Pinkie thread!Discuss why she is bestest, prettiest and pinkiest pony!last not pink thread>>14042727
>>14046822She's pretty.
>>14046837and then pinkie procures an exact duplicate from her mane
>>14046837But AJ can just pull her hat out of her marevag
>>14046845yeah she is
Still Haven't Watched EQG Master Race
>>14046822man, nobby or somebody needs to color this pinkHEY DOOKS ARE YOU AROUND?
Can we be OC now?
>>14046899No please no.
>>14046899No. Go make a thread about them or something.
Which of the mane 6 will have the best dress upon their princess ceremony?
>>14046890I tried. Goodness knows I've tried. But after two minutes or so I instinctively close the window.
>>14046899>the very first oneDamn son where'd you get this
>>14046899SureGood OCs are fun
>>14046899I like the second one, the one that looks like luna, and the one right under the second one that looks like that llama faust drew for the fighting game
>>14046895It's too sketchy though.
>>14046899>>14046925Those are some damn cute manestyles, some of those.I like the really moppy ones.
>>14046890>skipping pony>master raceBith I hated every last second of MMDW and OWTEWYou can handle EQG, stop being such a babby
>>14046935Where muh batpones then.
>>14046899If you can post decent ones. I have never minded decent OCs pones, only the excessive silly special snowflake ones
>>14046928This one is my favorite.I've seen a lot of people say they dislike her because she's overdesigned, but I think this is one of the few cases where being overdesigned works in their favor.
>>14046950>EQG>"pony"enjoy your semi-related hasbroshit, brony
>>14046961This. Cute ocs only.
>>14046837Pinkie was actually taking them to Rarity's Orphaned Hats Charity and now Applejack's hat is on track to being sold at an auction
>>14046957if you're in to that sort of thing
>>14046967Why'd someone take a picture of this?
>>14046928And rare
>>14046967>Texans fango cheer Matt Schaub's injury more, faget
>>14046928I still fucking hate sentenal for deleting his archive.
>>14046909H-hey would you mind putting a whole bunch of pink on the OP pic please?>>14046942Nobody cares about redoing it on his tablet
>>14046991Mare transformation.
>>14046822what does that say, pank?
>>14046976NOPE, TOO LATE!
>>14046967>black guy>white girl>likely stolen motorcycleWhy didn't you call the cops instead of taking a picture?
>>14046957All over the place
>>14046967What kind of little likes ponies, holy shit what an autist
>>14047007It's fine, the white girl liked fluttershy anyways
Make way for Japan
>>14046991>>14046999And you had such potential too
>>14046965It is made by the same staffhas the same charachtersis canon to the worldhas the brand name attatchedIt is pony
>>14047022I listen to it once a day
>>14046996you're an idiot if you think that actually matteredit was mirrored here almost immediately:
>>14046992>RARE? Good OCs are way more than Rare
>>14047010I ship these two. It works.
I hear somebody say batponies
>>14046963Not having eye-raping color schemes does wonders for any OC. It automatically reduces the amount of initial on-sight hate.
this one is extra adorable
>>14046957oh hey, there's a new word to filterthanks
>>14046996But he didn't delete it. He shared it with everyone and then stopped hosting it.
>>14047063Sure whatever nigga.
>>14047063thanks for letting me know you're filtering italso be sure to bring it up whenever you see a filtered post so you can gloat about not seeing something
>>14047061>my special talent is speaking spanish>in a spanish speaking worldaye caramba
>>14047052bad color schemes is indeed a major immediate eye melterbut for me things that also kill it are bad mane styles, IE a design that does not understand what a mane is at all, and accessories. Oh god, the accessories
>>14047036>good OC discussionI think it's time to talk about best OC
>>14046767There's a good chance Celestia, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle already have. Luna might not have gotten into them yet, though. Perhaps you could attempt an arrangement there.>>14046836The magic will find you.With friends.
>>14047075>implying i have stubs onand new words don't filter unless one refreshes.which i'm doing right now
>>14047022God damn
>>14046822Fyi, Pinkie would never condone the nickname "pank" "ponk" "pongo" or any of the like
>>14047096Chronicle did nothing wrong
>>14047090>Oh god, the accessoriesWhere's that cap of the How2Manga book about accessories?
>>14040092Guys, I think I want a flat-chested humanized Rainbow Dash for my waifu.I would do things in order to do things to her.
>>14046990it's a pretty strange sight
>>14047134>implying that thing is RD
>>14047134She doesn't like you calling her flat
I like this OC.
>>14047112here comes the self appointed penk police who somehow know exactly what Punkue Pia wants
>>14047134would you get physically fit?
>>14047139A MLP backpack? Not really
>>14047154It's a hyperbole to exaggerate her amazing figure. She's streamlined and I like it.
>>14047153Yeah, that's Emi.
>>14047139>A child wearing a backpack based on a children's show is strangeWhat universe are you living in?
Cave Stormer here!I fight monsters for money, get drunk, and hit on Fillies. I also babysit researchers in the field for money and go into dangerous caverns/temples to acquire artifacts, also for money.My cutie mark is a sword sheathed in a pile of riches.My best magical spells include healing injuries and creating a sword and shield made of energy to fight with. My common sense is meh, but I'm pretty decent at puzzle time I fought a dragon and lost and was bed ridden for 2 months while the burns healed.
>>14047170I would eat ALL the oats and do ALL the squats. You don't even know.
>>14047134Rest assured, I will exhaust every possible ending in that game multiple times if it's ever released
>>14047063My feelings are so hurt
>>14046996It's okay anon, it's okay. We've got a new mirror, new archive and soon a new server. Nothing of value was lost.
>>14047098Sounds like a plan then.Should I tell the princess my predicament or leave it be?
>>14047211Link to the new archive?
>>14047205I love mangos!
>>14047223read the backlinks
>>14047174A black guy on a motorcycle with a backwards ballcap giving a ride to a small white girl with a big a My Little Pony themed outfit and no head protection is kind of strangeReally though, I'm pretty sure its illegal to have children on a motorcycle without a helmet, and anyone who would do it anyway shouldn't have custody of a child
>>14047205But I dont like mangos. They give me the runs
>>14047233Uhthanks anon, you're a lot of help
>>14047098So, this is all terrifically adventureboner-y and all, but those lewd thoughts from earlier have to have some explanation. How did they get in my head? Who, if anybody, was responsible for them being transmitted that way? Hell, what happens if I meet my own author?Looks like I've already got a quest.
>Hey anon, you you want to ride it?what do
>>14047191>pony creator>accessory overload>blank flank>terrible yet cliche description6/10 would be moderately rustled
>>14047168We'll see who's laughing when we go to Equestria and Pinkie ignores you for calling her "Penka Poo"i'll be like "please ignore my friend, he's an idiot"
>>14047263I've seen that exact idea drawn by someone else
>>14047263But how will it lift off? It is obvious it is missing an engine. Shit, a kerbal would build a better rocket
>>14047205Please tell me more about Batponies.I have never been to their threads and I am to lazy to go to them.Why is that one so cute?
>>14047223pls respond
Everyone in this thread is getting a pony!
>>14047235Thank you for explaining the contents of the picture to me, since I'm blind and all. But you still haven't answered the main question: What exactly is notable?
>>14047202it will be.
>>14047263Pffft, sure. It doesn't look like that thing has any means of propulsion. I'll just ride in it and make some sound effects, I'm pretty good at those.>>14047112I bet Pinkie loves nicknames.I want to see an episode where she gives a nickname to a pony that the pony takes the wrong way, and Pinkie has to learn that sometimes things you say can be hurtful, even if you didn't mean for them to be.>>14047270His cutie mark is described, though.
>>14047251Those aren't backlinks.
>>14047310Do I get to choose?
>>14047281It seems to be drawn a lot actually
>>14047310As long as it isn't an orange one>tfw woke up to a roach crawling on my face
>>14047303They're all rather cute.
>>14047327Yes they are. What you're looking at is replies.I'd thank you for real, but you're a shithead.
>>14047332R-Rara sama!!
>>14046996sentenal was always mentally unstable. This proves everything I have said for the past 3 months to be truth. With any luck, he'll leave, fall further into autistic madness, and try to take someone out before being taken out himself. Or he'll just kill himself.
>>14047310Where are the ponies coming fromwho gets whats pony
>>14047277>Implying I would greet my waifu for the first time ever with PANK!And what's with this "we" shit?Also I feel like I'm arguing with the same anon from a week or so ago
>>14047270Its not cliche if I did it first! Also, i didn't know how to insert a cutie mark because I am art program illiterate.
>>14047350mlpg can't possibly mean that much to one person
>>14047347Doesn't justify your laziness
>>14047365I really wonder sometimes...
>>14047365He bought Tex a 500 dollar computer, anon
>>14047351You get Twilight, the most nonbackground pony there is!And this guy >>14047333 gets this one!
>>14047373well i like browsing here but im not going to lose any sleep over you fags
>>14047365To the retarded, anything can be the world.
>>14047348You know what, I may not like Dash that much, but having her around would probably motivate me to work out and spend less time on the computer.
>>14047372It's not laziness, it's ignorance. I didn't know that someone linked it already, and you told me to check the backlinks.So you're also stupid, on top of being a shithead.
na na na na na na na na bat pone!!!
>>14047398Or she'd just nap around your house all day and be super lazy since she didn't have to clear the clouds.
>>14047384IIRC he said 500 in his thread, and the 800 was just a myth
>>14046899fuck off nohooves
>>14047353as soon as you call her pank, she gets uncomfortable in the relationship and never returns your calls
>>14047409That's the weird thing about Dash that bothers me with this show.Is she lazy or does she enjoy working out and sports?
>>14047433ur a bakadyewts
>>14047435Master Chief could wreck them both
>>14047435I want to be the cyborg.
>>14047457Samus could take all their cocks at once
>>14047448She's been show to be both lazy and have interest in working out.I just think those are pretty weird characteristics for one character to have.
>>14047467That she could.
>>14047433She's both depending on her moodSometimes she's napping and sometimes she's practicing a trick.The real question is why does she nap in trees when clouds must be far superior.Applejack's trees...
Pony wants you to know that things turned out okay in the end, and the transfer was a complete success and that even though you're a human in the human world with no knowledge of what happened she'll always have a place for you in her heart and prays they can find a way to bring you back again someday.
>>14047220Depends on how you'd want to play it, but even if she started without knowledge, it's unlikely she wouldn't pick up on the buzz soon enough, from trends in dreams if nothing else. Would you rather her burst in asking you things from your "adventures" but possibly have some time to prepare for that, or would you try and defuse that by piquing her curiosity early on while simultaneously giving yourself a possible excuse?Bear in mind, either way, she just may insist on dragging you along to a supposed adventure site with a guard retinue.>>14047258Quite a few mysteries on your hand, and you're just getting started!
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>14047433She enjoys going fast and showing offThat means she has to be in good shape, so she doesBut she also enjoys naps and snacksUsain Bolt ate chicken nuggets before running
>>14047506That's because he knew the toilet was at the end of the finish line
>>14047495Goodnight, anon.
>>14047380You are a cruel man, anonymous
Alright MLPG, I'm curious now
>>14047392>>14047377>>14047365>>14047350>>14046996Why does MLPG hate the mentally disabled?
>>14047433She isn't lazy she is just efficient at her job so she can enjoy her free time two is still going! Vote for (better) pony!PP vs TS: vs RD: vs FS:
>>14047428Then I go to Sugercube Corner ask what's wrongPinkie loves to talk so I'm sure we can talk this out.
>>14047484Obviously I'd be up for any adventure she'd put me on until the inevitable problem solving where I'm briefly stumped and she asks me >Why don't you just do that thing you did in your book? That worked well., at which point I had better have a solution.
>>14047531They need their daily dose of ego elation.
kissu kissu
>>14047543I'm there and i tell you she doesn't want to talk to you. You can see her hiding in the kitchen of the store a few feet back. When you leave i tell her she can come out now
>>14047578I like my ponies like I like my Pokemon Legendaries.10 and under.
>>14047578Sparity a shit, even more-so when Rarity is initiating. wow
>no pinkie being postedExplain.
>>14047582Is it friday already?
No YOU'RE a shit
>>14047592>not clearing the chamberStep it up.
>>14047592>"Yo dweeb, you wouldn't happen to know where those brownies of my went do ya?"
>>14047627DAKARA HI HI HI
>>14047592It must be hard to hit a bong with a beak.She'd light it while you take inhale, then you'd shotgun her a hit.
>>14047594So let me get this straightyou fags have been making threads none stop for three yearsall for this cartoonYes, I can clearly see your need to make fun of others. The reality of yourselves would bring you to tears, if you had any shame.
>>14047587Your favorite ship a shit.
>>14047632Fluttershy is the LAW OF THE JUNGLE
>>14047632Those fish no longer wished to be alive, or Fluttershy is THE enforcer of the Circle of Life
>>14047646Maximum overbait, etc.
>>14047632There's the mayor on route to her officeThere's Fluttershy killing some fishMy PonYville is so gentle and stillWill things ever go wrong? I don't think that they will
>>14047652It's a good thing I don't ship
>>14047665>Fluttershy as an undertakerOh god why is this amusing enough to draw?
>>14047587What if Rarity is drunk at the time and comes onto sweet innocent young Spike?
EQG is fanfictionNo wonder MLPG likes it so much
>>14047632Otters gotta eatEventually they too will die, and their corpses will decompose and produce nutrients that will filter back through the food chain and nourish the fish that later generations of otters will eat.Its all really very poetic, but Fluttershy has learned not to talk about it to other ponies.
>>14047263That rocket looks like something the Eds would throw together
>>14047703Otters are the best anthro.Followed by kangaroos, and then falcons.
>>14047703sounds just like Fluttershy
>>14047694Look inside your heart, anon. There's a little pony inside all of us.
>>14047632Better let me eat some of that fish.
>>14047703She knows more than anyone in town.Those who are unfortunate to find out are forced to take their due in the circle.
>>14047682Nothing, get off my bed I want to sleep.
>>14047716anthro kangaroo unf unf
>>14047698Not really.try /mlp/.
>>14047726I did this to my friend once.Except I sold all of his items and mailed all the money to my character.
>>14047632Fish aren't cute, otters are. Survival of the cutest, and why your favorite pony is dying in season 4
>>14047735>>14047703>>14047665>>14047679I'd read that manga
>>14047739>FS>not a potheadDYEWTS
>>14047739>that football
>>14047742They're always drawn muscular or athletic, that's why they're the best.
>>14047716Anon pleaseI'm trying to talk about poniesWhat sort of things do you think your favorite pony has learned not to talk about for the sake of others?And everybody knows dragons make the best anthros
>>14047731I want to fuck that pregnant anthroJeeezZzz
>>14047531Justification for hate and makes them feel better about their own shortcomings.
>>14047761second best, even.
Today we will be learning about pony anatomy!
>>14047754So Fluttershy?
>>14047763You can hate it, manBut this isn't a noble quest, it's a Sissyphysian errand but ponies
>>14047754but my favorite pony is cutest prettiest all around best pony
>>14047763you could at least try to post ponies in armorI mean, I could go find a whole bunch of pictures of furries smoking potbut I don't because I'm not fucking retarded
Whenever people ask me who my favorite artist is I say Hitler.
>>14047771Twilight doesn't talk about how the earth revolves around the sun and the moon around the earth. AJ in particular would be horribly offended, being a fundamentalist celestian. Once in a while, her a fluttershy get together for tea and intellectual discussion about how the world really works.
>>14047790No anon, best pony is going to be fine
geez nicole"i have sent you the last page of star swiiiiiiiirl.the bearded's unfinished spell!"
>>14047801it started out hot but then declined the more I took in
>>14047781Seriously though, get your illegal drug paraphernalia out of here. It attracts the worst kinds of people who are still floating around after the drug threads were(mercifully) banned.
>>14047824We know but what about Fluttershy?
>>14047632"Hey you adorable little fishies. I've arrived to collect your Tithe to the Forest.""Here you go, Mr and Mrs Otter. All who live, die. Let our deaths cause others to live. Such is the law and the way. See ya later!"
>>14047739hold up, why's he got a football?
>>14047814headcanon denied
>>14047837>It attracts the worst kinds of peopleYEAHI KNOW
Pony is too poor to give candy on Nightmare Night, it has to give these
>>14047827he was unable to finish and thus abandon it
If Fluttershy is so good at taking care of animals then why can't she take care of herself?
>>14047862it's justher delivery is so awfuli know she probably phoned this in for a quick paycheck but still
>>14047833>>2 favorite ponies>least favorite pictureHOW'D YA DO IT?
>>14047837you're one of those "worst kind of people" and if you just ignored things you don't like, there wouldn't be any big deal.
Updated the color scheme, added halberd, perhaps more ponies/gryphs and background.>>14047763>>14047802I really like armor.>>14047582K...kiss?
>>14047868Because she thinks that she doesn't have to take care of herself if she can validate by having others need her.
>>14047880oh godand now fluttershy is talking when applejack's line comes upwhat the fuck is this quality control
It's her or DJ Acid.
>>14047885May I direct you to Global Rule 1.
>>14047900> quick let me dump no pony /k/ shit all over
>>14047905The Mystery Box
>>14047845but why?
wow, this thread is patheticsomeone take it out of its misery already
>>14047922... But you didn't direct him to Global Rule 1.At least do it right.
>>14047880it was fucking with me the whole episode
>>14047905DJ Acid.It's ball worship night.
>>14047905Her. I like to get fucked by nonradioactive dicks.
>>14047925>drugs are totally pony guys, I promise!Posting them with ponies does not make them related.
this is the worst thread I've seen in a long timeI'm taking my ponies now.
Pony comes up to you asking for her gift.
>>14047951Posting images with no ponies whatsoever is not a step in the right direction.
i'm 12 and what is this
>>14047922>pictures of pot>illigal>discussion of a culture>illigal>discussion of being high>illigal>actually being high>illigalnone of these things are actually illegal. no rules broken.
Let's just talk about why ponies should all be huge and fat with breasts bigger than their heads.
>>14047583jesus, is she autistic?I really don't like your headcannon anon
>>14047959O-ohY-yeah I totally got it, it's just at my house...Let me go get it, no you can't come with!
Fuck it, should I kill the thread?
>>14047922>>>/global/rules/3/>In essence: Don't shitpost.
>>14047992Cause it'd be kinda hot?
>>14047992Twilight wants you to stop staring at her...staring at her...nether-pillows
Y'all need some ponies.
>>14047992I was with you til the breast thing. Teats should be proper size.
>>14047991>>14047969>>14047949>>14047930>>14047904>>14047883>>14047865>>14047849>>14047835>>14047805THIS is what girls do in the bathroom?
which one and how hard?
>>14048006Just post ponies manThis shit happens all the time and deleting shit isn't going to help anything
>>14048006They will just carry it into the next thread. Report and ignore.
>>14047992The one with tits is 2lewd
>>14048019What did you think they did, poop?Get real Anon
>>14048014We need wet ponies.
>>14048019Only in the disjointed Hollywood and Glee version of reality.
>>14048006Holy shit, kill yourself.We never kill the thread, you fuck.
>>14048023the top 2, because they actually have vagina's
>>14048019Almost. In real life, they talk like this while pushing out turds.
>>14048027Which means we become the more popular board compared to the other boards they could've decided to post actual content in but didn't.Aren't we the best?
I think Applejack is the prettiest pony.
>>14047594Oh god I'm getting Food Fight flashbacks
>>14048006What's with this culture of being a pussy fuck and deleting threads with only light shitposting?
>>14047886Nice!I especially like it that you didn't make the bard pony a unicorn. Most people do that because they assume they can't play otherwise, like how Lyra is usually drawn playing her harp with her magic. I think that's silly: there's nothing stopping her from playing it by propping it up and hitting the strings with her hooves like hammers or strumming.
>>14048023NoneWith the force of 1000 suns.
>>14048003no she's totally cool, but you'll never find out!
aaaaaahahahmy tumblr feminism shit won out to your armuor
>>14048050It isn't about the content. The guy is just throwing a temper tantrum because things don't go his way. Not only that, he won't actually communicate with any quality.
>MLPG>ever not shitposting generalits like a containment thread within a containment board.
>>14048014based mewball
>>14048014chistery how do I into a library job? Is it just knowing the right people?
>>14048078We're still feeding off his "shitposting" and reaping all the benefits.And the naive one doesn't have to know.
>>14048067>cum inflation winningHAHA yes!
>>14048079We've heard it before, pal.State your beef and leave.
>>14048068>mods okay with armor spamIt's almost like the mods don't give a single fuck about anything that happens in this thread
>>14048068> okay with drug shit postingIt's funny that "ponies doing x" is more related to pony and ponies doing things than a spam crusade of armor picturesI mean it's amazing reallyIt's almost like we're discussing ponies
my little /co/ shitposting blur de blur furry circlejerk another insult general
>>14048101this is hell and we are trapped
>>14048079I've been making threads on /mlp/ about certain episodes I feel like talking aboutIt's actually been pretty enjoyable compared to mlpg
What do little ponies talk about in the restroom
>>14048101The mods weren't okay with it, you retard. That's the point. They deleted it.
Thanks janitor
>>14048114Why they go into the restroom at all.How do they shit?
>>14048114>Fluttershy you've been in there for almost an hour are you okay?
>>14048112Would Cloudchaser get high with Flitter? Or is Flitter too reluctant to try cannabis?
>>14047931cuz ur a faget
>>14048098I have no beef. i like mlpg, shitposting and all. I've been here since S1E3
Is it bad my favorite color is purple but favorite pony is orange?
>>14048121Don't get all fannyflustered because you thought the mods weren't going to delete your tantrum.
>>14048131They go in to apply their makeup and fix up their manes, let's not make this gross anon
>>14047545Well, you're going to have to expect to disappont sometimes in the narrative of life. You did forewarn, but the reality sinking it... it might sting.
>>14048153I'm not armorfag you tard, I was just correcting you for being dumb.But now you're being even more dumb!
>>14048114They discuss who's little pony they actually are
>>14048155What about Pinkie in TLRU?
>>14048139>Flitter's too scared to try it>but she helps Cloudchaser make pot cookies anyway
>>14048123Anyone else remember Deskmates? Man, I wish we had a pony version of that.
>>14048155It's not gross anonEverybody poopsThey wrote a book on it
>>14048151Purple is a good color, and orange is a good ponyI see nothing wrong here
>>14048175>she finally builds up the courage to try a pot brownie
>>14048149Oh, so you're just a master baiter.In that case, you made me a little bit more sad.
>>14048179Hitler wrote a book too, that doesn't make it true
>>14048179i still remember that Dash wheelchair greentext back from when /mlp/ was good
>>14048177Holy shit how many decades have you been saving that
>>14048175I bet they smoke together pretty regularly. Seems like sibling always end up trying it together once in a while.My sister wanted to try when she was 14. We watched rocky horror picture show and ate too many pot pies.was fun.
>>14048185>"ohmygosh CiCi! I feel like I'm flying!">"you are flying, and don't call me CiCi"
>>14048059I always like detail when armoring anything. I mean I believe d.Doge's are a martial race and thus may have more knowledge on how to clad their forces with the best of the best. Not to mention the advantages of having a hand even though its stubby. Better having fsomething than nothing.I believe they may have a hard time making chainmail though so thats why they made pones make it. Maybe.
>>14048158Hopefully she's not too mad and didn't become friends with some idealized version of me through those books.
>>14048202Since ancient times
>>14048040>wanting yo stick it in something THAT EVIL
What would pony look like if she were bald?
>>14048177Desktop Ponies doesn't count?
>>14048087If you're still in college/University ask after campus job postings. Reference desk and data entry positions usually have openings year-round.As for every other library I imagine networking has a large part to play, but emphasizing previous work in sorting and cataloging personal collections helps. Do you keep track of a card collection or DVD's? That sort of thing.It may take more or less depending on the expectations of the library, particularly if you're working in a grade school. They may not even ask for perfunctory certifications for "head librarian" positions.
I wish the BSS from dark souls looked more like this
>>14048235I wish I had more pictures of classical wizard poniesI'm sure they exist, but I only have like, 1 or 2
>>14048201>/mlp/ was goodHahahahahaha
>>14048237I actually sleep with women irl. Pretty sure I can handle a little pony evil. Real women are the sick, demented kind of evil. ponies are cartoon evil.
>>14048245>Janitor has signed this general's death warrant.wat
If you want a fun laugh follow this chain of replies>>14041943
>>14048274that pony is like, gigahitlers of evilnot even a hint of irony manLike genocide and apocalyptic events evil
>>14048245> I'm going to shit post and never stop!About that
>>14048275Scruffy sez, "Bring it on, mmhmm."
>>14048263Astora's Straight Sword looks kinda like that, though its kinda ass compared to the other swords in its classIs the hilt supposed to be offset like that because holy shit its bothering me and it seems like too big an oversight to not be intentional
>>14048283Oh god that fucking redline
>>14048267i'll be here all week
>>14048223I find it hard to imagine any ponies except for specialized unicorn mages being dexterous enough to fashion chain mail. Wasn't it made link by link, by hand? Not sure how you're going to do that with hooves.It could be a particularly cruel way of breaking captured ponies, though, depending on how dark you prefer your little horses.I'd like to see more worldbuilding-y Diamond Dog art focusing on their underground aspect. I wonder what their cities look like, if they have any.
>>14048292Really?Sweet. Maybe I could make her see the meaning of love and friendship and change her ways. or maybe she just needs a good dicking.
Thinking of you, wherever you are.
>>14048283Nope, can't take it anymore.
>>14048334 I've been thinking of her, but she is gone forever. Its been a year and nobody has found the body. i think i'm in the clear.
>>14048314You'll be the headliner of my next comedy tour.
>>14048331Last guy to try that was trapped in a mask and launched to a death world
>"W-What are you doing there, Anon?!"
>>14048337>sorry, but I just can't see the fun in all this.png
>>14048380Furry pls go
>>14048380Calling the doctor, there is clearly something wrong with your legs.
>>14048320Considering that earth ponies can play the piano just fine, it does not seem that big of a stretch to seem them do other fine work
>>14048380Playing Pokemon Y and kinda wishing I could have the bed since it would be more comfortable to play.
>>14048378Ok, give me a link to the backstory here.
stallions > mares
>>14048387Dash would be best sister
>>14048396Like saving Equestria from an infestation of Parasprites.
>>14048232She only just got into them. She's just kind of mixed-up. Probably angry at you for not being like you were written. Angrier at herself for pushing you into this. What a stupid girl, and she's supposed to be a ruler! Now she's lost any hope at being your friend.
>>14048387>Lauren, who quit because she didn't like what the writers were doing, circa 2011>Comparing with season 3 to prove her wrong
>>14048368>the sultan of shitpost, the emperor of irony>weighing in at 30 megahilters, please welcome>anonymous!
>>14048387To be fair to Lauren, I had a big sister who Dash always reminds me of. She was a majorly competitive bitch when we were younger: she controlled the TV, got dibs on the Game Boy SP while I was stuck holding a book light to the Advance, the works.It was only later in life that she mellowed out, which I think is pretty accurate, because when she did she started treating me kinda like Dash treated Scootaloo in that episode.
>>14048428>who quit because she didn't like what the writers were doing, circa 2011But that wasnt the issueIn fact, she only has nice things to say about Merryweather
sex with villains
>>14048419Oh, well I'd totally still be friends, if she'd want too. If not I guess I'll pack up and leave the castle since I'm a fraud(not by choice) and she knows it.
>>14048419What? No she hasn't!
>>14048456And mccarthyshe LIKES herShe genuinely does
>>14048457You called?
>>14048462the fuck is cadence doing there
>>14048462Why is candy ass and some shitty OC there?Where's Discord and Nightmare moon?
>>14048487Nightmaremoon and discord are no longer villains
>>14048419Pony can deal with it. I'm a rarity man now.>Actually has a developed personality outside of the comics>Adorable younger sister instead of stuffy odler sister>Not damaged goods>Knows what she wants>Doesn't hugrape innocent pegasiBetter in every way
>>14048486>>14048487because they destroyed the show
Pony has an invite to Hearthstone>tfw i've become the guy who links the porn he's fapping to on mlpg
but what about pony
>>14048537Is it that time of night already?
>>14048509so pretty wingsvery royalwow
>>14048537Flutterzoo is fucking great
>>14048537>ywn have the endurance or sensitivity required to edge a girl
>>14048509she will be a nice alicorn
>>14048548I think it's ALWAYS that time
>>14048537>upvotes galoreWho fucking tags these?
>>14048548angelshy is my favorite. don't even ask
Do you think you'd still post on mlpg a lot if you had a real cartoon pony living with you?
>Will you pull this splinter out of my hoof?
>>14048609Of course.I have to gloat about her.
>>14048609No because I'd be too busy trying to explain to the rest of the world why I have a talking alien horse in my basement
>>14048320I mean unicorns making chainmail. As for the other pone's I think if captured, they will be used where they are best. Earthies might be set to grow mushrooms and pegasuses as extra-labor force. If not, they will be tasked where their talents are set/cutie mark related too.I've been drawing some Doge fort related art but it went meh... its fun to think about how they have cities underground. Makes you wonder what drove them out. Maybe somewhat related to digging to deep.
>>14048609We'd cam our sexy shenanigans for the generalAnd document her pregnancy
>>14048609I'd post pictures of her and look at the pictures you guys post of yours.
>>14048609unless pony came packing a magic spell to suddenly make my life not be shit, then yeah probably
>Its late at night and all of the little ponies are in bed>Spike wasnt feeling very well, so Twilight had him cuddle up close to her to make sure he'd be ok>Rainbow Dash is in a deep dreamful slumber, slumped over sideways on her cloud bed, the blanket a soft mess>Rarity wears a cool refreshing face mask as she slumbers in satin sheets>Applejack had to work all day and didn't quite make it to the house, instead dropping in the hey loft. Applebloom found her and came back with a blanket and two pillows.>Pinkie Pie cuddles Gummie close everynight, though being cold blooded this actually wakes him up more and ends up wandering>Fluttershy always has Angel by her side. And some times the other animals like to sleep near her, feeling safe. Even a giraffe sticking its head through the window joins in.
>>14048633>telling othersJust seems like a bad idea, the reality is that if she comes to earth the chances of her becoming very sick are high.
>>14048609i read "still post" as "shit post"and yea probably, still got a stict schedule to adhere to
>>14048609>implying real cartoon pony
>>14048638someone squels and you're arrested for the rape of an unwilling ponyafter they find out you simulated the impossible pregnancy with an air compressor they add torture to the charges
>>14048563>You will never be a cute diamond dog
>>14048658Where's the joke?
>>14048676>you will never be a cute trap diamond dog
>>14048634They still have eyss, or I'd have said that they'd always lived down there. I think they either moved down from the sirface, or have always existed with varying habitations below and aboveground.
>>14048658>a giraffe sticking its head through the window joins in.Haha
Does pony like beards or clean shaven?
>>14048660Unless equestria was future earth all along. Then pony is most likely already immune to common sicknesses, but some still might be dangerousOthers have to be told so she can be provided with a controlled sterile environment
>>14048679One of them farted and it startled them awake
>>14048709W-Who was it?
>>14048699unicorns wear beards
>>14048658Goodnight MLPGGoodnight hairGoodnight ponies everywhere
>>14048699Technically, all ponies have beards
>>14048470>>14048472It's okay.You came to her, after all.She only wants your forgiveness.
Pony's butt wants to know how unf you think it is?
>>14048740She didn't even need to ask.
>>14048714You.Because the crushing loneliness of these late nights are a drain on your nerves
>>14048751Well it's true, I crack a lot.
>>14048740Forgiveness for what? I'm not even mad.I'd still like to be her friend...
>>140487440% unfb
>>14048798That cock sure has a low-hanging set.
>>14048740Jesus luna, you're worse than sentenalEquestria sure is full of dweebs. Go back to earth. Our stars are dimmer than hers because we have a rockin nightlife.
>"Why are those ponies looking at me like that"
Pony has discovered a great golden statue inside an ancient ruin. It's huge, over thirty feet tall, and stands on two legs, a massive beard stretching down to its feet, a wicked-looking double-edged sword in its grasp. At its base is a plaque, etched with letters known to ponies, but from a long-dead dialect. Pony speaks enough of the language to decrypt it:"Eight eyes in the dark light. Forty crowns wreathed in fire. The wheel turns and the ocean churns and the Great One watches from his midnight spire."Help pony solve the riddle.
>>14048834I want to hotdog those moonpies
>>14048744An Ode To Fluttershy's Butt, by AnonymousYour butt is like the stars above,In banana colored hue,And though I long to drink the drops,From your flower's morning dew,I'd put it all behind me, yes,Your lady garden, I'd eschew,To envelope my head in your womanly ass,Until my face turned blue.
>>14048834Because you're zapping them, princess.
Hey whaddya doin'!? Don'tchu know how to knock? Whatever. Wait out in the hall while I find my pants. I'll be ready in 5... and quit staring!
>>14048844Tell pony I discovered an even cooler statues. It's a Limestone statue. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with Limestone, Gypsum, Native platinum, Magnetite, Limonite and Malachite, studded with Pig iron, decorated with cave lobster shell and dog leather and encircled with bands of Limestone, Gypsum, Magnetite, Native gold, Malachite, Limonite and Oak. This object is adorned with hanging rings of Limestone, Gypsum, Native platinum, Magnetite and Limonite and menaces with spikes of Limestone, Gypsum, Magnetite, Limonite, Malachite, Orthoclase, Steel and Brown jasper. On the item is an image of Dimpledflags the Iron hatch cover in Limestone...
>>14048857>"You're kinda creepy anon..."
>>14048844It's obviously an omen of sinister implications that man once had on pony society and a warning to pony kind.The eight lights in the dark refer to the eight wonders of our world. The churning wheel represents how we did not die out, we are merely disconnected from their world some how. Like being under an ocean. And the great one watching is a direct reference to bearded man, kings with crowns.
>that agonizing minute of staring at a typo
>>14048870Thats probably a trained helper ponyThey live longer then dogs
>>14048880Just turn around
>>14048880You smell amazing.>sniffLike sex waiting to happen.
>>14048747>>14048774>>14048833She's recovered already. She's resolved that you haven't had enough of a chance yet! Of course! You'd do much better in the Tomb of Coltenra!
>>14048873What are you doing without your pants on anyway? Weren't we supposed to be going somewhere?
>>14048902I feel like ive seen this butt before...
>>14048873Hey, I'm just bringing back your wallet.
>>14048904>>14048902>"P-please leave me alone."
>>14048873this is the worst babs possibleshe's not even a pony, either
>>14048905What's it to her if I can only take a small chance?Some of us like not having caverns for butts
>>14048920that's not my wallet
>>14048844That's pretty cryptic.Maybe it's talking about a constellation and a bit of the mythology behind it.
>>14048873...No promises.
>>14048924Bite the pillow, baby.I'm going in dry.
>>14048912I traced it from cloud butt >>14044981
>>14048924For you my dear, I'll go back to hiding in the bushes.
>>14048930>only a small chancestep it up
Any of you dorks want to watch the Equestria Girls behind the scenes shit? I can stream it.
>>14048924I'm going to rub my dick all over that face
>>14048924don't make me get the bunny suit
>>14048905O-okay...Man, when she finally realizes that just being in the likeness of the character doesn't necessarily give me his abilities.
My first ever contribution! Please, only constructive (positive) feedback.
I'm gonna Color Stream now, but don't worry I'm only staying up till 1am tonight.
>>14048957I would
>>14048873>... and quit staring!I dunno, sweetheart - you puttin' it on display and all's makin' that kinda tough to do.
>>14048957>eg shit>evernopiss off
>>14048844It means that pony better fucking watch out because we have offworld colonies spaceships. We could be back any time now to conquer pony.unless we got eaten by giant space bugsfuck space bugs
Would you tongue pony's sweaty asshole?
>>14048991That anon needs to get off the table.
>>14048990Salty ponuts?
>>14048964Gonna start with this
>>14048991>it's been three full calendar yearsiwhatwhere did my life go
>>14048991>>14048990How would 2010 MLPG react to 2013 MLPG?
>>14049011probably the same way that normal people would react to a furry erp forum
>>1404901150% unf50% horror and never touching pony ago
>>14049011Go away faceless
>>14048907"I was puttin' my good panties on."
>>14049011Implosion probably, I can point to two events that landed us here though.The bans and then a year later this board.
>>14049011Why does Twilight have wings?Why did this show get it's own board?How is this show on it's 4th season?Where did all the people from right now go?
>>14048969It's here to stay, deal with it nerd
>>14048963This reminds me of that comic of two professors scrawling out an equation on a blackboard and the middle of the equation says "a miracle occurs"
What is Roogna's skype?
>>14048894Hint: the forty crowns are rings.Pony searches the base of the statue, looking for anything that may aid answering the cryptic riddle. At the very base of the statue is a small rift in the floor, too small for anything but the tiniest of spiders to slip into. The stones on the floor raise in a series of patterns: it's more lettering! It translates to "Xpcqi lmv bvmby qhe wcc nlmvw."Hint: Look at your keyboard. Above.
>>14048905Tomb of WHAT?
>>14049019so about the same, then
What was the episode that broke you mlpg?For me it was Ticket Master, but Bridle Gossip really sealed the deal.It's a good thing too because I really disliked the next two at the time so that might have been it for me otherwise.
>>14049029How long's it take to put on your panties? C'mon, I've been waitin' like 15 minutes now...
>>14048873Hey, I can see myself inside you. Let's get coffee.
>>14049075S2E2 intrigued me.And then S2E3 aired.
>>14049046That depends on why you're asking
>>14049075What do you mean? I was watching from Friendship is Magic part1.
>>14049059I'm stumped
>>14049075Part two of the series premiere.Twilight's self aware humor made me stop cringing and curious what the rest was like. Somewhere between then and the latest episode at the time, RoH part 2, I was lost.
>>14049092It's a matter of great secrecy. If I tell you here, it'll cause derailment. It's not lewd, off topic or obscene.
>>14048991>Someone who realizes that Fluttershy is obligatory worst and best pone
>>14049075Fall weather friendsThat's the one that turned me into a giant furfag. Because of that, twilight sparkle was my waifu.
>>14049101Well I had tried watching Dragonshy and I just didn't get it so i dropped it for a few months. Tried again later when I was pretty bored and it didn't really hit me til Ticket Master that I like it.
>>14049104The letter keys on a keyboard are arranged in columns.
>>14049075Bridle Gossip is what locked me in, it was just extreme curiosity that kept me that long. I just really liked the character and background design.
>>14049075Flutterguy and Pinkie Pie doing evil enchantress
>>14049109you've got my attention I guess
>>14049075watched the first episodebeen in love since
>>14049075The first 2. It was like a cheesy friendship based dungeons and dragons story with a very involved gather-the-party segment. And then there were challenges, combat. The adventure was grand, and the final boss was satisfying.So yeah, from ep 1.
>>14049084"Get yer foot outta the door, then, perv."
>>14049124Qwerty or other type, since if I "looked above" each of those letters I get something that makes even less sense, if possible.
>>14049075Winter Wrap up. Before then I skipped the songs. Would have skipped that one but I thought the whole episode was musical.
>>14049075Bridle Gossip hooked me. Dragonshy broke me
>>14049133Another dude, did you try out the character generator?>>14049075The more adventure and world building ones. Even the arguments about the ones regarding how Equestrian was made were cool.
>>14049157I'm pretty sure I couldn't even stomach the opening song until maybe the end of Season 1.
did you fap to the porn before you watched the show? be honest
>>14049152Qwerty. Substitution.
>>14049173I fapped to the show before I watched the porn.
>>14049167Character generator?
>>14049168Yeah.WWU broke me, but if I'm completely honest I was doomed from episode 1, for the same reasons as >>14049149
>>14049173Didn't give in to that until a few months after seeing the show. They were just too cute and lovable for my mind to wander that way.
>>14049075>Broke meI am a slime ball that slowly absorbs shows,movies,games,music on contact and just go through them.I didn't watch MLP until the season one ended.For the most part I just watch things to watch them, discuss them without really caring about it.MLP could be cancelled right now and /mlp/ would be deleted and ponies would still be banned from the rest of 4chan and I wouldn't even care.This is mainly because the only medium I actually give a dimmedamn about is video games, I'd cry like a baby if something I was really looking forward to was cancelledI really liked Feeling Pinkie Keen though, if that means anything.
>>14049173my first experience with ponies was the Zone flash. I didn't even know the show existed before that, i was just trying to find something to fap to
>>14049161Shh, there there Twilight. He doesn't have a new waifu. He never had a waifu.Look how about Rarity and I take you to that fancy restaurant that just opened? Our treat.
>>14049183The one for Simple10, the Pony RPG.
>>14049173I only watched the show because I fapped to no-ink's porn, and because I thought pinkie looked like the sexiest horse ever
I remember locking myself in my room last year with the lights off, watching that 9 hour Season 1 youtube video. The next 2 days i did the same with S2
>>14049198Were you looking forward to Legends 3?
>>14049173Since first watching the show I've completely stopped fapping. It's been 2 years.
How many times has your favorite pony changed since you started watching the show?
>>14049173Yes, I didn't even know there was a show at first. Or, at least I thought it was really shitty but the porn was doing it justice like many other r34.
>>14049173I didn't start fapping until I started watching the show.
>>14049216>you're not so bad yourself, cupcake
>>14049173I made it to Winter Wrap Up then masturbated to the show.
>>14049224you should once. edge for a couple of hours. see how hard you cum. do it on a figure, post pics.
>>14049173NoHonestly it disgusted me before I watched the show
>>14049173I accidently did, but i didn't realize it was MLP related until later. Also i realize it isn't exactly porn but it is fetish related.
>>14049086"Ya know what else I got inside me is a tampon, so unless you want a hormone-fueled bulldoza up ya legs I suggest gettin' outta my face and let me get dressed.""An apple mocha frapuccino wouldn't be bad, eitha."
>>14049173No? I still haven't.
>>14049173I wasn't even aware fully that My Little Pony HAD porn before I came here...
>>14049249I'm fairly certain there was actually a decent amount of MLP porn before G4
>>14049213I've really got no idea what you're referring too, but it sounds kinda neat. why are you asking me in particular?
>>14049239They look like those girls from Avatar
>>14049216But anon, Pinkie Pie isn't a horse
>>14049173Humanized 7 months after finding pony and this place.Pony itself? 10 months. Fanfic. Wasn't even that explicit. Rarity's magic book
>>14049173No because there really wasn't any in February 2011. Still don't get off to R34 even though I look at it
>>14049258>tfw already knew of BCS because you fapped to her previous gen MLPG porn
>>14049178Okay, if I look "above," which I'm assuming to mean as one higher in the column, I end up with numbers in there. Which can't possibly be right. So, that means I need to replace them with something. The question is, of course, what. "M" is the most common, so that's either an "e" or an "h".Fuck, this is tough.
>>14049267>lol wtf did i drawPinkie, is that pilates, or is your body just thick?
>>14049240That sounds terrible. Where'd you get your tastes, discount from Pottery Barn? Man, if it wasn't for your sister, I don't even think I'd visit.
>you will never see Butterfly and Babs fight because Babs said the Red Sox were "A BUNCHA FRIGGIN' GIRLS
>>14049221The only game this had happened with was Prey 2 other than that I never really had a game series that I liked got a cancelled game, it's either "It's casualized for the mass market" or "It's dead, jim".But I'd throw a super-fucking tantrum if a F-Zero sequel was in the works but was cancelled due corporate bullshit.
I kind of miss when we were afraid of porn because we thought MLP would end up like e-surance girl.
>>14049292>we were afraid of porn
>>14049084...nah. I'm good here. Might as well enjoy the view while I wait.So where'd you wanna go? Coffee? Catch a movie, what?
>>14049046>>14049092>>14049109It's Sentenal. He was asking in the steamchat too.
>>14049292>end up like e-surance girl.wut?
>>14049319you're jerking off right now, aren't you cosmo
>>14049258Well sure, it was there, i know that.I just wasn't you know, LOOKING for it.Back then I would have just scrolled past it without batting an eye, now, fuck, i have to scrutinize it.
>tfw your fap material searches turn up mostly mugshots
>>14048992Good Night Luna
>>14049319Didn't he throw his fit and leave?
>>14049275Hint: the first letter in the chain is opposite from the rest of the letters. Above. Always above.
>>14049325EA I fapped like 30 minutes ago man.Time for slutty diamond dog
>>14049266My headcanon is Twilight is wearing that to make FS feel more comfortable about her little bedwetting problem.
>>14049261I got an email from you asking about it, unless others have access to your email account.
>>14049320There used to be an animated pink hair girl who was used as a mascot for an insurance companyThere was lots of porn. So much porn, in fact, that if you google "e-surance" the entire first page of the image results is mostly porn.So they discontinued using her forever for that very reason.
>>14049306sshhjust let it happen
>>14049334I know what you mean. I've just seen so much of it that I've turned into a connoisseur of My Little Pony porn.What a talent.
>Hey anon, do you like my new socks?
>>14049328Not Cosmo.>>14049338No. He left the steamchat for the day, joined again as a guest for another day, and then finally rejoined the group. He never left.
>>14049288They ARE working on another f-zero game! until it gets cancelled for more mario.
>>14049363Whoa. How'd you get 'em to do that?
>>14049359I'm just going to go ahead and say that these are all really fucking retarded.Also you capitalized the "A" on accident.
>>14049075Hearts and hooves day
>>14049344Anon, you know it's my duty to keep you erect and gushing cum at all times.So does that mean you want your lewd princess to turn a bit more canine?So she can knot you deep and unload her thick spunk into your womb, breeding her bitch hard and slow?
>>14049370that's funny as hell
>>14049352It couldn't possibly have also stemmed from the fact that she polled incredibly low in popularity as a mascot beyond the sex factor.
>>14049353I can't believe how soft my dick is right now
>>14049319Noone else has access to my email, but If its from any variant of Roogna its not me, my email has Dalsson in it
>Horrific monster is going around Equestria, feeding on any power source it can find>Rainbow Dash tries to stop it by dive bombing it from behind>A giant mouth forms on the back of its head, and devours Rainbow Dash>The Mane Five start to flip the fuck out, the credits roll.
>>14049393I misread it and made a mistake.You should still stop posting those.
>>14049389Goddammit.I'm trying to get through this c++ tutorialWell, continue
>>14049311"I was gonna suggest the movies but it sounds like you're already enjoying the show."
>>14049350and an excellent headcanon that is
>>14049393>upper camel case>not pascal case
Okay who is itWho's the pony who stole your heart?
>>14049406Credits interupted by dash crashing through them, and the camera goes through the hole she made in the credits to reveal that she punched a hole in the monstercue her then complaining about being covered in monster crud, laughter and then the real credits.
>>14049370i dont understand
>>14049406>rainbow dash comes back>turns into a horrific monster on command>the story just keeps getting worse from here
>>14049420Ooh, two things I can help with!What are you trying to learn as that hot knot throbs inside you, stretching you wide and locking you to my groin?
>>14049440>Attack on Pony
>>14049352>if you google "e-surance" the entire first page of the image results is mostly porn.None of it is explicit though.
you look like you've had a long day. why don't you take a load off
>>14049414I'll stop now.
>>14049425"Hey, toots, if you got it, flaunt it."
>>14049420Hey I'm trying to learn CWe should fuck
>>14049440>"I knew they made a mistake hiring Nicholas Cage to direct this one!">Bees become involved.
Pony is knocking at your door right nowShe's probably drunk again and wants a sloppy quickieYou're getting really tired of these midnight booty callsYour back is still sore last time from all the hugging
>>14049465"You can't even afford cover charge for this club."
>no rolling post number dice >no proper DMing>no group>just two guys getting ready to pretend-fuck each other
>>14049496>she's even louder cuddling than when she's just having sex
>>14049486that's patheticshe has what, two lines? angel has more of a personalityshe didn't steal your heart. she's just a convenient template for fantasies you already had.
>>14049495The oldest system out there is the completely freeform game of "pretend"/tg/, you of all people should know this
>>14049451Look harder
>>14049448Data structures and OOPBut guess the real object I should be dealing with is the princess thick cock cumming inside me while suckling on my tits>>14049470swerve, pleb.
>>14049504>It's just muffled with the sock shoved in her mouth.
>>14049465"Good thing I know a girl, huh?"
>>14049509You could also fuck yourself
>>14049510Old != Good
Do you think the rest of the mane six should become alicorns in season 4 or season 5?
>>14049510Also /tg/ hereI just wish it were pony
>>14049494"And you can't even cover the club.">>14049495alright.roll my eyes, stick out my tongue, and let her get changed in privacy. if we continue to banter wittily, we'll be here till Saturday.
>>14049527Goddamn it, I need to work on my aim.Meant to reply to >>14049494
What is your opinion on this pony?
>>14049523>ballgagged for cuddlingha
>>14049549She's a background character with a tail that looks like a pink semen geyser erupting from her ass
>>14049551C > C++
>>14049545Well, banter, at any rate.
>>14049549She is deceptively strong and a menace to my wine-cellar.
>>14049542>>14049495Have you participated in the /mlp/ Simple10 games? They could always use a few new players. If you wish to GM, sit in for a few sessions and you can take your pick of players.
>>14049520Ah yes. Those are traditionally the courses that help thin the CS herd. Though thin is the last word anyone would use to describe you after you've got a gut sloshing and heavy with viscous, fertile cum.What sort of data structures? Linked lists? Just structs and classes? Maybe I can help you understand that better in between mind-shattering climaxes.
>>14049549very pretty, would raise her child as my own/10
>>14049567>>14049572okay okay okaywhat about now
>>14049339"Speak our truth and see yours"?Christ, that took forever to figure out.
>>14049572Are you a Nord?
>>14049574And/or visit /qt/ on the sub
>>14049534It is good for having the most accessible ruleset possible
>>14049579wasn't it revealed to be her sister in SHS
>>14049569Anything with a GC > anything without a GCExcept for embedded programming, where resources are tight. Tight like the needy pussy of a bitch in heat.
>>14049542we kobold now
>>14049516I count 55 images before that one, not really first page.
>>14049591pls no
>>14049597>unironically being kobold
>>14049597I would a koboldalso a cutebold
>>14049597Aww, how ado-hey wait a minute, is that my jewelry?!
>>14049527>>14049545"You let the girl cover up and you cover dinner, maybe she'll let you in through the back door for a couple drinks."
>>14049606Does it fucking matterThere's a shit ton of lewd stuff before it and then it just goes straight to pornWhy do you have to let your autism flare up like this anon
>>14049606Google got a lot better at blocking explicit content
>>14049585What a stupid question.Of course I am.
>>14049584Ding. Now, what did you need to have to figure that out?The answer is Ywxgbikift.
>>14049651That big marshmallow cunt.
>>14049658Well how then how the fuck am I supposed to find explicit content? Why would they do that?
>>14049651I hope she snaps out of it soon. Flu's no fun.
>>14049622go downstairs and watch TV until she's ready to go.we're questing now, motherfucker, whether you wanna or not.>>14049618uhnoof course notwhat jewelry
>>14049622"All right, all right - just yell if you need me."
>>14049663>big marshmallow horse cunt
Kobolds are stupidSo are sergals, space marines, and dwarves
>>14049651>Pinkie is very sick, so you stay with her all day to help her feel better>A lot of warm soup and cold juice>The two of you just take it very easy and sit cozily together, watching animated movies all day>Its nice and she's very cuddly, but keeps wiping her running nose on your shirt>Half the time you look down to find her sound asleep embracing you, having fretting fever dreams
>>14049714I wouldn't mindIt's not like I can catch the pony flu
>>14049549I'd partake in drunken buttsex with her
ponies are stupid
>>14049660Mostly it was just the realization that, if you cut out the letters and symbols on the keyboard, the columns would loop back on themselves. And most of the letters were actually below.And I see the same pattern doesn't work for that one.
>>14049714Pinkie is very sick. You need to be by her bed, anon. This is the one.
>>14049591>>14049608It's a different pony.
>>14049708And ponies, don't forget ponies.
>Start ERPing>less than 10 posts in>Already cameFucking diamond dogs
>>14049708we kender now?
>>14049708>and dwarvesI'LL FUCK YOU UP
An ambassador from the pone planet has decided to land in your house.
>>14049729warm blood is so...exotic...
>>14049748AwwWas it at least a good spurt?
>>14049763She should probably leave before the government gets here.
>>14049764How hard would you panic if a group of female dragons started surrounding you after saying that.
>>14049766Anything with female diamond dogs always end with me meticulously cleaning my hands, so yeah.
>>14049754What if you went to equestria and it was infested with kender, fucking shit up and stealing waifus
>>14049763Does she want to probe my butt?
>>14049782Whats the size ratio here?
>>14049794you barely reach their chest
>>14049748let me guess.femrover.
>>14049782>panicking>not liberating them from their mortal coilAMERICA
>>14049792Yes and she also brought her whole crew of friends who are equally eager to probe
>>14049782This shit isn't going to work on my.I watched you bathe in LAVA for like, the last half hour!Of course you didn't see me, I was hiding behind that rock taking pictures!...I...oh...
What if alien invader episode?
>>14049794three times your size.
>>14049777Your loud noises do not deter alien pone from her duty. She has come to party and nothing will stop her!
>>14049794see>>14049807For acceptable measurements.
>>14049807>>14049825Oh. Not interested.
>>14049801I want to have sex with the zebra twins.
>>14049817I can't wait to tell the guys back at my favorite conspiracy theorist internet forum
>>14049823>Filename.The gun needs to eject Pinkies at his face.
>>14049680Something like should happen in the show
>>14049835>BWEEP BWEEP BWEEPCaptain, pleb detector's going crazy.
>>14049848It's a little out of character for Fluttershy
>>14049823What if Mike Vining in equestria?
>>14049792>Pinkie Pie steps out of the UFO with big grandiose steps >"Greetings, Earth man! I come in peace!">"Pinkie, get that thing off my lawn. You're going to kill the grass.">She shoots you with a woobly lazer and you fall asleep>You wake up some time later in a place you dont know, strapped to a table with your butt in the air>"Greetings, Earth man! It is time for the probbing!">"Pinkie stop!">Unable to move or get a way, Pinkie Pie closes in on your rump and pokes your butt cheeks repeatedly, going "beep boop a boop boop" over and over again and giggling >Later she gives you astronaut ice cream and flies away, but then crashing into a flag pole
>>14049835What did you expect, they're fucking dragons yo.
>>14049853>the marines arrive>with kegs of shitty beer and a bluegrass band>square dancing intensifies
i'm scared
>>14049853If you're calling your friends, alien pony thinks it's only fair that she does the same.
>>14049827Andrew W.K. must have a party off with her.
>>14049807>>14049832Do they want to violently bang me or is this more of a cuddly, lets use the warm blooded mammal as a hot water bottle type deal?
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>14049879I'm afraid that my dog doesn't love me anymore.
Your pony has encountered a critical error and will now terminate
>>14049854>out of characterI don't think Fluttershy doing this is beyond her character
>>14049873you make the cutest greentexts
>>14049895They bathe in lavaThey're going to eat you and you will not survive past their mouths
>>14049853>pony is in Gods country nowi would read a comic about all the Gods across all pantheons suddenly brought into a small patch of land in Texas as ordinary humans.
>>14049895why not both.jpgwait a minute, we need art of anon getting horrifically cuddled by dragoness
>>14049910It wouldn't be the end of the world. But I feel like if MMC is anything to go by she was essentially doing the same thing and she was hating it.
>>14049873>astronaut ice creamWhat a shitty pony...
What if pony was short and busty?
>>14049910not as she matures a little more and gets closer to being an alicorn
>>14049835more for me
>>14049930Shortstack is gross
>>14049924Well she was forced to by the whole cutie mark thing. But I think this would be out of the kindness of her own heart that she would be doing this in order to help a good friend feel a bit better
>season 4 begins with twilight waking up, wingless
>>14049818You humans are so fragile. Should we be careful, ladies?
>>14049873>>14049926Man astronaut ice cream is delicious. About 2 weeks ago i was really drunk and ordered about 50 packets of it off of amazon. Luckily I cancelled it in time the next day but I kind of wish I hadn't
>>14049945>You humans are so fragileOh fuck no, you best be joking nigga.
>>14049943Well exactly she was forced to do it.There's lots of other ways that I see Fluttershy going out of her way to make Pinkie feel better.I'll give you that I could kind of see an episode being about Fluttershy trying to make a sick Pinkie feel better and she ends up doing something like that in the end because she's out of ideas. That could work.
If she wants a snack, she should just head inside.