Think it should be fixed now.
>>14024885Good job, Moot
>>14024885good. It was fun at first, but that shit got annoying.
>>14024885was fun while it lasted.wait, it actually wasn't
cunny motherfucker ass titties cock balls cunt nigger kike chink spic canadians le epic maaymay xD u mad bro test
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Oh my gosh! I've never realized how horrible it is not to be able to talk. I mean I *love* talking so much and when I couldn't talk 'cause my tongue was all "ehhhh". It was the *worst*! Don't you agree, Fluttershy?
guys, name my goodra for me
>>14024929Yeah, it's fix.
>not watching AMC's FearFestDo you even October
>>14024939Remember a time when you can only post gif images?
I think I just had my first multiple orgasmI didn't know guys could do that
>>14024969>I didn't know guys could do thatamazing, isn't it?
Apparently I was the only one on the board to think to email the mods about this.They seem to be quicker to respond then moot is, so if something breaks please shoot them an email too.
>>14024969how did you do it?
>>14024998It really isI know what I'll be doing if I ever get a camera that can do video
>>14024965and then you could post anything but gifs
>>14025013hahahathanks anon
>>14025021I was edging for about an hour, then right before the cum started coming out I stopped, but I came anyway and it was a full blown orgasm, then I kept going and shot again in like 30 seconds
>>14025013Why would I do that? There's a pretty large number of people on this site at any given time, I'm sure somebody else will do it if I don't.
>tfw you cum so hard you have to wipe off your chest
>>14024969what is a multiple orgasmhow do you do it
>>14025013Acutally, I do not know how to contact the mod in the site. Only Moot and he is fucking useless. Thanks for the email, I will keep this in mind in the future.
>>14025049oh.I've done that a couple of times, but both times it just gave me two incredibly unsatisfying orgasms. it doesn't feel as intense as one big one.maybe I just didn't do it right.
>>14025063>what is a multiple orgasmIt's when you have multiple orgasms.
>>14025076No fucking shit?That's a lot of help when everything you know points to that being impossible.
>>14024949badraha ha haget it?
>>14025060That's exactly the mentality that kept the board broken for an hour and a half since everyone thought the same thing as you.Only takes a minute to email them and I doubt they care if they get a tidal wave of emails because something's broken.
>>14025013I can't into email
>>14025064In my headcanon moot is always sleeping
>>14025085that sounds wondrous
>>14025086Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers.
>>14025060>what is the Bystander Effect
>>14025109No, it's more ask questions, get dumb answers from dumb people.
>>14025113Thank you anon, I knew there was a term for it.
>>14025119You asked what a multiple orgasm is, I answered.
>>14025109Yeah, that's what happens when you ask dumb people.#shotsfired #burn #wow #woah #italiano
>>14025126The Bystander Effect actually refers to helping a victim, what you're looking for is Diffusion of Responsibility.
>>14025145Isn't 4chan the victime there?
What happened this thread?
>>14025149That's pretty damn ugly
>>14025144WowI'd love to educate you on these things, but it's not really pony.
>>14025145oh. right.
>>140251634chan is kill
>>14025144Just use a search engine
>>14025166She doesn't like me anymore? Meh. No lost there.
>>14025153Nah, because you can't help 4chan. You're responsible for asking for help.Now if the mods all fucked around because they thought someone else would handle it, that would be the Bystander Effect.
>>14025149Cosmo really needs to work on his fundamentals.
>>14025163Spam filter broke, only for this board too, for an hour and a half, so we had to use the subject, name, and email to converse.
>MLPG spends hours training themselves to have godly endurance and takes special supplements for huge loads>never gets laidYour waifu wouldn't want you to spend your life lusting for someone you can never have unless she's crazy and stupid like pinkie pieGo out and get a girlfriend
>>14025184>fundamentalsare you just repeating words you've heard or do you know what those are?
>>14025167...maybe in /unf/?
>>14025167>but it's not really pony.Eh, it's not like you've been talking pony for the past few posts.
>>14025195But my girlfriend is a pony. Hell, I am petting her now!
>>14025195>Still thinking everyone on one of the most popular websites on the internet is a hopeless virgin
Looking at this thread, I'm really glad I took a break from pone.Though it looked kinda... fun.
>>14025198he means "wow cartoony art i bet that faggot can't draw worth shit wheres da loomis why aren't you drawing like noel nerd"
>the just fixed linkboard now triggers the spam filter.
>>14025198it doesnt matteranon and cosmo are equally clueless
>>14025195>implying my girlfriend isn't a pokemon>implying she isn't reading your post right now>implying she isn't calling you a dork
>>14025213even cartoony art can look bad just look at John K
>>14025225Here comes team NTRocket
>>14025144it's the way idiots spell kegels
>>14025195But I waifu Pinkie PieWhat do?
>>14025167>but it's not really pony.Top kek. Like you ever talk about ponies in here, fucking shitposter
>>14025243>not punctualizing perfectlyFucking idiot.
>>14025233b-but then you'll know who I am...!
>>14025198>>14025213It doesn't matter if he wants a cartoony style, but he can't even keep consistent proportions.
>>14025195I'm not going to fall for your tricks succubus.
>>14025257Pokemon X
>>14025257I think a commission like forever ago.
>>14025253YOU'RE MAD, I WIN!
>>14025250shouldn't you be harping on RCH or something?
>>14025195>Your waifu wouldn't want you to spend your life lusting for someone you can never haveMaybe my waifu shouldn't be so damn loveable then
>>14025250I do that as anon>>14025259Not personallyI could just be a teacher of sortsAlso, making friends is super fun
>The last two games you played will fuse into one. How did it turn out?>Terraria and Cookie Clicker.
>>14025275But I'm mad 24/7
>>14025284Where did you hide the pone's body
>>14025277I actually like RCH though
PWA was here taking requests earlier, did he ever deliver anything?
>>14025283>Call of Duty 2 and Space Station 13I don't know, pretty shitty. Maybe WW2 game mode on SS13?
>>14025283>The Cave and Left 4 Dead 2I don't even know.
>>14025257Wolf Among US for a friend's birthday
>>14025257A year at the university.
>>14025300Don't think so.Feels bad man, because I missed him. He always likes my requests.>>14025312Pony Wife Asshole
>>14025290Under my sheets~
>>14025283>Tell Tale Games presents>Dota 2this is stupid
>>14025283>doom 2 and quake III10/10 GOTY would play with pone
>>14025283>cookie clicker>solitaireum
>>14025305http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLcR8GHBVZEor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGflARs3fCs
>>14025312this guy: >>14022242I think he has an awful habit of posting stuff as anon so I had to ask because most of what he does is gold>>14025318dang, I liked the requests he got and was hop
>tara strong will never record an ASMR session in twilight's voice/character
>>14025332...hoping he'd post the results while I was gone
>>14025283>The last two games you played will fuse into pone>Sonic: Generations and Dig DugPone goes fast and digs. Good game 10/10 would play
>>14025336...Not found
>>14025339oh for christ's sake
>>14025343grossher voice is the opposit of relaxing
>>14025339>OMG.. the White house feels it is safe to sell guns across the border that are used to attack our border patrol, and feel it is safe to allow illegal aliens in the country to remain here even after crimes have been committed, however a picture of a skateboarder on a postage stamp brings out the wrath..#burn
>>14025364Then which character would you like?
>>14025339Yo what the fuck.
>>14025355does it use the name you use to log in, or the one other players can see?
>>14025378Log in
>>14025378>>14025385you should be able to search by the name others can see though
Would you a russian pone MLPG
>>14025371Not him but I'd like Celestia
>Big Macintosh with a slight beard wearing long johns with a flap half-off>chewing a bit of straw looking a little groggy and half awake>"mornin' anon"
>>14025378neither, noone sees your login nameyou have a unique id (that you can change to a name), check your profile
>>14025339Jesus christ we're literally running on borrowed time and someone is worrying about postage stamps.FUCK.Does pony ever have to deal with this?
>>14025408Yes. I'd learn Russian just for her.
>>14025378Found it
>>14025409Fluttershy would also be nice
>>14025385I found him: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965925767looks like he's a dirty cheater
>posting comes back up>immediately the thread gets flooded with off topic shit
>>14025433This user has also played as:misplaced hicksDashie>HiroRainbow Dash
>>14025408would i?
>>14025339>The stamps deemed unsafe by federal officials included illustrations of kids [...] doing a handstand without wearing a helmet.American politicians confirmed for never having done a handstand.
>>14025433>San Diegomy negroI miss it so much
>>14025439just saying, don't try to play any vac games with him>>14025442also this
Did I miss any big news from New York Comic Con?
>>14025442fuck you
>>14025464nope, just big jews
>>14025457That is the country that banned tag because it's violent and teaches children that there are winners and losers in lifeIt is practically the soviet union
>>14025418Well let's ask Celestia.Oh wait she's too busy sending an earth pony family with children to live near a forest filled with some of the most dangerous creatures in the world.We'll have to ask later
>>14025465>encouraging hotglueanonYou had it coming for you
>>14025469>>14025470(._. )
>>14025442Was that really necessary?
>>14025474>Banned tagu wot
>>14025476I just wanted to learn about kegels!
>>14025408She seemed nice, but I have no idea what she was saying.
>>14025478Doesn't really change anything other than knowing who he is
>>14025498Oh fuckdammnit I always forget to clear my fields.
>>14025497> I'm right here if you have a problem.Yeah but your horse is so high that you can't even hear anyone trying to tell you that your constant talking about dicks is annoyingAlso it wasn't me who posted his recent names. Even though I don't really feel sorry for him, I wouldn't have posted that.
>>14025498>namefieldMAN THOSE WERE GOOD TIMES
>>14025505and that I had a couple of awful nicknames back in '11.
>>14025511>horse is so high
>>14025523Most of us did, don't sweat it
>>14025513B-but AnonFriendship is magic
>>14025530don't perpetuate it
>>14025509Battling childhood obesity is a very good thing, but fucking POSTAGE STAMPS with athletic images on them are not the fucking way to do it.There needs to be a mandatory nutrition class in elementary school, jesus fuck.
>>14025530>I never start conversations about dicks,Dude dudepls>>14024969
>>14025530>It's okay that I personally encourage off topic posting for multiple hours each and every single day because you can just filter it
>>14025408>>14025454Huh, there is one fan art of her. Her name seem to be Marusya.
>>14025543I'd move it up to highschool and incorporate it into PE.
>>14025530>I never start conversations about dicksDude you are so fucking obsessed with dicks you don't even know what you are posting anymore. It was you who started this conversation with your multiple orgasms post.
>>14025552I really like her eyes.
>>14025530Joining in the discussion here, but surely you can see that "I don't start stuff you don't like, I just cause it to continue happening" isn't an argument that's helping your cause there.
>>14025556I thought about it, but a lot of times it's too late by high school. If they teach nutrition and diet at a young age, they won't have obesity to battle in the first place.
>>14025543>There needs to be a mandatory nutrition class in elementary schoolI don't even know why this isn't a thing yet. The rough basics which are pretty much all you need for the average person can be taught in like an hour or less.
>>14025547and yet you seem unbothered by the discussion about postage stamps.
>>14025538Why?Because you don't like it.>>14025544That wasn't about dicks though. Do you not like orgasms as well?>>14025547Exactly. Well, not EXACTLY exactly, it's not shitposting, but you can have your opinion on it, too.>>14025557>multiple orgasms postSilly Anon, thats not dicks>>14025561>people start talking about [thing] you like>you join conversation about [thing] you like>anon comes along and calls [thing] you like shitposting
>>14025590>it's not shitpostingYou are beyond help man
we should have just talked about this on /unf/. then none of this would have happened.
>>14025590Oh, alright. I just didn't know who you were.
>>14025605But /unf/ is for pony only
>>14025589Because that's a conversation that will be over in 10-20 minutes and isn't brought up every single day in multiple threads.
>>14025558Okay, that was fucking strange. It did not post the image I wanted. I did not even have that in my folder at all.Anyways, its something to adore, even if she is a wooden, merry-go-round pony.
>>14025604shitposting isn't just posts you don't like
>>14025612this place is for pony only too!
>>14025596I want to sleep on Gloomy's big pillowy butt while holding Marker
>>14025618Yeah but talking about for how long you jerked your dick and how many times you came in a thread about a cartoon is.
>>14025528fuck australia, fuck australia, fuck australia, fuck australia
>>14025612>>14025605Maybe try /ot/ for that stuff? I remember Pineapple suggesting that might be a suitable place for the hotglue stuff if it were kept spoilered during that discussion about it a little while ago, so I'm sure just nonpony sexual discussion would be fine.
Navy uniforms are kinda gay looking.
>>14025596>editing goat train's aryan insert into a viking>neglecting to give him a beard and an axeyou failed
>>14025646Actually he said that hotglue stays in /unf/, it was pantyanon/camwhores that he was considering putting in /ot/
This is stupid.
honey, come back to beb
>>14025654Spoilering for metaHe said it stayed there while he decided what to do, and said that /ot/ might be a place for it if he disables advertising there.>And now that I look at it most of Pantyanon's thread is technically is in violation of /unf/'s rule 3. Under the current set of rules/boards it should be on /ot/ with the images spoiled. If I removed the spoiler requirement and ads on /ot/ people could camwhore to their hearts content, whether that is a good or bad thing you decide. As for now it will stay on /unf/ till I decide what to do, any new non cosplay camwhore threads will be removed.
>>14025681I want her to sit on my face without taking the panties offi also hope the panties have gone several weeks without washing
>>14025700Anon, that's disgusting.
>>14025702Yeah, I know.
>>14025706are you that Pachinko Pies guy?
>>14025691I love Prince.
Candyman is on AMCwhy aren't you Halloweening
>>14025700you had me up until the spoiler
>hotglueanon>pantyanonI hate you so much it's unreal
>>14025722Well I mean, I'm sure she could just change panties.
>>14025726I just hope it ends when S4 begins again
>>14025706Meta...Oh. I'm a dummy. Conflated the two, somehow.Anyway the point of /ot/ being suitable for discussion of human sexual functions in manners that do not relate to cartoon equines was the important part there and is still relevant, despite my slipup there.
>>14025726shut up cosmo
LOOK AT THIS HORSEhttp://pookaboo.tumblr.com/post/64026799641/d-vinebrwn-invisiblepole-rubaiyate-thisHE IS RIDICULOUS
>>14025750>undoing various buckles>*my belt*lewd
>>14025750Why is he standing there? Is he scared?
How much butter can one pony eat?
>>14025733that would make it much hotter, yes.that plush rump pressing down on your face with fresh pair of lacy black panties clinging to her cheeks...the scent of fabric-softener and sweat...the sound of her cooing and moaning as you flick your tongue over the thin fabric covering her marecunt...
>>14025762Read the text below, that's the good bit. Probably not though?>(He was not hurt, if you were curious. He just kinda hopped back down.)
damn, there's a lot of appealing casual encounters in my areait's ashamed I'm afraid of having my kidneys stolen
http://derpibooru.org/448768Alright, I kind of laughed.
>>14025774...Go on...
>>14025801I made the mistake of watching the videoit's not fun anymore when you see how shitty he still is
>>14025801I'm not sure why he felt the need to include those EQG abominations... it would have worked way better without them
>>14025801his art is really bad>twilight's open mouth at the end
pony wants to trade her fletchling for your xerneas
>>14025809I find it hilarious actually. His lack of improvement that is.
>>14025810Because it would make more sense with "humans" I guess?
>>14025810It would. It was probably to make it pony related?Anyway, it would be swell if he could make a full flash with braixen or whoever that new pokemon is.
>>14025826it almost looks like he got worse
Pony says she likes and would date you but only if you get pony's father's approval.
>>14025832>Anyway, it would be swell if he could make a full flash with braixen or whoever that new pokemon is.only when he learns to draw better
>>14025832>It was probably to make it pony related?Why though? The Pokemon fandom is big enough, he doesn't have to pander to brones to get hits with that one
>>14025849Who the hell knows.And honestly, who cares.
>>14025843Fine...Fishing trip with Rarity's father in the woods it is
>>14025848and animate better?
>>14025849I don't know. I have no idea. Maybe you could ask him.
Best tumblr.
>>14025854>not giving a single botherWhat an awkward formulation.
>>14025862It's most likely because if he were to make anything NOT pony related, he'd get people berrating him for making something NOT pony related aka "waaah it's not ponies that means you left the fandom forever rip"
>>14025874I didn't think about that. Yeah, that's a possibility.
>>14025884Goodnight, Tex
>>14025814Where is her cutie mark?
Yo guys, I need your help. I'm trying to remember a scene from a specific episode. I'm trying to find a specific clip of spike yawning. It's a long yawn, right after waking up from sleeping in his little bed right next to twilights bed. He stretches his arms out when he yawns. The yawn animation looks odd; like it's hand drawn frame by frame. Does anyone know what episode spike yawning is in
>>14025911Maybe winter wrap up? I think there was situation like that.
Apple Bloom's parents
why hasn't moot issued an apology and complimentary pony to everyone affected
So I haven't been paying attention to pony for a while.When does the next season start?
>>14025939haven't been here long have you?
>>14025941Nov 23
>>14025939>complimentary pony to everyone affectedThe day that /v/ died in spontaneous self-combustion.
>>14025948it was a joke you sperglord
>>14025781Holy fuck, that's hot.
>>14025911Not a bed, but there is a Spike yawn during the meteor shower at the start of Owl Swell.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG4fzoWYLeU&t=4m8s
>>14025983what episode is that from?
>>14025982You know, that thing with the ponies.
>>14025993It's About Time, right after the Cerberus scene.
>>14026002man how'd you find that so quickly
>>14026012I make make gifs all the time, being able to remember specific scenes just comes from seeing most episodes multiple times.
I just lied to get an extension on my reportCelestia would be ashamed
>>14025983PERFECTI was asking because I wanted a gif of it. I love how you can tell that this particular yawn was drawn frame by frame though.
>>14026023You watch my little pony?Isn't that for little girls?
>>14026038I just gave someone with a really bad excuse an extensionWe have to
So have any of you tried to make hay fries?
>>14026065I AM hay fries
>>14026038You shouldn't feel bad about lying, think how bad you would feel if you didn't get that extension and you failed.Lying is a moral hold back.*tips fedora
>>14026065I can't digest hay. I'm not a filthy herbivore.Daisy sandwiches are pretty fucking tasty though.
>>14026044Yes, and I'm a pretty girl
>>14026074that's a real thing?
why nightmare moon is so bald
>>14026071>tips fedorayou mean*counts shekels
hey we can talk againwooooooooooooo
>>14026094We never couldn'tWe were just playing you
It it really that small anon...oh uhm I guess is kinda cute.
>>14026106Bon Bon pleaseStop stirring shit up.
>>14026113YeahOur apples on earth just aren't as big as your horse apples I guess
is it safe
>>14026113>sex in equestria>stallion gets boner, faints from lack of blood to the brain>mare rides his limp body>leaves>he wakes up not knowing what happened
>>14026033>rumble grows up a little, goes to the flying academy>long day of practice>showers in the locker room, then starts leaving>gets surprised from behind, gagged with a towel and dragged behind some lockers>>a group of older pegasi look over him menacingly; it's a group that are much older than the other pegasi and are extremely good flyers, but stay in the academy cause they can never pass the written exams>they throw him on his back onto a locker bench, pin him down, and tie a towel tight around his midsection and the bench.>one positions himself behind him, one holds his legs apart, another goes to his muzzle to keep him quiet
>>14026113You see this arm?And this fist?Your stallions last 15 seconds, I can last hours
>>14026122Tiny cock
>>14026132I don't like rape, anon.
>>14026138Actually Applejack that's just a cornish gamecock, it's supposed to be small.you silly pony
>>14026138Are you doubting my chicken raising abilities you fucking farmslut?
>>14025961>only pretending to be retarded
>>14026146FILLY PENIS
>>14026163>implied futa filliesUNFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
>>14026163Now that just doesn't even make senseFillies don't have penisesAnd I swear to god if you tell tumblrpony I said that
>>14026163Keep your disgusting futa obsession out of this. We're talking agriculture.
>>14026154This is why we can't have nice things.
>>14026142not many do
>>14026163Applejack what was your final grad at biology?
>>14026165>>14026169>>14026173REPTILE PENISES
>>14026168>offspring of a shitty anime MC and roseluckdear god
>>14026188I got an A!A for anal
>>14026191Have you been fooling around with spike again?
>>14026176i know, this watered-down version of trolling that is pretending to not know something and then going back on it kills all enjoyment
old as fuck
>>14026214Are you fucking kidding me?He asked why moot wasn't giving us ponies. That's a fucking joke, you stupid fucking shithead.It's not "pretending to be retarded" just because you're actually fucking retarded.
>>14026200Applejack I've looked in your school record. You never passed 4th grade. Now the Equestrian law says the school till hte last year of high school is mandatory. YOU'RE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL YOUNG MISSY. SAME CLASS AS APPLE BLOOM
>>14026228I'd watch that episode
>>14026196It's actually yours and colgates
>>14026196How about an offspring of Roseluck and you?
>>14026139Come my drawfagRise your for master
>>14026223>pretending he is entitled to a treat because we couldn't post text for a couple hours>jokeyup, hilariousgood quality posting.
>>14026240This is bad for my heartI unironically waifued that pony for two years
I sure do love dicks
>>14026278This is the best one.
>>14026273joke implies humorwanting compensation for hardships isn't funny.
>>14026273You're not wrong, he's just being an idiot. let it go
>>14026240if someone made a Flitter satyr my father-instincts would kick into overdrive.Especially if her mother passed down her signature bow to her.
>>14026289Tell that to the american politicians
>>14026302Arise, chikun
>>14026302No, let your evil shine.By that I mean draw a lyra or something I don't know. We always need more lyra.
>>14026289The concept of asking moot for ponies is satirical. Just because you're too damn stupid to get it doesn't mean he's pretending to be retarded.Fuck off to reddit. They hate humor there, too.
>>14026302yup, pick up a few thousand keys and get your jump-scare jpgs ready.
>>14026038I did that a bunch of times, too.But only one time it was a real lie, the other times I just exaggerated the problem.My waifu wouldn't be proud of me ;_;
>>14026313this is why we can't have nice things
>>14026302what do you think about Lyra laying across anon's feet like a doggy to keep them warm
>>14026338Epic trolling, anon.
>>14026341>lyra curled up on anon's feet>anon in a bathrobe sitting in a comfy chair, smoking a pipe and posting on MLPG>wineglass on a small table next to him
>>14026353I think you just summed about my dream life in a few lines
>>14026323Something something matriarchy.
will you be ready for the new improved rarity
>>14026378nopls no
>>14026387b-but Dash calls me an eggheadWhich is it??
>>14026313he asked why an apology and a pony(haha very funny, pony i get it hahaha) wasn't givenI stated that he never gives apologies out after his pranks or hardware/software hiccups and made a joke that he's new and didn't know thatyou all jumped on my ass and hugboxed him.
>>14026320i dumped like 4 things here yesterday>>14026341perhapsplaying the pokemans now
>>14026418Epic trolling
>>14026422okay I'll stop bothering you about it
>pokemon break down crying when max affection if they get too battered in combati cant
which pony is a good kisser?
>>14026406You're a head
>>14026406I just realised something...On ponychan they censor the word faggot to egghead, so in that episode Rainbow Dash kept saying she didn't want to be a egghead...thus she kept saying she didn't want to be a faggot.
>>14026422alright that's okayyou can draw whenever you feel like it, you aren't really a slave to MLPGbut you are a slave to hot futa braixen dick
>>14026433Don't spoil them like bitches thenPunch them in the nose to achieve dominance
>>14026447What kind of logic is that?
>>14026451Look at that suction
>>14026454Stop making fun of our best artist's shit taste in pokemon faglord
>>14026465My logic you egghead.
>>14026447That's stupid. You're stupid
>>14026475>best artistthat's not tiara
can't wait for chubby Braixen artLK has pokemon right?
>>14026495>tiara>not NoHooves or Vulapa
>>14026454im a slave to braixen hipsget it right
>>14026485W..well pony said you're stupid.
>>14026433I don't think I'll ever buy this game. My heart couldn't take it
>>14026495I'm on a bug butt binge actuallyhttp://i.imgur.com/hXr9yqG.png
>>14026505I was joking
if you posted a picture of chrysalis four years ago people would repost it in /v/ cringe threads and /co/ deviantart horror threads non stop
>>14026512No she didn't. Twilight said I was smart, Rarity said I was fabulous, Pinkie said I was more fun than the color Pink and Dash said I'm cool.
>>14026497Pony needs a montage if she expects to win
>>14026433kills me everytime
>>14026519That's very nice.
>>14026532Sweet thanks. Still trying to get better and whatnot.
>>14026505>no matter how hard you try, no one will ever call you "best artist">not even ironically
>>14026433wait what?
>>14026523Stop lying to yourself...Ponies aren't real
>>14026550>forever average and forgettable
>>14026548Everyone knows that evil magic is green in equestriagreen is not a creative color
>>14026555What, you really thought I was serious?
>>14026557Oh...you're one of the guys that didn't come to Equestria...I'm sorry anon
>>14026568simply ebic
>>14026558DO SOMETHING THAT ISN'T FORGETTABLE!Find something people don't do much here.For instance, animation, or sculpture, or 3D modeling. You can could artists here who do that on a single hand!
>>14026525>i chose braixen>gave it a girls name>realize it is actually a boy
>>14026575Your IP can be traced to a mental institution
>43 gig download of porn I like>no seeders
>>14026519That actually looks way better than your normal style. Can't say I like the squished skin around the joints too much but it's definitely an improvement
>>14026578Say something else, you are getting boring.
>>14026582>evolving your starter>everTop pleb.
>>14026582Did you restart yet?
>>14026595epic, just epic
>>14026575>>>/x/Ponies aren't real, take this photoshoped picture. It's obviously made up of 3 different animals, I'm telling you ponies don't exist.
>>14026598>Not wanting Blaziken, Charizard, or Blastoise
>>14026433>Skiddo criedIt's. fucking. on.
>>14026615>not having treeko, bromander, or motherfucking squirtle
I think my arm is going to fall off if I don't stop super training