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Previous Thread

AJ has gone missing and its up to her friends to find her! Did you expect this episode to be an Applejack episode when it first aired? Which version of Derpy did you like the most? Why is there no love for the cherry pony?
The old Derpy was cuter
>no love for Chery Jubilee
u wot
Cherry is a very small pony.
I was told Daring Doo would be here?
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I claim this thread in the name of Rumble
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Derpy is a fun pony
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Cherry Jubilee's brothel
I expected the apple episode.
The original version of Derpy was the better obviously.
Cherry doesn't get love because she's based on a character who runs a whore house. She gives love, but gets none.
Fuck off drugfag

I like the comics, perhaps in some lights more than the show but I'll never call them "canon"
Shutup, Sparkler, you ded.

More Daring Do story when?
>oh crap, I haven't checked MLPG today! I might have missed something iporta-BWAHAHAHAHA
I'm not really Sparkler, he's long gone I imagine.
Applejack sure lied a lot that episode.
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Please stop forcing your drugshit on everyone.
she does that a lot
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>element of honesty
She was my second favourite pony before that episode.
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Technically, Applejack wasn't lying. If she was, AJ would be skinned by Pinkie by now.

Got nothing against Cherry, but if she touches my waifu like that again there's gonna be blood.
I'm not forcing anything
I'm just saying official content is canon
you're the one forcing your denialfaggotry on everyone

what's next, are you going to say Flash Sentry isn't canon because you didn't like the movie?
Are you going to say Crysalis' crown thingie doesn't come off because you don't like the comics?
She was lying, not showing up to breakfast was a lie upon another and a poor rationale.
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I want to wear Chrysalis' crown thingy
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There weren't any drugs featured in what you posted.
Stop replying retard.
too bad
you can't
because someone arbitrarily drew the line as to which fictional content is real and which isn't

stop forcing the crown-thingy you crown-thingy fag
>I'm not forcing anything on anyone but I'm going to tell you a character you like is a drug addict
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And yet, Pinkie was disarmed. So AJ was telling the truth.

Also, why isn't Pinkie dead after this encounter?
Haha, they are
>AJ was telling the truth
She misdirected Pinkie Pie, but she still lied.
You might miss the latest fapfic.
The Last Roundup had good action scenes (the chase, cherry incident) that actually advanced the plot.

Derpy's scene was kind of redundant since the plot worked without it. Slapstick should not happen without a reason, and if the plot mostly consists of it (Baby Cakes), the episode is weak.
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Tell me, why would Cherry touching your waift enraged you?
I don't even have a waift so, no, i don't think so.
Normally I'd agree but come on, those comics are less canon than my dick
Or do you think King Zebra is canon
Or the fact that Twilight married Blueblood
Or that Dash and Scootaloo(Terry) saved Celestia's daughter
And the latest drawing!
And the latest drama
>Twilight married Blueblood
I'm waiting for this to happen in S4

Because of all the >Implied things that went with it in that one scene
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I think this comic is what you are looking for.
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>Or the fact that Twilight married Blueblood
>Or that Dash and Scootaloo(Terry) saved Celestia's daughter
And the latest inappropriate comment on Rediv's derriere!
Pinkie giving up on does not mean that AJ wasn't dishonest.
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what a silly pony
They...like fat people?
What point are you trying to make here?
I've done this with my moobs.
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Guys, what if these two are sisters?
That fat people are objectively disgusting?
And a very big steam powered giraffe that smokes
It was a shitty joke
I'm sorry
Fuck Scootaloo
It's okay, Ronnie.
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Pink you'd stop having so many head aches if you cut back on the sugar a little bit.
It's your body crashing from sugar highs all the time.
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Why are you so mean to Scootaloo?
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that just means she needs more sugar so that she doesn't come down
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I would
Cripple Orphan looks up to a child-abusing kidnapper.
It would've come up by now...right?
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>fucking a filly
But that guy's cute.
Twilight's Brother, Rarity and Sweetie,
It's amazing how quickly Hasbro decides to mandate these things.
She's the worst
I'd say Rar and Sweetie was established early enough. It's not like they were in episodes together before that acting like complete strangers.
Shutup. Rarity and Sweetie were made to be together
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Why don't you be her role model?

You're the worst.
>getting seduced by a filly
How weak are you, Humbert?
Fucking a filly in her butt?
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>Cherry Jubilee gets no love
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Just like your face
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When it comes to ponies, not very strong at all
you make pony hard
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>mfw: http://derpibooru.org/365076
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I bet she'll be hot when she's older
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O-oh gosh
will pony show me just how hard I make them?
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>you make celestia hard
Teen Scootaloo in a Wonderbolts speed suit
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They both will look hot and hard, together!
I totally would.
Though I doubt she'd find me "cool" enough. I'm not extremely athletic like Dash is aside from playing basketball with friends. I like making food and performing music.
oh god that left hoof
>those legs
With their respective boyfriend and girlfriend that aren't each other.
Remember when that one fag kept trying to force his headcanon that Scootaloo was Fluttershy's sister? I'm pretty sure it was either Nathan or Deafdefiler.

Sometimes it's good to look back and laugh at how wrong someone was.
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uh oh

dick move dash
>Past 2011
Man I can't wait for some Scootaloo and Dash episodes in season 4 now that they've finally broken the ice
Very good anon, canon does go past 2011.
Right on.
Loli is not for sexual but shota is.
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Hey guysh, what poll should I put up at best-pony.tk next?
Any ideas? Anything you want to know about ponydom?

no sex until legal
>Anything you want to know about ponydom
there are lots of things I want to know about ponydom
for example: who is the most dominant pony
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It's close enough
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But what about ssloli?
But both Nikon Canon makes some nice DSLRs, although overall I prefer Pentax entry level DSLRs
For mirrorless go Leica or go home
Yeah, I like the trainee outfit better'

Goat Train is working on something like that so I hope he picks the good one

not until legal
What if a filly wanted to have sex with you?

And if you declined, her heart would break
Without hesitation
Write a letter asking to Princess Celestia asking for guidance and legal advice
I'd ask Celestia first. I need to know more about pony world.
I could never see myself having sex, so I would decline.
I'LL DRAW FILLYFUTA AND YOU WON'T STOP ME not really, I'm not into that.
Not only is she not ready for that, but she's not mai waifu.
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>Dear anon
>I will break your legs
>who is the most dominant pony
>the CMC have died of broken hearts
>Anonymous is the prime suspect
CMC, would you honestly want to have sex with a dirty,ugly,unshaven,fat and gangly person with a body shape that resembles a tall upright frog?
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Here's what I got so far. Suggestions?
>you will never be the little pony
>you will never give unsavoryanon the marevag he so desperately needs
You're really good anon.
It's pretty cute but it's a bit hard to tell what's going on without context
maybe if there was a way to show her makeup missing or being taken?
not that guy but i love this
Rarity's horn is too small and misplaced, i think.
>Rarity's horn is too small

Maybe the hot water ran out in the shower.
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>anon and Sweetie's expressions
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You were in there for like an hour god damn.
Beatifully executed.
It's nearly exactly the image I had in my head.
pony is ready to cross-examine the witness
I want to be the little pony so I won't have to be the unsavory anon
>you become the unsavory little pony
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No, no, no, dear no. She's obviously confusing her feelings.
jokes on you, that's someone's fetish
Better than being an unsavory human.

Does Equestria have Autismbits?
>no pony wants to be with you
>not even a changeling wants your love
R-Rara sama...
They're just curious
It's not like you can get anyone pregnant
Not yet, anyway.
That style looks really familiar, but I just can't remember who it reminds me of.
It reminds me of that Zyzz comic.
oh yeah
it reminds me of the one the guy did with 'god lift the queen'
Na, SIRs style looks waaay different.

It kinda looks a bit like a combination of Jailbaits old style and BDF.
It reminds me of Apple in some ways
Rumble the cougar hunter?
It's PurpleYoshi
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>cougar hunter
>implying he isn't cougar bait
>You will never be turned into a female diamond dog.
>you will never be turned in to a female timberwolf
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I bet timberwolves would make for some awesome pets.
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>implying he isn't doing it on purpose
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>MT will never piss on your floor
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Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
>MT will never piss in your mouth
>braeburned will never do a Rararaquest
rumble/ss dabess
Pony has no idea that I'm behind wall Sina.

Pony should better prepare herself for vicious cuddle rape
pony is welcome to live in her gilded cage, but I dearly hope she has an escape plan for when the wall fails
Dr. Ray D'Angelo Harris please.
Sina, when the walls fell
Pony says the military police will protect pony
Pony says the walls cannot fail, as they are kamisama's divine right
I'd rather he do a Flutterquest
>Get bitten by a diamond dog
>Slowly gain diamond dog traits
>You start barking and growling at ponies
>You find yourself surrounded by gems in the morning, usually stolen from Rarity
>Dog treats easily persuade you
>You start developing breasts and growing fur
>Rarity has to keep you down in the cellar during the transformation
She's the reason why you're turning into a diamond dog anyway

>just finished the anime
>see this

mlpg pls
it's creepy
I'm happy that I wasn't spoiled the whole Walls are Titans because that was a huge what the fuck for me.
>Pony says the military police will protect pony
The military police is too corrupt to help her.

Actually, they will even hold her down while I cuddle rape her.
>Walls are Titans
He's been spamming it for days
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pegasi best
>Walls are TItans
Dey wot m8
I would happily enjoy a life of purposeful service to a nice pony like rarara
I hope she makes me a good digger!
Huge boobs would be a nice bonus too
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Last three seconds of the season final, after the credits.

Also in the manga.
>Huge boobs and a dick
>She whore you to the weird and rich ponies of canterlot
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just because it's obviously true doesn't mean you have to go around rubbing it in
>haven't even seen one episode
I only know of the intro because I heard of a version that had kazoos in it
You know, the end of the anime?
After the credits?
A nice young lad helped take pony's groceries back to pony's nice safe behind wall Sina flat a few weeks ago. Pony says you are lying
I stopped watching it after 8 episodes
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wait no!
that's not what I wanted at all!
dogcocks are gross

horsedick, humandick or nothing
I'm actually glad that pony doesn't believe me.
Makes it so much easier for me.
You're a dog.
i juse kept saying "no" while reading this. Then i realized what am i even doing here?
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from the original post I assumed I was a ladydog
I was hoping to get railed thoroughly as a part of my obedience training
>tfw the boob having kills it for me
>tfw heterosexual
>tfw everybody makes smut with my fetishes but not my orientation

welp, at least it makes getting real sex easier.
After the Titan Eren thing? I honestly don't blame you for it. I mean, I still liked it but they lost probably the biggest potential ever.
Exactly after that.
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>You will never be forced to balance a treat on your nose while you suck some stallion off
>You will never get occasionally raped by male diamond dogs.
>start developing breast
>not a good and able dick
Deal breaker.
>not both

the fuck are you so smug about?
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Man, I feel like there's barely anyone else who thinks the titan thing was kinda cool.

We still have Levi and Mikasa who are a hundred times more efficient than Eren anyway.
hey [girl] can i have your phone number?
i want to hang out with you sometime

am i doing it right?
How many season 3 episodes did you like MLPG?

>it's creepy
Just you wait until they reach the manga, you could say things are going to turn bananas
unf. More D/s and rape pls.
I also stopped watching it after that, but seriously, I was just plain lazy to download next episodes.
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>you could say things are going to turn bananas
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It just feels like a massive cop out to the whole "humanity trying to survive against impossible odds" theme that we've been shown.

Although the Eren Titan fights were really good at least.

Actually, should I continue from where the anime ended, or should I start all over with the manga? I heard they change the ending a bit in the anime.
Even the ponies?
Is it me, or does MLPG gradually get worse every week?
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In the manga, Misaka is the one that sees the Titan inside the wall.
Also you should keep watching the anime. The expedition is pretty good.
I read through all of the manga but honestly, there wasn't that much difference, you could as well just start where the anime ended.
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anime is terrible
>after a hot, healthy breakfast she sends you off to a freshly marked mine
>spend all day happily digging away, whistling a tune
>you take a break for lunch, the thermos that master gave you means you have a nice supply of warm ponyspunk
>suddenly you sniff out some mean ol' dogs coming down the shaft
>quickly hide the gems before they show up
>knotting means you're getting raped for the whole afternoon, wasting valuable digging time
>fortunately they never found the gems
>choke down tears as you explain to rarity why the day's load is so light
>beg her forgiveness and ask her how you can do better tomorrow
It's you. You think MLPG is getting gradually worse each week.
>everyone is right in their own way
That lightning strike the the Yaeger transformation was dope
welcome to literally every community on the internet
nothing ever gets better
It really was. I skipped back to see it again multiple times.
I did finish it. Just saying that it's full of missed opportunities.
You guys should read the manga.

I started the manga from the part where Annie uses the ring spike.

And yeah, that last episode was quite different from the manga.

Eren doesn't go berserk and melts with Annie, Levi is still injured and Mikasa is the one that discovers the titan on the wall
Weird. I didn't expect to see that many episodes in S3 being liked here considering how people normally give anyone that likes it a hard time around here.
I did, that's why I found that comment so funny
>humanity trying to survive against impossible odds
yea, the first few episodes seemed crazy when itfit that theme, and that part of the shoe officially died when Eren got eaten. I was like "what the fuck!!!"
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>Jaeger tf
>Just saying that it's full of missed opportunities.
Like everything in the world.
How about that new chapter?
I stopped reading the manga months ago when it finished. Now the author is drawing more and you expect me to keep up? What should I do, wait for the releases? Hah!
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That's apparently a really loud minority
She says you have to be more enthusiastic and give those diamond dogs a nice time
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I really feel that the author is running out of idea's
Its like "hmmmmm ... who will be the titan next? Oh maybe the captain is one!"
>How about that new chapter?
Wait, is 50 out yet?
I actually cheered internally when I saw that part because Eren was just insufferable and I couldn't stand him anymore, and I thought it was pretty bold to kill the main character in a shonen, especially this early
Needless to say I was extremely disappointed with how it turned out
eren is titan king or some shit
the S3 episodes are so poorly done, that hating them isn't even an option. It's unfair, like putting Usain Bolt in the Special Olympics . S2 and S1 episodes actually had a backbone, so they could take the criticism.
Titanus prime. Transform and walk out.
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>eren is titan king or some shit
Yeah, but as always, more questions unanswered ;_;
You were the titans all alogn
yea, it was like When Kamina died in TTGL
Can someone give me a link? The page I normally use doesn't have it yet.

You should just watch kill la kill instead. The protagonist makes it to her dad's basement in the first ep
a-are you sure?
I can't dig while I'm knotted, and I don't think I can trust them not to rob all your gems!
and I just like stallions so much more than dogs...

oh well, if you really think so, I'll do my best!
>expecting the same tired arguments written in the same style posted at the same times to be more than a few loud people
A good chunk of us were okay with it
We just like seeing cute ponies, mang
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how lude. He told you that in a spoiler. That's like showing everyone those naughty pictures your girlfriend told you not to show to anyone
I kind feel that Eren gets too much hate.

I thought that was really great.
Is that really as good as everyone says?
But Anon, I already do.
Shit, I'm gonna watch it. Isn't it made by the same guys who made Little Witch Academia?
It's not just Eren I hated, I hated pretty much every single character
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>non pony in /mlp/ will never be regulated as harshly as pony on the rest of 4chan
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What if there was an episode about someone with autism? Not the internet kind of autism, I mean like full blown autism.
those guys are working on LWA2


>someone tells you to watch something
>is it good?
close the tab and don't look back.
>start collage
>almost no time for pony.
The show lied to me. I mean friends are cool and all but ponies are more fun and entertaining.

At least I'll be ale to spend all of Saturday talking about pony nonstop when the show finally airs.
Also speaking of ponies when is the next comic issue coming out? I want to see depressed Shinign Armor.
Also there's no micro this month right? We're getting that EqG thing right?
Little Witch Academia, Pantie and stocking, TTGL
You mean like Dragonshy?
as in dog penises
I suppose Fluttershy could use another episode.
P&S was made by Gainax you whore, not Trigger
I couldn't really make it past the first few episodes
It just seemed like Screaming and Yelling: The Anime
The coolest part about it are the magical toaster pants that let you do cool shit
I preferred Teen TITANS....
we're talking about dogfucking

it's not a pleasant subject
I'd much rather be talking about horsefucking, but you can't choose your smut and at least it's more on topic than the rest of the conversations going on
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I can see why the podcast received such feedback.

>mlpg podcast
>discussing /v/
I meant college. Fuck I'm tiered.
That and the music are the best things about the anime.
i feel naturally comfortable her.

How was it received? I didn't listen to it.
>Fluttershy's store bought toaster is on fire
Leetle pony is funny to me.
Yeah, they dicked up a couple of things. Well it could be worse.
This is wrong. They are working on LWA2 after they finish KLK. They said as much on the kickstarter.

Trigger was made by most of the core animators of panty and stocking, and TTGL. They jumped ship because they wanted more freedom to do what they wanted. The director of kill la kill is the director of panty and stocking if I remember right.
EqG annual is next week with #12 the week after. The next micro is coming the 13th of November.

>autistic pony turns up
>everyone is instructed to love and tolerate his strangeness
>ponies quickly get tired of his bullshit
>autistic pony is told that the street goes both ways; you have to learn to tolerate society as much as society tolerates you
>Dear Princess Celestia,
>Eugenics laws when?
>Yours sincerely,
>P in the Rincess, T to the Wilight Spizzarkle.

it's easy as 1, 2, 3
Oh dear.
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>I can see why the podcast received such feedback.
You do realize that all of the "feedback" was people bitching before they even listened right?
The feedback after listening was full of "it needs work" but not near as much bile
>The next micro is coming the 13th of November.
And it's the Ln one if I remember correctly right? Well it'll be fun seeing more EqG shit that makes absolutely no sense at all
How did I not notice any of these
my sides had ascended
>tfw no famicolt to play pony vidya on
my feedback came well after listening and it was that LK needs to speak up and GypsyMagic needs to be replaced by someone that speaks American
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>personal message from the staff before the credits
Spike's is coming first. Luna's is scheduled for December 11th.

the levels were a bit off and you can tell they haven't done much podcast stuff before this
it wasn't horrible though and i learned a little about the Gabecube
>and GypsyMagic needs to be replaced by someone that speaks American
That's stupid
>Implying ponies would except eugenics
Just accept that your taxes are giving him the nice life.

Autismbucks is great, Autismbits? Glorious.
P&S was awful and just a long string of crude language sex jokes punctuated by a fight scene every episode

that's literally all it was
it's essentially family guy: the notanime
>not using a mac or a GAYMER LAPTOP with enough LEDs to give you a seizure
That's my only problem with that
But that's not about an autistic pony.
What the fuck is your problem? You can understand Gypsy perfectly fine.
That's what I mean by feedback
The "feedback" was before it was released and bitching about circlejerking
fuck u, fatherfuker
You say that, but I sort of agree. It was a little too Nordic.
Also they don't have the right charisma for podcasting.
>GypsyMagic needs to be replaced by someone that speaks American
No, fuck that and fuck you. On the contrary, we need as many interesting and different accents as possible.
The art style and music saved it.
Not to mention the demons
Kneesocks > Scanty
No she bought the HP with green LEDs because its good for the environment.

>GAYMER LAPTOP with enough LEDs to give you a seizure

That's more Pinkie than Fluttershy
>not being able to understand Gypsy

You stuffin' apples in your ears again, son?
>I used to wonder what friendship could be
>Then a titan ate me
>Giant fuckers
>Tons of them
>Not very smart
>But hell they're strong
>Sever spines
>It's an easy feat
>And jetpacks make it all complete
>It's my giant titan
>You're all going to fucking diiieeeee

As a NEET on government benefits, written off from an early age because autism, I can say that it truly is glorious.

I've done two BSc's so far and I'm doing my Master's next year. 23 atm. Feels good. The government knows next to nothing about autism and is happy to throw money at me for nothing. Until they wise up and stop I'm going to enrich the fuck out of myself, so when they do finally stop, I'll come out way ahead.

Engineering fag here btw
She's using a HP laptop, prone to overheating. Probably purchased at PC World. How is that not appropriate?
I didn't listen to it, but unless you literally couldn't understand him it doesn't matter
>tfw too jaded to enjoy even the best things
i'll save it for a rainy day
>we need as many interesting and different accents as possible.

Man I love accents.
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Looks like she almost got a prick up the butt!

Did Attack on Titan strike anyone else as NGE done with medieval technology, and without as much in the way of Christian religious themes?

Seriously. Angels = Titans, but somehow less scary.
10 yeas dungeon
You should.. then you'll know what you're talking about.

Fluttershy is to goddamn shy to be able to speak or say no. The moment she entered the shop it was clear she would leave with the most expensive thing there (a mac or a gaymer laptop), a gold plated Monster Cable HDMI with special coating that reduces virus noise and a Geek Squad employee to plug in her laptop for the low low price of 100$. For an extra 200 he'll even install Windows Updates and IE 11.
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griffon should griffon pony
Isn't he from spain or somewhere around that area?

Don't get me started. Pacific Rim anyone? Kajuis, Angels and Titans. Who would win? We need a battle royale.
Discord can bring you to Equestria, no tricks, but you have to WPSHH Celestia as soon as you get there.
Pretty much. Yet Shinji was actually more useful than Eren.
Only once?
What's the catch?
Not him but I've spoken to Gypsy often enough to know that his English is totally acceptable.
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Titans wouldn't stand a chance. Kaijus would think of them as delicious extra-large meals. Then an Angel would come along and AT field beam everyone into nothingness.

Can't kill a God with oversized fish and humans.
I didn't watch NGE, but the Kaiju would pretty much violate the Titans in every orifice
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I have to what?

You might have 3rd dgree burns on your hand afterwards. Also she may kill you but who knows!

She's shy, not autistic.
>Soon as she leaves the geek squad guys have such a bout of conscience they rebate or refund all the expensive shit
>Somehow end up giving her money
>The manager wanted to stop them but that rabbit with the .50 cal made him think otherwise
I have all the apples
all of them
But games make people angry, and are loud. She'd want a general purpose laptop, for checking emails and listening to podcasts on. HP is the manufacturer that somehow appeal to old people who don't know what a computer is. Hence.
Shinji was the single most annoying character ever. I couldn't make it past the fifth or sixth episode because he was such an insufferable, whiny cunt.
Me too. I'd love to see even more ponies with accents in the show. A French pony, perhaps. Or a Japanese one.
That seems highly unlikely. Who's this false pony?

They both had that annoying kid thing where they just refused to do anything and bitched about how hard life was.

At least Shinji manned up and went bro-tier awesomeness for most of the time. Plus he actually got to feel up Rei. Eren seems sexless most of the time.
Pony says you should come over sometime
Pony says you can't miss it, it's an orange flat right next to wall Sina
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I have not seen Titan, how the fuck is that even possible? He'd literally have to be killing his own guys to be less useful than Shinji.
A russian griffon
Isn't the biggest titan still dwarfed by any kaiju? I don't watch the show, but unless they can go Super Saiyan the kaiju would tear them to shreds
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Then do you have a replacement for this one? I think she may be defective.
what's the difference
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but griffons are french
I'm concerned that she skipped number 2
a nu cheeki breeki iv damke!
She wouldn't have a choice. I agree she wouldn't need any kind of laptop. A $200 Chormebook would be enough for her but that's the entire point. She's a wet dream for people like Geek Squad. It's not that she's technologically retarded. It's just that if she went there alone she'd end up with the most expensive useless shit.
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Pony wants to tell you something.
One of them was french.
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Is apples a codeword for marevaginas?
I was referring more to his presentation style, it's just not exciting or interesting. He can talk, like a regular human being often does, but there's really not much other than that. Too many pauses, too many um uhh er mumble, not to mention their mics are shit
can pony save it for later
I'm going to sleep

You should, man, especially if you dig giant stuff fighting other giant stuff. I was advised to watch NGE after expressing love for Attack on Titan and so on.

It's a really surreal show, lots of mystic themes and stuff. I just finished watching the reboot of the series, which is a set of 3 (soon to be 4) movies. They're visually beautiful and full of all sorts of cool shit.
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Oh yeah.
Her eyes are up there, Anon.
Eren at least followed orders, even if it did end up biting him back.

Eren is useful, in a sense, but Shinji actually did shit despite being an even more annoying character
Was this finished?
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I've been meaning to, but didn't really have time
I'll start next week though
according to the map griffins seem to be the most widespread sentient creatures in FiM yurop.
that or they are present in large numbers alongside pones
>You will never get stoned with Chance and pull hilarious pranks on Chronicle
i can dig it

Shinji did end up killing a fuck load of people just because he had a thing for Rei. Near-Third Impact, yo.
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what eyes
ponies don't have eyes
Could they have reduced the white noise? I remember there's a fairly simple and efficient way to do it with audacity.
I agree on the pauses part, but that has nothing to do with accents or nationality.
Would not ship.
It was literally their first one ever so I wouldn't expect them to be pros
They are asking for help to make it better like topics or guests

Eren got fucking used and abused. At least he had a purpose though, a mission in life.

All Shinji seemed to want to do is make his dad proud/give Rei the D
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nigga you gay
Even Gypsy Danger is taller than the biggest Titan who dwarfs every other Titan easily.

So yeah, the kaiju probably wouldn't even realize when he steps on one of them.
right on my face
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Then consider my previous post help
>fix the while noise
>don't sound autistic
>get good scrub
>give up
RIP in peace, Anon.
derpy unbirthing anon
>I was referring more to his presentation style, it's just not exciting or interesting
Ah, okay, I thought you were still the "He should be replaced by someone who speaks American" Anon.
what bummed me out the most was that the world building is so good, yet they killed the potential

he's a soldier and realized that.

It'd be like a super-size meal at McDonalds for a Kaiju.

They wouldn't have the intelligence to defeat an Angel, which would murder it in seconds because it doesn't have an AT field. Angels can melt mountains and boil oceans and other apocalyptic shit.
i'll just do it then
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I really love the thought of Jaegers going at the titans

a lot
No, my complaint was solely based on the unpleasantness of his accent. I haven't made another post in the conversation since.
sex with apples
into her butt?
AT field is just a force field, boolets can penetrate it. Seeing as Kaiju have enough force and resistance around them to tear through metal like butter I'd think that it would be able to work it's way through one.
not my first choice in pony mothers, but I guess I'll take it
>TFW there will never be a Mechwarrior movie
>You will never see a Highlander crush an overheated Commando using jumpjets in glorious HD
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>Jaeger vs. Titans vs. Kaiju

Shinji's dad would have gotten a better result from his plan if he'd raised his son to be a soldier, instead of just letting him be a civilian for years then suddenly calling on him and in five seconds going DUDE WE NEED YOU TO PILOT THIS EVA NO WORRIES WE CAN SORT OUT OUR MASSIVE DADDY ISSUES LATER GO DO IT

>you will never be intercepted by Derpy's sentient butt.
I think I actually prefer watching the angry manlet slice them up over having a giant robot fix everything in a few hours.
Well we may as well throw in all the power rangers, the gundams, and godzilla into the mix.
gundams are shit

>80m height

It's twice the height of the biggest Titan. It would be like a badass muscular 6'2 marine breaking into a classroom full of special ed kids and killing them.
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Well more than two people is essential, otherwise you can't have the ridiculous tangents, or the banter we have.

Not to mention a lot of the 'uniqueness' comes from anons, not namefags.


Yes please
You're a shit.
danger to touch
big robot
much metal
many moving parts
good for punches
time to fight

Yeah but the AT field beams the Angels have eat through anything that ISN'T an AT field in seconds. The Kaiju would be fucked because they have no defence.
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>Lyra will never fight a giant robot
Look anon, if you want to enjoy your super anime samurai space robots I won't stop you but don't try and pretend they aren't basically DBZ characters as opposed to giant robots
But imagine that the Titans can regenerate, and there's alot of them. You put a Jaegar to protect a city and it's wounds are going to build up. Sure they'll try to patch him up with medieval metalsmithing but eventually you're going to end up with a Gipsy Danger leaned against a wall, immobile, 30 titans surrounding it with one working arm and 3 bullets left.
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>Lyra will never use you and another Anon as living dolls
What was wrong with Mechwarrior Online?
>Giant lyra attacks
>Takes entire cities hostage
>We had to fight back
>We found someone named mewball who said he could do it
>Cloned him 5000 times
>They swarm the lyra
>We lost alot of mewballs that day, but they went on their own terms

I wonder how fast a Jaeger can move though? The Titans seem to be able to run along at a fair old pace. If the Jaegers can just outrun Titans all day, they'd have a lower attrition rate.

Ammo would be a concern though. Not to mention most of their attacks are melee.

You're right. The only answer is EVA.
if it's not at least two ponies I'm going to be disappointed
I will settle for one very large pony but I won't be happy about it
just kidding I'll totally be happy with one large pony
A lot of balance issues, promised features either being delayed for long periods of time or withheld indefinitely, PGI not knowing what's wrong with their own game, slow to produce new content (still only one real game mode), 3rd person view
would you like fries with that?
The prize?
can I get a tater-tots instead?
abnormals can run pretty damn fast and are quick too

then you bring in eren, annie and the armored titan

that's actually something I liked from AoT. they showed giants actually being quick instead of sluggish
>It's twice the height of the biggest Titan.
Isn't the biggest Titan like 60m tall though? The walls are 50m high and he can peek over them
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>Do ya like my new hat, anon?
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>3rd person view
How fucking dare they.
Well it was a treasure hunt with your favorite pony and your favorite CMC but since you don't want it I'm giving it to >>13938082

I wasn't talking to you. And give that Sassaflash back. For the last time you weren't the winner of that either
couldn't we just kill titans really easily with today's technology?

i thought it was established that we've even got weapons now that could've cleaned a kaiju's skull out no problem.
I can't tell if you're being facetious or not but 3rd person view basically changes the entire way the game is played since you could now peek around corners without actually exposing any portion of your mech and see things you weren't supposed to be able to see from your cockpit
>but since you don't want it
excuse me
I clearly guessed two ponies and the prize is two ponies
what the hell kind of scam is this
I like your butt. It's a nice butt.
DYEWTM? It took today's conventional weapons TWO DAYS of constant fire to take out a class-1 kaiju
Like what?
Sorry. Breakfast closes at 10.

a giant sword cut a kaiju in half, dammit. do you know why we stopped using swords? because guns are a lot better.

they hardly used the bigger guns.
oh Kaiju, how did you get so pregnant?
Who's the father?
I still think it was stupid that they didn't simply slice every kaiju up.
Fuck that bit of acidic blood, they laid waste to every city they fought in anyway
>we've even got weapons now
I'm sorry I wasn't aware we had giant robots carrying around giant swords yet
What the fuck am I reading

you completely missed the point of the post.

I never quite reconciled that in my mind. A big thing punching it a lot managed to kill a Kaiju quickly, but the maximum deliverable munitions load of the entire deployed US military took 2 days?

Even caught on the back foot that's a big disparity.
If a sword fucked him a missile would open a big ass hole on him.
>Not knowing about those
Oh ow I bet you aren't in Equestria either
What if AJ got a new butt?
That one aussie robot took out that kaiju with missles.

Really it was a very stupid movie, and trying to make sense of all the holes is a stupid waste of time.
The robot killed it's pride too.
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Reiner is the armored titan. Bertolt is the colossus titan
>no unusual
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>trying to make sense of impractical bipedal giant walking tanks and not just enjoying giant robots fighting giant monsters
Yes, a sword the size of a building cut a kaiju in half
I don't want to calculate forces right now, but I'm sure that it had more kinetic energy than a conventional missile
yo momma is the dick titan
that actually makes sense
Reiner reminds me of it
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pony's heart hurts
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Pony's butt hurts
The scene where he reveals it to Eren is the best. "Oh, hey dude, we are the Titans that fucked humanity up the ass."
Pony should stop drinking so much soda and eating all that cany and start wearing the saddles I bought her
It would still probably be a pretty good butt.
Pony should relax.
Yes I do. I also watch it for training. Know I know what to do when invading robot aliens attack.
I just plug in a controller in one and mash random buttons. Just like my fighting vidya

Thank you Coop for teaching me how to be a hero.
Not cool dude.

I know right? That probably was the laziest scene in the manga.

"Hey dude we're the titans that killed humanity, sup"
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pony can't relax
I wonder how the animu is going to handle that

Pony should lie down and paste to some Lustmord
>not most brilliant

You know how kids do stupid things? That was one of those times.


how do you get paste from listen phone...how?
Can this pony rattle me bones?
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>mfw watching Kill la Kill
Oh fuck, it's so silly and great and exactly my type of show
>How about that new chapter?
Eren will stay a perma virgin if he keeps behaving that way.
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Why is mlpg so obsessed with little ponies?
You need to check your privilege you sizist assholes
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1/4 of the mane6 episodes for season 2, where all they do is argue and kill each other, and at the end bullshit one another that they're still friends. Sacharrine crap world shit.
>AJ has gone missing and its up to her friends to find her!
Didn't really go missing at all.
>Did you expect this episode to be an Applejack episode when it first aired?
I was expecting at least more screentime and perspective for Applejack when she loses the competition, the one which we didn't get to see.
What I really wanted was an adventure episode where they go to some northern icy lands, I was expecting them to finally use those capes from the spike episode.
I don't understand why they bother making new designs if they're never gonna use them.

> Which version of Derpy did you like the most?
The subtle one like LookBeforeYouSleep's opener. Where she accidentally causes a lightning bolt chain reaction by setting up the storm clouds too close to the town hall. Speaking of storm clouds, whatever happened to the theme of the ponies controlling the weather and taking care of the seasons? it kinda dissappeared.

>Why is there no love for the cherry pony?
Typical giddy,stupid,ignorant,forgettable side character, just like photo finish,fancy pants,sapphire shores. They all seem to be suffering from parkinsons, adhd, general awareness, and mostly have no important role or leave any memorable mark in the episodes.
Also Mayor Mare was winking too much at Applejack. Apparently the animator had a fetish for bedroom eyes and whores.
I don;t think I've seen him express any romantic feelings for anyone in the series, outside maybe Annie.

Then again, I've only seen the anime so far.
atleast the potheads are gone
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I told you anon. I told you about it
>Typical giddy,stupid,ignorant,forgettable side character, just like photo finish,fancy pants,sapphire shores. They all seem to be suffering from parkinsons, adhd, general awareness, and mostly have no important role or leave any memorable mark in the episodes.

Don't be that guy.

Definitely don't be that guy on THIS show.
Do you ever step back and thing "Wow, I am a gigantic fucking retard"?
Because you really should
I'm doing that almost daily you bitch
Hey man I think it's cool that you see errors in the podcast and that you pointed them out but making an entire comic for it is kind of insulting
Make me.
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>almost daily

I hope Celestia will tell you one day how much she hates you.,
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I really want to do that to Cloudchaser.
I AM studying, Twilight! I have an economics assignment due in less than 12 hours!
What an ugly pegasus

100,000 MegaMegans
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>Having friends
I just want to do Cloudchaser
I want that Cloudchaser to do me
I want to be cloudchaser doing anon
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plushies can't fuck, anon
I want to do Cloudchaser's sister
OBJECTION your honor:
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such lewd thoughts anon
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does anyone have the rest of this series?
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It's shit.
A small country went bankrupt to pay for that
They're really just hangin out there
>i can make her ear twitch
>so animated
It's pretty static
>not going with fluttershy
As far as I'm concerned, there is no "rest of the series."
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cuddling is fine too
in the future, in history class we will be learning about anonymous and not the french revolution but this revolution.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
good enough to become brony famous then
It sure doesn't seem to be really hard to become brony famous!
Pony says only betas cuddle
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traditional pone
You'd be right.
I'd rather go with Rarity
flitters teeth are colored wrong
No that's just her mouth vagina
I only cuddle sexually.
Who is the saddest character?
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It's supposed to be her tongue
That`s not what pony says
>slits for vaginas
How boring.
Pony don't know SQUAT.
Why don't they fuck his brother?
Pony's butt says different
Pony's butt only knows how to fuck.
pony thinks that this relationship is based to much on physical and not enough emotional
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Pony is fibbing to us
Pony's butt is the brains of the operation
Depends on what you mean, but that clown guy in the Pinkie Micro was pretty sad.
Maybe Cranky Doodle prior to the end of AFID.
Pony says what are you a child?
>oh what could have been
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qeq qep pep
ded deb beb
pegasi having sex inside a cloud
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The others are in the "More from kakashichika" box on the right for me, hopefully they're there for you so you don't have to dig through their gallery.
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Why is Pinkie like this? I can't handle it
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132 KB PNG
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Why is she so cute?
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158 KB JPG
The hell!?
Pony says get dunked.
I'm having chicken and fruit for lunch, what's the third thing i should have?
A horse
nevermind, rice
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236 KB GIF
Pinkie Pie
but only because she isn't real
Pony says if you go to bed right now she'll come and watch over your dreams.
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1.46 MB GIF
Give pony the backhand
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44 KB
pony charged $500 to your credit card while playing iphone games
But I don't have a credit card
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122 KB PNG
holy shit I am so fucking out of here
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50 KB
Chrysalis' crown thingy
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But that's a forehand.
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how do you keep your pizza safe from greedy ponies?
He only used one hand though.
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83 KB
ya know i never do any construction practice, i should probably do it more
bitch, you better dodge those spindles
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no pizza is safe
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Is this what love tastes like?
I like how there are pants on that fence
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50 KB
>cream soda
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56 KB
i see you are preparing for the huge event. what side will you be on?
You have terrible tastes in ponies and drinks.
The shit is that?
>plastic bottle
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1.23 MB GIF
not as terrible as you, evidently
>Fallout 3 is 5 years old
Hopefully someone will have proof that this happened.
my sides
I think I'm in love with Pumpkin's design here.
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Can I die, now?
I have 7901
give me your freshest horseboners
Pumpkin sure has a lot of hair.
I can lie through my teeth also.
Saine Grey
What you expect it to stand around in public nude? How lewd.
>no one cared about saine until he said he liked dick
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31 KB
just because you're a casual doesnt mean everyone else is
that name reminds me of sangria. Is that on purpose?
I liked him before that
I like him more NOW, but it's not BECAUSE he's bi
it's your selective dyslexia
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Well it's not a horse, but...
WHY are you CAPITALIZING words?
Pinkie says you're a cheater pumpkin-eater.
Maybe HE reads too MANY COMICS
>I like him more NOW
For what other reason, though? It can't be because of his art.
Pinkie's a casual too
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Ohhh, they're so sensitive!!
Because I liked him for his art first, but then I saw how nice he was. It's a nice change of pace from the usual mlpg'er.
I agree.
quiet the fuck down, stop screaming. We have company
>fallout 4 isn't in development
this seems really out of character
>but then I saw how nice he was
You mean "but then I saw he was bi"
he was a nice guy before he said he was bi
Pone turned the other cheek
Yeah but you don't get mentioned when someone brings up "horseboners" for just being nice
No, I'd still want to be his friend even if he wasn't.
Who keeps saying things for pony and why doesn't pony speak up for herself?
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He was pretty much the "man of the hour" this morning, I was really just saying it as a joke.
pony says to stop putting words in her mouth
maybe pony just likes talking about herself in the 3rd person.
>I know everyone here!
Pone says fuck off
...and put something else in it instead.
>"man of the hour"
>bisexuals being able to call themselves men
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does this look like the face of mercy to you?
Ever hear the expression "take it like a man"?
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DK draw some butt please.
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Hey that is pretty rad
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>4 days
My body is ready.
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
I'm going to fap to pokemon-amie, aren't I?
about 3 days and 7 hours actually.

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and I bet he gets more pussy than you do
>Not already fapping to the chubby goo dragon
M-my childhood!
>tfw midnight launch
When's it launching on the eshop? I thought they were doing it midnight on saturday.
Nice ad hominem but I'm confident that he doesn't.
Giga slow
This will have a whole bunch of porn drawn of it.
Then pony needs to stop being weird
Slow at what?
Posted ages ago
Who cares how much pussy he gets when I want to give him my butt?
sorry anon, not taking requests at this time
unf both cutie marks
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>everyone forgot about these dresses
bad feel
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i notice they left the nostrils off. that is probably the best choice since it always looks weird as hell when you do a non show style/angle.

or the snout will end up looking off or like its from a different animal.
i love them!
>Bonbon is never drawn in a flattering way
They look like dinosaurs to me sometimes
Switch, I know, but I'm smaller so I don't think I'd be as satisfying
Also I'm pretty thick, so it might hurt a little
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Saine pls give us a selfie
rumor going around mlpg is that saine is pantyanon
No prob man. Someone will fill the butt quota.
I can tell you for sure he isn't.
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so how about them ponies?
rumour has it, pantyanon is weaver
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they are cute and small and pone
alright but you're gonna have to take those wings off first
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>tfw so little king sombra x flutterbitch otp
"fill the butt."
in my mlpg headcanon pantyanon is rose

The Flutterzoo tag needs to be 10 times bigger
rumor has it, pantyanon is the author of the Philmarilion
rumor has it, pantyanon orbits my dick
Did sombra bone the entire main 6 or something
I heard that same author may be an owl
Sorry anon we're too busy talking about gay namefags to talk about the show right now
Yes. All of them. Even Spike.
But Spike is stupid and ugly
I heard you may be an owl.
we went through the same with jailbait.
i personally think it's just anons projecting their sexual fantasies onto drawfags they don't even know.
Saine, if that was you, you should have just left the post and claim that someone was pretending to be you.

If it wasn't, good show, Anon
But he's not talking about the show either
He was only released for like a day. Busy guy.
>Spike in japan
tolerable voice that fits character
>spike in usa
his voice makes me want to stomp his balls and punt him into the stars.
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just like we do for ponies!
can we get a list of all gay drawfags?
I have seen Saine in real life
He isn't pantyanon
I meant ponies. Close enough. Shipping might as well be show related.
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all of them are gay
how do you know it wasn't pantyanon or one of his friends?
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Please no, not to pokemon, not again
Am I the only one who thought Applejack was a guy at first?
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>no monies to buy a 3DS
>can't pet the pokemons
>even if I could, they still wouldn't be real
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36 KB
>Shipping might as well be show related.
by this, he means Saine is black
She didn't arouse me so i knew immediately that it was a female.
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Gen 3 is the only Gen that counts.
No, that's appledan
>have SMT4 on backlog
>have 3U on backlog
>have money to buy Pokemon

s-should I?
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Which is you
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93 KB
>had a 3ds since launch
>really regretted it for the first 6 months
>good library of games now
>getting pokemon on release day
>picking X and chespin
But gen 3 was the worst

Still enjoyable to a pokefag back then, but I still realized how inferior it was.
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76 KB
Gen 2 is the worst, though. Gen 3 is great.


team froakie all the way

Pony says there is a nice school system behind wall Sina
Alot of parks and other nice things too.
Pony says the kids would love it
thanks doc.
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gen 2 was the worst
Oh, you're a ruseman.
Nice try.
Tell me about your waifu.
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Now pay up.
I like to pretend that pantyanon is one of our "female" drawfags
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I have such a great memory of getting the Silver version when I was a little boy that I can't hate on Gen 2.
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>seriously debating right now if i should go a month without food to buy a 3ds and pokemon and animal crossing

i think i can really do it you guys
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Are you me? I mean it's highly likely considering there are 5 people here
but he's right
uninteresting region, shitty post game, grinding out the ass for kanto, empty kanto
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there is something weird about pokemon to me. i am a huge furry but i dont feel anything sexual for them. i want to take care of them and be their friends.

i dont know how to explain this feel
The only female drawfags we have are confirmed and why is pantyanon always a drawfag?
Pony says there's a nice view of the sun, as it rises over the top of Wall Sina
>MLP General: Everything but ponies!
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She's black, and scary.
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804 KB GIF
fuck you
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filly mode engaged
>not wanting MH3U
come on, step up
Can anyone post pics of punchhorse?
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What if i don't have a waifu?
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Would you console Mrs.Cake on her recently gained weight?
Then tell me about your favorite pony.
no, i would PC her.
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374 KB GIF
Oh shit, I could!
I could even sell some stuff I don't use!
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35 KB
Jesus that's adorable
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It really is
dinky a shit
Pony says she has alot of family behind wall Sina
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Cute fillies?
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I don't know what i could say
Look at him, he's so perfect
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what if colts
Ha ha ha
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I don't know how but i will make you regret saying that.
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Shes perfectly cute taken by herself
>that face
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some of them have adult eyes on them, which looks absolutely awful
he looks
so gay vii
>only 1 person to kill for Saine

I got this
I wish I looked good in a dress...
Cant' say I like this ship. But, BUT at least the artist drew Sombra to look more like in the show rather than giving him a goatee, so this actually looks pretty cute.


Pony says she has many promising job offers, behind wall Sina