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Pears are the best fruits!

previous thread
>pear-shaped pony
Surströmming is the best food!
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Well imma just watch/stream Pitch Black
join whoever wants
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villains are for implied sexual.
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Rainbow Dash's body grew sexually excited. Her many glands and sacs readied the savory gels of her lust. Applejack the strong farmer had done this, by touching her cleverly.
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Pears are okay.
Hm, I wonder what kind of surprise it is!
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Bitch I will cut you.
>tasting each others fruits

t-they can d-do that?! i-isn't that l-l-lewd?!
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I bet Celestia will love it.
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Whatever it is, it's certainly ramping up business.
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They are for implied corruption.
I have a bad feeling about this
What fruits are there not ponies for? There's apple pones, cherry pone, generic berry pone, a lot of strawberry OCs, mango bat pones, pear pone that had one comic and got a bit more art after for it because she was cute, that one fat banana pone...

What else is there? Any pineapple pones? What about grepfruit? I like grapefruit. Where is a pony to suite my tastes?
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Peach pony is a cute pony.

It seem like yesterday when those eyes were a thing.
nobby should definitely redo this pic.
Considering in the episode with fluttershy one cherry was 2 bits.... apple must make no profit.
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Wouldn't you crusade for your favorite pony?
What about watermelon pony?
crusading is a bit difficult these days
But who corrupted who?
pony says that megadrive > super nintendo
No. I dislike weapons and heavy armors. I'll fight with my fists for pony!
sb pls go
What exactly do I need to crusade for?
Is she going to crusade with me?
pony should stop being unamerican
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EA pls
pls stay
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Maybe they were just reeeeeally good cherries.
Fuck you, my waifu is a beautiful pony.
Anon, please.
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Say what
Yeah. Watermelon don't even grow in the zebra lands. She probably likes kiwano melon.
pony says that genesis is a stupid name for a console
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Pony wants to cleanse the holy land of heathens or just make them feel crummy. She knows you're big and strong and can push those meanies around.
She's going to sit on your shoulders while you do it.
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Will zecora ever stumble her rhyme rumble?
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I wonder what it tastes like.
megadrive is even worse
Luna I don't have anything that costs 3 rubbers
Why are you looking at me like that
what if cabbage pony
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When she finally ask Big Mac out.
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While that pony is not accurate in their criticism, Genesis was the inferior console.
Fine, that sounds like it could be fun.
Ponies have magic though, so I'm probably going to get hurt.
She wants to have sex with you, dolt, but she doesn't want to get pregnant, especially after reading the ancient tome that details that not only can you have children with her, they can take multiple forms and she's just not ready for any of them.
she is on a crusade to make weed illegal in equestria
like a cucumber mixed with kiwi

it's really jelly-like
Burning Flame Chrysalis, or Deep Seas Sombra?
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This is so sudden
I don't even think of luna for sexual
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It'd probably help.
Weed is legal in Equestria? I don't think so anon.
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What if new student thats not a zebra in s4?
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It's ok.
pony says that megadrive had better action games and was faster

and that streets of rage > final fight
goat pls draw a Cheerilee
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>ever ask him out
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She's such a pretty pone
poison joke is weed to them and it grows everywhere around the town.

the side effect werent really happening to them they were just high.
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What if this pony went with you?
What if she made laser and explosion sounds with her mouth as she watched you fight?
>new student
>not zebra
>not zecora's niece/nephew/younger sibling
>no info on zebra cutie marks when they encounter the crusaders
>boring pony student instead
Who cares? Just another background pony.
it could happen!
what is that thing a lamb?
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Oh. Well that IS a rather good reson for such a name

Carry on my good anon
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What is Beth? A deer?

That is an adorable Zecora.
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I'm not gonna say it
those condoms are clearly different size. she doesnt know what you use and just wants you to have the right fit.
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They.... actually look really cute together. I think mac can appreciate that zebra ass.
Why not a zedonkey?
She looks especially cute in the basement light.
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Zonies are much cuter.
what does she do down there all day?
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But anon, pony is NOT for basement, Especially not one as pretty as Sassaflash.

You know, there is a pony that may be for basement though. Why don't you try Snips. I am sure nobody would mind never seeing him again
I present you guys an old cute pony video.

They're almost as creepy as goats.
that's probably where her dark room is. She's a sassy photographer obviously.
some one should draw basement pony
Dear Princess Applejack

I am starting to thin that you sent me to your Apple farm in Ponyville not to make friends but to be a free working hand for your family.
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Oh god, this is going to be depressing as hell, isn't it?
Why would his mom, Rose, put him in the basement? She doesn't seem that mean.
A pony thats like a shut in?
That is stupid. And this is from someone that loves Gaston
The last line doesn't really flow with the song
I don't really speak Russian anon.
It's not very depressing on the surface, it's got a happy ending I think, although I don't understand what they're saying
You should be ashamed of yourself FS. I thought you were better than this.
This is a good headcanon. I'm taking it
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in context I thought it was funny.
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A-anon your eyes are so deep.. and big and stuff t-that I think I need a map, of your eyes.
Mega Gay
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Just watch it until the end.

You do not need to know Russian to know whats going on.
Against her will for very extended periods of time.

Welp Flash Sentry confirmed for saving Twilight at the end of S4
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I will.
Gayest shit I've ever seen.
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If you though I was better than trying to be rid of Snips I am afraid you were terribly mistaken
Pinkie vs the vacuum: part 2!
Well aren't you just the sweetest little pony
Well congratulation for that all your ponies are taken from you.
So changlings return?
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Thanks McCarthy, you fucking cunt
It's fake
anon is an epic ruseman
But that doesn't say anything like that.
Are you retarded or just trying to start shit?
5/10 for delivery, but you're damned cute so you get a hug regardless.
My eyes aren't that deep.
They're very blue though.
And I guess pretty since you say though?
Yours are better.
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But anon

Getting rid of Snips should earn one a medal if anything
He's making a joke.
Nope. It gets you a lifetime of no pone. Enjoy it.
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FlyingSaucer has demonstrated time and time again that he doesn't really want to be a pony.
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I assume the the pony wants to find a different job because it depress her to see a child cries when the ride ends. She tries out many other jobs and fail in doing those. I assume that in the end, she found the kid crying in the bench because his favorite steed was gone and the pony cheer him up by being a merry-go-around pony again.
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It's starswirl
I need pictures of cute ponies in rollerskates. NOW!
RIP in peace Leth.
not the "lel discord is starswirl" autism again.
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Oh not you too

I think you are here as often as I am
>tfw Kraut is ded
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>maybe vampire ponies
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>tfw you're dead
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Well there are not too many of those sadly
Am I?
you mean like changelings?
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That was so terrible yet adorable I think she deserves a hug.
>go to someones tumblr
>out of nowhere autofucking music
fuck you all.
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Here you go! I tried to use really thick lines since that's something I never really do. I don't think I like it much.
DID YOU KNOW: Applejack not only enjoys fruits and foods that are not apples, but she even grows them herself!
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No like vampires. Normal blood sucking, hypnotizing, vampire transforming vampires not some hippy changelings.

Hear that, love. I mean can someone suck more than that
Does Applejack like kiwano?
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That was extremely cute. Thanks Anon!
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shortage of ponies on wheels? pls.
Remember back when you couldn't identify Samus' gender from the design of her suit?
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>the two gasps they give when they win the talent show
Goat pls don't imitate that style.
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But does she enjoy fruits and foods that ARE apples? Please support your claims with evidence.
but it's better than his regular style
but blood isn't pg so they made them suck the life force of ponies, which is obviously love.

And they were maybe going to turn ponies into changelings in those cocoon things. They also did hypnotizing.

I don't know, changelings are at least original.
No it's not. it's a horrible style. i like his style much more.
changelings are ponies
>tfw aegislash
Eh, I'm not so sure. Ultimately, the choice is Goat's, anyway.

Compared to everything else? Its not like there are a million of them


That was indeed adorable anon. I wish they would have been persistent background fillies
what style is it? the lines are just not as thin.
Shiiieeet look at this cool-ass gajinka
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No problem, anon.

Look what you made her do.
You're welcome!

Are we talking about the really thick lines here? Because I probably won't be doing that again.
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What if you had to write a thesis on Rainbow Dash?
what is that thing?
I guess thick lines is a style now.
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"Do you know how the Changelings first came into being? They were ponies once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life..."
They're talking about the sliceofponylife style
I would question why I chose that as a thesis or why my professor assigned such a topic to me.
I'd wonder what kind of class I'm taking
What do you guys think the "Friends Forever" comic could be about?
-slut for cuddles and ear scratching
-hates my dick
there are at least 41

that's enough for a folder!
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You're living in Equestria and Celestia deemed that you should go through pony school. Cheerilee assigned it to you since you're obviously older than the other fillies.
To a great extent Rainbow Dash is a giant cunt.
It's a lead-in to the main six becoming alicorn princesses in the show
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I'd write it very quickly.
I hope she'd be proud.

wait what
I wasn't doing that on purpose, that's just what happened. It doesn't even look like that comic to me.
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Dammit Sombra! Stop calling this number!
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Pony is out of control!
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A pony.

More specifically, this video.

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What pony would browse what board?
How can I help pony?
Definitely not /mu/
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oh no!
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Shiny would browse /surf/
I don't get it.
It's not garbage, that horse has shitty taste.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Scratch her butt
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Can I get pony some cocoa or something?
Or draw a sick Sweetie. Whichever

I would analyze why she was chosen as an Element of Harmony bearer and how we can all emulate her best qualities. Or something.
Vinyl goes to /mu/.
You too, Canada
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Don't you go all G1 on my Twilight!
How will that help?
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Ponies have special fun secreting glands in their butts
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and she was never seen again.
What happens if you stimulate them from inside their butts?
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No wonder Pinkie's is so big then!
That doesn't sound very fun for me though.
Can't I take pony to a movie or something instead?
>that image
I cant stop hnggggggggggggg-..
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just don't.
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I think we both know the answer to that
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True, for a small folder!

I just ment compared to other stuff that has hundreds or thousands of related images, like ponies in hats
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What a wiggly pony.

did she bite the c-
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We need more ahegao ponies
Bless you!
I like how fluffle looked in human form but chrysalis was just hideous. I dont know if that was intentional or not.
Is that supposed to be a thumb
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Is this right?
Eh, it was still better than a few of the original models.
it looks just like me!
why is sneezing hilarious
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>Pinkie's fun glands get overfull
>she wants you to help clear it up
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Sneezing ponies are cute

I'm trying to think if any of the ponies have sneezed on the show... Pinkie did once with confetti but that was kind of tame.
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I hadn't heard about that flash, oh god.
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That pony looks like she's going to fall asleep. What a snuggleable pony.
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that is probably one of the silliest requests I have seen taken in awhile

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Pinkie pranked Rarity with sneezing powder.
Anon what's wrong with that pony
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Nothing is wrong.
Why would anything be wrong.
It's not like pony has too many boops.
Maybe she's underbooped.
Maybe you should boop her Anon.
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phew good

I always appreciate a challenge.
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This one would take some work so if you don't want to that's fine.
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was this ever colored?
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Hi Elslowmo
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I have a feeling Dotkwa likes Fluttershy.
He has good taste.
>tfw bdf is kill
>tfw BDF is ded, pep, qeq, hats us and is beb
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She's his waifu

We're honourbound to duel for her one day
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Oh that was a good one
Dotkwa waifu Fluttershy, actually.
she's my waifu
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"Why good morning students! Today we'll be covering ghosts, ghouls, specters, and other completely fictional mythological creatures!"
i wish the one flutterfag who could actually draw well would come back
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82 KB
I bet she's husbando him.
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728 KB GIF
Can I go to the bathroom?
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no don't say that
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>And we'll be learning why this skull is the most overpowered ghoul
Is mayonnaise a mythical creature?
We had two. PS and MLPGanon
I know I should probably be spooked, but that last skull is hilarious.
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222 KB GIF
Bathroom? Hahahaha
His taunt is pretty funny
>om nom nom nom
He can draw her all those pretty pictures
What can you offer her?
oh, forgot about them. i meant >Jalm
I'm good with animals and I'm considering being a vet
Which pony would enjoy Costco Pizza the most?
I wish i could draw better so i could please you
top jalm
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160 KB PNG
She'd husbando you too. She's so sweet she can't pick just one.
"Please don't fight. You're just so wonderful I just can't decide."
What about mewball? He draws Fluttershy all the time, mostly with alternate hairstyles though.
>Costco Pizza
>Not Chicken Bakes or Caesar Salads

Just kidding I like all of them
those salads are so packed with food and $2 cheaper than mcdonals
best cheap food
How do I explain my love of pony to my therapist?
he likes lyra more though. who he draws exactly like fluttershy
>you will never be the guy
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24 KB
More like the annoying bunch.
Say you want to give pone the D
I've never liked Chicken Bakes.
Caesar Salads are godly though.
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399 KB PNG
The pink is a dead give away.
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As an infatuation with a fictional character.
It's been happening ever since the spread of printing leading to the rise of episodic creative writing and characterization meant to appeal to wide audiences. I doubt they'd be surprised.
I can't do it anymore
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I dunno, he draws Loiro pretty cute
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>tfw fapping to darf's second Anon/Fluttershy fic
ponies were practically design for cuddling
look at the way her haunches just fit into him like a puzzle piece
it kills me
He does have a fluttershy and lyra plushie
the hatesex one?
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use your boner as a reference
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anon no
pls stay
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I remember when I request him this last year and he never gave a second thought on Lyra then.
Yeah, Costco has probable the best and cheapest fast food

>he doesn't like chicken bakes
That's okay, I actually didn't liked Caesar Salads either until I tried one
>I didn't like something until I tried it
you're so smart dooks
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okay fine
As in, I've tasted their chicken bakes and I didn't like them.
wait, just that?fuck you I'm staying just to spite you.
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81 KB
>Called in sick today just to play pokemon
>Actually end up getting sick somehow
>Too sick to play vidya end up watching my four favorite pony episode instead

This is some shit
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23 KB
Which episodes anon?
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48 KB
You got my point.

>Called in sick today just to play pokemon
>watching pony
>some shit
anon pls. You're living the dream.
>watching pony

I think you should go.
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1.4 MB
1.4 MB GIF
microwave some peanut butter and eat a little bit with white rice. Don't question it, just do it.
Fuck off pothead
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Suited for success
Dog and Pony show
Just for sidekicks
And Sleepless

No I mean getting sick when I was perfectly fine earlier is some shit.
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I want Butterfly to sit on my face
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I have a feeling that you're mah nigga
What is that contraption?
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101 KB PNG
>you will never afford a vape
>day off from work
>smoking some bud
>playing pokeman
>watching ponies
>browsing mlpg
>snacking on Cool Ranch Doritos
>living the dream
that's a humorously large cigar idiot.
>tfw endii hats us
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Don't bother, people sometime get so mad they can't get a joke.
The filename said blunt.
You're a humorously large cigar.
How do you type without hands?
He knows
He said he likes to shitpost about drugs
He admitted it on the sub too which is scary because it means he's been here a while, maybe just too long.
It also said the guy was a hobbit
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98 KB
Well if he tries shitposting about drugs on the sub he's probably going to get banned really quickly, there's nobody in MLPG that loves the retarded drug derailing that hapens for absolutly no reason
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But that looks all sciencey and shit.
>the only way to smoke weed without filling your lungs with shit
You're gonna die before me.
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18 KB
We can't be niggas, I like NTR
>I like to
I don't like it, I just say I do it because potfags are the one group of people who definitely needs to be removed from MLPG
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I have a feeling he's posting the stuff she's shitposting about, just so he can shitpost.
Can't prove it, but it would be the shitty thing to do.
if it's who i think it is, I think people only post pot to bait him and see if he's around because he can never help but respond.
Have you gotten over the fact that Twilight is romantically involved with someone who isn't your OC/self insert yet?
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Not this time man, I'm the one who posted the hobbit. I thought it was a funny picture. I'm a bit sorry.
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Would you watch a MLP humanized spin off if it looked like this?
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Any thing is better than what they have now.
We can be non-lewd niggas
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I thought that was funny, but I'm talking about the random weed/stoner comments that crop up whenever the fascist crusader guy is around.
No because I absolutely hate the boring setting of EqG and the fact that they're humans.
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im so shit aah
How big is your background pony folder anyway?
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Who cares about who smokes or does what
post ponies instead
What's your favourite pony colour palette? (As in, mane and coat colour)
Her head is abit too round.
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82 KB
Oh boy.
Us Rarifags gotta stick together. Times out here is hard for niggas with good taste.
Considering that it wouldn't center around a single high school twilight and octavia look like private school students, it would probably have a more open world and more plot potential. Maybe.
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I like the grey-ish ponies.
Except Rarity
Rarity a shit
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58 KB
dis ponyo
>animu bullshit
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107 KB GIF
How do you think the ponification of death works in Equestria? Is it something scary? Or is it a friendly thing, to show you've nothing to fear?
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Her face is curving weirdly
Also you should draw Fluttershy getting brushed gently.
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42 KB

Well the one I uploaded was 243 mb compressed and only contained the stuff I made myself, its bigger now

If you count stuff I saved and fanart its over 2GB
fim is pretty much animu bullshit without the animu
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2.99 MB GIF
Hey are you ever going to draw LPS again when the new season starts?
why are sport .gifs always the best?
Fuck off please.
I like the cooler colors, like blue, light grey, and purple. The soft pastels make most colors nice to look at though; even Rainbow's mane doesn't clash that badly with itself.
Oh boy, what show is this from?
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puni puni
The only problem I can think of is Rarity being called a whore.

NTR doesn't help
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Animated short, actually.
It's actually pretty fun/cute.
But why. There are few things more enjoyable than making straight-edges upset over drugs.
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Seconding the grey ponies

There's like 4 of them, but I like them all.
Silver Spoon
Dust Devil
But if they're in different schools, how would they meet?
Just go away you're shitting up the thread and inciting drug discussion.
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and this one
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1.74 MB PNG

Rose is definitely best color scheme
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>not fat, jiggling marelips
I like KLK, but it just doesn't compare to real sport gifs
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Infomercials are pretty good too.
By being friends? School doesn't take up 100% of your time; a healthy schedule leaves time to socialize.
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33 KB
Hey, if you could get those pony reports in my desk by the next... fifteen minutes, that'd be great...
that snout looks like a ballsack
Then why do you keep replying to posts about drugs?
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2 MB
I couldn't find the one I actually wanted to post so I picked another one.

I originally wanted to post this
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poni lick poni
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i wanna draw messy forever..

yeah, i'll be in the /co/ threads as well
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Why do you need to make these posts?
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droolanon pls

keep going
ooh, shes pretty
I like how the banana gets creeped out and backs off.
"Oh fuck oh fuck I'm in too deep."
Greyscale ponies are the master race.
Tell someone at the sub to check his IP to see if he's a tripfag or something
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I can't help it.
It's just so hot to me
I didn't post the one you commented on first. It's just amazing how you can't resist replying to posts like that instead of filtering/hiding them.
>he never even got that request he asked for 9 months after the fact

no regrets
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Macro Gloomy Macro
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I finally finished that thing I set out to work on today. I swear, you guys are such a distraction sometimes! Don't ever change.
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91 KB

Hey my waifu is no whore

She is a wonderful superstitious coward of a pony that has an adorable voice sometimes
I love all those except Derpy
Derpy is a very ugly pony
I extremely hate it, it's impossible not to.
They don't need to post it.
That would be really underhanded.

those sure are big panties
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>"You call that big?"
Gloomy micro cuddles
i know they're aware of all the shit that's happening. of all the people that think they are actually anonymous on that site.
>"You call that a party?"
Well too fucking bad
No, I told you a few times that it's barely within average.

If that's all that matters to you, we're done.

you know what, what the fuck ever

i don't even know why i should bother
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92 KB
Sure lemme just get this down here.
What was your name again?
two outta three ain't bad

Oddish Gloomy Vileplume
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>best filly wins
Well, that's a great way to keep people off of the sub
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i´ll draw more later
i love you jesus christ.
good one
compared to his age. in a few years he will be a fully grown african bush elephant.
anyway how are you liking our human zoo?
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Go ahead and do it, you won't find anything of value.
I'm not a tripfag.
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Oddish traded for Onyx
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Derpy is ugly in pony metrics.
But ponies are so pretty that an ugly pony like derpy is still pretty by human metrics.
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Hey um, I know it's the weekend and all, but I'm going to need some more ponies. I'm gonna need you... to work some overtime.
To be honest, that's why I barely ever post there. Not a shitposter or anything but when I go anonymous I do it because I want those posts to be Anon and not attached to my name.
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103 KB PNG
something with Rumble
>tfw handicapped
That's also why I don't post much here.
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55 KB
>Cutest, smartest, all-around best pony wins
I love this
>you will never work at MLPG co.
when is Cosmo comming back? i want to request more rumblr from him :(
i used my trip there so i don't think i'll be going there anymore. they already know too much.
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I'd hug her.
I heard the entrance exam is very difficult
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>tfw shes hardmode in Cute Quest.
does anyone have that huge picture of mlpg co?
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She wins Round 1, maybe. But can she put the brakes on the Scootaloo rage train? What is Silver Spoon's relationship to Rumble? Is Diamond Tiara truly out of the fight? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL Z
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Bbut sir, it's 23:30 and i have my other job tomorrow.
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Don't you have to suck a horse or something? Or fist a mare. Actually, I think you can choose.
Every pony is cute. Yes, even Twist.

We don't know that.

all-around best pony
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17 KB
>Voiceanon stopped doing the overheads.

those were the best.
Rumble is not for requestals
if you're an expert on pony and especially when you have a valuable skill you're as good as in.
if you're good you may rise through the ranks and join the executives every friday night and go to the brothel have some sex, do some cocaine of a mare's crotchteats until morning and then watch the newest episode
he was here last night and posted a funny picture of rumble
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1.28 MB GIF
Diamond Tiara lost, though
here, i have it bookmarked

We can agree she's a better pony then her pink friend.
>"Have you seen the show?"
>"There's a show?"
>"Welcome aboard!"
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15 KB
I'd say she's got a good lead.
Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo will just have to kiss and make up
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How you doin MLPG!? I'm 21 today and have been having a pretty chill weekend how about you?
>Derpy is used to being considered unattractive by her pony peers
>when you tell her she's pretty, it makes her so very happy
In my headcanon, she won the Running of the Leaves, and the prize money will put Dinky through school...

...or would have, if she hadn't ruined Town Hall's roof during emergency storm wrangling.
Happy birthday man. You posted a pretty swell pony.
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54 KB
I thought they sort you by the largest size chance you can take. The larger it the higher your rank in the office is
We can do it, anon.
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>You will never go on a grand adventure through equestria
>You will never explore ancient ruins
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You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.
soon she'll win Cobalt too
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97 KB
Spoon is for Rumble
Scootaloo's pretty tired after that first fight. Do you think she'll have to go Super Scoot to win the next one?
Happy Birthday!

Did you get a pony like you always wanted?
>>implying she wouldn't believe you were making fun of her
I would be EA's personal assistant.
>you'll never do battle with ancient beasts
Diamond Vegeta is obviously going to go supes as well.
>Twelve hours of screaming.
>Scootaloo still can't fly.
Yeah, realized my fuckup right after the upload hit 100%

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98 KB
She already went super-scoot the other night.
Can she do it again?
I've been here for over a year I'm kind of accustomed to the neighborhood.
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92 KB
Alright, gonna take a swing at streaming some Resident Evil: Revelations. Drop on by if you'd like.


Happy Birthday!
i want pantyanon as my secretary
I need that picture at the top left. And not a cut out from that, the actual picture.
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917 KB JPG
>You will never fuck ancient beasts
I know. I don't think i've ever seen a picture of Tiaraloo
It just doesn't seem like a good fit, like at all.
Derpy doesn't strike me as the type to jump to such negative conclusions
No unfortunately,but the Eagles winning are fine
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Goodnight MLPG.
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1.34 MB GIF
hapvw mlnuh you dork
I'd draw you a birthday picture, but I have to leave for work. Unless you wouldn't mind waiting....
DT is better for the single fact that she has a personality and has more screen time.
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72 KB
Too bad.
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Happy birthday
You're 1 day younger than I am
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51 KB
Oh wait i have seen that.
Not as bad as i thought, but i still think miss Tiara goes better with miss Bloom
>"Hah, I told you she would like it too much!"
>you will never meet exotic new species
>and then kill them
I'd love a picture, I can be very patient.
odds: go to beb
evens: play some more terra
Ha ha, mine was the 3rd. Wizardry is but a stone's throw away.
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65 KB

what are we panicking about?
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641 KB GIF
Oh cool! I'll work on it as soon as I get home.
which pone?
odds: go to bed
evens: go to bed
dubs: sit here for another 20 minutes before bed
Well, night, MLPG.
>home after a long day of work
Applejack please and thank you for doing this!
Good morning MLPG!

whts the haps?

But bed=0pone
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I turned 24 the 8

Thanks Goat
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98 KB
I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG

bed = all the more time to pone tomorrow
If it lets you have a happier birthday, it's my pleasure! If I don't catch you tonight, it'll be on my sub thread, okay?
full where
You got it.
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aw shit, thanks panko
have some ice cream
>that face
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>Apple farmer keeps pigs
If I ever became a gay porn actor I think I'd go by the name "Sloppy Joe"
Is she having a conversation with that penis?
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I'd sex that up.
Then I'd talk about how adorable and pudgy she is while she blushes madly.
Then we'd pony into the night
>Playing with your toys.

What a faggot.
There's already a Dirty Harry and a Dick Nasty
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Odds sleep
evens read
dubs pony
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Well son
You're gonna pony hard tonight
odds draw
evens sleep
dubs fap
whoa nelly, what now
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She's pretty adorable.
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Satan's gonna pony tonight

Pone for 24 hours straight
Damn that's impressive.
What is MLPG listening to?
read about ponies
i wonder...
leave faget
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A little slow there buddy.
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>and then Anon died from a ponying overdose
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>[s4s] stole the get
These fucking guys, haha.

Holy shit. 14 000 000.

Come watch Aspirant play Resident Evil: Boat Edition
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>don't want to draw
>don't want to colour
>don't want to work
>don't want to pony
>don't want to watch something

Why am I so guh today mlpg, I'm trying to pony but it just not doing it.

How to I fix this?
you're not in bed yet are you
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That's my changeling. Get your own.
I don't know but its the same for me.
Which pony enjoys sex the most?

Celestia Must Die Mode: No Fluttershy or Derpy
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Vidya is for children.

I'm on game design course..and I rarely play vidya, it's pretty ironic of myself.
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Pony beckons. She is dead, but she beckons.
what you want is a good discussion about your inner urges
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I know who enjoys it the least
Is that you again?

I don't think this nigga thing is going to work out if you don't like vidya
My bro got a level design degree and with 20 hours a week he was the one who played vidya the less. He studied a lot of theory.
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Its not like caramel doesn't have other option

That guy is a player
>vydia design
Like everyone else who played games when they were a kid
I hear that they are the same as slave labor
i feel the same, but there are a lot more things i don't want to do.
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Sorry forgot to link

I like drawing vidya, concept art is where I'm heading I like designing things like clothes creatures and other such accessories.
>576 posts
>229 images

what does everyone in mlpg want to be when there older.

its true

and very weird
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a pony
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>Carrot Top cheating on Written Script and Derpy
Not every post has an image ya know.
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That's eas-

WEIRD LIKE YOUR ____________thumb

Won't happen though.
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I want to be a cat. Sleep all day, and... That's it!
>Rainbow Dash's body grew
No I'm talking about how we're almost reaching the post limit despite be a such a low post count.
Calm down. Engage in a personal hobby. You DO have one, right?
Don't worry, you've already ensured you won't.
mlpg is my hobby
Pretty pink ponies prancing playfully
You never know, with science maybe we'll be able to easily program our brains like we'd a computer.
Maybe with USB slots in the back of our heads!
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>completely black thumbnail
going to opt out of this one
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coming right up
It's fine.
If you want, just reduce the window in a corner and open the gif.
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She's a pretty pony with good taste in music
It's just a gif from that new league of legends video
i have no idea and it scares me sometimes
How far did you bend over last night for BCS?

can someone explain
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what a pretty pony
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I think I need to scrape off all this fucking glitter to make this work better...
Whats the hat status? Is there a new server up yet?
What strength is the laser?
>not sentenal
old one never went down.
one million ponywatts
Looks like a quest. Lurk in the thread if you want more info, I haven't been following it.
You should have seen him last night promising to draw her porn so she could masturbate
Krabb still hasn't bought one. Said he was waiting until he got paid. However, sentenal said in the chat that he would pay for one again if Cosmo spoke to him.
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She is cute and also awesome in that she is the second character ever to speak on the show.

Her voice also isn't bad!
don't you want to be a drawer??
< 5 mW
working a fuffiling job
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why is that poni so cute and adorable?
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>Twilight Sparkle, there's more to life that just making friends with new ponies. You won't live a fulfilling life without making yourself vulnerable to other ponies.

>You have to allow other ponies to judge you, and possibly even reject you.
Making a living
Have a family
being an inanimate object sounds like easy life
Make music, if that fails, get a job as a Python coder
>Krabb obsessed with new Pokemon
>will probably never buy one
>never did before

>sentenal paid the bill for half a year by himself
>willing to buy is again if Cosmo speaks to him


Someone smack Cosmo and tell him to do this, i want to play hats already
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>Make music
This too if I don't want to pursue being a meteorologist anymore
then who will draw pon
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She will not go willingly
>However, sentenal said in the chat that he would pay for one again if Cosmo spoke to him.

Reality check!
Cosmo. Doesn't. Want. To. Talk. To. Sentenal!

Hes a fucking child who wants to butt in on other people shit simply because he isn't being included.
having a home and being able to afford food. maybe i can pull it off for long enough to live something close to a fulfilling life, but i doubt it.
Cosmo pls
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There's some really cute background ponies that don't get much attention.
it was the other way around
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>talks about cute ponies
>posts Blossomforth
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I loved Blossomforth but she doesn't get too much attention because she completely vanished after her introduction. One episode wonder sadly

Thunderland and the Twins and least showed up again.
It's really fucking moronic of sentenal to try to pressure Cosmo into talking to him this way. I'd host a tf2 server but my server's CPU is too weak.
The brony bridage is here.
>willingly associating with bcs

The next sentenal, ladies and gentlemen.
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>badmouthing a cute ship
Aw fuck no nigga.
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is funny to me
vidya designer, concept artist, comic illustrator
something along those lines
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thanks hitler
>no title

you dun goofed
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To be fair, the chat logs seems to say Cosmo did the same thing to sentenal. Both of them are at fault, but Cosmo needs to be the bigger man and talk to sent already.
hey FS, why are your screencaps always so washed out?

Don't you like vibrant, colorful horses?

Are you secretly a discordfag who enjoys seeing them gray and unhappy or something?
>no ttile
fuck off mito
go to bed sentenal

If Cosmo doesn't talk he's as bad as him now.
>However, sentenal said in the chat that he would pay for one again if Cosmo spoke to him.

Please tell me you are joking
>Cosmo needs to be the bigger man and talk to sent already

Holy fuck
>He should talk to him no matter how much he doesn't want to



Mine aren't washed out, the others have too much contrast, boo

They are just the HD ones form yayponies
>leave me alone
>leave me alone
>leave me alone
>leave me alone

somehow I don't think cosmo is "just as bad"
>wanting an autistic fuck to leave you alone makes you as bad as they are

hahaha no

He's inconveniencing people because he doesn't want to talk to some retard.

In this situation, Sent is the autistic force of nature. You can't blame a hurricane for knocking shit down, but you can blame a guy who decides to take a jog during it.
There is actually more to it than that, but (even though I know this is going to bomb my credibility to shit) delving on it would just make things worse for everyone involved
He never said "leave me alone" though, he just plain ignored him without explaining why
That must be devastating
>hey, I have a question
>O..K, well, can you leave this group then?
>Wait, you blocked me, now I can't get in the voice chat
>Please unblock me?

It seems to be more of Como's fault, if what the quest page says is true.
>It's his fault the hurricane came!
You are aware that you are talking to Sentenal, right?
oh shit, help, which one is sentenal?!

Fuck off Cosmo.
>You blocked me?
>Well, i'll block you!
>Wait, I can't get into your voice chat with your friends?
>He never said "leave me alone" though
He did.
>finding meta bullshit to bitch about again

oh god who fucking cares both of you fuck off
>he was there when everything happened

try harder
fuck, I thought he left

I wish he would put his name on if he's going to keep trying to discuss this
The retard is the one inconveniencing everyone.

Why should someone have to explain why they don't want to talk to SENTENAL?
I think the people that DO want to talk to him need to explain themselves

>O..K, well, can you leave this group then?
Sentenal owns the group?
>if what the quest page says is true.
The text on the quest page is written by Sent, of course the text will make it look like it was Cosmos fault.
There is less hostility between North and South Korea. At least they talk to each other.
it's a ded horse
I'd understand your complaint someone were to drag it to the new thread, but dumb meta bullshit is what old horses are for

well, that and lewd greentext, but I feel like that almost never happens anymore

>Cosmo and sentenal are the same person using multiple ips to post and stir shit up about each other, who is the same person.

I hope this means the TF2 group is dead

You're all obnoxious faggots that should just keep your shit to steam instead of dragging it into mlpg
It's Sentenal. He can't handle that he didn't get his way so now he will force this topic over and over again until people start hating Cosmo.
This is some half ass bait, you can see green shit growing on it.
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Holy shit, what is this, high school?

Someone really is dragging is into the new horse, though.
>Someone really is dragging is into the new horse, though.

Because Sent needs to get everyone mad at Cosmo.
It''s his ultimate revenge for being ignored.

Nobody believes you, Cosmo.
And the cunt saying Issac shouldn't be Marker Holder? Also sentenal?
>being ignored.
Cosmo wasnt just ignoring Sent, he was actively trying to force him out of the chats by ignoring his requests to unblock
Cosmo is the asshole here
No that's probably just some idiot.
If Sentenal stopped bothering him the first time he was ignored he wouldn't have been blocked.
Friendly reminder that you can report that sort of spam as advertising
>wanting sent anywhere where he could record you or archive every single thing you say
He was apparently just doing it for a group the both of them where in. Which makes me wonder, what was Cosmo doing in a group made by BCS in the first place?
No, actually Cosmo told sent to leave him alone and Sent wouldn't stop so Cosmo ignored him.
Sent is the 5 year old kid who wants you to pay attention to him and when you don't he flips out and starts breaking shit.
And it's suddenly your fault?
Cosmo could just unblock him and ignore him anyway
its that simple
but Cosmo wont concede to Sent we all lose TF2 and Renne quest and others
It doesn't even matter if Cosmo unblocks him anymore because Sent left all groups and after he dumped the chatlogs there is no way he would be allowed to join them again.

This is all just Sent having his "revenge" on Cosmo for not giving him the attention he craved for.
>tells sent to stop talking to him
>he does
>Cosmo blocks him
>sent asks to be unblocked
>Como refuses

Sentenal has always tried to please people, so I'm more in favor to believe what he says based on his previous performance.
>but Cosmo wont concede to Sent we all lose TF2 and Renne quest and others

As far as I know, the archive is already uploaded on the hub.

And boo fucking hoo, pay for the server then. It's just, what? $20 per month? You are a bunch of people on there, just split the bill.
>we all lose TF2 and Renne quest and others
fuck off, that's wrong and you know it

The TF2 server will be back within a week (unfortunately) and Renne & the quest archive are already up on horsefucking.co

stop telling lies
Actually the quest archives are up.
I meant sub.
Will Pineapple also archive any future quests like sent did?
>This is all just Sent having his "revenge" on Cosmo for not giving him the attention he craved for.
sure, just keep ignoring the evidence of otherwise right in front of you
>all the evidence
Sent said he burned the bridges.
Basically gave everyone the finger as he left.
If anyone has to come crawling back, it's him, and he has a lot more people to crawl too.
Pretty much this. If Sent ever rejoins any of those groups, a bunch of people will leave. And I'm almost certain that he isn't so beloved that people would agree to that trade.
He has said he will reverse what he did if Comos talks to him. That is it. I'm under the impression it doesn't matter what comes from it, just if he talks to sentenal.

So it's all a matter of Sentenal's autism Vs Como's stubbornness.
I would pay money if he talked to Sent, and the only words were "Fuck you."
I don't give a fuck
He's no longer welcome in the alternate-artist skype chat and I doubt he would be welcome back in the fanfiction one either

You don't just "reverse" the posting of private chat logs
>He has said he will reverse what he did if Comos talks to him

He can't. He dropped the chatlogs and pissed of a bunch of people that were completely uninvolved and didn't dislike him before. He can't reverse that, the only thing he can do is give you guys back the TF2 server.
And I completely understand why Cosmo doesn't want to talk to him just so you guys don't have to split the bill which would result in maybe $2-3 for each of you per month
He meant reverse the server and quest archive most likely. I think the chat logs where to get attention.
>having to pay to play a free-to-play game
And why should Cosmo do that? We already have the Archive up somewhere else and I don't see why anyone should waste their time talking to a massive autist just so he pays for a server bill that isn't even that high.
what? when did sent say we would have to pay for the server?
...so would I

And made a video of it
Archive is up and Krabb is going to get the server back up.
All he did was piss off a bunch of people for his "Revenge" ploy that didn't do anything but blow up in his face.
And now he has to eat the shit he put on his plate.
If he doesn't pay the bill for the server anymore, you guys will have to do it if you want to keep it.

Maybe you read something wrong or I wasn't clear with what I meant.
I think he should have deleted the archive, not give anyone a copy, leave the groups and not leak any of the chats, and stop the server immediately.
>deleted the archive, not give anyone a copy
that would be even MORE of a dick move.
Comso has to eat that shit to, because this won't go away for a long time. Really it's all fucking silly how ti could have been avoided, with Cosmo just talking to sentenal for 5 minutes.
>This is all just Sent having his "revenge" on Cosmo for not giving him the attention he craved for.

okay, so here we go
>Cosmo got added to a group that Sent was in for a project
>Sent was the organizer like usual
>Sent wanted to know what Cosmo was bringing to the project and what his role was going to be
>he kept blowing him off and just shooting the shit with people
>Sent kept asking to talk to Cosmo so he could figure out what he was doing
>continued to ignore his existence
>Sent got him removed from the group because he wasn't cooperating, nor a collaborator on the project
>Cosmo blocked him in response
>this leads to Sent not being able to enter voice chats in any group that Cosmo is in which is quite a few of them
>Sent asks for him to unblock him to allow him to talk in several different ways
>Cosmo ignores him every time
>Sent bans him from the TF2 server for being a stubborn ass
>Cosmo brings this up in the fanfic group
>Sent once again asks for him to unblock him
>Cosmo once again continues to ignore him despite asking him why he was banned from the server
>Sent continues to ask for Cosmo to unblock him
>everyone in the group asks for Cosmo to unblock him
>never happens
>straw that broke the camel's back
>"oh I was in the process of unblocking him"

tl;dr: they were both at fault here. Sent for being really quick to act in his decisions and Cosmo for being a stubborn piece of shit and not just unblocking him
This is like saying Jessey owes that one fuck an apology and a blowjob for friendzoning him.
>Comso has to eat that shit to

stop trying to make cosmo in to the bad guy here
It would have been completely irrelevant, I already had a copy of the archive on my hard drive and I'm sure other people did, too.

That would have been the more reasonable thing to do. But this is Sentenal - it wasn't about actually leaving because he wasn't welcome, it was about "showing everyone how important he is for MLPG and how Cosmo has wronged him and yadda yadda"
He has no obligation to dance to sentenal's tune just so you can have your hats server and your easily-replaced quest archive.

i'm sure there was lots more to this whole story, but the thing is that NEITHER Sent nor Cosmo are fully at fault or exempt from this situation
they were both being fuckups
>Sent got him removed from the group because he wasn't cooperating, nor a collaborator on the project
>Cosmo blocked him in response

You missed the point where Sent wouldn't shut up about it. Not sure if you are in the Fanfic group, but blocking Sent was completely justified.

>this leads to Sent not being able to enter voice chats in any group that Cosmo is in which is quite a few of them
Who the fuck wants Sent sitting in the voice chat and recording everything that is being said? The call would have dropped dead as soon as Sent entered anyway.
>and your easily-replaced quest archive.
It was already replaced.
Sen't little drones have nothing to back him up with anymore.
Everything he 'destroyed' was backed up, or being replaced soon.
His ammo is gone.
>Who the fuck wants Sent sitting in the voice chat and recording everything that is being said? The call would have dropped dead as soon as Sent entered anyway.

Despite his reputation he only records calls if its for group projects and he's not that bad to talk to.
>Really it's all fucking silly how ti could have been avoided, with Cosmo just talking to sentenal for 5 minutes.

It would have taken ZERO EFFORT
I think what Anon meant was that Cosmo will get shit for this for a long time because Sent won't just let this end
I'd love to see Sents face when he realizes that he fucked up, that he has shown everyone how completely irrelevant he is because the archive is already running again and the server will be running soon again, when he realizes that no one will put up with him anymore now that he's redundant and that he pissed off even the few people left who didn't dislike him by releasing private chatlogs.
I find it pretty funny how this all started because of BCS, and nothing has come of the "project" except all of this sentenal autism.jpg
>tfw sent will never buy you a 500 dollar computer
>he only records calls if its for group projects
He even said that he wanted to be added to the Leth-call for the single purpose of recording it after someone mentioned that the call can be a huge mess sometimes.
It's not that Sent even wanted to talk to Cosmo towards the end just to talk to him
He wanted to talk to him so that he could be unblocked and not be gimped in voice chats for groups
But Cosmo was being just as childish as he was by holding his ability to chat at an unpayable ransom
>his ammo is gone
If what people say about him is true, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have information on people in the threads.
>He wanted to talk to him so that he could be unblocked and not be gimped in voice chats for groups
Has anyone even confirmed if this really happens if you block someone? You can see their text posts just fine in group chats, so I don't know why it should stop him from entering calls.

Especially since he couldn't enter calls when Cosmo wasn't even in them so I'm almost certain it was a problem with his connection or skype client.
Pretty sure there were a couple of real names in the logs he posted and he has an address for Tex

God knows who he's commissioned as anon
Skype blocking blocks private messages, as well as blocking people from entering calls if you're in a group
It does nothing for text posts in a group, however
Skype is retarded like that for some reason
If I had to guess it's because: no PMs means no calls, you're in a group with them too, no calls means no group calls
Oh please, now that's just being paranoid.
...Now I want Cosmo to talk to sentenal just to make myself feel more safe
why cant sentenal just go away and stay away
I really don't think sent doxxing people is that far-fetched

although I suspect if he could, he would have done it when he was posting everything else
So it's settled
Sentenal was in the wrong.
Because then all the attention goes away.
Is it anon?

is it?
Because no one else wants him, either. He's like BCS.
They both were.
Sent was persistent, and Cosmo was a stubborn bitch. It's like a train meeting a wall.
If you ever talked to Sent, or looked at him.
The wall wouldn't be at fault, the driver of the train would be for not stopping.
Who the fuck built the train tracks into the wall?

Considering what he did, and then what he did to EVERYONE, and what he's still doing


He's fucking wrong.
div class="sideArrows" id="sa14012071">>>
I like BCS!
The driver is actually Cosmo in this case.
>the passive one is the train

I only meant in regards to "everyone who has the ability will ban her when she goes nuts again so we are stuck with her."