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Old Thread

The CmC felt sorry for Cheerliee when she was all alone in Hearts and Hooves Day. Did you like the cute song the CmC sang while they try to find the right Stallion for Cheerilee? Would you consider Big Mac to be the right stallion for Cheerilee if given the choice? Is there anything else that you would like to add to this episode?
>Did you like the cute song the CmC sang while they try to find the right Stallion for Cheerilee?
I drew a thing.
I like it.
Who is the pony?
>Would you consider Big Mac to be the right stallion for Cheerilee if given the choice? Is there anything else that you would like to add to this episode?
THey were walking together in the spike episode and eh was holding her basket.
i dont know what im looking at
so when are we getting a new tf2 server?
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I am going to do my best to push this OC because she is extremely adorable.
Just my shitty OC.
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I stripped my jeans and put a toy rainbow dash popping out of my boxers, to win steam games from the mlp brithday giveaway yesterday.

I can say it was totally worth it, what did you do yesterday mlpg?
It's funny that we used disgusted Sweetie for so long as a way to show disgust towards shipping and then HHD happens so she becomes the shippingest pony.
Is this what it's like to be desperate for vidya?
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I save every picture of OCs
Please tell me more about your OC.
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I don't even play much vidya, I just wanted to put RD next to my cock.
Content of Thing disturbs me greatly, but it's well drawn.
pony fell out of the sky onto your face and you were looking right at her ponut

pony snaps out of it and jumps off, apologizing profusely
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I need to find you and follow you.
Her talent is mimicking other ponies.
The twist is that she is actually a changeling.
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I couldn't post it 2 threads ago due to 4chan thing

>fluttershy being useful

>lame cutie marks

#shots fired
hopefully never
oh geez oh man i got another one! thank you so much, she's so helpful
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macro gloomy cuddling__
that's really out of character.
I like it.
I would do all kinds of things with her.
Perfect doormat.
Call me a newfag, but I thought Gloomy was an Alicorn?

Tell her it's okay while looking at her ponut still
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Maybe, but it's entertaining.
She's a unicorn first. Alicorn comes later, these pictures aren't in chronological order.
I demand more sexy gloomy.

Please I've fapped to her at least twice this week.
Gloomy is not for sexual
She is for consensual married sexual consummation
Gloomy new anyway.
It's pretty easy to just ignore the posts with her in it.
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pony thanks you but then becomes aware and blushes and runs off
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Marker, please, we'll have children eventually. You don't need to try and rush being an aunt.
ever since I got this imgur script thing to work I've been piling up lewd images in my browser and I can't keep up with fapping and saving
it's terrible
Until there's a gif of gloomy giving a blowjob, she is not for sexual
Fuck off Croptool.
I wish Goat would drew all the lewd that I want...
my predator instincts kick in and I give chase, quickly catching up and taking her down
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It's even worse when you have people over and you forget to check your download folder pony porn
I wish GG would draw all the lewd I want
I know the feeling
>implying that is marker
Its usually Croptool that post Marker with some sexual crap.

Go fuck off somewhere else, Broke.

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You really have a hardon for this Broke character, huh? That's, like, three times you've called me Broke now, and I still don't know who that's supposed to be.
>emulated comic style
what is this boner
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>Im so sick of that place

Fucking. This.
Just ignore him, he's a retard.
pony says she's sorry, she's sorry, she didn't mean to fall on you, she can take you to the hospital if you're hurt
She killed my penis. I need to bury it now.
When I first saw it the first thing I thought was "Price is drawing porn now?"
I am amazed at pony's ability to speak calmly while I am eating her guts
>implying you aren't
You always requested porn of Marker and now, there is no more cute talk about her because of your shit.

Round two commences! Vote for your favorite pony on each bracket!

Pinkie Pie (1) vs Twilight Sparkle (2): http://strawpoll.me/530017
Rarity (3) vs Rainbow Dash (5): http://strawpoll.me/530021
Applejack (4) vs Fluttershy (6):

Poll results will be taken by Sunday midnight, CST.
What in the living fuck are you talking about?
We lewd now?
Really wish that was Twinkie Belle
Really the only one I can't decide is AJ vs FS
I mean Rarity can fuck up Dash using telekenisis on her wings and if Twilight goes all out she can fuck Pinkie even with her abilities but AJ vs FS?
Unless AJ can fight with a blindfold I cna't see her wining this. FS just needs to use the stare and bam victory.
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>no ponut
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I like the way Twilight and Spike interact on the show
the heads seem kinda long and stretched but it's really close
Because I think we lewd
I guess I'm the only one that's not seeing it. I mean it's there but it's not even near Price
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>Twilight actually squeezes herself under Spike's tail and between his legs to do this

Needs feet

and human features
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I really hope that Twilight being an Alicorn doesn't effect that.
I'm not comparing it side to side but if it was a little better I couldn't tell the difference
It's a series of transformation images

Well shit, that changes everything.

gallery/pool link?
>20-inch tongue
Now imagine it sliding across her bowels.
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For me it's like this picture
At first it's confusing but after looking at it for more than half a second you realize what's going on.
Oh god are they okay
I have hope. Say what you want about Meghan but she can write Spike and Twilight great.
>Reading text
>Wait this is Joey Darkmeat
>Eyes suddenly glued to the hips
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Me too.

Having a little dragon companion to follow you around and help you sound awesome and cute.
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are your ponies wrapped up for winter?
We just had winter
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oh wow
I even read your post first and I didn't get it until I opened the thumbnail
that didn't change anything

I want my money back
That doesn't look like transformation
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Twilight and Spike have a very trusting and personal relationship, which also means that they have to see the ugly reality sometimes too.

"help you", right?
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Color swaps are awesome. But honestly they make my head hurt
>half of the thread filled with bad porn
>other half is a discussion about bad porn

Remember when MLPG... a, fuck it.
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I bet Spike would let you ride on his back once he obtain his wings.
But Spike won't get wings
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I like it when pony wears clothes
This picture is awful, but I like it because I like Scootaloo's shirt.
>once he obtained his wings
I have some bad news for you
Thanks Broke for spamming it. Its his only way of getting attention.
>remember when MLPG wasn't spammed with bad porn

No actually, that never happened
I'm really trying to think back to a time when we weren't, but I'm drawing blanks.
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Like his hemipenes?

Why is "badly drawn" even an argument?
I'm not Broke

I didn't say it was badly drawn you shithead, I said it needs feet and human features. That's a preference, not a commentary on the skill.
Probably back when we had a show to discuss.
A lot of the porn I'm posting is badly drawn, though. The Celestia one is really good I think, but they seem to be complaining about lack of human features which is a pretty understandable complaint.

No, that was when we got fresh bad porn.
>rose only draws topless anthro hyena lesbians now
because you're a tasteless brony.
No...No I'm pretty sure there was still a lot of porn being posted then, too.

It's not even by Rose

you got me excited
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We do not know much about the dragons in the show. We do know they have 2 way of growing up. One by age and another by greed. I am sure it is through age is how Spike will earn his wings.
What would a shiny Ponymon look like?
Even autistic kid knows difference between statement and argument.
Hemipenes only aren't ugly when they're on humans, sharks, and orcas

otherwise they're just icky
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Oh, broken-englishanon I really do love you.
You're adorable.
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She's pretty close to!
>not ugly when plastered on things that shouldn't have them

u wot
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an OC
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Its their crystal form.
I sure hope he's a trap.
Orcas don't have them or at least they didn't in Blackfish
Yeah, they're gross when they're realistic.

Also are you sure sharks don't have hemipenes?
I don't know.
What would a sparkle-pony look like?
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Isn't that what Twilight is?

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That would be a bonus
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>brony dating site opens
I know it's not the first but it's still weird
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Welcome to 1999.
Tex looks like a faggot.
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What if pony finds out she's naked?
Thanks for the high-quality comment, Anon!

They're still hot on orcas
They know they are naked.
That picture is still stupid as fuck
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But they already knew that! Even AJ pointed this out in season 1.
Thanks for being a drone, anon!
If you haven't wiped a loved one's ass in the hospital you don't know what ugly reality is.
Trixie always gives me a whyboner

I hate her, but she's sexy/
>so touchy
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I do not believe Trixie would act like that.
She puts on a brave face and bravado, but she is really a coward going by her first appearance.

I love Trixie acting all flirty as if she's rode dozens upon dozens of stallions and made them cry out her name in pleasure only to be frighted when she sees a real dick
>I-Is is supposed to be that big?
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wwhich one
how hard
But that's not ugly, that's hot.

I'd cage her in diapers anytime and never take it off.
They're too old and they probably never dominated a man in their life.
For a second I thought that little unicorn was giving the giant zebra a horn-sounding.
famersonly.com exists dude
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Who do you want to dom you
Who do you want to dominate
so did we get anything good outta comicon yet
Sharks have claspers
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Snip and Snail does not count as friends.
what vidya was it?
>d-dont disagree with me.. you shitposter drone!
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Letting them ravage your ass does not count as being friends.
That's a pretty bad comic. not as bad as the usual but still meh.
Also Trixie has shit taste in friends

I don't even know what that is
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I'm also really fond of someone like Rarity teaching her how to please a stallion
>No dear, you need to put the whole thing in your mouthShe'd say as she pushes her head forward forcing her to go all the way to the hilt
the joke is that your headcanon is retarded
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Well, I liked it.
Shining and Cadance are the best comic characters.
Well you like shit no new news there.

The only good thin about it is that it's kinda cutely drawn

who's going to save quests now that sentenal is gone?
I can live with that.
I too only like completely OOC content of characters, my favorite is the twilight x sombra comic
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Oh cool! Its Trixie time!
well mlpg is huge on ooc so it's fine if it's posted here
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Whatever makes you happy, anon.
Hi Seth!
Too bas saving quests is an elusive superpower nobody else has.
Shining and his friends are great tough. But I still want the main cast

Are you telling me Celestia isn't actually a motherly 9 foot Amazon?

You're crazy, anon. MLPG doesn't like OOC.
That why I asked who

You special needs child
deal with it.
No she's a drunk not fatherly midget
huh. then what could explain the multitude of erps based off of this mentioned celestia?
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>bump on my vagina
Your vagina is not your labia (AKA: "vag lips"), Twilight.
10 points from Gryffindor
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>you will never interact with pony using amie
go go gadget horse dildo
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It's always time for Trixie
Well I blame bronies.
I like how luna stabbed her horn through her pillow
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Good morning, MLPG!
Caramel is a smart pony.
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It's my favorite part about that picture
I like romantically ignorant luna more than romantically forward luna
romantically forward nightmare moon
An OC?
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I did too until the comic came out.
Slightly oblivious to personal space Luna is my favorite.
now that is terror incarnate
We just call that femdom.
That goes hand in hand with "romantically ignorant" in my mind
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you forgot to mention her futacock
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I can't speak taco, but I'm sure whatever that says would probably turn me on.
LK where the fuck is that chubby kobold?
Nightmare Moon wants to make a night with you that'll last forever
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Pony wants to destroy you with her WAAC netlist
What's with all the terrible furry porn that's been posted lately?
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she's clearly a swan you dumbass
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Nightmare Moon's giant moon
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Well there's these things called opinions, and people with terrible opinions keep posting furry porn.
>pokemon xy is out on eshop early

holy shit
Welp everyone is dead with they pokeymon.
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My copy arrived 5 hours ago
I think the worst poster on /co/ is Morgan Aensland.
It used to be Loudness Land, but I never see him post anymore.
not really.
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why do you lie
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But ponies aren't as tasty as pokemons...
That means she would have the tightest vagina.
I must prepare my elongated, thin, weirdly-shaped penis.
A little
I'm a huge sucker for rhythm games, but hardly any get made anymore
I just want a new Gitaroo Man and Parappa
...The royal guards beat the shit out of you and throw you outside of Canterlot
When I was a kid I always wondered if people actually ate pokemon or was it some kind of taboo
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why is she so perfect?
Because I want nothing more then to crush your hopes and dreams.
So is it just a new minigame for the Gameloft game or something separate.
because she can be anyone.
pretty sure it was canon that people cooked farfetch'd with it's leek as far back as G1
I think they do in the manga, but I'm not entirely sure.
Isn't the manga fucked up?
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>not loving her for herself
>not fucking her original form
What do slowpoke tails taste like?
Yeah, it's awesome. Much more realistic than the anime.
Oh no, I'm late for Doctor Connor's class.
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>sex with Cheeselegs and your waifu
>She transforms into your waifu to double the fun
Some salesman suggested that James could eat Magikarp in one episode.
that was a scam though
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farfetch'd's entire think was that they are tasty.
What if my waifu is Chrysalis?
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Why would he suggest it then? If eating pokemon was completely out of the question for that universe, he wouldn't have mentioned it.
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Then she gets her army of drones to turn into her so you can have your own bughorse harem
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even through all of this, I still keep my hopes up when I go to open an image link

I just wish I didn't always regret it
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The you'll just do it twice.
>score: 54
I heard transformation
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transformation into anon
>Oh my gosh boobles,instant upvote!
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That's gotta be one of the worst dialogues ever.
reminder that the diaper general is a thing and they insist that they are the 'normal' diaper fans in the same way we insist we are the 'normal' mlp fans
>normal diaper fans
So fucking what
It's shit on so many levels
>no wings

>ass threads gets deleted on sight
>diaper threads exist
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17 KB
>the same way we insist we are the 'normal' mlp fans
We do?
diaperfag detected

We don't insist we're normal mlp fans, we insist we're not bronies. And we're not, because we don't treat it like a lifestyle. You can say that we look the same to any outsiders, but outsiders knowing or not is what differentiates us.

of course, using "we" lightly. We've got more than a few bronies here.
Finally something interesting to look at.
Sparity a shit
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The difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer is a all a matter of taste.
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For a second I thought that was Spike's head with Rarity's body.
And Rarity's head with Spike's body.
They didn't use that Pinkie vector.
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why is youtube so terrible
Another new friend from mlpg
I love you all
go away iris
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>those bookmarks
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Cadence sneezes like a retard.
Bless you
>>>/sneezy pony general/
i hate those snotty sounding forced stop sneezes
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would you watch a harem anime version of FIM?
Rarity needs your help!
Hey, Cadence poster from the last thread that liked our "flirting"

Can we be friends?
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Fuck no
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Absolutely not
>New patch for Zafehouse
>tfw goggles is dead
It was a nice fad while it lasted.
The first time or the scond time?

Hell the fuck n-
It's done Amagami SS style and runs through every mane6 ship, giving each ship 4 solid episodes

Oh god yes!
I must have missed one of the times, because I only remember one, a few months ago.
I remember hearing about that anime when I watched that other one with the incest kids.

is it any good?
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>all that sekrit porn

I miss it
It happened before that time a long time ago. A lot of fun like the second time but died after a week or two.
pony wants you to brush your teeth again
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Okay time to play.
Any bets on how long Twist will survive?
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It was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be and your bound to at least like one of the girls. Watch SS+ for like two extra episodes of the individual relationships post hook up.
What game is this?
aight. thanks.

now I actually want a FIM fic like this.
See, it's ded without the gay

Oh, and for some reason 90% of the character songs were really good
zafehouse diaries
I bet AJ sneezes like a real boss. Like, it can be heard from two miles away.
I bet she farts when she sneezes
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Oh come on we had a lot of fun with this before.
Zafehouse Diaries. Zombie survival game. Lets you make your own survivors. The survivors can hate other survivors and can fight between themselves. some pretty funny things like that time when SS threw a fucking bed at Scootaloo because they hated each other or Fluttershy killing everyone by amputating their leg to stop the infection from spreading
Also fuck Twist.
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I wish I had a brother like Big Mac
I bet those farts smells like rotten apples and hay
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for sexual
i don't give a shit
fuck off
the cmc just got their cutie marks and they're all you, you are their cutie marks
>an automatic rifle, a bolt action rifle, a crossbow and a submachine gun
Jesus Christ Twilight
I remember reading a short story once where Applebloom got anon's face as a cutiemark because she fantasized about him while playing with herself.

Super ultraunf

That's not Anon____
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>It ain't incest if it doesn't go in!
Wait is that true??
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>it ain't incest if it doesn't go in

It's also not gay if you don't make eye contact, as Saine and Roogna can testify.

They have straight anal sex all the time.
I like that this is drawn in such a way that if the bed weren't in the way, Big Mac would be penetrating her.

Please. Stop. Please.
Twist and Twilight died anyway...

>not open to gay experimentation


It's not experimentation though, it's balls-to-the-wall, sling and harness, horse dildo and flavored lube gay sex.

Except it's not, because there's no eye contact.
So kevinsano got banned from tumblr again
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Stop what, Anon?
did he post some horrifying porn or was is just the antibrony force again
God dammit, I really like his stuff.

Is there somewhere else he's putting it?

You know damn well what. Especially when I'm in season
I'm not gay but I'd spoon with big mac
he's the perfect size for it
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at what age do you think someone should stop the /b/ style of talking
>double ended vibrating urethral sound
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What season is that, Anon?
>mlpg chat
>I don't wanna mate I just wanna sex
That's not mlpg at all
They all want waifus and husbandos
what was that drama about yesterday?
what no, no one here wants kids
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Im sorry this is the only waifu we have left for you.
satyr kids
yes they do

I want to be the big spoon.

So I can smell his sweat, hay, and sugar apple-scented mane
i want to go adventuring in equestria with my horse wife. i dont want to raise kids.
they'd be cute
you're too little to be the big spoon
Sentenal removed the quest archive, suspended the TF2 server and left the general and it's chats all because of Cosmo.
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after adventuring you can settle down and have satyr abomination kids with outrageous hips
Absolutely Perfect

No if you go by the pony size chart.

Nuh uh, not even if he were real horse sized. It'd just be a little difficult.
those hips are illegal

like whoa
I want kids. Pony kids with my waifu or normal kids with a normal girl.
>implying no breeders here
I'm afraid you'll have to comprimise anon
pony top human bottom
Man, fuck Cosmo. All he had to do was talk to sentenal, then non of this would have happened.
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Poor spike
foreverial betalized
Nah. Pony kids.
Satyrs a shit
You cannot have pony kids.

And they will not allow you to adopt.
you can't have pony kids anon, you're not a pony
Cumming as deep in pone as you can unprotected.

satyrs a shit indeed, centaur stronk.
Says who?

Oh look at all that magic. I guess I have a pony child with pony waifu
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Massaging her belly full of seed
Centaurs a shit.
Pony kids.
your pony child dies a horrible death shortly after birth since exposure to magic before she was fully formed prevented her lungs from forming properly
The magic only works so far. It's why griffons and ponies can only have hippogriffs.
I'd much rather fuck Big Mac.
The fall. Don't you know what happens in the fall? The spirits come out.

Don't think the sunlight is going to protect you.
Whoa, Faceless. Stop it.
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Reminder to all you horsefuckers that BraeburnQuest resumes in ~7 hours.

Archives available at /arc/mlp/ on the sub
>broken .gif
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>lungs not formed properly

that's what they said last time dick.
Sorry can't hear you over my pony child and pony waifu being happy with me. And my pony waifu's little sister thinks her nephew is adorable
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shut the fuck up chau you got eaten by a baby you don't know shit
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[vibrating intensifies]
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Decline. Every time.
I just imagined Dash as Batman screaming "WHERE ARE THEY" at Joker-Spike.
Anon, that's a satyr. Look, he's even waving at you with his hands, flexing his fingers.
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Anon it's my fantasy so shut the fuck up, get out and make your own fantasy. It's a cute unicorn boy. 100% pony.
is that doxy trixie pic up anywhere yet
Anon, your wife is worried about you.
that's adorable

not enough cute art with fleetfoot
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satyrs arent even real
You know what Anon? Fine. Do whatever you want. I need to learn something anyway.
Wait, what happened to the old archive on dropbox?
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minotaurs arent even real
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It's gone anon. See for yourself

sent flipped out yesterday
Anon, you need to wake up.
There are no ponies.
There never were.
You're not even married.
what if earth was pony heaven?
Retrovirus soon, fellow luster
God I'd have the biggest boner
sent quit the internet, apparantly giving an $800 computer away to somebody who didn't even thank him, and give nothing in return was no big deal, but one guy who just wanted to be left alone was the last straw
Sent got fed up with some stuff so he's not running it anymore, but it's all migrated over to the sub so hopefully we'll get someone to manage that one.
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No, earth is pony hell.
At least Tex didn't deliberately keep sentenal from doing things.
She honestly needs more art over all as do other Wonderbolts not named Spitfire and/or Soarin actually Soarin needs more art too.without Braeburn especially

>that fuzzy little chest
I like everything but Luna's expression here
I can't help it, dryhumping is fucking unf
thats a pretty fucking big monetary difference anon
Cosmo did nothing wrong
Sentenal associated with BCS
Wow, this is pretty great.
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Was Tex wrong? Everyone loves Tex.
Tex didn't steal the 800 from sent. It was consensual
Cosmo on the other hand kept sent from joining a voice chat purely out of spite. That's what did him in
>the woman didn't fight back so it was consensual
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I don't want to pick sides, but both sides need to stop being stupid
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>Flitter losing to Cloudchaser
I looked at the chatlogs. He didn't know about it. Apparently even after he was unblocked sent continued his tantrum.
That's pretty nice, but yeah. Is Luna supposed to be Nightmare Mooning or something?
>This explanation is placed here to avoid off topic discussion in the threads while providing an explanation to some things.

I can't wait to see someone twist this around

>tripfags being dicks to other tripfags

A horse walks into a bar looking dejected.

The bartender says, "you look like you could use a drink. So, what's your story?"

The horse looks at him and says, "What's my story? Aren't you going to ask me 'Why the long face?'"

The bartender rubs his chin and says, "Oh yeah, I guess I could've said that. So, what'll you have?"

The horse replies, "What kind of bartender doesn't know about the 'long face' joke? I mean, come on! Ugh, just get me a beer."

The bartender says, "Sorry, pal. I guess I didn't know I was required to follow through with old cliches."

The horse replies, "You know what? Never mind, I didn't want to come to his dive bar anyway." He stands up, knocks over a table, and trots towards the exit.

The bartender tells him, "You looked like a big ol' bronco when you walked in here, but you know what? You're more like a pony."

The horse spits on the ground. "Oh yeah, and why do you say that?"

The bartender responds, "Cause, you're a little horse."
Tex didn't ask for a computer
If I send $50 to BCS, I expect nothing in return unless it was arranged beforehand

Sentenal threw a bitchfit over sa.jpg and the fact that not everyone cares about him and wants to share information with him
>kept sent from joining a voice chat

that's a good thing
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>middle school tier drama
speaking of cosmo, how do you feel about him wearing a fedora and playing video games with cute girls all night
wrong cosmo, shitlord
Three years.
For three fucking years this shit has been going on.
For three straight years, we have been talking about ponies.
That's 3/4 of someone getting a degree. 3/4 of somebody's high school years. That's the ENTIRETY of someone's middle school years.
Three years. Talking about ponies. What happened to the time?
I can't blame him. I would have cracked and left much, much earlier.
I used to go to this place called Kid's Factory that was basically a giant indoor tunnel system/ playground. It was great. More and more retarded children started to get dropped off there and I had to stop going because they were really violent.

It feels like that right now.
That is my opinion on this matter as well, I gave someone here something I wasn't using anymore. He was very grateful for it, but I'd never expect anything in return for that sort of thing.
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time is just a concept
It was enjoyed.
I'm looking forward to the next three years.
didn't he ask Tex for a picture that he never ever got? That says something about appreciation.
According to the chat logs, Cosmo still had him blocked, and was refusing to speak to him directly.
>Around June 2, I was brought onboard the group called Sanity Sold Separately by BCS.

This is when people should have realized that he wasn't worth associating with.
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I wish Twilight could help me learn C...
or if she doesn't know C I wish we could learn it together.
but BCS wasn't batshit fucking insane in june
I think
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>sentenal gets asked to talk to everyone in that group
>cosmo doesn't want to talk to him
>he doesn't explains WHY he doesn't want to talk to him
>instead of asking graham they decided to create a shitstorm

fuck both cosmo and sentenal
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BCS was batshit insane long before that

It started around the time she made up the >rapes

That was actually when it started to happen. She thought she was in charge of making the next gen MLP
You are getting really good
which one of them dragged it into the general and now I've got to hear about it for the next three days?
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A study date with Twilight would go like pic related

In this case, you're the redhead
It would not be a donation if he expected anything in return.
I think I like that cosmo better though
/r/ing the pastebin of the motherly celestia fics
Probably sentenal.
He was here last night when it all started.
If cosmo confronted him directly this wouldn't have happened

Is it really that hard to say "no"?
Okay let's go trouh everything wrong with your statement
1 I am not a hot redhead girl
2 I don't know how to do what she's doing
3 I really need to learn this stuff
4 I am sure both me and Twilight would be more interested in learning
fuck him then
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pony needs a job
pony wants to clean your house once a week for $75
The one from SA?
The Guardian ones are the ones you are looking for
That'd be sentenal.
And whichever dumbasses from the Skype chat decided to start bitching at Cosmo in here rather than in private like they should have.
Why is appledan even in that chat?
He's shit at art and really annoying
who the fuck cares besides you
thank you
Holy fuck where can I find more of this
I'll give her minimum wage for how long she's here each day
75 is way too much
But Cosmo wanted to ignore sentenal. That's why he blocked him on Skype so he didn't have to see sentenal's messages.
if sent wasn't a socially malformed retard this wouldn't have happened. first tex now this.
Yeah...I ain't giving her more than 10$
It's not a big apartment, I keep it pretty damn tidy, there's no dishes to be done, really it would take pony an hour to completely clean the house
If everyone was perfect, none of this would have happened.
>something that has nothing to do with MLPG but rather with a skype chat
>"I know, I'll bring it up in MLPG!"
Is she willing to snuggle with me if she gets tired from cleaning? That is a deal breaker for me.
Fucking AppleDan
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pony can't live off minimum wage
pony thinks $75 is more than fair for a job well done
Are we going to have sex?
But that doesn't hide messages, it just stops PM's.

Cosmo said he wanted to ignore him. But blocking doesn't do that.

He could have unblocked him AND ignored him.
Again, it shouldn't take her more than an hour. All she has to do is vacuum for 5 minutes, mop up for 15 minutes at most, and dust off two TVs and a desk. That's all.
>endii in the chat before he even posted on mlpg
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That particular pony can get 75 a week if she wears that outfit
Not likely
this is a legitimate business
what the fuck does this have to do with mlpg

get out
why couldn't sentenal just, i dont know, leave him alone?
I tell pony to fuck off and hire a donkey who does just as good work for $5
Cosmo did say 'no' multiple times.
Sent just couldn't handle it that someone simply told him to leave them alone without writing an essay about the reasons.
Then no, 75$ is too much.
wait, so sent finally decided to fuck off?

why the fuck didn't we celebrate?
look, we all know you're only interested in turning this into some 50 Shades of Gray crap.

me too.
I wish I could be a super good artist just so I could turn down popularfags
I'll hire her for 1 week to see how she does

this place better be clean enough to eat off of when she's done.
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pony is angry and upper deckers your toilet before she leaves
please this
he's gone now and the aftermath isn't even so bad
we have a mirror of the archive and the server will probably be fine
nothing of value was lost
I don't think pony would do that.
Because he decided to also fuck over a bunch of completely uninvolved people I guess.
Cosmo kept him from entering the voice chat, and refused to talk to him about it.
Only if pony wants to
I mean I'm too beta to start anything to begin with
>upper deckers

Do I even want to know?
Reminder that the third draw event will be starting on the 25th.
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>the aftermath isn't even so bad
100 bongodollars the sa.jpg shitposter(s) won't stop, even though Sent left.
It means she does her business in the top water storage part of the toilet
>implying it wasn't sent himself
I hope you draw d&d horses.
Sure, I do not mind.

Can I pet her mane?
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But when will I find true pony love?
What a spiteful cunt.
but do you want to be he dom or do you want her to
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Can you not read
Obviously I would want her to be the dom
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This is a business not a prostitution ring
What d&d horses
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I'm gonna get a whopper and a 40

kobold horses
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>true pony love has been furloughed
kobold princess horses?
I can't wait to see him interact with the previous characters. Or not. I can't wait to see him again.
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Why does that pony wear the bow tie
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As you wish. Have a Twilight too.
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With or without Spike?
Without, because together they a shit
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She's a fancy pony
She does have other outfits though
Hearts & Hooves a shit and one of the worst episodes of S2.
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But with can be so cute.
Twirity a shi
I'd take Twirity over Spikeity. Also by the time Spike is like that Rarity would be old. dead or running like hell since Spike is going feral again
I'd like to pin her down and make her unfancy
Fine. Whatever then. Watching a cute pony cleaning my house is more than enough anyways.
>your pony maid will never develop a crush on you but do her best to hide it
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Maybe so, but it's still a shit
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Woah anon, that's lewd
>especially while you're pounding her pussy raw and cumming inside of her unprotected
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Or they could just find a way to keep his growth controlled and make him mature faster.

What if s4 was only 25 episodes, but instead we got weekly videos for a year hosted by the ponies instead on inane subjects?
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Money that was on your shelf is missing, do you ask your pony maid about it?
for some reason whenever i have a lewd thought I sneeze twice
Pone demanded that you freestyle.
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That'd probably make her very angry.
Tell pone I already live on the edge.

My knees shake when I think of anything too lewd
oh, I guess that explains it.
Pony wants you to play it safe.
Oh yeah let's completely fuck with how he ages.
Also protip he's a BABY dragon.
Also another thing made clear by the show. Rarity sees him as a younger brother at most. No love love anywhere in the show. Hell she was hitting on Fancy. She doesn't really give a fuck about Spike loving her.
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I have no outward signs that show what I'm thinking. How does that even happen?
Give us the character pack and I might play it
Is getting an erection a natural reaction
yes indeedy
fuck i actually feel my nose tingling
>anyone giving a fuck about spike
Okay where should I upload it?
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good morning mlpg
even imgur, but that's a pain in the ass
You sure about that anon?
>She doesn't really give a fuck about Spike loving her.
pony is going to a 12-step meeting and wants to know if you can come with for support
>baby dragon
>grew up with Twilight when she was still a filly
If she's 20 he's probably around fifteen or sixteen or some shit.
hello bestprincess how are you
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Yeah and a bit later this happened.
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Sure. Just let me get my special glasses and I will attend the meeting to support the pony.
why the fuck are you guys talking about the show

why aren't you talking about tripfags and tumblr
It's 21:21 here...
Yes. Dragons can live for millions of years. Therfore, trying to give spike the responsabilities of a 20 year old when, according to his species, 20 years is pratically no age at all, is going to cause some incredible problems
I'd say she was 10 years old at the exam...They were around the same age as the CMC
What is the jalapeno for?
I'm a major Squigglekickerfag but I really hope Rarity ends up marrying Fancy Pants in the show.
Its a banana.
I don't see how that is not giving a fuck about spike. Sure she isn't interested in him romantically but spike does mean a lot to her.
For all you artists/people who like watching pretty sketches here, the Masters of Anatomy Kickstarter is now live.

>20 years is pratically no age at all, is going to cause some incredible problems
Except for ponies. Ponies aren't dragons. Spike would still have 20 years of life experience under his belt.
And I'm a huge Twirity fan and I completely agree with you. Fancypants is till now the only one worthy of her and the only one who could treat her right.
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And gay ships are for dweebs.
Yet he'll be considered a child. So it would be pedophilia.
He, right now, in the show, is like a 10 year old.
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They're not going to get married.
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will fancypants still like rarity when she becomes an alicorn princess
Here you are. You know where to put it right?
Anyway has some characters and each has their own job and stats.
My back is against a corner, so that's impossible.

I don't know, would you fuck a woman if you had a 50% chance of making super babies?
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Can it be a boy pony?
Pony is a ghost

He liked Rarity's friends even if they were acting completely idiotic so yeah I think he will still love her if she becomes an alicorn princess
I'd be insanely jealous of Fancypants.
But i know he'd make her happier than I ever could.
Yes, the probelm is, that's 20 years of PONY life experience. He's not actually 20 years old if you compare what "20 years old" would mean to a dragon (it'd probably be a number between 20,000 - 200,000 years, most likly), and he almost certainly shouldn't be given adult responsabilities when he is technically a toddler because that'll fuck him over in the long run, since he'll pratically have no "childhood" while other dragons would have had a childhood of about 1000 years or so
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Thanks, anon
Now I can be a true faggot while being a faggot.
>apple is drawing ponies again
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Dash makes a cute maid, but she sucks at cleaning.
That's the thing. She's my waifu. And I'd be happier than anything if she ended up with Fancy. He's a gentlemen. He's rich. He's a big name in the fashion industry.
He can make her happy. More happy than anyone could. And he'd be a bro with her friends too.
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Then no dice ese.
Why are tail docks so cute on those ponies?
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Well that certainly isn't fair anon

The males can only be butlers.
Or all mighty janitors
All of those things are true.
But I wouldn't be able to help myself from feeling some envy.
Because I'm a selfish son of a bitch.
They just are anon.
>that horn
I'd hire a stallion butler.
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Oh trust me you wouldn't be alone. I'd be happy for her but I'd still get drunk with Spike and cry ourselves to sleep
>not dressing your butlers up in maid outfits and forcing them to act and speak femininely

are you gay or something
Maybe we can all get drunk together.
Sued for emotional trauma and sexual assault.
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Yeah. All of us, going together at the bar, ordering a shitload of drinks and towards the end we'd toast for Rarity and Facnypants. Then we'd all hug and start crying together while the bartender just curses himself because it's one of those nights again.
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/r/mensrights pls
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Glad I could help.
Be careful tough. I gave them all backgrounds and made pegasuses, unicorns and Earth ponies different races.
And the game kinda makes the characters extremely racist

that was really deep
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Do you brush your ponies regularly
Whoops, forgot to brush today

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Make sure you brush them all!
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Pony requires a good brush at least once a wekk, but brushing more often helps keep them happy and clean.
Mayor Mare isn't racist. She just tries to keep Ponyville's traditions. The town was founded by earth ponies after all, right?
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I bet he'd have to deal with that a lot.
Anons who lost their waifus to someone else.
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I don't think she likes it though
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>against glorious feathery pegasi
aw fuck no
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>tfw applying for a job
>tfw automated email saying "we will only contact you if your qualifications merit and we wish to further discuss employment opportunities with you"

and that's the last I'll ever hear from them
thanks obama
I game them the thrice over.
that's what you get for taking compsci/a creative degree
Y-you're back?
A shit poster? yes he's back
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But it's just the linkboard.
GAVE damn it
You can spread rumours in the group to make the survivors hate or like each other more.

Of course it's kinda hit and miss. I mean I made Fluttershy a convicted murderer once and no one gave a fuck except AJ who liked her more.
That's not how you brush the teeth. You have to brush vertically!
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Anyway I kinda have a problem now...
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>except AJ who liked her more.
That's fucking wonderful.
>you will never cover your favorite pony in cum
how does pony shoot the gun
>inb4 magic
Shit man Mayor Mare is a stone cold killer
>Letting AB perform an amputation
RIP in peace Flutters
would look better without the tits
select pistol, select horse
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Good. I don't want to.
>you will never turn your favorite pony into cum
It's the most logical thing man. This are zombies we're talking about. She's already dead. Mayor is right. She'd consume their supplies and could go full zombie on them
>you will never cum your favorite pony into another pony
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I just want to cuddle her, she's adorable.
Killing her wouldn't solve the problem.
The game is a cruel bastard. She can raise as a zombie and attack the survivors in a few hours. Shit like that happened before.
>AJ dies
>Raises and attacks Rarity who was removing the corpses from the building
>Only saved by Twilight who shot AJ in the neck

I guess it's time to AMPUTATE!!
this is even better
Put fluttershy down old yeller style
i just tried that
i think you have to have a jew nose in order for it to stay in place
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>pony will never polish your rifle
>Killing her wouldn't solve the problem.
That's retarded. Why can't you choose to put a round in her head? The fuck.
>responding to shitposters

For a second there I thought I was looking at an old flintlock rifle, but then I noticed what I was looking at was pure retardation.
Same here.
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I can. It's one of the options. I'm just saying she'll probably raise later as a goddamn zombie.
pony's alright now
it's a pony gun anon of course it is
I haven't seen anything more retarded than FO:E's mouth guns though
At least it's not quite as retarded as mouth grips.

You have to press it between the lip and your nose. You don't see it on this manga because for some reason they don't draw noses right in them japanese comics.
How the fuck does that rifle work
>I'm just saying she'll probably raise later as a goddamn zombie.
And I'm saying that's retarded if you put a round through her skull.
Shit game, get it together.
>that song

hoof in the loop and pull back? I don't know
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I'm glad for pony
>AppleDan: obviously i've boiled some piss to use as a reference

Quality artist chat
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why fluttershy
wow it's fucking nothing
>Fluttershy finally succumbed to her new injuries and died shortly after

>Fluttershy is near death.

Is she ded or alive?

From what I can deduce, the rifle rests on the pone's shoulder considering it has no butt. In which case, the kick from the rifle would make the weapon jump up off of the shooter. It's completely impractical.
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I'm a horrible person. Also, I have an active eroguro fetish.

I guess this won't be winning me any points with the Flutterwaifufags.
>not experimenting with you body fluids
It's like you've never painted with blood before.
>near death
It's okay, it'll grow back.
what caused you to bring sentenal to your autism cave?
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here's those requests from last night if you didn't see them
The game has a few problems with the order of the events.
After the fight she was near death. But since the infection event happened in the middle of the fight it took precedence over the last line which shows Fluttershy's status.

Alternatively Apple Bloom killed her so much that she died and if you touch her she'd die again, being double ded
They're cut from the same super autistic cloth
Super adorable
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Just like your favorite ship then
I hate marker pony
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What are you wearing for Halloween, MLPG?
we back
>pony guns
pick one
Not getting any connection errors but I still can't see my posts or any new posts.
I don't ship.
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Loving the Fluttershy there.
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are we back?
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How horrifying
Pony just licked you, but because of the laws of mlpg only pony should lick pony. You're now to be turned into a background pony, with their fandom assigned personalities included. Choose.

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So adorable.
Oh hey we're alive again
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What the hell is wrong with you?

At this point in time my mother has closed my bank account in a panic and hid my $500 from me and left me without transportation just to keep me trapped here with her after she was responsible for freaking out when the neighbors called 911 on her when I was suicidal again and got me put in the hospital for 8 days... I have NO escape... MLPG is the only way that I have even a little bit of laughter and the only thing you can do is shitpost?

Go kill yourself.
We still ded?
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>posting broken for /mlp/ alone

bebest of bebs
The Haunting Hour is pretty good and also on the hub.
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I don't ship
Wow, thanks mootles
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which one of you was it
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I used to wonder what friendship could be.
I still do, but I used to, too.
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So drama queen mlpg, what is the latest drama these days?
I want to bury my head in that bosom while she giggles and calls me her good little boy.
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bretty gut, red
Site's down and nobody can post.
that's disgusting
sentenal became an hero
MOOT please break mlp again. Save us
Rediv has a big butt.
but would you stick your dick in it
In Rediv?

Sure, but I don't see the point, I'm only 5"
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those aren't his real eyes
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Chill, let's watch a movie.
Pics of it in panties when

it's really cute how proud AB looks of her burps.
When I lose about 150lbs, shave, and apply some kind of restorative cream.
Any googly eyes on ponies?
I'm dressing up like a pulp serial aviator
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>All three seasons edited with realistically behaving googly eyes on the pones' faces

fund it
8/10 I giggled
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a horse mask and morse code thing
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