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Sister love is the purest love!

Time for a Princess thread!

last thread
> Princest thread
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Nah man, nah.
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I want to see the golden apple tree
Thank the lord.

That was my "uncertain groaning" onomatopoeia
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Requesting a shop to be filename
>a pitaphile deserves respect
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>oral fixation
But nonrape is so much sexier

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What did the doctor say, Applejack?
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"y-you're...bad drawn
>"It's Apples."
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i would love to see a GR interview on the mlpg radio show. even if it just a written interview where GR sends in the answers and the host reads it.

i want to know GRs deep thoughts on boobs. what he focuses on when drawing them and his favorite part. also what he thinks is the common mistake people make when drawing boobs.
>pony will never gobble you up and dissolve you into nutrient soup for their body to absorb.
>the common mistake people make when drawing boobs

Not big enough.
good job marking another mito fucking thread you autist newpissfag

who let this guy with the marker?
His humans always look horrible to me.
I love his ponies, though.
I absolutely can't stand his humanizations.
I want one where Sentinel is on the show.
And the hosts ignore him.
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Previous Thread

[MLP:FiM LinkBoard]
Version 8.2 10/11/13
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>common mistake MSOB makes when drawing boobs

Making the hips tiny as shit. And also only knowing how to draw boobs.
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You will never be a mare in a pretty dress
Yeah, he draws man hips
Luckily GR doesn't know how to do either of those
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Why would someone ignore him?
muscle is gross
I just want to hug and lick her pecs
Because hes a faggot who thought he could cripple the questers and gamers because he has a stick up his autistic ass.
I miss when the show mentioned small, magical things but never actually touched on them.
No it's hot.
Pony needs a tongue bath
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You want a submissive girl, don't you anon?
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i agree, all women should be obese. ruining their bodies and lives to fit my fetish.
And manshoulders.
Half the time it's like he's just slapping a pair of melons onto a shaved man's body
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You're disgusting, Ross
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did someone say mares in dresses
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I'd rather something more like this
>you will never have pony in your lap
No, it's a submission to the project, not that she's particularly submissive

Well I mean she's ultra horny at a club and gets it on with a French guy and goes anal because it seems fun at the time, all the while fucking herself silly and having a nice throaty orgasm as she goes along
I want a switch girl.
Yep, because if you're not musclebound freak you're a 500 pouind blob.

Quit justifying your disgusting extremes for "at least we're not THOSE guys!".
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when he does not do monster tits, I actually like his humans
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>We have different fetishes and while I do not care for yours, I respect your right to have it.
This guy right here.

He's alright.
I don't even know what the fuck that is and I don't want to know.
Holy fuck Whismur is creepy
You and pony will never take turns giving each other makeovers
femanon should have hair
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That's not lifting, that's steroids and lifting.

Women don't have the testosterone to bulk like that on their own.
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>tfw casual fetishes so its hard to offend people
Oh god no

That's not hot

not hot at all
>Cadence enjoying a veggie wrap.png
A switch is someone who enjoys being both dominant and submissive.
Go back to being dead, replacement pony
Thanks Fluttershy
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>tfw statistically most popular fetish
>tfw still offends people
>tfw still hardly any good art of it
>and I don't want to know.
too bad, I'm going to tell you that it's a person who can easily switch from dom and sub
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I just don't know what to do
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Hey guys.

Any requests?

>also what he thinks is the common mistake people make when drawing boobs.

You could always just ask him. I'm pretty sure he's said something about that at least once.
>tfw liking acid unironically
I still don't understand. I don't even like the giantism, the dick, or the vore
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you sure that's your wish?
CMC braid train with Fluttershy at the front
AJ in a drinking contest with Butterfly and Rain.
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>barely moving tumblr gifs



CMC Nightmare Night costumes
Rarity piercing Dash's ears for the first time
Draw Colgate eating junk food.
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finish this little story
cute and sexy human fluttershy
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I'd brush her mane while we watch movies or something.
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That wasn't even a tumblr gif
Who took all those cookies? That's a lot of cookies.
Assign a common partialist fetish to the main six.

celestia x luna horse incest stream goin on now
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I am going to post this pone and none of you can stop me!
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Hey the LinkBoard is back!
Yes, people actually do use it.
>You use the key to unlock the supply shed behind Canterlot High.
>The first thing you see is Pinkie Pie, bound at the wrists and ankles, wearing nothing but panties; judging by the blank expression on her face, she has recently been drugged.

What do?
MLPG trying to ignore shitposting is like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football.
How is Rainbow Dash so fast if she only has 1 Horsepower?
I definitely want some CMC
>RPG means Role Playing game
>A game that focuses more on action and lessening the amount of Role Playing one can accomplish
>Less/Bad Role Play means it's bad in the light of ROLE PLAYING GAMES
>It markets itself a role playing game
>It's known as a role playing game

God I hate that image so much.

Arguing about mechanical genres don't fucking fall into "it's just your opinion" category unless someone saying they hate an entire genre itself.
>Gilda gags you, rides you hard enough to bruise your pelvis, and rakes her talons across your chest one night
>she makes it up to you the next by letting you pound her hard enough that her face hitting the headboard gives her a shiner
>the neighbors keep calling the cops for suspected domestic abuse
They're all size queens.
Rarity keeps the largest collection of the largest dildos known to pone, aside from Celestia.
Celestia has a personal gift from the King of Dragons which is a solid gold mold of his titanic twin shafts.
>goat train already in there

unbind her and get her to a doctor with much haste
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It looks like a tumblr gif, so as far as I'm concerned, it is a tumblr gif.
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You can post him all you want.
Hes still not perfect.
Luna why you lookin like that
uh dude, they were talking about atractiveness

which is inherently subjective by it's very nature
I don't know what a partialist fetish is but I'm intriguied.
I was checking out the link Anon, don't be rude. Besides, you were in there too.

fuck off with your stupid eg shit
the problem is there is so much shitposting the people who have the willpower to ignore it just ignore the entire thread and stop coming here altogether.

only the people who cant ignore it or like to argue remain.

Untie her and call for school security.

it's not because I'm a good person. I'd much rather fuck her roughly and cum deep inside. I'd smile every time I saw her carrying my baby, not knowing whose it was. I'm just afraid of being caught.
Give her a bowl of eggs.
Yeah and I'm talking about RPGs.
That .gif triggered me to remember some asinine faggot sidestepping an argument by saying "it's just your opinion it's not like it's well seated in definitions of genres or anything"
Partialism is any fetish focused on a specific part of the body. Breast. Feet. I include muscle and fat fetish but not sure if they really count.

I distinguish it from fetishes that focus on paraphernalia or relationships.
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> I know, I'll just get THINNER!
I don't know, if you can't look good between 120 and 130 pounds you probably shouldn't breed.
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Pinkie is REALLY into breasts. She fondles others when she's asleep.
That 10 pounds did a lot for her.
to be an ugly duckling you have to be ugly first, she looked fine
Pick an episode.
A partialism is what many people call fetishes. For example, a foot partialism is being attracted to feet, whereas a foot fetish would be being attracted to feet in such a degree that you can't perform without them, whether or not they are actually attached to whatever you're screwing.
Read Before You Sleep
> 10 pounds
Well it was 20, her before photo was 130 to 135

Still saying that at 110 she looks just a little teeny
Spike At Your Cervix
She wasn't even ugly before.

"Not a model" isn't ugly, dammit.
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no you pick an episode
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Got the hell outta there as fast as I could.
Keep calm and flutter on
I'm pretty sure your chances of being caught are low in this situation. Might as well take advantage of it.

> This is the future of all doll franchises - a tie-in show with live-action music videos
Semantics are shitty in this case.

We discuss this too much to not have a catch-all.
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this girl went from being ugly obese and depressed to being happy and getting hot horse bf
See you in a half an hour
Does EG have one? I don't think I've seen anything like that.
Pretty sure isn't good enough.

I'm not going to jail for fucking a drugged girl.
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>braid train

Manes or tails?
>tfw will always be ugly and will never feel the touch of love
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>tfw 5'9" and 185 pounds

My waist is a straight vertical line on the edge of bowing out and I can suck in my gut easily enough to appear slimmer. Much more weight and I won't be able to control how chubby I look. Luckily I have a good amount of muscle too but I need to do more cardio if I want to lose weight. Plus I need to cut out as much crap food as possible. My family gets takeout a lot and it's difficult to turn it down when it's already bought and paid for, and as far as telling them 'I want to diet' goes it's something I'm against pathologically because to me it's admitting weakness even though I know that's not true.

blog updated
Manes please
She'd be prettier in the before if she did up her hair like in the after, too.
>not both
She would also be prettier if she wasn't so fat.
Yeah, that's the thing about a lot of before/after pics, they're usually not as gussied up as their afters.
Guys, you can talk about your weight issues on /soc/. We're trying to pretend we're talking about ponies here.
I accept people for who they are, not how big their waist is.
being healthy improves confidence.

and confidence is a lot more than you think.

It's pretty possible to have a good looking body on a diet of takeout, it's sugary foods and excess carbs that make you fat.
Which pretend pony is your pretend favorite?

But the military doesn't, that's my problem.
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what did she say?
Does pone have height issues?
>defending THIS country

You deserve what you get.
Yes, though for some reason or another the original upload seems to be gone.

My guess is Hasbro got a LOT of really fucked up comments from ze brones.

I'm so evil, I will take the mane 6, tie Applejack's tail to Twilight's main, Twilight's tail to Dash mane, etc etc etc and leave them trapped in circle hair train! Then no one will stand in the way of my world domination!
she said that she is going to find work as a stripper because S4 is going to be the end of their jobs
>a HOARD of Wingull

This is true, though it's hard to find short ribs and steak with kale on takeaway. I'm sure it's possible enough.

Saying "to serve/defend my country" is the most generic, bullshit answer to the question of why you joined the military. It's like in beauty pageants when they say the only thing they want is world peace.
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>tfw a slightly chubby girl wants to fuck me
>tfw it's not my fetish

I don't even find this attractive on ponies, how am I suppose to find it on humans sexy?

I hate fat people, they cause me to be frustrated with fetishes.
Probably not, they're all about the same. Ponies don't vary in height and weight as much as they do in mane and fur colors.
I finally remembered what that that goo dragon reminded me of. It's a fucking Haro.
Well they still have it up on the official site, though it's behind some sort of partial screen
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I bet Celestia does
>"And he said i couldn't suck a golf ball through a garden hose."
>"I showed him."
pony pants in post orgasm bliss and asks if you're ready to go a twelfth time
I'll take her
I bet I'm better in bed anyway
what does hating fat people have to do with your other fetishes?
>tfw a slightly chubby girl wants to fuck me
>tfw it's not my fetish
This is bait
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>Celestia often gets her horn caught in doorways.
I tell pony that yes, settlers of catan is fun but getting this excited over it is a bit much
>The Mane Six face new adversaries,
>not only are they evenly matched, they also have their own set of The Elements of Harmony.
As someone in food service, I am violently disappointed in obese people. They scooter up to my counter because when they walk their knees hit their stomach then order a shit ton of food which I know they're eating in one go.
Look at fucking Dash
they're all freaking out because she's bringing Discord back and she's just off in her own happy little world, not a fucking care in the world
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Even so, there are a few that break the mold. Do you think they feel insecure about it at all, or do you think other ponies might be a bit jealous of them?
I wish it was anon...I really do, she keeps pressuring me for it.

Fuck it should I just do her and have it done.
but pony has never experienced anything like this
he wants you to teach him more
>100% confusion self-hit rate

My feet are cold.
I can't wait for when I can forget this all exists.
What does pony mean to you?
>Celestia for some reason spends the day with the CMC
>Can't even fit her big horse butt into their club house
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>Want me to, warm em up for you?
You're a terrible person if you really feel that way.
Either tell her you're not interested or fuck her, stop stringing her along.
I could see this being an actual gag on the show

and the stuff it would spawn would be GREAT

In my headcanon, Allie Way is Snails' big sister.
>Celestia has to shrink herself down a bit in order to fit
>has so much fun with the CMC that she forgets to revert the size spell
>Fuck it should I just do her and have it done.
Well, only if you feel it's not gonna get weird or she knows explicitly it's just a lay, not a nascent relationship.

And as ever, it's best to practice barrier methods and even then it's best to only have sex with partners with recent STD/STI screenings

I guess you really should reckon if it's alright by you to have sex with someone who doesn't ring all your bells.
i can't see it anymore.
they can't have general gags in the show.
that is why it's so pathetic
evens: work on learning sfm
odds: work on pony
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You don't seem to be alone in that, Anon.
Being tall is probably a desirable trait. The fancy unicorns in Canterlot are usually taller than normal and the princesses are really tall. Fleur De Lis(?) is basically a miniature Celestia. Lanky is in.
>You will never pet a pony with your bear feet
>flannel pajamas, soft pillows, warm blanket, rain storm, favorite movies, take out
>h-how are going to do that? your hooves don't produce heat...
It probably would not be butt jokes, but gags about her size are certainly feasible

I think a discord and CMC episode is both more likely to happen and could very easily make use of such humor.
yeah, I can't either really.

i just wanted to pretend it wasn't a toy commercial for a little bit...
that was a very succinct green text, Twilight
Someone said apple is back. Is this true?
evens:work on learning SFML
odds:Keep playing video games
I've gotten so good at it that removing ingrown toenails is kinda fun at this point. Is that weird?
He's drawn more pony stuff, but hasn't really wandered in here to post it, so... Sort of?
Her back pocket, so to speak.
It's actually not

>She's as prone to non-sequitur and bizarre, tangential thoughts as her little brother
>Their conversations have a tendency to jump all over the place and occasionally lose their way
No, that shit can be satisfying especially when it's stabbing your toe-meat
and the comics constantly forcing memes and shit isn't helping things.

being genuinely funny is endangered.
Oh man MLPG would love it if he came back.
Well it feels like it

Also, dildo next to plushie when?
MLPG pokemon battles when?
I imagine she's radiating heat back there. It's be your best bet.
But I don't want to get my feet sticky

What if she just lies down across them?
what about people who pony pony?
For some reason I thought that meant putting both inside of herself
I need to get off the internet
She's going to lay on your feet like a cuddly dog
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So, what - like this? That doesn't seem too comfortable.
i don't know.
i'm looking for a female torchic to add to my team.

No anon, you've got the right stuff.

stay and fetish some more
i think you're expecting too much from this show
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>like a dog

What a good pony
Stop unfing to Blaziken
>Don't have a 3DS.
>Don't have a reason to get one.
>Lyra doesnt seem to completely like being treated like a pet
>But thats exactly why you like it
Why don't you make a thread about it on http://mlpg.co/v/index.html
It would be easy to organize and talk about it
Discord is confirmed for a return, infact sevral episodes

Having him interact with the CMC seems pretty reasonable
>not wanting Megaten IV
>not wanting Fire Emblem
>not wanting Phoenix Wright
If none of those sound like fun to you, I'm sorry.
If she's good she can sleep on the bed.
Under the covers.

i want a team of hot bitches. all fire mixtures
I don't enjoy entertainment for children, Anon.
They've done butt jokes before

>Hey dorkbutt - how'd school go? You and Snips staying out of trouble?
>It's not like we go around TRYIN' or nothin'...
>Uh-huh... so! School! How was it?
>I got a pudding-cup from Lickety Split at lunch today. It was good.
>...I was talkin' more about how class went... but y'know, I've been telling mom that chocolate pudding gets boring after a while, but she keeps on getting the same stuff every time she goes shopping...
>Chocolate pudding isn't boring!
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I was going through my folders deleting pictures I don't post anymore and I found this again.
I always forget I had this and I remember it being really funny to me at the time.
Who else is a hot female fire type besides Blaziken and Charizard?
But Anon, you'll get her hair all over your bed and your clothes.
You'll be finding hairs on your clothes for weeks.
>>not wanting Megaten IV
Disappointing compared to Strange Journey
>>not wanting Fire Emblem
One of the worst FE games since Shadow Dragon and plagued with waifu cancer
>>not wanting Phoenix Wright
>supporting capcom shit
>supporting Nintendo digital shit

Like he said, no reason to get one
And if she's bad, she'll get a long hot bath
>not hot
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I agree
I only enjoy mature forms of entertainment and mature shows for mature people like myself.
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Why is she so hungry?

Hey man chill, I just couldn't think of any more.

Infernape is pretty good.
I still need to finish SMT4.
I stopped when I got lost in tokyo
>for kids
I disagree but you're allowed to your opinions.

I do really want to play Strange Journey. Never really got the opportunity. Fire Emblem seemed okay, but I've been waiting for a new FE for ages so it'd have to be pretty bad to disappoint me. And fuck you man, I'll support Phoenix Wright as much as I want. M-maybe they'll bring over Layton x Ace Attorney one day.
charizard, delphox, blaziken, houndoom, pyroar, and Chandelure

it's the team i want.
>8 hours of pogeymans
>still only 1 badge

I want to rush through it though
is it possible to make a mlp stallion not look feminine yet attractive?
It must be very difficult to have affairs with ponies

>Mrs. Cake is doing the laundry, comes across Mr. Cake's hat
>But these hairs....these arent his.
>They're green.
>Later, durring the following police investigation, it turns out it was just green food dye

Because she's a horse
and horses are hungry
>Discord is confirmed for a return, infact sevral episodes

I don't trust a guy who can't even remember the episode he voiced in. I do see another Discord episode happening, but not "several".
Why...why don't we have art of this.
>Houndoom, Pyroar, Chandelure

none of those are particularly attractive though
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>I don't trust a guy who can't even remember the episode he voiced in.

Most voice actors are lucky to remember what show they are one
>police investigation
she... she didn't get him with a PIE, did she?
My god, is he gonna be ok?
My Little Pokemon General
>M-maybe they'll bring over Layton x Ace Attorney one day.

>He doesn't know


It's confirmed for for US and UK
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Is any one else trying to make a pony themed pokerun?
I got a qt girl named Pinkie with all pokes that start with the letter P and one Sandile named gummy
>not wanting to fuck Emboar
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I have never been so close to vomiting so quickly.

What the Hell kind of black ichor is pouring out of her?
>not naming them after candies

And post your character. I want to see if she's cute.
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If a pony dresses provocatively should they be held accountable for me wanting to pet her mane?
I have a lingering dislike of deLancie. I never watched Star Trek, and the way he did such a turnaround from hardly remembering his role as Discord when initially asked about it to being upset his brony documentary didn't make big bucks leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I don't think he came back in s3 for the good of the show, if you get my drift.
i needed a dark and ghost type and
>female pyroar
>not cuddly as fuck

still doesn't solve my blaziken problem.
fucking special event torchic is ruining everything

probably have to breed it and try to get one i want.
TV is a rough gig, I don't blame him for grasping for fame and cash.
You've just made my week, Anon!
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>tfw no pony sfm people will be this good
Yes, she's totally asking for it. She shows off her mane to get you to pet it.
I have another pokemon in mind
What irked me more is how the bronies lost their shit about the doc not making him big bucks.
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Any time.
>not giving Persian Super Luck

It's like they don't want me to nostalgia over Slash Persian
I still love you for showing me this artist
i am with you there.

he was in star trek, he should know the fucking fanbois are the fucking same shit different color.
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now that brings me back. last time i remembered the old 10th class was in meet the sniper
Its not his first venture that didn't pan out.

He and Nemoy tried to do audio books in the form of classic radio dramas of classic scifi stories, but that was a bust too.
>"It SO is! I wanna try Tapioca! Or Banana! Or Pistachio!"
>"Huh-huh... y'ever wonder who decided to eat any 'a that first? Like, who said, 'I'm gonna eat whatever this thing is!'"
>"A farmer."
>she nods sagely
>"We went to Sweet Apple Acres today."
>"Ooh, I LOVED going on field trips when I was in school!"
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I'm always happy to help people find new artist to turn them on and to give artist I like more fans.
At the time the episode was recorded, the brony thing was still budding had not really grown to a notable degree
Hey, maybe we'll get Ace Investigations 2!
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well shit Imma have to see the name rater now
Is this going to go all incesty?

If so I'm in_
As well put together that is, it seems kind of boring.
Anything is possible now!
Why would they bring over a DS game at this point?




I just wanted to have a conversation between them - bounce them off each other and see where it'd go.
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>not naming them after bands/albums/musicians/songs

I bet you have terrible taste in music
what his eyes don't work?

you can't go to both types of conventions and say they aren't the same nerds

Put your shirt back on!
The guy I quoted was doing a themed run with Pinkie

So candy makes more sense.
>buying buttons and keychains
>not using them
Why spend your money on them, then? There's better merch to buy.
Everything is cute as fuck except for that doll
No, theres more elderly trekkies now
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Man, this image is starting to bug me!
The post you were replying to (I for got to include it in my reply) was upset that he did not recal his role
Incest is degeneracy
i really hope pony dies before the middle age faggots turn into old faggots
and also hot
I hope they die and I can still have pony

I wait for the day where how pokemone is now will be for pony
if it did they'd find some other furbait

like pokemon
what was his role?

just asking a curious question because i never saw the doc, or know what the hell was the point of the whole venture. besides trying to collect money from stupid people

That's why it's so much better to just fuck a motherly character.
Which is ridiculous because of course he wouldn't. He barely remembers doing it and apparently didn't know what show he was doing it for at the time. He just showed up for his paycheck, did his role and left. I imagine he does a lot of things like that. I wouldn't remember doing My Little Pony any more than I would remember doing a Barbie movie.
bbw grannies
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>hyper muscle Fluttershy
>hyper muscle Celestia
>hyper muscle on any pony
to be fair, the pony models out there are pretty shit.
wouldn't change much
isn't pokemon #1 porn sites
That's not even fucking well done

she looks like she's got cellulite all over
he narates, did a little song, and provides some commentary
Yes. And My Little Pony is probably #2 after only 3 years
But pokemon is what passed the baton onto pony.

Unless Sonic gets really good and really popular again, then its going to stay that way. Which means we have a better hope the the Earth falling into the sun in the next half hour
explain pls
>Ottermode teenage Scootaloo
>you will never fulfill your destiny
Damn we're good!
Oh god yes. Who do I pay to make this happen? Muscular girls isn
define: ottermode

>"Okay, Class! Today we'll be trying a new project!"

>The class goes home and has a conversation with a member of their family
>then they take notecards, write down all the topics they talked about in their conversation, one for each card, then string them together with yarn.

>Snails turns in an eight-foot-long Möbius Strip of yarn and paper.
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What is it that makes this show so attractive to the autisms?

It's the anime horses, isn't it? These horses are too anime.
What's ottermode?
>the mane six will never not all become alicorns
here's a statistical analysis of porn

>Always wanted MLPG to be muscle for once
>When they are I'm just not feeling it

This is the worst.
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Pokemon used to be what everyone raved on about manchildren, autism and all the other buzzwords before ponies. Its literally the exact same situation, except pony got bigger and more notorious.

But since pony has become the punching bag, pokemon is in the clear. There's pokemone threads on /v/ all the time now, something that would have been impossible 4 years ago. I'm just waiting for the next cycle shift
no, touhou is holding it secure.
Art-Anon comes to mind.
Slim, ab definition, athletic, strong legs, tanned skin, overall fit build.
Toned, like swimmers and runners

Ottermode is a stupid name for it because otters are hairy and kind of fat
Ottermode means slender, lithe bodies with hair and defined muscles. It's normally a gay term like bear.
fit but not bulky. visible abs
Defined and visible muscles, but not bulging athleticism. no visible bodyfat. Slim. Lean and mean.
> Using this he tests out of higher mathematics
Because its good.

Good things attract a lot of people. The more people, the more of them are shit. Its a numbers game
>Cheerilee decides next time they use a tape recorder.
>Snails comes back with ten tapes.
>She makes the mistake of listening to them all.
>She cannot fathom it all.
>It's so scattered, the topics changing so quickly, but so seamlessly.
>It's chaos, but it makes sense!
>How can it do that!?

>ottermode: Male body type combining skinny, muscular and very low bodyfat, with well defined abs.
>Suggested by many as the ideal male bodytype because it is not threatening to females like huge muscles.
AA draws blobby noodle bodies, barely a step above MegaSweet
Ah, I see. In that case, I'm all for this Scootaloo.

Not really, that's just an "otter"

"ottermode" is more of a fitness term, specifically referring to musculature.

i thought that was Sonic? Pokemon always had some mainstream popularity so the whole "underbelly" aspect of Pokemon wasn't as focused on as Sonic.

Is the implication he's retarded and went in a conversation loop?
For a minute I thought it was genetics and he was his own great-great-great-great-[continued]-grandpa.
Yes more like this.
Kind of like this, but consider a girl wouldn't generate as much muscle as a guy. A version of this proportioned down to a girl.
pony just sang the song of her people. It was horrible. Your ears started bleeding.
Now pony asks you what you thought about it.
Except a lot of good things attract average people by majority

Breaking bad fans were never as bad as pony fans. I think the "little girls slice of life" thing raised the barrier of entry for new people, so a show with the meat and potatoes of Friends was easier to see in a negative light

>it's just a little girls show
>there's nothing for my adult brain to process
>this is like barney
>hold on i gotta go
>friends is on
>lol ross said penis
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Hmm. I definitely see this with Scoots.

Now I really want this to happen.

I figured we were talking about females when we were specifying ottermode.

Athletic girls kinda default to ottermode, unless they're volleyball players.

No, the implication was that the conversation went for a long time, covered numerous, disparate topics, and looped back on itself at some point, or possibly several.
I've never seen a volleyball player's body
there is also no organized fandom for breaking bad

It's not really a fandom if damn near everyone is a fan
It went sonic - pokemon - pony

homestuck was there for a moment, but it never caught on to pony's levels.

Rule of thumb: if you post it on /v/ and people throw a fit, its whats "in" right now. Pony is in, VERY in. Pokemon is not. Sonic is not.

>about females

Shit. About rule 63*

Twinky genderbent Sweetie Belle
girls have to go to the gym to get ottermode
Very culturally... enriching.
When I think athletic, I think of gym-going.
Record it and send it to /mu/
Let her watch the comments.
>little girls show
>filters out more normal people
>attracts more losers
>+anthro characters: attracts furries

there you go anon

I must research this some more.
It could happen

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I'd like to imagine pony butts would stick out like this.
Because the simple fact of being a fan of My Little Pony carries with it a certain level of notoriety. It always did, even from day 1. Thats part of what made people curious about it, got them to watch and started this whole fucking thing. Plus its simply just an easy fanbase to target for mockery.

There is no such thing as a good fanbase. If I were so inclined, I could find autistic ass fanart and stories of Breaking Bad as anything bronies have ever produced.

>using photobucket to link images

Or is this you or something?
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she looks like shit
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>that ass
Pony butts stick out like horse butts but they're softer and squishier
Horse butts aren't actually butts, they're the equivalent of human thighs. Only tailless bipeds have butts.

>picture isn't loading for me

fuck fuck fuck
Daaaaaaayum gurl
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but pony butts don't stick out at all
Is being able to self-insert a big deal for fandoms to be able to form?

Do people insert themselves into Star Trek and Star Wars?
>Star Trek
Where the hell do you think "mary sue" came from?

>Star Wars
Jedi, bounty hunters, smuglers, pilots
The term Mary Sue reportedly came from Star Trek so...
yeah I love imagining myself as a red shirt that gets killed off in 40 minutes
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who's going to get pacific rim when it comes out?
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Hopefully I'm not banned!
Nearly ever single fandom that has ever domed has fanfic and all fanfic has self inserts
Fan is short for fanatic. As for being an easy target it that is also correct. Like some anon said it goes through a cycle

Yes the term Mary Sue was taken from the name of a self insert from a Star Trek Fanfic
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I would, but I think the movie would be totally shitty without theater speakers blowing up my ears with the sound of robot fists impacting with aliens.

I just don't think my home theater system could compare.
why would you be?
posting a picture of a girl with clothes on is illegal?

you even used it as a description to someone else.
Those two ponies sure are compatible if you catch my drift!
They stick out over their freaky ankle joints
What does that mans hand have fingernail polish?
sounds like a personal problem.
i have surround sound but i never turn it on because i am deff anyway.
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god damnit
Well it is a personal problem, yes.

You have to expect personal responses when you ask personal questions, anon.
i love you, that one was actually clever
They really aren't but whatever.

I want S4 to start. Or some new info. or a clip. Or anything.

Is there any new news about the comic series after the micros besides the name?
you can tell a pun is good if it forces a tight smile on your face that won't go away for a good 10 seconds

this is a good pun
For every popular thing ever

Do you think people that love watching football aren't "right there" in the action on game day? One of the big things with humans and fiction is that we use it to live things out vicariously
You mean they're a terrible ship that would be wrecked by a kaiju faster than the Asian team?
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Why aren't you making a proper pony vidya?
>tfw missed it in theatres
what do

Time travel
It's coming out on DVD and Blu-Ray in like two days. Calm your tits and rent it from Redbox or something.
because i can't into program
I could stream it right now.
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[click for bgmusic]
i kind of want to see it on bluray.

but if you're streaming it i could watch it with you guys.
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Because I don't know how to program yet
How many people haven't pretended or imagined they were their favorite athlete at some point in time.
satyr butts
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>He doesn't have a pair of Klipsch La Scala's
It's like you hate listening to stuff on television properly.
Part of me wants to include pony in my game just so I could get rid of the close-minded people.
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Happy birthday, Anon! Hope you're still around to see this!
The echoes of voices always freaks me out in these like I'm imagining it
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woah anon lets not get carried away here
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Oh Applejack you're a good pony.
Shit man you doing birthday requests? That's cool.

Anyway thanks for that french pony and Sweetie sneezing drawing. I had to go sleep but I saw it when I woke up.
>she makes a cake
>it's just an apple pie with frosting to look like a cake
apple pone gets an A for effort, a F in knowing what a cake is
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Yeah, those aren't as big as the speakers in my local theater. And I'm willing to bet you don't have 8 of them and a 60-foot screen, too.

Watching movies on your home system is like listening to .mp3 instead of .flac, except it's less elitist hipster because movies were made for the big screen.
But is a cake anon.
>kiss the coc
explain yourself
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>Going to a theater.
>Spending 20 bucks to sit on a shit covered chair, sitting on a floor covered in food, crack needles and vomit.
>People clapping after the movie finishes.
And those things can and will wake the neighbors.
who is he
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I spend 20 dollars to see a movie how it was made because I love movies. I also usually go with my friends, which is way more fun than sitting at home with friends. Or alone.
Is LK and Gypsy doing another podcast?
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Anon, she knows how to make more then just Apple pie.
Look, this is her making a pizza!
Using her butt!
>having a shitty movie theater
must suck living in a ape conquered city
Cosmo and Sentenal are going to be guests.
>r63 gloomy stuffs you and starts to grow
I hear apple cake is amazing. I want to try it.

You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it. At the risk of sounding sappy, I like doing things that make people happy, and birthday requests are usually a good way to do that.
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I would pay money to see this happen.
She frosted the cake with her butt.

hows this look?
>I hear apple cake is amazing
isn't that just Streusel?
The podcast is done on Skype, too.
Let that sink in.
The singularity will explode.
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Let loose the dogs of war.
it needs to be done better.

and actually finished
I don't understand what's happening. It's kinda small. Is that Chrysalis rimming Cheerilee?

Anyways looks pretty unf but the face makes it funny and is kinda distracting
>All you hear is Skype blips between LK and Gypsy.
>It's Sentenal telling them to make Cosmo unblock him so he can join.
>They act like it's not happening.
R63 Gloomy would be even larger because male. Just imagine the size of his growing cock
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>tfw no Super Pone RPG
Imagine watching it unsheathe.
Imagine the smell.

>All the guys in my gym class are such wimps
>They can't even outpace me when we run the mile!
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>You will never know this feel.
His musk would fill your lungs the moment he gets aroused. It sends your own libido roiling. You can't even get two hands around his massive shaft, and he's not even hard.
his flare is larger than your head
...So what that picture is saying is that Spike will never be seen again and Twilight risks her life frequently to save Rarity who just gives her a kiss as a reward.
>The CMC forcefeed Spike a living cake
nintendo has lost a lot of originality
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I know right?
"uh, I don't think this is gonna fit inside me"
>"alright, wanna cuddle"
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You drawing anything else tonight AA?

still best filly
Lines seem a little messy, but I love this scenario.
The gays and futafags here to ruin everything again already?
>not worshipping dicks

what are you gay
Poor Fluttershy. I love that look of determination on Appple Bloom but you want want to make the text larger, had to squint
Ah, good, he'll be more than happy to fill that hungry little belly of yours with gallons of cum. Open wide~
>Gloomy secretly slowly increases your size while you cuddle
> Centaurs just face-sitting and grinding to satisfaction
Why this boner
>you might want to make the text larger, had to squint

That was kind of what I was going for.

Squinting is like leaning in and cupping your hand behind your ear.
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>What an interesting character that embodies our struggle through the time between seasons, I wonder if-
are those satyrs siblings
test 8
Please ignore the shitposting. Don't encourage them.
it's not a futa cock
it's just a stallion cock
Or maybe your handwriting is shit.
>he sits upright on his haunches
>motions for you to come and sit
>resting and leaning against his sack
>you can feel his body continuing to expand
That's cute, AA. Scootaloo is oddly good at it.
>what an interesting character that embo-
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A few things, but nothing I can share at the moment.

I could always post this again, though. I think I have one or two more reposts before it counts as self-spamming.
Oh alright
If I were going for that effect I think I'd start off with big letters and have the size decrease towards the end
I've been playing Bowser's Inside History and it's the most fun I've had with a Mario game after the Nintendo 64, the sprites and music and voices are so good
>SentenalHateanon got bored this fast.
Pony likes Ayreon


That's a good one.

It IS shit.
>b-but if the target of shitposting leaves the shitposter will go too!
mlpg server when
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No, faggot, it's an OC made for cuddling. Get it right.
>implying the target left
No, they just level up.
No, she was made for romance.
once can't survive on cuddles alone
unfs were inevitable
You know what I've noticed? s3 and s2 have much much less interesting background music than s1. I can't find a single decent timespan with anything worth ripping
Don't mind me, I'm just unfing late.

the unfs happened right after she was made
like, literally
>exception is now the rule

Fuck off. Nintendo has been going to shit after the gamecube. Literally, their only good game the past generation was Galaxy 1/2. Every other 1st party game of theirs was completely shit.
When krabb get's payed

And when he can pay 60 bucks on his own every 3 months

And when he can add the sounds and features in again

and when he beats all of pokemon X and Y
new pokemon is good
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They don't even make Pokemon. Game Freak does, and Nintendo doesn't actually own them (it's complicated)
I'll chip in to help Krabb
>He thinks every OC we have made was for unfs.
what is the punishment for a pony that ponys a pony without consent?
>not sitting between his cock and his belly
>not riding along while he belly slaps
> implying they haven't been repurposed
Gloomy was
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Spoiler Image, 25 KB
>implying they aren't
>And when he can add the sounds and features in again

It's going to happen.
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nintendo owns the lion's share of the stock, so they own gamefreak.
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Gloomy was more for the anons who wanted things more like this.
>once can't survive on cuddles alone

Says you

If I could just go to bed every night with a pony to hold, I would be a happy man
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I love King of the Hill so much.

I really wish Hank, Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer were my neighbors.
There is an option in the main menu to simply turn of sound downloads

If you set it to oh say "only allow map files" you will never have to hear a cacophony of neighs molest your ears
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>"Message for a Mr. Anon!"
cl_downloadfilter nosounds, right?
that's what it was in CS, anyway
I practically am a young Bill
/Best part is that it is funny and appealing no matter where on the political spectrum you sit.
>It's going to happen.
their clits need to be bigger.

at least he is trying

Oh, good, that Diamond Dog porn I ordered has come in.
this isn't a letter
this is just a picture of sweetie's butt

why are you giving this to me
Scootaloo, its one in the morning. How did you even get in here?

Please leave, I need sleep
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Oh good, my diamond dog transformation is suppose to happen in a few days.
sensual sex
It's in options > multiplayer

Right next to the spray importer

no need for a console command

and there is a setting to JUST disable sound downloads
It's a three way between Nintendo (TPC), Game Freak and Creature. They're second party, so they mainly focus on Nintendo consoles yet aren't part of Nintendo proper.
How does pony ask for sex without seeming slutty?
and pony would be bitter and repressed
This isnt even my name. Or address.

I dunno what to do. Do I tip Scootaloo?
>infects your dick
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By being male.

Of course, then they just look like a rapist...
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Pacific Rim was meh.
they get rid of notions of slutty
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>naming pokemon after ponies
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Pinkie stop
Pinkie we're going to have a sitdown about this
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That's what consensual sex in the missionary position is for.
That's a freaky position for them you know.
i name ponies after monsters from monsterpocalypse, godzilla, and other shit
I want that picture to happen. It would be fun.
I'm putting Pinkie and Dash in timeout
How does pony ask for sex in the sluttiest way possible?
Why do you just give her a quick rutting
It'll be fun
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send a reply letter saying, okay i will sneak in your window
Oh dear...
This must be the letter Cosmo was sending to Sentenal.
gently sliding a glass rod down your urethra

What if Megas and The Big O fought kaijus.

Anyone know how big they are compared to Jaegers?
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....well fuck you too, Applejack!

I'm going to write her a reply right now! The rudest letter ever written! I'm going to write it with my butt and call her Applecrap
By being Rarity.
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Ross draw Buffershy.
oh no

that alien clown is being raped by a robot
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I wouldn't leave those ponies alone together
>"I am programmed to love mimes, for no one else does."
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beep boop

I am a robot

I steal jobs from american rapists

Blarpa barp
ross draw sweetie belly
>purple coat

but she's a whore not a pimp
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Be sure to put [something] in brackets, otherwise I wouldn't of normally checked.
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The only thing I can think about when seeing that image is delitization.

that would make sense if he wasn't avoiding him and keeping his distance
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Winter is coming.

Why don't you have a little pony to sleep with and keep each other warm?
Be honest, who would actually want to seek out that autistic fuck?
I fucking hate that fat fucking dancing kid. You don't dance, you're fat.

Pinkie attempting to scale a fence and failing miserably

do it
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Pinkie what the fuck are you saying
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but I thought Cosmo wanted to ignore sentenal. why is he sending him love letters now?
This is really awkward but, I can see your vagina.
I think you looked at the wrong letter
Fapping to ponies when you're sick and have a high fever is great.
They're being sent to opposite corners of the room.
I would seek him out to give him a hug
>The fence just bends and folds under her.
>She just ends up walking over the remains.
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Is it like fapping to ponies while you're so tired you're slipping in and out of dreams so your imagination is super strong?
hate is the highest form of love and flattery. you can't hate if you can't love
I honestly am very sad I have nothing
I was thinking of her just sort of stuck on top, unable to push over

But to be honest that is a whole lot funnier
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Mine ran away
Yeah, each time she gets another hand and foothold she gets closer to the top.
But she hasn't even left the ground really.
Yes.Just that if you are really sick and having a fever it's a bit stronger than that.
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To have Fluttershy of all ponies run away from you is probably the worst feeling in the world.
You might as well kill yourself if Fluttershy of all ponies doesn't like you.

>the opposite of love is the highest form of love

please stop
the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy
Applejack I'm in no mood for one of your raunchy midnight sex ed demonstrations
Pinkie has a problem
Apathy is an abscence of love and of hate

hate is opposed to love

I never thought I'd wish for a fever
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Haha, oh anon.

That's what dreaming is for.
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I can hate things way easier and way harder than I can love things.
For instance, drugs.
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>Type out a post
>Auto post is 60 seconds away
>Well shit, guess I'll get a snack
>come back
I havent dreamnt in years

Maybe I should just kill myself
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The best is when you're also very tired , which, fortunately is 90% of the time when you're sick.

Shit's almost like a fucking hallucination.
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>not being 4chan pass master race
>love and hate are like almost the same man

You're not a homestuck troll, sergal, dark elf mary sue, or yandere anime character
She'd be on her toes, one leg hoisted high onto the fence and hands grasping just inches from the top.
"H-hey Anon. Can I get a little push here?"
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>poorfag problems
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Yeah. Yeah I actually haven't dreamed for a long time either.
moot is a greedy jew.

soon you will have to pay to lower the repost time.
Maybe a psychologist could help you dream more.

They're into that shit, right?
hate and love are opposites in type of delineating types of feelings for someone, though they are on the same spectrum of caring about someone as opposed to apathy and/or ignorance which is opposed to both

hate and love are not exclusive states, though
it is quite possible to hate and love someone at the same time
you're right anon

i'm a half dragon wolf princess
>tfw 4chan pass still works at college but only in Chrome
not sure how it works but its neat

Wait, the pass eliminates the 60 second timer?

Holy shit why did nobody tell me
No, I'm more into having money
You did. You just don't remember. While sleeping you have multiple dreams per night.
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>not being a pony wolf princess
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>type out a post and enter captcha and hit enter without thinking
>it's gonna do that thing again, fuck
>error: you must wait 1 second to post
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oh, fuck off grasshopper
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It doesn't. You would have just avoid the recaptcha error.
Celestia says I can be whatever I want.
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Why is she so perfect?
You dream every night, you just don't remember them. There are ways to bring back the ability to remember but I'm just going to let you google it
I didn't know that's what the escort service used as a euphemism.
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what, no
eliminates the captcha though
4chanx has an autopost thing so you can queue up your post and it'll go through once the timer's up
Now I'm gonna have to watch that move again.
No. It's those black void dreams that seem to pass 7 hours in 10 minutes.
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No, it just stops capatcha nonsense

I still have to deal with the same stupid time that the rest of the filthy commoners have to.
I sat my mother down to watch this a few weeks ago.

Oh. Well fuck that.


>needlessly spending money
Yeah, that's not what rich people do. That's what starlets and flavor of the month pop stars that are going to be poor and in massive amount of debt in a few years do.
Anyone remember if we usually got the episode titles first or did those come with the synopsis?
And about how many weeks prior to a premiere did we get them?
Considering the ammount of time you waste over a year, and time is valuable, $20 is a bargin.
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>not budgeting minor expenses to improve things you enjoy
>paying to avoid an error
The fuck man
I would've bought it, but the 60 second timer just turned me off.
did your mom like it?
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>20 dollars to get rid of typing two words

Maybe if it got rid of the timer. MAYBE.
Fuck you Cloud Chaser
Moot said specifically it's for people who want to support 4chan. He won't take straight up donations, so he made the pass as a compromise which makes me kinda annoyed when people call him a jew for that.
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I'm sure he'd rake in a lot more money if he fucking opened up donations. A lot of people don't want to spend 20 dollars for something they can do without, but tons of people will throw a few spare dollars his way.

He's not a jew, a jew would be smart and open donations.
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agreed, the pass would probably not be a good investment if you only made one post a year

you too buddy
That's two words a post. How many posts do you make a day?
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>mess up captcha
>realize you were about to post something really stupid anyway

I wouldn't de-activate it for free.
be honest anon

do you just want to cuddle pony and call her cute like a pet dog

So nippon discord was pretty good? I missed it.
No I'm tired of your stupid pony shit
I fucking hate your stupid fucking face and your sister is way hotter
Yeah I'm still around. Thank you!

How many words did you guys just type?

If you noticed, you didn't count because typing words is fucking easy and isn't worth 20 dollars to get rid of.

Reposting from last night. I finished it kind of late/early so here ya go.
How do I clean boop off my keyboard?
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It's all I want
Fuck you loser
Cloud is way better and I'll fucking cut you if you say otherwise
I think he's actually thinking of adding value in exchange for improving or at least ameliorating 4chan.

Donations can happen whether you give anything back or not, but unfortunately the pool of people willing to pay anything to remove captchas is pretty small. 4chan's big enough he might need to peg it at $20.

You can snuggle in bed with a pony and be all cuddly and shit. But neither of you have genitals and cant do nothing sex. And the pony is Pinkie
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>be sick
>don't feel like fapping at all
>have to go to courses for most of the day
>there's no pony waiting for me at home with warm soup to take care for me and give me a reason to get trough the day

Twilight is one lucky motherfucker. I'd kill to be in her place
he hates donations on principle and has said this time and time again
not interested
What a stupid thing to be upset about
well pony is very offended
I'm fine with the no sex and the pinkie part

but can I aleasty have my genetalia, I sort of value it.
well it can't be mine

Because I am a virgin.
I could be upset about someone calling my waifu a slut or something.

I'd much rather be upset about someone being bad with money.
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>make post
>fill out captcha
>hit enter
>QR upload aborted
>fix post
>fill out captcha
>Error: You must wait 60 seconds before posting again
She can be as offended as she wants, long as pony wears the collar.
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do I get my genetalia back the next morning?
I call him a jew for a simple reason. My ISP got banned and I couldn't post on 4chan anymore. When I asked on the irc channel if it's possible to make an exception for on ip I was told that it's impossible.
Then later 4chan passes come along and well what do you know, if you buy one it bypasses range bans.

I still love him
pony refuses
pony is leaving
>applebloom balls
If I was honest I would probably be put on the same level as ponychan shit so I'd rather not
ok ok ok

You have your junk. But you are incapable of getting an erection if a pony is touching you or looking at it
pony can come stay with me
as long as she doesn't mind if I wear the collar
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>How long do i have to wear this thing
>ᴵ ᵈᵒ ᵏᶦᶰᵈ ᵒᶠ ᶫᶦᵏᵉ ᵐʸ ᶰᵃᵐᵉ ᵗᵃᵍ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ

Gone for good.
Sorry, pony.
Are any of your friends into this?
Pony can't leave, noone knows pony was here, noone will miss pony. Noone will know.
>implying R63 Sweetie wouldn't have the biggest cock
Shame on you Saine.
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13. Do you know how to count?
That sounds fair.
Can I swap out Pinkie for Twilight?
neat, thanks!

You missed the point.

You get an F, see me after class.
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This pic makes me hhnggg every time.
Yeah pretty much. I don't have the capacity for complex emotional relationships, just the desire for companionship.

That's part of why I almost pass for a furfag and can't get enough of waifu shit. I don't care about species or reality because the other party having more emotional depth than a rat is irrelevant to someone that can't even comprehend that dimension of consciousness, and the other party being real doesn't mean shit when you're too much of an autistic psychopath to hold any sort of relationship together for longer than five minutes.
Pony Mon-amie
But would you donate twenty dollars to 4chan?
That's what Moot is doing, only with the captcha disappearing as a "Thanks, Anonymous."
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Go away
Wow, that was really fast
You never answered my question.


I'd love to donate to 4chan. It's a shame that he isn't opening up donations, and instead is selling bullshit for 20 bucks a pop.
How come no one's done a parody pic of this yet?
>tfw roogna will never fuck you
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Why yes, I am a pony. Feel free to ask for my autograph, just don't try to sell it on ebay.
so the answer is "no, I would not donate twenty dollars to 4chan" then?

I want to pet fluttershy

I don't know how many posts I make in a day.

I know that I do type enough words in one post to make up 20 captchas.
Fuck that shit
I just want hugs
Hateanon pls
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there's a pony for that
...Can I get a better pony like Twilight, Rarity or Sweetie to talk to and ask for an autograph?
You disgust me.
What exactly is roogna.
Fact: Captcha has no reason to exist
Fact: Passes and ads have not helped 4chan, user-side.

>60 second posting limit
Thanks for killing dumping threads you kike faggot

No, the answer is "yes, I'd love to donate to 4chan."

You know how moot won't take donations on principle, so he's selling shit? It's the same thing, but in reverse.
I don't care that you're a pony. But whoa, are you really that famous pony, Fluttershy?
nigga fuck dump threads. They are shit.
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I would.
A shitposter.
>Fact: Captcha has no reason to exist

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Have you ever heard of anon talk?
how is your first month on 4chan
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Are you tardy mlpg?
How would Rarity or Sweetie even respond to you asking for their autograph?
>Fact: Captcha has no reason to exist

I take it you weren't here when they were implemented? The spam got nearly uncontrollable.
Hurts storytime threads a bit
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I'm tardin' hard!
this anon is too swole and hairy to be me

post a shrinkwrapped skeleton hugging fluttershy
You might as well be asking why that Anon really wants a realperson fanfic of Anon getting rubbed down by Chistery
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Yeah dump threads are totally shit
>I don't go to /wg/
>I don't go to /gif/
>I don't go to /d/,/h/ or /y/
Thanks for totally taking what I said out of proportion.

How can you possibly support a website who's owner believes "It's okay to seperate a board FOUR times and then complain when it gets really shitty" and "It's okay to make a completely new board for just a show".
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7 Minutes, 7 Minutes is all the time I can spare to play with you
Something is wrong with Apple Bloom's chin.
There's a good reason for that though.

He has those hands of his...
>remember that I have a book due monday
oh yeah...
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do you not want that
that sounds pretty great
i want to draw something like this




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This is how you properly oldfag.
If you think you can do better then go make your own site
This has happened and failed miserably before, so you know.

yeah fucking right
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I like seeing ponies drawn like horses

although actuall horses freak me the hell out
I actually enjoyed RE5
There used to be one of these for Klondike, didn't there?
I'd probably fuck that horse

That one is an edited version of the klondike one.
I loved it, I loved 6 too
> visible ribs on a horse
> all that smudge effect
Christ I hope there's better out there.
Pass user detected.

I guess you can never complain about anything ever that's beyond your capability to use.
If moot got rid of captcha now there would be so much spam your head would spin.
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>I loved 6 too
I didn't mind it since it actually had a mystery aspect to it, even if it wasn't all that scary/creepy.

I'm trying to play Revelations. The monsters with giant worms coming out of their mouths made me laugh too hard to take it seriously, but it has that old survival horror feel of the early games.
No we wouldn't.
>pass user
Nah dude fuck that shit
I wouldn't give a dime to moot, much as he's a cool guy
I just know why the capcha is there and what purpose it serves.
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>people who think water is tasteless
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I hope the new Apple family episode has a lot of scenes with Mac and AB.
They've barely ever interacted and I always felt Mac would have a really good relationship with his youngest sister.
Me too. The campaign was fun, relatively free of bullshit quicktimes, and challenging.

I got all the BSAA emblems, every outfit for Chris and Sheva, all the weapons unlimited ammo, the rocket launcher, all of the characters for the challenge things, and all of the figurines
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>I loved 6 too
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You people are bonkers. You know that, right?

Moot could easily employ subtle filtering for the entire website that can cut down an amazing amount of spam but he still keeps the captcha.

But how could you defend fucking 60 second cool down? What purpose does this serve?
Even with captcha to make things difficult, in the past year we've had our Ikaspammer and /a/'s had their spammer, and probably more beside that I don't know about.
Without captcha and the need for any would-be spammer to just sit there filling out captchas if they want it to work there would have been a lot more, and they'd have run when their operators were sleeping, too.
Why not then?

There was anon talk spam, and then there was spam in the forum of a virus that would infect computers and spam endlessly. If cap were to be taken down you bet your ass at least the virus thing would start up again.
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I think maybe you should give Pinkie a break fora bit
Distilled water is as tasteless as it comes, although...
I guess it can have a "taste" as in the sensation of it leeching a small amount of salts from your mouth
I don't play RE but really dude?
H2O is objectively tasteless

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