My Little Pony General: We Are The Night EditionAll the creepy ponies come out at night, but which pony is the CREEPIEST?Not-so-creepy thread: >>14247791
>>14252963ur mum #rekt_nerd
>mare threadgross
inb4>m-muh 9 images
>you will never make sweet sweet love to a stack of pancakes
What's pony's favorite opera song?
>>14252986oh god that filename is so perfect
>one hour till the Metalocalypse movie finale and the show goes into permanent hamburger time
>>14253051The same thing will happen to pony one day
>>14253042Flight of the valkaries
>>14253058Where will you be when that happens five years from now?
>>14252845>>14252885>>14252946>>14252983Stallion reveals his nameit's dotkwa
>>14253051Huh. I used to watch that show a lot.
>>14253054>Dash jealous of Fluttershy's new boyfriendYes. Yes. I love it.
>>14253023Pony just winked at me!
>>14253073Not him, but hopefully making shitty indie games that inexplicably sell because people will buy anything that's 'retro' and therefore cool.
>>14253109With her vagina?
>>14253002Can someone explain what 10 images means and what it has to do with the marker?Yes, I'm a newfag. Sorry. Please be gentle...
Pinkie heard of this show she's really interested in seeing. It's called Pagliacci. She's excited because that means clowns, right?Do you take her?
>>14253098Pfft. Whatever. I didn't want to hang out with that lame-o anyway. Sh-she can't even do a sonic rainboom.
>>14253170Of courseShe'll have no choice but to rush on stage to try and cheer him up, it'll be great
>>14253162It's just once in a while we'll get a faggot who complains about leaving the thread early.
>>14253156I'm not sure what you're implying, sir.
>>14253162We 'mark' the thread with the marker image seen here >>14252986 when each thread reaches the image limit. Marking early means this thread was marked before the last thread's image limit was up. Not a really big deal.
>sweetie just drenched rara in cute questpffft
>>14253126>Gaze into the inevitability that is the Spiral Race.
What butts are better big soft butts or small firm butts?
>>14253273big firm butts
>>14253182>>14253212>>14253229What the hell?
>>14253273big firm butts, yep.
>>14253156Would you download a pony?I would if I had enough bits!
>>14253273Big soft rarity butts
>>14253273Well I like my pillows firm so I'd have to say that.
How many little ponies can you hug at one time?
>>14253294holy shit I haven't seen you in a while.
>>14253013>Cuddle Twilight like this>But...her horn>jab>poke>poke>eye
>>14253341her horn isn't even near him
>>14253273I like both
>>14253338but he's here like every night
>>14253338He's here everyday
How much time do you think has passed in Equestria from the start of the show to MMC?
>>14253355>>14253358Isn't everybody?
>>14253375uhhwell yeah
>>142533713 years.
>>14253355>>14253358I'm just like the Simpsons and Sponge BobNo life but still around!
>>14253355>>14253358I'm usually not on at this hour, it's 4.30 in the morning, now that I notice.Night mlpg
Yup. it happened. Not surprised really.
>>14253413You turned into a pretty mare?
>>14253413Are you finally a pony?
>>14253386Actually I'm going to have some fun with this.For these purposes I will use our calender as a simile. S1E1: Twilight arrives on the longest day of the year, June 21st.S1E11: Winter Wrap Up, we've made it to the first winter.S1E13: Fall Weather Frie-Ah fuck it, three years.
>>14253328All of them.
>>14253428>>14253431Far less exciting than that.The filter hid the new thread link.Guess I deserve it, but whatever.
>>14253441You're not allowed to do that.
>>14253446>Guess I deserve itYou deserve a lot more
>>14253446Remember when MLPG didn't go to shitposters' threads?
There is a Radiskull living inside your head right now.
>>14253456What are you? The hug police? Try and stop me.
>>14253469Would it make much of a difference nowadays? They'd just follow to the new thread anyway.
>>14253479Tex what are you opinions on the best pony, Rarirty?
>what are you gonna do, hug me?quote by hugged mare.png
>>14253491It doesn't, we just used to have standards.MLPG is a cheap hooker now.
>>14253496I like Applejack just fine, anon.
>>1425347910 years in the isolation chamber
>>14253469It's not like it matters really. if it's early, doesn't have a bad OP and it's by a 'trusted' (as in doesn't intentionally delete threads) namefag it's going to get marked.
>>14253479>Running around, hugging ponies left and right>Stallion, mare, foal, elderly, ponies you dont even know!>Entire town in a panic>Cops pull you over>"You have any idea how fast you were hugging?">They suspend you hug license. >The judge throws the book at you.>The judge is Twilight>The book is litteral
>go to Equestria>meet a nice little pony>you two start hitting it off>at the outdoor cafe sitting on a hay stack eating flower sandwiches one day>somehow it comes up in conversation that pony has never had pony's butt lickedIt's time Anon.Your time, to step up.
>>14253520AJ is the second best.Didn't they teach you anything in school?
>>14253518You going to bitch about it or try to contribute in a meaningful way
>>14253525Would it be okay for someone to make a trip just to make new threads so they're trusted after not deleting a bunch of them in a row?
>>14253534>hay stack eating flower sandwiches one dayI couldn't live in pony world if this is the shit I have to put up with
>>14253273Small and firm
>>14253535belopheron please
>>14253527>hug her too>and the bailiffs>and the guards>all the while ranting about how hugs are free and they can't take them away from you
>>14253546I'm going to do what you do, anon.Neither.
>>14253552What the hell could we even live off of?Apples would get boring. I guess I could make a pizza...
>>14253534Isn't hay, like, really bad for human consumption?
>>14253563You could eat ham of course.
>>14253563It's not like you live next to a vast forest filled with wild edibles and tasty animals or anything.
OK MLPG, you can go to EquestriaBut to do so, you must make Avatar: The Legend of Korra good again
>>14253273What about big and firm butts?
>>14253573It works fine in the pony world. It's cartoon hay, it's as filling for you as it is for Spike.
>>14253548It's not like it hasn't happened before. We did have someone here take a trip that would only generally use it to make new threads.
>>14253588That's actually a huge slab of gum
>>14253593That butt looks pretty soft to me.Like I could just WPSHH it and it's sink right in.
What's your opinion of Equestria Girls?
>>14253597But wont it give me painful cartoon shits then?
>>14253599AASBA comes to mindby the way if you happen to be reading this GET BACK TO WORK
>>14253617I want to rape this Fluttershy.
>>14253617A huge waste of time and premise with holes you could drive a semi through.
>>14253617The fact season 3 was cut in half and as bad as it was for that movie is disgusting
>>14253617It wasn't bad, but it wasn't goof.
>>14253593memory foam pony butts
>>14253618Only if you overeat too often.
>>14253617Pretty much an unremarkable episode that is movie lengthending is dumb, but it has it's moments in the begining and middlealso it was nice to see spike be cool
>>14253629There was another guy, had MLPG on his trip.
>>14253592Korra puts the world in a bottle
>>14253593draw a dash that let herself go and only recently started to get back into shape
>>14253644>memory foam buttsOh god, how
>>14253617I dislike that it caused S3 to be half the length and was only a forgettable movie after taking that time, but it was forgettable quality. Nothing so bad or good that it sticks out.If it doesn't show up at all in the show then it will slowly die away I think.
>>14253617Movie was low tier as fuck.The comic was honestly a piece of shit that made even less sense than the movie. The only decent thing was that we saw Babs' sister for the first time, even if she was a typical bitch.
>>14253632>premise with holes>holesyeswhole movie filled with walking holes
>>14253644Memory foam latex textured jiglgy butts
>>14253669I'm not into fat, sorry
>>14253688>memory foam>jiggly
someone give me replies to feed my reply addiction so i dont have to resort to shitposting
>>14253524The action in the new movie was greatbut everything about the failed state Dredd inhabits is so mercilessly 80's Cold-War panic, dystopian-future it just bleeds comic book tonerIt's like looking back on RoboCop. It needs that lens to operate well at all, and if you've grown tired of wallowing in the 80's discovering its own problems, it's not all that interesting any more.... The slo-mo drug deaths were pretty fucking great though
>>14253617Pony wouldn't do drugs
Which mare is the ponyville fellatio champion
pony just did drugs
>>14253729Big Mac is officially the best at blowjobs, but Rarity can suck more dicks than anybody so she won.
>>14253734Tell Dash to calm down, it's just antibiotics for her infection sheesh
>>14253734Doing ecstasy with a pony would be really fun
>>14253688What about latex suited jiggly bats?
>>14253729Six years running.
>>14253753pony says nopony is doing drugs aloneleave pony out of it
>>14253617It wasn't FiM quality writing like from what we are use to expect, but it was okay and for the audience it was meant for it works. If you take it for what it is and don't expect something awe'ing as Return of Harmony it is good. In actuality it is S1 squished into 72 minutes.
>>14253747Ahmadinejad said there are no homosexuals in Ponyville, sodomites confirmed for an abomination of Equestrian law
>>14253734Were they psychoactive or just treatment for her terrible pain?Because if it's the former pony's going to need some for the latter
>>14253776>If you don't expect it to be good you won't be disappointed
>Anon and Rainbow Dash are training together, with Dash taking the lead>"Alright, maggot! So you want to get in shape, huh?!">"Please, you don't ye-">"Well excuuuuse me! I've seen Twilight in better shape then you and she's a literal frilly princess!">"This was your id-">"Now drop down and give 50 cuddle curls!">"What?">"Squat down, hug me, stand back up and then let me down! What's so complicated?">"How is th-">"Move it! Move it!"
>>14253776Also, this is wrong.
>>14253784The Placement of that Banner makes it look like Twilight is wearing a Giant Hat.
>>14253792Oh godThat's a workout I could get behind
>>14253695aww, okay
>>14253801>heard it in my head
>>14253802Someone draw this.
>>14253782>implying smoking dicks makes you gayCheck your privilege
>>14253792What a great workout excercise
>>14253792>then you
>>14253796This offends meYeah I'm adhd but I'm not lolsorandim
>>14253830One a dude has a belly-button piercing it's in a level of gayness that only Marty should be in
>>14253792Sounds tough but fair.
>>14253198Oh, okay, now I get it. Thanks.That's a really silly thing to get bothered by.
>>14253013>>14253032Isaac pls
Giant honking pony wieners.
>>14253822 “In Ponyville, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. In Ponyville, we do not have this phenomenon. I don’t know who has told you we have that.” -Saddam HusseinRIP 1992-2011
>>14253854Trust me, people here get bothered over far less...
>>14253784They where headache pills, they contain caffeine which is a psychoactive drug.
>>142536176/10 Decent Begining and middle. Completely falls apart in the last 30 minutes
>>14253869>-Saddam Hussein>Posts a picture of Putin
>>14253869>1992 was 40 years agoWow I'm old wacky cmc always doing funny stuff
>>14253872Tell pony not to take them anymore after she's done with her perscription
Pony's favorite anime is the one where the main characters run during the theme song
>>14253878>anthropiss off
>>14253883I'm not sure what I'm looking at here
>>14253863what makes it go honk?captcha clenched niventeg
>>14253617A damned dissapointment of an FiM movie. I dislike they cut season 3 to fund it and its awful designs. I probably wouldn't have watched the whole thing were I not in a stream.Cutieshy is the only real option, here, for the record.
>>14253892>prescriptionThey are over the counter bro.
>>14253848god I love those bbfff pupets
>>14253872psychoactive Use Psychoactive in a sentencepsy·cho·ac·tive[sahy-koh-ak-tiv] Show IPAadjectiveof or pertaining to a substance having a profound or significant effect on mental processes: a psychoactive drug.Fun is a drug.
>>14253878Oooo. Ponko
>>14253830Terra needs to work on his horse dicks
>>14253892Pony is enjoying a nice cup of black tea.
>>14253896you're a cutie
>>14253898sluts in their natural habitat.
>>14253902Pinkie's honking them while they slide down their throat.
>>14253896> what are you some kind of sick pervertWhen GG's righthe's fucking RIGHT
>>14253552what are you talking about, plenty of people eat flowersmy grandma used pumpkin blossoms all the time
>>14253914did somebody say FUN
>>14253883You can dream, girls
>>14252963This one
>>14253896Nah, I like it here.Also pissing on people is not polite.
>>14253796I guess I'm nobody.As expected.
>>14253929>People eat flowers all the time.>And they don't even realize.
>rediv's cavernous, CAVERNOUS vagina
>>14253914>being happy is considered degeneracyno wonder /pol/ is miserable
>>14253896What's up with all these contributors doing anthro lately?
>oh anon>you always know just what to say
>>14253921tea is disgusting.Tell pony to get some milk and sugar and mix them and then heat it up in the microwave (I like it molten hot) and drink.
>>14253826>>14253811>Anon is five sets in and already wants to stop>Its not that hard and Dash isnt all that heavy, but she keeps mocking you and blowing her couch whistle really loud at you when you try to say something>"You call that a squat? I should start calling you Jack. As in Jack Squat! Cause thats who you know about squatting!">"But I-">"Aww, are you little arms trembling already? Does baby need a break? I used to do this exercise with breaks. Breaks in my bones! And I'm not even half your height, you fat baby!">"who did you cud-">"Loser, you're a loser! You want to quit, huh? You big loser. Loser baby! Baby want his bottle? A big dirt bottle!">By set 15, he's already in tears
>>14253830>brown unf in URL
>>14253953flowers are made of atomsso are hamburgers
>>14253966You know who won't do anthro?Ghost
>>14253981horses are made of atoms too you know
>>14253966I didn't drew that m8, it was Rasp.
>>14253976what an odd scene
>>14253981What if you split the atoms of a hamburger?
>>14253988should I be fucking my hamburgers?
>>14253966That was a commission
>>14253926how is that even possible?
>>14253983Well if she's in her personal paradise, maybe she draws whatever she wants, whenever she wants, made real and manifest out of cloudstuff and the makings of stars.So I guess of that plenum it's possible she does anthro now
>>14253989oh, good. i was about to tell you that your brushstrokes look like shit.
>>14253976>not using those insults and mockery to pound through those reps What a huge baby
>>14253966I like that picture a great deal.
fuck i forgot oh wait, now i rememberwould it be too much to hope for if GG gave us another cute changeling girl update tonight...i feel spoiled already, but she is so fucking cute. oh and the story has some great potential
>>14253997Only if you fuck burger king burgers anon
>>14253981so are wein the end we're no different than a burger or a flower, why don't we just eat people?it's all the same
>>14253974>tea is disgusting.....
>>14254024GG will only update something when no one is looking at itLike Boos in Super Mario
>>14254025Does Burger King use horse meat or something?
>>14254037He's right you know.
listening to house music makes me wish I could dancecan anyone teach me how to dance?
>>14254043You're fat.
>>14254048>>14254037To be honestGreen tea just tastes like hot water to me
>>14254048>"Why do I even bother being with you?"
>>14254048Drink better tea
>anthrobecause i like ponies, feet, and boobs
I think our Russian comrades have some really good art
>>14254043She's just sad that she has to be tiny horse again for a while
>>14254037hot tea isbut iced tea is the nectar of the gods, especially with boba
>>14254069If there isn't any art of Celestia and Uncle Iroh drinking teathere should be
>>14254059What about black tea?
>>14254069Drink better beverages>>14254065RD wouldn't drink teait would be too tame for her
>>14254024How are Changelings supposed to suck dicks with those sharp fangs?
>>14254092It's okay I guessBut I prefer coffee
>all these tea plebs
>>14254097i knew itbalance is retained in the world thanks to you, anon
>>14254098If it's got caffeine in itDash'll drink it
>>14254074fuck anthros with hooves
>>14254097RIP Nicole Oliver
Has anyone else here deleted their pony folder, or at least thinking about doing it?
Who is the hottest VA from MLP
>>14254113I have a few different mlp/atlab crossover pics, it's a fun combo
Fat bottom pones
>>14254115>drinking thing with less caffeine than thing with more caffeine in it
>>14254042oh fuck, that is spot on, from what i have seen toocan i look in a mirror at him but facing away?
>>14254132Once. Before rediscovering mlpg.
>>14254136Andrew Francis
>>14254059Buy whole leaf green tea, not the stuff in the bags, and brew it at the right temp.
>>14254024I feel bad for her now.
>>14254136Claire Corlett
>>14254117That style of anthro is really unappealing. I've only seen a few people make that work.
>>14254139wow, I actually like it
>>14254018>Later>"Ok, clearly you are FAR worse then I thought you were, so we're going to start even slower. You see Fluttershy there?">"Y-yeah?">"Just pick her up. Don't do anything fancy. Just pick her up once. One time.">"Ok....">Anon goes over to Fluttershy. Does a few stretches, spits in both palms, puts on his war face and attacks!>He firmly grasps on to both sides of Fluttershy and strains with all his might. She raises about an inch off the ground but no more>"C'mon! She one of the lightest ponies there is! Just freaking lift her!">"T-trying....!">Pools of sweat form all over his shirt, veins distend on his face and neck, a blood vessel in his eye pops, Fluttershy remains obvlisious>Suddenly, Anon starts farting uncontrollably. His balance is lost and he falls down, pants split.>Later, he and Dash are cooling down in hot whirlpool baths>", that was technically one, right?">"Don't talk to me."
>>14254144>implying she wouldn't just mix all the things together in one super caffeine drinkCoffteabull
>>14254132I did the deedI never looked at it for anything, I just hoarded the images I liked so I don't miss it
>>14254074Anthro is too weird looking, I love feet and I just go straight to humanizations if I want to jerk off to feet
>>14254132fuck no i have spent way to much time organizing and manually saving 10,000's of imageswhy would i waste all that time?and besides, im in the fandom for life>>14254099magic>>14254159Dangyana did nothing wrong!
>>14254136Brenda Crichlow
>>14254069But its just nasty hot leaf juice!
Water > Sugar Milk = Juice > Milk > Tea > Soda
>>14254171>that faceEVERYTIMEBut seriously she is a hotty
>>14254161You know, this guy is technically right.
>>14254170I wouldn't let her drink thatnot even someone with her metabolism would be able to take that without having heart failure afterwards
>>14254136Pinkie's singing VA. She's really damn pretty. And does a better Pinkie voice than Andrea.
>>14254136Nicole, hands down.
I thought you were better than this MLPG
>>14254198>I wouldn't let her drink thatYOU'RE NOT HER MOM
>>14254207But tea is shit
>>14254171or, god forbid, a molester!
>>14254198i finally get that reference
>>14254185Coffee > milk = water > V8 fruit juice > tea > sodabut damn if a medium soda with no ice from McDonald's isn't the best thing. Good memories.
>>14254207Who cares really.In a couple of years, you'll just see all of this as a bad joke.
>>14254181>Dangyana did nothing wrong!She thought she found a friend, someone who understood what it's like to be the loner.Man she kinda fucked up thinking Ice Pack was the loner in the town. She should have tried Fluttershy.
>>14254185human breast milk>all other drinks
>>14254213I want to shoot juice in Dash's mouth
>>14254213I'm not trying to be her mom
>>14254226>FluttershyBut she has a girl's day out with Rarity every week?
>>14254239You'd rather her call you daddy right?
>>14254233Celestia's breast milk > human breast milk
>>14254233Good luck, that shit is like 20 bucks a quart
>>14254224isn't it?Captcha: projecting hisLike
>>14254243Yes, and she has to live by the fucking forest.
>>14254226i need to read Ice Pack's story arc, i only read the cute changeling girl story
If I ever walked in on my friend who was babysitting and found them wearing one diaper normally and another diaper on their head, I would also have serious concerns about their capability to babysit.
My biggest pony fantasy is to have a nice, long and relaxing tea party with the princesses as we laugh, share stories and talk about all sorts of matter both great and small.
>>14254243I really don't feel that she and Rarity are any close. Dash seems closer to Fluttershy than any other characcter (this is only counting their show appearances)
>>14254251n-nothat would be kinda weird
>>14254271He basically fucks all the mares.
>>14254273Aren't you a little old for tea parties?
>>14254277what if she wanted to
>>14254239What would it even be like having Dash as a momI bet she'd actually be really protective cause she knows how reckless she was
>>14254273You sick freak!MY biggest pony fantasy is to have a nice big family meal with the mane 6 and then all relax together for movie marathons before all falling to sleep, cuddled up under one big blanket
>>14254273My biggest pony fantasy is to is to be the royal belly rubber for Luna, Celestia, and Twilight.
>>14254253holy shit can you imagine?i mean we've seen what her piss can do and that's waste product!can't imagine what a life sustaining fluid from a diety would do to use mortals. Ambrosia has just found it's rival.
>>14254272i forgot she was wearing a diaper normally, the head one was too distracting. Who on the fucking planet does that?
>>14254273Would pone drink black, green or white tea?
>>14254274Dash is only closer to her because she feels she has to defend her from the world. Kinda like a leftover memory from flight camp.
>>14254271He's a "comfort horse". As in, he's paid to fuck other ponies. But outside of that, he's a bit of a loser and an idiot.
>>14254300>we've seen what her piss can dowhatwhat episode
>>14254292W-wellgo with it then>>14254294>protective Mom RDThat would be pretty cute
OK MLPG, you can go to EquestriaBut all of the ponies will instinticvly treat you the way people would treat them. They will think you are super cute and constantly talk down to you and patronize you, you adorable little thing you.
>>14254291I've always secretly wanted onethey always looked like so much fun
>>14254273you bastard
>>14254325Does that mean I get free hand outs of food n shit?Okay
>>14254325So fluttershy will pet us? I'm okay with that.
>>14254284Ironically enough, I feel like Ice Pack's story is pretty subtle. Since he's our only narrated very little insight is actually outright stated. There's a lot to be inferred though.
>>14254325Doesn't matter, got to Equestria.
>>14254284so he's basically Mua and Mti 's predecessor? I kinda guessed from the clips and pieces posted back in the day when Ice pack was the only stud in town.>>14254311Every episode in season 1. Refer to the opening theme. That's not glowly yellow magic, but zero gravity piss. Why do you think they changed the color?!
>>14254332People have afternoon tea all the timeIt's not inherently girly really, more sophisticated
>>14254273>this will never happen to me
>>14254305Diaper fetishists and Pinkie Pie.
>>14254346That's a nice way f saying that GG is just terrible at story telling.
>>14254351I've never even had teanobody I know drinks it
>>14254310>>14254310>loser and an idiot.kinda figured that too, im glad i didn't miss anything really. I think Dangyana can add some "humanity" to him, if he lets her.
human trixie just pulled you out of a hatthe crowd was very impressed!
>>142543681)move out of nebraska2)join a fancy country club3)have afternoon tea with royal ponies
>>14254351I don't know if you can call Brits "people"they're more like puppets
>>14254350>so he's basically Mua and Mti 's predecessor?Eh not really.They come to him, an ice pack to sooth the 'heat'. Also way less rapey. He's more of a companion then a fuck. Just one mares pay for. And one Applebloom
>>14254363Actually I think it's great storytelling.
>TWD reveal Oct 29
>>14254386epic :^)
Would you help your favorite pony if she turned into a rabid werewolf?
>>14254371He also has a gigantic crush on Zecora and firguratively turns to mush when he's around her
>>14254405Thanks, pal.You should come get a taste of freedom sometime.
>>14254388I dunno, pony just booped your some magnas :>>>14254392oohh alright that is a big difference
>>14254407Help as is help her turn back?
>>14254273Me too anon.
>>14254407>rabidI'd help her with a silver bulletDo you know what werewolves can do? Those things have claws and muscles, dude!
>>14254407It would go as well as sonic turning into the werehog
>>14254411oh that's a good sign, or at least a weakness she can exploit if it came to that.
>>14254416Yeah, just go read the tumblr.There really isn't much content, but it's nice.And sometimes a little sweet.
>>14254423Well you only really have 2 options for helping her
>>14254377 Trixie was one of the first pone things I fapped to
>>14254411He did that just by thinking of her.They haven't been seen near one another, but I am sure it would be pasta central.
>>14254452but big macintosh isn't deadand I'm pretty sure he's not applejack's fatherthis comic doesn't make any sense at all
>>14254436What's the other option?Is it cuddling?
Ice Pack is a loser. He wants kids but can't have them. He has no friends. The people he care about don't care for him. He's left his home, and betrayed his roots. He has no purpose. He has no goals or aspirations. He is slow-witted, humorless, and unremarkable. There is no meaning in his life. He is merely a prostitute, used up and soon forgotten.No one will remember him when he's gone. No one will even notice.
You can either cuddle your second favorite pony nonsexually all nightor you can snuggle your second favorite pony nonsexually all night
>>14254490And his only friend is a monster.TOGETHER THEY FIGHT CRIME!
>>14254501fuck the rulesI'm doing both
>>14254490Dangyana has feelings for him though.She would care
>>14254490you are
>>14254521And he called her a monster.
This final deathklok episodeGeez
I really hope Discord doesn't come back for S4.he was already ruined enough in S3.
>>14254540Well, she did kind of knock him out and glue him to the ceiling.
>>14254549he's been confirmed several times over mateeven getting a song
>>14254563Rarity has magic telekinesis, you silly bint.
>>14254554He was going to get the guards before that happened.He made his decision and she reacted to save her own skin.
>>14254540She is a monster girl, I don't think she took at as a insult as he meant it though. She knows what's up when it comes to being who she is, she just has trouble adapting.
>>14254554which sorta begs the questionwhat did she glue him to the ceiling withunf
>>14254540>>14254521They'll work it out. He still only just met her but I remember back when GG had Dangnaya move in with Ice Pack that he wouldn't have any feelings for her in a relationship sense. Not sure if he still holds the same views
>>14254549You don't know, Anon?In the second part of the season premiere he saves the day when the secret of the elements is revealed.Discord is a prince.
>>14254541it was a good run
>>14254583goo, obviously
>>14254605What's a bint? Is it anything like a bunt?
>>14254603>Prince>Not princessChaos and all that. And princesses are known to cause chaos.
>>14254569No John De Lancie can't sing worth shit, the guy has a voice and tone that singing just comes off like talking with something in the background.Someone post that John De Lance Christmas song
>>14254619Britbong slang for bitch
>>14254586Well he has to find a way to work it out if he wants to not be a chandelier in his own home.
>>14254632So they call girl dogs bint in the land of tea eh? Neat
>>14254619It's more like a butt.Draw butts.
>>14254623 it's so horrifying
I still like how Dangnaya ended up separated from the swarm.
>>14254623he was pretty amusing in thisit's a matter of him giving a shit about what he's doing
>>14254569Delancie forgot he even voiced Discord once.
>>14254563>tfw no pony giving you a sloppy blowjob, smearing lipstick all over your cock
>>14254660Santa has never been more menacing...
>>14254666That was way back in Season One.
>>14254661How DID she end up in ponyville, anyway?
>>14254605Twilight's such a cutie, even when she's mad
>>14254666Discord is basically Q, which John plays in like everything
>>14254666Considering that the "brony" thing was not a thing yet, I don't blame himat the time of the first recording, it was just another gig to make ends meet.
>>14254680She was in an outhouse when the rest of the swarm got blasted out of Canterlot.Blended in after that disguised as a 'pony'
>>14254632And I'm not even british, I just like the word.
>>14254664>that videoMAKE IT STOP
>>14254699You know what that makes you?A mega hipster.
>>14254666So? This shity show is not his life.
>>14254660Okay, no I hope Discord doesn't sing. That was creepy
We going to sing a duet with Sweetie in cute quest!
>>14254715I thought hipsters were people who decided they like things because the general populace thought those things were bad, not people who use slang from other countries.
>>14254715and a faggot
goodnight mlpg>>14254699it's still very rude to call pony that
>>14254743>no pictures of her butt in the montageare you even trying to do it for her?
>>14254743At least I didn't call her a slut.Or generous.
>>14254743>Call pony pony>My name is->What's that pony? You're so silly!
>The first episode was released almost exactly 3 years ago, 2010/10/10What the fuck have you been doing since then?and why the fuck are you still here?lets hear it
>>14254755Changeling confirmed for unflushed turd.
>>14254743Would it be weird if I made this into an actual poster and put it on my wall?
>>14254763Only thread I'm interested in that's more or less active 24/7
>>14254771not at all
>>14254771Yes. get something reasonable like a portrait of Gabe.
We need more pony Yandere stuffwhere are they
>>14254755Why did Crystalis taunt and threaten Canterlot ahead of time for? What purpose did making them throw up the shield ahead of time accomplish?
>>14254771Is it at work? Yes.Is it at home? Also yes
>>14254788So they wouldn't bother looking around inside for the enemy.
Do you have any pony stuff that you keep on display around your room MLPG?Stuff like figures you keep standing in one place, posters, hanging ponies, ect.
>>14254755and what about the missing horn?
Why is Derpy just so ugly?Cause she has a muffin top!
>>14254815Just my mousepadwhen the 4DE people make the Fluttershy plush I'll be getting that too
>>14254815NoThough honestly if I had one of the good plushes I'd leave it on my bed
>>14254815I have no pony merch save a solitary Rarity sticker featuring maybe 10% of her stock vector behind a bridge. Got it from the doctor's office.
>>14254763I dont fucking know what I was doing since thenand I dont know why I am still here
>>14254815nah, I just don't like any of the merch enough to own any
>>14254815A couple of those vinyl figs and the Canter Calendar merch. Oh, and a couple of prints I picked up at anime cons.
>>14254817>and what about the missing horn?She's just... special.
>>14254755Danganya will never stop being adorable.
>>14254845More like touched in the head.Yet, somehow more aware of her surroundings then Ice Pack.
>>14254813>>14254788Also to keep the captain of the guard weakened and under severe migraines so Chrysalis could refresh her mind control under the guise of easing his headache.
>>14254863Ice Pack is just exceptionally stupid
Pony is playing your butt like a bongo.
>>14254900I don't think he's stupid. Just... clueless.
>>14254815I keep my one hitter on my Rarity figure
>>14254881> person is basically copying Kevinsano's eyes and style and not even trying to disguise it.
>>14254908Don't do that, Pony, I have diarrhea
>>14254927It's because it is Kevinsano you silly goat.
>>14254927>Omg he stole a style of eyesYou realize that's like complaining about something being on model right?
>>14254755Realisitcally, she would've been crushed to death
>>14254927that is kevinsano's work
>>14254936That would explain it.
I haven't cum for 7 daysWheres my trophy?
>>14254939I was waiting for the outhouse to tip.
>>14254863>>14254845>>14254817I think she is a lot smarter then you give her credit. And the horn can be manifested at will, just to look like a unicorn and/or Pegasus. They may think they look less intimidating with out a horn.
>>14254952You only get one if you bust it on a Scootaloo toy
>>14254952you have to record yourself jacking off on a pony toy
>>14254815Yes, I have a Pink Celestia that sits on my head board, a regular looking Luna, and a Flitter Heart pegasus.
>>14254922>Just... clueless.If he were any more clueless he would be blond.
>tfw no cougar rarity/shota fapfics
>>14254970Why is the frosting so watery and translucent?
>>14254815I put all of my toys on a shelf in my book case....And it showed me just how much I have. Went " looks like one of those things those crazy bronies ha... I need some alcohol."
Is the porn parody out yet?
>>14254997It really is a crime.
god damn it is 2ch acting up for anyone else?it's like my proxy is being routed through it too
>People admit they have pony toys.>Not a single picture.
>>14255019>3dpdget out
>>14255019Not till Halloween IIRC
If I ever became a really great artist I'd use my talent to draw way better versions of things others drew. Some of them might like it and others wouldn't, but everyone else would be sure to hate me.
>>14255037take my word for it
>>14255037This was as of a few months ago.It's gotten bigger
>>14255062What is that?
>>14255075Did you drink that Dash soda?
Do you think S4 will introduce jewish ponies
>>14255083looks like a ghetto pipe
>>14255064>Derpy signed by TabithaJELLY AS FUCKWas it on ebay or did you actually meet her?>>14255088One of the two, yes.
>>14255083it's Lily Blossom, the pretty pony
>>14254569>discord is freed from prison and reformed so he can use his powerful magic to help celestia>after that episode discord is gone and never shows up when neededoh boy meghan really messed there! i wonder how she will try to explain this massive blunder in s4.
>>14255108No, the thing in front of her
>>14255101Everfree 2012
>>14255104You haven't burned that thing yet?
>>14255111a vaporizer
>>14255037>Making me get my camera out.>The 13th year of the end of the world.
>>14255124magic flight sounds like a pony name
>>14255114Burned what?
>>14255141That black and red abomination.
>>14255124>vaporizing your weed>not smoking itWHY EVEN BUY IT?
Chin up, MLPG!
>>14255104>Another owner of the abomination plush!I HAVE A BROTHER!
>>14255153Don't you mean chins up? some else check this thread for me? and expand all imagesim getting a lot of errors
>>14255149You get more out of it vaporizing it vs burning it, you dumb stoner
>>14255153Shut up Rainbow Dash you have nothing to be happy about
>>14255140I would launch with launchbox pony>>14255149because it's healthy!that's what they say anyway, I do smoke far more than I vaporize
>>14255053Was it originally one single bud the exact same size as the bag or did it just get squished
>>14255166i had a vape, it didn't get me high
>>14255037Here, i have more than these but im too tired to take a picture right now
>not cumming on them
>>14255178you still need to put weed in it idiot
I'm honestly considering buying one of the plush toysJust so I have something to hold at night
>>14255062>bbq lightersThose things are fucking terrible, they stop lighting when they still have a half tank or so of butane.
>Need any help with the bleeding, Scootaloo?
>>14255172It was a bud a bit bigger that I ground up
>All these people with pony merch.Hey, remember when you first got into ponies and you had that moment of "Okay, the show is nice, but I am not going to own any of the fucking toys."
>>14255037i only have a small pinkie
>>14255197Scootaloo is ded.
>>14255191har har, yes with weed and hydro too, not mexican brown shit
>>14255149>>14255166you get even more out of eating it
>>14255194That's the reason I'm going to get one.
>>14255147Now why would I go and burn doom pony? It is so cuddly.>>14255154I like Voltaire and I like ponies. Is was a guarantee buy for me.
>>14255199nope, i jumped in with both feet after seeing Season 1 Ep 1 and 2. Love at first sight here. recognize the signature?
>>14255194I know what you mean, there's only so much my pillow can do.
>>14255104>ugly yellow wallsi know your pain
>>14255220I wonder if he sold them all...He never mentioned it at all.I just hate that the damn thing doesn't seem to want to stand. I think it's kinda cute.
>>14255215>not vaping it then cooking the vaped weed in to a tincture
>>14255199Not really, I got caught up pretty bad in it all.I bought some window decals and little figurines pretty quickly.
>>14255214I'm very nostalgic about being in high school and being able to get fucking destroyed off a little dime of seedy, brown mexibrick
When did the tulpafags come back?
>>14255199I also had the "What? There's porn? That's so stupid, they're ponies!" thought.But time makes fools of us all
>>14255199I still have two Rarities sitting in my drawer, waiting to have their legs chopped off.
>>14255199My mom bought me my first thing.
>>14255243ABV has a really unpleasant high to me. It's like getting hit in the head with a sledgehammer. I wake up the next day with a hangover.
>>14255234i thought bronycon was trying hard to keep the disgusting side of the fandom out of their convention
>>14255197She's fine
>>14255246just quit for a monthbut even then blunts were king, at least in my circles of friends.>>14255249about 2 weeks ago. im glad they are back
>>14255258>Wanting to harm your ponyWhere is my combat shotty...
>>14255037do plushes count?
>>14255199I only have two McDonald's toys, it's okay
>>14255239I am just too lazy to move everything out of the room and paint.>>14255240Oh they did sell out, but I think it took longer then expected. I really want that discord song from him.
>>14255199I never said that, just that I'd never buy a toy with hairMrs. Cake was the exception
>>14255271It's not a con until some porn gets bought under the table!
>>14255249The board is kind of weird right now, some threads that are supposed to be banned from being here are staying up for long periods of time while some other nsfw threads are getting deleted after a couple minutes.
>>14255282>You went to McDonalds.No, that isn't okay...
>>14255199no, that was just you
>>14255278>im glad they are backWhy, for what reason does /mlp/ need anymore circlejerking?
>>14255252i hated the r34, thought it ruined the innocence and my head canon for years.then tiarawhy no re , too easy.
>>14255294>but I think it took longer then expected.>He had a deadline on those.#WORRY
>>14255306I eat fast food once or twice a week because of my work schedulecome at me bro
>>14255198How come you're still using plastic bags? I started putting mine in glass jars when I started buying more than an 1/8 at a time and figured out that it gets all dried up if you don't smoke it quick enough.
>>14255306Please, anon.When you're healthy, you can eat whatever you want.
>>14255315That's kind of a drop in the ocean at this point
>>14255315I'm surprised the nightly drunk threads survived through it all.
>>14255325what are you bragging about here?
>>14255325Enjoy your shitty food!Taco belle is better.
>you will never gently scold Rainbow Dash for acting uncouth
>>14255316Tiara broke you? That's really sad dude.
>>14255333Those are actually kinda funny.They are like the /k/ of alcohol.
>>14255334Why are you attacking stranger on the internet?>>14255336Taco bell is fucking great but I can't eat it every day
>>14255315a couple reasons, 1 i have a tulpa. 2. they take heat off of bat pony thread. 3. it enables more people to get into tulpamancing 4. they have changed for the better after their exile. 5. it feels right to have them on the board 6. yolo
>>14255321He will probably do it anyway, seems like a cool dude.
>>14255350He got me too.
>>14255199Im still that way personally. The only merch I own is a belt, and a shirt that I hardly wear
>>14255328I stopped, I use an emptied-out makeup container for stuff I carry on me.I still use a freezer bag for the half oz or so I take from, though. It stays pretty fresh.
>>14255343lovers fight
>>14255350i know isn't it, but, at least starting from the bottom, there is only one direction to go.
Gonna stream last night's MLPG Draws thing if people wanna
>>14255356I love how he reacted to people flipping their shit about it at first.
>>14255362Point still stands.
>>14255331Not really, considering they aren't just active at some points in the day, they post all day everyday, endless circlejerk. Tell why is that okay with you again?And if you honestly believe it doesn't make a difference than you are only deluding yourself.>>14255333Me too
>>14255362>>14255350He got me with the Chrysalis flash>>14255366It's really dry here so if you keep anything in plastic for more than 5-6 days it gets all dried out and crispy.
>>14255343>bronies keep trying to convince people the ponies are fully grown mature adults>so they can justify jacking off to them without feeling bad>when it is clear the ponies act like young kids in canon and are shown going to highschoolya, no one is buying it
>>14255354Those are all terrible reason, an hero immeadiately
>more FlutterDash moments in S4Yay/nay
>> the link NEEDS a capital S
>>14255375One job.
>>14255385>Not really, considering they aren't just active at some points in the day, they post all day everyday, endless circlejerk. Tell why is that okay with you again?says a mlpger
>>14255378ya its true its low quality but sometimes its something you have no control over.kloudmutt broke me, agaisnt my will
>>14255407100 time yay
>>14255385It's not ok. But all of /mlp/ is shit and complaining about shit getting on the shit is pointless
>>14255333I never got the point, because it's kind of a given that if you post here past a certain time of day, like 1 in the morning, you're most likely going to be a lonely, bitter alcoholic, you don't need to go telling everyone, they already know.
>>14255336>Taco belleso THAT'S where this comes from
>>14255395>when it is clear the ponies act like young kids in canonthey really don't tho, at least any more than any adult occasionally acts immature.
>>14255392>>14255392>>14255392>>14255392 shit it's timeme too
>>14255325Get into Soylent when it comes out.
>>14255407all of my yay
>>14255378I got hard to ponies before that but the first time I ever actually pulled down my pants and beat off to ponies was from a Tiara flash. Never looked back, I've got a nice beast collection too(only mares, I'm not sick).
>>14255418>rip Ghost
>>14255395They act more like they're in their 20s.
>>14255412>say the mlpger>implyingI just wanted to know when this shit got back, I am almost never in these threads, try harder
>>14255427Taco bell taco belleproduct placement taco bell
>>14255444autist manchild in his 20sbut young teen for normal people which the ponies are
>>14255438I fapped to hyper futa cumflation pony art.
>>14255456>arguing opinion
>>14253879>>-Saddam Hussein>>Posts a picture of Putinthat is Gorbachov, you pleb
>>14255438Why do MtFs get their dicks cut off? Why don't they look like a woman and keep the dick?That's what I'd do, being able to stroke your cockhead is just plain satisfying.
>>14255452Why the fuck would we know what stupid shit /mlp/ is doing, let along give a fuck?
I feel that with each Tums I eat, it works just a little less.
>>14255468Because not everybody thinks and feels the same way as you do about their own body
>>14255463its not arguing it is a discussion.if you are looking for a circlejerk where everyone has the same opinion i suggest you go to a different thread
>>14255452Then why the hell are you even here? Most people here don't give a shit about the rest of the board.We just want to be left alone in our circlejerk.
>>14253880remenber the old time's 92? VHS and Tori Spellingg era
>>14255492they should stop being hysterical cunts
>>14255497Tori is still worst pony.
>>14255468a lot of people have serious mental problems
>>14255507I've heard how good that show is for years and I've been promising myself that I'd watch it, but I still haven't. Canadians are weird.
Just try to find a better looking PC case.Hint: you can't
>>14255468What does this have to do with ponies?
I'm out of oat goblins and peach travisanybody need anything while I'm at the store?
>>14255527It just won't die. It's had like 3 finales now and they're filming Season 8 right now.
>>14255535YOU DON'T LISTEN
are we being invaded?
Old grey mare she ain't what she used to beain't what she used to beain't what she used to be
>>14255468They dont get them cut off, they get them inverted
>>14255537Is the movie worth watching if you haven't watched the show? I know they've got the show on Netflix, but I'd rather torrent the HD rips.
>>14255436I've been following the story, you better believe I'm gonna order a shitload once it drops in price
>>14255546Kinda hard to be invaded when the whole base is air lifted and dropped in enemy territory
>>14255532That case is ugly compared to a corsair 500r
>>14255558Which movie? There's 2 of them.
>aspirant just time raped cobalt in cute questNightmare Night is going to be awesome.
>>14255566you sure do like to complain about things dont you
>>14255510marilyn manson is the worst pony
>>14255546Peace in our time, Anon!Herr Shitposter has no further demands!
>>14255571please stay in the threadi'm sure the people her wouldn't care
>>14255550Same thing, there's no dick left to pull on
>>14255571what?>>14255590I care! I missed yesterday's session and I didn't know it was running tonight too
Pony wants a democracy.
>>14255532you young kids and your fancy cases. these days i just want something that is easy to open and is easy to clean dust off of
>>14255599as long as they're happy who cares?
pony's gonna start a nuclear war
>>14255608like ur wifes cunt m8?
ponies get me rock hard
>>14255625oh yeah?
>>14255621Pony is serious, she's starting a revolution. Sign this petition!
>>14255623fuck off Aussie shitposters
>The Mane Six get ready to welcome a new pony into Ponyville.>She's a one winged pegasus.What happens?
>>14255620Pony shouldn't make America mad
>>14255625>JJ drawing genitalsthis has to be an edit
>>14255642It is
>>14255638She flies in a circle for a bit before she gets tired and falls to the ground
>>14255638>flower mare dies
>>14255638queue theme music
>>14255638Final Fantasy fangirls join in the brony horde and turn it into Sephiroth.
>>14255638Rarity cuts off the other, as symmetry is more ascetically pleasing
>>14255645Why would you imitate Ross?
>>14255565so simply answer yes, complex answer no, since we are invaders?>>14255579did you see the talking dead tonight?>>14255583Peacewasneveranoption.jpg
>>14255608Like this?
>>14255633I laughed pretty hard at thisIt looks like a shit stuck to his butt
>>14255641>tfw America invades pony, captures civilians, tortures them for information, creates a media storm of negative propaganda that shifts the perception of Equestrian culture in an overwhelmingly negative and hostile fashion, and denies any wrongdoing for the rest of eternity
>>14255638>celestia can give any pony new wings>oh but not you, you are not worthy enough
>>14255642He draws genitals on lots of things.
opotst dresese
>>14255670>shiny red button as powerI want
>>14255677alex jones pls been posted yet?
>>14255685I wish I could be ponies pillow
>>14255688The American prison-industrial complex is a modern form of slave labor and torture
>>14255689oh boytower defenseI can't believe it
>>14255685Would you jerk off over a sleeping Flitterhuman or pone
>>14255562I'm gonna try living on it, see how it goes. Sounds nice.
>>14255709>complaining that a fangame uses fan popular characters
>>14255724I'd cum almost instantly if I ever had the opportunity
>>14255685"She's right there. I can just reach out and touch her."
>>14255667Because someone likes his style?I know MT does.
>>14255730>being this mad
pony can't stop eating the rest of the sherbet
>>14255737>And then Rumble boop her
>>14255754Damn it pony you don't even like pineappleStop eating it just because
>>14255625>background ponymah zigger >>14255685i personally like a comforter to snuggle withallows greater customization
Pony wants you to scratch her behind the ear. Don't make this weird, just a little scratch. Come on hurry up, do it do it do it.
>>14255769No, pony. Pony stop. Come on.Just because fat is my fetish doesn't mean I want you depressed and slow.We'll get through this.
>>14255689>fight off waves of diamond tiarasunf
Which pony would have the most friends who didn't expect a suicide from pony?
>something's bugging me
>>14255793I wish something was bugging me.
>>14255779pony this is kind of weird
Princess Celestia wants you to play the anal sex for her
>>14255742>you will never share a jug of iced tea with MT on her veranda
>>14255799>you will never hang out with MTShe seems really interesting
>>14255797Haha, for a second there I thought she said anal sex!
>>14255645That actually looks NOT HORRIFYING
Who let the bug pone in here
>>14255799wow that happy picture turned depressing fast
>>14255793Oh you.
>>14255768Nurse Redheart is hot and I want her to dom me mercilessly
>>14255814>something canned>bubblingABORT ABORTNOTHING GOOD CAN COME OF THIS
>>14255816>"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and this is Jackass."
>>14255742Mt is one of those people who likes everything
Chrysalis insists on you trying the changeling kingdom's famous casu marzu
>>14255838Only if it stops hissing at me...
>>14255838I'd eat thatLooks good
>>14255838Why do Europeans have such fucking revolting food
>>14255854The mongolians beat the shit out of them at one point.
>>14255779What will pony do for me?
>>14255863Pony is just asking for a little scratch anon. Just for a second, she really needs this.
>>14255838I actually wanted to try that. I wouldn't eat a maggot though.My tastes are pretty immature, so if Gordon Ramsay didn't like it I'd probably hate it.
>Sweetie bug queenunf
>>14255866It's a good thing I'm a man
>>14255872This better not be another sticky trap.I don't want to be lugged around town all day and thrown in the dunking booth again.
I sleep in a racecar bed anon. Do you sleep in a racecard bed?
>>14255854Most of it isn't that bad.It's not like people in the U.S. don't eat weird shit too.
>>14255879I wish I was a man
>>14255887I sleep in a big and pretend to be with my waifu.
>>14255838looks good to me
>>14255877>saving the thumbnailwho is the artist?
>>14255890rediv, pls
>>14255887It is unnatural to sleep in a palindrome.
>Full on YOLO is what art's all about!who put mewball in this game
>>14255877who is in the window?and that horn extention , lel
>>14255902I don't remember my butt being that fat.
>>14255900the word bed looks like a bed
>>14255902Look Marker, I'm you!boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop
>>14255907>yellow eye ballDiscord?
>>14255888People in the US don't intentionally eat rotten or spoiled foods.
>>14255813>>14255645I kinda like thing too
>>14255902I don't recall having a farting fetish
>>14255914That's really fucking racist what the fuck
>>14255916i was thinking a timberwolf, but, it dooesn't look like discord or what i thought
>>14255645>>14255667>>14255813>>14255922isn't that from when rose drew some of ross's designs for fun
>>14255931though I don't think she ever inked this onespoilered for lewd
You're on MLPG on a sunday night, wasting your life away when suddenly this pink mare gives you a big great hug and asks you to find some friends and then slaps you with her futa mare cockWhat do
>>14255931>designit's just lazy form anon
>>14255929Cheese and yogurt aren't spoiled, their taste is changed by a bacterial process. Beer, wine, and liquor are a product of fermentation, another reaction of a bacterial organism(yeast). Europeans eat food that is actually rotting, putrefying, and being eaten by insects and maggots.
>>14255947Make her my friend.
>>14255689Huh, an updated version on Canterlot Siege?No wait, it's a whole new sequel, I'm going to have fun at work tonight!
>>14255947beat the fuck out of her in a blind rage until her head caves in and eventually realize what I've done and live the rest of my life in constant guilt and remorse
>>14255959>Not fucking the body
>>14255955>twice in one threadover the line, you broke the unspoken rule of repeat image posting in every thread
>>14255977fuck I remember that gamegoddammit
>>14255977oh shit my childhood
>>14255977What's with the Cartoon Network town?
>>14255987>rigor mortis sets in>pinkie's futa mare cock is rock hard
>>14255977I kinda wish I could play pokemon for the first time again...
>>14255977Why does this seem familiar
>>14255993that's the first time, though
You guys want nostalgia?
>>14256009none of these are attractive
>>14256009N-no I don't no what that is...
>>14256009>You guys want nostalgia?That was a terrible porn game. Not that newgrounds had alot of winners.
>>14255934>Like listening to AppleDan list all of his waifusok that got a sensible chuckle out of me, but, what was the meaning of the video?I don't get how that is supposed to help pony. Maybe it's something meta related since the whole story is. I don't get that part.
>>14255814>>14255838Anon pls, my stomach can only handle looking at those once
>>14256020Newgrounds had Z0ne.
>>14256009I do think this is THE thing that started my path to being gay
>>14255949>>14255949>rotting, putrefying, and being eaten by insects and act like that's a bad thing
>>14256027I'm talking about people born after 2000.
>>14256027bcs please go
>>14256009>>14256028I wonder if you guys played this
>you will never break the CMC's hymens
>>14256034Before 2000 rather.
>>14256038GaaaaaaaaaaaayyAnd shit.
fart fart fart faaaaaaaarrrrt
>>14255977>tfw it won't load
>>14256038Of course I did. And the one or two others like that one.I had a lot of fun when I learned you could zoom the page in
>get called bcs twice in the same threadIs this what gangrape feels like?
>>14256036speaking of smell, i want a durian so fucking bad
>>14256022Pony should look at her own mistakes and better herself when she knows how.But pony is selfish.
>>14256039>You will never have Babs Seed gag on your seed
>>14256055What an awful feel.
>>14256030I want to sniff a personhorse's smelly feet, but decay is going too far
>>14256039you're not supposed to break it
>>14256059I want my seed in her babs.
>>14256059I'd smother my face in that chest.
>>14256054i still don't get why that video should help, esp. the part with replacing pony with non-existing one.i feel like something is missing>>14256060wat, not everthing is a fetish anon, well it is, but this one is about food. not sex
>>14256062Whatever, such is the parlance. You will never tear the CMC's hymens. Because you're a nerd!
>>14256079I wouldn't want to cause them any pain
ok never mind, it''s not supposed to make sense
>>14256059too fatbabs is a beanpole
I'm going to marry Anonymous!
>>14256074Anon told Pony that the protagonist pony was actually Pony, so Pony freaked out because Anon filmed her for a very long time instead of thinking about her own actions, even after Pony made fun of herself.
I'm going to fuck pantyanon!
>>14256099Princess, you're drunk.Besides, you hate anon.
Pony wants you to wear the collar.
>>14256110Pony should shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich
O-oh yeah? Well, I'm going to marry Anonymous, too!
>>14256090I'd EG Babs. or at least her sister.
>>14256100ok, i get the humor in it, but if i was Pony, i wouldve freaked out too. And missed the message. thank you, i guess i would make a very selfish pony too
They need to be spectacular! And the performance is tomorrow!
>"So it's just me and you tonight~...."
>>14256141Help! I'm falling! I can't stand on clouds!
>>14256142But pony is a psychopath and rigged the collars to explode by remote
>>14256142does...does it have my name on it?
>>14256141Oh Echo...what are we going to do?