Wings and clouds and rooftops and stuffGrounded horses need not applyWalking pony: >>13991506
>>13995876> not liking grounded horse
>>13995910It's like a g-g-g-host marker
>>13995891I like how Pacific Rim directly referenced this scene
>>13995891the hell is that
CUTE QUEST JUST STARTINGMeeting pank for the first time!
>>13995928>dragging it into the new horse
>>13995938Sym-Bionic Titan, nigga.
>>13995938It's the USG's alternative to the Syn-Bionic Titan in "Synbionic Titan."
>>13995914ground horse is best horse
>>13995954>Encountering Pinkie.We're fucked.
>>13995914>not liking princesses more
>>13995938THE HAMMER!
>>13995976Magichorse master raceDresshorse best horse
>this horse is 1 year old
>>13995954Crossing my fingers for Twist or Diamond Tiara end, but my hopes aren't very high
>>13995914Is she presenting for us??
>>13996019>not unlocking hot for teacher mode
>>13996014>Underage horse.Get that shit out of here!
>>13996019>Diamond Tiara endI tried to fight for it last timeI wasn't going to play this round but now I might
>>13996019>Twist end
>>13995891Gypsy DANGER DANGER
>>13996047i just got a gibus today. try to top that!
>>13996047Don't even pretend, Rose
>>13996051I do believe that pone is missing something importantHe must be looking for it
>>13996059I got a shiny female chespin.Nah, not really.
All of my pokemon's nicknames are music relatedExcept my skitty who I tried to name Opalescence, but ended up naming it O by mistakeAre you enjoying Digimon, MLPG
>>13996014I want to ride horse nonsexually but I prefer horses of the tiny pastel and talking variety.
>>13996073is it his wings?I'm not sure what you're referring to but I bet it's his wings
>>13996065I never said I was good. Want to play though?
>>13996082>shiny chespin>caught a shiny taillowdoing pretty well
>>13996093YO FUCK YOU IOSE
>>13996086No the wings were just a phasehe got over it
>>13996082Mine won't arrive until the 18th-23rd because free shipping.;_;
>>13996093Nigga fuck you and your luck
>>13996093At this point I'm convinced you're just poke-genning this shit.
>>13996051>500 Internal Server ErrorDamn it moot.... now where will I go to get saucy horse pics from?
Previous Thread>>13991506[MLP:FiM LinkBoard]Version 8.2 10/11/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Brought to you by Archive!noTe.poNY.--- EQG --- : links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: [Embed]Events: (QuestArchive) (MLPG Nexus)Stream: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:
>>13996049>not wanting a twist endnigga fuck your shit
CHANGE into digital championsTO save the digital world
>>13996132It opened fine for mejust have to wait out 4chans little tantrums
>>13996113it's not just a phase!it's who he really is!
>>13996054Wasn't Gypsy Danger one of the names of the Jaegers in Pacific Rim?Or maybe Gypsy Magic haha yet epic namedrop pun etc I'm not funnyHave a blue moony pony.
>>13996153I never watched Digimon, were they subservient to their masters?Could you fuck one?
>>13996153>tfw the new Digimon world will never be localized>tfw no new animeWhy did Xros have to go to shit in the 3rd season?
>>13996082The game is long as fuck. I haven't even gotten to the 2nd gym yet.
>>13996082yeah i think it might be the best one i've ever playedi named my pokemon after ponies mostly heh like snowflake and vinyl scratch but one of them i named nyx just to troll people i love talking about pokemon here, /vp/ is lame and full of tryhards
>>13996049Let me guess, you want a generic CMC end?Stuff that's been done over and over?
>>13996154Yep, there it goes, Caramel in classic form.I wish there was one of these pics around with Gaffer, that new socked and differently colored pony from comic 11.
>>13996128How would you accomplish such a feat when it's not possible yet?It's also much easier to get shiny's in Gen 6 apparently.
>>13996155Right, next you are going to tell me that mare thing was a phase too.
>>13996172Sort of.No.>>13996174>>13996179MLPG friendly battles when?
>>13996164Thanks for the luna
>>13996173But isn't the new anime playig on Nick right now?
>>13996192Why can't you fuck one?
>>13996172You can fuck them in fanfiction!
>>13996181>Not gunning for hard mode and getting SS.
>>13996184Yeah, I am not fond of him, I do not like when they apply the weird multi color coats to the magical pastel poniesHe certainly has some art floating around though
>>13996186I think that was more of an experiment than anything else
>tfw rubbing my braxien's crotch and it looks like it's having an orgasm
>>13996082>other people got the game today>package didn't arrive for usDAMN IT GAMESTOPplease post pictures of the new game...
>>13996228>please post pictures of the new game>>>/vp/>>>/
Would pone play with 3DS or 3DS XL?
>>13996196The new anime ended in Japan ages ago and it's just now getting dubbed.The first two seasons of Xros are really good, though.>>13996204They don't have genders so they don't have vaginas or penises.Yes, I know, some of them look female/male and have breast, but they are genderless.>>13996228I seriously cannot believe I, and other people, sat outside of gamestop for hours to get a pokemon game.I will never come to terms with this.
>>13996194I have mostly saved Celestia to my laptop though. What's your opinion on Rainbow Sunbutt princess?I sort of feel like trying to draw a humanform version of her.
>>13996208Twist is Dante Must Die mode, bitch.
>>13996246XXXL so they can press the buttons
>>139962462DS, she finds the 3D effect lame and gimmicky
>>13996248So you could have intercural relations with them?I could thrust between Renamon's fuzzy thighs to orgasm, is what I'm saying?
>>13996246pony wouldn't waste her time with shitty hardware
>>13996261>2DS>any yearwhat a dork
>>13996212Oh. Well it's okay not to like the same things I like.
Wow, this is actually adorable
>>13996249I like that princess very much
>>13996249She's alright sometimes. Her humanizations can come out awesome, so i say go for it
>>13996264Intercural? That's a new word for you Twilight Sparkle... what's it mean?
>>13996264I mean, you could, but it's not like Renamon is the hottest Digimon or anything.
>>13996295thighfucking, basically
>>13996295Twilight wouldn't spell intercrural wrong. I'm ashamed.>>13996302Now we are gonna fight.
>>13996279>MLPG finally gets laid
>>13996302sometimes it's better that way. Renamon would be absolutely no strings attached, and it's thighs would probably feel great
Horses can read books now
>renamon>not GatomonPLEBS
>>13996307How can you think she's the hottest when Mervamon and Lilithmon exist?
>tfw you go to draw and you have to turn your tablet upside down because the buttons get in the way and then turn on the settings for left-handed modegod damn it Wacom... why couldn't you just fucking design this thing not to take up the entire damn desk?I miss my old Graphire already....
>>13996348Because if I wanted to fuck humans, I wouldn't be fucking Renamon's thighs.
Renamon looks like a Sergal.
>>13996368i have a feeling this sentence would come up during one of your "intercrural" sessions with Renamon
>>13996382sergals are hot when you get past the whole elongated prehensile clitoral hood thing
>>13996382other way around considering what was made first
>>13996382i think you could turn a sergal into a really nice ushanka
>>13996409>elongated prehensile clitoral hood thing>not hot
>>13996409Is that actually 'canon' for sergals??
>>13996430Yes, especially General Raine or whatever
>>13996344my nigga of all niggas
>>13996398I hope it would make her feel less weird about a cock between her thighs
>>13996382>sergalit feels like i saw my first picture of rain silves on 4chan yesterday
>>13996438>>13996447>>13996450And here I thought that was just one furry artist's shitty interpretation of what sergals have...
>>13996446>Linking that>Not've fapped to both, but still
The sub's autoupdater is acting funny if you are in cute quest you may need to refresh.
>>13996482>interpretationTrancymick created sergals
>>13996482well, they were made by some guy in furaffinity that cannot english
So many things on the internet are pony, Rule34, or (God forbid) pony Rule 34. I couldn't even google "Renamon" without pony and r34 in the first few images. Can we just nuke the internet now?
>>13996537why did you google renamon in the first place
>>13996537>hurr I don't like thing so we should destroy thing's content delivery systemjust enable safesearch you faggot
>>13996550Really, he should've searched it on e621
So it turns out my friend does have a crush on meShe's coming over tomorrow night
>>13996344I love you anon
>>13996557I don't have enough reaction images like thissomeone help me out for future endeavors
>>13996570of course she does, Lunaeveryone loves you
>>13996570Give her the ick. Go ahead
>>13996570blog updated
>>13996558>safesearch, a magican shield that can protect me from autism and sonic OCsyeah no
>>13996570Where can I follow your blog?
>>13996617You'll only find it if you're looking for it.
>>13996638Hi present. Tell me why you exist.
>>13996557I fucking love sparrowSomeone in his gallery is a chubby renamon with a horse, but I can't find it right now
>>13996638oh boy I hope Renamon's thighs are inside
>>13996638Holy shit a talking box.
>>13996638What's inside you?
>>13996557Sparrow is the fucking best.I think I fell in love with him the day I saw that Noriko picture he did.
Crap, Twist or DT, who should I push for?Both could get really interesting depending on how long the quest goes
Do you think we're just gonna get that one episode based around Applejack this season? I'd like at least two...
>>13996638Derpy, get out of that boxthat update is over with
>>13996651i remember seeing him on /i/ years ago, when he still did that thing with the elf OC. the oldest one i can remember is the one with the gorilla
>>13996677>Episode about a boring pony>Two episodes about a boring ponyPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTYou're lucky she even got TLR even though it's a 6main episode
>>13996287It's okay... I think the feet came out too big and I fucked up the wing position royally. are too big too. Bah.This is why I don't draw humans.
>>13996685Think of the cute possibilities
>>13996682Um... I'd rather not.She seems fine the way she is
Ziggy Stardust diamond dog surrounded by mares and diamond dogs while making out with femrover
>>13996670DT.or SS.
>>13996677Pretty sure we will.I'm more hopeful for some solid Rarity episodes since she was snubbed so badly in S3.
>>13996682This is a bit backwards, but sure. Is there a better horse inside?
Careful Derpy! If you act too retarded on the show, they'll pull you off! I know you don't get as much screen time as the rest of us, but try to stretch it out over a few episodes
>>13996682Nah, you do it.I'll watch
>>13996682Open her up!
>>13996682>opening pink horses>2013Captcha: chills dntrepe
>>13996693I'm more worried about the ankles, but I think it came out okay
>>13996682You're a very strange box.That also sounds potentially harmful to the pink pony, I'd rather not.
>>13996682i'm fucking sick of your shit Pinkie
>>13996682This is a Yotsuba B. or "Burichan" Board Mr. Box ( Yotsuba Blue),It is not suited for gore, pornography, or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content!If you wish to open up this pony Mr. Box, please go to a board that is NOT Yotsuba B. or "Burichan" board.
>>13996682i don't have any keys.
>>13996682That's not renamon's thighs at allreturn to sender
>>13996752but because of rule 15 we can't open this pony on any other board! Not even /b/!
>>13996782OPEN THE BOX
>>13996782o-open her legs f-first
>>13996782There's a crease in her mouth, rip 'er open that way
>>13996670TWIST OR FULL CMC ENDOr Brynn for cute colt lovin'
>>13996693it looks nice
I wish I was a slutty griffon
>>13996817OH GOD I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF PUSHING FOR A COLTSadly that's even less likely then Twist
>>13996409> When she becomes of advanced age one of her children, fathered by an enemy general she had raped, staged a coup, and it’s said she stepped down willingly so that for all time it would continue to be said she had never been defeated in combat. She spends the rest of her life under house arrest, described as living like a happy beast in a zoo, imprisoned but content. >child>fathered by an enemy general she rapedWHATHOW DOES THEIR REPRODUCTION WORK??
>>13996821>slutty griffon comes to mlpg>slutty mare throws her a welcome orgy
>>13996836Time travel, apparently.
What Pokemon are in your party?RaltsFennekinFletchlingPidgySkittyAnd Bulbasaur for me edition
>>13996446Why is Renamon mentioning ponies and breaking the fourth wall here?My cognitive dissonance meter is into overload.
>>13996859cock version when?
>>13996859>no mareteats>vulva not plumpit's okay I guess
>>13996851Currently leveling Caterpie, Fletchling, Scatterbug, Chespin, Zigzagoon, and the rabbit.
>>13996859Noice work...whatever happened to endii?Does he still pony...did he even watch all of season 1?
>>13996557> is beyond my powerlevels to fap to.
>>13996880MSOB drove him to suicide
>>139968598/10vulva could be puffier
>>13996906what did he do, did he like endii's OC?
All I want is to cuddle with Renamon
>>13996880He's dead, Jim.He did finish all of pony though.
>>13996920did you know there's a whole board where it's appropriate to discuss her and all of her weird monster friends?
>>13996851Pikachu, SpewpaFrogadier, Bunnelby, Beedrill, Charmander
>>13996929>voreI'm ok with this
>>13996929WHAT THE FUCK?!
>>13996932It really sucks that we don't have a digimon board
>>13996782> thought the box looming closer was a knife and the bow was the handle....This anon has successfully manipulated my expectations already.
>>13996932There actually isn't; so guess what?You're fucked.
>>13996929Is it just hammerspace inside of Pinkie?
>>13996877>>13996878>>13996938Did you nickname any of them?Did you give any of them pony names?
>>13996929How'd she even fit in there?
>>13996982I'd link to /q/, but people got tired of bitching so it's gone.Maybe you should take a page and leave?
Pony threw your resume in the trash
>>13996833doesnt have to be
>>13996932..... /v/ ?
>>13996985>>13996878hereIn same order:SunnyCroissantMorganBig gunsFlesh woundDew Drop
>>13996994It wasn't particularly good, I'll be making another one soon.
>>13996982I love how you're focusing on Renamon when there's loads of Pokemon discussion around you.fuck off retard
>>13996985>not nicknaming your pokemonNo pony ones yet.
>>13996929What the hell did you do to get her inside you in the first place, Pinkie!?
>>13996992>4chan >Ever getting tired of bitchingmoot just got tired of hearing the same shit
>>13996985I was doing a playthrough earlier on mlpg/the subI only nicknamed the bug "Dix"(dicks isn't accepted), and Beedrill is WaffleMcSwag. THANKS GUYS
Roll for ponut circumference
>>13997038>tfw missed itI'm pretty sad now.
>>13997034I kind of miss /q/ a lot of threads were pretty funny and it kept a lot of the meta recursive shitpost threads off the main boards./a/ and /co/ were shit yesterday because a power tripping mod or janitor just went around deleting threads willy-nilly then people made threads whining the threads were deleted and those were deleted too and .... yeeeeaaah...
>>13997038>WaffleMcSwagMight as well name the rest "XD", "Spork" and "Penguin"
>>13996851KangKodosBartLisaDoom McKill (charmander)Moe
>>13997038>wafflemcswagYou can use more than 10 characters now?
>>13997038>no mega beedrillgf whywhy gfand did scizor seriously need a mega form? piss off with that shithe looks amazing at least
>>13997058You forgot Stormageddon.
>>13997054>I miss /q/Said no one sane ever.
>>13997064It's up to 12 I think now.
>>13996859>"Yous better be careful down there, I haven't changed since the last match"
>>13997075w...what is going on.This is great keep it going.
>>13997058It was mlpg's idea, honest>>1399706412
Why is it so much more fun to discuss things I don't like than to discuss things I do like
Thanks Renamon guy now I can't get this out of my head
>>13997076I don't miss /q/, but I recognize that it served as an outlet for whining.
>>13997075Damn man.
>>13997088Guys, when are we going to battle?
>>13997111When I beat the E4
>>13997102Not a it's in mine too
>>13997075Pinkie Pie has a very disturbed imagination, doesn't she?
>>13997102Why would you listen to that when you have
>>13997111You are a NIDOQUEENnuh nuh nuhONLY 17
>>13997111oh damn that gifs-stop making me a pokephile... that's wrong and immoral
>>13997102>>13997137Stand back plebs
>playing pokemon x and y>wander into cafe>"Oh anon you should really check out the boutique!""You should try the Fedora! It'll make you look more mature!"
>>13997122She's very creative
>>13997160I was laughing so hard at that you have no idea
>>13997137Damn, I don't think I ever saw the Digimon movie. Is it any good?
>you will never
>>13997160Rara, you look a little woozy
>>13997170What's your friend code anon?
>>13997176Them thighs too small to fuck
>>13997158, screw you.
>>139971920860 3749 1944
>>13997166Never be creative!
>>13997198Where there is a will
Wow, the mods don't joke around.
>>13997213im dying
>>13997172It's sorta decent, but the problem is that it combines like two-three Digimon movies from japan to make one full movie for the western audiences.So unless you know your things about both Digimon 01 and 02 it might not make much sense.
>>13997213even non-pony MLP related stuff gets banned
>>13997198Who needs thighs?
>>13997213What's an intra-4chan raid?
>>13997233Why wouldn't you want thighs?
>>13997239a raid inside 4chan, like /b/ raids /v/
>>13997213>that "mods are asleep, post ponies" banI smiled
>>13997239exactly what it sounds like
>>13997251/b/ pony bans are nothing out of the ordinary.
>>13997227Oh. I guess I'll pass and pick up Summer Wars instead.>>13997233>those adorable big paws and bootsI just realized why I love Taokaka so much... I'm really looking forward to that BlazBlue anime, I hope it doesn't suck...
>>13997192>>13997208also you would need to post your friend code as well. Both players need to have eachother's to become friends
>>13997253s4s is too lel
>>13997213>that fucking /fit/ picture>tfw you'll never get to see it now;-;
>>13997266>I'm really looking forward to that BlazBlue animeI'm not.BB is fucking awful in terms of story and mediocre in terms of gameplay.Half the cast is terrible personality wise save for maybe 5 characters.
>>13997243I prefer cute chubby tummies that you can tickle and pet all night long.
>>13997253>>500 Internal Server Error.... I guess 4chan is being hammered pretty hard and the servers are still trying to recover...Out of the regular pony cast which one do you think would be most likely to try to start a rebellion to take down the establishment or system and why?
>>13997275/fit/ has the worst taste in women.
>>13997285it has squirrel tits tho
>>13997287So just stuff Renamon, anon.Then you can have both.
>>13997287Why does she have a rape whistle
>>13997307I can see how someone with a bad taste in women may think that
>>13997213Whoa, when did "Keep /pol/ in /pol/" get added to Global Rule 3?
Why does Fennekin make lewd faces when I pet it?
>>13997285Is Taokaka one of the five that isn't terrible?I've never had the pleasure of playing the game but I've seen the ending CG with her and the little kittens and I really love it even though I have no idea of the story behind it.
>>13997309Did I mention I really love cats?
>>13997331she wants the dick
>>13997336MY TOYS!
>>13997309>stuff Renamon
>>13997331Don't pet bunnely's crotchI'm dead serious
>>13997319>liking freakish muscle women>not chubby big tit master race
>>13997310>rape whistleI don't think that is what that is for.
>>13997333Well that's a different story. I guess it's okay to prefer Gatomon then.>>13997351>StrikeanywherePig disgusting.that's why I love him
>>13997362I prefer a combination of the two, myself
>>13997332Yes.Along with Tager, Bang, Arakune and Makoto.
>>13997351>Semen shooting out of her nipples
>>13997208I think I've added you, I have no idea.Mine's in the email field
>>13997368It should be.I'm having trouble not trying to rape my computer monitor right now just from looking at her picture.
>>13997370Pank u guna choke
>>13997310How do you even rape someone with a whistle anyway? It seems like it would be kind of hard to do.
>cute quest>ask Applebloom what kind of books she likes to readI SWEAR IF THE ANSWER ISN'T "Books about apples" OR "I can't read" I'M GOING TO FLIP MY SHIT
>>13997362>liking smelly cottage-cheese ass >not delicious tight buns that you can bounce a quarter off of
>>13997351LK pls
>>13997386worked, you may also want to check out the 3DS thread in the sub.
>>13997370>Attempting to destroy evidence.T-t-thats illegal!
>>13997376Also size difference is UNF ass all hell
>>13997338I really think it does.I'm scared and I think my pokemon is trying to seduce me
>>13997305It depends on the cause. I'm sure Fluttershy could stage a good coup if something traumatizing enough happened. I can also somehow see Rarity helping her
>>13997333Are there people on this planet who don't love cats?
>>13997401>Not pressing the vent to her clit>Not blowing and getting her off with the oscillating air flow
Remember when we pretended we weren't furries?
>>13997420Thanks anon.How do I message you outright though? You've got Y, I've got X.We should trade sometime.
>>13997438I'm not a furry.I just like furry porn and follow a lot of furry artist.Nothing wrong with that.
I think moot broke the image server in the recent maintenance thumbnails aren't loading half the time and full images take too long to loadWhat does he even do with all the jewgolds he gets from advertising and passes?
>>13997336I don't like where this is going.Pinkie clearly is a vore fetishfag in this universe.
>>13997438My spirit animal is an attorney from Brooklyn.I think hes a Jew...
>>13997424saine plsSize difference is pretty great. It's better when you're smaller, though.
>>13997441I don't think you can easily, nintendo is really dumb when it comes to that kind of stuff
>>13997370Is she going to ... puke them back up or spit them back out?oh god why am i am emetophile i am literally worse than a vorefag
>>13997435Yes, and they're worse then hitler.
Fennekin reminds me of Zoe Trent
>>13997438I'm not one.It's all I can do not to tell them to take this shit discussion elsewhere.
>>13997438Yep.I've been a furry for a long while now, so this is a nice atmosphere.
>>13997459Everything is working just fine.Perhaps your computer is breaking?Have you tried dumping some electricity into it?
>>13996220> not experimenting with being a woman
>>13997458WHAT DID I JUST SAY>>13997396
I fucked your waifu with my futa marecockI also took pictures and I won't show them to you
>>13997473>only one hitler
>>13997411Fat is the worst fetish.Fat fetishists should be medicated or exterminated or somethingFor the sake of future generations.
>>13997458>she swallowed itNO PINKIE DON'T!!
>>13997493Pank was rushed to the hospital later that evening
>>13997425>pokemon giving me lewd looks when I pet them>friends nicknamed me Big DI got this
>>13997424I really need to do more pictures with thisthey dont even need to be sexual either right?just one being so much larger than the other...
>>13997493Pinkie, you are going to spoil your appetite now.
>>13997496Now anon, don't be like that.A curvy girl is really hot in fiction.
>>13997438i was in a game with some people from steamchat and 1 guy jokingly said lets roleplay. then everyone started ironically unironically roleplaying, like getting really into it.what surprised me was how into it and good they were at it for only doing it ironically.
>>13997490I waifu myself. What now?
>>13997496>Fat fetishists are breaking into homes and fattening our children!
>>13997493WTH PONK
>>13997493Pinkie no!Those dolls are made of lead paint!
>>13997475......bronypandering shit
>>13997468I'm not SaineI could go for being either, honestly.
>>13997524you could be making money off it missy
>>13997519Fat acceptance has made obesity rates skyrocket, though.No mandatory gym, kids being suspended for calling a fat kid fat, etc.
>>13997516Wanna fool around Anon?Ironically, of course...It's not gay if its done ironically.
>>13997535>another drawfag that likes voreI'm ok with this
>>13997496fat is the worst fetish in the normal fetish tier i agree.but below that is the extreme fetish tier and there is a long list of things worst than fat
>>13997516>ironically unironicallyWait...
>>13997496you are the worst fetish anonI still love you though
>>13997535Alright, I kinda agree. Shortstacks are pretty damn hot.I'd still rather be smaller, though.
>>13997539>Fat acceptance has made obesity rates skyrocket, though.A movement not even 10 years old is responsible for a proliferation of cheap high-calorie foods even as the standard Western lifestyle becomes more sedentary?That's amazing.
>>13997517I fucked you in your sleepI got to experience it all and you felt none of it except the 250ml left in your colon
>>13997519Perhaps not, but they do reproduce and spread their disgusting, faulty genes to their children.They're creating a future of sloth and gluttony.There are a lot of things that the bible gets wrong, but they got those two sins perfectly correct.
>>13997539THANKS, OBAMA!
>>13997545Saine really isn't THAT big into vore, he's not against it thoughAnd I'm not a drawfag if thats what you were >implying
>>13997544Is that LK?I love the way he draws chubby scaley girls, holy shit
>>13997539Pretty sure the ease of living through technological development and the rise in cheap fattening foods might have juuust a little bit to do with itMaybe
>>13997559>A movement not even 10 years old is responsible for.... the Western lifestyle becoming more sedentaryThat's correct! You get a banana sticker.
>>13997538That implies I'm ready to put effort into stuff!I need my battery backup/power strip from the other place so I can get my main PC set up in the bedroom. Most people want porn not artsy pieces and my laptop is very underpowered to be running Photoshop and Flash and gives me a warning it runs hot. Until then, I'm stuck doodling in MS Paint, Autodesk Sketchbook or SAI.Ah, the joys of running older tech with newer software.
>>13997519>The only way you can defend them is to set your windows higher!>And instal steps!>Know your risk of fat fetishism related terror.
>people on IRC going on about the pokemon stuff toothere is really no escapeI just wanted to pony
>>13997580no but he just posted it
>>13997573But Michele Obama is an anti-childhood-obesity advocate.Obama is fighting fat acceptance.
>>13997575That's just what saine would say
>>13997557Is she... going to eat Dash?
>>13997605What starter and gen 1 start would your favorite pony choose?
>>13997605Well then stop fucking avatarfagging and talk about pony, you fucking shitbag
>>13997580>>13997606>read "is that YOU LK?"i've been ponying too hard
>>13997539Fat acceptance is a RESULT of high obesity rates, not the cause. Go yell at Monsanto and McDonalds.
>>13997586Well that and food science is literally geared to gaming the parts of the human brain that says "OH FUCK YES CALORIES OM NOM NOM"You think it's a mystery that Ruby Tuesday has mega-fattening sauces when there are alternatives? It's because focus group after focus group veer to the most fatty delicious sticky treats across all kinds of demographics. When people think 'satisfying meal' it's the meal that most satisfies, and by and large that's something that would keep us from starving later.We're at an uncomfortable stage in human evolution where we'd probably get by with eating once every day or two but most of the West can get fed three times a day. Our tastes haven't changed to suit.
>>13997626also fat fetish isn't something exactly new
>>13997615He's asleep right now
>>13997605>i dont have ds>sick as shit of everyone talking about AC and pokemon>i get ds>now i want to talk about iti apologize for being a part of the cancer
You know what every developed nation needs back?Home economicsMandatory for everyone in primary and high school
>>13997626McDonald's isn't even that bad for you past the sodium, it's the wolfing down huge meals and washing it down with a large Coke that's doing the damage.Plus the not doing anything physical afterwards.
Would you hug a Gatomon?
>>13997605Trust me, I feel your pain since MY POKEMON GAME DIDN'T ARRIVE TODAY LIKE THE PHONE CALL SAID IT WOULD.Fucking false advertising man... got my hopes up and everything.
>>13997626>monsantodon't get me started>>13997638a fetish and acceptance are not the same
>>13997619>pinkie saying fuckingmy disbelief is suspendedthis is out of character for her
>>13997657Well the fries are bad. but that goes for most fries, not just Mc D's
rolling for surprisehave a pony
R-Rara sama!!
>>13997580>I love the way he draws chubby scaley girls, holy shit>bottom heavy>no tits>all boners
>>13997659You going to summon Satan at Gamestop now?
>>13997657The Coke and the added sugar in the bun do more to harm insulin resistance and fucking up your body's hunger response than any amount of fat in the burger itself. You could eat a steak with candied carrots and wine and do far less damage to your body.Also for that matter McDonald's sodium is only that sky-high in America. In every other market it's far less, in no small part because the salt lobby isn't nearly as large in the EU.
>>13997670>tfw 500 error
>>13997673We haven't opened the pony yet
>>13997638In some ancient civilizations being plump was actually considered the ideal of beauty.Because it showed that you were able to feed yourself sufficiently in a time when eating wasn't as simple as walking down to the grocery store.
>>13997605>tfw all i have is gen v
>>13997637>we'd probably get by with eating once every day or twohow? One 2k calorie meal?
>>13997691moot needs to fix his shit
>>13997605sometime soon it's gonna be the same with AA5I hope this will be my safehaven then
>>13997649>home economicsIsn't that just cooking? I agree, every single person should learn how to cook.
>>13997700GLORIOUS FEAST!>Not eating a single stick of butter to satisfy your caloric intake.
>>13997683more ponoes when?
Cute quest Spike ending
>>13997690Exactly.>giant anti-fat movement that started a while ago>removing fat from foods make them taste like shit, add tons of sugar>suddenly obesity epidemic>people still think fat makes you fatsomeone should really get on teaching Americans about nutrition
>>13997689Does summoning Satan involve calling them up to yell at customer support over a phone uselessly then meekly going "oh..... okay...." when I get a representative calmly explaining there may be delays in shipping?
I want /fit/ to leave. You don't have a license to be an asshole to someone just because they are fat. You're not doing it for their own good, you're just doing it because you want to assert that your body is more socially acceptable than theirs.Also fat acceptance has nothing to do with fat fetishism. Just look at Ross, who hates IRL fatties.
>>13997637If there were some way to bypass the feeling of hunger, thoughWe can eat a really satisfying and calorie-filled meal that could sustain us, but if our stomach is empty later it's gonna throw a fit regardless of how many calories you've actually consumed
>>13997723>>13997690>>13997657For anyone else interested in this kind of get you up to speed.
>>13997720Working on it, boss!Have a Pinkie Pie to keep you occupied while you wait.
>>13997683>I'm going to use this pony as a bolo!
>>13997736>already up to speed>telling me to get up to speed
>>13997718Cooking, nutrition, cleaning and budgeting mostly
>>13997617>>13997671>>13997692you didn't follow the whole story...
>>13997750I knew you were, I was just saying for anyone interested.
>>13997736>Up to speed.>Liten to this shitty 'informative' video about the dangers of sugar!>Eat more corn, kids!
>>13997758it's too latewe are enemies now
>>13997723It's funny that health class in high school teaches more about doing drugs rather than actual health.Not to mention gym classes in school is almost non-existent.
>>13997766Ace Attorney 5I heard it's coming out in euro in 10 days anyway or something
>>13997762You are a retard.
>>13997762Corn is one of the main things he talks about... how fucking bad it is for you.Why not watch the video before throwing it off as some corn lobbyist shit.
>>13997727>>Ross hates IRL fattiesanother reason to dislike that fucker
The 3D in pokemon X/Y is pretty terrible
>>13997751Yeah those too. Every single person should know those things.
>>13997777Can you give me a quick tldr on the video?I gotta jet and I'll prolly forget to watch it later
>>13997772I'm pretty freaking hyped for that.I just need to get a 3DS before it comes out!
>>13997700Basically eating until you're full on some high-fat meat and greens. It's not that hard getting through one day with little or no food, and at one point food was probably scarce enough even with pretty good gathering skills we could manage it.We have fat storage at all because there's little or no assurance an organism will have anything but starvation, so surplus goes to an intermediary that can be accessed later. The trouble is our bodies still interpret much caloric surplus as something that MUST be stored as fat, and we're fed so often in calories well above what we need for a desk job or even light exercise it's almost a foregone conclusion a large fraction of us will get fat.The real trouble is, well, everything in our brains says "EAT THIS YOU DUMB SHIT YOU MIGHT NOT EAT LATER" even though a box of Cheese-Its probably has enough to keep you alive for like a week, you eat the whole fucking thing. Even the things that you can intuit with the fullness of your stomach now has an explosion of calories either through frying or doping it with sugar or more fat.As much as it's easy to say "just eat fuckin' less," it's startling how many things are nowhere near 'filling' but dripping with calories. Somehow we've gotten to the point we have food that doesn't at all scale with our hunger instincts.
>>13997727I'll be an asshole to them if they think diet pop gives them the right to a whopper
>>13997781As of this exact moment, that is the one and only point in his favour.
>>13997791>tldr sugar and anything high carb is shit for you>HFCS is probably worse for you>America is fucked
>>13997753Oh. What did I miss?
>>13997769we learned about performance enhancing drugs, teen pregnancy, and how to stretch before athletic activity in my health class.D.A.R.E. is the thing that shoved anti-drug shit into my head.
>>13997809>No mention of the evils of salt.The fool could have saved them...
>>13997496That's why you don't actually chase after fatties in real life and instead you romanticize all of the best parts in fiction.
>>13997819Salt isn't evil, besides causing water retention
>>13997809America basically just can't be trusted with anything that has any carbon in it.
>>13997816>D.A.R.E. is the thing that shoved anti-drug shit into my head.That fucking talking police car, man...It totally did cocaine.
>>13997815a lot
>>13997831and fucking up the frame of your car
>>13997727>Ross who hates IRL fattiesReally? Every time I hear something new about the guy my face gets confused and a little bit angry
>>13997819It's true that our salt intake is way too fucking high on average. On the other hand, a LOW sodium diet isn't appropriate for anyone but certain heart patients, and even then it's debateable.Just stick with a guideline that isn't forwarded by the American Heart Association and you should be okay.
>>13997824I like that Spike...
>>13997824It's a shame you don't fucking romanticize any of the good parts.>fat, ugly thighs>cankles>no fucking feet>small tits
>>13997809oh and also>other fucking countries are starting to adopt our diet>fat babies everywhere from baby formula that is stuffed with HFCS
>>13997803Having poor food choices doesn't make them a bad person. You can't project someone's food choices over their entire personality.Are you saying you don't have any fat friends?
>>13997842>tfw salt damage like crazy on my 15 year old carI hate michigan sometimes
>>13997725tell them you want to cancel your order because you're going to go pick up a physical copy
>>13997851hey mewdid you ever draw big pone cuddles? I just didn't wanna miss it if you had
>>13997831If you eat too much salt you will DIE.>>13997846>Trusting an association who represents an organ that can attack you.That's like taking camping advice from 'bears for responsible forests'
>>13997253omg i was about to make that thread but i cant because my image was so big, and another anon did it for me, i got saved but loss a friend for a whilw
>>13997863fucking WNY here mandat lake effect snow.
>>13997858There's this girl who I work with that's alright. She's kinda cute.My whole family is full of blimps so I kinda get annoyed when they complain about being fat and then buy tv dinners all of the time
>>13997809>HFCSI have never understood why America thinks this is an okay thing to put in your body. Is it that hard for them to grow cane sugar?
>>13997824But what if a fatty came on to you?A nice, outgoing, well-kept fatty who's only health problem was the 200lbs of fat in her waist, hips, butt, and tits?
>>13997879It's because the corn industry owns America
I wish skinnyelitist would go away.
>>13997854Well no, the formula itself is doused with really shitty sugar derived from HFCS unlabelled.Though - fun fact - Mexico has one of the very highest rates of obesity, with China taking up the reins too. Go figure that excessive gluten intake from rice AND an upswing in red meat makes for way, way more calories.
Never did I expect to see the day when MLPG would reject a fatty poneIt makes a grown man cry
I eat healthy and exercise so I can splurge on candy after Halloween and not feel guilt
>>13997873who are you friend?
>>13997885Big OilBig TobaccoBig Corn
>>13997875DudeSnow is fun as hell to drive in but that fucking salt manIt's like putting your car through an acid bath
>>13997851tell me how to do ame or whatever bullshit, I want a sylveon
>>13997892Anon, you're crazy.Fat pony isn't disgusting like real fatties, I'd love to cuddle up against pony's gently gurgling gut.
>>13997910>Even the corporations are fat.THE HORROR!
>>13997887>tfw skinny but not skinnyelitistJust eat whatever you want man I don't even care.
>>13997883I still wouldn't date her. I prefer tall, lithe women in real life.
>>13997910Weed being legalized would kill the tobacco companiesthat's why it'll never be widespread
What would pony's favorite candy be?
>>13997903can't a guy post using a name without getting waterboarded for information
>>13997921W-would you still make love to me even if I'm a bit buxom, anon?I'm ashamed of my pudgy belly and hips ... I-I'll pretend to be a pony if you want...
>>13997934You're a disgusting man.
>>13997897Run, Dash! It's a bomb!
>>13997950He just has preferences when it comes to women.That's like calling someone disgusting for not wanting to date black women.
>>13997942I will make love to you, f̲e̲m̲a̲n̲o̲n̲
>>13997939but uh... I don't recognize you.I took my name off to ask because I didn't want to sound rude because I didn't know who you were... MLPG regularly picks on me for not being "in the know"
>>13997950>You're disgusting for having standards.Fuck you, I'm sure there's plenty of human things you wouldn't stick your dick in.
>>13997942I don't know if I could ever go for pudgy guys.Girls on the other hand...
>>13997942Unf. Sure thing.Just wash the cheetos stains off your fingers first.
>>13997971>he has magical underlining powersI'm already impressed. So uh... whatcha wearin'?
>>13997936Actually they're making overtures to the growing firms that already have state and Federal permitsThey really, REALLY want in on the medical and legalized marijuana markets, and if they back many individual firms they don't violate the terms of the permits, ex. "only 40 plants"
>>13997964Yeah pretty much this. You can't blame someone for their personal sexual preferences. It's not like they get to choose that shit.
>>13997964Actually... that kind is gross not to date outside your race.
>>13997871nohavent been drawing much and i dont even have my tablet right now>>13997916First, you need an eevee with a fairy-type move. If you catch an eevee that is level 19 or lower, there's a good chance it will have Baby-Doll Eyes. If not, level up your eevee until 29, where it learns Charm. Next, you need to get max affection pokemon amie. It takes forever, but basically you have to pet it until you get hearts a few times, feed it, pet it again, do a mini game, pet it, feed it again and repeat until you get 5 hearts. Then just level it up. It took like 45 mins of petting to get it
>>13997995Oh, well that's good.I actually don't care about evil corporations, because they'll most likely have no impact on my life and will still be around after I'm dead.I just want pot legalized.
>>13998004>Pinkie between Dash's legsunf
>>13997991I ... I don't eat cheetos!.... That much... because no one buys them...Someone get me a shovel, I'm gonna start digging myself a hole because I knew better than to spoilertext in a fetishy night-thread.
>>13998016arrite thanks
>>13998006Tumblr is amazing, because half of the trans activists get all kinds of upset that straight guys don't want to fuck trans women and/or bio lesbians don't want to fuck trans women and/or trans menSo yes, they do exactly that like all the time110% of the time, maybe
>>13997994A button up plaid shirt over a stained white t shirt with olive green slacks, white socks, and brown discount I making you horny, baby? Am I?
>>13998004Yeah, I definitely missed the beginning of this. What did Dash do to piss her off?
>>13998004Pinkie no! Leave her alone!
Fat people are disgusting.>hurr durr fat shamingThis isn't tumblr, this is poniesFat ponies are morbidly depressing and to see a happy pony unable to jump around and move is even more saddening.Anyone who likes them has the right to enjoy it, but it isn't right.
>>13998016>45 minutes of pettingjesus that thing needs as much foreplay as a girl
>>13998071>>13998075I don't like where this thread is going
>>13997470Hey, Y anon.Do you want an Australian Vivillon?I'm still early in the game but I was considering catching a few for trading.It's modest/compound eyes.
You guys sound like you are good at feeding yourselves. But do you feed your cats and dogs right?
>>13998094I don't have those ;_;
What are some racist names for Earth-Ponies, Pegasi, Zebras, Gryphons, and Unicorns?Mud-ponies are a given
>>13998093sure, you can keep it as a scatterbug though, it will keep its australian blood
>>13998059Not sure if you're teasing me or if you just came back from work...Either way, though I don't usually go shopping at this time of night, we should definitely go on a date to get you some nicer clothes, preferably a dressy blazer and pants and something that flatters your figure. Is your skin light or dark?I'm trying to think of what kind of color would suit you if you already wear earth tones.
>>13998117mud ponybird brainbone headyou could come up with a billion
>>13997950So wait, I'm disgusting for wanting to plow any decent looking fatty in fiction, but if I'm not selfish enough to have my desires carry over into real life where I'd be prone to encouraging women to fatten up or stay as they are, I'm disgusting?Makes no goddamn sense.
>>13998083its really cute tho and you get to pet it in battle and stuff <3
>>13998117Feather headsBird fuckersZiggers (I got nothing)
>>13998094One of my two cats will only eat dry food and Land O' Lakes thin sliced Black Forest Ham. Her name is Princess.
>>13998016>havent been drawing much and i dont even have my tablet right nowthere goes another one.
>>13998092I'm just curious on that anon's stance on this issue. I think it's odd to say someone is disgusting for having certain preferences in females/males. I'm not trying to start /po/ shit or anything
>>13998012>dating outside your race.Zebra's and ponies don't have relationships, why can't the human races understand that it is wrong.Celestia wouldn't allow such race mixing of ponies.
>>13998153I know you're not, anon. I know. But these things have a way of getting out of hand.Looks like we're too slow for it to get out of hand though
>>13998124It's already a Villon, I've been using it. I haven't even beaten the second gym.
>>13998120Did she make air holes?
>>13998152relax anon, im just not at my usuall computerhence no trip
>>13998071It's only a bit of extra weight, Anon. She can still jump around with her friends when she wants to.
>>13998164she looks like shit
>>13998164I still don't like babs seed, I hate the little back stabbing bitch's accent.ALSO THE BITCH MADE SWEETIE BELLE CRY.
>>13998164is this a new kevin Babs?God DAMN I love big Babs, and I love kevin.
>>13998164She doesn't look all that big to me.Look at how huge that hand is!
>>13998168Oh and uh, what do you have to offer?
>>13998176No one will ever make me love fat ponies as much as Envy.
>>13998168>tfw was 11 hours in before beat second gym
>>13998176Not enough to lose it's added weight, fat ponies are morbid.
>>13998144>I'm doing them a service
>>13998149Dry food isn't ideal. Your cats will get much less water(even though the drink, it still won't be enough). Kidney stones are always a risk to cats without enough water and will lead to a very painful death.What dry food do you feed them?
>>13998205You're morbid.
>>13998197> forgetting exposed breasts> againAw shit this is how people get banned
>>13998216No I'm healthy and so is my mare.Fatty
>>13998227Most people who post lewd have dynamic IPs, anon.
>>13998176hmm i wonder how fat pone would look in this style
>>13998196I keep dropping the game to dick around in Terraria because soft resetting my starter/event/genwun starters really got old after awhile.
>>13998208I sure am, and that doesn't make me any more special than the millions of people who are concerned for their relatives or friends' health. Let me say right now that I'd rather the people who the fatass actually cares about try to handle the situation first, I'd never just intrude on a stranger and tell them to shed the weight.
>>13998244> mfw I don't so I try not to> Still post delicious realistic Kevin big babs anyway> keep forgetting the breastsLife is suffering
>>13998145mewball don't you do this to me as pent up as I am you niggeryou owe me horse porn or sexy pokemons when I get the ability to fap off again
>>13998261Oh, well you should be more careful, anon.nice breasts though
>>13998127The white kind of skin you get from working the graveyard shift.>>13998212Shitty Meow-Mix. She drinks a lot though, and she eats a lot of the lunch meat we buy especially for her, but she's refused all types of canned food. >>13998117Dirt-farmers, air-heads, stripeys, sky-pussies, dildo-heads
>>13998278>I get the ability to fap off againHave you been losing sleep lately? Poor sleep is of the greatest risk factors in erectile problems.
>>13998153You know what? I can't defend it, I just think it's super gross someone wouldn't date someone purely for superficial reasons like weight or race.I'm sapiosexual so that's going to have a lot to do with it. Make fun of me if you want for using a big Tumblrite word but I think intelligence is the sexiest attribute you can have.>tfw you typed the captcha, click it by accident and have to retype it again...
I wonder what happened to those anons that were trying to be friends.Are they erping right now in some private chat? Are they playing video games with each other?Or are they still being awkward gay and cute?I need to know.
>>13998337they're bɘb
>>13998349> can't because with familyJust putting it out there, butThere are these things called showers
>>13998353How do you get those backwards d's?
>>13998363Her family is poor as shit and all the locks are broken
Cute quest still running.We are about to chat up Silver Spoon
>>13998313Lunch meats won't do much for that. There are tons of vitamins and minerals that cats need that aren't available in meats prepared for peoplemeow mix is especially bad, I'm pretty sure the first ingredient for that is corn, which should be nowhere near a cats mouth.>>13998168I can wait then if you are using it, I don't have a scatterbug on me from my area.
>>13998337They are in a private chat right now.With Sent pounding on the door demanding he be included.
>>13998380What does that change?
>>13998278>drawing lewdif i had the time to do that i wouldnt be pent up either
>>13998319>erectile problemsoh anon you're so cute you keep on thinking I have a dickthe problem I have is that girl bits are stupidly complicated and it's hard to get oneself off unaided without being extremely dedicated
>>13998164it would be pretty hot if babs grew up to be a big pony like Macintosh
>>13998337We added eachother on steam, talked about some non-lewd stuff, vidya and whatnot, and there hasn't been much else.
>>13998412>girl bits are stupidly complicated and it's hard to get oneself off unaided without being extremely dedicatedThat might vary by personBecause half the women I've been with can get off inside of like 10 minutes
>>13998388>"LET ME RECORD YOU!"
>>13998363I wish my shower came with a complimentary pony cock toy too.
>>13998329I feel where you're coming fromI try not to get hung up on on things like race, weight, etc when it comes to things like that. Appearances are important to me, but only in a dressing well and proper hygiene kind of way.I wouldn't call someone disgusting for not wanting to date out of their race if it's just because they don't find the features of a certain race attractive. It's just something they're not into. But you are entitled to your own opinions.Have a pony.
>>13998385I guess I'll have to post in the mlpgco thread.I've been avoiding it for some unknown reason.Should I keep it to the 3ds thread on the pokemon thread?
>>13998442RedivRediv please
>>13998449for pokemon stuff i'd go to the pokemon thread
Next Month: We find out if Scootaloo is disabled, or just a late bloomer.
>>13998388fuck I laughedgood one anon!!
>>13998481> BCS and Rediv are the same personPlease no
>>13998385Got it. I'm takin' the question all the way to /an/ then
>>13998481rediv is fucking BCS?unf.
>>13998426No matter what, everything about you two seems really adorable.
>>13998406Fine I'll draw some for you later... but you have to remember to collect on it. Or something.Even though I don't have a name on. I didn't think this through......
>>13998511>not 7 foot
>>13998511and her smelly, smelly boots
>>13998465Why is Red so hairy?I wanna not get bothered by it, it kind of throws me off.
pony doesn't want to frighten you, but there's a monster at the end of this book
>>13998436yeah... well ... fuck them they have it easy and shit. Actually anon is probably right, sleep deprivation results in being horny yet exhaustion makes it more difficult to cum even in females resulting in sexual frustration.
>>13998522> hairy... How do you know this?
>>13998511Acid will never stop being the dumbest thing to ever come out of this fandom
>>13998523Good thing I'm an American and have a gunI proceed to magdump said book
>>13998442i wish i could afford a horse dildo and the shipping cost
>>13998505Thanks I guess?The conversations were kind of a private thing though, wouldn't want to go into detail, but I'm kind of helping him with thingsNot those kinds of things, anon, but for you? I could help you with anything~
>>13998522Red's hairy?FUCKINGUNF
>>13998535If you actually believe that then I can only pity you
>>13998511tenfootbabs seed
>>13998529That seems possible. The nitric-oxide cycle gets screwed up and that's common to both men and women.It's not something you want to hear probably but regular exercise seems to correlate well with positive self-reports of sexual satisfaction according to a piece in the Journal of Sexual Medicine a few months ago.
>>13998543>but I'm kind of helping him with things...Are you giving him hot glue tips?Are a-are you two...scrapbooking?
>>13998558> babs seed feet of this would be pretty good.
>>13998541>have a horse dildo but never use it
>>13998552>tfw Scotch Irish body.>Don't need to tan, come with a wooly red coat.
>>13998533Oh Dooks
derpy is a very unsavory pony
>>13998553I've just never seen anything that tops "giant anthro pony with a German accent, club inside her ass, and a radioactive green dick that spews addictive cum"
>>13998511pleb>>13998589what size
>>13998591are you rediv, anon? if not you can put your wooly body away.for now
>>13998568No, nothing like that. Believe it or not I like making people feel better about themselves, I like to give advice and help with problems.ERPing is a nice bonus, but it's not what I like doing best
>>13998448that is a beautiful pony
The best feeling ever
>>13998612Demons are for ripping and tearing.
So the Red Sox are three outs away from being no-hit by the Tigers.>Red Sux
>Chrysalis tries to conquer the Crystal Empire>challenge her to a game of puzzle block stacking>if you lose, she asks if you'd like to try again, or go to the level select>if you win, she withdraws her army, and surrenders, no questions asked
>>13998640Fuck off Ross
>>13998612>pleb>posts that shitevery time
This is all I think I can do tonight, Anon if you're still here. I plan on working on it a bit tomorrow, probably tweaking Rumble a bit.
>>13998504That sounds like fun...I should call her up one of these nights... girls are sweet in bed but I'm always the shy one because it's been so long since I slept with a girl I'm afraid to make the first move.
>>13998543> I could help you with anything~I'm not really good at ERPing so I don't know if I'm the kind of guy you're looking for.Still, it's really sweet that you're helping out some random person you just met. That's incredibly sweet.
>>13998610then you're either new or aren't looking hard enough
>>13998570I like macro, but I hate futa. Acid is confusing to my boner.
>>13998638>this will never be finished because mewball drove off kraut
>>13998514yes plsthrow it to me on tumblr or something
>>13998673Solution: Learn to love the cock
>>13998576ten feet of this might be a bit overwhelming though
>>13998660We don't have to ERP, I enjoy just having friendsAlso, I like most kinds of guys honestly, as long as you aren't a massive douche
>>13998659Don't be afraidYou're gorgeous.
>>13998670Tell me something dumber.
>zigfilly folliesITT jokes you got much later after hearing them
>>13998701b-but it's so lewd! I don't think I can.
>>13998722fuzzy poniesself insert inflation deviant art poniescaterpillar
>>13998610Addictive cum isn't creator canon
>>13998657what is happening?did he just finish doing her?
>>13998657What are they doing back there?
>>13998755I don't know, I still think Acid is by far the dumbest thing ever.All those things you mentioned are really stupid, but Acid is a special kind of stupid.
>>13998768Looks like raspberries happened.
>>13998649Its sad that he literally has no friends in real life or on the internet. I cant name another person here like that.
>getting that silver spoon route startedaww yea
>>13998755Woah woah woah, I make a good distinction between fuzzy ponies and fluffy/furry ponies.
>>13998660Sorry if I scared you awayI'm used to that...
>>13998657I'm here, and it looks fine.I'm going to need something with best filly since we're going to mess up her route on Cute Quest.
>>13998792i don't have friends in real life or on the internetno one would want to associate with a creature as unsavory as i am
>>13998800I hope it ends with spooning
>>13998787then you're just a biased fuck
>>13998792I fit that. I'm just really shy ok?
>>13998800CobalTwist otp
>>13998831I like that Aspirant basically said "Fuck no, she isn't even IN this class."
>>13998831Fuck Twist
>>13998831>implying she is ever going to come out of the background.
>>13998831I will be sure to sabotage you every step of the way
>>13998826I'll be your friend, Anon
>>13998768>>13998780The idea was that he's telling funny jokes. Y'know, bonding with a new friend.
>>13998853Because a true true friend helps a friend in need!
>>13998800>implying we won't blow it
>>13998853No thanks. My heart starts pounding if I talk to someone.
>>13998871Got to be in it to win it anon.
>>13998873That's adorable
>>13998845>she's probably on the playground section with slides and swings and being obscuredWe could have easily said "check playground"
>>13998711Making new friends is fun. If you don't mind talking to a shy guy I'd totally be up for being friends.Steam id is in the e-mail field, but I probably won't be able to add you until tomorrow since I'm heading to be right now.
>>13998879I say we should use her to get to DTI meant, that's the whole point of even talking to her right?
>>13998867Oh geez.How would Scootaloo react to this new development?
>>13998824Is it really being biased? I love futa and inverted nipples and anthro, but Acid is just way too dumb for me to like.
>>13998891We could have also beat our skull into the bench SS is sitting on.We could have done many stupid things.
>>13998927What? No!Even if we DO go for DT, it'd still be nice to be friends with SS.
>>13998939>that's all dumb>this is special kind of dumbthe fact even the author of it recognizes it as a joke and you cannot is saying something
>>13998873I used to be the same way, you just need to try one conversation to get it out of your system.
>>13998939because small creatures with the intelligence of toddlers being tortured for the amusement of psychopaths is a little bit worse than some macro fetish fuel
>>13998935Pounces Silver Spoon and round 2 go
>>13998935Obviously she's going to be super-cool with it and become best buds with Silver Spoon.She might have to get ready for Bitchfight: Round 2
>>13998935>Scootaloo says a joke.>Nothing.>It even caused SS to stop mid laugh.
>>13998986She wasn't even doing anything bad!Rumble would pull her off of SS in like 2 seconds.
What?Is your version any better!?
>>13998972I can see it's a joke and it's not meant to be taken seriously, I just think it's incredibly dumb.I would understand if I called it awful or insulted everyone that liked it, but I'm just saying I find it dumb.
>>13999004>Rumble goes to help.>Remembers Thunderlane saying something about breaking up these kind of things.>Sits and watches.>Still can't understand why Thunderlane cheered this kind of thing on.
>>13998932what does nginx pony look like
>>13998823oh. why don't you use it?
>>13999066like a server
>>13999046I feel like you've said the same thing before in the past though
>>13999126would it kill you to keep it in that thread? i don't remember celestiafags being this obnoxious so early
>>13999126>Tiaraquest is going to be damn near impossible
>>13999162Deal w/ itIt's pony
>>13999129I've called it dumb before.But it's just my opinion. If you like it and get enjoyment from it more power to you. I ain't gonna sit here and try to get someone from enjoying their fetish no matter how dumb I think it is.
>we now have "goofy swing buddy" status with TwistIT'S A GOOD START
>>13999126>Did nothing with it.Suck it, Twistfag!
>>13999099It takes too much preparation and I'm not very good with it
>>13999066Well, for starters, she'd have to wear a ushanka with a red star.
>>13999200The thing is that you didn't just call it dumb, you called it the "dumbest thing this fandom has ever produced"and I think you should see >>13998978
>>13999208We're SWING BUDDIES nowThat's ONE STEP AWAY from "Friend" status
>>13999200You like to backpedal, huh
>>13999204Bullshit.We didn't even use the swings to cross chains and get all tangled, only to unravel and fling ourselves into the poles!
>>13999211oh. i wouldn't know.
>ded last horse
Why is this picture or its variations not posted anymore?
>>13999245Not even close to swing buddies.>>13999253THIS is swing buddies!
>>13999243I did. That's my opinion. I think it's a lot dumber than fluffy ponies.>>13999251It's what I do best.
>>13999286Let's forget that thread ever existed.
>bcs and rediv talking to eachother about dildos in mlpgI THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THEN THAT, REDIV
>>13999292>used to beWhen did you stop being beautiful?
>>13999333Well then you seem like a goddamn imbecile in ever definition of the word.That's my opnion.
>>13999333You like that shit, huh
>>13999333Let me get this straight, you think a macro futa anthro creature is worse than torture porn for grimderp teenagers?get fucking lost, creep
>>13999301That's swing buddies 1.5, we just leveled up to that today and we'll be sitting on the same swing tomorrow
mangneto drew aeris in the caturday threadjust in case anyone cares
>MLPG argues over what is okay to like and not like because that shit totally affects them>holy shit what's a filter>I don't fucking know>stop liking thing it means you're an awful human being with at least 4 serious mental issues and a permanently fucked up brain also you're fat and ugly
>>13999446nice link
>>13999477You know where it's at, that should be enough.
>>13999446>caturdayWent from zero to not caring in under one word.
>>13999465>implying it's arguing over what is and isn't okay to likeIt's arguing over fluffy ponies NOT being worse than Acid. Which they totally are for anyone with half a brain.
>>13999509I'm surprised you didn't lose interest at Aeris then, seeing as she's a cat.
>>13999370I'll live. >>13999395Not really. I didn't care much for it back when you guys were doing cute things with it and I kind of ignored it all when it became what it is now.>>13999407I think one is dumber than the other because Acid is such a ridiculous concept. Teenagers being edgy isn't anything new. You can't go five seconds without seeing some kids using shock-humor (if you can call fluffy ponies humorous) on the internet. I don't know why anyone is getting this worked up over this.
>>13999465You can like whatever, but it probably doesn't belong here in the first place.
>>13999534I stopped caring for VG Cats before Scott got trolled so hard he shut down the forums.
>>13999538I'm getting worked up because you're a goddamned fluffy pony fag.
So, MLPG. How troublesome do you think it would be if the Apple Parents came back?
>>13999538>I don't know why anyone is getting this worked up over this.Because you're close to defending fluffy poniesImbecile.
>>13999538It's because you insulted their fetish.
>>13999587Very. Only way they could be more canon dead is if it showed their funeral.
>>13999538Are you from fucking /b/
>>13999605learn to read
>>13999587Why is that a gi-OH GOD
>>13999611You got a problem with green?
>>13999623Grow a thicker skin.
>>13999647it's not a creative color
>>13999611Green is a vry common color for the apples.
>>13999670You're right let's just get creative and make a new color
>>13999647Green is not a creative color.
>>13999663>>13999623>>13999605get over it losers
acid is gross and pathetic, and you're gross and pathetic for liking itfluffy ponies are disgusting and pathetic, and you're disgusting and pathetic for liking themactually that applies to all furry porn and doubly so to fapping to ponies so most people here are awful human beings by the standards of the outside world
>>13999587Pretty hard to explain why the fuck they weren't there.It could always happen, Twilight's brother who is very close to her and captain of the royal guard and married to her babysitter who is also a princess wasn't mentioned until the S2 finale.
>>13999587Get away from her Apple Bloom
>>13999670>>13999702What the fuck does that even mean?
>pony's family member shows up>outed as a changeling>it turns out they were always like that>pony is half changeling
>>13999692Not quite.More like ghost changelings and child-snatchers.
>>13999707Stop defending fluffy ponies, then
>>13999702that is because its an apple color
>>13999568If you say so.>>13999592>Because you're close to defending fluffy poniesI am? I don't really remember saying anything positive about them at all. I just said I think Acid is dumber.
>>13999754Are you saying apples aren't creative?
>>13999739>This explains why Applebloom has no cutie mark.>She then realizes she never will HAVE one now.
I wonder if we'll see Twist at the fairMaybe we'll end up next to her randomly on a ride
Give me the draw the requests
>>13999792>On the swings.>Again.>All she does is cheer.
>>13999805Scootaloo doing a trick on her scooter
>>13999776why are you avatarfagging, fluffyponyfag?why don't you fuck off to MLPchan, with the rest of your inbred brethren?
>>13999739In my headcanon, Applejack's entire family (extended too) is changelings, except Applejack herself.
>>13999780ponies are so magical they can make green a creative color
>>13999805Applebloom discovering she's a changeling.
>>13999805Anon braiding Flitter's hair while she gabs on about boys.
>>13999805HOLY SHIT YOU ALIVEALSO THIS >>13999841
>>13999850drop that soda boy
>>13999709yeahtell em /b/ro
>>13999805Did anyone ever colour that "Anon and Sweetie hide Rarity's make-up" request.I didn't save of course.
>>13999841Bonus points if CC and/or Rumble are spying on them and commenting how gay it is.
>>13999850fat purple
>>13999776you're vocally obnoxiousI don't even care about this shit you've been crying about, please fuck off you're being a nuisance.
>>13997087>>13996859>You will never sniff Butterfly's dirty boxers
>>13999929> responding 2 hours laterGlad you got something out of it though
>>13999833How does that even work?
>>13999896>"Anon and Sweetie hide Rarity's make-up"...I need to see this.
>>13999962Boxers aren't fun to sniff.I'd rather sniff her sweaty panties.
>>13999841>gabbing about boys>with your boyfriend
>>13999962>You will never wear them on your head at a party
>>13999805pony with a devastated asshole
>tfw no government supplied suicide kits
>>13996859Why is she so plump down there? Has she started to foal?
In my headcanon, shining armor is actually an alien neckbeard from a harsh grimdark world where there are no pink marshmallow princesses because the leaders of his people exterminated themHe escaped to equestria through the space between spaces and left his old unit behind, defecting to an undiscovered enemy to live in happiness. He sought asylum with the sparkles and became their adopted son after a pony transformation spell.
>>14000080How frilly would those panties be?
>>14000040It looked great, I hope someone saved it.
>>13999991Cloudchaser, duh!
>>13999934All I did was express my opinion on something, though.The whole thing could have died right there if anon didn't want to convince me there are things dumber out there.So wouldn't that guy or guys bothered by my opinion be the ones "crying"?
I would rub applesauce all over AJ.