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Last Thread

Spike hated being the only dragon in town and decided to go back to his own kind. Did you like any of the dragon's design in this episode? Were you hoping to see any other dragons that isn't a teenager, like an elder dragon or a female one? What do you think the letter was about right before the teenager dragons burnt it to a crisp? Is there anything else that you would like to add?
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>ur a faget

why is she so shitty
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When was the last time you had a hug?
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There was a dragon or two that looked neat.
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Wait...so a dragon and a pony mating produces a what? A dracony? Is that even a thing?
What does a dragon and a human produce?
My lab partner tried to hug me today
Painfully long time
My next hug is reserved for pony though.
>What does a dragon and a human produce?
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Pff, I don't know. Fifteen years maybe?
few months
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You're not going to wait until marriage?
i didn't even know that girl very well.
>like an elder dragon or a female one
Both really. Also I wanted to see more Pee Wee
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The color scheme really helps here. It make him stand out more compare to his friends.
Dammit stop talking about hugs you guys, now I need to again forget the fact that I have not been hugged in a long while and the last hug I got was from a chick in whose friendzone I was stuck in very deep while having foolish hope that she liked me as much as I liked her
Shit nigga that's cute.
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Dracony or Pogon.
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I'll hug you shorty
>caly dragon drowns
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To be honest, I am glad they remove Peewee in the Sidekick episode. Peewee belong with his mother and father, not some baby dragon with an identity issue.

There is always the comic, though.
I hug my friends from studies hello. So about 10 days ago.
i never get why they make spike tongue green in the comic
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>pawn will never update
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get over here
I get a hug every day at work from my burly black coworker with a ridiculous afro
It's neat
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Would you make ferocious little dragon/human hybrids.
Afros make someone insta-neat.
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It must be an oversight.
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Rainbow Dash has forbid you from touching her butt
I'd hug all of you so hard
Don't touch me.
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As if that would happen.
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o-oh my



just install a show spoilers script

it's what I do
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>refresh a youtube page to listen to a song
>get an ad
>it's for this
I would if I got together with a dragon. But that seems unlikely.
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im so alone
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>just install a show spoilers script
>install a script for an option that already exists in vanilla 4chan
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can you link that please. i spent a few hours looking for one that wasn't a style change one
But what if dragon forced you.
>im so alone
so your tumblr posts were fake?
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Did Lyra finally wise up an leave you?
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I thought you had Lyra, but I guess it was all a charade.
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I wonder how Spike will deal with Rarity getting older.
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what if I touch it anyways
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
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Naw man, it's all about his actual design, it's just a bonus that he has a nice color scheme
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>not Tiarawhy's basement
By then he'll have learned to accept it, I think.
He'll mourn the fact that she's going to die of old age before he's mature
Oh god my h e a r t
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This is assuming if the said dragon would even bother having a boyfriend that is a human or a pony.
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GG pls draw the twins getting revenge on Applejack.
oh, is that soemthing new
But she'll be an alicorn, will it really take him over 1000 years to mature?
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Now lets make him greedy.
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technically i'm with people pretty often but i always feel like shit with them so i then want to be alone, but then feel bad when im alone. its pretty obnoxious
w-we're separated right now because i couldn't bring her to college
the place i go to is very racist
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Of course it was, Lyra has Bon Bon
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That cute, gal. Really cute!
But Mua looked pretty happy about the whole thing
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Then Mewball must be Bon Bon.
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But Lyra is not sexually attracted to Bon Bon.
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>he knows
So you ARE a pretty mare?
No, he's Bon Bon.
That's what I meant when I said "pretty mare".

Wait, how much does Carnifex charge?
Actually, Mewball is Sweetie Drops.
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Bon Bon is beautiful you butt

Evens - Art
Odds - Bed
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I got proof! Here is his self portrait!
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Damn, you could be a super model Mewball

Would you enjoy walking down an aisle in a pretty dress while people take pictures?

pls stram

>But Mua looked pretty happy about the whole thing
Well except for the part where he didn't end up balls-deep in that apple pony. But now he's infatuated and he won't stop till he has her.
Draw Applejack's unkempt fuzzy butt
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what draw?
oh my god you draw the best fizzle
$70 for a flat colored pencil sketch without backgraound. to add insult to injury he does them digitally, but still doesn't bother to erase anything that isn't needed.
Draw Bon Bon modelling a very revealing dress
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Who knows, maybe they'd find you adorable and comfortably warm blooded.
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A lot.
I should have stayed with my askpony tumblr. Maybe then I wouldn't be in such financial tight spot.
Depends on what you're getting, but once converted to his currency it's still fairly reasonable. It's a bit of a running gag to claim he charges absurd amounts, especially since you'd need a picture of the US mint to make a comparison picture to what 0r0 charges.

Not $70. $55.
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but I didn't die though
it was a joke
don't lie, anon.


time to learn to draw
That doesn't look very unreasonable
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fizzle thread?
y-you really think so?
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You'll have to mine a mountain full of gem if you want their attention. If they want something warm blooded, they would just kidnap a bear and hug it like a teddy bear.
>you'd need a picture of the US mint to make a comparison picture to what 0r0 charges
That depends on how much jizz is in the picture
it was 70 at some point.

Oh wait, no $35.

His 11x17 prints are $35 though which is what I find the most ridiculous.
Especially since you need to consider that his own currency is of a different strength than the USD. I can't recall if it's better or not, though.
For one character that's really overpriced
Well... It's hard to compare but imo hes stuff is pretty simple.
The basic normal almost universally accepted price for a pencil sketch is 5 bucks
He's gouging pretty hard
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A bear isn't an intelligent creature, anon.

Andy price, and industry professional, does sketches for $10-15.
>encouraging GG
You could even be a pretty princess
I don't think I'll be up for long enough to warrant streaming.
>5 bucks
Among gutter-feeding OC generator trash it is. An honest artist won't charge anything less than $10 for a serious sketch.
the thing that bugged me the most was he sold prints that were just 8 1/2 x 11 printer paper

he didn't even try
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Models don't ask questions
Put on this dress
Absolutely! You have the perfect petite body for it without a blemish to speak of. I think Photo Finish would jump at the chance to be your agent.
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They might let the bear go after a nap or ten. That being said, how the hell are you going to impress those dragons?
>encouraging artists to draw ponies for mlpg

>Andy price, and industry professional
>industry professional
There you go, and even he doesn't charge that much and his stuff is leagues better than Carnifex
Probably faster, too
Who said you had to impress them? What if they just wanted you? They are greedy, after all. I'd be more concerned about escaping.

It wasn't ACTUAL printer paper.

It was very thin paper for prints, yeah, but it was photo paper.
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love batteries
I've seen prints on basic photos
They were like 20 bucks too
to be perfectly honest, they really shouldn't. if they wanted to draw ponies literally every other place is better than this one.
Like /b/?
Or ponychan?
Oh, you're one of THOSE people.
Pony just ate an entire roll of quarters and doesn't feel very well
>using literally as a synonym for figuratively
This is what incenses me the most.

Those guys are the worst.

I get 12x18 prints on a heavy glossy cardstock for less then $1.50 and never sell them for more than $15.
How so? I'd rather not discuss ponies anywhere else.
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If that is the way you see it, you might as well dress up as a gem and pray they do not eat you and keep you in their hoarding pile instead.
oh, really?

well, that's fine then, at least it wasn't just stock 80

but honestly, if he can sell his art for those prices, i see nothing wrong with it.
The hell is this logic coming from.
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I will bring her to the nurse. They have magic for that crap.
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>This is what incenses me the most.
literally or figuratively?
pony should eat greek yoghurt mixed with berries. it's good for him/her
Well he has a point. Very very VERY few artists stay here for long because it's a fairly hostile environment. If someone's classifying themselves as an 'artist', they're usually pretty emotionally dependent on receiving validation from others for their art. MLPG doesn't do that as consistently as other places.

I guess.

I mean yeah, good for him, but it's still painful to watch.
Why is the token nurse an earth pony
think of all the germs she gets in her mouth
trolled xd
They're buying fame on paper, not good art
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>Anon, do you think I've let myself go?
So is childbrirth
Or they want to branch out.
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Shoot, I wanted you to provide an interesting alternative.
Oh well!

>receiving validation from others for their art
That's what tumblr is for.
childbirth never helped anyone and it was a silly concept to introduce

Yeah, we know. We know.
Bronies are dumb. But hey, if they wanna spend their money on it, whatever.
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Oh hello, what's this?
Anon, please, I'm trying to be a cynical derisive ass over here.

That's what I'm saying.
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I am sure that years in the hospital has granted her some immunity to many diseases.
>tfw becoming scalie
oh no
this thread is generally unhelpful when it comes to art. there are few reactions which aren't active discouragement and insult.
the reason we still have drawfags is because they are attached to the general, either because there are people here they look up to or because they remember the better days.
this is why we don't get no people or if they come drive them out immediately.
Mlpg isn't one person.

I just got used to the place and have no idea where else could I go to talk pony. I also met here so many amazing people. Be it anon for a great night talk, art frens or just silently reading the ideas. Yep. I have no idea where else could I go.
Her special talent manifests itself as healing saliva
Her kisses really do make it all better
Well there's nothing stopping them from posting to both places, they are very different in both format of website and kind of people.

>by Lauren Faust

wait what
Jesus christ, she doesn't even fit on the frame!
No bad asses allowed.
Only pony ass.
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I wish she'd heal my broken libido with her magic saliva
I agree with that sentiment.

I don't entirely agree with >>14057079
as there are a bunch of art document that are shared in these threads (granted, they're also shared at /ic/, but still).
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boop, have a colour
>I also met here so many amazing people. Be it anon for a great night talk, art frens or just silently reading the ideas
it used to be, but none of it is true anymore.
It's a concept art sketch that someone rendered I think
You have no idea how many times she's heard that joke, actually.
She usually keeps it on the down low, so she doesn't get suitors who try and act clever about it.
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What if your favorite pony turn into a dragon?
>bug butt
We niggas now

it's like people forget this
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that's not a pony!
It depends what do you come here for I guess. I wouldn't ask for criticism straight away on mlpg. But to have few minutes of fun. Sure.
It's hia-
...good lord. Must draw more... MUST DRAW BETTER! Can't stop, won't stop.
looks like someone wasn't here during season 3. there was constant shitposting and artists left for good.
Is Rarity just grinding on Fluttershy's belly?
I would of course breed with them to create glorious dragonborn children and then teach them the way of the thu'um so they can protect the land of their fathers from the Thalmor dicks
He's just so


oh god i'm die
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If you are a pony, sure.

If you are a human, well, I do not think they would help you at all. They only know how to fix ponies. They might even send you to a vet.

That is a cute color scheme.
Like who?
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It's close enough

Awesome. I don't have many niggas.
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Comic this week or next?
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Well, the vet is cute at least
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I bet they'd still try to help you, anon.

Yes, because she's a huge perv.
I thought you hat us
>I agree with that sentenal
>If I lived in Equestria I'd probably have to see the vet if i got sick

I guess it could be worse. As long as they don't treat me like a pet.
That Dash trying to find her glasses is very cute, but that AJ is hot. There's something about breasts hanging freely like that that gets me going.
They would only treat you like a pet if you acted like a pet.
you now wear a collar with pony's name on it.
wat do
>abloo bloo dem hiatus makes the artists leave
>Rose is drawing for us
>Chesire is still here
Talk about being fucking whiny god damn
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S-stop playing with your pokémon and play with me instead.
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Well now that's just rude
is twilight ok
It's probably hard not to have a love/hate relationship with MLPG. It's so complex.
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>Does human like a treat? Yes you do! Yes you do!
I would check absolutely

plus we just had 2 artists just collab and make original content within the last 50 posts
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b-but pony wears the collar
We amiga now

>GG is here
>Tex is here
>Mewball is here
>Vulapa is here
>Dooks is here
>Klondike is here
>Noel is here
that's some contrasting pones
I bet they're secretly best friends
how about getting more and especially new people who come in here more often than every 4 months? maybe you should cut the shitting on them and entitlement part.
Come play with my pokemon with me!

This is Goomy. He's kinda sticky but he's real nice!
Does pony need a reminder that humans are very dangerous animals.
>bet friends
at fucking least
they're standing next to each other and even looking at each other while they do it
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I know it's not popular or makes sense, but AJ with big breasts is an instant unf for me.

don't forget rose just contributed like an hour ago
I haven't since gold
But play what
Everyone needs a break. I took mine somewhere around eqg going to cinema... and still haven't watched it. I don't know if I want to.

Also hey. Life, studies, money, health problems. There are thing to deal with sometimes.
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Are you going to bite the vet pony?
>GG is here
>Tex is here
>Mewball is here
>Vulapa is here
>Dooks is here
>Klondike is here
Not a big loss of these will disappear

>Noel is here
She isn't.
Last time some fag pretended to be her but got quickly called out due to enormous ego Noel simply do not posses/
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Reminder. You die and your kin is still a child.

Have a template by that artist.
one of them even giggled seductively
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You never know
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Literally never. And it's not that I don't remember any, I am absolutely sure I've never been hugged.
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Does pony like it
>tfw always forgotten
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That'd be heaven, though...
MLPG has some serious entitlement issues...
I'm going to eat her.
>implying I'm shitting on them
I'm saying people should shut up about everyone leaving and things being horrible when we have people drawing for us right now
This isn't shitting where you eat, this is shitting on your hot dog bun
she came here a few times during season 1 and one time earlier this year.
I hope Apple never finds out what we did to his drawing
Someone stram something please

>MLPG has serious abandonment issues
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Depends on the pony, apparently. Do YOU like it, anon?
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I am sure if I was there and I see a cute pony, I could not restrain myself from picking her up and hugging her for being cute.
those are some sexy dragon girls.

who is this
Rainboom Crash
I think he was using the second person as a general "you, people of the general"
Faceless, plz
i don't understand what you're asking
She was here like 8 months ago I think. Posted some new art. I remember her saying she lurks rarely
They look kinda small, don't they. You think they'd be just slightly taller than your average human?
goddamn i wish i fixed those legs
and that ear
i mean yes collar good
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why are turquoiseish pegasi so cute
Fluttershy is pretty huge too
Her cutie mark is adorable too
Most cutie marks are kind of boring
Goomy is shit. Helioptile bess new ponymon.

The artist
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Why would you think that?
I'd say with those necks they're only a little taller than a certain writer for the show.
tan, appledan, moe, tess, moophins, egophiliac, creepy curse, artanon, gr, fagnig, jr., juice, plantpony, anonymous, leth, newcanvas anon PLS
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A good question, they certainly are

This one does not get enough attention
was just a sketch, learn anatomy one day, etc.

>still forgotten
Anon, you are hurting me here

It's okay.
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I really don't even want to sexualize it
I just think ponies look adorable in them
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don't you just wanna smother your face in them?
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Its quite a unique one too. Shame she only appear once in the series.
They jiggle every time she hits a tree.
Good, good. They could wrap them around you in a hug.
ghost pls
I remember you. You're the anon who posted: >>14057251
Real talk: MLPG offers nothing to artists that wishes you better themselves. Everything that do is met with complete dicksucking, ignoring all the problems they did, or being completely shat on, and over blowing their shortcomings or something else completely unrelated
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!Sucking Cock: I love it in my face, in my mouth, down my throat. Turns me on like crazy and I love what it does to my man~
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You should do one of these for your apple family, MLPG
brokenenglishanon porfis
MLPG is made possible in part by
The Carnegie Foundation
and shitposters like you
Fuck off Tex/Kraut
Yeah I feel like there aren't great chances of her coming back either since most plots that would involve a sick animal would probably just have Fluttershy seeing after them.
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But she's too fat and helpless to really do much. It took a lot of pushing and shoving to cram her inside Carousel Boutique and she's not coming back out unless she somehow gets fat enough to bring down the house from the inside out.
>tfw no apple family
Real Talk: MLPG is a thread on 4chan for discussing and promoting fan contributions for the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Those are nice dragon necks. I want to see Corey dragon in that style.
>tfw no one draws you birthday art
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>dat pudgy belly
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But I don't have an apple family
I'ma have to bop you one for that, anon. It's nothing personal.
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Well it's a good thing artists come here to have fun and draw pony, and not to seek improvement or intensive art knowledge.

I swear, it's like you forget you're in a My Little Pony General, and not /ic/!

Just ask you bum
fuckin totally. I was real disappointed all we got were asshole dude teen dragons.
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Doesn't she look good already?
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I would not mind if they work together.
I hate how this artist draws his misshaped heads.
Thanks for putting on a name, fucko.

Not done shitposting yet?
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>not naming your hawlucha MuchaLucha
Have you ever tried doing fat pones that aren't amorphous blobs? Like taut round belly?
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holy shit we're not dead at all
I should stay up longer more often
>any post I don't like is a shitpost, even if it has new art
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Well that's not a bad idea
That doesn't seem likely, Rarity has a really big house
Sounds awkward to ask
>not naming it Pollo Loco
Well yes, Ross is shitposting by not putting on a name so I don't have to look at his garbage.

How hard is it to put on a name?
>Not naming all your main-team pokemon

Some people are missing a lot of fun
Usually there's a whole lot of shitposting at this time. We have a fair amount of shitposting now, but it's often twice as much.
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How about a pegasi family?
But I named it Nacho
>not LosTiburon
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>stay up longer
>hey [POPULAR MLPG ARTIST], can you draw me Pinkie wishing me a happy birthday?
You can block his images via MD5 filtering easily
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Depends on the artist
i agree
but who doesn't already know this
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>le edgy headcanon

>you can't name your pokemon "Shit, I" anymore
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But it's pretty gay to specifically ask people to give you birthday presents

Yes, I can block one image at a time. One he won't post again for a whole thread.

That really helps me not see him.
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Mi hermano
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Mewbs pls
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Dooks none of relatives are ponies
We've been over this
But then everyone would ask them
Or lie about birthday
Dude. I can't even name one 'Spike' because it has 'spik' in it which is sorta like 'spic' which is stupid
but... the necks anon! the long serpentine necks!
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>relatives are simply deceased
You're not asking them to buy you a new car here, it's just a doodle

Plus it works both ways, it makes them feel good to give it to you
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60 KB
>it makes them feel good to give it to you
That's patriarchal talk
>feeling down
>don't talk to anyone about it for fear of being a bother
>keep it to myself and feel progressively worse
>start thinking that I could disappear tomorrow and no-one would care
i'm starting to scare myself
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>not edgy
Realest Talk: That what this board is meant for, MLPG is just a beacon for a small amount of people from /co/ that fails to move on

Some of them do.
Some of them even say it the only place that give them critique.
I care about you now, Anon

Wanna talk?
Are they singing Winter Wrap Up?
>those meaty thighs
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Yeah, but I like the soft factor. I only try to draw the absolute necessary rolls of fat and keep anything extra off. I've tried streamlining the fat for it to be sleek and easy to draw in action or for stronger poses.

>you will never see an episode of Rarity pushing relentlessly and grinding on Fluttershy's fat body

I wonder if there's a correlation
Welcome to the club.
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You're simply coming to logical conclusions.
Good. Don't let self-preservation instincts get in the way of your thinking.
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>parents dieing in a little girls show
>not edgy
How canon is "applejack's parents are dead?"

Cause i mean it's show canon already there's literally no logical way to deny that
and that's exactly why I don't talk to anyone about it
I don't want to be like him
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Put on a name, you fucking loser.

Stop forcing me to see this shit.
Why do they all have penises for legs?
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>it's show canon already there's literally no logical way to deny that

this is a really creative way to bait
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>streamlining the fat for it to be sleek
oh I know
you're PENKI PI
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Yes...yes I see your point.

A Draponian. Have you not learned from the puns??
That one episode with the shooting stars
This guy's right, but >>14057533 has a point. It's all but been spelled out on the show, anybody coming up with a convincing alternative explanation for their absence would have to be pretty creative about it.
>make some stupid joke post on /v/
>leave auto updater on
>come home from work
>millions of retards replying to my post, shocked at the fact that someone could say such a thing

At least MLPG knows how to take a joke.
Right guys?
Confirmed by a writer on twitter or something.

it's only bait if you disagree
who's going to disagree
It's not show canon, it's been suggested by plenty of people that it might be the case, but I don't think anyone on the staff outright said that they are, maybe they want to bring her mother back as long lost #D235D2 princess of apple
>streamlining the fat for it to be sleek

Gave me a chuckle.

Fair enough though. Do what you like.
But you aren't drawing fat anymore
It has ceased being a cohesive mass and just always looks like a pile of sausages or mashed potatoes
>it's show canon already there's literally no logical way to deny that
i see school's out.
don't forget me!
but it's ok if you do
Nobody wants to be like that little shit. As long as you don't act like a braindead autist who keeps pushing his shit into everyone's face without a pause then you should be fine.
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shout and dovne and megasweet and braeburned and spaerk and kevinsano and saine and japanon and reuniclus and sir r and caluriri and jessy and jb and sb and disco and noink and dotkwa and xieril pls

Actually it has been confirmed by show staff.

Show staff confirmed that the shooting stars represent her dead parents.
Link to the joke, Maester Troll?
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Moot you rotten little cunt I swear on me mum.
no one cares about you homolord
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It's not show canon. It's not even canon. It's implied, and Faust said she wanted it that way, but it's not canon.

If the current writers wanted them to return, they could without a problem.
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Sleeker than it would be in real life. Less rolls, clearer silhouettes, more defined shape for the tummy, etc. I'm with you guys, I don't care for IRL fat, either, that's why I romanticize it and take everything that I think are the positive aspects.

Depends on what is said. Some people can say the stupidest shit on the Internet nowadays
>that pic
I don't want to zoom in slowly on them making those faces. That would be scary.
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Grand Theft Pony: Las Pegasus
Haha I was wondering why you seemed so upset.
Look, you're never going to go anywhere with your art. Your name turns up loads of disgusting fetish garbage when googled. Your only fans are fatfurs.

The LEAST you could do is put on a name so I don't have to deal with seeing your failures.
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I said that the earth wasn't a planet. I'm sure you could find it in the archive if you looked hard enough.
I don't understand why people would think that's anything but a joke.
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>tfw still no season 4 trailer
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I like you

[citation needed]
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you can >sibsy
all you want but it's literally show canon this is how the episode was written and storyboarded and meant to be interpreted.

hell the shooting stars are even juxtaposed with dialogue that references them not being there
>Ross trying to be more like GG
It's really gotten pathetic.

You should take about it to someone. Not everyone is as inept as Kraut and the fact that he's hated is entirely his own fault. Just be reasonable with it and go to someone you can trust.

What if she's lying?
Applejack's parents are canon shooting stars

She's a starchild
>I'm with you guys, I don't care for IRL fat, either
But there are women whose fat does have less rolls, a clearer silhouette, and a more defined tummy shape
And you 'romanticized' version of fat looks nothing like it, and instead looks like a pile of... stuff
I think you're pretty swell
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What a false statement
That's what I said, man. It's all BUT canon.
If you can come up with an alternative, be my guest, but you've got a lot of explaining to do if they're somehow still alive.
Show staff seems to be Word of God in levels of canon. Just under the show, I think.
It's my headcanon they're dead because that's just the most simple answer, but if anybody wants to come up with an alternative in a fic or similar, it's important to note that at no point would that be DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED by the show.
Now you're just being silly
It was great when it was subtle and left room to interpretation, but unfortunately someone blew it.


It doesn't really say anywhere that they are dead, but fuck, if it were less subtle you'd get to see their graves.

I love IRL fat girls and hate Ross's
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there's plenty people here with the capacity to get mad at jokes
Found it for you

What I meant to say in less words, yes
I love fat women but hate Ross' drawings of fat women
applejack confirmed for alicorn princess soon
lets just say that you have a LOT easier time arguing her parents are dead, as apposed to the arguement that they're alive.

while there's multiple facts/implications for the side of "they're dead", there's literally nothing that says "they're alive" except "we haven't seen their gravestones with their names on them! !!"
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>implying they're not going to rammed in without lube like Shiny and Cadence
are you Croptool?

If they're dead then how did they make applejack?
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>Applejack's parents are canon shooting stars
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You know there's probably several little kids who don't have parents that can relate to Applejack, why take that away?
Going to /v/
You can stay there.
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Oh, come on now, half of them probably weren't thinking you were serious and just wanted to join in the fun to overreact and post a funny reaction picture/
Current argument is "it's canon they're dead you can't argue" versus "it's only implied that they are dead and not 100% undeniable canon"
aww, you're all swell too
I fucking feel it
But I'm at school
We can't get busy here unless it's someone's fetish
>you me boning gogogo
I accept pony's spontaneous offer, let's go to beb.
This is very
very important

Which pony is this?
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is this a boy pony or a girl pony
It's not even 5:45
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Well, they're not as fat, so yeah, go figure.
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I can be anypony you want hon. But it's double if an alicorn.
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Put on a name, Shitler.

Turn into the horse from Beauty and the Beast
Best I could do. I thought literal meaning can be silly. Then I screwed up at leaving filename.
b-but you're a boy

Will you take a request?
sometimes i wish i knew who hates me and who doesn't
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20 KB
How dis?
Do-- >>14057820
what he said
>implying changelings aren't androgynous except for the queen.
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96 KB

Is... is that a yes?
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What's sweetie belle looking at?
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21 KB

Dammit, meant to have text with it.

What do you have in mind, is what I meant to type?
I giant bowl of ICE CREAM
erotic greentext about her
Awful. Cheerilee isn't that fat. Try something easier like Mr Ed

Oh okay, I think YOU PUTTING ON A FUCKING NAME JESUS CHRIST would be kinda hot...
Oh Okay I'll take that one
Let's do it
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31 KB
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[MLP:FiM Link Board]
Version 8.2.1 10/15/13
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In my attempt to get autismbux I told the therapist how much I wanted to be a pony.
Needless to say, it worked.
>her face when I got to pony husband part

I don't even want to be a pony now, I want to be a dog.
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Fluttershy in a Nightmare Night costume that she's bursting out of
|Official Ross Request Form|

Will you please draw [pony]
(must check at least two of the following)
[ ] stuck in a doorway
[ ] pushing someone stuck in a doorway
[ ] blushing at being fat
[ ] blushing at someone fat
[ ] lifting up a fatty
[ ] mime makeup
[ ] no regard for skeletal structure
[ ] pile-of-mashed-potatoes fat

DISCLAIMER: By requesting a picture by Ross, you immediately forfeit your idea and he will replace it with his own.
wow you tricked them
>pony husband part
do tell
This >>14057906
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>In my attempt to get autismbux I told the therapist how much I wanted to be a pony.
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Sure, that sounds cute.
Why the heck would that be relevant for a diagnosis?
Aren't you being tested for your cognitive capacity, style of learning, nonverbal communication skills and whatnot?
why is sasha so perfect
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55 KB
Rarity would not drink Pepsi, this is the worst meem ever

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I am guessing the fact he has a husbando

The better question is which pony
oops, meant for: >>14057927
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268 KB JPG
t-they're slowly coming this way
I told her how I wanted a loving pony stallion as a husband, who works for the guard and knows the princess on a first name basis. I told her how our honeymoon would go and that we would live in a nice house in ponyville and I would have a neat garden.
I already did, but she came a second time and then I had to break out the big guns and even show her my pony drawings and merch.
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Well that took some time. Cheers.
I really like those colors. It looks so comfy.

You should draw more stuck/overfed things

That cauldron Sonic cover you did was fucking great

Actually you know what. What costume do you have in mind?
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4 KB
thanks m80
I can just picture her out at the bar with her friends afterwards and her telling them all about your desires and them just dying with laughter
You think I give a shit?
It's money, I don't care what I have to say, I just don't want to work.
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60 KB
A business suit. She should be the director of a cartoon, looking for artists.

and when she looks up your art, she should be disgusted to the point of throwing up, and pointing you out the door
>I told her how our honeymoon would go and that we would live in a nice house in ponyville and I would have a neat garden.
Did she survive?
as someone with very slightly more self-respect, I want advice on how you got over yourself to do that
not having self respect
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302 KB GIF
I told myself
>Well it's either work a bunch of hours for shitty pay
>Not work and still get paid
It's a pretty easy decision
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Well, I have a few ideas, a pumpkin, a bunny suit, ghost costume, Mystery Mare, changeling, whichever you like
Do you think that pony would mind if I inserted a cucumber into her?
something something anal sex something something
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7 KB
I'm sure pony would appreciate if you made her a salad and fed it to her

Thats strange, you don't have a derpibooru tag
something something facesit something sweaty something something motorboat
ross's art career
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something rimjob something something butt massage something hotdogging
careers are for people who get paid for their work, like PHN.
Ross wants to have an art career. But so far the only people that have paid him for his squiggles are fatfurs that will shell out money for anything that resembles their OCs.

and it shows
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>anon quit hogging the covers
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Old horses never die anon, they just fade away
I thought PHN just did coloring for career work.
You've got plenty right there you smelly horse

stay on your side of the bed, you're all damp
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>Implying furries are bad with money.
I thought they were missing in action.
Past performance is not an indicator of future results
You thought wrong. I talk to him daily so yeah, he talks about his career often.
The same shitty performance for three years is an indicator of being awful
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Hush, I need my beauty sleep
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No those are the threads in the archive that are 404s

Known but to God
Yes you do you ugly donkey
Cecil pls
I've been never using booru. I've seen my stuff under cheshiresdesires though. No easy names for me I guess.
I'm imagining Ross saying this as someone looks at a google search of his gross fetish art

It's hilarious
It's not a sure-fire indicator, but more likely than not, when it comes to people, it is.
Pony wanted me to tell you that the eagle has nested.
The crow squawks at midnight.

Whatever that means
Huh, I thought I'd searched that one.


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ghastly gorge should be in ponykart
>Shit at everything, I dropped out of HS because I was shit at all my classes
>Try new thing
>shit at it too
I call it money and those were needed at the moment.
I don't think I've ever seen PHN's work, but just saying you make money for your art is not impressive. Tony Fleece makes money off his art.
We were planning to connect the diamond dog mines track with ghastly gorge iirc, but we had other maps to work on so save for very few props no work got done on that.
Oh, no, not that you drew...that, just lamenting over my lack of funds for similar things.
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Pony needs to stop saying such silly things. I mean I told her last time, I don't even know where mount Niitaka is and I certainly have no desire to climb it
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my dick should be in Pinkie Pie

these two scenarios are equally likely to happen

he's been drawing his whole life


people here mope about how they wish they started earlier.
Damn it, I'd just got this out of my head

Who are we talking about?
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>hasn't seen PHNs work

astounding, he made a dozen or so mlp things. if you read comics i am sure youve seen some of his pictures around
BDF was only drawing for a couple of months, and the stuff he drew was leaps and bounds ahead of Ross.

No wonder Ross comes here to shitpost, it's the only place that cares about him.
I'd hog that pony
I'm not saying making money off your work is impressive, I'm pointing out how shit Ross is for not being able to make money off his work.
Do ponies ever feel lonely?

Applejack is meant to be shared, anon.
If I went to Equestria, I'd tell the ponies that humans can only survive nights by sharing body heat through physical contact
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I dunno. I don't think I can believe that. He speaks with too much technicality and draws with such technique that there's no way he only drew for a few months. If he did, he was definitely being taught by somebody.
Or he's a very quick learner.
Damn, we've already had that argument before...
A few months ago. Time flies.
I just like shitting on him because of how inferior he is to everyone else. Though I've stopped recently because its a waste of my time. I still remind him it's shit here and there
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fine, you can have her, just give me any other pony
I just want a pony to hold with my eyes closed so I can sleep
We're talking about BDF, man.
meta pls go
The tiger looks way better than Fluttershy to be honest
oh herp.

thought >>14058379 replied to someone else
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Who's aura is this? Only one I can think of is Celestia
He might have developed observational skills before he started drawing.

That generally helps a lot when starting out.
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are you going to be long?
Applejack has to get ready for work
Ross pls go*


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Celestia, Lyra, Fancypants and a few others have gold auras

Could be anything really
I assume it's its own aura and it was just enchanted
There are more ponies than colors
few hours ago

Please vote. I gots to know.
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>No one will made a feel comic about Spike and Mane 6
There should be more options.

I like both, but I strongly prefer movie streams so I voted for movie streams.
That reminds me did we ever have that Luna vs Celestia poll after autosage?
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>Mane 6

Forgot to make it
>go out with fluttershy
>she is wearing jorts and a fedora

wat do?

I was mulling that over but wasn't sure how to word it. So i left the clear cut answers in.
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Sunbutt stronk.
>That one brony
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>6 to 1 for Celestia

this is the MLPG I know and love
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>Mane 6
>Not Mane 7
beef stroganov
has anyone acknowledged that depression culture really is becoming a thing?
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I hope that the position works out for her

Or at least gets her in good favor with the higher ups.
what do you mean?
that'd be the worst shit ever
It's becoming a clique

like gamers
There are more attractive people on the overweight side of the scale
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What happened to the rest of her name?

You can't hang a poll that says Princess Celest! Take it down and try again!
>that retarded brony making 8 votes with proxies
hahahaha why are lunafags so buttblasted
its just internet poll no one besides him careas about
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there are more health problems on the overweight side of the scale
Are you talking about that one guy who pretended to be depressed so that his kickstarter would be more popular because of people's empathy?
We couldn't fit it all in
Oh. That's weird, I mean I do have depression, and it's definitely a good idea to have friends that have experienced depression to be able to relate to, but a clique?
muh culture
I think so, anyway.

People treat it like it's a common interest.
Don't listen to him, you're not a slut.

Well, at least not as big of a slut as Rarity
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Dash is a different kind of slut
Rainbow Dash says that xieril has terrible taste in music.
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Thank you but that's still a very rude thing to call Fashionhorse, Anon
Shame on you
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All the ponies are pure maidens, anon.
I don't know if you guys are into cartoons these days, but the Steven Universe intro is out.

Yeah but most of them don't really have clinical depression.
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Aww yiss, Celestia.
that pony is too small
>listening to Dash's opinions on music when she likes synth pop
>One Piece will be on hiatus next week.
are you fucking shitting me
can I just have two straight weeks of this for once
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Y'all are cruisin' for a bruisin'
Most gamers aren't gamers, either.
Hmm, let me look that up.

Ah, here it is.

>Pure maiden (n.) - enjoys having sex regularly, in many positions, with one or more partners

You're right!
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its shit
The pilot for that was great
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small pony is best pony
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Except Mrs Cake. 2 kids both different races, what a slut.
Oh wow, it's really pretty
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They are little ponies anon

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OC ponies don't count.
>tfw one piece is the only manga (besides one punch man) that I look forward to
>only read bleach and naruto because i used to and want to see how those train wrecks end

The guy had fucking sharingarm, that was the end.
Oh man, this is great
watching this hurts my eyes
I can see the edges clipping everywhere
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>get into new series
>catch up
>hiatus or ded
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what a cutie
Rainbow Dash will cuddle with anyone, WITHOUT protection
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always watching
Mildly Optimistic
What kind of protection do you need when cuddling?
i liek the quality of that tail and the fact that the limbs on her right side spontaneously dislocate.
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Full body suits made of latex
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wow, are you me?
I always save one piece for last
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mrs ccake

you can't explain that

I do naruto, bleach, and then one piece.

Even when I liked a three (however many years ago), one piece always took the longest for me to read. Evey page is just so dense with interesting stuff.
what movie is this from
Who is that pony and why do I want to spoon with him?
Boku No Brave
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I'd go full skin on fur yo.
I don't think you want to do that, he's covered in precuddle
and I don't know
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I hope you get banned you freak
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Truly you are a master of lewdity
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Have a gif
>big donut
yeah I'm gonna watch it
Did you see that doujin where Celestia pees?
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You mean, no clothing? How lewd.
Porn when?

i win

ponies can, and are, sluts

I wish pony would hook me up to a cock milking machine
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the most intimate of cuddling
I wonder what that book is
is there a best way to download youtube videos while maintaining the quality or are they all pretty much the same?
I wish you'd shut the fuck up for once.
It's the En-shark-lopedia.
stay angry
Download helper
youtube center
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Perhaps he is on to something
pony wants to play doom coop with you
Pony asks why you aren't doing that thing you were supposed to do.
She looks kinda worried.
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I liked that Spike went out on his own but I was disappointed overall with the cheap "lol gags" delivery of the episode.

I thought it was interesting that Rarity wanted to keep him a baby and Twilight was the only one to really stick up for him and tell him to follow his heart. That really stuck out for me.

The lack of real resolution with Peewee and the fact it happened offscreen in a photo still pisses me off.
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both ears visible is my fetish
Hmm, but if he went full nudist all the time, he wouldn't be allowed to be a pony.
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You know whats even better?

Both cutie marks visible
Yes, always need the refresher.

I love what Oda did with Bartolomeo. Really did not except him to be a fanboy.
Would you?
Why was she so shocked though?

not in a million years
I consider spike an honorary 7th part of the mane 6
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when the mane 6 are all alicorn princesses, do you think they'll take on apprentices of their own?
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That is an odd but easily satisfied one!


He would have to be a completley normal townspony like all the other ones that never wear clothes if he did that
Would you care for a free lollipop?
What kind of half-assed moon is that
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a cuddle slut
But they wear clothes. They're just not interested in always showing off to you. But if you don't stop ogling them, they might be forced to cover up.

oh crap you're right
I feel sad for Luna.
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That sounds like a terrible alternate reality anon

That is the "borg are everywhere" alternate universe of pony
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>not posting best Crystal Gem
Get out of the holodeck, and love the ponies for the ponies and not your crazed lustful nudist slave colony fantasies of them, Sombra.
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yeah, I thought for sure he'd turn out to be some edgy generic dude
I wonder what's gonna happen with Bellamy, and I'm also a tiny bit gay for Zoro's disguise
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Why? She has lots of fun
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But I do love the ponies for being ponies anon

I just love them more when they aren't dressed like humans
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Maybe, but she only got 10 votes!
Well thats ten more than Twist
>You will never use Celestia's butt as a pillow
Let's draw together /mlpg/
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But they never dress like humans.
They dress like ponies, you silly!
Don't feel sorry for her. I love Celestia, but I like Luna too.
Oh shit, I still have it bookmarked.
Can I have both of them?
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Pinkie is a very substance influenced pony
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With the exception of guard armor and some of the gala dresses, generic pony clothing is not tailored to pony anatomy at all

They stick them in the exact same clothing forms used by bipeds. So no, most of them do not dress like ponies
Luna might regress into jelousy and worse yet, nightmare moon, if you don't handle this sort of thing with the utmost care

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What would make bonbon very happy?
I have enough love for both of them.
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But that pony's dressed like a pony. Do you even pony, or do you just complain that pony isn't the pony you dreamed about?

You would.
I've never played this series, but I've watched the trailer.
I couldn't tell what was happening on the screen. There were strong, glowing lights everywhere.
It does not matter if you do, but if they THINK you do.
Lyra liking her more than humans.
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The trailer you watched was just a "target render", as in it's not actual gameplay. Not to mention the game is probably only months into development. And what >>14059199 said.
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Pls no

I thought that had finally died

let it rest in peace anon
I will give my best then
i'm actually surprised that kh3 got a new trailer instead of ff15
Pony is going to mess you up if she sees you in real life
Pony just wants your love.
Tell pony I'm getting mixed messages.
Pony is pony.
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Rainbow Dash?
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So tsun tsun
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Someone should draw pony Gwyndolin
>fluttershy acts kind towards all animals to lower their sense of security
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That mouth/chin thing reminds me of this guy's work.
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die
>that one thing you requested, but never happened

What's her name, MLPG?
So Fluttershy would be the most likely pony to supply you with meat, right?
Can I add one to that?
>Things you were requested to do, but never got done
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and he ain't gonna jump no more!
That pony sure is a good jumper
Pony wearing a black tuque and teashades
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>I have live in Brony of Polska in past, what is my litle ponies? Thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:38, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
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Stephen Fry having a tea party with Rarity
I wish pony would corrupt me
I want to see a pony paratrooper now

even if it makes no sense
pony sticks a magnet on you

sangheili are one of my earliest nonhuman faps

That's not very attractive
pony didn't mean to push you away
it's pleasurable in a fetishy way

take it from someone who has a converse fetish and whose day was just made
if I had a horse dick I'd masturbate so much that only a footjob with sneakers on could get me off anymore