There's something delicious in what you gave pony, but she can't put a hoof on it. What was it you added in that exquisite oral delight?Old horse: >>14228753
>>14235092Candied bacon.
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>14235118She just does not want to be completely plucked by her friends.They use her feathers a lot don't they?>>14235071crystal ponies crashing is funny to me, but I always feel bad afterwords
>10 posts early>retard still marks itis there any point to disliking thingsnobody ever does things worthy of liking anyway
>>14235172It's never been against policy to mark a thread that's early. If it's really early they usually just wait to mark it.
>>14235174Just reach in and take it out yourself. Ponies have notoriously slow digestive tracks.
>>14235171Its ok though, as actual crystal pones are not hard like that and can fall over just fine
throw your requests
Draw event!
Cute Quest still running!We at the fun fair with Rara, Sweetie and ScootsWe raising the dead next week.
>>14235212more Sweetie tongue
>>14235172>boo hoo my precious 10 images
>>14235191there's no policy, just things that shouldn't be done.
>>14235212scootaloo without tongue
>>14235212Pinkie drooling on AJ's hoof when she does that thing where she sticks it into the other pony's mouth
>>14235212Skinny Babs
>>14235212Discorded Big Mac slobbering all over Twilight
>>14235212pony slobbering all over the marzipan meringue madness
>>14235234Cry me a river over the ten images you'd be wasting anyway.
>>14235212Apple Bloom dressed up as Winona for nightmare night
>>14235213he was n1
fuck me but i still laugh at the rarity fighting a giant crab deal
>>14235285forced meme is worst meme
>>14235231Why not make them at 151 images?>boo hoo my precious 100 images
/mtdoodledumphey guys~
>>14235300stop crying bitchi know you love my little ponybut seriously use your energy better
>>14235309MT are you the new Ross?!
>That world series game
>>14235300There's a difference between 10 and 100 you autist
they were all shitnacho was ok
>In the original version of the Season 3 premiere, Sombra kills Twilight, and Spike takes the role of main character.
>>14235309What qts
>>14235354>AJ isn't crushed by the incredible gravity field around GabenI call bullshit on that picture
>>14235326I might be
what's more unexpected than an ice pack update
>>14235386Keep it up!
>>14235355I'd dig it.
>>14235396A Boxdog update?
>>14235396Koboldly update
>>14235396Another Ice Pack update?
>>14235396Danganya did nothing wrong.
>>14235396how about two Ice Pack updates in a row
>>14235396A Divequest update.
>>14235425Zebra rap when?
>>14235425>Danganya scrunchoh godmy heart
>>14235386There's no way, you haven't drawn a monstrously overweight person passed out from eating 20 pounds of popcorn.
>>14235425Oh boy.
>>14235406>>14235411>>14235426n-not that surprising guys...
>>14235425Danganya's sounding more and more like Cultist-chan.
>>14235463Something fully illustrated?
>>14235425whats her last line?
>giving GG attention
>>14235425>Ice Pack is right side up on the second panel.I love it.And stop making me feel bad for a evil bad bug~
>>14235487>not showing our artists appreciation
>>14235464dats cute
>>14235464I love it when ponies carry things in their mouths, that's cute
>>14235482"Danganya thought... we are the same."
>>14235463OH MY GOD A ZEBRAam I doing good, senpai?
>>14235488>Ice Pack is right side up on the second panel.It's supposed to be when he opened the door to greet her, only with her not in disguiseI guess I should have put wavy imagination lines or something
>>14235464Goddamn is she adorable. And those eyes are so fucking cuteCould you draw a horrified Rarity riding a flying Twilight that's about to crash?
>>14235463A Buckley parody update.
>>14235463Is koboldly legit dead or what?I don't even know if I should be sad about it
>>14235501ah thanks
Whatever happened to swfpony?
>>14235523Ah.Yes, needs dem memry lunes.
>>14235309> That ApplejackYou have no ideaThis is like my ideal body typeThough I know it's caricature, manMAN
>>14235464here lies anoncause of death: condensed diabeeetus
pony headbutts you
mang...this new zebra changling story
>tfw Danganya stop the spotlight from Icepack
>>14235463> sees MT posted something> leaps in with old-hat ask-blog character updateI'd say never change, Glitter GlueBut I really wish you would.
>>14235570evade and counter>>14235572>character with a speech impedimentit's like you were made for each other
>>14235491i had enough for today.
>>14235572aagh all of a sudden lots of cute danganya
>>14235575>stopi meant stole
Do you think they could make a decent episode about dieting, and exercising, without having one of the main characters turning fat for no reason?
>>14235579You're seeing rivalry that isn't there.
>>14235572>>14235591I love MT more
>>14235579he updated yesterday, around the same timestop being so melodramatic
>>14235603>Pinkie Pie>eats nothing but sweets all day>"no reason"
>>14235603Pinkie already is.
>>14235603nahrararrararrarara is gonna binge hard after ailing in a fashion lineup and her firends have to help her get back her glory.
>>14235607> attentionwhore scrabbling for a scarce resource means a direct rivalry>>14235618So you don't find it at all interesting it's been reposted just now after MT dropped pictures?
>new pony on the way
>>14235620>Pinkie>Not a ball of energyPunching holes in dimensional space burns alot of calories. Don't confuse a sweet tooth with being a lazy faggot that sits around all day.
Remember, filtering IS an option!
>>14235629>Rarity starts binge eating and gets rotund as her mother.>Makes plus sized dresses to cover up the fact.>Gets larger mannequins.>She later gets thin again and throws them away.>Just in time for a plus sized designer to love her dresses.
Only an idiot would gain immortality.
>>14235629>Rarity>Becoming fatThat makes 0 sense
>>14235309These are very nice, MT.Mind if I show these to the MLPDND crew? You might have a bit of what we're looking for.
>>14235631not reallybut im not one to witch huntyou could be right, he sat there waiting for another contributor namely MT. Like a spider hover over the submit button, and as soon as he sees another beloved contributor he strikes!This is what you sound like.
>>14235657I'm gonna say no, but I wish you luck
>>14235668She gets a boyfriend and starts nesting. All girls do it.
how does earth pony reload weapons?
>>14235673Whether it's malicious or not, they do seem to come out the woodwork at roughly the same time.
>>14235657Looking at the archive it seems you've been gone from here for a year. Have you done anything pony at all in the past few months?
>>14235657You could. I'd like to pay you.But I can't, unless you're willing to fly overseas to get get paid in person.
>>14235657DunnoYou aren't going to get many if any commissions from here though. This place isn't really full of the commissioning type.Tumblr is probably your best bet, but they you have to do tumblr shit like getting more popular people to reblog you or whatever. I am glad that you're still alive though. I like your art
>>14235668It makes more sense to me in the context of the show since pank is incapable of being fat and twilight won't be allowed to veer from her model so much now.and besides, I bet rararararrararararra stuffed her face with icecream after her failures in suited for success.
>>14235680Well, I totally selected the wrong image. Time to kill myself.
>>14235661>>14235685Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
>>14235685But it's true.Whoever is immortal will never learn nor seek knowledge.
>>14235689are you going to hound Googles too now?On a more metaphysical level, shit happens in 3's and in waves. Maybe it's just time for them to be active. I just don't see how it's intentional , the implications are silly to think about.
>>14235697Except she didn't After a few days nothing was wrong with her. She has no reason. The only one that could get fat is Fluttershy and even then it's a huge stretch.The only ones that could go fat are the CMC when they get addicted to candy or some shit.
I used to like pony, but Xbox One only runs in 720p
>>14235688"Whuzzat?">>14235708oh fuck you
>>14235657I will give you pone money googles my old pal~
>>14235708>not man loads magazine into mosin nagant.gif
>>14235680I would have sex with that horseBut I wouldn't trust her near my balls with anything sharp.No oral
>>14235714Google is as close to ded as you can get, in no small part from the intense hate from those one or two postersGreen is a terrible color of Glitter Glue is all
Ok that demon was pretty guddddand that minotaur...
>>14235657Are you setting up a tumblr and commission bin or something?
>>14235728Would you trust the male variant?
>>14235666>>14235675D:>>14235690I haven't posted with a name for a long time. I've been ponying a little and posting them here as anon, though. Mostly OCs, though because regular pony stopped being interesting ages ago.>>14235726Wub U.
>>14235721I still like pony, and I'm waiting a year until I make a choice.
>>14235734Yeah, how dare GG have fans here.
>>14235728>No oralAre you sure?
>>14235749Isn't that her brother or something?And he's usually in on it?NopeHell, I'd have to be more careful. Isn't he usually the distraction or something?
>>14235758People can like XThat doesn't make X look any better when they need to steal limelight
>>14235734so his popularity contributes to his perceived mal intent?I am still in the mind that you are just witch hunting.
>>14235751hey goggles
I was about to make a joke about "day old ponuts" and then I realized that I was implying something much worse than what I intended.
>>14235770>Stealing limelight.What fucking limelight!?Are you mad because he posted when MT was doing something?Are you this autistic?
>>14235772well good job derailing the conversation from praise to metaill give you that credit at least
>>14235769I think he was a breeding horse.
>>14235751I'd give you money if you maybe, I don't know, came to MLPG for anything but begging.
>>14235786Kevinsano pls
>>14235751I'm no artist, so I may be wrong, but I'd guess you'd just have to do requests for a while to regain popularity then put up a pricing picture for commissions and see what comes of it here and on DA or whatever drawing community you're on.
>>14235790> are you this autisticWell that's a nice slurI don't know if that's what really happened, but "HOW DARE HE HAVE FANS HERE" is an old catchall. Like "oh you just hate popular people."But what if despite their merits they're also a famehag? Again, I can't actually pin down that's what happened, but that's the price for having no ID's.
>>14235805>What the fuck are you doing in this shithole?wow
>>14235805you're a shitholedon't talk shit about my shithole, you shit
>>14235805>LPS generals>this is the shithole
>>14235661"Immortality isn't so great" is such a dumb tropeImmortality would be awesome
>>14235805just drawing ponies, i might go and draw for the lpsg once the new season starts
>>14235805>ask mlpg for monies>call it a shitholeHOLY FUCKI think I've found someone WORSE then Ross
>>14235805>Come here asking for money.>Then insult us.
>>14235805Woooooah there friend~That's no way to talk about people~
>>14235805Though this can be a shitty thread sometimes, uh, maybe the very same thread you solicit in shouldn't be called a shitholeThen againHow can we be certain it's really you?
>>14235829Immortality is an excuse not to learn from your mistakes.Only those who are lazy and pathetic would attain it.
>>14235805>Would you guys like to pay me for art?>What the fuck are you doing in this shithole?Are you stupid?
>>14235805>Call our shithole a shithole>Surprised when the shithole shits back
>>14235850>Immortality is an excuse not to learn from your mistakesWhat
Thanks Goggles.I think the shitposter forgot all about GG now.
>>14235822That mare has a problem
>>14235821At least the LPS generals knew enough to stop once the show stopped. MLPG has just been going on too long. It's a white dwarf very slowly fading into nothingness.
>>14235838MT you really need to learn when people aren't acting like friends
>>14235865No, no. I'm keeping tabs on old Player One.
>>14235850>Implying I make mistakes.
>>14235874MLPG has always been.
>>14235874Wow that really speaks to meMaybe I should stop drawing for mlpg and start drawing for the board as a whole
>>14235874Get the FUCK out
>>14235874Geez goggles I mean I know you are kinda of a bitch but the hell?
>>14235874> once the show stoppedAbout that> Season Two Premiere: November 2, 2013
>>14235874That has nothing to do with the quality of either generals. Frankly it has nothing to do with the quality of the shows either.Fact is there is exponentially more interest in MLP whether it's just art or animation or even quests.
Did anyone else really like Turnabout Storm? I mean aside from all the blatant brony memes.
>>14235884>Lol i troll youSometimes people just say silly things anon, not everything that gets a reaction is intentional.
>>14235863Think about it. Being immune to death only makes that creature unable to ascertain actions that would harm them. Because they won't die from it.They can do all the stupid shit in the world and it wouldn't matter because they won't turn dead from it.They'll eventually realize they can get away with anything, and never bother to realize why they shouldn't do those dumb things.Anything that's immortal only deserves to be isolated from everything else. They don't deserve to exist.
What if pony hosted a hats server?
>implying MLPG hasn't always been a shithole.Open you eyes, people. Just because you like something, doesn't mean it can't be objectively bad. People need to have a little self awareness and learn to poke fun at things.
>>14235909Not really. I mean yeah that could happen but in the end it depends on the immortal. Anyway did a immortal killed your parents or something?
Hello everyone I also need a lot of money for stuff probably way more important than whatever dumb shit Goggles wants it for, gib money pls
>>14235909>Somewhere in the universe there is Lich Jackass.
>>14235918Of course it's a shithole, but when someone walks in, asks for money, and insults everyone here you're going to get a reaction. I mean you're really coming off as a cunt.
>>14235918I think this is just BCS being crazy again, no one is this stupid.
>>14235918Sure, it's bad, but it's like with expatsWe come from the Land of Fat Mother. YOU call her "fat mother," it's a problem. WE call her "fat mother" and it's just reality. You've been gone long enough you sound like one of those drive-by shitposters.
>>14235904Still in my backlogThe memes were alright in passing in the first video or two but then it gets a little ridiculous
>>14235918Yeah, let's poke fun at you.I have $2,800 to throw around, guess how much your poor ass is getting.
>>14235918Oh come on it's not that bad. With S4 coming up it can only get better.
>>14235941Applejack likes the warm feeling of pony mouth.
>>14235923Hasbro is owned by an immortal.
Boy I sure hope this is just someone pretending to be Goggles.
>>14235909Not at allI have a friend that's lactose intolerantI love cheese and eating it has no serious negative effects on me, but I am capable of understanding that it ruins his day.
>>14235947There's a Trixie pinecone joke in the last one. And a Big Mac rant about how people shouldn't shove what they enjoy in other people's faces constantly.
>>14235953>>14235918> actually samefaggingWhat
>>14235956Don't we all.
>>14235918>>14235953Uh oh, spaghetii o's
>>14235904I'm watching the finalle right nowI really liked the series so far and they just keep throwing twists and i am exceited to see where it all goes.
>>14235918>Come here acting chummy, asking for some money for some commisions.>Flip a 180 and shit where you expect to eat.>Freak out and ask why there is suddenly a bunch of shit on your plate.
>>14235960Well either Goggles has decided to start posting with a name again and asking for money after what, like a year?Or it's someone getting easy responses by pretending to be an old drawfag.Meh who cares
>>14235971No. Not all of us do.
>>14235975It has a pretty okay ending, aside from one or two parts that made me cringe. I'm a little confused about the way they wrapped everyone up, but whatever.
>>14235964In the long run, said friend seems insignificant to a mortal. He's bound to die, while the immortal would live on.Perhaps I'm being too critical about this. The immortal does have will over being able to understand the plight of the mortals. But for how long can they hold that will up?
>>14235971I prefer the warm feeling of a pony's hug
>>14235960Bored with her now, just ignore her until she starts arguing with another namefag and shit goes down.
>>14235918>>14235953g-goggles pls>>14235960I dunno, apparently they recognized me from the lps threads and goggles drew there as well
>>14235993Sigh...I'll get my name out..
Pone is sweating profusely.
>>14235941>>14235869POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER
>>14235985MT, please, you're a zebra.
>>14235985that is super sweet
>>14235985>tired Pinkie momThis is making me feel a lot of feelings.I don't know which ones are right.
>>14235995gooponies are qtπs
>>14235995I miss Reu
>>14235904It really should've been in game form. There are programs where you can make Ace Attorney missions out there, and they've already got everything else down, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to put it in that format.
>>14236019I miss new episodes
>>14236007that's super racist tex.I'm not an animal.
>>14235985>not regretting getting pregnantMT plsYour fetish is clouding your judgment.
>>14235995goopony wants to do this with youwhat do?
>>14235985Oh my god this is precious. Bonus that she looks so much like Mrs. Cake with the apron now, like she's finally filled those boots.
Pony would like to borrow your little sister for a moment.
>>14235991that's a good thing to prefer, anon
>>14236019I do too. Dragon Claw was an amazing character.
guys you've got goggles all wrongshe's not shitposting she's just australian
>>14236031How does goopony taste?
>>14236045I don't have one, I'm the youngest
>>14235985and another bun in the oven
>>14236026>>14236029> MT has a breeding fetishI can't contain this arousal
>>14236048and pony likes to feel your hand
>>14236042>Her real parents back on the farm never approved
>>14236059She's takenBy a neckbeard
>>14236045Bullshit, she just wants to steal my ADOM
>>14236048>>14236061Jalm did these, right?Were there any others apart from this and the Chrysalis one?
>>14236062It's just a picture.
>>14236053Goopony has the consistency of especially thick syrup and a flavor unique to each one.>>14236061>leaving the bottom right one infuck you mate
>>14236050S-so she's hitting on us?!I-is this how Australians mate?!
>>14235657>>14235918Hi Goggles.I made another Space Cadet doodle thing.
>>14236061> that last oneJesusJESUSWhy is this the most arousing picture I've seen in ages?
>>14236075She's also pretty much a retardThat's not a joke, she has serious disabilities.
>>14236083How big is goopony in relation to my stomach volume?
>>14236088>banana trees?
>>14236085Probably, I don't think australians can get off without being surrounded by hostile shit.
>>14236088Oh I missed you posting my request in the upper left there thanks mate
>>14236100They apparently cause seizures.
>>14236119So, this rhymes with "martian", right?
>>14236085YesNow stand on your head to be in the proper position to receive her eggs
>>14236098That's unfortunate. I was hoping there was a chance for more eventually.
>>14236099Goopony will fit, but it will be tight, and you'll probably have a beergut at least.
>>14236112No problem. I went to sleep and forgot to post it first.>>14236100>>14236117I just grabbed a phrase at random. Like>Canada
>>14236143Will goopony survive?
>>14236146>Applejack claiming to have depthWhy would she do that? Just go on tv and lie like that?
>>14236119I don't get you. Nobody brought it up. He's not here. Why do you sling those words around without purpose? WINCARDINALS WINCARDINALS WINIt's the next video on the right you dumb fucks AHAHAAH
>>14236160She's talking about her hoofing fetishShe can take it up to the elbow
>>14236153goopony does.goopony also has vore fetish
>>14236146This reminds me of an ancient dead webcomic about dragons
>>14236146And yet people still can't figure out why Rainbow is worst pone.
>>14236061pony enjoys the dexterity of fingers
>>14236163Fuck off Ross.
>>14236160Applejack has loads of depth and width.
>>14236161He just plugged his shit again.
>>14236153Depends on if gopony wants to
>>14236195You can't prove it was him. Even if, it's just a picture. It has nothing to do with what you hate. You are bringing it up on purpose.
>>14236184>You will never rub Applejack's chest tufts while you breed her
Uh.Color requests?
>>14236209>>You will never rub Applejack's chest tufts while you breed them
>>14235265>tfw you'll never eat food with poni drool
>>14236199>>14236176Lets do itI hope pony has funI certainly will
>>14236176what does gooderpy taste like?
>>14236207I didn't sperg out over stupid shit either. He has brought that upon himself.
>>14236209> You will never rub Applejack's chest tufts while you breed herWell of course notI'd only do that to TwilightOr maybe Apple Bloom
I need pony.Give me Pony.
>>14236220>pony will never cum in your food and not tell you
>>14236220Pony drooling into pony's mouth lying under herDrawn so you could flip the image and it would still look right
>>14236220>You will never be tied down by Pinkie>She will never force feed you her drool-ridden food
>>14236240But he's not doing that anymore. You bring it up out of nowhere. I can't see your reasoning.
>>14236237I'd have to re-ink that, are you ok with that?>>14236246Added!>>14236252I'll try
>>14236262>I'd have to re-ink that, are you ok with that?If it's not too much trouble then that would be great.
>>14236271MTPleasePlease quit pressing my every fetish button
>>14236271Oh jeezI'm imagining Dash lapping at the bowl in that terribly inefficient and sloppy way that dogs do
>>14236271derpy pet is better pet
>>14236271FuckingAdorableNow draw her nudging the ball at your foot with her nose
>>14236271Why is Rainbow Dash the best pet candidate?
>>14236246By the way, do you happen to know the original artist?
>>14236271why is pony dog?
>>14236260Was there any shitposting about him before he went full autism? None of this has happened without a good a reason and he provided it himself.
>>14236304Probably since she's the most proud so she'd be the most fun to break or something I dunnoFrankly I think Pinkie would make the best pet
>>14236306reminds me of this artist
>>14236279Oh, pffftLEGAL AGE Apple BloomI like fertile women, not girls.
>>14236328Yeah, it seems to be!Do you know the name?
>>14236319It's your fault.MLPG might not be such a shithole if you posted more.
>>14236319You're not getting any moneyGet out
>>14236319How's that Shiny Female Espurr hunt going?
>>14236319Well no, I was the one to point out this thread can be shit a surprising amount of timeBut maybe you should not drop "shithole" in the very same thread you're soliciting advice and possible donations and commissions
>>14236217>You will never have a bunch of baby tufts running around
You will never be a mare in a pretty dress.
>>14236319We take ourselves very serious at all times.Now gentlemen which pony has the puffiest ponut?
>>14236318Every contributor gets shit. Even though I don't agree with your justification of "he deserved it", you won. He's gone. Why keep bringing it up?
>>14236338i used too.used to frequent draw threads but then he disappeared for a while.he had a deviant art but he never went there at the time.he posted as an anon so have no idea anymore.
>>14236364Ponut Joe
>>14236368>He's goneI wish.
>>14236319>calling Pinkie a whoreOVERTHELINE
>>14236362I already am.
>>14236372Holy shit this image.
>>14236364My random images selection skills say...This one, whichever it is
>>14236392We'll need some pictures.
>>14236319i'm just surprised how stupid you are acting. and please, i am a grown man that loves my little pony: friendship is magic. how can i possibly take myself seriously??
>>14236382Why does it bother you so much? I cannot fathom your hate. It's like some crusade against something that you don't agree with. Why not just filter or ignore? Why attack even though he's not here?
She wants to suck your blud
>>14236413She can SUCK MAH DICK
>>14236390You know, I'd never have the patience for that.
>>14236413can she suck it through my neck?
>>14236338found his DA
>>14236413Does is have to be blood or will any bodily fluid do?
>>14236392I believe you anon.
R-Rara sama...
>begging mlpg for money
>>14236338 him
>>14236390>make meGreat, looks like he have a shitposter for the long haul.
>>14236435Let's be honest anon, you can't feed pony once a day and you don't even produce enough to sustain her.
>>14236406>Why does it bother you so much?Ask anyone that frequently visits these threads.
>>14236460>>14236427Why do artists I enjoy have the worst names half the time
>>14236467You aren't answering my questions.
>>14236466I dunno AnonI produce a lot of drool
>>14236406>ignoring people you don't likeWhy don't more people just do this?
>>14236474It's like one of those joke names that only exiist on tv
>>14236420>Kissing Blueblood's hoofQuick, what could I do to spite him?
>>14236474because DA is a shitty place to be.
>>14236368Wait, when did he say that?
>>14236507Who said what?
>>14236503Throw paint in his face.
>>14236503Eat a melted twix bar right before doing so. Both Twix bars.
>gogglesI thought she was dead.
>>14236490That's what I'm trying to figure out. But every time I ask, he never gives a straight answer.
>>14236547Nah, she just left because MLPG is shit. Maybe she's right.
>>14236474because it draws attention away from the faggots that resides in DA
>>14236547She's probably just here because she doesn't want to study for exams
>>14236557Yeah I left too. I just came back here to see if anyone wanted to play TF2. Watching people talk about stupid fetishes is pretty tiring after a while.
>>14236413I'll do it for free.
>>14236591I wanna play TF2!
>>14236557MLPG has always been pretty chill for me. Plus, I like when I get a few people to talk lore or possibilities, like how the Gryphon lands are or what Changelings do to survive on their own.
>>14236580MTYou should draw some drool stuffMini is PERFECT for it
>>14236525Kraut apparently left. Again.
>>14236580Dammit anon!Put your kielbasa away!
>>14236601I wish more people would initiate that kind of discussion.
>>14236601I like coming up with really weird scenarios or questions and seeing what this thread thinks of them. I normally stay quiet otherwise, unless there's some news to share or comics to storytime.
>>14236610I didn't even know he was here!
>>14236611But kielbasa is delicious.
>>14236646Needs more penis.
>>14236646>oro>not his self insert fersonai bet he was edited out before posted
>>14236580>"Cmon just touch it please.
>>14236646I miss when 0r0 was here and would draw nice things like this for MLPG :(0r0-selfinsertDashie has such a nice black horse penis and ponut
>>14236611Vampires can't eat that, come onAt least use blood sausage or something
>>14236619Let's start then.Do Gryphon's actually build cloud cities, do they prefer mountains, or are they mostly solitary?>>14236633I've found some good mlp threads that discuss those things, even taken a liking to the asventure CYOAs.What have you asked about before.?
>>14236580You ask for a quiet romantic night inYou ask me to 'get comfortable'Now you don't want my penis out of the trousers?
>>14236686needs to be lewder
>>14235813wow you are a grade-A doucheany new content during hiatus is a fucking relief
>>14236697Needs more submarine sandwiches
>>14236703> grade-A doucheIt's funny your ass is so boiled an hour later you just had to reply
>>14236463I thought Goggles was a girl...
>>14236646oh god why is Rainbow Dash's dick black? Did she get frostbite or something?
>>14236686SO much droolI need MORE
>>14236717She is a sexy girl.
>>14236686Now AB attempting to fit a whole apple in her mouth, with messy results
This got dark really quick.
>>14236686Sweetie has the prettiest mane.
>>14236709this is also a reply
>>14236694Things like how you'd react to your favorite pony somehow covertly being a changing since the show started and finding her out. Most of it is just spur of the moment inspirations. I'm not really much of a writer, so I don't go any further then seeing what comes out of it here.
>>14236721oro is a massive furry.and like all furries they don't know what anatomy looks like on both humans and animals.that is why they are furry.
>>14236741T-touch butts.
>>14236751Goggles draw the long-eared pony from the Celestia micro.
>>14236736>>14236751d'awwagreementI bet she will grow up to be taller and prettier than her own sister.Verdicts out on her singing potential though
>>14236751That looks nothing like a ponyNow I'm even less likely to give you money
Big stallion brother is proud of you, no matter what you are.
>>14236769post a reference of it
>>14236769I'll need a reference. Long eared ponies are best.
>>14236721an exaggeration of how animal genitalia is darker than the rest of the body
MLPG, if you were a pony what is the first thing you would do?
>>14236804Ponder the conditions that lead to me being a ponythat or panicwhichever occurs first
>>14236721Horse dicks/buttholes tend to be darker than the rest of the body.
>>14236804Depends, am I on Equestria or Earth?
>>14236795>>14236799And now I lament not having the actual comics on hand. Best I can do is fanart, because apparently I didn't save the image.
>>14236804Take Flight
>>14236804Well after the mental breakdown probably masturbate.
>>14236810>>14236803I prefer light pink horsecocks with splotches of dark
>>14236804Flap my wings that I would have. Because a Pegasi is what I would be.
>>14236804Look for other ponies.
>>14236799>>14236820This one, right?
>>14236820Aha, wait, someone posted the Celestia micro on the sub.
>>14236735not surprising. I enjoy that this fandom panders to my edgy side
Would you this ponka?
>>14236842>>14236846I hnng everytime.I don't think she has a name, damn shame.
>>14236804practice winking in a mirror
>>14236826Who draws them like that, or just good ones in general. So when I start drawing them they look good.
>>14236820>google "mlp comic long ears" to see if I can find it>find this instead
>>14234842Is this from one of those pony doujins? I would sure like to know which one or how to find it on exhentai or something.
>>14236842>>14236846That was it, yes.
>>14236804Defeat Celestia in a game of chess that decides the new ruler of Equestria.
>>14236804Go exploring
>>14236865It's from Hoof Beat
>>14236865I'm sure rumble would know
>>14236784Big Mac is best big brother!
>>14234900Are all of the antagonists' voices already accounted for? I have a strong suspicion that that resume listing was for one of the past antagonists, like the bullies from Sonic Rainboom or... something.
>>14236862DunnoI'm sure there's a couple artists, but I can't name any off the top of my head.Mostly I'm just remembering a real one that was posted here a few times back when that was common
>>14236858If my gf was inside it, sureactually, most people qualify
>>14236858No, well it a grilll?if yes, then yesif no , then no
>>14236864reminds me of thismy most shameful unf
>>14236864What is with this autists and vore?
>>14236697>>14236701>>14236723do I have a name yet?
>>14236914every fetish has really shit artiststhe simple fact is that fetish artists wuth any skill go to more niche fetishes, where the real cash is
>>14236902> THE LINE
>>14236914It's their brains trying to get them eaten by a large pedatory animal for the good of the rest. It's like a failsafe.
>>14236891No clue, but I would lose my shit if he pops up as a villain.
>>14236921I sure hope soIt's so strange I'm not unfing but I feel like I should be. I just love all of it.
>>14236926The more niche the fetish the more you need to accept anyone who's willing to draw it.
>>14236921He is drooling SO much.Don't end up like Alchoholics Anonymous. Or AA for short.How aboutSalivating Brony?or SB for short?
>>14236921i shall name you The Masticator!!
>>14236954>having brony in your name>2013
>>14236929just be glad it isn't the first part, wherein you have to see the eyesore of an OC in all her horrible glory.
>>14236921SalivariousToo fancy?
>>14236921Saliva Bro
I wish pony would stop asking to smoke and drink with her
>>14236945All these facts are incredibly true. If you want to make some quick dosh, just draw fetish art.
>>14236921Salivador Dali
>>14237000I wish pony would ask me to smoke and drink with her.I don't even smoke or drink, I just want pony to do things with me.
>>14236876>>14236865It's not in Hoof Beat 1 or 2.
>>14237002I suppose an exception may exist where a skilled artist (really a not-shit artist) has a niche fetish.
>>14237038This is why you don't fall asleep in public at a brony con.
>>14237029It's just Ajin
>>14237034That's where ya hit the gold mine, and it's a win win for everybody. In case of mlp vore it'd be Ponythroat, though he doesn't release things too often.
>>14237038BCS pls
>>14236991I like this...and the short SB but what if I don't always draw drool? or should I accept it and shut up
>>14237079Don't do it, theres already a drawfag that goes by SB
i have been away for a whilein the mean time, i got way into cars for some reasonwinter is coming, who's buying an awd shitbox to hoon like a mad cunt in parking lots?
>>14237079It would be funny to have another SBI think we've had like 4 of them nowReally, its up to you
you know who else liked ponies?hitler!
>>14237079Anon are you taking requests?
>>14237071what is this
>>14237112BCS fucking some guy that wasn't her fiance at a furry convention
what if you are wrong?
>>14237079I like you Saliva Bro.
>>14237107Is that the ctrl alt delete guy?
>>14237109yeah sure the last one for today>>14237090>>14237096oh well...I'll keep thinking
>>14237123do you have any more information?
Nice to See Goggles still goggling>tfw jalm will never be jalming again
>>14237071>BCS has sex>I will never have sex>I will never have friends
>>14237133I don't know who that is. What I do know is that's Freddie Wong
>>14237141I'm gonna call you Saliva Bro anyway because it fits you.
>>14235309I want to sniff Pinkie's fat crack.
>>14237123who took the picture? is there video
>>14237071i'd hit it
Homura becomes Satan and reverts Madoka godform.
Carnik Kon
>>14237159It's not her fault, she's a girl.
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
>>14237176Probably some other guy she was going to fuck after thatNo videoShe also complained that the sex was shit because he was too big
>>14237141Night guard and Sun guard cute shipping.
>>14236842>>14236846She's super cute. She should be some kind of dancer.
>>14237182I love it
>>14237199Titan says its much safer INSIDE wall Sina
>furry convention drama and a spit-swap focused new drawfagwell it's good to see things are still just as nuts around here
>>14237182Really?Even /mlp/ isn't safe?
pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat
>>14237199Pony should probably try living underground where the titans can't get.
>>14237225Yeah, I was thinking of sending that to her sister's facebook, but she took it down
How can anyone blame MLPG for still being around even during a hiatus when theres an even worse board that will be around long after the show is dead?It's like complaining that you didn't clean up your room while a volcano is erupting next door.
>>14237232I wish pony would pat me.
>>14237232weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh weh
>>14237244BCS has a sister? wait your not talking about the 9 year old sister?what the fuck we arnt /b/ here
>>14237267Where do you think /b/read went after they were banned?
>>14237232I wish I had saved the patting skeletons.
>>14237093Cars aren't a flavor of the month/year/season/whatever thing for most people.
>>14237267Oh calm down.That little girl has almost definitely already had more sex than anyone here will have in their lifetimes.
>>14237213Cute.Still not getting any money.
>>14237275/b/ because they're still thereAll /mlp/ and rule 15 did was get us off /co/ because we follow the rules
remember when googles was cool
>>14237280vaginas are apparently in short supply
>>14237246Can you imagine 4chan in 2022? Of course you will still be here as will everyone else.moot has long since sold the site to some for-profit company.My little pony: friendship is magic is long over,but /mlp/ board is still hereWhat is that future like? Go on that journey with me
>>14237267Well when someone does what BCS did it makes my /b/ roots flare up and I want to RUIN them.I posted her personal info on here already.
>>14237213goggles why did you throw us in the trash to die so you can go play with ponies and pokemon
>>14237293No, they're just all claimed by a small number of penises.
>>14237298>it makes my /b/ roots flare up and I want to RUIN them>shitposting.txt
>>14237308Didn't you see her post telling everyone here that this place is a shithole?She doesn't like it here.
>>14237277it's simpleget subaru awd or something for 3 grandgo to parking lot during a snowfallslam dem gears and yank that handbrake and spin around like a topi dont think RD would do shit like this though, why do i have a feeling she'd get a dodge charger but get it in automatic and just pretend she knows how to drive it?
>>14237298is there just the 1 pic?
How can you turn apple juice into orange juice?By having Applejack drink it!
>>14237324There was one of her titsBut she has ugly tits and her face was blurred
>>14237327But how do I drink the orange juice, Pank?
>>14237341do you have it
>>14237327y-your pee is orange?I think you need to go see a doctor, Scrubbles
>>14237298>I posted her personal info on here already.Sent please.You cansed enough shit when you did that with the skype logs.
>>14237296>going around the hood with my botnet goggles>decide to browse /mlp/>suddenly got a file in my brain, wut>it'shappening.mp3>oh shit, season 10 is out apparently>restock on instant spaghetti>activate my rainbow dash ironman fursuit and fly to the /mlpg/ headquarters
>>14237339>>14237359You think thats bad?Well, orange you gla I didnt say banana?
>>14237362>/mlpg/ headquarters>It's the largest skyscraper in the floating metropolis.>Huge panes of red windows framed by obsidian walls.>Shaped like a massive stallion penis.
>>14237376At least bananas are yellow...
Post ponies being cute please.
>>14237389>Yellow.>He lets them rot before eating them.
>>14237389You know what else is yella?s[poiler]Fluttershys fat ugly stallion looking wings
>>14237398does this work?
>>14237405Not him but I don't touch those things unless they're starting to splotch.
>>14237410To be fair, I've yet to find a place on 4chan that is not a shit hole to some extent
>>14237410That's because everyone left.
>>14237386>we biologically modified ourselves to be actual satyrs, ponies .etc>augments to simulate magic for unicorns and rockets/jets/mechanical wings for the pegusi
>>14237410>but I still come around to take requests and stuffNo you don'tThe only reason you're here now is to ask for money.
>>14237430And moot did everything he could do to kill us by making /mlp/
>>14237207I hate male ponies...good night!
>>14237424"I know I agreed to this bet but can't I do something else please? This is so humiliating."
>>14237448you forgot their tails
>>14237430wonder if it'll fill back up for season 4?>probably not
>>14237442>all the poor people are earth ponies
>>14237443We have the drawfags tied up in the basement, anyone showing minor drawing ability is thrown down there. Ross keeps sneaking in and chaining himself up, it stopped being fun throwing him out the 20th time.
>>14237457oops and I just noticed both are sun guards sorry but I have to sleep
>>14237448>>14237479I was talking about this two but thank you.
>>14237410>I still come around to take requests and stuff.Funny, I remember you coming in saying you would draw for money.And then insulting the general when you chummed with your LPS lackey like 'Oh why are you HERE?! This place is shit!'
>>>Why Do Ponies Talk?>Thought he would discuss maybe discuss how>Theories on the physiology of it, their evolution>Instead theory that says people think in actual words and thus without language you can't actually think and therefore couldn't form a society>So this is why ponies talkWow, I wasted six minutes of my time on some Youtube Brony. Why did I think it would work out differently.
Instead of complaning about MLPG, why not try to make things better?Here I'll start.So, new episode synopsis, eh? VA who did the English dub for Nappa is in it. Think he'll sound the same, like when he turns into Bulging Biceps?I'd find that amusing.
>>14237485Why do people preach how this is 4chan and youre allowed to be abrasive but when someone with a name says something a regular anon would say you guys get extremely buttmad and never get over it ever?
>>14237504What fucking synopsis?
>>14237504I'm looking forward to the "Weirdest Episode Yet!"
>>14237504If they don't have a power level joke I will be incredibly okay with the episode.
>>14237515for the premier?
>>14237515Like, half the episodes for the next season got a brief synopsis a week ago.You live under a pony rock?
>>14237515There was also this.
>>14237484I love those two. They always have cute art.
>>14237059>>14237029>>14236865ah, I think I found his gallery on FA, but nothing matches that crop, probably because it's explicit or something.Since I don't have or otherwise want a FA account, I guess I'll never find it...
>>14237530No they didn't
>>14237504I don't know.I'm looking forward to new pony, but the big dramatic adventure episodes never live up to the hype.Not that they aren't enjoyable, but its really what I want in the show.
>>14237515, you living under a rock?Go check EqD or something.Also we got this.It's a thing.
w-will we get new drawfags and drama and stuff when S4 comes out? Or is the excitement all pretty much over now
>>14237504With regard to Nappa, I think this is actually the case: >>14236891
>>14237555Aw snap lps is back
>lps lackeyheheh
>>14237555>going to EqD>everIt's going to be utter shit until we watch it. Then it'll either be even worse or so great it'll make us soil ourselves sporadically.
>>14237555that says literally nothingi guess it's too late to hope for twilight getting depowered at some point
>>14237566Possibly, but that still doesnt exclude him.Shows hold on to actors and have them reprised for new roles. That's why the mane 6 is voice by 4 people
>>14237559>drama>wanting entire days of nonstop shitposting
>>14237570I swore I was gonna watch LPS this summer but never did
>>14237581woops, forgot to link to >>14237485
>>14237566I don't think a grown man can sound like a bitchy teenager.
>>14237583Fine, go here instead:
>>14237543Writer don't give a fuck
>>14237545Here, bud
>>14237429Exactly. 4chan is objectively a terrible place filled with terrible people with terrible opinions.>>14237443I stop by every month or so to post anything pony. I haven't taken many requests lately. I went off drawing for a while because I was settling into my new job. I'll probably be around a little more.>>14237485I posted a drawing and inquired whether I was till well known/good enough to take commissions. I remember seeing Dotkwa drawfagging for the LPS generals and I didn't know he ponied. I was surprised such a decrepit, crusty old general like MLPG still got new drawfags and stuff. LPS is a better show, anyway.
>>14237566Wasn't it removed from his resume though?
>>14237559I think I might start drawing regularly and posting my progress in MLPG and stuff when S4 starts
>>14237594Are you just that naive?
>>14237606>LPS>betterEven with all the shit being dumped on the show by hasbro I think I still prefer my pastel colored horses.
>>14237606>LPS is a better show, anyway.
>>14237597I really dont see any reason to.Half the reason it got any attention at all was because everyone was doom saying "Next MLP! NEXT MLP!"And I get its in Flash, but god damn it just doesnt look good. At least pony can keep the characters from looking like pin wheel puppets most of the time
Why the fuck haven't you tracked me down and murdered me yet?
>>14237606Sometimes this place isn't so bad, it can just get bad when people decide to act childishly. Can you please calm down and be a nice person? That's all I'm asking.
>>14237635Can you stop being a retard? That's all I'm asking.
>>14237621i hold out hope for impossible thingslike apple implodingpeace in the middle eastbattery chemistry that's worth a fuckand obama being succeeded by someone who isnt worse
>>14237631I could ask you the same thing.
>>14237631What's in it for me?
Well that was a fun color practice, I hope I didn't fucked it up that much!
>>14237635Pff, like that would happen.No seriously, being nice literally hurts Australians.It burns like fire!
>>14237606>LPS is a better show
>>14237635>Goggles>being a nice personthis has never happened
>>14237659The fuck is wrong with you? You actively try to smear shit on the walls and then complain that they're brown. Go fuck yourself.
>>14237635Honestly I go all around 4chan and visit a number of generals regularly. It's all shit, but at least MLPG stays pony related most of the time.Given, a lot of that time is about pony butts. But at least we're not anime spammed every day or super overtly shit posted on with no mod support. And no, /co/ is not all that much better, though I still prefer it to the mistake that is /mlp/
>>14237659Then get the fuck out.
>>14237648>i hold out hope for impossible thingsLike you finishing a game?
>>14237659You still work with animals?
>taking Goggles seriously
>>14237658Looks like those poor animals are going to have a BEAR of a time!
>>14237605Haha, they have dog dicks. And it's gay, which I guess I should have expected but was hoping for some fun with Celestia or Luna.Thanks anyway, though.
>>14237697It's like BCS v2.0
>>14237708But we've already got BCS 2.0And BCS 3.0And BCS 4.0
>>14237697maybe I just have nostalgia goggles on no pun intended but I don't remember her being this bitchy in the past
>>14237628I hear Peter New gets a lot of time in it so I might just watch it for that.
>>14237708You obviously weren't here when Goggles was a regular. Her caustic personality is well-established and expected.
>>14237706Would you take your favorite pony's knot?
Goggles works with animals?Jelly
>>14237720She was always bitchy, also some of her responses are jokes
drugpony put something in straightedgepony's soup, what was it?
I don't get it, are you guys really hurt by the way Goggles is acting?Seriously?
>>14237720>I don't remember her being this bitchy in the pastI bet you weren't here when the whole Nyx fiasco happenedIt was fun at that time, but looking at it back it was just /b/ attitude
>>14237751Another railroad spike.
>>14237583Sethisto saw an advanced screening of the premier at a special hub event for little childrenhe says it was epic and amazing and all bronies will love it.
>>14237753I'm just over here laughing, I guess. The people exploding over this are just dumb.
>>14237754I was, it's just it's been almost 3 years for me so you forget a lot
>>14237600First of all, and most importantly, he is a voice actor. The entire reason he got the job is because he can modulate his voice.And secondly, it seems that you're somewhat too dense to pick up on the last two words of the post or even the picture.
>>14237658It's like that pic was made for you mateI love it
>>14237779>or even the picture.But Anon.That pony had no lines.
>>14237762>>14237626>>14237669Say I wanted to trap Rainbow DashWhat would be the best bait to use?
>>14237768So it's going to be fucking terribleGood to know
>>14237628>has never watched LPSThe character designs are pretty bad, but they grow on you after a while. I find the characters more interesting and diverse, with better voice acting.The stories are pretty juvenile compared to MLP, but the dialogue is pretty hilarious at time and some of the visual gags are great. The songs are also infinitely superior.Fuck Blythe and her friends, though. They suck.If you like pony, there's absolutely no reason to not give LPS a try.>>14237691Yep. i am now qualified to give haircuts to dogs, cats and guinea pigs.
>>14237779>First of all, and most importantly, he is a voice actor.>John DeLancie is a voice actor.And he literally only has ONE voice.
>>14237658Beautiful coloring as always, Dooks.
>>14237810Good on you.Though I can't imagine cats having much patience for trimming.
>>14237820Kinda like Tara, huh
>>14237803Wonderbolts covered in peanutbutter
>>14237821WORK ON THE GAME
>>14237730My favorite pony doesn't have a knot. Probably because I'm not a fag.
>>14237768Oh it's a good thing he gave it the fucking green light.I was worried for a moment!
snuggles with Twilight
>>14237810Oh, just grooming?Not so jelly.
>>14237823>i hate it when my vagina is a lobster
>>14237841Sorry, I guess I left out the hypothetical situation for brevity; allow me to rephrase the question.If your pony had a huge horse-sized dog dick would you take her knot? What if she really needed it?
>>14237810I read haircuts as handjobs for some reasonI think I'm going to bed
>>14237728BCS Alpha?
>>14237702Scrubbles pls, I can't bear with this right meow>>14237784>>14237826Aww shucks, I'm glad you guys liked it!I'll try to keep the pace again with coloring if my homework doesn't make me go away from MLPG again
>>14237810Here is why I don't like LPSThe animation looks wooden and stiff.Its clearly trying to cheaply artificially jump start the success MLP had, at least in the beginning.You have a cast of interesting animal characters, but have the whole thing centered around a boring as shit human main protagonist, like with Monster Vs Aliens. Thats a lot of negative inertia for me.
>>14237768>>14237804>>14237821>>14237845Are you people this easy?
>>14237889Seth, don't you have a site to run?
>>14237820A lot of voice actors can only do one voice.The measure of a voice actor isnt having a thousand distinct character voices, though thats always a plus. Its being able to take direction, to sound the part and to ACT.
>>14237871No, just a comically angry individual sometimes. Form your own damn opinions already.
>>14237889Are you this easy?
i just jacked it to the BCS pic. dont ask me why. also i was thinking mostly of the dude.
>>14237889MLPG is so easy it fucks on the first date.
>>14237899What's her button? I wish to push it.
>>14237889how new are you? we were all ironically pretending to be stupid reverse trolling
>Vest comes in for costume.>Finally, I can get this Flam costume made in time to sneak it in as a clever barbershop quartette costu->It doesn't fit around the shoulders at all.>Have to two day a larger size.FUCK!
>>14237908MLPG is the chrapest datefind a surface that is soft and they'll bone you on the spot
>>14237901I would feel pity for the guy if anything, it looked like he and the bed were at maximum capacity.
>>14237899I remember when Grumpy Gus was first drawn. I thought he was me in pone form.
>>14237954>Fucking on soft thingsWhat are you casual? Concrete fucking master race.
>>14237899oh man, i miss grumpy gus
>>14237908MLPG kisses prostitutes
>>14237801He had no words, he still had a voice.>>14237820Cool cherry pick brah.
>>14237960>no Thin MintI will fight you
>>14237935I neither know nor care. Tended not to make enough of a nuisance of myself to set her off.And you shouldn't either, especially if it's just out of boredom.
>>14237832They do not. I'm at a vet clinic now, so we drug them up pretty hard and they go through all right.>>14237852Grooming is fun. It's all the benefit of working with animals, but you never have to see them die or be in pain or anything. A dog will always go home looking and feeling better than when they came in.>>14237877>judging a show my its animation.I bet you didn't like Home Movies or Dr. Katz, either.They actually do a pretty good job of balancing between characters. Blythe may be the main character, but she actually gets a pretty equal amount of screentime/character development compared to the pretty large supporting cast. Twombly, Roger and the Biskits are all pretty great side characters that appear frequently.I honestly can't refute the riding of MLP's coattails, though.
>>14237955>guy is popular in the furry fandom>makes enough money to travel to any convention whenever he wants>nice body>confirmed having a large dickdont feel too much pity for him
>>14237960I love how the zigger is in cursive.
>>14237967Oh well excuse me princess. You want breakfast in bed, too?I only fuck on broken glass with fire ants in it
>>14237973Yes...well..TACTICAL POCKET SAND!
>>14237865Nope, she can find another outlet and probably is resourceful enough to have solved the problem on her own already, without having to depend on me to help with such a thing.
>>14237994>Popular in the furry fandom and enough money for a cheap hotel and flying to bumfuckville midwest cityReally now you need a better job anon.
Thank you to all who participated in tonight's session of Cute "Quest."We'll be trying to wrap up the Festival Friday scenario tomorrow night since this first half dragged on a bit.There's a meta thread on the sub if you want to discuss the ongoings of the quest or throw any questions at me. I'll try to check it regularly. again, have a great night everyone.
>>14237973Tara Strong's voices aren't all that diverse wither, and she's a massively popular VA.Kristen Schaal, too. Point is, you don't need to be able to modulate your voice to voice act successfully, which his example showed.
>>14237992I do not care for Home Movie and I think most other people only care for Coach Mcguirk
>>14237901WaitWhat pic
>>14237960HEYboth Samoa and Savannah Smile are in cursive. Because they both start with 'S' and write in script.
>>14238018Thanks for the FUN
>>14237960>my favorite isnt therefuck you straight to hell
>>14238018Aw yeah, more cute quest tomorrow.
>>14238018No, thank YOU.
>>14238025How did a zigger learn to write in cursive? That's impossible
>>14238018Goddamn it, that pony is so adorable. Is there more art of Detective Puff?
>>14238018Thanks for running it, Aspirant!Somebody should draw tubby Cobalt sliding around the centrifuge.
>>14238023there is couple of pics of BCS having sex with some dude.BCS may be crazy but i would still bang
Sorry for no Braeburnquest last week or this week, been too worn down. Could go for a double session next week since I should have more time and space to myself.In other news, apparently I can be compared to mldoxy and maniacpaint. Where the fuck is my money?
>>14238054Oh. Not sure I want.I was hoping a pony was involved in some fashion.
>>14237960>dat samoa dominancebest cookie, best scout
>>14238018>pony smokingfuck off, no one here wants to see cute ponies poisoning themselves and ruining their lives
>>14237994I wonder how BCS fucks. Crazy in the head crazy in bed etc.
>>14238076Bubble pipe.
>>14238061>uber boober
>>14238061We burnt it because pony said it was the devil.
what a great day
>>14238061It's still in peoples' wallets because you haven't asked for it yet.>>14238067Damn straight.
>>14237960>About to make a post saying Samoa is the best one>Vote>Samoa is 16 to the next highest 6Well alright, you guys already know Samoa is the best.
>>14238076>Hi guys, I don't watch the show.
>>14238076You should try watching the show, it's good
>>14238067Careful Anon...Things may get LEWD!
>>14238076It's a costume, hateanon. It's not real. That's the point of a costume.
>>14238076>Implying it isn't a bubble pipeYou really gotta chill, sir.>>14238050Not to my knowledge, no. Nasse drew that picture at my request some time ago. Unfortunately he hasn't drawn much recently and I haven't really requested anything from anyone since I'm still trying to earn back my credibility in a way.
>>14238061how am i supposed to give you my money when you dont do shitno calendars or 3d boobs twist mouspads for sale
>>14238093cute/10zibba best
>>14238061>being happy that you got compared by a furfag to some bronyfamous artists
>>14237960I still think Berry Munch is bestDulce is most kawaiiSamoa is cool too I guess
>>14238025>>14237999They struck me as the sort to write in cursive.
I wish I had a yellow cuddle-buddy to go to sleep with
>>14238067>>14238102>>14238093Outrageous then
>>14238129Shut the door, and put your head to the floor.
>>14238112just because a tv show has people smoking weed on it doesnt make it ok
>>14238135Berry's okay. She seems cuddly.Dulce I'd worry about getting dirt or dust in her eyes.Samoa's just 2cute.
>>14238076Fuck you. You said you wouldn't do this shit anymore.
>>14238146That would be nice.
>>14238125>tfw no 3d boob calander mouspads for saleDifferent boobs for each month, think about it
>>14238140Guess realism isn't your main focus, huh?
>>14238076Come on even I know it's just a bubble pipe
>>14237992That's a good way of looking at it, but I've always dreamed of being a veterinarian.
>>14238135>>14238140I'm struck at how little people are fond of the tall gawky one.
>>14238182Hey I voted for her
>>14238018Thanks again Aspirant, have a great night.
>>14238061>I can be compared to mldoxy and maniacpaintNo, you REALLY can't
>>14238182That makes you the one person out of 42 who did.
>>14238165He's pretending to be me, I wouldn't jump to smoking that quickly, it'd have to be pot and it's had to be more than one image and especially not an image with pinkie pie and her bubble pipe.I guess I should adopt a trip for the good of the thread.
>>14238182She needs more screentime.So far she doesn't have much going for her besides being a scaredy-cat and having low self-esteem.
>>14238177>Blade glances off chest>Goes directly into neck or shoulderShit armor, would not siege with.
>>14238061It's fine, RL stuff comes first. Double session could be fun, but don't feel you have to make it up or anything.
>>14238182It's kinda sad, I figured Savannah to be the bitch of the group till this pic.
>>14238182I'm not saying she's bad, I'm just saying she's not the best. Pretty much all of AA's fillies are adorable.
>>14238213Oh....Well, thank you.
>>14238125>>14238175I don't have quite enough OCs for that, unless you meant pony humanizations. For noncommissioned work, I'd rather not do fanart.
>one of the simpsons voice actors diedwoah dudehow late am I
>>14238219Dude whatthere's no way for the blade to bounce off the chest and go into the neck nor the shoulder
>>14238061Dude you do this shit in your free time for free. Don't feel like you owe us shit, next step after that is resenting us.
>>14238213I don't really think the tripmis necessary, but it'll be useful maybe if you want to help talk about pony arms and armor some more?Just taking a trip to talk about straight edge stuff is not a good idea.
>>1423823815 seasons late
>>14238235You do commissions?
>>14238213No, you shouldn't make a trip, a name is enough.And you shouldn't be "jumping" on anyone
>>14238241Anything above the curve would go up. It would be better without the hourglass shape.
>>14238235It's the difference between riding the brony money train and being another dude who does it for enjoymentOr you could do it for bothThink about how much money doxy is banking right now
>>14238250Neither of you need a trip or a name
>>14238250he's trying to avoid impersonation, silly.
Guardians or Defiants?
>>14238257It would go up and then do nothing
>>14238228Savannah's a bit like a lemon. Sometimes sour, sometimes sweet.
Pony wants to make you a man Takkun.
>>14238305I blame Goggles
>>14238303You Maya want to get baktun the ponies.
>>14238303>older woman coming on to youI can't lie.This is my fetish.
>>14238332>not an older woman coming on you
>over a year since I last browsed MLPG>"oh man the hyper-index is still up time to check this shit out">Dino-fag came backwoahdid you finally officially give up on MLP animal crossing?also has the new horse started yet
>>14238303so did he do her with that horn thingy or what
>>14238332Appledan pls
>>14238344No she just leads him around by the cock.
>>14238340>not a bigger woman sitting on you
>>14238303>cartoon assmy favorite
>>1423834127 days. It's going to be shit.
>>14238346oi! I've been into it since before appledan was ever here!
>>14238351Would you, MLPG?Even in her current state?
>>14238349pq pls
>>14238341One can dream
>>14238351>hookerCall-girl, Anon.
>>14238357I've been into it since my cousin raped me
>>14238361no, i have respect of other peoples property
>>14238373...Was she hot?
>>14238361still warm for two hours am I right
>>142383835'11" thin and athletic
>>14237960>collecting information onlineThose filly scouts are up to no good. I can feel it. Ever wonder why their cookies taste so good? Think about it...
>>14238373details please
>>14238394There's gonna be lots of blood. Calling it.
>>14238370I've never played Animal Crossing.But I think I understand the appeal of them.A community simulation where I do chores and crap for cute ponies who have lots to say and for me to do and want to be my friends is basically some wish fullfullment shit.
>>14238398What about the breasts? And butt?Were you old enough to enjoy it rather than be traumatized?
>>14238399Silly Space Cadet. They're not up to anything.Now, have you had your flu shot? It's that season again, and we don't want you getting sick.
>>14238418Breasts weren't very big, butt was a good size but tight13 and 17
>>14238433Did she remind you of your mother?
>>14238412New Leaf was my first Animal Crossing, and I have to say it's really relaxing, and the way the villagers interact with you and the little store owners start getting along with you is neat and cute.It also kind of hurts when villagers leave too
>>14238446No problem, Samoa.Hey, I've got popsicles in my basement if you want one.
Dear Red, if you're here I hope you enjoy the story I wrote for you.You'll know which one.
>>1423834127 days man27
>>14238447Not in the least, my mother is short, pasty white and not athletic in the leastMy cousin is tall, spanish, and athletic