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Grab a handful, 'coz the pony supply is shortened today.

Old horse: >>14211088
Before we get started, did anybody want out?
Nah, I'm in.
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It's like you WANT the mods to delete the thread
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Oh I'm grabbing a handful alright.
I love you Isaac. Please be my tripwaifu.
What's with all the Lewd OP images lately?
>attention whore gay shitposters are OK with me

I'm honestly not even surprised at MLPG anymore.

Vote, vote, vote!

Round 4:

Applejack vs Twilight Sparkle: http://strawpoll.me/598656
Fluttershy vs Rarity: http://strawpoll.me/598655
Rainbow Dash vs Pinkie Pie: http://strawpoll.me/598654
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But pony already has a handful grabbed
And then the ponies will keep smacking into a house that isn't there

like birds to a glass window
My pony can beat up your pony
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I'd rim those plump pony butts
on the otherhand, shitposters like you are perfectly fine!
oh wait
that's wrong
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Those two ponies get along so well
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My pony is fight anon
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Well tell pony to move, I need a handful.
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especially inside anon

Your pony is lewd fight
so no stram then?
>that feel when the MLPG vanilla server is beb
Take a long dildo, rounded from both side - one side goes into one vag, another side into another vag and then you slam your asses against each other.

Feels good.
It should be illegal to make such a cute pony into a monster
what vanilla server?
I'm sorry, Nonymous
I was thinking about streaming some movies or something later tonight

any requests?
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Well.. maybe that pony is
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How would you know, anon.

Are you implying you have a vagina.
MP3: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39518350/A%20True%2C%20True%20Friend%20%28Bliss%20Mix%29.mp3
WAV: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39518350/A%20True%2C%20True%20Friend%20%28Bliss%20Mix%29.wav
I never coud get into that

Give me a game with too much openess and I'll just end up standing around, not knowing what to do.
OOT, but how do you make music so greatly
I'm not, it's really no big deal. Kind of a weight off my chest actually, no need to "play 2 different characters".

If you're who I'm thinking of, I'll see you on steam.
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I visited too much livestream where only girls hang out.
I learned a lot of things.
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Mlpg: a thread should be

fuck off
what a hoppy pony
Bitch, a properly-cleaned ass is cleaner than a vagina.
Why are girls on the internet so lewd?
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Goddamn if girls talk like that online I'm glad I don't have a goddamn girlfriend.
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>those hind legs

the pain
Does that tekkit server still exist
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I don't even know how you can type that without bursting out laughing considering where you are.
I don't think so, just the vanilla one and Seika's modpack server
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would you operate operationally with pony?
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No. Pony is incapable of operationally anything.
what is the vanilla one?
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Golly goodness it's been a while.
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What a cute geek
I want ponies to wear heels more often
Wassup Endii how you doin?
That's often
I should only want to cuddle Rarity

Don't ever leave me again
Welcome back to the land of the living

Do you happen to have the punch horse adventures that culminated in a duel with snoop lion saved?

I need them for reasons.
that's a snuggly pone
Her ears look like ass

because donkeys have big ears
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Would you serve this to pone knowing the cream is actually your "cream"?
i wish you'd leave
because they are hornier and have more fetishes on average than males do?
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Am I serving it to that pone? Or her sister?
Once my boyfriend jerked me off into his coffee and drank it in front of me
It's pretty hot
oh my god mlpg, a pony
What draw?
draw tea love eating tiny cakes
Pony commits a faux pas
if I had a girlfriend who did that to me, I'm honestly not sure if I'd be aroused or queasy
Pretty good thank you
Nah son I don't save any of my OC garbage yo.

I am conflicted.

Draw shiny and cadance being kawaii in honor of the preview today
>your boyfriend
>jerked you off
I'm so jelly.
Futa Cup Cake and Pinkie Pie double teaming Twist
then draw more OC garbage instead
Rainbow Dash drinking from a doggy water bowl with her name on it
pokemon in panties
Rainbow Dash reading comics and calling them "graphic novels" in an attempt to not make herself look dorky
I'm not falling for that again.
>Nah son I don't save any of my OC garbage yo.
He was really good at it too
Especially when he'd sit behind me and wrap his legs around
He had such feminine hands
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As in this one.

pone needs your cum to survive
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Stop torturing me...
muh compliment fishing
>I'm shitting and sucking away at my smegma and cumming at the same time!!
>pony will never wrap his legs around you
>being rode is better than sex!!

Well, that can work out.
She's going to starve pretty quick; I produce less sperm than most newborns.
Are they willing to use their magic to make sure I cum gallons then?
and here come the gay attention whores
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Pinkie Pie?
I want to suck Gaffer's dick.
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Quite honestly I am not hearing much of a difference.
Pony self destruct sequence initiated.
>how dare you play the flute as you have sex! I can feel it bumping against the back of your throat through my anus...
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i cant appreciate the detail and effort this guy put in to making a more semi realistic horse sheath than you usually see in the fandom.

he definitely looks at real horse porn.
initiate manual override
He tortured me, Anon
He left me and ended up with a mutual friend within 6 weeks

>tfw you remember the time you fucked up

Aww shit.
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Sisters kissing.
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any good colorists here that can color DJ's newest creation?
it was requested in the draw thread but hasn't been done.
what is the name of the scout who picked out the fancy hat? she is my favorite.
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Damn, sorry anon.

It helps if you post ponies
That one's the Pegasus, Savannah
tough call between tagalong, samoa, and berry munch
really tough cal
that's adorable
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I'd let that pony cheer for me
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Anyways sorry for being a bother I just wanted to draw a pone for you guys real quick. See yous nerds later

I don't save any of my work yo sorry
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>tripped on some stairs running to class i was late for 8 years ago
>crowd of people around saw

I'm a fucking pony.
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pony should be loved and treated equal
What a little player
What does the cup say?
go ask there
Looks like "HOT"
>the piss-poor timing of telling my first grade teach I had an allergy to pollen and stuff

>the teacher fucking jested about me eating grass
>in front of the whole class
>they all laughed
goodbye endii
Well yeah but what if she's thirsty when I'm not home and she can't reach the fridge?
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someone doesn't know how to read...
Manual override initiated, please input proper pony preprogrammed party prod to defuse pony.
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She'd still be feeling maltreated.
quit bein so tsun tsun for mlpg and come back already
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She has wings.
i don't give a fuck

don't bring stupid shit from the piss here

it's bad enough already
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I like girls more than boys
EA response when?
Hm. I did stretch out the "Canterlot" as per request, but the rest wouldn't be different by default. Unless you weren't the anon who was asking about that?
If I left her some water in a bowl on the table would that make her feel better?
Cheerilee's such a cute pony
You gotta give her more to talk about, anon!
Congrats. Now get out there and start breedin'.
I was guessing that it was your turn.
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ooh thats cute
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>tfw no pics of anon squeezing a terrified flower trio
Last time we talked I asked you to give me some more to go on. There's not really much I can talk about yet - you gotta get in there and rub some flesh
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I think I am starting to waifu teacherhorse
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Oh that would be funny. They would probably all be unconscious before anon could even get them up though
Just let it happen Anon.
It would be easier for anon to wait for them to panic and pass out and then just gather them up and squeeze their limp bodies
I would like it if she talked and begged a bit, to draw the lewd out of her and have her melt in it.
>feeding pone from a doggy tray
oh shit nigger what are you doing

sit on the couch, put pone on your lap and hand-feed her while you stroke her chest fluff and/or cheek
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Why is RD so abusive?
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She's a pretty good pone to waifu
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She's a nice pone

I'm hoping for more Flower Trio shenanigans in S4
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Where's the fun in that?

Fuck this picture is old.
She is just palin around
>"Alas... Friendzoned again..."
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That would indeed by the most efficient


Maybe pone likes the dish...


Amen to that. I miss their gags so much.
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I'd love to treat pony like a dog just to be playful and screw with them
I'd scratch behind her ear and say in that stupid voice "who's a good doggy?" until she slapped me
Her parents never loved her.
shiny no you're already married
I want to see Lyra's mane in the first frames.
No, FlyingSaucer.

You're doing it again.

You're trying to treat pony as your slave.
>Maybe pone likes the dish...

I mean it's just easier for them at that height to eat/drink right?
It's an open relationship
Shiny, can I fuck your wife?
It's all they need for their basement.
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Pony asks why you keep looking at her flank.
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From the same sequence anon. Back when her eyes would turn red every time she ran


Nonsense anon. Any such thing would be purely consensual. Some pones may just like that!
Sure, and all ponies like clothes.
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but pony's looking at it

FS are you colour-blind? Those are clearly magenta.
I would love a pony that loved to wear a collar with her name on it because she thought it was awesome. It would be so cute.
Pony wears a collar with my name on it, so everyone knows where to return her if she gets out.

Yes anon I know they are not actual red. They are the exact same color as Lemon Drops and etc. That was back before the dj pony eye fiasco and nobody cared


Yes anon that would very veyr cute
Yea that small stretch is more pleasing to my ear. After listening to it a few times the adding the a definitive t to the end of canterlot really isn't needed especially with the stretch.

And musically this thing is wonderful.
I'd say that they wouldn't really know the context of a collar in terms of pets, but both Winona and Opal wear them
But then again, the diamond dogs wear them and I don't think they're owned by anyone

They know collars are for pets.

They also know that Diamond Dogs were born to be subservient to ponies.
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OK fine. You can have her for the weekend.
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Very cute.
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>the weekend
>48 hours

Your wife will be fucking ruined when we're done
pinkie is not for slave
If I could choose one fashion to become popular for ponies in Equestria that would be it
You know, there's a whole show that's basically about the ponies being pets.
Pony sees no reason why government treason should ever be forgot

I...what? Which fucking show are you watching?
You could have had socks. Or panties.
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Dog and Pony show?
No, that episode was about the dogs being pets.
EA, if you really want me to, I guess I can do another post.
Didn't the girl drawing this get in trouble with her mom for all the porn?

>male pony
>kidnapped by femdogs
>forced to work

You know you'd be into it
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too lewd
plus I feel like if they were wearing panties all the time then they'd lose their appeal
where would you take teacherhorse on a date?

Who are those furry OCs?
Probably a nice restaurant, or hell maybe just milkshakes at sugarcube corner

Yeah, no. Never.
I agree with Deaf's assertion that when we're fantasizing about being the woman, we don't want to be in control.
except for when "we" do
I bet she'd like that.
a simple, relaxing date with a guy who likes her.
Got you covered - just hit submit
How about "most".
>fantasizing about being the woman
Hey, wait a minute--
which pony are you talking about this time?
he probably just meant him and deaf
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Less than a week till Halloween.
Is your favorite pony ready for Spookytown?
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SHIT I gotta carve my pumpkins.
Go back to the bottom of the ocean Balds
She killed all the potheads in MLPG
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Indeed she is
Pretty sure he was using the Royal We and referring only to himself.

That's indeed the joke, anon.
If i don't go to bed with a shirt and shorts on, i'll wake up in the middle of the night freezing cold
Baldwin was the best character in the quest
I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear.
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>all those regular background pones that were not in Luna Eclipsed
>We will never know what their costumes would have been

It is the saddest thing

I know Daisy was wearing a cowboy hat but I wonder what costumes Lily and Rose would have been sporting
"we" is fine, i misread your first post
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>more cosmetic items that will be sold for keys for at least 2 months
It's been like a year since the last weapon
I won't go as far, but he was really interesting

I still like Renne the most and with she got more love
I'll be honest, I don't want new weapons

We have so many already. i would much rather have more updates like the summer one where the current weapons are all fixed up.
yeah, you could save the world in a pair of shorts, i meant flimsy night shorts though
No, no, you definitely want in on that action, too. You've indicated as much numerous times. It was an inclusive we.
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I don't have a picture of Applepone in costume so here is another favorite horse of mine. Yeah she is ready.

>"to keep the beast with me, in hell."
He's not going anywhere I don't think.
THere is nothing wrong with Sweetie Belle
I'm more upset that there will be shitty halloween items that will come out that will only be able to used in certain servers and one day a month. Not to mention everyone uncrating like crazy trying to get unusuals
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Why were Dash and Rarity hanging out together so early in the day?
booping away the moments that make up a dull day

After four rounds, we're now down to the last set of brackets!

Fluttershy comes up with a surprising upset over highly-favored Rarity, finally putting her on the map with her first victory. Going up against Twilight Sparkle, who had lost three consecutive rounds, how will the two fare?

Applejack hovers over Rainbow Dash with two wins compared to the pegasus' one. Will she be able to keep herself at a decent win-loss ratio? Or will the flyer level her down to tie?

Pinkie Pie remains unbeaten after four rounds, and enjoys the highest-percentage of votes over her competition! But will she be able against Rarity, who boasts the highest amount of positive votes?

Rarity is favored for the "Most Voted" pony (most number of for-votes).
Pinkie Pie is favored for the "Most Favored" pony number of wins, or highest percentage of for-votes if tied for number of wins).

Good luck!
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>tfw no diamond dog episodes.
>even if there are, Larson will destroy it.

Maybe spa? Fuck, I don't know nigga they're all friends aren't they.
at least the boss fight will be fun, and hell we might get some hilarious lines again.
>diamond dogs
fuck off brony
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So I heard there's this Cobalt fella

that's not how you spell Chronicle
>You've indicated as much numerous times.
I think you may be dyslexic, anon. Or just mistaking your fond dreams for memory.
>Larson will destroy it.
Come again?
>Larson will destroy it
Double what because he's not even on for S4
cobalt a shit
>tfw Chronicle was supposed to be one of the questers at first

That would have been the coolest shit ever
Aww shit
No, it's definitely you. I don't know why you're pretending otherwise now, though now that I suppose, it's probably part of the process for you.
>tfw Chronicle was supposed to be one of the questers at first

what's that even mean?
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Cute, but isn't he a bit chubbier?

Totally going to get to hold hooves with Silver Spoon.
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Awesome, thanks Cosmo!
It means LK would've approached a random quester and have him sabotage our discussions and ideas towards Chronicle's interests

He decided against it because it would've basically forced someone to work for him for months
originally the 8th member of the cultist team was supposed to be a player whose job it was to make suggestions to try to goad the other players into furthering xjuntxna's goals
as it turns out, they did just fine doing that on their own without any help

why do I get the feeling all the bugfags are going to jump ship when sedusa horse is finally shown.
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>The guy who always tweeted "hurr durr, i'm writing some great episodes for S3, they're turning out fantastic
good riddance
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Actually according to Aspirant he's 'bulky, kind of a big frame, half a head taller than an average colt, not fat, but not super muscled.'
No problem! Let me know if you or anyone else comes up with a cute picture idea with him and I might be able to bang out another.
and now you must draw the inevitable cobalt/DT shipping
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>bang out another.

He's just a colt man
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Funtimes on the swing set
that's supercute yo
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>the turncoat would have been an actual person in the quest
well now I'm happy that he didn't go that route
if he did I hope that person would feel all the regret in the world for what they would have done
if it were me, I'd be cackling maniacally every step of the way
You might want to work on that blitzle a little more
Cute though
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I tink you may have misinterpreted
Its just me being paranoid as usual.
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Dotkwa drew him chubbier, which is fine to be honest. I like seeing the different artist's interpretations based on the rather limited description I provided.

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>It makes me sick to think I was fucking someone who was having sex with an alligator
that's fucking
where are you getting those pinkie pictures from
how about SS asking Cobalt if he's asking her out on a date, with him dropping spaghetti everywhere

Yes Cobalt macking on the swing set.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, anon.
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fuck you
with an iron pole
You know what you must do.

Cobalt macking who on the swingset now?
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I have mysterious Pinkie picture picking powers, anon.

I dunno, I just find things or grab them when they're posted in the general.
by looks of things I'd actually say it's quite canny
...Does that mean the thought bubble is someone fucking Anon while he's fucking Caimon?
I kinda did the same thing, only I told someone Chronicle would betray Renne and Co as he was reading it.
I've got a penis and I'm not afraid to use it
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The one he canonically already had fun with on the swing set

THE swingset
if I had to be a villain, then I'd play the role.
I bed Dash would be really tight
Like you'd have to try again the next night tight
Silver Spoon
twitchy little legs

Wow, this is ridiculous
He was really ready to go all out, want he
Reminder Cosmo did nothing wrong.
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It would've been the hypest shit

Said it is nice seeing different interpretations of the character. Granted dot's is really stuck as my headcanon. Would be awesome to see more of your Cobalt.


Cobalt X Swing set OTP
just not my cup of tea
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...where do you stick the hose in
>air inflation
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Pony doesn't really like the costume you picked out for her.

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So how do pone explain gravity?

even if it could have led to the death of the questers?
that's some crazy shit

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Pinkie seems content
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that's what a villain is for.
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>Renne dying

>box is full to bursting after
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suck it up whimp
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my pony seems prefectly happy with her costume
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Pony wants a bomb
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How about this one then
I don't think she's happy with this one either
>Twilight was walking along one day when she saw her good friend Rainbow Dash flying above
>She called out and waved to her. Dash, looking down, waved back but was not paying attention to where she was going and ended up crashing through five houses
>Twilight immediately brought her friend to the Ponyville hospital, but Dash didn't look good at all! There wasn't a single part of her that didn't look real smashed up and she was crying from the pain!
>"Doctor, you have to help her!"
>The doctor did a tourough examination of Rainbow Dash, but it didnt look good
>"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do, her injuries are too extensive. There's nothing to be done."
>"No.....doctor, please, there has to be something we can do."
>"Well....there is something YOU can do."
>"Unicorn kisses."
>"....come again?"
>"It's well documented unicorns have magical properties, not just by casting spells. Kisses from a unicorn have been know to heal almost any injury and disease. Plus you're an alicorn princess now, so that can only help."
>"I dunno about this..."
>But one look at her friend in need, Twilight agreed
>"You will need to give her ten smooches around the area most damaged."
>"Where is that?"
>The doctor indicated Dash's rump
>Again, knowing its a matter of life or death, Twilight swallows her pride and does what she can to help
>But stops around five kisses, because both Dash and the doctor are both snickering so loudly!
>"Ha ha!" Dash says, clearly not injured at all! "I got you to kiss my butt!"
>"Lighten up, Twilight." Pinkie Pie says, taking over the doctor disguise. "It's just a prank!"

imagine Saffron afterwards if that happened ;_;

We will just have to find a cuter pony to put it on
I'm pumping right now
>tfw no Halloween episode this year
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takin a few requests
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Fat Celestia
Shinning armor and princess cadence crewing an M2 Browning
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Ponies in costumes
She should have taken it further
i dont get it
I really like that style
You think that's a costume?
we aren't twifags
No that's Twilight
If it doesn't end in some weird tentacle porn bullshit I will be HIGHLY disappointed.
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what is in the box!
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pony assures you pony had a good reason for trying to kill you
reminds me, GG, you haven't done a box quest in like forever

I stopped at the mirror last time.

Kinda wish I wouldve gotten pinkie
Thanks for the baby carrots SATAN
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young twily in the new comic preview was cute but she wasnt acting like twily at all
How so?
I thought she was fine, except for maybe a little too exaggerated when she laughed at cadence's joke
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>he watched EQG willingly
I like when hoof boots look like high heels

I want them squishing me
Pinkie are you aware that when your ears are pinned back like that that it means you are not happy?
The old Ghost In The Shell Movie has not aged well at all.

Speaking of aging well

Has anyone else noticed that the quality a lot of fan art has spiked to professional quality?
i wanna know how they will explain a princess babysitting twily before she was a student of celestia
>The old Ghost In The Shell Movie has not aged well at all.

I didn't think it was all that great when it came out.
Read issue #11
Cinnamon Toast Ponuts
She offered babysitting services. The Twilight family hired her on occasion.
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The pacing seems really slow and gets bogged down in philosophical exposition a lot, though I think the animation and style is still good
i dont even have to check to know that it will be some pretty extreme bullshit
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I am in love with the Tochicami from S.A.C. back in the day when Adult Swim wasn't shit.

Only now am I watching the first movie that started it all.
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Pony wants to use your phone.
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holy shit those donuts look delicious
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>reading fanfiction shit who's only purpose is to shove as many 80s references as possible to replace actual attempts at comedy
Cadence and SA went to the same high school. She had a flyer offering babysitting services. They needed a babysitter for Twilight for SA's fluglehorn recital.
>I bet y'all niggas dont even boop pones
>EA doesn't talk about ridiculously over-endowed cartoon ponies in the thread anymore
>the comics
you're an idiot.
It's almost like you're saying you hate fun.
Should I?
I like the philosophical ascpect of the show, it's one of the reasons why I enjoy it.

I will admit the pacing is still slow. But, I swear years of spending time on the internet with mulitple sources of stimulation and watching TV has had me develop ADHD or some shit.

Now a days shit on TV seems like its in slow motion. Even watching people talk it seems like they are talking slow or something it's very weird.
>It's said that Pinkie Pie can naturally tell what is the sweetest
>So when Mr. And Mrs. Cake had a little bake off to see who's family cookie recipes was officially better, they had Pinkie judge
>When everything was done and ready, Pinkie didn't even eat one and knew right away
>She goes right up and hugs them both
>"You two are the sweetest in the room!"
muh fetishes
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That's why this hiatus has been especially shit
No fetishes
>no wings


you should just fuck off
ok i get it. that explains perfectly why the royal princess is babysitting random kids in the town.

forgive my for doubting the genius writing of the mlp comics.
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Modern animation in general is leaps and bounds better
It's about 250 days since S3 ended, what have we actually done this hiatus?
nigga what
It won't have any effect on the show itself, therefore it's fanfiction shit.
Even royalty needs an education.
why shouldn't she?
Hasbro funded fanfiction is still fanfiction
In deadhorses maybe
Or when there's nothing better going on I guess

Rather that than the 200th hour of armor shitposting or people talking about how they would totally fuck each other irl
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not enjoying #nightthread

good point, you chuckle fucks ruined me in that respect, I see smear frames and lazy animation and it bothers me a bit. Just for example.
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I swear to god you people are the worst
Because learning to love children is evil and immoral or some other bullshit excuse he has cooked up.
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>MLP:FiM is fanfiction of itself
404 pony not found
What if I told you, that the show itself is just My Little Pony fanfiction that Lauren wrote?
you see once something or someone acquires a license to create media for a property, its no longer fanfiction.
I do most of my fetishing on Skype these days to be honest
what sort of pants on head retarded breed of logic is this?
That's obvious. No one wants to call it "My Little Pony, Lauren's version"
But I'm scared of direct contact
And prefer to enjoy the fruits of others efforts anyway
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thanks, here ya go
Of course not.
But she put her name on it.
now do bugbutt
>licensed and endorsed by hasbro

yeah, okay
a Fluttershy dog
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Nice! That Pinkie is totally adorable. And Moonbutt's lookin pretty good too. Good work!
please do
>waah someone insulted my (admittedly well drawn) 80 reference MLP fancomic
I don't bite~

Also it's easier when people can just send me their boner ideas instead of having to watch the general all the time.
Your entire existence is just a fanfiction of a supreme being.
nothing in the comics actually happened. They are "What if" stories at best, and since they aren't "at best" then that makes them "fanfiction"
it's an OFFICIAL comic you fucking brony
you can't just disregard whatever goes against your headcanon of how Equestria SHOULD be
That Twilight head is horrifying, but Ponko is cute
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Would you tuck Sweetie Belle into bed?
Nonsexually, of course.
Yes, those are some pretty good non-brony pandering comics for little girls
m2 browning is the machine gun right?

like fluttershy with a collar doing dog stuff?

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you are saying the pony toys, TCG, and game are canon.
can we get the image of canon tiers
No, but that doesn't make it fanfiction either anon.
What does that have to do with the fact that its the official comic of the series?
Pinkie already had a helicopter in the show
background ponies do not constitute pandering
they're completely unrelated to the plot
image that in your head
>Not a single mention of Rarity falling to nightmare in the show.
Just because it isn't fanfiction doesn't automatically make it canon.
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your first mistake was assuming mlp even had canon in the first place
I swear to god I'm going to make an image that's nothing but
in massive fucking letters or something, just so I have something to post when these posts get zillions of fucking replies.
well of course fanfiction

but the discussion is about Hasbro
your point?
Can we get a bait pony but instead have the pony say "This is fanfiction!"

Like have Poindexter say it.
If it's not on the show or said by the staff it's not canon. Shit likes books don't count unless god says so.

Come on /co/, you should know this shit.
fanfiction wouldnt even be listed
oppai loli only
final destination
>like fluttershy with a collar doing dog stuff?

Either that or a dog version of Fluttershy
yes please it is needed more then ever

i think we discussed this many times

and there isn't an image

i think i saved a cap a long time ago though
Not a single mention of the ponies defeating nightmare moon.

Obviously the pilot was just fanfiction.
Sure. Bed time story and everything.
The implication was that everything that didn't make it to the show is only an "interesting rejected concept" a.k.a "fanfiction" until further notice
who decides the tiers? i certainly hope its not an idiot like you.
I didn't know that comics were just about the plot and the story, and I'm sure that having Ducktales characters running around as ponies is not distracting at all, specially when they get a big panel zoom to them.
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Canon is just fanfiction written by official writers.
stop trying so hard please
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>tfw no wrapped up pone
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what tier is this in EQG canon? does twily return to join the highschool girl band?
The main ponies are Lauren's OC :3
>said by the staff
Nuh uh, it has to be in the show
Please do.
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What's going on in here?!
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It did, but then Hasbro realized it could make more money off princesses than canon
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no, because it is rude and most likely illegal for grown men to sneak into the houses of strangers at night and tuck in small children.
Technically they are. She based them on canon works of the previous generations. Therefor they are fan made.
I blame faggots who like fanfiction for this.
>become a janitor at hasbro
>write fanfiction while on the job
>because hasbro is paying me to do my job, my fanfiction becomes canon

Are you fuckers ready for rarity/aj to become canon?
Laws are just rules passed by legislation hurr durr
Not Applejack
The tiers are, frankly, mostly subjective, but it generally revolves around whatever's been running longest. So, the Star Wars original movies outweigh everything else for instance, and in FiM the show outweighs everything else as well.
Ugh... I'll give it a shot, maybe it won't be completely terrible. We should find that guy that makes those images with contributor's names and "SHUT UP AND [X] ME, [Y]" and have him do it, maybe.
Probably right below.
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are shitt nigga i like where this is going
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Your sweater puppies.
only they arent paying you to write fanfiction
"sweater puppies."
I love that term.
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applejack is a silly pony
But they are. Laws don't exist unless we believe they do. Same with creations.

Nope. They're paying me to clean, and I consider fanfiction to be part of my cleaning rituals.
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You guys like my new OC?
I blame /mlp/ for this.
Eat dog shit and die, CL.
so only paid creations are worthy of canon?

what does money have to do with it?
I might be wrong about tiers being subjective, though. What is definite is that tiers that reference each other would be on the same level, while if X tier references a Y tier that doesn't reference X tier, X > Y.

I think.
You are just a piece of >fanfiction that God wrote one day when He was bored.
/MLPG podcast/i
/bat pony/i
/bat ponies/i
/bat pone/i
/bat pones/i
Not believing in gravity will not undo it
10/10 would shoot.
that's exactly what i said i'm just saying it's a stupid thing to point out
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pony doggies are cute
>m2 browning is the machine gun right?


this one

my body is ready
>capitalizing he

Not on my watch!
*puts on fedora and cape*
Gravity will exist whether we want it to or not. But laws can't.
>He is so scared of the podcas he filtered it.
>first one
That pretty much stopped, actually, if you filtered it for all the gay stuff.
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>not immediately shooting the religionfag with your Euphoria Beam

Prioritize, nigga.
But gravity is a law invented by people
>what does money have to do with it
Literally everything since hasbro is a company that only exists to make a profit. When it comes down to it whatever hasbro or someone with proper authority to speak on the subject says is canon, is canon.

>Don't believe in guns.
>Never have to worry about getting shot.
At least you use filters. Thank you for that instead of dragging your hate around and ruining other's fun.
Pony has the hicups
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so how about those bat p0nies?
I'm going to bed and you're all literally stupid
But he just shitposted by posting his filter list.
Gravity is only observed.
Everyone is wrong.
No one is correct.
Well... better get the shotgun
Guys, EqG Fluttershy is in my bed and wont leave.
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I don't believe in your bed

Have fun sleeping on the floor, faget
Well give No one a fucking cookie
It's not like he can see these posts...
I don't care. If it bothered me, I wouldn't have responded.
Ponies love is like rhinestones, falling from the sky.
Wow rude
Ponuts falling from the sky.
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but if that statement is to be assumed correct, you saying it makes it false.
The comics are about as official as Hoofbeat 1 & 2
The show is about as official as Hoofbeat 1 & 2
I'll catch pony.
what a pretty pony
So are you, Derpy.
Pinocchio says "My nose will now grow." What happens?
Do you care to explain why you feel this way anon?
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I wish I could do things and have people tell me they like it
Comics are canon.
The ponut consumes you in one swift motion.

-Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey.

Would you like to try again?
What's the name of that belief where something doesn't exist unless you believe it does? I forgot what it's called, but seems to fit the current conversation.
I don't get this picture.
godammit igor
>Would you like to try again?
I will let pony fall this time.
Shrodinger's Pony
How many of you would sex a pony?
Forest Gump
to the comics
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A cartoon marshmallow pony, consensually.
I did that yesterday
only one dude noticed but it was nice
I wish I could do things that reach more people, like drawing ponoes
/pony said/i
/pony says/i
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I loved that video.
Pony thinks you should pay more attention to her
Anon says well done, would you enjoy a cookie?
I would sex a purple pony
Pony says she hates you.
Guys chill out. Roll a blunt, get high and watch Firefly with pinkie pie
pony wasn't even talking to you
Aw, but why? I like those.
were you trying to rhyme?
I really dont think I've ever been one of you guys

I just want to snuggle
Pony prefers puff puff pass
At this point is pretty much shit posting.
you can never be too careful
Settings -> Filter -> Name

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*tips pone*
Why not snuggle and sex?
But it's fun little interactive things.
Tony wants to know if you took care of that thing.
I'm not in the mood, pony!

I'm not some machine you can turn on and off!
Tony says he's got the money if you got the stuff
Why not just turn on Anonymizer?
Pony falls, her ponut and by extension the rest of her is spread into a thin marshmallowy paste on the ground.

Mission failed, a necessary ally has died.
Yeah, I took care of the thing.

He enjoyed his meal, and thanked me for the ride home.

Did you know he lives in the police station?
Tony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
What if I try to catch pone by letting her fall on my cock?
can you link please
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thanks for the requests, hope they're good
Dang it.


Use trampoline to catch pony?
Poor Appledan
Well, I can't tell what images you are filtering.
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thanks Derpy
want a hug?
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Peter wants to know if you got that thing he sent ya.
I wonder how many people filtered me...
3 weeks ago I would have said no.
I will be forced to hurt you
>Mrs. Harshwhinny
>a teacher
But that's not right!
Arrrgh, the EqG-verse is so stupid!
>The GM
unless they were playing wargames or something I guess
>Dash autofelates her giantrainbow futamare cock
>That's for cheating at last night's game

Cute Flutters too there.
rainbow dash has a very large face
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Hey are you still going to fulfill the scootaloo request?
You'll never know. I didn't know someone filtered the "pony says" thing and I pretty much started it and did it a lot. Still do it.
So this is how it ends, eaten alive by a marshmallow pony.
yeah, tell Peter i'll send him the finished copy after work
Don't start acting like that man
You're a good guy but think before you post
That is some aggressive looking licking.
D-Derpy, I...
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How is MLPG like smoking?

Only homosexgays use filters!
drug pony pics, but only because they're just to provoce more shitposting by the armor nigger
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How thick is the perfect cock?
that's great

Pony says she doesn't appreciate being filtered.
My size.
Why do you care
They have an image for that somewhere
i'm not going to filter you but you currently are the most annoying namefag in mlpg.

that was you plan all a long so congratulations on that.
Wait a second

This isnt a hug!
This has been a routine test of the pony zone. Thank you for complying.
You know what we need?
We need more things like this >>14216994
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Pony says pony wants to pony pony
You can't standardize a cock lyra, it needs to conform to the individual's needs.
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It sure must be rough being you.
Twilight is so great when i'm watching her from afar
then pony can go ahead
Haha no. I started it.
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Tony wants you to rob Peter to pay Paul
Not sure yet.

I'm not upset or anything, just curious.

Are you talking about Nonymous or that other guy that won't be posting again?
Sorry if I annoy you, but I'm not trying to.
It works

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No fan for pony.
that's not animated sweater destruction
but it's appreciated
I'll be that pony's fan
It's been started several times
>filtering pony in MLPG on /mlp/

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Sorry, closest I got.
Can I filter personhorse?
>Twilight plays with her only fan.gif
OK MLPG, you can go on a date with Pinkie Pie

But its to the movies

And you have to buy snacks
Pony wants to be your hero
Pony wants to kiss away the pain
I'd suckle on those soooooo much
How many snacks
/bcs is happy being an \(un\)ded drawfag/i
/bcs etc/i
Its Pinkie Pie
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Sure, What does she want to see?
>buying snacks at the theater
>not stocking up at the dollar store
My god, it's like one of those stupid teenager vlogs.
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That feel when that was the start of Pinkie Quest, a whole year and a half ago.

I miss the simple times.
That's okay anon
You're a good person
Movie snacks suck
I know most of the people that work there, we'll just bring in better shit
So are we going to the dollar store or is Pinkie one of those ponies
Someone brohoofed my friend online, and he googled it to see what it meant and i asked him what it was and he said "don't worry about it, it's gay as fuck"

then i googled it myself and here i stand
Maybe you should just leave. I'm not even trying to be a faggot, you really need to go.
Speaking of, you ever think about doing another "waifu quest" with one of the other main six or are you kind of done with those?
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I don't know if she'd let you.
Movie snacks don't suck, the proportions are just ridiculous. The price:food ratio sucks
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Pony wants to drain your soul down at the bowling alley
happy halloween
I did, and probably will, so long as the interest is there.

I feared people were dulled with the waifu "quests" since it was mostly just a linear relationship build into ideal end kind of thing.

That and with LQ having gone the way it did.
RQ getting rushed was my fault, but I still liked it.

You can go on a date with Rarity.

But before you two go out shes trying on a variety of outfits. She decides on one and asks what you think. It makes her look like big fatty fat

How do you respond?
I'm sure he'll answer for himself but I think he's wanting to do other stuff for now. I think he mentioned something about an adventure after Cute Quest?
But I like my soul.
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Man, I said i'd start that ponk in space quest some time ago, never got around to it..
>4chim is not opening pictures
R-Rara sama....
I guess it depends what you get
Everything that is prepared there is awful, all the candy is identical to what you could buy elsewhere for twice the cost
I'm going to pretend you didnt ask me this question
your art sucks
hnnnnng thats a cute ponka
Ask myself why I would ever want to date worstpone.
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pony should take on a more appealing form
"You take after your mother."
Followed probably by.
>"Why are you looking at me like that?"
it looks fine
answer me
i'm curious
"It accentuates your figure"
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That was pretty good.
>make quests, almost guarantee to crash and burn with them
>Over all terrible
>Still feel tempted to start another

kill me
Is it going to be like Space Quest?
Feed pony so she won't just look like a big fatty fat, she can be a big fatty fat.
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Yeah I'm looking forward to that, just curious because I've enjoyed both the cute and the lewd.
And yeah, it's not like the ending is too much of a mystery but the sessions are still really fun
Pony asks if you feel bad for lying to your friends
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I knew Pinkie was kind of a space cadet but this is ridiculous!
I have no friends.
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Too bad she's ded.
I have told no lies.
Every fucking time, 4chan. goddamnit
Not him but your list is perfectly reasonable, dunno what he's on about.
Tell pony I have no friends and I get angry when I see people who are clearly friends
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Ooooh, I'll be your friend!
I've got an 8.5" long cock
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You should do it if you've got the idea and the desire to carry it out! Quests, even if they're simple and kind of silly like mine have been, are lots of fun!

Learn from your previous attempts, the next one will be bigger and better so long as you take something to improve on away from the last one.

Well, thank you for the compliment! I hope to keep doing this for a while if I can.
It's not like she was MLP related anyways.
Space case.
>Sub 10'
Get a load of this teenie-weenie
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I can't wait for some random teenager vlog bullshit.
I can't believe I am looking forward to shitty random teenager vlog shit...
Confound these ponies!
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Double the apple
A year ago I would have asked why on earth would you filter SB. Now that all he does is inform us what his body is doing and draw fat anthro... Yeah. Damn shame how he turned out.
But it was fun.
2113 pls go
Dangit, that filly ain't right.
>skull on the apple

I vaguely remember telling you not to do a quest about... I think it was Twilight become a princess or something?

Do something more fun and I'd totally be down
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I Can't wait till we raise the dead with Brynn somehow.
B-but i don't know anything about aminals...
I'm all out of fun ideas
Nightmare Night session
I've never played it, so no
i dunno if I want to do references to other space things though

haha, yeah, someday I'll start it when I get a lot more free time, been so busy
You are an animal.
I wish pony would stop asking why I don't have friends
>it's not related to the thread
>but it's fun and I like it so it doesn't matter

"but you do know something about Rainbow Dash!"
>your line
But you write those little green texts all the time and those are fun
Well, you can play it right there. For free. And it has debug so you can dick around, but a lot of fun is from figuring out how many ways you can fuck up and die.
>hating our Lord and Savior SB

You're just a jelly hateanon.
What does the pony say?
We have a guy here that sticks googly eyes on things and people seem to like it.

I don't think you are having fun here, you may want to go to the broody asshole general.
Pony just came paper
Someone stram something
pony goes pony
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Pay says shut the fuck up NIGGA
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Dotkwa why is your art so cute.
It's all wiggly and sugary and it makes my heart hurt.
I planned to do one. If we do the event session tomorrow night, then I can do a Nightmare Night session next week.

Or the other way around, if you don't mind the Nightmare Night session being a one off that doesn't really take place during this immediate time frame.
So...ponies a pokemon?
I think I know what to do in the ded horse...
"It's much safer behind wall Sina"
>that rarilestia
I can unf to this.
Yes with dicks.
That's what he usually says to make himself feel better.
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I'm 8.25"
I'm totally not jealous
Not at all
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That's it.
I'm done.
That image is too hard core for me.
either way, sounds spooky
Great, I just died.

Nice going, Dooks.
Spooky Bro time with Brynn FUCK YEA
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>Impersonating royalty.
>dem thigh highs
>dose eyelashes
>dat brooch
Pony just called you a fag enabler.
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>tfw over 100 index cards filled out with notes
>then wrapping them with a tiny rubber band

I'm 5.0" and I'm not jelly of anyone.
Last year she WAS Luna
I dunno, thanks though!
I hope your heart feels better.
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That's an adorable picture. Pink and Rarity have best costumes. Dash with the honorable mention though.

Jeepers, AJ!

Sounds good. I'd rather do it next week, segue with timelines is better that way. Given it'd be two days after actual Halloween, but I don't think that matters so much.
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>see this pic
>wonder what Homestar Runner is going to do for Halloween costumes this year
>remember that it's dead
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>AJ with thigh highs
Its easy to do quick little scenes as opposed to a long narrative with player input. Quick scenes are easy.

>Its Nightmare Night
>Pinkie Pie is on fully so screwing around candy mode
>Systematically going door to door on the most efficient route possible.
>Makes sure she paces her self and has a proper sized pillow case for a maximum load.
>Gets so caught up in her candy hunting she doesnt realize that she accidentally kidnapped a small foal dressed as a candybar this year
Oh WOW, that's really awesome.

mustn't unf to vampiRD
>inb4 someone says it's cute
Sounds good to me!
I'm bi
I might want to marry a buy one day
>your load will never fill a proper sized pillow case
>Foal is surprisingly okay with the situation
>The continue down her path while he gorges himself on candy
>Soon pinkie says...soon...
>tfw no qt vampire pone to suck your blood
R-Rara sama...
That's pathetically average
Don't you want to be someone that your gf or bf brags about?
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>Able to wear costumes to work tomorrow because of a sale.
>Everything is still in the mail.
>Hat won't arrive till the day before.

A long time ago I did something kind of quest like with people participating.
Ahead of time I thought about all the different paths I would take depending on how they reacted to the story and then during the quest I treated each response exactly like that, just a short scene. Not much difference between the two if you ask me.
>having a costume
I just bought a horse mask and called it a day
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That's pretty much how I do stuff as well. Get general guidelines in your head, go with the player choice flow while keeping the end goal in mind and just let it go.
why did you name your horse mask?
I'd rather do that through being a great boyfriend.

And through practiced techniques
Are you me?
And then they fucked.
My foal sitter is a vampire!
I didn't
If you want to throw a name out there, I would put a label on it for you
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>get the joke after I posted this
i hated that scene, it's like he was stealing my thunder
Hey guys I haven't been here for a month. Everything exactly the same as I left it?
Pretty much, yeah.
There's more Rainbow Dash now
There isn't, really. In fact I often compare it to DMing in an RPG, but as a sort of single player mode.

My issue is I get too ambitious, try to do too much, get bogged down into trying to make each post have a lot going on in it to make up for the fact I can't draw and end up getting burnt out a quarter of the way though
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short mane fluttershy is kind of cute
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More or less.
We sold your stuff to buy pony panties.
Rough life.
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There's a pony that won't leave but yeah it's the same
Kind of, you fucking bastard
bobcuts is godcuts