibuprofen or tylenol or an aspirin.Or there is a difference, a very very big difference between something for headaches and something for extremely effecting your mind.But go ahead and tell me that ibuprofen that I took last week is just like smoking weed.
Winners don't do drugs, guy.Do you even DARE?
>>14329902It's not like they've cared about ERPing in a live thread, and it if bothers people that much then they could just hide the original post that started the ERP shit itself.
>>14329927Seek the master
>>14329898>>14329915But other ponies can boop too? How is Boop different from booping?
>>14329924She's very lucky to have such a good friend who can help her that way.
>>14329941What if I win drugs?
>>14329944Who would ever erp in a live thread?
>>14329946Ponies can boopEarth ponies can boopMarker can CAST boop
>>14329958Then you can do them but they will disqualify you from winning the next time and you'll have to wait until the next next time to win againits pretty simple, anon
>>14329978That's fair, if I won all the time it wouldn't be fair to everyone else. I can sit it out and enjoy my drugs then get back into winning after I finish.
>>14329956>That 'donut' in the left corner.God damn, that looks yummy.
>>14329960But is it like a wizard casting fireball versus a normal guy chucking napalm cups?What does Boop do that a boop doesn't?
>>14329927That comic was really cute.
>>14329940You cant get addicted to weed. Only stupid poeple get addicted to something safe like weed.
>>14329988that's pretty cool, but is it even remotely related to ponies?
>>14330009MLPG has nothing to do with MLP.Welcome.
>>14329988There was really a point where this needed to stop
>>14330009MLPG isnt related to ponies or the show anymore. It must be expunged.
>>14330037Oh, it's you again.
>>14330026pretty, pretty ponypretty pretty, prettypretty
>>14329924Would Rarity ever use Fluttershy as a model to test new ideas on, seeing as Fluttershy has both practical knowledge and the experience of being a model?
>That premiere script partHype>That Episode 4 synopsis>We'll finally have some personality for Twilight's parents>more Daring DoHYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE
>>14330049And it's you again too. Nice to mee you. Ready to confess your sins?
>>14329897this is what you get for not fisting your pony
>>14330026SHIT, HIDE
>>14330026Could I invite pony to have tea with me some night? Would she consider it too much like a date or could I convince her I had more innocent objectives?What if we lose track of time and we both get hungry? Would she object to us going to get some dinner before I walk her back home?Surely if the mood was right and we were enjoying ourselves, she wouldn't object to a friendly kiss on the cheek?
>>14330052Go away military bcs fag.
>>14330066Father, I must confess...I haven't kicked your ass NEARLY enough!
Guys.Guys.I think - and hold on here - I think ponies might be drugs.
Oh Rarara-sama why are you so cute
>>14330118Because she's best pony.
>>14330087Well man I smoke tons of weed. Everyday! I have so much disposable income I go out buy this stuff.I also am in school on a full scholarship and pretty soon ill be an intern for an engineering company and ill be making even more dosh.
>>14330109Sure seems possible. I don't know what I'd do without my pone escapism. The sickening cuteness distracts me well.
>>14330096It was clear, Apple and Fast pone's kinky games we're getting out of hand.
>>14330118>Rarity is 22 cmunf
>>14330109Dash has such a punchable face
>>14330091Well if only you were /fit/ enough you would have a chance to kick my ass but of course you arent.
>>14330096these ponies sure get into some kinky stuffwith pinkie pie's diaper fetish to hardcore bdsm
>>14330155Even I wouldn't go that far.
>>14330118pot pipe version where?
>>14329927>>14329945Pony could have a donut if they wanted, right?
>>14330131I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't angry and jealous at you, mainly because I'm incapable of doing anything productive because I'm unintelligent and weak and very poor.
>>14330150>>14330154>Rarity is 22 cm and has a big headunf unf unf
>>14330190>more Dulceyesssssssssand she can have the super-sprinkled double chocolate one she's been wanting since FOREVER
>>14330200s-stop thatshe's bigger then me
>>14330197Cheer up anon, maybe in your next life you will be fortunate enough.
>>14330185Right here.*whips out Reefer Madness*
>>>14330200 (You)The ponies are very interested in you in that way, but you'll find that most of the ponies are bigger and thicker than you.Except, it turns out, Rainbow Dash's aerodynamic body came at a hefty price.
>>14330265I call mine belushie
>>14330297 (Me)>(Me)
>>14330051I believe Fluts is the most likely pony for rarity to do modeling on when confronted with a big client like photo finish/sapphire shores, but she'd still get all of her friends to help model equally
>>14330297I accidentally replied to myself instead of the person who replied to me. Sorry.
Look guys can't we all agree that popularfags need to go?
>>14330304(Charles Barkley)>Charles Barkley
>>14330306How does Rarity manage to hide Fluttershy's hefty marecock and bulging pony balls?
>>14330314All I'll agree to is that we need to discuss pone more.
>>14330304 (Pony)I'm getting a weird vibe from this post
>>14330314So how did this epin may may startPlease. enlighten me.
>>14330319>the eyes got bigger...How big can they possibly get?
>>14330320Why do you get paid?But do you get a rush you are on the internet?>up until I didn't have anymore movies to watch or games to playShit.Sounds like you do.
>>14330314So how did this e p in m hey ay m hey a y start?Please.Enlight en me.
>>14330319>>14330204>"What are you putting that helmet on for?">"You'll see in a second."
>>14330319BIGGER EYES!
So I suppose reaction to that page of the S4 premiere script the Hub uploaded a few hours ago was met with complaining about the retconning of the MMC ending and fact she was able to make gusts with her wings in that scene?
>>14330374I don't expect anything out of Meghan McCarthy. She's a hack.
whwre steram drunk give meWhay do you call Pinkie Pie and her father?Rock hard
>>14330320>Does 'bimonthly' mean 'twice a month' or 'every two months'?>Unfortunately it means both! In the publishing industry, though, it's used fairly consistently to mean 'every two months', so that a bimonthly magazine is generally one that's issued every two months. The same ambiguity affects biweekly and biyearly. If you want to be absolutely clear, it's best to use a phrase such as 'twice a week' or 'every two years'.Also.Please clarify.
>>14330374S4 is shit and panders to furry fags and brony populars.
>>14330391Stram what?
>>14330319More Savannah when?
>>14330410fuck off
I sware i think its the same 2 anons that come here and bicker with each other. You 2 make a great couple. Share skype infos.
>>14330410>implying that isn't cute and sexually appealing
>>14330410Nigga she a dog.
>>14330420Up by Pixar
>>14330439Mlp has dogs. Whats the difference?
post pons
>>14330420You need help. Seek professional help.
>>14330392twice a month>>14330343I get paid because of autism>Get a rush from being on the internetNo.
>>14330455Dog wears the collar, pony wears the saddle.
I want a stram.
>>14330421Fuck off Rose.
>>14330437hey, me too!
>>14330335>>14330373>>14330403You foolsWhat have you done
>>14330443Up was good
>>14330511>Coxthe definition of a guilty fap
>>14330519Fuck you rose. Die already.
>>14330480>I get paid because of autismBut why?I suffer fromextreme depression.Yet I don't get paid.What's the deal here?People pay you for having a disease?Explain please.
>>14330510what if they got all googlied
>>14330531Remind me what its full name is.
>>14330514>ATRYLI'm not sure if I've seen any of that.Yes I'm serious.
>>14330535Where do you live? Because you can get paid for depression if you live in America.
>>14330550it's just cox the fox
>>14330511pls no plsboner plsno boner pls
>>14330552There's like a limit right? If they get too big they can't googlyeye.
>>14330557>americaCentralNorthSouthwhatI live in the United States.So North.But not Canada.Why is this a thing?Anyway continue.
>>14330574If AA wanted to go full horror, I bet he could do some scary stuff with Dulce
>>14330571What's wrong anonThinking about those succulent, luscious lips descending upon the tip of your cock?
>>14330592we sonic nao
>>14330575United States.>Why is this a thing.Why SSI benefits is a thing?
>>14330592Worse. Think overpressured eye jelly.
Dulce is not cute.
>>14330591>not that perfect bubble buttfag
>>14330623I don't think you want me to think that, anon
>>14330623Applejack is so disgusted in that picture. I love it.
>>14330574>A limit.We just don't know...
>>14330646>Not making the Illuminati eye on the $1 a googly
>>14330640Damn it EA I was going for her eyes popping open and ocular jelly pouring down her cheeks as her skull started cracking.But now I have to fap.Fuck.
Just read Issue #12....I've wasted my life.
>>14330608I don't know what that is.Tell me how I can get paid from suffering from depression,Also are there any downsides.
powdered ponuts
Do you think you'd like the show more or like it less right now if you were able to somehow keep away from all parts of the fandom from the point you started watching the show to now?I'd think I may like it more since I'd go into it unbiased, but half the fun of watching episodes, even if I miss a stream and have to watch it later, is knowing that certain things in an episode would get a big reaction and seeing that kind of feedback reflected here and other places is great.
>>14330635Well, they can't all be the cutest, but some try
>>14330678Shut the fuck up lamar holy shit.
>>14330669I didn't have any singles...
>>14330687I would enjoy the show better if all the popularfags just up and died.
>>14330687I don't think my enjoyment of the show would change in any way, but MLPG has certainly improved my life quite a bit.
>>14330727How did it improve your life?
>>14330708Someone seems a little salty.
>>14330672Why would you do that?That's terrible.
>>14330690Who's lamar?
>>14330735That's not MLP related, anon.
>>14330676>DownsidesYou won't be able to work a job that pays over 100$ a monthAlso I think you can't have more than 2000$ in your bank account
>>14330754>If depression is the only impairment you listed on the disability application, getting disability will be a long shot unless you have severe, disabling depression. But if you also have a physical impairment or another mental impairment along with depression, you have a better chance of getting benefitsSo you're saying I have to spend a bunch of money and injure myself?
>>14330762i-i have a trip too
>>14330762<3 you too, anon.
The end of S4E2 will be Princess Twilight Sparkle triumphantly raising the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration.
>>14330753Neither is mlpg.
>>14330511> why oh why must I suddenly think of them accumulating almost all of the tips at the local club after adding their own 'special ingredient' to most of the drinks they've been handing out, only to then have it work against them as during an overwhelmingly popular night he's felt up and groped all over, pushed to the center of the floor and rendered completely buck naked as his short shorts and shirt are torn from him and replaced with countless hands and lips caressing every part of his twink-like body. And then they begin to fuck him senseless.
>>14330762Sounds like a good time to remind everyone that I'm streaming movies!
>>14330774I'm saying follow the uncle remus guide and get committed, it'd guarantee you getting approved.
>>14330762come on anon, you know even people without a trip or a name can case drama
>>14330791That would be super cool but I really doubt that's going to happen
>>14330675>tfw no highschool shenanigans to reminisce over.>because no friends, past or present, to talk with.>also no wife.
>>14330775>>14330786>>14330805Look. they come to cause shit, and try to defend themselves.
>>14330762>all contributors leave>MLPG dies except for hotglue and trapanon peddling their wares and the lonely shits left swearing up and down that MLPG hasnt died, no really>the general reduced to "hey did you see that, yeah that was sweet" and general shitposting about muh meganWith them gone who will you shitpost about and who will listen to it?
>>14330847>trapanonI thought he deded
>>14330847>hotglue and trapanon are the same person>occasionally lost souls from /mlp/ wander in to pester him
>>14330847why are you bringing up things that happened like a year ago?
>>14330845Rapey doesn't cause shit intentionally, he just has shitty opinions.
>>14330864>hotglue and trapanon are the same personNo we aren't
>>14330533>>14330525That's the least of your worries now.She's gonna have to brush her teeth real good after this.
>"Rarity...He's gone. There's nothing we can do."
>>14330533>>14330510>>14330882Hold the beef.
Place your bets, who gets the first line of the season?
>>14330894Soon she'll just be a giant eye.
>>14330899Fifty theoretical dollars on Twilight.
>>14330812>Implying drama.No, Anons can only shitpost.
>>14330894That's transcended donut and become a small cake.
>>14330899Royal guard #3.
>>14330899Big Macintosh.
>>14330894What if there was a picture of her face on the donut?
>>14330899Background pony
>>14330894My god. It's full of stars.
>>14330623...Space Ripper Stingy Eyes?
>>14330899Random Background Pony #17
>>14330894I think I can see the universe in her eyes!
>>14330955You meant Lyra
All righty, now question #2:Who will get the last line of the season?
>>14331004Pinkie Pie is the rarity version out
>>14331004Six bits on Derpy.Come at me, bitches.
>>14331004Princess Sunset Shimmer
>>14331004Ranbow Dosh
>>14331004please anybody but pinkie pie
>>14331004Winston Churchill.
>>14331004The main 6 laughing along with Celestia.
>>14331022I don't understand what got you so irked
>>14331004Twolot sparkle
>>14331004The main 6 laughing.
>>14331022>implying MLPG would pay for porn
>>14331004Nightmare Moon
>>14331046>"ScOOts, what are you doing??">"Neh-n-nothing! I was just... my nose itched and your nose was so close!"
>>14330910A donut IS a small cake though. Not in the same fashion as a cookie, but in essence, it's identical.I agree that is one fuck-diculous donut, though.
>>14331046Where are their coltfriends?
>>14331004If season 5: Pinkie or Twilightif not, Celestia
>>14331080They're still at that age where boys their age are gross.
>>14331080whose Sweetie's?
>>14331022MLPG is mostly from /co/What the fuck did you expect
OK donezo.Gotta get food, will do more once I'm back.
>>14331004Cheeky fiver on Discord.
>>14331022We prefer the term ponysexual.
>>14331112pony isnt my most fapped to animal anymore but i am still not a furry
>>14331118He looks unimpressedand just to complete things, who is Applebloom's coltfriend?
>>14331118>Featherweight's face>sigh, she's flirting with me again
>>14331131who would he want to flirt with anyway?
>>14331128None. But Snips is crushing on her.
>>14331149other cute little colts
>>14331166>>14331112>How to say you're a furry without saying you're a furryYou weren't always like this, mulpug.
>>14331172The Captain Kirks and Commander Shephards of the universe.
>>14331170i like your opinions
>>14331182We kinda were..
>>14331182I disagree
>>14331185But what if you just want to cuddle a warm, soft pone to sleep.
>>14331221Lots of normal people sleep with pets in the bed, I doubt that would be any different. You don't need a special name for it.
>>14331182I was a furry before mlpg
>>14331216>left: rarity during sex, do fuck. she likes to have multiple cocks in her.>right: rarity when she's composed enough to empty your wallet. do not fuck.
>>14331226Except, you know, highly intelligent and don't smell terrible. And much more cute.
I hate Betty White. All she can even do anymore is play the OH SNAP SO WITTY grandmother role in every movie. Come to think of it most celebrity actors who seem to be okay with being typecasted as the same character bug the shit out of me. Fucking sameface, 2D, SSDD money grubbers letting themselves become famous for limiting their range. It's like how memes work when you think about it, they've become stale and rely on being well known to continue to be well known.
>>14331252that is some fucking cool armorhow much?
>>14331256It's at $250, RESERVE NOT MET
>>14331244>you will never be sexing an little pony so hard that she ceases to speak English and begins making horse noises
>>14331255Well you can't really do much at that age.
>>14331084>not "Ross enters the thread"pls.
>>14331279She could always retire or expire.
>>14331281No you idiotEA loves da ponuthuge onesme too
>>14329695But can they play strip poker?
>>14331247>Humans in Equestria>The most common close relationship is 'cuddlefriend'.>Humans want a warm, cuddly pony to sleep with>Ponies want something big to hold them and make them feel secure>There is usually no sex but it strains more intimate relationships>If you become too friendly with a human, ponies will begin to talk>"I heard he spent the night at his house.">"I bet they even shared the same pillow.">Of course it's mostly jealousy because they don't have their own human to hold them while they sleep
>>14331281Ross is mimes and fatEA is donuts and hentai dialog
>>14331297>this is what diamond dogs really believe
>>14331304"Look, it's everything you love inflated to grotesque proportions!"
>>14331170Which colts would Featherweight like to hit on?
>>14331308It's totally true, my friend knew a pair like that.
>>14331297What if humans got there and they wanted nothing to do with us? The most you get is that strained courtesy and painful looking smile people give when they don't really want to be around you.
>>14331315"wow Ross, this is uh. this is really.... something."
>>14331155But he's splotchy! It's going to drive Rarity up the wall!
Cute "Quest" concluded for tonight.Thanks to those who participated, I hope it was fun. Not so spooky past the beginning. For now.Have a nice night everyone!
>>14331315EA tries to do RP with things his partner enjoys, and he doesn't go all out unless there's some go-ahead.I should know, I've read a LOT of his stuff.
>>14331334Nonsense. Have you seen the way they fawn over "small animals"? We'll be locking our doors at night so we don't wake up as the little spoon.
>>14331360My main goal is for my partner to enjoy themselves.If I can do that and get some fun out of it too, then all the better.
>>14331334We'd take a few unicorns back to earth, nuke the rest,, and leave equestria without a sun while trying to figure out how magic worked
>>14331360>tfw too crap at erp to keep his interest
>>14331381sounds like you haven't even tried
>>14331364>not covered in ponies trying to spoon you every nightAND YOU SAID YOU LIKED SNUGGLING
>>14331346Aww. I completely forgot it was tonight and not tomorrow.Oh well, thanks for doing these quests. How much longer do you think this one is going to go on for?
>>14331372>new pony race tolerant to human cuddles cloned>equestria repopulated>ponies cuddled>good end>but they all have their fanon personalities
>>14331334I can't really imagine that, ponies seem pretty friendly.
>>14331381What did you try?If it's been recent in the general, I've been starting things too late and falling asleep like a jerk.
>>14331401Make it more like a light rumbling and it'll be perfect.
>>14331401She's GOLD I tells ya!Best filly after Munch and Samoa
>>14331420>light rumbling
>tfw spooning and your skin gets all sweaty where it touches the other personthis is why cuddling with pone is superior
>>14331392The cute "Quest" portion will go on for a bit so players can try to woo their stuff one way or the other. I'd say at least another month of sessions before that one ends or significantly changes.The end of Cute "Quest" will lead into a mystery/adventure quest that'll have some continuity with the happenings of this "Quest." But that's a bit down the road.A lot of that is up to players though. If one day they all sit down and say, "I've settled on X," then that'll signal the end of part 1.
>>14331389I honestly don't know how I'd react if I woke up one night covered in mares.
>>14331418Ball worship a few days ago.I think it was you, maybe it was someone else.
>>14331437just relax and roll with it
>>14331430Horses have higher body temperatures than humans though, so you'd probably just get sweatier.
>>14330645She ain't disgusted, sugarcube. She's thinking "what the buck".
>>14331430Shit, I never even thought of this.Fuck.
>>14331445but they have furwoudent get all sticky and whatnot
>>14331438Yeah, that was me falling asleep like a jerk, sorrySkype has really spoiled me on ERP too
>>14331371Do you do drugs, EA?
>>14331430Horses sweat too.
>>14331465This.It's skin on skin contact that causes the damned sweating.
>>14331426This man shares my opinions.
>>14331446>no apples in apple tree
>>14331445>>14331445Then the human should probably wear as little as possible to avoid getting too sweaty.So you'd just have a human in their bare underwear and a pony with nothing at all.Except on really hot summer nights.
>>14331467Not on the regular since I enjoy being employedBut I'm not against it. Come to think of it I should find a good hookah bar in the area...
Pretty ponies.
>>14331420>>14331401>>14331426okay it's telling me I can't post this unless I take down the other one for some reason.
>>14331475>tfw you'll never have feel Dashie's horse lather-sweat smear across your skin as you rub your face along her coat
>>14331493Much better.
>>14331482Hot summer nights suck, pony should migrate north for the summer.
>>14331466Maybe we can continue it later when you're not tired.
>>14331506I'm not him, but I can tell that's a fucking stupid idea.Either you're drugshitposter trying to find a reason to hate him or your someone who's trying to get drugshitposter to hate him.
>>14331524it's the drugshitposter because he has a drug fetish
>>14331524No, I just want my fetish satiated by the fetish master.
>>14331511>tfw 6 months of winter starting now
>>14331498>You're holding Dashie against your chest, feeling her sweat mingle with yours>You lay with her in the dark for a long time until you bury your nose into her mane and inhale deeply>The pungent mix of sweat, pony body oil and something unidentifiably sweet and specially musky>Dash seems to shift a bit and the silence continues for a moment then she speaks up>"Anon, I know I'm awesome but don't be so weird."
>>14331493It's because dupe detection uses thumbnails.You could have just cropped 1 pixel and it'd worked.
>>14331534I could see Luna/NMM as a winter pone.
>>14331506There is that one weedpone greentext where you huff his balls and get stoned out of your mind
>>14331534Are winter nights in Eqeustria longer, or do ponies just use pony magic to make it colder?
>>14331537>not doing it again just to irritate her
>>14331544that's a good one
What kind of porn should I masturbate to tonight, MLPG?
>>14329735Color her like Albino Fluttershy! (My OC! DONUT STEEL!)
>>14331534But winter is wonderful anon!
>>14331433We have severely neglected the swing set.
>>14331558This one
>>14331558The kind with ponies.
>>14331558homosexual pornography
>>14331534>tfw 6 months of winter starting now
>>14331570No, you turn around so I can thread your vag shut.
>>143315746 months isn't enough, I wish it was always winter. Then I could build a palace out of ice, and I could be a princess.
>>14331572Nigga that's gay.
>>14329695Your OC vs. My OC, Albino Fluttershy! (DONUT STEEL!)
>>14331577>that feel when you don't gettit
>>14331577what a fitting image for that filename
>>14331590Your chance to be a princess was nearly a year ago.Did you grasp it, Anon? Did you become the pretty princess?
>>14331611Albino Fluttershy wants to become a princess! /)^3^(\
>>14331078>A donut IS a small cake though. Not in the same fashion as a cookie, but in essence, it's you're fucking stupid a doughnut is fried and a cake is baked are you seriously this retarded get the fuck out of my thread
>tfw you want to get a brony to trip on acid so you can shoot a pony plushie and make him think you just killed his waifu
Allrighty I'm back.The predictions continue! Here's an interesting one:Who will the feature pony of episode 17 be?
>>14331662I vote Albino Fluttershy!
>>14331662TwilightWho else?
Ah.... beach episode.
>>14331660>Tfw you want to go to equestria and kill pony waifusIt's okay because ponies don't have souls and could never love you in the first place
>>14331676BULLSHITVote for Albino Fluttershy!
>>14331660that's both really mean and not how things work at all
>>14331468I want a durian so bad
>>14331675>Pony not ponying ponyWhat kind of monster would vote that?
>>14331662RAINBOW DASH
>>14331675No, pony should pony me instead.
>>14331662I want it to be the Flower Trio
fucking kill yourself ;)
>>14331682Yeah, Albino Fluttershy absolutely LOVES vacationing at the beach!:VI even spotted a beach ball..... Maybe Albino Fluttershy could play with her friends..... :V
>>14331700and their cute pegasus counterpart too!
>>14331684me toobut i'm a violent sperg with self worth issues and immense pony related shame instead of a typical edgy loser
>>14331659It's a sweet leavened dough confection. The method of cooking is irrelevant.
>>14331707>Albino Pony goes to the beach>Has to wear a hat and stay in the shade>Tries to play catch with a beachball, tossing it back and forth with a friend>Albino Pony has very poor depth perception, so Pony can't always catch the ball
>>14329759Fuck y'all, this is a great screenshot.
Can I have a pony?
Next question:How many songs will Season 4 have? Price is Right style (closest without going over).
>>1433175915, 16 if the theme song counts.
>>1433175926In a perfect world
>>14331517I'm more reliably reached on Skype, but if you want to stay anonymous there's always /unf/
sex with Butterfly
Alright, going to do this a few more times between now and Nov. 23. Will probably start with this one sometime tomorrow.
>>14331800Does it involve sweaty boxer shorts?
>>14331756no it's notit's small and the colors are washed out
>>14331759ONE SONG
MLPG, will you tell me a bedtime story?
>>14331823Once upon a time Anon went to bed. He closed his eyes and the next time he woke he was a pretty mare in Equestria. He found and married his pony waifu and lived happily ever after.
>>14331823Once upon a time there was a very sleepy anon.He was so sleepy he couldn't keep his eyes open.The end.
>>14331832Anon became a mare, and married his pony waifu?A mare marrying a mare? Is that allowed?
>>14331818>yfw gg is actually the guy who made that video too
>>14331853>Anon became a marewell halfway
>>14331823Once upon a time there were two little coltsthose two little colts messed with forces they didn't understandthey released a malevolent spirit that possessed one of themlong story short everyone diedthe end
>>14331867Well GG is every internet personality ever
>>14331758Holy shit that sounds bad, get my big shoes.
>>14331867GG is actually responsible for everything created within the last 8 years.
>>14331867I don't know, I have a hard time believing that since the joke of the video wasn't sex.
>>14331868That Sweetie looks worried.
>>14331897worriedyeah, that's rightworried about those fucking thighs
>>14331868colty mark crusaders
>>14331904Does Sweetie have a thing for amputees?
>>14331850>and so celestia killed all of the spiders in equestria, leading to the first parasprite plague in recorded history>but not the last a pony drawing for random peopleor dicks, i know you all will spam dicks
>>14331920>during Nightmare Night ponies were so terrified of spiders because they had never seen them before
>>14331915In what world do you live where that looks like an amputee?
>>14331823>Once upon a time, a mean old Griffin captured a pegasus pony by stuffing an ordinary raincloud full of tar.>Stuck, the Pegasus was at the Griffin's mercy.>"Now, now, my little pony friend, what should I do with you?" said the Griffin>The Pegasus begged and pleaded: "Oh please, Miss Griffin, don't throw me into the thunderclouds! Anything, please, just as long as you don't take me anywhere near those thunderclouds!">"Well, then I think I'll throw you into those thunderclouds! The lightning will even cook you up, just in time for supper!" >And with that, the Griffin threw the Pegasus into the bank of thunderclouds.>The Griffin closed her eyes and waited for the sound of thunder and screaming, but instead, all she heard was the Pegasus ponie's laughter!>"Hahaha! Silly Griffin, I was born and bred in the thunderclouds!">And with that, the Pegasus pony flew away. The Griffin tried to chase after her, but whenever she got close, the Pegasus would give the clouds a kick and block her path with lightning.>And the Pegasus lived happily ever after.
>>14331925I'm tempted.Fuck it, doodling time.
>>14331930Maybe you just have a stub for a foot, but some of us have actual limbs
>>14331938>tfw you literally watched the very first episode with /co/ and have been with mlpg the entire time and you really do wish all the kids would just get off your damned lawn but nobody believes you
>>14331840That was a nice story. Thank you, Miss Celestia.>>14331869You mean>released the ancient spirit of a pretty mare.
>>14331945oh fuck did you draw that or get it?i drew one pony and seen none
>>14331758>>14331726God that song was awful.
>>14331938why did I follow this link
>>14331930Maybe R63 Sweetie is like Donut.
>>14331956Got it. I can't draw so I just wrote ponoe.
>>14331959that was the point.The video's cool, anyway.
>>14331966Pony God smiles on you. All I got so far are Triforces, dicks, and shitty smileys. And Vsauce spam
>>14331973can you link it?
I wish hypnosis and mindbreaking was real
Clown college? You can't eat that.
>>14331985>>14331988>>14331992>MLPG in charge of not fucking everything up
>>14331995it works if you believe it works!
>>14331995That's why we have fan fiction anon. Anything can happen there!
>>14332003They say the same about astral projectionThere's a small itty bitty tiny part of me that wishes I still believed it was real
>>14331995Hypnosis is real.
>>14331985>>14331988>>14331992thank you
>>14332014it isn't.
why am i up this late?
>>14329759>itunes rip
>>14332013what's the difference, from your internal perspective from within your body, between astral projection working and believing astral projection is working?
>>14331925site is kill
>>14332031Because if AP/OOBE was real I'd be spending most my time air-humping the president and haunting his dreams
Pony will be friends with you, but only if you have never wanted to have sex with anything but another human
>>14332047How could pony possibly know that? And why should pony care?
>>14332047I don't want to be friends with a close-minded pony
>>14332047Tell pony that I don't have enough confidence or experience to have sex with anything.
>>14332047Like I need friends
I'm going to marry Gloomy!
>>14331995>story time>go to county fair with gf's family>oh look a stage magician in a couple hours>we plan to go>me being the creep I am, take the front chairs along with the other boys from my group>hypnotist asks for volunteers>me and my gf's cousin are brought on stage with a bunch of other random people>he starts doing his suggestion techniques and blinking really fast>he finishes, the stage hands are walking by >i ask "am i hypnotizied?" >promptly escorted off the stage as fast as i was brought on with others>i find our seats, oh cool my cousin is still up on stage>proceed to watch him be publicly humilated by forced to bark like a dog, hump another guy and other tom foolery>family laughs and buys the tape>ask him if he remembers, he said kind of>ask him if it was real, he said he wanted to do the things he was told>mfw the power of suggestion is very real
>>14332042>not airhumping Andrea Libman's perfect thighs
>>14332047I meet the conditions, but I'm weirded out by pony's interest in my sexual preferences. Pony is awfully invasive.
>>14332071Sounds like a weak willed fagotron.
>>14332040working for me>>14332047I can lie to Pony
>>14332071That's story's pretty unfAnd he could be a>>14332078
>>14332071You could say that in that moment, you were euphoric, not because of the blessing of some phony stage magic, but because you were enlightened by your intellect.
Here. Something on paper.
>>14332090I wish I didn't have a fat fetish.
>>14332096But it's such a GOOD one
>>14332078>>14332085he was kinda of an idiot, but the whole family was low quality genetic material >>14332087at the time, i was just excited that he was hypnotized and had fun.looking back on it now, im glad it didn't work on me.
>>14332096Then don't.
>>14332100Fetishes are 100% subjective.
>>14332094>dat flitter
I didn't have a fat fetish untill i got a chubby gffuck dude everything is so soft i cant argue with that
>>14332109Except mine
>>14332115I just want to sit in her lap
anthro a shit
>>14332047how dare pony fursecute mei'm going to go fuck/hang out with the changelingsthey understand me
>>14332047But I don't want to lie to pony... depending on which pony it is, she might be safe though.
Is it too much to ask for just one kiss from a pony?
>>14332151That'll cost ya.
>>14332115I'm not into fat chicks but I would fuck those tits til my dick falls off
>>143321511 bit
>>14332115>>14332090And in that moment MLPG was that awful corner of deviantart
>>14332132Changeling doesn't judge, love is love.
>>14332172That is not a changeling, anon. Its an abomination.
>>14332174And continued being that awful corner of deviantart until some unforeseeable point in the future
>>14332170>Can fap to most things (RL scat being the only exception)>mfw deviantart with adult content onIt's a sea of fetishes and I'm just a noble sailor
>>14332184No Refunds unf
>>14332180Changeling respects your opinions and will find a more pleasing form.
>>14332170>I don't like your fetish and I think you all should know
>>14332193>mfw my fetishes are well represented but in quantity but not quality
>>14332197>unfing to no refundsPony Goldstein please no
>>14332205Please do not post your inherently offensive furfaggotry where everyone can see itThis post required because like many piss dwellers and /b/ faggots that move in her and take their fetishy ponyfucking with them, you may not know that you are a repulsive "human" being
>>14332184How much to kiss my dick?
>>14332239Depends. Is it a french kiss?
>>14332225>move in herunf, my girls always seemed to love that too
>>14332225>hating furrieswow so edgy xDGrow up.
>>14332225Your "buzzword to actual vocabulary" ratio is too high for me to understand you.
>>14332243Deep enough to feel it on her larynx
>>14332244>you will never live inside a pony
>>14332225I want the edgy faggots to leave or learn to hide posts
>>14332253>not following Norse mythology
>>14332207>mfw very low standard for quality as long as I like the subject
Only 3 more weeks guys, we're almost there!
>>14332287I love it
>>14332290This was the longest sex session ever.
>>14332183What a useless lecture.
>2010>My Little Pony General>2013>My Little Furfag GeneralNatural progression of events.MLPG being elitist and constantly arguing didn't do anything to keep the furfag rejects out either.Just watch as S4 comes and they don't leave. You'll regret not being hostile to them, if there are even people that aren't horsefuckers in here anymore.Show discussion will not be show discussion. It will be a discussion of official hasbro fetish greentext prompts.
>>14332287>mfw I've basically hunted down all the images of my specific combination of fetishes
>>14332287muh zebra
>>14332308that's why god gave us the watch list
>>14332307>still hating furriesAnon pls, pls. Grow up.
Whats a furry?
>>14332307You know the harder you fight it, the deeper you will fall for it. And hoe boy, when you do, watch out.It's akin to those religious anti queer types, you know what that gets you into right? Super fetishes, and to think all these years, Rule 17 has still been feeding and growing because of posts like this.
>>14332335something that edgy kids flip out over before going back to their extreme hentai
>slowly becoming a better artist over a few months>don't draw for two days>spend all day today practicing>I'm drawing worse than when I first started even after all the practiceHave I really not improved at all?
>>14332355noyou haven'tgo draw like a hundred ponies
>>14332359Why do you keep saying that, anon?
>>14332349That armorshitposter's a good example, but unlike him I'm my hate for potheads/drugs/alcohol isn't consuming.I wonder why stuff like that happens, what causes someone to completely do a 180 on something they really hate?
>>14332307seriously?non-furries don't even watch the show anymore. you wouldn't keep interest in it this long if you didn't want to fuck, marry, and become a pony.
>>14332362If I can lose months of progress in two days, is it really worth trying to improve again
>>14332355This is just in my own experience, so don't cite me on it.Take breaks more often than once every 2 months.Slowing down and letting your subconscious process what you're learning is an important part of learning. If you don't do that, you won't be able to retain everything you learn.
>>14332355>draw a pony>show skype group>no one says anything for an hour>someone posts a link to a random picture on the general>instant "that's a cute pony"Fuck everything
>>14332382do you enjoy drawing or not?
>>14332385Post it here instead
Who ordered the cute pony?
>>14332406I did.So, where is it?
>>14332406I did, when is it getting here?Is Rainbow Dash bringing it to me?
>>14332406That's a human with a pony head
>>14332406I like chest tufts but that doesn't excuse everything elseAnd even that is poor
>>14332383I took a day off maybe once a fortnight or so previously, but apparently two days was too many and now I can't seem to recall anything I've learnt>>14332385I usually just get a 'That's okay' or 'That's good' when I ask for opinions, it doesn't help at all>>14332393I did before, not so much now
>>14332422>posting cows in a pony thread
>>14332431draw until you enjoy drawing againthen draw pornography
>>14332435or just draw pornography until you enjoy drawing
>>14332433>meat on top of veggies.
>>14332287Best feel
>>14332442also acceptablewhen are you going to draw more gay pornography?
>>14332376I told you why, Rule 19, the more you hate it, the stronger it becomes.I will explain why this is true in greater depth, then I did with our armor bro. It's really simple.The more time and energy you put into something, the stronger you are desensitized to it becomes. Then as time goes on your hatred is a fire that needs to be fueled. So it grows hotter and brighter, which burns a spot in your brain that crosses the lines, and blurs your perception. How can I hate something so much that I literally cannot stop talking about it. I need it now, i need that hate fix. Bam, next thing you know all you can think about is X. You can really fetishize anything that you can think of, I'm no neuro scientist but I speak from my own experience and what I seen. And so then, to fuel your new desire. You convert yourself. And don't even get me started on the forbidden fruit point of view.
why has nobody drawn genderswapped Gaffer yet?
>>14332455why would I draw that
>>14332459>make own burger with egg and beetroot and avocado and grated carrot and pickles.>it's fucking delicious, satisfying and filling
>>14332457Or he was just trolling from the start.You've got a corruption fetish, don't you?
>>14332435If I've lost all my progress then that's going to take way too long>>14332442I'm not nearly imaginative enough for that
>>14332460because he's handsome enough as a dude
>>14332431Everybody also has good and bad days. You're clearly off today, two days doesn't make your brain dump a skill. Draw again tomorrow, it'll probably be better. And compare it to what you drew before, and see if it's really that much worse, and what is so much worse (and go from there).
>>14332385Maybe they didn't know you drew it. Ask explicitly for critique next time
>>14332433>putting your burger in between slices of bread instead of wrapping it in lettuce>using shit-tier cheddar instead of pepperjack or anything but cheddar>not caramelizing your onions>putting ketchup on anythingAMERICANS
Which pone most enjoys a good cigar?
>>14332488it's like you don't understand anything about burgers at allcome to the land of the freewe'll make you a good hot sandwich
>>14332488Wasn't cheddar popularized due to mass production of it during WW1-2?
>>14332488>using lettuce instead of breadIf you're a woman maybe.
>>14332490None of them because cigars taste fucking awful until you've had enough to become addicted
>>14332488Yeah, seriously. Or maybe that's one of those pussy onions that have no taste.
>>14332490>a good cigarwtf
>>14332469corruption fetish?! ..maybe..And please, trolls too. I have converted too many to the pony way then I care to remember.I can have them eating out of my hand and begging for more pony in one thread.but now i sound like just a lowly braggart, i do carry on sometimes. :3
>>14332498Bread mutes the taste of the meat and is a worthless filler food for poorfags in general.When I eat a cow, I want to taste the fucking cow, not your shitty poorfag crop
>>14332474Worth a try, but it really does feel like I've completely lost all my progress. I can't recall any of the techniques I was using just a few days ago
>>14332488Who doesnt carmelize their onionsWho eats only chedder on a burgerWho are these imaginary Americans you keep dreaming up?
>>14332490That senile cunt, Granny Smith.
>>14332502it's like a cigarette, but bigger and more satisfying.
>>14332514As in just plain can't remember or can't physically do them?If you just don't remember. Try to remember them (look around the thread and other drawfag sources for reminders), and write them down in keywords.
>>14332469>>14332457I wasn't trolling and it's pretty terrifying that someone here actually did something like that to the point where that Gilda pic instantly turns me on, and not just because of her paws.But then again I have a lot of fetishes so it could just be a extension of corruption and I still hate drugs/potheads and even earlier in this thread I even shitposted it (posts got deleted) about how much I hate them because of a scruff with smokers on /v/.
>>14332509>When I eat a cow, I want to taste the fucking cow, not your shitty poorfag cropThen eat a fucking steak. A good hamburger is about more than just the meat.
>>14332525I can remember some of them, but I can't replicate any of it. I've been looking over my previous pieces and guides and such all day, but no luck
>>14332538Well, all i can say is try again tomorrow. Your brain just needs to remember.
>>14332533Do you know what a hamburger is?It's a hamburg steak with other shit wrapped around it, not an accessory to a bleached wad of starch. If I wanted starch I'd eat a potato.Bread = peasant food that makes americans fat because they insist on eating it with everything
how about something we can all agree on and enjoy
>you will never give anon the pony blowjob he's been craving for so long
>>14332540>justifying your antiquated self-harm technique by equating it with adulthood
>>14332545Alright. Thanks anon
>>14332015I recognize that horse
>>14332555oh jeez its rehappening
>>14332553I will, one day
>>14332547>look at me i'm so rich i put ground kobe beef between romaine lettuce
>>14332555>my way is the right way
>>14332569>stop being so self righteous and let me be an individual>*cuts wrist*>by the way you're a child for not doing this
>>14332573>doesn't even cut his wristswhat a pleb
>>14332552did you ever do anything with King Sombra?
>>14332569>Addictive>Causes cancer>Smells awfulAlso it's awful if you have a PC and if you live in a shitty apartment building
hey quick look it's a pony
>>14332593WOOF WOOF
Gaffer's incredibly sensitive cockstripe
>>14332406I ordered one, where is it?
>>14332584yesi did this
>>14332615>gaffer's incredibly adorable socks
Things MLPG likes:PoniesMeatBreadDrugsFurriesThings MLPG hatesPoniesBreadDrugsFurriesThings MLPG is:PoniesMeatFurries
I am a cute pony!
>>14332355No you haven't. Are you enjoying yourself?
>>14332629what a pleasant surprise
>>14332636Shut the fuck up, we hate meat. Don't try to talk for everyone.
Are the popularfags dead yet?
>>14332629>Senpai [ ]>S-stupid [ ]>Onii-chan [ ]GG pls.
>>14332641I did before, not so much now
>>14332636>implying eating MLPG
>>14332649popularfaghateanon is a popularfag, so noyou know what you must do
>>14332655I think you should pick up a different hobby.
>>14329793I'm with you viral marketing, anon, from three hours ago
>>14332655Hey Anon, you seem kinda down.
>>14332663I can't die. I live for a purpose.
So like, if I did a 1 hour Sainestream and took one or two quick requests would anyone be interested?
>>143326790OH NO0O0O0O0O
>>14332679I don't want to be a pony
>>14332686Not me.
>>14332642also this
>>14332665Like what?>>14332680Thanks ponk
>>14332679time to kill myself
>>14332686Sure, why not?
>>14332422I really wish Jessy would have kept the widow's peak instead of these godawful bangs, and then somehow setting the trend.Just look at those fuckin bangs.Goddamn.
What does GG look like?
>>14332715A little brown girl.
>>14332715a crafty mexican with awful teeth
>>14332700I don't know up to you to decide. Sounds like drawing isn't your calling. If you are getting to the point where you are beating yourself up then move on. Not the end if the world you know.
>>14332715something like this but with a cowboy hat and applejack t-shirt
>>14332722I get to that point with everything anon, it's why I'm not successful
>>14332715Well he is a 400+ year old witch.
Can I have a few requests please?
>>14332729hey, me too!we can be bad at everything together!
>>14332729Then better luck in the next life then eh?
>>14332731big stallions
>>14332731Pony TF
>>14332731You know what you must do.
>>14332732See this horse? I want to grab her by her stupid tied off hair and fuck her until she makes horse noises
>>14332731No you will not.
>>14332739What kind of Pony TF?
>>14332731Scootaloo turning into a burly dude
>>14332729Some are born to suceed no matter what. Some are born to fail. It fate. Take comfort you are fullfilling your path.
>>14332753dreampony converting human in to pony against his will
>>14332753rainbow dash -> a cunt
>>14332728I remember writing that.
>>14332753Human male -> Slutty mare
>>14332769I just finished masturbating to itexcessive cum isn't really my fetish but Big Macintosh is so it balances out
>>14332768but there are tons of picture of rainbow dash just standing there
>>14332699cutei like ploosh
>>14332753Pony turning into pinkie pie and being horrified by it.
>>14332715balding white dude in his early 30s
>>14332760What happens if I don't relax?
I have now been hanging out here for three years. I have made exactly one pony friend (technically the other person did). I haven't drawn shit. And I'm roughly at the same place in my life.How are the rest of you doing?
>>14332776Is it the thought of his massive stallion cock pushing and squeezing its way through the folds of your sex?
>>14332794spooky things
pony just beeped
>>14332801About the same minus the friends.
>>14332801if you'd have drawn, you might have made more pone friends.
Mmmm, maybe a color request? That might be more my speed right now. I'm starting way too late to try something like TF or that crazy bus request.'s almost too cold for swimminget in one last dip for the season slowpoking but
>>14332801I have been hanging here for one year. I have discovered many animated movies and great art thanks to discussion here. I've made a few friends but I don't talk to anyone. I've had lots of fun and got mad more than once. I've learned a lot about drama.
>>14332801Drawing is overhyped
>>14332801I left for the Warframe general and I didn't look back until now.And now I'm trapped.Thanks, Obama.
>>14332757>Taking comfort in horrible situations
>>14332862Sure, I'll do this
>>14332835I would keep her warm.
>>14332850What a beautiful pony.
>>14332801Over a year and a half of writing things off and on for MLPG. Went from college student to military member.Could be worse.I miss the first days in college when I found MLPG on /co/ and reveled in the image macros and newness of the show. Got my roommate to watch it with me and we both enjoyed it. Life's never been quite the same since I started writing last hiatus.It's been more fun.I love you guys.
>>14332815well yeah, that's very nice and everythingI tend to buy-in to the fanon that he's a gentle lover and Equestia's finest cuddler
>>14332889what a pretty pony
it's the middle of the night and I'm boredwhat should we do MLPG
>>14332801>Stopped going to school>Got a nice PC>Picked up programming>Gave up>Picked up again>Gave up>Picked up again>Not giving up, but moderately getting better>AutismbuxHonestly I'm completely frightened of any big changes, be it fast or gradual, I'm an unchanging person and I'll probably give up on programming just to pick it up later.The only difference between me at the start of the show and me now, is that I have my own place now.
>>14332894more horrific transformation like the pony bursting out of the guy's chest
>>14332894make some fucking breakfast because it's 7:30 in the only time zone that matters
>>14332894Plan to take over the world
>>14332894more of your fantasies, since you never seem to get enough of barfing them out here
>>14332894Let's play Uno!
>>14332878>I love you guys.
>>14332837Little bit, but you didn't really miss any discussion: not really much to comment on there beside further confirmation of Twilight learning to fly.
>>14332900I just had breakfast sausages thanks pinkie>>14332904I don't know what that means
>>14332908I would marry that pony so hard
>>14332908Till the stars fall out of the sky.
>>14332908Woah. That pic took me by surprise.
>>14332908>ywn have ominous latin chanters at your wedding>ywn wedding
Guys, it updated!
>>14332921The pink stars are falling....The pink stars are falling...[seizures]
>you will never be a little anon who can't sleep without pony
>>14332954>you will never be the little pony who gets to sleep with all the humans
>>14332954I won't?
>>14332934I do like the idea of a vaguely domestic chemistry between fluttershy and discord
>>14332934first to speak on the left! come on! how often do i have to keep saying this
>>14332971Very often if you don't direct your complain directly to the source.
>>14332971holy shit it gets even worse
>>14332894GG PLSRule 63 Shiny and his gang.
>>14332971Most of the time, but I don't think that case was too bad: with Flutter's speech bubble bleeding into the previous panel it naturally leads the eye to look there first, for me at least.
>>14332982Same here. I don't really mind, especially when the first speech bubble is very high.
>>14332970I really like the writing in these series.
>>14332982how 'bout panel 5 (four down) in this one?this whole thing is almost unreadable
>>14332965>all the humansBut I'd rather have one or two all to myself./blockquote>
>>14332908>Marker pone is yandere.I fucking knew it.
>>14333002What? It flows really well if you read it vertically.I guess it's just a matter of habits.
>>14333014>snake patternYes it's only too bad that's now how words are actually read.