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Old Thread

The CmC are being a sneaky bunch just to find out if they got what it takes to earn that cutie mark. Which rumor did you like the most? Was it great to see Big Mac speak during this episode? Why the hell didn't Featherweight get punish for being a sneak bastard? He is as guilty as the CmC, if not more.
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fuck you, you're not my boss
the software I'm running isn't FOSS
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Applejack is orange
Would you like a lozenge?

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>Absolutely no animals
what's the point?

if I wanted to post about naked humans I would use the whole whole fucking internet that's already full of 3DPD human pornography
Finally I can visit /unf/ again
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studying ahead
I realized something today mlpg. Are you all sitting down? This may come as a shock to you all but I have to inform you of my latest lab reports. It turns out you are all butt-head positive.
I liked the truthful rumors, like Fluttershy's extensions and Mayor Mare's dyed hair.
I was standing up when I read this post and it literally knocked my socks off
can i have your socks? are you a pony?
>like Fluttershy's extensions
But that is wrong though.
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How orange is she?
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It's all over.
I wouldnt say orange more.. tan.
So does this mean you'll all fuck off over there now?
Seriously, fuck off.
Oranger than Jersey Shore.
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Whats her original color, anon?
MLPG fill me in on the latest contributor gossip!
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They have way too much fun being annoying in here
fluttershy is a very pudgy pony pony
Not with it being so beb

Come on guys, make a meetup thread, just tag yourselves [sex] or [fun]
Jessy is homeless
>Rarity alicorn
>Fluttershy alicorn

They're all coming. You couldn't prevent it.
Why don't you just read the Skype logs sentenal posted
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you need to link me anon, I thought sentenal pulled a kraut and died
...We've come a long way, haven't we.
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I would hug that tummy.
But those only have daily life talk and no drama
No, you'll still see standalone spoilered posts asking if you guys have seen the latest mandick as if this is the right place for that and /soc/ and /hm/ dont exist.

They still enjoy shitposting.
>containment board on a back up board for an exiled group from a containment board
>Was it great to see Big Mac speak during this episode?

Nope, season 1 is the best season. No plot holes, no shitty animation and no forced anything.

Season 2 and 3 are shit and I wish lauren could have stayed.
>Watching the show after Lauren left
this is the future you chose
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Kraut please. Die already
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>no plot holes, no shitty animations and no forced anything
>S1 had the Owl episode
>says the faggot who likes season 2 and 3
>liking and believing anything mccarthy says.
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Shut up Kraut. Stop this sentenal-tier shitposting about yourself. Nobody cares.
le empress amarite xd
How could you get that so wrong?
playing with pinkie pie's teats
>Unf 2: Hot Glued Scootaloo
drinking pinkie's strawberry flavored milk
>Face is nearly straight in the mirror
>clear 45° angle on her non-mirror face

help with rape.
i wantto feel maregina
and hear her moans
Pony is knocking at the back door.
ok sorry I won't do it anymore

I don't come here on mlpg to often, but when I do, I'm going to post copy pasta on mlpg.co

get ready for it.
n-not so hard, pony!
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Pony wants you to stop being a drag and be a Queen
Help her find trauma therapy
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>le epin faustdrones may may xd

pls faggot, you don't know show quality if it hit you in the face
Gods ain't gonna help you, son.
You'll be sorry for what you've done.
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Rip in peace grey horse
>mad faustdrone
>hating owl episode
>not season 2 and 3 and soon to be 4
That pink pony is a bad friend.
first copy pasta is up


>Liking the Owl episode
>Defending the Owl episode

Get out.
le bamp
You people take this cartoon way too seriously.
this is what flutterfags probably believe

hasdrones pls

Dronedrone please go.
I wonder what my favorite dead drawfag is doing?
>being a bitch to her friend
come on mlpg, i didn't know we were hasdrones like this.

faust is love, faust is life
that monster

We forced feels?
Improving without me.
I'm just going to assume you're pretending to be retarded and stop responding to you
You probably think EVERY feel is forced.
I know I am. I told poeple I don't draw anymore but I do! And I see improvement!
Nope, just the ones that are forced
I'm glad that guy finally got some in the end.
>not date-raping Derpy

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can "flash animated" even be considered a cartoon? It's between Cartoon and CGI
Then tell me, what constitutes a non-forced feel?
Ones that are not forced
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What do you think is your favourite pone's favourite season?
What's yours?
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No other ponies is as cuddly as Fluttershy!
absolutely disgusting
all of the ones that aren't winter.
i'm pretty sure dash would enjoy summer more

anyways, rarity would love fall/winter
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Season 1. No contest. Everything is cute and happy during that season.
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Probably summer.

But mine is winter.
He deserve a piece of ass.
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Likely fall
I don't get what the big deal is. They both consented, and she had the time of her life.
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How do you know it's not forced?
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unquestionable truth
Your pony tells you
fucking faggot, what would you call this?

>Mom wake up and watch saturday morning flash animations with me


>Mom, wake up and watch saturday morning cartoons with me
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Fine. Spring. Fluttershy like Spring. She get to greet the animals while they wake up.

that moment between summer and fall
>you will never hump your coltcock into femanon's back
>needing a tulip to tell apart forced feels from feels
she also likes to be worst pony in spring!
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>Being a sensitive baby and not letting things go
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>only in spring
He manipulated her.
You think she would have been so willing if he had just straight-up told her he wan sum fuk?
I'd say "Mom want to watch some TV?" or "Mom want to watch some MLP?" and if she says "No thanks i don't want to watch cartoons" i'd say "They technically aren't cartoons"
>inb4 "well you have autism"
as an independent anon, I have to say that shit is closer to forced than not forced
le epin autism joke xD
pony should pony pony
le epin autism joke xd
>having a tulpa from childhood
wow babby casual mode
hardcore level 90 tulpamancers such a myself make 2 new tulpas every day and keep a city populated with tulpas in their heads
You're my tulpa~
Are you mayor of tulpa town?
It must get crowded in there after a while.
le epin autisme joke xd
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le epin autism joke
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that's really sexy
Pony fell
Don't make me come back there you two
Yes. She contented to the whole thing.

It's not rape, it's regret sex.
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my favourite kind of pony
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Do go on
The ironic shitposting is reaching critical levels.
Right. No-one said it was rape, just that it wasn't a nice thing to do.
they are so tiny...

le epin autism joke xd
Some of you cunts where implying it though.
I'm not arguing that it was rape.
I'm arguing that it was morally objectionable.
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Oh for fuck sake it happen again.

I wanted to post TRIXIE.
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yellow pony
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Anon, the white knight equestria need.

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They are travel sized anon, very easy to carry
Regret sex is just that, regret.
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I want to fuck scootaloo so bad, she's my fav.
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I'm still not 100% sure if thats belly button fucking or not
I'll have so many stories to tell my kids about the autism and meta irony of the early 2000's.
>Is it true that back then, everything was ironic?
>Yes kids, we had this new sensation called "trolling" and everyone was trying their hardest to be a part of it. I was part of a group of meta trolls who trolled by saying that they "weren't trolling".
Bite size
>go out for a date
>have time of your life
>decide to get frisky
I sincerely hope this comic is just a joke and there arent people who think this was
>having kids
Since when is being disgusted by people who do assholeish things white-knighting?
I bet dollars to donuts that they become arch enemies of the CMC
>she was all happy until pink pony told her she got brutally raped by evil man and that she has to feel bad about it now
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Not raped.
Lied to.
I'm pretty fucking sure the point is that the stallion is a womaniser you retard

I can't help feeling that any Fluttershy in a sweater has a futacock
Why does Pokey Pierce have bug wings?
I assume they're part of a costume since they're all tattered after him and derpy did the do

Because it's a bad comic.
I can't help feeling any Fluttershy futacock
In the comic, he had the cloud walking spell cast on him to be a date for a prom

it makes sense in context
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>you're in ponyville
>foalsitting sweetie belle
>she out of the blue is going through her first estrus
>winking and squirting filly juice everywhere

what do?
>missing the point of the comic this badly
*tips fedora*
What is this comic that I have apparently missed?
That's fucking retarded.
if worst comes to worst, i can adpot
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Right, that one, nevermind
Clean up the mess.
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>replying to them
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What else?
what a horrible time to be on mlpg
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find napkins and paper towels and a squirt bottle. Squirt her if she starts rubbing her ladyparts the furniture
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I get aroused by rape.
That's gross
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ponies have infested your house
what do
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Give it to pone harder
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that's a lot of megabutts for a couple repeating frames
>tfw no key
Feed pony watermelon obviously
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Not bad
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Carrot Top's sister is a pretty cute pone
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b-but anon, i need to.....

vid related

The animations aren't in synch, the spiraling part takes more time to loop then the wavy parts, and neither of those synch up with the shine on the blade. Thats the best I could do with non-synched loops

It's so fucking fun I hate them for not making it a bigger beta
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Now go take your hormone pills.
>video title
What are ya gonna do, boop me?
>quote from man who was booped
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>tfw sweetiebelle , or hell even a real mare would pin me against the wall like in that vid and wink her pussy and squirt filly/mare juice all over me
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Misfits stream starting in 45 minutes

me in charge of remembering the image
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I suddenly find myself intensly interested in kissing ponies
>quote from booped mare
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what about chewy ponies
>not wanting to get pinned down by your favorite filly/pony/IRL mare while she winks her pussy on you
Paint or wallpaper?
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because no one will ever kiss you
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what about licking ponies?
Too manestream
Oh no...NMH2 flashbacks...
>You will never rape Derpy
>Derpy will never rape you
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>wanting to have sex with a retard
>you will never be hospitalized because Derpy did >>14086434
>you'll never have consensual, loving yet kinky sex with Derpy
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>mutual rape
feminism 101
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>she gushes marecream all over your crotch
>the smell drives you wild
>your as hard as a rock
>she moans your name and tells you how bad she wants- no, needs you
/mlp/ derpyfags in a nutshell

>you will never get to use thick gooey creamy mare cum as lubrication
If derpy is so great then why is she so fat
Shitposter please.
There aren't any ugly ponies except for that huge nerd pony.
because there is more adorable grey pony to love per pony
and derpy
Not him but Derpy is a very ugly pony
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She is not fat anon

On the contrary, ruining everything is excellent exercise
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So you can cuddle her and blow rasperries on her plush stomach
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She is not Ugly
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Zecora's ass is phat
I would totally hit dat
derpy is a very ugly pony
Alright, theres 12 people

I hope at least 4 of you come to the stram
I punched my pony in the snout for smoking weed
Help her satisfy her urges of course.
the things I'd do to that butt...
wot strom
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look at all these wonderful ponies
I want the purple one
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Nu uh

what stream?

link it you chink
Jessy pls draw more planes
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>So was my butt, y-you better hit that too
I'm starting in 28 minutes
I don't like Misfits.
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wat is dat
where is the link
Sorry sir but the purple and white one are already reserved for someone else. You can have any one of the others
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That is incorrect

Even other pones cannot resist her
Yeah, the purple one is mine.
Are you a Communist, Anonymous?
You sound like a filthy Red.



I'll start in 5 minutes
jessy pls
commissions when
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Oh darn.
I guess I'll have to settle for a pretty yellow pone.
That makes no sense
How does your butt smokes weed?
Also why would want to be punched in the butt?
What does communism have to do with being straightedge?
would it be bad if I tried to cop a feel of winking filly pussy?
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>Just smack my ass

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Nonono, use this picture.

Starting Misfits in 2 minutes
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>not punching your pony in the ass
It's like you hate freedom.
>Muscled up,pot head fluttershy
I don't like any of this.
Any of it
Sorry anon, but that pony is mine.
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We Flutterbutt now?
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yes fillies are not for sexual anon we've been over this many times
you should kiss it as it's winking
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Darn it! Can I get this yellow pony then?

>that flutter
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but I heard fillies go in to heat as early as 6 months old

I would love to suck on her winking pussy and massage her clit with my tongue as she winks in and out of my mouth
I would her sweaty balls
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oh shit
Lyra confirmed for pegasus lover
I am sorry sir but you are not on the list. Might I recommend the Pink one? A bundle of joy she is.

shut up and fuck me dotkwa
>muscle fluttershy
>Holding down anon while she smokes

They're not intellectually mature for sexual relations yet and you'll get thrown in pony jail. Celestia is very strict enforcing this.

Equestria's age of consent varies by region but Ponyville's is 10 pony years old and the average equine lives to be 40-70 on average.
how feel
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I'm sorry that your list is so inaccurate, Anon, but I have already long since secured the purple one. Good day.
>pony years
how much is that in human years
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I really wish there was more stronk fluttershy
It's kinda adorable
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>Those filly cheeks

It's about 14 in human years. They're only a little bit shorter because Equestria's sun has a different orbit compared to the planet than Earth and Sol.

Wow, unnatural death rate is really high in Equestria. I bet it's depressing to the naturally old ponies in their hundreds.
Oh my God.
Kicking a bowling ball would hurt.
>scootaloo will never buck your balls

Get in here
is she going with my tickets?
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Oh my.
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She's giving you the one she got for herself
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That pony looks like she's high.
Punch her
Anon that's a stupid headcanon
fart fart fart faaaaaarrrrt
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She's high on Xanax.
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I'm good.
What the hell is wrong with you druggos?
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Poor little yellow pegasus, she's such an anxious pone.
fluttershy pls
Hurrrhurrr howdoilink >>14086929
I only take them when I'm having an anxiety attack.
pony just beeped
She takes them because she has anxiety problems, obviously.
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What a qt
Oh god you don't even know
>high school
>a little buzzed
>out with friends/girls
>wanted to impress some girls
>decide to punch a bowling ball
>hauehueh this is a genius idea, so manly
>go do it
>punch ball
And then i had to go to the ER cause I fractured 2 fingers.
Depression is fake and doctors claim it's real so they can just hand out drugs and justify their paycheck

Like for instance, I pretend to have autism because it pays cash monies.

Good thing I'm taking them for anxiety then!
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/pol/ pls
Why don't depressed people just be happy?
Anon I think you may have the stupid.
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>you'll never feel the cool breeze of a nice warm spring day
I live in the city.
I fucking hate cities.
I cant understand how anyone willingly would want to move to this concrete jungle for "parties" and "events"
I'm moving the fuck out to the suburbs as soon as i can afford it.
Why don't you get a job?
Same thing, it's fake and either your pretending or just being too panicky.
People always thinks this a trolling attempt but they can easily just be happy, it's all in the head anyway it's not like there's a giant mind-controlling cancer wart on the side of their head.
/pol/ is just as depressed as the rest of 4chan.
Open a thread about antidepressants and you will have half the people tell you that they take them, too.
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I live in the sticks. Feels great, man. Summers are so great, crickets and frogs put you to sleep at night and fireflies give you something to watch.
I don't think you know how the human brain works.
Cities are a much more happenin' place than boring suburbs.
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Cities are rubbish.
I'm moving to a small town with only 10k residents, because of work. Couldn't be happier with that.
I can't fucking agree with you enough anon.
Depending on how severe the depression is they can actually have a heavy imbalance in their neurotransmitters, a fucked up Circadian rhythm and so on.
That's nice, but i hate happenins. I love quiet outdoors and the summer months i spent at my grandparents farms were the happiest in my life.
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They're just sad, easy as that.
Even if it did exist they shouldn't be taking drugs to deal with their "problems"
I'm not baiting, I geniuenly believe it's fake shit doctors tell people and then people believe it and then start taking drugs.
Then you're a fucking moron.
Well, I guess mentally handicapped people should just stop being retarded then, too.
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Town I live in doesn't have more than 3k people. And I live on the outskirts of it. It's fantastic.
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>They're just sad, easy as that
Why can't cripples just stand up?
Do you have a single fact to back up any of what you're saying?
>lived in the suburbs forever
>anytime I actually want to do anything I have to drive an hour minimum and then the travel time back
>nobody around to spend time together, especially since they do the drive out to do stuff too
>nothing interesting looking around, just rows of houses and streets and flat drainage
Why can't grandpa just remember everything alzheimers made him forget?
>nobody around to spend time together, especially since they do the drive out to do stuff too
This is a problem how. Always loved the peace and quiet.
it's all just in their legs anyway
holy shit those ponies are huge
The fact that I have been sad before (Realizing what Planetside 2 was) and wasn't "depressed" and didn't take drugs to fix my sadness.
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Marche pls.
I want to feed pony worms
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>depression = sadness
My little Anon can't be this stupid
give full
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That is not a fact.
That is a single experience used to generalize the entire human race.
pony gives up
Is this the new things you are going to link every single thread for weeks?
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>Getting over a shitty video game is the same as getting over clinical depression or serious trauma.
pony powers up
Have you ever cried?
Not a problem for me. I've always been a loner save for one or two closed friends. I don't have any problems just enjoying being alone.
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
That's okay, I would too
Thanks for giving me the extra tags to look it up on derpibooru

The entire human race isn't "depressed"
I tear when I yawn, bet I never came close to crying (unless you count the times I used crocodile tears to get a couple of kids in trouble and go home early)
Would you prefer this?
Twilight Sparkle is going to help her friends become alicorns.
How come you aren't helping your friends become alicorns?
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If only there were more dragons.
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Does FS let nature take its course?
You got sad once and got better.
So therefore all humans are incapable of beinig depressed, because everybody is exactly like you and just needs to "be happy again."
That is a generalization.
And a completely idiotic one at that.
spike stop fucking rarity's butt right now
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Anonymous, I'm afraid you're a sociopath.
Now... tell me about your mother.
Yes, she finds it fascinating
she's too stupid to understand what is happening.
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there are too many neurotypicals in this thread refusing to check their privileges
What if pony was sad?
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Is that some jealousy there, anon?
Yes she finds nature so fascinating
I don't see the negativity towards being a sociopath, and also I don't think I'm a sociopath.

I know the things I do are bad I just do them because taking money from the government for an illness I don't have and terrorizing the potheads downstairs despite them not bothering me once is just me not wanting to work and being angry at a group of people.

Also my mother's highly incompetent, I'm not smart either but she's dumber than me.
>implying she's not slowly masturbating to it
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Then give her the D
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>not the color version
How sad are we talking 'bout here?
is it normal to find torture extremely arousing? Because I've been like that for a week.
>It was NBS all along
What a surprise
Dead grandma sad
No, you're definitely a sociopath.
It's sad that such an awful excuse for a human being like yourself managed to find his way here.
What if pony sucked my dick?

It's called a S&M fetish Anon.
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Oh, I didn't have that one yet, thanks Anon
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Anonymous, I'm afraid you're a Hitlerpath.
Now... tell me about your mother.
What do you mean what if?
/pol/ was right again!
BDSM isn't normal per say, but it's not an uncommon fetish
NBS smokes pot.
I think this is a different cripple.
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Great! that puts my mind at ease. Anyone knows any good S&M masochist actress? Queensnake is pretty great.
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what does this mean
Ooh, that's sad.
Take grandma's place and become sad pony's grandma.
That never rules them out. Shitposters are just shitposters, they do it to make MLPG worse.
It's the cyber police. Quick Anon, wipe your hard drive!
it's per se
it's latin for "in itself"
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Derpy is coming for you

How do you protect yourself?
I invite her inside for tea and pastries.
my grammatical comrade
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Hold out my arms.
She won't be able to resist taking up an offer for a hug.
It's her secret weakness.
It means Garnett runs 413chan?
Thanks Garnett!
>Friends Forever will be the same format as the Micro-series. Rotating creative team, done-in-one stories. You'll see some new Pony creators, like Alex and Carla, but also many returning people/creative teams.

>Stories have been greenlit featuring all of the Mane 6, Luna, Celestia, Spike, and the Crusaders. And MORE! Expect to see important secondary characters like Zecora, Trixie, Discord and more! (because i'll get the question: no stories planned for what would be considered 'background ponies'. I remain skeptical of them holding an entire story, but hey— doesn't mean we CAN"T do it, if the right story comes)

>Some stories will feature two of the mane 6, like #1, others will see one mane 6 with one supporting character, and others still will be JUST supporting characters. So there's pretty much endless potential. I'm excited, it will be a lot fun with lots of storytelling potential.


Also thank god they aren't using bg ponies
You're missing the big picture.
Celestia and Luna
I'd clean up my room and get something cooking. Maybe a potroast with potatoes and veggies. Ponies would like potatoes, right?
>Also thank god they aren't using bg ponies
>the rest
yeeeah, who gives a fuck,really.
>Derpy is coming for you

Man they are my least favorite main ponies but I really want to see them interact. That beaver part in Keep Calm was great.
We need to see them interacting. I mean besides that scene and that 5 seconds in Dragonshy have they ever done something together?

Nigga I'll slap you
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I think you need to leave
>caring for luna
I already talked about my mother.
I'm assuming you're referring to me as the anti-pot guy, I "shitpost" here to dump my frustration with potheads and other things here.

When the show's airing you won't be hearing much from me.
Come at me bro__
It doesn't matter why you do it.
Shitposting is shitposting.
If you want to vent about your petty bullshit, update your tumblr.
pony should drink tea
Celestia cares about Luna.
Are you saying you're better than Celestia?
nothing can be better than perfection,not even perfection itself.
Earl grey?
I don't have a tumblr and tumblr is full of potheads anyway.
I'm not an awful human being or a sociopath, I'm just different.
yeah but he asked about celestia
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>not caring for Luna
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I care for Luna, she is a lovely pone.
The world would be a better place without you.
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But I like both of them
That's a mean thing to say, I never caused anyone any actual trouble.

I tend to slip uo a lot like that
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yeah and I- PONY BUTTS.
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Then use some other blog site! It doesn't fucking matter! Just don't drag your off-topic trash in here!
Luna COULD be an interesting character. But she never had enough minutes of screentime.
So since Rarity and Fluttershy are the next alicorns, who's going to be an alicorn after that?
Christ, what an asshole.
I think she's an interesting character.
An episode and a half, plus at least one more in S4.
Generals can go off-topic for a bit, it's not like the OP posted "I love drugs" or something to that effect, MLPG just need filter it
All you do is sit on your ass all day long leeching money off the government because you're a lazy sack of shit and inconveniencing people on the internet for your own amusement.
You're a complete waste of space. Your mother should have aborted you when she had the chance.
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my pony forgot how to pon
she just lies there staring at the ground
Rub her tail dock until she recharges.
>1 episode
>where she appeared for about 4 minutes total
>on 60+ episodes, 20+ minutes each

Gee, sure is a lot.
Insert spiky conkers in pony's anus until she gets up.
I think your pony may be letting herself die, anon.
It could be time to put her down.
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Pone is too fat to get up.
Wait what?
Lune Eclipsed - 1 episode
Sleepless In Ponyville - half an episode
And i- oooooohhhh.
You're shitposting.
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Luna is going to gobble your bottom.
How do you prevent this?
I'm not doing it for amusement, I'm doing it dump my frustration somewhere.
>All you do is sit on your ass all day long leeching money off the government because you're a lazy sack of shit

I'm not good at anything, I try but ultimately I fail, sitting on MLPG and multiple threads on /vg/ while playing some vidya is better
>waste of space
Now hold on a minute, I'm a consumer so I'm certainly not a waste of space.
>Your mother should have aborted you when she had the chance.
My mother is against abortion
ha i forgot I uploaded that
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Here, we can use my pony to give her a jump.
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>sleepless in ponyville
man, I forgot about that.

Not to suggest the obvious, but have you tried turning her on?
I don't think that's safe
You shouldn't touch pink to pink

We need a ground pony.
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That's hot.
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Aww, Twilight is so cute! :3
would you explore pony's various bits and parts to see how they make pony feel and let pony do the same to you
>I'm a consumer
With other peoples money.
You are a waste of space.
>public orgasms
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It worked but she's going into cardiac arrest
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>and let pony do the same to you
I'd be too busy making pone a blubbering mess.
Use the defibuponer before it's too late!
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Especially if it's a pegasus and they used their wings
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It's okay, we have the nurse on staff.
Stupid sexy nurse.
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That seems to be the normal boot sequence for pony. Is it making any squeaking noises?
Contrary to you, I'm not a worthless piece of shit that just leeches on everyone else, so no, I wouldn't.
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So, why did you like my little pony in the first place?
Hard mode: not "beacuse they're hot"
>I'm not good at anything
Don't make excuses. You just don't want to try.
You do nothing useful. Absolutely nothing. You're just a slothful money-sink who relies entirely on other people to survive and cares only for himself.

You and other people like you are a blight on humanity. If you died tomorrow we would all be better off.
Who was that guy called? Microwave?
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>Killing off Twilight's family

What is the point of this comic?
Because they're cute.

I love watching poor people fight over crumbs
Because they're sexy.
What the fucking hell is this shit
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she's dead
Because the ponies were well voiced.
That's what caught me off guard, then I started liking pony for pony.
Because it was cute. I have yet to find anything physical about the in-show ponies to be hot.
I still think that was one of the most retarded thigns to add. It makes earth ponies so goddamn useless compared to unicorns and pegasissies.

It wasn't complete shit despite being a cartoon about Ponies, so I decided to keep watching it.

Now it's been three years and I'm still here.
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Don't forget that most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor.
>You're just a slothful money-sink who relies entirely on other people to survive and cares only for himself.

I'll just be contempt with the knowledge that the US government will crash within the next one or two decades anyway and that assholes like Anon will be left on the street to starve.
>not seing yourself in twilight sparkle
>not wanting to fuck twilight sparkle
>not wanting to fall in love with a big nerdy girl

Rewind the pony until it becomes alive again, then find out what went wrong.
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I did try
and fail.

I'm justify to keep this money
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>not seing yourself in twilight sparkle
>not wanting to fuck twilight sparkle
so you wanna go fuck yourself?
I won't discuss this here, this isn't /pol/
I could definitely see myself in Twilight Sparkle if you know what I mean.
MLPG: Shitposter's circlejerk edition
Pony want's you to join their GTA V crew.
Thanks, Anon.
Regardless of your opinion, at least you can respect pone.
You gave up.
You're weak and pathetic, and the world owes you nothing. Especially not free money.
>microsoft will stop automatic updates for xp soon, to force everyone to switch to 7 or 8

How much until they stop automatic updates for windows 7? WAKE UP SHEEPLE
pony snorted on your dick

*zips dick up*
Mlpg, a thread should be.
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Pony still uses Windows 3.1
>Weak and pathetic
Don't forget stupid.

So that means I don't have to work, because I'm weak and pathetic and stupid.
S1 == S2 >>>>>>>> S4 >>>>>>>>> S3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EQG
oh baby oh baby oh baby
support for 7 ends in 2020
being poor sucks
That's often
Luckily windows 9 will be good, if the edition algorithm "shit,good,shit,good" still counts.
If you won't work, you might as well die.
Just get autismbux if you're poor, usually it's enough for one person and you don't have to pay taxes.
Because work is life, right? It's good to know the American corporations have a nice control on you.

I'm living to live, and my life is video games,ponies,tv shows and anime
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>tfw MLPG
no autismbux in my country no
my country isn't first world enough for that
Holy shit that Big Mac cosplayer interview
my sides
>tfw no autismbux in your country too
my fellow poorfag
Yes, please. Lets all talk about how much of sad sack this guy is, forget the ponies

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You're a good man, anon. Have some cute.
he's probably retarded,anon. you shouldn't laugh.
I laughed my ass off.
All of which are available to you thanks to money you didn't earn.
Bottom-feeders like you should die in the streets.
just use steamos

Misfits if you're bored
I don't understand how calling samefag, disproves anything, I'm not even agreeing with any of statements by replying to myself.
I can't work, I'm incompetent, weak and antisocial and thanks to MLPG's bashing I feel more justified.
>using steam OS
>using a ubuntu-based OS that is only made for videogames
That's stupid. You're stupid.
Rarity's reaction in Sisterhooves Social was still perfectly reasonable. She was busy and her parents just dumped her little sister on her with no warning and she kept setting her back and ruining her expensive stuff. I think that getting somewhat annoyed was to be expected. Deciding that she wasn't her big sister anymore and trying to replace her with Applejack was uncalled for. Sweetie Belle should have learned about asking for permission before taking someone else's possessions. Or about giving others their space. Instead, she ruins one of Rarity's expensive pieces of cloth in a later episode and of course Rarity doesn't scold her because trying to discipline your younger siblings makes you a monster and causes you to end up covered in mud.
Posted in the wrong thread mate?
stopped reading there.
>save images in the same folder
>can't find the picture I want whenever I need to cum

I've got a ton of pics of ponies sucking cock, need to organize everything

There's no justifying your laziness.
It's not that you can't, it's that you WON'T.
And that's what makes you such a disgusting person.
That's really depressing that you've been isolated for so long that cognitive dissonance has kicked in and you've convinced yourself that hiding away from the real world and self-medicating with fantasy is better than living a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Pony just wants to love you, why do you keep pushing her away?
>djpon will never rub her snout on your dick
Fine, pony. You're let in. I am not resisting. Let me have it.
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Not him, but some people require less social interactions than others.

I haven't actually read the rest of the thread though.
Pony touches you on the butt, giggles, then runs off.
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nani desu ka?
Pony wants to know if you cuddle on the first date.
does anyone have more bronycon spaghetti videos? I'm horrified but I can't stop watching.
That was a cruel trick, pony.
I smiled.

ponies are cute when they look up at you like that
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I did try and I failed, I dropped out of HS because the classes were to hard and I am too stupid.

I know exactly how stupid I am, so it'd make more sense just to leach off the government.
pony wants to fuck your butt
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If your pony was the size of a house would you want to live inside of her?
Not every job requires an education.
There's no justifying leeching off the government. So long as you have four working limbs you should be required to throw your own weight around if you want to avoid starving to death.
Select your gun and then, select your horse.
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Pony posits this playful proposition to you.
How will you proceed?
Look at the madness your careless hands have wrought.
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>tfw no fasthorse penile tongue lashing

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There is no such bicycle! It cannot exist.
seriously where are the bronycon vids
They really are.
best alicorn wife, all other opinions are objectively wrong

The jobs that don't require an education usually pays like this and on top of that most likely physically strenuous.

I'm useless but I'm still a consumer and a person who likes living, so government checks is a lot better than working.

Why would you hire a useless and stupid person?
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It's a metaphor you proletarian.
How is that it's always so arousing,god
what the heck pinkie don't swear
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They're so innocent looking.
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tess pls
>I'm still a consumer
I'm actually not sure how this works in your head. The government takes money away from other people (who would have spend it otherwise) to make sure your useless ass doesn't starve and that somehow makes the spent money worth more than if the person who earned it would have spend it?
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Sup' Tess

If you date a hairless ape, it's your butt he's going to rape.
>implying Tess
I wish he'd come back, too...
Is it a metaphor for WHERG WHERG WHERG?
People aren't always buying the same thing, I'm not saying the money I spend is worth more, I'm stating that I am a consumer and therefore have value
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It's an investment. He's still using the money and making the economy work.
I want her to stick that petite little tongue in my dickhole and then lap up my seed as it oozes out
>That pic
>Not even a pony
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can pinkie be breast cancer awareness horse?
What if the Land Before Time with ponies
Not really, you're basically lowering the quality of life for everyone the smallest amount. That's your choice and right and all, but you can't really justify it.
You're free to draw one yourself
I couldn't find a pony version and I don't have a tablet to edit or redraw it.
Pinkie please you don't even have breasts
>tfw MT is ded and hats us

I'd rather she nibble on my frenulum.
You are the biggest fucking moron I have ever encountered.
NH4NO3, NBS and sentenal are all preferable to you.
The fact that hardworking citizens have to give up money in order to keep your useless ass alive makes me sick.
But MT is active and likes MLPG.
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>He's still using the money and making the economy work.

This, we're effectively post-scarcity on everything that autists consume.

It's just that the financial economy needs people to throw money around in it, or it stops working.

If you really think that society needs another autist working another meaningless job, I have some unfortunate news for you.
The fuck are you talking about autism?
Is it the soft, plush-looking cheeks?
He's not autistic. He stated pretty clearly that he lied to get disability checks because he doesn't feel like working.
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Show me ponies waving that I haven't seen before
if that was true,she'd be here.
Even I'm not here 24/7 anon, how can you expect her to be?
If they got fooled by simple lies, then they weren't very competent and used shitty tests.
that and the way he's looking at him
and the blush
and the snout
and the fact he's got a mouthful of dick.

not a boy this time
stop trying to make me feel better,dead, she hates us!
She hates us and will never get back here ever again!
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So he really is disabled, they just let him think they're giving him checks because of lying because they don't want to hurt his feelings.
Or they just lowered the requirements. The US added 6 million people to the leeches-list in the last three years if I remember correctly.
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>simple lies
I don't think you understand how difficult it is to fool those people, I had to practice at least a week before the therapist showed up.
We're entering a post-scarcity age, no need to have hate for me living in the future
If you drop a pony will it always land on its feet?
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It's also nice to imagine all the suckling and slurping that you'd hear.
But I'm a sucker for erotic sounds like that, so maybe that's just me.
I love how he went from "Haha, I totally lied to them to get my autismbux so I can watch anime the whole day!" to >n-no, it's totally okay, we are post scarcity and I'm actually really close to being legitimately disabled anyway when he realized that no one would applaud him for being a drain on society.
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I used to hold my playstation controller right on that spot and do the rumble test
anon what is it

this pony what is wrong
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>being a useless piece of shit
>"living in the future"
Fucking kill yourself.

Confirmed for female on his tumblr, he forgot to draw the lashes
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>But I'm a sucker
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watching the show and so on etc
bad anon
That's even better!
I'm talking about diagnostics and things, you don't "lower the requirements" out of nothing and disregarding current research and stuff.
On the other hand, one could forge papers when asking for the bux, I guess.

It's a very shitty move to abuse the system by pretending to be disabled. There are people who really benefit from such help.
>those wide hips
>those thick thighs
It should be against the law for satyrs to be this sexy.
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It shouldn't ever be shitposting time
don't be sillyillyillyilyyillyilly
>you don't "lower the requirements" out of nothing and disregarding current research and stuff.

I don't know man, politicians come up with the weirdest shit to appeal to their voter base.

I can't unsee the old lady face on Bonbon's nose.

And now neither can you.
That actually wasn't intended.
But I'm glad it got a laugh out of you.
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I'm Twilight Sparkle!
>There are people who really benefit from such help.
But if I didn't have autismbux I would be poor and I wouldn't have my parts for my new computer coming soon.

Why are you against my happiness?
southern sergal?
Oh, no, don't be late for school!
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I'm not seeing it
don't worry
you parents are just arguing about which one loves you more
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and you're in charge of... costumes?
Okay okay, to be fair, I'd wait until she's all grown up.
And she has a nice chest to go with that awesome lower-half.
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The neighbour is arguing with his wife whether they can change neighbourhood,too.
I still don't follow, it's some kind of pokemon?
but why is it split in half?
Being able to play with her tits while getting your cock milked by that winking marevag would be perfect.
I don't know.
Say, which half would you choose?
I wish there was more art of grown up Hope
>people unironically sporting lush neckbeards

>people unironically posting OC satyrs

Because I like my neckbeard and I don't care if it's not fashionable

Do you care if it's ugly?
I don't care if it's unfashionable, it just looks very, very stupid.
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>people not posting Rainbow Dash

>that satisfying faint bursting noise when you pop a huge zit
There are people who wear cargo shorts, jorts, and fedoras unironically
Or better yet, euphedorautism.
Probably a tumblr gimmick. You have to reblog both pictures.
xieril is beb
xieril doesn't own Rainbow Dash
I like you
Cargo shorts are practical and fine to wear during the summer
>not wearing cargo shorts(fits)
it's like you want to be overencumbered when carrying your makeshift crowbar
I loved masturbating with the ps2 controller. Felt good as fuck.
Depends on the color. If it's tan, gray, camo, black, or white you have a problem.
>attractive looking contributor vs. anonymous
I'm rooting for xieril
plus Rainbow Dash is shit so the faster someone takes her away the better
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Uh? Yes he do.
>but orange or purple cargo shorts are fine

ok bro

my two pairs of cargos are gray and khaki
what colour is good then, pink?
I mean those were good colours,anon.
>Not caring about what people think is being a euphoric neckbeard
Please go back to /v/ or /fa/ or whatever shitty board you sprang from
But I could support Dash emotionally and financially
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me too
now grown up naked Hope pls
how do I get MLPG to ship me with a pony?

Pink can work, not so much yellow. Red is a great color, as is a light blue.

Orange can work, not sure about purple.

The idea is to get a good spring/summer feeling out of them. If you do really bland colors you just come off looking like a middle aged man.
you sir, are completely retarded.
draw yourself well
then draw yourself next to a cute pony
optionally make yourself a pony if you aren't one already
And you don't know anything about fashion.
that's like the ionly color they sell them in
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>What does that make me?
Draw a lot
Post with your name
Post a certain pony with your name often
I wish.
God how I wish...
What have you done to fight the White Genocide, MLPG?
what kind of name is hope
>implying Rainbow Dash needs someone to support her financially
Nigga she be swimming in dat weathercrew money
by in heriting the glorious white skin of my mother rather than the colored skin of my father
>wearing red pants
ya no.
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I married a zebra.
I bet she'd just melt away in my hot tub
What's xieril gonna do, draw her butt?
Tell me why it doesn't work anon.
>implying Rainbow Dash is a gold digger like Rarity
>implying you have a hot tub
All the ponies are filthy gold diggers
especially your favourite pony.
why are gypsies so hated?
it works just fine if you have a matching outfit and not wearing a fedora
Disgusting. Do your own pasta sauce for fuck's sake!
becuse they don't fucking stop singing.
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We'll see who's laughing when the ponies come to earth and we must compete for their affection.
Meant for >>14088871

kohls has a great selection for colored cargo shorts.
what if I just wear a pair of jeans and a tshirt?
According to the Great Chain of Being, they're just above animals, and just below thieves, pirates and actors.
You mean xieril?
Pony doesn't do drugs
>why are gypsies so hated?
they're scum. no really, they're bad people
The kind of people who will have one them talking to you while another picks your pocket
because they're red.
Bright red. Mutated poppy flower red.
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names after concepts aren't that uncommon
A bit like drawfags, then?
>a pair of jeans and a tshirt
pig disgusting
>not slacks and button up shirts
>40 years ago
>Gypsy comes to my grandmothers house while she's pregnant
>Grandmother is poor and irish, can't give out money to gypsy
>Gypsy places a curse on grandmothers child
And 2 generations later here I am.
>jeans and shirt
Get off the computer, Grandpa!
should have just said jews anon
How are drawfags like that at all?
They'll rob you as soon as look at you.
couldn't get any worse than that
at least it's not names after countries
There are different shades of red anon. You would want to go for a nice deep red.

Bright red would be an awful choice.
okay we can share dash
Scotts, don't get me started on the fuckin' scotts.
why are the Irish hated? I never got this
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>What kind of name is Hope?
>There are different shades of red anon
about...50? 50 shades of red?
scots are fine, friendly enough and can drink anyone under the table

fuck the northern irish though, the southern ones are the friendliest people you'll ever meet on the other hand

have you ever been to northern ireland?
the pretentious kind
>dark denim semi-tight jeans
>black jordan airs
>black v-neck shirt
>thick rimmed glasses
>not going full ninjagoth mode
They were the mexicans of america 100 years ago, because of a famine caused by homogeneous farming techniques.
you got something against europa, bitch?
Northern ireland is like America's deep south, noone really acknowledges them as people.
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There's some qt satyrs.
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FACT Fluttershy dropped the screw in the tuna
>High five

Cute but no
Five limbs touching.
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Satyr version is adorable.
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Ok you got me there
Quit drawing right now.
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Dude! Dude, let's share waifus!
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I wanna read that little cutie a bedtime story and then tape her to the wall when she's uppity.