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Big, cute stallions edition!

last thread
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>new thread
>Lamar's shitty oc

No. Make another thread.
>including gay OCs
Damn it man, I don't hate Lamar but this is over the line!
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
transformation into stallions
I keep clicking on this every time you post it, hoping it will be something else.
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What's wrong with the OP? Does this break tradition or something?
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>tfw will never get a footjob from stoner gilda
I get sexual excitement out of your woes
But Gilda doesn't have feet.
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>tfw clicked on every single scat spam so far
I'm too curious for my own good
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pawjob then
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Factually the best MLP voice actor, talent wise.

Well, I'm conflicted.
>no flight training episode
>it's just part of the season premiere



Script for the premier. I am not going to get used to Princess Twilight at all
She's going to look like Hilary Clinton in a few decades
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shit man I'll have what she's been smoking!
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>storyboard horses

I love these
My sister's cat looks at you when she thinks you aren't looking. When you look back at her, she pretends to have found something very interesting on the floor.
>Your face when this is actually the only scene for Season 4 they have animated yet and they are freaking the fuck out realizing they need to premiere in 3 weeks and are cursing themselves for procrastinating this long
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I-I am your loyal slave from the other previous thread here to serve you again!
OP I know very well that you're the person who deletes your own threads
>yfw every anon complaining about projects to do and procrastinating is actually from the staff
I'm sure you're going to remind us every fucking day.
i really don't even know why people keep posting these here.

Oh god my dick! Stop!
it probably won't be too stupid as long as they don't make a point of using the full title at every opportunity

though knowing hasbro they probably made a point of having the characters do exactly that

hello hasbro executives, what are you doing here?
Such a loud mouth
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Cute Quest Just started!

We Dressed as Nightmare Moon

Also the summoning!

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Pony shouldn't look head-on to the camera
This reminds me of a scene from Land Before Time
Post beautiful Pony fan artwork, my slave.
>hello hasbro executives, what are you doing here?
epic win xd
Whoa hold on, that's just not true.
Tabitha is the most talented and under appreciated VA on the show. Seriously, look at all the roles she's played not just in MLP, but her entire career. The range on this woman is really impressive, and she puts so much emotion into her delivery. Don't get me wrong, Ashleigh is great, but she's just not up there with Tabs in my opinion.
Her band is also pretty mediocre
reminds me of the scene where fluttershy's dad murdered her for being more successful than him
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pony doesn't know any better
So are they all going to have to call each other Princess when they're all alicorns?
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Should pony sleep?
ugh, i forgot where i am
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She's going Betty!
>hello hasbro executives,
WOOOOOOAAAHHH You lightin some sick fires there
Would you a sore Cup Cake day out and day in not letting her recuperate?
if you look at other girl cartoons in the same age group you will be disgusted at how much of the princess shit is crammed into everything.

i thought mlp was supposed to be different.
>implying people don't cock ride Tabitha almost as much as Andrea Libman (still less than Strong, though)
>implying Ashleigh's musical talent and vocal range doesn't outclass Tabitha's
>implying both aren't great anyway
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Actually I'm a Senator.
Fluttershy is officially best pony.
You're pathetic

goodbye, rose
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That is pretty kinky. I could get behind that.
>vocal range doesn't outclass Tabitha's

I just do not agree with this. If you said it in any other way besides greentext and actually explained why maybe I'd agree.
I hate that OC so much. He just fucks everything and eats shit.
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are you ok anon?
ok ok calm down I heard you the first time, you can stop samefagging to try and pretend your point is valid now

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Pony should practice not looking at the camera more
I seriously need to make it a rule to not click on derpibooru links anymore.
>Anon has a stroke
>It's his very last post on 4chan
Can you feel it?
We are so close.
It's like a beast awaking from hibernation.
Is Tabitha really a pothead?
"Well, Princess Rarity! What brings you and Princess Applejack here?"

"Well, Princess Twilight, we were on the way to see Princess Pinkie when Princess Fluttershy told us that Princess Rainbow got stuck in a tree again!"
but they're so good
it's like a sinful delight
you just have to click them
click them
>Pony is like bad begining actor
>They see camera and instinctively look right at it dead on
>Pony even goes up to it for an impromptu close up
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Pony can't help it
yes, she is
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Good. 4chan doesn't need more shitposter.
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>tfw Halloween is over and you didn't go trick or treating with your favorite pony
Whatever she's on I'll have some of.
I guess it is just a matter of opinion, but I find Ashleigh's work as both Dash and Applejack to be more impressive than Tabitha's as Rarity, Luna and Granny Smith, but again, that is just my opinion.
>Be night guard
>Tasked with guarding Luna's candy stash
>Suddenly Celestia out of nowhere
>Oh fuck oh fuck something bad must be going down
>She walks by you, takes a wing full of candy, then walks off
>You have no idea what just happened
Princess Twilight says you should calm down
luna and rarity have the same voices for one
you have to decide which plate of bullshit you want

1. twily grows wings and is instantly an expert flyer

2. they ignore the finale flying and attempt to give a proper story where she learns to fly.

i think #2 sounds much better
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Well, at least they would be fun to work with
It's the stereotype according to which being creative or unusual = blazing it
proncos twolot needs to realise that the quality of the show has undergone a clear decline since the end of s2 and while the events of MMC are not the root cause, they are a symptom

I expect a lot of "everybody laughs" endings in s4
And i know for absolute certaiiiiiinnnn
Oh, anon.
Your misery makes me hard
How about the one where Discord reveals himself to still be a villain and take away PTS's wings and teleport himself into tartarus?
Huh. They've never interacted have they.
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tweets from the staff confirmed it, though
You're overreacting anon
Not every derpibooru link is bad
Welp I hate Tabitha now.
Yea, Luna's is just less extreme. It's more held back, and Rara's is more excited
>not checking the tags
No she doesn't
That's stupid of you.
The show was nothing special to begin with, it's purpose was always to sell merchandise
yeah she does
I'm sorry I broke your headcanon of your perfect waifu
>Discord is trying to be a good friend, but by his nature hes bad at it
>Sees that a lot of people are upset with Twilight for being an alicorn
>Thinks that he'll help her image, he removes her horn
>pops up as Merch Sexplotations
>still click on it just to see what it is
Not nearly as bad as scat.
>everyone laughs
>camera zooms out
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Will this do, Master?
ew gross
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Somehow I still ship them.
>The show was nothing special to begin with

Then why the fandom? These things dont happen by accident
the fact that the initial season and most of season 2 went without the usual trend of hasbro shows of changing the show to sell toys makes it special compared to every other franchise hasbro owns
>Discord ends up hating Twilight being an Alicorn now
>Discord removes her wings out of spite
>"Much better"
>mfw McCarthy stole my face
No seeing what Pothead's did on MLPG for some random guy spamming images of armor while STILL acting annoying themselves only reinforce my belief that they're awful people.

I'm straight edge but I'm not going to spam about it.

What are we arguing about again?
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Where do you think we are?
She doesn't
oh gosh that's adorable
Not even close. Am I going to have to beat you?
if the show was nothing special then why are any of us even here?
Can we at least wait for season 4 to start before shit canning it?
People were surprised that a show about ponies and selling toys wasn't as bad as they initially thought. That's really it. That's all there is. It's like asking why Sonic has a fandom.
at any rate, it can't be helped
An ancient deity should be mad that a random unicorn found a pair of Princess wings in the bottom of a cereal box, and he's supposed to be cool with that
>my belief that they're awful people

That's a stupid generalization.
Naruto must be pretty good then, and family guy, and sonic
You got trolled :^D

>merch sexploitation in tags

my sides!
You were accusing me of samefagging and were getting mad because I told you to suck it up when it comes to Princess Twilight
Because at one point (20 years ago) the games were actually good?
But the cause for both of those fandoms isnt even remotely similar.

In fact, the Sonic fandom has been a mind boggle as most of the games and everything to do with Sonic for the last two decades has been garbage.
At least mine was a real cumshot.
Dude you can think what you want and I'm willing to give the writers the benefit of the doubt until we see S4 in its majority but it's pretty plain to see that alicorn Twilight happened because Hasbro wanted a new toy to sell. Not princess Twilight, that was obviously always going to happen at some stage, though.
Wow Sonic. You're a dick.
It's not a stupid generalization considering how most them act on literally every facet of the internet and real life.
You sound like hitler.
hey you know what? taste is a funny thing, isn't it? how it's different between people?

yeah it's weird like that
fallacies are always the same though, like the one you just made there
>but it's pretty plain to see that alicorn Twilight happened because Hasbro wanted a new toy to sell.

No shirt, Shitlock.

The exact same thing happened the previous season with Cadance and Shining Armor, who you faggots gobble up just fine now.
Bat ponies have really strange fetishes
So you're argument is because "opinions"? Why is this show great then?
Hitler didn't have a giant tool like the internet to find out if most of the jews are absolutely horrible.

They said they never get mad at people for not liking the drug but then they have to engage in arguments about it all the time like if it's their very life on the line.
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>yfw they ditch the comic's canon and not make Twilight's mom the author for Daring Do
>who you faggots gobble up just fine now
>making massive assumptions
Cadence is still a shit no-character with no reason to exist other than to be Hasbro's pink princess that they didn't manage to fit in from the start. Shiny is just as fucking worthless as well as creating plotholes since he appeared right out of nowhere along with Cadence. At least the comics try to flesh him out a bit, though. I still don't really like him.

Discord got his dick snipped off, he isn't doing anything exciting any more.
I guarantee that's going to happen
I'd be mildly disappointed, but honestly as long as it's well written I'm okay with it.
hey instead of responding to that why not respond to the other fucking post that actually explains why FiM stands out compared to other hasbro shows that you apparently missed or maybe ignored because you couldn't come up with a fucking answer
So I've spent $120 on hearthstone today

Should I make it $170?
I hope so. The less shit we get from the comics the better.

I am not the same anon you were replying to, BTW.
>Discord got his dick snipped off, he isn't doing anything exciting any more.
i said this the week that episode came out, and people just got mad at me
>playing a shitty blizzard cash-grab
fuck you
>not acknowledging that the Comics are the chemotherapy to the Princess Twily cancer

>Discord got his dick snipped off

He can just grow another one.
You are part of the problem
I like when people make extremely ridiculous assumptions about episodes or the future of the series. I like to imagine them as being time travelers coming back to MLPG to tell them of the future
Princess Twilight is already confirmed for the comic, starting this month with the pirate arc.
cream-filled poneginas and ponuts
Last thread gave me an affinity for pone belly buttons.
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Why aren't you drawing?
the problem isn't princess twilight, the problem is corporate meddling
Yeah the point was that the comics are still good.
ea pls
mutagenic spunk warping pone's bones to take massive insertions can wait
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because I am awful at it anon
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Oh...well carry on then. Have a pony
Because I have trouble learning things
i wouldnt mind a proper background story about SA and cadance where they didnt meet in a human american 80s highschool.
I'm stuck wondering what they're keeping him around for. If they wanted to get rid of him they could've just left him as a statue forever. Since they brought him back, they clearly need him for a plot device for something.
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What's hearthstone, anon?
Because I wasn't born with the ability.
i don't draw when I eat
>Discord got his dick snipped off, he isn't doing anything exciting any more.
You say this before the season is even out and I do recall Meghan saying this back before LPU imploded. Even though Discord is free you can never be too sure of what he's up to.
that's a zebra
Blizzard Warcraft TCG with the most addicting pack opening system ever
But princess Twilight is everything that's wrong with FIM. Why would you want it in the comics?
Because I lost practice and drawing pony hurts.
We can be sure that it's helping the Mane Six, which is awful.
They're probably going to use him in the season premiere episodes and then we'll never see him again outside of the very occasional appearance where he says something snarky.
I recall DeLancie saying he already recorded for a few episodes and even did a song as Discord. So yeah. They brought him back to sing.
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And they all know that as soon E4E1 airs is going to cause a huge shitstorm because they know the fandom is going to hate it to death but they had to follow Meghan and Hasbro's orders.

They absolutely HATE their jobs.

I tried just now in Paint Tool SAI and it was terrible.

Any tips for artist coming off break to get back into it are greatly appreciated.
Discord singing isn't exactly out of character or anything.
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>Still no Rainbow Dash solo song
you have a fucking professional singer on payroll and she barely gets any fucking song time
I just want pone to creampie with me.
No, Equestria Girls is what's wrong with FiM. Twilight acting exactly the same, but with wings would be just that. Exactly the same. And the comic (and probably later Season 4) will be doing this, so it will be irrelevant.
Thanks you're going to use Quentin-esque comments to deflate any negative criticism towards potheads and the drugs.
Just don't bother trying unless you have a name and are a popularfag

Then find that lost practice faggot.
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Oh well uh have the Wonderbolts
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>not realizing the fandom is going to think it is "epic" and love it.
You obviously don't know shit about this fandom.
wonderbolts aren't ponies
that's why they're THE WONDERBOLTS
Guys I think we should talk more about paddling ponies. This is important for reasons.
I am really excited to the Wonderbolts episode in S4.
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Oh come on hes not that bad.

I don't think it is at all. Him being good is, sorta.
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they are cute and totally incompetent

they are definitely ponies
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Wonderbolts are ponies but not all ponies are Wonderbolts
Yeah, I can't wait for Twilight to become the newest member of the Wonderbolts while Dash watches and cheers her
I wonder how she hides all the incriminating wrappers?
Lamar, not Lamarr. You're still cool.
i don't want to draw pony anymore, but i don't have enough motivation to draw other things even though i can.
Now I understand why Dash likes them so much. They are pretty awesome.
It's just gonna be "DISCO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OO-OOOOOOOOORRRDDD" over and over again
pony says the garbage needs emptying
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Sorry Blizz you may be king of the MMO molehill but you're just another wannabe at the card table.

I have both but choose not to use them. What point is there in that?
Do you guys think a background moment of Fleetfoot fawning over Big Mac would be going too far?
>Dash never appears again
>Noone mentions her ever
>Rumors begin circulating that Hasbro "killed her off"
Well, it's not as if he was BAD guy in his initial appearance, he's just mischievous. If this makes any sense: None of what he did really seemed malicious to me. Who's to say he's going to lose all of that when S4 rolls around?
it's not that it's bad it's just that it reminds me of William Shatner singing
Incompetent and naive ponies doing serious jobs is extremely amusing.
I miss the s1 wonderbolts when we didnt know much about them instead of them being pretty incompetent for the most part while I'm stuck wondering why dash even looks up to them now

they seriously need a dose of badass to redeem themselves "elite flying team" my foot

Anon, that is pretty terrible, even I will admit that.
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It really is
not far enough
Anon, Discord was very clearly evil in his first appearance. He went out of his way to make others suffer, that is by definition being a 'bad guy'.


mite be cool
Its hilarious when they realize they've fucked up
I've been playing Magic since 95
I haven't played it since I got my hearthstone invite

I'm howling at the moon and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...
That's what I'm doing!

I'm just being music right now, but I could draw a horse later
Y-you really are a bad guy
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That might change in S4 with the episode featuring them. My biggest problem with them was that we never really saw them do anything impressive. I always thought it was weird to have a character idolize them when she's outclassed them every time they've appeared on screen and it was even weirder that the same character only really talks about how cool she thinks they are rather than telling the audience WHY exactly they're so cool.
>My butts wet
>This invasion is too loud
>Silver's tied up with me
>I don't like Silver
shut the fuck up, jean
you are the biggest asshole in that movie
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What if 2d, post-Fusion Metroid but with bounty hunting and having to choose between significant upgrades?
That no one's going to give a fuck here, so you might as well just fuck off somewhere else.

No, RCH, this is old stuff.
metroid is dread, anon
>care about Metroid

>an actual bounty hunter
Sends them to the moon.

You can't actually make me leave you know.
Where did they say there was going to be a Wonderbolts episode in S4, btw?
don't worry I'll just spamdump ross art
>>care about Metroid
They're just keeping it on the DL until everyone's forgotten about Other M.
Oh come on that's unfair

That's like expecting the Blue Angels to single handedly take down Mothra
So if they're making every member of the Sparkle family famous, what's Twilight's dad going to be? My bet is on mayor of Canterlot. Ooh, or a musician.
Yeah, but that's because you haven't tried. Despite what people here say, it's easy as fuck to leave.
Meghan confirmed something about them a couple of weeks ago on twitter
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Pone wants your juicy bits.
Come at me bruh
I don't even give a fuck no mo'
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They blue angels would be smart enough not to attempt to engage mothra

Tell pony I don't want to have sex.
He's the black sheep of the family, just a "stay at home dad." Also probably a geek seeing as he raised SA.
So that's why Other M is getting so much representation in Smash 4?
Yer wot?
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Make a google account.
So, he invented Hyperspace Hyperwars, the #1 best selling tabletop game and owns a company that produces boardgames and other toys? Horsebro
Pony is clearly a zombie.
So Mewball was Stephan Andrews all along.
No, I'LL spamdump Ross art.
I want to lick Gilda's puss.
no, he's still a shitposter
>Other M armor design
>Other M stage based of the most "famous" moment from Other M
>Sakurai teasing that Ridley will show up in the stage, probably also based off Other M
we don't need no walkie talkies
no, no walkie talkies
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Other M is shit, though
So Mewball was Matt Damon all along.
WPSHHable butts
>that feel when Ridley was too big for Brawl
Pony found out that she never really wanted friends in the first place
>brounty hunter pandering
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>Discord episode
>To show that he's changed, he decides to do something special for each of the mane six, but he has no concept of subtly or non immediate consequences
>Because Twilight loves learning so much, he grants her the wisdom of the ages!
>But that makes her impossibly old in an instant. She keeps trying to tell Discord this is wrong, but she keeps needing to take a nap and take her pills
>He makes Dash part of the Wonderbolts!
>But she soon learns shes woefully unprepared and the rest if the team soon resent her for dragging them all down.
>Makes Fluttershy completely fearless!
>She walks into a train.
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>metroid is dead
>no more 2d metroids ever
>only ninja theory sequels
>The actual end to that part.
That was kinda sad.

>You will never be zombros, shamblin and moanin.
Yet it's getting all the "love".
Fluttershy strikes again
What the fuck is up with her legs? Are they broken?
I really wish someone would write a drug fic involving Gilda
>that feel when I would be cool with no friends but when my parents ask me if I am doing anything I don't want to keep saying nothing and make them think I'm a loser
Pony actually just wants friends that don't expect Pony to be something Pony is not. Friends that will help Pony when Pony strays from the path
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would pony be able to stave off the funk of forty thousand years?
I want to touch Snails' pool noodle.
she inherited pony rubber body magic from her mother

That was my favorite short. At first I was like oh zombies, but that perspective was great.
Other M's gameplay (what Ninja Theory had the most say with) wasn't horrible. It just wasn't Metroid-y. Now the PLOT is what shit the bed.
Your favorite pony just released a swarm of spores into the atmosphere.
>boo-hoo muh metroid
Yeah fuck you F-Zero didn't see an actual game since 2003
a human couple double cuddling a little pony
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the gameplay was about as easy as fable 1 which means you got problems
When the zombies come, someone has to stick some action cams on some.
Concluding in the male pounding the pony's winking cunt, while it fucks his girlfriend with it's huge horsecock?

Sorry Dash, but you are not
as long as you don't feel like a loser, shit.
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I guess you could say Metroid has finally lived up to its name sake

Cause they BOTH suck!
I want to make him suckle a latex cast of his own meat tube.
shut up scrubbles
I'd rather see it "dead" than "raped beyond recognition and have its corpse paraded around in a highly anticipated game"
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Problems, yes, but also not aggressively bad.
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>"Another brony ripping off a classic?"
>'He did say it had some funk on it, but if you ask me, it just stunk!'
R-Ridley sama...

No. Little pony stallion

Completely benign, non sexual double cuddles

Can you handle the depravity?
this reminds me of a fic I wanted to write.

It's all from the perspective of a small child about the age of the CMC, his/her parents hooked up after their inexplicable and simultaneous arival im magic horseland

I never really knew where to take it so I gave up.
What are you planning to do for the next 10 years?
>Celestia - Alicorn II
>Luna - Alicorn II
>Cadence - Alicorn I
>Twilight - Alicorn I

Should Twilight and/or Cadence ascend in the next season?
it is when you factor both together
>You will never suck Ridley's giant alien dragon cock
>make a new cast every year
>arrange them along the wall in ascending size
Celestia should.
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Ponks want to party with you.
I like Pinkie

But I dont want to be her. Or have her in my inner monologue forever
Fuck saucer, my dick is already in diamonds. I don't know if I can stop myself if something that lewd were to happen.
damnit, that made me laugh

also, creeber's done covers of MJ songs with this guy before
>Alicron tiers

Modern day battle ships do not have such damage control
The rightmost ponk is smiling way too hard.
>those innocent looking ones

Biggest sluts
Cadance is probably closer, i'd imagine Alicorn II as like "Bankai" and then Alicorn I obvious Shikai. I don't really see a point of either of them ascending though.
pony is looking at you like a piece of meat
Ehhh, The vocals are to low

Also I find the original more charming.
I don't want to take over pony, I take the box.
I'm feeling really tired.

Can we all just cuddle up on the couch together and watch Netflix? Maybe some popcorn and soda
They will all move up a rank once Fluttershy, and Pinkie ascend near the end of S4.
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I felt dirty just typing it out
>The second one from the right
Huh, I made this a long ass time ago.
>eventually it has to fold against the ceiling
>he starts frotting with his old casts, popping the slick flare carefully into his swollen donut when you're not looking
>his size makes him a wonderful spectacle, but you wonder if he'll ever find a proper mare...
Fuck Creber singing, she tries too hard. I still love it though.
>mike ross will never get back with gootecks
>Abandon your horse

What kinda monster do you take me for?

Boxes don't talk!
Gootecks did a 3rd Strike video with Max, it was fun but it lacked the magic.
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You wake up and catch your pone grabbing a midnight snack
What do?
>implying Gootecks deserves it after abandoning the community so suddenly
>implying Ross doesn't feel a sting in his heart whenever he is managing his meters in the middle of battle
>fighting games shit
>worth talking about at all
fuck max, he is the literal embodiment of a corporate shill
I...I don't remember. It went through stages where you got superpowers, then omnipotence, and eventually all you got was a real horse.
Since when do I have a pony?
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Pony caught you faking it
Why is pony in my house and wearing my boxers?
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What pone?
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Feliz dia de Muertos
Ask her to grab an apple or something for me as well
Time your blinks so that Pinkie is always inside/outside the box
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Why do your boxers have a tail hole?
I like to play pretend
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>tfw you will never be Rarity's son
No Pinkie that pony is sin!
Finish writing my novel, finish my degree, get a master's degree, get a job.
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Why is she so perfect?
I told pony that I cannot have sex.
thank fuck, she'd be an awful parent
Thank god. Have you seen what she's put Spike in?
What's the novel about?
Pony is going to file some sexual harassment charges one of these days
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Feliz dia Dooks
She'd be a great mother. I'd love her as much as she would love me.

Yes. I wish to be just as fabulous.
She is just saying that to hide her real feelings.
did you have a fun one?
Forced Femenization
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Pony is trying to mindbreak you
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I liked it better when you spammed transformation anon
What kind of ugly OC is that?!
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I did! God I love Pan de Muerto
>Rarity becomes a parent
>Drops her kid off at the daycare every day until they're old enough for school
>Missed her kid's first steps and first words because she was too busy being a socialite
>Forces them to enter beauty pageants and punishes them if they don't win first place
>Never there for them, just a trust fund
>Child grows up to be resentful and gender confused
Evens:40 more hearthstone pack
Odds:Save $50
I don't like to talk about it because I am paranoid someone will steal my idea. To be vague, it is about people who got involved with organized crime.
I'm over here
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>eventually it has to fold against the ceiling

>At least she didn't grow up like Honey Boo Boo.
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There are two of you?
it's time to stop using words incorrectly, anon
I'm stealing that idea
The only thing that has to do with Rarity's character is that she's a socialite
Literally everything else is speculation
Sounds cool. If you finish it, care to link it here?
It's probably already done, and much better than how you would've done it.
I want to pig out on halloween candy with berry munch
It actually isn't done before. I checked. You also don't know me, or anything about me, so you aren't one to judge.
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there are several
>Pan de Muerto
damn, now I am hungry
>Rarity becomes a parent
>Tries her best to balance work and raising them
>Makes sure her child is a proper lady/gentleman
>Designs amazing clothes for her them
>Tells them how much she loves them every single day

Why was I cursed into this non-Rarimom existance;_;
Why don't you want to be turned into a pretty girly colt?
she ignores sweetie belle all the time and only ever had time for her when she ran away from home
what makes you think she'd care about a child after the honeymoon period
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This pony put psychoactives in your drink.
What would you do if a sleepy, bed head Rainbow Dash gave you that look right next to you?

I'd ruffle her hair, hug her and get her to come back to bed for nonsexual snuggling

I hope you mean stallion, anon
It's okay anon, she'd probably learn to resent you for driving your father off by being born, and ruining her figure. Not to mention the nosedive her career took.
I did it anyway
I'm so weak
But coffee and alcohol are already psychoactives
That's funny, I put roofies in hers.
"you look like shit, go back to bed or something"
because Sweetie Belle is her sister
Are you gay?
not in my headcanon she isn't
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No anon, I am saying I hope you mean stallion rather than colt, as colts are children!
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Because Sweetie Belle and Rarity are siblings, that's a completely different relationship. All the times we see Sweetie at Rarity's is when she's really busy with work. She doesn't care about Sweetie a lot, though, she just can't always express it because she's busy.

Not again...
I have always thought that headcanon was notably shitty, but whatever floats your boat man
At the end of the day it's still a show for little girls
Ponychan pls leave.
Yeah, but I was genuinely asking if you are gay. I'm just curious.
I meant stallion, yeah.
it's funny if you caricturise people on image boards
the transformation guy is literally dr facilier sitting at his pc trying poorly to make a bargain
flying saucer is bill from king of the hill

everyone else is dale

Nope. I am just an equal opportune pone liker


aha. Its hard to be sure around here so many people use the terms interchangeably and it confuses me greatly
Yeah alright.
They have to be in all Spanish

What did you have again?

>tfw no one wants to stream spooky cartoons
>Spanish horror movies

Are those even good?
I'm gonna kick yer ass for that.
>Implying we aren't going to get a trickster ghost girlfriend.
Fuck I forgot about cute quest I thought it was tomorrow
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beach episode when

What happened?
>not questan
It IS getting pretty spooky in here, fellas.
I get the warm fuzzies whenever people acknowledge my posts
So is Tex Hank? He comes off as a Hank to me. Mewball is the indian guy, he just sort of lulls in the background doing things but is pretty alright.
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>everyone else is dale
EqG will get it instead
REC is the only one I can think of and it's pretty good
I warned you about the magic bro! I told you!
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Part of the reason I like Rarity is because she reminds me of my mom a little bit.
Brynn and the PCs just unleashed an unspeakable evil.


It's scary movie time!
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>EqG beach episode
>They still wear their massive megaman boots throughout the entire thing despite being in swimwear
Aku, The Shapshifting Master of Darkness?
>What happened?
We created a female version of The Mask.
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>Part of the reason I like Rarity is because she reminds me of my mom a little bit.
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I'm honestly not against it.
Same, that is also why I like Celestia. They are both really likeable ponies.
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But the Mask is a good guy
Why is EqG Rarity so much better than everyone else?
So she was a vain slut that lies to her friends?
just because warm shit feels better than cold shit on your face doesn't make it good
He was, but he was also a trickster to Discord levels.
Not in the comics. And it depends on who's wearing it.
Delicious white genetics.
Dash reminds me a lot of my older sister. It's kind of nice to have characters that are realistic enough to remind you of people you know IRL.
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I think the reason I waifu her is completely unrelated to that.
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She was boring as shit in EG, and I'm speaking as a Rarifag
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it's almost been a year since hobo pony updated! what are you going to do for the year celebration?
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She was the only thing I cared about in the movie.
Pony versions of characters > EqG versions
prove me wrong
I'll be upset
>FiM Rarity
>Socialite seamstress with a growing fashion line and a few connections in high places
>EqG Rarity
>best idea for raising school morale was to give everybody cat ears and a furry tail to wear around
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EqG Rarity seems much more approachable, which is why I like her so much. Obviously all the pony versions are better, but she is still the best of the Equestrian Girls.
joke's on you I'd see her in the reflection in my glasses
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Rarity is best everything?
Is that what you're saying?
>pony winked at me

W-what do I do now?
The wall is right against my back, so I find that hard to believe.
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She was no where near as good as her pony version.


It worked once before, so why not again?
Tell her that her nights are much more vibrant.
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Stand and deliver.

>needing glasses to see a computer screen

shit nigga you blind
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>She was no where near as good as her pony version.

You're right, she's not, but for me she was the best thing about the movie.
The pony is inside the wall.
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I looted this pony
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gotta go sleepy

dash and sonic would be total bros.
Satan please go
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for he were a bold deceiver
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Well /co/?
yeah I am my prescription is -6, -8 and I have a stigmatism
>being able to read words past 2 feet
Check your privilege
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How? She had nothing going on for her in EG except the admittedly hot dance dress
Pony said it's safer there.
shiny, please fuck off
I can't even tell if you set that up.
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Who is Cherry Jubilee
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I spent my cash on looking FLASH and grabbing your attention.
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good night mlpg
pony asks you who is buried in grant's tomb
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Oh, she had SOMETHING if you catch my drift.
Pony can't prove anything, it was an accident!
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damn, vulapa's art is getting uglier
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Is it a dress?
>finished case 2 of the new ace attorney
>both of them so far have had twists on the same tier as finale cases from the previous games
I can't handle this much turnabout
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A shittily animated loop of her in the dress I just mentioned?

The same dress with almost nothing of art, and even less of lewd art?
She better be listening to Wavves
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Oh no other pony got looted too
Anon you're a monster
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no octavia cum inflation edition
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The dress is nice, but I meant something else.
athena is the killer

now fuck off
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Either that or The Drums
I'm mirin that sweet leaf circle, brah

Pinkie cake inflation
>The circle of leaf.png
I am pretty mirin'
octavia cum deflation
Bat pony doing something cute
Rumble in a fancy outfit.
are you frustrated?
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That's not a beefpon at all, moot
What abot FIDLAR?
>Ignored ghost Girlfriend.
>Talked over ghost girlfriend.

We ain't gettin no ghost cuddles from this.
Fluttershy wetting the bed
>manually draining the cum out of Octavia
I second this. muh dick is in spades
the person that took that picture was too lazy to finish it. 7/10
Rarity taking Sweetie to a Sapphire Shores concert bonus points if Sweetie is embarrassed by how loud Rarity is screaming
what the fuck is this
Octavia getting bread inflation
i cuddled a ghost pony once
it's not that great
a couple of years old
MLP is satanist just like pokemon
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Brynn is going to be our girlfriend when he puts that mask on.
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>Listening to binuaral beats for relaxation
>It works
I thought this was hocus pocus.

What happened to hypnoponies files?
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How could that pon get any beefer?
Have you ever drawn Puff as an adult? Or with his kids?
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I haven't checked 'em out to be honest. I will though, thanks!

She probably goes nuts with The Beach Boys but I'm sure she'd enjoy stuff like Anamanaguchi as well.
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Sorry Lyra but I really need to go to the bathroom! I'll be back in 3 minutes, okay?
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No idea, but here's a mildly customizable one.
>she grabs on to your leg
I'm drawing a thing.
Not sure about the close-up. Should I try an ant's perspective instead? Also, anything that's majorly glaring that should be fixed?
I wanna take that mango home
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They're s/t they released earlier this year was really great. Probably one of my favorites from this year.
you mean the "im a shy pony" ones?
Wasn't me but since you're asking Puff IS an adult.
Listen to some real music you plebs
Fix the moonrunes
I think they moved to their own forum, and I didn't bother following them after that. I assume they're not completely dead, since I've been seeing the odd file crop up in other locations.
This looks like it's it
And this is the old Googledoc they used to use, hard to tell how up-to-date it is.
i like thing
Oh and tell CC I love her
Oh. I always got this vibe that he was just a freakishly overmuscled colt. I think it's the face.
Same with Sad Sack.
Pony can't take the sexual tension anymore.
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Underneath the costume is this pony.
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>you will never a Sad Sack
That's a more apt description of Snow.
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Pony should overdose on aphrodisiacs and get it out of her system.
>Mr. Carmack
Yeah, no, fuck that faggot
>Hurr durr I get all the respect from the medium despite not giving two shits about it
>Stop hating on (This thing that ruined something you really enjoyed) you're just being a snob!
This is why his games fails, he's not a designer and doesn't understand good game design, he only understands good technology
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why we so slow tonight??

is everyone busy?

if so, what are you doing, besides masturbating to ponies, that is a given.
I want a bat

Though if the vanilla server wasn't ded I'd be on there instead

We may have fucked up
>bats can live up to 20 years
>oldest being 32
>5 Guys opened up here.
>Finally go.

Oh my god...
Where has this place been all my life?!
>you will never binge on your favorite flavor of ice cream with him
>you will never end up vegetating in front of your favorite episodes of MST3K
>you will never tug his ears to get his attention, then just snicker
>you will never frens
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But that's not Jasmine
Being bored.

Do you guys wanna play vidya or something?
well i was playing typing of the dead overkill
the music is bomb as fuck
>you will never snuggle him on the couch as you slowly drift off
>you will never pull a blanket over the both of you and give him a little hug
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I'm RPing on F-List
Does Sad Sack sleep in between the Cream brothers?
Hanging out washing
Watching Kill la Kill
This is the cutest fucking thing. You're the best.
>you will never wake up to find him curled up on the floor in a depressive heap
>you will never make him breakfast, then carefully hoist him up
>he will never mutter a thanks a his mouth twitches into a genuine smile

Working on the Luna Quest session for tomorrow. At least I was. Now I'm probably gonna play some Pokemon or some other vidya
No one cares fluautist
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me too


oh well, at least your actually doing thing

no thanks, im gonna draw something if we this ded i promised bpg i would draw something for them tonight
>you will never pull him out of a funk by blowing raspberries onto his tummy until he can't help but laugh
>you will never take interest in things he thinks no one else likes
>you will never be there for him to talk to, but never force him to open up
why can't human babies be this cute
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Busy trying to solve this game programming problem I'm currently having
>Being halted in progress due to not being able to draw a simple block when I press a button and having the block move forwards.
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what a strange fetish
Odds: sleep
Evens: Catch up on Kyoryuger and other shows
Dubs: Get a tattoo of my waifu
why does pony like you so much
why doesn't pony like me
Waifu tat get
Can I help?
Post pics.
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I was being facetious since you only said no octavia cum inflation but I love these
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>tfw your life will never be a love story
>or an action flick
>or a mystery
>or a concept album
>Somewhere a tattoo artist woke up in a cold sweat.
>"It's happening again..."
If I got drunk enough you could probably convince me to do this.
>concept album

It'd just be really depressing so nothing would change.
Mine's a political thriller!
pls no
you have so much to live for
so it's an oxymoron?
Do you know SFML?
No, it's five different parties send their governor-elects to assassinate the others while they have a political debate over walkee-talkees
I am backflipping over an explosion RIGHT NOW
I probably will.
But I ain't get a tat of my waifu. I'm just going to get one of her cuite mark.
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>not letting ponk eat it
No, but I might be able to help if your problem isn't entirely framework related.

And if it is, sometimes explaining it to someone else helps you see the answer yourself.
You do not know thrill until you work 80 hours weeks for a month and then watch the results come in. And lose. And dust yourself off the next morning an start picking up the pieces.
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Pony forgot to go out and buy cheap halloween candy today.

How fucked is she?

What's left tomorrow?

I come back after an extended hiatus and there's no >rape

What the fuck.
Yeah, that sounds like a politician's idea of a thrill.
She can get a box of discount rape
Forty whole pounds of it!
Rape was a really unfunny joke.
but I'm a tripfag and I want to be the little stallion
why must I be excluded
>rape hasn't been a thing in ages here.

I don't think it was a good idea to come back.
animating doge
still gets posted sometimes
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Size shaming
It's been a very long time.

>Muh oldfag MLPG culture.
pls femDoge
On the same level as cuckold.
How long?
I came in around June 2011
only if >>14328396

becomes a thing again too

and a full squadron of new plane ponies
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>June 2011

My nigga.

I think I joined on the 17th of June 2011
Then yeah, it's really not a good idea to come back.
size shaming with multi-yard dongs
it's a call of duty joke/parody.
i'm sorry.
tfw january 2011
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I like the size

But not the shaming
June or July 2011

Left at the beginning of current hiatus.
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I really like this guys style.
fuck fuck fuck

I forgot to do this when nobody was home so I could hide it and not be judged
I have been coming here everyday and night since lesson zero.

dare you to watch it all without a >feel
I started browsing MLPG in 2011 but then I had a falling out because I started to play way more video games due to getting a new PC so I didn't start back up browsing until the creation of /mlp/.
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I don't even want to think about how long I have been coming here
I know that feel
Size shaming isn't funny.
i've been here since Jan 2011

but with a different herd
November 17th 2011.
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That is a very stealthy pony.
May 2012 here!
but who cares?
Answer: Too long.
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July 2011
cupcake/porkslope pls
Why does /mlp/ need a mlp general?
please, cupcake and porkslope along with that retard darky were summer 2011

I was Winter 2011 with Flutter!Shy , Northern Wind, BigMac, Orange Blaze etc
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I'm bored you guys are boring
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December 2010

You guys act like being here for a long period of time is impressive. Really it's just sad when you realize how much time you've wasted on this stupid show
We used to be on /co/ before they forced us off, now we hang here.

It's mostly to keep us in. Stay or don't.
>Wasted time
Why does the mlp general need /mlp/l?
Why don't you draw a cuddle orgy
i cant remember much but i joined near the end of S1 and i have browsed MLPG everyday since.
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But's its still fun to be an oldfag. How else can we haze the new kids.
june 2012
feels like it's been way longer
God I love that picture
Why does one cartoon warrant a board?

Not only that but its just fun to remember things. Especially with how similar, yet different, things were back then.
why does one video game series need its whole board?
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>Really it's just sad when you realize how much time you've wasted on this stupid show
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Have you ever been on /v/ pre-/vp/?
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The worst part is I left MLPG THREE TIMES
November, 2010

I know the feeling old-time fellows.
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February 2013

Call the cops
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...Part of me wants to dress up as /co/nrad
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I'm still hyped. 20 days

touch my feel hole
march 2012

started browsing mlpg in november
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Not a day goes by where I don't think "I've spent 3 years talking about this show"
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Yeah I am pretty stoked if also a bit cautious

but you know everyone will be here come episode time regardless
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>stop the booping
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Pone should not self-pleasure themselves in public!
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His comics are really cute.
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I still have my old pony folder
still makes me laugh a little
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I have been posting about background ponies non stop since 2010

My basement dweller powers are maximum, none may challenge me
Sept 2012
Started lurking mlpg a week ago.
I dislike this guy.
it was the same, but with more pokemon threads
Have you heard about Naruto?
You admit you want to drag ponies into the basemet.
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I needed to know this information
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damn I walked right into that one
who doesn't?
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It's really weird when you think about how much fun we used to have naming background ponies. I wish we could have that much fun doing silly things like that again.
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Why be cautious? I really think s3 wasn't that bad, it only seemed lack luster because of the half season. Yea sure it had some sub par episodes, but every season did. It's just that because of the half season those episode are in effect twice as bad so one bad one is really two...

I'm still hyped as fuck
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Can't fucking wait.
I also filter centaurs, satyrs, bat ponies, drugs, tripcodes, gaffer, shining armor, scootaloo, and celestia
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I just came here from the front page; I have to admit I may have bashed MLP fans and bronies several times, but what enrages me more is that normalfag shit of " wasting time" on something you like, why waste your time alive pleasing people that would hate you otherwise?

If I were God I would have devastated people long ago.
No, but I've gotten that a lot in the past
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Me too anon.

I ran that whole "name these ponies" thing with all the backgrounders back then and started the bg pony wall

It was a complete clusterfuck but it was a glorious complete cluster fuck

It is where cloud kicker, raindrops, dizzy, all of them got their names originally. It is also where hte moondancer/twinkle confusion originated. All right here. They are ours. our own. our precious.
I don't think I've wasted any time on this show, or anything related to it.

I've enjoyed every minute.
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My old pony folder never stopped being my current pony folder.
It's kind of a little out-of-hand at this stage, especially since the organization fell apart about a year ago.
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I agree wholeheartedly.
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post coital cuddles with the pony you love
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I'm here from Oct 2010 but who cares, all this is is an excuse to post old pictures
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Care to explain why Twilight x Your OC/Self Insert is better than Twilight x Flash Sentry?
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they should make more background ponies for us

i don't even care if they just add the ones from the toyline, i need bg ponies!
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Coming back to all this nonsense already put a huge smile on my face.

Thanks MLPG.
but anon
I love all the ponies
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I'll give you the Season 4 leaks if you can just perform this simple task.
>bg pony
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Ha, you still have a version of the wall, awesome

They really should, and they do sometimes add toy ponies. That is where Blossomforth came from. They just need to do it more often, or bring the ones they drop in back darnit
I really liked s3 except for SAYS.
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This artstyle looks familiar...
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I really liked s3 except for AFR

Oh make no mistake I am still hyped as well anon.
>Doctor Whoof
Man I miss these.
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Cute fillies
>You will never make out with Whispy Willow while she possesses your colt buddy
Tess is long ded, though. He's never coming back.
Sheesh Fluttershy is so boring
it isn't
they're both worth the same amount in hitlers
do you like "the life and times of a winning pony" by any chance?
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remember when sprinkles apologized to andrea for writing cupcakes and ruining pinkie pie forever
And yet she's the most effective member.
>goes into feltpone style on the last few panels
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And to this day people still ignore Showers

No matter how hard I posted that pony nobody loved her

Poor, poor showers
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Last one.
I don't have it, but the first pony related thing I saved was a gif of Rainbow Dash flying across the floor in Bridle Gossip.
If it wasn't for that gif I probably wouldn't have given it a chance
best fandom moment of all time
In an entire party of 'That Guy's it's no wonder
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I didn't know that about Bloss

and yea I have a lot of oldie but goodies, i horde

She does a really good job as a BG pony though!
I'm really sorry Tabitha St. Germain engaged in arguments with you about marijuana use all the time like her very life was on the line.
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I don't remember if this is me or not.

Coke pone was a lot of fun.
Anyway show me.
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I see your opinion and respect it but I politely disagree with it
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Maybe we could get her a little #1 background pony trophy or something
Should Pinkie Pie play Cantervania, Megamare X, or The Binding of Scootaloo?
I'm talking about the majority of smokers and I'm pretty sure Tabitha wouldn't exactly be any different if given the situation.
pony sneaking into your bed to cuddle you
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