Last Horse>>14286129Fluttershy and Discord are now friends! Did you like the return of Discord and how he interact with the 6mane? Was its nice to see that Fluttershy FINALLY get to use her strength in this episode rather than the shy then no shy crap? If it were not for Fluttershy, which other ponies would you rather have paired with Discord for this episode? Is there anything else that you would like to add?
>>14290336What an autistic horse
I don't give Fluttershy enough credit.She actually is an okay pony.
>>14289198THAT LOIRO
>>14290336Pretty lousy Fluttershy episode. Definitely worse than good episodes like Putting Your Hoof Down and Green Isn't Your Color.
>>14290363Right here, isaac.
>>14290366Twilight is more autistic
>>14290380>implying giyc was good
>>14290374she sure has an enormous filesize
>>14290392thats just fluttershy though
I want to clean MT's chocolate mandingo butthole with my tongue
>>14290392>tfw miles hats us
>>14290374Hurrican yellowquiet is one of the best episodes.
>>14290410I blame the parents.
>>14290363Don't know. Ad said Discord and best pony and I was quite excited since there's almost nothing with Discord and Rarity. An episodes of shenanigans where Discord has to spend time with the other main characters would be awesome.>Discord helping the CMC get their cutie marks
>>14290395it was good, but not because fluttershy was one of the main focus in it
>>14290423Go the fuck away
just got home, what'd you guys think of the comic?
>>14290444>mayor mare dress/10
>>14290449Nobody likes you
>>14290428>Discord helping the CMC get their cutie marksRIP in peace Equestria. You never had a chance.
>>14290444Mayor Mare was pretty damn hot.
Pony burnt the roof of her mouth on the pizza because she didn't wait for it to cool off
>>14290380Green Isn't Your Color is actually a great episode and I consider it one of the top tiers in season 1.>>14290423Well, her father is delusional.
>>14290455Awww, that guy has a heart of gold.But his name is nobby now.
>>14290449He acts like sb
>>14290444Is it fully out?If so, link?
No, the interaction was clipped and really stiff, aside from Fluttershy.I guess, but really, wimpy/stand up for yourself isn't much different than shy/not shy.I don't know why he didn't get an episode with Panka Pew, it could have been glorious. As a character, he really doesn't click with Fluttershy.
I have seen the face of doom.Death would have been only a sweet release from the horror.
>>14290461Pony should be more patient
>>14290472There is not a single person who likes your presence in the threads.
>>14290464Of course it's actually a great episode. That's why I brought it up.
>>14290451>>14290460sounds pretty unf, need to see that
>>14290475Is there a point to this?
>>14290488I do.
>>14290444What comic?
>>14290495Is there a point to this?
>>14290488Anon he isnt going anywhere. He's a /b/tard
>>14290419People can drift apart without hatred, Anon.
>>14290499part 2 of shiny cantdance comic
>>14290488That's not true at all, I know of at least 1 person that enjoys me being hereI do.
>>14290379You like crazy 80s ponies, don't you anon?
>>14290498Please put your name back on so the filter catches you
>>14290444Disappointing.No one can make Candyass good. I mean you had Shiny and his friends who were fucking great and then you had Cadence who was Cadence and her two friends who...well yeah
>>14290515Preview of full comic?
>you will never be MT's bf
>>14290501Is there a point to this?
>>14290472>Screaming echoes in my uterus
>>14290538Is there a point to this?
>>14290444Pointdexter is how when shaved.
>>14290534Full comic. It's on yayponies
>>14290444It was underwhelming after #11. Cadance still has no personality at all.The "conflict" consisted of >Oh no, Shining Armor asked someone else out... well, too bad, I'm going to break up with the obvious asshole and date Shining anyway. And... the obvious asshole acts like an obvious asshole and that's it.It pretty much fell apart as a story.
>>14290535MT already has boyfriendS.
>>14290501is there a point in crossposting to a totally different thread? And only to post an image?
>>14290482How do you think Pinkie Pie would act if she was paired with Discord?>>14290521It comes to no surprises that those three unicorns are the same age as Candyass and now seen as the bride maid in the wedding.
Previous Thread>>14286129[MLP:FiM Link Board]Version 8.2.1 10/15/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:
>>14290546Is there a point to this?
>>14290556>It pretty much fell apart as a story.well...shit
>>14290475>artist neededBut that's our Nobs! Right?
i love hiding
>>14290556She did show a little bit earlier in the comic with Twilight but I would have to agree with you after that.
>>14290556>it fell apart>typical high school drama storyOh man, it totally fucking did.Were you fucking expecting the citizen kane of comics? For what it was it pulled through.
i love seeking
>>14290593We could hide together some time
>>14290570Problem is its not limited to the unicornAll the ponyville ponies are there as wellIts like the main six ponies are the only ones that did not attend that school at that time
>>14290580>>14290579Is there a point to this?
Pony just doesn't know anymore.
>>14290616Is there a point to this?
>>14290623Is there a point to this?
Why are species swaps so great?
>>14290623Is there a pone to this?
if you don't absolutely love cadence by now you probably shouldn't be watching the show any moreshe's pink, she's a princess, she's the most popular girl in high school AND she spends all of her screentime getting her hair done or getting fitted for a dresswhat else could you even want?
>>14290556They tried to fit too much in two issues. They could just have focused on Cadence and never shown Shining and his friends plan the stuff and just see the plan in action while still focusing on Cadence or they could have just kept the focus on SA and make him completely wrek the dance, "save" Cadence from Buck or whatever and end it with something cheasy like they being the only ones dancing in an empty ballroom under the fire sprinkles or some shit like that.
>>14290639>what else could you even want?a personality
>>14290639>if you don't absolutely love shiny by now you shouldn't be watching the show anymoreFixed. Cadance is still fucking boring. And Pink.
>>14290651personalities aren't attractive as shown by marketing research
>>14290639Shining armor just really likes pink, imagine if he met pinkie and just started having an affair.
I'm going to ask Dash to be my valentine
>>14290668and that's why we dont like her
>>14290599it had even less weight than a typical high school drama story
pony says you have a deep sense of entitlement
>>14290679I hope you're a mare or gryphoness.
>>14290679...I have tickets to the next week's wonderbolts show.
>>14290570Well, as far as keeping it in line with KCaFO would go, it would have been cool to see Pinkie and Discord pranking most of Ponyville and causing mayhem, eventually getting to the point where they were outright mean. At that point, Pinkie would protest, and Discord, who maybe actually started to like her for not being all uppity about having fun, would get mad at her, and she would have to convince him that laughter meant nothing if it was only you doing it.But that's just me, I guess.
>>14290679>Wpshhh imminent.
>>14290611Yeah, that is a problem. I would say that it is either the writer half assing the resident's location and forgot that the distance between Ponyville and Canterlot was a night train ride distance or all the fillies and colts were given a dorm to resided in while they attend the Canterlot High School.
>>14290689What are you implying?
>>14290703That Rainbow Dash likes girls.
>>14290642That'd be so cliche. And it'd have worked so much better.
>>14290682I think your main gripe is just with cantdance, the story was perfectly fine. She's just a boring character.
>>14290611>>14290702it's just background shitdon't think about it too hard
>>14290693She has wonderbolts to the next ticket show.
>>14290656>And Pink.Daily reminder that pink is not even a true color: it's not even on the visible spectrum. It just happens to be white light with green subtracted.
>>14290709But dats wrong
>>14290709Only as much as Rarity likes taking thousands of cocks simultaneously.
One thing I didn't like in the comic was this whole "We're going to live in a crystal palace".
I dont know why hateanon shitposts so much. If he became popular too maybe he will stop shitposting?
>>14290715>she's just a boring character.Not only that, she's also representative of everything this show shouldnt be, the lack of her type of character is what made FiM special
>>14290724Confirmed, pink is worst horse
>>14290702Plus it also has the unusual result of basically making every single resident of ponyville fall within a certain age range except the main characters. It is just strangeEven cherry pone is a student there
>>14290710It's a High School drama story. Cliches work the best whit this kind of stuff.
>>14290722She has show to the next wonderbolts tickets.
>>14290518This is all I can do for now - got class to attend soon.I hope the sketch is actually visible this time.
I wish my high school drama was this sensible and low key and had a happy ending.
>>14290746I stil lsay that the bigger problem was that if we go after this comic the only ponies still left in Ponyville would be Granny Smith, Big Mac and Rarity
>>14290771Haha yeah, that too!The great ponyville high school migration
>>14290744>>14290724beige isn't on the visible spectrum, either.
>>14290752I want to ask those ponies out.
>>14290760So do other weaboos.
if you kill flyingsaucer then celestia will let you into equestria and turn you into another creature of your choice if you so choose
>>14290775>background shitIf by background you mean the cover of the comic, then ok!
>>14290802Well fuck it then I'm not going.Seriously, I don't think I could live in Equestria with such a weight on my heart.
>>14290802That is awfully mean of you anon on multiple levelsBesides I am safe I am behind seven pony butts
>>14290697That might work, but I kind of remember how unstable Pinkie was. Remember that she basically taunt a goddess in Halloween and how she might not see the reason to it, or how she didn't forget her last encounter with Discord in Season 2. >>14290721But that answer makes too much sense!>>14290746Its like the writer couldn't draw up a Ponyville Highschool at all.
>>14290815most of the time the covers are never canon to the actual story in the comicthey might show something related to the story of the particular issue, but it's not actually part of it.and considering just how much the comics love to do fanservice shit, it wouldn't be that far off that this cover is just that, fanservice
The only reason she is grumpy is because she crashed dinner at my house last night and ate four entire trays of lasagna. I hope she enjoyed that stomach ache.
>>14290828You're loss>>14290815No offense FS, I got nothing against you but it's Equestria.
HeyHey Hey guys three weeks till new pone
>>14290846She's cute.
>>14290846awwww yiss, mothafuckin ca/tg/irls
>>14290851Could you draw Twilight giving Rarity a makeover? With the expected results from that
>>14290846Needs more surfboard, sunglasses, ecto-cooler in hoof, and boombox
>>14290866You should ask this guy instead. He actually knows what he's doing.>>14290846
>>14290599Don't be facile. I never expected anything more than a typical 80s high school drama piece, but that's just it- even in those, there's some kind of lasting tension to the climax, even if the ending's a foregone conclusion.There's none of that here. Cadance has already decided to pick Shining up at the dance from the get-go. The only minor obstacle is that Buck hasn't figured out that he's already lost, and the antics at the dance amount to distracting him for a few pages. Even Buck winning the King title barely registers as an event; normally that kind of thing happens before the lead ends up with the girl as a kind of final triumph for the antagonist before things go right. Here, Shining's already won; there's not even a good illusion that his burgeoning relationship with Cadance is threatened, so all it ends up doing is kicking the loser when he's down.
>>14290857>23 days
>>14290802I don't even know who that is, so sure.Turn me into a CoC tier malleable person
>>14290815>what is fanservice/panda ringStop making such a big deal out of it.
>>14290846Nerdy pony r63 when.
>>14290847That is a good point anon and I really hope that is all it isCurrently the only ponyville pony I can think of that appeared in the story itself is a very distant backgrounder, pic related>>14290853et tu, anonymous?
>>14290857I don't think we'll make it.
>>14290887that dancing marker is too cute
>>14290902shut up
Carrot Top x Poindexter porn when
>>14290880but shining doesnt surf
>>14290914Why Carrot Top?
>>14290887Can't wait.
>>14290739I don't know about that but an effective way to shitpost is to use your popularity for you. Example, using your fanboyish whiteknights and minions to shitpost for you.
>>14290925better question: Why not Gaffer?
>>14290916muh fanon
>>14290883Not him but don't let something like that stop you.
>>14290925I mean Mr. Cake
>>14290916Just wait for the beach episode.
>>14290947There won't be one.This isn't one of your chinese cartoons.
>>14290883That's pretty mean
>>14290926I wonder if anyone has ponified the Japanese fart scroll
>>14290956Even Dora the Explorer had a beach episode.
anon and femanon getting sexual with a stallion
>>14291002I would take away all their cards to Hot Topic
>>14291002All of them.Very hard.
>>14291002>No fur detail0/10 wouldn't fug.
>>14291007>modern Hot Topic>goth shit
>>14291002the report buttonreally hard
You'd better not weh.
>>14291023sent ;)
>>14291002Applejack dressed as the chick from beetlejuice. Clearly this artist has some taste
>>14291002Normally a Pinkie fan, but that Twilight in fishnet stockings is fucking hot.
>>14291027Fuck you, I'll weh wherever I want. Especially here.
What is ponies favorite video game?
>>14291040I can't not hear this
>>14291053DON'T DO IT ANON
>>14291061They like to play with YOUR DICK a lot.
I wish cloud kicker didn't exist, she's an awful pony.
>>14291083Well aren't you a rebel
I wish Derpy didn't exist, she's an ugly pony.
>>14291086She wishes you didn't exist, you are an awful human.
Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete, and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?
Reminder that Derpy (human or pony) is not for sexual.
>>14291094Well that's just mean.
>>14291104anon is not for sexualever
>>14291102Why so faithful, my glum student?
>>14291104I'd bend her over my knee and spank her for hours. The whole time, she'll be wondering what she did to deserve it
>>14291104Reminder also that she is ugly.
>>14291141>needed to be reminded that Derpy is ugly
Stallions without hats
Pony started stylin on yo ass
>>14291163She may be ugly, but she is NOT a whore!
>meanwhile Derpy at home is wondering who is spreading these awful rumors about her on the ponynet
>>14291086What a terrible thing to say about such a cute pony. For shame
>>14291185Rarity pls, my ass doesn't need make up
Look, nipples
>>14290593>>14290610i'm used to think rainbowfags is most autistic fans before i saw this post>Did you like the return of Discord and how he interact with the 6mane?nope. it would be better if discord escaped himself from the magic>Was its nice to see that Fluttershy FINALLY get to use her strength in this episode rather than the shy then no shy crap?She wasn't doing anything>If it were not for Fluttershy, which other ponies would you rather have paired with Discord for this episode?Twilight
>>14291219still shit
Okay here's how we gonna do it. You give me the ponies on the list I gave you and I give you CelestiaNo funny stuff
>>14291175Are cute than stallions with hats? Why yes they are anon
>>14291231But Pinkie Pie is funnyWhy is she on the list
>>14291217Pony says it's the least Pony could do after Fluttershy ruined your asshole
>>14291104But Derpy is for tender romantic love-making.
>>14291228I'm nothing if not consistent
>>14291219Hmm. I guess those are nipples.Hips look a bit strange.
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
Here's the human Fluttershy picture I was talking about. Sorry that took so long.
>>14291219oh god those nipples
>>14291269could you at least use your trip? dodging filter is pretty pathetic
>>14291286If anything, Flutters has a cute butt.
>>14291311Which OC is this, xieril?
>>14291311"A new era in horses"-IGN
>>14291311Suave as shit
>>14291327The coolest pony in school drew the thing.
>>14291338It should be required for Graduation quotes to be peer-reviewed.
>>14290363she's gonna turn that Mohawk into a full blown punk rocker look
>>14291379I like your thingscan you do an anal one next?
>>14291379should not unf
>>14291402I have this going on for the sisters, and want to finish it for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. Don't know how mares can anally service a filly.
>>14291379Vulapa you sick, magnificent bastard.
>>14291423With their tongue.
>>14291423they could lick the anus, that would work
>>14291432>>14291433Alright, I'll do so for Scootaloo.Any ideas for Babs Seed, though?
>>14291231I accept.
>>14291446anal tribbing
>>14291446Well, there's her sister Sunflower... does she have a pony design, though?
>>14291446Make a pony version of her sister from EG.
>>14291462Didn't that come out today? Has it been storytimed yet?
>>14291446Double sided dildo deep penetration.
Which pony enjoys pretty pink mares the ost?
>>14291467It came out a few days back in a weird motion comic way.and the comic was actually even worse than the movie, if it's possible. The only good things were finally seeing Babs' sister and human Harshwhinny.
>>14291446penetration with a hoof
>>14291379my unfs are moving on their own!
>>14291496Oh man. Is Harshwhinny a teacher or a student?
>>14291517Teacher. Sexual education or something.
>>14291453>>14291475>>14291499Whoa, lewd! At least those will go into the idea pool.>>14291455>>14291462She has a sister? Wow.
>>14291517Teacher.Oh and all the "fillies" in EG are in the same grade as the "adults" in MLP.
What do you do when you feel tired, but like not sleepy
>>14291537Why is someone squirting Fluttershy with a water gun?
>>14291546Pretend pony is sleeping with you.
>>14291534Everybody already has
>>14291569DO IT AGAIN!
>>14291569You sure?
Twist is uglier than Derpy
>>14291586Who doesn't love her?
Current list of ponies that are sluts:______________________________________________________________none_______
>>14291584>>14291578She's so adorkably imperfect
>>14291527Well, we never saw her in the show, but yeah, she mentioned her sister in her episodes.
Reposting from last night.
>>14291595Current list of ponies that are sluts:______________________________________________________________Rarity_____FTFY
>>14291546browse MLPG.It's not actually that different from what I do when I don't feel tired
>>14291614That is a giant right hindhoof.
>>14291614Damn son, looks good.
>>14291634You're a giant right hoof
Best DTProve me wrong
>>14291651I'm not a fan.
>>14291546Think about if i have something worth doing that's not too much work to do in my current state.If not. Vidya and internet time
>>14291647aw shit
>>14291651You proved yourself wrong.
>>14291634I think it was a little bit off then got really distorted when I adjusted the perspective. I'll keep an eye on that in the future.>>14291649Thanks!
>>14291651That looks like some kind of horrible frog monster
>>14291651She's better as a cute pony not a fat girl.
>>14291695Better kiss her so she'll turn into a beautiful prince.
Oh yeah I also drew this last night too. Some people liked it I guess.
>>14291706How about I kiss you instead
>>14291706I think my face would melt off Raiders of the Lost Ark style if I tried to kiss that
would you rather a sweetie or a little rarara
>>14291715You need to colour you stuff more, when you colour your stuff it makes it look a lot better.COLOUR PLS
>>14291723>>14291723Little raraBig Sweetie
>>14291720Take one for the team, you magnificent bastard.
would you let best colt boop you?
>>14291723RararaI couldn't resist hugging her.
>>14291746With his dick?
>>14291746he's too bony and doesn't look huggable
>>14291746Of course I would.
>>14291723R-Rara sama!!
Sup. So I managed to keep away since season 3 ended. With it coming back in a month I've decided to get acclimated to MLPG again. What have I missed?
>>14291750with his hoof, on your nose
>>14291760About 50 other people saying the same thing.
>>14291760Nothing really important. I think. Most of the news were drama that make no if little sense out of context.
>>14291760it's exactly the same as it was when you left
>>14291758What a cute little colt. Would pat on head and give ear scratchies.
Wait do we have episode names yet?
>>14291760Shitty comicsS4 is in Nov 23
>>14291746>>14291758You guys should probably post the best colt if you are going to talk about him
>>14291771>>14291773>>14291776Neat. How was Equestria Girls?
>>14291760New Ponies Nov 23rdEQG happened it was mediocre
>>14291746Would I?
>>14291793Let's just pretend it doesn't exist.
>>14291793Aggressively mediocre, full of bad songs and plot holes.
>>14291734I should start coloring things more often now because I finally have some nice brushes for the program I use. We'll see.>>14291712I don't like drawing when the sun is up. I don't really know why.
>>14291760Trillions of Hitlers.
>>14291793Fantastic, check the link in the link board.
>>14291760The cancelled S4
>>14291793Never watched it. Bronies mostly liked it.
>>14291760here you go:
>>14291817>Bronies mostly liked it.This is false
>>14291791I like his colors but hate his face and voice.
>>14291791But I did.
>>14291807If you close the doorThe night could last forever
>>14291793It was alright, nothing to really rave about but it's fine.
>>14291774>Thinking that you Yanks know better than England and her and her colonies
>>14291811Don't lie to him anon
>>14291807just do what mew usually does nowadays, or what i just did here>>14291746do some quick cel shading, it gives the picture much more "body"
>>14291791But that one anon did
>>14291822Looks like promotional material for the card game.
>>14291826I agree that his voice could definitely be better.I also love his colors
>>14291822Why does she have a hunchback? Why can't the Hasbro marketing department get good art? Why do they have to do shit like this, aren't they fucking rich?
>>14291822>you will never activate twily's trap card
>>14291841My sketches vary in detail so some are more defined than others, but you're probably right cel shading might help. I'll keep it in mind, thanks.
But Rarity, it's demeaning...
>>14291822It has a "both players discard their hands and redraw" cardThe game will be busted and broken
>>14291865They're rich because they don't spend money on shit they can get away with less.
>>14291853Same but his other parts need work.
>>14291853I drew that colt once.
>things were going well for a week>boom, a huge problem pertaining to my future employment.fucking life why can't you give me a break for once, fuck.
>>14291883man who caresfans probably already made a pone card game that's better
>>14291889Its kind of funny just how crazy tails go in mid-rotation framesbuttcheek tails must feel strange>>14291896Oh.. oh dear. That is rather lewd!
>>14291896welp, time to filter~
i cant get over this robot being named poncoi blame you mlpg
>>14291896wow, lewdunf draw more
>>14291896DamnThat colt looks prettyPretty gay!
>>14291917Screw you.
>>14291917thanks for the heads up
>>14291917you've been a busy boy
>>14291928Should I just leave my trip on? I'm getting impersonated daily now.
>>14291917Lol why though
>>14291946You should draw more dicks.
>>14291946It depends how much you care about being impersonated.
>>14291957Well I wouldn't bother if you were at least not mean about it. I don't care about jokes here and there but I wouldn't tell people to screw off so easily.
>>14291946Impersonation is just a form of flattery
>>14291983Thanks anonyou nearly choked me with thatwell played
pony just beeped
>>14292015this is ridiculousI just serviced pony
>>14292015GoodI don't know what I'd do if pony didn't even POST
Guys how do I submit to the mlpg group on DA, I use to be able to do it easily but I can't find the damn option in which it will let me submit an already uploaded deviation.
Rumble x Thunderlane
>>14291651why does that look like something Ross would draw and like if he could draw beyond flat color stage
>>14292043I've got the feeling the artist is a fan of Ross' art.
>you will never cum on Gaffer's socks
>>14292041not unf
>>14291983Well played, anon, well played.
>>14292041I'm assuming one of them is being doped with hormones that keep them feminine yet hung?
>>14292051his art is more appealing than Ross's
>>14292041Disgusting. It should be Rumble x Anon.
>>14292052>he will never make the final leap home
>>14292043>>14292051They are. I like their art sometimes though, when it's not failing so horribly at being arousing.
>>14292041Rumble x all the fillies
>>14292041unf if aged up, and Rumble is bigger than Thunderlane
i'm tiredi'm emptyand it gets worse every day
>>14292084Rumble x Rumble____
>>14292084this is my favorite ship
>>14292089SleepEatGo back in time
>>14292041Rumble x not for sexual
>>14292081But Sam wasn't the actual people he was inhabiting, so there's a real Gaffer.
>>14292100Rumble x fem!Rumble
>>14292089Time to restCaring friendsProfessional helpPlease get help
>>14292089Drink ponies and draw beer
>>14292110Rumble can't have sex with not for sexual anon.Not for sexual anon is not for sexual.
>>14292114This is the absolute worst suggestion ever
femRumble X Femanon
>>14292089talk to me kraut
>>14292129>woman on filly cunnilingus
>>14292114Why does everyone keep suggesting this?
>>14292105i wish i could. there's no way out now. i wasn't meant to ever have a life worth living>>14292114no>>14292121can't have anydon't want them anymoreno. anyone ever trying to help me has nly made it worse every time>>14292125i'll get some sangria and skip the pony part. i can't eat recently, so it should be easy to ration
I'm seriously starting to think I should filter Rumble.Because holy shit this is not even funny anymore.
>>14292152Because they wish to worsen things beyond imagination
>>14292130Kraut is dead. mewball and sb saw to it personnally
>>14292160Could you put on a name so I can filter your whining? Holy shit.
>>14292160nigga you dumb, just hide the original post
>>14292158I want to make her do that
>>14292116i never watched quantum leap
>>14292160Sorry, MLPG is sort of Vibratateatron sexual
>>14292159if that's the case then why do you come here> what can we do? what do you want us to do?
>>14292170I sincerely hope he's okay. Don't be a jerk.
>supplement aisle>lecithin 1200mg 200ct bottle>Zinc 50mg 100ct bottle>anything with pygeum comes with too little of it or in strange quantitiesFUCK
>>14292172Could you put on a name so I can filter your retardeness? Holy shit.
>And you spend how many hours a day doing that?
>>14292172I don't even filter (that much anyways), but this is getting really annoying. People here don't even talk about Rumble anymore, they just keep spamming that stupid "for sexual" bullshit.
>>14292200Amazon, bro
>>14292212Far too many.
>>14292199What a fat ponyThe one in the right could stand losing some pounds too
Now sugar, what is it you'd like to put up my rump?
>>14292199You really are a jerk wow. I don't understand how you can fool so many poeple.
>>14292102One of the few times someone here actually linked to a good fanmade vid
>>14292199SB you like big ponies, did you ever draw Double Stuf
>>14292199have you tried talking to him recently? you're probably the only one he'll listen to
>>14292220But then I have to wait for it to get delivered and it costs more with shipping
>>14292212I pony for 12 hours and sleep 12 hours
>>14292246>replying to yourself
>>14292236A dirt rocket
>>14292194i barely come here at all anymore. i'm just the internet equivalent of a homeless guy yelling at everyone.
>>14292212Working on my Bachelors
>>14292216People don't really talk about Snips or Snails either (outside of them being molested, having super big cocks and being fat anthros) but I'm not filtering them. If you're getting really annoyed by it, then filter away, you child. Don't be surprised if the thread seems dead for you at some points from now on, but that's the price you'll pay for having such thin skin.
>>14292251He probably won't considering sb put him down on several occasions.
Holy shit you guys talking about kraut again? MLPG really needs to be purged.
>>14292247Yes.>>14292251I'm not good at starting a conversation but I'm always willing to listen, and I'd be willing to help anyone out in any way I can.
>>14292287Which one of those has an annoying as fuck "meme" attached to them? That makes any sort of discussion on said character (even if it's mostly fanon based) impossible?
>>14292200Some prostate health supplements have Pygeum at a regular dose. Urinozinc has it at 100mg and even if you double dose to get the pygeum at 200mg there isn't a high enough concentration of any of the stuff to be bad for you. Though you shouldn't take zinc with it since it has zinc already. I'm not a doctor though.
>>14292287>Think skin.Please sb.
Pony just unfed.
How does a pony curse?
>>14292287It's sad fetish talk is the only thing that keeps mlpg afloat. That and meta drama
>>14292313Both of them, moron. Also if you really think discussion is impossible maybe it's because you haven't been initiating any. How's that grab you?
>>14292333pony curses like ned flanders
>>14292333Shut the fuck up Rose, don't you have popularfags to hang around with on skype?
Post your pony waifu.
>>14292316I just found this stuff that work, and would I just take 2 a day?
>>14292352But that's an elf!
>>14292333Like this: FUCK YOU
>>14292352But that is not a pony
>>14292352Why is Zelda a satyr?I didn't play Skyward Sword.
>>14292350You usually do this when I'm not here at all. As much fun as you're having yelling at people that aren't me, if you have a problem you want to address, you're free to let me know of it to my e-mail. Sorry to everyone else, I won't perpetuate this past this reply
>>14292359Sweetie Belle! What a thing to say!
>"Anon, if you don't start spreading your hot monkey dick around and injecting mares with your baby batter, we're gonna rape you!"
>>14292405Please, no.
>>14292405>"Oh, Pinkie Pie. You're *so* random!"
>>14292413I wonder how slack Harshwhinny's sphincter is.Do you think she's starting to get incontinent?
i want to sit down on the toilet and piss in my face
>>14292405Not if I rape you first
Well I did it anyways.It's not like I'll miss much anyways.
>>14292426what a thing to say
>>14292444I'm just wondering is all, appledan
>>14292332I just unfed back at pony.
>>14292442I know what you did.
>>14292444What a story mark
i want to shit on a plate and eat the turd like a banana split
Well I was on a cruise ship out at seaMy fiance and meThe ship went down, everybody drownedAnd I'm just glad the sea didn't swallow me
>>14290374she sure has big pony-pocks
i want to eat a big chocolate pudding with fishhooks in them
>>14290697I love this idea
Pony is starting over on easy mode.
>>14292513Pony is a casual
>>14292479You know you'd change her diapers
>>14292356If I'm reading the label correctly 4 pills would be a serving so you would need 8 to get to the recommended 200mg pygeum. That puts the Saw Palmetto at 640mg which is a fairly high dose but not dangerous. If you're buying the pygeum online I would just get straight pygeum from amazon. If you have to buy it in person I would look for Urinozinc. If money isn't a problem Sprouts usually have bottles of Pygeum in 50mg bottles (Which means 4 a day) but it's a little expensive. This may not be a problem but Saw Palmetto is a estrogen blocker, by itself it usually lowers estrogen but it may make estrogenic herbs more powerful so be careful what combinations you take.If you want to search a specific herb's known properties just type the name into google with WebMD and it'll give you a page that has information on it.
i want to make a lake of my frozen diarrhea and ice skate on it
Which person horse would have the biggest boopers?
>>14292549You know it.
>>14292531Oh right, that's per 4 pills, not for each pillWhat about this per day and I get a little more pygeum then reccomendedI REALLY want precum...
>>14292588how much do you have to take for precum
>>14292554Would you use baby wipes on her ponut?And apply baby powder every time you change your waifu?
i want to rip out my fingernails and toenails and repeat the process after the have grown back until i have enough to make a suit of armor out of them
>>14292601"the stack" calls for 200mg per day.
>>14292571I wonder if Glommy person horse would have bigger boopers.
i want to be buried with a sapling so i can become something useful one day
>>14292611>not cumming into a plaster mold of your pony waifu for decades until your hardened semen can be removed and you have your very own cum pony fucktoy
>>14292395This looks like it was drawn by the backy artist.I hope it was, we don't need more people doing that awful style
When does a bunch of trees become a forest?
Uh oh...
i wish i could have died and my brother could have lived, because he would have never been such a failure
>>14292712Oh no!
>>14292708as soon as somebody starts calling it a forest
>>142925882 per day would be fine of this, I double checked the other stuff in it and there aren't any known ill effects from any of it at that dose. Just make sure you take the supplements within a couple of hours of eating.A heads up, Vitamin shoppe doesn't always carry everything in the store that they do online. I went to one looking for Pygeum and their stock looks nothing like the stock online. >>14292601Even a small dose of Pygeum can do it really. Pygeum is safe even at kind of ridiculous doses but the effects fall off around 200mg anyway. Of all the things in the stack Pygeum is the single most effective. L-Argentine, Zinc, and Lecithin aren't hard to get though so you might as well just do the whole thing if you're going to bother tracking down Pygeum.
>>14292712>.gif>no other frames
>>14292714I'm willing to talk about it if you want. make a throw away email or something
>>14292657Maybe? All I know is that Marker Pone being a cheerleader as a human is a great idea and needs to be done more.
>>14292731I like that.
>>14292729What if I call a single tree a forest?
>>14292731That's disgusting.
>>14292714Cry some more.
>>14292704>backy>bad styleI'LL KILL YOU AND THEY'LL NEVER FIND THE BODY
>>14292712You forgot to loop it, Rei
>>14292714I'll agree with the first part.
>>14292733It doesn't loop.
i wish i wouldn't look so worthless next to my family and everyone i know
>>14291338Fuck, i wish i had thought of that
>>14292749Labels are arbitrary, go ahead and call it whatever the fuck you want
>>14292712DON'T YOU DO IT
i wish i had a tiny horse who would be my little ponoe
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>14290521please no more 80s i cannot take anymore
>>14292749Don't do that. Other people will do that too, and then there will be no order left in the world.People will walk on the head, mice will chase cats, and we'll discuss pony here.
>>14292704It wasn't by that back artist
Human Gloomy should be reasonably stackedShe should get taller and more stacked as she gets taller
>>14292765Holy shit take it to /soc/ or call a 1 800 number. Quit shitting up an already shitty thread with your shitty attitude you shit.
>>14291982>I haven't been impersonated yet
>>14292212Talking about pony?Uh ... 2?
>>14292787This Gloomy is perfect.
sup guys, just gonna post best pony
>>14292777Would you treat said pony well anon? Nothing too crazy?>>14292780Aww, whys that anon? too HAIR for you?
>>14292797> She's often mistaken for Guybrush Threepwood
>>14292791Hi I am dotkwa and I suck dick. I am also highly selective of poeple I hang out with.
>>14292806Definitely a very cute pony.
>>14292788you see how annoying this is? dragging shit here that shouldn't be here? maybe you should have done the same
>>14292817Neither of those things are bad, though.
>>14292811It's a shitty decade that gets glorified too much.
>>14292817You never sucked my dick
>>14292811I would take her to the Genius Bar every single day. Any time she wanted.
>>14292712>>14292733>>14292759Sorry.No that's not who I am.
>>14292826What on earth are you talking about?
>>14292831Can I suck your dick and maybe later snuggle and watch some animations?
>>14292831y-you never asked
>>14292787>She grows from 4'8" to 6'8" over the course of a hiatus>She's constantly a DD cup but her frame gets bigger>She's got like 40 different pairs of bras
>>14292836>real ponyI thought you meant a magical equestrian pony anonDon't I feel silly
>>14292831i would suck rose's dick
>>14292841I recognize your style, but don't know your name. Maybe I don't hang here enough.
>>14292831>tfw you'll never get to suck Rose's 10" futacock
>>14292851No I too am highly selective of people. Only the best of the best can suck my dick.
>>14292847you hate me and i'm learning to have you, so i might as well return the you want that?
I've decided to change back to Pinkie Pie. <3
>>14292884Can I suck your dick?
>>14292891*hate you
>>14292901What an excellent choice!
>>14292884O-oh... I might not be the best, but can I at least try?
>>14292891> i'm learning to have youAh yiss, I am slowly mindbreaking this slut.
>>14292913Snorlax is a total bro and he's my bro.
>>14292918Talk about circlejerking.
>>14292928Snorlax=best pokemon all years every year
Why are you dorks still here? It's all about pets now.
>>14292925This is my fetish
>>14292588>>14292730Also, some people produce a lot more precum when actually about to fuck something. Somehow your body knows that there's not much of a point producing precum when you're just masturbating.
>>14292901anon pls>>14292817does anon want to hang out?
>>14292925I would mindbreak pony
Have you carved your pumpkin yet, MLPG?
>>14292967There may be certain triggers that are proportional to your arousal response, including the perceived pheromones.
>>14292974No not ever.
>>14292967That's been my experience, yeah.I will say unabashedly the thought of fucking Peaches Prong gave me precum down to my thigh, which is something that has barely happened since high school for me.
>>14292989I want to fuck that pumpkin.
>>14292913>filenameFuck, that hit me hard.
>>14293004I want to fuck you
>>14293004Well, that pumpkin has a great ass.
>>14292841>that binary styleValupa, can the DS even do that?
requests?>>14292997alright then
>>14292989>try to carve a pumpkin>fuck fuck fuck>everything is ruined>leave the knife jammed in the top and drip fake blood all over it to hide your shame
>>14293038But I don't like the cock.
>>14293053I request you suck my cock
>>14293047Well derpy IS best pumpkin
>>14293053draw your waifu, rainbow dash
>>14293053Scootaloo trying to be as fast as Dotkwa
>>14293053Fluttershy 80s wear
>>14292913>17 years
>>14293069I doubt you even have a cock.Zebra dildos don't count.
>>14293069Rose draw Sugar pls.
>>14293053Derpy delivering candy in a costume
>>14293053fluttershy trying to act sexy and failing
>>14293088>filenameOh so accurate.
>>14293088i'm dying
no one's ever offered to suck MY futacock
>>14293129that's a regular cock, not a futa one
>>14293088that filename definitely beats the originalwell played anon
I want a big pony sister
rimming a stallion
>>14293168I want a little pony sister.
banning a gayfag
hacking the gibson
>>14293052I just used the binary brush in SAI, then moved all the pictures around in Flash.Nope, not Vulapa.
>>14293240The camera panning effect is pretty good, nice work.
>>14293240I WILL KNOWONE DAYMaybe like, TOMORROWor something like that
>>14293285my guess is tiara
Your waifu is now a cat
>>14293301Tiara can't draw
>>14293309to what exactly
>>14293310worst ship
>>14293310Why did the artist make it pornWhyAs much as i love /ssloli/ that's too silly to be fap material
>>14293335>not liking sillysexual
>>14293322Have you seen that gif? It isn't drawn well at all, and uses tons of shortcuts to animate it. It would be very typical of him.
>>14293322He's been improving, based on the latest pictures he's posted in the thread.
There's a dog in my yard and i can't leave the house to get food because i'm black
>>14293370Thanks. I needed a good laugh
>>14293370The bug butt pic? It's really hard to fuck up an ass shot. When you look at the rest of it it falls apart.
>>14293168Your daughter wants a sister.
>>14293419But there is nothing to obey silly anon
Here you go, horsefuckers
>>14293423I would try.But what if I ended up giving her a little brother?
>>14293420Ass shots are hard. Why do you say it isn't?It's hard. It better be hard, or else we'd have horse ass shots running wild. You don't want that, do you?
>>14292989ya but some haters smashed it, threw eggs at my house and took a dump on my stairs
>>14293420post it
>>14293477Why would I save it? unf
A-anooonI'm in heatD-do your duties
>>14293469>best queen>2glowy>2scaryPretty good.
>>14293314I would pet her every day
>>14292102>>14292983I came here just to link thatManly pank gif when?
>>14293498Twilight. You're not in heat.Heat hasn't been a thing for your species since you evolved.It's clearly documented in your own notes.
>>14293423been a while since i've filtered one of these
Now it is time for foalsitter-filly bonding.BOND WITH ME TWILY
>>14293458Silly anon, no one is going to obey nothing at all
>>14293543YOU'RE MINE
>>14293559>you will never a Bob Ross and Fred Rogers tulpas
>He keeps calling Ponco "Panko"AUGH
>>14293577But who, dammit?
good thing SA wasnt a real nerd loser and instead a good looking muscular athlete who just happened to have nerd hobbies, otherwise cadance would never have wanted him.
Cadence definitely has control over her stallion, I'll give her that.
>>14293577where did I go so wrong in his upbringing?
>>14293585But he didn't do any sports or athletic events.
>>14293565I don't see your name on me anon!
>>14293528>Filtering satyrsWhy? Afraid you might die?
>>14293600Hey, satyrophobia is a real thing.
>>14293582It's in case 5 of Dual Destinies, I am trying to be deliberately vague here
>>14293439>>14293423>I'm so sorry sweetie, this is the 3rd little brother we've aborted this year. I don't think you'll be getting a sister
>>14292777w-we could be each other's little ponos if you want
>>14293623Congrats, you probably got the joke.
I hope we hear a story from Cheerilee
Would you help pone carry her caboodles?
>>14293631Can I brush your hair?
>>14293644I think I have a crush on that pony I could listen to her talk for hours.
Oh no!Pone's reaction to seeing how ugly you are
>>14293626>aborting childrenBut that would be kind of hilarious, if she had 3 brothers and no sisters.
fuck you. fuck you all.
>>14293673It's okay, I'm used to it.
>>14293656How old does pony start getting boners?
>>14293632Lyra pls
>>14293681what happened?
>>14293662that's the wrong pink mare anon
>>14293691Every pony has a birthing fetish, so...
>>14293673Let's see what reaction pony will have once I unleash evil on her wardrobe or something
>>14293693That's creepily specific.Unf.
>>14293699eat shit and go fuck yourself
>>14293709no really, i'm curious
>>14293707are you making fun of us choates?!
Help, I think I'm gay for Gaffer.
Pony is concerned that you aren't eating healthy.
why is pon so happy all the time?It's goddamn disgusting
>>14293736Nooo, I wouldn't dare. I'd end up losing one of my socks.
What's the last good movie you saw?
>>14293754Are you sure it was Gaffer, though? Because he was Quantum Leaping.
Le continuity faceAlso Cadence's frens are prete pones.
that comic wasnt very good
>>14293754Is Gaffer a LOTR reference?
>>14293766ya damn straight you will
>>14293772that's a pretty ugly... what is that?
>>14293772That Columbo movie where he's on a boat.
Is rainbow dash a bad enough poney to hang out with the bats?
>>14293775>continuityCook and Price came up with the worst idea for that.
Just finished reading the comic.I didn't mind the MILLIONS OF references, since it wasn't supposed to be serious anyway.It was cute and made me feel good.
The only good pony fic is Hard Reset. Prove me wrong.
>>14293775>a book>on your studentThat is kinda creepy.
>>14293789Haha, what a fun picture.
>>14293707Freakin' Satanists possessing our internets
So how does MLPG feel knowing Lyra was a teen pop idol?
>>14293761Sad pon
>you will never squeeze a filly.
>>14293785Flying Russian pony with back problems.
>>14293761It's because she has dozens of vibrator eggs stuffed in her butt and pussy 24/7
>>14293808>satanistslol no
>>14293799Cute ponies, but a bad issue.
Hur derp werp?
>>14293772Is that from that russian animated film?And Pacific Rim, no one cares about people who think it's shit
>>14293812>implyingLuna's in the same thing. She was still Nightmare Moon trapped in the fucking moon at the time.
>>14293824I'LL MAKE YOU TALK
>>14293828no one cares about me, no big news here
10/10Truly this is the best comic.
>>14293676She would probably get along just fine with her brothers if she had any
How do I tell if a woman is interested in me romantically or she's just flirty with everyone
>>14293772Saw gravity, wasn't sure what to expect since it would be like a documentary or something. Never watched anything like it and it was amazing.
Pony entered
>>14293818Also she's adorbs as fuck lay off.>>14293828Yes.
>>14293849Ask her instead of trying to read her mind
>>14293851Is it true that it would be even better as a silent film?
>>14293858>You will never see a pony open a door like a pony ever again.
>>14293846That's itTime to go down to the comic shop
>>14293848Would she get along fine with all of them at the same time
>>14293858>>14293880Pony's hair moves when opening doors
Poor Shining. It must be hard being mentally retarded sometimes.
>>14293904why does carrot cake keep hitting on poindexter
>>14293902>Poindexter has a short stint in transvestite shows>not very popular
>>14293902I don't even...>>14293904>carrot cake hitting on him
>>14293917I heard he's retarded or something
>>14293877Mmm maybe, it was perfect the way it was.
>taking his flowerOh yeah, she wore the pants in that relationship since day 1.
>>14293904This whole comic was so cringeworthy to read. It's like the author decided to draw it as if it was him back in high school and he actually won the girls heart despite being a nerdy looser.Eugh.
I can FEEL the gay.
>>14293928At least he gets to throw her around
>>14293928>that neckfatLay off the Cheetos and Mt. Dew at your game nights, Shiny.
>>14293947Cadence probably just saw Shiny's dick during Penis Inspection Day, and decided that his girth must be hers, and no one elses'.
>>14293952Oh my god Shiny's face
>>14293947he drew shiny rly handsome doe.
>>14293754>Tuxedo t-shirtOh god
>>14293968Eh.... In the actual animation shining has a lot more balls than the comic makes him out to be.>>14293983Yeah i cant fault the art, but just the content, meh.
>>14293073>>14293078>>14293084>>14293099>>14293106here ya go
holy shit wait is the new comic out
>>14294004Yes. It has pop idol lyra in it.
>>14293900I-......No, no such a thing is possible in any family, a sister geting along with her three brothers at the same time.
Now I understand that post from earlier.
>>14293781Probably that and the fact that he probably works as a stagehand given his apparent proficiency with all the stage lights and rigging shit.
What did they see?
>>14294004Yes! Where the fuck have you been?>>14294001>80s Fluttershy10/10
>>14294020Yeah, sure, whatever.
Lemony Gems is a SLUUUUUT.Also comic was 10/10 fuck all the naysayers.Now for the bonus section.
>>14293902Try again anon