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Old Thread

Apple Apple Apples! Did you like how Applejack got an episode with her family? What is your opinion on AJ when she was running the reunion? Did you like the song or any of the apple ponies in that episode? Is there anything else that you would like to add?
kill me
I might take requests. MMF will take priority.
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Apples are dum
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Rarity, please.
>Apples Apples Apples!
>Did you like how Applejack got an episode with her family?
>What is your opinion on AJ when she was running the reunion?
> Did you like the song or any of the apple ponies in that episode?
> Is there anything else that you would like to add?
I really liked the episode. one of my favorites of the season.
shut up and let me die
Details, then.
Anon gets felt up by male and female diamond dogs
Flash Sentry/Twilight/Shining Armor.
r63diamond tiara an r63silver spoon and femsnails come to mind
aged up or otherwise
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What a pleasant collection of people
or unless it's too much incest AJ, Big Mac andBrae. Family reunion stuff or whatever
I loved the first part of the song. The second, not so much.
I do remember an animation error when Octavia's redneck counterpart played a last note in her solo: her glissando goes up, but should go down according to the animation (or vice-versa).
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Its the apples, isn't it?
thanks, Comic book guy
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This is what I like.
apples are great
I swear they sing "racist barn".
I want Big Mac's giant, flared horsecock wrecking my ass while I eat out Applejack.
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There also the part where one of the string was disconnected from the violin.
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I LOVE what I see
which touhou wud u fuk
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Guys, what is this pony name?
A missing string's not so bad

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baked apple?
Pinkie Pie!
I forgot what parody used that line.
Was it FiW?
apple turnover
>these heads
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pinkie pie.
She put in contacts
Dyed her mane green
Painted over her cutie mark
Instead of sensibly painting her coat brown, she shaved off her coat and gave herself a heavy tan
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Boy howdy.
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>implying i wouldn't every touhou
Momiji is the best, though.
>twilight sparkle mic
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I would like for AJ to lose the ponytail. She would be so much more beautiful without.
Futa tier list:

Goddess Tier: Celestia, Pinkie Pie
Big Enough Tier: Twilight, Applejack
Size Queen Tier: Rarity
Overcompensating Tier: Luna, Fluttershy
Reverse Size Queen Tier: Rainbow Dash,
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A reason able answer!

These are acceptable.
>midboss with no personality
secondary scum
why is she so perfect?
I wish you wouldn't joke about that sort of thing
Having known hundreds of tan degenerates I cannot stand to have discussion about that sort of thing as it relates to ponies

if you continue to post about artificially darkened pony skin I will be forced to fly in to a rage and spam the thread with pictures of something stupid and not pony related in the slightest

I'm thinking fashionable suits, but I'm keeping my options open
>Size Queen Tier: Rarity

Yeah boy. No pounds tight virgin stallion assholes like Rarity.
Okay, I won't post about it anymore if it bothers you that much.
Just imagine her flared cockhead in your ass.
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I would bet it would be less tangled when she bucking apples.

AJ is a down to earth pony that honor hard work and honesty. She also has a cute accent to boot.
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bats are best
No. Changelings are.
Filename: Fluffy ponies 2.0
Excuse my fetish faggotry for fangs and fluffy tails.
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They make great night guards.
Let's try one more time.

Request. Make it fucking filthy.
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too edgy for me
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What if they are changeling?
shining armmor drunkenly rapes twilight, who ends up enjoying it in a twsited way or something

bonus points if you have cadence seeing everything
Edgy. What does edgy mean? Tell me.
apples are better
>cadence seeing everything
>implying she didn't set the whole thing up
Pinkie pie hungrily sucking Chrysalis' oozes from all of her holes.
I am and it's painful
Second person, you fucks.
I wish the fanon about them wasn't constantly growing so I could finally catch up to it. I only know they're cute and like to eat tropical fruit and nothing else.
why don't you try something different for once, you fuck.
You and me both.
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dark, grim, gruesome
But that's not Diamond Dogs.
Cadence mindfucks Shining Armor in to raping anon
Blazing with futa Gilda

based on genitals, that is MMF
Shut up prude
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Second person hungrily sucking Chrysalis' oozes from all of her holes.
anon drunkenly sucking shining's ooze out of chrysalis's holes
Then make it second person from SA's perspective.
Fluffy ponies are in absolutely no way that. Bat ponies are much more 'edgy' than fluffy ponies could ever be by themselves.
seconding this
>Fluffy ponies are in absolutely no way that.
of course they are anon, they have been ever since a couple months after they were invented

have you been under a rock?
I sleep day time, so I would cuddle the hell out of that bat.
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I don't see the big fuss about bat ponies
They're cute, aesthetics-wise
I don't see why you have to answer to, or care about, what the bat pony general shits out
Just, like, like 'em, man
No fuss, no muss
Do you have any evidence to back that up?
Has someone drew a 6mane version of the bat pony? I know of the changeling version but not he bat pony ones.
Please don't do this
do something feet related or something, it doesn't matter.

Just anything without alcohol or drugs.
I want to lick every drop of sweat off her feet.

people like making a fuss about nothing
being a tryhard
The keyword seems to be "by themselves". They aren't edgy by themselves, but what the inhabitants of the fluffy pony generals did is really edgy in every conceivable way.
Why does the internet like to make up definitions for words so they can use them incorrectly?
Tell me about your darkest pony fantasies, anon.
Batponies are no way as bad as Fluffyponies were
I don't see anything gruesome being inflicted by fluffy ponies themselves.
Pony forcing thing I hate on me until I like it
it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes
If I was a pony and I forced you to smoke weed what would you do to me?
Would it be sexy?
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Its going to happen very soon. I cannot wait to see her come back.

He doesn't like batpony and spend time trying to compare it to something as abominating as that.
neither are bat ponies
in the show/comic they've been shown to just be luna's escort and common fanon is that they eat fruit more than anything else

I don't get it
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I want to please the biggest ponies (Chrysalis, Celestia, Luna) sexually. Make them cry with pleasure and whatnot.
Let's not get him started again
You're making stupid assumptions. Stop making assumptions and using buzzwords.
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Wasn't there a guy a few weeks ago who kept comparing satyrs to fluffy ponies whenever people brought them up too?
They're still more edgy than a fluffy pony. They aren't edgy, no, they're just a little bit closer to being so.
Where are the buzzwords in his comment? Happen? Back? Abominating?
Yes he did.

What kind of ponies doesn't like fruit?
common troll tactic: compare thing I don't like to something that is universally disliked whenever it gets brought up in an attempt to make people relate the two things in their head and make them stop liking it
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But he never said edgy.
Please tell me more.
>common fanon is that they eat fruit more than anything else I don't get it
You ever heard of fruit bats? and ponies eat fruits and greens
Which pony would you have a threesome with?
Aren't those two different persons?
pick any two, really
or one if we're doing a selfcest type situation
>missing the point entirely
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inb4 that's not the same person
I don't give a shit that it's someone else. He's arguing the case of someone else, thus he should be responsible for their setbacks, too.
EA please, I'm about to go to sleep, not discuss my darkest pony fantasies.
I think it's because popular trolling went like this
>if you like X, you must like Y as well and Y is shit
>'no, you're making assumptions out of your ass'
>it's just because X and Y are so similar, you're a fag if you can't see it
I want to be seduced by a filly
I want that filly to be Diamond Tiara
odds: start phoenix wright
evens: mmo
This is the fourth time someone's mistaken me for EA.
I'm started to feel a little insulted.
Fillies are not for sexual, you pedo
The original game?
Just imagine Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both raping you with strap ons.
no, the new one
Scoots and Dash
>from a 3ds
nigga those capture cards cost $300
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Just DT.
SS is cute, but she's just not femdom material
B-But.. Sh-She started it..!
point a camera at the screen and stram it
Then she watches and rubs herself as Diamond Tiara splits you open.
I mean you just don't ask about someone's dark pony fantasies.
I'd be lying if I didn't work up a huge boner every time I see that pic of gilda smoking
I'm not LK anyway
and my upload rate is awful
What if pony wasn't cute?
She takes a drag from her joint as she grinds her heel into your cock?
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What if DT chains and blindfolds SS and forces her to listen to my screams and her insults as she destroys my ass?
I just want Cadence to turn me into a pretty mare and let Shining Armor fuck the stuffing out of me

is that too much to ask
>not transforming into LK
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When they grow old and wrinkly. You better hug and cuddle them while they look young.
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So the drugbuster busts nuts at the thought of druggies?
Is this like the new Ross where you loathe what you're attracted to?
Just give in to the taboo and shut up already
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Why is she so perfect?
I think Ross still hates real life hat women
well yeah
I guess I'd let Shining Armor fuck me either way but I'd prefer to be a pretty mare if I have the option
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That's hot and all, but I'd rather Cadence turn Shiny into a mare and use her magic to make him irresistible to the other stallions and then whore him around the city.
! trigger warning !
right in both of my fetishes
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Thats not Rarity, anon.
He says that, but he probably still boners at the thought since it's against his inner /fit/izen
Just the right amount of pink.
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It looks like it was all

it was just a figure of speech, but now that I think about it it would be pretty hot if she turned me in to a pretty pony plush and let him go to town
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Why is Rarity so perfect?
I wonder if he often dreams of that one time he got sat on
Just the right amount of slut.
>but now that I think about it it would be pretty hot if she turned me in to a pretty pony plush and let him go to town

>get turned into a sex plush
>Can't move or talk but you can feel everything
Why not both? Flared cockhead deep in your bowels while the princess tells her husband to pound you deeper.

Just imagine her feet gripping your cock, stroking you off as she takes another hit.
He has a fetish for lifting up fat girls for christ's sake
It's the reason why he lifts
She's really not. Even ignoring her sluttiness, she's just a horrible person overall. She steals from little kids (using his feelings for her to get it), lies to her friends and gets away with it, and treats he sister like shit most of the time.
Look just because I have a fetish for corruption doesn't mean I actually want to be apart of Chrysalis's hivemind
Wasn't a ruse and still isn't, I hate them for the most part but it a part of manage to wriggle into my fetishes.
I want Pinkie Pie to shit on my face
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Thats easy anon. Her episodes are the best solo episodes, she has a nice singing voice, she cares for her friend and willing to give free stuff to them, and she is Rarity.
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Stop posting anytime.
>Wasn't a ruse and still isn't, I hate them for the most part but it a part of manage to wriggle into my fetishes.
It's cool that you're being chiller about this.
Then show me otherwise.
Those could all be good qualities... i think.
You're just biased against child abusers.
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I think I'll just continue to enjoy best pony instead
Nope, her big cock rubs against your asshole as she takes a rip from her bong. She wants to pound you, but she's holding back.
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How can manipulating what's basically a child be seen as good?
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My god, those hips.
I hear angry sex is the best sex
That's so very borderline lewd
I'm angry.
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You ain't seen nothing yet.
You're maaad
You're maaad
You're really really maaad
you wanna get high?

drink tap water.
This could get lewd
Is this about elves?
>frames from left to right
it confuses me inner weeaboo
Grind against her
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I can't read this, but this OC is kind of cute.
>Japan recognizing best shit

Aw yuss.

Needs better art though.
>they give you to a lonely little colt when they're done with you
Shut up, moron! Loser of the real world!
we got your t-shirt
you done left fingerprints and all
you are so dumb
you are really dumb
for real
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Then what are you doing here, Anon?
You aren't allowed to do that. I'm reporting you to moot.
Should we do some greentext shit?

Let's do some greentext.

>Your cock throbs as she rubs you up and down.
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AJ and Big Mac
i'd be in the middle
fuck off /a/
>reposting that shit every time someone makes a weeaboo joke
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Why the fuck are you still here?
Tell me all about Big Mac's cock in your ass while you fuck AJ.
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It's what I do.
Typical response of an idiot. You can only troll others and can't state your own opinion.
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Sometimes, it's fun

MLP is a dead fad
>Fuck AJ
>Not having his face buried in her vag while Mac plows him

Her marebits are only to be penetrated by family.
I could ask you the same thing
That's pretty much it.
Spit-roasting would also be an option.
Or anything else.
>tumblrfags in charge of using the correct file format for screenshots of text
While Applebloom tickles your balls with her tongue?
Then tell me about how AJ drinks Big Mac's cum from your asshole.
My balls are so pretty!
AB is too busy rimming Big Mac.
Babs can suck your tip, though
i'd rather we both pull out to cum on AJ and then proceed to lick her clean
Can I touch them?
I regret saying I have a drug fetish.

I should get back to programming so I can work on a pony game
The sweet, sweet taste of your own salty cum.
Where your goal is to not be molested by drug ponies?
well, anything, really. I just think a threesome with the apple siblings would be hot as fuck
I wish, I just realized I knew very little about C++ so I decided to relearn so I can go back to SFML so I can easily make a shitty platformer using stolen pony sprites and generic level design.
Why stop at threesome? The best would be all of them stuffing their cocks down your throat.
nah, iwould need to start slowly. maybe later on
>You will never be a pretty little girl.
Hold me, MLPG.
>He's not a pretty little girl
ew no
I want to kiss pony under her ear
Pony. Anal. Cum inside. Pick one.
Cum inside Pony's Anal.
Does Weaver still come here?
Cum inside pony, surely.
I create a jizz/shit ass-cocktail in Pones' shithole for her to give me in my mouth
If you want to snowball, it has to be Big Mac who does it.
What do you all think of flared pony cock?
but ponka would do it in a heartbeat

and big mac isn't a she
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Miracle whip
I want stoned gilda to give me a footjob
What's stopping you?
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mah nigga
Gilda doesn't exist.
Fuck your Marker
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Tough titties.

Just curious, friend.
checkmate athiests
Dear MLPG, please fulfill my fantasy about a hung as shit Pinkie Pie. Thanks.
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Why is dash such a rapist?
I pick pony.
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I can write up something that fulfills like, 30% of that sentence
can she even use that thing?
Please do.
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where do you see yourself in 40 years
>not fillynap
Why is everypony a faggot?
Pinkie shits

there you go
presumably with my girlfriend-who-likes-pones-turned-wife and with kids in a stable home

Where do YOU see yourself?
>stable home
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You would think that Twilight would at least own a classical.
Do any any older people come here? I'm 38.
I think we had a 50+ dude post here one.
Horsecock. Am I the only who loves horsecock here?
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I say its because of experiences.
blues a shit
is it worth waking up in the morning if nothing you do is memorable?
Tell me more.
/bcs is happy being an \(un\)ded drawfag/i
/bcs etc/i
>Filtering SA

eat shit
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You're shit.

But seriously, I would expect Twilight to listen to stuff like Mozart or Beethoven.
I meant financially stable, but whatever
celestiafags annoy me (so much they soured me on celestia herself), and most of his stuff is celestia related.
it's not thing personal
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living in a tiny unfurnished apartment with some boxes, a blowup mattress and two monitors, living off autismbucks or some pursued artsy interest
my pet is my best friend
>Filtering SB
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All he does is post anthro, talk about his day, and leaves. Is he really missing anything by filtering SB?
odds - work on more Luna Quest for this weekend when I get home
evens - work on a writing request
doubles - work on the RD draw request [/ spoiler]
Ask Doug Winger. He's a specialist.
no one cares
40 years older
odds - beb
evens - beb
dubs - beb
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Teaching poneology at the uni 8 hours a week, doing research and living the dream the rest of the time.
In a mirror.
he doesn't do it too often. maybe once a week. it's pretty easy to ignore if you don't like it.
I think it's easier to just filter him.
It should be foal as foal is gender neutral.
Ignoring/avoiding stuff you don't like is the whole purpose of a filter.
He's making a statement. The action of filtering and bragging about filtering is obviously more important than the filtering in itself.
But the same can be said for any filter posted in this thread so far.
Spitroasted by pones

Fillynapping and coltnapping makes me think of a whole bunch of pony foals sleeping in kindergarten
>worst coast
Why do we have so many gay anons and contributors
Because it's cool to be gay
>MLP General
>on 4chan
Somewhat surprisingly it's mainly the latter, but the former isn't helping either
attention whores
MLPG is a mental disease.
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So being straight is the minority here?
Why wasn't I told?
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How could you not be?

and who cares really

the guy's a shitposter
i'm only bi
also the hot glue dropbox is gone
satyrs a shit
It actually is, that's the terrible thing.
Straight is like 10%-15% of the total, even though that's a bullshit statistic
But why? Did he feel guilty for posting on MLPG?
Someone could've reported it, it's not unconceivable Dropbox removed it
i'm pretty sure he didn't care
We could do a strawpoll and extrapolate the results
dunno, all i know is i wanted to contribute in a week or so
We should repost it every 12 hours for one week to get better results.
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well you're wrong and a poopy head
I could help
Fuck fuchs.
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why are you even looking forward to s4
it's going to be terrible
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I'm looking forward to all the shitposters.
I'll make a new thread on 3dpd or something
I don't think we survived that hiatus.
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It wouldn't end well with bisexual. A whole lot of people here like futa, which in itself isn't a deviation from straight but someone will start arguing about it, but then there's the gay only for pony option, what does that count as? It's a clusterfuck. The only poll that might work is a yes/no with "Are you 100% straight [excluding/including] futa"?
Because unlike your face, we don't know that it's going to be terrible.
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>try to fap to non-3dpd for the first time
>can't even get it hard
You do know that the poll doesn't need just two options, right?
That's the only way of including everything accurately enough. Otherwise you'd have like, 10 options.
I don't
Let's see about that once it's ended.

It's enough
"Other" is for special snowflakes.
Stop pissing about. Straight, bi, gay, other. Those are the options. Nothing complicated about it. If someone complains, tell them to fuck off and deal with it.
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W-what do you mean you want me to categorize each and every person on MLPG on their sexuality? I-it's not like I have a book in the library that has records of each and every person's preferences and fetishes...
>i'm a panromatic demi-sexual
>my preferred pronoun is zorg
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Dress horse best horse
I've tried so long my dick is swollen and hurts.
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Vote vote vote! I'm also accepting potential participants for the next pone is fight.

Round 5:
TS vs FS: http://strawpoll.me/614862
AJ vs RD: http://strawpoll.me/614863
RR vs PP: http://strawpoll.me/614864
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There is really no other dress horse.
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>I-it's not like I have a book in the library that has records of each and every person's preferences and fetishes...
>My little Twily knows
Blush on pony looks really out of place. I know I'm not the only one to think this.
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She's one of a kind.
Sounds more like if sentenal was a pony.
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>Applejack is winning over Rainbow Dash
My niggers
Other would be for the idiots who pick the funny option because ITS SO FUNNAH GUS
pony just brrrrrt'd
i guess i will stay pleb until i die
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I think you should kill yourself MLPG.
>Pinkie beating Rarity

No, you're thinking of SHREK
Hey. Fluttershy beat Rarity last round.

It's not rigged at all.
There's a time and place for ponies. The time is now. The place is here.
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Is there a problem officer
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>tfw bronies are leaving mlpg
>Hey. Fluttershy beat Rarity last round.
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>mfw Panka's beating Rarity
>bronies are leaving MLPG
There's still 17 votes for Twilight.
Panka is beating off to Rarity
But then the Jews win.
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>Adequate pony beating a total shit pony
>Ra ra tea fag is surprised
Against Fluttershy
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Fuck. We jinxed it.
Why isn't she beating off Rarity so she can play with her spunk?
>m-muh favorite pony is not winning s-so it's b-b-bullshit, guys!
You sure showed me with that greentext.
I remember when best pony arguments meant something.
Don't let this get out of hand, both the 'Rigged' post and the greentext are tongue-in-cheek.
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Literally anything, including fanon Vinyl, Dr Whooves and Nyx is better than Fluttershy.
Alright who let the stuttering /a/utist in here
The whole thing is a mess though, ponies win against one and lose against another and the foermer opponent then wins against the latter
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Straw polls are not statistically useful forms of inference, since they are very vulnerable to sampling and selection bias.
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>all of a sudden 6 ponka votes
>not suspicious at all
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>made up characters are better than real characters
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>The celestiafag voted 16 times
friendship is magic

Also, what's going on in this thread?
The usual.
The round robin match-up is to compare how one fares against each and every other. It's not a popularity vote, really.
das racist
Jeez Twilight is such a fucking bitch.
We're talking about ponies, presumably.
>voting pony

You stupid bitch. You stupid, fucking bitch. I can't believe how dumb you are. Jesus Christ, I can't believe how fucking dumb you are. You're the dumbest motherf
>brackets of one-vs-one polls
>not useful forms of inference
>Fluttershy is more real than fanon characters because it's an official work
So canon makes things real?
>3 people voted for pony
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Yes, I do believe that's the point of "canon".
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Finished the Halloween prompt, I kinda missed the previous ones because work is just awful and likes to remove pony from my life.
Why does the background artifacts have artifacts?
fuck off
Your pony is under arrest.
Your pony has no legal counsel.
I'm not sure, I just wanted a texture or something in the background.
That's rad yo. I love that.
you're too edgy for me
>removing pony from your life
WHY?! That picture is amazing.
Why does no one on this site know how to use this word?
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do you always greet contributors with a friendly "fuck off"?
Stop it, you anonymous meanies!
The adjective "fictional" doesn't describe a quality grades when referred to single characters.
A character is either fictional or it isn't.
Hey, Faceless.
Sharks will seriously fuck you up. And what if his sandpaper skin scrapes a holes in the pool?
It would turn into a makeshift slip n slide
Pony says it's too early in the morning to pony. Let ponies caffeine kick in first.
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>this first case in the new phoenix wright
>the turnarounds
it's too much
Other pony says that pony doesn't know shit about time zones and that it's already far in the afternoon.
You shut your whore mouth before it starts spewing any spoilers
>asking why people on 4chan use words incorrectly somehow makes you faceless

athenas is not the killer
walt dies
But I'm correct, Faceless.
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What would the mane 6 talk about the most on Facebook?
Apollo is murdered in the 3rd case.
which is that
how do I play it
I've only played the 3 GBA/DS ones
the new one on the 3ds
3- GBA/ + DS
Nonymous can't handle being shut down by females
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that's some fast replies
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You can go to equestria, but everything is pony. The food is small food themed ponies, the appliances are all pone, the bathroom pone asks you to kill her every day but the gun pone keeps running away from you. How do you cope?
It's like the pone version of Flintstones
can those things pass the harkness test
Exactly, but with horse instead of rock puns.
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They're all fully sentient and obedient. If you throw one out it goes on a toy story adventure to come back to you.
i know how to cope

anon have you ever read a certain toy story erotic fiction
File deleted.
This image set is the hottest thing in this fandom.
>underage lesbians

Sorry anon, but a show screencap is hotter than anything with that subject material.
I...that's a thing?
no it's not
it's fucking gross
two of the worst fucking pigs in the entirety of the pig fucking disgusting empire of awfulness

now, anon x ponka sleepover, however.
I blow out my brain pony
are you really surprised?
>anon x ponka sleepover
i wouldn't know about number one, but it's up there
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>no it's not
>it's fucking gross
>two of the worst fucking pigs in the entirety of the pig fucking disgusting empire of awfulness

>being this assmad at pure love
Stay plebeian.
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Sorry there isn't enough >rape for you.

You might as a serious case of the bad tastes. The sleepover set is damn good though.
but pony
normal people take showers all the time
>anon x ponka sleepover
That was lame
Even in MLPG, F.O.E.!
> How do you cope?
I don't.
>Not having mewball, rediv, kraut on the list
>Escape Rope
Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
i have mewball's trip filtered
Rose pls
All I did was brush my teeth
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>not filtering all namefags
There's no good pony porn, period.
i wanted to answer >having a listbut then i remembered i used to have a list of ponies i wouldn't draw
to each his own,but i guess people are missing out
Too much effort, just turn on the anonymizer.
So proud that you would let me rub that cute belly?
I have no-one at all filtered and It's not hard to ignore shit
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So, someone thought it would be a wise idea to change the homepage on some library computers in DLSU with the Ponyspin page...
How many of you have done the same to your university/college/high school/workplace/Apple store?

Also, is country-shipping a thing?
not really.

if they're popular, everything they do will end up uploaded on derpibooru

>It's not hard to ignore shit
what do you think is the point of filters?
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What a silly face...I can't even imagine filtering ALL namefags
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Congrats, Reverse-Mega-Satan.
You're 2chill4mlpg.
As a rape fetishist, I ship Japan with China.
Not him but it gets kinda annoying when the thread turns shit and 90% of the posts belong to "I'd rather ignore this."

Though I just filter by hand when it gets too bad.
Rose go fuck off with your popular friends in skype and tumblr. You are a general nuissance to the threads.
Actually, given the current state of affairs between those two countries, that's a lot darker than I thought it would be...
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Anon, you should fuck off with your-
I'm drawing a thing on my 3DS.
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They do look disturbingly human, so I can understand how they would trigger the male sexual response, but what really creeps me out is how incredibly childlike they are. They possess no secondary sexual characteristics whatsoever, and are, in fact, canonically children.

Do children cause you to become sexually aroused in real life?
How do ponies even play football?
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I didn't know 3ds was for sexual
This is pretty interesting.
>4chan image size limit
You can kind of see a ton of indicators of what sort of time the study took place in that "Introversion" wordcloud, though.
Here's the article.
> !Pnoy\.R74Uo$
If that were actually the Philippine president...
Whose trip is it?

The heck does that have to do with...
Oh wait...
>Rape of Nanking

Is that a thing? I just saw this in the FB group for PH Bronies, and its source is some foreign language tumblr.
>telling Rose to fuck off
she's the model contributor. As in: draws, improves, has a life outside of pony but doesn't bring it here. what more could you want?
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Oh neat, I saw that uncoloured in a 404'd thread last night and forgot to go look it up in the archive. Now I can save it!
>drawing that clean
>with the 3DS
Fuck you
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>what more could you want?

Honestly, I'd wanna be a pony. Ponies don't have to look for jobs.
bcs what?
>emotional stability
that's not how it works
Rose leaving. I think everyone here wants that too.
>what more could you want?
She's like LK
People want drama but they never produce any
There's some shipping art of the /mlp/ Spanish Thread OC with the Italian one.
Would pony ever B E aggressive?
I don't care. If a namefag draws, fine.

see >>14259999
You forgot to mention that she doesn't have Krautism.
>look for jobs
i know that feel MT
good luck
>what more could you want?
A pony. On my lap.
Like, right now.
What is it?
You too Anon. Together with an upbeat attitude even us pony loving jerks can get jobs.
This is what I truly believe.
Just wondering, what do you call someone who believes that everything that comes from MURRICA is amazing and curses their non-MURRICAN heritage? Because I often feel like that when I think of Filipino a shit.
You can get jobs from me~
I usually hear it as Westaboo
Will you pay me?
>'reading' in the same bubble
Hey, that's not fair
well, to be honest, i'm very close to landing one, provided they pay decent money so i can move there
but yeah, here's to job-hunting!
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You should make your baiting less obvious.
Improves artistically. Meaning she doesn't reach "passable" and stop.
Ah, I see. Do Eastaboos exist?
>what do you call someone who believes that everything that comes from MURRICA is amazing and curses their non-MURRICAN heritage?
>what more could you want?
More art

Duplicate: >>14253013
>tfw became a substitute teacher
>will never sub for Cheerilee
All Ive seen from her is passable nothing more.
MT, can't you apply for shared rent if you live at home? You'd get a few extra hundred bucks
Well Weeaboo didn't really originate from anything japanese, so any other __aboo is just a bastardization of a joke.
Any technical problems you want to point out, or are you just stirring shit for the sake of making the general smell worse?
At that hyperbole, yeah, I agree.

pony has the flu
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Well that sort of attitude toward Japan is known as being a weeaboo, and the term "westaboo" was created as an inversion of that. No idea where weeaboo came from in the first place, though.
>or are you just stirring shit for the sake of making the general smell worse
That one, yes
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The word 'weeaboo' was originally void of any sense and it was popularized in its present one by moot's wordfilters.
I miss wordfilters, shame moot said they won't be back.
I've yet to find an mlpg.whatever that couldn't be applied to 4chan as a whole.
Pony better not cough in my direction.
I will make her a soup if she spares me.
That doesn't seem honest. Besides....I do actually need/want a job.
Well, cut it out.
Perry Bible Fellowship.
No fucking clue about the correlation between "weeaboo" and people who are weeaboos. Probably one of those things that just stuck.
Bastardizations by bastard bastards?

Give them some Tamiflu or something.

Ah, I see. I was thinking more of other eastern (southeastern?) Asian countries. Then again, my place isn't enviable at all...

Butt of course.

Dem wordfilters, never figured out what a jabroni is though.
Ooh, I never knew that. Do you know what it was that filtered to it? Japanophile?
Well, there's the ones about fucking horses, but eh.
Shared Rent is completely honest. it's in the words shared and rent, as in you actually apply for just that. You also get money to sustain yourself, on top of that. temporary, yes, but better than nothing
All Im saying I haven't seen new shit from you in forever. I've seen other tumblrfags who put in more effort than you and improve. You don't have to get so defensive Rose bitch.
>cut it out

Which pony would be Cosgrove's favorite?
I'll pay you loads.
This is the obligatory post, generated by the MLPG system, shaming you because of the 'wall of text' replies. They are against our glorious culture and show you don't belong here.
Also obligatory comment about how you should stop doing that and lurk more, or otherwise leave.
The previous sentence should've also contained generic insults and sarcastic jokes.
>implying I'm Rose
Other people can ask questions, too, you know.
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>reply wall
>This is the obligatory post, generated by the MLPG system
L-leth, is that you?
Wait wait you implied you were giving the job not me. So in I wiuld be the one giving you loads and you pay me money.
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I'll leave that up to your imagination, then.
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>never figured out what a jabroni is though
A jabroni is kind of like a punk bitch
Or a poser
Or a faggot
Or a generic insult that really has no concrete meaning
What the shit? is this an actual automated thing?
I meant its relation to the rock, as in >>14260264
Did Italians make it up? They say it a lot.
I bet you give lousy jobs Rose.
>is this an actual automated thing
And then people wonder why they get called newfags for posting reply walls

tu cosa compare
>Generic insult that really has no concrete meaning
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Good morning horse
>dodging filters
I heard you can't handle being shut down
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I think it's italian, yes. But it was popularized by The Rock.
Stupid bronies
Is he the slut or is Rarity the slut?
where's the dropbox?
And yes I am being a bit newfaggy, I think. It's hard to think at 2 in the morning.
Seriously, though, is it serious? And walls of text are not a thing here?
[citation needed]
Fuck off ponyhotglue
>that feel when purple wedding soon

It sure isn't italian, as actual italian spoken in Italy. Maybe it comes from some italian-american jargon.
Just roll with it, bub, and they'll stop bitching.
You fucking stupid brony. Go to ponychan Your kind isn't wanted here
>italian-american jargon

Thats what I meant, I should have been more clear. Didn't occur to me til after I hit submit.
Walls of text are not a thing anywhere on 4chan, especially not in generals. It fucks a lot with recursive filtering, it's bad to read, it's bad to follow discussions back, just don't do it, ever. The occassional 2-3 posts quoted is fine, but always try to keep it to 1 response per post.
what has pony become
>It sure isn't italian, as actual italian spoken in Italy. Maybe it comes from some italian-american jargon.
I should have said guido, then.
No. It makes following conversations a bitch. Reply walls are usually done when they're about one topic in particular, not multiple different ones.
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Exciting times ahead
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Actually my keybard batteries are just dying. Now I'm ACTUALLY dodging them to let you know that I wasn't trying to dodge them.

I'm still not 100% sure on this, but if it's about me calling MT cute on her stram, well I'm sure I'm not the only one that's done that, and I wasn't coming on to her if that's what you mean. I know she's taken, and she's not really my type, I just think she's cute enough to cause heart attacks.

no i mean something that pony wasn't before
a princess
Not all Italo-americans are guidos: look at Mario, for instance.
wow you fucking sperglord
So is it appropriate to link two replies when they're both about reply wall problems? I think I get it, although this one may be a violation of that...
I'm not even going to attempt to talk about the cartoon.
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Just fucking roll with it. Don't be so obtuse.

Just lurk a while.
Are you actively trying to summon Scruffy or something?
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Can mlpg play an instrument?

What do you mean?
It's fine when it's one reply to multiple posts that are asking/saying the same thing, again don't overdo it but there's nothing wrong with that in general.
When you write two or more different replies, that's when you should think about posting them separately instead. If you post something very specific to you, e.g. you're a drawfag and asked for requests and got a ton of them at once, then it's fine to respond to a lot of the replies at once, but when you ask "Which pony is your favorite", that doesn't qualify and you shouldn't make a reply wall judging every single response at once, even though it's one topic.
File deleted.
Is horsepenis an instrument?
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Why don't you have a 4000$ pony merchandise collection?

(pic related it's mine)
Nice. Source?
Source on that? Also the point where the tits just pop out of the shirt was weird as fuck.
I'm not a retard.
i might just contribute

I would partake in this
my horse "collection" cost roughly $5000 in total
Trombone. Though I haven't played it in years.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the refresher.
I legitimately thought they were little cut mushrooms before looking closely at their shape.
And I have several tabs open with hentai right now.
You do something and pretty sounds come out. That kind of instrument
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Some toys and tshirts cost that much?
That Derpy satchel is kind of nice.
Well, having sex can make pretty sounds come out of the girl sometimes, so is sex an instrument?

Seriously though, Piano.
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>flat girls
>klondork's OC

Yeah, then. I play a bunch as an amateur. Like, a dozen or so.
Try buying those shirts and toys at a con
>single toy:$400
>couple shirts in a pack: $200
Nigga not one of those plushies is worth $1600 even at a fucking convention
Not anymore.
I'm not the guy that posted it, just thinking of prices of things at cons from what I've seen on streams
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That'd be nice. Sorry for deleting the thread, that was a complete accident. I'll probably make a new one soon.
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When was the last time someone pretended to be JackTHerbert?
celestia is a mary sue
plushies 300$, much money goes in shipping (1500$) eurofag here.
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When Ratchetness made his last video
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>$300 for those awful spa twins
Don't post pink pony.

You're not allowed to put your filthy hands on her
That's definitely not the case, she's clearly shown to be really stupid.
Ratchetness: Like JackTHerbert, but Black.
What if Princess Celestia was a huge slut
and yet she always comes out on top
And worthless too.
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My hands aren't filthy, I wash them after every use, honest.
>Plushies $300
>Shipping $1500
What the fuck. What kind of useless shipping did you choose?
Very stupid? Or feigning ignorance for the betterment of her subjects?
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>Draw ponies in a doomsday scenario! Have fun with armageddon!

I imagined Armageddon from Worms for some reason.

Also I can't draw fire for the life of me, but I tried.
That just makes them even more filthy. not even a layer of grime between your filth and your touches.

You make me sick.
>leaving the mirror unguarded
No, very stupid.
bottom right corner
Which one?
Hah, thanks!
maybe you shouldn't choose to get it delivered in a solid gold case escorted by navy seals aboard the air force one and have it welcomed by an ambassador with full military honors
That Derpy is adorable.
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But Pinkie says she likes how I touch her, and that it's silly of you to call me filthy, I'm actually a very clean person.
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>tfw Princess Celestia and her kingdom will never feel the full might of the US military
>that derpy
Derpy is a very ugly pony
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Pinkie Pie's immaculately clean pink pony pucker
This should be remembered more often.
hottopic only ships express international ( 50$)
welovefine only express international (60$)
toywiz express international ups ( 55$ )
ebay not under 30$ shipping
lyra in socks
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Silly Anon, ponies don't have puckers.
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Nuh uh
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Hey, just wondering, who's Venom?
And what if that !Pnoy guy was actually the Philippine president, pissed off at his workplace? (he was posting something about remaking society once...)
This is the edit, post the real one where people see the same.

That's a good thing
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>"You call that catastrophic?"
I'm still seeing the top one.

Ugly pony.
autistic guitar
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You mean this one?
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>oh god, you read 'acoustic' wrong agai- hey, wait a second
>rediv is no longer hairy

Pony no longer brings me any joy, just the corpses of small animals as gifts on my bed.
I can play the voice
It's not about what you want, she's entitled to do whatever makes her comfortable in her own skin.
Something involving a guy who shoops Luna pics into his pics or something, which I keep seeing in cringe things outside /mlp/
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We need moar of this

Human military shit vs pony military shit

Or maybe a Human invasion of the entire planet, and all the pones gryffins, changelings etc unite the whole planet in an attempt to repel the invasion

War of the worlds mlp version
Shut the fuck up rose .
But the only reason she was feeling uncomfortable is because of you fucks that were making fun of her for not shaving.
>implying Equestria isn't a post-apocalyptic society after the massive nuclear wars that changed much of the human population into sentient, candy colored ponies
Implying it won't end up being Avatar with ponies.
The changelings should be able to easily win if they stop being stupid.
That's pretty pathetic. Letting anon peer pressure you like that. I lost all respect for rediv. Maybe she shouldn't be on 4chan anymore.
The firs ep of Steven Universe is out and it's cute as heck if you're interested.
You can find a link on /co/.
Reminds me of "September"...
Good song, that, although I can see how it can be lackluster...
No dooks we're not going to watch a cartoon about you
Massive nuclear wars that changes much of the human population into sentient, candy colored ponies when?
Lets talk about the shitty fandom some more!
Fuck off.

The people that care already know.
I read that as femdom.

Can we talk about femdom?
Judging from the news, soon™
>tfw never
>tfw world is content with having proxy wars
>tfw the population of australia wont turn into bat ponies
Fuck you rose. Fuck off to tumblr you are ruining my 4chans
Goddamn everything is so boring.

I want S4 news. Comic news. ANYTHING PONY NEWS
War has changed
I didn't know!
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>tfw some retard is bored enough to try and "chase out" the contributors we have
>tvw people will keep responding to him, and he'll keep responding to himself, until it starts to sink in
I thought school had started again, what are these /b/tards doing here?
Why don't you worship tripfags some more? Its always a favorite topic on mlpg.
Thanks for the heads-up.
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Eh heh heh, w-what do you mean changeling tactics are archaic and has no power against current modern Equestrian military strategies?
He's barely even trying. Thread's fine.

The light isn't wrapped around her hoof realistically, immersion ruined!
Because that's very boring and none of the tripfags that I would worship are here.
Please, Changeling. you really don't need to try and be something you're not.

I'll fuck you anyways.
I think we should arrange "MLPG's Day Off." Just have everyone stop posting for a whole day, see if things get better.
Is there a crossover thread here?

which tripfags would you worship maybe they're here as anon
Not many would participate.
Probably won't get much news for at least another week. I'm thinking we get the next episode synopsis before a proper preview for the premiere.
That would be fun, but someone would make a thread anyway.
They will actually turn into spiderponies though
There was that EQG comic

>reading the EQG comic
I don't think it's possible for the thread to stop now. Someone not in the know would make a thread anyway then they'd just mark it themselves assuming the marker wasn't already stolen.

here is thing
>proper preview for the premiere.
I don't want one
It would be fun to try.
I once kissed something white.
I'm not.
pony is gonna
is gonna
Fuck off we're full
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>tfw no Celestia fascinating fics
I'm going to play with your ear tufts
Don't you dare to pony all over the floor again!
Pink doesn't exist.
Most of mlpg don't want to see the previews and prefer just having the synopsis or screenshots at most.
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I read that. It was horrible and managed to be worse than the goddamn movie in multiple ways.
Wouldn't his helmet hurt her bum?
Did you mean to write fascinating? Or facesitting?
Because darf wrote a facesitting one
I really like fetishes and tripfags.
a facesitting fic about that celestia and make it futa would be the ultimate thing for me
I really like ponies.
Which tripfag and their fetish do you like?
>darf wrote a facesitting one
I'm going to need a link to that
Facesitting Celestia who's also futa.

There you go.
not him, but i like sb and his hyper dicks fetish
not even once
I know what I'm doing later
And I thought I could be helpful for once ;_;
JB pls, contain your fetishes
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Post pone.
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Best, loveliest pony
Isn't he ded and hats us?
you should know, JB.
if this is facessitting and futa i will give it a try later.

it feels like the mlp fetish fapfic scene is dying out. there is so little new stuff and i have already overused all of my favorite fics i am running out of things to fap to.
>futa facesitting

Balls-on-head retarded
i remember that there was a way to read stories without downloading them, but unfortunately that site is too much of a clusterfuck
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>you guys are still here after 3 years
I'm not!
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No, he goes anonymous and ignores all his friends like a jerk
Of course you do sb.
Well that was boring and interesting.
You just have to click on the name of the chapter

I wasn't there in the beginning. Not even in the middle!
JB is just dramafag.
not even close
where's the fics of pinkie and cup cake sitting on your face and body and just grinding themselves to an orgasm?
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when my favorite fic is a talking magical horse dickgirl princess who shits cake all over my face and then cums frosting down my throat all logic is thrown out the window.
Not yet. Wait a week or two and then come back for me
So he got infected with the krautism. Shame.
mah nigga
The what?
I've been here barely even 6 months.
I don't even know what am I doing here, help.
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Hey there MLPG, can I take your order?
oh, thanks.
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Would you lift up Pinkies flap and screw her, MLPG?
This is kinda cute, despite the ridiculously fat ass and throbbing horn
soashamedpony or was it a different one?
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My favorite fanfic was a sweet Twirity one. It had a very nice Twilycorn
>twilycorn anything
>iso 400
>1000 shutter speed
Well I guess it's nice to know that he's not just ignoring one person, then.
I was genuinely concerned for him and tried to check up on him a few times and the most recent one he just didn't respond. But by now I've almost entirely forgotten about him. If that's what he wanted, then I guess he got it.
A term invented by SB and his now expunged circlejerk to make fun of an artist .
>and throbbing horn
Wait, what are you tal-
HOLY SHIT that's huge how did I not see that
oh wait I know

I want to screw her.
Maybe he's just depressed. Jeeze guys, it's like you've never experienced that.
a few weeks ago i talked to him a bunch on steam, and he said he wasn't going to leave again, but here we are

just give him time. he's working through some things, alright?
Not true he talks to certain individuals. Mostly poeple like mewball and rose.
with so many ironic unfers in here it is nice to see some genuine unfs once in a while

Which pony would you unf?
your dick
>Mostly poeple like mewball and rose
Why would anyone want to confide in mewball when they're depressed?

he did not invent it. someone else did, and then someone used that word, with a cropped image of kraut's oc that sb drew as a present for kraut at one point. stop lying to the new guy.

Would you?
This pony
because he can relate?
ow my butt hurts