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Happy 10th Birthday, 4chan!

I toasted 4chan's 10th anniversary from 37,000 feet. What an amazing ten years it's been. Thanks, everyone.

Fernando from The Daily Dot wrote what is probably the most in-depth/well-researched article on 4chan's history to date: *link*
Also I started a blog: chrishateswriting.com

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Rumble edition

Outdated edition: >>13915282
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>It has been suggested that bronies are a reaction to the fear instilled by 9/11
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Cutest edition.
mlpg I've got a confession to make
I've been drawing homstucks

Why is this so cute?
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>Rumble General
I'd say they're more a reaction to white people having less and less they can do w/o offending someone
Commit Toshiba
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Aw yiss
Oh Rumble~~~
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If you search long enough you will always find someone who honestly believes some bullshit you just made up.
Rumble is not for sexual.
What the fuck is homestuck?
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anyone know of a good rarity coffee/tea cup. i need one but only see shit in google.
>Ra ra tea
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Of course not. Prince Artemis is.
i know nothing about homestuck but in the early days it seemed like the homestuck fandom and the pony fandom were against each other for some reason.

i havnt seen any hate for homestuck in so long i wonder why it stopped.
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>Show was made in Canada.
>People took to the show as a means to cope with life.
>It's all classic Stockholm syndrome.
>What isn't known to the public is Canada brought down the towers.
>And now they have the future of the military enthralled.
Start here
what about prince luna
How can you for sexual such an incredibly annoying voice? He's almost as bad as Flitter and Cloudchaser.
>tfw no loving girlfriend with strong maternal instincts to kiss, cuddle, hold hands with, and fill to the brim with cum
They were both just obnoxious. I mean they still are definitely, but the initial boom has settled.
>"Ya know, I usually charge for photo ops like this. You're one lucky colt, getting a freebie."
>"Please let me go."
I'd post a bait picture but, it isn't, you just have incredibly bad opinions.
I just realized I would a male Luna
I'm not gay though
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hes just one in a long line of innocent victims from Dashs grabbing hooves
>Things get serious.
>"Prince" Luna starts going full spaghetti.
>In your dream.
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there is a bunch of cool stuff here thanks. there is no good rarity but now i am thinking of getting a skeleton mug.

of course not.

no one's ever gay.

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>changing names for 63
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Try a different search. My friend found a Shining Armor coffee mug
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that pony's a menace to little fillies everywhere, I tell ya.
a menace.
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what >>13918958 said
Even if it isn't GG, I somehow blame him for this autism.

>"Can I get up now?"
>"Y'know you used to like getting hugs. Seems like just yesterday, you took a tumble or skinned your knee, and you'd come find me... you'd say they always made it better..."
>"Ah, quit bein' so sentimental, Flit. Rumble's probably got stuff to do."
>"What's sent-him-mental mean?"
>"Y'know that whole thing Flitter's doin' right now where she gets that far-off look in her eyes and starts talking about when you were a toddler?"
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do you think i can use this without people suspecting i am a brony
These gifs are terrible
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The best kind of subtlety is no hints at all.
Nobody will find your merchandise in a positive light. Nothing is to be gained by owning anything like this. I have learned this the hard way.
just say you got it for free for renewing your Horsefucking Monthly subscription
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it makes me sad
knowing that neither Flitter or Cloudchaser will ever be real
Isn't that a colt.
Elaborate pls.
Also it's fun to be sort of subversive sometimes and pretend you're a normal, functional adult while engaging in your weird horsefuckery.
GG never changes names though
Wait, no.

Fucking eyelashes.
It's all fun and games until you get fired from your job for "being a pedo"
What, precisely, is preventing you from being a normal, functional adult while being a horsefucker?
Nope, Chuck Tesha.
well what the hell are you supposed to do?
keep using their incredibly effeminate names?
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I'll fucking cut you

>Rumble's about to leave for college
>Flitter gets weepy and keeps hugging him, saying how much she's going to miss him and he should come see them as often as he can and if he ever needs to he can come home again and AH it's just so WEIRD seeing him grown up and leaving home because it feels like just yesterday she was making pillow-forts in the living room with him and dropping him off at school--
>"Flit, he's gonna be like a half-hour away. Calm down."
The part where you fuck horses.
It's like Clark Kent and Superman. The persona that is going to work and socializing and pretending football is relevant is not me. I'm only being true to myself when I'm allowed to watch this dumb kid's show and talk about big floppy horsedongs on the Internet.

So, like Superman except with no superpowers and a porn addiction.
nothing wrong with liking horses
I don't think people make the connection to the pony show
What's abnormal about fucking horses?
>it feels like just yesterday she was making pillow-forts in the living room with him
shit, it really DOES feel like yesterday...
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wu tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with
The horsefucking part.
I don't follow.
What's abnormal about that?
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how old would those two be by that point?
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are you read for tomorrow?
>The persona that is going to work and socializing and pretending football is relevant is not me
>that feeling
I ain't never fucked a horse that didn't deserve it

Someone better get that shit on tape
The exact moment where you begin having feelings leading to, and eventually culminating in have sexual relations with a horse.
What's abnormal about that?

>if you have affection for your horse then I guess you could marry your horse
>Fluttershy goes mad with booping power
>Dash is powerless to stop her
Wait, like you weren't married first?
Yeah I guess that's kinda fucked up.
The horse is much larger than you, it should by definition be fucking you. Use proper possessive nouns.
only if you're being mounted by a stallion
if you fuck a mare you're still the top in the scenario

I'd want to say early to mid 20s, assuming he's 18...

although late 20s would probably be more accurate.
But wouldn't that imply the horse would be penetrating him? And if Anon is a male, then that's clearly a homosexual relationship, and he'll go to hell!
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This cannot be serious.
I always figured it was just a bit of (questionably friendly) rivalry; we were both general threads on /co/ dedicated to stuff that was hated by a bunch of people.
Keep in mind they were already late teens to early 20s when he was around 8-ish.
They could be as high as their early 30s now.

ya es hora!
>Implying society gives a rat's ass if you like football
cougar Flitter/CC?
Google ρ, and see the first video result

(In case 4chan doesn't display the character above - it's greek letter rho)
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at least marshmallow horses have the cuteness exception
Football, UFC, Call of Duty, MOBAs.
Choose one or more if you want to have anything in common with the average American male.
Anon what country am I buying a plane ticket to tonight?
Does that matter as much for ponies? They seem to live several hundred years even when they're not alicorns.
> "Don't hit on me, silly boys"
That just won't happen, Babs.
nightmare milkpon
statutory rape with cloudchaser and flitter on rumble
statutory rape with grown up rumble on pip
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>Tfw it will never include me
I meant soccer and not liking it is equivalent to burning someones mom over here.
>they only have sex with you when Rumble isn't around
>Rumble only lets you jerk him off when the twins are away
Not even, really
You just need to have at least one publicly acceptable interest.
Breaking bad, pokemon, any of the things you listed, pretty much any slightly well known video game, music, almost any sport, current events

You just have to be able to hold a conversation
If you can't do that even having shared interests won't help you
But if you can, you can find something to talk about almost no matter who it is
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Likely story
>Implying UFC is popular
Why do you need to have hobbies in common with people to be their friend? You don't.
None of that is true at all. You just have to like at least one live action show or play videogames or watch a sport of any kind or drink beer. Hell, you could even just talk about sexy videos if it's not at work. That is, assuming you fap to anything that isn't equine.

Oooh. You're a eurofag. Now it all makes sense.

This anon gets what I'm saying. Maybe he's an Murciafag like me though. Man do I love fat girls.
sex with drunken Cloudchaser
>They only have sex with rumble when you're not around
You have my dick's attention
Oh, I can hold a conversation just fine, and I have plenty of normalfag friends. I just feel sometimes that all the shit I get up to on 4chan that's off-limits in most conversations becomes a sort of conversational black hole that makes me less interesting.
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> breeders
> anti-breeders
I don't know which is worse
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I personally don't like the "bull" types she mentions in there. Call me a beta breeder.
Well, yeah, of course it does.
While they spent their afternoon at the lake and can now tell the story of how Jimmy almost got eaten by a shark you can't tell them about your newest Pokemon x Pony crossover fanfic.
>All of this shit.
Can't wait for this to be a podcast!
> if you aren't a turbo douche you're beta
What the fuck is this world coming to
Yeah, that can be annoying
The worst thing is when something comes up that you /shouldn't/ have knowledge about, but have no way of explaining how you know it

>with work friends
>they start talking about porn
>one of them brings up "that weird jap cartoon porn"
... is this the new flavor of the month drama thing or something like that?

I don't even see the problem here, who's stupid enough to not use a condom apart from africa?
Oh don't start this shit
>is this the new flavor of the month drama thing or something like that?
no, you're thinking of >>13919188
>and IF I DECIDE to it it'd be far far far away. maybe a few decades
Yeah, sure, try squeezing out a child when you are 50.
Shit doesn't work that way.
>MLPG podcast educates on the use of condoms
It sounds like she's getting upset about guys having fantasies of knocking up women, consentually or nonconsentually.

It's the fetish police. Tumblr's great at coming up with fine officers of the Line in this area of Internet crime.
Oh don't even attempt to claim the podcast is a scapegoat for your own bullshit, faggot.
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Please don't do that Anon.
Pony should be happy, not sad. Especially not because of me.
>"It's not rape if you used a condom."
>"She won't even have to worry about abortion."
>Really, she should be thankful that we are sparing her the pain of abortion!"
>"You're welcome, women."
Man, the Navy was great for that reason.
>on midwatch for six hours alone with one other dude you barely know
>talking about anything at all to try not to fall asleep
>find out your watchmate's into futanari
>he's amazed when you mention you've been to PAX and met MC Frontalot

Too bad that guy got kicked off the boat for psych issues shortly thereafter.
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I'm pretty sure Celestia can get over loss quickly seeing how she's 1,000+ years old.
You were gone for weeks, Anon.
The last thing she saw was your face, as you betrayed her and vanished from her life.
She forgave you tho, when she heard you call her name through the halls.
>"Snow White"
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>The last thing she saw was your face, as you betrayed her and vanished from her life.
That scene was awful... I knew we were doing the right thing but it still felt horrible.
No she can't, that's what makes her so benevolent

>Celestia was consumed with guilt and grief after she was forced to seal Luna away
>For nearly a century and a half, she shut herself away in her castle, only appearing to the populace when i was absolutely necessary for her to be present.
>Accounts from some of the guards around that time speak of catching the occasional glimpse of her looking up at the moon at night, and quietly weeping.
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>mfw anon doesn't know what fuck means

Maybe you should spend less time on 4chan. Seriously, if it's enough to make you a conversational black hole, that's a fucking lot of your time devoted to taboo shit. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a horsefucker, but it just sounds unhealthy to spend that much time on sexual things (and my little pony).
well think about it.
they're already plenty hot, but once they've matured a bit, and their bodies have finished growing and their figures filled out...
not to mention Flitter's maternal and breeding instincts will probably be even stronger than before, since she's reaching that ideal age for having kids.
and Cloudchaser will have settled down a bit and maybe started to look for a special someone of her own. but don't let that fool you into thinking she's any less wild than she was before. not only can she still fuck like a tiger, now she's got a few tricks up her sleeve from her years of experience.
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That's the story Celestia tells...the truth is a lot funnier
>spend less time on 4chan

I will when I have the money to go out and do things. So far I have two months of work I haven't been paid for. Shit is ridiculous. I've been trying to work out the budget for a gym membership for six months.
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Anon, every loss is a great tragedy.
> mfw actually looking for a job to afford an apartment and a ring
> and girlfriend is angling toward impregnation fantasies
My life went from shit grad school to based pretty fucking quickly
It'd be better if she were a bit spunkier like Flitter but I picked a great lady.
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It was the logical choice. The ponies didn't need you, but they needed her.
please don't do this to me
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That's why I said it was the right choice.
It still felt horrible to leave her despite her begging for us to not do it.
Cloudchaser is the spunkier one.
Flitter is more doting and lovey-dovey.
not that CC doesn't like feeling loved too, she's just not quite as good at the whole warm-and-fuzzy stuff as her sister is.
Excellent, this pleases me
It hurt like hell to do it, but yeah.
Besides, we only nearly got killed when we came back because we pissed off our only friend for poofing out of existence.
I only hurt because it's my job.
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>mfw I am dating Flitter
>mfw I want to marry Flitter
>mfw I spent all weekend balls-deep in a human Flitter
... This made my whole fucking day
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I know, anon. I was just confirming it is all. In time she would have understood why we did it and why we're gone.

Luckily she didn't have to in the end.
That first night back must've been amazing.
I'm so glad we didn't get one of the bad endings. I don't think I could have taken any other than the happy ending, that one was already heart breaking enough.
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give her what she craves, anon.
put a bun in her oven.
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She didn't want to see you leave.
That would have meant she would lose you.
Even if she died, the last thing she would want to see is you.
Something about a rock.
I might have, actually. It should scare me like it did six years ago with my first girlfriend but instead it's just turning me on.
Why haven't you been paid yet? That sucks.
>all this CQ talk
>struck by the double-whammy of simultaneously knowing I'll never have Celestia's love and I'll never make a quest that elicits such a strong emotional reaction from its players
I think I'll just lay down and stare at the ceiling for awhile
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just find some pones to lift
I'd have sex with you.
I'd have sex with you too.
you'd better make an honest woman of her.
and steel yourself for all the hormone-fueled pregnant sex.
My waifu wouldn't like that.
That feeling was kinda mutual because I expected us to die the second we step on the scale.
1. Contract work needs adequate documentation, regardless of what your supervisor says
2. My new job has a one-month probationary period where I don't get paid (which is still compensated, but only when I quit)
3. I actually do have a paycheck coming up. Well, I would, but I work for the government.

Do you think Celestia and Luna ever get into budget disagreements that shut down Canterlot for weeks?
Lets stare at the ceiling together, Anon.
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are you these two ponies
>The scale is a massive 'Nope' bug zapper.
Given who we were butting heads with , I could see it too.
I was just kinda annoyed that the guardian was kinda targeting us, and not captain McFucktheworld.
Unless she was the reason we got in so easily.
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Thank heavens no
No, I'm a guy who wants to have some casual sex with no strings attached.

CC loves Rumble just as much as Flitter does - she just shows it a little differently, is all.

When he got bullied at school, Flitter was the one who'd hug him and tell him everything they said about him was wrong and they only said those things because they were jealous of him.

CC was the one who told him that some kids are just dicks, and there's no rhyme or reason to it - but they tend to STOP being dicks when you knock them on their ass a couple times.

ha, i just finished a nostalgia fap to the russian forced breeding fic where twily gives herself a cock.

i cant believe it was written in 2010. i wish i could find more like it but still nothing fits the spot.

i also wish i knew who the author is. he was so good i bet he is some kind of professional writer.
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Where you at?
she was targeting us because she needed us to go back and retrieve the unicorn shard.
>Twily self-breeding
That's pretty unf.
I actually thought the Guardian was a trap, lying to us or whatever till the moment we found the unicorn shard.
Go to bed
America go to bed
But I just woke up mang
Morning wood a bitch
Russian language?
Because damn, I'd be interested in that if I could read it
Rainbow Dash is a pokephile.
Earth. Sorry Twilight you can't be here.
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pony should pony horn
I thought you said you were a Eurofag in >>13919148?
Are you >>13919047 but not the Eurofag?

Assuming you're talking about how the US government is shut down.
That horn is as long as her head and neck combined
She could have fucked with him a little...
I think she liked us.
No, I'm the Eurofag and I stopped participating in that conversation chain after the post you linked.
Yeah, when I said football I meant handegg.
Eurobro forked the conversation.
I love it so much when ponies do that with their tail
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>you will never hold on to the night
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I can't get over how natural that pose looks

It's like someone's actually holding a small Luna and it's fucking adorable
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Worth $65?
Looks tearable.
Well I say "might have"
I don't want this to go all /soc/ but she was menstruating, there's no assurance she got knocked up. In fact that doesn't seem likely as it was basically bird-dogging for 20 minutes all "I FUCKING NEED THIS RIGHT NOW" with no payoff
Other than fucking an amazing woman absolutely salty-slick when she wants it despite how gross she 'should' feel about it
Saving up for a ring, which isn't easy. She has some standards.
... I really look forward to the pregnant sex, you really have like no idea
>that face
> Flitter aheago
You know, at what point did we all decide she was into creampies and impregnation risk?
Face looks kinda goofy. Hair on top seems a little flat. Chest sticks out funny (but that may just be the angle the photo was taken at). Bow looks real nice though.
No silly backwards letters in sight
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Godspeed, flitteranon.
I truly envy you.
Kinda looks like my cats when I'm holding them like that

It just sort of... happened.

You're free to write about her liking other things, though.
Not really
Maybe 20-30 or so, but I feel like you could do better for your money

I don't really know anything about the plushy market though
> implying that isn't my thing
> implying I know any other way to do the Flitters
>tfw you'll never know that feel because 5" cocks aren't enough for a woman that NEEDS it
That thing still isn't out yet?
why does the twilight card say 20% cooler?
>some cry
It's a mechanic, kind of like evolution in pokemon.
that sounds incredibly stupid
I've always liked this concept but in practice it doesn't actually really turn me on.
That thing's got more chin then egoraptor!
Are you that purple pony?
What if Scootaloo preen teasing?

What happened to Appleblewm?
>He probably cums on it all the time.
Personally that idea of her being really into assplay strikes my fancy.
Not that that necessarily precludes her having a creampie/impregnation fetish. Which also strikes my fancy.
>24.95 plust 5 months of your life without the plushie you paid for
pls anon
I'm not in the mood for unfs
It can be. It was just that both of us craved it and we got to fucking in the dark of her bedroom. First she said "j-just a few thrusts" meaning without the condom, but she absolutely gasped after the first few strokes. Like sudden hand-grasping-your-shoulders gasping.

"You'd better stop" seemed awfully meek, especially the way the world melted below the waist. I like being responsible, but it was undeniable. Everything just clicked without the condom and every flick of my glans across her contours was amazing.

Mid-stroke she said, "Fuck it, I'm going back on the pill, this feels too good."

> mfw my life became a Penthouse letter.
I find the more like a dick the horn acts the more arousing it is
I feel like two years ago I would have at least felt weird typing that
i saw him in /co/ a few months later then he made a FA account for a bit. eventually he closed it and i lost track again.
Eh, I think it's cute but not exactly attractive.

You know, plus she's a filly.
i can accept magic horngasms but sucking on the horn which is bone is too stupid for me
Of course, I know she's a filly

That doesn't mean she couldn't get tingles from it.
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How does this make you feel?

Fillies are not for sexual
Kicky Little Legs
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I don't see ponies about
Maybe we should increase the pony thread's pony weave count with ponies
Do you consider ASMRs sexual?
>all that
>with human Flitter
Jesus Christ my dick.
Horns are usually a layer of skin or something over keratin over a core of bone

They're probably about as sensitive as your teeth
what's with the black guy
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Why is she so cute.
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I think it's a non-genital orgasm thing, at least for me

Especially loud horngasms with magical discharge spurting and dripping everywhere

Every time you see him post
>some cry
>as sensitive as your teeth

There was a story about a woman who could orgasm from brushing her teeth.
>you will never get a toothjob
Uh, if you mean orgasms then yes?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean and Wikipedia didn't help much.
oh god my dick

It's not an orgasm, no, but it's a great feeling and it's completely nonsexual.
>5 months.
Don't remind me...
Sounds like tulpas

Does anyone remember when Flitter liked giving blowjobs? Even though she wasn't as good at it as Cloudchaser? Those days seem so far-off now.
It's not

Here's a good one

Completely nonsexual.
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so that's what these cause

it might look like a torture device but it feels so damn good when someone else uses one on me
I really like the lighting on this one.

I don't know, it just seemed like you were asking if I found it attractive since I was talking about horngasms immediately before.
Flitter loves creampies of all types.
Taking a nice creamy load in her pussy is divine, but she can't deny that she also loves the squishy, sated feeling in her rump after a thick, balls-deep orgasm fills her ass.

Essentially, yes.

ASMR, and the triggers used to cause it, are very easily compared to sex and fetishes. They give a pleasurable feeling, sometimes different things cause a more powerful reaction than others, and someones when you're overexposed to that one trigger you get used to it and crave something new.
Who said she doesn't still like giving blowjobs?
That's what that's called?
Yeah, nah. I find it super creepy. It's like someone breaking my personal space at home.
It was just about the hottest sex I've ever had, which is weird - it sounds like "fumbling in a truck bed" high school stuff, but with the lights off totally and just keening on the need it was 0 apprehension, 0 doubt, just rutting for it. It was even in a missionary / modified missionary position and just grooved on it, sort of rocking hip against hip, grabbing hair and everything.

I can say there's no comparison with my ex now. Jesus.

How do you think a relationship and sex would be like with Cloudhcaser? Fulfilling? Daring? Kind of boring but reassuring and constructive for learning how to get each other off?
I bet Flitter and Cloudchaser like reading to Rumble at bedtime.
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You'd be shocked at how many videos for this there are on youtube. Entire communities. It's mostly just people whispering to you, but I like the ones with like, crinkeling objects and delicate tapping and stuff like that. I also love the binaural ones; where the sounds move around your head in a 3D space

I highly HIGHLY recommend Soundscultptures. It's like the non creepy-whisper side of ASMR

Maybe it's Goat?
>tfw no Celestia ASMR
These are less handsy.


There's ones without people talking at all, too. I like those best

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The payoff is my favorite part
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I drew a Dark Souls teen spike; how does it look?
>How do you think a relationship and sex would be like with Cloudchaser? Fulfilling? Daring? Kind of boring but reassuring and constructive for learning how to get each other off?

I think it'd be more conventional, getting-to-know you over and over again sort of sex. Not really boring but the familiar curves against yours. Sort of the reassuring sex you get in married couples totally at peace with the bodies each other have.
You don't have sex with Cloudchaser.

Cloudchaser has sex with you.
I only get significant pips from whispers, or that's to say most of them don't upset me as much as I get the funny feelings.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
I love the one of him at the bonfire
Neat. I like the tail.
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He looks so sad.
I'd say wild, fast, a bit kinky at times, especially when she's got a few drinks in her, but not quite as intimate as Flitter.

Not at first, at least. I can see Cloudchaser being hesitant to open herself up emotionally, trying to keep her sex as a purely physical pleasure so as to not get too attached in case things don't work out between you. But when that magic night comes when she actually wants to go slow, holding you and kissing you while you take her in the missionary position, actually making love rather than fucking...that's when you know that she truly loves you and wants you to be hers, and her yours.
I don't know, stuff doesn't really do anything for me. I've tried autohypnosis a bunch of times too, it was relaxing but it didn't do much for me.

>you will never me a warm supportive older male figure in spike's life
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Poor crestfallen dragon

Now I want to see Spike chilling with the Everlasting Dragon

>"CC? Honey?"
>"You sleep all right?"
>"I'm gonna get up and make us some breakfast--"
>"Mm-mm. Stay..."
>"You sure?"
>"Breakfast later. Warm now."
As the wikipedia page says it,
>There is a lack of scientific evidence that ASMR is a real physiological phenomenon. Any claimed benefits come from personal accounts of individual perception.
Sounds good, just trying to switch tracks from Flitter
Mostly because now my girlfriend is giving me flitterboners
I'm bi and I want to get to that point with a girl, but I feel like I can't get as intimate with them as with guys.
I wouldn't call it any sort of benefit but there's hard denying weird tingles and cross-effects people have from certain auditory or visual stimuli.

True it's hard to verify an individual's synesthesia but it's equally hard to dismiss it.

What I like about guys is you can get intimate when you need to be, but it's super easy to do things casually too.
It can be exactly the same with a guy. It depends more on the person than the gender really.
I get that ASMR thing, but I get it from something really strange

Being in places I shouldn't be, like someone else's house when nobody else is there, or in a store while it's closed.

No, I'm not a burgler.
Maybe it's just an adrenaline surge.
I know that, but I think I'm just more comfortable with guys and the girls I've been with haven't been very intimate
See in my experience then it would probably go

"i should probably go make breakfast"
"nooooo no. stay here, get over here and spoon me fucker"
"do you want breakfast or not"
".....what are you making"
"cinnimon french toast"
"you know how much i love you right"
That could be
I don't get many high adrenaline moments so maybe I just feel that more powerfully.
Aww, that's a shame.

That close cuddly feeling is the best thing about being in a relationship.
The girls toys section in a store, standing next to My Little Pony
Only the first time, and it wasn't even that noticable.

I swear the feeling I get almost knocks me off my feet and I get this "white noise" in my head. I'd say it's stronger then most of my orgasms.
Don't get me wrong, the wild, kinky sex would still be abundant. Deepthroating, slamming her hips against yours (I bet she loves being on top), anal sex, spanking, digging her nails into your skin, maybe a little biting.
She'd just occasionally have those nights where she's feeling a bit sappy and just wants to feel your body rocking against hers while you hold hands with your fingers entwined.
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pricness of the beb
is the bebbest MLPG has ever been?
Show soon. Beb would be beb then
When did it become "beb"?
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Breakfast is served.
There have been times with like 10 minutes between posts
You could go to sleep and wake up with less than half a thread passed
The thing about sex with Cloudchaser is that she is always having sex with you. Even when you're across town throughout the day, whatever she's doing is, somehow, going to be a little bit of buildup or prep for when you two get to be in each other's arms again. She's a spontaneous gal; maybe she bought you your favorite snack, or rented a DVD to watch together, or she'll have some cute new t-shirt or shorts on that let you see her curves. And she bought you those slacks with the extra deep pockets so that your cellphone kind of flops over your leg when you sit down and don't notice until your dick's getting vibed from all of her text messages. Some of them are cute, some of them are sexy, some of them are dumb but fun selfies she took while out and about.

And it's not like she's jumping your bones when she's around you, either, there's just a way to how she touches you to get your attention. She doesn't hold your hand so much as squeeze it, and she always makes it a point to brush up against you whenever she passes. You'll look up to see her looking at you, sometimes with a mischievous smirk, other times with only the lightest hint of a contented smile.

Where Cloudchaser really shines is when you decide to take a shower. She can't help but instantly drop her panties and get naked and join you under the water.
"Mmnrg. You can either have breakfast or sideways sex, 'cause I'm gonna fall asleep agazzzzz..."

For the last time /jp/ stop offering me your weaboo pizzas.
When MT tried to write "ded" and wrote the "d"s backwards
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Would you a Nightmare Gloom?
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oh my god
>all this CC and Flitter.
Please stop.. my boner can't take this much longer.
and you're making me sad about not having a CC or Flitter in my life
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>Nightmare Gloom

I like thing.
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I would bed with Gloom.

Goodnight, MLPG.
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Maybe you can find one, Anon.
Pony wants you to stop looking at her butt.
You managed to slip in through the door without the dog waking up the entire neighborhood. It's nearly three in the morning, and you know CC has to be up in a few hours for the early shift. Again. But as sympathetic as you are to her, you have to take a shower. You stink and you have too much tension you need to wash away.

Quietly, quietly, you sneak into the bathroom and turn on the water. Your clothes fall to the floor softly, and you step inside, putting your hands against the tile wall and sighing as you feel the day drip away down the drain.

You jump slightly when you feel a cool pair of hands slipping around your waist, a pair of breasts pressing into your back, a pair of lips brushing against your neck. "Did I wake you?" you ask her.

"Yes." Her answer is slow and dopey, still heavy with sleep. "But it's okay. I'll wake up for this."
Speaking of hiatus I wonder how the next one will be.

I mean this is the lates the show ever started.
In the most extreme case (no minihiatues, no brakes, both season premiere and season finale two parters in the same day) the seaso would end on the 3rd of May

The next hiatus will either be the shortest till now, or S5 will only have 13 episodes and start at the beginning of 2015.
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Then why does she keep putting it in my face.
...please dont stop...
She doesn't.
You keep putting your face in her butt.
>imblyngi S5

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A likely story.
We're all gonna make it brah
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Still prefer Flitter.
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That's actually one of the few images of kevinsano's faces that i actually like, no need to justify them in this one specific case
>want to have biological children
>want to marry a guy

What is wrong with me?
Remember what Ingram and Anderson said when we found out that S3 will only have 13 episodes?
They each siad to not worry because there's still a lot of seasons coming, some with 13 episodes some with 26.

MLP toy sales are still increasing which now it's just stupid. 10 fucking financial quarters of continues growth in pony toy sales. From 2010 when the show began MLP toy sales fave increased by triple digits.

This ride isn't near over baby.
I'm serious.
If you put yourself out there, you just might someday find a Flitter or a CC of your very own.
Just like that one Anon with the Flitter girlfriend.
It's pretty rad. For some reason mine really likes me.

I gotta find a job and get a ring, something at least.
It's clear you're a faggot.
You're a woman?
Not a goddamn thing. You want kids and to nurture your own kids but only have sexual and romantic preference both aligning to men.

> implying this isn't /pol/ bait now "is X degeneracy?" is banned
False hope is a bad thing anon.
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The bodies are the bigger issue in that one
I love everything about that guy's art but the faces.
Okay, maybe with less money, but still.
If you don't try, you'll never succeed.

Do you know what happens with "fads" that grow too fast?

They die out the fastest.

Are we gonna go straight back to bed after we dry off?

Cuddling naked under a nice heavy duvet with her so we can stay toasty-warm despite the autumn chill in the air sounds really appealing right now.
stop damnit!
I'm dying inside.
As a rule I'm not Anon but can you imagine the shitfest if I had a name or trip on?
>turbo brony chit-chat attentionwhore autism archived forever implying you have a girlfriend implying you aren't rubbing our faces in your autism
I'm just in awe my life went from sort of hum-drum class and work to "I want to be your wife and fuck me like you want to make me a mommy"* all that quickly. When life clicks you want to tell somebody, and unfortunately MLPG is it right now.
This isn't the sort of thing you bring up with your parents, you know?

You spin around to face her, and press her back against the glass door in a single motion, gentle but firm. One of her hands is intertwined with yours, pressed against the glass, and the other strokes you lazily, slick with the runoff from the shower. She lets out a sigh over your shoulder as you tip-toe your fingers up from her belly to her breasts, squeezing them in that rough way she goes absolutely mad for. "You were gone too long", she whispers. "I missed you."

Her delicate fingers squeeze yours tight as you press yourself against her, and slide in. The two of you hardly ever bother with foreplay anymore-- you're so in tune with each other, so attracted to each other, that it's just not necessary. And besides, she always says, it just delays her getting what she really wants: you.
Not interested.
More important things going on than women.
I found my "Flitter" mostly through luck. Keep a chin up, get some good sleep every night, take some walks, get involved in a group. Even comics discussion groups have some fun bi-dykes in my experience.
squeeze her butt.
Well fads must last very fucking long seeing how this is still increasing as fast as it did in the last 2 years.

In two weeks the next financial report will be released. We'll see how it did in the last few months.
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Thanks assholes, now I regret being gay.
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>I want to be your wife and fuck me like you want to make me a mommy
You what now.
congrats on your succes anon/namefag.
now stop, you're killing me here
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Sounds pretty cool.
I hope you two have a long and wonderful relationship.

>implying being gay prohibits you from enjoying the prospect of being with females

Dude who fucking cares what label you throw on yourself, nothing is ever defined and set in stone. Be attracted to whatever the fuck you want and don't worry about it.
Well shit, now you've got me curious.
Drawfag? Writefag?
>The two of you hardly ever bother with foreplay anymore-- you're so in tune with each other, so attracted to each other, that it's just not necessary

I think he meant that as two separate quotes.

Also, heres hoping it falls through and she goes for some niggadick.
I botched that. She said that during sex "I want to be your wife, now FUCK me like you want to make me a mother." It was roleplay, just orgasm-free power-fucking for a good 20 minutes.

>this kills the Anon
Sorry bro.
She's adorable.

Nigga tripfag got a hot waifu and wants to sing it

he just elaborated right there
>orgasm-free power-fucking

Damn, you must not have been that great
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Is that all?
this is making me want to start dating again
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>No S4
>Shitty animated film
>No Hasboob 30th anniversary for MLP

Putting all your brony bucks in one basket, eh?
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im going to die right NOW
Kind of neither, I often pose as ponies to draw out the "how respond?" crowd and sometimes screw around as "Scrubbing Bubbles" when he's off the clock.

I don't have any one "name" but Anon-only seems dumb too.

I didn't. I was sort of meaning to avoid knocking her up before a few more things fall into place. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy edging or feeling her cum.
Goodbye anon.
RIP in peace.

i don't really know what you're attempting to even do anymore
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I'd rather my sweetiewaifu
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Briefly, you wonder what it must look from outside the shower, two forms pressed up against the glass, but you forget the question as quickly as it came. Your hands glide down from their original positions, looping under her soft, round ass. You're thankful that her recent exercise kick hasn't managed to firm those up any. You pick her up, holding her aloft from below, and she wraps her dripping-wet legs around you. You can just picture her cute little toes with their painted-purple nails wriggling in delight as you satisfy her inner fire.

You make love to her tenderly but aggressively, looking for all the world, one imagines, like the cover of one of those trashy romance novels you always see in airport stores. All you're missing is the flowing blond locks. She stares up blankly at the ceiling, and you kiss her chest. "Aaah. Don't ever go away again ever. Just spend all day with me." She lets out little gasps in time with your thrusts, and you can feel each tiny quake echo throughout her body. Her fingers twist through your hair.
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I love you guys sometimes
pepper her neck with little kisses.
and when you cum, cum inside her. deep inside.
>Not Sweetwink Belle.
Sorry I won't go there.
No, please do
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What even happened to UTV
>bug sweat
wait what
>bend him over a table and ease your way inside him until you feel his thick backside press against your hips
>you reach underneath him and start jerking his own sizeable shaft while you pump in and out of him
>tfw visual porn of all kinds no longer cuts it
>tfw to even get hard you need to be emotionally invested in the characters involved
>tfw only erotic fiction will work anymore
I'm sorry anon.

what about emotionally involved comics?
Starts here http://arch.413chan.net/mlp13710328.html#p13712686
It starts to go nuts at 13712867.
Help, pony keeps trying to take my pants off.

Yeah they work too. That braeburned comic with ponks gave me the boner that will pierce the heavens.
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Guys, what is this?
The "suggestion box" form looks like shit.
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Do it.
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>The "suggestion box" form looks like shit.
Just like the rest of the site!
>two of the most hated fandoms

its going to be just white kids brake dancing

calling it
>expecting anything from 4chan to look pretty
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But I need my wallet.
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Also this.
It's shit, even for horrid personhorse abomination.
Pony needs like five bucks, man.
They'll give you ten come payday.
C'mon, don't be like that.
They managed to make EqG character designs look even worse.
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You pick up the tempo, finding the rhythm she always likes the most, a steady, driving beat. Not too slow, but not too fast. Just perfect. Every thrust sends her squirming, and she pulls her hands in, dragging your head with them, from her breasts to her neck. You nibble at her neck and earlobe, kissing all over. You don't even feel the patter-patter of hot water against your back anymore.

You know the way she tenses up. You recognize it from many nights' experience. You quicken the pace, urging her down her road, and make sure you have a good hold on her. She pulls your head up again to press your lips together, and a scream bubbles up inside her belly, snaking through her insides and out her mouth, into yours. You drink in her energy hungrily as she shivers around you, her personal paradise shutting out everything else in the world except for you. Seeing her, feeling her orgasm is enough to send you over the edge, and you pull this wonderful woman close to you, sliding in to your very hilt before shooting your seed inside her. Your fingers dig into her ass with white-knuckle passion, and you're sure she has an equal death-grip on your head.

You set her down slowly, and she wobbles for a moment before regaining her composure. She shuts off the water and you step out, grabbing a fluffy pink towel and wrapping it around the both of you. Drying off takes a while--quite longer than it normally would, if you didn't have a beautiful, amorous woman in your arms to dry you off. Despite just making love, you soon get hard from her attentions. "You're so shameless", she says, staring into your eyes.

You roll your eyes. "Oh, you love it."

"No. I hate it." She can only keep a straight face for a moment before breaking into her beautiful laugh.

Finally, both dry, you sink into bed. She pats the bed twice, and the dog leaps up onto the bed, curling up beside her. The last thing you're aware of before sleep claims you is her tugging your arm over her shoulder.
>walking around with a fat dildo dildo inside
oh christ unf
the only way it would be better would be if he exaggerated his hipsway to make it feel better, swinging his sweet ass so naughtily
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I tried to submit a suggestion and the form told me "You can only submit 3 questions per day."
What does it mean?
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Rumble is for snuggle.
It probably means it's not working.

What if he's for healthy sexual colt experimentations
Is it all right if he calls you "Daddy"?
It's still better than /q/ ever was, though.
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On a scale of 1-256 how for sexual is this pony?
Personally I think it's hot when he starts to notice others starting to notice it. He wants to get some pleasure out of the dildo but "doesn't" want anyone else to notice like in said picture.
He can't wait until gym.
There's no mayo.
1. Assuming 1 is the lowest.
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>take pony
>in a box
>secret snuggle
Only if he screams it.

I wish I weren't tired so I could ERP/write this but at least I know it's a thing. And that others want it too

Only 255 because hexidecimals.
minus 300.
Even Twist is more fuckable because you can at least get a paper bag.
did I miss anything good this weekend

i was out with my ponies
For free!
Shut up /jp/.
So what's he going to do during gym? Admire his friend's bodies while stretching himself out and trying not to bulge too hard?
Maybe he'll grind against the seats, driven down by the weights he's lifting?
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cuddliest pone
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How for sexual is this pony?
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Cuddly enough to cuddle hirself
>Sweetie exercising with a dildo buried in his ass, bending over so that cute stallion in the corner can see it
>he keeps doing it until finally his new friend can take it no more
>he's dragged into the locker room and thrown against a bench
>the fake cock inside him is pulled out without even a warning, and just as suddenly a real one is slid in in its place, too fast for him to even gasp
>his new friend hisses in his ear
>"You little slut, you think it's okay to put on a show like that and turn me on like this and think you can just walk away? I'm gonna fuck you until you can't even walk, you whore."

>his new friend tries to introduce himself, but Sweetie puts a hoof to his lips
>"No names, honey. Let's keep this purely physical. I'm here every other afternoon."
Grossest pone

A lot, especially pre-alicorn
God I want to cuddle her against her will
It's all good. Personally I've been hoping for a little more since we came up with that but it seems to have faded. That and the Cadence femdom with Shining and his friends.
Oh well, C'est la vie.
Where? Is she hiding behind Fluttershy?
> implying this new friend wouldn't growl, "I just wanted you to call me 'Daddy' you teasing slut" before hilting him completely
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i would let her wear the crown
Which pony has the spookiest booty?
Gym stuff, until pretty much what this guy said. >>13920071
I'm going to have to remember this.
And find art.
Maybe commission art.
I don't know.
>this is a very common sight at an Equestrian gym, two stallions bent over each other
>none of the other stallions in the locker room bat an eye at it
>a few of them even start slapping their pricks against their bellies, or jacking themselves off magically
>Sweetie only opens his mouth and rolls out his tongue invitingly
Art of what specifically?
What do you mean?
>thrown against a bench
Like one of those really long low benches in between lockers? On his belly with his legs over the sides?
Older R63 Sweetietwink seducing the viewer.
Preferably with exhibitionist and size queen overtones.
You guys turned gay really quick
>turned gay
We were always a little gay.
unf unf sweetieslut unf

of course.
>you will never fist adult Sweetie Belle
Where do you think you are?
Remember that these threads originated on /co/.
For the record I said I didn't want to go there. Not tonight anyway.
Why do they say that Gumball is sad? Is this like saying that Rarity is a slut?
>tfw pokemon this friday
>tfw 3DS missing

seriously male sweetie belle
is that what we've come to
>tfw no money for 3DS
>tfw you'd end up eating your time away anyway
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That's probably the only kind of guy I'd sex up in real life, so... yeah?
my unfs are moving on their own!
Are you implying that there hasn't been worse?
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>Sweetieslut wearing a buttplug in public
This is the unfiest unfs
>He'll never be your boyfriend
>You'll never move in together
>You get to find out that his antics aren't just for you and perfect strangers
>He legitimately wears them all the time
>He's always flagging his tail for you

>You know he's ready to go when his horn lights up and you can't see where it's directed
>Or if he grinds the base of it into your crotch
>wearing a buttplug in public
I'm embarrassed by empathy.
I'll keep that in mind~
It is a very sharp and pointy crown.
Someone could get hurt.
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What other dirty things would this new friend say/do to him after that?
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>implying it's not just rubber
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Goodnight MLPG.
>stallion finishes deep in him
>pulls out, sticks the dildo right back in
>some falls out beforehand and gets all over his tail, a lot in viewable spots
>quickly puts his exercise shorts back on
>continues about day normally
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me too. goodnight, NMLPG. i'm the guy that did both that Cloudchaser thing and the Sweetwink thing. i helped on the one a few weeks ago, too. just in case anyone was curious.
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Catch ya both later. Thanks, and let's see if we could salvage a little art out of both things in the near future.
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I like to imagine he has really tight spandex shorts that outline the butt of the dildo nicely for anyone that looks at him right.
G'night MLPG
If it's too tight it's too obvious. Make it a little looser so it could allure them in, checking him out more to make sure their eyes aren't playing tricks on them.



it worries me how much people project their fetishes into blank slate characters
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>mlpg podcast on eqd

I don't believe it!
it shouldn't

it should worry you when people project their fetishes onto established personalities
I don't like gloomy
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Yeah, nah, fuck you. I'd rather be with my little marshmallow princess than some random gay twat.
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wwhat in the fuck
yeah, i just got to the male sweetie thing and it's worrying me more

just make a fucking oc at this point, jesus.
Filly should pretty dress more often.
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But why? They don't hurt anyone.
What? Where?
I love that comic creator so much
why would you
watching LMJ do lineart is so painful cause i'm just thinking "SHIT if he just stopped right here and gave it to a decent colorist it wouldn't be nearly as fucking terrible

then i watch as he paint buckets in the highest possible saturation red
everyone bed
I like robots.
I'm sexy and I want to have sex with you
Do you like these robots? Only 1.4 million dollars to own one.

Rarity please you're a little over confident.

Though I'll have to admit you're right.

But isn't sweetie belle home?
Twi's cooch smells like musty old books
She wants to have sex with you too

I-Is that okay?
Can she even hilt me?
And you call me overconfident
Pretty cool, but I don't think it will top this one:

>topping a robot

...Rarity, are you using me to help teach sweetie belle how to be a please a man again? Her throat might be sore from last time when you held her head down.
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>tfw we won't have truly autonomous robots with a wide range of functions in our lifetime
you faggot, you made me look
yiff yiff
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unf unf
clang clang
dash's smells like the wonderbolts
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Guys this is neat.
How many people are actually here right now, in the land of the ded?
I'm here but mostly lurking other threads right now.
I am but I'm also working on school stuff
i guess me
Hey, it works for the others too!

Reporting in.
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I had a dream today

MLPG, bristling with activity during S4

A new golden age of discussion, content and contributions

I woke up with a tear in my eye and a heartful of hope within my chest
Oh! Me! I'm here!
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Anyone know some good Rarity fapfics?
im lurking
I just got here
>LK's voice in the podcast
>his groan when Gypsy makes the Steam pun

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Killing me won't bring back your goddamn apples!
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Fucking mathematical.
Some guy on /sp/ stalked a tripfag and wrote a nearly 100 page essay about him


Guys pls
There's like a MATLAB library that does that shit
We don't need to see every single one
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I fucking love this website
Is it worth the time?
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Fucking 4chan.
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Somebody once told me the world was gonna blow me
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Not pony, but interesting.
I'll blow you anon
Are you a pony?
>somewhere on someones HD, there could be a file like that about you
Hold me Anon
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wow get wrekt nerd
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I can dress up like one if you want
Or you can pretend it's a pony on the other side of the gloryhole
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Can I pay him $10 to write my semester reports?
>Dash by Wayne Barlowe.png
Piss off monkey, pretending is not enough
It's like hearing Chronicle talk
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Anon is blowing a stallion in front of everyone
She's nothing like her. Except maybe the hair.
I'll even put a picture of your favorite pony on the wall
Nah, you're just stupid
Big, juicy, hanging, apples
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I archive UTV (you’ve got a friend in me)

I archive UTV

I archive UTV

When he’s posting a stressed shrew

And he’s angry at Miles

For being a Jew

I just archive every post that’s new

Boy, I archive UTV

I archive UTV

I archive UTV

I archive UTV

He hates City, then I hate em too

There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for U(tv)

We stick together and we see it through

I archive UTV

I archive UTV
I'm going to do it!
I'm going to stalk Saine!
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>ctrl+f 'autism'
>36 results
Well, if you write a 100 page essay about someone you don't know you probably do have autism
What if every namefag has a stalker?
Thats insaine, Anon.

I think it's okay to call the stalker autistic in this case, anon

Not yet I'm not~
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>tfw you'll never be insaine
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Who's your least favorite pony?

Through trickery and deceit you are now hot-dogging it with them when your favorite pony walks in, lets out a whimper, and immediately runs away.

Was it worth it?

Your least favorite pony now wants to make doing you a regular thing.

Well, whatcha gonna do, brother?
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Why is she so perfect, /co/?
One in the hand is worth 2 in the bush
MT is on suicide watch.
Yeah but I'll never have sex with pony because I find sex gross and I'm also an ugly person who's a prude.
In that case it's at least somewhat fitting.
i understand this phrase now
Well that's a harsh reaction to >>13920654
Well we do have one guy who archives everything he can get his hands on and another one who apparently has a list with posting styles of people in here.
So it's not unlikely.
Leth is ded
Sentenal is close to ded
I would never cheat on my waifu, Anon.
We have that other guy who collects photos. He had a good 20 a few months ago.
>through trickery and deceit

Maybe you can convince your waifu that it wasn't your fault
I don't think you can get tricked into hot-dogging someone.
Pony says it's much safer behind wall Sina
Pony doesn't know shit.
What if your least favorite pony in this situation was Queen Chrysalis?
>inb4 changelings don't count as ponies
They are canon ponies iirc.
>if i remember the comics
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We'll never get to see Sweetie Belle's dad becoming entranced by Diamond Tiara like this

Pony says the walls are the divine right of kamisama
Motherfucking 4chan x wont remember any of my fields after this latest update
Well if she was transformed into my waifu I guess she could have maybe tricked me.

But I'm sure my waifu could forgive me that one.
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Tell me how important it is for me to go join the gym, mlpg.
>tfw food coma

Which pone gets the drowsiest after a large meal?
How will you attract Pony without it?
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I wouldn't know. I'm not you.

if you want to be strong, it's important
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Fluttershy, Celestia, Red Ribbon maybe

also LK pls
This is pretty much my body, except I'm a guy

if health is important to you, then it's important to go to a gym

it's much more important to educate yourself on nutrition and make diet changes, though.
jesus christ how horrifying
That gif is so fucking hot.
But in real life, obesity leads to a wide range of health issues.
I already have changed my diet, and lost 15lbs, but I've plateaued and I have no other way to consistently exercise.

I pretty much just want someone to just tell me to get off my fat ass and do it.
get off your fat ass and do it

every day you hesitate is another day you'll regret

you haven't plateaued, you're either eating too much or not burning enough calories. do you keep track of your calorie intake?
>Sleepy Fluttershy with a tight, round belly full of treats, resting on your lap with her eyes half closed and a hoof running over her stomach
Not a precise number, I really just stay away from fast food, sugary drinks, snacks, and I eat more salads/greens with smaller portions of meat.
Ey, yo, start counting your calories
If you have a Smartphone get MyFitnessPal, or use some other equivalent if not
Seriously, just the fact of counting it all led me to realize how much I eat in a day vs. how much I SHOULD eat in a day
I've already lost 25 pounds in like 3 months from dieting alone since I have no time to go to a gym and no equipment at home
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>lost 15lbs, but I've plateaued

You fat, lazy cunt. That's just your starter weight
If you don't lose more you're going to be that fat cunt that thinks that their genetics mean they can never lose weight when really their just unmotivated sacks of shit

I plateaued at 15kg, that's when I got to 15% body fat.

staying away from fast food and sugary snacks and drinks is good, so is eating more salads and greens. You shouldn't have to eat much less meat if junk food was the bulk of your diet before. Start keeping track of calorie intake.

Do you know your maintenance calories?
>this gif again
Well you've forced me to crank one out again, I hope you're happy

Link to story pls?
Off to bed I go
Like I said, I don't really pay attention to calories, so I have no idea.
>their just unmotivated sacks of shit

That's kind of what it is, but I just need that initial slap on the ass to get motivated.
If that's your body, you don't need to go to the gym.
You need to fix your diet and get a bicycle.

start paying attention to calories.

also use this http://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html

your maintenance calories is the amount of calories you need to eat every day to keep your weight. eat a good deal less 300-500 to lose weight healthily.
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You're a saint


That belly

You've ruined me LK
>I already have changed my diet, and lost 15lbs, but I've plateaued
I hope you realized that you have to lower your intake when you lose weight.
So can I just stay below 2,157 per day and lose 2 pounds/week? How much exercise goes with that?

I mean I kinda knew that, but I thought if I was already eating a lot before I wouldn't need to lower my intake so soon.
It doesn't work like that
No-one's going to tell you not to put another helping of pasta on your plate
No-one is going to chastise you for not going for a ride

You have to do this yourself, for yourself
>1 egg has less calories then 1 apple

I understand that, I don't need constant hounding, I just need someone to say "go to the gym" and I go and do it.
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Don't do what?
obesity is a drain on society.
go to the gym
what the fuck are you waiting for seriously

roughly yes. read http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html for all the fitness info you need.

Ideally you'd go to the gym regularly and do cardio on off days. Check the link, I'll answer more questions after you read it.
>tfw probably the sexiest person in MLPG right now

>Look at energy on packages
>"Man I could have like 3 eggs instead of that"
Every time

>fat people eat more, therefore they buy more food, thereby driving the economy forward
If anything they're great for society
At least keep it pony
>cloging the health care system
>Overinflating the undervalued and subsidised crop industry
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any more fat on a pony than this and it becomes gross
Fat people die earlier, therefore they clog the health system less than actually healthy people
God bless dufel
>Fat people die earlier
That is true
>therefore they clog the health system less than actually healthy people

that isn't
My girlfriend is kinda overweight

I wish she'd lose some weight
She'd have great honkers then

they don't. they take more healthcare than healthy people, even in their shorter lives.

the CDC says
>The medical care costs of obesity in the United States are staggering. In 2008 dollars, these costs totaled about $147 billion.
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>this thread
Sometimes the fat in the body that gets burned is the fat in the boobs
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She's pretty cute
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She's about a 35%
Maybe lower with a less perfect body

The first thing that goes is some of her tits but the tit/waist/hip ratio gets so much better
35% is really cute, but I can see what you're talking about with getting her to lose weight
party inside Gloomy's ass
party inside Goomy's ass
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>tfw 20%
What the fuck
20% is nice, the normal look is nicer than muscles everywhere

I look just like 25%

maybe a bit skinnier
Exactly my thoughts.
roids plus destroying your body with cutting hard
tfw 30%
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around 15-20%, without the muscle
I bet you're a cutie
I'm going to get to that glorious 10%, MLPG
I'll be so sexy and I'll die alone anyway
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We can die alone together!
I'm tall as fuck, I just look skinny.
pone should lingerie
The comparison between 30 and 35% is hilarious
They took some squishy goober for 30 and then a dude with actual muscle on him for 35

35 doesn't look muscular at all. it looks like you could poke him and sink in
He's at bear status while the other one is at pudgy nerd status
>it looks like you could poke him and sink in
that looks more like 30 than 35
can someone explain to me where did this whole mildly sexual gloomy shit came from?

because i'm finding it to be increasingly pathetic

i don't recall anyone doing this with marker pony
That's actually kinda close to dying because you are starting to cut your visceral fat
>i don't recall anyone doing this with marker pony
because Gloomy's a more mature looking pony, is why I would guess
I have no idea, but I'm loving it
so it's celestiafags forcing this shit?
>i don't recall anyone doing this with marker pony
There's porn of her.
Because she's waifuable
Melancholy girls are great if you can actually put up with someone while they're sad or tired
Broke beg Goat to draw porn of her.
I didn't say motherly, I think it's more like they find Marker more precious
porn =/= waifu shit
which is all glommy has
I don't think so.
Now I want to see Celestia in lingerie though.

Guys, he really doesn't have any visible muscle.

This is bearmode. Note the actual muscle instead of fat.
porn =/= waifu shit
which is all gloomy has

which is why she's so ignored right?
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I doubt Broke is a celestia fag. He practically tell Goat to draw porn because "he ask nicely".
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no wings
I was saying that
anabolic steroids
Pony steroids
You don't want Goat Train to draw porn?
what's wrong with you?
You mean the part where Broke and Croptool spam "DRAW PORN OF MARKER" last year when everyone was talking about how cute she was?

Go fuck off somewhere else.
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Good morning, MLPG!
last year
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>You will never be turned into a chubby slutty mare
What do those do?
they help build up pony tissue
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Strong pone
I can settle with that.
Bearmode means he has to have at least some substance to him besides squishy babyfat that the other guy has
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I liked the PONY.MOV series
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>You will never punch Fluttershy in the face for hours until you bleed and your hands hurt
Why is life so cruel
Yes, you said so yesterday already. You have shit taste, deal with it.

they both just have squishy fat

35% has no substance, he's just more bloated
>you will never wake up as a tiny slutty mare
So it turns me into a pony?
Do I get wings?
>Broke is apparently the one that asked for Gloomy porn and Marker porn
>Faceless is apparently the one that was shitting all over the podcast
Why does steamchat have a hateboner for everything? Is it because no-one cares about them? Maybe we should send a fruit basket
maybe we should ignore them to emphasize how much they don't matter

asking for porn doesn't seem like a hateboner
I've never been to the steam chat so I don't know what they talk about there but since I've never seen a proof it kinda feels like Anon just always claims it Broke because he can't stand him.
faceless hates everything

broke is insufferable

even steamchat knows this
He was doing it to make people mad I guess
Who the fuck is Broke anyways?
or maybe he just wanted some porn
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why is she such a slut
Clearly not, people told him over and over that they wouldn't do it and he kept pestering everyone and bragging in the threads that he would keep doing it.
Even then, he's one of the biggest shitposters here, why on earth would you assume that he was not doing it to get people mad?
>Is it because no-one cares about them
More like anyone cannot do a thing about it. Hell, I would not be surprise Broke was the one that spam sa.jpg because how he hate Sent during the Luna Quest, or call Aspirant a pedo for not doing a sexual quest when he was doing a Cute Quest, or got the linkboard banned because the linkboard does not have that porn link he kept advertising.
I did a thing.
shit pokemon
>tfw we will never team up as a chubby mare and a tiny mare
>tfw we will never find a regular sized slutty mare and have her in between us on the slutty pony stack
Careful with that tail, it looks like it's coming out of her ass instead of above it. But the face is goodtry making the hooves less squishy too, next time
That is a weird thing
Noted. I'm still undecided as to how to block out hooves properly.
I might redraw this because I'm not really happy with the result.
wow why haven't I read Paranatural before
I like how you can actually recognize Rumble, but you have to rely on the clothes' colors to say it's Scootaloo.
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Its just sex with boys. Doesn't make her a slut.
Fluttershy/anything is never unf.
>can't find a regular slutty mare
>have to settle for a trappy stallion
Good morning MLPG
I went to sleep around >>13919687

You were really ded
and I've got pones on the other side

>implying you have ponies
Which one do you want to see in particular?
Bonus points if it relates to Halloween
>You will never feed pony your excess energy in exchange for access to their special talent
>relating to halloween
Maybe a black panther?
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Why are we so ded lately?
Or any ghost type really.
Dr. Facilier pls, you already sang earlier
We're ded forever. ded together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're ded to the core.
Because all the people who talk about the show are gone, leaving you monsters
Apples Forever is already the best song of S4. I don't possibly see how anything could top it. It's perfect.
But Applejack's in it
At least wait for the Ponko musical episode

you've finally got your chance
they're going to make you in to a pony
the problem is there are only two options to choose from at the moment
would you rather be the slutty mare, or the pretty princess?
if you're feeling bold, you could also choose to be a pretty slutty princess
I like to talk about the show but it's becoming increasingly difficult to come up with a topic we haven't already discussed a million times.
I take pretty Princess, please.
And then hope that my waifu is bi or a lesbian.
>generic AJ country song about "family is love, family is life"
Yeah no
What if we discuss other shows?
mlpg is only for fetishes, contributor drama/worship and comic shit
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what if we discuss oc ponies?
I do that, but for other shows there are other threads.
If you care about the content rather than the composition, maybe.
Besides, >generic rara pop song about "i am best pon"
isn't that what we do all time time

i mean, look at all the celestia talk

she's an oc at thispoint

same with silver spoon
I guess the problem is having too much generals on this board. moot pls gib /mlpg/
rumble is so cool
>she's an oc at this point
You mean all the smut? That is pretty out of character for every single one of them.
I'd rather not. /co/'s cartoon discussions are terrible, although I watch a couple of the more popular shows I never post in the Adventure Time or Gravity Falls generals.

I can see your point and FiM sure is a kids' show... But Becoming Popular showed us a newer side of Rararararara's personality and displayed it in an interesting and definitely not generic way. Did we really need yet another "aj REALLY loves her family" song/episode?
In Look Before You Sleep, Spike was away for "royal business" in Canterlot.
>pretty slutty princess
why did I unf just thinking about that? I'm such a degenerate
what newer side was that, anon
for the new song, we don't even know the context. can you explain why pinkie is with them?
celestia was fucking him.
I'd like to discuss comicbooks but most of the people here only read the show related ones or none at all
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embrace your destiny

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It's the hair.