Old, Horse: >>14034916Subject: Filly Pones
http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/src/124832598922.pngWe still Raital?
>>14038539Rita > Raital
>>14038548http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/src/124881561645.jpgAs if.
>>14038564>Roogna marking Saine's thread
>>14038507What happens if filly stays up too late when she has work the next morning?
>tfw no underage horse concubine
>>14038607Did you stay up all night Nonymous?
Quit being ded MLPG
>>14038615No, but 5 hours of sleep is bleh.Stop making your streams so fun
>>14038618Okay, but just for you.
>>14038618But you have your own general, bat-twilight.
these episodes getting weirder and weirder
>>14038626Don't be, I haven't had that much fun since the early pony livestreams, and I look forward to them every time.AlsoI regret not being there for the whole harshballs thing.
http://derpibooru.org/449342DAMN IT JEPSO, STOP HITTIN MAH FETISHES
>>14038655what fetish is thatbeing body-raped by twilight for study?
>>14038647That is kinda weird. Neat though. PB needs to do more bubblegummy things.
>>14038660Would you let Twilight Sparkle perform tests on you Sexually?
>>14038660inter-speciesoralanal playguys with glasses
>>14038668Only if I can be the little pone
>>14038660>>14038670Oh yeah, size difference too
>>14038647>watching AT past S3
>>14038683Pink Horse!
>>14038683Slightly grey horse
>>14038683cadence > celestia
>>14038688But they're both pink
>>14038684>>14038687>>14038688>>14038694YOU ALL FAILEDTHE CORRECT ANSWER ISneither.
>>14038702what a twist
I just got back from a horse rehab. When the hell is the next new horse
I find almost any fetish hot if more than one person can participate and they all enjoy it
>>14038729What about cuddle fetish?
>>14038732I hope we get a preview soon
>>14038732>tfw there will be a christmas/new year hiatus
What if pony was a parasite living in your intestinal tract?
>>14038741What is it, Pinkie
>>14038747I would kill pony then poop her out
>>14038729Same here for the most part.
>>14038737It'll probably be the thing we've already seen.
>>14038754But it will be in glorious Technicolor
Pony bit they big one
>>14038729That's really nice of you, Anon.
>>14038776*theyou stupid pony
>>14038647Marceline, best girl any day any year <3Also I miss Rebecca, but damn if this series isn't better without lesbian shipping out of nowhere>that feel when we will never be able to have a proper shitstorm over this kind of things>that feel when we raged over pink winged princesses in a little girls' show
>>14038749plz no
>La da da da da, >I'm gonna bury you in the ground>La da da da da, >I'm gonna bury you with my sound>I'm gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face, I'm gonna...
>>14038810Oh fuck you 4chanx
>>14038811>Marceline, that's too distasteful!
Sleepy Time nowGoodnight Mlpg.
>tfw no sexy flame princess gf
>>14038811That episode was pretty cute. Too bad the internet had to make a big deal over it.
>>14038823Sydney is worst Australia.
>>14038836>tfw no loyal pony steed
>>14038831This is one of the very few cases when the word "tumblr" can and should be used.Shippers are fucking insane.
>>14038834Get fucked cunt my friend lives there.
>>14038849Your friend lives in a bogan shithole!
>>14038834I'm not even Australian, I just have an awful sleep schedule.
>>14038822>Oh, you didn't like that? >....Or do you just not like ME?!
>>14038845>He doesn't even have a loyal pony steed!
>>14038852How about you 1v1 me m8.
>>14038873Any time any place, cunt!Except Sydney 'cause Sydney fucking sucks!
>>14038879That's fair enough actually, it's a long train ride in.
>>14038736I'd cuddle just about any pony
>>14038879>>14038860>Sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess,>Is that what you want me to do?>Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect,>Like all your little loyal subjects do,>Sorry I’m not made of sugar,>Am I not sweet enough for you?
>>14038896gosh I loved that episode
>>14038912Thanks for the update, Fluttershy!
>>14038896>Is that why you always avoid me?>That must be such an inconvenience to you,
>>14038917>Well... >I’m just your problem,>I’m just your problem,>It's like I'm not, even a person, am I?>I’m just your problem
>>14038931>Well, I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to justify what I do>I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you>I’m sorry that I exist,>I forgot what landed me on your blacklist, but...
>>14038937What about tailbows
>>14038912where is that picture of dash that i had that goes well with this
>>14038931Yamino is a broken clockBut damn if that isn't her once a dayThere's SOMETHING between those two, but it's not like they're going to get canon dates even nowadays.
>>14038946ironically, Lyra's horn is drawn really small
>>14038958>I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you,>So... why do I want to?>Why do I want to...
>>14038978That song does give me queer vibesAnd the band shirt the Doorlord stole and PB have up to the sky witch?Yyyyyyeah, you don't inhale that wistfully anything given by just friendsJUST SAYING
>>14038966As if the pointers for their relationship weren't obvious enough in the actual show, the comics imply it very heavily as wellI love it
>>14038991I'd inhale pony
>>14038978Thanks MLPG, by the way. Now this song will be stuck in my head for the next week.
>>14038992I think of all things they might not work as a dating thing just because they're really different people, or they aren't at a good place for it - PB wants structure and some reliability, Marceline goes all lawful to chaotic neutral all the time and is practically a Nightosphere time bomb some times.But man, there's SOME chemistry that goes beyond the parameters of a totally platonic relationship.
>>14038978>T-to... bury you in the ground,>And drink the blood from your... Ugh!>>14038966Rebecca Sugar, although a good writer and a very creative person, is also a tumblrtard who used to draw unironic yaoi porn and actually ships Bubbline. The difference with the other shippers is that she got to write the show and the comic book.That said, their supposed past friendship/relationship/whatever came entirely out of nowhere.
>>14039012There's a thousand years of history to harken back to, and they seem to have swum in the same social circles owing to their royalty. While it's only been the past three seasons that indicate they're close, I don't think it's just Sugar writing them a la Scream Queens.Even as just good friends they have a good dynamic. I can see why they've kept it up.
>>14039012Also>STOP STARING AT ME!
yamino is a faggot.
>>14039027Not to mention they're both early products and survivors of the Mushroom Wars and their aftermath.The show's been going deeper into back story, which granted makes it feel really different from goofballs dungeon crawling in the earliest episodes.Dungeon Train was a great reassurance the show remembers what "Adventure Time" means though.
>>14039010>But man, there's SOME chemistry that goes beyond the parameters of a totally platonic relationship.Platonic and "overly attached to sniffing the other person's old shirt" don't go along well.>>14039042>MUH RETARD HORSEJust kidding, he really is
>>14039042Sure, but even a letter-writing-campaign forwarding Tumblr Queen might be right about one thing - there's SOMETHING going on.Using a Channel Frederator promo and demanding greater "queer representation" out the gate instead of watching patiently like every other shipping fanbase shows she's a dipshit though.
>>14039055>heI though Yamino was female
Season 4 when?
>>14039055Right, the shirt is a pretty big tell.That doesn't mean they're in a position to date exactly, or they're aware of what they both want or how to work it out, but that's NOT a just-friends thing.
>>14039062And getting a person fired in the process!
>>14039065She is, people like to make fun of her really mannish chin and fucking weird nose and cheek structure though.
>>14039083I've never seen any pictures of her.I hate her for her mind, not her looks.
>>14039068ponies being casual is my fetish
>>14039077It just goes to show that you shouldn't expect a net positive or neutral from a ham-fisted campaign about anythingAnd don't just let slip Tumblr and expect anything good of itGranted the same applies most everywhere. You really need a coherent message forwarded by a small group and solicit for donations or "me, too", not point a million half-baked opinions at a suggestions box.
how much pony is there
>>14039109This gif is correct.
>>14039093She isn't comely but not exactly uglyThe mugging she does probably makes the pointy chin and nose worse than it isBut she's really latched on to "wicked evil grin tee hee" as the go-to for real-world shots and all her characterisations
>>14039106not enough. we're running low on pony and scientists estimate pony will be depleted by the year 2015
>>14039120thanks Bush
>>14039127It was Reagan.
>>14039128My face isn't pinkWho would be Luna's Bubblegum? Cadance?
>>14039133Upside down Hard Blush.
>>14039136b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh trickle down economics
>>14039145why upside down?
>>14039144Undeniably.It's also true your blood is plenty red enough. She can and will resort to drinking blood or eating "red guts."But yeah, Cadence would be such sweet sweet candy.
>>14039159My back is messed up so I can't sit downI have to lie on my back to fap.
>>14039133This doujinshi >>>/h/3626617In particular this Transformation/gangrape story>>>/h/3627222 although my favourite one is Tsun Devi
>>14038647I thought it was an alright episode.In fact the last few AT episodes have been decent. Mostly involving adventure.
>>14039187That Time Sandwich episode, oh my god
>>14038785>out of nowhereI think it makes a bit of sense seeing as they're the only person to each other that's around the same age
>>14039216"Came out of nowhere" is the fast way to dismiss something not alluded to or explained in the first season and a half.
>you will never see Marker Pone's band "The Boops" play Killer Waifu
Omae wa mou shindeiru.
>>14039226I guess it never really bothered me as it seemed like a good friendship through Finn, like when he tried to invite PB to the couple's night
>>14039239Every time I read "boops" I'm reminded of a really shitty web comic about a total basement dweller who gets sucked into a world of marshmallow peeps, mar-bits, and candy people. They don't swear there, so all his curses become "boop." > What the boop, where are my Cheeto's> Boop you, just roll for initiative> Boop those boops, this is WAR!Marker Pone was ruined for me years ago.
sometimes i think about how portal was a game with no male characters, featuring a WOC protagonist and an excellent female antagonist who were both anything but sexualised, and yet somehow still managed to create an interesting and engaging experience for female and male gamers alike, win awards, and get a sequel, and then i look at people who say “games with female protagonists don’t sell” and i laugh. for a very long time.
>>14039251>>14039256>that feel when Stardust Crusaders is confirmed for greenlit
>>14039258I'm sorry Anon
>>14039257Me either. I always figured characters related to one another regardless and sometimes despite of Finn.If anything I've liked that so many characters have lives that Finn sort of stumbles into instead of everything being about "the protagonist," even if a lot of episodes center on events he's part of and things he does.
>>14039262It's mostly because her being female isn't the focus at all, you're too busy and immersed in trying to get through these testing chambers. Even while you can see her through the Portals, she's never directly spoken to as a female until later on in Portal 2.
>>14038946>ponies expect us to have similar anatomy to other apes>like we expect them to have similar anatomy to horses>surprises all around
>>14039262> /v/ baitIt still rings true.And, you know, I got into Tomb Raider because the dungeons and bosses were pretty neat and it held up as a platformer that didn't make me want to drink bleach.The outfit and breasts were nice but really that was never enough to make me shell out $30 for a game. I always had porn for that.
>>14039257"Go with Me" and "Henchman" are still among my favourite episodes.
>>14039290I'm not sure how to say this, butWe're very similar to other apes barring some of our leg and lower back anchoring for better upright posture and some of the muscles in our hands for opposing thumbs and certain pairing processesEven our faces aren't that dissimilar, until you get into how different our eyeballs and nose configurations areBut pony might be expecting us all to sport a 3" penis like a gorilla with a penile bone like certain shrews or whales or something.WE might be expecting winking mares who need 8" to 10" proportionally when they might only take like 4" at the max with zero winking because there's little if any assurance penis and vaginal length correlates to height or muscle mass in a genus
Silly Princess Time!
kiil me
>>14039295Oldschool Tomb Raider was the besthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVaIubv6uDs
Filly time?
killl me
>>14039326fetish princess time
kIIll mee
>>14039316but pony is super winky even on the showif their vaginas aren't dick-wrestling flesh clamps I will be disappointed as fuck
>>14039359>>14039371>>14039376*kills you*
>>14039380>dick-wrestling flesh clampsWay to make me go from zero to boner in no time
>>14039385Should have rolled for initiative.
>>14039385Back the fuck off??!
>>14039394From zero to boner in no time flatZero to boner just like that
>>14039316i think that the point, while we are similar to other apes, we also have very noticeable differences (like stamina, climbing ability, strength, the ability to swim etc)Likewise, the ponies also have very noticeable differences compared to horses (like a larger head compared to their body size, joints that allow more flexibility, a gag reflex)But then again, it's a cartoon so I don't think they really think about the anatomy of the ponies when making the cartoon
>>14039438Thanks asshole now I have to listen to that againSeriously, whoever came up with the idea of gospel muses should be given a wealthy retirement for life
>It's already within 100 miles of my homeShit postal, get yourself together.It should not take that long, I've got friends who have beaten the fucking game already.
>>14039463>complaining about shipping times>when digital delivery exists
>>14039467>purchasing anything but a physical copy
>>14039463>not going out to buy a physical copy
>>14039482Cash is king, I'm going to look for ways to spend less and complain that I'm getting shafted by my mail service.
>>14039316>>14039457I'm down with them being equuinoids that only share some superficial traits but have evolved differently.
Good morning, MLPG.
I can't
>>14039501Teacher!AB just broke the PDA no tolerance rule!
>>14039508but I'm going to sleep
>new Meguca movie soonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkr0og_ROB8&feature=youtu.beI am hype
>>14039523I'm tired of watching movies that's just the anime again with extra parts
>>14039516You can
Goat Train time!
>>14039519I saw that. I'm giving both of you detention after school.
>>14039539I fuckin' love goat train timeand not just because he draws my fetish all the timehis art is cute and pleasing to the eye
>>14039539>rarity's fangsunf
>>14039548but these are supposed to be little ponies
>>14039534The first one was great, thoughAlso I used to complain about that too until I've watched Rebuild of Eva 3.0 and my brain exploded.But seriously, there's actually a lot of OVA which don't retell the main story
>>14039558you can't deny that medium-to-large ponies are much better for cuddling and general horseplay
Have you guys heard of the Pope Lick Monster? It was on the first page of results when I googled "Goat Train."
>>14039558They're also supposed to be yours ;_;
>>14039561doo you have a problem, anon?
>>14039572NoWhat the fuck manhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Lick_Monster
>>14039548> Humans start painting themselves blue and wearing white smocks just to fuck with Equestrian heads> unfortunately they'd never heard of Smurfs and instead decide this must be part of some great religious ceremony and celebration> getting it taken back out of textbooks takes at least three generations and ponies still do "blue face" in Thanksgiving plays
>>14039568I'd never get out of bed
>>14039574I too would like a pone
>>14039614right?just look at how fuzzy Shining Armor looksI bet it would be super cozy
pony started dancingyou cant stop her
>>14039652that's itI'm going footloose on ponyI'm going to make dancing illegal
>>14039652Pony left all its friends behind
>>14039652>you cant stop herWhy would I want pony to stop? Just look at them go >>14039658
>Applebloom has no cutie markShe cannot be a waifu, if she's not yet a proper mare.she's also not an adult, but that's secondary in some cultures.
>>>/v/213954076>As the man died and rotted away, they stabbed, chopped and mutilated the man until only a putrid pile of unrecognizable flesh remains on that ruined hospital bed, now little more than a pile of rusted metal and decayed sheets.UNFFF
>>14039688Including Equestria
Poor Twilight Sparkle. She's trying hard to live up to Celestia's task of getting her friends ready for alicorn ascension and then this shit happens.
>>14039724>prismatic auraUnf...Wait what?
Donut Joe's ponut hole
>>14039752Pony Joe's frosting cannon
>>14039751>more than two frames
>>14039756why is that filly always for sexual?
>>140397651) he's a colt2) because he chooses to be
>>14039758you're more than two frames
>>14039782>grinding the RU-unf
>>14039784>all those failed attempts at generals
>you will never be pregnant
>>14039801Thank Christ.
>>14039801thank fuckwhile I'll also never lactate, I'm totally happy with that trade-off
>>14039809>>14039810Celestia doesn't like your attitude.She has now impregnated you.
>>14039815Thank you based sunhorse
>>14039815uhwhat level of transformation are we talking here, because I can't support a baby in my current form
>>14039823You have a womb now. That's it.
>>14039823don't worry about that
>>14039815time for an abortion
>>14039815>>14039832d-did she use magic, or did she do it the old fashioned way?
>>14039840Oh my.
250 post in over 4 hours. pathetic.
pony doesn't mind being beb as long as pony can be beb with you
>>14039724Dash's specific magic as a flyer and rain boom abilities affects her horn flare.Or I'm guessing. I didn't draw that shit.
>>14039862are you sure you'd like to be turned female and have your wet virgin pussy pounded by a huge horsecock mere seconds after your successful transformation? because that sounds pretty straining.
>>14039899that is a very, very specific set of kinks that I happen to match quite well
>>14039899Gosh wouldn't that be a rude awakening?What about two?
>>14039919Just don't expect those jerks to call you again.Or pay child support.
>>14039919I want to be a femanon double penetrated by zebras.
Why aren't you drawing?
>>14039907so you'd let celestia knock you up with her alicorn semen?i hope that'll teach you your lesson.
>>14039929I'm sure they'd ask nicely.
>>14039934What draw
>>14039936I would accept the burden of carrying a horse prince if it would mean I could be the slutty human in equestriabonus points if I get birth control after delivering the baby
>>14039947Rumble being cute
>>14039947Rumble about to get rumbled by the Twins. The zebra twins.
>>14039958>>14039965Who is Rumble
>>14039968This colt
>>14039968the attractive pegasus on the left
>>14039953>after delivering the babythe baby is behind the cervix. she doesn't need to use all her shaft to penetrate sufficiently enough to drive home her point.but anyway, congratulation on becoming a satyr mother soon.
>>14039979I don't actually have to raise this mutant baby, do I?I really don't want to deal with that sort of responsibility
>>14039980Zebra twins aren't rapists though
>>14040013>Mti and Mua>Not rapists
>>14039995You want to be the slutty human, right?
>>14040025more than you'll ever know
>>14039995you'll have plenty of servants helping you out. or you could have another one>>14039989you seem to be eager to learn your lesson. celestia surely appreciates the cooperation.she would shroud you in magic and you would suddenly be caught in some sort of stasis and the only thing you can feel is a prickling sensation all over your body and is most intense in your chest and especially crotch area. the warm glow makes you feel as if your body is reshapen somehow.
>Big Babs' massive futa cock>and unnaturally heavy balls
>>14040033>>14040044what if her special talent is hyperspermia
>>14040053you could become her roommate/cumdumpster3-5 times a day and occasionally she'll wake you up at night
>>14040030I don't particularly want more kids, but I feel like Equestrian welfare would be very generousHow does Celestia feel about getting a secret army of half-guard satyr babies?I know I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some of her prime breeding stock
Does pony even lift?Are they nearly unable to walk after they're done?
>>14040093Have a better one
>>14040084alright, but she has to let me play with her boobs and be her little spoon
pony had fun with you last nightbut it is morning now and pony has to take you down to the lake, there's a nice view under a big tree and you can watch the water and have a picnic!
>>14040084hyperspermia in humans means that the ejaculation colume increases by a factor of up to 20. stallions produce between 30 and 250 ml. since she has huge balls we might as well go with the maximum, which means 5000 ml, which is 5 liter, which is 1.3 gallons.so in summary: yes. i'd be her roommate and total slave for horsecock
>>14040130> hyperspermia> factor of 20WhatSrsly what
>>14040121Sounds like a good day, I'll bring my guitar and play something.
>>14040090that would take a long time. you'd have to to let them chain-breed you.
>>14040121Pony would really do that for me?
>>14040135Just remember it's painful and not something anyone would actually want as a result.
>>14040130Holy shitFactor 20 really is a lot, I don't think it'd be healthy>>14039971Is the Rumble fad just the second coming of Caramel? I forgot how big it used to be around here.
I wanted to thank MLPG again for talking me into by rollerblades instead of a fleshlight.My skates arrived two days ago and I can still ride pretty decently. It's also pretty nice to get exercise and fresh air.I just ordered a rare white fleshlight because I had extra money, though
>>14040146I feel like I'd probably need some recovery time in between sessions, but that does sound like a solid excuse to get Celestia to hook me up with some sort of eternal youth set-up
>>14040121I'll make some sandwiches, I know how much pony likes those on picnics.
Details details for doge armor.Will eat first before giving the pone a proper clothing befitting for a pone on the go.
>>14040165>someone actually listened to me>on the internetWhat is this feeling?
>>14040130That's like a daily all you can eat horse sperm diet.
>>14040165>fleshlight>not dildofaggot
>>14040165Fleshlight or Mare Vagina? There's a distinct difference
>>14040162I want to cum intense buckets, but a factor of 20 seems pretty obscene
>>14040167Emma is my favorite telepath.My biggest fear is that they bring Jean back (not time displaced Jean) and split them up for good.It'd suck because her relationship with Scott has been great since Morrison's run and Jean has little to no personality.
>>14040161prettiest pony
>>14040170Wow so post.Anyway whats new in mlpg?
>>14040183We still want to fuck ponies.Anon still hasn't become the slutty mare.That's it.
>>14040181Jean might be back but it could be interesting to see Scott a little torn but mostly still dedicated to The CauseParts of this character arc have been heavy-handed but it's really gratifying to see him as more than Xavier's butt-boy.
>>14040185>last updated 1 month ago
>>14040163>Rumble fadIf anything, I think he's popular because he's the closest a unique colt has come to being just a plain, ordinary model. There's been gangly and chubby colts, colts with special snowflake markings and accessories, but even with the femininity Rumble has, he's just a simple little boy.
>>14040170Some heavy ornate plate armour.Gold vine looking things on an ebony chest plate.>pony on the goIn this modern age where mares can vote, I suggest something that makes them look a bit like a flapper. Fits the modern pony's life-style.
>>14039934Art is a luxury.
>>14040194>>>14040183image didnt upload. Had gone for a more normal soldier/mercenary look. Pony is bard pone.
>>14040189>choking on peanutsAah
>>14040173It was good advice.I'm having a blast with these things.>>14040177I'm not ready yet.>>14040178Mare vagina.
>>14040194Everyone today is thoroughly modern.
>>14040204I hope you enjoy fucking your waifu
>>14040167who the hell can mentally strip someone naked and vividly imagine them doing something while also trying to form a logical argument?that's horseshit. You're lying, Emma.
>>14040163you don't want to help her? it would be cruel to leave her with her grapefruit sized balls roiling with seed. she has become rather resistant to self-stimulation which means that without help she is stuck with painfully milking small spurts for hours every day, while you could help her out with just taking your time to give her an erupting orgasm to relieve her.>>14040176you don't really want to make a huge mess in her place every time, so you have the right idea.>>140401662 weeks rest after each pregnancy. and if you ask nicely celestia might throw in some magic help to not only agelessness, but also a more efficient yield. no need to overestimate yourself yet, you should start with twins or triplets, but you should routinely be able to accomodate octuplets or more very soon.yep both of them are me. let's see how well writing two at a time will work, it worked once before.
>>14039934I already put my arms in the drawer.
Daily reminder popularfags ruined mlpg.
Daily reminder fetishfags improved mlpg.
Daily reminder you can't put "moot" in the subject field.
Daily Reminder: Rarity is the best pony.
>>14039934i'm splitting what used to be my drawing time between hats and drawing. works reasonably well.
Daily reminder to praise the sun.
>>14040231no fuk u
What's the silliest picture you have in your pony folder?
Daily reminder that dubs
>>14040238In terms of making sense?
>>14040238I don't have my pony folder, so let's see...How's this?
Pony escaped your basement
>>14040238Is this silly enough?
>>14040215>octupletsno thank youI'll stick to singles and twins, maybe triplets if I'm feeling boldI also don't want this to be a lifetime gigI figure I give her a few (20-30) ageless years of my life to help her test the feasibility of satyr guards, she gives me a nice pension and lets me keep my heaving milky breasts and settle down as a wet nurse or somethingI wish you the best of luck with your lewd endeavors, but I gotta get some sleep
>>14040246I'm just going to say "Hello" and wish you a happy day to you, because you're the one that makes things happen. The sun doesn't deserve that praise.
>>14040213I will
>>14040204And you got this from Bad Dragon, no doubt?
>>14040271There's that smile I love.
fuck you
>>14040181>read Morrison's run>thinks Jean has "little to no" personalityEven in the case that you read that run alone, how could you hold such a terrible opinion?Bendis' Teen Jean is a horrible cunt who needs to be punched in the face repeatedly, though.
>>14040281that rarity and spitfire are perfect
>>14040293she doesn'tand she never willshe's as bland as shadowcat
Anon I want to be your cock sleeve.
>>14040293I probably worded it wrong.What I mean is outside of that run (and Claremont's) She doesn't really have a whole lot of personality because writers never seem to be able to move past the phoenix thing. It baffles me that a character that bland has so many fans. I can't really comment on Bendis' Jean because I stopped reading All-New and Uncanny around the time Warren joined Scott.The only X-book I'm reading now is Legacy.
>>14040300Anon please, I'm still grieving.
>>14040300Cock sleeve... Or cock slave?
>>14040278Yes.Shit's expensive.
>>14040264okay, thanks. good night.
>>14040326What kind of schedule are we looking at?
>>14040326That's very nice
>>14040300you're not the real tess.the real tess isn't online on skype.
>>14040300>tess was pantyanon the whole time
>>14040334Ive been chatting with him for an hour. He's just appearing offline.
>>14040334I'm not online to you because you aren't cool enough.
>>14040347I still can't wrap my head around the fact people like that guy
>>14040347>pantyanon is drawfagbut i wanted to be the first trap drawfag
>>14040311She was 90% Phoenix and relationship problems under Nocenti, but honestly hasn't been that way since the late '80s. Lobdell Jean was rich and interesting, she really grew as a caring, lovable woman with a good relationship to Cable and Rachel.>The only X-book I'm reading now is Legacy.Then you have good taste, son. Honestly I'm quite worried about tomorrow's issue
>>14040357It's nice to know that he isn't dead.
>>14040359prove it's you. post a drawing.a new one.
>>14040369What a terrible thing to say. The guy is a dick. All those tripfags are dicks.
>>14040215it seems that every single time i write babs stuff the other guy just leaves in the middle of it.
You excited for the next comic?What cliched story will they follow to get SA and Cadance in a relationship?
What if Chrysalis smelled like surstromming
>>14040357Worse than Jailbait.Just kidding.Jailbait is an even bigger asshole.
>>14040392I would fight the smell. It would be hard. Perhaps it would be the hardest thing I'd ever do... BUT I'D DO IT!
Slap my hand.
>>14040374I will if you tell me who you are.
>>14040392>implying you'd care>implying her pheromones wouldn't turn you into a boner-drone immediately
>>14040392>surstrommingpls no
>>14040392but surstromming is deliciousI wouldn't mind
>>14040402i am anon.
>>14040402I'm ______spartacus.
>>14040392that's my fetish
>>14040395Jailbait only talks to the cool persons group.
>>14040402I AM SPARTACUS
Drawing art of My Little Pony does not make you cool.That's like, the opposite of cool.
Why don't you love this horse?
Don't you want to look mature for your special somepony?
>>14040429She's tied with AJ as my second favorite.
>>14040429she's loud and annoying and smelly
>>14040420which group? if you're referring to the art and critique chat then he hasn't said a single word there in months.
>>14040429It's difficult for her to carry an episode by herself.She also peaked in FPK.I would totally be her friend though if she could make me smile.
>>14040436But her coat smells like bubblegum and her mane smells like cotton candy.
>>14040437It's probably because HES TOO BUSY SUCKING DICK
>>14040453Maybe after a showerbut then not long after that, eww.
>>14040432I think she can live without me looking mature.
>>14040429But I like her.
Hyper pregnancy is a weird fetish, btu I think I like it.
>>14040427It makes you cooler than non-contributor bronies, though.
>>14040455I'm busy trying to fit in with the other cool group.
>>14040467I don't know man, I don't know.When I think of My Little Pony fantartist cool is the last word that comes to my mind.
>>14040468Alright anon, you can stop now.It wasn't even amusing when you began.
>>14040468so jailbait has an alternate account to avoid people he hates?these things make me paranoid
>>14040463Eh, when the belly is bigger than the person, I dont know.
>>14040463if you have a pregnancy fetish you're pretty much a pedophile
Does anybody else think the comics are kind of bad
>>14040498Not really, usually just the resolutions are bad. Especially the first arc.
>>14040498Well, some of them
>>14040479Yes it actually is
>>14040474I'm not saying they're cool.I'm just saying non-contributing bronies are worse.
>>14040485I think it's because I can trick myself into thinking it's cum inflation>>14040497Pregnant women scare me, man.
A moment of silence for all the ded drawfags that got chased away by popularfags and furries.
>>14040498Dash is the only one I could not stand. My god, the style, the meme, the "I thought that fanart of the room is real!"
>>14040497When you're fucking a pregnant woman you're technicall having sex with two people.
>>14040497You would know what a pedophile thinks huh? Do you also like Rumble anon?
>>14040518Fuck you, anon.Could you stop shitposting about it?
>>14040518I don't think any drawfag was chased away by furriesmost embraced it with open arms, especially the ones that were furries themselves
>>14040527No, Rumble a shit.Featherweight and Snails are where it's at.
>>14040518>drawfags>popularfags and furriespic both
>>14040536>liking the thin gawky weird ones
>>14040528Why are you so hurt? This is true, popularfags ruined everything.
>>14040518>>14040528>>14040530What is all this talk about hate.
>>14040544You mean the cute ones.
>>14040546>Why are you so hurt?>ruined everything.Take a wild guess, smartypants
>>14040536So then you are a pedo then.
>>14040553I wouldn't fuck a human childain't gonna say no to pony children
>>14040547MLPG is hate.
>you will never trick or treat with Daring Dash
>>14040561Keyword is children. Regardless, you are a pedophile at heart. You should report to the nearest police station so they can keep tabs on you.
http://datcatwhatcameback.tumblr.com/post/64118429179/i-am-seeing-a-lot-of-boo-hoo-about-something-stupid>people wishing they had pokemon and a 3ds so they can play with their friends but realize it would not be responsible at this time to spend the money on it>skoon goes off on an autistic rant about how he was poor and had nothing when he was a kid. getting mad at anyone who wants a 3ds.
>>140405654chan is olev
>>14040566>house with a "take one" sign>Dash takes the whole bowl Fuck no I ain't going trick or treating with her
>>14040570Y-you seem to have your head together, I'm calling the police on myself now...you'll... you'll take care of my pony, right?
>>14040571Thanks for the tumblr update you braindead peice of shit. Poeple like you ruined the human race.
>>14040571I will never understand why people in this fandom are so full of themselves.
>>14040576You don't mean thatDaring Dash is loveDaring Dash is life
>>14040579Now that wasn't nice
>>14040578Yes, but she need to earn her keep.I'll have to rent her out to parties and bronyconventions
>>14040571That's not an autistic rant, that's an asshole rant.Also who the fuck is skoon?
are you calling me a faggot
>>14040586I guess this is the path I choseplease don't let her know it's my fault. I want to be able to sleep.
>>14040571>following retardsYou brought it onto yourself, Anon
>>14040589the fist guy in the fandom to make a jacking off on pony toys tumblr
>>14040589Who the fuck is you anon?
>>14040579>poeple>proclaiming others as braindead
>>14040599Hah, what an achievement.
>>14040585fuck off fake tess
>>14040599That whole crusade when his tumblr was banned was hilarious and sad.I mean, you have the right to do whatever with your toys, but really, getting mad when your tumblr is banned? I mean really? And he has the nerve to complain about people wanting 3DS GOTY.
>>14040624I'd get mad if my tumblr got banned.What kind of retard would report a guy for coming on a toy? The Down With Molestia movement?
>>14040518Popularity killed the drawfag
>>14040628You deserve your tumblr banned kevinsano.
>>14040624back then the fandom was still new and jacking off on toys and making a tumblr about it was a new low so it angered a bunch of people.these days everyone is used to the most horrifying shit imaginable in the my little pony fandom so no one cares anymore.
>>14040628That's really not something worth getting mad over.Like, are you really that invested in a tumblr where you're cumming on toys? Is it really that big of a deal.And then the people that made the tumblr of them cumming on their toys to "support" Skoon was just retarded. What in god's name were they hoping to prove?"Oh gee, these guys cumming on horse toys sure did make me realize the error of my ways"It's like being mad because you got banned on an internet forum.
>>14040637>these days everyone is used to the most horrifying shit imaginable in the my little pony fandom so no one cares anymore.As evidenced by the whole DWM movement, I presume.
>>14040636>I'm sick and tired of Molestia promoting rape culture
>>14040571>The reason this bothers me is because I am literally seeing it five or six times a day from different users, not counting re-blogs from people I don’t follow. Gee, I wish there was some sort of Savior for Tumblr that let you block the tags you don't want to read.
>>14040653what is going on with this? are they actually doing anything?
>>14040653It was a bunch of kids getting angry becuase they got molested by a bunch of pedophiles.
Guys you should talk about ponies not fandom culture.
>TumblrNot even once.
ded and unponied
>>14040650>>14040650>It's like being mad because you got banned on an internet forum.Hahaha, that reminds me of that shmorky flash with the guy who had a meltdown because he got banned from SA.
>>14040636Why did Kevinsano deserve to get his tumblr banned?What did he ever do to anybody else to deserve that?
>>14040662I wish the whole movement was about it not being funny at all and less about this whole rape culture thing.
>>14040624>GOTY>type advantage on first fight>male protagonist has finally turned completely female>free movement, no more tilesets>EXP share>shiny pokemon up your assnext they'll give pikachu wings
>>14040665>>14040665They gave up on Molestia. They're trying to cause teen drama with other bronies, but they've been completely unable to repeat their success.
>>14040668They don't look like cmc
>>14040668anyone remember what phns tumblr is? he was a cool guy i wonder what he is up to
>>14040675He drew Twily with a dick. Twily can't be a princess with a dick.
>>14040684No, it was about rape culture and jealousy of JJ's popularity and perverts ruining the fandom and making Lauren Faust cry.
>>14040675His art just sucks. I draw better than him
>>14040692>muh headcanon
>>14040695I think we all make Lauren Faust cry anon.
>>14040668I don't mind discussing fandom cultureI can not stand discussing fandom drama
>>14040686B-BUTFAIRY TYPES!!!
>>14040697>>14040692>no legit answersI wasn't expecting any.
>>14040710That's because there was no reason for it to be banned
>>14040710You have some twisted logic their anon.
>alicorn Twilight before it happened
>>14040708I hope S4 will have goo-type ponies
>>14040686It has tilesets and free movement. Play the game before making posts like that.
>>14040697You don't even draw anymore Tess
>>14040675i dont know the whole story but is he actually permanently banned?i know tumblr will automatically shut your shit down just if enough people report it.
>>14040686Why does type advantage in the first fight matter? In previous gens you'd you're guaranteed a win anyway by using scratch/tackle repeatedly. The main storyline in Pokemon has never been difficult.
>>14040720why is pony so gay
>>14040686>even reu is disappointed in the new porgeyman
boop it
>>14040737It's tradition.
>>14040729Oh I hope they do ban mewball's tumblr. I would just laugh,
What's up guys?
>>14040723Are you really expecting anyone from /v/ to play something before making bold/false claims?
>>14040745why do you keep mistaking me for qt girl artiststry the opposite
>>14040749mewball stopped being funnow he just shitposts a bunch, but it's okay because he's mewball
>>14040752Shut the fuck up attention whore
>>14040752Something about tumblr, I don't know
>>14040760what did i do now
>>14040729You make a main account, and you can make multiple blogs. In the past usually they'll just delete one of your blogs, but your account stays open. This time they deleted his whole account.He's already got a new account and multiple new blogs. So it's not like they stopped him from drawing pony porn. It's just a huge nuisance because now he's lost track of all the people he followed, and vice versa. Basically it's just a huge dick move.
>>14040756don't do that to me
>>14040686>>free movement, no more tilesetswhy is this bad?
>>14040766Your shitposting.
>>14040766it's just the way you postyou're kind of a shithead now
>>14040766You draw and people like you.Therefor you must be destroyed.Brony logic.
>>14040766You didn't take lyra with you, and she's been chilling with me
>>14040786More like jealousy logic.
I'm so fucking tired of the way this fandom acts, you have no idea.
>>14040786but bronies like people that make stuff for themhis stuff was well received when he used to use ribbit
>Issue #12 preview>Cadence is the one telling the story nowAw man. No depressed SA playing D&D or crashing the Dance in a convoluted as hell way. But there's still hope. I wonder what Twilight's nick name was.
>>14040795You're just jealous
i hope tumblr actually does eventually ban porn so everyone leaves to the new thing.the dashboard and tumblr site is just so fucken awful
>>14040811Of course I am.I'm jealous of everything I don't masturbate to.You're jealous of me for being jealous, too.
>>14040800I'd be less tired of it if less people insisted on bringing it to my attention
>>14040797nah, hating fanartists is pretty much unique to the brony fandom
>>14040800Me too. Let me tell you about it.
>>14040800>they... come close, at timesDamn
>>14040800Join the club.We've got cookies and junk.What is going on in that picture anyway
People are mad about some Oingo Boingo reference?
>>14040752Not a whole lot as you can tell.
>>14040834The what now?
>>14040834I thought Oingo Boingo was a derogatory nickname for ObamaI was so confused
>>14040726I can't take this shit man...
>>14040827This fucking artist man.
>>14040822I was in the pokemon fandom a few years ago, and I can't recall having to see so much hate towards fanartists... Except maybe chinakitty (?) because of her style.
>>14040800>telling the angry internet nerds to stop being angrythat doesnt sound like a good plan to me
>>14040766You chased away all the drawfags
>>14040851THAT artist? What a butt head.w-which one
I don't think I've ever been a fan of the way MLPG defends their artist. In most situations the artist doesn't care or can handle the situation themselves, but someone or some people are always really quick to jump to their aid an perpetuate a really stupid argumentIn most cases the artist/writer completely removes themselves from the situations while two or more people continue to argue about something really stupid. I can't really speak for anyone, but I'm pretty sure the last thing they want you to do is turn the entire thread into an argument about them
>>14040800i see people in mlpg get hateanons over the smallest possible shit.i cant even imagine how many someone like price has.
>>14040855And this is all3 pagesThere's also the first 3 pages from the anual, the ones with Sunset but everyone already knows that one
>>14040834Bronies do not listen to good music.No one I have ever met in this fandom has had good taste in music.Why is everyone's taste so awful except for mine?This is a serious question
>>14040800Price please no... let me whiteknight you and fight off all the evil bronies but don't stop drawing pones
>>14040804>but bronies like people that make stuff for themThey don't. Other fandoms appreciate fanartists. With bronies there's this weird sense of entitlement. Fanartists owe them drawings. And if they don't draw what they want, how they want it, there's going to be trouble.
>>14040862it's not even arguing it's>i don't like this artist>that's because you're a jealous brony>REPEAT>ENTIRE>THREAD
>>14040827Price included a reference to the oingo boingo song about little girlspeople tend to think the song is about pedophillia
>>14040840>Dash eyeing Shinyheyyy
>>14040877What was the reference exactly?
>>14040870twilight is funny as hell as filly
>>14040855Well, I guess her nickname wasn't always Twily.
>>14040880It gets really tiring, especially when you know they've been doing this since S1.
I hope Babs Seed enjoys her season-long break.
>>14040906Maybe mlpg should disband once and for all.
Daily reminder that twilights mother wrote daring do.OP family.
>>14040880>i don't like this artistIt's not even about not liking an artist. If you didn't like an artist you just wouldn't care. Continually shitpositng about an artist is what happens, and that's a sign of deeper mental issues. Brony issues.
>>14040880you're just jelly that you are not in the argument
>>14040921maybe you should sit on a railroad spike
>>14040862I wouldn't mind it so much if half of the posts weren't just >You jelly
>>14040862eh, we've argued about worsebesides, some artists have shown themselves capable of quitting just because of negative talk in the thread so I don't mind throwing out a FUCK YOU MEWBALL IS GOD I WANT TO GARGLE HIS ART-SEMEN occasionally
everyone who voices a negative opinion is a jealous hateanon bronywe have become an aggressive hugbox
>>14040921>>14040938Peole just need to learn to relax.Let the artist defend themselves or just ignore it. Whatever they want.This shit happened with Madmax and Jessy a bunch of times and it was annoying each time.
>>14040904Not really. That's what SA calls her.Who knows what embarrassing cute thing her mother called her. I NEED TO KNOW.KATIE BETTER FIUCKING DELIVER
>>14040961I love it
>>14040920She should, then enjoy the one after that.By that point she will have been on break long enough for nothing to matter.
>>14040940Samefag mewball
>>14040949Because it's not a reference to shit bronies typically reference in fanart, like Doctor Who or other nerd culture stuff.
>>14040940artists who quit because of negative talk in the thread do need to leaveI suck the dick of artists that have a skin that isn't made of paper
>Duplicate image detectedhttp://images.4chan.org/mlp/src/1381860375085.jpg>>14040847>>14040845Oingo Boingo's a band. The "I love pretty pink mares" song Shiny sung was a parody on their song "Little Girls".http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jItz-uNjoZA
>>14040973nobut i will agree with him
>>14040949Uptight idiots with nothing better to do, you've seen it before
>>14040879Nah, every fandom has whinny shits like that
>>14040949Some people think the original song is about pedophillia.Pedophjillia has no place in a comic official published.the song isn't about it but a select and highly vocal group THINK it is.
>>14040982So you suck no ones dick
>>14041003I suck GG's
>>14040919>Oingo Boingo>Frankie Goes to Hollywood>d12>Devo>thompson twinsGood stuff. Shame it's lost on the audience.
>>14040940>besides, some artists have shown themselves capable of quitting just because of negative talkOkay, this might not be a something you want to here, but if you get bothered by rude remarks on 4chan of all places then this place is not for you. They would be better off in a different environment. People get insulted on this site everyday and if you cannot handle that you really do need to find a different place to post. A lot of the times when you guys argue about this stuff it doesn't seem like you care about the well-being of the artist at all, but are more worried about one less artist to come visit these threads and maybe take request.
>>14041002what is it really about?
The pony next to you is now a lamp. What is its light bulb mark?
>>14040984>Duplicate image was in this thread and everything had already been saidI am slow.
>>14041002>a select and highly vocal group think it isAnd this would be?
>>14040949Bronies have bad taste in music.Now I'm shuddering because I just realized there might be people in this thread that have never listened to Only a Lad.How fucking horrible.
>>14040919Oh, I never noticed that Vinyl got her cutie mark in this page.
>>14041028>Only a Ladsorry brah I only like New Wave that is XTC
>>14041024It's funny because the image was posted in the same thread twice within a few seconds of each other.
>>14041013Let me ask you this. Why would any artist want to hang out in a place where retards shitpost about them all day?It's not about having a tough skin, it's about having self respect.
>>14041031Doesn't make much sense, seeing that she's just listening to music, not making music.
>>14041028I like all types of musicexcept country and rap lol
>>14040984that song doesn't fit the picture at all.at least there's a devo hat
>>14041031>Vinyl got her cutie mark on a music concertOh god that's really cute
>>14041012You forgot >Save Ferris
>>14041045What's even stranger is how it translates to making wubs
>>14041045DJs listen to music to make it
>>14041041Because they find there are many like-minded people here? It's why most of us are here. Of all communities and groups of people I've ever come across, MLPG is the most decent, save for the very few and sadly very loud idiots who try their hardest to ruin it for everyone else, and, needless to say, fail, since we're still here.
>>14040927Wait is that midget in that song video the same guy from game of thrones?
>>14041045I think it does. It means music is her passion. Look at AJ, she didn't discover her cutie mark when doing a particular apple-related task.
>>14041056who the hell hasn't seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
>>14041062>DJ's listen to musicAh, but this is the brony fandom. Their DJs don't actually listen to music, or know anything about music.
>>14041060>wubs>implying wubs are canonit could just be electronic music in general anon
>>14041028I've never listened to whatever that is, probably because it's shit.
>>14041056ahh i just noticed thatnice one
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq1APCcTWZg>official "best brony song">watch first minute>it is horrible and cancerous just like any brony crap>see caption>lyrics by McCuntyWhat happens if you multiple worse by horrible and add retarded to the mix? This.
>>14041041Far from it. Its because they like the attention they are getting. They theive on both the positive and negative remarks. Cut them off from that and they whither and die.
>>14041078Well we're not fucking talking about the fandom you retard, we're talking about Vinyl, who is a DJ
>>14041081I didnt know what to call it but it's still a weird translation
>>14041078She's a pony, not a brony. I think you're confused.
>>14041041That's what I'm saying. If you don't like it leave. Find a better place where you do think you are being respected for the things you do.I'm saying everyone on this site gets insulted every day. It's not new and 90% of the time it's not even meant to be taken seriously. If the artist wants to leave. Let them. Follow their art blogs or whatever.But do not argue with whoever it is that's insulting them because all this does is cause problem not just for the artist, but the people in the threads as well.
>>14041071>like minded people herelol, no. mlpg's a tiny little backwater filled with retards. It's got nothing to offer artists or any other mature adult.
>>14041104So you're saying you're an immature retard. Well at least you're right about that.
>>14041077It's the name of a band too.
>>14041077I'd imagine most bronies.
>>14041109Nah, I just popped in her for a bit. First time in months. I don't hang out here all day here, shitposting about artists I don't like.
>>14041104>lol, noopinion invalidated.YouTube please go.
>>14041038Disgusting.>>14041048Even more disgusting.>>14041088My taste in music > Your taste in music
>>14041041Well why are any of us here?You guys talk about artists like they're a different species or something. But they're just other people who like the show, who also happen to like to draw.
>>14041077Eh, I saw it for the first time in these threads, during a stream. It's probably an important movie in anglosaxon culture, but mlp fans come from all over the world.
>>14041122It's so amazing how every single person who talks bad about MLPG is "just popping in" after months of not being here when questioned about being here.Every single time.
>>14041122It's funny how every. single. day. there is someone telling MLPG how awful they are and how he just popped in for a few minutes after a months long break.
>>14041122If you thought it had absolutely nothing to offer to you, you wouldn't have come back. Implying you came back from a long break. Which you didn't, we have more "lol I just came back from a long break, MLPG you still suck"s than unique IPs on the planet.
>>14041122>I just popped in her for a bitHot
>>14041144I will never not love this picture
>>14041130you should get some friends to listen to your music with, instead of telling strangers they're bad people for not listening to it
>>14041144absolutely disgusting
>>14041140What's even more amazing is that after being gone for months, I come back and you're still posting all the same shit you were six months ago. Like that retarded dog picture.It's like you're a broken record. Do you even venture outside of mlpg any more?
Why do you love this pony?
>>14041162tiny pony is offended
>>14041144SHE'S SO CUTE
>>14041164Not a single person will believe you that you "just popped in" dude. You are here every single day, reposting this thing over and over again.It's quite funny that you have the audacity to call someone else a broken record.
>>14041148is that the mayor?no, thats not her cutie mark.what the fuck
>>14041158needs more Flitter and Anon doing girly thingslike getting manicures/hooficures at the spa or something
>>14041161Will you be my friend and listen to my music, anon?
>>14041191No, it's shit.
>>14041185It's LMJ's attempt at buttons mom
>>14041158>rumbl with braided hairheh
>>14041190I was going to request anon painting Flitter's hooves next time someone takes request.I think it'd be adorable.
>>14041183>no one will believe youDoesn't matter. It's true. What's also true is my original point: mlpg has nothing to offer artists. Or for that matter, any non-artist fan of the show. It's just the same shitposts, same reaction faces, same repeated "jokes."
>>14041177but pony has no place in mlpg
>>14041164>that retarded dog picturehttp://images.4chan.org/mlp/src/1381772039794.png
>>14041201i imagine his next reply to be something like "lel i wuz gone for months i don't know that character XD"
>>14041214I believe in pony
>>14041211Uh huh.You should try this again tomorrow when you pop in after months once again.
>>14041214It does actually, it's the third word in MLPG.
Just coloring etc, will update later
>>14041216>now a retarded Lyra picture
>>14041211>mlpg has nothing to offer artistsOh, geez man, thanks for telling me that I'm not allowed to enjoy my time in this thread. I almost made a huge mistake.
>>14041216Right. That retarded dog pictureThe joke being that the thumbnail doesn't actually look like what the real picture looks like.Which is sort of amusing the first time you see it. But not after some brony reposts it every thread for months.
I uploaded Oingo Boingo's Only a Lad for anyone that hasn't listened to it and maybe wants to give it a try.http://www.mediafire.com/download/hjqd3xq244p51n3/Only+a+Lad.rarI was bored.
>>14041228that's a tiny falchion on that dogthing needs to be pony-sized
>>14041233you should know better. anon obviously knows what is better for you.
>>14041230i forgot the 'E'
>>14041233>implying you're an artist and not just another shitposter
>>14041237I appreciate the sentiment but>youtube
>>14041236I've never seen it before and I'm here like 10 hours a day since 1999
>>14041224why>>14041227your logic has no place here anonymous
>>14041249please stop posting Rumble.That is all
>>14041254>listening to albums on youtube>Listening to music on youtubeI'm going to vomit.
>>14041244Link? I like ponies and number generators anon
>>14041250Everyone knows artists like to shitpost.
>>14041260Please stop posting things i don't likeThat is all
>>14041237I'll swap a song with you, here's one I very much enjoy.It's pretty happy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV4dPdrIedI
>>14041261480p isn't that bad
>>14041197B-But I have really good taste in music.
>>14041211>mlpg has nothing to offer artistsI know you're baiting, yadda yadda, but MLPG has had a huge impact on me artistically; both by seeing a whole lot of art (both by artists from here and reposted art) and by getting advice, art tips and art pdfs from other artists. I also improved my speed by drawing things that had (as it is quite a fast general) to be on topic and wouldn't be after a short while.
>>14041261>listening to albums on youtubewho does this>music on youtubeI do it if it's one song that I don't want to have on my computer
>>14041261not everyone has multi-hundred dollar headphones that can pick up the difference, anonwould you believe that someone actually listens to music with shitty iPod earbuds?
>>14041273I don't like this. Don't post it again.
>>14041284I use Skullcandy
>>14041278Shhh, no tears now unknown artist, just accepts Anons superior wisdom and accept that you are not allowed to have fun in here.After all, he just popped in after months of being away and has a fresh view on the situation!
Hear me well mlpg. When the new season comes, the ded drawfags will arise from their graves.
>>14041264No link, it's for the raffle thing. I'll upload it after.
>>14041261i download music from youtube to listen to it on my 3ds
>>14041301Cap that shit, that rings right
>>14041301I'll probably start drawing again.Won't be posting it here though.
>>14041242Its more of like a knife.
>>14041278Also someone who likes to give out guides here, this makes me happy.>tfw formlpganon reposted a youtube channel I linked here
>>14041274It's not that good either.>>14041280>who does thisI know a lot of people that do it. It's so weird to me.>>14041284My headphones cost me 40 bucks and they're really good for the price.
>>14041323I probably got more than a few channels and guides from you dude. Thanks!
>>14041317You say this all the time anon.
>>14041301So what? So that mewball can get to chase them all away again?
>>14041274Isn't 360p better?
>>14041284i'll give you 16 keys for them
>>14041286I just finished listening to the music you posted, it was shit.Don't post it again.
>>14041312That's it. I'm doing it, MLPG. I'm going to vomit more than I have ever vomited before.
>>14041340Woah anonThey are just gonna go down again, think about it
>>14041345But anon, I really did enjoy what you posted.
>>14041324The difference depends very much on the video"480p" only refers to the video quality. The audio quality depends entirely on what the maker put in it.Might not be true for things that were uploaded many years ago, but the sound quality on simple 380p videos now is HQ if that's what the uploader put in the vide.
>>14041363Why are you so bad at ignoring baits? You respond pretty much every single time
>>14041333he's the same guy who is constantly trying to bait us.
>>14041347its usually dubstep
>>14041373shitposters have an attraction to eachother
>>14040840>everyone is talking to eachother>except AJ who just smilesDoes no one like her? Or is she that guy that never speaks more than one line when he meets with his friends for a drink?
>>14041317I'll probably start drawing again if I have time.
>>14041376Jokes on you, anon.I like dubstep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kGID6HG_uA
>>14041373Because he likes the attention. Regardless if its bad. Why do you think he hangs around here?
>>14041389>All Twilight Sparkles' friends are here>AJ is here too
>>14041389She talks right in the next page, Anon
Sweetiebelle this is not how you carve a pumpkin, stahp.
>>14041406Oh Terry how much I miss you...>The ponies will never fight against the Zebra King
>>14041392Yeah yeah yeah. Just stop it ok? You are only hurting yourself.
>>14041301ARISE, DRAWFAG
>>14041396i'm talking brostep, anonnot that snoozefesthttp://youtu.be/zS0oNDe0r5k
>>14041416Someone needs to post that comic again. I want to laugh at it.
>>14041422Still a month to go yet.
>>14041412You sure?That's what DT and SS told us we should do.
>>14041422What makes you think I am a drawfag? Maybe I am?
>>14041301I will use that last month to draw a bunch of pictures with different styles and then pretend to be all the drawfags that left!MLPG shall be mine!
>>14041426>110 bpm>brostepanon pls
>>14041453You know what?I'm a little impressed.
How do I find obscure bands to talk about in front of people so they think I know a lot about music?
>>14041448Tofu tried that.
>>14041409Yeah. She just asks one question. Meanwhile all her friends talk to each other and have fun. She's just there, smiling.
>>14041473Just spend a minute on /mu/.
>>14041431Aright will change it.
>>14041426Despite our different taste in music and your horrible way of listening to your music I am sure we can still be friends.Would you like to discuss music with me, anon?
>>14041473Go to the /mu/ sharethreads
Is it rape?
>>14041475His art style was way too distinctive for that though.I'm sure ForMLPGAnon could pull it off though
>>14041479Most of the bands /mu/ talks about aren't even obscure.
>>14041489>His art style was way too distinctive for that thoughwas it?
>>14040870>dat TwilightAdventures of Filly Twilight spinoff series when
>>14041487it's sexual assault
>>14041473Search for some pony music videos on youtube.
>>14041496Yeah, you can spot Krauts stuff from a mile away
>>14041484> I am sure we can still be friends.yes
>>14041501I said music
>>14041473C-Can we just share bands we like now?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XpNwKPTA8
>>14041475He didn't. He didn't try to pretend to be a drawfag who left, just another one.
>>14041509>filename0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
>>14041517>olives, green pepper, and pepperoni pizzaGod damn vinyl has good taste
>>14041505i don't really see what sets it apart.
>>14041489No that dude cant.
>>14041453as shallow as it makes me sound, i don't care who the artist is or the bpm as long as its hard.i've loved hard music since i was young, genre be fucked.
>>14041077I've never seen it.
>>14041553me neither
>>14041489You do realize its Ross.
>>14041489I would try and draw pony in my own style, but I'm not good enough at drawing to have one and even if I did, I don't think MLPG would like it. I wish one of the main 6 had been more art oriented. Probably replacing Rarity or Applejack...which is horrible of me to say since they're my two favorite ponies.
Eight-Legged Freaks is on AMCpretty much the best giant spider movie ever
>>14041553>>14041558You should see it! It's great.
>>14041546Is this hard enough, anon?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTPLcst4OL8
>>14041577Nice tryhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwjljzW95zA
>>14041519Kraut was one mentally disturbed dude. Im glad he died. May he know peace.
>>14041483thanks for pandering to meI hope it's not inconvenient
>>14041595I watch MST3K to learn how to be funny
>>14041535his snouts and eyes and lanky legs? dunno, it seems obvious to me
>>14041612Amanda overdosed on heroin
>>14041622made me look
>>14041487Zecora is one of the good ones
>>14041607What about this?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL3qmWk-Cdk
>Take a couple of hours off MLPG because it's superbeb>Wow so many new posts>Ridiculous meta discussion about the brony fandom, mulpug and drawfagsFuck you too, thread.
Of the remaining five Elements, which one will have the most emotional transformation to an alicorn?
>>14041637Well at least we can all take solace in the fact that Josh Peck is gorgeous
>>14041645Almost every time MLPG is unbeb it comes with large amounts of shitposting.
when will pony be loved
>>14041577i just turned it on, and the kid just explained the plot of the movie so far. It was weird
>>14041645I hope you learned your lesson anon.