Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned boys are gross.Old horse: >>14089853
>>14094571I hope we do makeovers
>you will never lay eggs inside Saine WILL THERE BE DICKS?
>>14094587No.I thought this was a "sleep naked" sleepover
OK MLPG. You can go to EquestriaBut the cost is actually do now have severe low functioning autism
>>14094604Thank fuck that I don't have to see the shit anymore.
>>14094611you can literally die from that if somebody isn't caring from you, like that girl from American Horror Story
>>14094606That's what you said last time, tooNobody ever does those, we don't understand how you keep making that mistake
>>14094283>this will never be your life
>>14094587Cutiemark Crusader monster movie makers yay!
>>14094641look at that sad little walk that Pinkie doesthat's adorable, way better than hoping
>>14094641Pls>pone will never snuggle you like that
>>14094638oh calm down, I bet a naked sleepover would be fun!Don't you want to take off that crown and collar and relax?
>>14094630Me neither~
>>14094571Spike: "Soooo...what did it say?"
Previous Thread>>14089853[MLP:FiM Link Board]Version 8.2.1 10/15/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:
>>14094682why is she so cute lately
>tfw only one artist draws your fetish
Pony is anti-drugPony is anti-drugPony is pro-hugPony is pro-hug
>>14094684Ring ding ding ding dingeringeding!
>>14094706She is going to be our girl in cute quest!
>>14094706>latelyShe's ALWAYS cute.
>>14094684boys are gross______________________________________
>>14094714hugs are drugs
>>14094571>The ponies all invite you to a big super fun super sleep over at Twilight's>All you pony buddies will be there>You arrive with a sleeping bag, flannel pajamas, a big thing of candy to share, some of your favorite games, some money in case you all order pizza>And of course your treasured stuff animal, Mr. Snugglebottoms!>Twilight greets you inside and you all have a blast>Hours later things are winding down and you all may not be going to bed you are all certainly relaxing, so you pull out Mr. Snugglebottoms>"...Is that a freaking stuffed animal?">"Oh. Em. Ge. I is a stuffed animal!">"What are you, three years old?">"Faggot.">"Ugh, I told you not to invite him!">"Lets tie him into his sleeping bad and rip it apart as he watches!">"YEAH!"
>>14094721Is it bad that I like Silver Spoon without her big glasses on?
>>14094738>"Lets tie him into his sleeping bad and rip it apart as he watches!"Were they talking about ripping me apart?
It's okay, you can pretend she's a diamond dog or something.
>>14094732No they're not, they're hugs.>>14094747>I'm totally not doing the same thing by posting ponies doing drugs!>Look ma, I'm condescending on the internet!
>>14094738I'll take all you cunts on.
>>14094764>dog>futaFucking disgustingNow get back the fuck out of here, Nanaki.
>>14094756They're talking about the bear. Why would they refer to you as an "it"? That would be very rude of them.
>drug stuff againuh oh. Bet armoranon will show up too.
so I finally got my high end PC workingwhat games does MLPG play
>>14094773That tongue is stupid and impossible.
>>14094774>I'll take all YOUR cunts on.FTFY
>>14094794Remember, spamming threads is a violation of >>>/global/rules/10 and should be reported as such!
>>14094794/\bpothead\b/i stub:no;it really does make things better want to get a blowjob from Rainbow Dash while she looks up at me with those beautiful eyes as I drain my balls down her throat
>>14094808Doom 2
Smoking pot and jacking off to ponies is the best, you should try it at least once before you die.
>>14094846You should die right now, it'd make the general better.
>>14094817I've stopped reporting ever since captcha was added to it.Aint nobody got time for that.
>>14094811I always thought this was dumb
>>14094808war themed hat simulatorsawesomenautsSS13
>>14094794>living in fear of shipostersabsolutely fucking disgusting, you shouldn't tiptoe around and babbysit these volatile motherfuckers. You post what you want, what the fuck is he gonna do? Call the cops?
>>14094840unf unfunf unfunf
>>14094868you have abysmal taste in games.
>>14094857>being a poorfag
>>14094838Here's some ones that look nice on a high end rig:Arkham CityFar Cry 3Metro 2033Skyrim(with mods)Mass Effect 2 + 3(with high res texture packs)The Witcher 2Crysis
>>14094857>not having a passHave you considered waiting until he's posted like 5 or 10 and reporting them all at once?
>>14094756No they are ripping your cherished child hood relic and forcing you to watch. You know. What if ponies were jerk?>Rainbow Dash gets your attention>"Hey Anon, whats it taste like?">"What's what taste like?">"The ground!">She shoves you hard>You step and fall over backwards. Pinkie Pie was standing behind you so you'd fall!
>>14094877 it up hereother games are played too
>>14094878Why is that pony dressed as a mango?
>>14094900but I didthey responded with silenceso I'm here with all my pone
>>14094825I prefer feet but Dash really does have some gorgeous eyes.
>>14094808I play a lot of Dota 2But MLPG is too scrub lord to play, let alone form a team
>>14094916you have an even more abysmal taste in games
>>14094871>living in fearNah Im amused by the antics that happen in here. I get just as much enjoyment from people being mad at each other as anything else we do in here.>>14094878I've wasted money on worse, its just a matter of principle to me. its odd yeah but whatever.Also mango pone is cute.
>>14094911Cadence is prettier and sexier
>>14094905Because they're a sign of love in India.
>>14094922oh god you are the one that hates on anything remotely popular aren't you?>>14094905I think it's an injoke from the batpony threadsor maybe it's just equestria prevails being silly
>>14094937Is not mango pone is bat pone wearing a mango costume.
>>14094937>just as much enjoymentI only feel pity that you subjected yourself into a false sense of allurement.
>>14094922Oh I'm sorry, lets play a game more your speed.Here you go, Legos! And there edible too, so when you shove them up your nose as you tend to do it wont be such a hassle
>>14094897>What if ponies were jerk?Please.Ponies' definition of "jerk" is playground shit compared to humans'.>"Hey Dash - thanks for the belt!">You shaved off her tail while she slept and wove it into a stylish belt>You wear it once, then throw it out.
>>14094951Then she is wearing mango pone's uniform.
>>14094947Does that mean it loves me?
>>14094948no, I hate on terrible games that ruined strategy gaming in general.inb4 >>>/v/
>>14094840>that one with Scootaloounf
>you will never be pony's salt lick.
>>14094954>false senseBased on what?
>>14094966I dont think you know what strategy gaming isIf anything, Dota 2 and games like it are tactical, not strategic
Responsible recreational use of marijuana is a healthy and normal life decision for successful adults and business professionals. Many cannabanoids present in marijuana are currently being used to treat medical conditions or being researched for further uses, like encouraging neurogenesis in brain damaged individuals or causing the death of cancer cells.
>>14094980>Anon I'm hungry make the salty stuff come out>"It doesn't just come out on its own you know, Dash"
>>14094985Based on me calling your bluff.
>you will never knead your waifu's stress and fatigue away with a massage after a long workout session
>>14094980>Humans actually do have very salty skin>A lot of animals like to lick humans because of that>Pony just comes up you and licks your arm a little>You dont even know them!
>>14094980They suck on your cockhead like a pacifier so much that you get sore, and they chase you around all day trying to get their fix
>>14094999Can we go in the steam and sauna together too?
>>14094997>calling your bluffYa lost me.
>>14094999>your waifu will brusquely brush you off, saying she's going out for a hay smoothie
>>14094991That's cool but it has nothing to do with ponies and I know for a fact you're only posting it to spur on that armor shitposter.So kindly fuck off.
>>14094965No.She's messing with you because she knows you like her.She thinks you're a loser and a dork.
>>14094897>anon is autistic and prone to fits of rage>almost kills pinkie pie before twilight tries to subdue him with magic>anon, being autistic, is so disconnected from friendship and the wonders of life that he's a null>by the time he calms down all of equestria is in ruins>he lays down and tries not to cry>thinks about killing himself>one pony, battered and bleeding, walks up to him>"I forgive you">"NOT! NERD!">last pony dies>MLP is canceled>ride ends>everyone goes home>anon is elevated to daemon status by khorne and forced to lament his sin for all eternity, the tattered souls of the ponies he killed everywhere he looks in the warp
Fuck off faggot potscummer
>>14095015I won.
>>14094999>>14094999'd date teh spa twins just for the massages, getting the knots worked out of your back and your spine popped feels orgasmic.
>>14094980Jokes on you I have a pony that does that.No I don't fuck it.
>>14094988>Warcraft 3>pure strategy game>one faggot makes Defense of the Ancients>all the brazilian kids start to play it like their life depended on it>Warcraft 3 portal is literally nothing but DotA 24/7, all other maps are completely nonexistant>gets popular and launches a whole new genre, by fuckwads, for fuckwadsI can never stop hating it.
Your degenerate isn't wanted here
>>14095020Joke's on you, pot is good for you
>>14094991And then you take all that goodness and abuse it by wasting your life as a psychologically addicted stoner.At least you're not killing your liver.
>>14095023Because you used aimbot, cheater.
>>14095037brokenenglishanon pls go
>>14095006That could lead to some awkward situations.
>>14095020Holding a grudge against an herb that could possibly save your life at some point, especially later age is very 17th century of you.
>>14095006>you will never have ponies licking you almost constantly>you will never have ponies asking you why you wear clothes all the time, as it's making you harder to lick
Your an drugged out abomination upon mankind
>>14095035>>gets popular and launches a whole new genre, by fuckwads, for fuckwadsAh well clearly you've done your objective research without any form of bias
>>14095053Die cis scum
>You will never have a cute little tooty pony booty
>>14095035I miss Warcraft 3, I can't play it on my monitor because it can't stretch to 1920x1080 properlyFucking Blizzard...
>>14095006How can I make my skin less salty?
>>14095046Recreational use and responsible use are very different things. And I'd wager you're psychologically addicted to sedentary activities like the internet, movies, TV, or video games. Spending many hours a day sitting down is one of the most unhealthy things you can possibly do, worse than having a 2 pack a day habit.
>>14095018Will she at least let me pet her?
>>14095070There's nothing to miss. It got killed by DOTA, and it will probably never recover
>>14095079I hear lots of physical activity makes you good and sweaty and washes the salt right away
>>14095035The fucktardery actually started earlier than that. Starcraft started the ASSFAGGOTS genre with Aeon of Strife.
Why won't the potheads leave, MLPG?
>>14095027There needs to be more art of them, they get my dick stiff
>>14095082>sitting eleven hours a day for work>come home and fuck around on 4chan until I go to sleep>stopped going to the gym months agoam I going to die
last one for today
pony should pose for pictures
>>14095082I'm not addicted, I'm doing this for the good of society.I am so deformed and insane that there is literally nothing else I can do without ruining peoples day by being visible. I can't really run without collapsing in pain from my mildly fucked up, weak, misaligned bones. I can't be near people without flying into a fit of rage because they're doing something I hate.Do you really want me to go outside?
>>14095100Because most Americans use marijuana and it turns up as a topic of conversation from time to time.
>>14095053>Save my lifeI'm not a pothed, faggot.
>>14095114those are very cute ponies
>>14095094I forgot 'bout that shit.Though it's more probable the W3 DOTA got it more popular, because it got officially bought and funded.
>>14095120marijuana is a white persons drugnearly every white guy the world over has done it.
>>14095111Even if you go to the gym, spending nearly half the day sitting is horrible for you. Get up and move for a few minutes every half hour or so, you can even do some exercises in your chair.>>14095118Do you have osteoarthritis?
>>14095094Honestly, when people actually seriously use the term ASSFAGGOTS straight, pretty much anything they say kinda flies out the window
>>14095151Would you like some cream?
>>14095107Rainbow Dash plz, use your indoor voice
>>14095118You know what anonYou sound like you could use some weed
>>14095146I think it's just that white people talk about it more. Especially people that grow it, they never shut the fuck up about it. At least they have a hobby they obviously enjoy a lot.
>>14095151I enjoy dota 2 recreactionally and I used to play a decent amount of dota 1 back in the day and I still think ASSFAGGOTS is the best acronym for those types of games
I can't.
>>14095151I think its much better than MOBA. But game fans tend to be too serious to adopt something like assfaggots.
>>14095118YeahHopefully someone shanks you or something
>>14094999>>14095011>Rarity asks you to come to the spa with her>"I dunno. I'm a guy. That seems kind of weird.">"Nonsense, darling! It has nothing to do with masculinity! Why I'll have you know I saw Mr. Cake there last week getting a facial.">You both look across the room of Sugar Cube Corner. Mr. Cake is on his tippy hooves on a stool, trying to shoo away a daddy long legs so he can get down.>"....well, it will still be lots of fun, I promise you!"
>>14095151the simple fact is that MOBA is incredibly undescriptiveon a related note:>tfw SMNC is ded
>>14095120> most Americans use marijuanaYou're stupid or delusional anon.
>>14095172He fits the criteria for medical cannabis in pretty much every state. They make special strains that don't get you very high but are excellent for pain relief. They also make CBD tinctures that don't get you high at all. If I was in chronic pain I'd probably go for the tincture because strains that relieve pain tend to be very sedating.
>>14095172I value my body as a temple you fucking degenerate
>>14095196I really liked the first oneI used to play it split screen on xbox with my roomategood times
>>14095180>>14095196I agree that MOBA is a dumb term but it's really hard to take ASSFAGGOTS seriously.It's obvious someone was trying way too hard.
>>14095210He may also be deluding you
>>14095210You ever read the news? About 40% use it regularly and somewhere around 80% have at least tried it. It's been mainstream for a long time now.
>>14095175>>14095180Its the most shoe horned may may /v/ has concocted and spams the term like a mantra of I DONT LIKE THINGIt's annoying>>14095196I'm not saying MOBA is better. Thats also a really forced term by League of Legends.And nearly ALL fuckign game geners are descriptively vague. Real Time Strategy? That could mean anythingFighting? You fight in a lot of games. And how is that different then a Beat'em Up? (I'm being rhetorical)
>not playing quake or UT
I'm disgusted by the number of drug users in MLPG, the amount of alcohol drinkers is already disparaging enough.MLPG you're my only friends, please stop
Reminder that anti-drug straightedge shitposters and pothea shitposters are equally terrible and shouldn't be aknowledgedNow let's talk about the Main6's supet powers on that Superhero episode
thinking about it just gets me hard
>>14094999>>14095011>tfw no slow, gentle blow/hoofjob from Aloe and Lotus while you relax at the spa
>>14095253Not to mention the catch all >Role-Playing Game
>>14095253>Its the most shoe horned may may /v/ has concocted and spams the term like a mantra of I DONT LIKE THINGI guess I'm just strange for thinking playing a game genre called ASSFAGGOTS would be amusing as fuck.
>>14095245Yeah, and according to the news marijuana turns people into psychotic murderers.Either cite a source or stop trying to justify drug discussion and go back to talking about ponies.
>>14095272I keep telling you to make a thread on horsefucking /v/ that says where I can get those games and which server to play onI also keep suggesting xonotic because I already have that installed, but you keep shooting me down
>>14095275Maybe you should try it once and then you can decide whether you hate it or notalso you should stop talking about it and start talking about how much you want to fuck the ponies
>>14095275you're not my friend
>>14095302Which server do you play on anon? We need to know if we've been literally shooting you down or not
>>14095319wing ponies best ponies, but land based ponies are okay too
>>14095312I don't like the idea of altering my brain through drugs or alcohol so no, I wouldn't like it.
Is mlpg exploitation of artists?
>>14095275I don't want to have anything to do with you>having MLPG as your only friendsWho would've thought.
>>14095294It is amusing.But 90% of the time it's used as an insult to shit post whenever the subject comes up. And when you are criticizing a ASSFAGGOTS game or the genre and use the term, you look pretty biased and childish especially if all you are saying is ASSFAGGOTS
>>14095298They were talking about the synthetic weed that you buy at the gas station.>>14095332Altering your brain is kind of a pointless term, every time you play video games your brain releases large amounts of dopamine, you're altering your mind.
>>14095332and most people don't like the idea of tiny colorful horses but some of them find they enjoy Friendship is Magic once they've given it a fair shake
>>14095319Do you guys think Rarity might have a fear of flying and heights after the last time she had wings?
>>14095118day stoner in equestria>twilight bro... its fine i can stop whenever i want. uuhhm i think its like not even bad for you. i smoked like every day back home and my life was great. the first time i ever smoked was with my brother then i realized i don't have a brother . that was some chronic ass dank> anon you need to stop all you do is eat Cheetos and stare at the wall ... and what the heck is dank?!>its a plant you smoke that makes you feel just great (cough cough) > well anon you need to find a new vice or im going to have to report you to the gaurd
>>14095350And synthetic weed can be deadly.
>>14095339I'm one of those few people who dont think my word is law when it comes to which games are good or bad. So when I say assfaggots its usually tongue-in-cheek.Much like how I always saw "horsefuckers".
>>14095328I try to play on the Seattle Smokehouse server because it's usually the lowest pinging one for me, but it's also almost always empty ponies, not drugsjust say no
would you?
G'night mulpug
>>14095366"spice" or whatever is not weed at allSynthetic weed is called Marinol and it's a prescription pill
grow up and use a grownup drug like liquor dude. come on. drink and hurt those around you. get in a car accident. turn some poor kid into a melted wax mannequin with your recklessness
>>14095350No it doesn't, I don't really gain enjoyment from video games, I merely play them to play them.When I was 5-12 this would most likely be true>>14095352You're comparing a cartoon show to drugs.
>>14095366It won't kill you, but it's not good for you either. It's herbs sprayed with chemicals some crooked chemist cooked up in Chin. That's why people smoke regular pot.
>>14095370Just play on the esk minsta/ctf/hook server
>>14095392It is like drugs, when people watch TV or do something they enjoy, their brain releases chemicals in a way similar to someone using drugs. Fun is a drug.
>>14095350When you watch ponies you release a large amount of ponies into your body thus altering your mind.
>>14095407>hookbut I don't wanna play with a hookfine geez
>>14095370get on it and hope some people from MLPG follow
>>14095388Heroin is my favorite thing ever but it also happens to slowly destroy your life, so I don't do it anymore. You should watch ponies, maybe pleasure yourself to them or pretend that you have a pony girlfriend. Whatever floats your boat.
>>14095411Thank god I don't have fun then.I don't really care for fun either, it supersedes the actual quality of the product and people end up calling games like Call of Duty good because they're "fun".
The national snuggle quota is not being metwill you do your part?
>>14095433I remember once I convinced some anon to do heroine again after he was clean for a week.MLPG used to be fun.
>>14095372That's not sexy at all.It's just sex-driven.
>>14095450No this quota is bullshitWho do I have to complain to?
>>14095441>Thank god I don't have fun then.
>>14095450She is literally the best pegasi
>>14095453Anyone who had a heroin habit doesn't need much convincing, just a convenient excuse to do it again, because it feels really really fucking good. Like cumming but it lasts way longer.
>>14095450how do i snugel
>>14095424donelets rock
>>14095473yeahwellyou're literally the ugliest human
I bet you'd take a crack at the horse princess eh guv?
>>14095479What about cumming when on heroine? many buttcoins for the full treatment at the Equestria spa, includes teasing and orgasm denial while they berate you for being a pervert who wants to fuck ponies
>>14095500but I am a pony princess
>>14095463You must wait in line at the public affairs departmenttake a numberafter that you must fill out your grievences in triplicateYou will be directed to the bureau of public health. There you will find, on the third floor of their manehatten office, fourth door to the left, the head of the department for cuddles.You will most likely have to bribe him with the promise of an 18 hour hardcore hugging session
>>14095486I want to kiss her eyes.
>>14095441No.You care for fun.It's just easy to relay that you don't.
>>14090936 Was this at all talked about in the last thread?
>>14095433>You should watch ponies, maybe pleasure yourself to them or pretend that you have a pony girlfriend.This also happens to slowly destroy your life.
>>14095510>while they berate you for being a pervert who wants to fuck poniesunf
Would you take pony on a long drive across the country
>>14095363> dont be a downer twilight. if it really bothers you that much ill find something else>thatnk you anon i knew you would come arround.>well im off to the everfree.>what why would you go there its super dangerous . there are manticores there anon!>i need to do a little mushroom hunting.>why do you need mushrooms we have plenty of food here?>these aren't your ordinary mushrooms twilight... they're magic!>really!! twilight said excitedly.>yep all you have to do is eat them then we will drink your pee.> ewwe anon why would we do that?>because twilight the only way to active ther magic is to dry them out or feed them to an anamal and drink their pee.>thats disgusting anon . but if they are raly magic then we can give it a try
>>14095515I choose not to fill the quota OR go appeal to the governmentIf those ponies want hugs they'll have to pry them from my cold dead arms
>>14095502It's impossible. Opiates turn your dick numb, you can get hard but you can't cum, I've tried many many times to do it, but it just won't work no matter what you do. You can be in the middle of your ideal sexual fantasy and you won't cum. Longterm opiate use also reduces testosterone levels significantly.
>>14095522Maybe.Do you want to talk about it?
>>14095522not yet[hype intensifies]
>>14095557I want to do this drug a lot less now.
>>14095522I don't think so. We all kind of expected an episode like that, but it's nice to have some confirmation since she was shown flying at the end of MMC.
>>14095510Why is Lord English engaging in lewd acts with horses
>>14095571Get out of my face, you filthy not FleetflootIt's over between us.
>The CMC all gather together in their club house for a sleepover >Everything is shapping up to be a fun night of play and friendship>"Hey girls, check out what I got!">Sweetie Belle looks around cautiously to make sure none of the older ponies are around and pulls out a large unlabeled bottle>"What is it?">"I snuck some wine from Rarity's pantry when she wasnt looking!">"Oh sweet! I want some!">"But wait...isnt this kinda....wrong? I mean, you stole that from your sister and we probably sh-">The other two stick the bottle in Applebloom's talking mouth and tilt it back, chanting chug! Chug!>She pulls back after a few heavy gulps, and a goofy smile slowly creeps across her face.>"Oh wow!">Soon they each drink an equal portion and party about the room>Applebloom is leaning against Scootloo for support>"Scoo...HIC! Scoota...HIC! Scccop...HIC! you you are my good friend and I want you to know that!">Scootaloo cant stop snort laughing>"This pony! This pony right her!">Sweetie Belle is wandering around, hoof to her mouth, wobbling like shes on a boat in a storm.>"I think I had too much....">Eventually the three of them crash into an impromptu pile on the floor, passed out yet giddy, the empty bottle discarded near by.>It was just grape juice
What if sex in Equestria isn't as enthralling as we humans chose it to be?
>>14095510the best buttcoin story is easily that one dude who got heatstroke from having like ten computers mining in a small room on a hot dayhe got permanent brain damage
>>14095551insert mushroom hunting montage>anon and twilight have several pounds of shrooms>twilight all you have to do is eat them then ill drink your urine.>alright just dont try anything funny okay.>insert rape scene
>>14095553Our top news for this dreary october evening is the death of beloved Anonymoushe was found dead in his room earlier this week, but the authorities were only able to claim the body and confirm the death today after mobs of ponies had fought over hugging rights from himHe had severe cases of diabetus and several broken ribsHe is remembered by [INSERT WAIFU OF CHOICE AND DESIRED NUMBER OF CHILDREN HERE]He will be missed
>>14095602then I would let Macintosh mount me all day erry day
>>14095518>I care for fun.Nope.My trademark modus operandi is laziness upon strictness, I don't play video games to have fun, I just play them to play them.I don't know why people make out not having fun to be a bad thing.
>>14095613the CMC are rushing your point with the concheror, buff banner and battalion's backupwhat do?
>>14095522So the Hub released a vauge small sketch on Twitter.I mean, I'm excited about Twilight taking flying lessons from Dash, but I dont know what more we can go over just from this pic.Other then show once again Twilight is a huge nerdlinger
>>14095566Well It's been awhile since we've talked about Flying lessons for Twi so Whynaut?
>>14095642We can still probably expect her to be taking lessons from Fluttershy in the same episode.
>>14095638Throw piss at them
>>14095628>games are not supposed to be fun/v/ pleasePLEASE
>>14095628It's not a bad thing.I'm just calling you bluff on it. Because claiming you don't care about something takes guts and an actual conviction to prove it's true. It's not something you just say and everyone would easily believe you.<tl;dr> you're full of shit right now.
Im so bored and tired on a friday nightI wish I had friends to hang out withand money to sepnd
>>14095638Backstab all three
>>14095548I've got something long I'd like to drive into pony
>>14095530It appeals to me not so much because I'm into femdom, but more so that the idea of hearing filthy things like that come out of an innocent looking, doe-eyed pony is extremely arousing
>>14095650well that partially nullifies the backupbut the banner and conch are still gonna leave you in a world of pain
>>14095648I want to see some of the other princesses flying, though it likely wont happen.
>"I gained Alicornhood!">"... but at what cost? ..."
>>14095680You can't be an alicorn without a horn
>>14095680>"... but at what cost? ..."the tears of every man child.
>>14095656>UPS tried to deliver my 3ds today>"The apartment number is missing or is incorrect. UPS is attempting to obtain this information. / The address has been corrected. The delivery has been rescheduled."fuck you, upsI wanted to pokemons like Andrea's feet
>>14095697She is cuter without a horn anyway.
>>14095676Sure it willWhen pigs fly!Ya know, cause on account of Celestia being a huge tub
So when are we getting an episode where Pinkie Pie doesn't act like she's the fucking Deadpool?
>>14095713too many pinkiesmagic duel
>>14095712Celestia has flown before, kinda.
>>14095713S-shut up!Pinkie Pie isnt that bad!Right?
What acts as an aphrodisiac to ponies? Would you give a pretty mare some and tell her that she has to suck you off before you'll fuck her and quench the burning heat in her loins?
>>14095727she's flown several times
>>14095734They say my dick is a pretty good aphrodisiac.
>>14095734>>14095746Could we talk about the show, please?
>>14095734I would not because denial is a terrible fetishI would instead give her everything she desires to the very best of my ability
>>14095746Nicole is hot
>>14095638Wrangle my sentry and have the other Engie repair it at the same time.
>>14095713How about Deadpool not acting lolrandumbPinkie gets a pass because little girl's show
How do you think the ponies did medieval warfare?
>>14095734No, that seems kinda mean.
>>14095762what if she's into denial?
>>14095760What show
>>14095652Please exactly show the line where I said that.Games suppose to be good, and if they're not good then I don't care for them.You can play them for fun but it doesn't stop them from being absolutely garbage.I bet you use the fun argument while defending team fortress 2 and would still rather discuss pretty hats than discussing actual game mechanics that the game so lazily employs.I find it funny that a game from 2003 that doesn't rely on classes manages to have 1000x more emphasis on teamplay than a game from 2007 that has it in it's title.TF2 is ever so different from CoD that I can't line it up with my "It's modernized garbage" barrage of generic complaints (that are right by the way in every case) but it still lands in the special place, that "Rise of the Triad 2013" place,just generally a shit game.>>14095653It's not easy to believe because everyone likes fun and use fun to an extent to justify otherwise shitty things drugs and shitty games being a good example, I'm not saying fun is entirely bad but I simply live life to live and nothing more, to be an bottom feeding amoeba absorbing as much content and ideas and things as I can before dying (most likely to a heart attack)
>>14095800Ponies have needs, too.
>>14095777And people wonder why kids these days don't know any better.
>>14095713I think one of the new writers has written for Deadpool before
>you will never all the artfags at once
>>14095809what if it's subjective
>>14095802then we really should have discussed this before she dosed herself with aphrodisiacs, because I feel like that's a serious fundamental difference between us that we need to work throughI guess I'd try to tease her a little but I'd pretty much just give it to her the moment she asks
>>14095807That showPeople say Wander is annoying. And he is. Hes supposed to be. And thats why I like himAlso what do you think the size ratio is between that show and ponies?
>>14095818Only if pony agrees to have sex before giving her and aphrodisiac.
Ashleigh in pantyhose
Sitting on the smokehouse server, waiting to shoot a horsefucker
>>14095858I was there for like ten minuteshold on a sec I'll join again
>>14095760I want to see Pinkies Sisters. It's been on my wishlist since season 1
>>14095820It sells anonKids want to see annoying orange quality these days, and they will nostalgia fag over them when they are our ageSpongebob will still be on but super devoid of anything good
>>14095844this scale
>>14095854She sure does have a perfectly pair shaped maraca!
>>14095626For some reasons that pic is hot.
>>14095878In a battle of overly cheerful annoying protagonists, who would break first?
>>14095676But you've seen Princesses Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly lots of time. Even Princess Rarity has flown once.
>>14095891neither, they become best friends
>>14095880Oh, I was wondering why she was holding a pear.
>>14095866What do you think their VA's will be like?I bet compared to Pinkie, they will sound kinda gravely!
>>14095809It's easier to believe that you don't like a specific person's layout of what is considered "fun" or "good". But to completely and utterly admit that you cannot care about a subjective matter reveals a flaw in your approach.There will always be things that you, YOU, will consider shit. It's natural to err towards something and despise the other. And there are people who will defend what you consider shit. And if you don't take them into account to round out your argument and expand the perspective of things, your purview and bias of things will be put into question.To be quite specific in your argument for games, you have not laid out what constitutes a "good" game. And I bet my ass you do not have the initiation nor the confidence to back your own claim.Try the "well you can't as well so I'm right" card and you'll be treated to something.
>>14095910>Pinkie Pie and Wander carrying on a conversation about....I dunno, candy or something>Lord Hater is sitting on his throne in between them>Both of his ears is being assaulted by more and more incessant idiot chatter what no long even sounds like words>YAK YAK YAK BUTTERSCOTCH >BLAH BLAH BLAH LOLIPOP BLAH BLAH>This goes on for ten hours
>>14095941>you will never listen to pinkie pie talk for hours on end
>>14095959>you will never listen to pinkie pie talk for hours on endI think one hour would be enough for me that is of course I'm in a good mood
>this is ded
>tfw you're a scrub
>>14095969Actually forget that I could probably listen to her go on for quite awhile
>>14095976That's a good thing, why would you devote your life to playing with horrible people all day
There must always be a princess
>>14095959>"And then I found the last of my gumdrops, which is super important case back when I mentioned I was out of gumdrops is exactly why I went to the store and met up with Twilight and so I says to Twilight, I says Twilight would you like to go shopping for candy with me, but Spike was sick and she needed to keep an eye on him. Anyway, back to the gum drop, this wasnt just any gumdrop, this was like a really gourmet SUPER special gumdrop! You see, when I was just a little filly...">Pinkie Pie keeps chatting away, oblivious that the young man whos lap she's sitting on and hugging her slightly has long since turned into a skeleton
>>14095999This pony is the queen thoughmy queen
>>14095891lord hater
>>14095976>tfw mega scrub and my little sister beats me at pokemon
>>14095999>>14096016If you had to be a pony princess in Equestria what would you be the princess of?
>>14095937>you have not laid out what constitutes a "good" game.A game that employs all of it's elements perfectly and still contain a balance between whatever concepts and mechanics it brings.I don't care for fun, how hard is it to understand?
>>14096017What if Sylvia and Pinkie traded places?How would that work out for everyone involved?
>>14095996me too, though to be honest I'd just like the attention>>14096014death by talk talk?
>>14095969Q is that you
>>14096051A good pony
>>14096031It would be a fun episode.It could be one of those types where the main characters are fighting and think that they'll be happy doing something else. Sylvia has a great time in Ponyville but ends up breaking down and missing Wander.And Pinkie actually drove Wander crazy
>>14096025anal masturbation
>>14096025But I'm a boy!
>>14096051futa or regular?
>>14096028>I don't care for fun, how hard is it to understand?impossibleactually impossiblegames, by definition are meant to be funof course what you call fun and what I call fun are likely to be differentwhen you have a good time playing a game, you have had fun
When did you first break down and beat off to ponies
>>14096066I'd imagine they'd drive each other crazy. Too much of the same personality and they both start coughing up bile and temporarily turn into jerks
>>14096084when kloudmutt drew a hot fluttershy ass
>>14096066Sylvia would love the hell out of ponyville but be in denial the whole time, claiming it's all too sappy for her.
>>14096084I don't rememberI didn't mark my calendar or save the picture to mark the occasionProbably a fic though. Pictures don't really unf unless I get a story with it
>>14096048I was actually thinking Weather Princess myself.You could make it nice and rainy out or put yourself in an isolated snowstorm for a sleepover.
>>14096093>"Pfft. Ponyville. Whatever. I'll just stick it out here until Wander gets back. I'm sure I can probably find a place to sleep for two days straight.">" guys actually eat hay here. I havent had hay in forever..."
>>14096119>weather princessI guess that works tooMane could be like a fog effect rather than fabio in the wind hairToo bad alicorn ocs will always be shit
>>14096142that's princess shit to you
i do not recognize alicorn horses as true royalty and will not let them rule over me
>>14096082>a form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.This is by typing in game definition on google.I don't have a good time playing games, I play them to simply play them.I don't have a thing that I call "fun" maybe when I was 14 I could say video games are fun but generations later it's just playing them because I cannot do anything else.And the same thing goes for ponies, I just kinda watch the show just like any other show.
>>14096145>princess of shitWellSomeone's gotta be itGlad its not me
>>14096162>I don't have a good time playing gamesHonestly you would be better ooff with a new hobby then
>>14096156>Say this>Each of the princesse suddenly show up>Celestia bumps into you. Hard. >Luna shoves you>Twilight gets behinds you and Cadance pushes>"What'cha gunna do about it? Huh, faggot?">They kick you a few times before stealing your wallet
>>14096174And do the same thing there? I'm too incapable of learning anything else and it simply just seems like a waste of time when I could sit around absorbing like I always do.
Why is this horse so cute?
>>14096162You should probably see a psychologist or something.
>>14096162>just playing them because I cannot do anything else.that isn't healthyif you can't play a game because you enjoy it, then you really should find something elseIt's never too late to learn a craft or to study an instrument or to start reading a good book.If something just does not entertain you, when it's very purpose is to entertain you, you are wasting your time doing it.
>>14096201Artificial cuteness
>>14096162If you don't like video games, then why do you think your opinion on them should matter?
>>14096201>not that cute
>>14096207what does that even mean?
>>14096207/v/ please
>>14096109I like fics a lot more than pictures because I can tailor the scenario to my ideal fantasy
>>14096201She's actually a succubus.
Which pony's anus would be the most satisfying to lick and why?
>>14096221I only partake in hard core, wholesome, all natural cuteLike Pinkie Pie
>>14096214Because unlike the retards who scream "BUT IT'S FUN!" my critiques of games are structured.
>>14096226Stop spreading your pink lies
>>14096216Yes you are you little cutie
>>14096237I'd rather pony lick my ass while jacking me off and talking dirty
>>14096225Sometimes great things come out of a combination of the twoI am only using this as an example
>>14096241Pinkie Pie is the most artificially cute horse ever to horse
>>14095797Just like that.I bet it made training and drills fun.
>>14096242So? Why should anyone care about your opinion if you don't actually care?You're also making up ridiculous strawmen, like those mspaint comics.
>>14096252That image is messing with me a whole bunchLike, her stomach looks like a left leg and that's her butt
>>14096265There's a Celestia one like that that I really like.
>>14096269PleaseYou'd need like ten Dash cutes to match a Pinkie cute. That's just math
>>14096237>>14096258remember when mlpg was a place show staff could visit
>>14096283cropped butts are good
>>14096252Man you just love lost pegasus' pictures don't you
>>14096290Maybe if you learned math from Applejack
>>14096289>didn't post itAnon don't hold out on me
>>14096292Do YOU?
>>14096277Then please explain why TF2 is a good game.
>tfw scrub
>>14096312Explain why you care so much if you don't like video games.
>>14096303Never saved it, was a good one though.
>>14096199not with that atitude!You have all the time in the worldYou will suck at first, but everyone does. Being terrible is just the first step to being good.
>>14096298I literally cannot stop masturbating to them
>>14096327you buttAt least smutanon does good sunbutt
>>14096162You're describing symptoms of clinical depression, a real malfunction of the brain that causes the hippocampus to shrink and overall brain activity to be low as fuck 24/7. It's like being stoned 24/7.
>>14096194>Celestia shows up a few days later>knocks you to the ground and sits on your chest>"Say it, anon. Say pony princesses are royalty">you stay quiet>"I've been alive a thousand years, chump. I can wait a day or two for you to crack"
>>14096271>"I don't approve of this in any way whatsoever.">"Aw, lighten up, Skippy - it's good for morale!"
>>14096338Rainbow Dash is fucking hot
>>14096312Classes are entertaining with witty linesLong standing community has produced a large ammount of varied content to expand the variety of gameplayThe different classes and loadouts allow for nearly any desired playstyle to find a nicheVisually, even with some of the more abominable cosmetics, the game looks excellent (and there is an abundance of ways to remove things you don't like to see to make it look better)
>>14096306ya, flashinthepan visiting multiple times was cool as it feels like all hope for anyone related to the show even slightly is gone
>>14096341>anon's face when he realizes his brain has been altering itself constantly all his life
>>14096355fucking hot or hotly fucking?
>>14096363I still remember it like it was a few weeks ago.I asked him about the spanish fandom as anon once and he responded, oh god the spaghetti was intense that time
>>14096376>there will never be a gif of a hyper stallion jiggly his massive balls
>>14096363It's been that way for a long time anon.Besides, back then /co/ was still kinda the only place really into ponies, show staff have much more mainstream places like reddit where they can go now.
>>14096389This is the closest I have and I know it's not what you wanted:
>>14096397fuck me and this stupid god damned faceit makes me laugh every time I see it
>>14096407I appreciate the effort
>>14096363GlamourKat also used to visit before she got hired to work for ponies
>>14096407Not hyper enough!
>>14096325I don't care at all really, it's just that I don't have anything better to do then to just say I am right and my general opinion remains unchanged.>>14096330I thought that earlier this year when I tried to pick up programming.I gave up rather quickly, since I am a very stupid person.
>>14096363It's the end result of MLPG's hostile, elitist atmosphereIt just rapidly turned into a furry circlejerk
>>14096301but apple math is only base 4
>>14096421she was also in the ruby gloom threads
>>14096423It's touching the ground. Any bigger and he'll trip.
>>14096430Programming, and many other hobbies will always be available for youmaybe you might find DIY projects more to your satsisfaction. They are good skills to know, are easy to learn and can really help make the world your oysterYou are just going through the motions, wasting away on something you don't care about.
>>14096431shut the fuck up and yiff me
>>14096431No, it's turning into a furry circlejerk because MLPG is no longer hostile or elitist enough.
>>14096444I am your host the man they call Ghost. I'm a Goddamn racist! I'm a Goddamn piece of Crap!
>>14096448>you will never watch an adorable little hypercolt try to walk around >you will never giggle quietly every time he trips over his massive junk>you will never carry him around in your arms after he gives up and collapses on himself
>>14096467I am a weak person and a stupid person and on top of that a poor person.There's not really much I can do besides sit on zandronum playing presidential onslaught.
>>14096482the extreme fetishfags really did take over. i never imagined mlpg would completely turn into the fetish general.
which pon has the best blowjob technique
>>14096468No.>>14096482First MLPG was elitist about the show, and it kept bronies out. Then MLPG ended up being elitist about their fetishes, and it drove the non-furries away forever.Horses dying too fast to contain ERP fags, being in view of the worst of the fandom (those fags that stay no matter how much you yell at them), and the half season didn't help either.
>>14096504noboy made themselves wealthy with no initiativeand DIY is all about being frugal in the first placethere are a million and one cheap and useful projects or things to do out there and here you are just moaping around saying "I can't"It's not that you can't, it's that you WON'T
>>14096431when mlpg was on /co/ all the idiots in the threads were less hostile because they felt like they were the targets of board wide hate and so banded togethernow the idiots in mlpg are hostile to each other because there's no one left to hate mlpgit's pretty simple really but you should try and make the best of it and not waste time complaining
>>14096515>extreme fetishfags>hyper stallions doing skateboard tricks>lactating mares on snowboards>gangbangs on jet-skis
>>14096532You do realize that people wanted MORE people in on the pony thing in the early days of MLPG, right?
>>14096541he's a funny guyhe will be the first to die
>Learning to fly episode confirmedNot really that exciting...
>>14096562no, that was Lauren
>>14096541that is hilarious
>even my party hat isn't making it fun around here
>>14096561you sent an invitation out to /b/ and a few people said it was stupid.surprise: it was stupid.
Can we start talking about ponies? This is a pretty nice pony. Thoughts on this pony?
>>14096569Come on Anon! It'll end with Twilight being able to perform a Twilight Rainboom and be a member of the Wonderbolts!
>>14096583That's one of my favorite ponies!
>>14096583I wish that pony was real so I could shave her mane off
>>14096569Come on it could be cute
>>14096600interesting set of favorites
>>14096583fuck ponies. talking about ponies always turns into wanting to fuck ponies.let's talk about the show have ten minutes to think of an episode more well rounded than fall weather friends
>>14096569But it will be fun, anon!Remember fun?
>>14096569>>14096604Remember when she flew instantly after getting wings?
>>14096583She'll be giving Flying lessons soon enough
>>14096569What other info do we know about it? If it has fluttershy and rainbow dash both trying to teach twilight, but ineffectively, I'll love it.
Pony just did a provocative dance to "she's my cherry pie." She's waiting for your reaction.
>>14096581jeez Pinkie why don't you just die already?
>>14096620Sonic RainboomSuited for SuccessSisterhooves SocialBest Night Ever
>>14096623That wasn't flying!That was falling, with a stylefull barrel roll!
>>14096623that was more like gliding, nothing fancyPlus they can do an easy retcon by saying she had to use magic or something.
>>14096623That wasn't flying, it was falling with style.
>>14096620Bridle GossipIt's only "fault" was that you had to know the characters' personalities ahead of time for maximum effect but the whole episode was hilarious.
>>14096604Huh. Those rooftops don't seem to be from Ponyville. Nor form the Cristal Empire. So it's gonna take place in Canterlot.
>>14096620I think green isn't your color might beat it out
>>14096634applejack is bad for you. rainbow dash is natural and grows on the ground around you.
>>14096634No, this is Patrick
>>14096620Best Night Ever
>>14096637Which pony?
I'm dead.
>>14096620Over A Barrel nigga. Shit was good.
>>14096637I don't really know how to react appropriately, so I guess I'll start clapping
>>14096647>>14096649>>14096648Not that guy but watch the scene again. She changes altitude, does a roll, she changes direction.That's full on flying.
>>14096620Keep Calm and Flutter on.
>>14096666The one you most want to see.
>>14096623Simple, when the episode airs we will get a flashback to that scene where it is revealed that she crashed horribly moments after saying the magic words
>>14096667Quick! Now's your chance to touch her horse cooze!
>>14096691the hell is a horse cooze?
>>14096696It's what you put on the floor so they don't leave a ring on your floor.
streaming jacobs ladder, a scary horror film, come watch//
>>14096666satan pony
So anyway, I'd like to lick Fluttershy's anus.
>>14096637"pony did X wat do" roleplay is killing mulpug
>>14096684I bet Twilight crashes so much when she tries to fly, everyone starts calling her old nickname from schoolCrater Face!
>>14096677>>14096668Mind expanding on both of these
>>14096714Pony doesn't like your tone.
>>14096672You know what else flew?Challenger.
>>14096720That's terrible scrubbles.
>porn of Rose donkey
>>14096761but why
>>14096715Oh man, imagine how much horse juice she'd be flinging everywhere while doing that.
>>14096770Why not?
>>14096770Because furries don't care about literally fucking your character.Lemon Puffs and 0r0
pony just bleeped
>>14096770Because some furries don't know when to ask permission. Or how.
>>14096787>>14096793>you will never have an oc>you will never get art-raped by furries
>>14096774>Flinging.But Anon, it would be streaking all over your screen.Like a fleshy windshield wiper.
>>14096761>rose donkey is a shemaleUNF
>>14096805should have cut the red one
>>14096793And hell falls on you if you point this out to them."Uh, hey I didn't tell you to draw my character like tha-" 'WHITEKNIGHTS, THAT PERSON IS ATTACKING ME! SPITE THEM AND DRAW MORE PORN OF THEIR CHARACTER!'
>>14096664wow this really gets me going
>>14096822At least it isn't an important pony.
>>14096830she's such a sloppy pony
>>14096830Name a pony more cuddly then Pinkie PieOh wait you cant
>>14096806>You will never lick up twilight's smeared horse juiceLife is unlivable.
>>14096835what do you think was in the crates?
>>14096834Sadly, this has more humor then most pony comics...
>>14096838Pone slobber is arousing.
>>14096855How'd you get all rumpled and schmutzy like that Sweetie Belle? What have you been doing?
>>14096855Name a pony more cuddly than pinkie pie or sweetie belle.
>>14096879>>14096886I knew you couldn't.
>>14096866She was rolling in some pretty plants she found.
>>14096870the cuddliest
>double pony
>>14096870Do we have to stick to canon characters?
>>14096893I'll go run a bath for her
>>14096761that aint rose you idiot not even close. you got my hopes up for nothing
>>14096913not really but I hope you're not implying that a zebra, Fatty McFat Fat who probably eats the cookies before she sells them and that borderline creepy because how cute she is pony are more cuddly than Pinkie Pie.
>>14096913I would cuddle that zebra.
>>14096925You know what else is up?
I just watched MMC and the Wedding. I cried a lot. That is all.
pony smells like updog
>>14096943Pinkie stop, you're a horse.Get back on 4 legs the instant.
>>14096956people really still do the updog joke?
>>14096954I'd cry if I watched 3 of the worst episodes in the series too.
>>14096954For MMC I can totally understand but for the wedding?
>>14096964what's updog with you?!
>>14096964what updog joke?
>>14096903Warmest and most fulfilling cuddling.
>>14096956Updog isn't a thing, ponies fucking with me.
>>14096977Sure it is.
>>14096977pony isn't fucking with you, but he could be if you're interested in that sort of thing
>>14096970Fuck you buddy.>>14096971Fuckin' Love is in Bloom and BBBFF.
>>14096893OH boy.>>14096918Get the Fels-Naptha out of the laundry room.I'll grab the benadryl - we're probably going to need it.
Rainbow Dash are you still awake?
>>14096969Stop it Pinkie, ponies were not meant to walk upright!
>>14096976>God princess just grabbed your young child in a warm embrace>You're preeetty sure there's something sexual about this>...should...should I say something?
>>14096976>thevcrumpled paper swordtaht's pretty funny
>"You call that a satisfying experience?"
>>14096988Love is in Bloom?Are you fucking me? That shit is horrible. Like there's the worst songs in the show and then you go even lower and you find Love is in Bloom.Man the crystal Empire has more reasons to make you cry.I guess i can understand BBBFF
>>14097003yes pinkieLaw and order is a compelling drama that always leaves me wanting more
>>14097003Pinkie, you just came in and made yourself a plate.If I'd known you were coming to dinner, I'd have had time to clean up a little, and maybe actually COOK something nicer than cheese-grits.
>>14096999>Even the guard is shocked.>Most of the town is probably watching now.>Ponyville founded on the ruins decades later.
>>14096993she's busy
>>14097023Tell her I need those reports by tomorrow morning.
>>14097017There you goNow isn't that more comfortable and natural?
>>14097003Thank you for shopping at Wal*Mart...
>>14097010I don't know man. I guess it's a pretty brony thing to say but I got into this show during Season 2, and it got me through a really rough time in my life. To see it end, and to see them all so happy, it was just too much all at once, I couldn't take it.
>>14097027She mentioned that earlier, she said you were gonna have to wait until mondaySomething about the Cloudsdale office being closed on weekends?
I didn't like Celestia's song at all
>>14097046That lazy piece of shitI knew I shouldn't have hired her
>>14097062You're the genius who hired a pegasus to do office workif you had asked her to kick clouds you wouldn't be in this mess
Stop roleplaying nerds
>>14097048Soos!Distract them for me!Also you look ridiculous.
>>14097055Me neither, but it's solely because it reminds me of the ending of MMC
>>14097003Why is Pinkie so critical?
C-can I? You know, for old times sake.
>>14097048Mokona why are you pink?
>>14097045if you say so. Each with his own.I cried at MMC and the ending for the Crystalempire too
Start roleplaying nerds
>>14097075She said she needed the money and she swore she would work hardWas I supposed to say no to this face?
>>14097077pretending to be a little pony on 4chan is all I have going for me, alright?don't take that awayI need it
>>14097084Look at where she grew up man.A fucking rock farm.
>>14097092I missed you and your futa mare cock.
>>14097092>old times>1 month ago
>>14097098Ok fine jeezeYou enter a dark forbidden dungeon. To your left is a door, straight a head is an open passage and to the right is the most sinister of all: another door.
>>14097102Do it in the piss where it belongs faglord
>>14097098But bro, how else am I supposed to play Nerds and Lockers?Anyway i role to see if I can make myself heard from the locker and get someone to open the door.
>>14097123check inventory
>>14097092It's still the hiatus, futa mare pinkie anon
>>14097123Check inventory.
>>14097123I PUNCH THE DOOR!
>>14097123I flee the dungeon and go find a dashing gryphon to do all the adventuring for me
>>14097123Check for secret passages
>>14097123I cast show discussion. We start a subgame where our characters are autistic neckbeards that have been cursed to talk about my little pony for eternity.
>>14097129who's even roleplaying?
Three months of winter coolness
>>14097143I roll to kill myself
>>14097147In the time before the light
>>14097151Way to be a dick like always Mark
>>14097132>>14097136You have1 wad of gum, staleA book on dungeon exploringSeven bobby pinsTwilight SparkleEnough food to survive exactly 1 hourSeven inches of ropeAnd a gun
>>14097151eternity anon, not even death can save you.
>>14097168Use Twilight Sparkle
>>14097168Have Twilight Sparkle cast escape dungeon
>>14097147And awesome holidays
>>14097182Come on and slam now.
>>14097175>that>roleplayingI think maybe you need a break
>>14097168Use dick with Twilight SparkleGive dick to Twilight SparkleCombine Twilight sparkle with dick
>>14097168Does Twilight have extra inventory space?
>>14097182In flames of deaths eternal reignWe ride towards the fight
>>14097168>Enough food to survive exactly 1 hourHow? are we starving to death or something?
>>14097168Shoot gum, eat Twilight, fuck gun
>>14097178>>14097180You pick up Twilight Sparkle and shake her violently to get the magic going"Twilight! I'm scared and cold and I don't know where I am! Please, you got to get me out of here!"But she doest respond, no matter how much you shake her. The lights are on, but no one is home.>>14097201She has a mouth>>14097205Its so little food its actually negative food. Eat it and you starve to death in 1 hour.
>>14097168Give twilight the book. Shoot twilight while she's distracted by the book. Tie twilight's corpse up bondage style. Fuck twilight's corpse. Eat twilight's corpse. Chew gum. Stick bobby pins down your urethra. Plug urethra with gum. Eat food.Write a letter to princess slaanesh about what you learned today
>>14097219Roll for a perception check
>>14097182We've kept our hoovesies warm at home. Time off from work to play
>>14097219>Eat it and you starve to death in 1 hour.Shove negative food up ass.
>>14097219Make out with Twilight.
>>14097219She has three holes, surely she's hiding something.
>>14097219Feed book to Twilight.
>>14097226as commissar i take the liberty of shooting you in the face
>>14097228you suddenly perceive everythingyou are briefly driven insaneyou wake up thirty minutes later, weeping and shivering in a corner
>>14097230In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight
>>14097252Permanently set FOV to 360°
>>14097228You get dirt in your eye>>14097247You inset the book into Twilight's mouth. There it stays. She seems.....happier?>>14097235Blindly groping around, you oh so casually scooch up beside Twilight and do the ol yawn and stretch move, pulling her close. Just when the moment feels fight and you lean in the right door opens and a two headed ogre walks in on the two of you.
>>14097267your attempt failsyour FOV decreases by five degrees
>>14097282Pull out phone and scan QR code behind the assembled hidden monkey statue
>>14097282Seduce ogre
>>14097282BKB and tp
>>14097289The comics have made me love Shinny so much
>>14097270In a cafe, On the Champs-Élysées
>>14097282Question the ogre about the dungeon.Or make out with ogre.
>>14097282Ask the ogre if any of his heads play hyperspace hyperwars.
>>14097282Make out with Shrek.
>>14097230But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold
my character is a half-dragon sergal princess chaos space marinemy character rolls to gently grope your character's crotch and succeedsmake a boner check
>>14097302>>14097314" wanna make it a threesome?"The two ogre heads look at each other confused."Wait, wouldn't it be a foursome?""Do we count as two or one?""Are we truly individuals, or just one of the same unit?""Who am I?""Who are you?""What is our purpose?"The ogre sits down in the corner, holding its heads in its hands in deep melencholy contemplation on the nature of existence. No matter what you do they will not stop.OGRES SLAIN 1/1
>>14097339Why don't ponies build greenhouses or something?Dumb horses.
>>14097339And even though I love these boots this fashion's getting old.
>>14097339And even though I love my boots this Fashion is getting old
>>14097346Check ogre for loot.
>>14097349The time has come to welcome SpringAnd all things warm and green,
>>14097347Well Applejack is in charge of farming so...yeha dumb horses
где же пони? где же пони?
>>14097359You steal the ogre's shitIt had it exactly one shit
>>14097346Make out with Twilight
Стейк ню... Ты не бойся, Эпплблум!
>>14097365That's a dog.
>>14097367>>14097347Greenhouses aren't exactly great for gross crops
>>14097375Нигде. Блять.
Почему все русские?
How about some humor for the night.Alright, most of us can agree that fried chicken is delicious, amazing and even beautiful.So, why did Hitler insist he could do the impossible and create something better?You didn't hear it from me, but the man did know his way around an oven.
>>14097386yeah but it still allows you to grow some crops and NOT STARVE TO DEATH IF YOU FUCK UP GETTING RID OF WINTER
>>14097386Who wants gross crops anyway? I prefer delicious crops.
>>14097360But it's also time to say goodbye it's witbier we must clean
>>14097378You touch Twilight's butt innapropriatelySuddenly the police arrive, see what you are doing and put you in jail. Taking advantage of a dumb pony like that. You'll get the chair for this!ENDOgres slain 1/1Ponies sexually harassed 1/99Spirit portals closed 0/0Circles jerked 2/0Shits discovered 1/10You gained seven points.Time for bed
>>14097399Because БлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлятьБлять
there is no such thing as a good fluttershy episodeGYIC was actually a "everyone but fluttershy" episode
>>14097424GYIC is a bad episode.
>>14097424Hurricane Fluttershy
>>14097416>>14097422>>14097423Why are all the ponies hitting each other?
I'm going through some rough times, how can pony help?
>>14097416A test?
Worst Episode of the series: Green Isn't Your ColorWorst Episode of the series: Applebuck Season
>>14097453Yea.Everyone knew about the test today, Twilight.
>>14097451They'll just alter your brain chemistry to make you happy, of course. Standard procedure.
>>14097449Hugging is the pony equivalent of prison rape, to establish dominance. Ponies are not as nice as they seem.
>>14097449Because I'm desperate.
>>14097451Pony can't.Pony isn't real.
>>14097451Pony offers to queef in your face
>>14097464So, that time Pinkie Pie gave me a friendly little hug at the market.....she was telling me and everyone that I'm her bitch?
Pinkie is a total Slav to donkey dick.
>>14097470Then why are you guys always talking about them?
>>14097478You're telling me you're not?
>>14097485What does that even mean?
Total slav!
Let's discuss this
>>14097486We don't talk about ponies.You're drunk.
>>14097495>>14097485That horse needs therapy
>>14097500>the anatomy>her faceEgh
>>14097492I thought it was just a friendly little hugAnd I aint no ones bitch! Certainly not Pinkie's. I could pick her up and leave her on top of a dresser
>Season 4 finale>the villain explains his evil plan>Twilight comes in and kicks him in the face>he goes flying halfway across the throne room>the villain gets up, and proceeds to walk towards Twilight>Twilight starts shooting horn blasts at him>he doesn't even flinch when they hit himTwilight should have continued the kicking strategy that was proven more effective, or at least aimed for the parts of his body that weren't covered in armor.
>>14097500Rub those feet gently.Then pin her and tickle them.
pony just zapped you
>>14097508Be glad it wasn't a "from the back" hug. Sends a whole different message.
>>14097503She's a psychoponatic.
>>14097519And what is that message?I am a backpack?
>>14097521What does that mean?
>>14097510>She kicked me.>That actually kinda hurt.>I am going to walk back to her melee range.>Dumb horse your ranged attacks do nothing!Did Blizzard get hired?
>>14097529Your nuts!Crazy in the Poconut!
Previous Thread>>14089853[MLP:FiM Link Board]Version 8.2.1 10/15/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links: picture script - (for porn/stuff):-
WarningNoble dogeDanger to intimate relationship withVery afraid of friendshipMuch lonely. So insecure.
>>14097522Short version, domination. Long version, she's relaying to the entire town that she could push your face down in the dirt, and fuck you senseless and you wouldn't even resist.
>>14097551today is the day i hug pony until she can't feel her skin
>>14097541My nuts?
>>14097517I prepare for next time.
>>14097478>Did you see me with my new hugtoy today? Yeah he's a subby little bottom hugslut, loves to just get squeezed up right in time I'm going to use two hooves on his pathetic cuddlebitch ass, I bet he won't even flinch, he'll just snuggle into even the hardest hugs like a fucking loose hugwhore that he is
>>14097570moth pone no ;_;
>>14097564>Only has a melee attack.>Let a horse get the jump on him.>Can apparently only walk.Blizzard nerfed the fuck out of this bossfight...It doesn't even sound like the original script!
>>14097578Would you stop being ridiculous, Ponk.
>>14097578>She posts this on the pony equivalent of Facebook.>Of which you are a friend, naturally.>Don't know if you should respond.>Or just "like".
Goodnight My Little MLPG
>>14097580It's alright, she didn't get hurt.Just a shocking experience.It's funner to watch the local wildlife get zapped.
>>14097564>The flashback in the previous episode showed that he can fire a lazer from his third eye, have said lazer travel across Equestria lengthwise, and cut a mountain in half on the other side.
>humans arrive in equestria>start hugging random ponies>even the princesses are hugged>celestia submits and gives up her crown after being group hugged by at least 20 different humans at once
>>14097643>Reminding everyone his aim is either shit.>Or he REALLY hates mountains.
>>14097652>She held out, trying to act as disinterested as possible>But in the end there were too many>there were so...warm...and soft
>>14097652I'd surprise hug her.
>>14097652she wouldn't like it?
>>14097652I would hug a celestia
>>14097652>Humans are truly terrifying! In all my years at war I have never seen so many creatures brutally and relentlessly hug a pony like that. Even our great princess! They just kept hugging her, one after the was like something out of a nightmare. Do they even have souls?
>>14097717DO YOU NEED A HUG?
>>14097704so would i. she's just so huggablethere's no other reason to like her.
>>14097717>Suddenly reminded of "Humans came from the realm of nightmares" as an alien race describes them.
>>14097726Watch that edge, anon
>>14097717>And the children, it's as though they targeted them especially.>Twist escaped completely unscathed we have our best researchers trying to isolate her immunity
>>14097739Realm of insanity, we're somehow in the doughnut hole of it.
>when humans leave their legacy inspires a slew of horror movies, cautionary tales, and fear-fueled governmental policies>they even become a new race in hyperspace hyperwars>the hoomanns, split into various classes>HUGBOYS being incredibly overpowered, but still eclipse by CUDDLEMEN
>>14097739Reminds me of this. What exactly is what you're referring to anyways?
When I go to equestria I will steal the ponies for myself and claim that they were gifts from celestiaNobody will suspect a thing back on earth. I will have all the ponies.
>>14097793that would be so many ponies makes me giggle just htinking about it
>>14097802Sorry, you have to be at least 5'9" to share in the bounty of ponies.
>>14097778>parents campaign to have Hyperspace Hyperwars banned from comic book stores, claiming it has become too scary and obscene for foals
>>14097805>ponies exist but you cant do anything with them a fate worse than hell
>>14097805what if I cut off your legsthen I'm be tall man
>>14097813That pony in particular is mine. She is the holiest of ponies, personally given to me by the princess herself. She is literally dripping in history and culture, so allowing a pleb like you to so much as look upon her would be heinous.>>14097815What if my legs are ponies, huh? You gonna cut some ponies faglord?
>>14097830ill fight you nigger
>>14097830then I'll take your ponylegs
>>14097838Oh shit an angry dwarf
>>14097830>she is literally drippingI'd bet
>>14097843that's a halfling anon. learn the difference.
>>14097854>picMakes sense, she is naked.
>>14097843you forget i have certain skillswith ballsno homo
pony just stole all of the humans
Bonbon has more canon personality than lyra
>>14097873Did pony lose her mind?
>>14097863woah nelly
>>14097882As what, the pony with the most split personalities?
>>14097873How did pony manage that.
>>14097901pony was cute
>>14097894why are there pauldrons?ponies don't have shoulders
>>14097894Those pauldrons are too small.
>>14097924Don't they?
>>14096941>Fatty McFat Fat who probably eats the cookies before she sells them
>>14097792It was a soldier talking about an alien movie he was watching in an alien theater, about the first contact the alien race had with the humans, who came from a galaxy made of death, basically.The Milky Way was the haunted woods of the universe and when a fleet of ships came out of it, the galaxy lost its shit.Dude watches a movie about the first contact, where humans basically slaughter the border control on the universe and rape some hapless aliens.
Would you viciously rape a pony and cause he lifelong distress?
How's it going MLPGI feel like drawing after a game of dota.What draw later?
>>14097939Oh right. Sorry. I forgot. It's just that for some reason you have half the money you should have for selling the number of boxes you claim to sell. Oh. Now I realize. You're charitable. You're selling 2 boxes at the price of one so people can enjoy them more. Shit, let me get that charity badge for you.
>>14097939Now look what you did, Anon.She joined the filly scouts and found a group of friends, no bullies to push her around, despite Savannas looks.Now she has you bullying her, commenting about her size.
>>14097972bonbon and anon doing romantic boyfriend-girlfriend things.
>>14097974Nope, you got a word of the spell wrong, that means now I get to make sweet, consensual love to pony and shit like that
good night mlpgsorry i haven't been drawing as much
>>14097978how dare you savannah is the sweetest one of them
>>14097978Oh come on. I can't be the only one that thought she was two ponies in a costume.
>tfw no qt pgf